Probleme de Magie Inalta Astrologie Si Kabbala

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Elements The Four Elements of the Ancients are duplicated conditions of:

II. Zodiac

These twelve signs are distributed among the for Triplicities, or sets of three signs, each being attributed to one of the four Elements, and they represent the operation of the elements in the Zodiac.

III. The Planets To the Ancients, six Planets were known, besides the Sun, which they classed with the planets. They also assigned certain planetary values to the North and south Nodes of the Moon that is, the points where her orbit touches that of the Ecliptic. These they named:

The Old Planets are:

IV. The Hebrew Alphabet Download a handy flashcard utility to learn the Hebrew Alphabet LETTER NAME Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth He Vau Zayin Cheth Teth Yod Kaph Lamed Mem Nun POWER A B,V G,Gh D,Dh H O,U,V Z Ch T I,Y K,Kh L M N FINAL VALUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20,500 30 40,600 50,700 MEANING Ox House Camel Door Window Pin or Hook Sword or Armor Fence, Enclosure Snake Hand Fist Ox Goad Water Fish

Samekh Ayin Pe Tzaddi Qoph Resh Shin Tau

S As,Ngh P,Ph Tz Q R S,Sh T,Th

60 70 80,800 90,900 100 200 300 400

Prop Eye Mouth Fish-hook Ear, back of head Head Tooth Cross

Each letter represents a number and also has a meaning. Five letters have a different shape when written at the end of a word (remember, Hebrew is read right to left). Mem is the only final with an oblong shape. Kaph, Nun, Pe, and Tzaddi have tails that come below the line when written as finals. Hebrew Letters are Holy Symbols. They should be carefully drawn, and square.

5. The Sephiroth The Hebrew Qabalists referred the highest and most abstract ideas to the Emanations of Deity, or Sephiroth. They believed that there were ten Sephiroth, and some occultists add an eleventh "invisible" Sephira - Da'ath, which is made up of the combined emanations of Wisdom and Understanding. The Names of the Sephira, and their meanings, can be seen arranged in the figure called the "Tree of Life" to the right. Below are the Hebrew renderings of the names. Note that the Hebrew letters are always read right to left.

6. Meditation No. 1 The Neophyte should learn, regularly practice, and master the following simple technique of the Fourfold Breath: 1. 2. 3. 4. Empty the lungs and remain thus while counting four. Inhale, counting four so that you feel filled with breath to the throat. Hold this breath while counting four. Exhale, counting four till the lungs are empty.

This Fourfold Breath technique should be practiced by the Neophyte while he or she is composed in a basic posture or Asana, counting slowly or quickly till s/he obtains a suitable rhythm. This simple technique will help to still the body and quiet the mind of the Neophyte. Having attained this, the Neophyte should consider a point as defined in mathematics having position, but no magnitude and let him or her take note of any important ideas which arise during this simple meditation. Concentrating his or her mind on this point of meditation, let him or her endeavor to realize the Immanence of the Divine Wisdom throughout Nature, in all Her aspects.

7. The Qabalistic Cross And Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram Introduction to the Ritual There is a much employed Ritual which utilizes the symbol of the Pentagram as a general means to banish and invoke the elemental forces. This Ritual is called the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram. However, it should not simply be regarded as a mere device to invoke or banish, for it is really the Stone of the Wise and incorporates within its structure a high magical formula of Self-Initiation. It is, to all intents and purposes, a Ritual of Self-Initiation. This ritual is given to the Neophyte of the Order as a means for him/her to come into contact with the invisible forces of Nature and to learn how to direct those elementary forces.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18.

Touching the forehead, say Ateh (Thou art) Touching the breast, say Malkuth (The Kingdom) Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah. (And The Power) Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah. (And the Glory) Place the two palms of the hands together upon the breast, and say le-Olahm, (Forever) Fingers pointing up, say Amen. Advance to the East, trace the Pentagram with the proper weapon (Wand to invoke, Dagger to banish). Say (i.e., vibrate) Yod He Vau He imagining that your voice carried forward to the East of the Universe. Turning to the South, the same, but say Adonai Turning to the West, the same, but say Eheieh Turning to the North, the same, but say Agla Return to the East, completing the Circle, extend the arms in the form of a Cross, and say: Before me Raphael; Behind me Gabriel; On my right hand, Michael; On my left hand, Auriel; Before me flames the Pentagram, And in the Column shines the Six-rayed Star. Repeat 1 through 6, the Qabalistic Cross. For Banishing use the same Ritual but reversing the direction of the lines of the Pentagram.

The above is the traditional form of the LBRP as described by Israel Reagardie in The Golden Dawn. An alternaitve to steps 7 through 10 is to use these Divine Names instead of the above:

7. Advance to the East, trace the Pentagram with the proper weapon (Wand to invoke, Dagger to banish). Say (i.e., 8. 9. 10.
vibrate) Eheieh, imagining that your voice carried forward to the East of the Universe. Turning to the South, the same, but say Agla Turning to the West, the same, but say Eloah Turning to the North, the same, but say Adonai

These Names accurately correlate to the Elements of their respective Quarter directions, as described in the higher Grade Golden Dawn materials: Eheieh (Air), Agla (Fire), Eloah (Water), and Adonai (Earth). 8. The Uses of the Pentagram Ritual Opening and Closing any Magical Work The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram can be used to open and close any magical or mystical work, such as a ceremony or meditation. As an Exorcism The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram can be used by the Neophyte as a protection against impure magnetism, and as a practical form of exorcism, to eliminate obsessing or disturbing thoughts. In this the Neophyte should first formulate a mental image of the obsession or disturbing thought, then s/he should project the image outside of his/her Aura with the Sign of Projection (Sign of Horus), and when the image is approximately three feet away, the Neophyte should give the Sign of Silence (Sign of Harpocrates) to prevent the image from returning unto him or her. With the image of the obsession or disturbing thought in the East, the Neophyte should then perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram to disintegrate the image, seeing it in his/her minds eye dissolving on the further side of the Circle of Flame which is formulated in the Pentagram Ritual. Sign of Projection (Horus) Sign of Silence (Harpocrates)

