Forecasting Fundamentals: MAN 3520 - Spring 2012 CP2 - Forecasting: Page 1 of 44
Forecasting Fundamentals: MAN 3520 - Spring 2012 CP2 - Forecasting: Page 1 of 44
Forecasting Fundamentals: MAN 3520 - Spring 2012 CP2 - Forecasting: Page 1 of 44
Forecast: A prediction, projection, or estimate of some future activity, event, or occurrence. Types of Forecasts - Economic forecasts o Predict a variety of economic indicators, like money supply, inflation rates, interest rates, etc. - Technological forecasts o Predict rates of technological progress and innovation. - Demand forecasts o Predict the future demand for a companys products or services.
Since virtually all the operations management decisions (in both the strategic category and the tactical category) require as input a good estimate of future demand, this is the type of forecasting that is emphasized in our textbook and in this course.
Qualitative methods: These types of forecasting methods are based on judgments, opinions, intuition, emotions, or personal experiences and are subjective in nature. They do not rely on any rigorous mathematical computations.
Quantitative methods: These types of forecasting methods are based on mathematical (quantitative) models, and are objective in nature. They rely heavily on mathematical computations.
Qualitative Methods
Executive Opinion Approach in which a group of managers meet and collectively develop a forecast
Market Survey Approach that uses interviews and surveys to judge preferences of customer and to assess demand
Sales Force Composite Approach in which each salesperson estimates sales in his or her region
Delphi Method Approach in which consensus agreement is reached among a group of experts
Quantitative Methods
Time-Series Models Time series models look at past patterns of data and attempt to predict the future based upon the underlying patterns contained within those data.
Associative Models Associative models (often called causal models) assume that the variable being forecasted is related to other variables in the environment. They try to project based upon those associations.
Model Nave
Uses an average of all past data as a forecast Uses an average of a specified number of the most recent observations, with each observation receiving the same emphasis (weight) Uses an average of a specified number of the most recent observations, with each observation receiving a different emphasis (weight) A weighted average procedure with weights declining exponentially as data become older Technique that uses the least squares method to fit a straight line to the data A mechanism for adjusting the forecast to accommodate any seasonal patterns inherent in the data
Exponential Smoothing
Trend Projection
Seasonal Indexes
Patterns that may be present in a time series Trend: Data exhibit a steady growth or decline over time. Seasonality: Data exhibit upward and downward swings in a short to intermediate time frame (most notably during a year). Cycles: Data exhibit upward and downward swings in over a very long time frame. Random variations: Erratic and unpredictable variation in the data over time with no discernable pattern.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
Quarter 1 62 73 79 83 89 94
Quarter 4 41 52 58 62 65 70
In this illustration we assume that each year (beginning with year 2) we made a forecast, then waited to see what demand unfolded during the year. We then made a forecast for the subsequent year, and so on right through to the forecast for year 7. Actual Demand (At) 310 365 395 415 450 465
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Notes There was no prior demand data on which to base a forecast for period 1 From this point forward, these forecasts were made on a year-by-year basis.
In this illustration we assume that a simple average method is being used. We will also assume that, in the absence of data at startup, we made a guess for the year 1 forecast (300). At the end of year 1 we could start using this forecasting method. In this illustration we assume that each year (beginning with year 2) we made a forecast, then waited to see what demand unfolded during the year. We then made a forecast for the subsequent year, and so on right through to the forecast for year 7. Actual Demand (At) 310
Year 1
Notes This forecast was a guess at the beginning. From this point forward, these forecasts were made on a year-by-year basis using a simple average approach.
In this illustration we assume that a 2-year simple moving average is being used. We will also assume that, in the absence of data at startup, we made a guess for the year 1 forecast (300). Then, after year 1 elapsed, we made a forecast for year 2 using a nave method (310). Beyond that point we had sufficient data to let our 2-year simple moving average forecasts unfold throughout the years. Actual Demand (At) 310
Year 1
Notes This forecast was a guess at the beginning. This forecast was made using a nave approach. From this point forward, these forecasts were made on a year-by-year basis using a 2-yr moving average approach.
