The Status of Women in World Religions
The Status of Women in World Religions
The Status of Women in World Religions
By Garda Ghista
“However much people might indulge in tall talk, in no country or age were women
given full freedom in religious and social matters, nor are they given their rights
even to this day!”
- Prabhat R. Sarkar
A Sad Scenario
Every religion existing today discriminates in some way against women. The
scriptures of all religions degrade and denigrate women, put them down and
designate women as being inferior to men. This may or may not be the fault of the
original prophet who created that particular scripture. But, it is for sure the fault of
the men who later on over the years, after the departure of the original prophet,
revised the text of those scriptures.
Let us take each one of the major religions and first look at its scripture, and decide
by reading the scripture what status it has given to women. Second, we have to look
at the society in which that particular religion abounds, look at the status of women,
and then try to analyze what impact the scripture has had on the status of women in
practical life. Suppose we look at the world’s five major religions – Buddhism,
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism.
The scripture describing the conduct to be followed by Buddhist monks and nuns is
called the Vinaya. It evolved over centuries and described how to live as sparse a life
as Buddha himself lived. However, if we study this Vinaya, we see immediately that
the rules and regulations were quite different for women than for men. In one
published version there are 250 rules for monks but more than 350 rules for nuns.
While during Buddha’s lifetime it is possible that nuns were treated similarly to men,
due to negative societal elements, nuns could not go out alone asking for alms as the
monks did, and were therefore escorted by the monks. Thus it evolved that even for
the nuns’ religious ceremonies, monks also had to be present – the kind of thinking
developed that the women could not do anything without the presence of the men.
If one reads the Vinaya further, one sees that many of the rules for women are so
graphic that they border on pornography! The author concludes that those men who
wrote such rules were themselves obsessed with sex! But, instead of admitting this
to themselves or to others, they wrote that in fact it is women who are obsessed and
sexually wayward. For this reason, they concocted endless rules for the women for
what was in fact their own weaknesses, their own inability to remove filthy sexual
fantasies from their minds.
After the departure of Buddha the monks made it every difficult for women to join as
nuns. Hence, while initially there were thousands of nuns, after a few centuries their
numbers were reduced to practically zero in India. In the 20th century there was a
slight revival of nuns in India and Sri Lanka due to women in other countries
becoming nuns. To summarize, Buddhism became a patriarchal power structure that
viewed women as lustful temptresses immersed in sensuality and not in dharma. A
famous passage from “The Tale of King Udayana of Valsa” in the Collection of Jewels
states unequivocally the monks’ attitude towards nuns and women in general:
“Women can be the cause of great suffering.
If desire is destroyed, there will be everlasting happiness.
The dead snake and dog are detestable,
But women are even more detestable than they are.”
According to Buddhist monks, because a female body is associated with evil, lust and
greed, it is not possible for a woman to become spiritually realized. However, if she
desires to become a man and mentally becomes a man, she can get realization.
Buddha himself said, “The female’s defects … greed, hate, and delusion and other
defilements – are greater than the male’s … You (women) should have such an
intention … ‘Because I wish to be freed from the impurities of the woman’s body, I
will acquire the beautiful and fresh body of a man’.” (!) Despite great obstacles there
have been Buddhist nuns whose noble and courageous lives have been recorded for
history, one of them being Nangsa Oobum. Today Buddhist nuns prevail in Sri Lanka,
Nepal and a few other countries. They shave their heads, and take vows of poverty
and chastity. They are still subordinate to monks and are also compelled to serve as
housekeepers to the monks. The Sri Lankan government subsidizes the monks by
providing them food, housing, health care and education. However, it provides
nothing to nuns. Nevertheless, the nuns continue their lives of meditation, sacrifice
and service to the poor.
Let us now take a look at the status of women in Christianity. It is impossible to
separate the position of women in a religion from the time and place in which that
religion was born. Several thousand years ago in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and
also in India and surrounding cultures, female deities were the main object of
reverence. Those cultures have been described as matrifocal, agricultural, egalitarian
and peaceful. By 4500 B.C. this had changed to a patriarchal, stratified and warlike
culture. It was this patriarchal culture from which Christianity emerged. Hence we
have male deities of the Lord Jehovah, God the Father and Jesus, the son. We also
have Eve, the corrupter of Eden who cast an affliction on the entire humanity. In
Genesis 3.16, Yahweh curses Eve, telling her, “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and
thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to
thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” There are also old Latin hymns which
when translated are in fact talking about Eve who brought endless suffering on earth
by her sins. While Christianity originated as a cult, it gradually grew into a
mainstream religion, absorbing the misogyny characteristic of those times.
