El-Hofy Fundamentals of Machining Processes Tema 10

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Modern Abrasive Processes

10.1 Ultrasonic Machining

Ultrasonic machining (USM) is the removal of hard and brittle materials using an axially oscillating tool at ultrasonic frequency (18-20 kHz). During that oscillation, the abrasive slurry of B4C or SiC is continuously fed into the machining zone, between a soft tool (brass or steel) and the workpiece. The abrasive particles are, therefore, hammered into the workpiece surface and cause chipping of fine particles from it. The oscillating tool, at amplitude ranging from 10 to 40 um, imposes a static pressure on the .abrasive grains and feeds down as the material is removed to form the required tool shape (Figure 10.1). The machining system, shown in Figure 10.2, is composed mainly from the magnetostricter, concentrator, tool, and slurry feeding arrangement. The magnetostricter 1S energized at the ultrasonic frequency and produces small amplitude of vibration which is arnplified using the constrictor (mechanical amplifier) that holds the tool. The abrasive slurry is pumped between the oscillating tool and the brittle workpiece. Tlic magnetostricer: The magnetostricter, shown in Figure 10.4, has a high frequency winding on a magnetostricter core and a special polarizing winding around an armature. The magnetostriction effect was first discovered by Joule in Manchester in 1874. Accordingly, a magnetic field undergoing ultrasonic frequencies causes corresponding changes in a ferromagnetic object placed within its region of influence. This effect is used to oscillate the USM tool, mounted at the end of a magnetostricter, at ultrasonic frequencies of 18-20 kHz. MCc!lI7niCl7/l7mplificr: The elongation obtained at the resonance frequency is ton smaIl for practica! machining applications. The vibration amplitude is, therefore, increased by fitting an amplifier (acoustic horn) into the output end of the magnetostricter. Larger amplitudes of typically 40-50 um are




of Mncllinil1g Procesees

Leadsto transducer winding


~~: :::: ------.; il

-;r r.r.:':

----------- . --- .:::: .:..:::

- -


11 1..L

Cooling water







Tool Workpiece FIGURE 10.1

Main elernents of ultrasonic machining systcm.

suitable for practical USM applications. Depending on the amplitud e required, the amplification process can be achieved by one or more acoustic horns. To have the maximum amplitude of vibration (resonance) the length of the concentrator is made multiples of one half the wavelengths of sound in the concentrator (horn) material. The choice of the shape of the acoustic horn controls the final amplitude of vibration. Five acoustic horns, which include cylindrical, stepped, exponential, hyperbolic cosine, and conical, are commonly used in USM. Aluminum bronze and marine bronze are cheap with high fatigue strength of, respectively, 185 and 150 MN/m2, which makes them suitable for acoustic horns. The main drawbacks of the magnetostrictive transducer
Static pressure -vibrations Abrasives + water


Localized hammering FIGURE 10.2

Free impact

Cavitation erosion

Material removal mechanism in USM.

tviodcrn Abmsive



are the high losses encountered, low efficiency (55/,,), and consequent heat up and need for cooling. Higher efficiencies (90-95%) are possible by using piezoclectric transformers to modern USM machines, Tools: Tool tips must have high wear resistance and high fatigue strength. For machining glass and tungsten carbide, copper and chromium silver steel tools are recommended. Silver and chromium nickel steel are used for machining sintered carbides. During USM, tools are fed towards. and held against, the workpiece by rneans of a static pressure that has to overcome the cutting resistance at the interface of the tool and workpiece. Abrasive slurri]: The abrasive slurry is usually composed of 50% (by volume) fine abrasive grains (100-800 grit) ofboron carbide (B,.C), aluminurn oxide (Al203), or silicon carbide (SiC) in 50% water. The abrasive slurry is circulated between the oscillating too! and workpiece through a nozzle close to the tool-workpiece interface at an approximate rate of 25 L/min. Materia! remooal proccss: Under the effect of the static feed force and the ultrasonic vibration, the abrasive particles are hammered into the workpiece surfacc causing mechanical chipping of minute particles. Figure 10.2 shows the complete material removal mechanism of USM, which involves three distinct actions:

abrasion by localized direct hammering of the abrasivo grains stuck between the vibrating tool and adjacent work surface