Year 1
Notes This forecast was a guess at the beginning. This forecast was made using a nave approach. This forecast was made using a nave approach. From this point forward, these forecasts were made on a year-by-year basis using a 3-yr moving average approach.
In this illustration we assume that a 3-year weighted moving average is being used. We will also assume that, in the absence of data at startup, we made a guess for the year 1 forecast (300). Then, after year 1 elapsed, we used a nave method to make a forecast for year 2 (310) and year 3 (365). Beyond that point we had sufficient data to let our 3-year weighted moving average forecasts unfold throughout the years. The weights that were to be used are as follows: Most recent year, .5; year prior to that, .3; year prior to that, .2 Actual Demand (At) 310 365 395
Year 1 2 3
Notes This forecast was a guess at the beginning. This forecast was made using a nave approach. This forecast was made using a nave approach. From this point forward, these forecasts were made on a year-by-year basis using a 3-yr wtd. moving avg. approach.
4 5 6 7
Where is a smoothing coefficient whose value is between 0 and 1. The exponential smoothing method only requires that you dig up two pieces of data to apply it (the most recent actual demand and the most recent forecast). An attractive feature of this method is that forecasts made with this model will include a portion of every piece of historical demand. Furthermore, there will be different weights placed on these historical demand values, with older data receiving lower weights. At first glance this may not be obvious, however, this property is illustrated on the following page.
Note: the mathematical manipulations in this box are not something you would ever have to do when applying exponential smoothing. All you need to use is equation 1 on the previous page. This demonstration is to convince the skeptics that when using equation 1, all historical data will be included in the forecast, and the older the data, the lower the weight applied to that data. To make a forecast for next period, we would use the user friendly alternate equation 1: Ft = At-1 + (1-)Ft-1 (equation 1)
When we made the forecast for the current period (Ft-1), it was made in the following fashion: Ft-1 = At-2 + (1-)Ft-2 (equation 2)
If we substitute equation 2 into equation 1 we get the following: Ft = At-1 + (1-)[At-2 + (1-)Ft-2] Which can be cleaned up to the following: Ft = At-1 + (1-)At-2 + (1-)2Ft-2 (equation 3) We could continue to play that game by recognizing that Ft-2 = At-3 + (1-)Ft-3 (equation 4) If we substitute equation 4 into equation 3 we get the following: Ft = At-1 + (1-)At-2 + (1-)2[At-3 + (1-)Ft-3] Which can be cleaned up to the following: Ft = At-1 + (1-)At-2 + (1-)2At-3 + (1-)3Ft-3 If you keep playing that game, you should recognize that Ft = At-1 + (1-)At-2 + (1-)2At-3 + (1-)3At-4 + (1-)4At-5 + (1-)5At-6 . As you raise those decimal weights to higher and higher powers, the values get smaller and smaller.
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Trend projection method: This method is a version of the linear regression technique. It attempts to draw a straight line through the historical data points in a fashion that comes as close to the points as possible. (Technically, the approach attempts to reduce the vertical deviations of the points from the trend line, and does this by minimizing the squared values of the deviations of the points from the line). Ultimately, the statistical formulas compute a slope for the trend line (b) and the point where the line crosses the y-axis (a). This results in the straight line equation Y = a + bX Where X represents the values on the horizontal axis (time), and Y represents the values on the vertical axis (demand).
For the demonstration data, computations for b and a reveal the following (NOTE: I will not require you to make the statistical calculations for b and a; these would be given to you. However, you do need to know what to do with these values when given to you.) b = 30 a = 295 Y = 295 + 30X This equation can be used to forecast for any year into the future. For example: Year 7: Forecast = 295 + 30(7) = 505 Year 8: Forecast = 295 + 30(8) = 535 Year 9: Forecast = 295 + 30(9) = 565 Year 10: Forecast = 295 + 30(10) = 595
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Sequential Quarters Over Six Years Mechanisms for dealing with seasonality are illustrated over the next several pages.
