BE Regulations
BE Regulations
BE Regulations
Approved Regulations
1. General: 1.1 The duration of the course of instruction for Bachelor of Engineering in all disciplines being offered by the Panjab University, shall be Four years (comprising of eight semesters, with two semesters per year). Each semester shall be at least of fourteen weeks duration. 1.2 The duration of the course of instruction for Integrated B.E.M.B.A. in all disciplines being offered by the Panjab University shall be Five years. The teaching period will be divided in ten semesters. Each semester shall be at least of fourteen weeks duration. 1.3 The subjects to be studied in each semester will be as per the prescribed scheme of study for a particular course, indicating the minimum number of lectures to be delivered, distribution of marks in Major examination ( End Semester Examination), Internal Assessment including two Minor Examinations( Mid semester examinations) ( Minor-I, Minor-II) etc. Each subject shall have
Modification Proposed 1. General: 1.1 The duration of the course of instruction for Bachelor of Engineering in all disciplines being offered by the Panjab University, shall be Four years (comprising of eight semesters, with two semesters per year). Each semester shall be at least of fourteen weeks duration. 1.2 The duration of the course of instruction for Integrated B.E.- M.B.A. in all disciplines being offered by the Panjab University shall be Five years. The teaching period will be divided in ten semesters. Each semester shall be at least of fourteen weeks duration. 1.3 The subjects to be studied in each semester will be as per the prescribed scheme of study for a particular course, indicating the minimum number of lectures to be delivered, distribution of marks in Major examination ( End Semester Examination), Internal Assessment including two Minor Examinations( Mid semester examinations : Minor-I, Minor-II) etc. Each subject
specified number of credits associated with it. instruction and examination shall be English.
The medium of shall have specified number of credits associated with it. The medium of instruction and examination shall be English. 1.4 The mode of admission to the First Semester course in any branch will be decided by the Syndicate. It will be open to a candidate, who has passed 10+2 examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi or its equivalent with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects : Chemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science or Biology. 1.5 Provided that a candidate must have obtained a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying examination i.e. +2 for admission to the first year B.E. and Integrated B.E. M.B.A courses in all the University Engineering Departments and Colleges affiliated to it except in the case of SC/ST/Physically Handicapped categories for which the percentage shall be 55% for admission to Engineering courses. The candidates shall be admitted on the basis of AIEEE merit conducted by CBSE.
1.4 The mode of admission to the First Semester course in any branch will be decided by the Syndicate. It will be open to a candidate, who has passed 10+2 examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi or its equivalent with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects : Chemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science or Biology. 1.5 Provided that a candidate must have obtained a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying examination i.e. +2 for admission to the first year B.E. and Integrated B.E. M.B.A courses in all the University Engineering Departments and Colleges affiliated to it except in the case of SC/ST/Physically Handicapped categories for which the percentage shall be 55% for admission to Engineering courses. The candidates shall be admitted on the basis of AIEEE merit conducted by CBSE. 1.6 The mode of admission to the Second year B.E Programme (lateral entry) where ever applicable will be decided by the Syndicate from time to time. It will be open to a candidate who has passed 3 year Diploma from the recognised State Board of Technical Education in India with 60% marks in the aggregate. The admission will only be made in the corresponding or equivalent branches of degree courses. Admission to various affiliated colleges and Swami Sarvanand Giri P.U. Regional Centre, Bajwara, Hoshiarpur will be made on the basis of merit obtained in the Entrance Examination to be conducted by the Panjab University.
1.6 The mode of admission to the Second year B.E Programme (lateral entry) where ever applicable will be decided by the Syndicate from time to time. It will be open to a candidate who has passed 3 year Diploma from the recognised State Board of Technical Education in India with 60% marks in the aggregate. The admission will only be made in the corresponding or equivalent branches of degree courses. Admission to various affiliated colleges and Swami Sarvanand Giri P.U. Regional Centre, Bajwara, Hoshiarpur will be made on the basis of merit obtained in the Entrance Examination to be conducted by the Panjab University. 1.7 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th end semester examinations ( major 1.7 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th end semester examinations ( examinations) will usually be held in the month of major examinations) will usually be held in the month of November/December and 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th end semester November/December and 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th end examinations ( major examinations) will be held in the month of
May/June every year or on such other dates as may be fixed by the semester examinations ( major examinations) will be held in the Syndicate. Besides, for improvement of E Grade only, month of May/June every year or on such other dates as may be examination for such candidates shall be conducted within one month fixed by the Syndicate. of the last end semester examination in which the candidate had secured E Grade in a particular subject. 1.8 There shall be at least ten lectures/tutorials/Practical /drawing classes during the semester, for every hour of lecture/tutorial/practical per week i.e for each credit assigned to a subject shown in the schedule of teaching. 1.9 A student shall be eligible to appear in the examination only if he/she has attended at least 75% of the total classes held as mentioned above during the semester. The attendance shall be certified by the Chairperson of the University Department(s)/institutes/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be. 1.10 On the recommendations of the Chairperson of the University Department(s)/institutes/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be, Board of Control will have the power to condone the shortage of the attendance up to 10% per subject only as per the merit of each case. 1.8 There shall be at least ten lectures/tutorials/Practical /drawing classes during the semester, for every hour of lecture/tutorial/practical per week i.e for each credit assigned to a subject shown in the schedule of teaching. 1.9 A student shall be eligible to appear in the examination only if he/she has attended at least 75% of the total classes held as mentioned above during the semester. The attendance shall be certified by the Chairperson of the University Department(s)/institutes/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be. 1.10 On the recommendations of the Chairperson of the University Department(s)/institutes/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be, Board of Control will have the power to condone the shortage of the attendance up to 10% per subject only as per the merit of each case.
1.11 A candidate who does not full fill the attendance requirements 1.11 A candidate who does not full fill the attendance in any subject will have to repeat the course of instruction in that requirements in any subject will have to repeat the course of subject. instruction in that subject. 1.12 A candidate will be promoted to second year only if he has earned at least 27 credits in first year ( 12 credits in first semester and 15 credits in second semester) with a minimum CGPA of 5.0. Subsequently , candidate need to earn at least 30 credits every 1.12 A candidate will be promoted to next year only if he has earned 50 % of the total credits of preceeding years. It means that for promotion to 2nd year, candidate should have earned 50% of the total credits of Ist year.
year ( 15 credits in each subsequent semester )with a minimum CGPA of 5.0 ( 5.5 in case of five year integrated B.E-M.B.A program) to get promoted to next subsequent year. 1.13 A candidate will be required to pass in all the subject as per the scheme of study of B.E./B.E- (MBA) course, where minimum pass grade/satisfactory completion is prescribed in a maximum duration of 6 / 7 academic years respectively counted from
For promotion to 3rd year a candidate should have earned 50% of the total credits of Ist and 2nd year and so on.