The micro chipping by free impacts of particles which fly across the machining gClpand strike the workpiece at random locations Thc work surfnce erosin by cavitation in the slurry strearn


Mechanism of Material Removal

Using the theory of Shaw (1956), material removal by USM due to cavitations under the tool and chemical corrosion due to slurry media are considered insignificant. Therefore, the material removal due to these two factors has been ignored. The material removal by abrasive particles due to throwing and hammering only has been considered. Abrasive particles are considered spherical in shape having diarneter d. Abrasive particles, suspended in a carrier, move under the high frequency vibrating too\. There are two possibilities when the too! hits an abrasive particle. If the size of the particle is small and the gClpbetween the bottom of the tool and the work surface is large enough, then the particle will be thrown by the tool to hit the work surface (throwing model). Under the reverse condition, the particle will be hammered ovcr the workpiece surface. In both cases, the particle creates a crater of depth Izp and radius rp' lt is assurned that the volume nf material removed is approximately proportional to the indentation diameter (2rp)'


Fundamentals 01Machining Processes



Development of fracture in the workpieee due to hitting by a grain; (a) by throwing; (b) by hammering; and (e) erater shape.

The volume of material removed, Qw shown by the dotted line in Figure 10.3, assuming a hemispherical crater, due to fracture per grit per cycle is given by Qy

=! 2 (~7TT3) 3 p

According to Figure 10.3, it can be shown that r =


(d2)2 _(d 2 h)2

a a_



Therefore, Qy becomes

where kl is a constant and the number of impacts Ni on the workpiece by the grits in each cycle depends on the number of grits beneath the tool at any time. This is inversely proportional to the diameter of the grits (assumed spherical) as 1 N 1 =k2- d2 a where k2 is a constant of proportionality. All the abrasive particles under the tool need not necessarily be effective. Let k2 be the probability of an abrasive particle under the tool being effective. Then the volume of material removed

Modern Abrasive Processes


per second VRR equals the frequency removed per cycle Qv:


times the amount of material


Qv!r = klk2k3ytirfhr

To evaluate the depth of penetration hp of an abrasive particle, Shaw (1956) proposed the following. For the grain-throwing model:

where hth is the depth of penetration due to grit throwing in mm, at/2 is the amplitude of tool oscillation, ir is the frequency of tool oscillation, da is the grit diameter, P'1 is the density of abrasive grits, and a.; is the mean stress acting upon the workpiece surface. The volumetric removal rate due to the throwing mechanism VRRth becomes
VRR th
2p = klk2k3 1f6a t a ] d zt!{S/2 r [ (Jw 2

For thc grain-hammering model: When the gap between the tool and the workpiece is smaller than the diameter of the grit d<1l partial penetration into the tool flt as well as in the workpiece hw occurs as shown in Figure 10.4. The values of h, and h.; depend on the hardness of the tool and workpiece, respectively. The workpiece penetration hw is given by
4F~vatd~ (Jw1fk2(j + 1)

The depth of penetration

summation of

due to grain hammering hh is, therefore, the

and hw.



Parta! penetration of grit in the tool and workpiece.



01 Machinng


The volumetric removal rate from the workpiece due to the hammering mechanism VRRh can be evaluated as

The computational

results of [ain (2004) showed that

where hh is the depth of penetration due to grit hammering in mm, ;. is the frequency of tool oscillation in l/s, (}t is the mea n stress acting upon the tool in Nz'mm''. p~ is the density of abrasive grits in g/cm3, (}wis the mean stress acting upon workpiece surface in Nz'mm'', and Fav is the mean force on the grit in N.