Col. 3 Q2
Col. 4 Q3
94 113 110 130 118 140 124 146 135 161 139 162 (94+110+ (113+130+ 118+124+ 140+146+ 135+139) 161+162) 6 = 120 6 = 142
Next, note that the total demand over these six years of history was 2400 (i.e., 310 + 365 + 395 + 415 + 450 + 465), and if this total demand of 2400 had been evenly spread over each of the 24 quarters in this six year period, the average quarterly demand would have been 100 units. Another way to look at this is the average of the quarterly averages is 100 units, i.e. (80 + 120 + 142 + 58)/4 = 100 units. But, the numbers above indicate that the demand wasnt evenly distributed over each quarter. In Quarter 1 the average demand was considerably below 100 (it averaged 80 in Quarter 1). In Quarters 2 and 3 the average demand was considerably above 100 (with averages of 120 and 142, respectively). Finally, in Quarter 4 the average demand was below 100 (it averaged 58 in Quarter 4). We can calculate a seasonal index for each quarter by dividing the average quarterly demand by the 100 that would have occurred if all the demand had been evenly distributed across the quarters. This would result in the following alternate seasonal index values:
Q1 80/100 = .80
Q2 120/100 = 1.20
Q3 142/100 = 1.42
Q4 58/100 = .58
A quick check of these alternate seasonal index values reveals that they average out to 1.0 (as they should). (.80 + 1.20 + 1.42 + .58)/4 = 1.000
If these annual forecasts were evenly distributed over each year, the quarterly forecasts would look like the following:
Year 7 8 9 10
However, seasonality in the past demand suggests that these forecasts should not be evenly distributed over each quarter. We must take these even splits and multiply them by the seasonal index (S.I.) values to get a more reasonable set of quarterly forecasts. The results of these calculations are shown below. S.I. Year 7 8 9 10 .80 Q1 101.000 107.000 113.000 119.000 1.20 Q2 151.500 160.500 169.500 178.500 1.42 Q3 179.275 189.925 200.575 211.225 .58 Q4 73.225 77.575 81.925 86.275 Annual Forecast 505 535 565 595
If you check these final splits, you will see that the sum of the quarterly forecasts for a particular year will equal the total annual forecast for that year (sometimes there might be a slight rounding discrepancy).
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
Q1 62 73 79 83 89 94
Q4 41 52 58 62 65 70
To illustrate, I have used the linear trend line method on the quarter 1 strip of data, which would result in the following trend line: Y = 58.8 + 6.0571X For year 7, X = 7, so the resulting Q1 forecast for year 7 would be 101.200 We could do the same thing with the Q2, Q3, and Q4 strips of data. For each strip we would compute the trend line equation and use it to project that quarters year 7 demand. Those results are summarized here: Q2 trend line: Y = 89.4 + 8.7429X; Year 7 Q2 forecast would be 150.600 Q3 trend line: Y = 107.6 + 9.8286X; Year 7 Q3 forecast would be 176.400 Q4 trend line: Y = 39.2 + 5.3714X; Year 7 Q4 forecast would be 76.800 Total forecast for year 7 = 101.200 + 150.600 + 176.400 + 76.800 = 505.000 These quarterly forecasts are in the same ballpark as those made with the seasonal index values earlier. They differ a bit, but we cannot say one is correct and one is incorrect. They are just slightly different predictions of what is going to happen in the future. They do provide a total annual forecast that is equal to the trend projection forecast made for year 7. (Dont expect this to occur on every occasion, but since it corroborates results obtained with a different method, it does give us confidence in the forecasts we have made.)
If we attempted to perform a time series analysis on demand, the results would not make much sense, for a quick plot of demand vs. time suggests that there is no apparent pattern relationship here, as seen below.
