ROE Questions Final
ROE Questions Final
ROE Questions Final
In a subcritical reactor, Keff was increased from 0.85 to 0.95 by rod withdrawal. Which one of the following is closest to the amount of reactivity that was added to the core? A. 0.099 K/K B. 0.124 K/K C. 0.176 K/K D. 0.229 K/K ANSWER: B.
With Keff equal to 0.983, how much reactivity must be added to make the reactor exactly critical? (Round answer to nearest 0.01% K/K.) A. 1.70% K/K B. 1.73% K/K C. 3.40% K/K D. 3.43% K/K ANSWER: B.
With core Keff equal to 0.987, how much reactivity must be added to make a reactor exactly critical? (Answer options are rounded to the nearest 0.01% K/K.) A. 1.01% K/K B. 1.03% K/K C. 1.30% K/K D. 1.32% K/K ANSWER: D.
With Keff = 0.985, how much positive reactivity is required to make the reactor exactly critical? A. 1.487% K/K B. 1.500% K/K C. 1.523% K/K D. 1.545% K/K ANSWER: C.
With Keff = 0.982, how much positive reactivity is required to make the reactor critical? A. 1.720% K/K B. 1.767% K/K C. 1.800% K/K D. 1.833% K/K ANSWER: D.
The shutdown margin (SDM), upon full insertion of all control rods following a reactor scram from full power, is _________________ the SDM immediately prior to the scram. A. equal to B. less than C. greater than D. independent of ANSWER: A.
Which one of the following core changes will decrease shutdown margin? A. Fuel depletion during reactor operation B. Buildup of Sm-149 after a reactor scram C. Increasing moderator temperature 10oF while shutdown D. Depletion of gadolinium during reactor operation ANSWER: D.
One hour ago, a reactor scrammed from 100% steady state power due to an instrument malfunction. All systems operated normally. Given the following absolute values of reactivities added since the scram, assign a (+) or (-) as appropriate and choose the current value of core reactivity. Xenon = (-) 1.0% K/K Control rods = (-) 14.0% K/K Fuel temperature = (+) 2.0% K/K Voids = (+) 3.0% K/K A. -8.0% K/K B. -10.0% K/K C. -14.0% K/K D. -20.0% K/K ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following will increase the reactivity margin to criticality in a subcritical reactor at 250F? A. Decay of Samarium-149 B. Increased core recirculation flow rate C. Reactor coolant heatup D. Control rod withdrawal ANSWER: C.
A reactor scrammed from 100% steady state power due to an instrument malfunction 16 hours ago. All systems operated normally. Given the following absolute values of reactivities added since the scram, assign a (+) or (-) as appropriate and choose the current value of core reactivity. Control rods = (-) 14.0% K/K Xenon = (-) 1.5% K/K Fuel temperature = (+) 2.5% K/K Voids = (+) 3.5% K/K A. -6.5% K/K B. -9.5% K/K C. -11.5% K/K D. -13.5% K/K ANSWER: B.
Twelve (12) hours ago, a reactor scrammed from 100% steady state power due to an instrument malfunction. All systems operated normally. Given the following absolute values of reactivities added since the scram, assign a (+) or (-) as appropriate and choose the current value of core reactivity. Xenon = (-) 2.0% K/K Control rods = (-) 14.0% K/K Fuel temperature = (+) 2.5% K/K Voids = (+) 4.5% K/K A. -5.0% K/K B. -9.0% K/K C. -14.0% K/K D. -23.0% K/K ANSWER: B.
A reactor scram from 100% steady-state power occurred 36 hours ago due to an instrument malfunction. All systems operated normally. Given the following absolute values of reactivities added since the scram, assign a (+) or (-) as appropriate and choose the current value of core reactivity. Xenon = (+) 1.0% K/K Control rods = (-) 14.0% K/K Fuel temperature = (+) 2.0% K/K Voids = (+) 3.0% K/K A. -8.0% K/K B. -10.0% K/K C. -14.0% K/K D. -20.0% K/K ANSWER: A.
Sixteen hours ago, a reactor scrammed from 100% steady state power due to an instrument malfunction. All systems operated normally. Given the following absolute values of reactivities added since the scram, assign a (+) or (-) as appropriate and choose the current value of core reactivity. Xenon = (-) 2.0% K/K Control rods = (-) 12.0% K/K Fuel temperature = (+) 3.0% K/K Voids = (+) 4.0% K/K A. -5.0% K/K B. -7.0% K/K C. -9.0% K/K D. -11.0% K/K ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following core changes will decrease shutdown margin? Assume no operator actions. A. Depletion of fuel during reactor operation B. Depletion of burnable poisons during reactor operation C. Buildup of Sm-149 following a reactor power transient D. Buildup of Xe-135 following a reactor power transient ANSWER: B.
A reactor scrammed from 100% steady state power due to an instrument malfunction 30 hours ago. All systems operated normally. Given the following absolute values of reactivities added since the scram, assign a (+) or (-) as appropriate and choose the current value of core reactivity. Xenon = (+) 1.5% K/K Control rods = (-) 14.0% K/K Fuel temperature = (+) 2.5% K/K Voids = (+) 3.5% K/K A. -6.5% K/K B. -9.5% K/K
C. -11.5% K/K D. -13.5% K/K ANSWER: A. 16. A reactor is initially operating at steady-state 60% power near the end of core life when a fully withdrawn control rod suddenly inserts completely into the core. No operator action is taken and the plant control systems stabilize the reactor at a power level in the power range. Compared to the initial shutdown margin (SDM). The new steady-state SDM is ___________; compared to the initial 60% power core Keff, the new steady-state core Keff is ___________. A. the same; smaller B. the same; the same C. less negative; smaller D. less negative; the same ANSWER: B. 17. A nuclear plant has just completed a refueling outage. Reactor engineers have predicted a control rod configuration at which the reactor will become critical during the initial reactor startup following the refueling outage based on the expected core loading. However, the burnable poisons scheduled to be loaded were inadvertently omitted (accidently absent). Which one of the following describes the effect of the burnable poison omission on achieving reactor criticality during the initial reactor startup following the refueling outage? A. The reactor will become critical before the predicted critical control rod configuration is achieved. B. The reactor will become critical after the predicted critical control rod configuration is achieved. C. The reactor will be unable to achieve criticality because the fuel assemblies contain insufficient positive reactivity to make the reactor critical. D. The reactor will be unable to achieve criticality because the control rods contain insufficient positive reactivity to make the reactor critical. ANSWER: A. 18. A reactor startup is in progress. Which one of the following statements describes the response to control rod withdrawal when taking the reactor critical? A. The nuclear instrumentation will take longer to stabilize at each new subcritical level. B. The reactor will be critical when the period and power level remain constant, with no further rod withdrawal. C. Each complete control rod withdrawal will result in the same amount of change in subcritical power level. D. Each control rod withdrawal results in an initial negative period followed by a strong positive period. ANSWER: A. 19. Which one of the following statements describes subcritical multiplication during a reactor startup? A. Subcritical multiplication is the process of using source neutrons to maintain an equilibrium neutron population when Keff is less than 1. B. As Keff approaches unity, a smaller change in neutron level occurs for a given change in Keff. C. The equilibrium subcritical neutron level is dependent on the source strength and the time between successive reactivity insertions. D. As Keff approaches unity, less time is required to reach the equilibrium neutron level for a given change in Keff. ANSWER: A. 20. A reactor is being taken critical by periodically withdrawing control rods in equal reactivity increments. Which one of the following statements describes reactor conditions as Keff approaches unity? A. The neutron level change for successive rod increment-pulls becomes smaller. B. A longer period of time is required to reach the equilibrium neutron level after each rod withdrawal. C. A rod withdrawal will result in the reactor becoming slightly supercritical due to a "prompt jump" and then return to a subcritical level. D. If the rod withdrawal is stopped for several hours the neutron level will decrease to source level. ANSWER: B. 21. Of the following conditions, which group is necessary for subcritical multiplication to occur? A. Neutron source, moderator, and fissionable material B. Moderator, fission product decay, and Keff less than one C. Keff less than one, gamma source, and fissionable material D. Fissionable material, gamma source, and Keff greater than one ANSWER: A.
Which one of the following is a characteristic of subcritical multiplication? A. The subcritical neutron level is directly proportional to the neutron source strength. B. Doubling the indicated count rate by reactivity additions will reduce the margin to criticality by approximately one quarter. C. For equal reactivity additions, it takes less time for the new equilibrium source range count rate to be reached as Keff approaches unity. D. An incremental withdrawal of any given control rod will produce an equivalent equilibrium count rate increase, whether Keff is 0.88 or 0.92. ANSWER: A.
A reactor startup is being performed with xenon-free conditions. Rod withdrawal is stopped just prior to criticality and neutron count rate is allowed to stabilize. No additional operator actions are taken. During the next 30 minutes count rate will... A. remain essentially constant. B. slowly decreases and stabilizes due to long-lived delayed neutron precursors. C. slowly decreases to its pre-startup level due to buildup of xenon-135. D. slowly increases to criticality due to long-lived delayed neutron precursors. ANSWER: A.
A reactor plant that has been operating at rated power for two months experiences a reactor scram. One month after the reactor scram, with all control rods still fully inserted, a stable count rate of 20 cps is indicated on the source range nuclear instruments. The majority of the source range detector output is being caused by the interaction of ____________ with the detector. A. intrinsic source neutrons B. fission gammas from previous power operation C. fission neutrons from subcritical multiplication D. delayed fission neutrons from previous power operation ANSWER: C.
A reactor is shut down by 1.8% K/K. Positive reactivity is added which increases stable neutron count rate from 15 to 300 cps. What is the current value of Keff? A. 0.982 B. 0.990 C. 0.995 D. 0.999 ANSWER: D.
A subcritical reactor has an initial source/startup range count rate of 150 cps with a shutdown reactivity of -2.0% K/K. Approximately how much positive reactivity must be added to establish a stable count rate of 600 cps? A. 0.5% K/K B. 1.0% K/K C. 1.5% K/K D. 2.0% K/K ANSWER: C.
A subcritical reactor has an initial source range count rate of 150 cps with a shutdown reactivity of -2.0% K/K. How much positive reactivity must be added to establish a stable count rate of 300 cps? A. 0.5% K/K B. 1.0% K/K C. 1.5% K/K D. 2.0% K/K ANSWER: B.
A subcritical reactor has an initial Keff of 0.8 at a source range count rate of 100 cps. Positive reactivity is added until Keff equals 0.95. What will be the final equilibrium source range count rate? A. 150 cps B. 200 cps C. 300 cps D. 400 cps ANSWER: D.
Two reactors are currently shut down with a reactor startup in progress. The two reactors are identical except that reactor A has a source neutron strength of 100 neutrons per second and reactor B source neutron strength is 200 neutrons per second. Control rods are stationary and Keff is 0.98 in both reactors. Core neutron level has reached equilibrium in both reactors. Which one of the following lists the core neutron level (neutrons per second) in reactors A and B? Reactor A Reactor B
A. 5,000 10,000 B. 10,000 20,000 C. 10,000 40,000 D. 20,000 40,000 ANSWER: A. 30. Two reactors are currently shut down with a reactor startup in progress. The two reactors are identical except that reactor A has a source neutron strength of 100 neutrons per second and reactor B source neutron strength is 80 neutrons per second. Control rods are stationary and Keff is 0.98 in both reactors. Core neutron level has reached equilibrium in both reactors. Which one of the following lists the core neutron level (neutrons per second) in reactors A and B? Reactor A Reactor B A. 5,000 4,000 B. 5,000 1,600 C. 2,000 1,600 D. 2,000 400 ANSWER: A. 31. A reactor startup is being performed with xenon-free conditions. Control rod withdrawal is stopped when Keff equals 0.995 and count rate stabilizes at 1000 cps. No additional operator actions are taken. Which one of the following describes the count rate 20 minutes after rod withdrawal is stopped? A. Less than 1000 cps and decreasing toward the pre-startup count rate. B. Less than 1000 cps and stable above the pre-startup count rate. C. Greater than 1000 cps and increasing toward criticality. D. 1000 cps and constant. ANSWER: D. 32. A reactor startup is being commenced (begin) with initial source (startup) range count rate stable at 20 cps. After a period of control rod withdrawal, count rate stabilizes at 80 cps. If the total reactivity added by the above control rod withdrawal is 4.5 %K/K, how much additional positive reactivity must be inserted to make the reactor critical? A. 1.5 %K/K B. 2.0 %K/K C. 2.5 %K/K D. 3.0 %K/K ANSWER: A. 33. A reactor is shutdown with a Keff of 0.8. The source range count rate is stable at 800 cps. What percentage of the core neutron population is being contributed directly by neutron sources other than neutron-induced fission? A. 10% B. 20% C. 80% D. 100% ANSWER: B. 34. Which one of the following is the definition for delayed neutron fraction? A. Fraction of the total number of delayed neutrons produced from fission, born from delayed neutron precursors B. Fraction of the total number of fast neutrons produced from fission, born from delayed neutron precursors C. Fraction of the total number of neutrons produced from fission, born from delayed neutron precursors D. Fraction of the total number of thermal neutrons produced from fission, born from delayed neutron precursors ANSWER: C. 35. Which one of the following describes how and why the effective delayed neutron fraction varies over core life? A. Increases due to the burnup of U-238 B. Decreases due to the buildup of Pu-239 C. Increases due to the buildup of Pu-239 D. Decreases due to the burnup of U-238 ANSWER: B.
At the end of core life, the majority of power is generated by fission of which of the following two isotopes? A. U-235 and U-238 B. Pu-241 and U-238 C. Pu-239 and U-238 D. Pu-239 and U-235 ANSWER: D.
The average effective delayed neutron fraction (eff) can be defined as... A. number of neutrons born delayed total number of neutrons born from fission B. number of neutrons born delayed number of neutrons born prompt C. number of fissions caused by delayed neutrons total no. of fissions caused by fission neutrons D. number of fissions caused by delayed neutrons number of fissions caused by prompt neutrons ANSWER: C.
Compared to the effective delayed neutron fraction (eff), the delayed neutron fraction ()... A. changes due to fuel depletion, whereas eff will remain constant over core life. B. is based on a finite-sized reactor, whereas eff is based on an infinite-sized reactor. C. describes the fraction of fission neutrons born delayed, whereas eff describes the fraction of fissions caused by delayed neutrons. D. considers only the decay constant of the longest lived delayed neutron precursors, whereas eff considers the weighted average of all the decay constants. ANSWER: C.
A reactor is operating at 100% power at the end of core life. The greatest contribution to core heat production is being provided by the fission of... A. U-235 and U-238. B. U-238 and Pu-239. C. U-235 and Pu-239. D. U-238 and Pu-241. ANSWER: C.
The effective delayed neutron fraction (eff) takes into account two factors not considered in calculating the delayed neutron fraction (). These factors consider that: Delayed neutrons are ____________ likely to cause fast fission than prompt neutrons; delayed neutrons are ____________ likely to leak from the core than prompt neutrons. A. less; more B. less; less C. more; more D. more; less ANSWER: B.
A refueling outage has just been completed in which one-third of the core was replaced with new fuel assemblies. A reactor startup has been performed to mark the beginning of the sixth fuel cycle and power is being increased to 100%. Which one of the following pairs of reactor fuels will be providing the greatest contribution to core heat production when the reactor reaches 100% power? A. U-238 and Pu-239 B. U-238 and Pu-241 C. U-235 and U-238 D. U-235 and Pu-239 ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following distributions of fission percentages in a reactor will result in the largest reactor core effective delayed neutron fraction? U-235 U-238 Pu-239 A. 90% 7% 3% B. 80% 6% 14% C. 70% 7% 23% D. 60% 6% 34% ANSWER: A.
Which one of the following fission percentage distributions occurring in a reactor will result in the smallest effective delayed neutron fraction? U-235 U-238 Pu-239 A. 90% 7% 3% B. 80% 6% 14% C. 70% 7% 23% D. 60% 6% 34% ANSWER: D.
A refueling outage has just been completed in which the entire core was offloaded and replaced with new fuel. A reactor startup has been performed to mark the beginning of the next fuel cycle and power is being increased to 100%. Which one of the following pairs of reactor fuels will be providing the greatest contribution to core heat production when the reactor reaches 100% power? A. U-235 and U-238 B. U-238 and Pu-239 C. U-235 and Pu-239 D. U-235 and Pu-241 ANSWER: A.
A typical BWR reactor plant is operating at equilibrium 50% power when a control rod is ejected from the core. Which one of the following combinations of fission percentages, by fuel, would result in the shortest reactor period? (Assume the reactivity worth of the ejected control rod is the same for each case.) Percentage of Fissions by Fuel U-235 U-238 Pu-239 A. 90% 8% 2% B. 80% 9% 11% C. 70% 9% 21% D. 60% 8% 32% ANSWER: D.
During a reactor startup, the intermediate range monitor readings go from 30% to 65% on the same range in 2 minutes with no operator action. Which one of the following is the average reactor period during the power increase? A. 357 seconds B. 173 seconds C. 155 seconds D. 120 seconds ANSWER: C.
If reactor power changes from 10-5% to 10-6% in 5 minutes, the average reactor period is: A. negative 80 seconds. B. positive 80 seconds. C. negative 130 seconds. D. positive 130 seconds. ANSWER: C.
A reactor is exactly critical at 10 % power during a reactor startup. for this reactor is 0.0072. Which one of the following is the approximate amount of positive reactivity that must be added to the core by control rod withdrawal to initiate a reactor power increase toward the point of adding heat with a stable reactor period of 26 seconds? A. 0.2% K/K B. 0.5% K/K C. 1.0% K/K D. 2.0% K/K ANSWER: A.
A reactor is being started for the first time following a refueling outage. Reactor Engineering has determined that during the upcoming fuel cycle and eff will range from a maximum of 0.007 to a minimum of 0.005. Once the reactor becomes critical, control rods are withdrawn to insert a net positive reactivity of 0.1% K/K into the reactor core. Assuming no other reactivity additions, what will be the approximate stable reactor period for this reactor until the point of adding heat is reached? A. 20 seconds B. 40 seconds C. 60 seconds D. 80 seconds ANSWER: C.
Without delayed neutrons in the neutron cycle, when positive reactivity is added to a critical reactor, the reactor will... A. experience a prompt jump in power level followed by a decrease to the initial power level. B. experience a rapid but controllable power increase. C. begin an uncontrollable rapid power increase. D. not be able to attain criticality. ANSWER: C.
A small amount of reactivity is added to a critical reactor in the source/startup range. The amount added is less than the average effective delayed neutron fraction. Which one of the following will have a significant effect on the magnitude of the stable reactor period achieved for this reactivity addition? A. Moderator temperature coefficient B. Fuel temperature coefficient C. Prompt neutron lifetime D. Average effective decay constant ANSWER: D.