9. The Pillars in the Hall of Truth According to the traditional teachings of the Order In the explanation of the Symbols of the Grade of Neophyte, your attention has been directed to the general mystical meaning of the Two pillars called in the Ritual the "Pillars of Hermes" of "Seth" and of "Solomon." In the 9th chapter of the Ritual f the Dead they are referred to as the "Pillars of Shu," the "Pillars of the Gods of Dawning Light," and also as "the North and Southern Columns of the Gate of the Hall of Truth." In the 125th Chapter, they are represented by the sacred gateway, the door to which the aspirant is brought when he has completed the negative confession. The archaic pictures on the one Pillar are painted in black upon a white ground, and those on the other in white upon a black ground, in order to express the interchange and reconciliation of opposing forces and the eternal balance of light and darkness which gives force to visible nature. The black cubical bases represent darkness and matter wherein the spirit, the Ruach Elohim, began to formulate the Ineffable NAME, that Name which the ancient Rabbis have said "rushes through the universe," that Name before which the Darkness rolls back the birth of time. The flaming red triangular capitals which crown the summit of the Pillars represent the Triune manifestation of the Spirit of Life, the Three Mothers of the Sepher Yetsirah, the Three Alchemical Principles of Nature, the Sulphur, the Mercury and the Salt. Each Pillar is surmounted by its own light-bearer veiled from the material world.

At the base of both Pillars rise the Lotus flowers, symbols of regeneration and metempsychosis. The archaic illustrations are taken from the vignettes of teh 17th and 125th chapter of the Ritual of the Dead the Egyptian Book of the Per-em-Hru or the Book of Coming Forth into the Day, the oldest book in the world as yet discovered. The Recension of the Priests of ON is to be found in the walls of the Pyramids of the Kings of the 5th and 6th Dynasties at Sakarah, the recensions of the 11th and 12th Dynasties on the sarcophagi of thatperiod, and the Theban recension of the 18th Dynasty and onward is found on papyri, both plain and illuminated. No satisfactory translation of these books is avalable, none having been yet attempted by a scholar having the qualifications of mystic as well as Egyptologist. The Ritual of the Dead, generally speaking, is a collection of hymns and prayers in the form of a series of ceremonial Rituals to enable the man to unite himself with Osiris the Redeemer. After this union he is no longer called the man, but Osiris with whom he is now symbolically identified. "That they also may be One of us," said the Christ of the New Testament. "I am Osiris" said the purified and justified man, his soul luminous, united to Osiris, and thereby justified, purified by suffering, strengthened by opposition, regenerate through self-sacrifice. Such is the subject of the great Egyptian Ritual. The 17th Chapter of the Theban recension consists of a very ancient text with several commentaries, also extremely old, and some prayers, none of which come into the scheme of the orginal text. It has, together with the 12th chapter, been very carefully translated for the purpose of this lecture by the V.H. Frater M.W.T, and the V.H. Soror S.S.D.D. has made many valuable suggestions with regard to the interpretation. The Title and Preface of the 17th Chapter reads: "Concerning the exaltation of the Glorified Ones, of Coming and Going forth in the Divine Domain, of the Genies of the Beautiful land of Amentet. Of coming forth in the light of Day in any form desired, of Hearing the Forces of Nature by being enshrined as a living Bai." And the rubric is: "The united with Osiris shall recite it when he has entered the Harbour. May glorious things be done thereby upon earth. May all the words of the Adept be fulfilled." Owing to the complex use of symbols, the ritual translation of the Chapter can only be understood by perpetual reference to the ancient Egyptian commentaries, and therefore the following paraphrase has been put together to convey to modern minds as nearly as possible the ideas conceived by the old Egyptians in this glorious triumphal song of the Soul of Man made one with Osiris, the Redeemer. "I am TUM made One with all things. "I have become NU. I am RA in his rising ruling by right of his power I am the Great God self-begotten, even NU, who pronounced His Names, and thus the Circle of Gods was created. "I am Yesterday and know Tomorrow. I can never more be overcome. I know the secret of Osiris, whose being is perpetually revered of RA. I have finished the work which was planned at the Beginning. I am the spirit made manifest, and armed with two vast eagle's plumes. Isis and Nephthys are their names, made One with Osiris. "I claim my inheritance. My sins have been uprooted and my passions overcome. I am Pure White. I dwell in Time. I live through Eternity, when Initiates make offering to the Everlasting Gods. I have passed along the Pathway. I know the Northern and the Southern Pillars, the two Columns at the Gateway of the Hall of Truth. "Stretch unto me your hands, O ye Dwellers in the centre. For I am transformed into a God in your midst. Made One with Osiris, I have filled the eye socket in the day of the morning when Good and Evil fought together. "I have lifted up the cloud-veil in the Sky of the Storm. Till I saw RA born again from out of the Great waters. His strength is my strength and my strength is his strength. Homage to you, Lords of Truth, chiefs of Osiris rules. Granting release from Sin, Followers of Ma where rest is Glorious. Whose throne Anubis built in the day when Osiris said: "Lo! A man wins his way to Amentet. I come before you, to drive away my faults. As ye did to the Seven Glorious Ones who follow their Lord Osiris. I am that Spirit of Earth and Sun."

