Advocate: Pioneering Black Historian Dead at 94
Advocate: Pioneering Black Historian Dead at 94
Advocate: Pioneering Black Historian Dead at 94
March 27, 2009
Black Historian
Dead at 94
See page 4
Story, page 3
o r l a n d o a d v o c a t e . c o m
the Advocate Publisher’s Word
Credo of the Black Press
“I shall be an ADVOCATE of the full
Production Manager After all, Beigi says, “the HIV test is easy–it is just a blood test.”
Dihon Seraaj
Circulation Manager What do we say to the woman who says I wish one of my husband’s friends had told me he was infected-- because he
Robert Brown
never did? And the state where they were married didn’t require it, either.
Derrick Drake, Manager What do we say when a simple blood test could have spared her a lifetime of agony and regret?
The Adams Group
Feotis Dean It may be unfortunate that we even feel it necessary to consider having the government require something we should be
Lela Salter insisting on ourselves, but the reality is that many people will opt out of demanding a blood test from their significant
other-- and some won’t even ask for it at all-- because asking for a blood test might suggest to my partner that I don’t
The Advocate is published weekly by
trust her enough to volunteer on her own any critical information I might need.
Cornerstone Community Development Cor-
poration of Orlando, Florida, and is available
free of charge. And then there is the other notion that the party who is infected simply doesn’t know he or she has contracted the
ISSN: 1060-5715 disease.
This publication services the tri-county The extremely high incidence of AIDS among black females clearly says that either nobody’s talking or somebody’s
Orlando Metropolitan Statistical Area, lying. The disease is alive and well and being passed around in increasing numbers. In either case, prevention ought
consisting of Orange, Osceola, Seminole to be the higher priority, and a rethinking of blood tests before marriage might save a few lives. Or many lives.
and Alachua Counties. It focuses on local
issues; and features political, business and
entertainment personalities. One test.
in Florida weatherization and en- grant funds include transportation also empower local communities
�������������� ��������������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������� ����������� ������������� ��� ���������������������� ����������� �� ������� ��������
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Right - PAAD Co-founder, Martha Brown extends warm welcome at 2008 Cultural Fes�val in Hankins
Park. Photo courtesy K. Seraaj, Orlando Advocate
School Board’s Kat Gordon to Serve on
B-CU President Reed to Serve on Federal Selective Service System Local Board
Judicial Nominating Commission Kathleen “Kat” Gordon has been
appointed to the Selective Service
System Local Board 084 for the
Volunteers Awards Dinner spon-
sored by Orange County Mayor
Richard T. Crotty and the Board of
State of Florida. Mrs. Gordon will County Commissioners for services
B-CU President Trudie Kibbe “Senator Martinez and I tried serve her term for a length of time on the Head Start Policy Council and
Reed has been invited by U.S. to provide a process beyond the as determined by the President of the Community Action Board.
Senator Bill Nelson to serve on reach of partisan politics to help United States. Among other duties, In October 2007, the College of
the federal Judicial Nominating select the top candidates for jobs the board guarantees the optimal
Commission (JNC) established that involve upholding the public use of human, material and fiscal
by Florida’s two U.S. Senators. trust,” said Senator Bill Nelson. resources should a national emer-
The JNC is charged with making “We consider President Reed to gency be declared by the Congress
or the President. Mrs. Gordon will
recommendations on the most be among the best and brightest
serve as an unpaid member of this
qualified candidates to serve in in the state.” board. The Selective Service System
certain federal judicial and law Recommendations made by is an independent agency within the
enforcement positions including the JNC to Senators Nelson and Executive Branch of the Federal
U.S. District Judge, U.S. Attorney Martinez determine – subject to government.
and U.S. Marshal in Florida. agreement by the senators – which Mrs. Gordon was named the
“Being asked to serve on the prospective nominees are then 2007 Teacher of the Year for the
Judicial Nominating Commission forwarded to the White House New Beginnings Education Center
is a tremendous honor and a great for presidential consideration. To Trudie Kibbe Reed in Osceola County; she received
responsibility,” noted Reed. “The make recommendations, members uphold the public trust. the Distinguished Dove Award for
people of Florida deserve public of the JNC invite applications for President Reed will serve a being selected Osceola County’s
two-year term as a member of the Vocational Teacher of the Year and
servants in these important posi- open positions. Following a Kathleen “Kat” Gordon
JNC’s Middle District Confer- she was selected Denn John MS Mi-
tions who maintain the highest careful and thorough review, the
ence – one of three JNC confer- nority Educator of the Year and later Education at the University of Cen-
standards of professionalism, JNC members then select final- became Osceola County’s Ida S.
