Chap 31
Chap 31
Chap 31
Chap 31
Disaster and Détente: The Cold War, Vietnam, and the Third World
John F. Kennedy
-Catholic, youngest elected pres.
-Naval hero from WWII
elected for pres. in I 960, Democrat
-shot by Lee Harvey Oswald —* LBJ succeeded.
believed in the concept of nation building
-Alliance of Progress — to encourage economic development in L.
-Created Peace Corps — sent American teachers, agricultural specialists,
and health
workers to assist authorities in developing nations.
-counterinsurgency — US military trained native troops/police to put
down rebels.
The 1961 Berlin Crisis
-Us wanted Soviets to stop testing nuclear weapons —÷ SU refused
○ Berlin Wall — West Berlin merged, built a wall -+ SU wanted US to
leave W. Berlin
The Bay of Pigs Invasion
-Soviets help Castro —* US planned to help Cubans overthrow Castro
○ Troops landed on Bay aof Pigs —* surrounded by Castro supporters —>
troops captured
Operation Mongoose
-disrupt Cubans trade, support raids on Cuba from Miami, kill Castro, SU
and Cuba knew about the attacks.
Cuban missile crisis
-Khrushchev wanted to put missiles in Cuba — closer to US, prevent
attacks, and force Kennedy to leave W. Berlin
○ a U-2 plane found missile site —> Kennedy announce on TV that the
US would put a naval quarantine on Cuba —+ Khrushchev wanted the
missiles in Turkey removed and they’ll withdraw theirs.
The Pentagon Papers
-researched by Daniel Ellsberg
-recorded progress in Vietnam
went public —* showed Nixon lied and got the US deeper in the war.
New Politics of Identity
○ African American Cultural Nationalism
AA looked to culture change rather than political or social
• opposed equality — it was giving up traditional gender
long hair, afros, dread locks.
celebrate Kwanzaa
○ Mexican American Activism
○ 1 . Mostly in the SW US or California
• poor, paid less, no education, discriminated
• Cesar Chavez led UFW to strike against lower wages—*
they won.
○ Chicano Movement
I . Federal Alliance of Grants — fought to fight for the return of
the land lost
• during the Mexican-American War.
• created by Reies Tijerina
El Pia,, Espiritual de Aztlan
• a manifest by the brown people declaring their
independent nation.
• wanted to take out the hyphen in Mexican-American
○ called themselves chicanos/as
Native American Activism
○ 1 . Activists tried to take back Alcatraz
Red Power
Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act — Gov.
○ millions of acres of land to tribal ownership.
○ Affirmative Action
1 . Johnson believed that the gov. must help individuals attain the skills
• to compete in American Society to a new concept.
• Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) —
oversees discrimination in the workplace.
• Philadelphia Plan — required businesses contracting with
the fed. gov. to show “affirmative action to meet the goals
of increasing minority employment” and set goals for
The Women’s Movement and Gay Liberation
○ -Feminist Mystique written by Betty Friedan
+ blamed the role of women and the society that created it for
failing to adapt to women’s proper role.
○ Liberal and Radical Feminism
1 . National Organization for Women — goal was to pressure the
EEOC toenforce the 1 964 Civil Rights Act
• mostly educated professional women
• Accomplishments ofthe Women’s Movement
I .Equal Rights Amendment — equality of rights under the law shall not be
denied or abridge by the US or by any state on account of sex.
2. Title IX of the Higher Education Act — prevented federal funds form
going toany college or university that discriminated against women.
• more women sports
• Roe v. Wade (1973) — ruled that privacy rights protected
a woman’s choice to end a pregnancy.
○ Opposition to the Women’s Movement
Phyllis Schiafly — STOP ERA
Gay Liberation
○ 1 . Stonewall Inn — NYC homosexuals gathered and stood up to the
• illegal for more than three homos to occupy a bar
• “Gay Power”
The End of Vietnam
○ Tonkin Gulf Incident and Tonkin Gulf Resolution
1 . Offthe coast ofN. Vietnam, US destroyers were under attack
from North Vietnamese patrol boats.
• Johnson ordered air strikes on certain N. Vietnamese
patrol boats and oil depot.
• Tonkin GuifResolution — gave president the authority to
take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack
against the forces of the US to and to prevent further
• After the deaths of 32 Americans in South Vietnam —>
Johnson called for Operation Rolling Thunder — a bombing
• northerners would not back down — they hid in shelters
• Johnson called for a troop increase reaching 536,100.
○ 3 . Tet Offensive — attack on Vietnam in 1 968 on the first day of the
Vietnamese Year (Tet)
N. Vietnam attacked and captured S. Vietnam
○ NV took the capital Saigon, the Presidential Palace, and ARVN
Invasion of Cambodia
○ 1 . Nixon’s policy (Vietnamization) — building up South Vietnamese
forces to replace US forces more troops went home
The draft was in a lottery system
Nixon bombed Cambodia b/c ofenemies’ supplies depots
• Cambodia was neutral
• US bombed them fOr I 4 months
B . Protests and Counter-Demonstrations
1 . Kent State University, Ohio protested vhen US entered
Cambodia — 4 killed
2. Tonkin GuifResolution of 1964 - US troops withdrew from
Morale Problems in Military
1 . Troops weren’t discipline — drug addiction, desertion, racial
discord, and murder ofunpopular officers by enlisted men
2. My Lai Massacre — 300 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians
were murdered.
• Lieutenant William Calley was charged
Cease-Fire Agreement
○ 1 . After an apparent peace agreement collapsed —* US launched a
Five pictures
Pg 884 picture of Egypt’s Anwar el sadate talking to jimmy carter at the camp David
accords. The peace has been held to this day despite conflict in the rest of the
Middle East.
Pg 885- picture of propaganda. An Iranian in pictured reading a newspaper not long
before mobs in Teheran stormed the American embassy and took more that fifty
Americans hostage. Behind him posters mock the president
Pg 881- Picture of the celebrants of the first earth day. They gathered in an urban
park. More than 20 million Americans participated in teach ins celebrations and
posttests to draw attention to environmental issues.
Ph 879 Map of the united states. Throughout the 19702 Americans continued to
leave the economically declining areas on eh North and east in pursuit of happiness
and opportunity in the Sun Belt.
Pg 876 Picture of Nixon. Resigning in disgrace as impeachment for his role in the
Watergate cover up because a certainty Richard Nixon flashes the V for victory sign
as he leave the white house for the last time