Sol ved Example

Calculate the ultrasonic machining time required for a hole of diameter 6 mm in tungsten carbide plate (fracture hardness =6900 N/mnl) if the thickness of the plate is 1.5 hole diameter. The mean abrasive grain size is 15 11m diameter. The feed force is equal to 3.5 N. The amplitude of tool oscillation is 25 um and the frequency is equal to 25 kHz. The toa] material used is copper having fracture hardness equal to 1.5 X 103 N/ mm/. The slurry contains one part abrasives to one part water. Take the values of different constants as kl = 0.3, k2 = 1.8 mm/, k3 = 0.6, and abrasive density = 3.8 g/ cm '. Calcula te the ratio of the volume removed by throwing to that removed by hammering (Jain, 2004). Solution Given: Hole diameter, da=6X10-3 m Plate thickness=1.5Xhole diarneter =Rx I m Mean abrasi ve grain size = 15 X 10- h m Feed force=3.5 N Amplitude of tool vibration, at/2=25X10-6 m Frequency of oscilla tion, ;. = 25,000 cps Fracture hardness of workpiece material, (}w=6.9X109 N/m2 Abrasive grain density, p" =3.8 X 103 kg/m3 kl =0.3 k2=1.8 mm2=1.8X10-6 m2 k3=0.6 Throwing model:

Modern Abrasive Processes


n = 1.78 X 10-5 mm

VRR th

= kJ k2k3

~{ d



= 0.3 X 1.8 X 0.6

(1.78 X 10-5)3 . X 104 1.5 X 10-2 2 5




+ 1)

j = (Tw = 6900 = 4.6




4 X 3.5 X (2 X 25 X 1O---{) X (1.5 X 10-5)


7r X (1.8 X 10---{)X (6.9 X 10':1)X (4.6

+ 1)

hw = 2.182 X 10-4 mm

VRRh = 0.3 X 1.8 X 0.6

(2.192 X 10-4)3

1.5 X 10-

2.5 X 10

The total removal becomes

rate VRR = VRRth

+ VRRh.

The machining

time t-.

Volume of hole t-: = VRR

(7r/4)62 X 9



Fundamenials 01 Machining Processes


= 19.289 min

VRRth = 0.023 VRR It is clear that the material removed by hammering is much more than that removed by throwing (43 times); therefore, for approximate calculations, VRRth can be ignored. In USM, the linear (theoretical) material removal rate VRRL in mm/s can generally be described using the following imperial formula (Jain, 1993) VRR = 5.9fr ( Hr

(da) (a 2 2


where fr is the frequency of oscillation in Hz, at is the static stress on tool in Nz'rnm'', H, is the surface hardness of the workpiece (rrXcompressive fracture) strength (Nz'mrrr'), da/2 is the mean radius of grit in mm, and at/2 is the amplitude of vibration in mm. In case of hard and brittle materials such as glass, the machining rate is high and the role played by the free impact is noticed. When machining porous materials such as graphite, the mechanism of erosion is introduced. The rate of material removal in USM depends, first of all, on the frequency of tool vibration, static pressure, the size of the machined area, and the abrasive and workpiece material. The material removal depends on the brittleness criterion, which is the ratio of shearing to breaking strength of a material. According to Table 10.1, glass has a higher removal rate than that of a metal of similar hardness. Moreover, due to the low brittleness criterion of steel, which is softer, it is used as a tool material. Figure 10.5 summarizes the important parameters that affect the performance of USM, which are mainly related to
TABLE 10.1 Typical Process Characteristics of USM (Tool: Low Carbon Steel; Slurry: 180-240 grit B4C; Amplitude: 0.025-0.035 mm; Frequency: 25 kHz) Material Work Material Glass Ceramic Ferrite Quartz Tungsten carbide Toa] steel Volume (mm3/min) 425 185 390 200 40 30 Removal Rate Penetration Rate (mm/rnin) 3.8 1.5 3.2 1.7 0.4 0.3 Maximum Practical Tool Area (mrrr') 2580 1935 2260 1935 775 775 30-40% of

Wear Ratioa 100:1 75:1 100:1 50:1 1.5:1 1:1

Source: From Rao, PN., Manujacturing Technology: Metal Cutting and Iviacnine Tools, 8th Ed., New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2000. a Ratio of material removed from the work to that removed from the too!.

