Gea - Cooling Towers

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Po acel Product Range

Thermal Engineering / GEA Polacel Cooling Towers b.v.

CMOR cooling tower type 630
Shopping center in Oubai
Natural draft cooling tower in Germany
(Project of GEA Energietechnik GmbH)
CMOI cooling tower type1500
Paper mill in Sweden
[GEA Polacel - Backgroundl
GEA Group
The GEA Group, headquartered in Bochum, Germany, is a glo-
bally successful technology group with more than 250 compa-
nies in 50 countries.
The company now focuses on specialty mechanical engineering
- especially process engineering and equipment. GEA Group tech-
nologies are applied in the food, chemical and petrochemical in-
dustries, the energy sector, air treatment and shipbuilding as well
as the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
The GEA Group is one of the world's market and technology lea-
ders in 90 per cent of its businesses.
GEA is a solid foundation for the Polacel activities and it provides
us with greater scope. Good contacts with affiliated organizations
that are leaders in our field provide an ongoing stimulus to our
own development. This is what makes Polacel a leader in the intro-
duction of technological improvements.
_ One contact person for all solutions
_ Globally active in more than 40 countries
_ Native speakers speak your language
_ Individual solutions
_ Maximum availability, security of operation
and system efficiency
(Know how and service range)
Polacel cooling towers
Polacel designs, manufactures and maintains cooling towers.
Our company is synonymous with quality and innovation in
this area.
We have been buildingcooling towers that are designed to prevent
corrosion and we are still in the lead when it comes to efficiency
and noise reduction. Polacel stands for a high quality backed up by
and a complete service organization. This is how we offer security
to our customers.
CMOI cooling tower type 840
Chemical industrial plant in Belgium
Cooling towers save
Cooling towers for process and climate cooling are energy-
efficient and environmentally-friendly generators of cooling
Polacel cooling towers achieve a up to 95% and above saving in
water, a thermal load on surface waters that stays well within
the legal limits and substantially lower climate cooling costs.
Our cooling towers have a particularly long lifetime and are
very low-maintenance. Polacel is the best choice for man and his
) Product range)
Standard customization
Polacel designs, manufactures and installs a complete range
of cooling towers based on crossflow and counterflow. Our
modular system enables us to supply capacity to order.
Our standard product range can provide solutions to practically
all requirements. As a manufacturer with our own engineering
department, we can address specific client wishes where
]AII around support service]
The complete pathway
Polacel is involved in the cooling towers we supply from the
first introductory discussion, through the manufacturing stage
to maintenance and service after installation.
We know and understand the complete pathway, we have all the
data and specifications and we can accommodate all wishes and
requirements in our own field. This makes Polacel a permanent
source of support and partner for our customers throughout all the
years that our cooling towers are in service.
Cell cooling tower I
Georgia. USA
Talking to sales engineers
Polacel is a manufacturer of cooling towers. A coo-
ling tower is a technical product that has to meet
precise specifications.
This is why our sales organization relies on our sales
engineers, who are qualified professionals with specific
know-how. They give advice, analyze your wishes and
take personal responsibility for delivery so that your
order is completely in line with your instructions.
)Modular system)
Manufacturing and
Polacel manufactures modules to size on the basis
of the data we have compiled. We produce smaller
units that are delivered ready to install as well as
large cooling towers, which we assemble on site.
Customer-specific requirements can easily be accommo-
dated thanks to the modular system. Client wishes
also form the basis of the installation phase. We can
supply the installation ready to operate within a short
delivery period.
Polacel's service organization
Polacel's own service organization specializes in the
maintenance of all cooling towers and it knows all
the ins and outs of the whole technical area.
The scopeofthe services includes scheduled maintenance,
capacity measurement, overhauls and the upgrading of
cooling towers. The Polacel service organization takes
care of clients' cooling tower installations in order
to make the operation problem-free and perform
The Polacel approach
Polacel believes in direct contacts and short lines
of communication. The organization is transparent
and our customers always have a permanent focal
Up to and including completion this is the sales
engineer, a specialist who also remains involved in the
cooling tower afterwards. Once your cooling tower is in
operation, there is a permanent internal contact person
for all practical matters, such as maintenance.
Purchase, hire, hire purchase
and lease
Customization is also our standard approach to sales
policy. Clients are free to choose the form of purchase,
hire or lease that suits them best.
New, used, trade in and
Polacel makes durable, quality cooling towers. When
growth makes the capacity of a cooling tower too small,
for example, you can trade it in. The used tower is then
sold, after a thorough overhaul (as good as new, but at
a second-hand price).
Cross flow cooling tower type XM
Telephone-/Communication center in the Netherlands
Companies of the Thermal Engineering Division
GEA Powor Cooing Inc. (GPC)
Lakewood. USA
GEA Rainey Corporation (GRC)
Catoosa. USA
GEA Pola",1 UC (PCLUS)
Houston. USA
GEA Powor Cooing Inc. (GPC)
Clearwater. USA
GEA Enorgietechnik Ltd. U.K.
Staffordshire. Great Britain
2H Aqua Ltd. UK (ZHKUK)
Huntingdon. Great Britain
Bittignolles TKhnofogies
ThermiqufS SA-So (8m
Nantes, France
GEA AIrflow S.rvic.s SAR.L.
(AFS) NantM. France
Igone, Spain
GEA Scarnbiatori di alene
S.r.I. (GSC). Monv.... ltaly
Co. Ltd. (EG!)
BudapesL Hungary
GEA Polacel Cooling
Towe.. b_v. (PCL)
Doetinchem, Netherlands
2H Kunststoff GmbH (ZHK)
Wettnngen. GerrT\illny
GEA LuftkOhler GmbH (GLK)
HBnt. Germany
GEA Enorgietechnik GmbH (GEn
Herne. Germany
GEA Industrial Services Ltd.
Wdienhall. Great Britain
GEA En.rgy T.chnology GmbH
(GEM). 8o<hum. Gormany
....J GEA Sistemas de
Vi Resfriamento Ltda. (GSR)
Alphavine. Brasil