integrity and knowledge of the ists who possess the professional ences corresponding to each of tral Florida named Mrs. Gordon as
Baker Minority Educator of the Year. one of its “Alumni of the Decades”
law. By serving, I hope to pro- qualifications, character, integrity, the three federal judicial districts
Mrs. Gordon has been awarded by as part of its 40th anniversary cel-
vide valuable input throughout intellect, experience, tempera- in the state. All members of the her church, St. Mark A.M.E., for her
commission are volunteers and ebration.
the selection process and uphold ment, professional competence, civic and social involvement in her In February 2008, Mrs. Gordon
the values and commitment to the maturity, capacity for growth and are responsible for any expenses community. In 2006, she received received an award from the Osceola
betterment of society embodied other characteristics necessary to incurred in connection with attend- the Junior Achievement’s Educator Classroom Teachers Association for
by B-CU’s founder, Dr. Mary perform the duties of the offices ing meetings of the conference. of the Year Award. In addition, she her dedication and service to cultural
McLeod Bethune.” for which they are applying and received the Humanitarian Award at diversity within Osceola District
the 2006 Annual Scholarships and Schools.
6 The Advocate March 27, 2009
The ‘Best of Times and Worst of Times’ for Black America
Na�onal Urban League’s The State of Black America® 2009 Report Shows Black and White Equality S�ll Needs Work
(NEW YORK) – As the entire president of Capability Develop- key areas like median household cent for whites while poverty rates
country observed the historic elec- ment at Pfizer. “We have a lot to income, poverty, unemployment declined by 30.6 percent and 17
tion of President Barack Obama do before we can achieve the goals and home ownership. percent, respectively.
amid one of the worst economic of eliminating health disparities, During the economic expan- The State of Black America
crises this nation has ever seen, and ensuring that all Americans sion period from 2001 – 2007 2009 report notes that it will take
these are the ‘best of times and have affordable access to quality (known as the jobless recovery more than just relying on the
the worst of times’ for black health care regardless of health period) there was a decline in real Obama administration to make
America. The National Urban status or income. Pfizer is pleased median household income for a difference in urban America.
League, today, released the State to partner with the National Urban blacks and whites and an increase While they should hold govern-
of Black America (SOBA) 2009 League and, together, continue to in the rate of poverty. Real me- ment officials accountable at all
report which shows that while promote wellness and disease dian household income from 2001 levels, individuals must participate
the entire country is hurting dur- prevention programs, as well as – 2007 declined 1.7 percent for in order for change to happen.
ing these tough economic times, patient assistance programs, like blacks and 3.9 percent for whites “President Obama has stressed
African-Americans are dispropor- Pfizer Helpful Answers that has and poverty rates increased 7.9 that change comes from the bottom
tionately hurting worse. helped millions of patients get ac- percent for blacks and 5.1 percent up, not the other way around,” Mo-
The annual State of Black cess to Pfizer medicines for free or for whites. rial said. “It is up to all of us – as
National Urban League at a savings.” By contrast, during the 1990s citizens and advocates – to take a
America report is a barometer of
President, Marc Morial This year’s report also looks while trends were still similar, Af- more active role in governance at
conditions for African-Americans
in the United States. It includes the lift up our communities and move at trends from another perspective rican-Americans saw tremendous all levels to make sure our voices
National Urban League’s Equality this country forward.” – economic expansion periods. progress. For the duration of the are heard from City Hall to the
Index, a statistical measurement of Martin Luther King, III, in What the numbers show is that ‘90s expansion, real median house- State House to the halls of Con-
the disparities between blacks and the foreword to the report, says trends between blacks and whites hold income grew by 23.6 percent gress to the White House.”
whites across five categories: eco- President Obama’s election does were more similar than different in for African- Americans and 13 per-
nomics, education, health, civic not mean his father’s dream has
engagement and social justice. been realized.
This year’s report shows an “His election is not the fulfill-
overall slight decline in the status ment of the Dream,” King wrote.
of blacks as compared to whites, “This is because President Obama
moving from 71.5 percent in 2008 is not the only character in this nar-
to 71.1 percent in 2009. The only rative, nor is he the story’s only
sub index that increased over the writer. The American narrative
past year was in health at about cannot realize its greatest prom-
1.1 percentage points. This was ise unless the narratives of all its
largely because the gap narrowed peoples are part of that promise. In
for those without health insur- other words, realizing the Ameri-
ance. can Dream must be a complete
The report this year takes a possibility for every American.”
look back at the past five years of The theme for this year’s re-
the Equality Index to view trends port is “Message to the President.”
of progress and decline. Between There are essays from experts, and
2003 and 2007 the poverty rate and letters to the president from ordi-
home ownership rate declined for nary citizens about the condition
blacks but increased for whites. of African-Americans with rec-
Even as both groups made prog- ommendations on how President
ress in educational attainment, the Obama and his administration
progress was slower for blacks. might address them focusing on
During the same period while key areas such as green jobs, hous-
white children saw increases in ing and schools and education.