Two reactors are identical in every way except that reactor A is at end of core life and reactor B is at the beginning of core life. Both reactors are critical at 10 % power. If the same amount of positive reactivity is added to each reactor at the same time, the point of adding heat will be reached first by reactor ______ because it has a ___________ delayed neutron fraction. A. A; larger B. B; larger C. A; smaller D. B; smaller ANSWER: C.
Two reactors are identical except that reactor A is at the end of core life and reactor B is at the beginning of core life. Both reactors are operating at 100% power when a reactor scram occurs at the same time on each reactor. If the reactor systems for each reactor respond identically to the scram and no operator action is taken, reactor A will attain a negative ________ second stable period and reactor B will attain a negative ________second stable period. (Assume control rod worth equals 0.9700 K/K and eff equals 0.0124 seconds for both reactors.) A. 80; 56 B. 80; 80 C. 56; 56 D. 56; 80 ANSWER: B.
Two reactors are identical in every way except that reactor A is at the end of core life and reactor B is at the beginning of core life. Both reactors are operating at 100% power when a reactor scram occurs at the same time on each reactor. If the reactor systems for each reactor respond identically to the scram and no operator action is taken, a power level of 10 % will be reached first by reactor _____ because it has a ____________ delayed neutron fraction. A. A; larger B. B; larger C. A; smaller D. B; smaller ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following is the reason that delayed neutrons are so effective at controlling the rate of reactor power changes? A. Delayed neutrons make up a large fraction of the fission neutrons in the core compared to prompt neutrons. B. Delayed neutrons have a long mean lifetime compared to prompt neutrons. C. Delayed neutrons produce a large amount of fast fission compared to prompt neutrons. D. Delayed neutrons are born with high kinetic energy compared to prompt neutrons. ANSWER: B.
Over core life, plutonium isotopes are produced with delayed neutron fractions that are ______________ than uranium delayed neutron fractions, thereby causing reactor power transients to be ______________ near the end of core life. A. larger; slower B. larger; faster C. smaller; slower D. smaller; faster ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following statements describes the effect of changes in the delayed neutron fraction from beginning of core life (BOL) to end of core life (EOL)? A. A given reactivity addition to a shutdown reactor at EOL yields a larger change in shutdown margin (SDM) than at BOL. B. A given reactivity addition to a shutdown reactor at EOL yields a smaller change in SDM than at BOL. C. A given reactivity addition to an operating reactor at EOL results in a longer reactor period than at BOL. D. A given reactivity addition to an operating reactor at EOL results in a shorter reactor period than at BOL. ANSWER: D.
Delayed neutrons are important for reactor control because... A. they are produced with higher average kinetic energy than prompt neutrons. B. they prevent the moderator temperature coefficient from becoming positive. C. they are the largest fraction of the neutrons produced from fission. D. they greatly extend the average lifetime of each neutron generation. ANSWER: D.
Two reactors are identical in every way except that reactor A is at the beginning of core life and reactor B is at the end of core life. Both reactors are critical at 10 % power. If the same amount of positive reactivity is added to each reactor at the same time, the point of adding heat will be reached first by reactor ______ because it has a ___________ delayed neutron fraction. A. A; smaller B. A; larger C. B; smaller D. B; larger ANSWER: C.
Two reactors are identical in every way except that reactor A is at the end of core life and reactor B is at the beginning of core life. Both reactors are operating at 100% power when a reactor scram occurs at the same time on each reactor. The reactor systems for each reactor respond identically to the scram and no operator action is taken. Ten minutes after the scram, the higher fission rate will exist in reactor ______ because it has a ___________ delayed neutron fraction. A. A; larger B. B; larger C. A; smaller D. B; smaller ANSWER: B.
As the core ages, the amount of positive reactivity required to make the reactor prompt critical will ______________ because the effective delayed neutron fraction ______________. A. increase; decreases B. decrease; increases C. decrease; decreases D. increase; increases ANSWER: C.
A reactor is operating at 50% power with the following conditions: Power defect = 0.03% K/K Shutdown margin = 0.05% K/K Effective delayed neutron fraction = 0.007 Effective prompt neutron fraction = 0.993 How much positive reactivity must be added to take this reactor "prompt critical"? A. 0.03% K/K B. 0.05% K/K C. 0.7% K/K D. 0.993% K/K ANSWER: C.
A critical reactor will become prompt critical if the reactivity added is equal to the effective... A. delayed neutron decay constant. B. delayed neutron fraction. C. prompt neutron decay constant. D. prompt neutron fraction. ANSWER: B.
A reactor is operating at 75% power with the following conditions: Total control rod worth = -0.0753 K/K Shutdown margin = 0.0042 K/K Effective delayed neutron fraction = 0.0058 Effective prompt neutron fraction = 0.9942 How much positive reactivity must be added to make the reactor "prompt critical"? A. 0.0042 K/K B. 0.0058 K/K C. 0.0753 K/K D. 0.9942 K/K ANSWER: B.
Positive reactivity is continuously added to a critical reactor. Which one of the following values of core Keff will first result in a prompt critical reactor? A. 1.0001 B. 1.001 C. 1.01 D. 1.1 ANSWER: C.
A reactor is critical at 10 % power with a xenon-free core. The operator continuously withdraws control rods until a 60-second reactor period is reached and then stops control rod motion. Upon stopping rod withdrawal, reactor period will immediately... A. stabilize at 60 seconds until power reaches the point of adding heat (POAH). B. lengthen and then stabilize at a value greater than 60 seconds until power reaches the POAH. C. shorten and then slowly and continuously lengthen until power reaches the POAH. D. lengthen and then slowly and continuously shorten until power reaches the POAH. ANSWER: B.
A reactor is exactly critical at the point of adding heat with a xenon-free core. Reactor vessel temperature is 175F. The operator then inserts control rods until a negative 100 second period is attained and then stops control rod motion. When rod motion is stopped, reactor period will immediately _________ until power approaches the equilibrium subcritical multiplication source range level and then approach ________. A. stabilize at negative 100 seconds; infinity. B. stabilize at negative 100 seconds; zero. C. lengthen and then stabilize; infinity. D. lengthen and then stabilize; zero. ANSWER: C.
A reactor was stable at 80% power when the reactor operator withdrew a control rod continuously for 2 seconds. Which one of the following affects the amount of prompt jump increase in reactor power for the control rod withdrawal? A. The duration of control rod withdrawal B. The differential control rod worth C. The total control rod worth D. The magnitude of the fuel temperature coefficient ANSWER: B.
A reactor is operating at 75% power with the following conditions: Power defect = -0.0185 K/K Shutdown margin = 0.0227 K/K Effective delayed neutron fraction = 0.0061 Effective prompt neutron fraction = 0.9939 How much positive reactivity must be added to make the reactor "prompt critical"? A. 0.0061 K/K B. 0.0185 K/K C. 0.0227 K/K D. 0.9939 K/K ANSWER: A.
Refer to the unlabeled reactor response curve shown below for a reactor that was initially stable in the source range. A small amount of positive reactivity was added at time = 0 sec. The response curve shows ___________ versus time for a reactor that was initially _________. A. reactor period; subcritical B. reactor period; critical C. reactor fission rate; subcritical D. reactor fission rate; critical ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following describes a condition in which a reactor is prompt critical? A. A very long reactor period makes reactor control very sluggish and unresponsive. B. The fission process is occurring so rapidly that the delayed neutron fraction approaches zero. C. Any increase in reactor power requires a reactivity addition equal to the fraction of prompt neutrons in the core. D. The net positive reactivity in the core is greater than or equal to the magnitude of the average effective delayed neutron fraction. ANSWER: D.
Two reactors are exactly critical low in the intermediate range (well below the point of adding heat). The reactors are identical except that reactor A is near the beginning of core life (BOL) and reactor B is near the end of core life (EOL). Assume that a step addition of positive reactivity (0.001 K/K) is added to each reactor. Select the combination below that completes the following statement. The size of the prompt jump in core power observed for reactor B (EOL) will be ___________ than reactor A (BOL); and the stable reactor period observed for reactor B (EOL) will be ___________ than reactor A (BOL). A. smaller; longer B. smaller; shorter C. larger; longer D. larger; shorter ANSWER: D.
Refer to the unlabeled reactor response curve shown below for a reactor that was initially subcritical in the source range. A small amount of positive reactivity was added at time = 0 sec. The response curve shows ____________ versus time for a reactor that is currently (at time = 60 sec) __________. A. reactor period; exactly critical B. reactor period; supercritical C. reactor fission rate; exactly critical D. reactor fission rate; supercritical ANSWER: D.
A reactor is operating at equilibrium 75% power with the following conditions: Total power defect = -0.0176 K/K Shutdown margin = 0.0234 K/K Effective delayed neutron fraction = 0.0067 Effective prompt neutron fraction = 0.9933 How much positive reactivity must be added to make the reactor "prompt critical"? A. 0.0067 K/K B. 0.0176 K/K C. 0.0234 K/K D. 0.9933 K/K ANSWER: A.
After initial criticality, the reactor period is stabilized. The source range channels are repositioned so that the count rate is 100 cps. Sufficient positive reactivity is added to establish a 120-second period. How much time will it take for the count rate to increase to 10,000 cps with no additional operator action? A. 1.2 minutes B. 4 minutes C. 9.21 minutes D. 15.82 minutes ANSWER: C.
A reactor is operating at a power level of 120 watts. A control rod is inserted, which results in a stable negative 80-second period. Which one of the following is closest to the reactor power level 2 minutes after rod insertion? (Assume the period stabilized immediately after rod insertion.) A. 27 watts B. 32 watts C. 49 watts D. 54 watts ANSWER: A.
During a reactor startup, the intermediate range monitor readings increase from 30% to 50% on the same range in 2 minutes with no operator action. Which one of the following is the average reactor period during the power increase? A. 357 seconds B. 235 seconds C. 155 seconds D. 61 seconds ANSWER: B.
Reactors A and B are identical except that the reactor cores are at different times in core life. The reactor A effective delayed neutron fraction is 0.007, and the reactor B effective delayed neutron fraction is 0.005. Both reactors are currently subcritical and stable with neutron flux level in the source range. Given: Reactor A Keff = 0.999 Reactor B Keff = 0.998 If positive 0.003 K/K is suddenly added to each reactor, how will the resulting stable periods compare? (Consider only the reactor response while power is below the point of adding heat.) A. Reactor A stable period will be shorter because it will have the higher positive reactivity in the core. B. Reactor B stable period will be shorter because it has the smaller effective delayed neutron fraction. C. Reactors A and B will have the same stable period because both reactors will remain subcritical. D. Reactors A and B will have the same stable period because both reactors received the same amount of positive reactivity. ANSWER: A.
Two reactors are identical in every way except that reactor A is at the beginning of core life and reactor B is near the end of core life. Both reactors are operating at 100% power when a reactor scram occurs at the same time on each reactor. The reactor systems for each reactor respond identically to the scram and no operator action is taken. Ten minutes after the scram, the higher shutdown fission rate will exist in reactor ______ because it has a ___________ delayed neutron fraction. A. A; larger B. B; larger C. A; smaller D. B; smaller ANSWER: A.
A step positive reactivity addition of 0.001K/K is made to a reactor with a stable neutron population and an initial core Keff of 0.99. Consider the following two cases: Case 1: The reactor is near the beginning of core life. Case 2: The reactor is near the end of core life. Assume the initial core neutron population is the same for each case. Which one of the following correctly compares the prompt jump in core neutron population and the final stable core neutron population for the two cases? A. The prompt jump will be greater for case 1, but the final stable neutron population will be the same for both cases. B. The prompt jump will be greater for case 2, but the final stable neutron population will be the same for both cases. C. The prompt jump will be the same for both cases, but the final stable neutron population will be greater for case 1. D. The prompt jump will be the same for both cases, but the final stable neutron population will be greater for case 2. ANSWER: B.
A reactor is critical in the source range during the initial reactor startup immediately following a refueling outage. The core average delayed neutron fraction is 0.007. The operator adds positive reactivity to establish a stable positive 60-second reactor period. If the reactor had been at the end of core life with a core average delayed neutron fraction of 0.005, what would be the approximate stable reactor period after the addition of the same amount of positive reactivity? A. 28 seconds B. 32 seconds C. 36 seconds D. 40 seconds ANSWER: D.
During a continuous rod withdrawal accident, reactor power has increased from 387 MW to 553 MW in 10 seconds. What was the average reactor period for this power increase? A. 3 seconds B. 24 seconds C. 28 seconds D. 35 seconds ANSWER: C.
During a reactor startup, the intermediate range monitor readings increase from 20% to 40% on the same range in 2 minutes with no operator action. Which one of the following is the average reactor period during the power increase? A. 173 seconds B. 235 seconds C. 300 seconds D. 399 seconds ANSWER: A.
A reactor startup is in progress with the reactor at normal operating temperature and pressure. With reactor power stable at the point of adding heat, a control rod malfunction causes an inadvertent rod withdrawal that results in adding 0.3 %K/K reactivity. Given: All rod motion has been stopped.
No automatic system or operator actions occur to inhibit the power increase. Power coefficient = -0.04 %K/K / % power Average effective delayed neutron fraction = 0.006 What is the approximate power level increase required to offset the reactivity added by the inadvertent rod withdrawal? A. 3.0% B. 5.0% C. 6.7% D. 7.5% ANSWER: D. 85. A reactor core is exactly critical well below the point of adding heat during a plant startup. A small amount of positive reactivity is then added to the core, and a stable positive reactor period is established. With the stable positive reactor period, the following is observed: Time Power Level
0 sec 3.16 x 10-7% 90 sec 1.0 x 10 %
Which one of the following will be the reactor power at time = 120 seconds?
A. 3.16 x 10 % B. 5.0 x 10 % C. 6.32 x 10-5% D. 1.0 x 10-4%
-5 -5
ANSWER: A. 86. During a reactor startup, the reactor is critical at 3,000 counts per second (cps). A control rod is notched out, resulting in a doubling time of 85 seconds. How much time is required for the reactor to reach 888,000 cps? A. 341 seconds B. 483 seconds C. 697 seconds D. 965 seconds ANSWER: C. 87. Reactor power is increased from 50 kW to 370 kW in 2 minutes. Select the doubling time. A. 42 seconds B. 60 seconds C. 86 seconds D. 120 seconds ANSWER: A. 88. During a startup, the reactor is critical at 3000 cps. A control rod is notched out, resulting in a doubling time of 115.2 seconds. Which one of the following is the approximate reactor period? A. 56 seconds B. 80 seconds C. 126 seconds D. 166 seconds ANSWER: D. 89. The moderator temperature coefficient describes a change in _______________ resulting from a change in _______________. A. reactivity; moderator temperature B. Keff; moderator temperature C. moderator temperature; reactivity D. moderator temperature; Keff ANSWER: A. 90. Which one of the following will directly result in a less negative fuel temperature coefficient? (Consider only the effect of the change in the listed parameters.) A. Increase in fuel burnup B. Decrease in fuel temperature C. Increase in void fraction D. Decrease in moderator temperature ANSWER: D. 91. A reactor is currently at end-of-life in its fuel cycle, and it will be refueled next month. In comparison to the current moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), the MTC after refueling will be... A. less negative at all coolant temperatures.
B. more negative at all coolant temperatures. C. less negative below approximately 350 F coolant temperature and more negative above approximately 350 F coolant temperature. D. more negative below approximately 350 F coolant temperature and less negative above approximately 350 F coolant temperature. ANSWER: B. 92. A reactor is operating at full power following a refueling outage. In comparison to the current moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), the MTC just prior to the refueling was... A. more negative below approximately 350 F coolant temperature and less negative above approximately 350 F coolant temperature. B. less negative below approximately 350 F coolant temperature and more negative above approximately 350 F coolant temperature. C. more negative at all coolant temperatures. D. less negative at all coolant temperatures. ANSWER: D. 93. Which one of the following conditions will cause the moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) to become more negative? (Consider only the direct effect of the indicated change on MTC.) A. Control rods are inserted from 50% rod density to 75% rod density. B. Fuel temperature decreases from 1500oF to 1200oF. C. Recirculation flow increases by 10%. D. Moderator temperature decreases from 500oF to 450oF. ANSWER: A. 94. Which one of the following describes the change in the moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) of reactivity over core life? (Assume 100% power for all cases.) A. Control rod withdrawal results in increased thermal neutron utilization, which results in a less negative MTC at end of fuel cycle (EOC). B. Fission product poison buildup results in decreased thermal neutron utilization, which results in a more negative MTC at EOC. C. Burnup of U-235 results in decreased thermal neutron utilization, which results in a more negative MTC at EOC. D. Decreased voiding in the core results in increased thermal neutron utilization, which results in a less negative MTC at EOC. ANSWER: A. 95. The moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity is ____________ negative at end of core life because, over core life, the utilization of thermal neutrons ____________. A. more; decreases B. less; decreases C. more; increases D. less; increases ANSWER: D. 96. Which one of the following describes the net reactivity effect of a decrease in moderator temperature in an undermoderated reactor core? A. Negative reactivity will be added because more thermal neutrons will be captured by the moderator. B. Negative reactivity will be added because more neutron leakage will occur. C. Positive reactivity will be added because less neutron leakage will occur. D. Positive reactivity will be added because less thermal neutrons will be captured by the moderator. ANSWER: C. 97. A reactor is shut down with the reactor vessel head removed for refueling. The core is covered by 23 feet of water with a temperature of 100 F. Which one of the following can both increase and decrease Keff depending on core burnup? A. A spent fuel assembly is removed from the core. B. Refueling water temperature decreases to 95 F. C. A fresh neutron source is installed in the core. D. Movable incore source range instrumentation is repositioned to increase source range count rate. ANSWER: B. 98. Under which one of the following conditions is a reactor core most likely to have a positive moderator temperature coefficient? A. Low coolant temperature at beginning-of-life B. Low coolant temperature at end-of-life C. High coolant temperature at beginning-of-life
o o o o o o o o o o
D. High coolant temperature at end-of-life ANSWER: B. 99. During a reactor vessel cooldown, positive reactivity is added to the core (assuming negative moderator temperature coefficient). This is partially due to... A. Decrease in the thermal utilization factor. B. Increase in the thermal utilization factor. C. Decrease in the resonance escape probability. D. Increase in the resonance escape-probability. ANSWER: D. 100. Which one of the following describes the net reactivity effect of a moderator temperature decrease in an overmoderated reactor core? A. Negative reactivity will be added because more neutron leakage will occur. B. Negative reactivity will be added because more neutrons will be captured by the moderator. C. Positive reactivity will be added because less neutron leakage will occur. D. Positive reactivity will be added because fewer neutrons will be captured by the moderator. ANSWER: B. 101. Which one of the following describes the change in the moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) of reactivity over core life? (Assume 100% power for all cases.) A. MTC becomes less negative because as control rods are withdrawn from the core, the increase in the number of neutrons leaking from the core for a 1 F increase in moderator temperature is smaller. B. MTC becomes less negative because as U-238 depletes, a 1 F increase in moderator temperature results in fewer neutrons escaping resonance capture. C. MTC becomes more negative because as U-235 depletes, a 1 F increase in moderator temperature permits more neutrons to leak out of the core. D. MTC becomes more negative because as fission product poisons build up, the increase in the number of neutrons being absorbed by fission product poisons for a 1 F increase in moderator temperature is larger. ANSWER: A. 102. Which one of the following describes the net reactivity effect of a moderator temperature increase in an overmoderated reactor core? A. Negative reactivity will be added because more neutron leakage will occur. B. Negative reactivity will be added because more neutrons will be captured by the moderator. C. Positive reactivity will be added because less neutron leakage will occur. D. Positive reactivity will be added because fewer neutrons will be captured by the moderator. ANSWER: D. 103. How does control rod withdrawal affect the moderator temperature coefficient in an undermoderated reactor core? A. The initially negative MTC becomes more negative. B. The initially negative MTC becomes less negative. C. The initially positive MTC becomes more positive. D. The initially positive MTC becomes less positive. ANSWER: B. 104. Which one of the following describes the overall core reactivity effect of a moderator temperature increase in an undermoderated reactor core? A. Negative reactivity will be added because more neutrons will be absorbed by U-238 at resonance energies while slowing down. B. Negative reactivity will be added because more neutrons will be captured by the moderator while slowing down. C. Positive reactivity will be added because fewer neutrons will be absorbed by U-238 at resonance energies while slowing down. D. Positive reactivity will be added because fewer neutrons will be captured by the moderator while slowing down. ANSWER: A. 105. Factors that affect resonance absorption of a neutron into a nucleus include... A. kinetic energy of the nucleus, kinetic energy of the neutron, and excitation energy of the nucleus. B. kinetic energy of the neutron, excitation energy of the nucleus, and excitation energy of the neutron. C. excitation energy of the nucleus, excitation energy of the neutron, and kinetic energy of the nucleus. D. excitation energy of the neutron, kinetic energy of the nucleus, and kinetic energy of the neutron. ANSWER: A.
o o o o
As fuel temperature increases, the effective resonant absorption peaks exhibited by U-238 will ______________ in height and will ______________ in width. A. decrease; increase B. decrease; decrease C. increase; increase D. increase; decrease ANSWER: A.
