Advocate: Pioneering Black Historian Dead at 94

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the orlando

March 27, 2009

Black Historian
Dead at 94
See page 4

Story, page 3

John Hope Franklin VISIONARY

1915 - 2009 See page 3

o r l a n d o a d v o c a t e . c o m
the Advocate Publisher’s Word
Credo of the Black Press
“I shall be an ADVOCATE of the full

One Test , Many Lives

practice of the principles implicit in “Life,
Liberty and Justice for All.” I shall be an
ADVOCATE for these human and civil rights
on behalf of those to whom they are denied, and
I shall turn the pitiless light of publicity upon
all men who would deny these rights to others.
I shall be an ADVOCATE for my country, my
state, my city, and my race, but I shall ever be
on guard that I will not forget the greatest good
for the greatest number while seeking benefits
About 14 years ago, the Center for Disease Control began aggressively recommend-
for the small segments who are disadvantaged
by their denial.” ing routine HIV screening for all pregnant women. The accompanying media cam- Kevin Seraaj
paign, called One Test, Two Lives, gave healthcare providers tools to test pregnant
Tel. 407.648.1162 women for HIV infection and help reduce the number of infants born with HIV.
Fax 407.649.8702
email Since then, the incidence of mother-to-child transmission has dropped by approximately 85 percent. Good news,
[email protected] clearly. But mother-to-child HIV transmission continues in this country to a great extent because many pregnant women are still not being tested.
Kevin Seraaj Dr. Richard Beigi got involved with the One Test. Two Lives. campaign because he wanted to be a part of an educa-
tional campaign that promoted HIV screening as a part of routine medical practice. Bergi believes that sharing statisti-
Managing Editor cal information with other doctors will help them see the need for incorporating regular HIV testing for their pregnant
Louise Seraaj patients.

Production Manager After all, Beigi says, “the HIV test is easy–it is just a blood test.”
Dihon Seraaj

~ Contributing ~ And it really is just that simple.

Frank Butler The bottom line for Beigi is that “HIV testing is quick and simple; and with effective treatments to reduce transmission,
Cynthia Harris especially when detected early, physicians can play a critical role in reducing the spread of HIV.”
Sharon Fletcher Jones
Lela Salter If we can see an 85% reduction in mother-to-child transmission by educating pregnant moms, the possibilities for mak-
ing a serious impact in HIV/AIDS transmission among adults becomes huge, as well.
Judge Greg Mathis
Sandra “Sandy B” Brown The major difference, of course, is that for most mothers information about how to keep their babies safe will serve as
Derrick Drake powerful motivation to act on the information given, while adults engaging in casual sex often have no similar depth
Mary “Action” Jackson of feelings about one another. So there is no similar motivation.
Basil A. Jones
Kevin Seraaj Still, one would think there exists a compelling societal interest in keeping the spread of HIV to a minimum. And when
Keysha Williams, Esq. the white gay community was the repository of the disease, there was. Not so today, when the most infected groups
Prophetess Yolanda Dean
today are black gay men and their down-low brothers, and black women.
Janice LaBord It is interesting to note that only a handful of states today require a couple to get a blood test before getting married.
Madonna Alexis Only the District of Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, Massachusettes, Montana and Oklahoma want to know if either party
Jennissha Casillas is infected with an STD-- and most of the time the test if to detect the presence of Syphilis. How much more important
Paul Graine is it to know if your intended spouse has HIV?

Circulation Manager What do we say to the woman who says I wish one of my husband’s friends had told me he was infected-- because he
Robert Brown
never did? And the state where they were married didn’t require it, either.
Derrick Drake, Manager What do we say when a simple blood test could have spared her a lifetime of agony and regret?
The Adams Group
Feotis Dean It may be unfortunate that we even feel it necessary to consider having the government require something we should be
Lela Salter insisting on ourselves, but the reality is that many people will opt out of demanding a blood test from their significant
other-- and some won’t even ask for it at all-- because asking for a blood test might suggest to my partner that I don’t
The Advocate is published weekly by
trust her enough to volunteer on her own any critical information I might need.
Cornerstone Community Development Cor-
poration of Orlando, Florida, and is available
free of charge. And then there is the other notion that the party who is infected simply doesn’t know he or she has contracted the
ISSN: 1060-5715 disease.

This publication services the tri-county The extremely high incidence of AIDS among black females clearly says that either nobody’s talking or somebody’s
Orlando Metropolitan Statistical Area, lying. The disease is alive and well and being passed around in increasing numbers. In either case, prevention ought
consisting of Orange, Osceola, Seminole to be the higher priority, and a rethinking of blood tests before marriage might save a few lives. Or many lives.
and Alachua Counties. It focuses on local
issues; and features political, business and
entertainment personalities. One test.

Views from across the political and social

spectrum will from time to time appear in
these pages; they do not necessarily reflect
or represent the views of the publishers.

Memberships: National Newspaper

Publishers Association, Southeastern Black
Publishers Association,
Florida Press Association.
2 The Advocate March 27, 2009

Black scholar historian of Black American experience

by Martha Waggoner, Associated Press racial barrier in American politics, Franklin called his
ascension to the White House “one of the most historic
RALEIGH, N.C. - John Hope Franklin, a towering scholar moments, if not the most historic moment, in the history
and pioneer of African-American studies who wrote the of this country.”
seminal text on the black experience in the U.S. and “Because of the life John Hope Franklin lived, the
worked on the landmark Supreme Court case that out- public service he rendered, and the scholarship that was
lawed public school segregation, died Wednesday. He the mark of his distinguished career, we all have a richer
was 94. understanding of who we are as Americans and our jour-
David Jarmul, a spokesman at Duke University, where ney as a people,” Obama said in a statement. “Dr. Franklin
Franklin taught for a decade and was professor emeritus will be deeply missed, but his legacy is one that will surely
of history, said he died of congestive heart failure at the endure.”
school’s hospital in Durham. Obama’s achievement fit with Franklin’s mission as a
Born and raised in an all-black community in Okla- historian, to document how blacks lived and served along-
homa where he was often subjected to humiliating racism, side whites from the nation’s birth. Black patriots fought
Franklin was later instrumental in bringing down the legal at Lexington and Concord, Franklin pointed out in “From
and historical validations of such a world. Slavery to Freedom,” published in 1947. They crossed the
As an author, his book “From Slavery to Freedom” Delaware with Washington and explored with Lewis and
was a landmark integration of black history into American Clark.
history that remains relevant more than 60 years after be- The book sold more than 3.5 million copies and re-
ing published. As a scholar, his research helped Thurgood mains required reading in college classrooms. It was based
Marshall and his team at the NAACP win Brown v. Board on research Franklin conducted in libraries and archives
of Education, the 1954 case that barred the doctrine of that didn’t allow him to eat lunch or use the bathroom
“separate but equal” in the nation’s public schools. because he was black.
“It was evident how much the lawyers appreciated “He was working in a profession that more or less
what the historians could offer,” Franklin later wrote. “For banned him at the outset and ended up its leading practi- Franklin’s doctoral thesis was on free blacks in ante-
me, and I suspect the same was true for the others, it was tioner,” said Tim Tyson, a history professor at Duke. “And bellum North Carolina. His wife spent part of their honey-
exhilarating.” yet, he always managed to keep his grace and his sense of moon in Washington, D.C., at the Census Bureau, helping
Franklin himself broke numerous color barriers. He humor.” him finish. The resulting work, “The Free Negro in North
was the first black department chair at a predominantly Late in life, Franklin received more than 130 honorary Carolina, 1790-1860,” earned Franklin his doctorate and,
white institution, Brooklyn College; the first black profes- degrees and the National Association for the Advancement in 1943, became his first published book. Four years later,
sor to hold an endowed chair at Duke; and the first black of Colored People’s Spingarn Award. In 1993, President he took a job at Howard University. It was the same year
president of the American Historical Association. Bill Clinton honored Franklin with the Charles Frankel “From Slavery to Freedom” was published.
He often regarded his country like an exasperated rela- Prize, recognizing scholarly contributions that give “elo- Some of his greatest moments of triumph were marred
tive, frustrated by racism’s stubborn power, yet refusing to quence and meaning ... to our ideas, hopes and dreams as by bigotry.
give up. “I want to be out there on the firing line, helping, American citizens.” His joy at being offered the chair of the Brooklyn
directing or doing something to try to make this a better Clinton awarded Franklin the Presidential Medal of College history department in 1956 was tempered by his
world, a better place to live,” Franklin told The Associated Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian prize, two years difficulty getting a loan to buy a house in a “white” neigh-
Press in 2005. later, and gave him the role for which he was perhaps best borhood.
In November, after Barack Obama broke the ultimate known outside academia, as chairman of Clinton’s Initia- When he was to receive the freedom medal, Franklin
tive on Race. It was a job of which Franklin hosted a party for some friends at Washington’s Cosmos
said, “I am not sure this is an honor. It may be Club, of which he had long been a member. A white
a burden.” woman walked up to him, handed him a slip of paper and
“John Hope Franklin was one of the most im- demanded that he get her coat. He politely told the woman
portant American historians of the 20th century that any of the uniformed attendants, “and they were all in
and one of the people I most admired,” Clinton uniform,” would be happy to assist her.
said in a statement. “He graced our country with Franklin was born Jan. 2, 1915, in the all-black town
his life, his scholarship, and his citizenship.” of Rentiesville, Okla., where his parents moved in the
As he aged, Franklin spent more time in the mistaken belief that separation from whites would mean
greenhouse behind his home, where he nursed a better life for their young family. But his father’s law
orchids, than in libraries. He fell in love with office was burned in the race riots in Tulsa, Okla., in 1921,
the flowers because “they’re full of challenges, along with the rest of the black section of town.
mystery” - the same reasons he fell in love with His mother, Mollie, a teacher, began taking him to
history. school with her when he was three. He could read and
In June, Franklin had a small role in the write by five; by six, he first became aware of the “racial
movie based on the book “Blood Done Signed divide separating me from white America.”
My Name,” about the public slaying of black Franklin, his mother and sister Anne were ejected from
man in Oxford in 1970. Tyson, the book’s au- a train when his mother refused the conductor’s orders to
thor, said at the time he wanted Franklin in the move to the overcrowded “Negro” coach. As they trudged
movie “because of his dignity and his shining through the woods back to Rentiesville, young John Hope
intelligence.” began to cry.
Franklin attended historically black Fisk His mother pulled him aside and told him, “There was
University, where he met Aurelia Whittington, not a white person on that train or anywhere else who was
who would be his wife, editor, helpmate and any better than I was. She admonished me not to waste my
rock for 58 years, until her death in 1999. He energy by fretting but to save it in order to prove that I was
planned to follow his father into law, but the as good as any of them.”
lively lectures of a white professor, Ted Currier,
convinced him history was his field. Currier bor- Associated Press National Writers Hillel Italie in New
rowed $500 to send Franklin to Harvard Univer- York and Allen G. Breed in Raleigh contributed to this
sity for graduate studies. report.