1.13 A candidate will be required to pass in all the subject as per the scheme of study of B.E./B.E- (MBA) course, where minimum pass grade/satisfactory completion is prescribed, in a maximum duration of 6/7 academic years respectively counted
academic session in which candidate is first admitted in B.E./ B.E.- from academic session in which candidate is first admitted in MBA program. If a candidate fails to pass the examination in the B.E./ B.E.-MBA program. If a candidate fails to pass the period of 6 / 7 academic years B.E/B.E-M.B.A, his/ her candidature examination in the period of 6 / 7 academic years B.E/B.Ewill stand automatically cancelled. This period of 6 / 7 academic M.B.A, his/ her candidature will stand automatically cancelled. years will also include the entire period of duration which he/she had This period of 6 / 7 academic years will also include the entire suspended his/her studies on his/her own or has failed in the period of duration which he/she had suspended his/her studies on examination or debarred by the Panjab University from taking any his/her own or has failed in the examination or debarred by the examination. Panjab University from taking any examination. 1.14 If an error is detected in the grades despite every possible care having been exercised, the teacher-in-charge will bring the fact to the notice of the Chairperson of University Department(s)/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be for its being placed before the competent authority appointed for the purpose by the university like Board of Control or equivalent. If the Board of Control approves the change, then revised grades shall be submitted to the University duly countersigned by the members of the Board of Control and Chairperson of University Department(s)/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be for consideration within a maximum period of seven working days from the date of declaration of the result. 1.14 If an error is detected in the grades despite every possible care having been exercised, the teacher-in-charge will bring the fact to the notice of the Chairperson of University Department(s)/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be for its being placed before the competent authority appointed for the purpose by the university like Board of Control or equivalent. If the Board of Control approves the change, then revised grades shall be submitted to the University duly countersigned by the members of the Board of Control and Chairperson of University Department(s)/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be for consideration within a maximum period of seven working days from the date of declaration of the result. 1.15 In case of any grievance, the student can always
1.15 In case of any grievance, the student can always represent represent before the Board of Control. before the Board of Control. 1.16 A detailed grade card will be issued to each student for 1.16 A detailed grade card will be issued to each student for each each semester. A candidate will be awarded the degree of B.E semester. A candidate will be awarded the degree of B.E (Bachelor (Bachelor of Engineering) or integrated B.E-M.B.A in respective of Engineering) or integrated B.E-M.B.A in respective discipline on discipline on earning total credits (corresponding to core + earning minimum number of prescribed credits ( corresponding to electives (departmental + open) + other allied subjects) as core + electives ( departmental + open) + other allied subjects as prescribed in the scheme of study. prescribed in the scheme of study. The minimum C.G.P.A of 5.0 is required to qualify for the award of B E degree. In case of 5 year of integrated B.E-M.B.A program a minimum C.G.P.A of 5.5 is required to qualify for the award of integrated B.E-M.B.A degree. 1.17 A candidate with CGPA of 8.0 and above will be 1.17 A candidate with CGPA of 8.5 and above will be awarded awarded B.E /B.E-M.B.A degree with honours provided that the B.E /B.E-M.B.A degree with honours. candidate has passed all papers in first attempt.
1.18 Fee for appearing in each semester examination will be 1.18 Fee for appearing in each semester examination will be as as prescribed by the Syndicate/Senate from time to time. A prescribed by the Syndicate/Senate from time to time. Any candidate candidate on reappear shall pay admission fee as prescribed by who is required to improve upon E grade after each End term the Syndicate/Senate from time to time. examination shall have to pay required re-examination fee as prescribed by the Syndicate/Senate from time to time. Any student who obtains F grade in a subject will have to repeat the subject subsequently and registration/ admission fee shall have to be paid by the candidate as prescribed by the Syndicate/ Senate. 2.0 Credit System : 2.0 Credit System : 2.1 All B.E / integrated B.E-M.B.A programmes are 2.1 All B.E / integrated B.E-M.B.A programmes are organised organised around semester-based credit system of study. The around semester-based credit system of study. The credit system is credit system is based on continuous evaluation of a students based on continuous evaluation of a students performance/progress performance/progress and includes flexibility to allow a student and includes flexibility to allow a student to progress at an optimum to progress at an optimum pace suited to his/her ability or pace suited to his/her ability or convenience ,subject to fulfilling convenience, subject to fulfilling minimum requirements for
continuation. 2.2 Performance/progress of a student is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned ( completed satisfactorily). Based on the course credits and grades obtained by the student, grade point average is calculated, subject to his qualification of minimum grade in each subject.
2.2 Performance/progress of a student is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned ( completed satisfactorily). Based on the course credits and grades obtained by the student, grade point average is calculated. A minimum grade point average is required to be maintained for satisfactory progress and continuation in the programme. Also a minimum number of earned credits and a minimum grade point average should be acquired in order to qualify for the degree. 2.3 Course Credit Assignment:
Each course has a certain number of credits assigned to it Each course has a certain number of credits assigned to it depending depending on the associated number of lecture , tutorials and on the associated number of lecture , tutorials and laboratory contact laboratory contact hours in a week. A few courses are without hours in a week. A few courses are without credit and are referred to credit and are referred to as non-credit ( NC) courses. as non-credit ( NC) courses. Lectures and Tutorials : One lecture hour or one tutorial hour Lectures and Tutorials : One lecture hour or one tutorial hour per per week per semester is assigned one credit. week per semester is assigned one credit. Practical / Laboratory Work : One laboratory hour per week per Practical / Laboratory Work : One laboratory hour per week per semester is assigned half credit. semester is assigned half credit. The credits are rounded off to the nearest whole number. The credits are rounded off to the nearest whole number For each lecture or tutorial the self study component is 1 For each lecture or tutorial the self study component is 1 hour/week. hour/week
Earning Credits :
Earning Credits : At the end of every course, a letter grade is awarded in each course for which a student had registered. On obtaining a pass grade (at least D grade) , the student accumulates the course credits as earned credits. Performance of a student is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned and by the weighted grade point average. Grades obtained in audit courses are not counted towards the calculation of grade point average. However, a pass grade (D grade ) is essential for earning credits from an audit course. 3.0 Grading System :
At the end of every course, a letter grade is awarded in each course for which a student had registered. On obtaining a pass grade ( at least D grade), the student accumulates the course credits as earned credits. Performance of a student is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned and by the weighted grade point average. A student has the option of auditing some courses. Grades obtained in these audit courses are not counted towards the calculation of grade point average. However, a pass grade (D grade ) is essential for earning credits from an audit course. 3.0 Grading System :
3.1 The grades and their respective description , along with 3.1 Relative standing of the student in the class shall be clearly grade points are listed in the table given below in Table-1 indicated by his/her grades. The process of awarding grades shall be based upon fitting performance of the class to a defined statistical Table-1 model. Grade Point Description 3.2 The grades and their respective description , along with grade Grade A+ 10 Outstanding points are listed in the table given below in Table-1 A 9 Excellent Table-1
Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D E F I NP NF W Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 0 Description Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Average Below average Marginal Poor Very Poor Incomplete Audit Pass Audit Fail Withdrawal B+ B C+ C D F I NP NF W X S 8 7 6 5 4 0 Very Good Good Average Below average Marginal Very Poor Incomplete Audit Pass Audit Fail Withdrawal Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Completion
3.3 Description of Grades : A+ Grade : An A+ Grade stands for outstanding achievement. Under any circumstances A+ grade shall not be awarded for percentage of marks less than 80. There will not be more than 10% A+ grade in any course.