000 GEA Enorgieted1nik M"'kau

Moskau. Russia =>
\ a::
GEA Cooling Tower
Technology (India) M. Ltd.
o Teynampet Chlnai. India

GEA PoIocel Middle East FleO
Oubai. U.A.E.
GEA Power Cooling de MexK:o
S. de R.L. de C.V. (GPM)
San his Potosi. MexKo
GEA Power Cooling de Mexico
S. de R.L. de C.V. (GPM)
Mexico Gty. Mexico
GEA Nlen,a Ltd. (GNL)
Germ;ston. South Africa
GEA Aircooled Systems <
(Ply.) Ltd. (GAS)
Germiston. South Africa u..
Batignoll.. Technologies
ThorlTiques Qatar L.L.C. (BTTQ) I-
Doha. Qatar LU

Beijing GEA Energietechnik

Co. Ltd. (GBl)
Beijing. China!
EGI Cooing Systems Trading
(Beijing) Co. Ltd. (EGIC)
Bei;ng. Ch.,.
GEA Power Cooling Technology
Co. Ltd. (GPCD
langfang. China
Bat'9"oIles Thormal Technologies
(Changshu) Co. Ltd. (BITC) Z
Changshu. China :i:
Thermal Engineering
GEA Polacel Cooling Towers b.v.
Vlijstraat 25 - NL-7000 AG Doetinchem . The Netherlands
Telephone +31 314371414 . Telefax +31 314344884
[email protected]