March 27, 2009 The Advocate 3

Local News ���������������������������������������

Florida to Get Additional $Millions ���������


for Energy Efficiency Improvements

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Block Grants to Support Jobs, Cut Energy Bills, and Increase Energy Independence ����������������� ����������������� ����������������� �����������������
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WASHINGTON – Vice that reduce total energy use and formula that accounts for popula- ����
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President Joe Biden and Energy fossil fuel emissions, and improve tion and energy use. �������������� ������������ ���������� �������
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Secretary Steven Chu today an- energy efficiency. “The Block Grants are a ma- �����������������
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nounced plans to invest $3.2 The funding will support jor investment in energy solutions ���� ���� ���� ����
billion in energy efficiency and energy audits and energy ef- that will strengthen America’s ���� ������ ������������ ������ ����������� ���� ������ ���� ����� ��� ����� ������ ������
conservation projects in U.S. ficiency retrofits in residential economy and create jobs at the ����� ��� ��������� ��� �������� ���� ���� ������ ������� ����� ����� ����� ���� ���
cities, counties, states, territories, and commercial buildings, the local level,” said Secretary Chu. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������
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and Native American tribes. This development and implementa- “The funding will be used for ������� ���� �������� ������ ���� ���� ����� ������ ������ ��� ���� �������� ��������
includes $168,643,400 for state, tion of advanced building codes the cheapest, cleanest and most
county and city efforts in Florida. and inspections, and the creation reliable energy technologies we
A detailed breakdown is below. of financial incentive programs for have – energy efficiency and
Today’s announcement builds energy efficiency improvements. conservation – which can be de-
on an investment of $302,073,474 Other activities eligible for use of ployed immediately. The grants ����������������������������������������������������������������������

in Florida weatherization and en- grant funds include transportation also empower local communities

State Farm Mutual and LYNX

ergy funding announced by the programs that conserve energy, to make strategic investments to
Administration on March 12th and projects to reduce and capture meet the nation’s long term clean ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������
detailed at methane and other greenhouse energy and climate goals.”

Expand Road Ranger Program

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“These investments will save gas emissions from landfills, Funding for state, city, and
taxpayer dollars and create jobs in renewable energy installations county governments in the state
communities around the country,” on government buildings, energy includes:
said Vice President Biden. “Local efficient traffic signals and street Florida - $30,401,600; ORLANDO - State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
leaders will have the flexibility in lights, deployment of Combined ;Altamonte Springs- $177,700; and the Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority (LYNX) an-
how they put these resources to Heat and Power and district heat- Apopka - $153,600 ;Daytona Beach nounced Tuesday a new sponsorship and expansion of the Road Ranger
work – but we will hold them ing and cooling systems, and - $680,500 ; Deltona - $730,200 program in the Central Florida area. This partnership will keep and
accountable for making the in- others. ; Gainesville - $1,198,500 ; expand the Road Rangers program along Interstate 4 - one of the area’s
vestments quickly and wisely to To ensure accountability, the Kissimmee - $605,800; Melbourne busiest roadways in Orlando and surrounding areas.
spur the local economy and cut Department of Energy will pro- - $813,500; Ocala - $635,500 ; “State Farm has a long-standing commitment to improve auto safety
energy use.” vide guidance to and require grant Orlando - $2,683,200 ; Sanford nationwide, and we are strong believers in the safety services provided
The Energy Efficiency and recipients to report on the num- - $502,500; Titusville - $196,900; by the Florida Road Rangers,” said Michal Connolly, State Farm spokes-
Conservation Block Grant ber of jobs created or retained, Brevard - $2,939,700; Orange - $ person. “Our State Farm mission - to help people recover from the
program, funded by President energy saved, renewable energy 7,522,900; Seminole - $2,925,100 ; unexpected - strongly aligns with the work of the Florida Road Rangers
Obama’s American Recovery capacity installed, greenhouse Volusia - $2,411,200. as they respond quickly to accidents to reduce the number of secondary
and Reinvestment Act, will pro- gas emissions reduced, and funds crashes, help stranded drivers, and remove roadway debris.”
vide formula grants for projects leveraged. Funding is based on a This sponsorship will add three additional LYNX Road Ranger ve-

Water Safety and Amoeba Warning Go

hicles and increase the number of patrol hours in the high traffic area of
I-4. Hours of operation for the 13 LYNX Road Rangers will be 6 a.m.

Home for Spring Break

to 10:30 p.m., with a patrol of five trucks (morning hours), eight trucks
(midday) and five trucks (late afternoon until 10:30 p.m.), Monday thru
Friday. Overall benefits include:
Additional back-up for clearing and managing large crash scenes.
ORLANDO, FL– The Orange to reduce the risk of infection Additional resources for assisting law enforcement and first re
County Health Department kicked from amoeba. The messages sponders.
off an awareness campaign to re- also remind families that when Additional resources for hurricane or other needed evacuations.
mind families about water safety around water to avoid feeding Shorter response time.
and the dangers of the amoeba, or contact with wildlife. Fami- “Thanks to State Farm for recognizing how important the Road
Naegleria fowleri, found in fresh lies are reminded to never get Rangers are to keeping traffic moving on one of Central Florida’s busiest
water. This past Wednesday eve- in the water if a storm is in the roads. This partnership will ‘insure’ that everyone traveling this 75 mile
ning, the Orange County School area and not to dive in shallow stretch of I-4 will have access to the best roadside assistance program
District sent a recorded phone mes- water. Parents are reminded in America, “ said Linda Watson, CEO of LYNX.
sage home to every student and em- to keep their eyes on the kids, State Farm sponsors similar motorist assistance programs across
ployee in the Orange County Public and encourage children to swim Florida, supporting Road Rangers and Safety Patrol programs on
School System. With the help of with a partner. People should Florida’s Turnpike, I-4 in and around Orlando, and in Broward and
the school district, the information seek medical attention im- Palm Beach Counties. State Farm also sponsors similar programs na-
was recorded in English and Span- mediately if getting sick after as temperatures rise, so does the tionally: the State Farm Safety Patrol on the Pennsylvania Turnpike and
ish for nearly 177 thousand Orange swimming. chance of infection. Colorado’s E-470 Highway. The success of these programs has encour-
County kids before they got out of The safest way to prevent in- For more information on wa- aged State Farm to move forward with the sponsorship of additional
school for Spring Break. fection from an amoeba is to not ter safety, go to the Orange County programs throughout the United States.
The reverse 411 phone message swim in warm standing water, such Health Department website at “Partnerships like this are a win-win for everyone. Our State Farm
describes how amoeba can thrive as lakes, ponds, poorly maintained For an in depth sponsorship funding provides a long term, non-tax funding source enabling
in any fresh water such as lakes, swimming pools, storm water hold- fact sheet on amoeba, go to the Cen- Road Rangers to continue to protect lives and property, assist motorists
ponds, or rivers, and that children ing areas or in places posted “no ters for Disease Control and Pre- and reduce congestion delays,” Connolly said. “Private sponsorships such
should remember to wear a nose swimming”. Children are encour- vention website at as this will save the state millions in operating costs over the years. This
clip or hold their nose when jump- aged to avoid fresh water during ncidod/dpd/parasites/naegleria/ demonstrates how public and private partnerships can work together to
ing in water or when swimming the hot summer months because, factsht_naegleria.htm. meet a need that neither one could accomplish as well alone.”
4 The Advocate March 27, 2009
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Local News
Hankins Park Cultural Festival in Fourth Year
- Provides Performance Opportunities for Local Talent -
ORLANDO, Fla. – Part- helpful information for children Education, Human Resources,
nership For American African and families and a special display Technology and Therapeutic
Development, Inc. (PAAD) has of colorful motorcycles on Bikers Medicine.
announced an OPEN CALL FOR Row. There will be something for The City of Orlando’s Dr. I.
ENTERTAINMENT for its fourth everyone. This is a great opportu- Sylvester Hankins Park Recre-
“Hankins Park Cultural Festival”. nity for parents and/or guardians to ational site is located on a 15.2-
There are performance oppor- register their children for the City acre park at 1340 Lake Park Court
tunities for live bands, National of Orlando’s summer recreational (previous address 3410 W. Colum-
recording artists, cultural perfor- and aquatic programs. This will bia Street) which is at the corner
mances, Central Florida’s own be the perfect pre Mothers Day of John Young Parkway and West
home grown talents and much outing. Columbia Street. The center is cen-
more. Youth choirs don’t let the Partnership For American Af- trally located in a residential area
opportunity to show off your best rican Development, Inc., (PAAD) and is heavily used by neighbor-
praise performance pass you by. is a not for profit organization hood youth. Newly renovated in
Come get your trophy! It’s all that links Americans of African 2003 with a new facility that offers
hosted by a special Celebrity Guest decent to African profession- an array of recreation activities, in-
on Saturday, May 9, 2009, from als and scholars throughout the cluding after school and summer
11:00am to 5:00pm at the City of Continent of Africa. Since 1995, camp programs
Orlando’s Dr. I. Sylvester Hankins PAAD has developed a network For more informa-
Park Recreation site. between professionals in America tion visit PAAD online at
There will be a special presen- with those in Kenya, Nigeria, Sen- or mail
tation honoring the legacy of Dr. egal and abroad to exchange goods your DVD performance, photo,
I. Sylvester Hankins. There will and services for the betterment of bio and contact information to:
be exclusive African art exhib- mankind in an effort to promote PAAD, 6138 Burhley Court, Or-
its, free food, lots of family fun, and support cultural awareness lando, Fl 32809 Attn: HP Cultural
vendors providing important and through the Arts, Entertainment, Festival or call 407-351-1236

Right - PAAD Co-founder, Martha Brown extends warm welcome at 2008 Cultural Fes�val in Hankins
Park. Photo courtesy K. Seraaj, Orlando Advocate
School Board’s Kat Gordon to Serve on
B-CU President Reed to Serve on Federal Selective Service System Local Board
Judicial Nominating Commission Kathleen “Kat” Gordon has been
appointed to the Selective Service
System Local Board 084 for the
Volunteers Awards Dinner spon-
sored by Orange County Mayor
Richard T. Crotty and the Board of
State of Florida. Mrs. Gordon will County Commissioners for services
B-CU President Trudie Kibbe “Senator Martinez and I tried serve her term for a length of time on the Head Start Policy Council and
Reed has been invited by U.S. to provide a process beyond the as determined by the President of the Community Action Board.
Senator Bill Nelson to serve on reach of partisan politics to help United States. Among other duties, In October 2007, the College of
the federal Judicial Nominating select the top candidates for jobs the board guarantees the optimal
Commission (JNC) established that involve upholding the public use of human, material and fiscal
by Florida’s two U.S. Senators. trust,” said Senator Bill Nelson. resources should a national emer-
The JNC is charged with making “We consider President Reed to gency be declared by the Congress
or the President. Mrs. Gordon will
recommendations on the most be among the best and brightest
serve as an unpaid member of this
qualified candidates to serve in in the state.” board. The Selective Service System
certain federal judicial and law Recommendations made by is an independent agency within the
enforcement positions including the JNC to Senators Nelson and Executive Branch of the Federal
U.S. District Judge, U.S. Attorney Martinez determine – subject to government.
and U.S. Marshal in Florida. agreement by the senators – which Mrs. Gordon was named the
“Being asked to serve on the prospective nominees are then 2007 Teacher of the Year for the
Judicial Nominating Commission forwarded to the White House New Beginnings Education Center
is a tremendous honor and a great for presidential consideration. To Trudie Kibbe Reed in Osceola County; she received
responsibility,” noted Reed. “The make recommendations, members uphold the public trust. the Distinguished Dove Award for
people of Florida deserve public of the JNC invite applications for President Reed will serve a being selected Osceola County’s
two-year term as a member of the Vocational Teacher of the Year and
servants in these important posi- open positions. Following a Kathleen “Kat” Gordon
JNC’s Middle District Confer- she was selected Denn John MS Mi-
tions who maintain the highest careful and thorough review, the
ence – one of three JNC confer- nority Educator of the Year and later Education at the University of Cen-
standards of professionalism, JNC members then select final- became Osceola County’s Ida S.
integrity and knowledge of the ists who possess the professional ences corresponding to each of tral Florida named Mrs. Gordon as
Baker Minority Educator of the Year. one of its “Alumni of the Decades”
law. By serving, I hope to pro- qualifications, character, integrity, the three federal judicial districts
Mrs. Gordon has been awarded by as part of its 40th anniversary cel-
vide valuable input throughout intellect, experience, tempera- in the state. All members of the her church, St. Mark A.M.E., for her
commission are volunteers and ebration.
the selection process and uphold ment, professional competence, civic and social involvement in her In February 2008, Mrs. Gordon
the values and commitment to the maturity, capacity for growth and are responsible for any expenses community. In 2006, she received received an award from the Osceola
betterment of society embodied other characteristics necessary to incurred in connection with attend- the Junior Achievement’s Educator Classroom Teachers Association for
by B-CU’s founder, Dr. Mary perform the duties of the offices ing meetings of the conference. of the Year Award. In addition, she her dedication and service to cultural
McLeod Bethune.” for which they are applying and received the Humanitarian Award at diversity within Osceola District
the 2006 Annual Scholarships and Schools.
6 The Advocate March 27, 2009
The ‘Best of Times and Worst of Times’ for Black America
Na�onal Urban League’s The State of Black America® 2009 Report Shows Black and White Equality S�ll Needs Work

