CW February 2013
CW February 2013
CW February 2013
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Sabine Prack – Conference Coordinator [email protected] Ph: +44 117 924 9442 Fax: +44(0)117 311 1534
Thi s M ul ti f u n c t i o n a l Ad d i t i ve i s a
Our newest Intelligent Additive Solution is specifically designed to improve the processability of filled or reinforced
nylon compounds. Added during compounding or at the molding machine, processors will see:
SPECIAL OFFER: Save €100* if you register before 26th April 2013
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Applied Market
Information Ltd.
Rocio Martinez – Conference Organiser [email protected] Ph: +44 117 924 9442 Fax: +44(0)117 311 1534
REACH review
draws criticism
The European Commission has disappointment with the review.
published a positive five-year Its director of chemicals policy,
review of the implementation Dr Joanne Lloyd said: “This
of REACH chemicals legisla- five-year review has fallen far
tion, concluding that it short of providing the neces-
“functions well and delivers on sary clarity. We urgently need
all objectives that at present the Commission to tackle the
can be assessed”. regulatory minefield so that we
The review also claims that can all be clear on what the law
the use of chemicals in Europe is. This will have a disastrous
has become considerably safer effect on smaller companies
since the REACH regulation who will be hit by the next
entered force. However, it round of REACH implementa-
concedes that there is a need tion which assess chemicals
to reduce the impact of REACH produced and imported in
on SMEs (small and medium smaller quantities”.
sized enterprises). Professor Lucas Bergkamp,
CEFIC, the European Chem- a Brussels-based legal expert
istry Industry Council, points on chemicals and REACH,
out that the review only covers said: “The Commission’s
the first of three phases of report is no great surprise.
REACH, mostly involving larger There is some wisdom in not
companies. During the next changing a law that has only
phases, SMEs not familiar with recently been adopted. On the
the legislation will face other hand, there is a whole
challenges complying with it. host of amendments that could
Hubert Mandery, CEFIC’s be made to eliminate ambigu-
director general, said: “The ity, and improve the effective-
jury is still out on whether ness and efficiency of the
REACH succeeds in its goal of various REACH regimes.”
enhancing competitiveness Bergkamp also raised
and innovation for the industry. concerns about the impact of
It’s clear that companies REACH on innovation, citing a
operating in Europe get hit report that shows resources
twice on the competitiveness have been diverted from R&D
front, as they are paying the to regulatory affairs, and he
whole cost of dossiers, which called for further analysis of
the rest of the globe can then this key area.
access for free.” The EC’s full 15-page
The UK’s Chemical Indus- REACH review can be read at
tries Association expressed
SPECIAL OFFER: Save $200 if you register before March 29, 2013
Organized by: Media supporters:
Applied Market
Information LLC
Stephanie Berchem – Conference Coordinator [email protected] Ph: +1 610 478 0800 Fx: +1 610 478 0900
Additives for polyolefins | materials feature
for polyolefins
Sustainability is also what increasingly governs the
development and use of additives used in polyolefins.
Whether they are supplying antifogs, processing
stabilizers or UV absorbers, additive producers are
looking for more efficient ways to make their materials
and incorporate them into compounds, while extending art technology stemming from Additive Technologies
the performance spectrum and lifetime of the polymers Greiz (ATG), a German company that Songwon acquired
they enhance. in late 2011, and which is now called Songwon ATG. Last
Sustainability can also be seen as a driving force in year, it doubled OPS production capacity to 14,000
various business developments. Some additive tonnes/year, and it is now at an advanced stage of
producers are modifying product portfolios in the establishing manufacturing operations in the Middle
search for increased efficiencies, others are extending East and United States.