We can easily find quotations of women’s oppression from the Bible, for example, I
Timothy 2.11-12, where it says “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in
silence.” In Ephesian 5.22-24, Paul says, “Wives, submit yourselves to your
husbands, as unto the Lord….” And further, “The head of every man is Christ, and
the head of the woman is the man”…. Man is the image and glory of God; but the
woman is the glory of the man.” The apostle Peter says (in I Peter 3.1-2,6) that let
wives “be in subjection to your own husbands” and have “chaste conversation
coupled with fear.”
The attitude of early Christianity towards women is clearly seen in the case of
Hypatia. Hypatia (370-415) was the head of the Neoplatonic school of philosophy in
Alexandria. She was famous for her research in mathematics and astronomy. She
saw the world famous library of Alexandria burned down by Christian mobs, causing
priceless work to be lost forever. She spoke out against this, saying, “Reserve your
right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all.” She also
said, “To teach superstitions as truth is a most terrible thing.” Because of this and
because she was a beautiful, unmarried woman, Bishop Cyril denounced her as
immoral. At that time there were many men who devoted their lives to intellectual
research and did not marry, but they were never condemned. Bishop Cyril then
incited a Christian mob to kill Hypatia, drag her body into the church and cut it into
small pieces. Bishop Cyril went on to higher offices and after his death was made
Saint Cyril of Alexandria. The library was finally totally destroyed by the Muslims.
Charles Kingsley, a Victorian Anglican clergyman, wrote a novel on Hypatia to point
out to the women of his time the dangers of overstepping their ordained place in
How has Christianity been molded and shaped over the centuries? Well, we have the
famous theologian Origen who stated, “For it is improper for a woman to speak in an
assembly, no matter what she says, even if she says admirable things or even saintly
things; that is of little consequence since they come from the mouth of a woman.”
Another theologian named Tertullian stated, “You (women) are the devil’s gateway.
You are the first deserter of the divine law; you are she who persuaded him (Adam)
whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s
image (which is) man….. (It is woman’s fault that) ‘even the Son of God had to die.’
Martin Luther believed the man to be head and master of the house, and wrote one
time that “If they (women) become tired or even die, that does not matter. Let them
die in childbirth, that’s why they are there.” John Calvin maintained that political
equality for women would be a “deviation from the original and proper order of
nature.” Later we come to Thomas Aquinas who says the following: “As regards the
individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active force in the
male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while
the production of woman comes from a defect in the active force or from some
amterial indisposition, or even from some external influence.” (While the names of
Thomas Acquinas, Tertullian and others are prefixed with St. (standing for saint), it is
not possible for this author to give their names such a prefix, in view of their
persecution of women. In fact, according to the great seer Shrii Shrii Anandamurti,
“cheating, theft and the persecution of women are the greatest crimes. Such
criminals should be categorized as Maha’pa’takiis (great sinners) and severe
measures should be taken against them from the beginning.” In view of this, we can
change the prefixes of the above theologians to Sr. – Sinner Aquinas, Sinner
The sufferings of women under Christian laws have known no bounds. Women were
forced into marriages against their will. They were put away at their husband’s whim.
And worst of all, tens of thousands of women were burned at the stake after being
declared witches. They were also burned at the stake for other ‘crimes’ such as
“talking back to a priest, stealing, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, and bearing a
child out of wedlock.” Later on in the 19th and 20th centuries, it was the Catholic and
Protestant clergy who were in the forefront of the opposition to women’s suffrage,
saying that female submission was ordained by God!
“There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is
improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing.”
- Prabhat R. Sarkar
The Old Testament, on which Judaism is based, reeks with abuses against women.