"Between the Two Pillars of Flame. I am RA when he fought beneath the Ashad Tree, destroying the enemies of the Ancient of Days. I am the Dweller in the Egg. I am he who turns in the disc. I shine forth from the horizon as the gold from the mine. I float through the Pillars of SHU in the ether. Without a peer among the Gods. The Breath of my mouth is as a flame. I light upon the Earth with my glory. Eye cannot gaze on my daring beams as they reach through the Heavens and lick up the Nile with tongues of flame. I am strong upon Earth with the strength of RA. I have come into Harbour as Osiris made perfect. Let priestly offerings be made to me as one in the train of the ancient of Days. I brood as the Divine Spirit. I move in the firmness of my Strength. I undulate as the Waves that vibrate through Eternity. Osiris has been claimed with acclamation, and ordained to rule among the Gods. Enthroned in the Domain of Horus where the Spirit and Body are united in the presence of the Ancient of Days. Blotted out are the sins of his body in passion. He has passed the Eternal Gate, and has received the New Year Feast with Incense, at the marriage of Earth with Heaven. "TUM has built his Bridal Chamber. RURURET has founded his shrine. The procession is completed. HORUS has purified, SET has consecrated, SHU made one with OSIRIS, has entered his heritage. "As TUM he has entered the Kingdom to completed union with the Invisible. Thy Bride, O Osiris, is Isis, who mourned thee when she found thee slain. In Isis, thou art born again. From Nephthys is thy nourishment. They cleansed thee in thy Heavenly Birth. Youth waits upon thee, ardour is ready at thy hand. And their arms shall uphold thee for millions of years. Initiates surround Thee and Thine enemies are cast down. The Powers of Darkness are destroyed. The Companions of They Joys are with Thee. Thy Victories in the Battle await their reward in the Pillar. The Forces of Nature obey Thee. Thy Power is exceeding great. The Gods curse him that curseth Thee. Thine Aspirations are fulfilled. Thou art Mistress of Splendour. They are destroyed who barred the way. The 125th Chapter is concerned with the entry of an Initiate into the Hall of the Two Columns of Justice, and commenced with a most beautiful and symbolic description of Death, as a journey from the barren wilderness of Earth, to the Glorious Land which lies beyond. The literal translation of the opening lines is as follows: "I have come from afar to look upon thy beauties. My hands salute Thy Name of Justice. I have come from afar, where the Acacia Tree grew not. Where the tree thick with leaves is not born. Where there com not beams from herb or grass. I have entered the Place of Mystery. I have communed with Set. Sleep came upon me, I was rapped therein, bowing down before the hidden things. I was ushered into the House of Osiris. I saw the marvels that were there. The Princes of the Gates in their Glory. The illustrations in this chapter represent the Hall of Truth as seen through the open leaves of its door. The Hall is presided over by a God who holds his right hand over the cage of a hawk, and his left over the food of eternity. On each side of the God is a cornice crowned by a row of alternate feathers and Uraei symbolizing justice and firey power. The door leaf which completes the right hand of a stall is called "Posessor of Truth controlling the Feet," while that on the left is "Possessor of strength, binding the male and female animals." The 42 Judges of the Dead are represented as seated in a long row, and each of them has to be named, and the Sin over which he presided has been denied. This chapter describes the introduction of the initiate into the Hall of Truth by Anubis, who, having questioned the aspirant, receives from him an account of his initiation, and is satisfied by his right to enter. He States that he has been taken into the ante-chamber of the Temple and there stripped and blind-folded, he had to grope for the entrance of the Hall, and having found it he was reclothed and anointed in the presence of the Initiated. He is then asked for the Pass-words and demands that his Soul should be weighed in the Great Balance of the Hall of Truth, whereupon ANUBIS again interrogates him concerning the symbolism of the door of the Hall, and his answers being found correct, ANUBIS says: "Pass on, thou knowest it." Among other things the initiate states that he has been purified four times, the same number of times that the Neophyte is purified and consecrated in the ceremony of the Neophyte. He then makes the long Negative Confession, stating to each Judge in turn that he is innocent of that form of Sin over which he judges. Then he invokes the Judges to do him justice, and afterwards describes how he had washed in the washing place of the South, and rested in the North, in the place called "Son of the Deliverers" and he becomes the Dweller under the Olive Tree of Peace, and how how he was given a tall flame of fire and a sceptre of cloud, and made a lake of it. The initiate is then brought to the actual Pillars, and has to name them and their parts under the symbol of the Scales of Balance. He also has to name the Guardian of the Gateway who prevents his passage, and when all these are propitiated, the plea of the Hall itself cries out against his steps, saying "Because I am silent, because I am pure," and it must know that his aspirations are pure enough hand high enough for him to be allowed to tread upon it. He is then allowed to announce to Thoth that he is clean from all evil, and has overcome the influence of the planets, and THOTH says to him: "Who is He whose Pylons are of Flame, whose walls of Living Uraei, and the flames of whose House are streams of Water?" and the Initiate replies "Osiris!"

And it is immediately proclaimed: "The meat shall be from the Infinite, and thy drink from the Infinite. Thou art able to go forth to the sepulchral feasts on earth, for thou has overcome." Thus, these two chapters, which are represented by their illustrations upon the Pillars, represent the advance and purification of the Soul and its union with Osiris, the Redeemer, in the Golden Dawn of the Infinite Light, in which the Soul is transfigured, knows all, and can do all, for it is made One with the Eternal Divine.

10. The Tale of Hoor The foundation mythology of the Neophyte Hall in the OSOGD redaction Horus was the first born Son of Ra the Sun, the giver of life and light unto the World. He was called therefor Ra-Hoor, the Eidolon of his Father. Yet, it was not to be his fortune to be seated in his father's place, upon the throne of Ra when Ra's time was done. No, the ancient stories tell us of how one day he was 'thrown from his horse' and landed upon his head and died. However the consequences of this death were to be far wider reaching that any among the Neteru or among the Folk of Earth could know. You see, there was a rivalry amongst the other children of Ra and Nut, of the Sun and Space Herself. There was Isis, the first born daughter of Ra, the Throne Herself, and Osirus the Green God were bound in their mother's womb, they were lovers even then. Set the Definer and Nephthys the Dark were there also. From the very beginning there was mortal conflict amongst them, Set against Osirus. Or so some say. Others remind us that Geb and Ra were both the Lovers of Nu and who can say who is who's Father. Without the Heir apparent what could they do? And again who but these Neteru themselves can say the true nature of their motivations Isis and Osirus, Nephthys and Set lived as marrieds in that dim and distant past. There came a time when Osirus went on a journey to the south to the land of Punt for indeed Osirus is a Black God. In his journeys her learned of dance and rhythm and saw many wondrous animals and many finely wrought goods made by the people of those lands. He returned unto Khem with his retinue and great store of wealth with which to enrich the Two-Lands. There waiting to meet him by the southern most pylon of the Black Land was his brother Set and his retinue. Set had laid out a great feast with which to welcome back his brother. They all feasted and played and drank until the Moon shown round and full at the zenith of the sky. Set did then bring out from hiding a cabinet about the size of a man. He declared that who so fit exactly into this cabinet would claim it as this prize that evening. Now, this cabinet was wondrous to behold wrought of fine woods and copper by the best of the craftsfolk of Khem. One by one each of the members of the entourage of the Gods entered the cabinet and each was too large or too small. Set himself entered and was far to big for the space therein. At last it came Osirus turn and with his eyes gleaming with delight and with pride, for his mind quickly knew his brother's plan to give him so fine a gift, he entered the Sarcophagus as Set named the cabinet. He fit perfectly. Set quickly closed and latched the door on the box and with several of his followers threw the Sarcophagus into the Nile the Beautiful God. And Osirus did die. The body of Osirus drifted Northward down the Nile and came to rest in the land of Lebanon where a beautiful cedar tree did grow up about it so tall and strong and beautiful that the King of Lebanon had it cut down to form the central pillar of his feasting hall. Little did he know the true reason why the tree was so great: The Green God lay dead therein. Some say the Set did this awful deed for revenge. That Osirus did succumb to temptation and spent a night with his sister Set's wife Nephthys. They being Gods did engender a child. Set was so out raged that he then attempted to abort the child through most violent mating with his wife but this was not to be. Instead the vigorous proddings of the shaft of Set did deform the head of the boy that he did have the face of the Jackal. When he was born he was exposed by Set in His desert to die but Isis, although angered by the betrayal of her husband could not leave this product of her husband's loins to die. Thus did she take in the Jackal headed one and rear him as her child and named him Anubis. Great were his powers of scent and hearing, so much so that the Great Enchantrix herself gave him the title Opuat, Opener-of-the- Way. He became her watch dog and blood hound and was to aid her in many ways in the days to come, but those stories are not this one Some say this story is a lie.