(NEW YORK) – As the entire president of Capability Develop- key areas like median household cent for whites while poverty rates
country observed the historic elec- ment at Pfizer. “We have a lot to income, poverty, unemployment declined by 30.6 percent and 17
tion of President Barack Obama do before we can achieve the goals and home ownership. percent, respectively.
amid one of the worst economic of eliminating health disparities, During the economic expan- The State of Black America
crises this nation has ever seen, and ensuring that all Americans sion period from 2001 – 2007 2009 report notes that it will take
these are the ‘best of times and have affordable access to quality (known as the jobless recovery more than just relying on the
the worst of times’ for black health care regardless of health period) there was a decline in real Obama administration to make
America. The National Urban status or income. Pfizer is pleased median household income for a difference in urban America.
League, today, released the State to partner with the National Urban blacks and whites and an increase While they should hold govern-
of Black America (SOBA) 2009 League and, together, continue to in the rate of poverty. Real me- ment officials accountable at all
report which shows that while promote wellness and disease dian household income from 2001 levels, individuals must participate
the entire country is hurting dur- prevention programs, as well as – 2007 declined 1.7 percent for in order for change to happen.
ing these tough economic times, patient assistance programs, like blacks and 3.9 percent for whites “President Obama has stressed
African-Americans are dispropor- Pfizer Helpful Answers that has and poverty rates increased 7.9 that change comes from the bottom
tionately hurting worse. helped millions of patients get ac- percent for blacks and 5.1 percent up, not the other way around,” Mo-
The annual State of Black cess to Pfizer medicines for free or for whites. rial said. “It is up to all of us – as
National Urban League at a savings.” By contrast, during the 1990s citizens and advocates – to take a
America report is a barometer of
President, Marc Morial This year’s report also looks while trends were still similar, Af- more active role in governance at
conditions for African-Americans
in the United States. It includes the lift up our communities and move at trends from another perspective rican-Americans saw tremendous all levels to make sure our voices
National Urban League’s Equality this country forward.” – economic expansion periods. progress. For the duration of the are heard from City Hall to the
Index, a statistical measurement of Martin Luther King, III, in What the numbers show is that ‘90s expansion, real median house- State House to the halls of Con-
the disparities between blacks and the foreword to the report, says trends between blacks and whites hold income grew by 23.6 percent gress to the White House.”
whites across five categories: eco- President Obama’s election does were more similar than different in for African- Americans and 13 per-
nomics, education, health, civic not mean his father’s dream has
engagement and social justice. been realized.
This year’s report shows an “His election is not the fulfill-
overall slight decline in the status ment of the Dream,” King wrote.
of blacks as compared to whites, “This is because President Obama
moving from 71.5 percent in 2008 is not the only character in this nar-
to 71.1 percent in 2009. The only rative, nor is he the story’s only
sub index that increased over the writer. The American narrative
past year was in health at about cannot realize its greatest prom-
1.1 percentage points. This was ise unless the narratives of all its
largely because the gap narrowed peoples are part of that promise. In
for those without health insur- other words, realizing the Ameri-
ance. can Dream must be a complete
The report this year takes a possibility for every American.”
look back at the past five years of The theme for this year’s re-
the Equality Index to view trends port is “Message to the President.”
of progress and decline. Between There are essays from experts, and
2003 and 2007 the poverty rate and letters to the president from ordi-
home ownership rate declined for nary citizens about the condition
blacks but increased for whites. of African-Americans with rec-
Even as both groups made prog- ommendations on how President
ress in educational attainment, the Obama and his administration
progress was slower for blacks. might address them focusing on
During the same period while key areas such as green jobs, hous-
white children saw increases in ing and schools and education.
“preprimary” enrollment of about “For the first time we have a
3 percent, black children saw a president whose political base is
decline of about 1 percent, caus- in a city so we feel that he can
ing the education gap to grow, better understand the issues and
not shrink. The report this year concerns of urban America,” Mo-
shows the trend continues. This rial said. “We want to make sure
year’s National Urban League that we work with the administra-
report reminds the country that tion to ensure that urban America
the election of President Obama is included in the policies coming
does not mean the work of civil forth to help this country recover
rights is done. economically. Only then can we
“The election of the first black begin to close the equality gap.”
president does not mean we can all For the fifth consecutive
now close up shop and go home,” year, Pfizer has sponsored The
said the National Urban League State of Black America report.
President and CEO Marc H. Mo- “We applaud the National Urban
rial. “Instead, it’s more important League on its continued effort to
than ever that the National Urban spark important national dialogue
League and other organizations around crucial issues, such as the
and individuals committed to posi- health status gap endured by black
tive change work even harder to America,” said Forest Harper, vice
March 27, 2009 The Advocate 7
National News
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Black Publishers Celebrate

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Black Press Week at White

by Hazel Trice Edney
NNPA Editor-in-Chief

WASHINGTON (NNPA) them, by NNPA Foundation We hope you will enjoy look-
“ A historic delegation of 50 Chair Dorothy R. Leavell, ing at them,” Leavell said.
Black publishers and their publisher of the Chicago and “Well, that’s beautiful,”
guests, who convened at the Gary Crusader newspapers. the President responded,
White House last week for NNPA’s Newsmaker of the flipping through the book as
a Black Press Week award Year is the highest annual he asked First Lady Michelle
to President Barack Obama honor bestowed during Black to speak first.
and his family, received Press Week, the March, 16, “This is such a special
equal praise from the First 1827, birthday of the Black award,” she began. “When
Family for the work of the Press, now in its 182nd year. you’re in the middle of the
Black Press of America. “We are so happy to be news making, you don’t real-
It was a delegation of the here and to also congratulate ize how much news you made

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more than 200-member Na- you “ and to let you know until it’s over. But, this is very
tional Newspaper Publishers that we’ve got your back,” special coming from this or-
Association, honoring Amer- said Leavell as the room ganization, this membership
ica’s first Black President for erupted with cheers and because you’ve followed us
his NNPA Newsmaker of the applause from the publish- through this journey. And to
Year selection by awarding ers. Leavell then gave the honor us as a family is what
him with a book of front President and First Lady the makes it special because you
pages of Black newspaper 80-paged document titled, recognize that we have been ��������������������� �������������������������������������������������������

from his historic Nov. 4, ‘’The Black Press Commit- going through this as a fam- ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
2008 election. ted to the Cause’’. ily, as a community and all
“The reason that I’ve On the back of the book of you know the ins and outs
been able and Michelle of Black Press front pages that come along with this.” ������������ ������������������������������������������������������
has been able to do what are the words of Anthony This is the third News-
we’re doing is because of Newly and Leslie Bricusse’s maker award for President
the extraordinary support song, “Feelin’ Good” as a Obama. In 2005, he received ���������������������������������������������
and thoughtfulness with reflection of how musical it as a junior U. S. senator and
which you’ve covered our themes flowed throughout rising star in Black America ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������

campaigns and our activities the campaign. The lyrics and in the Democratic Party.
and so I am very thankful to were part of an essay written He received it again last year
you,” President Obama told promised to receive the award
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and applause during remarks issues.
the publishers during the at the White House if he won in which he reflected on his “After you’ve had a bad
ceremony in the State Din- the election. Both his win and three-time win of the award. day, there’s nothing like
ing Room March 20. the award are now a part of “I just want to thank all coming home to Malia and
“You are welcome in this historic record. of you for this extraordinary Sasha and them telling you
house, the people’s house, Returning the honor, honor of being a newsmaker all kinds of strange things
and we are looking forward to Michelle Obama stressed three times. I will try to be and you laugh and makes
continuing to spread, not just that the historic record of the a little more low key for the you appreciate why we do
our stories, but the stories of plight of African-Americans next four years. I don’t want what we do,” he said. “It’s
struggle and hope and hard- have been kept all along in to be like a seven-time (loud for the next generation and
ships that so many people Black newspapers across laughter) ... because other we couldn’t have done this
are going through right now, America. people will feel left out,” without my mother-in-law.
making those stories real and “You know our story. Our he said. She keeps Michelle calm.
putting a face to the numbers images, our journey our path Obama said the award And there’s that old say-
and statistics because that’s are not foreign to you. And was “especially gratifying” ing, “When Mama’s happy,
how we end up being able to we are reminded of that when because the whole family everybody’s happy,” he said
inspire the country as a whole we read our story in your sto- was being honored this time, as the publishers chimed in
to make the kind of forward ries. It feels different. I often including their daughters, with the popular quote. “And
progress that we need.” say I finally recognize myself Sasha, 7, and Malia, 10. He so we try to keep Mama
It was a light-hearted when I read your papers,” she praised his wife for her part in happy,” he said.
atmosphere for the president said to applause. “On behalf helping the historic election The First Lady’s happi-
and First Lady Michelle of the Obama family, the girls to come to fruition. ness is not only personal,
Obama, dealing with dire and Grandma (her mother, “I could not have done but for the nation, she said:
issues, as well as for the Marian Robinson, who lives this without Michelle,’’ he “Every day when I see his
publishers whose daily lives with the family), we thank said, calling her the founda- calm, his composure, his
are focused on the long-held you so much.” tion of the Obama family. commitment to his staff, his
President Obama kisses his Mother-in-law, Marian
mission of equal justice for NNPA has approximately ‘’Each and every day makes ability to connect to so many
Robinson on inaugura�on day. She is credi�ed with
African-American people. 215 members, but the White me realize how lucky I am communities in this time of
helping to keep Michelle Obama calm.
In remarks interrupted sev- House limited the delegation [that she is] married to me,” crisis, I am more confident
eral times with cheers and by former Gary, Ind. Mayor as a leading presidential can- to only 50 due to available he said. than ever that I would not
applause, Obama and First Richard Hatcher that was didate, poised to make his- space. Before greeting and He added that the chil- want anybody else in this
Lady Michelle appeared gen- published in the Chicago tory. Because he could not shaking hands with each dren bring light moments to house in this seat at this mo-
uinely touched by the maga- Crusader. attend the annual gala due member of the delegation, his life that take the edge off ment in time than my hus-
zine-styled book awarded to ‘’We want to honor you” to Senate votes last year, he the President drew laughter of the daily grind of tough band, President Obama.”
8 The Advocate March 27, 2009
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You Are What As a Christian Man or Woman, When Should
You Like You Walk Away from a Relationship?
by G. Craige Lewis
by Nicolle Williams
Gal. 5:19 Now the works of the