“preprimary” enrollment of about “For the first time we have a
3 percent, black children saw a president whose political base is
decline of about 1 percent, caus- in a city so we feel that he can
ing the education gap to grow, better understand the issues and
not shrink. The report this year concerns of urban America,” Mo-
shows the trend continues. This rial said. “We want to make sure
year’s National Urban League that we work with the administra-
report reminds the country that tion to ensure that urban America
the election of President Obama is included in the policies coming
does not mean the work of civil forth to help this country recover
rights is done. economically. Only then can we
“The election of the first black begin to close the equality gap.”
president does not mean we can all For the fifth consecutive
now close up shop and go home,” year, Pfizer has sponsored The
said the National Urban League State of Black America report.
President and CEO Marc H. Mo- “We applaud the National Urban
rial. “Instead, it’s more important League on its continued effort to
than ever that the National Urban spark important national dialogue
League and other organizations around crucial issues, such as the
and individuals committed to posi- health status gap endured by black
tive change work even harder to America,” said Forest Harper, vice
March 27, 2009 The Advocate 7
National News
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WASHINGTON (NNPA) them, by NNPA Foundation We hope you will enjoy look-
“ A historic delegation of 50 Chair Dorothy R. Leavell, ing at them,” Leavell said.
Black publishers and their publisher of the Chicago and “Well, that’s beautiful,”
guests, who convened at the Gary Crusader newspapers. the President responded,
White House last week for NNPA’s Newsmaker of the flipping through the book as
a Black Press Week award Year is the highest annual he asked First Lady Michelle
to President Barack Obama honor bestowed during Black to speak first.
and his family, received Press Week, the March, 16, “This is such a special
equal praise from the First 1827, birthday of the Black award,” she began. “When
Family for the work of the Press, now in its 182nd year. you’re in the middle of the
Black Press of America. “We are so happy to be news making, you don’t real-
It was a delegation of the here and to also congratulate ize how much news you made
����� ������������������������������������������������������������
more than 200-member Na- you “ and to let you know until it’s over. But, this is very
tional Newspaper Publishers that we’ve got your back,” special coming from this or-
Association, honoring Amer- said Leavell as the room ganization, this membership
ica’s first Black President for erupted with cheers and because you’ve followed us
his NNPA Newsmaker of the applause from the publish- through this journey. And to
Year selection by awarding ers. Leavell then gave the honor us as a family is what
him with a book of front President and First Lady the makes it special because you
pages of Black newspaper 80-paged document titled, recognize that we have been ��������������������� �������������������������������������������������������
from his historic Nov. 4, ‘’The Black Press Commit- going through this as a fam- ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
2008 election. ted to the Cause’’. ily, as a community and all
“The reason that I’ve On the back of the book of you know the ins and outs
been able and Michelle of Black Press front pages that come along with this.” ������������ ������������������������������������������������������
has been able to do what are the words of Anthony This is the third News-
we’re doing is because of Newly and Leslie Bricusse’s maker award for President
the extraordinary support song, “Feelin’ Good” as a Obama. In 2005, he received ���������������������������������������������
and thoughtfulness with reflection of how musical it as a junior U. S. senator and
which you’ve covered our themes flowed throughout rising star in Black America ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������
campaigns and our activities the campaign. The lyrics and in the Democratic Party.
and so I am very thankful to were part of an essay written He received it again last year
you,” President Obama told promised to receive the award
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and applause during remarks issues.
the publishers during the at the White House if he won in which he reflected on his “After you’ve had a bad
ceremony in the State Din- the election. Both his win and three-time win of the award. day, there’s nothing like
ing Room March 20. the award are now a part of “I just want to thank all coming home to Malia and
“You are welcome in this historic record. of you for this extraordinary Sasha and them telling you
house, the people’s house, Returning the honor, honor of being a newsmaker all kinds of strange things
and we are looking forward to Michelle Obama stressed three times. I will try to be and you laugh and makes
continuing to spread, not just that the historic record of the a little more low key for the you appreciate why we do
our stories, but the stories of plight of African-Americans next four years. I don’t want what we do,” he said. “It’s
struggle and hope and hard- have been kept all along in to be like a seven-time (loud for the next generation and
ships that so many people Black newspapers across laughter) ... because other we couldn’t have done this
are going through right now, America. people will feel left out,” without my mother-in-law.
making those stories real and “You know our story. Our he said. She keeps Michelle calm.
putting a face to the numbers images, our journey our path Obama said the award And there’s that old say-
and statistics because that’s are not foreign to you. And was “especially gratifying” ing, “When Mama’s happy,
how we end up being able to we are reminded of that when because the whole family everybody’s happy,” he said
inspire the country as a whole we read our story in your sto- was being honored this time, as the publishers chimed in
to make the kind of forward ries. It feels different. I often including their daughters, with the popular quote. “And
progress that we need.” say I finally recognize myself Sasha, 7, and Malia, 10. He so we try to keep Mama
It was a light-hearted when I read your papers,” she praised his wife for her part in happy,” he said.
