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Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Istochnik Plus, closed joint stock company, Biysk, was established by scientists and designers of one of the leading enterprises of defense industry Federal State and Unitary Enterprise Federal Research and Production Centre Altay (FSUE FRPC Altay) aiming to defense industry achievements introduction into national economy. Biysk was awarded a status of science city due to high achievements and great investment of FRPC Altay scientists in national science developing. Istochnik Plus is one of the leaders in designing and manufacturing of powder fire-extinguishing modules. Powder fireextinguishing modules TUNGUS exceed Russian and foreign analogs in efficiency, reliability and operational features. They have lower price and can extinguish the seats of fire in any module space orientation. Cold gas sources (CGS) developed at the enterprise and based on modern low-temperature gasgenerating compositions have become the basis of fundamentally new autonomous and automatical fireextinguishing systems. The major portion of powder fire-extinguishing modules developed and serially manufactured in Russia are based on CGS. Firefighting powder ISTO-1 developed at the enterprise has high performance and a 10 year warranty working life. Nowadays Istochnik Plus is the only enterprise in Russia which provides module production on base of elements of its own manufacturing and supplies other enterprises, the producers of modules of other brands, with charging elements. Mechanical manufacturing has been established at the enterprise for frame and charging elements production, and straightline assembling has been developed on conveyor assembly line with output up to 15 thousand items per month. The production of the enterprise has been awarded with 18 Gold medals of All-Russian Exhibition Centre, Siberian and Altay Fairs, and a great number of Diplomas of international exhibitions. The enterprise is a laureate of the first national prize For Strengthening the Safety of Russia (ZUBR-2004). Due to high quality of the production Istochnik Plus has been awarded with big Gold medal of National prize Gold Mercury of Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Gold medal European Quality, the title of The Leader of Russian Economy and has been acknowledged of The Best Enterprise of Altay territory. The enterprise is a member of Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, World Academy of Sciences of Complex Safety, SystemServis International Association, and Association of Companies of Safety Industry of Siberian region, and also is a member of the Industrialists Union of the Altay territory.

Istochnik Plus, Closed Joint Stock Company

659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]

Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Powder Fire-extinguishing Modules TUNGUS
Large experience in fighting fires shows that the principal factors defining the timely suppression of arising fires are as follows: - efficiency of fire extinguishing means do not require a repeat extinguishing of fire sites; - fast-action of fire extinguishing means provides early suppression of fire sites and prevents them from spreading throughout the object; - autonomy provides operation of fire-extinguishing means in independent mode of power supply without any people in premises; - reliability of fire extinguishing means during a long-term operation in different climatic conditions without routine maintenance. Also, the means of fire extinguishing should have reasonable price and available for their wide usage. Modular means of fire-extinguishing TUNGUS meets all the requirements pointed completely, provide the seats of fire extinguishing in automatical, autonomous mode without any people in premises, and have low prices available for mass consumer.

Brief description:
A wide range of the fire extinguishing modules TUNGUS with a weight of fire-extinguishing powder of 0.5 to 22kg of ceiling-, wall- and ground-based design (main technical characteristics are given in Table 1) has been developed and implemented into serial straightline production at Istochnik Plus, closed joint stock company. The following modifications are in serial production: - impulse (according to fire SP 5.13130.2009 Set of rules modules extinguish electric equipment under tension without taking into account the value of firefighting powder discharge voltage); - fire- and explosion-proof; - thermal-resistant (operating temperature range of -60 to +90C); - autonomous (equipped with signaling-and-triggering devices type Pulsar, USPAA-1 v2, USPAA-1 v4, USP-101); - automatic (actuating from signaling means); - with manual launch; - floor-based without any fasteners to the floor; - high-altitude (mounting height up to 16 m).

659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]

Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

The modules developed have high firefighting ability, they are universal, provide an efficient extinguishing of A, B, C class of fires and electrical equipment under tension without taking into account the value of firefighting powder discharge voltage, in automatical and autonomous mode in premises and out-of-doors. They are started to work with electrical signal of low power, and maintain high reliability during 10 years of operation without any maintenance. All the substances in their structure are environmentally friendly. Table 1
Module type Powder mass, kg Area to be protected, m2 A class 1,2 25 40 78 50 72 36 80 75 B class 1,2 10 16 31 25 33 18,3 36 58 Volume to be protected, m3 A class 2,4 38 100 100 150 216 216 240 250 B class 1,2 12 20 40 33 42 75 53 The height of installation electric equipment cabinet fire protection 1...4 2...9 0...6 2...9 213 floor-based 2,516 Lmax = 32

Tungus-0.65 Tungus-2 Tungus-4 Tungus-5 Tungus-6I Tungus-9 Tungus-10 Tungus-10st Tungus-24

0,5 1,9 4,0 4,4 6,0 8,6 9,5 9,5 22

High module efficiency is provided due to high-pressure firefighting powder jet supplying into the seat of fire. Module consists (see Figure 1) of frame 1, in which there is firefighting powder ISTO-1 2, low temperature gas generating device (cold gas source, CGS) 3 with electrical triggering element 4, and aerator 5 for powder fluidization there. In the lower part of the case there is a nozzle hole with a nozzle-spray 6 fitted in it for powder outflowing into the seats of fire. The module operation principle is following. After threshold value exceeding of the controlling factor (or factors) in autonomous signalingand triggering devices in the structure of standard fire-extinguishing sets control equipment or after manual launch an electrical signal of low power (not less than 0.120.15 mA) is supplied and CGS launching occurs. Gas generated under thermal decomposition of the compound used in CGS flow into the case of the MPP (powder fire extinguishing module) through aerator, make fire-extinguishing powder loose and create an excess pressure in the case. After the working pressure reaching a membrane breaks and gas-and-powder jet is supplied to the seat of fire under high pressure through the nozzle-spray. Figure 1
659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]

Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Due to their high performance, easy-to-actuate from a low-power electric signal, high reliability, design features, low cost, aesthetic design the modules TUNGUS are used widely, replace fire extinguishers and standard stationary systems of fire extinguishing. The causes of this are as follows: - extinguish fires in the open air and in the premises without using piping elements, - provide any direction of supplying of fire extinguishing powder (there are no stagnant areas and at the same time high reliability of extinguishing); - high efficiency of extinguishing (the surface protected up to 80m2, the volume protected up to 250m3); - fast-action providing extinguishing fire sites at their early phase and preventing the fire from propagating throughout the object; - triggering into operation from a low-power electric signal (starting current 120150mA and, as a result, simple design, high reliability, low cost accessible for mass usage; - long-term of shelf life (10 years) without any maintenance, high quality of manufacturing in accordance with the international requirements ISO 9001; - multiple usage (reloading at any service stations of fire-extinguisher recharging), guaranteed delivery of loading elements by the factory-manufacturer Istochnik Plus, closed joint stock company in any amounts for reloading; - safety (no pressure in modules during their storage and service); - there is no assembly work when using portable self-triggering modules. They can be mounted on the floor in buildings without fasteners.

659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]

Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Field of application and prospects of usage:
At present Istochnik Plus is serially producing a wide range of fire extinguishing modules: - small-size module Tungus-0.65 for fire-protecting electric control boards, cabinets, enclosures, switches, boxes; - module Tungus-2 has been developed according to the recommendations of Mosenergoproekt for protecting no-go cable channels and also garage boxes and small premises; - modules Tungus-4, Tungus-6I for suppressing fire sites in buildings and open areas of different purpose; - module Tungus-5 for suppressing fire sites under false floor, behind hung ceiling, can be used as operative relocating firefighting mean with manual launch; - module Tungus-9 for suppressing fire sites at production facilities, warehouses, hangars with ceiling height up to 13m; - module Tungus-10 for suppressing fire sites in vertical cable channels and in premises with the equipment of a complicated shape; - module Tungus-10st is recommended for fire defense of objects in premises with dense equipment packing (storehouses, workshops, parking bays, trade centers and complexes, objects of power industry) with ceiling height up to 16 m; - module Tungus-24 for fire protecting of large-size objects, long cable channels with large crosssection; the cost of the module is three times as low as its analogues with the same features in fire extinguishing efficiency; - explosion-proof modules with case volume of 0.65 to 24 liters for suppressing fire sites at fire- and explosion-hazard objects group I and II; - thermal-resistant modules with case volumes of 0.65 to 24 liters for suppressing fire sites at the ambient temperature of -60C to +90C; - self-triggering portable fire-extinguishing module Tungus-10-S with the vertical fire-extinguishing powder supply. RZD (Russian Railways), open joint stock company, has recommended the application of the MPP TUNGUS for fire extinguishing in cable channels of electrical control cabins, high voltage chambers, diesel rooms, traction and transformer substations, storages of combustive-lubricating materials. In the opinion of the chief specialists of Termnefteproekt (Krasnodar) and Vankurneft (Krasnoyarsk) there are good outlooks for using modules to protect oil-gas equipment in Siberia and in the Far North regions, where the use of water for extinguishing fires becomes complicated due to climatic conditions of the region. Autonomous means of fire-extinguishing are of wide application for fire defense of separate fire sites (rooms), including garage boxes, technological objects of petroleum storage, oil-dispensing posts, and switchboards. The statistics shows that nowadays about 70% of fires in Russia happen in residential areas. When fires occur, especially fatal consequences happen at the lower floors of block of flats and prevent people evacuation from the upper floors. Equipping premises with autonomous fire-extinguishing modules would make it possible to suppress fire sites efficiently at their initial sites in separate premises and, thus, prevent them from spreading to other premises or to the upper floors.