When Isis did discover the deed of Set, she and Anubis searched wide in the world to find the corpse of her husband with hopes of resurrecting him. With the help of Anubis and many great adventures to be told in another tale, She did find her mate in the pillar of the Hall of the King of Lebanon. She posed as a nurse maid in service to the Queen of Lebanon to aid her with the sickly child she had born. Isis bided her time until she could be alone in the feasting hall and rescue her Husband. One night when the Moon was dark and the whole world was quiet, She did steal silently into the Feasting Hall. Using her great craft she cracked open the shell of the Great Cedar and released the Sarcophagus of Set which held the body of Osirus. She loosed the pins that held fast the door and swung it open. With in she beheld the face of her Brother, Her lover, Her Husband, the Green God, indeed now truly Green of Flesh. She wailed in sorrow so piercingly that the son of the King died of fright and the Great Cedar did crack further and the very roof did threaten to collapse. Shedding Her enchantment disguise of a nurse maid she swept her wings about the body of Osirus and lifting her skirts she entered his coffin to kneel over his body. So great, so profound is the Beauty of Isis the Divine that even in death did the Phallus of Osirus attend to her call. She mounted him and danced the bitter sweet dance of mourning until the Great God did come forth into Her. Then she gathered up His Body, box and the boy Anubis and fled back to Khem, the roof the the Feasting Hall of the King of Lebanon collapsing behind them. It was at the very moment that Osirus did come forth in to Isis the Divine that Ra-Hoor, the Elder Horus was 'thrown form his Horse' and died. It was He that now dwelt within the Womb of Isis. When Set heard that Isis was to attempt to revive Osirus he set our to hunt her and destroy the body of Osirus. The tale of their adventures is for another day but when Isis fled she had to leave behind the infant Horus. She bundled him is swaddling clothes and lay him in a basket in the bull rushes in the Nile where the crocodiles would not find him. A Great Lotus grew up around the basket and sheltered the child from all climate and manner of disturbance. He sat therein suckling upon his finger. He was Hoor-Paar-Khraat, the Babe in the Lotus. Om Mani Padhme Hum. One day, seeing the radiance of the boy's corona Sobek the Great Crocodile of the Nile the Beautiful God and being unafraid of the bullrushes as were ordinary crocodiles, He entered in to where the Boy was seated upon the Lotus. Small and beautiful Sobek decided Horus was good to eat and swam forward to gobble the child up. Just before the Great Jaws of Sobek could clamp down upon his body the little infant jumped up and landed upon the back of the mighty Crocodile. He jumped up and down and beat upon the hard skin of Sobek with his tiny fists until huge wounds were torn in Sobek's flesh. "Who are you, tiny child that you can harm me I who am Sobek the Great Crocodile of the Nile? Who is your mother, who is your father that you can do this to me?" "I do not know," said the boy, But I have defeated you. Yield or I will destroy you-who would be my destroyer!" And the Crocodile of the Nile was abased before him. Sobek swam to the shore where the boy climbed off and when in search of his Mother and Father. Horus's Mother found him as she came back to the Nile and told him of her flight from Set and his Father's fate. The boy was enraged and vowed to avenge his Father. He grew in strength and battle prowess studying naught else in his will to destroy his Father's destroyer. He then did seek out Set and engaged him in mortal combat. Some tales say that the battle raged for days and He defeated Set, others that Horus won but his Mother Au-Set released his captive and paid a hideous price for it. But the tale I know says that they fought and fought but Horus never could quite win. Set would always escape to fight another day.

Exhausted from battle and wandering by the Nile far from any other folk, Set having escaped vengeance yet again, Horus came upon Ibis Headed Tehuti who was waiting for him. Tall and thin as a reed, lightly built and frail to the eye, Tahuti appeared to be easy game for Horus to vent his frustration upon. Horus lashed out upon the Meditating God with sword and spear and hammer fists but the God was never where he struck. Already worn from the day's combat the Young Horus fell in a swoon unable to strike his "easy prey". "Who are you that no blow can fall upon you? Who are you that your are never where I strike? Who are you that with out ever laying a blow upon me I lay at your feet defeated, I who have never been beaten?" "I am Thought," said the Ibis Headed One, "Who are you that you would strike such blows against one who meditates by the bank of the Nile?" "I am Horus the Young," he answered, beginning to sit up to look at this strange god. "I am the Avenger of Osirus my Father and Isis my mother." "You are wrong." said Tahuti. "Come, I will show you," and they walked into the desert. Tahuti, Djed-Hu-Te, Tau-Hu-Te, the Mind of God, the Lord of Information, the God of Time, the Dweller in the Abyss, the Meta-Neter took the younger Horus into the Desert and Initiated him there. For thirty one days he instructed Him in the ways of Mind and Magick until Horus did remember his True Nature. "I am not just the son of Osirus and of Isis, I am the Sun of Ra! I am the Heir to the Throne! Set is my Twin Brother. How can I fight him? How can I not!?" Look but closely to his name, said Tahuti, master of words, "Set is the Neter of Definition. All that is separate from Atum, the One, is so by virtue of his being. If you, and all else, is to exist, Oh Hero, Set must Be. To destroy Set, you must have the assent of all that is, whether it be Atom or the smallest particle of matter or the faintest whisper of the breeze. "Abide here awhile for I must go. Rest and ponder what you have learned." Horus the Young, the Avenger of Osirus and Isis, the God of War, sat in meditation gazing at a flower in wonder. A soft hand lay itself upon his shoulder. He did not start. It soothed his shoulders and troubled brow. Without thought, with his eyes barely open he let it guide him to lay upon the warm earth. Soft warm and fragrant flesh relaxed his own as it undressed him. He was caressed and aroused and passion awoke in him. But not the passion of war and destruction, of vengeance and of killing. A passion as yet unknown to Horus. Gentle hands brought life to his Phallus and a warm and wanting Vulva welcomed it. The joy and pleasure he felt was only exceeded by the realization that upon him lay Isis his Mother. She stayed with him for thirty-one days, teaching him all the Arts as Tahuti had taught him the Sciences. She awoke him to his Man-hood and Initiated him in the mysteries of Life. One morning he awoke alone but unafraid. Upon his chest lay a Golden Ankh with thirty-one gems thereon. He remained in the Desert for thirty-one days, one for each of the Colored Gems. He pondered what he would do. He had an Idea. Horus walked boldly in to the camp of Set unarmed. He had never before been able to find where Set stayed when they were not at battle, but now for some reason it was perfectly obvious. Surprised his sentries did not warm him, Set leapt for his Spear. He dove at his long time assailant meaning to put and end to his turmoil. Horus simply stepped aside the thrust and Set fell stumbling upon his spear shattering its shaft. Set swung with his sword and Horus ducked agily and the sword shattered against a stone pillar. Set in his frustration threw his shield at horus but again Horus was not there and the shield buried itself into the earth. Set desperately grabbed a drinking cup and threw it at Horus. Horus simply caught it and filled it from a hanging wine sack and offered it back to Set. Set fell down laughing.

