Total Physical Response
Total Physical Response
Total Physical Response
on a bear hunt! The teacher will model what must be done. She will sing the lines first and the students are to repeat the lines back. Throughout the entire song the teacher as well as the students will be marching. Throughout the song the students will be require to do some body movements, such as pretending to climb and swimming. The song is intended to allow young ESL students to associate vocabulary words such as, tree, climb, swim, under it over it and through it, bear, and cave, to his or her every day situation and environment. (With an exception of a cave or a bear). Students may do such acts such as, going through grass, go under things over thing or through it, in his or her daily life; with the help of this song the students will be able to connect their actions with words. This activity does not require much except enthusiasm. Some students may be hesitant to act out the actions but they will join in when they are ready to. Only target language will be spoken. Vocabulary words: Verbs such as swimming, climbing, catching, and marching Marching throughout the entire song (Leader) We're going on a bear hunt! (Marching) (Group) We're going on a bear hunt! We're going catch a big one! (With arms, stress how big a bear could be) We're going catch a big one! (with arms stress catch) I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid! Are you? Are you? Not me! Not me! Here comes the gate " " (Group Echos) Now we're on a bear hunt " " We're going catch a big one " " (stress catch with arms) I'm not afraid " " Are you? " " Not me! " " We're coming to a tree " " It sure is high " " It sure is wide " " We cant go under it " " We cant go through it " " Well have to go over it " " Let's climb up it " " (Pretending to climb a tree)
We're going on a bear hunt! We're going on a bear hunt! We're going catch a big one! We're going catch a big one! I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid! Are you? Are you? Not me! Not me! We're going thru the tall grass " " We cant go under it " " We cant go over it " " Well have to go through it " " (Sway arms as if going through tall grass) We're going on a bear hunt! We're going on a bear hunt! We're going catch a big one! We're going catch a big one! I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid! Are you? Are you? Not me! Not me! We're coming to a wide river " " We cant go over it " " Well have to swim thorough it (Swimming by swaying arms front and back) We're going on a bear hunt! We're going on a bear hunt! We're going catch a big one! We're going catch a big one! I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid! Are you? Are you? Not me! Not me! Shhh, it's a cave " " Looks like the kind of cave that B-bears live in " " All right lets go in. Now, quiet, don't make a sound, we do not want to wake him up, well be in trouble. Oooo, It's dark in here. It's really dark in here . I can't see a thing. Agh, there's spiders webs. Ooo, what was that??? What's this??.... it's soft. Uh oh, it's kind of fuzzy. Ahg!!!!!!!!! Run! Everybody run!! (Running in place) Its a bear!!!! Everybody together. Jump in the water! (Swimming motion) Go through the grass (Swaying arms back and forth) Climb the tree (Climbing motion) Go thru the gate Into the house, under the bed. Under the pillow Hide!!!!! Uh, it's awful quiet around here I'm not afraid I'm not afraid Are you? Are you?