Men’s wrath against those women who dared worship the ancient female deities
knew no bounds. In Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Hosea, worshipping the female god of
those times was equated with harlotry, infidelity and witchcraft. Jezebel (wife of a
Hebrew king) is described as a vixen, an evil female. And because she followed the
old religion that worshipped a female deity, she was gruesomely murdered by
followers of the religion of Jehovah. According to the Old Testament, a woman should
be stoned to death if found to be not a virgin. But, if a man rapes a woman, he
merely has to pay her father 50 shekels of silver. That rape victim is then also
compelled (by the Old Testament) to be married to her rapist – to mitigate her
shame. Under Jewish law, a husband could get a divorce any time by writing a note –
a “bill of divorcement”. However, a woman had no legal standing at all.
In Numbers, chapter 5 of the Old Testament, we can read about jealous husbands. If
a wife is jealous, it does not matter. But if a husband was jealous, he could bring her
to the priests who would test her fidelity by making her drink water mixed with the
dirt on the floor. If she did not fall ill from that drink, she was innocent! When Jews
of olden days went to war, it was accepted that when victorious they were allowed
(by their god) to take with them the conquered women, children, livestock and
everything else. (“You may enjoy the spoil of your enemies, which the Lord your God
has given you.” Deut. 20:11-14. Would a real God, a fair and just God, sanction
genocide, rape and slavery? Can any really honest spiritualist believe that God
wanted men to treat women as mere property of men??
In earlier days some rabbis compared a woman’s exposure of her hair as equivalent
to exposure of her private parts, as they felt a woman’s hair could be used for erotic
excitement. They also forbid the recital of any blessing in the presence of a bare-
headed woman. Hence we have Kimhit who never uncovered her hair either within or
without the house. In the opinion of this author, it was and is the minds of those men
making these oppressive regulations – it is their own minds that are filled with filthy
thoughts towards women. They make the mistake of assuming that all others’ minds
are as degraded and obsessed with sex as their own. But, it is not the case.
In the Old Testament when Eve took some fruit from the tree (so the story goes),
God then said to her (Genesis 2:4-3:24): “I will greatly increase your pains in
childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your
husband and he will rule over you.” Now, can we believe that a just God will speak in
this manner?? Studying the Old Testament further we find the following statement:
“I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and
whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner
she will ensnare… while I was still searching but not finding, I found one upright man
among a thousand but not one upright woman among them all.” (Ecclesiastes 7:26-
28). A still more outrageous sentence follows: “No wickedness comes anywhere near
the wickedness of a woman.. Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must
die.” (Ecclesiasticus 25:19,24). This sentence is so ridiculous that even the roadside
dogs will howl with laughter!
Even to this day many devout Jewish men recite in their prayers, “Blessed by God
King of the universe that Thou has not made me a women.” Ecclesiasticus is simply
rampant with religious edicts against women. According to Jewish tradition, a
husband owns his wife as he owns a slave. To this day many husbands deny their
wives any control over their property and their earnings. When she married, not only
did the wife lose her property, she lost her personality also! Under Jewish law, a
husband can divorce his wife any time. But a woman cannot without very strong
reasons such as unfulfilled conjugal responsibilities. Worse still, a husband can desert
his wife any time and then refuse to grant his wife a divorce. In this case she
becomes an agunah – a chained woman. Neither can she divorce, nor can she
remarry. In the US today there are maybe 1000-1500 such agunot while in Israel
there are more than 15,000. Husbands blackmail their deserted wives for thousands
of dollars, finally agreeing to a divorce. “ How is it that Jewish sisters everywhere
tolerate this abuse, this persecution – this extreme injustice??
One can find supremely beautiful words in the scriptures of all religions. However, as
we are seeing, we can also find extremely oppressive, even horrifying words about
women in those same scriptures. Muslim scriptures simply excel in their persecution
of women. We can say that Islam is deeply anti-woman. Islam regards women as
physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually inferior. This belief is explicitly stated
in the Koran - the scripture which is claimed not to have been altered even by one
word since the time of Mohammed - and is corroborated by the hadiths (sayings
ascribed to the prophet that are deemed reliable by Muslim theologians). Sadly, in
Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangla Desh, one
cannot ignore the ulama. The ulama are the Muslim priests, or mullahs – learned
doctors of Islamic law who by their fatwas (decisions/dictates) regulate the lives of
all Muslim citizens. Ibn Al-Ghazzali, the famous Islamic theologian said that “The
most satisfying and final word on the matter is that marriage is a form of slavery.
