Taitzreport 04.13.2013
Taitzreport 04.13.2013
Taitzreport 04.13.2013
Breaking news! Defendant Barack Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al. Notice of Default filed Grinols Subpoenas ..Grinols Order, Summons, TRO, Complaint .Affidavit of Mike Zullo 1. Judd v Obama 2. Farrar v Obama 3. Taitz v Sebelius 4. Taitz v Indiana, IN Judge Orders Trial 5. Taitz v Astrue 6. Mississippi Filed Complaint Update 7. Taitz Walters v Sec of State Kansas Videos Video: Orly before NH Election Committee
Mail donations to: Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688. Contact Dr. Taitz at [email protected] m or [email protected]. In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." -- Theodore Roosevelt, April 23, 1910 When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson During times of
universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. -Mahatma Gandhi
The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers, do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq. Dr. Taitz, Esq. has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Roger Hitchcock, shameless hypocrite. Hitchcock complains about censorship of the media, while he, himself, censors all the evidence of Obama being a criminal, who is using all forged and stolen IDs. Call Hitchcock, Levine, Limbaugh and confront them with this evidence, demand answers and action
Posted on | April 13, 2013 | No Comments Yesterday a known conservative talk show host, Roger Hitchcock, ranted that media is biased and nobody talks about a black abortionist doctor, who killed several women and mutilated multiple babies, while they talked about Treivon Martin. At issue is the fact that Hitchcock is a hypocrite as most of the conservative talk show hosts are: OReily, Hannnity, Levine,Llimbaugh and so on. they all talk about censorship. yet they are also corrupt, they also refuse to talk about one issue, the most important issue, Obamas use of all forged and stolen IDs. So, I am asking my supporters to inundate all of their programs with call. Start by talking about something different, while you are on the air confront those scoundrels and remind them that they are corrupt as well, that they censor the most important issue as well. They need to end the censorship in the media by starting to talk about Obamas forged IDs. Woodward and Bernstein succeeded by staying on the issue, our faux opposition will succeed only when they take on the
most important issue of Obamas forged IDs. When Obama is removed from office and criminally prosecuted, we can address all the other issues.
Category: HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number
Obama is bringing a CT mother to give a weekly address. GOP need to bring a Holocaust survivor togive an address about horrors and mass slaughter of unarmed citizens.
Posted on | April 13, 2013 | No Comments Obama is using the same bag of tricks. He is playing the public by bringing a mother of a CT school child who was slaughtered. If anybody in the GOP has one grain of brains in his head, he needs to bring forward a video taped statement from a holocaust survivor, a survivor of Soviet GULAG or of MAOIST and Polpot purging and explain to the viewers what happens, when the Socialist tyrants registered all the guns, later go house to house by the registry and take away the guns and slaughter unarmed civilians. Please, demand from Obama consistency. If he is pushing no guns zones and does not feel that the problems can be solved by armed guards, than first and foremost he needs to demand that his daughters school, Sidwell friends fire all the security guards, Obama needs to cancel all the secret service detail around him, he and Congress need to disarm and dismantle the Naoplitano department of Homeland Security, a civilian agency, which is violating posse comitatus and is building enormous arms stockpile. After he does all that, he will have any credibility in demanding some disarmament. (this, of course, when you look past his forged and stolen IDs)
Category: Uncategorized
Are you an Evangelical Christian, Mormon or Catholic active member of the U.S. military, contact me at 949-683-5411
Posted on | April 13, 2013 | No Comments As I was talking to General Edward M. Browne, he mentioned that we have a very serious problem in the military today, as the only ones who are promoted to high positions, are Obama lackeys, not people with brains, course and knowledge, just Obama lackeys. We, as a nation, talk about questionable appointments to the Supreme Court and civilian government positions, appointments of current director of CIA, Secretary of Defense, but nobody is talking about the top military officers. Case in point, today FOX announced that U.S. soldiers are getting training, which is more of a brain washing, similar to leftist brain washing in our universities. Soldiers are taught that Catholics, Mormons and evangelical Christians are similar to radical Muslims, Hamas or al qaeda. This is an unprecedented indoctrination. If U.S. soldiers, who happen to be Mormon, Catholic or Evangelical Christian feel uncomfortable with that, feel that this indoctrination is offensive to their religion and it is a hostile work environment, I am asking them to contact me at [email protected] If they do not hear from me within 245 hours, to contact me at 949-683-5411 Things can be done, changes are possible and changes are needed to end this brain washing. We are seeing reporters talking about the problems, however they refuse to do anything. FOX program 5 talked extensively about the U.S. C political science professor, who was flagrantly anti male, anti white, anti Republican. Years ago reporters would go to the dean of school, demanding this professor to be fired immediately or at least demanding to know, what discipline was applied to this professor. Today reporters are just like our law enforcement, completely impotent, they make some noise, but incable of doing anything productive. They are doing nothing. I am asking you, as citizen reporters and members of the Defend Our Freedoms foundation to contact USC, demand meetings with the 1. provost 2. president of the University 3. board of governors I will join you in these meetings.
