Flying Colors: Errata, Clarifications, and Frequently Asked Questions

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Flying Colors

Errata, Clarifications, and Frequently Asked Questions Rules Errata/Clarifications

3.3.2 Change the last sentence to read: An admiral may not leave a ship unless it is on its damaged side, dismasted, or on fire. 3.6.3 (Small Ship Speed Enhancement) Change the first sentence to read: Ships with an Actual Rate of 5 or 6 (not G or T) on their undamaged side may optionally add one MP to their allotment upon activation, provided that they are not dismasted. Also add this sentence to the end of the paragraph: Ships that are in irons or that have 0 MPs may not use the small ship speed enhancement. 3.6.16 Change the second sentence to read: If at any point during its movement a ship shares a port or starboard hex side with an enemy ship that is Adrift, In Irons, Dismasted, Anchored, or Fouled, it may attempt to Grapple once during its activation. Also change the eighth sentence to read: Ships that are fouled may attempt to grapple the ship(s) with which they are fouled. 3.6.19 Change the middle two sentences to read: On a modified roll of 4 or less, the ship may either anchor in place or choose to drift 1 hex before doing so. On a roll of 5 or more, the ship must drift 1 hex before dropping anchor. 3.6.19 (Rotating at Anchor) Insert after the first sentence: (Exception Oared ships may rotate any number of hexsides) 3.7.7 (Rakes) Insert this paragraph before 7) Firepower Determination: Rake Limits: If a ship successfully performs a rake, it must completely exit the targets rake line and then re-enter it in order to rake the same target again during the same activation. Exiting is defined as moving both the bow and stern off of the enemys rake line. 3.7.11 (Striking) Change the first sentence to read: A ship is vulnerable to strike when it is damaged and has three or fewer hull hits remaining or if it is both dismasted and within five hexes of an enemy ship or shore battery. Change the third and fourth sentences to read: If dismasted and within five hexes of an enemy ship or shore battery, a ship strikes on a modified roll of 6 or more. If a ship is vulnerable under both cases (i.e. it has three or fewer hull hits and is dismasted while within five hexes of an enemy ship or shore battery), it strikes on a modified die roll of 2 or more.

3.9.3 a) Break-off Modifiers Add this note to the end of the first bullet: Do not count TRated vessels unless at least one of the fleets involved in a battle is entirely composed of T-Rated vessels. 4.6.1 Change the second sentence to read: When firing upon a battery, only the Hull column is used. The only DRMs that are used on the Hit Results Table are for firing while anchored and firing outside the broadside arc. Change the next to last sentence to read: Batteries neither benefit from nor are penalized by wind effects and do not receive carronade bonuses. Charts Collision Table The results should be: 0-9 10 or more No Collision Fouled!

Sternway Table The results should be: 0-4 5 or more May drift one hex before rotating Must drift one hex before rotating

Strike Table The middle table should read: When a ship is dismasted and within 5 hexes of an enemy ship or shore battery: The bottom table should read: When a ship has 3 or fewer hull hits remaining and is dismasted while within 5 hexes of an enemy ship or shore battery:

Flying Colors Scenario Errata

Camperdown Adamant should start in A6727-6827. Cape Finisterre Bucentaure should start in B1616-1715. Atlas is in the counter mix. Cape St. Vincent Use Colussus-b insead of Colossus. El Ferrol Both Impteux and San Antonio are in the counter mix (San Antonio has a new counter in Ship of the Line). Frigate Bay (St. Kitts) Languedoc should start in A5013-5112. The Glorious First of June (all three scenarios) Add Brutus to the French setup in hex C5133, Direction 1. Gut of Gibraltar San Fernando should start in B4824-4823. Minorca Use Ramillies instead of Ramillies-b. The Nile There is no French ship called Peuple Souverain. It should just be Souverain. Virginia Capes Intrepid should start in C4601-B4734.