The woman is man’s slave and her duty therefore is absolute obedience to the
husband in all that he asks of her person.”
Dr. Nawal Sa’dawi is a Muslim woman who has rebelled against her own religion and
its oppression of women. She has written that it is not possible to talk about rights of
women, “…since a woman under the Islamic system of marriage has no human rights
unless we consider that a slave has rights under a slavery system. Marriage, in so far
as women are concerned, is just like slavery to the slave, or the chains of serfdom to
the serf.” Marriage is a kind of slavery, for the wife becomes the slave of her
husband, and it is her duty absolutely to obey him in everything he requires of her…”
Prophet Mohammed himself stated, “We have not been left any calamity more
detrimental to mankind than woman.” Islam is a religion for men alone – both in the
present and in the future when men reach paradise. The Koran states that a man
may have four wives plus as many concubines as he can afford. A woman may have
one husband, and generally only the man can divorce.
The Muslim ulama are so powerful that total obedience to them is the norm in all
Muslim countries. For this very reason, the people of these countries do not get the
chance to engage in critical thinking – free and independent thought. For this very
reason, the intellectual, cultural and economic cultures of those fundamentalist
countries have stagnated and illiteracy is perhaps the highest. Sudan is a prime
example of extreme repression of the general populace, where healthy criticism is
not tolerated, as the leaders know that critical thought and liberty move hand in
hand! Muslim theologians have concluded that man was the original creation, and
woman was created for the pleasure of man. Al-Ghazzali, the philosopher revered by
all male chauvinists, has defined the woman’s role as follows:
“She should stay at home and get on with her spinning, she should not go out often,
she must not be well-informed, nor must she be communicative with her neighbours
and only visit them when absolutely necessary; she should take care of her husband
and respect him in his presence and his absence and seek to satisfy him in
everything; she must not cheat on him nor extort money from him; she must not
leave her house without his permission and if given his permission she must leave
surreptitiously. She should put on old clothes and take deserted streets and alleys,
avoid markets, and make sure that a stranger does not hear her voice or recognize
her; she must not speak to a friend of her husband even in need… Her sole worry
should be her virtue, her home as well as her prayers and her fast. If a friend of her
husband calls when the latter is absent, she must not open the door nor reply to him
in order to safeguard her and her husband’s honour. She should accept what her
husband gives her as sufficient … She should be clean and ready to satisfy her
husband’s sexual needs at any moment.”
Elsewhere Al-Ghazzali has said … “Their deception is awesome and their wickedness
is contagious; bad character and feeble mind are their predominant traits…” Such
inequality, such sheer abuse of women has been perpetrated by highly respected
Islamic theologians! Even recently (1985) a Muslim writer, Ahmad Zaky Tuffaha,
seriously quoted the following Hadith: “If a woman offered one of her breasts to be
cooked and the other to be roasted, she still will fall short of fulfilling her obligations
to her husband. And besides that if she disobeys her husband even for a twinkling of
an eye, she would be thrown in the lowest part of Hell, except she repents and turns
back.” In the same vein, in another Hadith we read as follows: “It is a noble sacrifice
for a man to share his life with the woman….she being deficient in mind, religion and
gratitude. It is condescension on the part of the man to spend his life with her. She
cannot repay this favour, no matter what sacrifice she makes.” (!) The Koran states
that a man may have up to four wives. Ghazzali gives the reason for this: “Some
men have such a compelling sexual desire that one woman is not sufficient to
protect them (from adultery). Such men therefore preferably marry more than one
woman and may have up to four wives.” Another famous Hadith states that “The
Prophet (Mohammad) used to pass (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one
night, and at that time he had nine wives.” (!)
It is said that the Prophet Mohammad did not accept the testimony of women on
issues of marriage, divorce and hudud. Hudud are the punishments stated by
Mohammad in the Koran and the hadith for (1) adultery – stoning to death, (2)
fornication – 100 lashes, (3) false accusation of adultery against a married person –
80 lashes, (4) apostasy – death, (5) drinking wine – 80 lashes, (6) theft – the
cutting off of the right hand; (7) simple robbery on the highway – the loss of hands
and feet then with death, either by the sword or by hanging. Furthermore, according
to these same sick sadists, the husband has the right to administer corporal
punishment to his wife if she (1) refuses to make herself beautiful for him; (2)
refuses to meet his sexual demands; (3) leaves the house without permission or
without any legitimate reason recognized by law; or (4) neglects her religious duties.