A....'_u ""[Ill
CMC counterflow cooling towers
Thermal Engineering / GEA Polacel Cooling Towers B.V.
_ One contact person for all solutions
_ Globally active in more than 40 countries
_ Nalive speakers speak your language
_ Individual solutions
_ Maximum availability, security of operation
and systr.m efficienry
GEA Polacel
GEA Polacel is a company of the GEA Group AG. The GEA
Group. headquartered ill Bochum. Germany. is a globally suc-
cessful technology group with more than 250 companies in
50 countries.
The company now focuses on specialty mechanical engineering
- especially process engineering and equipment. GEA Grollp tech-
nologies are applied in the food, chemical and pelrochemical in
t1ustries, the energy sector, air treatment and shiphuilding as well
as the pharmaceutical and industries. The GEA Group is
one of the work!"s market antitechnology leatlers in 90 per cent
of its businesses.
GEA is a solid foundatiotl for the GEA Polacel activities and it pro-
vides us with brreater scope. Goocl contacts with affiliated organiz,;r
tions that are leaders in 01lT field provide an ongoing stimulus to
our own dcvelnpmcnt. This is what makes GEA Polacel a leader in
the introduction of technological improvements.
ISyltt'm's functions]
The effect of counterflow
CMC cooling towe.. work on the principle of counterflow.
This means lhat lhe waler flows down while lhe air is pulled
upwards by a fan.
As the water nows further through the system, the air it enconn-
leTS is fresher, in other wonls cooler and less saturated with moi-
sture. Counternow cooling towers can approach the wet hulb tem-
perature better compared to cro5sflow cooling towers.
Polacel CMC cooling towers
GEA Polacel designs. manufactures and maintains cooling to-
wers for process and climate cooling. Our energy efficient and
environmentally-friendly cooling water generators stand out
because of the (omplete quality policy we employ.
The GEA Po(acel CMC systems combine a high cooling capacity
with low energy consumption. The modules arc supplied reatly
10 usc and they arc easy to adjust to cooling requirements and the
available space, whether they arc used singly or in series. The coo-
ling performance of these cooling towers Is optimal and operation
is problem free. With a 95%+ saving in water, the efficient CMC
systems are the best choice for man and his environment.
J IGEArol",,' CooUng T""".
Cooling lower Iypc e;MC 2.?
Chelllical Planl III ftance
Co,,,lruClltU' all,l slartup
of JI eMe; Cooling low,.,
IMllxlmum offidencyl
Cooling performance measured:
the wet bulb
The wet bulb temperature is in fact the lowest temperature
that can be achieved by air cooling in any particular set of
This temperature can be measured by wrapping a glass therm(r
mcter in a piece of cotton that has been drenched in water and
placing it In a streanl of air. The will evaporate lose
heat (swealiug while takiug exercise has the same funcHon and
makes a 'cooling tower' out of our skin). The wet bulb temperature
is therefore lower than the ambient temperature.
Cooling towcrs try to approach this achievable minimum tern
perature usillg as little ellcrgy and as efficieutly as possible. Thc
GEA rolacel CMC range succeeds ill doing this alld combines
maximum efficiency with low power consumption, anu therefore
minimal costs.
IModular systeml
Modules to size
The cooling water temperatures (inlet and outlet), the wet
bulb temperature, noise and the water load are the four most
important factors in the selection of a cooling tower.
GEA Palacel makes an inventory of the requirements together
with thr. client and IISCS this inventory as the basis of the design
for a suitable solution. The CMC system can be extended.
and there .Ire standard solutions available for different capacity
needs. GEA Palacel engineers make customized changes to meet
special requirements.
Noise reduction
As a rule cooling towers are outdoors, and usually on a roof
or at the edge of the site, The noise produced by the cooling
tower caused by, among other things, the fan, falling water,
the electrical motor or geared motor. can therefore present a
GEA Polacel has put a number of into practice that
rr.duce the noise nuisance. larger fans (lower speed. less noise
and higher efficiency). floating silcncers to reduce the noise of
splashing and other noise reducing measures combolt the different