D Grade : The D grade stands for marginal performance . It is D Grade : The D Grade stands for marginal performance . It is the the minimum passing grade in any course. Still further, no minimum passing grade in any course. D grade shall not be awarded student having 40 percent or more marks would be awarded for percentage of marks less than 35 in any case. Still further, no failing grades of F. student having 40 percent or more marks would be awarded failing grades of E and F. F Grade : The F grade denote very poor performance i.e failing E and F Grades : The E and F Grades denote poor and very poor the course. F grade is also awarded in case of poor class / lab performance i.e failing the course. F grade is also awarded in case of attendance ( < 75%). poor class / lab attendance ( < 75%). A student has to repeat all the core courses in which he/she has obtained E or F grade., until a passing grade is obtained. In case of optional courses ( Elective courses) the candidate may take the same course or some other course from the same category. An E grade in a course makes a student eligible to repeat the course in the summer/winter semester i.e the time period between the last end term examination and the start of next semester. Further, E and F grades secured in any course stay permanently on the grade card. These grades are not counted in the calculation of CGPA ; however , these are counted in the calculation of SGPA. If candidate gets F grade he/she will have to reappear in subsequent University examination as well as Internal Assessment examination for that subject. Candidate will be allowed maximum of four attempts to appear in any semester examination. Grace marks will be awarded according to Panjab University Calendar Volume-II Regulation for Examination 28.1A.
If a candidate does not avail any chance to appear in any I Grade: An I grade denotes incomplete performance in any examination whatever may be the reason he/she will not be L(lecture), P (practical) , V(special module) category courses. It may allowed the relaxation in duration of four years. be awarded to a student if he/she has not fulfilled all the requirements
of the course due to some extra-ordinary circumstances. I grade does not appear permanently in the grade card. Upon completion of all course requirements, the I grade is converted to regular grade ( A to F , NP or NF)
I Grade : An I grade denotes incomplete performance. It may be awarded to a student if he/she has not fulfilled all the requirements of the course due to some extra-ordinary circumstances. I grade does not appear permanently in the grade card. Upon completion of all course requirements , the I grade is NP and NF Grades : These grades are awarded in a course that the converted to regular grade ( A to F , NP or NF) student opts to audit. Audit pass grade (NP) is awarded if the students attendance is above 75% in the class and has obtained at NP and NF Grades : These grades are awarded in an audit least D grade. If either of these requirements is not fulfilled , audit course. Audit pass grade (NP) is awarded if the students fail ( NF) grade is awarded. The grades obtained in an audit course attendance is above 75% in the class and has obtained at least D are not considered in the calculation of SGPA or CGPA. grade. If either of these requirements is not fulfilled , audit fail ( NF) grade is awarded. The grades obtained in an audit course W Grade : A W grade is awarded in a course where the student has are not considered in the calculation of SGPA or CGPA. opted to withdraw from the course. Withdrawal from the course is permitted until one week after the first minor test. W Grade : A W grade is awarded in a course where the student has opted to withdraw from the course. Withdrawal from the X Grade : The X grade is awarded for incomplete\ unsatisfactory course is permitted until one week after the first minor test. work in independent study like thesis work, project work, field work , industrial training etc. X Grade : The X grade is awarded for incomplete\ unsatisfactory work in independent study like thesis work , project work , S Grade : The S grade is awarded for complete\ satisfactory work in field work , industrial training etc. independent study like thesis work , project work, field work, industrial training etc. S Grade : The S grade is awarded for complete\ satisfactory The overall distribution of number of different grades shall be work in independent study like thesis work , project work , according to the statistical distribution ( Normal distribution). field work , industrial training etc.