659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]

Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

The results of fire-extinguishing modules Tungus introducing at various purpose objects are given in Table 2.
- objects of retail trade, stands, pavilions, shops, trading areas; - State Reserve bases, logistic centers terminals, customs and excise storehouses; - storehouses of equipment, chemical agents, wooden workpieces, wood chipboard, varnish-and-paint and alcohol-containing production, distribution network production; - tank farms, warehouses and storehouses of petroleum, diesel fuel, fuels and lubricants; - depositories in banks and pawnshops; - oil-cellars in Magnitogorsk calibrating plant and black-oil supply facility PO azZink - underground garages, multi-stored parkings, garage complexes and bays; - car repair workshops, car washes; - paint and varnish manufactures, painting and drying chambers; - wood-working workshops, bunkers; - garbage processing plants, paper recycling; - knitting factories and cotton industrial complexes; - industrial facilities of Pointer Works, Universal plant in the structure of Russian Railways, open joint stock company; polymer packing plant YuzhUralPak; polyethylene pipes production facilities; - Irtysh steam navigation objects and Siberian ship-building works; - oil heating stations at oil pipeline Usa - Ukhta, gas-oil condensate fields and gas pumping stations at heat station; - boilers and mini-boilers of container types; - petrol stations, oil-loading terminals; - diesel power plants and diesel generators; - electric power workshops and electric facilities, turbine workshops of electric stations, transformers - cable channels, underground tunnels and passages; - antenna outputs of relay telephone stations, communication posts, Bashkiriya trade center - archives, libraries, vessels, city treasuries, banks; - theaters, riding-houses, exhibition halls, recreation centres, orphanages, restaurants, medical institutions; - dormitory areas, cottages, apartments, attic and basement premises; - engine test benches.
Objects of Introduction

Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Abakan, Biysk, Novosibirsk, total 59 cities Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk, Ivanovo, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk Tver, Biysk, Magnitogorsk, Moscow, Uralsk (Kazakhstan), Ivanovo, Mongolia, Nahodka, Krasnoyarsk, Shuya, Tomsk (DSP, open joint-stock company) Novorossisk, Togliatti, Ulyanovsk, Novosibirsk, Magnitogorsk, Biysk Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan) Magnitogorsk, Ust Kamenogorsk Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, S-Petersburg, Tomsk, Ufa. Total: 47 cities of Russian Federation; China. Novosibirsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Izhevsk, Tyumen, Khabarovsk Angarsk, Yekaterinburg, Kurgan, Abakan, Ust Kamenogorsk Moscow, Biysk, Saratov, Tyumen Magnitogorsk Ufa Novosibirsk, Novokuznetsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk Omsk Komi Republic, Orenburg region, Ust-Kamenogorsk Biysk, Togliatti, Khabarovsk Irkutsk, Magnitogorsk, Surgut, Tomsk Nakhodka, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk Irkutsk, Magnitogorsk, Mezhdurechensk, Yekaterinburg, Omsk Moscow, Novosibirsk Arkhangelsk, Irkutsk, Taganrog, Ufa Barnaul, Biysk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk Irkutsk, Nefteyugansk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk Vologda, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Barnaul, Izhevsk, Moscow Ivanovo

Places of Introduction

659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]

Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

The whole range of fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS has been certified by FSU VNIIPO, Ministry for Emergency Situations of Russia and R EES, has Authorization of Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear inspection and FSUE All-Russian Railways Transport Research Institute for using at fire- and explosion-hazardous and railway objects. Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear inspection has recommended modules usage in mine workings which are non-dangerous in dust and gas. Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear inspection has also recommended modules TUNGUS usage in mines and mine workings which are dangerous in dust and/or gas. Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear inspection has also recommended modules TUNGUS usage in petrochemical, oil-refining and other fire- and explosion-hazardous objects. The modules are certified in China. The modules are authorized for using in Kazakhstan. Production has been certified according to the requirements of International Quality System ISO90012001. Istochnik Plus, closed joint stock company, has been accredited by Ministry of Emergency Situations as an enterprise which puts into practice the following fields of activities: research and development works aiming to creation of program-technical automatize monitoring systems and systems of safety and life support management of infrastructure objects which are critically important for Russian national safety and Russian population as well as hazardous objects, buildings and constructions.

TUNGUS-based fire extinguishing systems:

The modules developed are a basic element for construction of automatic powder fire extinguishing systems. They can be actuated by the following devices of fire automatics: Grand Magistr PU (Magistral, ltd.) Start-8 (Argus-spektr, closed joint stock company) PPKOP Piket-2 (PO Spetsavtomatika, closed joint stock company) VERS PU (MPP VERS, ltd.) S2000-SPT (NVP BOLID) and other devices of fire automatics. As a complete set with signaling-and-starting devices such as USPAA-1, USP-101 and Pulsar, it is selftriggering. Independent systems do not need an external power supply for triggering the module. In this case the source of a starting signal is a signaling-starting device. The signaling-and-starting devices USPAA type have a function of complicated automatic systems first when achieving 60C the signal system informs about appearance of fire, and then at a higher temperature of 72C fire-extinguishing modules come into action.

659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]

Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Our enterprise in cooperation with KB PRIBOR, design department, has developed self-triggering ceiling-mounted and portable floor-mounted modules Tungus-6-S and Tungus-10-S, shown in Figure 5. A detecting-and-starting device based on the fire-alarm box Pulsar has been chosen as a detecting device of the fire site. This device provides signal sending for triggering the module from the moment of fire appearing for 19 seconds, i.e. fire extinguishing will be performed at the initial stage of fire occurrence. The angle of view of a remote optical element is 120 (Figure 6), so when the fire extinguishing module is placed in the corner of the room, the direction of a remote optical element being to the center; it will control the whole space to be protected.

Figure 5

Figure 6

659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]

Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Autonomous Fire-extinguishing Sets on Base of Powder Fire-extinguishing Modules TUNGUS, Equipped with Double-channel Device of Fire Sites Detecting USPAA-1 v4

MPP Tungus-6-S2 with device USPAA-1 v4 general view

Istochnik Plus, closed joint stock company, has designed and developed the serial production of wide range of self-triggering powder fire-extinguishing modules (MPP) TUNGUS equipped with a system of double-channel fire sites detecting for extinguishing fires class A, B, and electrical equipment under tension without any restrictions of the value of firefighting powder discharge voltage. Self-triggering modules consist of standard MPP TUNGUS and signal-and-triggering device USPAA-1 v4, which is mounted on a module frame or separately on ceiling, wall, or columns. The distinctive feature is using in their construction the system of fire detecting based on two channels: thermal and optical, where optical channel is activated by thermal channel. The operational principle is founded on fully autonomous action, theres no need humans interference into the process of fire extinguishing. Modules installation is rather simple and does not require any special skills. It allows using them not only for fire defense of different industries objects but also in objects of private ownership (living space, garages, bathhouses etc.). Decision about the usage of definite model is made taking into account model individual techno-economic features. The module range developed makes it possible to choose a firefighting mean in accordance with special features of protected object and its structure. By way of example the APFES MPP(N-S2)-6-I-GE-U2 on base of Tungus-6 module is shown in Figure 1. The design of autonomous sets on base of other powder fire-extinguishing modules of Tungus range of products is similar.
659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]



Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7 2 5 ) 4 8 )

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Figure 1

Figure 1


APFES design USPAA-1 v4 (see item 3 in Figure 1) is mounted on bracket 1 of the module frame 2. The output ends of electrical triggering unit 4 of the cold gas source (CGS) 5 and USPAA-1 v4 are connected with a help of cable 6. The connection is carried out with contact screw clamp 7. USPAA-1 v4 is performed on a frame of both ceiling-mounted (see Figure 1a) and wall-mounted (see Figure 1b) module.