their production networks to be closer to customers. Songwon ATG is now part of Songwon Additive
There is considerable business activity among stabilizer Technologies, a joint venture established last October
producers, with important developments from at least by Songwon, together with Pan Gulf Holdings of Saudi
three major suppliers in recent month. Arabia and Polysys Industries of Abu Dhabi. Sabo has
Maurizio Butti, Songwon’s COO, reveals that the increased
Stable growth company will soon have a global network with regional Sabostab UV
Songwon Industrial, which offers a wide range of OPS manufacturing units. Songwon Additive Technolo- 119 HALS
antioxidants and UV stabilizers in various physical gies will build an OPS unit at Songwon’s site in the capacity to
forms, continues to extend its reach. In particular, it is Houston area for start-up this March 2013. Last meet growing
building up its presence in ‘OPS’ one-pack systems. It November, Songwon Additive Technologies and Polysys demand in
describes its Songnox OPS as a “fusion of world class Industries said that they would establish a new markets such
antioxidants and UV stabilizers” based on state of the company Polysys Additive Technologies ME, which will as artificial turf
Galata Chemicals. One analyst says that despite Chemtu- our existing portfolio of specialty solid phosphites, such
ra’s best efforts, margins in the antioxidant and stabilizers as Ultranox 626 and Weston 618,” says Irfaan Foster,
unit were below the company’s average, reflecting very commercial manager for specialty antioxidants. It is
strong competition from Songwon and also BASF. available both as a neat product as well as in Chemtu-
Nevertheless, Chemtura has been continuing to ra’s proprietary Anox NDB stabilizer blend technology.
develop new products. It recently launched Alkanox P-EPQ, the basic chemistry for which was originally
P-EPQ to complement its existing portfolio of specialty developed by Sandoz, is now available in various guises
high-performance phosphites. This is a hydrolytically and from various suppliers. For example, Clariant,
stable organic phosphonite that prevents polymer which was spun off from Sandoz in 1995, has a version
degradation and discoloration during polymer process- called Hostanox P-EPQ. Speaking at AMI’s Polyolefin
ing and downstream use. Key benefits for customers Additives 2012 conference, Clariant’s business develop-
are said to include low volatility, excellent initial colour, ment manager for polyolefin additives Hartmut Siebert
and very high compatibility with the resin. described Hostanox P-EPQ as “a high performance
“Alkanox P-EPQ phosphonite is a natural addition to stabilizer with new benefits”. It is the result of in-situ
synthesis of a phosphite with four different types of
P-EPQ: mono P-EPQ; 4,4’- P-EPQ; 3,3’- P-EPQ; and,
4,3’- P-EPQ.
Pure benefits
Siebert emphasizes the high purity and low residues of
Hostanox P-EPQ, which has an important role in making
it such a potent product. It has high protection power
sustaining initial polymer properties, a low softening
temperature providing early stage protection in
extrusion processes, high solubility in the polymer,
virtually eliminating haze and blooming. It is particu-
larly good at suppressing yellowing (Figure 1) and has
“outstanding” capabilities for cleaning extrusion lines.
“For commodity applications, P-168 [tris-(2,4-di-
tert-butyl-phenyl)-phosphite, sold by several companies
not including Clariant] can be sufficient, “ says Siebert,
Figure 1: Clariant’s Hostanox P-EPQ is particularly good at suppressing
“but Hostanox P-EPQ really scores in high performance
yellowing even at half concentration. Results show colour stability of PPR
applications, for example in BOPP where retention of
(BOPP) processed at 230oC – stabilisation is with 0.1% Ca-stearate and 0.05%
AO 1010 the long chain molecules is important.” He also points
out that, because it is so effective and can therefore be
used in small doses, it helps processors making auto
interior parts conform to strict requirements on
fogging, while low migration levels are also important
for packaging coming into contact with food.
The rapid growth and adoption of polymer-based
materials for construction applications has heightened
the requirement for long-term weathering performance
from 15 to 30 years or more, says Cytec. “Outdoor
durability is increasingly important for construction
markets applications, such as TPO roofing, polyolefin
roofing tiles and shakes, solar shingles, siding, and
shutters,” it says. Cyasorb Cynergy Solutions B877 light
stabilizer was developed to support the ability of polyole-
fin-based materials to achieve these requirements.