Modern Abrasive Processes



Machining conditions Frequency Amplitude Pressure Depth Area Machine condition

Abrasive slurry Type Size Carrier liquid Feeding method Concentration

Removal rate, Surface quality, Accuracy

Tool Hardness Wearability Accuracy Fatigue strength Mounting

Workpiece Ductility Hardness Compression strength Tensile strength

FIGURE 10.5 Factors affecting USM performance.

thetool, workpiece material, the abrasives, machining conditions, and the machine tool.

Factors Affecting Material Removal Rate

Tool oscillation: The amplitude of tool oscillation has the greatest effect of all the process variables. The amplitud e of oscillation varies within the limits of 0.04-0.08 mm. The material removal rate increases with rise in the amplitude of tool vibration (Figure 10.6). The vibration amplitude determines the velacity of the abrasive particles at the interface between the toal and workpiece. Under such circumstances, the kinetic energy rises at larger amplitudes, which enhances the mechanical chipping actian and consequently increases the removal rateoGreater vibratian amplitudes may lead ta the accurrence af splashing, which causes a reduction af the number af active abrasive grains and results in the decrease of the metal removal rateo The increase af feed force induces greater chipping farces by each grain, which raises the averall remaval rate (Figure 10.6 and Figure 10.7). Regarding the effect af vibratian frequency on the remaval rate, for a given amplitude, the increase in vibration frequency reduces the removal rate (Figure 10.8). This trend may be related ta the small chipping time allawed for each grain such that lower chipping action prevails causing a decrease in remaval rateo The same figure shaws that, for a given frequency, the increase af removal rate at higher amplitudes.



of Machining



ro >
o E


Feed force FIGURE 10.6

Variation of removal rate with feed force and vibration amplitude.

Abrasive grains: The removal rate rises at greater abrasive grain sizes until that size reaches the vibration amplitude, at which stage the material removal rate decreases (Figure 10.9). When the grain size is larger compared to the vibration amplitude, there is a difficulty in abrasive renewal in the machining gap. Due to its higher hardness, B4C achieves higher removal rates than silicon carbide (SiC) when machining a soda glass workpiece. The rate of material removal obtained with SiC is about 15% lower when machining glass, 33%, in the case of tool steel, and about 35% in the case of sintered carbide. Figure 10.10 shows the increase of removal rate with particle velocity. Water is commonly used as the abrasive-carrying liquid for the abrasive slurry, although benzene, glycerol, and oils are altematives. The increase of slurry viscosity reduces the removal rate (Figure 10.11). The improved


/' /' /'

ro >




Feed force FIGURE 1 f).7

Variation of removal rate with feed force.

Modern Abrasive Processes





Amplitude FIGURE 10.8

Variation of removal rate with vibration amplitude and frequency.

flow of slurry results in an enhanced machining rateo In practice, a volumetric concentration of about 30-35% of abrasives is recommended. The increase of abrasive concentration up to 40% enhances the machining rateo More cutting edges become available in the machining zone, which raises the chipping rate and consequently the overall removal rate (Figure 10.12). Workpiece impact hardness: The machining rate is affected by the ratio of tool to workpiece hardness (Figure 10.13).In this regard, the higher the ratio, the lower will be the material removal rateo For this reason, soft and tough ma terials are recommended for USM tools.

/ / / / / /


ai > o


Mean grain size FIGURE 10.9

Variation of removal rate with mean grain size.








E Q) a:

> o

Particle velocity FIGURE 10.10 Variation of rCIl1l1vZlI ratc with particlc


Ton! stuu: The machining rate is affcctcd by the tool shape and area. The increasc of tool <1 rC<1dccrcascs tlle' mach in ing r,1te d uc tu thc problem of adequatcly distributing the abrasivo slurry ovcr thc cntirc machining zone. As shown in Figure 10.14, the risc in the static fecd pressure enhances the machining rate up to el limiting condition, bcyond which no further incrcase occurs. The reason bchind such ,1 trend is rclatcd to thc disturbance of the oscillation bch.rvior of thc tool at higher forces where thc lateral vibrations that are expectcd occur. At pressures lower than thc optimum. thc force prcssing thc grl1ins into the material is ton small l1nd thc volumc removed by ,1 particular grain diminishes. Beyond the optimum pressure, darnpiru; is too strong and thc