sources of noise.
GEA Palacel provides a detailed picture of the nature and level of
the noise produced by means of detailed calculations. GEA Polacel
can also make calculations for all cooling towers beforehand in
relation to the requirements laid down ill euvirollmental permits.
GEA PoIK44 mod"lu eMC IYJll'm
fled!>le for InaJi",ldu.1 JOIUlluHS.
Structural feat lies
The advanced design engineering ha$ also resulted in
a number of special structural advantagC"s:
_ Only a nlininlUm number of support points
are necessary as a result of Ihe selfsupporling
fuundations and the high internal stiffness
_ Completely transportable, re"dy to be installed
_ The GEA Polacel water tank can
subzero temperatllres
_ The GI!A Polacd CMC system can also be
installed on existing water basins
_ The extendable modular system has virtually no
IIndtalions in terms of form anu capacity
_ All structural design premises are analyzed and
tested by means of dynamic calculations and
computer studies heforC"hand
GEA PoIacel Con1inXTowers
ulOlinSlowcr Iype C..IC ,6
GE/\ Polncel cngillC'cring
The CMC design has a number of 01her special and
exclusivc features:
_ The design of the fan section alld the large ensure lower energy consumption and a
sub.!itantial reduction in noise
_ The GEi\ Polacel CMC morlules are supplierl with
a dircctdrivc or indircct-drivc fan
_ The willcr uistribution system, lhc spray nozzlcs
audthe cooling modules can be geared to lhe
water used and guarantee maximum contact with
the air being drawn in
_ The air inlet louvres optimize the air inflow and
minimi7.c watcr losses through splashing
_ Floating silcncers minimizc noisc causcd by
falling waler
_ The designs lake into account the desired
variations In capacity, appropriate measures
during maintenance and other user wishes
IHigh standardsl
The security of quality
GEA Polacel designs and manufacturers cooling towers with
long lifetimes and minimal maintenance needs_
This is achicved through the materials used - stainJess stccl com
oillcd wilh glass fiurc alld plastic -lhe sound desigJl alld the CJCpc-
rience or our engineers. 'Cheap and cheerful' solutions, such as a
fan with a V-belt drive or painted panels, are avoided.
The result is a cooling tower that is low maintenance, energy effi
cient and able to supply constant excellent problem-free perfor
IAII around support servicel
Advice and service
GEA Polacel builds cooling modules that meet precise specifi-
<ations. Our sales engineers give advice, analyze your wishes
and take personal responsibility for delivery so that your order
is completely in line with your instructions.
GEA Polaccl's own service organization specializcs in cooling
wer maintenance. Irrespective of brOlnt.l or version, the mainte-
nance specialists know all the ins and outs of the whole technical
area and are involved in the latest developments. GEA Poluce! has
broad experience in cooling lower maintenance. We work in accor
dance wilh the requirements described by ISO, VCA, VDMA, CTI
and Eurovent. The technicians can carry out the maintenance nee-
ded in virtually every location nnd in practically any time frame.
Companies of the Thermal Engineering Division
<{ GEA Power Cooling Inc. (GPC) w GEA ltd. U.K. GEA SA (GIB) GEA 2H Water Technologies HEAD OFFICE E-DIVISION
Lakewood, USA
Staffordshire. Great Britain Igorre, Spain GmbH (ZHK) GEA Energy Technology GmbH
:::> 0 a: www.geaenergieted' Wettringen, Germany (GEM), Bochum, Genmany
GEA Rainey Corporation (GRC) 2H Aqua ltd, UK (ZHKUK) GEA Stambiatori Q calore
Catoosa, USA Hunti1gdon. Grut Britain S,rJ. (GSC), Manvalle, Italy GEA luftlcOhl... GmbH (GlK) Heme. Germany
GEA Polacel Cooling GEA Batignoll.. Technologi.. GEA EGI Contraclin9'
Tow... LLC (PClUS) Thermiques S.A.S. (BTT) Engineering Co. ltd. (EGI) GEA En...gietechnilc GmbH (GEn
Houston, USA Nantes, Budapest, Hungary Herne. Germany
GEA Power Co06ng Inc. (GPC) GEA Airflow Sennees S.A.R.L GEA Polacel Cooling GEA Industrial Services ltd.
Clearwater, USA (AFS) Nantes. Franu Towe" B.V. (PCl) Willenhall. Great Britain Doetinehem, Netherlands
GEA Sistemas de
Resfriamento Ltda. (GSR)
Alphavifle. Brasil
000 GEA Energietechnik Moskau i:ii
Moskau. RUSSIa 0::
GEA Cooling Tower
Technology Ondia) Pvt. ltd.
:;!; (GCT)
Q Teynampet Chennai. India
GEA PoI.eel Cooling Towers FleO
Dubai, U.A.E.