Ship of the Line Counter Errata

The following ships replace those found in Flying Colors: British Dreadnaught Neptune Temeraire Tonnant Belle Isle Impeteux Valiant Spanish Monarca Montas San Antonio San Agustn San Ildefonso San Juan Neopmuceno

The following ships enhance the original Flying Colors counter-mix: British Prince Prince George French Jacobin Convention Vengeur Spanish

San Fermn San Francisco de Paula

The following is a list of errors on the counters for Ship of the Line: British Sultan-b is the same as Sultan. Princess Amelia should be a Black Rate 5 on reverse. Experiment should be Rate 5 on reverse. French Atlas is duplicated from Flying Colors. Desaix was not included in Ship of the Line. Consolante should be a White Rate 6 on reverse. Spanish Fnix should be a White Rate 5 on reverse. San Domingo should be a Black Rate 5 on reverse. Dutch Batavia, Erfprins and Piet Hein should be a White Rate 6 on reverse. Argo should be a Rate 6 on reverse. Markers The (-1) RR reduction was omitted from the additional 6-value Hull Hit markers supplied with Ship of the Line.

Ship of the Line Scenario Errata

The Doggersbank Use H. Parkers 2-5-1 counter. Fort Royal Use Hoods 3-7-4 counter. The setup illustration in the playbook shows the wind at Direction 2. The text is correct it should be Direction 3. Grenada Use H. Parkers 2-5-1 counter. Rhode Island The wind direction should be 3 (Breezy). Roebuck should start in A5402 (Direction 4). Phoenix should start in A5031 (Direction 4). The Saintes I+II Use Hoods 2-6-4 counter. The Saintes II Special Rule #2 The British may enter through any single hex between D4234 and D7034. Ushant I Special Rule #6 The French entry hex should be D3034.

Serpents of the Seas Errata

The following ships should have Marine values of 1 on their damaged sides: Essex (US), Essex-b (US), Indefatigable-b (BR), Nereide (BR), and Phoebe (BR). The British ship Owen is missing the gray circle behind its hull damage capacity on its damaged side. The In Chains markers were misprinted. They should say In Irons. The rigging counters included with the game only go up to 12, but the sail damage capacity for all ships is still 15 hits as specified in 3.7.11. The tacking modifier on the Out of Command Option card should be -3. Valcour Island Modify Special Rule #4 to read as follows: Independent Gunboat Command: Given the size and light armament of these gunboats, they acted independently of the rest of the small fleets. To depict this, during the Command Determination phase of each turn, each player may select any gunboat to act as a command point for the other gunboats in the fleet. This gunboat is assumed to be stacked with a Commander with a 4-hex command range that may only be used to create Group or Formation commands. This commander has no other effect. Players can place a Command Split marker under the selected gunboat as a reminder.

C3i Scenario Errata

C3i #20 Trafalgar Add the Spanish ship Argonauta to the Squadron of Observation. It begins in C2631-2531. Neptuno should start in B6312-6313. Leviathan should start in B3327-3228. San Juan Nepumuceno should start in C1034 (stern off map).

C3i #21 Duckworths Choice ole should start in A4718-4717. Use Csar for Cassard. Use Victoire for Veteran. Willaumez at Bay Use Csar for Cassard. Use Victoire for Veteran.

Frequently Asked Questions

3.8.1 If a ship of the side that has higher audacity happens to drift off of the map, does it count as sunk? It counts as sunk. 3.6.9, 3.6.15 Can a ship that is required to move back one hex with the wind due to a poor roll on the Sternway Table cause a Collision, or is this treated like Drifting when the hex that would be entered is occupied by another ship? Its treated as if drifting (no collisions). 3.7.11 Is it correct that a Captured ship that is vulnerable must still roll for Striking, but with the Audacity modifier of the side currently controlling the ship? No. Can a ship that has Struck scuttle itself to avoid capture? No. 3.7.7 (Rake) Can a Dismasted (or otherwise immobile) ship attempt a Rake during its activation? Yes. 3.7.7 7d) How strict is the definition of firing into the wind and firing with the wind for purposes of figuring the wind modifiers? The point to remember is that the target's location is irrelevant when figuring out the wind modifier. The only thing that matters is the position of the wind relative to the firing ship. See below

Initiative Cards Can Master Helmsman be played on an enemy ship? Yes. If both players have Blind Eye to Danger in their hands and the first player uses it for an initiative, may the second player use his to steal the initiative back?

Yes. If an event is played that does not specifically affect one ship or command (such as Blind Eye to Danger), does it count towards the limit of playing one event per ship/command? No.

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