flesh are manifest, which are hether dating two weeks or two
these; Adultery, fornication, decades, one of the most daunt-
uncleanness, lasciviousness, ing decisions in life is whether to
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, stay in a relationship when you are conflicted.
It’s no wonder the choice to stay or separate
variance, emulations, wrath,
causes so much inner indecision…especially
strife, seditions, heresies, for Christian men and women.
Envyings, murders, drunken- Not only is it utterly life changing,
ness, revellings, and such like: particularly when the relationship is long
of the which I tell you before, term, but there are so many thoughts, emo-
as I have also told you in time tions, and rationalizations that play into both
past, that they which do such staying put and walking away: We may feel
things shall not inherit the guilt about leaving, fear of being alone, and
conflicting feelings of love, anger, resentment,
kingdom of God.
discontent, and every other sentiment under
the sun. And that doesn’t even account for
the practical considerations: Will I be okay
financially? Who will maintain our mutual
friends? And how will we share custody if
kids are involved?
For all these reasons, many people push
the thought of leaving from their minds, in-
istry is just not there…and there’s no way to gina Marie Johnson’s February 2008 Regina
stead resigning themselves to a life of less
make it be. Gets Real column:
love, joy, and spiritual/personal fulfillment
You are embarrassed to have people Whenever I have to make a decision
than they deserve. Therefore, my goal here
meet him or her between two options (including whether
is to give you some guidance if you are strug-
I’m not talking about needing the ap- or not to continue seeing a person), I close
gling with whether to stay in a relationship
proval of others, or about stupid stuff, like that myself off in a quiet room, sit in a comfort-
or move on. Of course only you know for
he is a fashion failure. I mean the hesitancy to able position, and take a few deep breaths to
sure what is really right. But, considering the
introduce the person to friends or family be- get relaxed. Then, I first imagine/visualize
following factors should help you come to an
cause you know in your heart that they don’t I’ve already made a choice to go with option
honest conclusion.
treat you—or others—with respect. A (for example, continuing to date a certain

A s I travel the country, I You should probably walk if…

You feel in your gut that he or she does man). I then sit with that scenario in my mind
talk to lots of so called There is any form of mental or physical
not treat you properly and pay attention to how I feel inside (in my
Christians. Many of them say While there is a wide range of what con- stomach and spirit and to what happens to my
This one’s not a “should”; this is seri-
things like.....”Christian gath- stitutes treating a partner “properly,” when anxiety level: Does it make me feel anxious
erings are not as fun as the someone is not, you know. or calm?) After about 5-10 minutes, I do the
You feel better about yourself when you
club or secular parties” or “ You feel you have settled same with option B (here, imagining that I’ve
are not with him or her
Or you think about others often, wonder- decided to move on from that man). Again, I
Christian music is not as good You feel happier, more relaxed, or more
ing whether there might be a more suited man pay attention to the feelings in the pit of my
as secular music”. at peace when you are not with him or her
or woman out there. stomach. More often than not, the choice
Well, God gave me a good He or she does/says things that are just
Your main reason for remaining in the becomes clear . . . even if it’s not the choice
reason why many of his peo- plain mean
relationship does not have to do with love that will bring me immediate (and often false)
I’m not talking about standard fighting.
ple feel this way. It’s because In other words, you are staying put gratification.
Every couple will argue. I’m referring to
Christian things are not in primarily because you feel guilty leaving, The most important thing with this ex-
the feeling you get when a person is truly
them!! worry you won’t find anyone else you want, ercise is that you let go of your attachment to
unkind…or when they hit below the belt just
What is the club and secular or worry you won’t find anyone else who either outcome and that you don’t rationalize.
to hurt you.
wants you. If your gut feelings lead you to an answer you
parties usually about? You feel he or she weakens your bond
You feel in your gut that the relationship don’t want, there can be no, “Well, maybe
Let’s see, sex, adultery, with the Lord rather than strengthening it
is not right that’s only because of . . ..“ For this to work,
fornication, bad language, This can include criticizing your Chris-
Again, go with your gut. If you have you mustn’t try to talk yourself into making
immorality, homosexuality, tian beliefs, displaying dishonesty, or engag-
been feeling for a long time like you are not the “easy” choice.
ing in immoral behavior.
lesbianizm, all kinds of sinful leading the life you were meant to live, it’s The second exercise is a variation on the
You don’t get a warm, fuzzy feeling
promotions. a good indicator that you should seek some- above. Follow the same procedure, but in-
when you think about him or her
What about secular music? thing else. stead of imagining simply that you’ve decided
You are not physically attracted to him
False god worship (india arie, Additional exercises for deciding to stay with the man or woman, imagine your
or her
whether to stay or separate life 10 years from now as if you are still with
jill scott, jayz, etc.), sex (t- Of course that initial giddiness will be
In addition to going over the guidelines the same person…and things are as they are
pain, lil wayne, r.kelly), drugs, replaced to some degree by a deeper, more
above, there are two imagination exercises now in your relationship (which, most likely,
violence, money glorification, calm connection. But when you don’t like
that I feel are helpful in evaluating if a rela-
etc.) the person’s touch, smell, or kiss, the chem-
tionship is right. The first is taken from Re-
10 The Advocate March 27, 2009
they will be). Try to fill in the picture as fully worried, it will literally make you sick, we
as possible, and sit with that for a few min- can’t trick our bodies. If you’re unattached, Well, when we as Chris-
utes. Again, notice your feelings: Is this a surround yourself with supportive friends and tians enjoy these things, what
contented, comforting scenario or does it continue to pamper yourself. It’s so important does it do to our spiritual
create internal anxiety? for you (whether married or single) to fight walk? How close to God can
Statistical support for finding your for your own happiness.” we be embracing and accept-
happiness however possible The final word ing all the things that he said
I know it to be true in my experience: In summary, God gave us our gut intu-
“would keep us from inherit-
Those people—especially women—who ition. Why wouldn’t we use it in deciding
are either single or in happy relationships whether a relationship is right? On one ing the kingdom?”
are much better off (emotionally, spiritually, hand, you certainly shouldn’t make a rush Many times we are in con-
and physically) than those in unhappy ones. decision (i.e. after you feel discontent for stant relationship struggles,
Now, a Fox News article cites studies that only a week or two); and always remember financial struggles, low self
support it. that even “perfect partners” bring with them esteem and sin addictions,
According to a July 2008 piece, both baggage and irritating idiosyncrasies. But if you name it, and we wonder
happily married women and single women staying with someone isn’t making you happy why we can’t shake it or get
with “strong social networks and bustling most of the time, your best bet is to move on.
free from it.
careers” scored high on a happiness scale. Most importantly, don’t cling too closely to
In fact, the article concludes that, “If you any outcome: As the saying goes, “Let go Well, what you put into
are in a bad relationship and are constantly and let God.” your mind is what you be-
come. If you fill your spirit
with the things of God, you
in the Advocate will become Godly. But if

Advertising Works! you fill yourself with things

of the devil, you will become

If God is in you, God will
request good things. But if the
I advertised my garage cleaning business in the Advocate. devil is in you, he will request
In three weeks I had so much business I had to ask them evil things.

to stop running the ad. B. Lee, Eatonville, FL Take a look at yourself.
What kinds of things do you
like? What kinds of things do
you embrace? What do you
feed your spirit? What does
Call us about a package that fits your budget and your needs! your inner man like to eat?
The Advocate Derrick Drake, Sales Mgr. Just think about it hard
enough and I’m sure you can
407.648.1162 link your struggles to the con-
tent of your daily pleasures.
I promise you, if you
Layover or Final Destination? promote the righteousness
of God in your life, he will
By Karen Triche took work, prayer, time, prayer, compromise, show in your actions. And
prayer, laughter, prayer, tears, mercy, grace you will walk in the things

and did I mention prayer?
was asked how you know if you’ve found If you’ve got a “good thing”, and it’s
he promised instead of in the
the “right” one. Here’s my reply: difficult, hold on, nobody said it would be consequences of a mind filled
I don’t know when I fell in love with easy, but it’s definitely worth it. This time I with sin.
my husband, I can’t tell you the moment, but listened, I looked and I was patient, yea, the
I probably still remember some of the times biological clock was ticking, and I wanted Suggested Reading: Luke
I wanted to throw in the towel, but I just children, but I’d been fast and wrong before.
couldn’t do it. He stayed in my heart and This time I wanted it all. I asked for a man
8:14, Rom. 1:32, Phil. 2:13,
on my mind. I prayed, and asked the Lord who would love me for me, provide for me, Heb. 11:25,
to show me, and HE did. I saw God’s love and be my friend. I knew I wanted children
in him, and somehow I knew that he was so I asked for that too. I wanted children
the one. When I think back, his good always and wanted to be a father, and that’s what ©2009 G. Craige Works All
out-weighed his bad. I got. Don’t seek just look for an image,
If you can be you, it’s probably good, money, or prestige, look for like, love, com-
Rights Reserved
if you’re mask sits on the shelf, more than mitment, kindness, thoughtfulness, goal
your face, you’ve probably got something oriented, working mate, who plans for the
worth while, and if you’re equally yoked, future and lives for the Lord. The first time
you’ve probably got a keeper. Did you notice doesn’t equal go, you may have something I didn’t think it through, nor did I pray and
the probably, well I put that there so you’d there. If they, like you, are saved, he or she wait for an answer. He was my friend and
understand that if all of those factors exist, makes you laugh and you can talk for hours, should have never been my husband, now
there is still no certainty that the relationship have similar goals, likes and passion. he isn’t either.
will work. You may not have the right person If holding hands feels right and you feel I know how it is to be alone, I understand
yet, but you’re definitely in the right game. safe, free and happy I’d go with it. But, still what it feels like when relationships aren’t
Remember, free will still exist. If you’ve be prayerfully patient, and remember, that working and you’re trying to hold on, or the
found that you want the same things, at the my husband and I had a lot of issues. He pain from failures or loss makes you not want
same time, desire each other, and accept and I didn’t look good on paper. He wasn’t to try again. I’m here for you. If you’re at a
the fact that equally yoked does not mean what I’d imagined, but was everything I’d crossroad I’m available. I’m here to answer
equally purposed, you’re of sound judgment, prayed for. After dating for years, and being your questions, deal with your scenarios or
and asking the right questions. If you have married for sixteen, he still makes me blush, to just pray with and for you, I’ll respond.
given conscience thought to who they are and gets my attention when he walks in a Remember, open your heart, He’ll bless you
and who you are, and you know that saved room. He loves me, and I him. But all of that beyond what you can ever imagine.