Which one of the following exhibits the smallest microscopic cross section for absorption of a thermal neutron in an operating reactor? A. Uranium-235 B. Uranium-238 C. Samarium-149 D. Xenon-135 ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following contains the pair of nuclides that are the most significant contributors to the total resonance capture in the core near the end of a fuel cycle? A. Pu-239 and U-235 B. Pu-239 and Pu-240 C. U-238 and Pu-240 D. U-238 and Pu-239 ANSWER: C.
A reactor plant is operating at 70% power. Which one of the following will result in a less negative fuel temperature coefficient? (Consider only the direct effect of the change in each listed parameter.) A. Increase in Pu-240 inventory in the core B. Increase in moderator temperature C. Increase in fuel temperature D. Increase in void fraction ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following is a characteristic of Doppler broadening? A. As reactor coolant temperature increases, less moderator molecules will be present in the core to thermalize neutrons. B. As reactor fuel temperature increases, neutrons from a wider energy spectrum will be captured in the fuel. C. As moderator void percentage increases, neutrons will travel farther in the core before being absorbed or scattered. D. As control rods are withdrawn, additional reactor fuel will be exposed and result in a power increase. ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following isotopes is the most significant contributor to resonance capture of fission neutrons in the reactor core at the beginning of core life? A. U-238 B. U-233 C. Pu-240 D. Pu-239 ANSWER: A.
Which one of the following isotopes is the most significant contributor to resonance capture of fission neutrons in the reactor core at the end of a fuel cycle? A. U-235 B. U-238 C. Pu-239 D. Pu-240 ANSWER: B.
Refer to the drawing of a curve showing the neutron absorption characteristics of a typical U-238 nucleus at resonance neutron energy (see figure below). The associated reactor is currently operating at steady-state 80% power. During a subsequent reactor power decrease to 70%, the curve will become ________; and the percentage of the core neutron population lost to resonance capture by U-238 will ________. A. taller and more narrow; decrease B. taller and more narrow; increase C. shorter and broader; decrease D. shorter and broader; increase ANSWER: A.
Refer to the drawing of microscopic cross section for absorption versus neutron energy for a resonance peak in U-238 in a reactor operating at 80% power (see figure below). If reactor power is decreased to 60%, the height of the curve will _________ and the area under the curve will _________. A. increase; increase B. increase; remain the same C. decrease; decrease D. decrease; remain the same ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following pairs of isotopes is responsible for the negative reactivity associated with a fuel temperature increase near the end of core life? A. U-235 and Pu-239 B. U-235 and Pu-240 C. U-238 and Pu-239 D. U-238 and Pu-240 ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following describes how the magnitude of the Doppler coefficient of reactivity is affected over core life? A. It becomes more negative due to the buildup of Pu-240. B. It becomes less negative due to the buildup of fission products. C. It becomes more negative initially due to gadolinium burnout, then less negative due to fuel depletion. D. It remains essentially constant. ANSWER: A.
Compared to beginning of core life, the Doppler coefficient of reactivity is ____________ negative at end of core life due to ____________. (Assume the same initial fuel temperature.) A. less; depletion of U-238 B. more; burnout of gadolinium C. less; buildup of fission products D. more; buildup of Pu-240 ANSWER: D.
Compared to operating at a low power level, the fuel temperature (Doppler) coefficient of reactivity at a high power level is ____________ negative due to ____________. (Assume the same core age.) A. less; buildup of fission product poisons B. more; improved pellet-to-clad heat transfer C. less; higher fuel temperature D. more; increased neutron flux ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following contains the nuclides responsible for most of the resonance capture of fission neutrons in the core at the beginning of the sixth fuel cycle? (Assume that each refueling replaces one-third of the fuel.) A. U-235 and Pu-239 B. U-235 and U-238 C. U-238 and Pu-240 D. U-238 and Pu-239 ANSWER: C.
Refer to the drawing of microscopic cross section for absorption versus neutron energy for a resonance peak in U-238 (see figure below). If fuel temperature increases, the area under the curve will ___________ and negative reactivity will be added to the core because ____________. A. increase; neutrons of a wider range of energies will be absorbed by U-238 B. increase; more neutrons will be absorbed by U-238 at the resonance neutron energy C. remain the same; neutrons of a wider range of energies will be absorbed by U-238 D. remain the same; more neutrons will be absorbed by U-238 at the resonance neutron energy ANSWER: C.
The fuel temperature (Doppler) coefficient of reactivity is more negative at the ____________ of a fuel cycle because ________________. (Assume the same initial fuel temperature throughout the fuel cycle.) A. end; more Pu-240 is in the core B. end; more fission products are in the core C. beginning; more U-238 is in the core D. beginning; less fission products are in the core ANSWER: A.
Refer to the drawing of microscopic cross section for absorption versus neutron energy for a 6.7 electron volt (ev) resonance peak in U-238 for a reactor operating at 50% power (see figure below). If fuel temperature decreases by 50 oF, the area under the curve will ___________ and positive reactivity will be added to the core because ____________. A. decrease; fewer neutrons will be absorbed by U-238 overall B. decrease; fewer 6.7 ev neutrons will be absorbed by U-238 at the resonance energy C. remain the same; fewer neutrons will be absorbed by U-238 overall D. remain the same; fewer 6.7 ev neutrons will be absorbed by U-238 at the resonance energy ANSWER: C.
Refer to the drawing of microscopic cross section for absorption versus neutron energy for a resonance peak in U-238 in a reactor operating at 80% power (see figure below). If reactor power is increased to 100%, the height of the curve will _________ and the area under the curve will _________. A. increase; increase B. increase; remain the same C. decrease; decrease D. decrease; remain the same ANSWER: D
Which one of the following will cause the void coefficient to become less negative? (Consider only the indicated changes.) A. Core void fraction increases. B. Fuel temperature decreases. C. Gadolinium burns out. D. Control rods are partially inserted. ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following is the primary reason the void coefficient becomes less negative with core burnup toward the end of core life? A. The thermal neutron flux increases. B. The thermal diffusion length decreases. C. The fuel centerline temperature increases. D. The control rod density decreases. ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following describes why most reactor power is produced in the lower half of a core (versus the upper half) that has been operating at 100% power for several weeks at the beginning of a fuel cycle? A. Xenon concentration is higher in the upper half of the core. B. The moderator-to-fuel ratio is higher in the upper half of the core. C. The void coefficient is adding more negative reactivity in the upper half of the core. D. Control rods are adding more negative reactivity in the upper half of the core. ANSWER: C.
Assume a BWR plant is at 20% power. Power is increased to 30% by control rod withdrawal. Which one of the following statements describes the change in void fraction? A. Void fraction initially decreases, and then linearly increases with rod worth increase. B. Void fraction increases. C. Void fraction decreases. D. Void fraction remains the same. ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following describes how and why the void coefficient changes as void fraction increases during a control rod withdrawal at power? A. Becomes more negative due to a greater fractional loss of moderator for a 1% void increase at higher void fractions B. Becomes more negative due to the reduction in the fast fission contribution to the neutron population C. Becomes less negative due to a greater fraction of neutrons lost to leakage from the core D. Becomes less negative due to the increased absorption of neutrons by U-238 ANSWER: A.
A reactor has been shut down for a shift and shutdown cooling is in service. Upon a loss of cooling water to the shutdown cooling heat exchangers, which of the following coefficients of reactivity will act first to change core reactivity? (Assume continued forced circulation through the core.) A. Moderator temperature coefficient B. Doppler coefficient C. Void coefficient D. Pressure coefficient ANSWER: A.
During a hot reactor startup with the reactor coolant at 520F, excessive rod withdrawal results in a 10 second reactor period with reactor power low in the intermediate range. Without any further operator action, the ______________ coefficient will respond first to reduce the rate of the power increase. A. pressure B. void C. moderator D. Doppler ANSWER: D.
For a normal reactor power increase from 20% to 100%, the smallest change in negative reactivity at steady-state conditions will be caused by... A. void content. B. fuel temperature. C. xenon concentration. D. moderator temperature. ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following lists the moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), fuel temperature coefficient (FTC), and void coefficient (VC) in typical order of magnitude from most negative to least negative at 50% power at the middle of core life? A. FTC, VC, MTC B. FTC, MTC, VC C. VC, MTC, FTC D. VC, FTC, MTC ANSWER: C.
During a normal power decrease from 100% to 20%, the smallest positive reactivity addition will be caused by the change in... A. void percentage. B. fuel temperature. C. xenon concentration. D. moderator temperature. ANSWER: D.
Rod position indications indicate that a control rod is at position 16. When the control rod is moved to position 22, it is being... A. inserted 18 inches. B. withdrawn 18 inches. C. inserted 36 inches. D. withdrawn 36 inches. ANSWER: B.
A core consists of fuel bundles and control rods that are 12 feet in length. A new rod position is indicated for every 3 inches of rod motion. If a control rod is inserted 75% into the core, it will be located at rod position... A. 9. B. 12. C. 27. D. 36. ANSWER: B.
Rod position indication shows that a control rod is at position 22. If the control rod is then moved to position 12, it is being... A. Inserted 30 inches. B. withdrawn 30 inches. C. inserted 60 inches. D. withdrawn 60 inches. ANSWER: A.
A group of control rods, initially at position 06 are withdrawn three notches. After withdrawal, this group of rods is classified as ___________ rods; and the blade tips for this group of rods are positioned 36 inches from the __________ of the reactor core. A. shallow; top B. shallow; bottom C. deep; top D. deep; bottom ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following materials is used in control rods primarily for thermal neutron absorption? A. B-10. B. C-12. C. Xe-135. D. U-235. ANSWER: A.
The reverse power effect (or reverse reactivity effect) occasionally observed when a shallow control rod is withdrawn one or two notches is due to a relatively... A. small local power decrease due to increased local Doppler effects. B. small local power decrease due to the shadowing effect of nearby control rods. C. large local power increase being offset by a void-related power decrease. D. large local power increase being offset by a moderator temperature-related power decrease. ANSWER: C.
Withdrawal of a deep control rod will significantly affect which one of the following? A. Axial flux shape B. Rod shadowing C. Radial power distribution D. Reverse power effect ANSWER: C.
A reactor is operating at steady-state 50% power. A control rod is inserted a short distance (from 08 to 02 notches). Assuming that recirculation flow remains constant, reactor power will... A. increase and stabilize at a higher value. B. increase temporarily, then return to the original value. C. decrease and stabilize at a lower value. D. decrease temporarily, then return to the original value. ANSWER: C.
A reactor is critical below the point of adding heat. If control rods are manually inserted for 5 seconds, reactor power will decrease... A. to a shutdown power level determined by subcritical multiplication. B. temporarily, then return to the original value due to the resulting decrease in moderator temperature. C. until inherent positive reactivity feedback causes the reactor to become critical at a lower neutron level. D. temporarily, then returns to the original value due to subcritical multiplication. ANSWER: A.
A reactor is exactly critical below the point of adding heat (POAH) during a normal reactor startup. If a control rod is manually withdrawn for 5 seconds, reactor power will... A. increase to a stable critical power level below the POAH. B. increase temporarily, then decrease and stabilize at the original value. C. increase to a stable critical power level at the POAH. D. increase temporarily, then decrease and stabilize below the original value. ANSWER: C.
A reactor has been shut down for three weeks with all control rods fully inserted. If a center control rod is fully withdrawn from the core, neutron population will: (Assume the reactor remains subcritical.) A. remain the same. B. increase and stabilize at a new higher level. C. increase temporarily then return to the original value. D. increase exponentially until the operator inserts the control rod. ANSWER: B.
A reactor is exactly critical at the point of adding heat during a reactor startup. Reactor pressure is stable at 600 psig and main steam isolation valves are open. Then, control rods are manually withdrawn for 5 seconds. Assuming the reactor does not scram, when conditions stabilize, reactor power will be __________ and reactor vessel temperature will be __________. A. the same; the same B. the same; higher C. higher; the same D. higher; higher ANSWER: D.
A reactor has been shut down for three weeks with all control rods fully inserted. If a center control rod is fully and continuously withdrawn from the core, neutron population will: (Assume the reactor remains subcritical.) A. increase and stabilize above the original level. B. increase, then decrease and stabilize at the original level. C. increase, then decrease and stabilize above the original level. D. remain the same during and after the withdrawal. ANSWER: A.
A reactor is critical below the point of adding heat (POAH) during a hot reactor startup in the middle of a fuel cycle. Control rods are withdrawn for 20 seconds to establish a positive 30- second reactor period. Reactor power will increase... A. continuously until control rods are reinserted. B. and stabilize at a value slightly below the POAH. C. temporarily, and then stabilize at the original value. D. and stabilize at a value equal to or above the POAH. ANSWER: D.
A reactor is operating at equilibrium 20% power. Then reactor power is increased to 40%. As compared to operating conditions at 20%, when the plant stabilizes at 40% power, reactor vessel pressure will be _____________ and reactor vessel water temperature will be _____________. A. the same; the same B. the same; higher C. higher; the same D. higher; higher ANSWER: D.
A reactor is operating steady state at the point of adding heat (POAH) during a reactor startup near the beginning of core life. Reactor pressure is stable at 600 psig and main steam isolation valves are closed (no steam flow from reactor). If a control rod is manually inserted for 5 seconds, and the reactor does not scram, when conditions stabilize, reactor power will be __________ and reactor vessel pressure will be __________. A. at the POAH; 600 psig B. at the POAH; less than 600 psig C. less than the POAH; 600 psig D. less than the POAH; less than 600 psig ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following isotopes is the most significant contributor to resonance capture of fission neutrons in the reactor core at the end of a fuel cycle? A. U-235 B. U-238 C. Pu-239 D. Pu-240 ANSWER: B.
Criticality has been achieved during a xenon-free reactor startup. The core neutron flux level is low in the intermediate range and a stable positive 60-second reactor period has been established. The operator begins inserting control rods in an effort to stabilize the core neutron flux level near its current value. The operator stops inserting control rods exactly when the reactor period indicates infinity. Immediately after the operator stops inserting the control rods, the reactor period will become ____________ ; then the core neutron flux level will _______________. A. positive; increase exponentially B. positive; increase linearly C. negative; decrease exponentially D. negative; decrease linearly ANSWER: A.
Rod density is a measure of the total number of control rod notches _______ the core divided by the total number of control rod notches _______ the core. A. inserted into; available in B. inserted into; withdrawn from C. withdrawn from; available in D. withdrawn from; inserted into ANSWER: A.
How is control rod density affected as control rods are inserted during a reactor shutdown? A. Increases continuously during rod insertion B. Decreases continuously during rod insertion C. Increases initially, then decreases after 50% of the rods are inserted D. Decreases initially, then increases after 50% of the rods are inserted ANSWER: A.
Rod density is a measure of the... A. percentage of control rods inserted into the core. B. percentage of control rods withdrawn from the core. C. number of control rods fully inserted divided by the number of control rods fully withdrawn. D. number of control rods fully withdrawn divided by the number of control rods fully inserted. ANSWER: A.
During a reactor startup, as control rods are being withdrawn, control rod density... A. decreases until 50% of the rods are withdrawn, then increases. B. increases until 50% of the rods are withdrawn, then decreases. C. decreases whenever any of the rods are withdrawn. D. increases whenever any of the rods are withdrawn. ANSWER: C.
A control rod is positioned in a reactor with the following neutron flux parameters: 12 Core average thermal neutron flux = 1 x 10 n/cm2-sec 12 Control rod tip thermal neutron flux = 5 x 10 n/cm2-sec If the control rod is slightly withdrawn such that the control rod tip is located in a thermal neutron flux of 1 x 1013 n/cm2-sec, then the differential control rod worth will increase by a factor of _______. (Assume the core average thermal neutron flux is constant.) A. 0.5 B. 1.4 C. 2.0 D. 4.0 ANSWER: D.
The total amount of reactivity added by a control rod position change from a reference point to any other rod height is called... A. differential rod worth. B. excess reactivity. C. integral rod worth. D. reference reactivity. ANSWER: C.
A control rod is positioned in a reactor with the following neutron flux parameters: 12 Core average thermal neutron flux = 1 x 10 n/cm2-sec 12 Control rod tip thermal neutron flux = 5 x 10 n/cm2-sec If the control rod is slightly inserted such that the control rod tip is located in a thermal neutron flux of 1 x 1013 n/cm2-sec, then the differential control rod worth will increase by a factor of _______. (Assume the average flux is constant.) A. 2 B. 4 C. 10 D. 100 ANSWER: B.