Evaluation System:
4.0 4.1
Continuous Assessment :
There shall be continuous evaluation of the student during the There shall be continuous evaluation of the student during the semester. For evaluation purpose, total marks assigned to each semester. For evaluation purpose, total marks assigned to each subject shall be distributed as : subject shall be distributed as : Two Mid semester Examination ( Minor-1 and Minor-2) with Two Mid semester Examination (Minor-1 and Minor-2) with 30 30 % of total marks assigned to the subject. Best Marks of one % of total marks assigned to the subject. of these two will be considered for award of sessional. Assignments/Class projects/ short class tests/MCQ based Assignments/Class projects/ short class tests/MCQ based quizzes/projects/presentations/group discussions/ Attendance quizzes/projects/presentations/group discussions with 20 % of total with 20 % of total marks assigned to the subject. marks assigned to the subject. One End Semester Examination ( Major Examination) with 50 One End Semester Examination ( Major Examination) with 50 % of % of total marks assigned to the subject. It is compulsory to total marks assigned to the subject. appear in End Semester Examination and secure at least 20% marks of total End semester exam marks. Total score on a scale of 100 i.e in % obtained by a student in a subject shall be hence forth referred as raw score in that subject. If a candidate secures less than 20% marks of total End semester exam marks, he/she will be awarded F grade. Following the concept of relative grading , before assigning the letter grades , scientific normalization method shall be used to standardize the raw score. 4.2 Method for the Award of Grades: 4.2 Statistical Method for the Award of Grades: For the award of grades in a course, all component wise For the award of grades in a course , all component wise evaluation evaluation shall be done in terms of marks. The components shall be done in terms of marks. The components include : Midterm- include: Midterm-1 and Midterm-2 examinations, 1 and Midterm-2 examinations, Assignments/projects/class Assignments/projects/class presentations/Attendance , and End presentations/Attendance , and End semester examination as per semester examination as per regulation 4.1. After converting the regulation 4.1. After converting the marks obtained in percentage , marks obtained in percentage , the grades will be assigned as per the grades will be assigned as per the guidelines given below : the guidelines given below :
4.2.1 For less than 15 students in a course , the grades shall be awarded on the basis of cutoff in the absolute marks as shown in Table-2. Table-2 Absolute Grade Absolute marks in marks in % %
91 82 73 64 55 46 40 35 < A+ < < A < < B+ < < B < < C+ < < C < < D < < E < F < 100 90 81 72 63 54 45 39 35
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Marks 90 80 & < 90 70 & < 80 60 & < 70 50 & < 60 45 & < 50 40 & < 45 <40
Table-2 Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D F
Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0
4.2.2 For more than 30 students in a course, the statistical method shall be used for the award of grades. After expressing the score obtained by the students in a course in percentage (X), the class mean ( ) and class standard deviation ( S) of the marks shall be calculated and grades shall be awarded to a student as shown in Table-3 If X is the raw score in % ; is class mean in % and S is class standard deviation in % (based on raw score) , N is the number of students in a course , then for the course :
4.2.3 NOT REQUIRED 4.2.3 In case , class student strength in a course lies between 15 and 30 , any of the above methods ( given in 4.2.1 and 4.2.2) may be used for the award of grades. 4.3 NOT REQUIRED 4.3 Finalization of Grades: Finalization of the grades shall be done by the Board of Control of the department/ institute or appropriate body/committee approved by the university for the purpose. In order to maintain a normal distribution in grades, following recommendations of UGC shall be kept in view and considered as broad guidelines by the Board of Control of the department/ institute or appropriate body/committee approved by the university for the purpose.
Grade A B C D F
% of Population 7 24 38 24 7
Note : In case Board of Control of the department/ institute or appropriate body/committee approved by the university for the purpose , is convinced on broad variations in grade distribution in a class for a particular subject , B.O.C may make some minor variations in while maintaining the grade distribution as recommended by the UGC. 5.0 Evaluation of Performance : 5.0 Evaluation of Performance : 5.1 The performance of a student shall be evaluated in terms 5.1 The performance of a student shall be evaluated in terms of of two indices , viz. Semester Grade Point Average ( SGPA) and two indices , viz. Semester Grade Point Average ( SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA). Cumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA). SGPA is the grade point average for the semester, and CGPA is SGPA is the grade point average for the semester, and CGPA is the the cumulative grade point average for all the completed cumulative grade point average for all the completed semesters at any semesters at any point in time. point in time. The earned credits (E.C) are defined as the sum of course credits The earned credits (E.C) are defined as the sum of course credits for for course in which A+ to D grade has been obtained. For U.G course in which A+ to D grade has been obtained. For U.G students students ( B.E) , credits from courses in which NP or S grade has (B.E) , credits from courses in which NP or S grade has been been obtained are also added. obtained are also added. Points earned in a semester = Points earned in a semester = The SGPA is calculated on the basis of grades obtained in all
The SGPA is calculated on the basis of grades obtained in all courses, courses, except audit courses and courses in which S/Z grade is except audit courses and courses in which S/Z grade is awarded, awarded, registered for the particular semester. registered for the particular semester. Course Credits Grade Po int s Course Credits Grade Po int s for all coursesexceptaudit and S / Z grade Courses
Course Credits
Course Credits
The CGPA is calculated on the basis of all pass grades , except audit The CGPA is calculated as given below : courses and courses in which S/Z grade is awarded, obtained in all completed semesters.
All Semester
for all courses with pass grade exceptaudit and S / Z grade Courses
All Semester
for all courses with pass grade exceptaudit and S / Z grade Courses
All Semester
5.2 NOT REQUIRED 5.2 Example for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA Semester-I Column Column Colum Column Column Column 6 1 2 n3 4 5 Course Assigne Grade Earned Grade Points Code d Award Credits Point Secured Course ed (GP) Credits PH101 5 C+ 5 6 30 AM101 4 C 4 5 20 ME101 4 A+ 4 10 40 EE101 2 B+ 2 8 16 CH101 4 E 0 2 08 CH102 2 S 2 Total 21 17 114
Credits registered in the semester (= sum total of column 2) = 21 Credits registered in the semester excluding audit and S/Z grade courses =21-2= 19 Earned credits in the semester (= sum total of column 4) = 17 Earned credits in the semester excluding audit and S/Z grade courses = 17-2 = 15 Points secured in this semester ( = sum total of column 6) = 114 Points secured in this semester in all passed courses ( = sum total of column 6 with only A+ to D grades) = 114-08 = 106
= 7.067
Semester Performance : Earned Credits ( E.C) = 17 , with SGPA = 6.000 Cumulative performance : Earned Credits ( E.C) = 17 , with CGPA = 7.067 Semester-II Column Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Colu Column 6 1 mn 5 Course Assigned Grade Earned Credits Grade Points Code Course Awarded Point Secured Credits (GP) CY202 5 B+ 5 8 40 AM201 4 A 4 9 36 ME201 4 W ME250 2 B 2 7 14 CY201 4 C+ 4 6 24 CH201 4 A+ 4 10 40 HU201 1 S 1 Total 24 20 154 Credits registered in the semester (= sum total of column 2) = 24 Credits registered in the semester excluding audit and S/Z grade courses =24-1= 23 Earned credits in the semester (= sum total of column 4) = 20 Earned credits in the semester excluding audit and S/Z grade courses = 20-1 = 19 Points secured in this semester ( = sum total of column 6) = 154 Points secured in this semester in all passed courses ( = sum total of column 6 with only A+ to D grades) = 154-0 = 154 Cumulative points earned in all passed courses till date ( all past semesters + current semester) = 106+154 = 260 Cumulative earned credits till date ( Earned credits in all past semesters + Earned Credits in the current semester ) = 17 + 20 = 37
5.3 Degree Requirements : 5.3 NOT REQUIRED For Four year B.E programmes, the requirements are : (i) Minimum Earned credits : completion of 180 earned credits For Five year Integrated B.E - M.B.A programmes , the requirements are: (i) Minimum Earned credits : completion of 220 earned credits These credits are needed to be earned under different categories as specified for each programme. (ii) Cumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA) requirements Under Four Year B.E program, a student must obtain Cumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA) of 5.0 to be eligible for award of B.E degree. Under Five year B.E-M.B.A integrated program, a student must obtain a Cumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA) of 5.5 Practical training A student of B.E and Integrated B.E-M.B.A programs must complete the prescribed number of days of practical training ( Industrial Training or any other training as prescribed under the program) to the satisfaction of
concerned department. This training will normally be arranged in the summer vacation following 6th semester. Practical training is of six weeks duration. Practical training should be carried out preferably in industry or R & D institutions in India. Practical training in academic institutions is not allowed. (iv) NCC/NSS : All first year students are required to enrol for either NCC or NSS.
