Hacking Wifi

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Crack WEP Using Windows: Many Windows users here are struggling to hack Wi-Fi networks because most

of th e tutorials are based on Backtrack and other Linux Tools. Well, here s the method to Crack Wi-Fi networks using WEP security protocol. The WEP is a very vuarable to attacks and can be cracked easily. You will be using two tools: 1st - Commview for Wi-Fi : You will use this tool for capturing the packets sent and received through the Access Point you are going to hack . The more packets you capture the better chances of cracking the password. You will need more than 1,00,000 minium packets to crack the password . The packets will be captured in the .ncp format. You will use this tool to convert the .ncp to .cap. Get it from here: http://www.tamos.com/download/main/ca.php NOTE: Some Wi-Fi cards are supported by Commview only in Windows 7 so i suggest you install Win 7 in ur Virtual Machine if your card isn t supported .

2nd - Aircrack-Ng GUI : You will use this tool to crack the password of the Acce ss Point using the .cap files you obtained from the Commview application. Get it from here: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/ NOTE: You need to run this as administrator. Also, Some Anti Viruses might detec t Aircrack as a virus. It is a false positive.

Step By Step Tutorial: STEP 1: Install CommView for Wi-Fi. It doesn t matter whether you install it in Vo IP mode or Standard mode. It automatically installs the necessary drivers. Allow it to install. Note: - You will not be able to connect to any Network using WiFi when using CommView . STEP 2: Click on the PLAY ICON in the Left First. STEP 3: (Choosing the Network (a) ) : A new window should pop up now . Click on the START SCANNING button. STEP 4: (Choosing the Network (b) ) : Click on the WiFi network you want to hack in the Right Coulumn and Click on CAPTURE. NOTE : This tutorial is only for WEP protected networks . STEP 5: (Capturing the Packets) : The windows should close now and you should se e that CommView has started Capturing Packets . STEP 6: (Saving the Packets ) : Now that the Packets are getting captured you ne ed to Save them. Click on Settings-> Options-> Memory Usage Change Maximum Packets in buffer to 2 0000 Click on the LOGGING Tab . Check AUTO-SAVING In the Maximum Directory Size: 2000 Average Log File Size: 20 Now CommView will automatically Start Saving packets in the .ncp format at a siz e of 20MB each in the specified directory .

STEP 7: ( Concatenating the Logs ) : Since you are capturing a lot of logs you w ill need to concatenate them into one file . To do this go to Logging and click on CONCATENATE LOGS. Choose all the files that have been saved in your specified folder and Concatenate them . Now you will have one .ncf file . STEP 8: (Converting .ncf to .cap ) : Now that you have one file with all the pac kets you need to Convert it into .cap file for AIRCRACK to crack . Click on File ->Log Viewer->Load Commview Logs-> Choose the .ncf file Now File->Export->Wiresh ark/TCP dump format . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, Aircrack Part: Now for the Second Part Cracking this is very simple. Just open the Aircrack Fol der->Bin->Aircrack-ng GUI.exe, and then Choose the .cap file and you should be a ble to do the others. That's All, Happy Hacking !

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