E 0.50 Q) a:

0.0L-----~------~-------L-------~1~ 0:8 0.2 04 0.6

Viscosity FIGURE 10.11 Vari.ition of removal

rate with slurrv



vfodcl'I1 A brasioe PrO(I'ss,S


m > o E




30 % FIGURE 10.12 Variation of rl'1ll0V,11 rute abr.isive

Abrasive concentration


and typc,

tool censes to break aW<ly from thc gr,lins, thus preventing their changes of position, which reduces the removal rateo Measurernents showed also the decrcasc of material removal ratc with the increase of hole depth, The reason for this is that the deeper the tool reaches, the more difficult and slower is the exchallge of abrasives from underncath the tool.
10.1.4 Dimensional Accuracy

Cenerally thc form accuracy of machined parts suffers from the following disturbing factors. which cause oversize. conicity, and out of roundness: Sides wear of thc tool Abrasivo wear

> o E


Tool/Work hardness FIGURE 10.n Vari.ition of n-moval

I"<lt\' with

tlu- r.itio of tool to work hardness.


lool diameter, d1



QJ e,

Q) e

d3> d2

Feed force
FIGURE 10.14

Variation of pcnetration

rate with fecd force at diffcrent tool diameters,

around the

Inaccurate feed of the tool holder Form error of the tool Unsteady and uneven oscilla ting tool supply of abrasive slurry

Overcut: The overcut is considered to be about 2-4 times greater than thc
mean grain size when machining glass and tungsten carbide. It is about 3 times greater than the mean grain size of B4C (mesh number 280-600). The magnitude of the overcut depends on many other process variables, including the type of workpiece material and the method of ultrasonic tool feed. In general, USM accuracy levels are limited to + 0.05 mm. Conicity: The conicity of holes is approximately 0.2 when drilling of <1 20 mm diameter hole to a depth of 10 mm is achieved in graphite. Thc conicity can be reduced by the use of tools having negatively tapering walls. Out of roundness: The out-of-roundness arises by the lateral vibrations of the tool. Typical roundness error is abou t 40-140 um and 20-60 um, respectively, for glass and graphite materials.



Surface Quality

\s shown in Figure 10.15, the larger the grit size, the faster the cutting but thc .oarser the surface finishes. A surface finish of 0.38 to 0.25 um can be .xpcctcd using a grit number 240. The larger the grit (the smaller the grain ize), the smoother becomes the produced surface (Table 10.2). As mentioned arlier, larger chipping craters formed in the case of the brittle materials reate rougher surfaces than that obtained in the case of hard alloy stecl.

;ning Processl~Ii1t!ern Abrasive Processes


C/l C/l

e ..c




al 't:





Tungsten carbide



Mean grain size

FIGURE 10.15

Effect of grain size on surface roughness for different workpiece materials.


n the
iut 3

The )les, mic lE a he


A relationship can be found between the crater dimensions: crater diameter is one third of the abrasive grain diameter and the depth is one tenth (McGeough,2002). As the amplitude is raised the individual grains are pressed further into the workpiece surface, thus causing deeper craters and, therefore, a rougher surface finish. Smoother surfaces can also be obtained when the viscosity of I the liquid carrier of the abrasive slurry is reduced. The surface irregularities j of the sidewall surfaces of the cavities are considerably larger than those of 1 the bottom. This results from the sidewalls being scratched by grains entering i, and leaving the machining zone. Cavitations damage to the machined surface I , occurs when the tool particles penetrate deeper into the workpiece. Under , such circumstances, it is more difficult to replenish adequately the slurry in I these deeper regions and a rougher surface is produced.


oE n,

TABLE 10.2

Grit Number, Grit Size, and Surface Roughness in USM

Grit Number 180 240 320 400 600 800 Grit Size (rnm) 0.086 0.050 0.040 0.030 0.014 0.009 Surface Roughness 0.55 0.51 0.45 0.4 0.28 0.21 (um)

Source: Metals Handbook (1989). Reproduced by permission of ASM International.