There is one hadith attributed to Mohammad which says, “Hang up your whip where
your wife can see it.” (!) As Prabhat R. Sarkar has said,
Now, keeping in mind these core hudud given above, let us see what has transpired
in recent years as a result of Islamic religious laws. In Pakistan in 1977, General Zia
al-Haq took over the country in a military coup and proceeded to make life a living
hell for Pakistani women. He introduced two Islamic laws in particular that brought
forth untold sufferings to women - so much so that it is difficult even to write about
it. The two laws were the Zina and Hudud.
The word Zina refers to adultery, fornication, rape and prostitution. Hudud are the
punishments meted out for these ‘crimes’. In real life, rapists are completely
protected by Islamic law. Rather than receive any kind of justice, the raped woman is
usually charged with adultery or fornication. Once in a small town in Punjab a woman
and her two daughters were stripped naked, beaten and gang-raped in public. The
police did nothing.
In another case, a thirteen-year old girl was raped by a ‘family friend’. Her father
pressed charges against the rapist, and consequently the girl was put in prison and
charged with zina – illegal sexual intercourse. The father managed to get his poor
daughter released by bribing the police, after which the traumatized child was then
severely beaten by her parents for disgracing the family’s honor!
In a third case, a fifty-year old widow decided to rent some rooms to two young
women. Suddenly the police came and arrested the girls, along with the widow’s
nephew who had been simply standing there. Later that day the widow went with her
son-in-law to the police station to inquire about her nephew. The police told her they
were arresting her also, and took her jewelry. Then they pushed the same two girls
into the room, naked and bleeding and gang-raped them in front of the widow. When
the old woman covered her eyes, the police forced her to watch by pulling her arms
down. After abusing her sexually also, the widow was stripped and raped by all
policemen present. One of the policemen covered his truncheon (stick for beating)
with hot chili paste and forced it up her rectum. She screamed in agony and then
fainted. She woke up in prison, charged with zina. She was released after three
months in prison but was not acquitted until three years had passed. See the power
of men in the Islamic country of Pakistan!! Their power is unlimited! And the abuse
of their power is also unlimited! The Human Rights Commission has stated in its
annual report that one woman is raped every three hours in Pakistan and one in two
victims is a juvenile. According to Women’s Action Forum, a woman’s rights
organization, 72% of all women in police custody are physically and sexually abused,
and 75% of those women are in jail on charges of zina. They remain in jail for years
together. Now the reader can understand what is meant by zina and hudud! The
source of zina and hudud is Islam! The hudud are straight from the Koran, while zina
represent the maximum misutilization of religion by brutes in human form! Muslim
sisters, the time has come to throw away words of dogma and exploitation, because
those words are riddling you with inferiority complexes and paralyzing your minds! It
means, your religion, instead of giving you liberation, has put you into bondage! The
time has come to speak out against all exploiters of women – regardless of whether
they are in the judicial system or serving as high priests!
The great philosopher and spiritualist, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, has written:
“If you analyze human history in all its aspects in a new way, in a new light, you will
find that attempts were made to exploit others by injecting a fear complex in their
minds…. What a nasty psychology it was to inject the fear complex in people’s mind
in the name of God! And here lies the difference between religion and dharma. You
will find that everywhere in religion, the fear complex has been created in human
minds. For women so many rigid rules and regulations were framed so that they
would respect men and stand before them in awe with folded hands. But for men,
there are no such rules and regulations. For example, (Hindu) women were
forbidden to take the names of their husbands, and the husband’s elder brothers.
For what reason? To make women exceedingly reverential towards their menfolk.
How can it be justified that a virtuous lady, with the border of her sari wrapped
around her neck, should have to lie in prostration before her immoral husband? This
is absurd, meaningless!”
We stated that truly Islam is anti-woman. Can we say something different for
Hinduisim? No, we cannot. It is even worse! The statement is based upon facts –
reams of facts. The facts are the horrific stories of suffering taking place in India
even today. Sometimes it is suffering in silence. Sometimes it is with screams.