5.4 Degree requirements for Under Graduate programmes ( Four 5.4 NOT REQUIRED year B.E program ) Category Credits UG ( Core ) : 144 Departmental Core : Basic Sciences : 80 ( Min) 20 ( Min)
Engineering Art and Sciences :20 ( Min) Humanities and Social sciences : UG ( Elective) : Departmental Elective : 1 36 12 (min)
Category UG ( Core ) + PG(Core) : Departmental Core : Basic Sciences : Engineering Art and Sciences : Humanities and Social sciences :
Credits 140 + 36 , Total = 176 98 ( Min) 24 ( Min) 24 ( Min) 1 35+09 , Total = 44 15 (min) 10 12 (min)
UG (Elective) + PG ( Elective) : Departmental Elective : Humanities, Social Sciences and Mgt: Open category :
5.5 Total Requirement : for four year B.E programm, sucessful 5.5 NOT REQUIRED completion of atleast 180 credits ( UG (Core) + UG ( Elective)) with minimum C.G.P.A of 5.0 Total Requirement : for five year integrated B.E-M.B.A programm, sucessful completion of atleast 220 credits ( (UG +PG) (Core) + (UG+PG) ( Elective)) with minimum C.G.P.A of 5.5 5.6 Maximum permissible number of registered semesters for 5.6 NOT REQUIRED completing all degree requirements are: For 4-year B.E degree programmes : 12 registered semesters For 5 year Integrated B.E-M.B.A degree programmes : 15 registered semesters. 5.7 Conditions for termination of registration For students admitted through AIEEE 5.7 NOT REQUIRED
If the performance at the end of first two registered semesters is very poor, then the registration will be terminated. If the performance is poor but not very poor , then the student can opt to start afresh, or else his/her registration will be terminated. The criteria for very poor and poor performance are : Performance
Very poor Poor
Earned Credits
<= 15 for GE/OBC;<= 11 for SC/ST/PH 16 to 26 for GE/OBC; 12-22 for SC/ST/PH
Termination of registration Restart ( once only) or Termination of registartion
If a student chooses to restart after first two registered semesters, then his or her credits earned and semesters registered will not be carried over. The re-start will be indicated on the transcript. The restart will be permitted only once. If at the end of two registered semesters after re-start , the earned credits are <= 26 for GE/OBC or <= 22 for SC/ST/PH students , then the registration will be terminated. Each student is expected to earn atleast 12 credits in the first registered semester and 15 credits in each subsequent registered semesters with SGPA >= 5.0 . If the performance of a student at the end of any registered semester is below this minimum acceptable level , then he/she will be placed on probation and a warning shall be issued to him/her and parents shall also be informed accordingly. The student placed on probation shall be monitored, including mandatory class attendance , special tutorials and mentoring. Mentoring shall include specific guidance under a faculty member /PG student. The registration of any student will be limited to 1.5 times
the average earned credits of the previous two registered semesters, subject to a minimum of 15 credits and a maximum of 26 credits. Note: Note: 1. Paper setting for End term examination ( Major Examination 1. Paper setting for End term examination ( Major or End semester examination) shall continue to be as per the Examination or End semester examination) shall proceedure in place at present till any further modification is continue to be as per the proceedure in place at present introduced. till any further modification is introduced. 2. There shall be no special reappear examination 2. There shall be no special reappear examination 3. Subject wise result in the form of grades awarded to each 3. Subject wise result in the form of grades awarded to student at the end of each semester shall be prepared by the each student at the end of each semester shall be respective departments/institutes/college/center and and sent prepared by the respective to the university examination branch for the declaration of departments/institutes/college/center and sent to the result and issuance of grade cards. university examination branch for the declaration of 4. Course teacher should display the grades awarded to the result and issuance of grade cards. students on the notice board after showing the answer scripts 4. Course teacher should display the grades awarded to the to the students within five working days. The process of students on the notice board after showing the answer evaluation should invariably be completed within seven days scripts to the students within five working days. The from the date of conduct of examination. process of evaluation should invariably be completed within seven days from the date of conduct of examination.
1. General: 1.1 The duration of the course of instruction for Bachelor of Engineering in all disciplines being offered by the Panjab University, shall be Four years (comprising of eight semesters, with two semesters per year). Each semester shall be at least of fourteen weeks duration. 1.2 The duration of the course of instruction for Integrated B.E.- M.B.A. in all disciplines being offered by the Panjab University shall be Five years. The teaching period will be divided in ten semesters. Each semester shall be at least of fourteen weeks duration. 1.3 The subjects to be studied in each semester will be as per the prescribed scheme of study for a particular course, indicating the minimum number of lectures to be delivered, distribution of marks in Major examination ( End Semester Examination), Internal Assessment including two Minor Examinations( Mid semester examinations : Minor-I, Minor-II) etc. Each subject shall have specified number of credits associated with it. The medium of instruction and examination shall be English. 1.4 The mode of admission to the First Semester course in any branch will be decided by the Syndicate. It will be open to a candidate, who has passed 10+2 examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi or its equivalent with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects : Chemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science or Biology.
1.5 Provided that a candidate must have obtained a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying examination i.e. +2 for admission to the first year B.E. and Integrated B.E. M.B.A courses in all the University Engineering Departments and Colleges affiliated to it except in the case of SC/ST/Physically Handicapped categories for which the percentage shall be 55% for admission to Engineering courses. The candidates shall be admitted on the basis of AIEEE merit conducted by CBSE. 1.6 The mode of admission to the Second year B.E Programme (lateral entry) where ever applicable will be decided by the Syndicate from time to time. It will be open to a candidate who has passed 3 year Diploma from the recognised State Board of Technical Education in India with 60% marks in the aggregate. The admission will only be made in the corresponding or equivalent branches of degree courses. Admission to various affiliated colleges and Swami Sarvanand Giri P.U. Regional Centre, Bajwara, Hoshiarpur will be made on the basis of merit obtained in the Entrance Examination to be conducted by the Panjab University.