"There was a time," Horus said, "when we nursed at the same breast, that we shared the same womb, that we were children together. Now, I remember oh my twin-brother. Let us drink and be at peace oh thou Set the Definer, oh thou Manifester Unto the Light." "Hail thou Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Illuminated One, now you are ready to be King! I drink to you." And they did. KHABS AM PEKHT KONX OM PAX LIGHT IN EXTENSION! Sources: Principally Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowley, and Sam Webster The Element of Water Aspirants to the Grade of 3=8 will be tested on their knowledge of the following material, which must be committed to memory. Portions of the Qabalistic Soul Yechidah Chiah Neschamah Ruach Nephesch The HOLY PLACE OR TEMPLE embraces the symbolism of the 22 letters. The ALTAR OF INCENSE embraces the symbolism of the Three Mothers. GIVE THE TRADITIONAL ATTRIBUTIONS. The SEVEN-BRANCHED CANDLESTICK embrace the symbolism of the Double Letters. The TABLE OF SHEWBREAD embraces the symbolism of the Single Letters. GIVE THE OSOGD ATTRIBUTIONS. The LAMPS OF HERU embraces the symbolism of the Double Letters. The GIRDLE OF NUIT embraces the symbolism of the Single Letters. Mother Letters Corresponding Sepheroth Kether Chokmah Binah Chesed through Yesod (inclusive) Malkuth

Double Letters

Single Letters

SPIRITS DEFINED Astral Spirits are those belonging to the Astral Plane. Such are false and illusionary forms, shells of the dead, and ghosts and phantoms. Elemental Spirits are those belonging to the nature of the Elements; some are good and some are evil. Angels are pure and high Spirits of unmixed good in office and operation. TAROT In the tarot, the ten small cards of each suit refer to the Sepheroth. Tetragramaton Traditional OSOGD

Tarot Suit Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

Qabalistic World Atziluth Briah Yetzirah Assiah

The Honors in the deck are the vice-gerants of the Great Name. Honor Card King Queen Knight Princess Familial Relationship Father Mother Son Daughter Principle Birth Life Death Resurrection

The Caduceus of Hermes formed of the Mother Letters

The Caduceus on the Tree of Life


WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LUNA ON THE TREE OF LIFE? In its increase it embraces the side of Mercy; in its decrease the side of Severity, and at the full, it reflects the Sun of Tiphareth. MEDITATION Practice the Moon Breath, while saying mentally the word AUM. (Moon Breath is through the left nostril only.)

Meditate upon the waxing and waning crescents oCthe Moon, while visualising a silver crescent upon an indigo background. Then consider the Signs of the Airy Triplicity (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and enclosed in these, meditate upon the numbers nine and five and therewith the forms of the Pentagram and the Pentagon. Now rise in imagination above the nimeral world into the world of trees and flowers and identify in love and sympathy with the Powers of the Elements behind these. Envision the mental world where mind rules over matter, and meditate upon the ideas or appearance and reality . CREATE A SET OF TATTVA CARDS

More information about Tattvas is available amongst the Flying Rolls. Please check them out. TO ADVANCE TO THE GRADE OF PRACTICUS, THE FOLLOWING ARE ALSO REQUIRED:

Arrange and Conclude a conversation with the Chief Adept. Be prepared to discuss in detail: o Your experience of the above meditation o Your experience of the Middle Pillar Ritual

The Element of Fire Aspirants to the Grade of 4=7 will be tested on their knowledge of the following material, which must be committed to memory. NUMBERS AND LINEAL (2D FIGURES OF THE PLANETS Planet Saturn Jupiter Mars Sol Venus Mercury Moon Number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure Triangle Square Pentagram Hexagram Heptagram Octagram Enneagram

DRAW THE FOLLOWING FIGURES ON THE TREE OF LIFE The Cup of the Stolistes The Symbol of Mercury


A two dimensional array of integers arranged so the sum of each row, column and diagonal is equal to the same value. Examples: The Magical Square of Saturn 4 3 8 9 5 1 2 7 6 The Magical Square of Jupiter 4 9 5 16 The Magical Square of Mars 11 4 17 10 23 24 12 5 18 6 7 25 13 1 19 20 8 21 14 2 3 16 9 22 15 14 7 11 2 15 6 10 3 1 12 8 13

The Magical Square of the Sun 6 7 19 18 25 36 32 11 14 20 29 5 3 27 16 22 10 33 34 28 15 21 9 4 35 8 23 17 26 2 1 30 24 13 12 31

The Magical Square of Venus 22 5 30 13 38 21 46 47 23 6 31 14 39 15 16 45 24 7 32 8 40 41 17 49 25 1 33 9 10 42 18 43 26 2 34 35 11 36 19 44 27 3 4 29 12 37 20 45 28 8 49 41 32 40 17 9 64