Figure 2: A trial TPO containing new Cytec light absorber performs
Andrea Landuzzi, Cytec’s global marketing manager
significantly better than two commercial offerings - the breaking strength
for polymer additives, says the new product is in fact a
retention of low flex modulus TPO is shown after 8,000 and 10,000 hours
under Florida expsoure conditions (ASTM G-155) package of additives that includes several hindered amine
light stabilizers (HALS) as well as other undisclosed
Basic and Specialty Antioxidants
Songnox® oPS
One Pack Systems
Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers
Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers
UV Light Absorbers
Acid Scavengers
PVC Stabilizers
Tin Intermediates
materials feature | Additives for polyolefins
BUSS innovative 4-flight screw technology sets new benchmarks in the economical
processing of temperature and shear sensitive plastics such as PVC and high grade
cable compounds:
Images courtesy of: GBH International and ICL-IP
Kelly Cressman, Conference Coordinator [email protected] Ph: +1 610 478 0800 Fax: +1 610 478 0900
Thermal conductivity | materials feature
Developing heat-conductive
thermoplastic compounds
Pressure Conveying
The Process of
Profile Extrusion
Our precise approach to process solutions will
make a measurable difference to your bottom line.
With world-class mechanical
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process – and throughout
Plastics Compounding & Extrusion Industries your business.
Basic Products and Machinery, Equipment Molds Plastics Synthetic Instrumentation, Technical Services
Raw Materials and Accessories and Tools Processors Resins Control and Automation and Projects
Entry of children under 16 prohibited, even if accompanied. Event exclusively and free for industry professionals who register early via the website, available until may 17 th, or present
an invitation at the event. All others wil be charged an entry fee of R$55.00 at the service counter.
Thermal conductivity | materials round-up
>>The advance into a new performance dimension of compounding technology. The new
ZSK Mc18 twin screw extruder of Coperion, formerly Werner & Pfleiderer, is the most pro-
ductive high performance ZSK of all time. With a specific torque of 18 Nm/cm3 it stands for
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window on the market – to provide you with a unique technology advantage. That’s what
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All prices are correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change.
Please check the Plastics Information Direct website for current prices and shipping charges.
Cost management | business
This invaluable report gives you a market analysis of the fifty leading plastics packaging
producers involved in rigid and flexible packaging for the industrial, retail, medical and food
industries in Europe.
• Business review of the company’s development
50 in plastics packaging
R E P O R T Europe .
This report provides very useful benchmark information for your own business to allow you to see
how you compare with Europe’s best.
Applied Market Information publishes over 50 different reports and databases covering thermoplastics markets
globally. The range of publications aim to provide complete listings of plants carrying out particular plastics
processing operations and to give an analysis of the leading groups. AMI also produces authoritative industry reports
which provide cost effective statistical data and analysis on polymer trends. For more information go to our website
or contact Régine Futter or Elizabeth Carroll on [email protected] or Tel: +44 (0) 117 9249442.
A S I A 2 013
Adele Brown – Senior Conference Organiser [email protected] Ph: +44(0)117 924 9442 Fax: +44(0)117 311 1534
Cost management | business
Sabine Prack – Conference Coordinator [email protected] Ph: +44 117 924 9442 Fax: +44(0)117 311 1534
Intellectual property | product development
patenting inventions in Europe will However, these will become alternatives: it will not be
strongly benefit European possible to obtain, for example, both an EP(UK) patent
enterprises, especially and a unitary patent, but only one or the other,” he says
research centres and in a discussion document (which can be read in full
SMEs. The vision of the here
founding fathers of the Robinson also points out that the European Patent
EPO to equip the Office is not an EU institution and includes non-EU
European economy member states such as Norway and Switzerland. If an
with a truly supra- applicant requires protection in those countries it will
national patent system be necessary to make applications separately in these
can now become a countries. That will also apply to Spain and Italy if they
reality, strengthening decide to remain outside of the unitary system.
Europe’s competitive-
ness,” he says. Complicated court structures
The new measures have However, Robinson points out that the most complex
been given a cautious welcome by aspect of the package lies in the establishment of the
Will Cook, a partner at UK-based intellectual Unified Patent Court (UPC), which will in fact be
property law firm Marks & Clerk Solicitors. “Despite the comprised of a system of local, regional and central
technical concerns of many lawyers around Europe, the divisions across the EU. Cases will at first instance be
new unified patent and unitary court has a very real held in the state where the defendant is based with the
chance of reducing costs and complexity of enforcing language of proceedings normally being those of the
patents,” he says. patent, says Robinson. Where the defendant is not
The challenge, he warns, will be in the implementa- EU-based or has no EU local subsidiary, actions will go
tion. Whether the new patent enforcement landscape direct to the Central Division, which will operate from
ultimately proves to be cheaper, simpler and more Paris, London or Munich according to the nature of the
effective than the current highly fragmented system will case. The system will also include a court of appeal in
depend not on the politicians but on the lawyers around Luxembourg and arbitration and mediation centres in
Europe that service the system, according to Cook. Portugal and Slovenia.