The independent variable (X) is the number of construction permits. The dependent variable (Y) is the demand for drywall. Application of regression formulas yields the following forecasting model: Y = 250 + 150X If the company plans finds from public records that 350 construction permits have been issued for the year 2012, then a reasonable estimate of drywall demand for 2012 would be: Y = 250 + 150(350) = 250 + 52,500 = 52,750 (which means next years forecasted demand is 52,750 sheets of drywall)
Hypothetical Forecasts Actual Made With Demand Method 1 Year At Ft 1 310 315 2 365 375 3 395 390 4 415 405 5 450 435 6 465 480 Accumulated Forecast Errors Mean Forecast Error, MFE
Hypothetical Forecasts Made With Method 2 Ft 370 455 305 535 390 345
Based on the accumulated forecast errors over time, the two methods look equally good. But, most observers would judge that Method 1 is generating better forecasts than Method 2 (i.e., smaller misses).
Hypothetical Forecasting Method 1 Actual Demand Year At 1 310 2 365 3 395 4 415 5 450 6 465 Forecast Ft 315 375 390 405 435 480 Forecast Error At - Ft -5 -10 5 10 15 -15 Absolute Deviation |At - Ft| 5 10 5 10 15 15 60 60/6=10
Hypothetical Forecasting Method 2 Forecast Ft 370 455 305 535 390 345 Forecast Error At - Ft -60 -90 90 -120 60 120 Absolute Deviation |At - Ft| 60 90 90 120 60 120 540 540/6=90
The smaller misses of Method 1 has been formalized with the calculation of the MAD. Method 1 seems to have provided more accurate forecasts over this six year horizon, as evidenced by its considerably smaller MAD.
Hypothetical Forecasting Method 1 Actual Demand Year At 1 310 2 365 3 395 4 415 5 450 6 465 Forecast Ft 315 375 390 405 435 480 Forecast Error At - Ft -5 -10 5 10 15 -15 Squared Error (At - Ft)2 25 100 25 100 225 225 700 700/6 = 116.67
Hypothetical Forecasting Method 2 Forecast Ft 370 455 305 535 390 345 Forecast Error At - Ft -60 -90 90 -120 60 120 Squared Error (At - Ft)2 3600 8100 8100 14400 3600 14400 52200 52200/6 = 8700
Method 1 seems to have provided more accurate forecasts over this six year horizon, as evidenced by its considerably smaller MSE. The Question often arises as to why one would use the more cumbersome MSE when the MAD calculations are a bit simpler (you dont have to square the deviations). MAD does have the advantage of simpler calculations. However, there is a benefit to the MSE method. Since this method squares the error term, large errors tend to be magnified. Consequently, MSE places a higher penalty on large errors. This can be useful in situations where small forecast errors dont cause much of a problem, but large errors can be devastating.
Hypothetical Forecasting Method 1 Actual Demand Year At 1 310 2 365 3 395 4 415 5 450 6 465 Forecast Ft 315 375 390 405 435 480 Forecast Error At - Ft -5 -10 5 10 15 -15 Absolute % Error
100|At - Ft|/At
Hypothetical Forecasting Method 2 Forecast Ft 370 455 305 535 390 345 Forecast Error At - Ft -60 -90 90 -120 60 120 Absolute % Error
100|At - Ft|/At
Method 1seems to have provided more accurate forecasts over this six year horizon, as evidenced by the fact that the percentages by which the forecasts miss the actual demand are smaller with Method 1 (i.e., smaller MAPE).