The advantages of self-triggering modules equipped with device USPAA-1 v4:

1. In contrast to its analogs with one-channel fire detecting system, the device suggested has both optical and thermal channel of fire detecting, that provides high operation speed and reliability and excludes false triggering (due to optical interference: sun glints, electric-arc welding). The device controls the temperature and levels of spectral components of infrared light low-frequency oscillations and classifies a fire situation depending on its developmental stage. 2. USPAA-1 v4 provides group launching of TUNGUS modules. Two kinds of modes are realized in the device depending on group launching type: - global group launching with simultaneous actuation of all modules; - local group launching with selective actuation of the modules, signal-and-triggering devices of which have detected the initial fire signs and being in Attention mode.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Self-triggering Module TUNGUS Operation Principle
After detecting of temperature rising typical for fire origin in protected object USPAA-1 v4 device activates optical control channel, determines low-frequency spectral components of infrared light and compares the results obtained with patterns prestored a priori. Depending on correlation score APFES determines the level of fire hazard (Normal, Fire, and Launch). In situations of non-determining of fire hazard with a help of optical channel (for example in cases when optical channel cannot detect open fire because of large smoke content) and further temperature rising the fire hazard is under control of thermal channel. After fire detecting in protected object (in case if the temperature in the object has exceeded maximal normal level of 50C and reached the level of 62C or in case if the optical channel has registered the open seats of fire) APFES generates signal Fire (discrete light and sound signal) and with a time delay of 5 sec (or 30 sec with a minijumper of launching signal delay set) Launch signal is generated and electrical signal is supplied to output ends of electrical triggering unit of the CGS. After electrical impulse supplying the CGS generates a gas which fluffs the firefighting powder and creates pressure inside the module frame for membrane breaking in outlet hole and firefighting powder jet emission into burning area through the nozzle spray. The observation angle of optical element of APFES optical channel is 120 that makes it possible to exercise supervision of fire hazard irrespective of type of module mounting: ceiling-mounting or wallmounting.

USPAA-1 v4 key features:

- the time of launching is not more than 20sec.; - maximal observation angle is 120; - the length of fire sites detecting is 6m; - USPAA-1 v4 is a device of multiple usage; - the device life time is not less than 10 years; - the temperature range of operation is from -40C to +50C; - the device is resistant to temperature influence from -50C to +75C.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Powder Fire-extinguishing Module Tungus-5
Firefighting is a complex technical task and its proper solving depends on the level of technical fire-extinguishing means development. Fire is most dangerous in situations when it appears in places difficult of access and when a lot of time is needed for such access. For example it is time for floor opening, false ceiling destroying, and high-rise building penetration. For this purpose Istochnik Plus, closed corporation, has designed a multi-functional device for extinguishing of seats of fire a module Tungus-5. This device can be used as stationary autonomous fire-extinguishing mean and as efficient facility with manual launch. The devise designed is universal firefighting mean for extinguishing fires class A, B, C and electrical equipment under tension without taking into account the value of firefighting powder discharge voltage. Module space position can be changed. It can be mounted on wall, ceiling, and floor. The module has high operational efficiency. It extinguishes seats of fire on square up to 78m2 and in volume up to 100m3. Thermal-resistant modification is also available which makes it possible to use the module in temperature range from -60 to +90C. Tungus-5 is activated with electric signal of low power; starting current is 0.12A. The module is the device of multiple usage. Tungus-5 is the device of multiple usage, it has moderate size and mass. Its diameter is 276 mm, its height 224 mm and its firefighting powder mass is 4.4 kilograms. The total weight of the module is 8.2 kilograms. Tungus-5 consists of a frame with firefighting powder, cold-gas source and electrical-and-triggering device. Nozzle hole is blocked with membrane. A cover reflector on the side of nozzle is connected with module frame. By the use of special washers a gap is formed for powder emission. The module is supplied with a bracket for cellar, wall or floor mounting. Tungus-5 is launched with the help of pulse current which can be generated with control fire alarm device, notching start button or electronic launching device, such as USPAA or USP-101. After electrical pulsing to electrical-and-triggering device the cold-gas source generates a gas which fluffs


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

firefighting powder and creates pressure inside the module frame. After reaching the working pressure the membrane breaks and firefighting powder throws out into cavity between the frame and the cover reflector. Then the firefighting powder is throwed out through circular gap. Owing to this unusual method of powder emission, the module can operate in any direction: horizontal, vertical and sloping. The main feature of Tungus-5 is that it can be used for fire-extinguishing in places difficult of access with complex geometry. There is a handle mounted on throwable variant of Tungus-5, with the help of which the module is thrown in area where inflammation took place. There is a slot for handle electrical triggering device on the cover reflector. The triggering device provides electric circuit integrity control by light indication and tone signal in the moment of its connection to the module. The device also provides electric launching signal admission by Start button and power source discharge control. For Tungus-5 activation it is necessary to extract a plug from the module slot and put the electrical triggering device into the slot. Light indication of electric circuit integrity control and tone signal should occur thereafter. After receiving evidence that light indication and tone signal have occurred one need to press Start button, extract the triggering device out of the slot and throw the module into burning area. The period of time from pressing Start button to the moment of module throwing should be not more than 4 seconds. In contrast to Russian and foreign analogs Tungus-5 module: - has unbreakable frame; - can be used both in closed space and in outdoor conditions; - is safe, doesnt contain any explosion-hazardous pyrotechnical components. The temperature of gasand-powder jet throwing out of the module into the seat of fire is close to ambient one. MPP Tungus-5 special feature is that it can be used for seats of fire extinguishing in places difficult of access and in places with complex geometry. Stationary, autonomous or self-triggering modules can be used for seats of fire extinguishing under false floor, hung ceiling, into ventilation wells, cable channels, ceiling and roof sections, chimneys, attics, basements, storehouses with flammable substances. Tungus-5 modules can be also used for fire safety in gas equipment cabinets, electric equipment cabinets, electrical panels, under-bonnet space of motorcars and in many other objects. Modules with manual launch can be used as an operational firefighting device by fire prevention subdivisions, locomotive crews of railway transport, sea and river boat crews. They can also be used by voluntary fire brigades in the countryside, by office personnel and individuals for fire protection of private ownership before fire brigade arriving to a fire-place. Tungus-5 module is certified. Serial production is organized.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Volley Fire-extinguishing Set Tunguska
One of the most important factors of fire loss enhancement is a time of taking prompt measures aimed at fire liquidation. Taking into account roads condition, traffic jams, high remoteness of settlements and separate objects from fire stations the time of fire brigade arrival to fire-place may be critical. In this case even small seat of fire will turn into large and destructive one. Fire-extinguishing in this case is of great complication. Taking this into account Istochnik Plus, closed joint stock company, has designed a volley fire-extinguishing set Tunguska which makes it possible to carry out prompt firefighting or fire localizing before fire brigade arriving. Tunguska consists of 9 powder fire-extinguishing modules Tungus-24 mounted on rotary device. Rotary device provides changing of the powder emission angle into a seat of fire. Such fire-extinguishing set is mounted on a vehicle which can move fast by road. So it can be mounted both stationary and on a vehicle. It can be mounted on motor cars, motor car trailers, tractor trolleys, where a driver can operate the device without leaving a cabin. The time for a vehicle preparation for departure to a fire place is not more than for any other vehicle. Tungus-24 modules are activated with electric signal of low power; starting current is 0.12A. Their life time is 10 years without any maintenance. The temperature range of operation is from -50 to +50C. Each of modules provides fire-extinguishing on square up to 75m2 and volume up to 250m3 and has the efficient length of powder jet of 20m. Modules changing is provided during a few minutes, and modules recharging can be made after their usage at any station of fire extinguishers technical maintenance. Tunguska set can be used as an efficient mean for local volunteer fire brigades before special fire brigades arriving to the fire place in countryside and in fire-hazardous objects where fire can progress with high speed. Testings carried out together with All-Russian Research Institute of fire defense, in Biysk forestry and in Pavlovsk have approved high efficiency of the set. The set has been implemented for fire protection of objects of Militarized mine-rescue units.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Combined Method of Fire Extinguishing of Oil and Gas Producing Wells
Combined method of fire extinguishing of oil and gas producing wells is based on usage of impulse powder fire-extinguishing modules Tungus in the structure of a gas-and-water fire-extinguishing vehicle GAWFEV-150. GAWFEV-150 is a firefighting vehicle on chassis of which a turbojet engine is placed. GAWFEV has a fuel feeding system of turbojet engine fuel supplying, a system of water supplying to engine exhausting jet and a spraying system. The procedure of fire extinguishing with the help of gas-and-water jet is following. The jet brought to the fire bottom provides oil and gas well cooling. Then the jet is slid upwards along the flare axis and provides flameout. After that a gas-and-water jet supplying is proceeded for ultimate well-control equipment cooling. However the efficiency of GAWFEV-150 is limited therefore they are used for oil and gas producing wells with flowing production rate up to 4.5 thousand tons per day (or 4.5). Aiming to the efficiency level raising of oil and gas wells fire extinguishing a new combined method of firefighting a gas-and-water powder fire extinguishing has been proposed. This method is based on principle according to which a firefighting powder is supplied in impulse mode to a seat of fire with the help of GAWFEV-150 after well-control equipment cooling and oxygen concentration reducing. Impulse firefighting powder jet makes a fire blowout and provides an extinguishing of a seat of fire. The highest features are performed when using in the structure of GAWFEV-150 of powder fireextinguishing modules Tungus-24 with 22 kg firefighting powder mass. Full-scale tests of a combined gas-and-water powder fire extinguishing system on a polygon of RNYuganskneftegaz, limited liability company, have approved its high efficiency. According to the technical evaluation and full-scale tests results this new firefighting device increases the probability of fire extinguishing of gas, oil-and-gas and oil well springs with production rate limit increased by 60% approximately. 4 Tungus-24 modules are mounted on a new technical device. The usage of such modules amount affords to increase the power of the firefighting set and its endurance.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Powder Fire-extinguishing Modules TUNGUS for Fire Protection of Armaments Objects