atmosphere for the president said to applause. “On behalf helping the historic election The First Lady’s happi-
and First Lady Michelle of the Obama family, the girls to come to fruition. ness is not only personal,
Obama, dealing with dire and Grandma (her mother, “I could not have done but for the nation, she said:
issues, as well as for the Marian Robinson, who lives this without Michelle,’’ he “Every day when I see his
publishers whose daily lives with the family), we thank said, calling her the founda- calm, his composure, his
are focused on the long-held you so much.” tion of the Obama family. commitment to his staff, his
President Obama kisses his Mother-in-law, Marian
mission of equal justice for NNPA has approximately ‘’Each and every day makes ability to connect to so many
Robinson on inaugura�on day. She is credi�ed with
African-American people. 215 members, but the White me realize how lucky I am communities in this time of
helping to keep Michelle Obama calm.
In remarks interrupted sev- House limited the delegation [that she is] married to me,” crisis, I am more confident
eral times with cheers and by former Gary, Ind. Mayor as a leading presidential can- to only 50 due to available he said. than ever that I would not
applause, Obama and First Richard Hatcher that was didate, poised to make his- space. Before greeting and He added that the chil- want anybody else in this
Lady Michelle appeared gen- published in the Chicago tory. Because he could not shaking hands with each dren bring light moments to house in this seat at this mo-
uinely touched by the maga- Crusader. attend the annual gala due member of the delegation, his life that take the edge off ment in time than my hus-
zine-styled book awarded to ‘’We want to honor you” to Senate votes last year, he the President drew laughter of the daily grind of tough band, President Obama.”
8 The Advocate March 27, 2009
The Orlando Advocate
Lifest yle
Creflo Dollar presents...
Page 16
flesh are manifest, which are hether dating two weeks or two
these; Adultery, fornication, decades, one of the most daunt-
uncleanness, lasciviousness, ing decisions in life is whether to
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, stay in a relationship when you are conflicted.
It’s no wonder the choice to stay or separate
variance, emulations, wrath,
causes so much inner indecision…especially
strife, seditions, heresies, for Christian men and women.
Envyings, murders, drunken- Not only is it utterly life changing,
ness, revellings, and such like: particularly when the relationship is long
of the which I tell you before, term, but there are so many thoughts, emo-
as I have also told you in time tions, and rationalizations that play into both
past, that they which do such staying put and walking away: We may feel
things shall not inherit the guilt about leaving, fear of being alone, and
conflicting feelings of love, anger, resentment,
kingdom of God.
discontent, and every other sentiment under
the sun. And that doesn’t even account for
the practical considerations: Will I be okay
financially? Who will maintain our mutual
friends? And how will we share custody if
kids are involved?
For all these reasons, many people push
the thought of leaving from their minds, in-
istry is just not there…and there’s no way to gina Marie Johnson’s February 2008 Regina
stead resigning themselves to a life of less
make it be. Gets Real column:
love, joy, and spiritual/personal fulfillment
You are embarrassed to have people Whenever I have to make a decision
than they deserve. Therefore, my goal here
meet him or her between two options (including whether
is to give you some guidance if you are strug-
I’m not talking about needing the ap- or not to continue seeing a person), I close
gling with whether to stay in a relationship
proval of others, or about stupid stuff, like that myself off in a quiet room, sit in a comfort-
or move on. Of course only you know for
he is a fashion failure. I mean the hesitancy to able position, and take a few deep breaths to
sure what is really right. But, considering the
introduce the person to friends or family be- get relaxed. Then, I first imagine/visualize
following factors should help you come to an
cause you know in your heart that they don’t I’ve already made a choice to go with option
honest conclusion.
treat you—or others—with respect. A (for example, continuing to date a certain
If God is in you, God will
request good things. But if the
I advertised my garage cleaning business in the Advocate. devil is in you, he will request
In three weeks I had so much business I had to ask them evil things.
to stop running the ad. B. Lee, Eatonville, FL Take a look at yourself.
What kinds of things do you
like? What kinds of things do
you embrace? What do you
feed your spirit? What does
Call us about a package that fits your budget and your needs! your inner man like to eat?
The Advocate Derrick Drake, Sales Mgr. Just think about it hard
enough and I’m sure you can
407.648.1162 link your struggles to the con-
tent of your daily pleasures.