Demand to know, when this professor will be relieved of his duties and replaced with a professor who is not spewing anti male, anti white, anti Republican and anti Christian propaganda. Obamas lackeys are saying that it is our joint responsibility to raise children and educate them, so lets take responsibility for our poor college students who are subjected to unrelenting brain washing and apply pressure until all of these professors, spewing hatred are removed from the faculty. Case in point. One student (I will not provide his name until he is willing to disclose his name) was outraged by the anti Republican propaganda in his university. During CA gubernatorial elections this professor was spewing hatred against Republicans. She was saying: vote for anyone you want, but not Meg Whitman (Republican candidate for Governor, who ran against Jerry Moonbeam Brown) This student spoke up during the class of public speaking and advised the professor that she should teach public speaking and not spew propaganda. The teacher continued with the same rants. She did not allow any audio recording in her class, so the student wrote short hand her rants and complained to the Chair of the Department. Still there was no action that year. Next year the teacher was still there. The student did not get discouraged and persevered and checked her bio and work history. He found out that she was previously fired from a community college after complaints of the same rants. He found out that a young lady, whom he knew from High school was taking a class with the same professor. He asked her to write in short hand, what was this teacher saying, her rants. Afterwards he and his friend went to the Chair of the Department again. At that point he had records from 2 students, noting her rants during 2 years of instruction and evidence of her being fired before for the same behavior. At that point the university took action and the teacher was either fired or her contract was not renewed. I was not involved in this matter, all of this was done by students alone. Here is an example of one young man, 20 years old, making a difference, taking a stand against comi brainwashing and succeeding. Each and every one of you can make a difference. Please, do that and every time you are talking to authorities, make sure to advise them that fish stinks from the head and in the head of our government we have a criminal with all forged and stolen IDs and a number of corrupt judges and governmental officials are criminally complicit in the cover up. Bring all the evidence about our Criminal in chief Obama. If a 20 year old kid could make a difference, so can you!
Category: Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Humor, Latest News, Legal Actions, Letters from Readers and Patriots, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Supporting Documentation Posted on | April 13, 2013 | No Comments
syndicatednews.net/chief-justice-of-the-supreme-court-john-ro 21 hours ago Orly Taitz advised Congressman Gohmert that in January Department of Justice appeared before Judge England, stating that they represented the U.S. John McEuen Ruthie DiTucci shared this Category: Uncategorized
Thank you, maybe that is what I was supposed to do, meant to do, as Orly comes from Hebrew Or, which means light
Posted on | April 13, 2013 | 4 Comments mitted on 2013/04/13 at 3:31 am k green Orly,You are OUR BEACON OF 9 LIGHT in this STORM OF MASS approved CONFUSION AND LIES WE HAVE in the WHITEHOUSE . Category: Uncategorized Major General Edward M. Browne agrees with me in that Obama is usurping the US Presidency while using forged and stolen IDS and needs to be removed from office and prosecuted 32 View Post
Major General Edward M. Browne agrees with me in that Obama is usurping the US Presidency while using forged and stolen IDS and needs to be removed from office and prosecuted
Posted on | April 12, 2013 | 42 Comments Download
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we are now to par with the media in Iran, former Soviet Union and NAZI Germany. Please, try to call any and all radio shows under other pretenses and try to mention the hearing on April 22 and Obamas use of a stolen CT SSN and forged IDs ask the host why are they silent about the biggest embarrassment in the history of this nation, Obamas usurpation of the U.S. Presidency with forged IDs.