1.7 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th end semester examinations ( major examinations) will usually be held in the month of November/December and 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th end semester examinations ( major examinations) will be held in the month of May/June
1.8 There shall be at least ten lectures/tutorials/Practical /drawing classes during the semester, for every hour of lecture/tutorial/practical per week i.e for each credit assigned to a subject shown in the schedule of teaching. 1.9 A student shall be eligible to appear in the examination only if he/she has attended at least 75% of the total classes held as mentioned above during the semester. The attendance shall be certified by the Chairperson of the University Department(s)/institutes/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be. 1.10 On the recommendations of the Chairperson of the University Department(s)/institutes/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be, Board of Control will have the power to condone the shortage of the attendance up to 10% per subject only as per the merit of each case. 1.11 A candidate who does not full fill the attendance requirements in any subject will have to repeat the course of instruction in that subject. 1.12 A candidate will be promoted to next year only if he has earned 50 % of the total credits of preceeding years. It means that for promotion to 2nd year, candidate
should have earned 50% of the total credits of Ist year. For promotion to 3rd year a candidate should have earned 50% of the total credits of Ist and 2nd year and so on. 1.13 A candidate will be required to pass in all the subject as per the scheme of study of B.E./B.E- (MBA) course, where minimum pass grade/satisfactory completion is prescribed, in a maximum duration of 6/7 academic years respectively counted from academic session in which candidate is first admitted in B.E./ B.E.MBA program. If a candidate fails to pass the examination in the period of 6 / 7 academic years B.E/B.E-M.B.A, his/ her candidature will stand automatically cancelled. This period of 6 / 7 academic years will also include the entire period of duration which he/she had suspended his/her studies on his/her own or has failed in the examination or debarred by the Panjab University from taking any examination.
1.14 If an error is detected in the grades despite every possible care having been exercised, the teacher-incharge will bring the fact to the notice of the Chairperson of University Department(s)/Director of
Institute/Principal of College as the case may be for its being placed before the competent authority appointed for the purpose by the university like Board of Control or equivalent. If the Board of Control approves the change, then revised grades shall be submitted to the University duly countersigned by the members of the Board of Control and Chairperson of University Department(s)/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be for consideration within a maximum period of seven working days from the date of declaration of the result. 1.15 In case of any grievance, the student can always represent before the Board of Control. 1.16 A detailed grade card will be issued to each student for each semester. A candidate will be awarded the degree of B.E (Bachelor of Engineering) or integrated B.E-M.B.A in respective discipline on earning total credits ( corresponding to core + electives ( departmental + open) + other allied subjects) as prescribed in the scheme of study.
1.17 A candidate with CGPA of 8.0 and above will be awarded B.E /B.E-M.B.A degree with honours provided that the candidate has passed all papers in first attempt. 1.18 Fee for appearing in each semester examination will be as prescribed by the Syndicate/Senate from time to time. A candidate on reappear shall pay admission fee as prescribed by the Syndicate/Senate from time to time.
Credit System :
2.1 All B.E / integrated B.E-M.B.A programmes are organised around semester-based credit system of study. The credit system is based on continuous evaluation of a students performance/progress and includes flexibility to allow a student to progress at an optimum pace suited to his/her ability or convenience, subject to fulfilling minimum requirements for continuation. 2.2 Performance/progress of a student is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned ( completed satisfactorily). Based on the course credits and grades obtained by the student, grade point average is calculated, subject to his qualification of minimum grade in each subject. 2.3 Course Credit Assignment: Each course has a certain number of credits assigned to it depending on the associated number of lecture , tutorials and laboratory contact hours in a week. A few courses are without credit and are referred to as non-credit ( NC) courses. Lectures and Tutorials : One lecture hour or one tutorial hour per week per semester is assigned one credit Practical / Laboratory Work : One laboratory hour per week per semester is assigned half credit. The credits are rounded off to the nearest whole number For each lecture or tutorial the self study component is 1 hour/week 2.4 Earning Credits :
At the end of every course, a letter grade is awarded in each course for which a student had registered. On obtaining a pass grade (at least D grade) , the student accumulates the course credits as earned credits. Performance of a student is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned and by the weighted grade point average. Grades obtained in audit courses are not counted towards the calculation of grade point average. However, a pass grade (D grade ) is essential for earning credits from an audit course. 3.0 Grading System :
3.1 The grades and their respective description , along with grade points are listed in the table given below in Table-1 Table-1
Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D F I NP NF W X S Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 Description Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Average Below average Marginal Very Poor Incomplete Audit Pass Audit Fail Withdrawal Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Completion
achievement. D Grade : The D grade stands for marginal performance . It is the minimum passing grade in any course. Still further, no student having 40 percent or more marks would be awarded failing grades of F. F Grade : The F grade denote very poor performance i.e failing the course. F grade is also awarded in case of poor class / lab attendance ( < 75%). If candidate gets F grade he/she will have to reappear in subsequent University examination as well as Internal Assessment examination for that subject. Candidate will be allowed maximum of four attempts to appear in any semester examination. Grace marks will be awarded according to Panjab University Calendar Volume-II Regulation for Examination 28.1A. If a candidate does not avail any chance to appear in any examination whatever may be the reason he/she will not be allowed the relaxation in duration of four years. I Grade : An I grade denotes incomplete performance. It may be awarded to a student if he/she has not fulfilled all the requirements of the course due to some extraordinary circumstances. I grade does not appear permanently in the grade card. Upon completion of all course requirements , the I grade is converted to regular grade ( A to F , NP or NF) NP and NF Grades : These grades are awarded in an audit course. Audit pass grade (NP) is awarded if the students attendance is above 75% in the class and has obtained at least D grade. If either of these requirements is not fulfilled , audit fail ( NF) grade is awarded. The grades obtained in an audit course are not considered in the calculation of SGPA or CGPA. W Grade : A W grade is awarded in a course where the
student has opted to withdraw from the course. Withdrawal from the course is permitted until one week after the first minor test. X Grade : The X grade is awarded for incomplete\ unsatisfactory work in independent study like thesis work , project work , field work , industrial training etc. S Grade : The S grade is awarded for complete\ satisfactory work in independent study like thesis work , project work , field work , industrial training etc. 4.0 Evaluation System:
4.1 Continuous Assessment : There shall be continuous evaluation of the student during the semester. For evaluation purpose, total marks assigned to each subject shall be distributed as : Two Mid semester Examination ( Minor-1 and Minor-2) with 30 % of total marks assigned to the subject. Best Marks of one of these two will be considered for award of sessional. Assignments/Class projects/ short class tests/MCQ based quizzes/projects/presentations/group discussions/ Attendance with 20 % of total marks assigned to the subject. One End Semester Examination ( Major Examination) with 50 % of total marks assigned to the subject. It is compulsory to appear in End Semester Examination and secure at least 20% marks of total End semester exam marks. If a candidate secures less than 20% marks of total End semester exam marks, he/she will be awarded F grade.