Russian Ministry of Defense has recommended MPP Tungus for fire protection of armaments objects, in particular, ammunition storages. The development of automatic device to provide the fire protection of stacks of ammunition in storages has been completed and recommended for serial production. Automatical and autonomous fire-extinguishing device has been developed on basis of powder fire-extinguishing modules Tungus. The device is designed for extinguishing fire in stacks of ammunition packed in wooden containers in volume and on stack surface. After ambient temperature raising higher than critical value of 72C or 93C depending on the version of detecting-and-triggering device USP-101 the launching of USP-101 device occurs, and as a result powder fire-extinguishing modules start to work. The device has two modules and a detecting-and-triggering device in its structure which is mounted on the device frame. Technical features: 1. Dimensioning specifications, mm, not more than: 650350350 2. Weight, kg, not more than: 40 3. Nominal temperature of actuation, C 72(93) 4. Firefighting powder mass, kg: 12(20) 5. MPP fast-acting (the time from the moment of electrical impulse supplying to MPP starting element to the moment of firefighting powder jet emission from the module frame). 6. Operation time (continuance of firefighting powder emission), sec, not more: 1-10 7. Protected area under stack for fires class A, m2: 16 8. Protected volume in stack for fires class B, m3: 32 The device can operate in temperature range from -50 to +50C. The device and its components are resistant to impact load, and maintain functionality in case of repeated use. The device is unserviceable item and can be restored at its worksite by means of triggered MPP replacing and actuator cocking. Theres no need in special maintenance during the device fixed operation life. The warranty operation life is 5 years from the day of putting into operation. The device lifetime is 5 years.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Powder Fire-extinguishing Modules TUNGUS of Explosion-proof Version
16 modifications of explosion-proof powder fire-extinguishing modules Tungus have been developed and put into serial production on base of explosion-proof cold-gas sources (CGS) created in Istochnik Plus, closed joint stock company. Modules explosion-proof markings are RP Exial X and 0ExialIIBT3 X. Modules with RP Exial X explosion-proof marking of mining modification are special for fire protection of objects in mines, mine workings, and above-ground buildings which are hazardous in gas and dust and conform to GOST R 51330.0, PB 05-618-03, PB 03553-03 State standards. Protection class from external influence in according to GOST 14254-96: - for inlet box.IP54 - for MPP frame.IP67 Modules are certified in Explosion-proof and mining equipment certification centre. Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear inspection has also recommended modules TUNGUS usage in mines and mine workings which are dangerous in dust and/or gas (Permission RRC 00-35855). By using of different modifications of a fire safety of objects of any configuration and extent is provided. Modules save their functionality during 10 years without technical maintenance. Thermal-resistant modification is also available for explosion-proof modules which provide reliable operation within thermal range from -60C to +90C. All explosion-proof modules are the devices of multiple usage and can be recharged at any station of fire extinguishers technical maintenance. MPP Tungus are launched into work by electrical signal of low power, starting current is 0.15mA. MPP Tungus fire testings in mines of Novoroscement have approved their high technical and operational features. With the help of modules fire testings with extinguishing of conveyor belts have been successfully carried out. Explosion-proof modules are recommended by Technical board of coal branch development, and industrial and ecological safety of Kemerovo region for modules usage in coal industry. Institute of mining of Siberian branch of Russian Academy of sciences has approved the reasonability of MPP Tungus usage in mines, machine chambers, underground electric power stations, storages of explosives and in other multipurpose objects of permanent workings. Explosion-proof modifications of the modules are widely implemented in many objects of Kuznetsk Basin. At present moment the development of modules with higher explosion-proof level is in process.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-0,65-I-GE-U2 in normal modification with temperature range of operation of minus 50 to plus 500; MPP(N-)-0,65-I-GE-U2 in special modification with temperature range of operation of minus 60 to plus 900; MPP(N-Exp)-0,65-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in normal modification with temperature range of operation of minus 50 to plus 500 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); MPP(N-Exp-T)-0,65-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in special modification with temperature range of operation of minus 60 to plus 900 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); MPP(N-RP)-0,65-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in normal modification with temperature range of operation of minus 50 to plus 500 (RP Exial X explosion-proof marking).

normal performance

explosion-proof performance

1. Case capacity, lit 2. Dimension, mm, not more than: - diameter - height 3. Total weight, kg, not more than 4. Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5. MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a starting MPP element to the moment of ejecting fire extinguishing powder out of the module), sec 6. Time of operation (time of fire extinguishing powder ejecting), sec 7. MPP fire extinguishing ability 7.1 Surface protected (S), Class A, m2 7.2 Volume protected (V), Class A, m3 7.3 Surface protected (S), Class B, m2 7.4 Volume protected (V), Class B, m3 8. Maximum rank of the model fire, class B, when extinguishing in the open area or in the premises from the height (H) up to 3 m 9. Characteristics of electric igniter circuit: - safe current for testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than: a) for MPP of normal modification b) for MPP of special modification - electric resistance, Ohm 10. Irregularity coefficient of powder spraying 1 (SP 5.13130.2009)

Value 0.65+0.07 130 230 3 0.49+0.05 of 3 to 8 1 1.2 2.4 1.2 1.2 8V 0.03 0.12 0.15 816 1.0

Certificate C-RU.PB01.V.00147


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-2(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N)-2(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wallfixed fastening) in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500; MPP(N-T)-2(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N-T)-2(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900; PP(N-Exp)-2(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-Exp)-2(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceilingfixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-Exp-)-2(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N-Exp-)-2(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceilingfixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-S2)-2(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-S2)-2(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in structure of MPP(N)-2(c)-I-GE-U2 or MPP(N)2(w)-I-GE-U2 and USPAA-1 v4; PP(N-RP)-2(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-RP)-2(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceilingfixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (RP Exial X explosion-proof marking).
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 1. Case capacity, lit 2. Dimension, mm, not more than: - diameter - height (with installation bracket) 3. Total weight of the MPP, kg, not more than 4. Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5. MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a triggering element of the MPP to the moment of ejecting extinguishing powder out of the module), sec. 6. Operating time (time of extinguishing powder ejecting), sec, not more than 7. Firefighting ability of ceiling-mounted MPP

normal performance

explosion-proof performance

Value 2.20.1 124 273 5 1.80.09 of 1 to 10 1


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7.1 Protected square (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) in the room for fires class A in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m)
2 3

S 25 25 13 S 10 10 10 S 13 13 H 2 4 Cl. S 25 10 S 13 6 S 6 6

V 38 38 18 V 12 12 12 V 18 18

2 3 4

7.2 Protected square (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) in the room for fires class B in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m)
2 3

2 3 4 2 4

7.3 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class A in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m) 7.4 Protected square (S, m2) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class B in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m) 8 Firefighting ability of wall-mounted MPP from the height of 1to 3 m

V 38 12 V 18 -

8.1 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) in the room for fires class A, B


8.2 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class A, B 9 Fire extinguishing ability of the wall-mounted MPP for fires, Class , in the volume of the horizontal channel having cross-section 0.90.9 m: 9.1 Channel length to be protected, m 10 Maximum rank of the model fire site, Class B, when extinguishing at an open area from the 4.5 m height () 11 Circuit characteristics of electric triggering unit: - safe current of testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than: ) normal version of the MPP b) special version of the MPP - electric resistance, hm 12 Irregularity coefficient of spraying powder 1 (SP 5.13130.2009)