The Magical Square of Mercury 58 15 23 34 26 47 55 2 59 14 22 35 27 46 54 3 5 52 44 29 37 20 12 61 4 53 45 28 36 21 13 60 62 11 19 38 30 43 51 6 63 10 18 39 31 42 50 7 1 56 48 25 33 24 16 57

The Magical Square of the Moon 37 6 47 16 57 26 67 36 77 78 38 7 48 17 58 27 68 28 29 79 39 8 49 18 59 19 69 70 30 80 40 9 50 10 60 20 21 71 31 81 41 1 51 11 61 62 22 72 32 73 42 2 52 12 13 63 23 64 33 74 43 3 53 54 14 55 24 65 34 75 44 4 5 46 15 56 25 66 35 76 45

HOW ARE THEY RELATED TO THE PLANETS? The dimensions of the matrix is defined by the numeric attribution of the planet (i.e. Saturn is 3 X 3, the Moon is 9 X 9, etc. WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR? Talismanic Magic and Sigil Creation. DESCRIBE OR DRAW THE "SOLID GREEK CUBICAL CROSS."

OF WHAT IS IT AN EMBLEM? The Equilibrated and Balanced Forces of the Elements. WHAT IS ON IT? The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. IT IS THE ADMISSION BADGE FOR WHAT PATH? The 32nd path, the path of Tau ( ).

WHAT IS THE PYRAMID OF FIRE? A red tetrahedron with Hebrew words on the faces. WHAT IS THE "OTHER" NAME FOR A TETRAHEDRON? A solid Triangle. WHAT DO EACH OF THE TRIANGULAR FACES REPRESENT? Three kinds of fire and latent heat. NAME THE KINDS OF FIRE: Solar, Volcanic and Astral. WHAT ARE THE HEBREW WORDS ON THE FACES? (AUD) is active fire (AUB) is passive fire (AUR) equilibriated fire (ASCH) is the Hebrew name of fire.



It descends the Tree in numeric order of the Sepheroth. DESCRIBE THE SNAKE ON THE TREE OF LIFE. It climbs the Tree using the Paths in reverse numeric order. GEOMANCY AND ZODIACAL ATTRIBUTIONS Geomantic Figure Name Puer Amissio Albus Populus Via Fortuna Major Fortuna Minor Conjunctio Puella Rubeus Acquisitio Carcer Tristitia Laetitia Caput Draconis Cauda Draconis Zodiacal Attribution


TO WHAT THREE POWERS DOES IT REFER? To the Sun in the 12 Signs of the Zodiac and also in the midst of the four elements. IT IS THE ADMISSION BADGE FOR WHAT PATH? The 30th Path, the Path of Resh ( WHAT IS THE TETRACTYS? ).

The tetractys is a symbol composed of ten objects in an upward-pointing triangular formation. WHO DISCOVERED IT? Pythagoras. WHAT IS ITS RELEVANCE? It shows the process of creation and is an image of the whole. WHAT ARE SOME OF ITS GREEK TITLES? Ouranos/Heaven, Cosmos/Order or Universe, Pan/All WHAT GLYPH IS IT MOST LIKE IN QABALAH?

The Tree of Life ATTRIBUTION OF THE TAROT TRUMPS Yetzeratic Attribution

Path 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8* 9 10 11* 12 13 14 15 16 17

Traditional Deck The Foolish Man The Magician, The Juggler The High Priestess, The Popess The Empress The Emperor The Hierophant, The Pope The Lovers The Chariot Strength The Hermit The Wheel of Fortune Justice The Hanged Man Death Temperance The Devil Tower Struck By Lightning The Star The Fool

Thoth Deck


The Magus The High Priestess The Empress The Emperor The Hierophant The Lovers The Chariot Adjustment The Hermit Fortune Lust The Hanged Man Death Art The Devil The Tower The Star

29 30 31 32

18 19 20 21

The Moon The Sun Last Judgment The World

The Moon The Sun The Aeon The Universe

*The Golden Dawn swapped Teth and Lamed and their attributes from a previous commonly known system of attribution. FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THE NUMBERING OF THE PATHS ON THIS DIAGRAM.

MEDITATION Let the Practicus meditate upon the Symbols of the Rhomboid and the Vesica. Let him seek out their meanings and correspondences. Let him contemplate the symbol Mercury and the Number 8. Let him now learn to control his emotions, on no account giving way to anger, hatred and jealousy, but to turn the force he hitherto expended in these directions towards the attainment of perfection, that the malarial marsh of his nature may become a clear and limpid lake, reflecting the Divine Nature truly and without distortion.

Let him identify himself with the Powers of Water, considering the Water Triplicity in all its aspects, with its attributions and correspondences.

TO ADVANCE TO THE GRADE OF PHILOSOPHUS, THE FOLLOWING ARE ALSO REQUIRED: Arrange and Conclude a conversation with the Chief Adept. Be prepared to discuss in detail: o Your experience of the above meditation o Your experience of the Middle Pillar Ritual

Further Reading: "Notes on the Tarot," by Frater S.R.M.D. (see Regardie's The Golden Dawn, Fourth Knowledge Lecture) On the General Guidance and Purification of the Soul v2.0

The Element of Air Aspirants to the Grade of 2=9 will be tested on their knowledge of the following material, which must be committed to memory. THE NAMES AND ALCHEMICAL SYMBOLS OF THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF NATURE ARE: Sulphur Mercury Salt THE METALS ATTRIBUTED TO THE PLANETS IN ALCHEMY ARE:

Lead Iron Tin Gold Copper/Brass Quicksilver Silver


Sol Philosophorum: The Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Gold--the refined essence of heat and fire Luna Philosophorum: The Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Silver--the refined essence of heat and moisture The Green Lion: The Stem and Root of the Radical Essence of Metals The Black Dragon: Death--Putrefaction--Decay The King Red: The Qabalistic Microprosopus The King Tiphareth: Analagous to Gold and the Sun The Queen White: The Qabalistic Bride of Microprosopus The Queen Malkah: Analagous to Silver and the Moon THE FOUR ORDERS OF THE ELEMENTS ARE:

1. 2. 3. 4.