As a control rod is withdrawn from notch position 00 to notch position 48, the absolute value of integral rod worth will... A. decrease, then increase. B. increase, then decrease. C. decrease continuously. D. increase continuously. ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following expresses the relationship between differential rod worth (DRW) and integral rod worth (IRW)? A. IRW is the slope of the DRW curve. B. IRW is the inverse of the DRW curve. C. IRW is the sum of the DRWs between the initial and final control rod positions. D. IRW is the sum of the DRWs of all control rods at any specific control rod position. ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following expresses the relationship between differential rod worth (DRW) and integral rod worth (IRW)? A. DRW is the area under the IRW curve at a given rod position. B. DRW is the slope of the IRW curve at a given rod position. C. DRW is the IRW at a given rod position. D. DRW is the square root of the IRW at a given rod position. ANSWER: B.
A control rod is positioned in a reactor with the following neutron flux parameters: 12 Core average thermal neutron flux = 1.0 x 10 n/cm2-sec 12 Control rod tip thermal neutron flux = 4.0 x 10 n/cm2-sec If the control rod is slightly inserted such that the control rod tip is located in a thermal neutron flux of 1.2 x 1013 n/cm2-sec, then the differential control rod worth will be increased by a factor of _______. (Assume the core average thermal neutron flux is constant.) A. 1/3 B. 3 C. 9 D. 27 ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following describes the change in magnitude (absolute value) of integral rod worth during the complete withdrawal of a fully-inserted control rod? A. Increases, then decreases B. Decreases, then increases C. Increases continuously D. Decreases continuously ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following describes the change in magnitude (absolute value) of differential control rod worth during the complete withdrawal of a fully-inserted control rod? A. Increases, then decreases B. Decreases, then increases C. Increases continuously D. Decreases continuously ANSWER: A.
Which one of the following parameters typically has the greatest influence on the shape of a differential rod worth curve? A. Core radial neutron flux distribution B. Core axial neutron flux distribution C. Core xenon distribution D. Burnable poison distribution ANSWER: B.
A control rod is positioned in a reactor with the following neutron flux parameters: 12 Core average thermal neutron flux = 1.0 x 10 n/cm2-sec 12 Control rod tip thermal neutron flux = 4.0 x 10 n/cm2-sec If the control rod is slightly inserted such that the control rod tip is located in a thermal neutron flux of 1.6 x 1013 n/cm2-sec, then the differential control rod worth will increase by a factor of _______. (Assume the core average thermal neutron flux is constant.) A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16 ANSWER: D.
Integral rod worth is the... A. change in reactivity per unit change in rod position. B. rod worth associated with the most reactive control rod. C. change in worth of a control rod per unit change in reactor power. D. reactivity added by moving a control rod from a reference point to another point. ANSWER: D.
Integral rod worth is the... A. change in reactivity per unit change in rod position. B. reactivity inserted by moving a control rod from a reference position to another position. C. change in worth of a control rod per unit change in reactor power. D. rod worth associated with the most reactive control rod. ANSWER: B.
During normal full power operation, the differential control rod worth is small near the top and bottom of the core compared to the center regions due to the effects of... A. fuel enrichment. B. neutron flux distribution. C. xenon concentration. D. fuel temperature distribution. ANSWER: B.
A reactor is operating at steady-state 50% power at the end of core life with all control systems in manual. The radial power distribution is symmetric and peaked in the center of the core, and the axial power distribution peak is slightly below the core mid-plane. The tip of the most centrally-located control rod is currently located at the core midplane. The control rod is constructed of a homogeneous neutron absorber and the active neutron absorber length is exactly as long as the adjacent fuel assembly. The rod is manually inserted fully into the core, no other operator action is taken, and reactor power stabilizes at 42%. If, instead, the control rod had been withdrawn fully from its core midplane position, the reactor would have experienced... A. a larger absolute change in integral control rod reactivity. B. a smaller absolute change in integral control rod reactivity. C. a larger absolute change in reactor shutdown margin. D. a smaller absolute change in reactor shutdown margin. ANSWER: A.
Which one of the following statements describes how changes in core parameters affect control rod worth (CRW)? A. CRW decreases when the temperature of the fuel decreases. B. CRW increases with an increase in voids. C. CRW increases with an increase in fast neutron flux. D. CRW decreases when approaching end of core life. ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following conditions will cause the associated individual control rod worth(s) to become more negative? A. During a small power change, fuel temperature increases. B. With the reactor shut down, reactor coolant temperature increases from 100 F to 200 F. C. During a small power change, the percentage of voids increases. D. During a control pattern adjust, the local thermal neutron flux surrounding a control rod decreases while the core average thermal neutron flux remains the same. ANSWER: B.
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If the void fraction surrounding centrally located fuel bundles decreases, the worth of the associated control rod(s) will... A. increase, because the average neutron energy in the area of the affected control rod(s) increases. B. increase, because less neutrons are resonantly absorbed in the fuel while they are being thermalized, resulting in more thermal neutrons available to be absorbed by the affected control rod(s). C. decrease, because the diffusion length of the thermal neutrons decreases, resulting in fewer thermal neutrons reaching the affected control rod(s). D. decrease, because neutrons will experience a shorter slowing down length, resulting in a larger fraction of thermal neutrons being absorbed by the fuel and less thermal neutrons available to be absorbed by the affected control rod(s). ANSWER: B.
As moderator temperature increases, the magnitude of differential rod worth will... A. increase due to longer neutron migration length. B. decrease due to reduced moderation of neutrons. C. increase due to decreased resonance absorption of neutrons. D. decrease due to decreased moderator absorption of neutrons.
ANSWER: A. 175. The reactor is operating at 85% power with control rod X-Y inserted 20%. Which one of the following will cause the differential control rod worth of control rod X-Y to become more negative? (Assume that control rod X-Y remains 20% inserted for each case.) A. Core Xe-135 builds up in the lower half of the core. B. An adjacent control rod is fully withdrawn from the core. C. Reactor vessel pressure drifts from 900 psig to 880 psig. D. Fuel temperature increases as fission product gases accumulate in nearby fuel rods. ANSWER: B. 176. If the void fraction surrounding several centrally located fuel bundles increases, the worth of the associated control rod(s) will... A. decrease, because the average neutron energy in the fuel bundles decreases, resulting in fewer neutrons traveling from within the fuel bundles to the affected control rod(s). B. decrease, because more neutrons are resonantly absorbed in the fuel while they are being thermalized, resulting in fewer thermal neutrons available to be absorbed by the affected control rod(s). C. increase, because the diffusion length of the thermal neutrons increases, resulting in more thermal neutrons traveling from within the fuel bundles to the affected control rod(s). D. increase, because neutrons will experience a longer slowing down length, resulting in a smaller fraction of thermal neutrons being absorbed by the fuel and more thermal neutrons available to be absorbed by the affected control rod(s). ANSWER: B. 177. Which one of the following is a reason for flux shaping? A. To minimize the worth of individual control rods by evenly distributing the flux radially B. To reduce the reverse power effect during rod withdrawal by peaking the flux at the top of the core C. To equalize control rod drive mechanism wear and control rod blade neutron burnout D. To increase the effectiveness of power control rods by peaking the flux at the bottom of the core ANSWER: A. 178. Neutron flux shaping within a reactor core is designed to... A. prevent the effects of rod shadowing during control rod motion. B. generate more power in the top portion of the core early in core life. C. ensure that local core thermal power limits are not exceeded. D. minimize the reverse power effect during control rod motion. ANSWER: C. 179. Which one of the following is a reason for neutron flux shaping? A. To minimize local power peaking by more evenly distributing the core thermal neutron flux B. To reduce the reverse power effect during rod withdrawal by peaking the thermal neutron flux at the top of the core C. To equalize control rod drive mechanism wear and control rod blade thermal neutron burnout D. To increase control rod worth by peaking the thermal neutron flux at the bottom of the core ANSWER: A. 180. The primary purpose for performing control rod program changes is to... A. evenly burn up the fuel. B. evenly burn up the control rods. C. reduce excessive localized reactor vessel neutron irradiation. D. reduce control rod shadowing. ANSWER: A. 181. Which one of the following is a reason for neutron flux shaping in a reactor core? A. To minimize local power peaking by more evenly distributing the core thermal neutron flux B. To reduce thermal neutron leakage by decreasing the neutron flux at the edge of the reactor core C. To reduce the size and number of control rods needed to shutdown the reactor following a reactor scram D. To increase control rod worth by peaking the thermal neutron flux at the top of the reactor core ANSWER: 182. The main reason for designing and operating a reactor with a flattened neutron flux distribution is to A. provide even burnup of control rods. B. reduce neutron leakage from the core. C. allow a higher average power density. D. provide more accurate nuclear power indication.
ANSWER: C. 183. A control rod located at notch position ________ in the core would be considered a _______________ control rod. A. 36; deep B. 36; intermediate C. 12; intermediate D. 12; deep ANSWER: D. 184. A reactor is operating at equilibrium full power when a single control rod fully inserts (from the fully withdrawn position). Reactor power is returned to full power with the control rod still fully inserted. Compared to the initial axial neutron flux shape, the current flux shape will have a... A. minor distortion, because a fully inserted control rod has zero reactivity worth. B. minor distortion, because the fully inserted control rod is an axially uniform poison. C. major distortion, because the upper and lower core halves are loosely coupled. D. major distortion, because power production along the length of the rod drastically decreases. ANSWER: B. 185. Which one of the following control rods, when repositioned, will have the largest effect on axial flux shape? A. Deep rods at the center of the core B. Deep rods at the periphery of the core C. Shallow rods at the center of the core D Shallow rods at the periphery of the core ANSWER: C. 186. During reactor power operations, the axial neutron flux shape is affected most by withdrawal of __________ control rods and the radial neutron flux shape is affected most by withdrawal of __________ control rods. A. shallow; shallow B. deep; shallow C. shallow; deep D. deep; deep ANSWER: C 187. Which one of the following control rods, if withdrawn two notches, typically will have the greatest effect on radial neutron flux shape? A. Shallow rod B. Deep rod C. Peripheral rod D. Intermediate rod ANSWER: B. 188. A reactor is operating at 60% power with thermal neutron flux peaked in the bottom half of the core. Partial withdrawal of a deep control rod will generally affect total (versus local) core power because ____________ is relatively high in the area of withdrawal. A. fuel enrichment B. thermal neutron flux C. void content D. moderator temperature ANSWER: C. 189. Which one of the following control rods, when repositioned by 2 notches, will have the smallest effect on axial flux shape? A. Deep rods at the center of the core B. Deep rods at the periphery of the core C. Shallow rods at the center of the core D Shallow rods at the periphery of the core ANSWER: 190. A reactor is operating at 50% power at the beginning of a fuel cycle. Assuming the reactor does not scram, which one of the following compares the effects of dropping a deep control rod to the effects of dropping the same control rod if it is shallow? A. Dropping a deep control rod causes a greater change in shutdown margin. B. Dropping a deep control rod causes a smaller change in shutdown margin. C. Dropping a deep control rod causes a greater change in axial power distribution. D. Dropping a deep control rod causes a greater change in radial power distribution. ANSWER: D.
Fission fragments or daughters that have a substantial neutron absorption cross section and are not fissionable are called... A. fissile materials. B. fission product poisons. C. fissionable nuclides. D. burnable poisons. ANSWER: B.
A fission product poison can be differentiated from all other fission products because a fission product poison... A. has a higher microscopic cross section for thermal neutron capture. B. has a longer half-life. C. is produced in a greater percentage of thermal fissions. D. is formed as a gas and is contained in the fuel pellets. ANSWER: A.
Fission product poisons can be differentiated from other fission products in that fission product poisons... A. have a longer half-life. B. are stronger absorbers of thermal neutrons. C. are produced in a larger percentage of fissions. D. have a higher fission cross section for thermal neutrons. ANSWER: B.
A fission product poison can be differentiated from all other fission products in that a fission product poison will... A. be produced in direct proportion to the fission rate in the core. B. remain radioactive for thousands of years after the final reactor criticality. C. depress the power production in some core locations and cause peaking in others. D. migrate out of the fuel pellets and into the reactor coolant via pinhole defects in the clad. ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following lists the proper order of substances from the largest to the smallest microscopic cross sections for absorption of thermal neutrons? A. Gadolinium, U-235, Xe-135, U-238 B. Gadolinium, Xe-135, U-235, U-238 C. Xe-135, U-235, gadolinium, U-238 D. Xe-135, gadolinium, U-235, U-238 ANSWER: D.
Compared to other poisons in the core, the two characteristics that cause Xe-135 to be a major reactor poison are its relatively _________ absorption cross section and its relatively _________ variation in concentration for large reactor power changes. A. small; large B. small; small C. large; small D. large; large ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following is a characteristic of xenon-135 in a reactor core? A. Thermal neutron flux level affects both the production and removal of xenon-135. B. Thermal neutrons interact with xenon-135 primarily through scattering reactions. C. Xenon-135 is primarily a resonant absorber of epithermal neutrons. D. Xenon-135 is produced from the radioactive decay of barium-135. ANSWER: A.
Which one of the following exhibits the greatest microscopic cross section for absorption of a thermal neutron in an operating reactor? A. Uranium-235 B. Uranium-238 C. Plutonium-239 D. Xenon-135 ANSWER: D.
Which one of the following exhibits the greatest microscopic cross section for absorption of a thermal neutron in an operating reactor core? A. Uranium-235 B. Boron-10 C. Samarium-149 D. Xenon-135 ANSWER: D.
200. Reactors A and B are operating at steady-state 100% power with equilibrium core Xe-135. The reactors are identical except that reactor A is operating at end of core life (EOL) and reactor B is operating at beginning of core life (BOL). Which reactor has the smaller concentration of core Xe-135? A. Reactor A (EOL) due to the smaller 100% power thermal neutron flux B. Reactor A (EOL) due to the larger 100% power thermal neutron flux C. Reactor B (BOL) due to the smaller 100% power thermal neutron flux D. Reactor B (BOL) due to the larger 100% power thermal neutron flux ANSWER: B. 201. The major contributor to the production of Xe-135 in a reactor that has been operating at full power for 2 weeks is... A. the radioactive decay of iodine. B. the radioactive decay of promethium. C. direct production from fission of U-235. D. direct production from fission of U-238. ANSWER: A. 202. Xenon-135 is produced in the reactor by two methods. One is directly from fission; the other is from the decay of... A. xenon-136. B. iodine-135. C. cesium-135. D. barium-135. ANSWER: B. 203. A reactor has been operating at full power for several weeks. Xenon-135 is being directly produced as a fission product in approximately _________% of all fissions. A. 100% B. 30% C. 3% D. 0.3% ANSWER: D. 204. Which one of the following lists the production mechanisms of Xe-135 in an operating power reactor? A. Primarily from fission, secondarily from iodine decay B. Primarily from fission, secondarily from promethium decay C. Primarily from iodine decay, secondarily from fission D. Primarily from promethium decay, secondarily from fission ANSWER: C. 205. Reactors A and B are operating at steady-state 100% power with equilibrium core Xe-135. The reactors are identical except that reactor A is operating at the end of core life (EOL) and reactor B is operating at the beginning of core life (BOL). Which reactor has the greater concentration of core Xe-135? A. Reactor A (EOL) due to the smaller 100% power thermal neutron flux B. Reactor A (EOL) due to the larger 100% power thermal neutron flux C. Reactor B (BOL) due to the smaller 100% power thermal neutron flux D. Reactor B (BOL) due to the larger 100% power thermal neutron flux ANSWER: C. 206. Which one of the following describes the change in core xenon-135 concentration immediately following a power increase from equilibrium conditions? A. Initially decrease due to the decreased rate of xenon-135 production from fission. B. Initially decrease due to the increased rate of thermal neutron absorption by xenon-135. C. Initially increase due to the increased rate of xenon-135 production from fission. D. Initially increase due to the decreased rate of thermal neutron absorption by xenon-135. ANSWER: B.
The two methods of Xe-135 removal from a reactor operating at full power are... A. gamma decay and beta decay. B. neutron absorption and fission. C. fission and gamma decay. D. beta decay and neutron absorption. ANSWER: D.
208. Xenon-135 undergoes radioactive decay to... A. iodine-135. B. cesium-135. C. tellurium-135. D. lanthanum-135. ANSWER: B. 209. Reactor power is increased from 50% to 60% in 1 hour. The most significant contributor to the initial change in xenon reactivity is the increase in xenon... A. production from iodine decay. B. production from fission. C. absorption of neutrons. D. decay to cesium. ANSWER: C. 210. Which one of the following values is the approximate half-life of Xe-135? A. 19 seconds B. 6.6 hours C. 9.1 hours D. 30 hours ANSWER: C. 211. Which one of the following describes the primary method of xenon-135 removal at the indicated steady state power level? A. Decay of xenon-135 to cesium-135 at full power B. Decay of xenon-135 to iodine-135 at the point of adding heat C. Absorption of neutrons by xenon-135 at the point of adding heat D. Absorption of neutrons by xenon-135 at full power ANSWER: D. 212. A nuclear plant has been operating at 100% power for several months. Which one of the following describes the relative contributions of beta decay and neutron capture to Xe-135 removal from the reactor core? A. Beta decay and neutron capture contribute equally B. Primary - beta decay; secondary - neutron capture C. Primary - neutron capture; secondary - beta decay D. Not enough information given to make a comparison ANSWER: C. 213. A reactor has been operating at 50% power for one week when power is ramped in 4 hours to 100%. Which one of the following describes the new equilibrium xenon concentration? A. Twice the 50% value B. Less than twice the 50% value C. More than twice the 50% value D. Remains the same because it is independent of power ANSWER: B. 214. Following a two-week shutdown, a reactor is taken critical and ramped to full power in 6 hours. How long will it take to achieve an equilibrium xenon condition after the reactor reaches full power? A. 70 to 80 hours B. 40 to 50 hours C. 8 to 10 hours D. 1 to 2 hours ANSWER: B.
A nuclear reactor has been operating at 100% power for one week when power is ramped in 4 hours to 50%. Which one of the following describes the new equilibrium core xenon-135 concentration? A. Remains the same because it is independent of power B. More than one-half the 100% value C. Less than one-half the 100% value D. One-half the 100% value ANSWER: B.
A reactor has been operating at 25% power for 24 hours following a 2-hour power reduction from steady-state full power. Which one of the following describes the current status of core xenon-135 concentration? A. At equilibrium B. Decreasing toward an upturn C. Decreasing toward an equilibrium value D. Increasing toward a peak value ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following indicates that core Xe-135 is in equilibrium? A. Xe-135 is being removed equally by neutron capture and decay. B. The reactor has been operated at a steady-state power level for five days. C. Xe-135 is being produced equally by fission and I-135 decay. D. The reactor is currently operating at 100% power. ANSWER: B.
A reactor was operating for 42 weeks at a stable reduced power level when a reactor scram occurred. The reactor was returned to critical after 12 hours and then ramped to 60% power in 6 hours. How much time at steady state 60% power will be required to reach equilibrium core xenon-135? A. 20 to 30 hours B. 40 to 50 hours C. 70 to 80 hours D. 90 to 100 hours ANSWER: B.