“Technology-driven industry will welcome a system “A layer of complexity is added by the fact that the
with straightforward, reliable and cost-effective applicable law relating to infringement and validity will
procedures. But will we get one? That will surely be be that of the state where the patentee is based.
down to how the judges run the court: With strong Questions remain regarding whether referrals to the
leadership from an experienced judiciary, we will get Court of Justice of the EU may be possible, which would
there,” says Cook. threaten to cause significant delays and increases in
He adds that while the current proposals are not cost during litigation,” he says.
perfect, if the judges are selected with care and are Robinson also sees at least one potential disincen-
effectively supported then the system should be robust tive to using the unitary scheme. While it should provide
enough to work as intended. a less costly means of obtaining and maintaining
patents across the EU – and should also reduce the cost
Obstacles to implementation of litigation – applicants should keep in mind, he says,
There remain some potential obstacles to implementa- that revocation of a unitary patent will take effect across
tion of the new scheme. Spain and Italy are currently Europe.
not participating in the unitary patent scheme and could “Even non-unitary European patents will ultimately
mount a challenge to its implementation. But Cook says fall under the jurisdiction of the new courts and an
while the Court of Justice could issue a ruling that as-yet untested legal system. Applicants may therefore
blocks the unitary patent plans, it would have to wish to take the precaution of filing multiple national
contradict the opinion of the EU Advocate General, who patent applications if the prospect of UPC jurisdiction
has already ruled the implementation process correct. raises concern,” he says.
According to Alex Robinson, who is a technical
assistant at international patent and trademark Click on the links for more information:
attorneys Dehns, there are also potential pitfalls within ❙
the system. “The existing country-by-country validation ❙
route will continue to exist alongside the unitary patent. ❙
Accessible Effective
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Images courtesy of: Albemarle Martinswerk and LyondellBasell * + 19% German VAT
Becky Merriott – Conference Manager [email protected] Tel: +44(0)117 924 9442 Fax: +44(0)117 311 1534
Materials handling | processing feature
the flow
Dispensing and controlling hard-to-handle feed-stocks “The MaxiBatch line for the first time allows Maguire Special devices
in a compounding plant, such as low bulk density to offer a product capable of handling powders as a on Maguire’s
powder or flake or low melt temperature additives, is major ingredient in a formulation,” adds Smith. Users MaxiBatch
being addressed with several hardware and software can mount one or several hoppers, each with its own blender (shown
developments. These enhancements target gravimetric dispense mechanism, on top of the blender. MaxiBatch here with
metering systems and seek to eliminate material flow accommodates up to 12 removable hoppers and blends company owner
issues in the hopper, improve product conveying, up to 12 ingredients at throughputs up to 12,000 lb/hour Steve Maguire)
optimize formulations for cost savings, and connect (5,500 kg/hour). Each component in the MaxiBatch simplify the
feeder control to a plant-wide system. system is sold as an off-the-shelf module. handling of
Maguire is one company that has been refining its After developing a blender for dispensing wood flour powders,
tried and tested systems to handle low bulk density composites 10 years ago, Maguire tweaked its design flakes, regrind,
materials. It says that its MaxiBatch Gravimetric for use as a powder feeder, giving rise to the MaxiBatch. additives or
blender line is designed to accurately dispense powder, Four additional dispense valves were developed after wood flour
wood flour, flake, regrind or pellets into a weigh the wood flour blender valve, including two designs for
chamber at rates up to 12,000 lb/hour (5,500 kg/hour). low bulk density powders and flake: the High Flow
The model line, which grew out of Maguire’s initial Corner Valve, and the Small Capacity Powder Feeder.
efforts to handle higher percentages of wood flour in a Maguire’s High Flow Corner Valve is a 7 in x 7 in (18
formulation, features a selection of five proprietary cm x 18 cm) pneumatically operated slide gate that is
dispensing devices, each developed to handle different positioned in a back corner of the hopper, designed for
material types. use with flake or powder. When actuated the valve
“Any material above 25 lb/ft3 [400 kg/m3]can be creates a large opening for low bulk density materials
metered and dispensed with a standard discharge valve, to flow through.