I promise you, if you
Layover or Final Destination? promote the righteousness
of God in your life, he will
By Karen Triche took work, prayer, time, prayer, compromise, show in your actions. And
prayer, laughter, prayer, tears, mercy, grace you will walk in the things
and did I mention prayer?
was asked how you know if you’ve found If you’ve got a “good thing”, and it’s
he promised instead of in the
the “right” one. Here’s my reply: difficult, hold on, nobody said it would be consequences of a mind filled
I don’t know when I fell in love with easy, but it’s definitely worth it. This time I with sin.
my husband, I can’t tell you the moment, but listened, I looked and I was patient, yea, the
I probably still remember some of the times biological clock was ticking, and I wanted Suggested Reading: Luke
I wanted to throw in the towel, but I just children, but I’d been fast and wrong before.
couldn’t do it. He stayed in my heart and This time I wanted it all. I asked for a man
8:14, Rom. 1:32, Phil. 2:13,
on my mind. I prayed, and asked the Lord who would love me for me, provide for me, Heb. 11:25,
to show me, and HE did. I saw God’s love and be my friend. I knew I wanted children
in him, and somehow I knew that he was so I asked for that too. I wanted children
the one. When I think back, his good always and wanted to be a father, and that’s what ©2009 G. Craige Works All
out-weighed his bad. I got. Don’t seek just look for an image,
If you can be you, it’s probably good, money, or prestige, look for like, love, com-
Rights Reserved
if you’re mask sits on the shelf, more than mitment, kindness, thoughtfulness, goal
your face, you’ve probably got something oriented, working mate, who plans for the
worth while, and if you’re equally yoked, future and lives for the Lord. The first time
you’ve probably got a keeper. Did you notice doesn’t equal go, you may have something I didn’t think it through, nor did I pray and
the probably, well I put that there so you’d there. If they, like you, are saved, he or she wait for an answer. He was my friend and
understand that if all of those factors exist, makes you laugh and you can talk for hours, should have never been my husband, now
there is still no certainty that the relationship have similar goals, likes and passion. he isn’t either.
will work. You may not have the right person If holding hands feels right and you feel I know how it is to be alone, I understand
yet, but you’re definitely in the right game. safe, free and happy I’d go with it. But, still what it feels like when relationships aren’t
Remember, free will still exist. If you’ve be prayerfully patient, and remember, that working and you’re trying to hold on, or the
found that you want the same things, at the my husband and I had a lot of issues. He pain from failures or loss makes you not want
same time, desire each other, and accept and I didn’t look good on paper. He wasn’t to try again. I’m here for you. If you’re at a
the fact that equally yoked does not mean what I’d imagined, but was everything I’d crossroad I’m available. I’m here to answer
equally purposed, you’re of sound judgment, prayed for. After dating for years, and being your questions, deal with your scenarios or
and asking the right questions. If you have married for sixteen, he still makes me blush, to just pray with and for you, I’ll respond.
given conscience thought to who they are and gets my attention when he walks in a Remember, open your heart, He’ll bless you
and who you are, and you know that saved room. He loves me, and I him. But all of that beyond what you can ever imagine.
ith the volatile economy Americans are looking
for ways to lower energy bills and extend
natural resources now more than ever. Be-
cause petroleum is ingrained in our every-
day lives - from transportation and tires to computers and
every day goods such as diapers - many Americans are
interested in options that will help reduce dependence
on foreign oil as well.
Here are a few helpful tips to lower energy
bills and increase energy efficiency both at home
and at the pump.
Don’t Warm Up Your Car
The best way to warm your vehicle is to
drive it. Idling gets you zero miles to the gallon.
More than 30 seconds of idling on cold days
wastes fuel and increases emissions.
Conduct Regular Car Maintenance
Simple things such as properly inflated
tires can improve gas mileage by about 3 per-
cent. Replacing clogged air filters can improve
gas mileage by as much as 10 percent. It also is
important to use your car manufacturer’s recom-
mended blend of motor oil. Using a different oil
can decrease gas mileage by 1 to 2 percent.
Fill Up With Ethanol
Using gasoline with 10 percent ethanol is a key
component to lowering high gas prices and stretch-
ing petroleum supplies. Experts recently noted that
ethanol has lowered gas prices by 15 percent, saving
drivers some $70 billion at the pump this year alone.
The production of just one barrel of ethanol replaces 1.2
barrels of petroleum. In total, the use of ethanol in gas and
E-85 will displace the equivalent of 52 large oil tankers filled
with imported crude this year. The production of ethanol and
the abundance of corn positions corn growers to lead America’s
transition into a new era of energy based on alternatives to fossil
and imported fuels. Check your owner’s manual to find out about
ethanol usage.
Hybrid or Flex Fuel Vehicles
The interest in highly fuel efficient vehicles will not go away anytime soon. Photo courtesy of Getty Images
Save money at the gas pump and help the environment by investing in a hybrid or a
vehicle that runs on E-85, an 85 percent ethanol blend.
Buy Locally Grown Foods
Support your local farmers by choosing local meat, milk and produce when possible
to eliminate the costly transportation bill. Packaging, transportation, energy, advertising
and profits account for 24 cents of the food dollar - energy costs have an even greater
impact with high oil prices. 5 percent on your home’s heating costs. Set the temperature even lower at night to save
Turn Your Home Off an additional 5 to 20 percent.
