Etn 07 06

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Issued by Chief Engineers Division

Electrical Technical Note

ETN 07/06
21 February 2007

Failure of 11kV Cable Termination on 11kV Ring Main Switchgear

A termination failure occurred on an 11kV Feeder recently. The termination component that failed was two of the three Elastimold Slip On Elbows used to cover and insulate the cable lugs of the 11kV XLPE Cable that was Raychem Heat Shrink Terminated onto the - ABB - CTC 11kV Ring Main Switch Unit. (See Photo 1) It is understood that this particular termination was installed approx.13-14 years ago and was one of the earliest of the Elastimold Slip On terminations that were being introduced at that time. Normally when an 11kV XLPE cable is terminated using an "Elastimold" Cable Termination, an "Elastimold" Stress Relief Tubing has to be installed on each leg of the Elastimold cable termination, as well as an "Elastimold" Stress Relief Slip On Elbow over each Cable / Switch Unit termination (See Photo 3). Cause of Failure was considered to be to due to Electrical Stress Erosion, (Partial Discharge) of the insulation between each of the feeder cable lugs and the loose fitting "Elastimold" Elbows that were connected to earth. Note: In Photo 2 you see the correct components required for a "Raychem" 3core cable / switch termination. In Photo 3 you will also see the stress relief tubing that is missing in the "Elastimold" termination that failed. Corrective Action Visual Inspections be carried out on all of the 11kV Cable Terminations on all 11kV Ring Main Units that are still in service, especially the ones that are of the same vintage as the unit that failed. All of the 11kV Ring Main Units - 11kV Cable terminations and their 11kV Insulated Covers or Boots should be made up using only the same "Brand" of components. RMU's with Raychem Heat Shrink Cable Terminations must only be fitted with their approved Raychem Insulated elbows. (See Photo 2) RMU's with Elastimold Cable Terminations must also include the Elastimold Stress Relief Tubing on each cable leg. Each of the RMU / Cable terminations must also be fitted with the correct Elastimold Elbow. (See Photo 3)
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Infrastructure Maintenance Engineers Electrical Asset Engineers Electrical Team Managers Electrical Team Leaders


Cause of Failure Mismatch of the insulation components on the switch / cable termination allowed Electrical Stress Erosion (PD) to occur between the feeder cable lugs and the earthed Elbows leading to eventual electrical failure. Corrective Actions A) Inspect all suspect terminations. B) Replace mismatched insulation components with the correct components of the same "Brand"

Main Points

D. Stuart-Smith


Last Open Distribution

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Electrical Technical Note

ETN 07/06 21 February 2007

Where an incorrect mix of brands of Cable Terminations and Elbows are found on any 11kV Cable Termination, it must be reported so that action can be taken to ensure that the faulty termination is replaced with the correct components that are compatible. Preventative Action Before each job ensure that maintenance personnel are made aware of the need to inspect and verify that the correct procedures, components and materials have been supplied for their use, and also that the Cable Termination Manufacturers Correct Instructions and Procedures are followed.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

David Stuart-Smith Chief Engineer, Electrical Systems

8/06/2010 Rail Corporation

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