GEA Power Cooing de Mexico

S. de R.l. de C.V. (GPM)
san Luis Potosi. MeXICO
GEA NiI."ca ltd. (GNL)
Germiston. South Afro
GEA Aireooled Systems <{
(Ply.) ltd. (GAS) U
Germlston. South Africa ff <X:
GEA Batignole< Technologies
Th...miquos Qatar l.LC. (BITQ) ti;
Doha, Qatar <{
' \.&J

Beijing GEA Energietechnik

Co., ltd. (GBl)
Beijing, China
GEA EGI Cooling Systems Trading
(Beijing) Co.. ltd. (EGIC)
Beijing. China
GEA Power Cooing Technology
Co., ltd. (GPCT)
Langfang. China
GEA Batignolles Thermal <{
Technologi.. (Changsllu) Co., ltd. Z
(BITC) Changshu, China J: U
"",. IIltl11
Thermal Engineering
GEA Polacel Cooling Towers B.V.
Vlijstraat 25 . NL-7000 AG Doetinchem . The Netherlands
Telephone +31 314371414 Telefax +31 314344884
[email protected]

Annexure I
2. _
2H Structured Media PP vs. PVC
At present about 25% of 2H structured media is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
and 75% from polyp.ropylene (PP). We claim to have gained considerable experience
of both products over the past 15 years.
2H :find PP media has the following advantages:
~ It is more consistent in properties than PVC
Stronger than PVC
Has better operational properties such as wetting
Is less expensive to produce and sell
lIealthier for the work force
Has a lower cost of ultimate disposal
Some of these findings are apparently contrary to published polymer property data
and so require clarification and expansion. As is often the case, it is "not what you do
but how you do it" which provides the explanation.
Consistent properties
All PVC media is made from reground scrap. It is calendared to a flat sheet, usually
by a specialist manufacturer. Then the media producer theono or vacuum forms the
sheet to a corrugated or profiled surface which is then trimmed to size. The sheets are
coated with- solvent based -adhesives, stacked into a jig and left to dry. Sometimes,
aqueous based adhesives are used but these produce weaker bonds and they also
contain some solvent.
PP media is made from virgin polymer compounded with inert additives and passed
through a standard plastic sheet extruder. The molten extruded sheet is fed directly
into a revolving forming tool, cut to length and welded into blocks in one continuous
process. The automatic welding device controls temperature, pressure, time and
cooling cycle to close tolerances.
pp blocks produced by this method have fewer steps in their production and,
importantly, the polymer is subjected to leastlwo less melting cycles than glued PVC.
Every time a polymer undergoes amelting cycle, some degradation occurs.
With PP the handwork element of gluing is removed. Overall, the human factor is
much reduced.
2. _
IE--- L--""'!
34 /
1-----I.. J; A
PP is stronger than PVC
To welding plant
Not according to published data: this indicates that the ultimate tensile strength of
typical PVC is about 160% that of typical PP. Yet 2H PP blocks can be produced
whkh sustain the weight offully loaded articulated trucks. Similarly, it is possible to
build heavily loaded high rate tilters t.o 8m depth or more from PP media.
Following extensive independent evaluations by the TUV in Germany, 2H are able to
wan"antee their PP dynamic loading solutions for 30year+ lifetimes. So far this has
not been done for glued PVc.
2H PP media achieve their exceptional mechanical performance for the foUowing
The density difference between PVC and Polypropylene polymers is about
40%. This allows thicker foils to be made from PP fOJ" equivalent weight to
PVC offsetting the strength difference.
The 21-1 process allows strengthening of the media block where the loads are
The compounded fillers significantly improve the long-term strength
properties of the PP block
2HFoil-thic1mess variation
0::.<?, 26.0.".,IlI J 40 1\1111 t. 2.6.0.m.II1
PP and some PVC media contain UV additives to improve weatherability. Ev.aluation
is ongoing. S:o far, long terJn tests (10 indicate similar results for PVC and PP
media i.e. good resistance. It is predicted, however, thaUhe greater [oil thickness of
PP media could give it the edge over tlie long teon. In Western Europe projected life
for both PVC and PP media is in of 30 years.
PP media bas better operational p"operfies such as wetting
Studies by CAMRE at Potion Down, originally into the growth of LegionelJa in
pipework, show that the growth of biomass on PP is more rapid than on PVC. This
I.eads to faster filter start-ups from PP. Meeting outlet consents withjn two weeks is
not ullusual.
The compounding of PP with fillers has the effect of roughening the surface and
reducing the surface energy ofPP media. Inpractice, this allows enhanced wetting