Category: Uncategorized
I just got off the phone with General Vallely, he received the evidence before Judge England and correspondence with the General Counsel representing Issa and Goodlatte. It is being forwarded to Admiral Lyons, General Boykin, 700 special ops officers and others
Posted on | April 9, 2013 | 58 Comments Category: Uncategorized
15 flag officers (Brigadier General and up) are currently reviewing the evidence before Judge England and actions of the Holder Department of Justice in seeking to dismiss the case on behalf of the U.S. Congress without knowledge and consent of the U.S. Congress
Posted on | April 10, 2013 | 48 Comments
Category: Uncategorized
Begin forwarded message: Date: April 11, 2013 8:17:25 MDT Subject: Fwd: On 7 Mo Anniversary Of Benghazi, OPSEC Release New Video Calling For Select Committee Investigation More .Please send the attached release to your local news media or other appropriate contacts. Original Message From: Chad Kolton <[email protected]> Sent: Thu, Apr 11, 2013 10:02 am Subject: On 7 Mo Anniversary Of Benghazi, OPSEC Release New Video Calling For Select Committee Investigation www.OpSecTeam.org April 11, 2013 Contact: Chad Kolton 571-414-0730 ON 7 MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF BENGHAZI ATTACK, OPSEC RELEASES NEW VIDEO CALLING FOR A SELECT COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE OBAMA ADMIN. ACTIONS Benghazi: Unaware, Unresponsive & Unaccountable Highlights Discrepancies, Gaps In Administration Accounts
WASHINGTON, D.C. On the 7 month anniversary of the attack in Benghazi that cost the U.S. Ambassador, two former SEALs and another U.S. diplomat their lives, OPSEC has released a new video titled Benghazi: Unaware, Unresponsive & Unaccountable that highlights the discrepancies in the Obama Administrations account of what happened and the many questions they have failed to answer. The video calls on Americans to contact their Member of Congress and urge their support for the creation of a select committee in the House of Representatives to consolidate the disparate committee investigations to better get at the answers to what went wrong in Libya on April 11, 2012.
The four Americans who died in Benghazi knew they were serving their country in a dangerous sector of the world. Like the countless others before them they put their lives on the line so we might stay free. Our fellow Americans who serve us must know they can count on our support when our enemies strike, the video states. To paraphrase President Lincoln we must resolve to learn what we can so that these Americans did not die in vain.
The approximately 8 minute video is being distributed through a nationwide digital marketing campaign. Benghazi: Unaware, Unresponsive & Unaccountable uses video of Obama Administration officials testimony, direct interviews and news accounts to underscore unresolved questions about why the Administration ignored requests for additional security from Ambassador Stevens, failed to use available military assets to respond to the attack and has stonewalled efforts by Congress to learn more about its actions before, during and after the attack. Viewers of the video are encouraged to contact their Member of Congress and ask them to support H. Res. 36, which would establish a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
The public has been stonewalled, the video declares. It is time to create a select Congressional committee to investigate Benghazi. The American public deserves answers.
Benghazi: Unaware, Unresponsive & Unaccountable follows OPSECs release last year of Dishonorable Disclosures, a documentary short film that criticized the Obama Administration for the rise of politically-motivated leaks of Intelligence and Special Operations missions, tradecraft, tactics and capabilities. Since its release less than a year ago, Dishonorable Disclosures has been viewed more than 5 million times.