A reactor has been operating at a steady-state power level for 15 hours following a rapid power reduction from 100% to 80%. Which one of the following describes the current core xenon concentration? A. Increasing toward equilibrium B. Decreasing toward equilibrium C. Increasing toward a peak D. Decreasing toward a valley ANSWER: B.
220. Which one of the following indicates that core Xe-135 is in equilibrium? A. Xe-135 production and removal rates are momentarily equal five hours after a power increase. B. A reactor has been operated at 80% power for five days. C. Xe-135 is being produced equally by fission and I-135 decay. D. A reactor is currently operating at 100% power. ANSWER: B. 221. Reactors A and B are operating at steady-state 100% power with equilibrium core Xe-135. The reactors are identical except that reactor A is operating near the end of core life and reactor B is operating near the beginning of core life. Which reactor is experiencing the most negative reactivity from equilibrium core Xe 135? A. Reactor A due to a greater concentration of equilibrium core Xe-135 B. Reactor A due to lower competition from the fuel for thermal neutrons C. Reactor B due to a greater thermal neutron flux in the core D. Reactor B due to a smaller accumulation of stable fission product poisons ANSWER: B. 222. A reactor has been operating at 50% power for one week when power is ramped over 4 hours to 100% power. How will the core xenon-135 concentration respond? A. Decrease, and then build up to a higher equilibrium concentration B. Increase, and then build up to a higher equilibrium concentration C. Decrease, and then return to the same equilibrium concentration D. Increase, and then return to the same equilibrium concentration ANSWER: A.
A reactor has been operating at 75% power for one week when power is decreased to 50% over a 1 hour period. Which one of the following statements explains how xenon concentration will initially change? A. Decreases, because the xenon production rate from fission has decreased B. Increases, because of the reduced rate of xenon burnout C. Decreases, because the rate of xenon decay exceeds the rate of production from fission D. Increases, because the concentration of iodine-135 increases ANSWER: B.
A reactor has been operating at 100% power for two weeks when power is reduced to 50% in 1 hour. How will the amount of core xenon change over the next 24 hours? A. Increase and stabilize at a new higher value B. Increase initially, then decrease and stabilize at a lower value C. Decrease and stabilize at a new lower value D. Decrease initially, then increase and stabilize at a higher value ANSWER: B.
A reactor has been operating at 100% power for two weeks when power is decreased to 10% in 1 hour. Immediately following the power decrease, core xenon-135 concentration will ____________ for a period of ____________. A. decrease; 4 to 6 hours B. increase; 4 to 6 hours C. decrease; 8 to 11 hours D. increase; 8 to 11 hours ANSWER: D.
A reactor has been operating at a steady-state power level for 15 hours following a rapid power reduction from 100% to 50%. Which one of the following describes the current core xenon-135 concentration? A. Increasing toward a peak B. Decreasing toward an upturn C. Increasing toward equilibrium D. Decreasing toward equilibrium ANSWER: D.
A reactor has been operating at 70% power for 26 hours following a one-hour power reduction from steady-state 100% power. Which one of the following describes the current core xenon-135 concentration? A. Increasing toward a peak B. Decreasing toward an upturn C. Decreasing toward equilibrium D. At equilibrium ANSWER: C.
A reactor has been operating at steady-state 50% power for 12 hours following a one-hour power reduction from steady-state 100% power. Which one of the following describes the current core xenon-135 concentration? A. Increasing toward a peak B. Decreasing toward an upturn C. Increasing toward equilibrium D. Decreasing toward equilibrium ANSWER: D.
A reactor has been operating at steady-state 30% power for 3 hours following a one-hour power reduction from steady-state 100% power. Which one of the following describes the current core xenon-135 concentration? A. Increasing toward a peak B. Increasing toward equilibrium C. Decreasing toward an upturn D. Decreasing toward equilibrium ANSWER: A.
What is the difference in peak xenon concentration following a reactor scram after one week at 100% power as compared to a scram after one week at 50% power? A. The time to reach the peak is shorter after 100% power than after 50% power, due to the higher iodine decay rate. B. The peak from 50% is of a smaller magnitude due to the lower xenon burnout rate. C. The peaks are equal because the decay rate of iodine remains constant. D. The peak from 100% power is of a larger magnitude, due to the larger initial iodine concentration. ANSWER: D.
A reactor has been operating at 25% power for five days when a scram occurs. Xe-135 will peak in approximately... A. 2 hours. B. 5 hours. C. 10 hours. D. 20 hours. ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following equilibrium reactor pre-scram conditions requires the greater amount of control rod withdrawal to perform a reactor startup during peak xenon conditions after a reactor scram? (BOL = beginning of core life. EOL = end of core life.) A. BOL and 100% power B. EOL and 100% power C. BOL and 20% power D. EOL and 20% power ANSWER: B.
Select the combination below that completes the following statement. The amount of control rod withdrawal needed to compensate for peak core xenon-135 negative reactivity will be smallest after a reactor scram from equilibrium _______ reactor power at the _______ of core life. A. 20%; beginning B. 20%; end C. 100%; beginning D. 100%; end ANSWER: A.
When comparing control rod worth (CRW) during a reactor startup from 100% peak xenon-135 and a reactor startup from xenon-free conditions... A. center CRW will be higher during the peak xenon startup than during the xenon-free startup. B. peripheral CRW will be higher during the peak xenon startup than during the xenon-free startup. C. center and peripheral CRWs will be the same regardless of core xenon conditions. D. it is impossible to determine how xenon will affect the worth of center and peripheral control rods. ANSWER: B.
A reactor has been operating at full power for several weeks when a scram occurs. When the reactor is brought critical 5 hours later, Xe-135 concentration will be highest in the ___________ of the core, which causes thermal neutron flux to shift toward the ____________ of the core. A. center; periphery B. periphery; periphery C. center; center D. periphery; center ANSWER: A.
A reactor is operating at the beginning of core life, 100% power, and equilibrium xenon concentration when a scram occurs. When the reactor is taken critical 5 hours later, xenon distribution will be maximum at the ______________ of the core. A. bottom and center B. bottom and outer circumference C. top and center D. top and outer circumference ANSWER: A.
Sustained operation at 100% power requires periodic withdrawal of control rods to compensate for... A. buildup of fission product poisons and decreasing control rod worth. B. fuel depletion and buildup of fission product poisons. C. decreasing control rod worth and burnable poison burnout. D. burnable poison burnout and fuel depletion. ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following explains why core Xe-135 oscillations are a concern in a reactor? A. They can adversely affect core power distribution and can require operation below full rated power. B. They can adversely affect core power distribution and can prevent a reactor startup following a reactor scram. C. They can cause excessively short reactor periods during power operation and can require operation below full rated power. D. They can cause excessively short reactor periods during power operation and can prevent a reactor startup following a reactor scram.
ANSWER: A. 239. A reactor has been operating at 50% power for several weeks near the middle of core life with core axial power distribution evenly divided above and below the core midplane. Reactor power is to be increased to 65% over a two-hour period using shallow control rods only. During the power increase, core axial power distribution will... A. shift toward the top of the core. B. shift toward the bottom of the core. C. remain evenly divided above and below the core midplane. D. have peaks near the top and the bottom of the core. ANSWER: B. 240. A reactor has been operating at full power for one month following a refueling outage with core axial neutron flux distribution peaked in the bottom half of the core. An inadvertent reactor scram occurs. The reactor is restarted, with criticality occurring 6 hours after the scram. Reactor power is increased to 60% over the next 4 hours and stabilized. How will core axial neutron flux distribution be affected during the 1-hour period immediately following the return to 60% power? The core axial neutron flux peak will be located _______ in the core than the pre-scram peak location, and the flux peak will be moving ________. A. higher; upward B. higher; downward C. lower; upward D. lower; downward ANSWER: B. 241. A reactor is being started up and taken to rated power using a constant ramp rate following an extended outage. To compensate for the effect of core xenon-135 while increasing reactor power, it will be necessary to ___________ rods and __________ recirculation flow. A. insert; decrease B. insert; increase C. withdraw; increase D. withdraw; decrease ANSWER: C. 242. A plant is being returned to operation following a refueling outage. Fuel preconditioning requires reactor power to be increased from 10% to full power gradually over a one week period. During this slow power increase, most of the positive reactivity added by the operator is required to overcome the negative reactivity from... A. fuel burnup. B. xenon buildup. C. fuel temperature increase. D. moderator temperature increase. ANSWER: B. 243. Following a seven day shutdown, a reactor startup is performed and a plant is taken to 100% power over a 16-hour period. After reaching 100% power, what type of reactivity will the operator need to add to compensate for core xenon-135 changes over the next 24 hours? A. Negative only B. Negative, then positive C. Positive only D. Positive, then negative ANSWER: C. 244. A reactor is initially shut down with no xenon in the core. Over the next four hours, the reactor is made critical and power level is increased to the point of adding heat. The shift supervisor has directed that power be maintained constant at this level for 12 hours for testing. To accomplish this, control rods will have to be... A. withdrawn periodically for the duration of the 12 hours. B. inserted periodically for the duration of the 12 hours. C. withdrawn periodically for 4 to 6 hours, then inserted periodically. D. inserted periodically for 4 to 6 hours, then withdrawn periodically. ANSWER: B. 245. Following a reactor scram from a long-term, steady-state, 100% power run, a reactor is to be taken critical. The calculated estimated critical conditions (position) are based on a xenon-free core.
Which one of the following is the shortest time after the initial scram that a xenon-free core will exist? A. 8 to 10 hours B. 15 to 25 hours C. 40 to 50 hours D. 70 to 80 hours ANSWER: D. 246. A reactor scram occurred from steady state 100% power and a startup is currently in progress. Which one of the following sets of initial startup conditions will require the most control rod withdrawal to achieve criticality? (BOC = beginning of fuel cycle; EOC = end of fuel cycle.) TIME SINCE CORE AGE REACTOR SCRAM A. BOC 12 hours B. BOC 40 hours C. EOC 12 hours D. EOC 40 hours ANSWER: C. 247. A reactor has been operating at 75% power for two months. A manual reactor scram is required for a test. The scram will be followed immediately by a reactor startup with criticality scheduled to occur 12 hours after the scram. The greatest assurance that xenon reactivity will permit criticality during the startup will be attained if the reactor is operated at ____________ power for 48 hours prior to the scram and if criticality is rescheduled for ____________ hours after the scram. A. 100%; 8 B. 100%; 16 C. 50%; 8 D. 50%; 16 ANSWER: D. 248. A reactor has been operating at 100% power for two months when a reactor scram occurs. Four hours later, the reactor is critical and stable at 10% power. Which one of the following operator actions is required to maintain reactor power at 10% over the next 24 hours? A. Add positive reactivity during the entire period B. Add negative reactivity during the entire period C. Add positive reactivity, then negative reactivity D. Add negative reactivity, then positive reactivity ANSWER: C. 249. A reactor startup is being conducted and criticality has been achieved 15 hours after a reactor scram from two months of -4 operation at full power. After 1 additional hour, reactor power is stabilized at 10 % power and all control rod motion is stopped. Which one of the following describes the response of reactor power over the next 2 hours without any further operator actions? A. Power increases toward the point of adding heat due to the decay of Xe-135. B. Power increases toward the point of adding heat due to the decay of Sm-149. C. Power decreases toward the shutdown neutron level due to the buildup of Xe-135. D. Power decreases toward the shutdown neutron level due to the buildup of Sm-149. ANSWER: A. 250. A reactor has been operating at 80% power for two months. A manual reactor scram is required for a test. The scram will be followed by a reactor startup with criticality scheduled to occur 24 hours after the scram. The greatest assurance that xenon reactivity will permit criticality during the reactor startup will be attained if the reactor is operated at ____________ power for 48 hours prior to the scram and if criticality is rescheduled for ____________ hours after the scram. A. 60%; 18 B. 60%; 30 C. 100%; 18 D. 100%; 30 ANSWER: B.
A reactor has been operating at 50% power for four days. Power is then increased to 100% over a 1 hour period. How much time will be required for core xenon-135 concentration to reach its minimum value after the power increase? A. 4 to 8 hours B. 10 to 15 hours C. 40 to 50 hours D. 70 to 80 hours ANSWER: A.
Two identical reactors have been operating at a constant power level for one week. Reactor A is at 50% power and reactor B is at 100% power. If both reactors scram at the same time, xenon- 135 will peak first in reactor ______ and the highest xenon135 reactivity peak will occur in reactor ______. A. B; B B. B; A C. A; B D. A; A ANSWER: C.
A reactor has been operating at 100% power for two weeks when power is reduced to 50%. During the next 2 hours, what must the operator do to compensate for a change in core Xe-135? A. The operator must add positive reactivity because Xe-135 is decaying. B. The operator must add negative reactivity because Xe-135 is decaying. C. The operator must add positive reactivity because Xe-135 is building in. D. The operator must add negative reactivity because Xe-135 is building in. ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following describes the change in core xenon-135 concentration immediately following a 10% power increase from equilibrium 70% power over a two-hour period? A. Xe-135 concentration will initially decrease due to the increased rate of decay of Xe-135 to Cs-135. B. Xe-135 concentration will initially decrease due to the increased absorption of thermal neutrons by xenon-135. C. Xe-135 concentration will initially increase due to the increased I-135 production rate directly from fission. D. Xe-135 concentration will initially increase due to the increased production rate directly from fission. ANSWER: B.
Two identical reactors have been operating at a constant power level for one week. Reactor A is at 100% power and reactor B is at 50% power. If both reactors scram at the same time, xenon- 135 concentrations will peak first in reactor ______ and the highest peak xenon-135 concentration will occur in reactor ______. A. B; B B. B; A C. A; B D. A; A ANSWER: B.
A reactor had been operating at 50% power for two weeks when power was increased to 100% over a 3-hour period. To maintain reactor power stable during the next 24 hours, which one of the following incremental control rod manipulations will be required? A. Withdraw rods slowly during the entire period B. Withdraw rods slowly at first, then insert rods slowly C. Insert rods slowly during the entire period D. Insert rods slowly at first, then withdraw rods slowly ANSWER: D.
A reactor had been operating at 100% power for two weeks when power was reduced to 50% over a 1-hour period. In order to maintain reactor power stable during the next 24 hours, which one of the following incremental control rod manipulations will be required? A. Withdraw rods slowly during the entire period. B. Withdraw rods slowly at first, then insert rods slowly. C. Insert rods slowly during the entire period. D. Insert rods slowly at first, then withdraw rods slowly. ANSWER: B.
Which one of the following describes the change in core xenon-135 concentration immediately following a power increase from 50% power equilibrium conditions? A. Initially decreases due to the increased rate of xenon-135 radioactive decay. B. Initially decreases due to the increased absorption of thermal neutrons by xenon-135. C. Initially increases due to the increased xenon-135 production from fission. D. Initially increases due to the increased iodine-135 production from fission. ANSWER: B.
A reactor had been operating at 70% power for two weeks when power was increased to 100% over a 2-hour period. To offset core Xe-135 reactivity changes during the next 12 hours, which one of the following incremental control rod manipulations will be required? A. Withdraw rods slowly during the entire period. B. Withdraw rods slowly at first, then insert rods slowly. C. Insert rods slowly during the entire period. D. Insert rods slowly at first, then withdraw rods slowly. ANSWER: D.
260. A reactor is initially operating at 100% power with equilibrium core xenon-135. Power is decreased to 50% over a 2 hour period. No subsequent operator actions are taken. Considering only the reactivity effects of core xenon-135 changes, which one of the following describes reactor power 10 hours after the power change is completed? A. Less than 50% and decreasing slowly B. Less than 50% and increasing slowly C. Greater than 50% and decreasing slowly D. Greater than 50% and increasing slowly ANSWER: B. 261. A reactor is initially operating at 60% power with equilibrium core xenon-135. Power is increased to 80% over a 2-hour period. No subsequent operator actions are taken. Considering only the reactivity effects of core xenon-135 changes, which one of the following describes reactor power 24 hours after the power change is completed? A. Greater than 80% and decreasing slowly B. Greater than 80% and increasing slowly C. Less than 80% and decreasing slowly D. Less than 80% and increasing slowly ANSWER: C. 262. A reactor has been operating at 50% power for 3 hours following a one-hour power reduction from steady-state 100% power. Which one of the following describes the current core xenon-135 concentration? A. Increasing toward a peak B. Decreasing toward an upturn C. Increasing toward equilibrium D. Decreasing toward equilibrium ANSWER: A. 263. A reactor is initially operating at equilibrium 100% power. An operator inserts control rods intermittently over a period of 30 minutes. At the end of this time period, reactor power is 70%. Assuming no additional operator actions are taken, what will reactor power be after an additional 60 minutes? A. 70% and stable B. Less than 70% and slowly increasing C. Less than 70% and slowly decreasing D. Less than 70% and stable ANSWER: C. 264. A reactor has been operating at 100% power for several weeks. Following a reactor scram/trip the reactor first will be considered xenon-free after... A. 40 to 50 hours. B. 70 to 80 hours. C. 100 to 110 hours. D. 130 to 140 hours. ANSWER: B.
A reactor scram has occurred following two months operation at steady-state 100% power. How soon after the scram will the reactor first be considered xenon-free? A. 8 to 10 hours B. 24 to 30 hours C. 40 to 50 hours D. 70 to 80 hours ANSWER: D.
A reactor has been operating at 100% power for three weeks when a reactor scram occurs. Which one of the following describes the concentration of Xe-135 in the core 24 hours after the scram? A. At least 2 times the concentration at the time of the scram and decreasing B. Less than 1/2 the concentration at the time of the scram and decreasing C. At or approaching a peak value D. Approximately the same as at the time of the scram ANSWER: D.
Twenty-four hours after a reactor scram from a long-term, steady-state, 100% power run, the core xenon-135 concentration will be approximately... A. the same as at the time of the scram and decreasing. B. the same as at the time of the scram and increasing. C. 50% lower than at the time of the scram and decreasing. D. 50% higher than at the time of the scram and increasing. ANSWER: A.
Fourteen hours after a reactor scram from 100% power equilibrium xenon conditions, the amount of core xenon-135 will be... A. lower than 100% equilibrium xenon, and will have added a net positive reactivity since the scram. B. lower than 100% equilibrium xenon, and will have added a net negative reactivity since the scram. C. higher than 100% equilibrium xenon, and will have added a net positive reactivity since the scram. D. higher than 100% equilibrium xenon, and will have added a net negative reactivity since the scram. ANSWER: D.
Given: A reactor had been operating at 100% power for six weeks when a scram occurred. A reactor startup was performed and criticality was reached 16 hours after the scram. Two hours later, the reactor is stable at 30% power. If no operator actions occur during the next hour, reactor power will ___________ because core Xe-135 concentration is ___________. A. increase; decreasing B. increase; increasing C. decrease; decreasing D. decrease; increasing ANSWER: A.
A reactor that had been operating at 100% power for about two months was shutdown over a 2-hour period. Following the shutdown, core xenon-135 will reach a long-term steady-stateconcentration in ______________ hours. A. 8 to 10 B. 20 to 25 C. 40 to 50 D. 70 to 80 ANSWER: D.