The Spirits of the Earth: Gnomes The Spirits of the Air: Sylphs The Spirits of the Water: Undines The Spirits of the Fire: Salamanders

The Kerubim are the Living Powers of Tetragrammaton on the Material Plane and the Presidents of the Four Elements. They operate through the Fixed or Kerubic Signs of the Zodiac and are thus symbolized and attributed: Kerub of Air Kerub of Fire Kerub of Earth Kerub of Water The Tree of Life This diagram shows the Ten Sephiroth with all the connecting Paths, which are linked by the Flaming Sword. Human Lion Bull Eagle Aquarius Leo Taurus Scorpio

The Flaming Sword is formed by the Natural Order of the Tree of Life. It resembles a Flash of Lightning. Together the Sephiroth and the 22 Paths form the 32 Paths of the Sefer Yetzirah, or Book of Formation. The Two Pillars on either side of the Altar represent: Active: The White Pillar on the South Side. Mercy. Male. Pillar of Light and Fire. Right Kerub. Hadit. Passive: The Black Pillar on the North Side. Severity. Female. Pillar of Cloud. Left Kerub. Nuit.



Archetypal Pure Diety Creative Archangelic Formative Angelic Action Matter, Man, Shells, Demons

THE TEN HOUSES, OR HEAVENS, OF ASSIAH, THE MATERIAL WORLD, ARE: 1. Primum Mobile 2. Sphere of the Zodiac 3. Sphere of Saturn 4. Sphere of Jupiter 5. Sphere of Mars 6. Sphere of the Sun 7. Sphere of Venus 8. Sphere of Mercury 9. Sphere of the Moon 10. Sphere of the Elements Rashith ha Gilgalim Mazloth Shabbathai Tzedek Madim Shemesh Nogah Kokab Levannah Olam Yesodoth

In the Arts of Divination, such as The Tarot and Astrology, the QUERENT refers to the subject of the reading, and the QUESITED refers to the person performing the reading. The Tarot The Tarot consists of a pack of 78 cards made up of Four Suits of 14 cards each, together with 22 Trumps, or Major Arcana, which tell the story of the Soul. Each suit consists of ten numbered cards, as in the modern playing cards, but there are four instead of three Honors (face cards): Traditional Deck King Queen Knight Page THE FOUR SUITS ARE: Tarot Suit Wands or Scepters Cups or Chalices Clubs Hearts Playing Card Suit Knight Queen Prince Princess Thoth Deck

Swords Pentacles, Coins or Disks

Spades Diamonds

THE 22 TAROT TRUMPS, OR MAJOR ARCANA, ARE: Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8* 9 10 11* 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Astrology THE CLASSES OF ASTROLOGY Natal: Analysis of the Birth Chart, relates to a Querent's personal characteristics. Horary: Determination of favorable times for the Querent to take a particular action. Medical: Influences on health and well-being of the Querent. Mundane: Prediction of events as they are concerned with groups and entire races of people, or the world. The Fool The Magus The High Priestess The Empress The Emperor The Hierophant The Lovers The Chariot Adjustment The Hermit Fortune Lust The Hanged Man Death Art The Devil The Tower The Star The Moon The Sun The Aeon The Universe Thoth Deck Traditional Deck The Foolish Man The Magician, The Juggler The High Priestess, The Popess The Empress The Emperor The Hierophant, The Pope The Lovers The Chariot Strength The Hermit The Wheel of Fortune Justice The Hanged Man Death Temperance The Devil Tower Struck By Lightning The Star The Moon The Sun Last Judgment The World


Just as we divide the band of the ecliptic into 12 divisions according to the Signs of the Zodiac, so we divide the astrological chart into 12 Houses, beginning with the eastern horizon (ascendent) when the Querent was born. The positions of the Signs and Planets in the sky therefore fall into specific Houses at that moment in time. If we think of the Signs as relating to the inherent physical and psychic anatomy, and the Planets as functional modifiers of this pattern, then the Houses represent the outward environment and avenues of expression for the pattern.The 12 Houses reflect the meanings of the 12 Signs; the 1st House is like unto Aries, the 2nd House unto Taurus, and so on. The following is the signification of the 12 Houses of Heaven, in brief: First House: Life, health, querent, etc. Second House:Money, property, personal worth. Third House: Brothers, sisters, news, short journeys. Fourth House: Father, landed property, inheritance. Fifth House: Children, pleasure, feasts, speculation. Sixth House: Servants, sickness, uncles and aunts, small animals. Seventh House: Love, marriage, spouse; partnerships and associations, public enemies, lawsuits. Eighth House: Deaths, wills, legacies; pain, anxiety. Estates of deceased. Magick. Ninth House: Long journeys, voyages; science, religion, art, visions and divinations. Tenth House: Mother. Rank and honor, trade or profession, authority, and worldly position. Eleventh House: Friends, hopes and wishes. Twelfth House: Sorrows, fears, punishments, enemies in secret, institutions, unseen dangers, restriction.

ASPECTS There is an angle between every two planets in a horoscope which is measured in degrees. When the angle produces a signifcant interaction between two or more planets they are said to be "in Aspect." The angles which give rise to the "Major Aspects" are produced by dividing a circle by units of 2 and 3 (just as the Zodiac is produced by such a division). In order for two or more planets to be in Aspect they must be within a certain distance of the exact angle of division. This is referred to as the Orb of the Aspect, and generally means they must be within 5 to 12 degrees to be noticable, depending on the apparent size of the Planet in the sky. Therefore the Sun and Moon have the largest Orbs, and the smallest orbs are assigned to the Inner Planets. Aspect Opposition Trine Square Sextile Conjuction Parallel Symbol Degrees 180 120 90 60 0 <1 degree Meaning Full Tension (energy cancelling) Full Harmonious Cooperation Dynamic Tension (energy releasing) (weaker) Harmonious Cooperation Union, Harmony dependent on Character Resonant Interaction

THE SECOND MEDITATION LET THE ZELATOR meditate on a straight line. Let him take a ruler or pencil and by moving it a distance equal to its length, outline a square. Having done this, let him, after quieting his mind with the rhythmic breathing taught in the first meditation, mentally formulate a cube, and endeavour to discover the significance of this figure and its correspondences. Let him meditate upon minerals and crystals, choosing especially a crystal of SALT, and entering into it, actually feel himself of crystalline formation.

Looking out on the Universe from this standpoint, let him identify himself with the EARTH SPIRITS in love and sympathy, recalling, as far as he can, their prayer as said in the closing of the Zelator Grade Inititation. Let him meditate upon the EARTH TRIPLICITY, visualizing the symbols of a BULL - a VIRGIN - a GOAT which stand for KERUBIC EARTH - MUTABLE EARTH - CARDINAL EARTH. For the above ideas consult a simple astrology manual. Make notes of the ideas and pictures which arise in your mind.

