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Ch. 1. Birth of Horstra 1.

Glory to the Sun-God, whose very breathing causes Creation in this world, with whose rising all the animals (living beings) wake up (from the sleep of their ignorance), whose state at the head (zenith) accentuates all activities (throws the brightest light on ones wisdom) and whose setting (absence, weakness) causes all to sleep. Such Sun-God has his efficacy spread (all over). 2-4. Varaha Mihira in his Horstra, i.e. Bhat Jataka, stated briefly the essence of the t eachings of the learned sages viz. ten divisions of the Zodiacal Sign, Raja Yogas, longevity, effects of planetary periods etc. This could not be done elaborately by him and hence I am conveying in this work such useful essence, as called out from Yavanas etc., rejecting other unuseful portions, which may be appended to the said Brihat Jataka. 5. I, Kalyana Varma, whose fame on account of patronizing Gods and administering villages and cities is brilliant, like that of a female swan in the cage of the universe, who is the king of Vyagrapada region, present this Saravali, an astrological treatise, with a chaste heart. 6. Saravali is a river with chilly water, which has taken its birth in the mountain called Kalyana Varma, to ward off the thirst for astrology of those interested. Thus ends the 1st Ch. Birth of Horstra in Kalyana Varmas Sraval

Ch. 2. Meaning of Hor 1-5. The Creator Brahma has written on the foreheads of all living beings their fates, which are deciphered by the astrologers through their pure insight. The first and last letters in the word Ahortra are removed and the word Hor is thus born and has come to exist. The Zodiac and the planets are therein, as discussed. Some scholars say Horstra is indicative of effects of ones Karma, i.e . fate. Some call Lagna, or half of a Ri, as Hor. In practice the science relating to horoscope is called Horstra. Hor is capable of analyzing the destiny. Barring this Horstra there is no device to help one earn money, to help, as a boat, to cross the ocean of unexpected situations and to serve, as an advisor in journey. Thus ends the 2nd Ch. Meaning of Hor in Kalyana Varmas Sraval

Ch. 3. Ri Description 1-2. At the time of Pralaya (Destruction) the Universe plunged into darkness and was flooded with water, when all of a sudden the Sun-God with his brilliant rays appeared in the Universe. He created all the planets and the 12 months. 3-4. Description of the 12 Ris. The names of the 12 Ris are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The Sign Aquarius resembles a man holding a pot, while Gemini is compared to a couple holding Veena and mace. A pair of fish is the

imagination about Pisces. Sagittarius is compared to a man having a hip, like that of a horse and holding an arch in his hands. Deer-faced Sign is Capricorn. Virgo resembles a virgin sitting in a boat with a lamp in her hands. A male holding Scales in his hand represents Libra. The other Signs are identical with their names. 5-6. The Limbs of KalaPurusha and their Use. The Signs Aries etc. represent the limbs of Kalapurusha, as under: Aries head, Taurus face, Gemini arms, Cancer heart, Leo stomach, Virgo hip, Libra space below navel and private parts, Scorpio private parts, Sagittarius thighs, Capricorn knees, Aquarius ankles, Pisces feet. If at birth one has benefic planet in a particular Sign, the particular limb will be strong. A malefic makes such a limb weak. 7. Synonyms of Ris. Kriya, Tavuru, Jutuma, Kulira, Leya, Pathona, Jook, Kaurpika, Tauksha, Akokera, Hridaya Roga and Anthya are the other names given, respectively, to Ris from Aries onwards. 8. Synonyms for Houses. Riksha, Ri, Kshetra, Bha and Bhavana are identical names given to a House by the sages. 9-10. Zodiacal Halves, their Lords and Effects. The Ri Chakra with 12 Ris is called Bhagana. Six Signs counted from Leo to Capricorn consist of Solar Half and the Sun rules this Half-Zodiac. Six Signs in the reverse order from Cancer to Aquarius are Lunar Half and ruled by the Moon. Barring Cancer and Leo, planets from Mars to Saturn get one Ri each in each Half. If at birth more planets occupy the Solar Half, the native is brilliant and, if more planets are in Lunar Half, he is soft, good and lucky. 11. The Rulers of Ris and Navas. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are the Lords, respectively, of Aries to Pisces. The Navas for these Ris are calculated from Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer in their order. 12. Sub-Divisions Essential. The effects of a horoscope should be predicted according to the divisions of Houses. Without knowing the strength of such Lords, one cannot lay even a step forward in the direction of astrology. 13. Vargothamamsa. The first Nava of a Movable Ri, the 5th one in a Fixed Ri and the 9th one in a Common (Dual) Ri are called Vargothamamsa. Should the natal Lagna be in such Vargothama Nava, the native becomes an important person in his circle. The rulers of Dwadasamasas start from that Ri itself.

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