NGT Feeding
NGT Feeding
NGT Feeding
Emptying (Decompression)
Application of negative pressure to nasogastric tube via wall suction
May be continuous or intermittent 20-40 mm/Hg = low suction
Continuous: Increased risk of gastric mucosal irritation with continuous suction > 25 mm/Hg Equipment required:
Suction regulator wall style or portable Collection canister Connecting tubing.
Documentation - example
0730 NGT in place to low intermittent suction.
Placement verified. Draining green fluid. Abdomen soft, hypoactive bowel sounds noted. States has not passed gas but is feeling better. M. Bright SN 0930 Vomited 50mL dark brown fluid. NGT in place. Suction off. Placement verified. Abdomen round, tender, firm. Hypoactive bowel sounds. Placed to low intermittent suction with return 200mL dark brown fluid.. M. Bright SN
Gastrostomy Tubes
Designed as long-term enteral feeding device Surgically or endoscopically placed in the stomach by a physician Larger in diameter than nasogastric feeding tubes PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
Documentation - example
1030 #16F Salem sump inserted via right nare. Secured. Placement verified. Connected to low continuous suction with return 300mL tan fluid. Minimal distress on part of pt. M. Bright SN Small bore tube (stylette left in place until after Xray) 1100 #8F feeding tube inserted via left nare. Secured at 75cm. CXR (chest x-ray) ordered to verify placement. Unresponsive during procedure. M. Bright SN
Nursing Process
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements A state in which a person who is not NPO experiences or is at risk of experiencing reduced weight related to inadequate intake or metabolism of nutrients for metabolic needs Defining characteristics: Food intake less RDA with or without weight loss and/or metabolic needs in excess of intake Risk for Aspiration State in which a person is at risk for entry of secretions, solids, fluids, into the tracheobronchial passages Deficient Fluid Volume A person who can take fluids (not NPO) experiences or is at risk of experiencing dehydration Insufficient oral fluid intake, negative balance I&O
Enteral Feeding
Indications: Nutrition Less than Body Requirements combined with inability to chew and swallow food normally. Methods: Continuous, intermittent, bolus Hazards and Complications: ASPIRATION, nausea,vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping
Enteral Feeding
Review facility specific Policy & Procedure Review Physicians orders for: -feeding tube type -formula: type, strength, additional free water -feeding schedule -checking residuals and when to hold or resume feedings Check facility policy for: -when to change container, tubing -formula hang time
Nursing Care
Feed in semi-fowlers position and maintain position for 2 hours after feeding. How should the client be positioned if feeding is continuous? Check placement at beginning of shift and before feeding! Check for residual per physician orders or every 4 hrs. if continuous or before feeding if intermittent or bolus. Hold per Physician orders Aspirated residual is returned to the stomach Critical Thinking: how do you assess tolerance to feeding?
Documentation - examples
1100 Placement feeding tube verified. Abdomen soft, active bowel sounds noted. Head of bed up 45 degrees. Jevity strength, 50mL/hr started via feeding pump. M. Bright SN. 0800 Abdomen firm, active bowel sounds noted. PEG placement verified. 20mL residual noted. Full strength Glucerna @ 50mL/hr via feeding pump. Denies nausea, cramping. M. Bright SN