March 27, 2009 The Advocate 11

What you can do
to save money - and more
Family Features

ith the volatile economy Americans are looking
for ways to lower energy bills and extend
natural resources now more than ever. Be-
cause petroleum is ingrained in our every-
day lives - from transportation and tires to computers and
every day goods such as diapers - many Americans are
interested in options that will help reduce dependence
on foreign oil as well.
Here are a few helpful tips to lower energy
bills and increase energy efficiency both at home
and at the pump.
Don’t Warm Up Your Car
The best way to warm your vehicle is to
drive it. Idling gets you zero miles to the gallon.
More than 30 seconds of idling on cold days
wastes fuel and increases emissions.
Conduct Regular Car Maintenance
Simple things such as properly inflated
tires can improve gas mileage by about 3 per-
cent. Replacing clogged air filters can improve
gas mileage by as much as 10 percent. It also is
important to use your car manufacturer’s recom-
mended blend of motor oil. Using a different oil
can decrease gas mileage by 1 to 2 percent.
Fill Up With Ethanol
Using gasoline with 10 percent ethanol is a key
component to lowering high gas prices and stretch-
ing petroleum supplies. Experts recently noted that
ethanol has lowered gas prices by 15 percent, saving
drivers some $70 billion at the pump this year alone.
The production of just one barrel of ethanol replaces 1.2
barrels of petroleum. In total, the use of ethanol in gas and
E-85 will displace the equivalent of 52 large oil tankers filled
with imported crude this year. The production of ethanol and
the abundance of corn positions corn growers to lead America’s
transition into a new era of energy based on alternatives to fossil
and imported fuels. Check your owner’s manual to find out about
ethanol usage.
Hybrid or Flex Fuel Vehicles
The interest in highly fuel efficient vehicles will not go away anytime soon. Photo courtesy of Getty Images
Save money at the gas pump and help the environment by investing in a hybrid or a
vehicle that runs on E-85, an 85 percent ethanol blend.
Buy Locally Grown Foods
Support your local farmers by choosing local meat, milk and produce when possible
to eliminate the costly transportation bill. Packaging, transportation, energy, advertising
and profits account for 24 cents of the food dollar - energy costs have an even greater
impact with high oil prices. 5 percent on your home’s heating costs. Set the temperature even lower at night to save
Turn Your Home Off an additional 5 to 20 percent.
According to the United States Department of Energy, 75 percent of the electricity Use Fluorescent Light Bulbs
used in the average home is consumed while products are off. Unplug your appliances or Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs, which use 75
use a power strip to cut off the electricity when you aren’t using it. percent less energy than incandescent.
Screen Savers Don’t Save Open the Shades
Screen savers do not reduce the energy your computer uses. Instead, switch computers Open the shades or blinds and let the sun shine in during the day to naturally heat your
to sleep modes or simply turn off monitors to save energy. home. Don’t forget to close them at night to help insulate against the cold.
Set Your Thermostat at 68 Following these easy tips can help lower your energy bills and reduce our country’s
For every degree you lower the thermostat in the 60 to 70 degree range, you’ll save dependence on foreign oil sources.
12 The Advocate March 27, 2009
Get the Facts on Ethanol
The use of alternative energy is becoming more common lowers the price at the pump by about 15
in everyday life. Here are some facts to consider about one percent, according to industry experts. Plus,
alternative source, ethanol. ethanol was selected as an important replace-
-America’s corn growers are harvesting the second larg- ment for Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), a
est crop in our nation’s history, which means there will be carcinogenic oxygenate in fuel.
enough corn to meet demands for food, feed and fuel as -The Environmental Protection Agency
well as enough to provide strong exports to other countries concluded that ethanol reduces carbon
over the course of the year ahead. monoxide emissions by as much as 25
-U.S. growers will have reserve estimated at more than 1 percent, reducing ozone formation and
billion bushels for other needs, as identified. the levels of greenhouse gases. Ethanol
-Ethanol production creates co-products called distillers is cleaner than gasoline and helps reduce
grains that are a high-protein source of animal feed and global warming.
produces starch and corn oil that are used as common food -Many studies have shown ethanol provides
ingredients. 20 to 50 percent more energy than it takes to
-U.S. farmers harvest two kinds of corn, field corn and produce. This includes the energy needed to
sweet corn. Field corn is used to produce ethanol. It typi- plant, grow and harvest the corn as well as to
cally isn’t eaten by humans in its raw form. Sweet corn is manufacture and distribute the ethanol.
eaten as a vegetable. For more information, visit
-Blending ethanol with gasoline extends gas reserves and FoodandFuel/FoodAndFuel.asp.



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March 27, 2009
032609_JAX_HALF_INC_XS.indd 1 The Advocate
3/19/09 8:47:3813
Wellness Family Routines
Raising Children Network

Health Tips R outines are how families organize themselves to

get things done, spend time together and have
fun. Every family has its own unique routines.
A Dangerous Routines help family members know who should do what,
when, in what order and how often. For example, your
Soft Drink family might have:
· daily routines for getting ready in the morning,

J ust one can of the popular stimulant bath time, bedtime and mealtimes, greetings and good-
energy drink Red Bull can increase the byes
risk of heart attack or stroke, even in young · weekly routines for housework like washing and
people, according to Australian medical re- cleaning
searchers. · yearly routines involving holidays and extended
The caffeine-loaded beverage caused the family get-togethers.
blood to become sticky, a pre-cursor to car- It makes sense that family life could be chaotic
diovascular problems such as stroke. without some routine. But research has shown that there
“One hour after they drank Red Bull, is more to it than that. Routines let your children know
(their blood systems) were no longer nor- what is important to your family. When they are highly
mal. They were abnormal like we would meaningful, routines are sometimes referred to as rituals
expect in a patient with cardiovascular dis- and these play an important role in strengthening shared
ease,” Scott Willoughby, lead researcher beliefs and values, and building a sense of belonging and
from the Cardiovascular Research Centre cohesion in families.
at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, told an Routines are good for children
Australian newspaper. An organized and predictable home environment helps
Red Bull is banned in Norway, Uruguay children feel safe and secure. Routines built around fun,
and Denmark because of health risks listed play or time together strengthen relationships between par-
on its cans. ents and children. Reading a story before bed, for example,
The Austria-based company, whose mar- can become a special time you spend with your child.
keting says “Red Bull gives you wings”, Daily routines help set our body clocks – for example,
warns consumers not to drink more than bedtime routines help children’s bodies to ‘know’ when it’s
two cans a day. time to sleep. Routines are a way of teaching your child
But Willoughby said Red Bull could be ways to stay healthy, like brushing teeth, exercising, or
deadly when combined with stress or high washing hands after using the toilet. If your child needs
and more in control, which will make you feel less stressed. A routine will
blood pressure, impairing proper blood ves- to take medicine regularly, having a routine for this will
help you complete routine daily tasks efficiently. Routines take effort to
sel function and possibly lifting the risk of make sure you and your child are less likely to forget. maintain, but once established they will let you do things on ‘auto pilot’ so
blood clotting. Routines are good for parents you can think about other things while you work. As children get better at
“If you have any predisposition to car- Regular and consistent routines help parents feel like following a routine on their own, you can give fewer instructions and nag
diovascular disease, I’d think twice about they’re doing a good job of being parents. When things are less because each step of the routine prompts the next step.
drinking it,” he said. busy and hectic, routines can help you feel more organized The routines adopted by families are as diverse as families themselves.
Following are some routines you could

Don’t Skip Meals consider.

to Lose Weight Daily living

· Getting ready in the morn-

W hen you skip meals, two things hap-

pen. First, your metabolism slows
down. Second, since your brain thinks that
Going to bed at night
Eating meals
you are starving it will tell your body to · Hygiene and health – for ex-
store any food that it does receive in the ample, brushing teeth, washing hands
form of fat. · Using family resources like
In other words, skipping meals = weight the computer and telephone
gain. The best thing you can do for your · Pocket money, given at a
body, no matter what your goals are, is to regular time and day
begin each day with breakfast and eat a sup- · Homework
portive meal or snack every 3 hours. This · Quiet time each evening
in turn will fuel your metabolism, provide · Hobbies
you with an abundance of energy and allow · Sports/exercise
your body to burn more fat 24-7.
Household responsibilities
· Tidying up, looking after
Week of July 12, 2008: Reduce the Risk toys
of a Stroke · Caring for pets
· Looking after clothes and
A single serving of fresh fruit or veg- laundry
etables every day appears to reduce · Chores – for example, setting
by 40% the chance that you will have the dinner table, packing away, unpacking
the dishwasher
a stoke. The potassium, magnesium,
· Shopping
and fiber that is found in fruit and veg-
etables work together to control blood Once this routine is established, it’s not the child’s option to change the routine.

14 The Advocate March 27, 2009


* Even though you might sound like a broken record, when you stick to
a routine and repeat requests consistently, you’re helping your child develop
useful habits that mean boring tasks like teethbrushing start to become au-

* Research has shown that routines have health benefits: children living
in families who maintain regular family routines have fewer respiratory infec-
tions, and those they have tend to be shorter. There is still some conjecture
about why. It might be that the routines contribute to healthy habits like
washing hands which prevent transmission of germs that can cause illness,
or that they help protect children against the kind of stress that suppress the
immune system.

* Some children need routine more than others. A child’s temperament

plays an important role in how he responds to routine or the lack of it. Some
easygoing children can go with the flow, and quickly adapt to a changing en-
vironment. Other children are more sensitive, and more easily upset and un-
settled by changes to their daily patterns. The same can be said for parents.

* Routines can really help children with disabilities, and can be even more
important for children who find it hard to understand or cope with change.

Interacting and fun Social, religious and cultural

· Greetings and goodbyes · Regular ‘play dates’
· Eating meals together · Regular contact with your ex-
· Regular play and talk times tended family and friends
· National/state/local celebration
with a parent each day
days, annual fetes or outings
· Taking turns in talking with
· Saying prayers
family members about their day · Observing religious events
· Special one-on-one time with a Try writing down what you do on a
parent typical day:
· Special weekly meals (such as · Which things do you do regularly
pancakes on Sunday night or cooked with your family? Look at each of these
breakfast Saturday morning) and ask yourself whether life would be
· Family days (family activity) easier and more enjoyable if it ran more
· Family DVD nights smoothly.
· Family meetings · Could children and other family
· Annual events members be involved more?
· Story time (book reading) · Are there activities you would
like to do but aren’t doing?
March 27, 2009 The Advocate 15
Creflo Dollar presents... Heart of God, CHANGE
Arrow Records : 2009
Review by Stan North,

ou could call Heart of God, CHANGE soft praise. “Vessel Unto You” features Eliza-
a showcase of the diversity and the beth Curry on a beautiful piano-accompanied
depth of artistry that rest under the melody that is wrapped with backing vocals
auspices of Creflo Dollar’s Arrow Records. from a small ensemble.
Featuring numerous artists who deliver their Minister Dorsey Hammond, whose mu-
praise in various styles, the project flows sic Dollar describes as “a propelling force of
smoothly under the production hand of Aar- rhythmic and harmonic freedom that excites
on Lindsey, who ensures that the project’s and challenges listeners to come into deep
eleven songs are unified in overall purpose fellowship with God”, sings on songs such as
and musicality. “I Praise” and “Oh Lord Most High”. Using
The album leads off with the raucously vertically-directed lyrics, Hammond succeeds
delivered and live-recorded “I’m Free”, writ- in melding a contemporary vibe with soulful
ten by Lindsey and Jordan Dollar, with lead delivery.
vocals from the gifted Jonathan Phillips. Other highlights on this project include
Rife with edgy guitars and a bumpy rhythm Jordan Dollar on “That’s Why I Love You”,
line, the song sets the tone for the rest of the and Michelle Swift on “Voice Of God”.
project. With authentic worship that spans barri-
On “Lay It Down”, Deleon Richards ers both cultural and musical, Heart of God:
steps up to the mic and delivers a contrasting CHANGE is a project to embrace.