10.5 55 0.03 0.12 0.15 816 1.0

Certificate C-RU.PB01.V.00493


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-4(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N)-4(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500; PP(N-)-4(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-)-4(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceilingfixed and wall-fixed fastening) in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900; PP(N-Exp)-4(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-Exp)-4(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-Exp-)-4(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N-Exp-)-4(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-S2)-4(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-S2)-4(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in structure of MPP(N)-4(c)I-GE-U2 or MPP(N)-4(w)-I-GE-U2 and USPAA-1 v4; PP(N-RP)-4(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-RP)-4(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (RP Exial X explosion-proof marking).

normal performance

explosion-proof performance

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 1 Case capacity, lit 2 Dimension, mm, not more than: - diameter - height (with installation bracket) 3 Total weight of the MPP, kg, not more than 4 Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5 MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a triggering element of the MPP to the moment of ejecting extinguishing powder out of the module), sec 6 Operating time (time of extinguishing powder ejecting), sec, not more than Value 4.30.1 280 195 7 4.00.2 of 4 to 10 1


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7 Firefighting ability of ceiling-mounted MPP 7.1 Protected square (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) in the room for fires class A in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m)
2 3

S 40 40 35 S 16 16 10 S 35 35 H S 10 12 10 S 40 16 S 35 10 233 144 0.03 0.12 0.15 816 1.0 2 3 6

V 100 100 70 V 20 20 V 70 70

2 4 9

7.2 Protected square (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) in the room for fires class B in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m)
2 3

2 4 6 2 9

7.3 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class A in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m)

7.4 Protected square (S, m2) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class B in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m) 8 Firefighting ability of wall-mounted MPP from the height of 1to 3 m

Cl 8.1 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) in the room for fires class A, B 8.2 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class A, B 9 Maximum rank of the model fire site, Class B, when extinguishing at an open area from the height (): 3.5 m 7m 10 Circuit characteristics of electric triggering unit: - safe current of testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than: ) normal version of the MPP b) special version of the MPP - electric resistance, hm 11 Irregularity coefficient of spraying powder 1 (SP 5.13130.2009) Cl

V 100 V 70 -

Certificates SSPB.RU.UP.001.V06808 and ROSS RU.BB02. N03986


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-5-I-GE-U2 in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500; PP(N-)-5-I-GE-U2 in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900; MPP(N-R)-5-I-GE-U2 of manual launch in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500.

module with manual launch

stationary module

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 1 Case capacity, lit 2 Dimension for MPP (N)-5-I-GE-U2, MPP (N-T)-5-I-GE-U2, mm, not more than: - diameter ht (with installation bracket) - height (with installation bracket) for MPP (N-R)-5-I-GE-U2: - diameter - height - width 3 Total weight of the MPP, kg, not more than 4 Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5 MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a triggering element of the MPP to the moment of extinguishing powder ejecting out of the module), sec MPP(N)-5-I-GE-U2, MPP(N-T)-5-I-GE-U2: MPP(N-R)-5-I-GE-U2: 6 Operating time (time of extinguishing powder ejecting), sec, not more than 7 Firefighting ability of ceiling-mounted MPP 7.1 For wall-mounted MPP: 7.1.1 Protected square (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) in the room for fires class A in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m)
2 3

Value 4.70.2 280 224 280 200 300 8.2 4.40.2

of 3 to 10 of 10 to 20 1

S 78 50 40 100 S 36

V 78 100 100 V 100

1 2 2.5

7.1.2 Protected volume in the room with 6 m ceiling height for fires class A, m3 7.1.3 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) of section in the room or in channel with 3 m width, 2.8 m height and 12 m length for fires class A


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7.1.4 Protected volume in the room with ceiling height of 2 m up to 4 m for fires class B, m3 7.1.5 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) of section in the room or in channel with 1.2 m width, 2.8 m height and 8 m length for fires class B 7.1.6 Protected volume in the room with ceiling height of 1 m for fires class B, m3 7.2 For MPP mounted on the floor or set on the floor without mounting 7.2.1 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) in the room with ceiling height (H) for fires class A 7.2.2 Protected square in the room with ceiling height more than 2.5 m for fires class A, m2 7.2.3 Protected square (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) of section in the room or in channel with 3 m width, 2.8 m height and 12 m length for fires class A
2 3

40 S 9.6 S 31 S 78 50 40 40 S 36 20 27 S 31 S 9.6 S 36 27 S 9.6 0.03 0.12 0.15 816 1.0 V 27 V 31 V 27 V 100 V 100 V 27 V 31 V 78 100 100

1 2 2.5

7.2.4 Protected square in the room with ceiling height more than 2 m for fires class B, m2 7.2.5 Protected volume in the room with ceiling height of 2 up to 4 m for fires class B, m2 7.2.6 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) in the room with 1 m ceiling height for fires class B 7.2.7 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) of section in the room or in channel with 1.2 m width, 2.8 m height and 8 m length for fires class B 7.3 For wall-mounted MPP: 7.3.1 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) of section in the room or in channel with 3 m width, 2.8 m height and 12 m length for fires class A 7.3.2 Protected volume in the room with ceiling height of 2 up to 4 m for fires class B, m2 7.3.3 Protected square (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) of section in the room or in channel with 1.2 m width, 2.8 m height and 8 m length for fires class B
2 3

8 Circuit characteristics of electric triggering unit: - safe current of testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than: ) normal version of the MPP b) special version of the MPP - electric resistance, hm 9 Irregularity coefficient of spraying powder 1 (SP 5.13130.2009)

Certificate C-RU.PB01.V.00260


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-6(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N)-6(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500; PP(N-)-6(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-)-6(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceilingfixed and wall-fixed fastening) in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900; PP(N-Exp)-6(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-Exp)-6(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); normal performance PP(N-Exp-)-6(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N-Exp-)-6(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-S1)-6(c)-I-GE-U2, PP(N-S1)-6(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceilingfixed and wall-fixed fastening), self-triggering, completed with electronic activation device detecting-and-starting device on the basis of optical signaling device of flame PULSAR-31 with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500. PP(N-S2)-6(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-S2)-6(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in structure of MPP(N)explosion-proof performance 6(c)-I-GE-U2 or MPP(N)-6(w)-I-GE-U2 and USPAA-1 v4; PP(N-RP)-6(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-RP)-6(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (RP Exial X explosion-proof marking).

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 1 Case capacity, lit 2 Dimension, mm, not more than: - diameter - height (with installation bracket) 3 Total weight of the MPP, kg, not more than 4 Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5 MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a triggering element of the MPP to the moment of ejecting extinguishing powder out of the module), sec 6 Operating time (time of extinguishing powder ejecting), sec, not more than Value 6.50.2 286 233 10 6.00.3

of 1 to 10 1


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7 Firefighting ability of ceiling-mounted MPP 7.1 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) in the room for fires class A in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m) 2 4 9 7.2 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) in the room for fires class B in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m) 2 4 6 8 7.3 3 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class A in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m) 2 9 7.4 Protected square (S, m2) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class B in case of fire-extinguishing from the height (, m) 8 Firefighting ability of wall-mounted MPP from the height of 1to 3 m Cl. 8.1 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) in the room for fires class A, B 8.2 Protected square (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) into the open area fenced with the shields, for fires class A, B 9 Maximum rank of the model fire site, class B, when extinguishing at an open area from the height () 7 m 10 Circuit characteristics of electric triggering unit: - safe current of testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than: ) normal version of the MPP b) special version of the MPP - electric resistance, hm 11 Irregularity coefficient of spraying powder 1 (SP 5.13130.2009) Cl. S 50 25 S 35 14 233 0.03 0.12 0.15 816 1.0 V 150 18 V 88 2 6 9 S 50 50 35 S 25 25 16 12.5 S 35 35 S 16 16 12.5 V 150 150 88 V 33 33 V 88 88

Certificates SSPB.RU.UP.001.V06892 and ROSS RU.BB02.N04037


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-9(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N)-9(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500; PP(N-)-9(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-)-9(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900; PP(N-Exp)-9(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-Exp)-9(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-Exp-)-9(c)-I-GE-U2 and MPP(N-Exp-)-9(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-S2)-9(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-S2)-9(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) in structure of MPP(N)-9(c)I-GE-U2 or MPP(N)-9(w)-I-GE-U2 and USPAA-1 v4; PP(N-RP)-9(c)-I-GE-U2 and PP(N-RP)-9(w)-I-GE-U2 (of ceiling-fixed and wall-fixed fastening) explosion-proof with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (RP Exial X explosion-proof marking).