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
You can observe that for each of these forecasting methods, the same MFE resulted and the same MAD resulted. With these two measures, we would have no basis for claiming that one of these forecasting methods was more accurate than the other. With several measures of accuracy to consider, we can look at all the data in an attempt to determine the better forecasting method to use. Interpretation of these results will be impacted by the biases of the decision maker and the parameters of the decision situation. For example, one observer could look at the forecasts with method A and note that they were pretty consistent in that they were always missing by a modest amount (in this case, missing by 20 units each year). However, forecasting method B was very good in some years, and extremely bad in some years (missing by 60 units in years 5 and 6). That observation might cause this individual to prefer the accuracy and consistency of forecasting method A. This causal observation is formalized in the calculation of the MSE. Forecasting method A has a considerably lower MSE than forecasting method B. The squaring magnified those big misses that were observed with forecasting method B. However, another individual might view these results and have a preference for method B, for the sizes of the misses relative to the sizes of the actual demand are smaller than for method A, as indicated by the MAPE calculations.
Illustration of the computation of tracking signals to accompany a progression of hypothetical forecasts made over time some hypothetical forecasting method. (These forecasts were not made with any of the forecasting methods we illustrated the forecasts were contrived to keep the numbers manageable.) Cum. Error 10 4 12 -4 -14 -10 Total |At - Ft| 10 16 24 40 50 54
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
At - Ft 10 -6 8 -16 -10 4
|At - Ft| 10 6 8 16 10 4
MAD 10 8 8 10 10 9
Keep in mind that each line in the above table would have been calculated in successive years. At the end of each year we can look back at the most recent year and compare the forecast we made with the actual demand that occurred. The next several pages show how these calculations would have unfolded through the years, and how they would have been plotted on a graph to determine whether our forecasting method still appeared to be working well.
We now begin illustrating the computation and plotting of tracking signals to accompany the progression of forecasts made over time with hypothetical forecasting Method 1. In this illustration we will assume that the upper limit has been set at a value of 3, and the lower limit has been set at a value of -3. In practice these limits may be higher or lower than these values, and they do not necessarily need to have the same numerical value. The values for these limits are largely a function of how costly or disruptive inaccurate forecasts are. As we run through time, assume that the forecast made for year 1 was 300, and the subsequent demand that occurred in year 1 was 310. The tracking signal calculated and plotted after year 1 would be as follows:
Year 1
At 310
Ft 300
At - Ft 10
Cum. Error 10
|At - Ft| 10
MAD 10/1 = 10
Tracking Signal
4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Year
Upper Limit
-1 -2 -3 -4
Lower Limit
Continuing with our movement through time, assume that the forecast made for year 2 was 371, and the subsequent demand that occurred in year 2 was 365. The tracking signal calculated and plotted after year 2 would be as follows:
Year 1 2
At 310 365
Ft 300 371
At - Ft 10 -6
Cum. Error 10
|At - Ft| 10 6
Tracking Signal
4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Year
Upper Limit
-1 -2 -3 -4
Lower Limit
Continuing with our movement through time, assume that the forecast made for year 3 was 387, and the subsequent demand that occurred in year 3 was 395. The tracking signal calculated and plotted after year 3 would be as follows:
Year 1 2 3
At - Ft 10 -6 8
Cum. Error 10
|At - Ft| 10 6 8
(10)+(-6) +(8)
(10)+(6) +(8)
Tracking Signal
4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Year
Upper Limit
-1 -2 -3 -4
Lower Limit
Continuing with our movement through time, assume that the forecast made for year 4 was 431, and the subsequent demand that occurred in year 4 was 415. The tracking signal calculated and plotted after year 4 would be as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4
At - Ft 10 -6 8 -16
Cum. Error 10
|At - Ft| 10 6 8 16
(10)+(-6) +(8)
(10)+(6) +(8)
(10)+(-6) +(8)+(-16)
(10)+(6) +(8)+(16)
Tracking Signal
4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Year
Upper Limit
-1 -2 -3 -4
Lower Limit