According to the United States Department of Energy, 75 percent of the electricity Use Fluorescent Light Bulbs
used in the average home is consumed while products are off. Unplug your appliances or Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs, which use 75
use a power strip to cut off the electricity when you aren’t using it. percent less energy than incandescent.
Screen Savers Don’t Save Open the Shades
Screen savers do not reduce the energy your computer uses. Instead, switch computers Open the shades or blinds and let the sun shine in during the day to naturally heat your
to sleep modes or simply turn off monitors to save energy. home. Don’t forget to close them at night to help insulate against the cold.
Set Your Thermostat at 68 Following these easy tips can help lower your energy bills and reduce our country’s
For every degree you lower the thermostat in the 60 to 70 degree range, you’ll save dependence on foreign oil sources.
12 The Advocate March 27, 2009
Get the Facts on Ethanol
The use of alternative energy is becoming more common lowers the price at the pump by about 15
in everyday life. Here are some facts to consider about one percent, according to industry experts. Plus,
alternative source, ethanol. ethanol was selected as an important replace-
-America’s corn growers are harvesting the second larg- ment for Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), a
est crop in our nation’s history, which means there will be carcinogenic oxygenate in fuel.
enough corn to meet demands for food, feed and fuel as -The Environmental Protection Agency
well as enough to provide strong exports to other countries concluded that ethanol reduces carbon
over the course of the year ahead. monoxide emissions by as much as 25
-U.S. growers will have reserve estimated at more than 1 percent, reducing ozone formation and
billion bushels for other needs, as identified. the levels of greenhouse gases. Ethanol
-Ethanol production creates co-products called distillers is cleaner than gasoline and helps reduce
grains that are a high-protein source of animal feed and global warming.
produces starch and corn oil that are used as common food -Many studies have shown ethanol provides
ingredients. 20 to 50 percent more energy than it takes to
-U.S. farmers harvest two kinds of corn, field corn and produce. This includes the energy needed to
sweet corn. Field corn is used to produce ethanol. It typi- plant, grow and harvest the corn as well as to
cally isn’t eaten by humans in its raw form. Sweet corn is manufacture and distribute the ethanol.
eaten as a vegetable. For more information, visit
-Blending ethanol with gasoline extends gas reserves and FoodandFuel/FoodAndFuel.asp.
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March 27, 2009
032609_JAX_HALF_INC_XS.indd 1 The Advocate
3/19/09 8:47:3813
Wellness Family Routines
Raising Children Network
J ust one can of the popular stimulant bath time, bedtime and mealtimes, greetings and good-
energy drink Red Bull can increase the byes
risk of heart attack or stroke, even in young · weekly routines for housework like washing and
people, according to Australian medical re- cleaning
searchers. · yearly routines involving holidays and extended
The caffeine-loaded beverage caused the family get-togethers.
blood to become sticky, a pre-cursor to car- It makes sense that family life could be chaotic
diovascular problems such as stroke. without some routine. But research has shown that there
“One hour after they drank Red Bull, is more to it than that. Routines let your children know
(their blood systems) were no longer nor- what is important to your family. When they are highly
mal. They were abnormal like we would meaningful, routines are sometimes referred to as rituals
expect in a patient with cardiovascular dis- and these play an important role in strengthening shared
ease,” Scott Willoughby, lead researcher beliefs and values, and building a sense of belonging and
from the Cardiovascular Research Centre cohesion in families.
at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, told an Routines are good for children
Australian newspaper. An organized and predictable home environment helps
Red Bull is banned in Norway, Uruguay children feel safe and secure. Routines built around fun,
and Denmark because of health risks listed play or time together strengthen relationships between par-
on its cans. ents and children. Reading a story before bed, for example,
The Austria-based company, whose mar- can become a special time you spend with your child.
keting says “Red Bull gives you wings”, Daily routines help set our body clocks – for example,
warns consumers not to drink more than bedtime routines help children’s bodies to ‘know’ when it’s
two cans a day. time to sleep. Routines are a way of teaching your child
But Willoughby said Red Bull could be ways to stay healthy, like brushing teeth, exercising, or
deadly when combined with stress or high washing hands after using the toilet. If your child needs
and more in control, which will make you feel less stressed. A routine will
blood pressure, impairing proper blood ves- to take medicine regularly, having a routine for this will
help you complete routine daily tasks efficiently. Routines take effort to
sel function and possibly lifting the risk of make sure you and your child are less likely to forget. maintain, but once established they will let you do things on ‘auto pilot’ so
blood clotting. Routines are good for parents you can think about other things while you work. As children get better at
“If you have any predisposition to car- Regular and consistent routines help parents feel like following a routine on their own, you can give fewer instructions and nag
diovascular disease, I’d think twice about they’re doing a good job of being parents. When things are less because each step of the routine prompts the next step.
drinking it,” he said. busy and hectic, routines can help you feel more organized The routines adopted by families are as diverse as families themselves.