If a reactor that has operated at 100% power for 10 days is shut down rapidly, xenon concentration will... A. slowly decay away to almost zero in 3 days. B. increase to a new equilibrium in 3 days. C. peak in about a half day, then decay to almost zero in 3 days. D. ramp down with reactor power. ANSWER: C.
Which one of the following describes a reason for the direction of change in core xenon-135 reactivity immediately after a reactor shutdown from long-term power operation? A. The production rate of Xe-135 from I-135 decay significantly decreases. B. The production rate of Xe-135 from fission significantly decreases. C. The removal rate of Xe-135 by decay to I-135 significantly decreases. D. The removal rate of Xe-135 by neutron absorption significantly decreases. ANSWER: D.
A reactor has been shut down for two weeks after six months of full power operation. A reactor startup is performed and reactor power is stabilized at 10%. What control rod movement is required to maintain 10% stable power over the next 2 hours? A. Small amounts of rod insertion to compensate for samarium depletion. B. Small amounts of rod withdrawal to compensate for samarium buildup. C. Small amounts of rod insertion to compensate for xenon burnout. D. Small amounts of rod withdrawal to compensate for xenon buildup. ANSWER: D.
A reactor that has been operating at 100% power for about two weeks has power reduced to 50% in 1 hour. To compensate for the change in xenon-135 during the next 4 hours, the operator must add... A. negative reactivity to compensate for xenon building in. B. negative reactivity because xenon is rapidly decaying away. C. positive reactivity to compensate for xenon building in. D. positive reactivity because xenon is rapidly decaying away. ANSWER: C.
A reactor has been operating at full power for 10 weeks when a scram occurs. The reactor is made critical 24 hours later, and power level is maintained low in the intermediate range. To maintain a constant power level for the next several hours, control rods must be... A. inserted, because xenon burnout will cause increased neutron flux peaking near the periphery of the core. B. maintained at the present height as xenon establishes its equilibrium value for this power level. C. inserted, because xenon will approximately follow its normal decay curve. D. withdrawn, because xenon concentration is increasing toward equilibrium ANSWER: C.
A reactor is initially shut down with no xenon in the core. The reactor is taken critical and 4 hours later power is in the middle of the intermediate range monitors, range 8. The maintenance department has asked that power be maintained constant at this level for approximately 12 hours. To accomplish this, control rods will have to be... A. withdrawn slowly for the duration of the 12 hours. B. inserted slowly for the duration of the 12 hours. C. withdrawn slowly for 4 to 6 hours, then inserted slowly. D. inserted slowly for 4 to 6 hours, then withdrawn slowly. ANSWER: A.
Four hours after a reactor scram from a long-term, steady-state, 100% power run, the reactor has been taken critical and is to be maintained at 1% to 2% power. Which one of the following operator actions is required? A. Add positive reactivity because xenon is building in B. Add negative reactivity because xenon is building in C. Add negative reactivity because xenon is decaying away D. Add positive reactivity because xenon is decaying away ANSWER: A.
Sixteen hours after a reactor scram from 100% power, equilibrium xenon condition, the amount of core xenon will be... A. lower than 100% equilibrium xenon, and will have added a net positive reactivity since the scram. B. higher than 100% equilibrium xenon, and will have added a net positive reactivity since the scram. C. lower than 100% equilibrium xenon, and will have added a net negative reactivity since the scram. D. higher than 100% equilibrium xenon, and will have added a net negative reactivity since the scram. ANSWER: D.
A reactor is operating at 100% power with equilibrium xenon conditions at the beginning of a fuel cycle when a reactor scram occurs. The reactor is taken critical 4 hours later. Which one of the following describes the effect of xenon on control rod worth when the reactor becomes critical? A. Increasing xenon concentration at the periphery of the core will cause periphery rods to exhibit high-worth characteristics. B. Peak thermal flux at the periphery of the core will cause periphery rods to exhibit high-worth characteristics. C. Peak thermal flux at the center of the core will cause center rods to exhibit high-worth characteristics. D. Decreasing xenon concentration at the center of the core will cause center control rods to exhibit high-worth characteristics. ANSWER: B.
280. A reactor is initially operating at 50% power with equilibrium core xenon-135. Power is increased to 75% over a 1 hour period with no subsequent operator actions. Considering only the reactivity effects of core xenon-135 changes, which one of the following describes reactor power 8 hours after the power change? A. Greater than 75% and decreasing slowly B. Greater than 75% and increasing slowly C. Lower than 75% and decreasing slowly D. Lower than 75% and increasing slowly ANSWER: A. 281. A reactor is operating at 100% power with equilibrium xenon conditions at the beginning of a fuel cycle when a reactor scram occurs. The reactor is taken critical 4 hours later. Which one of the following describes the effect of core xenon-135 on control rod worth when the reactor becomes critical? A. High xenon-135 concentration at the periphery of the core will cause periphery rods to exhibit characteristics. B. High xenon-135 concentration at the periphery of the core will cause central rods to exhibit characteristics. C. High xenon-135 concentration at the center of the core will cause peripheral rods to exhibit characteristics. D. High xenon-135 concentration at the center of the core will cause central rods to exhibit characteristics. ANSWER: C. 282. A plant has been operating at 100% power for two months when a reactor scram occurs. Shortly after the reactor scram a reactor startup is commenced. Six hours after the scram, reactor power is at 2%. To maintain power stable at 2% over the next hour, the operator must add... A. positive reactivity because core xenon-135 is building up. B. negative reactivity because core xenon-135 is building up. C. positive reactivity because core xenon-135 is decaying away. D. negative reactivity because core xenon-135 is decaying away. ANSWER: A. 283. A reactor is initially operating at 100% power with equilibrium core xenon-135. Power is decreased to 75% over a 1-hour period and stabilized. No subsequent operator actions are taken. Considering only the reactivity effects of core xenon-135 changes, which one of the following describes reactor power 10 hours after the power change? A. Greater than 75% and decreasing slowly B. Greater than 75% and increasing slowly C. Less than 75% and decreasing slowly D. Less than 75% and increasing slowly ANSWER: D. 284. A reactor is operating at 80% power following a power reduction from 100% over a one-hour period. To keep reactor power at 80% over the next three hours, the operator must ________ control rods or _________ reactor recirculation flow rate. A. insert; increase B. insert; decrease C. withdraw; increase D. withdraw; decrease ANSWER: C. relatively high-worth relatively high-worth relatively high-worth relatively high-worth
A reactor is operating at 60% power immediately after a one-hour power increase from equilibrium 40% power. To keep reactor power at 60% over the next two hours, the operator must ________ control rods or _________ reactor recirculation flow rate. A. insert; increase B. insert; decrease C. withdraw; increase D. withdraw; decrease ANSWER: B.
A reactor is initially operating at 100% power with equilibrium core xenon-135. Power is decreased to 75% over a 1-hour period and stabilized. No subsequent operator actions are taken. Considering only the reactivity effects of core xenon-135 changes, which one of the following describes reactor power 30 hours after the power change? A. Less than 75% and increasing slowly B. Less than 75% and decreasing slowly C. Greater than 75% and increasing slowly D. Greater than 75% and decreasing slowly ANSWER: A plant had been operating at 100% power for two months when a reactor scram occurred. Soon afterward, a reactor startup was performed. Twelve hours after the scram, the startup has been paused with reactor power at 2%. To maintain reactor power stable at 2% over the next hour, the operator must add ___________ reactivity because core xenon-135 concentration will be _____________. A. positive; increasing. B. negative; increasing. C. positive; decreasing. D. negative; decreasing. ANSWER: D.
288. A nuclear power plant has been operating at steady-state 100% reactor power for three weeks when the operator slowly adds negative reactivity to the core over a period of 15 minutes to lower power level to 90%. Which one of the following describes reactor power 60 minutes later if no additional operator action is taken? A. Higher than 90% and increasing slowly. B. Higher than 90% and decreasing slowly. C. Lower than 90% and increasing slowly. D. Lower than 90% and decreasing slowly. ANSWER: D. 289. What is the definition of a "burnable poison?" A. Isotopes manufactured into the fuel with large-scatter macroscopic cross sections to improve neutron thermalization. B. Thermal neutron absorbing material added to the fuel during manufacturing to increase initial core fuel load. C. Thermal neutron absorbing material produced in the non-fissionable fuel isotopes by fast neutron absorption. D. Fast neutron absorbing material loaded into the upper one-third of the core to aid in flattening the thermal neutron flux. ANSWER: B. 290. Burnable poisons are placed in a reactor core to... A. increase the amount of fuel that can be loaded into the core. B. accommodate control rod depletion that occurs over core life. C. compensate for the buildup of xenon-135 that occurs over core life. D. ensure that the reactor will always operate in an undermoderated condition. ANSWER: A. 291. Burnable poisons are loaded into the core to... A. reduce the rod shadowing effect between shallow rods early in core life. B. provide for flux shaping in areas of deep rods during high power operation. C. increase the excess reactivity that can be loaded into the core during refueling. D. ensure the moderator coefficient of reactivity remains negative throughout core life. ANSWER: C. 292. Which one of the following is not a function performed by burnable poisons in an operating reactor? A. Provide neutron flux shaping. B. Provide more uniform power density. C. Counteract the effects of control rod burnout. D. Allow higher fuel enrichment of initial core load. ANSWER: C.
Gadolinium (Gd-155 and -157) is used instead of boron (B-10) as the ____________ material; and, as compared to gadolinium, boron has a much ____________ cross section for absorbing thermal neutrons. A. control rod; larger B. burnable poison; larger C. control rod; smaller D. burnable poison; smaller ANSWER: D.
Why are burnable poisons installed in a reactor core? A. To shield reactor fuel from thermal neutron flux until later in core life B. To compensate for control rod burnout that occurs over core life C. To flatten the radial thermal neutron flux distribution at the end of core life D. To ensure a negative moderator temperature coefficient early in core life ANSWER: A.
Just prior to refueling, control rods are nearly fully withdrawn at 100% power. After refueling, the control rods are inserted much farther into the core at 100% power. Which one of the following is the primary reason for the change in full power control rod position? A. Reactivity from power defect at beginning of core life (BOL) is much greater than at end of core life (EOL). B. Reactivity from void coefficient at EOL is much greater than at BOL. C. The excess reactivity in the core at BOL is much greater than at EOL. D. The integral control rod worth at EOL is much greater than at BOL. ANSWER: C.
Refer to the drawing of Keff versus core age for a reactor core following a refueling outage (see figure below). Which one of the following is responsible for the majority of the decrease in Keff from point 1 to point 2? A. Depletion of fuel B. Burnout of burnable poisons C. Initial heat-up of the reactor D. Buildup of fission product poisons ANSWER: D.
Refer to the drawing of Keff versus core age (see figure below). The change in Keff from point 2 to point 3 is caused by... A. depletion of fuel. B. depletion of control rods. C. burnout of burnable poisons. D. burnout of fission product poisons. ANSWER: C.
Refer to the drawing of Keff versus core age (see figure below). The major cause for the change in Keff from point 3 to point 4 is... A. depletion of U-235. B. depletion of U-238. C. burnout of burnable poisons. D. buildup of fission product poisons. ANSWER: A.
Refer to the curve of Keff versus core age for an operating reactor (see figure below). The reactor has been operating at 100% power for several weeks and is currently operating between points 2 and 3 on the curve. Assuming reactor recirculation flow rate remains the same, what general control rod operation will be necessary to maintain the reactor operating at 100% power until point 3 is reached? A. Withdrawal for the entire period. B. Withdrawal at first, then insertion. C. Insertion for the entire period. D. Insertion at first, then withdrawal. ANSWER: C.
300. A nuclear power plant was operating at steady-state 100% power near the end of a fuel cycle when a reactor scram occurred. Reactor pressure is being maintained at 600 psig in anticipation of commencing a reactor startup. Four hours after the scram, with reactor pressure still at 600 psig, which one of the following will cause the fission rate in the reactor core to increase? A. Reactor vessel pressure is allowed to increase by 20 psig. B. Reactor coolant temperature is allowed to increase by 3oF. C. The operator fully withdraws the first group of control rods. D. An additional two hours is allowed to pass with no other changes in plant parameters. ANSWER: C. 301. A nuclear power plant was operating at steady-state 100% power near the end of a fuel cycle when a reactor scram occurred. Four hours after the scram, reactor pressure is being maintained at 600 psig in anticipation of commencing a reactor startup. At this time, which one of the following will cause the fission rate in the reactor core to decrease? A. Core void fraction is decreased by 2%. B. Reactor coolant temperature is allowed to decrease by 3oF. C. The operator fully withdraws the first group of control rods. D. An additional two hours is allowed to pass with no other changes in plant parameters. ANSWER: D. 302. A refueling outage has just been completed and a reactor startup is being commenced. Which one of the following lists the method(s) used to add positive reactivity during the startup to criticality? A. Control rods only B. Recirculation pump flow only C. Control rods and recirculation pump flow D. Recirculation pump flow and steaming rate ANSWER: A. 303. While withdrawing control rods during a reactor startup, the count rate doubles. If the same amount of reactivity that caused the first doubling is added again, the count rate will __________ and the reactor will be ____________. A. more than double; subcritical B. more than double; critical C. double; subcritical D. double; critical ANSWER: B. 304. During a reactor startup, equal increments of positive reactivity are being sequentially added and the count rate is allowed to reach equilibrium after each addition. Which one of the following statements concerning the equilibrium count rate applies after each successive reactivity addition? A. The time required to reach equilibrium count rate is the same. B. The time required to reach equilibrium count rate is shorter. C. The numerical change in equilibrium count rate increases. D. The numerical change in equilibrium count rate is the same. ANSWER: C. 305. A reactor startup is in progress with a current Keff of 0.95 and a current equilibrium source range count rate of 150 cps. Which one of the following equilibrium count rates will occur when Keff becomes 0.98? A. 210 cps B. 245 cps C. 300 cps D. 375 cps ANSWER: D. 306. A reactor startup is in progress and the reactor is slightly subcritical. Assuming the reactor remains subcritical, a short control rod withdrawal will cause the reactor period to initially shorten, and then... A. gradually lengthen and stabilize at a negative 80 second period. B. gradually lengthen and stabilize at infinity. C. gradually lengthen until reactor power reaches the point of adding heat, then stabilize at infinity. D. gradually lengthen until the neutron population reaches equilibrium, then stabilize at a negative 80 second period. ANSWER: B.
A reactor startup is in progress with a current Keff of 0.95 and a current equilibrium source range count rate of 120 cps. Which one of the following equilibrium count rates will occur when Keff becomes 0.98? A. 210 cps B. 245 cps C. 300 cps D. 375 cps ANSWER: C.
308. A reactor startup is in progress with the reactor currently subcritical. Which one of the following describes the change in count rate resulting from a short control rod withdrawal with Keff at 0.95 as compared to an identical control rod withdrawal with Keff at 0.99? (Assume reactivity additions are equal, and the reactor remains subcritical.) A. Both the prompt jump in count rate and the increase in stable count rate will be the same. B. Both the prompt jump in count rate and the increase in stable count rate will be smaller with Keff at 0.95. C. The prompt jump in count rate will be smaller with Keff at 0.95, but the increase in stable count rate will be the same. D. The prompt jump in count rate will be the same, but the increase in stable count rate will be smaller with Keff at 0.95. ANSWER: B. 309. A reactor startup is in progress with a current Keff of 0.95 and a current stable source range count rate of 120 cps. Which one of the following equilibrium count rates will occur when Keff becomes 0.97? A. 200 cps B. 245 cps C. 300 cps D. 375 cps ANSWER: A. 310. A reactor startup is being performed by adding equal amounts of positive reactivity and waiting for neutron population to stabilize. As the reactor approaches criticality, the numerical change in stable neutron population after each reactivity addition __________, and the time required for the neutron population to stabilize after each reactivity addition ___________. A. increases; remains the same B. increases; increases C. remains the same; remains the same D. remains the same; increases ANSWER B. 311. A reactor startup is in progress with a current Keff of 0.95 and a current equilibrium source range count rate of 120 cps. Which one of the following equilibrium count rates will occur when Keff becomes 0.985? A. 250 cps B. 300 cps C. 350 cps D. 400 cps ANSWER: D. 312. As a reactor approaches criticality during a reactor startup it takes longer to reach an equilibrium neutron count rate after each control rod withdrawal due to the increased... A. fraction of fission neutrons leaking from the core. B. number of neutron generations required to reach a stable level. C. length of time from neutron generation to absorption. D. fraction of delayed neutrons appearing as criticality is approached. ANSWER B. 313. A reactor startup is in progress with a stable source range count rate and the reactor is near criticality. Which one of the following statements describes count rate characteristics during and after a 5-second control rod withdrawal? (Assume the reactor remains subcritical.) A. There will be no change in count rate until criticality is achieved. B. The count rate will rapidly increase (prompt jump) to a stable higher value. C. The count rate will rapidly increase (prompt jump) then gradually increase and stabilize at a higher value. D. The count rate will rapidly increase (prompt jump) then gradually decrease and stabilize at the previous value. ANSWER C.
During a reactor startup, source range monitors (SRMs) indicate a stable count rate of 100 cps, and Keff is 0.95. After a number of control rods have been withdrawn, SRM indication stabilizes at 270 cps. Which one of the following is the new Keff? (Assume reactor period is infinity before and after the rod withdrawal.) A. 0.963 B. 0.972 C. 0.981 D. 0.990 ANSWER: C.
During reactor startup, critical rod position is affected by... A. core flow rate. B. source range initial count rate. C. recirculation ratio. D. core age. ANSWER: D.
During an initial reactor fuel load, the 1/M factor decreases from 1.0 to 0.5 after the first 100 fuel assemblies are loaded. What is the current value of Keff? A. 0.2 B. 0.5 C. 0.875 D. 1.0 ANSWER: B.
At one point during a reactor startup and approach to criticality, count rate is noted to be 780 cps, and Keff is calculated to be 0.92. Later in the same startup, count rate is 4160 cps. What is the new Keff? A. 0.945 B. 0.950 C. 0.975 D. 0.985 ANSWER: D.
During a reactor startup, the operator adds 1.0%K/K of positive reactivity by withdrawing control rods, thereby increasing equilibrium source range neutron level from 220 cps to 440 cps. Approximately how much additional positive reactivity is required to raise the equilibrium source range neutron level to 880 cps? A. 4.0% K/K B. 2.0% K/K C. 1.0% K/K D. 0.5% K/K ANSWER: D.
Refer to the drawing of three 1/M plots labeled A, B, and C (see figure below). The least conservative approach to criticality is represented by plot _____ and could possibly be the result of recording count rates at ________ time intervals after incremental fuel loading steps compared to the situations represented by the other plots. A. A; shorter B. A; longer C. C; shorter D. C; longer ANSWER C.