Fundanzentals of Machining Processes


+ Static

Tool pressure

+ 1000


~ c:
Slurry Slurry Finished workpiece \ ~ Cut-off FIGURE 10.16 Finished workpiece Feed

Finished workpiece

Rotary USM configurations.



USM should be applied for shallow cavities cut in hard and brittle materials having a surface are a less than 1000 mm''. Rotary ultrasonic machining: A modified version of USM is shown in Figure 10.16 where a tool bit is rotated against the workpiece in a similar fashion to conventional coring, drilling, and milling. RUM ensures high removal rates, lower tool pressures for delicate parts, improved deep hole drilling, less breakout or through holes, and no core seizing during core drilling. The process allows the uninterrupted drilling of small diameter holes. Conventional drilling necessitates a tool retraction, which increases the machining time. The penetration rate depends on the size and depth of cavity. Small holes require more time as the rate of machining decreases with depth of penetration due to the difficulty in maintaining a continuous supply of new slurry at the tool face. Generally, a depth-to-diameter ratio of 2.5 is achievable by RUM. Sinking: During USM sinking, the material removal is difficult when the machined depth exceeds 5-7 mm or when the active section of the tool becomes important. Under such conditions the removal of the abrasive grits at the interface becomes difficult and, therefore, the material removal process is impossible. Moreover, the manufacture of such a tool is generally complex and costly. Contouring USM (Figure 10.17), employs simple tools that are moved in accordance to the contour required. Production 01ED M electrodes: USM has been used to prod uce graphite EDM electrodes. Typical ultrasonic machining speed in graphite ranges from 0.4 to 1.4 cm/mino Surface finish range from 0.2 to 1.5 11m and accuracies of 10 11m are typical. Small machining forces permit the manufacture offragile graphite EDM electrodes. Polishing: Ultrasonic polishing occurs by vibrating a brittle tool material such as graphite or glass into the workpiece at ultrasonic frequency and

Vibration + Static tRed

Vibration + Static feed + NC rnotion

Sinking FIGURE 10.17
lJSM dil' xink inj;


t !
Tool path Contouring



rel<ltively low vibr.ition arnplitude. The fine abrasivo particles in the slurry abrudc thr- high spots of the workpiece surface, typically removing 0.012 mm of ma tcrial or lcss.


Abrasive Jet Machining

In .ibrasive jet machining (AJM) ,1 focused strearn of abrasive groins of A 120:; or Sil' c.irricd by high prl'ssure g,lS or air at high vclocity is madc to illlpinge on the work surface through a nozzle of 0.3-0.5 mm diameter. AJM has smallcr diumctcr abrasives dnd a more finely controllcd delivcry systern thun s,1I1d blastiru; (SB). Thc workpicce material is removed by thc abrasion action (A) of the high velocity abrasive particles, AJM machining is best suitcd for machining holcs in super hurd matcrials. lt is typically uscd to cut, clca n, ~)l'l'n, debu rr, ,1nd ctch gl,lss, ccram ics. or ha rd mctals. As shown in Figurl' 10.1 H, ,1 g,lS (nitrogen, carbn dioxide, 01' air) is 2 supplicd undcr pressure of 2-H kglem . Oxygen should never be used becausc it G1USeS ,1 violcnt chcmical reaction with the workpiece chips or thc ,1brasi ves. !\ ftcr fiItration ,1nd regula tion, thc gas is passed through a mixing chambcr that contains abrasivo particlcs and vibrates at 50 Hz. Frorn thc mixing chambcr, thc gas ulong with thc cntraincd abrasive particlcs (10-40 um) p,1sses through ,1 0.45 m m diarnctcr tungsten carbide nozzle .rt ,1 spccd ofI50-JOO mis (FigureIO.IY). Aluminurn oxide (AI20:;) .md SiC powdcrs are uscd for hcavy clcaning. cutting, and deburring. Magncsium carbonato is rccornmcndcd for light cleaning and etching. Sodium bicarbonato is uscd for fine cleaning and cutting of soft materials. Commcrcial gr,lde powdcrs are not suitablc bccause thcir sizcs Me not well classified .ind lll,lY contain silica dust. which can be a health haznrd.



of Machining


Pressure gauge

Regulato Gas supply

Powder supply and mixer Nozzle


Vibrator FIGURE 10.18


Abrasive jet machining systems.