and biomass retention. Independent studies show the perfOlmance of cooling tower
fill fi'om 2H media is virtually identical to PVC. Thi.s would not be the case for
unmodified PP.
PP has generally better chemical resistance than PVC and its contit1U"ous operating
temperature is at least 8ddegC compared to PVC's 55degC. This is of considerable
importance for cooling tower operation.
In the field, 2H PP media ios significantly more robust than PVC. This allows faster
initial installation, safer- conditions and easy removability of blocks for
routine biomass inspections.
pp media is less expensive than PVC to produce-and to seU
Generally speaking PVC polytner is less expensive tha.!'l PP polymer but PP med.ia is
often less expensive than PVC media
The weight per specific volume of PP is less than PVC (0.91: J.42) - Thls is
only p&rtly negated by the greatel' thickness of2HPP media foils
Precise control of sheet thickness by the 2H manufacturing process
Fewer manufacturing steps
Automated process (lower labour costs)
No glue
No solvent recovery plant -investment and operation costs
2. _
PP is healthier for the workforce than PVC
Matters of health are always contentious as most materials can be hazardous if
mishandled. 2Hstrongly recommend that all users of p l a s t i ~ s materials strictly follow
manufacturer's safety requirements.
PVC is halogenated and is built into blocks by using solvent based adhesives. Such
products call- be toxic even in small amounts and especially, when ingested or inhaled
over prolonged periods.
Balogem and solvents are absent from PP media and from its construction processes.
So Tisks associated with them are also absent. ft is also worth noting that, in the
instance of those hazards mentioned luwe, when PP media is used, the possibility of an
afflicted person bringing legal action against a user who persists in purchasing PVC
media when a safer alternative is available is also eliminated.
PP has a lower cost of ultimate disposal than PVC
PVC is a halogenated product. Already in certain parts of Europe disposal by landfill
except under very special circumstances and at great cost is proillbited for this class of
chemical. Similarly, incineration is very expensive.
It can be expected that the trend towards greater harmonisation of regulations
throughout Europe will create a situation where the inevitable disposal of PVC media
may prove more expensive than the initial installation.
At present P-P can be disposed by landfill without additional cost penalties. Being
non-halogenated it can also be incinerated at less cost than PVC.
441.00 m/sec 340.00 Pa Required Volume Required Static Pressure
Pressure recovery 0.0 Pa Fan static pressure 340.00 Pa
57.35 Pa 397.35 Pa Velocity pressure Total pressure
nlet Air Humidity (%) 98.0
Site Elevation 431.0 m
24.0 ft
1.058 kg/m
Fan diameter
nlet Air Density
Blade Airfoil 40F FRP
Fan ring diameter 7344 mm
142.0 RPM
Rotor hub type
N blades 10
Blade Tip Speed 54.40 m/sec
67.9 %
858 cpm
Static efficiency
Blade frequency +/-5%
Blade pitch angle 14.7 ()
Total efficiency 79.4 %
Air Temperature 38.9 C
Rotor shaft power 220.9 kW
% 45 % Volume margin 11 Pressure margin
Tip Clearance/D 0.002 nlet CircuIar R/D=0.15
Diffuser:Length/D Diffuser angle ()
nlet Obstacle a/A 0.05 nlet Obstacle x/D 0.2
Outlet Obstacle x/D Outlet Obstacle a/A
nstallation Type Induced Aerod axial force 16691 N
Rotor total weight
Rotor inertia PD
Max residual unbalance
Blade Failure Load
2 Blades Failure Load
1795 kg
19524 kg x m
175.9 N
44249 N
84167 N
dB(A) 105.0 PWL ( 2)
m 1.0 SPL @ dB(A) 85.7
nlet / outlet ( 2)
dB(A) 77.6
Side ( 2)
Tolerance on sound values +/- 2 dB(A)
Min. Ambient Temperature Rotor shaft power @ 0.0 C 0.0 258.3 C kW
Rotor shaft power @ AP point 301.5 kW
Octave [Hz] 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
PWL [dB] 108.0 110.0 110.0 106.0 103.0 100.0 92.0 88.0 84.0
nlet/Outlet SPL [dB] 88.7 90.7 90.7 86.7 83.7 80.7 72.7 68.7 64.7
Side SPL [dB] 80.6 82.6 82.6 78.6 75.6 72.6 64.6 60.6 56.6
Tolerance +/- 5.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Via A. Gramsci, 62 - 28050 Pombia (NO) taly - Phone +39-0321-968311 - Fax +39-0321-958992
Customer Name Yussf Bin Ahmed Kanoo
Job Name JabaI Omar Devt
Job Reference
tem Number
CMDI19 1200-DH-150 (30)
9660 Grunwald Road - Beasley Texas 77417 - Phone +1 -281-275 8390 - Fax +1 -281-275 8388
Kai Xuan Hua Yuan, 111 Zhong Cao Road, Shanghai 200030, P.R.China - Phone +86-2164-686460 - Fax +86-2164-686460
1/13/2010 Date
ROTOR MODEL 7315-10-40F/G2.0T CT
All data must be approved by Cofimco Fantastic.NET 2008.1.3