OPSEC is a non-partisan grassroots advocacy organization of former members of Special Operations Forces and the intelligence community. OPSEC is focused on protecting US Special Operations Forces and national intelligence assets from political exploitation, misguided policies, and intentional misuse of classified information, all of which expose them and their families to greater risk and reduce their ability to keep Americans safe. More information about OPSEC can be found at www.OpSecTeam.org. ### <OPSEC_Benghazi_Video_Release. doc>
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Press release: Orly Taitz will be on Victor Topaller show Saturday April 13, 50 million viewers
Posted on | April 11, 2013 | 21 Comments
Press release: Orly Taitz will be on Victor Topaller show Saturday April 13, 50 million viewers
ease Law Offices of Orly Taitz Attorney and Dr. Orly Taitz will be on Victor Topaller show this Saturday, April 13, 2013, RTVI network Topaller is knows as Russian Rush Limbaugh and is seen by estimated 50 million viewers in Europe and U.S. One hour interview will be mostly dedicated to the legal challenges brought by Taitz against Obama and unprecedented level of corruption in the U.S. law enforcement, government and judiciary, where all of the unrefuted evidence of Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number, forged Selective Service Certificate and forged birth certificate is being
covered up. Russian speaking audience might be interested to know that Connecticut Social Security number fraudulently used by Obama in his 2009 tax returns was traced to a Jewish Immigrant from Russia, Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890, who died without relatives and whose death as never reported to the SSA or erased from record. During the Soviet regime, Russian dissidents turned to the West for help to fight lawlessness, corruption and tyranny. During the regime of Indonesian-Kenyan usurper Obama American dissidents turn to the East for support and help to fight lawlessness, corruption and tyranny.
Category: Events, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Radio and Media Broadcasts Posted on | April 12, 2013 | No Comments Submitted on 2013/04/12 at 9:28 am LibertysFlag 0 approved Dr. Orly I think that you were sent by God to help us keep l our freedom? I was having trouble yesterday getting your site also. Today is ok. We must expect the unexpected to Benghazi: Unaware, Unresponsive & Unaccountable 2
overcome evil. Obama is surely Evil. You represent Good in the USA. Thank you for all of us! Category: Uncategorized
Carmel Miller to me
Comment: Amazing how fast the Senate & House can go when they want to and it is likely they never read the bill anyhow.
eviscerates part of last years Stock Act, designed to stop insider trading by federal officials.
Rather than craft narrow exemptions, or even delay implementation until proper protections could be created, the Senate decided instead to exclude legislative and executive staffers from the online disclosure requirements, Lisa Rosenberg, government affairs consultant for the Sunlight Foundation, wrote in a blog posting. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, introduced the bill on Thursday and had the chamber vote on it late that evening. The House took the bill up on Friday afternoon and passed it by unanimous consent, with no members objecting. Republican leaders did not give lawmakers the traditional three days to read the bill before holding a vote. One GOP aide told The Washington Times the three-day rule did not apply to Fridays action because the bill came from the Senate, while another said the House moved quickly because of a Monday deadline for the new disclosure mandates to take effect. In December when we extended the Stock Act deadline of public disclosure for financial disclosure, we required a study by the nonpartisan and independent National Academy of Public Administration, said Rory Cooper, a spokesman for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Virginia Republican. This was their recommendation and the House and Senate agreed it was the best course of action for the time being. The legislation now goes to President Obama for his signature. Last year, after CBSs 60 Minutes did a report suggesting that some government officials were financially benefiting from insider knowledge of federal actions, Congress quickly passed the Stock Act, which was designed to crack down on insider trading. Part of the law required that senior government officials financial disclosure reports which they are already required to submit in paper be made available online in a searchable, sortable format. The belief was that publishing them online would make it easier for reporters and the public to try to spot illicit dealings. The online disclosure provisions had not yet taken effect, and Congress asked NAPA to review the law. In a report release last month a five-member NAPA panel said online posting would mean more sensitive information about high-level government employees would be easily available, which would make identify theft easier. An open, online, searchable and exploitable database of personal financial information about senior federal employees will provide easy access to high quality personal information on high value targets, NAPA officials said in their report.
The Defense Department told NAPA that online disclosure would mean hostile nations would have easy access to sensitive personal information about top national security officials. The revelations raised questions about Congresss rush to pass the Stock Act in the first place last year. It passed 96-3 in the Senate and 417-2 in the House, amid intense pressure from Mr. Obama, who called for its passage in his 2012 State of the Union address, and from outside public interest groups. At the time, the few dissenters warned that the law over-promised and under-delivered.
Some members of Congress, meanwhile, want to go further and ban the use of political intelligence a catch-all term for those with non-public knowledge about things brewing in government that could affect the markets. In a report this week the Government Accountability said it was impossible to quantify how much political intelligence was being used in financial dealings.