Following are some routines you could
* Even though you might sound like a broken record, when you stick to
a routine and repeat requests consistently, you’re helping your child develop
useful habits that mean boring tasks like teethbrushing start to become au-
* Research has shown that routines have health benefits: children living
in families who maintain regular family routines have fewer respiratory infec-
tions, and those they have tend to be shorter. There is still some conjecture
about why. It might be that the routines contribute to healthy habits like
washing hands which prevent transmission of germs that can cause illness,
or that they help protect children against the kind of stress that suppress the
immune system.
* Routines can really help children with disabilities, and can be even more
important for children who find it hard to understand or cope with change.
ou could call Heart of God, CHANGE soft praise. “Vessel Unto You” features Eliza-
a showcase of the diversity and the beth Curry on a beautiful piano-accompanied
depth of artistry that rest under the melody that is wrapped with backing vocals
auspices of Creflo Dollar’s Arrow Records. from a small ensemble.
Featuring numerous artists who deliver their Minister Dorsey Hammond, whose mu-
praise in various styles, the project flows sic Dollar describes as “a propelling force of
smoothly under the production hand of Aar- rhythmic and harmonic freedom that excites
on Lindsey, who ensures that the project’s and challenges listeners to come into deep
eleven songs are unified in overall purpose fellowship with God”, sings on songs such as
and musicality. “I Praise” and “Oh Lord Most High”. Using
The album leads off with the raucously vertically-directed lyrics, Hammond succeeds
delivered and live-recorded “I’m Free”, writ- in melding a contemporary vibe with soulful
ten by Lindsey and Jordan Dollar, with lead delivery.
vocals from the gifted Jonathan Phillips. Other highlights on this project include
Rife with edgy guitars and a bumpy rhythm Jordan Dollar on “That’s Why I Love You”,
line, the song sets the tone for the rest of the and Michelle Swift on “Voice Of God”.
project. With authentic worship that spans barri-
On “Lay It Down”, Deleon Richards ers both cultural and musical, Heart of God:
steps up to the mic and delivers a contrasting CHANGE is a project to embrace.
jobs. What you would do if your
circumstances dramatically changed? Are s medical research continues to healthcare in the world when so many patients
your spending habits out of control or are confirm that many natural remedies have to do without, simply because a power-
you spending according to priorities? Do to common and sometimes cata- ful special interest group – pharmaceutical
you have an accurate picture of your finan- strophic illnesses are safe and effective, many companies – are able to strong-arm the gov-
cial situation? physicians find themselves in an untenable ernment into preventing doctors from even
On Wednesday, April 8th, at 12:00pm dilemma. talking about them?” Dr. Zennett asked. “It
While their Hippocratic Oath demands seems like shades of George Orwell’s 1984
Tom Hoisington, CLU, ChFC, FICF from
that they do no harm and are required to when the government can control what hon-
Consumer Debt Counselors will give a work- treat the patient in front of them regardless est professionals are even allowed to say. It
shop at the JFS Women’s Forum. The topic of the circumstances, they are prevented by needs to end.”
will be “Budgeting and Saving for Challenging law from recommending alternative natural With the price of healthcare rising, and
Times.” Attendees will learn about financial therapies that may well help and even save a strong push for healthcare reform moving
goals and objectives, types of savings plans, many patients’ lives. through the oval office and Congress, there
and percentages of income to invest. Mr. The cause is a series of restrictions has never been a more conducive environ-
Hoisington has 20+ years of experience in placed on them, and promoted vigorously ment for the adoption of natural remedies
the financial industry, including cash flow Tom Hoisington, CLU, ChFC, FICF by pharmaceutical companies who stand to into mainstream medical care, Dr. Zennett
management and budgeting techniques. lose millions if patients are guided toward added.
There is $5.00 charge and a light lunch non-pharmaceutical cures, according to Dr. “Skyrocketing healthcare costs and
will be served. RSVP’s are requested by April 6, 2009. If you would like to join us for the Mary Zennett, author of Health For Us All: shrinking federal reserves make wellness,
forum, please contact Marni S. Chepenik at 407-644-7593, ext. 227 to register. The Transformation of U.S. Healthcare, Third prevention and natural health very appeal-
The Women’s Forum is sponsored by Jewish Family Services and funded in part by Day Press ( She be- ing to legislators as US health care reform
JFS’ Marcia Witten Memorial Fund. lieves that we need to break the stranglehold debates gear up for after the Presidential
placed on physicians, so that they can be true inauguration,” she said. “Bipartisan support
to their oath and help those patients for whom of preventative medicine is favorable thus far,
pharmaceuticals are not a solution. and is quite promising. Yet, competing inter-
As medical science begins to accept the ests and influences are positioned to threaten
idea that natural remedies can be as effective, natural health inclusion in the US health care
if not more effective, than pharmaceuticals, it equation unless WE the people take a stand
seems the gap between those treatments and and make our voices heard.”