Date : 13
January 2010

Our project number : OFF_200.224_E1
Your reference : Jabal Omar Development Project
Page : 1 / 2

GEA Polacel Cooling Towers FZCO

Thermal Engineering


Type : CMDI19 1200-DHS-150-PS10/2 (Non- STD, 8 nos)

Manufacturer : GEA Polacel Cooling Towers B.V.

Cooling principle : Counter flow
Number of cells : 1

Colour : Grey

Design conditions
Cooling capacity : 30,273 kW
Water flow : 3337.2 m3/h (927 L/sec)
Hot water temperature : 42.8 C
Cold water temperature : 35.0 C
Wet bulb temperature : 30.0 C
Max. water temperature : 80.0 C
Higher temperatures are possible, please contact supplier.

Technical Specification
Height of fill : 1500.0 mm.
Required sprayer pressure : 33.0 kPa, max. 49 kPa
Air volume per fan : 441.0 m3/s
External static pressure : 0.0 Pa
Number of fans : 1
Number of motors : 1
Motor power installed : 250.0 kW
Motor power consumption : 243.0 kW
Motor speed : 1800 rpm
Fan speed : 142 rpm
Type of drive : Indirect by rectangle gearbox
Electrical supply : 380V-3Ph-60Hz

Class of motor : IP 55 F

Dimensions and weights
Length : 11280 mm.
Width : 11280 mm.
Height : 10190 mm.
Shipping weight : 31160 kg (Approx)
Operating weight : 42050 kg (Approx)

Water consumption
Average evaporated loss : 34.0 m3/h
Date : 13
January 2010

Our project number : OFF_200.224_E1
Your reference : Jabal Omar Development Project
Page : 2 / 2

GEA Polacel Cooling Towers FZCO

Thermal Engineering

The maximum evaporation, which determines the design for the make up and drain, can be 25% higher.
Drain loss : Depends on the water quality

Sound power cooling tower
The total sound power (PWL) of the cooling tower is determined by the logarithmic summation of the partial
sources: fan outlet and air inlet. The noise at the air inlet is caused by the falling of the water in the water pan.
This noise can be attenuated using floating noise attenuators, a special Polacel development. The values are
calculated according to DIN 45635 Sub 46, class 3. The sound pressure at a certain distance can be calculated
using the table conversion from sound power to sound pressure for counter flow cooling towers.
PWL fan outlet : 105.0 dB(A)
PWL air inlet without attenuators : 107.5 dB(A)
PWL cooling tower total (excl. att) : 108.3 dB(A)

Material specification
Fan blades/ type : GRP / 24 Ft.
Fan support : Stainless steel 304
Fill/ type : PP / 19 mm
Fill support : Stainless steel 304
Eliminator : PP
Eliminator support : Stainless steel 304
Framework : Stainless steel 304
Casing : Fiberglass reinforced polyester
Air inlet louvers : Fiberglass reinforced polyester
Water distribution/ sprayer : PP

Cooling tower complete with:
Warm water connection (F1) DN400

GEA Heat Exchangers | GEA Polacel Cooling Towers
General Cooling towers Service PolaSelections Dutch Logged in as: 110808pol <<

Noise analysis for CMDI19 1200-DH-150 Back to specification
Project identification:

Date: 13 January 2010

User: Erwin Bautista
File number: 200224
Polacel file number: 808-100476
Project reference: Jabal Omar
Customer name: Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo
Customer place: Jeddah SAUDI ARABIA
Number of towers: 8
Number of cells per tower: 1
Drive type: Indirect, by gearbox and separate motor

This noise calculation is based on field noise measurements results of the sound pressure level (Lp) close to the noise
emitting source by means of an omnidirectional sound pressure measurement device. The sound power level (Lw) is
calculated from the sound pressure measurement results with the formula below:
Lw = Lp + 10 log(S) + Lf
S = Surface of the measurement surface enveloping the noise source (e.g. hemispherical or cilindrical surface)
Lf = correction for the geometrical nearby field which is dependend on surface ratio Q
For the calculations we refer to emitting method C4 from IL-HR-13-01 'Handleiding meten en rekenen industrielawaai', page
2C-18 to 20. The enveloping measurement surfaces are based on method B4 and C4 and DIN 45635.
The sound pressure level data given below are based on selection programs, field measurements and data received from our
The total sound power level of the cooling tower is calculated using the sound power data of the different noise emitting
sources. This method is described in DIN 45635 and is a value that can be used to compare different cooling towers.
The reference sound pressure level is 2 x 10^-5 Pa.
The reference sound power level is 10^-12 Watt.

Spectrum data:

Lineair noise spectrum in dB
Frequency: 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dB(A)
A weighting values: -26,2 -16,1 -8,6 -3,2 0,0 1,2 1,0 -1,1

Fan - Sound power level:

Type: Cofimco 24-10-40F/G2.0T
Manufacturer: Cofimco
Quantity: 8 pcs

Sound power level fan: Lw 110,1 110,1 106,1 103,1 100,1 92,1 88,1 84,1 105,0
Correction for multiple fans: 10 x Log(n) 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0
Total sound power level fans: Lw 119,1 119,1 115,1 112,1 109,1 101,1 97,1 93,1 114,0

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Annexure V
Gearbox - Sound power level:

Type: Amarillo gear Co. Type 1713A - 1770 / 144 < 260 kW
Manufacturer: Amarillo gear Co.
Rated power (AGMA = 2): 520,0 kW
Quantity: 8 pcs

Sound power level gearbox: Lw 87,2 93,2 89,9 95,5 92,2 90,0 81,2 68,5 97,0
Correction for multiple gearboxes: 10 x Log(n) 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0
Total sound power level gearboxes: Lw 96,2 102,2 98,9 104,5 101,2 99,0 90,2 77,5 106,0

Lw value of the diffuser is the sum of the fan and gearbox values.