During an initial fuel load, the subcritical multiplication factor increases from 1.0 to 4.0 as the first 100 fuel assemblies are loaded. What is the corresponding final keff? A. 0.25 B. 0.5 C. 0.75 D. 1.0 ANSWER: C.
During a reactor startup, source range indication is stable at 120 cps with Keff at 0.95. After a period of control rod withdrawal, source range indication stabilizes at 600 cps. Which one of the following is the approximate new Keff? A. 0.96 B. 0.97 C. 0.98 D. 0.99 ANSWER: D.
A reactor startup is in progress; control rod withdrawal has just been stopped to assess criticality. Which one of the following is a combination of indications in which each listed indication supports a declaration that the reactor is critical? A. Period stabilizes at +200 sec; source range count rate is slowly increasing; inverse multiplication (1/M) value equals 0.000. B. Period is approaching infinity; source range count rate increases and then stabilizes; inverse multiplication (1/M) value equals 0.111. C. Period stabilizes at +200 sec; source range count rate is slowly increasing; inverse multiplication (1/M) value equals 1.000. D. Period is approaching infinity; source range count rate increases and then stabilizes; inverse multiplication (1/M) value equals 1.111. ANSWER: A.
Refer to the drawing of a 1/M plot with curves A and B (see figure below). Assume that each axis has linear units. Curve A would result if each fuel assembly loaded during the early stages of the refueling caused a relatively ______ fractional change in source range count rate compared to the later stages of the refueling; curve B would result if each fuel assembly contained equal ________. A. small; fuel enrichment B. small; reactivity C. large; fuel enrichment D. large; reactivity ANSWER: D.
A reactor startup is in progress with Keff at 0.995 and stable source range indication. If Keff is increased to 0.997 by control rod withdrawal, reactor period will initially become ____________ and then ____________. A. positive; approach infinity B. positive; stabilize at a positive value C. negative; approach infinity D. negative; stabilize at a negative value ANSWER A.
As criticality is approached during a reactor startup, equal insertions of positive reactivity result in a ____________ change in equilibrium count rate and a ____________ time to reach each new equilibrium. A. larger; longer B. larger; shorter C. smaller; longer D. smaller; shorter ANSWER A.
A reactor startup is in progress for a reactor that is in the middle of a fuel cycle. The reactor is at normal operating temperature and pressure. The main steam isolation valves are open and the main turbine bypass (also called steam dump) valves are closed. The reactor is near criticality. Reactor period is stable at infinity when, suddenly, a turbine bypass valve fails open and remains stuck open, dumping steam to the main condenser. The operator immediately ensures no control motion is occurring and takes no further action. Assume that the reactor vessel water level remains stable, the reactor does not scram, and no other protective actions occur. As a result of the valve failure, reactor period will initially become __________; and reactor power will stabilize __________ the point of adding heat. A. positive; at B. positive; above C. negative, but soon turn; at D. negative, but soon turn; above ANSWER D.
A reactor is exactly critical during a reactor startup. Which one of the following must be closely monitored and controlled to ensure safe operation of the reactor as power is raised to the point of adding heat? A. Reactor period B. Reactor temperature C. Source range count rate D. Power peaking factors
ANSWER A. 328. The following data was obtained at steady-state conditions during a reactor startup: ROD POSITION (UNITS COUNT RATE WITHDRAWN) (CPS) 0 180 5 200 10 225 15 257 20 300 25 360 30 450 Assuming uniform differential rod worth, at what approximate rod position should criticality occur? A. Approximately 40 units withdrawn B. Approximately 50 units withdrawn C. Approximately 60 units withdrawn D. Approximately 70 units withdrawn ANSWER B. 329. The following data was obtained at steady-state conditions during a reactor startup: ROD POSITION (UNITS COUNT RATE WITHDRAWN) (CPS) 10 360 15 400 20 450 25 514 30 600 35 720 40 900 Assuming uniform differential rod worth, at what approximate rod position will criticality occur? A. 50 units withdrawn B. 60 units withdrawn C. 70 units withdrawn D. 80 units withdrawn
ANSWER B. 330. A reactor has just achieved criticality during a xenon-free reactor startup. Instead of stabilizing power at 103 cps per the startup procedure, the operator inadvertently allows reactor power to increase to 104 cps as indicated on the source range monitors. Assuming reactor vessel coolant temperature and pressure do not change, the critical rod height at 104 cps will be ______________ the critical rod height at 103 cps. (Neglect any effects of changes in fission product poisons.) A. different but unpredictable compared to B. less than C. greater than D. equal to ANSWER: D. 331. The following data was obtained during a reactor startup: ROD POSITION (UNITS COUNT RATE WITHDRAWN) (CPS) 0 180 10 250 20 300 25 360 30 420 Assuming uniform differential rod worth, at what approximate rod height will criticality occur? A. 35 to 45 units withdrawn B. 46 to 55 units withdrawn C. 56 to 65 units withdrawn D. 66 to 75 units withdrawn ANSWER B.
The following data was obtained during a reactor startup: ROD POSITION (UNITS COUNT RATE WITHDRAWN) (CPS) 0 180 10 210 15 250 20 300 25 360 30 420 Assuming uniform differential rod worth, at what approximate rod height will criticality occur? A. 31 to 45 units withdrawn B. 46 to 60 units withdrawn C. 61 to 75 units withdrawn D. 76 to 90 units withdrawn ANSWER B.
With Keff = 0.985, how much reactivity must be added to make a reactor exactly critical? A. 1.54% K/K B. 1.52% K/K C. 1.50% K/K D. 1.48% K/K ANSWER B.
When a reactor is exactly critical, reactivity is... A. greater than 1.0% K/K. B. equal to 1.0% K/K. C. less than 1.0% K/K. D. undefined. ANSWER C.
When a reactor is exactly critical, reactivity is... A. infinity. B. undefined. C. 0.0 K/K. D. 1.0 K/K. ANSWER C.
During a reactor startup, a stable positive 30 second reactor period is achieved with no further reactivity addition. The reactor is... A. exactly critical. B. supercritical. C. subcritical. D. prompt critical. ANSWER B.
Which one of the following indicates that a reactor has achieved criticality during a normal reactor startup? A. Constant positive period with no rod motion B. Increasing positive period with no rod motion C. Constant positive period during rod withdrawal D. Increasing positive period during rod withdrawal ANSWER A.
A reactor is critical just below the point of adding heat (POAH) at a temperature of 160 F. Which one of the following will result in reactor power increasing and stabilizing at the POAH? (Assume a negative moderator temperature coefficient.) A. Reactor recirculation flow increases 10%. B. Reactor coolant temperature increases 3 F. C. A single control rod moves in one notch. D. Core xenon-135 concentration decreases. ANSWER D.
A nuclear reactor is critical at 10-6% power. Control rods are withdrawn for 5 seconds and then stopped, resulting in a stable reactor period of positive 100 seconds. If control rods had been inserted (instead of withdrawn) for 5 seconds with the reactor initially critical at 10-6% power, the stable reactor period would have been: (Assume equal absolute values of reactivity are added in both cases.) A. longer than negative 100 seconds because, compared to power increases, reactor power decreases are more limited by delayed neutrons. B. shorter than negative 100 seconds because, compared to power increases, reactor power decreases are less limited by delayed neutrons. C. longer than negative 100 seconds because, compared to power increases, reactor power decreases result in smaller delayed neutron fractions. D. shorter than negative 100 seconds because, compared to power increases, reactor power decreases result in larger delayed neutron fractions. ANSWER A.
A reactor is being started up from cold shutdown conditions with a stable positive 100-second period and power is entering the intermediate range. Assuming no operator action is taken that affects reactivity, which one of the following will occur? A. Reactor period remains constant until saturation conditions are reached. B. Reactor period increases to infinity as heat production in the reactor exceeds ambient losses. C. Reactor period remains constant until void production begins in the core. D. Reactor period decreases to zero as the fuel temperature increase adds negative reactivity to the core. ANSWER B.
A reactor is being started up with a stable positive 100-second period and power is entering the intermediate range (below the point of adding heat). Assuming no operator action, which one of the following describes the response of reactor period? A. Prior to reaching the point of adding heat, the fuel temperature increase will add negative reactivity and reactor period will approach infinity. B. As heat production in the reactor exceeds ambient losses, the temperature of the fuel and moderator will increase, adding negative reactivity, and reactor period will approach infinity. C. The heat produced by the reactor through all ranges of the intermediate range indication, is insufficient to raise the fuel or moderator temperatures, and reactor period remains constant throughout the intermediate range. D. As heat production in the reactor exceeds ambient losses, positive reactivity added by the fuel temperature increase counteracts the negative reactivity added by the moderator temperature increase, and reactor period remains constant throughout the intermediate range. ANSWER B.
A reactor startup is in progress following a one-month shutdown. Upon reaching criticality, the operator establishes a positive 80-second period and stops rod motion. After an additional 30 seconds, reactor power will be ________ and reactor period will be ________. (Assume reactor power remains below the point of adding heat.) A. increasing; increasing B. increasing; constant C. constant; increasing D. constant; constant ANSWER B.
A reactor is being started up under cold shutdown conditions with a stable positive 100-second period and power is entering the intermediate range. Assuming no operator action is taken that affects reactivity, reactor period will remain constant until... A. void production begins in the core, then reactor period will increase toward infinity. B. core heat production exceeds ambient losses, then reactor period will increase toward infinity. C. xenon-135 production becomes significant, then reactor period will decrease toward zero. D. fuel temperature begins to increase, then reactor period will decrease toward zero. ANSWER B.
After recording critical data during a cold reactor startup with main steam isolation valves open, the operator withdraws the control rods to continue the startup. Which one of the following pairs of parameters will provide the first indication of reaching the point of adding heat? A. Reactor pressure and reactor water level B. Reactor power and reactor period C. Reactor pressure and turbine load D. Reactor water level and core flow rate ANSWER B.
After taking critical data during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a stable 50-second reactor period to increase power to the point of adding heat (POAH). Which one of the following is the approximate amount of reactivity that must be added to stabilize reactor power at the POAH? (Assume eff = 0.006.) A. -0.01 %K/K B. -0.06 %K/K C. -0.10 %K/K D. -0.60 %K/K ANSWER C.
A reactor is critical well below the point of adding heat when a small amount of positive reactivity is added to the core. If the same amount of negative reactivity is added to the core approximately 1 minute later, reactor power will stabilize at... A. the initial power level. B. somewhat higher than the initial power level. C. somewhat lower than the initial power level. D. the subcritical multiplication equilibrium level. ANSWER B.
Criticality has just been achieved during a reactor startup at 160 F. The operator withdraws control rods as necessary to establish a stable positive 30-second reactor period. No additional operator actions are taken. How will reactor period and reactor power respond? (Assume a negative moderator temperature coefficient.) A. Reactor power will increase and stabilize at the POAH; reactor period will remain constant until the POAH is reached and then stabilize at infinity. B. Reactor power will increase and stabilize at the POAH; reactor period will decrease slowly until the POAH is reached and then stabilize at infinity. C. Reactor power will increase and stabilize above the POAH; reactor period will remain constant until the POAH is reached and then stabilize at infinity. D. Reactor power will increase and stabilize above the POAH; reactor period will decrease slowly until the POAH is reached and then stabilize at infinity. ANSWER: A.
A reactor is critical at the point of adding heat when a small amount of negative reactivity is added to the core. If the same amount of positive reactivity is added to the core approximately 5 minutes later, reactor power will... A. stabilize at the subcritical multiplication equilibrium neutron level. B. stabilize at a level lower than the initial power level. C. continue to decrease on a negative 80 second period. D. stabilize at the initial power level. ANSWER: B.
A reactor startup is in progress and criticality has just been achieved. After recording critical rod height, the operator withdraws control rods for 20 seconds to establish a positive 30-second reactor period. One minute later (prior to the point of adding heat) the operator inserts the same control rods for 25 seconds. (Assume the control rod withdrawal and insertion rates are the same.) During the rod insertion, the reactor period will become... A. negative during the entire period of control rod insertion. B. negative shortly after the control rods pass through the critical rod height. C. negative just as the control rods pass through the critical rod height. D. negative shortly before the control rods pass through the critical rod height. ANSWER D.
A reactor is currently at 10-3% power with a positive 60 second reactor period. An amount of negative reactivity is added to the core that places the reactor on a negative 40 second reactor period. If the same amount of positive reactivity is added to the core approximately 5 minutes later, reactor power will... A. increase and stabilize at the point of adding heat. B. increase and stabilize at 10-3% power. C. continue to decrease on a negative 40 second period until the equilibrium source neutron level is reached. D. continue to decrease with an unknown period until the equilibrium source neutron level is reached. ANSWER A.
A reactor startup is in progress and criticality has just been achieved. After recording the critical rod heights, the operator withdraws a control rod for 20 seconds to establish a stable positive 30- second reactor period. One minute later (prior to reaching the point of adding heat), the operator inserts the same control rod for 25 seconds. During the insertion, when will the reactor period become negative? A. Immediately when the control rod insertion is initiated. B. After the control rod passes through the critical rod height. C. Just as the control rod passes through the critical rod height. D. Prior to the control rod passing through the critical rod height. ANSWER D.
A reactor is slightly supercritical during a reactor startup. A short control rod withdrawal is performed to establish the desired reactor period. Assume that the reactor remains slightly supercritical after the control rod withdrawal, and that reactor power remains well below the point of adding heat. Immediately after the control rod withdrawal is stopped, the reactor period will initially lengthen and then... A. stabilize at a positive value. B. turn and slowly shorten. C. stabilize at infinity. D. continue to slowly lengthen. ANSWER A.
A nuclear reactor is initially critical in the source range. Then a constant rate addition of positive reactivity commences and lasts for 120 seconds. Assume reactor power remains below the point of adding heat for the entire 120 second time interval. During the 120 second time interval, reactor period will initially shorten and then _____; and reactor power will initially increase and then _______. A. continue to shorten at a decreasing rate; continue to increase at an increasing rate B. continue to shorten at a decreasing rate; continue to increase at a decreasing rate C. continue to shorten at a increasing rate; continue to increase at an increasing rate D. continue to shorten at an increasing rate; continue to increase at a decreasing rate ANSWER A.
Upon reaching criticality during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a positive reactor period. Upon reaching the point of adding heat, the period will become ____________ due to the ______________ reactivity feedback of moderator and fuel temperature. A. shorter; negative B. shorter; positive C. longer; negative D. longer; positive ANSWER C.
After taking critical data during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a 26-second reactor period to increase power to the point of adding heat (POAH). How much negative reactivity feedback must be added at the POAH to stop the power increase? Assume: eff= 0.00579 * = 1 x 10-5seconds eff = 0.1 seconds-1 A. 0.16% K/K B. 0.19% K/K C. 0.23% K/K D. 0.29% K/K ANSWER A.
After taking critical data during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a positive 26-second reactor period to increase power to the point of adding heat (POAH). How much negative reactivity must be added to stabilize power at the POAH? (Assume eff = 0.00579.) A. 0.10% K/K B. 0.16% K/K C. 1.0% K/K D. 1.6% K/K ANSWER B.
After taking critical data during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a stable 38-second reactor period to increase power to the point of adding heat (POAH). Which one of the following is the approximate negative reactivity required to stop the power increase at the POAH? (Assume that eff = 0.00579.) A. 0.01% K/K B. 0.12% K/K C. 0.16% K/K D. 0.21% K/K ANSWER: B.
After taking critical data during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a positive 31-second reactor period to increase power to the point of adding heat (POAH). Which one of the following is the appropriate amount of reactivity needed to stabilize power at the POAH? (Assume eff = 0.00579.) A. -0.14% K/K B. -0.16% K/K C. -1.4% K/K D. -1.6% K/K ANSWER A.
After taking critical data during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a positive 48-second reactor period to increase power to the point of adding heat (POAH). Which one of the following is the approximate amount of reactivity needed to stabilize power at the POAH? (Assume eff = 0.00579.) A. -0.10% K/K B. -0.12% K/K C. -0.01% K/K D. -0.012% K/K ANSWER A.
After taking critical data during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a stable 34-second reactor period to increase power to the point of adding heat (POAH). Which one of the following is the approximate amount of reactivity that must be added to stabilize reactor power at the POAH? (Assume eff = 0.0066.) A. -0.10 %K/K B. -0.12 %K/K C. -0.15 %K/K D. -0.28 %K/K ANSWER C.
After taking critical data during a reactor startup, the operator establishes a stable 0.52 dpm startup rate to increase power to the point of adding heat (POAH). Which one of the following is the approximate amount of reactivity that must be added to stabilize reactor power at the POAH? (Assume eff = 0.006.) A. -0.01 %K/K B. -0.06 %K/K C. -0.10 %K/K D. -0.60 %K/K ANSWER C.
During a reactor heat-up, a center control rod is notched outward with no subsequent operator action. The heat-up rate will... A. increase initially, then gradually decrease. B. decrease initially, then gradually increase. C. increase and stabilize at a new higher value. D. decrease and stabilize at a new lower value. ANSWER A.
A reactor heat-up from 180 F to 500 F is in progress. To maintain a constant heat-up rate, as reactor temperature increases reactor power will have to... A. increase due to increasing density of water. B. decrease due to decreasing specific heat of water. C. increase due to increasing heat losses to ambient. D. decrease due to decreasing heat of vaporization of water. ANSWER C.
A nuclear reactor is undergoing a startup with reactor pressure and temperature initially stable at 731.4 psia and 508 F. Main steam isolation valves are closed and reactor criticality has been achieved. The reactor currently has a stable positive 100second reactor period with reactor power well below the point of adding heat (POAH). Which one of the following will occur first when reactor power reaches the POAH? A. Reactor period will shorten. B. Reactor pressure will increase. C. Reactor coolant temperature will decrease. D. Intermediate range power level will decrease. ANSWER B.
A reactor is stable at the point of adding heat (POAH) with the reactor coolant at 160 F during the reactor heat-up and pressurization phase of a reactor startup. Control rods are withdrawn a few notches to raise reactor power and establish a heatup rate. Assume no core voiding occurs. If no further control rod withdrawal occurs, reactor power will... A. remain stable until voiding begins to occur. B. increase until the control rods are reinserted. C. decrease and stabilize at a subcritical power level. D. decrease and stabilize at the POAH. ANSWER D.
A reactor is critical at 5 x 10 % power during a cold reactor startup at the beginning of core life. Reactor period is stable at positive 87 seconds. Assuming no operator action, no reactor scram, and no steam release, what will be reactor power 10 minutes later? A. Below the point of adding heat (POAH) B. At the POAH C. Above the POAH but less than 49% D. Approximately 50% ANSWER B.
A reactor is critical at 10 % power during a cold reactor startup at the beginning of core life. Reactor period is stable at positive 60 seconds. Assuming no operator action, no reactor scram, and no steam release, what will be reactor power 10 minutes later? A. Below the point of adding heat (POAH) B. At the POAH C. Approximately 22% D. Greater than 100% ANSWER: B.