normal performance

explosion-proof performance

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 1 Case capacity, lit 2 Dimension, mm, not more than: - diameter - height (with the bracket installed) 3 Total weight of the MPP, kg, not more than 4 Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5 MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a triggering element of the MPP to the moment of ejecting extinguishing powder out of the module), sec 6 Operating time (time of extinguishing powder ejecting), sec, not more than Value 9.00.4 286 268 13 8.60.3

of 3 to 10 1


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7 Fire extinguishing ability of the ceiling-mounted MPP: 7.1 Surface area (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) to be protected for fires Class A from the height (, m)
2 3

S 72 72 62 S 33 33 9.3

V 144 216 171 V 42 42 42

2 3 13

7.2 Surface area (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) to be protected for fires Class B from the height (, m) 8 Fire extinguishing ability of the ceiling-mounted MPP for fires, Class A from the height () up to 13 m of the two floor-by-floor positioned rooms with wall openings to pass gas powder jet: 8.1 Total surface area (S), to be protected, m2 8.2 Total volume (V), to be protected, m3 9 Fire extinguishing ability of the wall-mounted MPP while smothering fire sites from the height () of 2 and 3 m: 9.1 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class A, m2 9.2 Volume (V) to be protected for fires, Class A, m3 9.3 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class B, m2 9.4 Volume (V) to be protected for fires, Class B, m3 10 Maximum rank of the model fire site, Class B, when extinguishing at an open area from the height () 12 m 11 Circuit characteristics of electric triggering unit: - safe current of testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than: ) normal version of the MPP b) special version of the MPP - electric resistance, hm 12 Irregularity coefficient of spraying powder 1 (SP 5.13130.2009)

2 3 13

36.5 153

72 216 33 42 233 0.03 0.12 0.15 816 1.0

Certificate C-RU.PB01.V.00148


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-10-I-GE-U2 in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500; PP(N-)-10-I-GE-U2 in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900; PP(N-Exp)-10-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-Exp-)-10-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosionproof marking); PP(N-S1)-10-I-GE-U2 self-triggering, completed with electronic activation device detecting-and-starting device on the basis of optical signaling device of flame PULSAR-31 with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500. PP(N-S2)-10-I-GE-U2 in structure of MPP(N)-10-I-GE-U2 and USPAA-1 v4; PP(N-RP)-10-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (RP Exial X explosion-proof marking).

normal performance

explosion-proof performance

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 1 Case capacity, lit 2 Dimension, mm, not more than: - diameter - height 3 Total weight of the MPP, kg, not more than 4 Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5 MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a triggering element of the MPP to the moment of ejecting extinguishing powder out of the module), sec 6 Operating time (time of extinguishing powder ejecting), sec, not more than 7 Fire extinguishing ability of the MPP: 7.1 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class A, at the ceiling height to 6 m, m2 7.2 Volume (V) to be protected for fires, Class A at the ceiling height to 15 m, m3 7.3 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class B, m2 36 216 18.3 Value 9.20.5 340 240 17 9.50.3 of 3 to 10 1


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7.4 Volume (V) to be protected for fires, Class B, m3 8 Circuit characteristics of electric triggering unit: - safe current of testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than: ) normal version of the MPP b) special version of the MPP - electric resistance, hm 9 Irregularity coefficient of spraying powder 1 (SP 5.13130.2009) 75 0.03 0.12 0.15 816 1.0

Certificate C-RU.PB01.V.00149


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500; PP(N-)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900; PP(N-Exp)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-Exp-)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-S2)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 in structure of MPP(N)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 and USPAA-1 v4; PP(N-RP)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (RP Exial X explosion-proof marking).

normal performance

explosion-proof performance

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 1 Case capacity (with the CGS mounted), lit 2 Dimension, mm, not more than: - height (with the bracket installed) - length - width 3 Total weight of the MPP, kg, not more than 4 Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5 MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a triggering element of the MPP to the moment of ejecting extinguishing powder out of the module), sec 6 Operating time (time of extinguishing powder ejecting), sec, not more than 7 Fire extinguishing ability of the MPP installed on the ceiling or the wall upright with nozzle-sprayer down: H 7.1 Surface (S, m ) and volume (V, m ) to be protected in the room according to the sizes stated in Table 2 for fires Class A while smothering from the height (H, m)
2 3

Value 9.20.5 310 417 305 20 9.50.3

of 3 to 10 1

S 80 80 65

V 240 240 169

2.5 6 16


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7.2 Surface (S, m2) and volume (V, m3) to be protected in the room according to the sizes stated in Table 2 for fires Class B while smothering from the height (H, m) 7.3 Maximum rank of the model fire site, Class B, when extinguishing at an open area from the height: 12m 16m 8 Fire extinguishing ability of the MPP installed with a nozzle down in the room or in the channel at the height 1m above the floor at the tilt angle of the module axis 20o relative to the horizontal: 8.1 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class A, m2 8.2 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class B, m2 8.3 Volume (V) to be protected for fires, Class A, m3 9 Fire extinguishing ability of the MPP at local protection of objects with shadow zones: 9.1 Surface area and volume to be protected for fires Class A while extinguishing from the height (H=16m) and at the tilt angle of the module axis 70o relative to the horizontal when installed with nozzle-sprayer down: 9.1.1 Surface area (S) to be protected perpendicular to the floor surface, m2 9.1.2 Volume (V) to be protected, m3 9.2 Surface area and the volume to be protected for fires Class B while extinguishing from the distance (L) up to 11m and at the tilt angle of the module axis of 0o to 10o relative to the horizontal when installed with nozzle-sprayer down: 9.2.1 Surface area (S) to be protected perpendicular to the floor surface, m2 9.2.2 Volume (V) to be protected, m3 10 Fire extinguishing ability for fires Classes A,B,C,E at local fire extinguishing at an open area or in the room with the MPP installed with a nozzle down at the height 1m above the floor at the tilt angle of the module axis 3o relative to the horizontal at a distance 12m from the object centre to the MPP: 10.1 Surface area (S) to be protected, m2 11 Circuit characteristics of electric triggering unit: - safe current of testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than - power supply unit voltage, V, not less than: - electric resistance, hm 12 Irregularity coefficient of spraying powder 1 (SP 5.13130.2009) 14 0.03 0.12 0.15 816 1.0 24 48 36 54 65 43 216 2.5 6 16 S 36 36 12 233 89 V 53 53 53

Certificate C-RU.PB01.V.00494


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 1


MPP(N)-24-I-GE-U2 in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500; PP(N-)-24-I-GE-U2 in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900; PP(N-Exp)-24-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in normal modification with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosion-proof marking); PP(N-Exp-)-24-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof in special modification with operating temperature range of minus 60 to plus 900 (0ExialIIBT3 X explosionproof marking); PP(N-S2)-24-I-GE-U2 in structure of MPP(N)-24I-GE-U2 and USPAA-1 v4; PP(N-RP)-24-I-GE-U2 explosion-proof with operating temperature range of minus 50 to plus 500 (RP Exial X explosion-proof marking).

normal performance

explosion-proof performance

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 1 Case capacity, lit 2 Dimension, mm, not more than: - diameter - length 3 Total weight of the MPP, kg, not more than 4 Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 weight, TU 2149-001-54572789-00, kg 5 MPP fast action (time from the moment of sending impulse to a triggering element of the MPP to the moment of extinguishing powder ejecting out of the module), sec 6 Operating time (time of ejecting extinguishing powder), sec, not more than Value 241.2 245 694 36 221.0

of 5 to 10 1


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

7 Fire extinguishing ability of the MPP installed with a nozzle down in the room at the height 1m above the floor at the tilt angle of the module axis 20 relative to the horizontal surface: 7.1 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class A, m2 7.2 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class B, m2 7.3 Volume (V) to be protected for fires, Class A, m3 8 Fire extinguishing ability of the MPP installed nozzle down in the room at the height 1m above the floor at the tilt angle of the module axis 5 relative to the horizontal in the square channel 2.22.2 m: 8.1 Surface area (S) to be protected for fires, Class A, m2 8.2 Volume (V) to be protected for fires, Class A, m3 8.3 Channel length to be protected (L), m 9 Fire extinguishing ability of the MPP at local fire extinguishing at the open area or in the room validated by simultaneous smothering of one model fire site, rank 233, and two fires, rank 5, if the MPP is installed at a height 1m above the floor surface at a distance (L) from nozzle-sprayer to the center of the surface area to be protected of 12 to 18m: 9.1 Surface (S) to be protected, m2 10 Circuit characteristics of electric triggering unit: - safe current of testing circuit, , not more than - operating current, , not less than: - power source voltage, V, not less than - electric resistance, hm 11 Irregularity coefficient of spraying powder 1 (SP 5.13130.2009) 20.9 0.03 0.15 2.4 816 1.0 70 155 32 75 58 250

Certificates SSPB.RU.UP001.V06809 and ROSS RU.BB02.N03987


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 2

Recommendations for fire protection of different purpose objects

1) A storage with 16m ceiling height, where a pallet shelf stands of 12m height are located. The height of stacking can reach 13.5m height. The fire class is A. MPP(N)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 recommended locating for protection of one shelf stand is shown in Figure 4.


