Assg Normalization Question

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Assignment- Normalization

ASSIGNMENT III (70 marks) Note: Assignment should be done in a group of the same project group. Due date is on 19th November 2012. Question 1

Cutting Edge Incorporated is a company engaged in the development of computer-aided design (CAD) software packages. The management of Cutting Edge wants to develop a project tracking system to accumulate and report data on current projects, employees and departments. System analyst Suriyati Ahmad developed the following initial record design: (ProjectNumber, ProjectName, StartDate, ProjectStatus, (EmployeeNumber, EmployeeName, DepartmentNumber, DepartmentName, JobTitle, ProjectHours)) Suriyati believes the only system entities are Project, Department and Employee; but because she is assigned to two other projects, she had no time to consider the relationships among those system entities or to normalize the record design. a) For each of the three entities, identify the likely primary key. (3 marks) b) Draw an initial entity-relationship diagram for the system, using the entities Suriyati identified. State any assumptions you must make about the Cutting Edge organization to determine the types of the relationships. (6 marks) Convert the record design to third normal form. (11 marks) Draw a final entity-relationship diagram for the system. (10 marks)




Assignment- Normalization

Question 2 The Problem: Keeping Track of a Stack of Invoices

Consider a typical invoice (Figure A). This document, or something like it, is the basis of the order fulfillment process of almost any business. Every piece of information you see here is important. Do normalization (1NF until 3NF) and draw ERD based on the normalized relations.
Figure A: Invoice

(20 marks)


Assignment- Normalization

Question 3

BESARI HOSPITAL PATIENT MEDICATION FORM Patient Number : P10034 Full Name : Abu Bakri Bed Number : 84
Drug No 10223 10334 10223 Name Morphine Tetracyclene Morphine Description Pain Killer Antibiotic Pain Killer

Ward Number : Ward 11 Ward Name : Orthopaedic

Dosage 10mg/ml 0.5mg/ml 10mg/ml Method of Admin Oral IV Oral Units per Day 50 10 10 Start Date 24/03/08 24/03/08 25/04/09 Finish Date 24/04/09 17/04/08 02/05/10

Figure 3 Examine the Patient Medication Form for the Bestari Hospital shown in Figure 3 above and answer the following questions: a) Identify the functional dependencies represented by the data shown in the form in Figure 3. (5 marks)


Describe and illustrate the process of normalizing the data shown in Figure 3 to First (1NF), Second (2NF), and Third (3NF) normal forms. (9 marks)


Identify the primary and foreign keys in your 3NF relations. (6 marks)

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