‘Budgeting & Saving’Women’s Forum at JFS Doctors Handcuffed

By Government
On Natural Remedies
s many have found in recent times,
there are no longer any guaranteed

jobs. What you would do if your
circumstances dramatically changed? Are s medical research continues to healthcare in the world when so many patients
your spending habits out of control or are confirm that many natural remedies have to do without, simply because a power-
you spending according to priorities? Do to common and sometimes cata- ful special interest group – pharmaceutical
you have an accurate picture of your finan- strophic illnesses are safe and effective, many companies – are able to strong-arm the gov-
cial situation? physicians find themselves in an untenable ernment into preventing doctors from even
On Wednesday, April 8th, at 12:00pm dilemma. talking about them?” Dr. Zennett asked. “It
While their Hippocratic Oath demands seems like shades of George Orwell’s 1984
Tom Hoisington, CLU, ChFC, FICF from
that they do no harm and are required to when the government can control what hon-
Consumer Debt Counselors will give a work- treat the patient in front of them regardless est professionals are even allowed to say. It
shop at the JFS Women’s Forum. The topic of the circumstances, they are prevented by needs to end.”
will be “Budgeting and Saving for Challenging law from recommending alternative natural With the price of healthcare rising, and
Times.” Attendees will learn about financial therapies that may well help and even save a strong push for healthcare reform moving
goals and objectives, types of savings plans, many patients’ lives. through the oval office and Congress, there
and percentages of income to invest. Mr. The cause is a series of restrictions has never been a more conducive environ-
Hoisington has 20+ years of experience in placed on them, and promoted vigorously ment for the adoption of natural remedies
the financial industry, including cash flow Tom Hoisington, CLU, ChFC, FICF by pharmaceutical companies who stand to into mainstream medical care, Dr. Zennett
management and budgeting techniques. lose millions if patients are guided toward added.
There is $5.00 charge and a light lunch non-pharmaceutical cures, according to Dr. “Skyrocketing healthcare costs and
will be served. RSVP’s are requested by April 6, 2009. If you would like to join us for the Mary Zennett, author of Health For Us All: shrinking federal reserves make wellness,
forum, please contact Marni S. Chepenik at 407-644-7593, ext. 227 to register. The Transformation of U.S. Healthcare, Third prevention and natural health very appeal-
The Women’s Forum is sponsored by Jewish Family Services and funded in part by Day Press ( She be- ing to legislators as US health care reform
JFS’ Marcia Witten Memorial Fund. lieves that we need to break the stranglehold debates gear up for after the Presidential
placed on physicians, so that they can be true inauguration,” she said. “Bipartisan support
to their oath and help those patients for whom of preventative medicine is favorable thus far,
pharmaceuticals are not a solution. and is quite promising. Yet, competing inter-
As medical science begins to accept the ests and influences are positioned to threaten
idea that natural remedies can be as effective, natural health inclusion in the US health care
if not more effective, than pharmaceuticals, it equation unless WE the people take a stand
seems the gap between those treatments and and make our voices heard.”
the patients who need them widen, according Dr Mary Zennett, MD, MBA in Health
to Dr. Zennett. Care Administration, has been a practicing
“Mainstream medicine may show con- psychiatrist of 22 years. Founder of National
siderable resistance; natural health followers Alliance for Health Reform, she is committed
are quite apprehensive about pharmaceuticals to mobilizing a grassroots movement of citi-
and the mainstream health care system as a zens committed to patient centered, cost effec-
whole,” she said. “Thus, we have two com- tive health reform that incorporates wellness
pletely separate and distinct worlds of health and prevention. Mother of 2 young adult sons,
care that rarely communicate and collaborate she is committed to reforms that will improve
with each other. Yet patients are seeking this quality of life for the next generations. Her
integration, from their doctors and from the motto is Patients First!
health care system as a whole.”
Moreover, there are many patients who
can’t take pharmaceuticals because the side
effects are too strong, or because they are tak-
ing other medicines that don’t interact well
together. In many cases, the use of natural
remedies may represent the only relief they
will ever feel from their symptoms.
“How can we claim to have the best
16 The Advocate March 27, 2009

Vantage Point The Gavel

The Obama Presidency Support Healthcare
Will Progressives Offer Initiatives
a Vision For a More
Dr. Ron Daniels Perfect Union?
Judge Greg Mathis

A s it became increasingly clear that

Barack Obama was poised to make
history as the first African Ameri-
“culture of rights” was emerging to protect
workers, poor people and the middle class
against the rapacious nature of unbridled
T Three very powerful U.S. Con-
gressmen are working together to
create a bill that would, if passed, re-
and benefits for everyone involved. A plan
that emphasizes and promotes preventa-
tive care could dramatically cut spending
can President of the United States, it Capitalism. sult in a large and historical overhaul on emergency care, which is much more
was also clear that this was potentially a big With the election of Ronald Reagan, of the nation’s healthcare. This partnership expensive. Employers will see a reduction
moment for the progressive movement - a a strict constructionist, we witnessed the doesn’t guarantee the bill will get past Con- in the number of days an employee misses
time to articulate a vision for a new America opening salvo in the strategic effort by gress – many Republicans balk at the idea work due to a medical emergency. The
and to organize to advance an agenda for the conservatives to turn back the clock, of ‘universal healthcare’ - but it is a step in government would see a decrease in the
the right direction. This kind of cooperation amount of money it puts into Medicaid and
reform and fundamental change. As the to reverse the minimal gains achieved by
is needed if America is to make bold, much Medicare, two very expensive budget line
Obama presidency unfolds, the question is liberal-left-progressive forces as a result of needed changes. As citizens, we must do items. Patients will receive treatment before
whether the progressive movement is pre- generations of hard fought, often bloody all we can to support their efforts. an illness progresses to a critical stage and
pared to seize the opportunity presented by struggles. With the firing of members of 47 million Americans do not have health would receive tips on how to improve their
this remarkable moment in history. the Professional Air Traffic Controllers insurance. Seemingly minor illnesses esca- health overall, all without worrying about
In my view, the major theme of America’s Association (PATCO), Reagan declared late and turn into medical emergencies be- how to pay for it.
history is the perpetual struggle to define the outright war on labor while unabashedly cause the patient can’t afford a visit to the Children, the elderly and people of color
ultimate nature of “a more perfect union.” advocating economic policies to benefit doctor. Families go bankrupt after an illness are certain to win if universal healthcare
When George W. Bush proudly proclaimed corporations and the wealthy. He launched – and the resulting medical bills – cripples moves from fantasy to reality. Members of
himself a “strict constructionist” during his a ferocious attack on affirmative action and their finances. And some die because they these groups are far more likely to be un- or
campaign for President in 2000, he was as- race based remedies and began the process couldn’t access quality care. Congressmen underinsured and are most at risk for ex-
George Miller and Henry Waxman of Cali- periencing financial hardship following an
sociating himself with a political tendency of undermining the culture of rights by rip-
fornia and Charles B. Rangel of New York illness or dying because they didn’t have ac-
within the conservative movement that has ping huge holes in the social safety net. are aware of the challenges the nation’s cess to quality healthcare. A comprehensive
sought to narrowly/literally interpret the Reagan gained substantial popular sup- uninsured face. The men believe that system that guarantees health coverage for
Constitution in ways that would restrict de- port for his anti-labor and pro-corporate most employers should help pay for their all would mean that everyone, regardless of
mocracy to White men with property, power policies by persuading a sizeable segment of employee’s medical coverage. They also their age, ethnicity or economic background,
and privilege. Indeed, the system which was the American electorate that social programs feel the government should offer a public can go to a doctor when they need to.
birthed in 1787 was essentially “democracy were a heavy burden on the backs of the health insurance plan for those who don’t President Obama supports healthcare for
for the few,” with women, Blacks, Native people. Employing race as a tactic to divide have private insurance. It is these beliefs that all and is highly likely to support this bill.
Americans and White men without prop- and exploit, there was the suggestion that fuel their efforts to produce a comprehensive But first, it has to get past Congress. Write
erty excluded from the franchise. The fate Blacks and minorities were the exclusive health care bill. and call your U.S. Senator and Congress-
of the infant nation was placed in the hands beneficiaries of social programs. The rise In the 1990s, then first-lady Hillary man, share your frustrations with the current
Clinton, at her husband’s urging, tried to healthcare system and ask them to support
of White men with property. to hegemony of the right gained momentum
work with legislators to create a plan that the three Congressmen in their efforts to
The genius of the Constitution, however, in 1994 when Republicans took control of would provide healthcare for all citizens. revamp it. We have never had a better op-
is its “elasticity.” Through social and politi- both Houses of Congress. The rightward tide Unfortunately, the political climate wasn’t portunity to make such a change. Let’s take
cal movements, it can be stretched or con- was so strong that Bill Clinton governed as a ripe for such broad reform. Critics, then advantage of it.
stricted to include or exclude constituencies centrist who embraced some of the Repub- and now, say such a system would be too Judge Greg Mathis is national vice
and categories of rights based on how it is licans’ flagship initiatives, e.g., downsizing expensive and put too large a burden on president of Rainbow PUSH and a
interpreted. Historically, arrayed against the government, ending “welfare as we know it” the government and taxpayers. Universal national board member of the Southern
strict constructionists has been liberal-left- and lobbying for the passage of the North healthcare does come with a high price tag.
But it also comes with huge cost-savings Christian Leadership Conference.
progressive movements which have sought American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
to stretch the Constitution to include those The march to rightwing supremacy was
initially locked out and to expand civil lib- consummated with the seizure of power by
erties, civil and social rights in the quest to George W. Bush in the flawed 2000 elec- envision for a new America. This is not to change. But, progressives seem locked in
achieve a “more perfect union.” tion - ushering in one of the most reckless, say that what President Obama is doing is a mode of critiquing and refining Obama’s
The Bill of Rights to the Constitution, corrupt, greed driven and dangerous eras in insignificant. The policy recommendations incremental agenda. This may be due to the
the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, American history. he is advancing mark a decided shift from utter relief of being rid of the horrific years
anti-trust laws and other statutes regulat- Consequently, in my mind, there was the catastrophic policies of the Reagan-Bush under George W. Bush. However, relief
ing business/corporations, labor rights, the no doubt that defeating the forces of the era. But his incremental approach lacks an from Bush is not enough. Now is the time
reaffirmation of civil rights for Blacks and right was an absolute imperative in the overarching vision and the bold policy pre- for the progressive movement to boldly
minorities, expansion of rights for women, 2008 election. The first order of business scriptions necessary to expand the culture articulate its vision and program for a more
consumer protection, environmental protec- was to stop the damage and create space for of rights severely constricted by the reign perfect union. If we fail to act, we may miss
tion and recognition of rights of lesbian and progressives to maneuver. That an African of the conservatives. our moment!
gay people are a direct legacy of women American named Barack Obama was cap- At a time when the Republicans, with Dr. Ron Daniels is President of the
and men, Democrats, Republicans, Social- turing the imagination of the nation and the their mascot “Joe the Plumber,” are accus- Institute of the Black World 21st Cen-
ists, Communists, independents, elected world with his pledge to bring “Change” we ing President Obama of leading the nation tury and Distinguished Lecturer at York
and non-elected leaders - the liberal-left- could believe in was all the more promis- down the path to Socialism or the “Europe- College City University of New York.
progressive forces that have struggled to ing. However, we should never have had anization” of America, progressives should His articles and essays also appear on
expand democracy. Taken together with any illusions that Obama was committed be seizing the opportunity created by the the IBW website and
the social safety network created during to or could by himself have the capacity greatest crisis since the Great Depression He can be reached
the New Deal and expanded by subsequent to foster the kind of major reforms and to educate the American people about the via email at [email protected].
moderate-liberal administrations, a fragile fundamental change progressives would urgent need for far ranging and fundamental
March 27, 2009 The Advocate 17