It is not practical to reuse the abrasive powder because contaminations and worn grit cause a decline in the machining rateo The abrasive powder feed rate is controlled by the amplitude of vibrations of the mixing chamber. The nozzle stand-off distance is kept at 0.81 mm. The relative motion between the workpiece and the nozzle is manually or automatically controlled using cam drives, pantographs, tracer mechanisms, or computer control according to the cut geometry required. Masks of copper, glass, or rubber may be used to concentra te the jet stream of the abrasive particles to a confined location on the workpiece. Intricate and precise shapes are produced by using masks with corresponding contours. Dust removal equipment is incorporated to protect the environment.

Air and abrasives stream

Sapphire nOZZle~ ~

~ ~ ~

Jet diameter (0.3-0.5 mm)

Jet velocity (150-300


Stand-off distance (0.8 mm)


. ..;1>---


FIGURE 10.19

Abrasive jet machining terminology.

tviodem Abrasioe Processes



Material Removal Rate

In AJM, the abrasive particles frorn the nozzle follow parallel paths for a short distance and then the abrasive jet flares outward like a narrow cone. When the abrasive particles of Ah03 or SiC, having sharp edges, hit a brittle and fragile material at high speed, they dislodge a small particle fram it by a tiny brittle fracture. The lodged out particle is carried away by the air or gas. The material rernoval rate, VRR, is given by

where KJ is a constant, N" is the number of abrasive particles impacting/unit arca, d" is the rnean diarneter of abrasive particles, P" is the density of abrasive particles, H, is the hardness of the work material, and vis the speed of abrasive particles. Material removal rate, workpiece accuracy, surface raughness, and nozzle wear are influenced by the size and distance of the nozzle, composition, strength, size and shape of abrasives, flow rate, and composition, pressure, and veloci ty of the carrier gas. The material rernoval rate is rnainly dependen! on the flow rate and the size of abrasives. Larger grain size produces greater rcmoval rates. The typical material rernoval rate is 16.4 mm3/min when cutting glass and for metals it vares from 1.6 to 4.1 mm 'y min. For harder ceramics, cutting rates are about 50'1,. higher than those for glass. The minimum width of cut is O.IJ mm. Toleranccs are typically 0.13 rnrn with O.05 mrn possible using good fixation and motion control. The produced surface has a randorny matte texture. Surface roughness of 0.2 to 1.5 um using 10 ami 50 um particlcs, respectively, can be attained. Taper is present in deep cuts. High nozzle pressure results in greater rernoval rate, but the nozzle life is dccreased. Table "10.3 sumrnarizes the overall process characteristics. /vbrasit: flmu I'I7tc: !\t a particular prcssurc, thc volumetric rernoval ratc increases with abrasive flow rate up to an optimum value then decreases with further increase in the flow rateo This is mainly due to the fact that mass tlow rate of the gas dccreases with the mercase of the abrasivo flow rateo The mixing ratio increases, causing a decrease in rernoval rate beca use of the decreasing flow vclocity ,1I1d thc kinetic energy available for material removal (Figure '10.20 and Figure 10.21). Nozzle ~tl1J/d-ofldi~tI7llcL': The cffect of nozzle stand-off distance is shown in Figure '10.22. Thc rcmoval rate attains <1maxirnurn value at a nozzle distance between 0.75 and 10 mm. The decrease of nozzle distance improves the process accur<1cy by decreasing the width of kerf. It also reduces the taper of the rnachincd grooves. Largc nozzle stand-off distances (12.5-75 mrn) are suitable for cleaning of surfaces.