because it is free-flowing and easy to dispense. To ensure flow through the opening, Maguire
However, material from 18 to 25 lb/ft3 [290 to 400 kg/m3] developed its Bridge Breaker, a bar-like device with
tends to be light, fluffy and poorly flowing. The hard-to- paddles installed in the hopper that pulses up and down
handle nature of these types of materials requires to continually encourage material to flood the bottom of
specialized dispensing,” says Pat Smith, Maguire’s vice the hopper. Pulsing the vertically mounted bridge
president, marketing and sales. breaker encourages flow of flake or powder through the
corner valve. Encour- flow easily through an oversized opening at the base to
aging flow minimizes a horizontal auger that positively conveys it to the
bridging or hang-up of mixing chamber.
material. Where high volume throughputs have to be accom-
The Small Capacity modated, the company uses lift augers positioned at an
Powder Feeder angle in a corner of the regrind bin. Instead of forcing
dispensing device is a the material into the base of the bin, these lift it to avoid
smaller throughput option. compaction in the feed zone.
The hoppers can dispatch TrueBlend units are available to handle throughputs
powder or flake to conveying of less than 23 kg/hour on the smallest TB45 unit up to
augers designed to move powder or 5,455 kg/hour on the largest TB3500 models. They can
flake, or directly to the weigh bin. be supplied with up to 12 ingredient bins.
In addition to physical devices
created for hard-to-handle materials, Taking control
Maguire is focusing on software Other specialists in the handling of difficult materials
improvements that will help users have been busy developing improved control systems.
process extremely poorly flowing For example, Brabender Technologie has rolled out two
materials, such as long-glass fibres. new fully digital control and regulation modules that
“Despite the use of the most forgiving allow direct control of its gravimetric feeders through a
valve or dispense mechanism, processor’s plant- or system-wide controls. The new
tough-to-flow materials like long glass Intelligent Signal Conditioner (ISC) modules rely on
Conair’s fibre pellets can tangle, causing discharge amounts to ethernet or field bus interconnections to link with a
TB2500 fitted vary widely. You might want 1,000 g but only get 50 g the broad range of interfaces used by system-wide
with fluidizing first time the valve opens, then 500 g the second time, automation systems.
augers is one then 30 g the next,” says Smith. Brabender offers the ISC-CM plus (feeder control
of two designs Maguire has enhanced the control software of its module) and the ISC-FC plus (speed control module
developed to gravimetric blender to build the batch around the with frequency converter. The advantage of the ISC
handle difficult amount of material received. “The key is to dispense modules is the all actual weigh feeder control and regu-
materials the difficult flowing material first, then weigh what is lation tasks are taken over by the supplier’s control
received, then automatically adjust the ratio of the other electronics.
components to match the dispense of the hard-flowing For feeder operation without central automation
material.” The trade-off is the potential of lower systems, Brabender offers a variety of touch screen
throughput rates or at least a slowing down of the operating and display units for up to 32 feeders,
process. Smith says operators can dispense multiple depending on the respective model.
shots of the tough flowing material before adjusting the Schenck AccuRate is another leading supplier of
ratio of other ingredients in the batch as a means to ingredient handling systems that is focusing on control
keep throughput near target. system updates. It is in the
Updated Conair has also been focusing on process of upgrading its
controls will improving the handling of flake Disocont control electronics,
enhance recipe recyclate and other difficult-to-feed which are used throughout its
management regrind materials with new developments Mechatron line of gravimetric
on Schenck’s for its TrueBlend blending systems. The feeders. More user-friendly,
Mechatron company is adopting two different intuitive functionality,
systems approaches to overcome feeding additional I/O and improved
problems depending on integration are key features of
the volume throughput. the new platform, says Mike
For smaller through- Karas, marketing communica-
put quantities, the units tions manager at the company.
are fitted with side Schenck AccuRate’s
feeders with steeply Mechatron Coni-Flex line of
angled sides that help screw feeders feature
prevent regrind from hanging or flexible-walled conical mass
bridging. The material can then flow feed hoppers, the Disocont
For more information and to order your copy, please CLICK HERE
for hundreds of recent titles, easy online ordering,
special offers and clearance bargains!