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18 The Advocate March 27, 2009

First Lady Breaks Ground Martin’s Interview with
Ben Jealous
for White House Garden Roland
Martin, po-
litical cor-
By: Darlene Superville, for CNN
Associated Press and The
Tom Joyner
WASHINGTON - Twenty- Morning
six elementary schoolchil- Show, in-
dren wielded shovels, terviewed
rakes, pitchforks and NAACP’s
wheelbarrows to help first CEO Ben
lady Michelle Obama break Jealous
ground on the first day of about the
spring for a produce and law suit
herb garden on the White against
House grounds. Wells Fargo
Crops to be planted and several
in the coming weeks on other banks
the 1,100-square-foot, for institu-
L-shaped patch near the tionalized
fountain on the South racism. Mr.
Lawn include spinach, Jealous
broccoli, various lettuces, addressed
kale and collard greens, the records
assorted herbs and blue- that banks
berries, blackberries and must make
raspberries. public about
There will also be a their lending ratios. Jealous stated that many of the blacks
beehive. applicants were put in subprime loans that actually quali-
“We’re going to try to fied for conventional loans. Jealous also stated that African
make our own honey here American were target specifically for this type of discrimi-
as well,” Mrs. Obama told First Lady Michelle Obama helps break ground on the White House kitchen garden, natory practices.
the fifth-graders from Ban- with kids from Bancroft Elementary School. (AP) I read the lawsuit several times prior to my posting
croft Elementary School in several weeks ago but I thought it would be interesting to
Washington before they pull out several key points of the lawsuit to further expand
got to work on Friday. The school has its own community Obama recently helped serve lunch. on my original post.
garden. Assistant chef Sam Kass said the garden will exist year The suit states:
The students will be brought back to the White House round, and the crops will change with the seasons. 5. Wells Faro Bank, N.A. and Wells Fargo Home
next month to help with the planting, and after that to help He gave no estimate on how much produce the garden Mortgage, Inc target the African American community by
harvest and cook some of the produce in the mansion’s would yield, but said, “It should be quite a bit, if we’re capitalizing on their relative lack of experience in dealing
kitchen. The first harvest is expected by late April. lucky.” with banking institutions and mortgage loans. Upon infor-
Mrs. Obama said her family has talked about plant- Mrs. Obama, who has spoken about healthy eating, mation and belief, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and Wells Fargo
ing such a garden since they moved to the White House said the garden’s purpose is to make sure her family, White Home Mortgage, Inc. are aware of the African American
in January. House staff and guests can eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Community’s susceptibility to predatory lending practices,
After she spoke, the students were paired off and She said she has found that her 10- and 7-year-old daughters but nonetheless engage in policies and procedures that they
handed a gardening tool. The first lady joined - first with like vegetables more if they taste good. know will result in African Americans being steered toward
a shovel, then a rake - and together they began pulling up “Especially if they were involved in planting it and less favorable loans.
the grass, dumping it into wheelbarrows and depositing the picking it, they were much more curious about giving it a 6. Indeed, in 2006, the Center for Responsible Lending,
contents in a central location. try,” she said. a non-profit research organization, found that even when
“Are we done yet?” Mrs. Obama jokingly said at one Such a White House garden has been a dream of noted income and credit risk were accounted for, African Ameri-
point. “I want to plant. Let’s harvest something.” California chef Alice Waters, considered a leader in the can were still 31% to 34% more likely to receive higher
When finished, the students sat at three picnic tables movement to encourage consumption of locally grown and rate subprime loans, and that the disparities between them
for treats of apples, apple cider and cookies baked in the organic food. She has lobbied the White House to plant such and Caucasians with the same risk factors were “large and
shape of a shovel. a garden for more than a decade. statistically significant.”
Some of the produce from the garden will be served in “Fresh, wholesome food is the right of every Ameri- These particular points intrigued me more so than oth-
the White House, including to the First Family and at official can,” Waters said. “This garden symbolizes the Obamas’ ers in light of recent charge to hold folks Accountable by
functions. Some crops also will be donated to Miriam’s commitment to that belief.” Tavis Smiley. Again this is not a personal attack of Tavis,
Kitchen, a soup kitchen near the White House where Mrs. only a charge to him to do his research and get back to the
community that he often admonishes to educate ourselves

April Job Fair at the Plaza Theatre on the issues, to know all the facts, and to dig deeper in
our pursuit of being empowered.
Section 11. states The NAACP brings this class action
lawsuit seeking declaratory and injuctive relief based upon
Sometimes it takes a change of scenery this in mind, we have been working with companies, bring your re- the Fair Housing Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and
to create excitement, provoke action and local leaders, government officials, finan- sumes and also bring hard the Civil Rights Act.
create opportunity. That is the reason we cial institutions and community advocates hitting questions, ideas and
moved our April job fair to Orlando’s his- to bring together a job fair EVENT. an open mind to learn new
toric Plaza Theatre. We are bringing in new The schedule is as follows: methods, tactics and hacks
light to our job fairs, based on feedback from 10:15 - 11:00 ‘Looking for a Job in the to find jobs, networking
job seekers, companies and looking at other Current Economic Climate’ opportunities and career im-
events and tactics that can help you find a 11:00 - 1145 ‘Personal Branding and provements.
new job, career or educational opportunity the Power of the Internet’ by Mark Kru- For more information
to improve the value of your life. pinski on the job fair, please send
The event will take place on Thursday, 11:45 - 12:30 ‘State of the City’ (pre- an email to greg.rollett@em
April 16th from 10am - 2pm and will not sented by a City or County Government and I will
only include some great local companies, Official) do my best to get it answered
but also high level speakers, presenters and 12:30 - 1:15 ‘Navigating as quickly as possible.
workshops to enhance your job seeking ex- and its Suite of More updates, compa-
perience far beyond this one day event. We Web Sites by Patrick O’Brien’ nies and information can be
all understand that looking for a job is like a 1:15 - 2:00 ‘Advanced Tactics for On- found at orlando.employmen
full time job, and one day at an event is not line Job Seekers’ by Greg Rollett
the end all be all for most job seekers. With Please come prepared to meet with Participants at the Orlando Fall Job Fair.

March 27, 2009 The Advocate 19

100 LEGAL NOTICES classifieds Notice
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100 Legal Notices COUNTY, FLORIDA
NOTICE OF ACTION Case No.: DR09-2914 Case No.: DR09-003538 Case No.: 2009-DR-003538
BEFORE THE FLORIDA Highway Safety and Motor Petitioner, Petitioner,
Petitioner Petitioner,
BARBERS’ BOARD Vehicles and and and
and and
IN RE: The practice of Car Depot Leasing Inc. JOHNSTON, Respondent Respondent Respondent
barbering Case No. DMV 09-0310 Respondent
Jessica Rodriguez “The Department of ADDRESS UNKNOWN
5545 International Drive Vehicles has filed an YOU ARE NOTIFIED that
TIFIED that an action for TIFIED that an action for TIFIED that an action for
Orlando, FL 32819 Administrative Complaint YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed
Dissolution of Marriage Dissolution of Marriage Dissolution of Marriage
against you, a copy of an action for Dissolution of against you and that you
has been filed against you has been filed against you has been filed against you
CASE NO.: 2008015296 which may be obtained Marriage, including claims are required to serve a copy
and that you are required to and that you are required to and that you are required to
LICENSE NO.: by contacting the Division for dissolution of marriage, of your written defenses, if
serve a copy of your writ- serve a copy of your writ- serve a copy of your written
BS1078528 of Motor Vehicles, 2900 payment of debts, division of any, to it on ORETHA JONES
ten defenses, if any, to the ten defenses, if any, to the defenses, if any, to the Pe-
Apalachee Parkway, Room real and personal property, WATKINS, whose address is
Petitioner, ACQUANETTA C. Petitioner, ANDREA HARRIS- titioner, ANDREA HARRIS-
The Department of Busi- A-308, MS-61, Tallahassee, and for payments of sup- 477 HIDDEN MEADOWS
BUFFORD, whose address is WATKIN, whose address is WATKIN whose address is
ness and Professional Florida 32399-0500 or by port, has been filed against LOOP # 207, FERN PARK,
Regulation has filed an calling (850) 617-3006. you. You are required to FLORIDA 32730 on or be-
Administrative Complaint serve a copy of your writ- fore April 15, 2009, and file
FLORIDA 32818, on or FLORIDA 32825, on or FLORIDA 32825 on or be-
against you, a copy of If you fail to file an elections ten defenses, if any, to this the original with the Clerk
before April 9, 2009, and before April 23, 2009, and fore April 23, 2009, and file
which may be obtained by of rights with the Department action on JANE E. CAREY, of this Court at 301 North
file the original with the file the original with the Clerk the original with the Clerk of
contacting, Jamie Duran, by May 8 th, 2009 in the ESQUIRE, Petitioner's at- Park Avenue, Sanford,
Clerk of this Court at 425 N. of this Court at 425 N. Or- this Court at 425 N. Orange
Office of General Counsel, manner stated in the torney, whose address is Florida 32771 before ser-
Orange Avenue, Room 320, ange Avenue, Room 320, Avenue, Orlando, Florida
Department of Business Administrative Complaint, Ashford-Gainer Bldg., 905 vice on the Petitioner or im-
Orlando, Florida 32801 be- Orlando, Florida 32802 be- 32801 before service on the
and Professional Regula- you will waive your right W. Colonial Drive, Orlando, mediately thereafter. If you
fore service on the Petitioner fore service on the Petitioner Petitioner or immediately
tion, 1940 North Monroe to dispute the allegations FL 32804, on or before April fail to do so a default will
or immediately thereafter. If or immediately thereafter. If thereafter. If you fail to
Street, Suite 33, Tallahas- in the Administrative 30, 2009 and file the original be entered against you for
you fail to do so a default you fail to do so a default do so a default will be
see, FL 32399-2203, (850) Complaint and the with the Clerk of this Court at the relief demanded in the
will be entered against you will be entered against you entered against you for
487-9651. Department may enter a Orange County Courthouse, Petition.
for the relief demanded in for the relief demanded in the relief demanded in
Final Order imposing an 425 North Orange Avenue,
Copies of all court docu- the Petition. the Petition.
If no contact has been administrative fine or Orlando, FL 32804, either the Petition.
ments in this case, includ-
made by you concerning revoking or suspending before service on Petition- Copies of all court docu- Copies of all court docu-
ing orders, are available Copies of all court docu-
the above by May 8, 2009 your license.” er's attorney or immediately ments in this case, includ- ments in this case, includ-
at the Clerk of the Circuit ments in this case, includ-
the matter of the Adminis- thereafter; otherwise a de- ing orders, are available ing orders, are available
Court's office. You may ing orders, are available
trative Complaint will be Pub 3/27/09 4x fault will be entered against at the Clerk of the Circuit at the Clerk of the Circuit
review these documents at the Clerk of the Circuit
presented at a hearing you for the relief demanded Court's office. You may Court's office. You may Court's office. You may
upon request.
pursuant to 120.57(2), F.S. SOLICITATION FOR in the Petition. review these documents review these documents
review these documents
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WARNING: Rule 12.285, upon request.
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Failure to comply can result Notice of Current Ad- Notice of Current Ad-
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20 The Advocate March 27, 2009

100 Legal Notices classifieds
OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL 3Br 2Ba Foreclosure!
CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR Auctions Health
ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA $10,500! Only $199/Mo!