The book Genocide of Women in Hinduism has been dedicated by the author, Sita
Agarwal, to her sister, who was murdered in a dowry-related incident. She writes
that as of June, 1999, the “status of women in India has sunk to its lowest ebb. …
cases of female infanticide, sati, dowry-related murders and crimes against women
are on the increase…” According to Agarwal, the reason for this degeneration is not
tackled. Instead, Western or ‘foreign’ influences are blamed. But in fact, she states
unequivocally that it is India’s own religion – Hinduism – that is fully to blame for the
pitiable plight of the Indian women. She refers to the Vedic and Vaishnava ‘religions’
or scriptures as prescribing in their texts the “crushing of women to the status of
sub-humans. Rather than being due to some kind of ‘corruption’, the ghastly
practices of sati, female infanticide, dowry and related acts are actually enforced by
Vedic and Hindu scriptures.” It is also a commonly-known fact that in the Vedic era
and in the Puranic era, if a woman or a lower-caste person so much as heard the
Vedas (Hindu scriptures) being recited, molten lead would be poured into their ears,
to deafen them forever!
According to Agarwal, the worst holocaust in human history was not that of Jews or
Africans. It was the holocaust inflicted on Indian women by Brahmins – the priestly
caste. It continues up to the present day! Female infanticide was sanctioned right
from early times, by the Vedas, as stated in Atharva Veda.6.3.4.: “Let a female child
be born somewhere else; here, let a male child be born.” Female infanticide helped
the Brahmins to maintain control over conquered populations by reducing the
number of women. Hence the populace was brainwashed regarding the ‘holy Vedas’ –
the unerring truth of the Hindu scriptures.
The Brahmins further indicated the killing of baby girls in a prescribed manner, such
as cutting up the baby and then feeding it to animals. Or it was to be smothered. Or
it was to be thrown into the Ganges River where crocodiles would quickly gobble it
up. The Rajputs would throw their baby girl up in the air and slice her with swords as
she fell down to the ground. Today, starvation, suffocation and live burial of the
babies is done – and often by the mothers. And today, not only do we have female
infanticide, we have also female foeticide – killing it before it is born! Since Indian
independence, in the past fifty years, more than 50 million baby girls have been
killed in India. It is an average of 1 million babies per year, and it is continuing!! 50
million baby girls is ten times more than the Jewish Holocaust!!
Young Hindu girls when given in marriage could be abandoned at will. Quoting from
Manu Smrti IX.72: “Though a man may have accepted a damsel in due form, he may
abandon her if she be blemished, diseased or deflowered, and (if she have been)
given with fraud.” Such girls, thrown out by their husbands, led a pitiable life as
outcastes of society. Yet Brahmin men were free to engage in debauchery with
devadasis any time they wanted! Subscribing to Hinduism means being a “mindless
male supremacist pig”!!
Now let us talk about bride-burning. It is rampant all over India. It is happening
every few seconds. Every day the local newspaper will report a case in that town. So
many go unreported. The women’s screams remain silent to the world. In Tamil Nadu
one can read that wives are tortured with burning cigarettes by their husbands and
mother-in-laws – in order to try to get more dowry from the wife’s parents. If they
fail, very often they burn her up completely, pouring kerosene over her and lighting a
match. The reason the practice continues is because the police are easily bribed. For
a few hundred rupees, the husband and his family go free or are never sought. More
than 5000 women die each year for not giving more dowry money. Many of them are
reported in the newspaper as ‘kitchen’ fires. The sari (dress) caught fire while the
woman was cooking! The Aryan Hindu wife can be burned by her husband any time,
for any reason. If he merely suspects her of infidelity, the council of village elders
forces the accused to walk through fire. Any sign of burns are taken as proof of guilt
(Encyclopaedia Britannica 8:986). Then, as prescribed by Manu.VIII.371, the guilty
wife is to be devoured publicly by dogs. (It is happening today still in the villages,
and is mostly unreported in the press.) This is why today murder of supposedly
‘unfaithful’ wives is tolerated by the police and by the society. This is the justice
given to Hindu women!! The dowry system has been prevalent in India since the
time of the Vedas thousands of years ago. Modern materialism and the rise of Hindu
fascism have only made the practice more vicious!