4.2 Method for the Award of Grades: For the award of grades in a course , all component wise evaluation shall be done in terms of marks. The components include : Midterm-1 and Midterm-2 examinations, Assignments/projects/class presentations/Attendance , and End semester examination as per regulation 4.1. After converting the marks obtained in percentage , the grades will be assigned as per the guidelines given below : Table-2 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5.0
Marks 90 80 & < 90 70 & < 80 60 & < 70 50 & < 60 45 & < 50 40 & < 45 <40
Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D F
Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0
Evaluation of Performance :
5.1 The performance of a student shall be evaluated in terms of two indices , viz. Semester Grade Point Average ( SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA). SGPA is the grade point average for the semester, and CGPA is the cumulative grade point average for all the completed semesters at any point in time. The earned credits (E.C) are defined as the sum of course credits for course in which A+ to D grade has been
obtained. For U.G students ( B.E) , credits from courses in which NP or S grade has been obtained are also added. Points earned in a semester =
The SGPA is calculated on the basis of grades obtained in all courses, except audit courses and courses in which S/Z grade is awarded, registered for the particular semester. (Course Credits x Grade Points) for all courses except audit and S/Z grade Courses Semester SGPA =____________________________________________________________ ____________ (Course Credits ) Except audit and S/Z Grade Courses Semester
SGPA Points Secured in the Semester =____________________________________________________________ ____________ Credits Registered in the Semester, excluding audit and S/Z grade courses
All Semesters CGPA =____________________________________________________________ ____________ (Course Credits) Except audit and S/Z Grade Courses All Semesters
Note: 1. Paper setting for End term examination ( Major Examination or End semester examination) shall continue to be as per the proceedure in place at present till any further modification is introduced. 2. There shall be no special reappear examination 3. Subject wise result in the form of grades awarded to each student at the end of each semester shall be prepared by the respective departments/institutes/college/center and and sent to the university examination branch for the declaration of result and issuance of grade cards. 4. Course teacher should display the grades awarded to the students on the notice board after showing the answer scripts to the students within five working days. The process of evaluation should invariably be completed within seven days from the date of conduct of examination.
1. General: 1.1 The duration of the course of instruction for Bachelor of Engineering in all disciplines being offered by the Panjab University, shall be Four years (comprising of eight semesters, with two semesters per year). Each semester shall be at least of fourteen weeks duration. 1.2 The duration of the course of instruction for Integrated B.E.- M.B.A. in all disciplines being offered by the Panjab University shall be Five years. The teaching period will be divided in ten semesters. Each semester shall be at least of fourteen weeks duration. 1.3 The subjects to be studied in each semester will be as per the prescribed scheme of study for a particular course, indicating the minimum number of lectures to be delivered, distribution of marks in Major examination ( End Semester Examination), Internal Assessment including two Minor Examinations( Mid semester examinations : Minor-I, Minor-II) etc. Each subject shall have specified number of credits associated with it. The medium of instruction and examination shall be English. 1.4 The mode of admission to the First Semester course in any branch will be decided by the Syndicate. It will be open to a candidate, who has passed 10+2 examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi or its equivalent with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects : Chemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science or Biology.
1.5 Provided that a candidate must have obtained a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying examination i.e. +2 for admission to the first year B.E. and Integrated B.E. M.B.A courses in all the University Engineering Departments and Colleges affiliated to it except in the case of SC/ST/Physically Handicapped categories for which the percentage shall be 55% for admission to Engineering courses. The candidates shall be admitted on the basis of AIEEE merit conducted by CBSE. 1.6 The mode of admission to the Second year B.E Programme (lateral entry) where ever applicable will be decided by the Syndicate from time to time. It will be open to a candidate who has passed 3 year Diploma from the recognised State Board of Technical Education in India with 60% marks in the aggregate. The admission will only be made in the corresponding or equivalent branches of degree courses. Admission to various affiliated colleges and Swami Sarvanand Giri P.U. Regional Centre, Bajwara, Hoshiarpur will be made on the basis of merit obtained in the Entrance Examination to be conducted by the Panjab University.
1.7 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th end semester examinations ( major examinations) will usually be held in the month of November/December and 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th end semester examinations ( major examinations) will be held in the month of May/June
1.8 There shall be at least ten lectures/tutorials/Practical /drawing classes during the semester, for every hour of lecture/tutorial/practical per week i.e for each credit assigned to a subject shown in the schedule of teaching. 1.9 A student shall be eligible to appear in the examination only if he/she has attended at least 75% of the total classes held as mentioned above during the semester. The attendance shall be certified by the Chairperson of the University Department(s)/institutes/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be. 1.10 On the recommendations of the Chairperson of the University Department(s)/institutes/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be, Board of Control will have the power to condone the shortage of the attendance up to 10% per subject only as per the merit of each case. 1.11 A candidate who does not full fill the attendance requirements in any subject will have to repeat the course of instruction in that subject. 1.12 A candidate will be promoted to next year only if he has earned 50 % of the total credits of preceeding years. It means that for promotion to 2nd year, candidate
should have earned 50% of the total credits of Ist year. For promotion to 3rd year a candidate should have earned 50% of the total credits of Ist and 2nd year and so on. 1.13 A candidate will be required to pass in all the subject as per the scheme of study of B.E./B.E- (MBA) course, where minimum pass grade/satisfactory completion is prescribed, in a maximum duration of 6/7 academic years respectively counted from academic session in which candidate is first admitted in B.E./ B.E.MBA program. If a candidate fails to pass the examination in the period of 6 / 7 academic years B.E/B.E-M.B.A, his/ her candidature will stand automatically cancelled. This period of 6 / 7 academic years will also include the entire period of duration which he/she had suspended his/her studies on his/her own or has failed in the examination or debarred by the Panjab University from taking any examination.
1.14 If an error is detected in the grades despite every possible care having been exercised, the teacher-incharge will bring the fact to the notice of the Chairperson of University Department(s)/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be for its
being placed before the competent authority appointed for the purpose by the university like Board of Control or equivalent. If the Board of Control approves the change, then revised grades shall be submitted to the University duly countersigned by the members of the Board of Control and Chairperson of University Department(s)/Director of Institute/Principal of College as the case may be for consideration within a maximum period of seven working days from the date of declaration of the result. 1.15 In case of any grievance, the student can always represent before the Board of Control. 1.16 A detailed grade card will be issued to each student for each semester. A candidate will be awarded the degree of B.E (Bachelor of Engineering) or integrated B.E-M.B.A in respective discipline on earning total credits ( corresponding to core + electives ( departmental + open) + other allied subjects) as prescribed in the scheme of study.