the patients who need them widen, according Dr Mary Zennett, MD, MBA in Health
to Dr. Zennett. Care Administration, has been a practicing
“Mainstream medicine may show con- psychiatrist of 22 years. Founder of National
siderable resistance; natural health followers Alliance for Health Reform, she is committed
are quite apprehensive about pharmaceuticals to mobilizing a grassroots movement of citi-
and the mainstream health care system as a zens committed to patient centered, cost effec-
whole,” she said. “Thus, we have two com- tive health reform that incorporates wellness
pletely separate and distinct worlds of health and prevention. Mother of 2 young adult sons,
care that rarely communicate and collaborate she is committed to reforms that will improve
with each other. Yet patients are seeking this quality of life for the next generations. Her
integration, from their doctors and from the motto is Patients First!
health care system as a whole.”
Moreover, there are many patients who
can’t take pharmaceuticals because the side
effects are too strong, or because they are tak-
ing other medicines that don’t interact well
together. In many cases, the use of natural
remedies may represent the only relief they
will ever feel from their symptoms.
“How can we claim to have the best
16 The Advocate March 27, 2009
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April Job Fair at the Plaza Theatre on the issues, to know all the facts, and to dig deeper in
our pursuit of being empowered.
Section 11. states The NAACP brings this class action
lawsuit seeking declaratory and injuctive relief based upon
Sometimes it takes a change of scenery this in mind, we have been working with companies, bring your re- the Fair Housing Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and
to create excitement, provoke action and local leaders, government officials, finan- sumes and also bring hard the Civil Rights Act.
create opportunity. That is the reason we cial institutions and community advocates hitting questions, ideas and
moved our April job fair to Orlando’s his- to bring together a job fair EVENT. an open mind to learn new
toric Plaza Theatre. We are bringing in new The schedule is as follows: methods, tactics and hacks
light to our job fairs, based on feedback from 10:15 - 11:00 ‘Looking for a Job in the to find jobs, networking
job seekers, companies and looking at other Current Economic Climate’ opportunities and career im-
events and tactics that can help you find a 11:00 - 1145 ‘Personal Branding and provements.
new job, career or educational opportunity the Power of the Internet’ by Mark Kru- For more information
to improve the value of your life. pinski on the job fair, please send
The event will take place on Thursday, 11:45 - 12:30 ‘State of the City’ (pre- an email to greg.rollett@em
April 16th from 10am - 2pm and will not sented by a City or County Government and I will
only include some great local companies, Official) do my best to get it answered
but also high level speakers, presenters and 12:30 - 1:15 ‘Navigating as quickly as possible.
workshops to enhance your job seeking ex- and its Suite of More updates, compa-
perience far beyond this one day event. We Web Sites by Patrick O’Brien’ nies and information can be
all understand that looking for a job is like a 1:15 - 2:00 ‘Advanced Tactics for On- found at orlando.employmen
full time job, and one day at an event is not line Job Seekers’ by Greg Rollett
the end all be all for most job seekers. With Please come prepared to meet with Participants at the Orlando Fall Job Fair.
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Published 3/20, 3/27/09 2x 407-648-1162
March 27, 2009 The Advocate 21
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OK, you asked for this! Now, break the code. Remember, single letter and two-letter words are the easiest. Letters don’t change. If
“Z” represents “A” in one word, it will do so in all words! Answer is at bottom of page. Don’t peek unless you absolutely have to!
exercise your numbers side
HIUXSW. Here’s how to do a sudoku puzzle:
Each puzzle is separated into 9 squares with 9 spaces in each
square. Solve the puzzle by filling in the open spaces with
“missing” numbers so that when you finish, each column and
Meet your next Central Florida’s Job Fair. “Hundreds of upper, mid, and entry level career openings in all types of Central Florida Industries!” Presented by Central Florida Employment
Council & Christian HELP. Matching People, Jobs, Education & Community since 1994! March 25, 2009 12Noon - 4:00pm. Central Florida Fair Exposition Park, 4603 W Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32808
(located on W. Colonial Dr. (SR 50) between Kirkman Rd. & John Young Parkway). Free Admission and Free Parking. Open to all Job Seekers with Career openings in all types of Central Florida Industries.
the Orlando Advocate
half of all In recent years, the use of antiretroviral therapy has
AIDS cases slowed the progression of HIV in many infected per-
diagnosed in sons and hence contributed to a decline in
2007. Around AIDS incidence.
two-thirds of B u t
a y a n d bi-
despite the g
“Black n and Black
all people who
have died with
AIDS did not there is as of
sexual e b e in g dev-
yet no cure for
live to the age
by HIV/
of 45.
astated in Fenton
HIV statistics ev
At the end -- Dr. K
of 2007, the
o r l a n d o a d v o c a t e . c o m