The Element of Fire Aspirants to the Grade of Portal will be tested on their knowledge of the following material, which must be committed to memory. DESCRIBE THE FORMATION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF AZOTH. AZOTH is a word formed from the initial and final letters of the Greek, Latin, and Hebrew Alphabets thus: A and Z, Aleph and Tau, Alpha and Omega. It is used with various meanings by different writers but generally signifies Essence. VEILS OF THE NEGATIVE EXISTENCE NameEnglish Transliteration Ainthe Negative Ain Soph Ain Soph Aur TWO TITLES OF KETHER NameEnglish Transliteration Arik Anpin Aatik Yomin


MeaningEnglish NothingNot Limitless The Limitless Light


Greek Macroprosopus

MeaningEnglish The Vast Countenance Ancient of Days

ATRIBUTIONS OF THE HOLY NAME TO THE FOUR WORLDS AND THE FOUR SUITS OSOGD Holy Name Traditional Holy Name Qabalistic World Atziluth Briah Yetzirah Assiah FILL IN THE BLANKS: Tarot Suit Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

In each of the four worlds are the 10 Sephiroth of that world and each Sephirah has its own 10 Sephiroth making 400 in all. This signifies the number of Tau, the Cross, The Universe and the completion of all things. (The modern student may look at this and arrive at a different number for the total) DESCRIBE THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE TAROT DECK TO THE TREE OF LIFE. The four aces are placed on the Throne of Ketherthe remaining small cards of the suit desired on the respective Sephiroth, two on Chokmah, three on Binah, etc. The 22 Trumps are arranged on the paths between them, according to the Letters to which they correspond. The King and Queen are placed beside Chokmah and Binah respectively, the Knight and Knave by Tiphareth and Malkuth. The trumps receive the equilibrium of the spheres they connect. DRAW THE LATIN CROSS OF 12 SQUARES

TO WHAT PATH IS IT RELATED? The 29th Path of Qoph (The Moon). FILL IN THE BLANK: The Four Arms of the cross elucidate the ZODIAC which embraces the Waters of Nu, as the ancient Egyptians called the Heavens, the Waters which are above the Firmament. It also alludes to the Eternal River, divided into four streams which find their correlations in the four triplicities of the Zodiac. DRAW THE PYRAMID OF THE FOUR ELEMENTS.



The cross embraces Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, and rests upon Malkuth. The Latin Cross of Six Squares also refers to the six Sephiroth of Microprosopus and is the opened out form of the cube. DRAW THE SYMBOL OF VENUS ON THE TREE OF LIFE.

DRAW THE EMANATIONS OF KETHER DIAGRAM. Include the names of each emanation, its attribution to the Tetragramaton, and the Sepherotic attributions.

NAMES CONNECTED TO THE FOUR ELEMENTS. EARTH English Translation Hebrew Name Great Name Cardinal Point Archangel Elementals Aretz Adonai Ha Aretz North Auriel Gnomes Hebrew

AIR English Translation Hebrew Name Great Name Cardinal Point Archangel Elementals Ruach Shaddai El Chai East Raphael Sylphs Hebrew

WATER English Translation Hebrew

Hebrew Name Great Name Cardinal Point Archangel Elementals

Maim Elohim Tzabaoth West Gabriel Undines

FIRE English Translation Hebrew Name Great Name Cardinal Point Archangel Elementals Asch Asherah Tzabaoth South Michael Salamanders Hebrew

TWO FURTHER ALCHEMICAL ATTRIBUTIONS TO THE TREE OF LIFE: Element Set One 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mercury Salt Sulphur Silver Gold Iron Copper Tin Lead Mercury Philosophorum Element Set Two The Metallic Root Lead Tin Silver Gold Iron Hermaphroditical Brass Brass Mercury Medicina Metallorum

THE QLIPPOTH OF THE TREE OF LIFE: Qlippothotic Sepheroth 1 2 3 Thaumiel Ghogiel Satariel Meaning The two contending Forces The Hinderers The Concealers

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Agshekeloh Golohab Tagiriron Gharab Tzerek Samael Gamaliel Lilith

The Breakers in Pieces The Burners The Disputers The Ravens of Death The Liar or Poison of God The Obscene Ones Queen of the Night and of Demons





Source: Regardie

Source: Zalewski

(For extra credit explain which diagram you think best represents the concept.) The horizontal line represents the precept of Hermes, "As above so below." DRAW THE DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE TRIAD OPERATING THROUGH THE SEPHIROTH. Chose one

Source: Regardie ATTRIBUTIONS OF THE PILLARS: Black Pillar Direction Viewed Side Personal Side Qaballistic Pillar Golden Dawn Office Masonic Name North Left Right Severity Stolistes Boaz

Source: Zalewski

White Pillar South Right Left Mercy Dadouchos Jachin


Planet Circle Crescent Cross Sun Moon

Metal Gold Silver

Parts of the Human (special credit) Spirit Soul Body

The Cross is the symbol of corrosion. DECONSTRUCT TWO PLANETARY SYMBOLS USING THE ATTRIBUTIONS ABOVE: SaturnInternally corrosive, externally Lunar JupiterInternally Lunar, externally corrosive MarsInternally Solar, externally corrosive VenusInternally corrosive, externally Solar

WHO AND WHAT IS THE SERPENT OF NEHUSHTAN? Associated with Moses, this snake is made of brass and climbs the paths of the Tree of Life in reverse order around the Middle Pillar. ALCHEMICAL DEFINITIONS (FILL IN THE BLANKS): Raven signifies Initiation through blackness. Lion signifies Heat and sulphurous action. Eagle signifies Sublimation.

WHAT IS THE PRIMARY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHEMICAL AND ALCHEMICAL PROCESSES? Gradual heat versus violent heat. ALCHEMICAL DEFINITIONS (FILL IN THE BLANKS): The Cucurbit is a glass boiler attached to the lower part of a still called an Alembic. It consists of a tube, a head, and a receiver. To produce a graduated heat an Alchemist would use the Athanor or Philosophical Furnace. A vessel of hot water in which was placed the vessel to be heated is called the Balneum Mariae or Bain Marie. A vessel of sand in which is place the vessel to receive a dry heat is called the Balneum Arenae or Sand Bath. An oval glass vessel in which is place the water or liquid to be acted upon is called the Philosophic Egg. It may be hermetically sealed.

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