The shelf stand is conditionally divided into two layers in height. One MPP is used for fire protection of each layer. The module protecting the upper layer helps partially to the second module with the firefighting powder. The length of the shelf stand protected section according to the MPP features doesnt exceed 6m. According to SP 5.13130.2009 Set of Rules the area of object to be protected must be increased by 10 per cent. Therefore the length of the shelf stand protected section should not exceed 5.45m. An additional set of two more MPP each at end face of the shelf stand is needed for shaded areas elimination.
659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]



Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

2) A storage with 8m ceiling height, where shelf stands of 7m height are located, so production stacking practically reaches the ceiling. In this case the MPP locating according to Figure 2 is impossible because of shaded area appearance near the ceiling. MPP(N)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 recommended locating for a fragment of the shelf stand is shown in Figure 5.

The lower layer of the shelf stand is protected with the modules located in the central part of the shelf stand. And the upper part is protected with the modules set from one side and angularly both to the shelf stand and to the floor surface. 3) A storage with 10.8m ceiling height, where a gravitational pallet shelf stand of 10m height is located. The length
659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]



Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

of the shelf stand is 70m and the width is 22m. The shelf stand consists of 5 layers (roll-tables) for production storage and pallet relocation. The fire class is A. Fire extinguishing of the shelf stand is rather difficult. Firstly in case of the shelf stand solid filling the fire extinguishing by firefighting powder jet supplying from the outside is ineffective owing to big width. Secondly fire extinguishing of outside wall and the upper part of the shelf stand is a complicated task because of production stacking reaching the ceiling practically. In such situation the effective solution is combined fire extinguishing where outside walls should be protected with the help of Tungus-10(st) and the internal part with the help of Tungus-5. The outside walls are protected with Tungus-10(st) according to the scheme of high-altitude shelf stands protection given above. The shelf stand is conditionally divided into two layers in height. One MPP is used for fire protection of each layer. The module protecting the upper layer helps partially to the second module with the firefighting powder. The length of the shelf stand protected section for layer-to-layer extinguishing with the help of two modules should not exceed 5.45m. According to the requirements of manual instructions the efficient depth of fire extinguishing in case of local protection of the shelf stand equals 1.5m. The protection of upper (overhead) shelf stand surface is also provided with MPP Tungus-10(st). The module mounted angularly with 20 slope to horizontal surface provides fire extinguishing of the shield stand section of 3.2 width and 20.3m length. Taking into account the inequality of the production been stacked 2 items MPP Tungus-10(st) is needed for fire protection of the upper section of 22m length and 3.2m width. The modules should be mounted from opposite edges of the shield stand with modules nozzles aimed to each other. The distance between the adjacent modules should not exceed 3.2m. For fire extinguishing of internal space of the shield stand an application of MPP Tungus-5 is recommended which provides radial all-round powder jet emission. MPP locating should be carried out on each layer in free space between the floor and lower roll-tables or between production packings and roll-tables. MPP mounting can be carried out to the floor under the lower layer and to roll-table frame between roll-tables and production packings in upper layers. Taking into account the 1.5m depth of efficient fire extinguishing by external modules it is needed to protect the volume of 300500mm height, of 19x67m size, i.e. square to be protected equals 1273m3. In case if the height of the volume protected is not more than 1m, Tungus-5 protected area equals 78m2. With taking into account shaded zones forming because of production packings and roll-tables a coefficient of reserve is applied. It takes into consideration the shadiness of a possible seat of fire and equals k2=1.2, therefore the efficient firefighting module ability should not exceed 65m2. The size of space protected for each MPP Tungus-5 when placing it in gravitational shield stand is determined as 6.3*9.6=60.5m3. The scheme of MPP Tungus-10(st) and MPP Tungus-5 locating on the object to be protected for gravitational shield stand local fire extinguishing is shown in Figure 6.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Cable Tunnels, Cellars, Space under Hung Ceilings
1) As an example a cable tunnel with square cross-section (3x3m) where a cable bridges are located along the sides is described below. When determinating of a method of fire protection the fact that cable bridges create shaded areas has been taken into consideration. Traditional methods are ineffective in this case. The application of MPP Tungus-10(st) allows reducing significantly the influence of shading zones.

Cable channel is conventionally divided into zones (zones II, III, IV, V etc.) as it shown in Figure 7. Two Tungus-10(st) modules are set in pairs on a rack horizontally to the floor surface and angularly with 20 nozzle slope to the tunnel sides. In the case describing a powder jet is expanded along the tunnel wall, i.e. the wall is conventionally described as a floor. Such powder jet orientation allows reducing significantly the influence of shading zones. The length of square protected (LH) equals 20.3m according to MPP manual instructions while length is not more than 3.2m. Actual protected length should be reduced proportionally to k2 coefficient, which factors the shadiness from cable bridges, therefore the length to be protected equals L=LH/k2. A distance from a nozzle spray to the sector of zone protected where fire extinguishing is inefficient is 2.3m. Therefore unprotected sector zone I remains unprotected. The volume of the zone unprotected is 27m3 (3x3x3m). Here ceiling-mounted MPP installation is possible. The level of shading from cable bridges in this case (Sy/S) =0.50.6, i.e. k2 coefficient equals 1.671.8. For zone I protecting it is enough to set the module capable to extinguish fires in volume not less than 48,6m3. It is suggested to use the modules MPP(N)-5-I-GE-U2 (Tungus-5) or MPP(N)-4-I-GE-U2 (Tungus-4) which have the value of the volume protected up to 100m3. 2) In case of less height of cable channel (not more than 2.2m) it is allowed to mount Tungus-10(st) module directly


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

on ceiling without the usage of an additional rack, as it shown in Figure 8. In other respects the method of calculating of the number of the MPP needed and the scheme of the MPP placing in a tunnel is similar to the one from the previous paragraph.

3) In case of location of one or two cable bridges along cable tunnel lateral sides it is possible to use Tungus-5 module. Depending on the cable bridges location MPP mounting on a ceiling or on a wall is permitted (see Figure 9). One module is purposed to provide fire protection of a channel or a channel section with width up to 3m, height up to 2.8m, and length up to 12m. The figures are given without accounting the shadiness from cable bridges and the level of nonhermeticity of the tunnel.

4) For cable cellars with 0.25m height or space under hung ceiling fire protection, MPP(N)-5-I-GE-U2 is essential due to all-round radial emission of firefighting powder. With height up to 1m without accounting of shadiness one MPP protects up to 78m2 in square and with height up to 2m up to 50m2 in square.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Industrial Premises with Close Equipment Location and Ceiling Height up to 16m
Close equipment location forms large shaded areas which make fire extinguishing more complex. The simple solution is to locate Tungus-10(st) modules angularly, as it was shown in recommendations for fire protection of storages and cable channels, and Tungus-5 setting in shaded places difficult of access or in half-closed fire-hazardous space of object being protected.

Garages, Garage Boxes, Railway Depots

In case of necessary sloping angle MPP(N)-10(st)-I-GE-U2 (Tungus-10(st)) can extinguish a vehicle and petrol and oil overflows in shaded zone (space under bonnets) simultaneously. The scheme of fire extinguishing is shown in Figure 10. MPP(M)-5-I-GE-U2 (Tungus-5) setting under a vehicle (for example on lateral side of a repair pit) provides reliable fire protection of a bottom of the vehicle and the place of a probable petrol or oil overflowing under the vehicle.

Storages of Fuels and Inflammable Liquids

Firefighting powder impulse emission, a choosing of a necessary direction for powder jet and high fire-extinguishing ability of Tungus-10(st) allow its usage for fire extinguishing of storages of fuels and lubricants and inflammable liquids (see Figure 11).