CASE NO.: 2009-CP-0000007-O

AUCTION! 882 ONLINE PHARMACY 5% down 15 years @ 8%
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(ALABAMA) CITY Fioricet, Prozac, for listings 800-366-9783
IN RE: THE ESTATE OF LIMITS. Saturday Buspar $71.99/90 ext 5796
DAVID E. JOHNSON April 11. Just North of $107/180 Quantities,
Deceased. Homes For Sale
I-565. Sewer available. PRICE INCLUDES
NOTICE OF Adjacent to Megasite. PRESCRIPTION! Over
ADMINISTRATION Garner Auctions, Inc. 200 Meds $25Coupon FORECLOSED HOME, Mention Offer:#91A31. AUCTION FLORIDA
The administration of the es-
tate of DAVID E. JOHNSON, Ken Garner ALSL 1002, (888)389-0461. tri- STATEWIDE Auction
deceased, Case is pending in 877-914-SOLD. starts April 18 1000
the Circuit Court for Orange Homes MUST BE
County, Florida, Probate Divi- Auto Donations SOLD! REDC Free
sion, the address of which is Help Wanted
Brochure 800-756-2155
425 N. Orange Ave, Orlando,
Florida 32801. The name and DONATE YOUR Colonial Life seeks
address of the personal rep- VEHICLE RECEIVE licensed Life & Health
resentative and the personal
representative’s attorney is set
$1000 GROCERY agents to market voluntary 6/BR Bank Foreclosure!
UNITED employee benefit programs $29,900! Only $238/Mo!

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forth below. COUPON
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THAT: Mammograms, Breast Meredith at 904-424-5697 for listings 800-366-9783
Cancer Info or MeredithBrewer@com ext 5760
All persons upon whom this FREE Towing, Tax
notice is served who have Deductible, Non-Runners Lots & Acreage
objections that challenge the
qualification of the personal Accepted, (888)468-5964. OTR Drivers- Join PTL! ADDITIONAL MULTI-RUN DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE
representative, venue, or Up to 34cpm. REQUIRED Final Closeout! Golf Lot
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METAL ROOFING. No felon or DUI past 5 & Amenity Package
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FIRST PUBLICATION OF direct from manufacturer closeout on remaining lots
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SERVICE OF A COPY OF accessories. Quick turn HVAC Tech Training. course in Blue Ridge Mtns
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Business Opportunities Placement and Financing (866)334-3253, x2192
within three months after the
available. (877)994-9904
about my future. And
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All other creditors of the de- $600 Weekly Potential$$$ Miscellaneous
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needed. Computer available.
Cars for Sale Deliver RV trailers and Financial Aid if qualified.
BARRED commercial trucks and Call (866)858-2121,
Police Impounds! 95 buses to all 48 states
The date of first publication Honda Civic $600! 95 and Canada. Log on to
of this Notice is March 20,
2009. Toyota Camry $550! AIRLINES ARE
97 VW Jetta $550! for HIRING - Train for
Attorney for Co-Personal listings call 800-366-9813 Homes For Rent high paying Aviation
Representatives ext 9275 Maintenance Career.
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Co-Personal Police Impounds for Sale! $10,500! Only $199/Mo! Financial aid if qualified
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Shelia Dianish Walker 95 Honda Civic $600! for apr. Buy, 4 Br $259/Mo! CALL Aviation Institute
1002 Fullwood Ave listings call (800)366-9813 for listings 800-366-9783 of Maintenance (888)349-
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Ext 9271 ext 5798
Marcella J. Matherson
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Plymouth, Florida 32768 Your business is HUD HOMES! 4bdr 2ba
our business. $217/mo! 3 br Foreclosure!
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and For Listings (800)366-
(407) 894-1441 classified 9783 ext 5853 stocked trout strm, private,
FBN: 0854565 advertising, 2 acres, only $159,500
call us at owner. (866)275-0442
Published 3/20, 3/27/09 2x 407-648-1162
March 27, 2009 The Advocate 21
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22 The Advocate March 27, 2009

High Seas! HARD Puzzles, Crosswords & Toons
Across 54: PC bailout 26: Brief time, briefly
1: In mourning 55: Piercing 28: Improvises like Ella
4: ‘Don’t cry over ___ milk’ 59: Paints amateurishly 29: Unresisting
9: Following 61: Undemocratic law 30: Helios, to the Romans
14: Start to mature? 62: Carp constantly 31: Electrify
15: Craft entered gingerly 63: Block house? 32: Solicit alms
16: Ring-tailed animal 64: Go along 33: Masher’s comeup-
17: Historical period 65: Garbage bag closer pance, maybe
18: Door attachment 66: Honeydew, for one 34: Scandinavian rug
19: Later showing 67: Equals 35: Coat of many colors?
20: Good judgment 68: Trite 36: Secretary’s stat
23: Like any number finish- Down 38: Carbon copy
ing with ‘9’ 1: Spot to park 41: Mao follower?
24: Preserve, as fodder 2: Gas used in arc weld- 42: Greg Brady, to Carol
25: Annie Oakleys ing 43: Hard and soft mouth
27: Lowlife 3: Judges parts
28: ‘All the world’s a ___’ 4: Master of a research 44: Tiff
(Shakespeare) discipline 46: ‘Moon River’ lyricist
30: One-edged sword 5: Like a wincer’s ex- 47: Lower, as a light
33: Bird balker pression 48: English class concern
37: Have markers out 6: Roadside stops 49: Racing shell
38: Shellfish 7: Theater section 51: Mottled mare
39: Shrill bark 8: Adolescent 52: Slow critter
40: Make laws 9: Land area 53: Urged (on)
43: Religious song 10: Dr. No, to Bond 56: Tide type
45: Puts the kibosh on 11: Edible tubers 57: Upper hand
46: Navigator’s need 12: Piano practice piece 58: Word before irons or
47: Some public transporta- 13: Orange exteriors chains
tion employees 21: Cats’ prey 60: Haunting sound
50: Go by 22: Practices punching

OK, you asked for this! Now, break the code. Remember, single letter and two-letter words are the easiest. Letters don’t change. If
“Z” represents “A” in one word, it will do so in all words! Answer is at bottom of page. Don’t peek unless you absolutely have to!
exercise your numbers side
HIUXSW. Here’s how to do a sudoku puzzle:
Each puzzle is separated into 9 squares with 9 spaces in each
square. Solve the puzzle by filling in the open spaces with
“missing” numbers so that when you finish, each column and

Word Search FIREMAN

row contains every number from 1 to 9. (In column 1 for in-
stance you see the numbers 1, 2, 7 & 9)
Rescue Each number 1 to 9 can only appear one time in each column,
Blaze and only 1 time in each row, AND only one time in each of the 9
Helmet squares. Have fun.

Meet your next Central Florida’s Job Fair. “Hundreds of upper, mid, and entry level career openings in all types of Central Florida Industries!” Presented by Central Florida Employment
Council & Christian HELP. Matching People, Jobs, Education & Community since 1994! March 25, 2009 12Noon - 4:00pm. Central Florida Fair Exposition Park, 4603 W Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32808
(located on W. Colonial Dr. (SR 50) between Kirkman Rd. & John Young Parkway). Free Admission and Free Parking. Open to all Job Seekers with Career openings in all types of Central Florida Industries.

the Orlando Advocate


AIDS in Black America Out of Control

AIDS was first identified in the USA in 1981. The epi- these children acquired HIV from their mothers during CDC estimates that there were 571,378
demic has now spread to every part of the USA and to pregnancy, labour, delivery or breastfeeding. people living
“Arou with HIV/
all pe d two-third
all sectors of society. People with AIDS are surviving longer and are con- AIDS in the 39
tributing to a steady increase in the number of people states and de-
o s
died w ple who h of
It is thought that more than one million people are living with AIDS. This trend will continue as long as pendent areas
living with HIV in the USA and that more than half a the number of new diagnoses exceeds the number of that have a
it a
live to h AIDS did ve
million have died after developing AIDS. people dying each year. history of
American HIV surveillance data are not compre- confidential
the ag n
hensive so many statistics must be based on reports of
AIDS diagnoses. In interpreting such AIDS statistics, it
AIDS diagnoses and deaths
In June 1981, the first cases of what is now known
HIV re- e of 45 ot
is important to remember that they do not correspond as AIDS were reported in the USA. During the 1980s, porting, based .”
to new HIV infections. Most people live with HIV for there were rapid increases in the number of AIDS cases on reported diagnoses and
several years before developing AIDS. and deaths of people with AIDS. Cases peaked with deaths2. However, the total number o f
the 1993 expansion of the case definition1, and then people living in the USA with HIV/AIDS is
People living with AIDS declined. The most dramatic drops in both cases and thought to be around 1.1 million3.
At the end of 2007, the CDC estimates that 468,578 deaths began in 1996, with the widespread use of com- In the 34 states with a history of confidential name-
people were living with AIDS in America, around bination antiretroviral therapy. based reporting, adult or adolescent males accounted
20,000 more than 2006. This number includes all peo- Since 2000 the annual numbers of AIDS diagnoses for nearly three-quarters of new HIV diagnoses, more
ple who have ever been diagnosed with an AIDS-defin- have been relatively constant, with
an estimated 37,041 in 2006. In to-
tal, an estimated 1,051,875 people
have been diagnosed with AIDS in
The death rate among people
with AIDS has also remained rela-
tively stable in recent years; there
were an estimated 14,561 deaths
in 2007. Since the beginning of the
epidemic, an estimated 583,298
people with AIDS have died in
the USA.
than two-thirds of whom were infected by male-to-
Who is affected by AIDS? male sexual contact. Heterosexual contact accounted
ing condition and are believed to be alive, including During the 1990s, the epidemic shifted steadily for 83% of diagnoses among women and 14% among
many people who have recovered their health by taking toward a growing proportion of AIDS cases among women. Injection drug use was the transmission route
antiretroviral therapy. black people and Hispanics and in women, and toward in 10% of male and 16% of female diagnoses in 2007.
Chart “A” shows the ethnicities of these people, a decreasing proportion in MSM, although this group HIV was diagnosed in 159 children in 2007, all but 20
revealing that black Americans have been dispropor- remains the largest single exposure group. Black people who became infected by mother-to-child transmission.
tionately affected. and Hispanics have been disproportionately affected Recent HIV reports represent a mixture of people with
Chart “B”below shows how adults and adolescents since the early years of the epidemic. recent infection and others who may have been infected
(aged 13 and over) living with AIDS most likely be- In absolute numbers, blacks have outnumbered in the past but are only now being diagnosed.
came infected with HIV. Just over 75% of adults and whites in new AIDS diagnoses and deaths since 1996, Among men who have sex with men, there has been
adolescents living with AIDS are men. and in the number of people living with AIDS since a steady rise in new infections since the early 1990s.
An estimated 3,792 children aged under 13 were liv- 1998.
ing with AIDS at the end of 2007. The vast majority of The age group 35-49 years accounted for around Interpreting HIV & AIDS statistics for the USA

half of all In recent years, the use of antiretroviral therapy has
AIDS cases slowed the progression of HIV in many infected per-
diagnosed in sons and hence contributed to a decline in
2007. Around AIDS incidence.
two-thirds of B u t
a y a n d bi-
despite the g
“Black n and Black
all people who
have died with
AIDS did not there is as of
sexual e b e in g dev-
yet no cure for
live to the age
by HIV/
of 45.
astated in Fenton
HIV statistics ev
At the end -- Dr. K
of 2007, the

o r l a n d o a d v o c a t e . c o m

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