Saravana Stores Details

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1. THE ISSUE The primary issue that this study will address is the role of employee morale in Saravana stores, located in Tambaram, Chennai and its influencing factors. Also this study will throw light upon how the employee morale will influence the day to day operations of the store and upto what levels it can affect the profitability of the same. 2. ABOUT SARAVANA STORES - PROFILE Saravana stores are in existence for past 28 years. This firm started with sales of wide range of utensils. But later year after the firm started with sales of home appliances, households, vessels of wide range, gift articles, accessories, bags, etc. They also deal with sales of furniture items that are showcased in three showrooms. The operating firms under Saravana stores are: Saravana furniture Saravana paradise Saravana industries Saravana furniture showroom

Dealership They have dealership of all the major companies like Samsung, LG, IFB, Videocon, Sony, Sansui, Kenstar, Voltas, Butterfly, Preethi, Prestige. They are maintaining a smooth relationship with all their dealers and they are performing well in all the brands. 3. RESEARCH METHODOLGY UTILIZED FOR THE STUDY: It is necessary to explain the methodological steps involved in the present research which identifies and analyses the employee morale among employees of Saravana stores a wellknown reputed firm in Tambaram and the satisfaction level of employee towards it. (A) RESEARCH DESIGN The present study is descriptive in nature. The study includes facts finding enquiries on the morale of employees. The major purpose of descriptive research is the description of state of affairs as it exists at present. Here, the researcher has no control over the variables and he can only report what has happened or what is happening. The study aims at collecting the opinion

of the employees about their job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment. (B) SOURCE OF DATA: The sources of data required for the study are two fold i) Primary data collection ii) Secondary data collection. The primary data for the study will be collected through a structured questionnaire administered on the respondents effectively. The respondents include the store employees of Saravana stores on whom questionnaires will be used to collect data about employee morale. The secondary data for the study include conceptual information regarding employee morale, types, influencing factors of morale among others. The study will use a combination of both the primary and secondary data for the research findings and conclusions. (C) SAMPLING DESIGN: The universe of the study is the total number of middle level employees at Saravana stores . The sampling design used is the census method. Censuses are commonly conducted with populations that are heterogeneous. The census method provides for highest accuracy because all the members are covered by the enquiry and all the characteristics of the universe are maintained in original. This method is free from sampling errors. 4. TOOLS FOR DATA COLLECTION: 1) QUESTIONNAIRE: A questionnaire is a list of question to be answered in a study. A structured questionnaire is used in this study to collect opinion from the respondents regarding morale of employee towards Saravana stores. Types of questions used are; 1. Open ended questions; 2. Closed ended questions;

2) INTERVIEW SHEDULE: The interviewer uses either an interview schedule or an interview guide. A schedule is a structured set of questions which are usually asked orally and recorded in writing by the interviewer. 5. TOOLS USED FOR ANALYSIS: After the collection of data, it is necessary that these data are analysed. In the present study, the research has used percentage analysis and chisquare test to analyse the data collected. Chisquare test is used to test whether or not two more attributes are associated. It has been used check statistically whether different aspects taken for the study are dependent or differ in various aspects which give scientific backing for the findings. 6. TYPES OF CHART USED FOR THE STUDY: One of the most convincing and appealing ways in which data may be presented is through pictorial representation as it gives a quick understanding of the data. The types of charts used in study are 1. Column chart 2. Bar chart 3. Pie chart 7. STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis is a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences. The chisquare test is a statistical measure that can be used to determine if categorical data shows dependency or the classifications are independent. As a nonparametric test, it can be used to test the significance of association between two attributes. Hence chisquare ^ 2 test is used as the statistical tool to test the validity of the hypothesis set in this study.


Type of research design

Descriptive research

Type of data

Primary and Secondary data

Data collection method

i) sampling for collecting primary data ii) Extensive literature survey for Secondary data

Primary data collection tool

Questionnaire and Interview Schedule

Universe of study

The employees at Saravana stores

Sampling size


Tools used for analysis

Chisquare analysis, Percentage Analysis. i) Column chart

Charts used

ii) Bar chart iii) Pie chart

ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION CONCLUSION MAIN FINDINGS All of the respondents in this study are male. The maximum number of employees working here are younger generation. The maximum number of employees working here has more than three year experience. Majority of the employees has high hope on the growth of the company. Majority of the respondents could achieve their target in time Majority of them feel that their target is achievable. Large numbers of respondents feel that they get the recognition for their performance. Majority of them work with saravana stores for its brand image in its area. Majority of them wants to stay with saravana stores even in the case of better employment. Majority of them who wants to leave saravana stores seeks better salary.

SUGGESTIONS The company is providing more training programs to the employees. The employees are satisfied with the current job. The company can also provide night shifts to the employees who are interested, thus the human relations is good in the company CONCLUSION The study conducted at Saravana stores, Tambaram on the Employee Morale reveals that the employees are satisfied in their jobs & they have positive human relations towards their job. However shortcomings can be removed by continuous communication and orientation which make the employee more comfortable and motivated with the process. Attitude influencing factors such as counselling & motivational process can be appropriately introduced with the employee acceptance and support.

ANNEXURE EMPLOYEE MORALE 1. NAME 2. AGE 3. GENDER 4. DESIGNATION 5. EXPERIENCE 6. Are you satisfied with the current job? a. Highly satisfied b. satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

7. Are you satisfied with the present earning provided by the organizations? a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

8. Are you satisfied with the working environment existing in the organizations? a. Highly satisfied b. satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

9. Are you satisfied with the leave policy provided by the organizations? a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

10. Are you satisfied with the performance appraisal provided by the organization? a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

11. Are you satisfied with the team spirit in your organization? a. Highly satisfied b. satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

12. Are you satisfied with the morale of the employees? a. Highly satisfied b. satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

13. Are you satisfied with the motivation provided by the organization? 14. Are you satisfied with the present working hours of organization? a. Highly satisfied b. satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

15. Are you satisfied with the works relations in the organization? a. Highly satisfied b. satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied 16. Can you rate yourself on the degree of your relationship with your colleagues?

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Average

d) Poor

17. Are you satisfied with medical facilities provided by the organization? a. Highly satisfied b. satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

18. Are you satisfied with the safety and health facilities available in the organization? a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied

19. Employees choice about staying with saravana stores in case of any other better employment? a. Stay with saravana stores b. Leave saravana stores c. No Idea

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