Figure 11. A tank with inflammable liquids protection 42

659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Business Must Be Protected! An Automatical Fire-extinguishing Set Tungus for Fire Protection of Petrol Stations
With annual stable growth of a number of motor transports the net of petrol stations is permanently extending. Petrol stations are situated both uptown and directly in settlements and residential communities of towns and cities. Modern petrol stations meet up-to-date safety and comfort requirements. The execution of the requirements to technological equipment provides a vehicle safe operation and fuelling. However it is necessary to take into account the situation of accidental petrol overflowing and petrol inflammation directly in a place of a vehicle fuelling next to a petrol pump. A fast response to the inflammation depends on humans psychological state in such situation, an availability of primary firefighting means, human training and skills in primary firefighting means application. Not everyone can rush to extinguish a fire arisen. Most probably a humans saving instinct will be actuated. APFES represents powder fire-extinguishing modules Tungus-6S (see Figure 1), equipped with detecting-and-triggering device 2 with remote optical element 3 (see Figure 1) or other device of automatical actuation, which generates an electrical impulse for MPP launching after open fire detecting. Tungus-6S module provides extinguishing of burning petrol in square of 16m2 in open area of a petrol station from a height of 46m. Figure 1 The number of MPP in APFES for petrol stations is determined by making calculations in accordance with the recommendations developed. As an example a calculation of APFES for a sectional petrol station shown in Figure 2 is given. The petrol station being protected is located under a metal shed for humans protection from rainfall when paying and fuelling a vehicle. The petrol station has a possibility of petrol supplying from its both sides simultaneously. APFES should provide the possibility of fire extinguishing around the petrol pump in square of possible petrol overflowing.

Figure 2


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

The area of possible petrol overflowing within petrol station makes up: Sy=7*9=63m2. A variant of local fire extinguishing of fires class B in area extent is considered. The calculating of the necessary amount of MPP in APFES is made in accordance with SP 5.13130.2009 Set of rules providing a control of any section of area protected with the help of not less than two MPP. Zones to be controlled depend on viewing angle of remote optical element in the structure of automatic launching device and are specified according to the formula: R=H*tg45 (where R the radius of a circuit of the zone protected, H the distance from a floor to the remote optical element). The place of MPP location is determined graphically by plotting of field of view borders with overlapping of all zones protected with the help of not less than two MPP. The quantity of MPP for fire protection of a zone being under control is determined by the formula:

N =


k1 k2 k3 k4 ,

where: - N the number of MPP. - Sy=63m2 area to be protected. In case of local fire extinguishing the area being protected must be increased by 10%, i.e. Sy=1.1*63=69.3m2. - S=16m2 area to be protected with one MPP from 4m height into the open air. - k1=1.0 the coefficient of irregularity of powder emission. - k2 reserve coefficient accounting the shadiness of a possible seat of fire. k2 coefficient is determined by the following formula:

S=16m2 shaded area appearing during simultaneous fuelling of two motor cars. k2 coefficient determined in accordance with formula 2 is equal to 1.338. - k3=1.0 the coefficient accounting a changing of firefighting efficiency of powder being used in relation to combustion agent in protected zone in comparison with petrol of A-76 sort. - k4 the coefficient accounting a nonhermeticity level in premises protected (the presence of a wind of 2mps speed in case of fire extinguishing into the open air). k4 coefficient in case of local fire extinguishing is assumed to be equal of 1.3. The necessary amount of MPP determined in accordance with formula 1 is the following:


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

APFES intended for fire protection of an area around one petrol pump must consist from 8 modules Tungus-6S. The place of MPP setting is determined graphically so that each section of the area protected is being controlled by not less than two modules. The modules are mounted on tough construction of a metal shed. The height of the shed is determined by a project for the petrol station. Viewing field border radius determined in accordance with formula R=H*tg45 for a sectional petrol station (the height of installation is 4m) equals 4m. The scheme of the APFES location on a petrol station shield is shown in Figure 4. A design diagram of MPP viewing field borders where the petrol station is protected within its whole area with the help of not less than two modules is shown in Figure 5.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Figure 5


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Annex 3

Cold Gas Sources (CGS) Based on Advanced Solid Gas Generating Compositions
Istochnik Plus, closed joint stock company, has designed and developed the serial production of cold-gas cources (SGS) based on solid gas-generating composition materials. They maintain all advantages of solid-propellant gas generators (high operational features, relative gas productivity and reliability) produced on base of defence industry achievements. And at the same time CGS has new useful properties (low temperature of gas generated less than 150C) which help to answer the wide range of civilian purposes. CGS is intended for inert gas generating aiming to creation of excess pressure into fire-extinguishing means and a firefighting agent displacement from them. In addition CGS can be used for: - unfolding and pressure boosting of emergency rescue means; - lifting up of different items from the depth of the water to the water surface and providing their floatability; - pneumatic drive actuating; - pneumatic lifting devices actuating; - gaseous medium creation providing volume fire-extinguishing and eguipment protection; - decontamination agent diffusion for life-saving during anthropogenic disaster and terroristic acts. Development relevance: The experience accumulated shows that CGS usage as a component of a firefighting mean approves the possibility of creating fundamentally new manual and autonomous (nonvolatile) portable and stationary powder fire-extinguishing modules. Such devices have high technical and operating features which cant be provided in case of usage of gas cylinders or the devices under pressure. CGS-based devices provide: - reliability of operating and actuating during the long operation life (up to 10 years without any maintenance); - expanded thermal range of operation: from minus 60 to plus 90 ; - long and efficient firefighting powder jet owing to working pressure generating and firefighting powder fluffing before displacement from firefighting mean; - operating costs decreasing owing to maintenance work exception;

- reasonable prices thanks to construction simplification of traditional devices;

- safety of operation (excess pressure is generated in frame only after electrical signal injection for CGS launching); CGS consists of a cylindrical frame filled with a gas-generating compound and supplied with starting device. There is a number of CGS with a wide range of features and functionality. CGS differ with the way of their actuating (mechanical, electrical and with the help of coded radiosignal), their embodiment, generating gas structure.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


Powder fire-extinguishing modules TUNGUS

Some technical features are shown in the table.
Features Range of application Volume of the gas generated, not less than, dm Operating time, sec, not more than Dimension, mm: diameter length Weight, kg, not more than Conventional Designation
CGS-2 CGS-5 CGS-10 CGS0.65() CGS2() CGS4() CGS6() CGS9() CGS10() CGS24()

Portable powder fire-extinguishers 8,2 5 38 122 0.182 45.8 142 0.32 24 5 39 151 40 5 45.8 142 0.30 9 7 45.8 74 0.09

Powder fire-extinguishing modules 25 7 45.8 92 0.11 44 7 45.8 122 0.17 73 7 45.8 156 0.25 90 7 45.8 179 0.27 105 7 45.8 198 0.31 250 7 57.5 466 2.5

The following CGS-based devices are designed and developed in serial manufacture:
- 12 modifications of powder fire-extinguishers with volume from 2 to 8 litres; - 54 modifications of powder fire-extinguishing modules with volume from 0,65 to 24 litres; - system of emergent blocking of gas-main pipelines and the protection of gas industry objects (compressor houses, gas-pumping stations and others) in case of emergency situations (Gals systems); - system for item lifting up from the depth and item floatability providing (Udav systems).

- Diploma of The First National Award Zubr; - Diploma of World Academy of Sciences of Complex Safety; - Diploma of International Association Systemservis in nomination of The best Innovative Product; - Systems created on base of CGS were awarded with 18 gold medals and a number of prizes and diplomas of Russian and international exhibitions. Their novelty was protected by patents and invention applications.

Fire-extinguishing powder ISTO-1

Fire-extinguishing powder ISTO-1 is designed and developed in serial manufacture to extinguish fires of A (solid combustible agents), B (liquid combustible agents), C (gaseous combustible agents) and E (electrical equipment under tension without taking into account the value of firefighting powder discharge voltage) classes. Fire-extinguishing powder ISTO-1 is used in extinguishing of fires into the open air and into the enclosed space (domestic buildings, working areas, service rooms, electrical rooms etc.), in transport and mining industry and in many other objects. ISTO-1 is destined for usage in portable fire-extinguishers, automatical powder firefighting sets in all climatic zones with environment temperature from minus 50 to plus 50 C and relative humidity of 97%. The expanded thermal range from minus 60 to plus 90 is available for ISTO-1 as a component in structure of powder fire-extinguishing modules Tungus. ISTO-1 specified lifetime is 10 years. Fire extinguishing powder ISTO-1 is fabricated in accordance with GOST R 53280.4-2009. The certificate of conformity is No C-RU.PB01.V.00583 and it has sanitary conclusion No that confirms its safe application. ISTO-1 is manufactured in 2 modifications which are different in their chemical and granulometric composition.


659322, 1, Socialisticheskaya St., Biysk, Russia Tel./fax: +7-3854-30-58-59, 30-10-46, 30-58-30, 30-33-64 [email protected], [email protected]


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