Testing of An Im Upgraded M430A1 40 MM Grenade

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Nausheen Al-Shehab, Ernest L.

Baker, Adam Enea: US ARMY ARDEC David Hunter, Larry Pitts, Karen Huddleston, Cody Anderson: GD-OTS
Prepared for NDIA Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technology Symposium May 14-17 Las Vegas, NV


May 2012
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

Outline Upgraded 40mm Grenade

Background Project Approach IM Testing of Baseline Warhead IM Design Configuration for Warhead IM Engineering Test Results Overview Bare Warhead Slow Cook-off (SCO) Warhead Venting feature in simulated Packaged SCO Warhead Venting - Hot Gun Launch Warhead Venting Down-Selection Testing FCO Results Conclusions

Background - Project Approach

Multiple Technology Demonstration High Explosive Dual Purpose

Multiple Technology Demonstration for M430A1 HEDP

Warhead Venting Cart Case Venting
Multiple Technology Demo Warhead Venting

HE Fill


Integrated System Solution

Fast Cook-Off Slow Cook-off Fragment Impact Bullet Impact Sympathetic Det Environmental


Cartridge Case Venting Pkg



Comp A5


Packaging Venting

Warhead Venting

IM Explosives

Cartridge Venting

T1 = 44.59 us, T2 = 49.93 us, T3 = 55.23 us Velavg = 6.684 mm/us

Barrier Modeling

Background - Baseline & Engineering Testing

When subjected to fast and slow cook-off tests as defined in MIL-STD-2105C the currently fielded 40mm M430A1 HEDP Grenade reacts violently. Bare Warhead Engineering SCO Tests
Circulating Fan

Baseline IM Response Tier II Munitions FCO SCO BI 40mm HEDP - M430A1 III I V 40mm HEDP - M433 III I V




H 1 1

Pre Test

Thermocouples for Round Temperature Measurement Make Switch f or High Speed Camera

Convection Oven

Type II
Power and Thermocouple Wiring

Medium M430 40mm Caliber Warhead

Project Objective: Demonstrate Type V (Burning) Reaction when Integrated into 40mm M430A1 HEDP System Demonstrate IM venting solution for High G gun-launched smaller ammunition

IM Venting Design Configuration

IM vent design for M430A1 Grenade uses a Melt Ring to Pass FCO and SCO without Performance Reductions Various Melt Ring Materials Possess Suitable Strength and Thermal Properties. Plastic Selected for Demonstration
Top Plate Assembly



SC Liner



Functions as Structural Load Bearing

Component during Gun Launch, Set Back, Set Forward, and Spin.

Comp A-5 Bottom Plate

Melt Ring


Melt Ring Releases Fuze and SC Liner Allowing HE Fill to Vent Safely Resulting in Type V (Burning) Reaction when Subjected to Elevated Temperatures that would Normally Cause Detonation





Engineering Test Results Overview

Successful 6 SCO tests (bare projectiles) at 6F/h resulted in Type V (All Melt Ring Materials)

Successful SCO test (simulated packaging) at 6F/h resulted in Type V (Material 1)

Successful ambient gun launch soft-recovery tests (All Melt Ring Materials)
Items fired from MK-19, single shots at ambient temperature

All melt ring materials survived hot gun launch tests Soft recovery

4 FCO tests of bare projectiles

2-each Material 1 melt rings Type V 2-each Material 2 melt rings Type IV

Warhead Venting Bare SCO

6 SCO Tests of three different melt connector ring materials

Warhead Venting Simulated Packaged SCO

Material 1 Melt Ring

Packaged SCO Tests of IM Upgraded M430A1 with Material

1 Melt Ring
Type V Reaction (Live warheads + Inert cartridge cases)

Warhead Venting - Hot Gun Launch

10 Gun Tests of IM Upgraded M430A1 conditioned to 160F
Items fired from MK-19, single shots at ambient temperature Five (5) tests with Material 1 Melt Ring All survived gun launch Five (5) tests with Material 2 Melt Ring All survived gun launch

Warhead Venting Down-Selection Testing FCO Results

M430A1 Grenade Grenade M430A1

Pressure Transducers Transducers Pressure

Material 1 Melt Ring 2 tests - Type V

Fuel Pan Pan Fuel

FCO Test Set-Up

Material 2 Melt Ring 2 tests Type IV

Summary of venting design performance

Previously demonstrated methods for venting and depressurizing of explosive billets would fail structurally during set-back and set-forward loads produced while launching medium and high velocity munitions. This specialized venting design developed for the M430 allows for removal of the confinement and allows for depressurization of the explosive billet. The novel material and thread geometry ensures that the projectile will survive the higher acceleration loads while still mitigating violent response to fast and slow cook-off conditions. The melt ring geometry ensures that during setback loading, the load path from the fuze pushing into the body is not supported by the melt ring, significantly reducing the peak stresses within the plastic. During set forward, the thread design and selection of material ensures the fuze is fully supported. Venting technology is a practical means of relieving pressures within the warhead to mitigate SCO and FCO threats. Relatively low cost of implementing liner release design, high pay-off for mitigation of cook-off threats

Path Forward
Limited Fuze Environmental Testing Rapid Fire and Single shot Testing (Live) Creep Testing of Material 1 under operational temperature extremes Compatibility Testing (Comp A5 + Loctite + Material 1 + Metal parts) Limited Environmental Testing (Packaged) Provide hardware for Multiple Technology IM Testing


RDAR-MEM-J (40mm Grenade Ammunition Special Projects Team)


AO Milan
DSE RTC (Redstone Technical Center) NTS

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