Another horrible fact one can also read in Indian newspapers is witch-burning. Any
woman in any town or village can be accused of being a witch. The grounds for
charges can be nothing more than being outspoken or talking back to men and
priests. It may not even be that. It may be nothing at all. Maybe her husband wants
a new wife! That “witch” is then hunted down and murdered in the most gruesome
manner the townsmen can concoct for her. Some are eaten alive by wild dogs.
Others have boiling oil poured over them. Still others have their genitals mutilated
after being paraded naked through the town.
According to Manu, the great Hindu law-maker, “If a wife, proud of the greatness of
her relatives or (her own) excellence, violates the duty which she owes to her lord,
the king shall cause her to be devoured by dogs in a place frequented by many.” It
was Brahmins who destroyed the dignity of women by (1) forcefully confiscating a
woman’s property, (2) enforcing the dowry system, (3) locking women in the home,
and (4) denying their women education and keeping them in a state of enforced
illiteracy. Many marriage practices of Hinduism prevalent today have a terrible origin.
Prabhat R. Sarkar writes:
“Even to this day, there is a custom whereby the mother asks her son on the eve of
his marriage, ‘Where are you going?’. He replies, ‘I’m going to bring you a maid-
servant.’ It comes from those days when the victorious clan would drag the defeated
women back to its own hill. Not only that – to bind someone you need a rope or a
chain … The women would be brought back in those days with chains on their wrists,
otherwise they might run away. The iron bangle that a married (Hindu) woman
wears today is a symbol of that early servitude. In those days women also fought in
battle, and were often hit on the head and severely injured. A small vermilion mark
then came to represent the blood streaming from their cracked heads. But today a
woman must wear that vermilion mark if she is to be recognized as married.”
One more disgusting custom is the fact that in those days, there were two categories
of women: Aryan women, who were covered from head to toe, and the indigenous
Sudra (lower-caste) women. The Sudra women were forced by the Brahmins to go
around topless – another aspect of exploitation of native women by Brahmin men.
This practice persists even today – is still dutifully followed by some lower-caste
women! To distinguish or demarcate a woman’s caste in this demonic form of
apartheid inflicts enormous psychological damage. Even to this day, lower caste
women must submit to rape by higher caste men, because the police in India do
The Hindu scriptures are as denigrating of women as are other scriptures we have
already examined. In the Rig Veda (10-95-10), it states, “The friendship of women
does not last long. Their nature is like that of the hyena.” Manu characterizes women
as loving ornaments, having impure desires, being full of wrath, dishonesty, malice
and bad conduct. (Manu.9.17). In the Atharva Veda one verse states that “a wife is
given by God to a husband to serve him and to bear him children. Further she is
referred to by her husband as his subordinate and slave.” (Atharva Veda 14.01.52).
Hinduism is the only religion where women are considered as innately promiscuous.
The Puranas state that “…as a butcher is not satisfied with the slaughter of any
number of animals, similarly women will not be satisfied with any number of men.”
Hindu literature truly pours hatred on women, calling them thieves, dacoits, pirates,
thirsty tigresses and hypocrite cats. In one scripture it states, “The following eight
qualities are characteristic qualities of women. They are: uttering lies, unsteadiness,
deceit, stupidity, greed, impurity, wickedness and rashness.” (Sukra 3-163).
In the Mahabharata, (Anusasana Parava, Section XXXVIII), the great Indian religious
epic, there is an entire chapter in which an Apsara talks in detail about the character
of women and says how they are the root of all problems and how they are always
looking for another man, no matter how good their husband may be. How, because
of this, a woman never deserves to be independent – as she can never be trusted!
We can still read these lines in many places in India:
“It is very difficult for a woman suffering from an inferiority complex, which is a
psychic ailment, to approach the Supreme Entity. She is bound to think, “I am low-
born. I am a woman. I have no rights. How can I go close to the Supreme Entity?
….. The opportunists announce that women are not entitled to salvation, and if they
want to attain it, they will have to be reborn as men….this notion is unsocial, and
totally ultravires to humanism; and … those who utter such statements, being
exploiters of women, seek to check the collective growth of humanity. You are to be
vocal against these exploiters!”
- Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
What Now?