During a reactor plant startup, reactor pressure is increased from 5 psig to 50 psig in a 2-hour period. What was the average heat-up rate? A. 35 F/hr B. 60 F /hr C. 70 F /hr D. 120 F /hr ANSWER A.
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A reactor is critical and a reactor coolant heat-up is in progress with coolant temperature currently at 140 F. If the point of adding heat is 1% reactor power, and reactor power is held constant at 3% during the heat-up, which one of the following describes the coolant heat-up rate (HUR) from 140 F to 200 F? A. HUR will initially decrease and then increase. B. HUR will slowly decrease during the entire period. C. HUR will slowly increase during the entire period. D. HUR will remain the same during the entire period. ANSWER B.
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Which one of the following will add the most positive reactivity during a power decrease from 100% to 65% over a 1 hour period? (Assume the power change is performed only by changing core recirculation flow rate.) A. Fuel temperature change B. Moderator temperature change C. Fission product poison change D. Core void fraction change
ANSWER A. 371. With a reactor on a constant period, which one of the following power changes requires the longest time to occur? A. 1% power to 4% power B. 5% power to 15% power C. 20% power to 35% power D. 40% power to 60% power ANSWER A. 372. Which one of the following lists the method(s) used to add positive reactivity during a normal power increase from 10% to 100%? A. Control rod withdrawal only B. Recirculation pump flow increase only C. Control rod withdrawal and recirculation pump flow increase D. Recirculation pump flow increase and steaming rate increase ANSWER: 373. Neglecting the effects of changes in core Xe-135, which one of the following power changes requires the greatest amount of positive reactivity addition? A. 3% power to 5% power B. 5% power to 15% power C. 15% power to 30% power D. 30% power to 60% power ANSWER D. 374. With a reactor on a constant period of 180 seconds, which one of the following power changes requires the longest amount of time to occur? A. 3% power to 5% power B. 5% power to 15% power C. 15% power to 30% power D. 30% power to 60% power ANSWER B. 375. A nuclear power plant is operating at 80% of rated power near the end of a fuel cycle. Which one of the following lists the typical method(s) used to add positive reactivity during a normal power increase to 100%? A. Withdrawal of deep control rods and increasing recirculation flow rate B. Withdrawal of deep control rods only C. Withdrawal of shallow control rods and increasing recirculation flow rate D. Withdrawal of shallow control rods only ANSWER A. 376. With a reactor on a constant period, which one of the following power changes requires the shortest time to occur? A. 1% power to 4% power B. 5% power to 15% power C. 20% power to 35% power D. 40% power to 60% power ANSWER D. 377. Neglecting the effects of core Xe-135, which one of the following power changes requires the greatest amount of positive reactivity addition? A. 3% power to 10% power B. 10% power to 25% power C. 25% power to 60% power D. 60% power to 100% power ANSWER D. 378. Neglecting the effects of core Xe-135, which one of the following power changes requires the smallest amount of positive reactivity addition? A. 2% power to 5% power B. 5% power to 15% power C. 15% power to 30% power D. 30% power to 50% power ANSWER: A.
With a reactor on a constant period of 180 seconds, which one of the following power changes requires the shortest amount of time to occur? A. 3% power to 5% power B. 5% power to 15% power C. 15% power to 30% power D. 30% power to 60% power ANSWER A.
380. Neglecting the effects of changes in core Xe-135, which one of the following power changes requires the smallest amount of positive reactivity addition? A. 3% power to 10% power B. 10% power to 15% power C. 15% power to 30% power D. 30% power to 40% power ANSWER B. 381. For which one of the following events will the Doppler coefficient act first to change the reactivity addition to the core? A. A control rod drop during reactor power operation B. The loss of one feedwater heater (extraction steam isolated) during reactor power operation C. Tripping of the main turbine at 45% reactor power D. A safety relief valve opening during reactor power operation ANSWER A. 382. Reactor power was increased from 20% to 30% in 1 hour using only control rod withdrawal. Which one of the following describes the response of void fraction during the power increase? A. Void fraction initially decreases, then increases back to the original value. B. Void fraction initially increases, then decreases back to the original value. C. Void fraction decreases and stabilizes below the original value. D. Void fraction increases and stabilizes above the original value. ANSWER: D. 383. Which one of the following describes the core void fraction response that accompanies a reactor power increase from 20% to 30% using only control rod withdrawal? A. Decreases and stabilizes at a lower void fraction B. Increases and stabilizes at a higher void fraction C. Initially decreases, then increases and stabilizes at the initial void fraction D. Initially increases, then decreases and stabilizes at the initial void fraction ANSWER B. 384. A nuclear power plant is operating at 90% of rated power late in core life. When an operator withdraws a shallow rod two notches a power decrease occurs. This power decrease can be attributed to rod worth being ____________ and ____________ bundle void content. A. high; decreased B. high; increased C. low; increased D. low; decreased ANSWER C. 385. A reactor is operating with the following initial conditions:
Power level = 100% Control rod density = 60% After a load decrease reactor conditions are as follows: Power level = 80% Control rod density = 62% All parameters attained normal steady-state values before and after the power change. Given the following: Total control rod reactivity change = -2.2 x 10-1% K/K Power coefficient = -1.5 x 10-2% K/K/% power How much reactivity was added by changes in core recirculation flow rate during the load decrease? (Assume fission product poison reactivity does not change.) A. 0.0% K/K B. -5.2 x 10-1% K/K C. -2.0 x 10-1% K/K D. -8.0 x 10-2% K/K
ANSWER: 386. If a reactor power increase is accomplished using only the control rods, which one of the following would result in the greatest amount of negative reactivity feedback from the void coefficient? A. A void fraction increase from 5% to 10% at beginning of core life B. A void fraction increase from 5% to 10% at end of core life C. A void fraction increase from 40% to 45% at beginning of core life D. A void fraction increase from 40% to 45% at end of core life ANSWER C. 387. A nuclear power plant is operating at 100% power and core flow rate. Reactor power is reduced to 90% by inserting control rods. (Recirculating pump speed remains constant.) What is the effect on core flow rate? A. Core flow rate will decrease due to an increase in core voiding. B. Core flow rate will increase due to the decrease in recirculation ratio. C. Core flow rate will increase due to the decrease in two-phase flow resistance. D. Core flow rate will decrease due to an increase in two-phase flow resistance. ANSWER C. 388. A power increase is initiated by an increase in recirculation flow, causing voids to be swept away and adding positive reactivity. Which one of the following statements best describes the response of the reactivity coefficients? A. Increasing fuel temperature implies more heat transfer to the coolant; increased moderator temperature causes more void formation, and power stabilizes at a new higher level. B. Increasing fuel temperature implies more heat transfer to the coolant, thus increasing steam generation; the increased void fraction and fuel temperature add negative reactivity, and power stabilizes at a new higher level. C. Increasing fuel temperature implies more heat transfer to the coolant, thus increasing steam generation; the increased steam generation raises reactor pressure and moderator temperature, offsetting the decreasing voids, and power stabilizes at a new higher level. D. Increased moderator and fuel temperature stabilize power at a new higher level. ANSWER B. 389. Reactor power is increased from 70% to 90% by changing recirculation flow. Which one of the following describes the effect on the plant? A. Core void fraction increases. B. Feedwater temperature decreases. C. Reactor vessel outlet steam pressure increases. D. Condensate depression in the main condenser hotwell increases. ANSWER C. 390. A nuclear power plant has been operating at full power for several months. Following a normal reactor shutdown, steam production will continue for a period of time, with the rate (Btu/hr) of steam production dependent upon the... A. rate of reactor power decrease from full power to the point of adding heat. B. pressure being maintained in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). C. previous power history of the plant and the time elapsed since shutdown. D. recirculation flow rate and the water level being maintained in the RPV. ANSWER C. 391. Following a reactor shutdown from three-months operation at full power, core heat production will continue for a period of time. The rate of core heat production will be dependent upon the... A. amount of fuel that has been depleted. B. amount of time that has elapsed since Keff decreased below 1.0. C. amount of time required for the reactor pressure vessel to cool down. D. rate at which the photoneutron source strength decays following shutdown. ANSWER B. 392. A nuclear power plant is operating at 60% of rated power in the middle of a fuel cycle when a turbine control system malfunction closes the turbine steam inlet valves an additional 5 percent. Which one of the following describes the initial reactor power change and the cause for the power change? A. Decrease, because the rate of neutron absorption in the moderator initially increases. B. Decrease, because the rate of neutron absorption at U-238 resonance energies initially increases. C. Increase, because the rate of neutron absorption in the moderator initially decreases. D. Increase, because the rate of neutron absorption at U-238 resonance energies initially decreases. ANSWER D.
A nuclear power plant is operating at 60% of rated power in the middle of a fuel cycle when a turbine control system malfunction opens the turbine steam inlet valves an additional 5 percent. Which one of the following describes the initial reactor power change and the cause for the power change? A. Decrease, because the rate of neutron absorption in the moderator initially increases. B. Decrease, because the rate of neutron absorption at U-238 resonance energies initially increases. C. Increase, because the rate of neutron absorption in the moderator initially decreases. D. Increase, because the rate of neutron absorption at U-238 resonance energies initially decreases. ANSWER B.
A nuclear power plant is operating normally at 50% of rated power when a steam line break occurs that releases 5% of rated steam flow. Assume no operator or protective actions occur, automatic pressure control returns reactor pressure to its value prior to the break, and feed water injection temperature remains the same. How will reactor power respond to the steam line break? A. Decrease and stabilize at a lower power level B. Increase and stabilize at a higher power level C. Decrease initially, then increase and stabilize at the previous power level D. Increase initially, then decrease and stabilize at the previous power level ANSWER C.
A nuclear power plant is operating at 85% of rated power when a failure of the steam pressure control system opens the turbine control valves to admit 10% more steam flow to the main turbine. No operator actions occur and no protective system actuations occur. How will reactor power respond? (Assume the control valves remain in the failed position.) A. Increase until power level matches the new steam demand. B. Increase continuously and exceed reactor protection set points. C. Decrease and stabilize at a lower power level above the point of adding heat. D. Decrease and stabilize at a critical power level below the point of adding heat. ANSWER C.
A nuclear power plant is operating normally at 50% of rated power when a steam break occurs that releases 5% of rated steam flow. Assume no operator or protective actions occur, automatic pressure control returns reactor pressure to its initial value, and feed water injection temperature remains the same. How will turbine power respond? A. Decrease and stabilize at a lower power level. B. Increase and stabilize at a higher power level. C. Decrease, then increase and stabilize at the previous power level. D. Increase, then decrease and stabilize at the previous power level. ANSWER A.
A nuclear power plant is operating at 90% of rated power at the end of core life when the turbine control system opens the turbine control valves an additional 5 percent. Reactor power will initially... A. increase due to positive reactivity addition from the void coefficient only. B. increase due to positive reactivity addition from the void and moderator temperature coefficients. C. decrease due to negative reactivity addition from the void coefficient only. D. decrease due to negative reactivity addition from the void and moderator temperature coefficients. ANSWER C.
A nuclear power plant is operating normally at 50% of rated power when a steam break occurs that releases 5% of rated steam flow. Reactor power will initially... A. increase due to positive reactivity addition from the void coefficient only. B. increase due to positive reactivity addition from the void and moderator temperature coefficients. C. decrease due to negative reactivity addition from the void coefficient only. D. decrease due to negative reactivity addition from the void and moderator temperature coefficients. ANSWER C.
Which one of the following is the purpose of a rod sequence exchange? A. Ensures proper rod coupling B. Prevents rod shadowing C. Promotes even fuel burnout D. Minimizes water hole peaking ANSWER C.
400. During continuous reactor power operation, rod pattern exchanges are performed periodically to... A. ensure some control rods remain inserted as deep control rods until late in the fuel cycle. B. allow the local power range monitoring nuclear instruments to be asymmetrically installed in the core. C. increase the rod worth of control rods that are nearly fully withdrawn. D. prevent the development of individual control rods with very high reactivity worths. ANSWER: D. 401. Shortly after a reactor trip, reactor power indicates 5 x 10-2% when a stable negative reactor period is attained. Approximately how much additional time is required for reactor power to decrease to 5 x 10-3%? A. 90 seconds B. 180 seconds C. 270 seconds D. 360 seconds ANSWER: B. 402. Which one of the following is responsible for the negative 80-second stable reactor period experienced shortly after a reactor scram? A. The shortest-lived delayed neutron precursors B. The longest-lived delayed neutron precursors C. The shutdown margin just prior to the scram D. The worth of the inserted control rods ANSWER B. 403. Shortly after a reactor scram, reactor power indicates 10 % where a stable negative period is attained. Reactor power will decrease to 10 % in approximately ______________ seconds. A. 380 B. 280 C. 180 D. 80 ANSWER C. 404. Following a reactor trip, reactor power indicates 0.1% when the typical stable post-trip reactor period is observed. Which one of the following is the approximate time required for reactor power to decrease to 0.05%? A. 24 seconds B. 55 seconds C. 173 seconds D. 240 seconds ANSWER B. 405. A nuclear power plant is operating at 100% power at the end of core life when a single main steam isolation valve suddenly closes. Prior to a reactor scram, reactor power will initially... A. increase due to positive reactivity addition from the void coefficient only. B. increase due to positive reactivity addition from the void and moderator coefficients. C. decrease due to negative reactivity addition from the Doppler coefficient only. D. decrease due to negative reactivity addition from the Doppler and moderator temperature coefficients. ANSWER A. 406. Reactors A and B are identical and have been operated at 100% power for six months when a reactor scram occurs simultaneously on both reactors. All reactor A control rods fully insert. One reactor B control rod sticks fully withdrawn. Which reactor, if any, will have the longest reactor period five minutes after the scram? A. Reactor A due to the greater shutdown reactivity. B. Reactor B due to the smaller shutdown reactivity. C. Both reactors will have the same reactor period because, after five minutes, both reactors will be stable at a power level low in the source range. D. Both reactors will have the same reactor period because, after five minutes, only the longestlived delayed neutron precursors will be releasing fission neutrons. ANSWER: D.
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Nuclear reactors A and B are identical and have been operated at 100% power for six months when a reactor scram occurs simultaneously on both reactors. All reactor-A control rods fully insert. One reactor B control rod sticks fully withdrawn. After five minutes, when compared to reactor B, the core fission rate in reactor A will be _____________, and the reactor period in reactor A will be ______________. A. the same; shorter B. the same; the same C. lower; shorter D. lower; the same ANSWER D.
408. A reactor is critical just below the point of adding heat when an inadvertent reactor scram occurs. All control rods fully insert except for one rod, which remains fully withdrawn. Five minutes after the reactor scram, with reactor period stable at approximately negative (-) 80 seconds, the remaining withdrawn control rod suddenly and rapidly fully inserts. Which one of the following describes the reactor response to the insertion of the last control rod? A. The negative period will remain stable at approximately -80 seconds. B. The negative period will immediately become shorter, and then lengthen and stabilize at approximately -80 seconds. C. The negative period will immediately become shorter, and then lengthen and stabilize at a value more negative than -80 seconds. D. The negative period will immediately become shorter, and then lengthen and stabilize at a value less negative than -80 seconds. ANSWER B. 409. A nuclear power plant that has been operating at rated power for two months experiences a reactor scram. Five minutes after the scram, with all control rods still fully inserted, a count rate of 5,000 cps is indicated on the source range nuclear instruments with a reactor period of negative 80 seconds. The majority of the source range detector output is currently being caused by the interaction of ____________ with the detector. A. intrinsic source neutrons B. fission gammas from previous power operation C. fission neutrons from subcritical multiplication D. delayed fission neutrons from previous power operation ANSWER: D. 410. A nuclear power plant is operating at 100% power when one recirculation pump trips. Reactor power decreases and stabilizes at a lower power level. Which one of the following reactivity coefficients caused the initial decrease in reactor power? A. Void B. Pressure C. Moderator temperature D. Fuel temperature (Doppler) ANSWER A. 411. A nuclear power plant is operating at 70% of rated power when one recirculation pump trips. Reactor power will initially __________ because of the effects of the __________ coefficient. A. decrease; void B. increase; moderator temperature C. decrease; moderator temperature D. increase; void ANSWER A. 412. A reactor is exactly critical in the source range when a fully withdrawn control rod fully inserts into the core. If no operator or automatic actions occur, how will the source range count rate respond? A. Decrease to zero. B. Decrease to the value of the source neutron strength. C. Decrease to a value above the source neutron strength. D. Decrease initially and then slowly increase and stabilize at the initial value. ANSWER: C. 413. A nuclear power plant is initially operating at 100% power when a control rod fully inserts into the core. Assuming no operator action, reactor power will initially decrease and then... A. Return to the original power level with the void boundary lower in the core. B. Stabilize at a lower power level with the void boundary lower in the core. C. Return to the original power level with the void boundary higher in the core. D. Stabilize at a lower power level with the void boundary higher in the core.
ANSWER: D. 414. A reactor is exactly critical below the point of adding heat when a single control rod is fully inserted into the core. Assuming no operator or automatic action, reactor power will slowly decrease to... A. Zero. B. An equilibrium value less than the source neutron strength. C. An equilibrium value greater than the source neutron strength. D. A slightly lower value, then slowly return to the initial value. ANSWER C. 415. Which one of the following percentages most closely approximates the decay heat produced in the reactor at 1 second and at 1 hour, respectively, following a scram from extended operation at 100% power? ONE SECOND A. 15.0% B. 7.0% C. 1.0% D. 0.5% ANSWER B. 416. After one month of operation at 100% reactor power, the fraction of thermal power being produced from the decay of fission products in the operating reactor is: A. Greater than 10%. B. Greater than 5% but less than 10%. C. Greater than 1% but less than 5%. D. Less than 1%. ANSWER B. 417. A nuclear power plant has been operating at 100% power for several weeks when a reactor scram occurs. How much time will be required for core heat production to decrease to 1% following the scram? A. 1 to 8 days B. 1 to 8 hours C. 1 to 8 minutes D. 1 to 8 seconds ANSWER B. 418. A reactor has been shutdown for several weeks when a loss of all ac power results in a loss of forced decay heat removal flow. Given the following information, what will be the average reactor coolant heatup rate during the 20 minutes immediately after decay heat removal flow is lost? Assume that only ambient losses are removing heat from the reactor coolant system (RCS). Reactor rated thermal power: 2,800 MWt Decay heat rate: 0.2% rated thermal power RCS ambient heat loss rate: 2.4 MWt RCS cp: 1.1 Btu/lbm-EF Reactor vessel coolant inventory: 325,000 lbm A. Less than 25 F/hour B. 26 to 50 F/hour C. 51 to 75F/hour D. More than 76 F/hour ANSWER B. 419. A nuclear power plant has been operating for one hour at 50% of rated power following six months of operation at steady-state 100% power. Which one of the following is the percentage of rated thermal power currently being generated by decay heat? A. 1% to 2% B. 3% to 5% C. 6% to 8% D. 9% to 11% ANSWER B
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