Inter Caste Marriage in India
Inter Caste Marriage in India
Inter Caste Marriage in India
learned but does not know the truth. The truth is that you are atma which is beyond the body. The designations of body are temporary. Krishna urges Arjuna to follow the dharma of atma and not the dharma of body. That dharma is to accept that the self is beyond body and it is part of Paramatma. ==================================================================== you must excuse me, pardon me. I am not used to this type of addressing "Shri Gita ji" - I am assuming you are referring to Bhagavad Geeta or are you referring to a person by name Gita? Supposing that you are referring to Bhagavad Gita, I venture these remarks. Marriage is a personal and physical arrangement for a male and female to be together, complement each other and walk hand in hand and in the same step. The couple has to promise to each other and to the universe that they will abide by the principle of friendship and togetherness. A vaidk wedding is complete when the couple takes these 7 oaths. Nowhere in Vaidic marriage it is mentioned that the couple should of same caste or race. Lord Krishna has married a Greek (yavana) tribeswoman Jaambavati. Yayaati married a Brahmin girl and Santana married a fisher woman. and so on. The key factor is marriage should unite two entities as one. Veda (Sruti) has no caste, caste is the creation of Smriti. Coming to Bhagavad Gita, its sole purpose was to reestablish Dharma which was lost or side tracked by Smritis and such (4.2). When Dharma is established firmly, the institution of marriage will be automatically renovated and the basic principle of marriage, namely, two becoming one and complementing each other will follow. Hence marriage is not explicitly mentioned in the 17 chapters of Gita (2-18). However, if you keenly observe, Krishna did say something eloquent about inter caste and racial marriage. Refer to 1. 41. Arjuna bemoans that because of war, soldiers die and hence the female population is more than male in any caste/race. Arjuna complains that due to this imbalance women are bound to marry and/or have sex with males from other castes thus causing Varna samkara (mixing of races). Please search the whole of Gita more than once and find out if Krishna has answered this question; or has He considered this even as a minor issue to be answered. NOWHERE THE LORD BOTHERED TO TALK ABOUT THIS VARNA SAMKARA. This SHOWS THat in lord's view varna samkara is a non issue. . BHAGAVAD GITA SAYS THAT INTER CASTE/RACIAL MARRIAGES ARE ISSUES NOT WORTH DISCUSSING. Sociologicalproblems arising out of such marriages are different from the ambit of Gita. I married inter-caste, my children have chosen mates of their own choice from different castes. Fortunately we face no problems; but then in general there may be friction and lack of adjustment, which can be ironed out remembering the promises made at the time of wedding. Encourage inter-caste marriages ======================================================================= The purpose of classifying people according to caste is not understood by common people even from the time when Lord Krishna lived. If we understand this purpose then it will be clear whether inter-caste marriages are correct or not. Following are the facts regarding the castes.
1.In the verse 4.13 of Gita, Lord Krishna says, The fourfold-caste has been created by Me according to the differentiation of three gunas and karma. 2.The important point is to note that the fourfold classification is NOT based on birth but based on three attributes of people and the profession carried on by them. 3.The purpose of creating the fourfold-caste system is to enable a person to do KarmaYoga so that he can progress towards reaching moksha (liberation) 4.It is essential to find out which caste one belongs. Just because the parents belong to a particular caste, the children are not automatically bound to the same caste. This is the popular misconception prevalent among people. For example Karna was treated as Sudra although he had attributes of Ksatriyas and he carried out the duties of a king. 5.Once we know which caste we belong to (I give below extracts from by book on Gita for Joyful Living, which will enable you to identify your caste), we should choose our profession in line with it so that we can do Karma Yoga successfully. If I do not like my fathers profession, I should not continue the same profession. I should choose a profession according to my attributes so that I can reach the ultimate goal of life. 6.The four castes are applicable to all the human beings irrespective of which religions they follow. This means even if a person follows Christianity or Islam he belongs to one of the four castes according to his gunas/ karma. 7.There are only four castes. But due to mistake of identifying the caste based on birth we have 100s of castes/ sub-castes. ======================================================================