Order online or by telephone, fax or email. Contact Matt Wherlock,
Tel: +44 (0)117 924 9442 Fax: +44 (0)117 9892128 email: [email protected]
All prices are correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change.
Please check the Plastics Information Direct website for current prices and shipping charges.
The international business conference & exhibition for
the wood-plastic composites industry
Images courtesy of: battenfeld-cincinnati Austria GmbH, Beologic, TimberTech and Trex Company
Maud Lassara – Conference Organiser [email protected] Ph: +44 117 924 9442 Fax: +44(0)117 311 1534
Materials handling | processing feature
Struktol Company of America is a member of the Schill & Seilacher family of companies, with representation in
over 100 countries around the world. A global organization with over a century of specialty chemical expertise,
covers its wide range of
the-art ZSE MAXX twin- additives for thermoplastics,
Struktol manufactures a complete line of additives that function individually Schill & Seilacher markets most of their polymer processing products under the brand name STRUKTOL® – a name
or in combination as adhesives, lubricants and surfactants, all accompanied that has become synonymous with both quality and performance. Struktol manufactures chemicals for the plastics
by a wide range of benefits. and rubber industry, foam inhibitors, polydispersions, silicone emulsions, products used in latex processing, and
POLYDIS®, a line of epoxy prepolymers and flame retardants.
Case Studies meet the challenges and exacting demands of our customers. Our technical specialists, R&D chemists and
Improved Processing compound laboratory are dedicated to creating innovative solutions for the ever-changing polymer industry –
unable to efficiently mold their compound due to the high overall cost. In addition to premium product performance, Struktol Customer Service initiatives have become
temperatures and pressures required during processing. the industry benchmark.
The molding conditions caused problems with the flame
maintained the heat stability of the compound resulting in
substantial cost per part savings due to the increased level
of regrind added. No performance reduction was seen.
Many Struktol Intelligent Additive Solutions are the result of a partnering effort
between our customer and our sales and technical staff. If we don’t have the
product that meets your needs you can count on us to develop something that Intelligent Additive Solutions for
If you would like your brochure to be included on this page, please contact
Claire Bishop. [email protected]. Tel: +44 (0)20 8686 8139
Download the programmes for
these forthcoming conferences
Simply click on the brochure cover or link to download a PDF of the full publication
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Applied Market Applied Market
o +44 (0)117 311 1534 Fax back to +44 (0)117 311 1534
conference will be
a celebration of the
success of the stretch &
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Epsan Plastic
Head office location: Bursa, Turkey
Profile: Epsan Plastic was founded in 1976 as a plastic trading firm. In 1998 it
established its first manufacturing plant for high-performance polyamide
compounds. The company now has two production plants in Turkey and it added
its fifth Coperion compounding line towards the end of last year. This takes its
total compounding capacity to 22,000 tonnes/year. Epsan distributes its PA 6 and
6.6 compounds to Europe and North Africa under the Eplamid, Eplon and Epimix
brandnames. It has held the ISO 9001:2000 quality certification since 2003.
Product strengths: Epsan offers customized high-performance compounds internationally. With its
UL approval and high quality standards, its compounds are used by high-profile
global OEMs.
Forthcoming features
The next issues of Compounding World magazine will have special reports on the following subjects:
March April
Additives for PET 50th issue – celebration special
Twin-screw extruders Anti-oxidants
Natural fibres and fillers Wire and cable applications
AMI conferences
25-27 February Wood-Plastic Composites, Vienna, Austria
5-7 March Cables, Cologne, Germany
12-14 March PVC Formulation, Düsseldorf, Germany
18-20 March Masterbatch Asia, Singapore For information on all
19-21 March Green Polymer Chemistry, Cologne, Germany these events and other
7-8 May Bioplastics Compounding & Processing, Miami, FL, USA conferences on film,
14-15 May Polymers in Cables, Miami, FL, USA sheet, pipe and
14-16 May Polymer Sourcing, Vienna, Austria packaging applications, see
3-5 June Masterbatch, Frankfurt, Germany
4-6 June End of Life Plastics, Cologne, Germany
13-14 June Fire Retardants in Plastics, Denver, CO, USA
10-12 September Polyolefin Additives
17-18 September Medical Grade Polymers