Every religion existing today in the world – discriminates in some way against
women. The scripture of every religion today degrades women. Every scripture
indicates to women that they are inferior to men that their value is next to nil. It
may or may not be the fault of the original prophet who founded that particular
scripture. But it is for sure the fault of certain men who, later on over the decades
and centuries after the departure of the original prophet, revised the text of those
scriptures. In how many such scriptures does it state that women are not entitled to
salvation, and if they want to attain it they will have to be reborn as men! Due to
these old and outdated scriptures, and due to every man who has participated in
perpetuating these scriptures, the untold tortures and sufferings of women
everywhere have been boundless! These five major world religions were all founded
thousands of years ago. Their scriptures and tenets were changed again and again
over the centuries – by men! I ask the question, could not even one man have gone
down in history as having objected to such abuses of women as we find in the
How many thousands or millions of men have remained silent in the face of the
exploitation and torturing of women!! Surely the time has come to update these
scriptures - by women! How is it possible that my Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Muslim
and Hindu sisters can continue to accept this blatant and shameful degradation of all
women by the current male-dominated religions!! And if those religions are too
archaic, too corrupted, too riddled with dogma and denigration, then maybe it is time
to think of ushering in a new spiritual culture, full of the freshness of new green
grass in springtime, full of the soft sentient whiteness of cottony cumulus clouds – a
spiritual culture that acknowledges the complete egalitarianism of men and women,
a culture that affirms the true purpose of all human beings on this earth as being the
unceasing march towards the Supreme Desideratum. And while on this march, it is
simply our joy and our duty to spend blissful hours in worship and adoration of that
Supreme Consciousness!
“Do not tolerate injustice! This will not only harm women or a neglected and
downtrodden segment of humanity, but will cause a serious carbuncle to grow on the
vast body of society. That carbuncle will be so poisonous and infectious that it will
infect the entire society. Do not allow such a thing to happen under any
- Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
1. Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, The Awakening of Women, Ananda Marga Publciations,
2. Michael Parenti, History as Mystery, City Light books, 1999, p. 84, 90-91.
3. Encyclopaedia Brittanica
4. Karen Ho Torjessen, When Women Were Priests, Harper-San Francisco, 1995, p.
5. Barbara MacHaffie (ed.) Readings in Her Story: Women in Christian Tradition,
Fortress Press, 1992, p. 27.
6. Merlin Stone, When God was a Woman, Harcourt Brace, 1976, pp. 226-227.
7. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, Ananda Marga Carya Carya, Part II, Ananda Marga
Publications, 1987, p. 15.
8. Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, Supreme Expression II, Ananda Marga Publications, p. 59.
9. Agunot – plural form of agunah.
10. One of the most famous fatwas of recent years was by the Bangladeshi ulama
demanding the extradition of Tasalima Nasarina for her very simple writings and
speeches demanding equality of men and women.
11. Nawal El Sa’dawi, The Hidden Face of Eve, Zed Press, London, 1980, p. 139-140.
12. R.A. Klein, The Religion of Islam, p. 190.
13. Hughes, The Dictionary of Islam, p. 680.
14. The divorce rules are slowly changing. It was my personal experience living in
the United Arab Emirates that it is now possible for a wife to request a divorce.
Generally, if a wife is very unhappy, she will just return with her suitcase to the home
of her parents, and then the husband files for divorce, which gives the wife her
15. Tuffaha, Ahmad Zaky, Al-Mar’ah wal-Islam, Dar al-Kitab al-Lubnani, Beirut, first
edition, 1985, p. 176.
16. Sahih Bukhari, Arabic-English translation, Vol. 7, Hadith no. 142.
17. Kurt Schork, Pakistan’s Women in Despair, Guardian Weekly, September 23,
18. Manu Smrti – the book of Hindu laws written by Manu.
19. Apsara means the women in heaven that are there for the men to enjoy.
Hinduism shares this doctrine with Islam.
20. Agarwal, Sita, Genocide of Women in Hinduism, Sudrastan Books, Jabalpur,
India, 1999.
21. Ibn Warraq, Islam’s Shame
22. Interview by e-mail with MaryCarol Hopkins, Professor of Anthropology, Northern
Kentucky University.
23. Old Testament Laws
24. Women in Buddhism, Part II by Rev. Patti Nakai
25. Women in Islam. M. Rafiqul-Haqq and P. Newton
26. Women in Islam Versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition.
27. Link on the Internet