Total sound power level diffusers: Lw 119,2 119,2 115,2 112,8 109,8 103,2 97,9 93,2 114,7

Diffuser - Sound pressure level:

Noise source: 1 diffuser, incl. contribution of falling water noise through fill.
Diffuser diameter: 26,3 ft
8,004 m
Measurement position: m beside 1,0
m above 1,0
Measurement surface: Half-hemisphere
Radius (R): 5,1 m
Surface (S): 163 m
Surface ratio (Q): 0,62 (estimated)

Sound power level per diffuser: Lw 110,1 110,2 106,2 103,8 100,9 95,1 91,9 89,7 106,0
Surface correction: 10 x Log(S) -22,1 -22,1 -22,1 -22,1 -22,1 -22,1 -22,1 -22,1
Geometrical nearby field correction: Lf 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
Sound pressure level at measurement pos.: Lp 89,1 89,1 85,1 82,8 79,9 74,1 70,9 68,7 84,9

Motor - Sound power level:

Type: ABB 250Kw 1500 M3BP 355 SMA
Manufacturer: ABB
Quantity: 8 pcs

Sound power level motor: Lw 93,0 95,0 94,0 94,0 96,0 92,0 81,0 71,0 99,0
Noise reduction hood: none 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Sound power level incl. noise hood: Lw 93,0 95,0 94,0 94,0 96,0 92,0 81,0 71,0 99,0
Correction for multiple motors: 10 x Log(n) 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0
Total sound power level motors: Lw 102,1 104,1 103,1 103,1 105,1 101,1 90,1 80,1 108,0

Motor - Sound pressure level:

Model: M2BA 355 S
Length: 1400 mm
Frame size: 355 mm
Measurement surface: Half circle-cylinder + quarter bulb
Distance (R): m 1,0
Surface (S): 14,2 m
Surface ratio (Q): 0,3 (estimated)

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Sound power level per Motor: Lw 93,0 95,0 94,0 94,0 96,0 92,0 81,0 71,0 99,0
Surface correction: 10 x Log(S) -11,5 -11,5 -11,5 -11,5 -11,5 -11,5 -11,5 -11,5
Geometrical nearby field correction: Lf 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Sound pressure level at measurement pos.: Lp 81,5 83,5 82,5 82,5 84,5 80,5 69,5 59,5 87,5

Falling water - Sound power level:

Wet surface per cell: 124,01 m
Length per cell: 11,28 m
Width per cell: 11,28 m
Noise emitting surface height: m 2,50
Configuration: 8 cells long, 1 cells wide
Total length: 90,24 m Open
Total width: 11,28 m Open
Cooling tower wet surface: 992,09 m
Total surface air inlet: 507,60 m
Water flow cooling tower: 26698,00 m/h
Water load cooling tower: 26,91 m/mh

Sound power level falling water: Lw 99,1 97,6 98,3 104,6 109,3 110,1 110,9 110,3 116,7
Floating sound attenuators: none 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Sound power level with attenuators: Lw 99,1 97,6 98,3 104,6 109,3 110,1 110,9 110,3 116,7

Air inlet - Sound pressure level:

Noise source:
Noise of the falling water of the whole cooling tower, incl. fan and gearbox noise through
Measurement surface: Enveloping with rounded corners
Distance to air inlet: m 1,0
Height measurement position: 1,5 m
Surface enveloping air inlet (S): 849 m
Surface Ratio (Q): 0,60 (estimated)

Sound power level air inlet: Lw 106,9 106,8 103,7 105,8 109,5 110,1 110,9 110,3 116,9
Surface correction: 10 x Log(S) -29,3 -29,3 -29,3 -29,3 -29,3 -29,3 -29,3 -29,3
Geometrical nearby field correction: Lf 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Sound pressure level at measurement pos.: Lp 78,6 78,5 75,4 77,5 81,2 81,8 82,6 82,0 88,6

Total sound power level Cooling Tower:

Total sound power level diffusers: Lw 119,2 119,2 115,2 112,9 110,0 104,2 100,9 98,7 115,0
Total sound power level air inlet: Lw 106,9 106,8 103,7 105,8 109,5 110,1 110,9 110,3 116,9
Total sound power level motors: Lw 102,1 104,1 103,1 103,1 105,1 101,1 90,1 80,1 108,0
Total sound power level cooling tower: Lw 119,5 119,6 115,8 114,0 113,5 111,5 111,4 110,6 119,4


Fan noise: Lw 5,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Gearbox noise: Lw 5,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Motor noise: Lw 5,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Water noise: Lw 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
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Total cooling tower noise: Lw 5,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0

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