Continuing with our movement through time, assume that the forecast made for year 5 was 460, and the subsequent demand that occurred in year 5 was 450. The tracking signal calculated and plotted after year 5 would be as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
At - Ft 10 -6 8 -16 -10
Cum. Error 10
|At - Ft| 10 6 8 16 10
T.S. 10/10 = +1.00 4/8 = +.50 12/8 = +1.50 -4/10 = .40 -14/10 = 1.40
(10)+(-6) +(8)
(10)+(6) +(8)
(10)+(-6) +(8)+(-16)
(10)+(6) +(8)+(16)
(10)+(-6) +(8)+(-16) +(-10)
(10)+(6) +(8)+(16) +(10)
Tracking Signal
4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Year
Upper Limit
-1 -2 -3 -4
Lower Limit
Continuing with our movement through time, assume that the forecast made for year 6 was 461, and the subsequent demand that occurred in year 6 was 465. The tracking signal calculated and plotted after year 6 would be as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
At - Ft 10 -6 8 -16 -10
Cum. Error 10
|At - Ft| 10 6 8 16 10
T.S. 10/10 = +1.00 4/8 = +.50 12/8 = +1.50 -4/10 = .40 -14/10 = 1.40 -10/9 = 1.11
(10)+(-6) +(8)
(10)+(6) +(8)
(10)+(-6) +(8)+(-16)
(10)+(6) +(8)+(16)
(10)+(-6) +(8)+(-16) +(-10)
(10)+(6) +(8)+(16) +(10)
50 4
(10)+(6) +(8)+(16) +(10)+(4)
Tracking Signal
54/6 = 9
4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Year
Upper Limit
-1 -2 -3 -4
Lower Limit
The cumulative error can be either positive or negative, since each forecast error (At - Ft) can be either positive or negative. If you forecast too low in any period (i.e., the forecast is below the demand), the forecast error will be positive. If you forecast too high in any period (i.e., the forecast is above the demand), the forecast error will be negative). The MAD will always be positive! Consequently, the tracking signal could end up being either a positive number or a negative number.
What to watch for If the tracking signal plots outside the acceptable range (i.e., above the upper limit or below the lower limit), that is an indication that things are no longer going well in our forecasting, and we should re-examine our method. However, even when the tracking signal plots between the upper limit and lower limit, this is not always an indication that things are going well in our forecasting. Consider the following: When we forecast, we expect to miss (i.e., make forecast errors). If we are unbiased in our forecasting approach, we should expect our forecast to be too high on some occasions, and too low on other occasions. Ultimately, if we are making reasonably accurate forecasts the cumulative error should fluctuate between positive and negative values, always hovering around zero. Suppose the TS is consistently plotting in the positive range. This would be an indication that we are consistently incurring a lot of positive forecast errors (i.e., forecasting too low). This would be an indication that bias has crept into our forecasting approach (i.e., a bias toward forecasting too low), and we should re-examine our forecasting approach. Suppose the TS is consistently plotting in the negative range. This would be an indication that we are consistently incurring a lot of negative forecast errors (i.e., forecasting too high). This would be an indication that bias has crept into our forecasting approach (i.e., a bias toward forecasting too high), and we should re-examine our forecasting approach.
What are reasonable tracking signal limits How tight or how loose the tracking signal limits are set is a function of the consequences of forecast errors. The upper limit and the lower limit do not have to be the same distance from the zero mark. Suppose that it is not a big deal if we forecast too high (negative forecast error) and make too much of a product. We can hold the excess in inventory and sell it at a later date. However, if we forecast too low (positive forecast error) we will not have enough product to satisfy customer demand, and we are likely to lose customers to our competitors. In such a case, we would probably have a tight range on the positive side of our tracking signal graph, and a relatively loose range on the negative side of our tracking signal graph. Alternatively, suppose that if we forecast too high (negative forecast error) and make too much of a product, the cost consequences are severe, for this product has a short shelf life or becomes obsolete quickly, and excess inventory will quickly become worthless. However, if we forecast too low (positive forecast error) and do not have enough product to satisfy customer demand it is no big deal, for customers are willing to wait for later deliveries. In such a case, we would probably have a tight range on the negative side of our tracking signal graph, and a relatively loose range on the positive side of our tracking signal graph.