1.17 A candidate with CGPA of 8.0 and above will be awarded B.E /B.E-M.B.A degree with honours provided that the candidate has passed all papers in first attempt. 1.18 Fee for appearing in each semester examination will be as prescribed by the Syndicate/Senate from time to time. A candidate on reappear shall pay admission fee as prescribed by the Syndicate/Senate from time to time.
Credit System :
2.1 All B.E / integrated B.E-M.B.A programmes are organised around semester-based credit system of study. The credit system is based on continuous evaluation of a students performance/progress and includes flexibility to allow a student to progress at an optimum pace suited to his/her ability or convenience, subject to fulfilling minimum requirements for continuation. 2.2 Performance/progress of a student is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned ( completed satisfactorily). Based on the course credits and grades obtained by the student, grade point average is calculated, subject to his qualification of minimum grade in each subject. 2.3 Course Credit Assignment: Each course has a certain number of credits assigned to it depending on the associated number of lecture , tutorials and laboratory contact hours in a week. A few courses are without credit and are referred to as non-credit ( NC) courses. Lectures and Tutorials : One lecture hour or one tutorial hour per week per semester is assigned one credit Practical / Laboratory Work : One laboratory hour per week per semester is assigned half credit. The credits are rounded off to the nearest whole number For each lecture or tutorial the self study component is 1 hour/week 2.4 Earning Credits : At the end of every course, a letter grade is awarded in
each course for which a student had registered. On obtaining a pass grade (at least D grade) , the student accumulates the course credits as earned credits. Performance of a student is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned and by the weighted grade point average. Grades obtained in audit courses are not counted towards the calculation of grade point average. However, a pass grade (D grade ) is essential for earning credits from an audit course. 3.0 Grading System :
3.1 The grades and their respective description , along with grade points are listed in the table given below in Table-1 Table-1
Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D F I NP NF W X S Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 Description Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Average Below average Marginal Very Poor Incomplete Audit Pass Audit Fail Withdrawal Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Completion
D Grade : The D grade stands for marginal performance . It is the minimum passing grade in any course. Still further, no student having 40 percent or more marks would be awarded failing grades of F. F Grade : The F grade denote very poor performance i.e failing the course. F grade is also awarded in case of poor class / lab attendance ( < 75%). If candidate gets F grade he/she will have to reappear in subsequent University examination as well as Internal Assessment examination for that subject. Candidate will be allowed maximum of four attempts to appear in any semester examination. Grace marks will be awarded according to Panjab University Calendar Volume-II Regulation for Examination 28.1A. If a candidate does not avail any chance to appear in any examination whatever may be the reason he/she will not be allowed the relaxation in duration of four years. I Grade : An I grade denotes incomplete performance. It may be awarded to a student if he/she has not fulfilled all the requirements of the course due to some extraordinary circumstances. I grade does not appear permanently in the grade card. Upon completion of all course requirements , the I grade is converted to regular grade ( A to F , NP or NF) NP and NF Grades : These grades are awarded in an audit course. Audit pass grade (NP) is awarded if the students attendance is above 75% in the class and has obtained at least D grade. If either of these requirements is not fulfilled , audit fail ( NF) grade is awarded. The grades obtained in an audit course are not considered in the calculation of SGPA or CGPA. W Grade : A W grade is awarded in a course where the student has opted to withdraw from the course.
Withdrawal from the course is permitted until one week after the first minor test. X Grade : The X grade is awarded for incomplete\ unsatisfactory work in independent study like thesis work , project work , field work , industrial training etc. S Grade : The S grade is awarded for complete\ satisfactory work in independent study like thesis work , project work , field work , industrial training etc. 4.0 Evaluation System:
4.1 Continuous Assessment : There shall be continuous evaluation of the student during the semester. For evaluation purpose, total marks assigned to each subject shall be distributed as : Two Mid semester Examination ( Minor-1 and Minor-2) with 30 % of total marks assigned to the subject. Best Marks of one of these two will be considered for award of sessional. Assignments/Class projects/ short class tests/MCQ based quizzes/projects/presentations/group discussions/ Attendance with 20 % of total marks assigned to the subject. One End Semester Examination ( Major Examination) with 50 % of total marks assigned to the subject. It is compulsory to appear in End Semester Examination and secure at least 20% marks of total End semester exam marks. If a candidate secures less than 20% marks of total End semester exam marks, he/she will be awarded F grade.
For the award of grades in a course , all component wise evaluation shall be done in terms of marks. The components include : Midterm-1 and Midterm-2 examinations, Assignments/projects/class presentations/Attendance , and End semester examination as per regulation 4.1. After converting the marks obtained in percentage , the grades will be assigned as per the guidelines given below : Table-2 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5.0
Marks 90 80 & < 90 70 & < 80 60 & < 70 50 & < 60 45 & < 50 40 & < 45 <40
Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D F
Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0
Evaluation of Performance :
5.1 The performance of a student shall be evaluated in terms of two indices , viz. Semester Grade Point Average ( SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA). SGPA is the grade point average for the semester, and CGPA is the cumulative grade point average for all the completed semesters at any point in time. The earned credits (E.C) are defined as the sum of course credits for course in which A+ to D grade has been obtained. For U.G students ( B.E) , credits from courses
in which NP or S grade has been obtained are also added. Points earned in a semester =
The SGPA is calculated on the basis of grades obtained in all courses, except audit courses and courses in which S/Z grade is awarded, registered for the particular semester. (Course Credits x Grade Points) for all courses except audit and S/Z grade Courses Semester SGPA =____________________________________________________________ ____________ (Course Credits ) Except audit and S/Z Grade Courses Semester
SGPA Points Secured in the Semester =____________________________________________________________ ____________ Credits Registered in the Semester, excluding audit and S/Z grade courses
All Semesters CGPA =____________________________________________________________ ____________ (Course Credits) Except audit and S/Z Grade Courses All Semesters
Note: 5. Paper setting for End term examination ( Major Examination or End semester examination) shall continue to be as per the proceedure in place at present till any further modification is introduced. 6. There shall be no special reappear examination 7. Subject wise result in the form of grades awarded to each student at the end of each semester shall be prepared by the respective departments/institutes/college/center and and sent to the university examination branch for the declaration of result and issuance of grade cards. 8. Course teacher should display the grades awarded to the students on the notice board after showing the answer scripts to the students within five working days. The process of evaluation should invariably be completed within seven days from the date of conduct of examination.