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95 U.S. Congressmen revolt against the ruling criminal enterprise stooge John Boehner and demand select committee on Benghazi
Posted on | April 12, 2013 | 1 Comment
Dear Patriot,
Below please find a special message from one of our sponsors, Revive America. They have important information to share with you. Thank you. Please note that the following message reflects the opinion and representations of our sponsor alone, and not necessarily the opinion of TheTeaParty.net.
House Republicans Revolt, Refuse to Stand Down on Benghazi, Defy Boehner please use this link. Boehner Defied: 95 House Republicans Revolt to Support Benghazi Hearings Dear Member: When Revive America first started our campaign for a House Select Committee on Benghazi, the DC-Establishment didnt give us a snowballs-chance-in, well, Benghazi. Speaker Boehner said he opposed the Select Committee as far back as November. Chairman Mike Rogers, the powerful Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, called it very expensive. No wonder only 48 House Republicans had the audacity to defy Speaker Boehner on Benghazi. It was game over. Obama thought he was home free (unlike Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen A. Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods). And Speaker Boehner avoided the embarrassing spectacle of a Watergate-Style committee on Benghazi. But Boehner, Rogers, and Obama didnt count on you, and nearly 200,000 conservative members of Revive America USA. Because of your persistent phone calls to Congress, weve gone from 48 to 62, and now to 95 cosponsors in the past week! In fact, West Virginia Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito just signed-on this morning as a cosponsor! All of your phone calls, letters, and donations to Revive Americas campaign are paying-off big time. We can win this fight! Go Here Now to Help Us Now Revive isnt the only group fighting for the Select Committee. In fact, we stand in very good company. On Wednesday, 700 Special-Ops veterans blasted Congress for giving no serious effort to Benghazi. And then, in a stunning announcement thats still rocking Capitol Hill, Ms. Patricia A. Smith, the mother of Navy Seal Sean Smith, endorsed House Resolution 36. Ms. Smiths son was one of the four American heroes abandoned by Obama to die at the
hands of terrorists in Benghazi. In a very short period of time, weve built up a ton of momentum. Now is not the time to let up. Lets win this fight today! Go Here Now to Help Us We need to keep cranking-up the pressure. Mr. Speaker, we wont STAND DOWN. And neither should you. There are two ways you can help: 1). Call Speaker John Boehner at (202) 225-3121. Tell him to lead or get out of the way of House Res. 36. Call Chairman Mike Rogers at (202) 225-3261. Tell him to support House Res. 36. Call Members of Congress who may not be onboard with us yet. Ask them, why not? You can find the list by Going Here And very important Call Congressman Frank Wolf to Thank Him for His Leadership at (202) 225-3121 2). I know not everyone can contribute, especially after four years of Obama. But if you can help, we urgently need your financial support to win this huge battle, and frankly, our resources are nearly exhausted. We are so very close to a huge victory. Revive America will fight this battle until the very end, but we can only go as far as youll take us. Category: Uncategorized Posted on | April 12, 2013 | No Comments
MOV02476 Will The Tide Finally Turn, In Dr. Orly Taitz Favor?
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95 U.S. Congressmen revolt against the ruling criminal enterprise stooge John Boehner and demand select committee on Benghazi
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More corruption in Congress, what else is new? Roger Hitchcock, shameless hypocrite. Hitchcock complains about censorship of the media, while he, himself, censors all the evidence of Obama being a criminal, who is using all forged and stolen IDs. Call Hitchcock, Levine, Limbaugh and confront them with this evidence, demand answers and action Obama is bringing a CT mother to give a weekly address. GOP need to bring a Holocaust survivor togive an address about horrors and mass slaughter of unarmed citizens. Are you an Evangelical Christian, Mormon or Catholic active member of the U.S. military, contact me at 949-683-5411 413619
Historic DVD Now Available! DVD of the historic trial in GA and DVD of a historic testimony in NH, where evidence was provided showing Obama using a forged birth certificate and a stolen social security number. The DVDs are in a beautiful commemorative case with personal autographs from attorney Dr. Orly Taitz
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