Fundnmcntal of Machining Processcs

TABLE 10.3 Abrasivo Ahrasioc Type Sizc Flow rate


Jet Machining

Proccss Charactcristics AI2o.1 or SiC (used once) Around 25 um 3-20 g/min Air or CO2 150-300 mis 2-8 kg/cm2 28 Llmin WC or sapphirc Circular, 0.3-0.5 mrn diamcter .' Rectangular (0.08 X 0.51 mm to 6.6] X 0.51 mm2) 0.25.:...15 mrn WC (12-30 h), sapphirc (300 h) Vcrtica I tu 60 off vcrtica I 0.05-0.2 mm2 0.05 mm 0.15-0.2 urn (10 u m particles) 0.4-0.8 um (25 um particles) 1.0-1.5 um (20 um particles)

Type Velocity Pressure Flow ratc Nozzle Material Shapc Tip distancc Life Operating angle Area Tolcrancc Surfacc roughness

The increase of gas pressure increases the kinetic energy and, therefore, the rernoval rate by AIM process (Figure 10.23). Mixil1g ratio: The rnixing ratio Vx, is defined as
Gas presslIre:


Volurne flow rate of abrasive particles . Volurne flow rate of carner gas






E (j) a:

Abrasive flow rate FIGURE 10.20

Variation of material removal rate with the abrasive flow rateo

Modern Abrasive Processes


< > o


Velocity of particles FIGURE 10.21

Variation of material removal rate with the velocity of particles.

The increase of Vx increases the removal rate, but a large value of Vx decreases the jet velocity and sometimes blocks the nozzle. Thus an optimum value of mixing ratio has been observed that gives the maximum removal rate (Figure 10.24). The mass ratio Mx is determined by

A1x =------------------------~---------

Mass flow rate of abrasive particles __ Ma Mass flow rate of (carrier gas + particles) Ma+g'



Drilling holes, cutting slots, cleaning hard surfaces, deburring, polishing and radiusing


E Q)

> o


Stand-off distance FIGURE 10.22

Effect of nozzle stand-off distance on removal rateo



of Mtlc//illillg


Cii >

o E a:

Gas pressure FIGURE 10.23 Efft-ct uf gas prl'sslIrc on n-rnoval


Dcburring of cross holcs. slots, and thrcads in small prccision p<1rts that require a burr-free finish, such ,1S hydraulic valves, aircraft fue] systems, and med ica] appliances Machining intricate di fficul t-to-rnachine Insulation stripping the conductor Microdeburring Frosting resistors. shapes or holes in sensitivo. matcrials and wire clellling brittlc. and thin or without affecting

of hypoderrnic

needles boards. hybrid circuit

glass and capacitors.

trimming of circuir silicon, and gCllliulll

E a:


Cii > o





Mixill~ ratio FIGURE 10.24

Eff(-~ct01' rnixing rario un n~111(lv,11 rate.

Modern Abrasive Processes


Removal of films and delicate cleaning of irregular surfaces because the abrasive stream is able to follow contours

Best suited for machining brittle and heat-sensitive materials like glass, quartz, sapphire, ceramics, etc. Machining super alloys, ceramics, glass, and refractory materials. Not reactive with any workpiece material. No tool changes are required. Intricate parts of sharp corners can be machined. Workpiece material does not experience hardening. No initial hole is required for starting of operation as that required by wire EDM. Material utilization is high. It can machine thin materials.

Slow removal rateo Stray cutting cannot be avoided (low accuracy 0.1 mm). Tapering effect may occur, especially when drilling in metals. Abrasive may get impeded in the work surface. Suitable dust collecting systems should be provided. Soft materials cannot be machined by the process. Silica dust may be a health hazard. Ordinary shop air should be filtered to remove moisture and oil.


Abrasive Water Jet Machining

Water jet machining is suitable for cutting plastics, foods, rubber insulation, automotive carpeting and headliners, and most textiles. Harder materials such as glass, ceramics, concrete, and tough composites can be cut by adding abrasives to the water jet during abrasive water jet machining (AWJM), which was first developed in 1974 to clean metals prior to their surface treatment. The addition of abrasives to the water jet enhanced the materialremoval rate and produced cutting speeds between 51 and 460 mm/min. Generally, AWJM cuts 10 times faster than the conventional machining methods used for composite materials.



o/ Mac/il/il/g


AWJM uses low pressure of 4.2 bar to accelerate a large volume of water (70'1..) and abrasives (30%) mixture up to a velocity of 30 m /s. Silicon carbides. corundum, and glass beads of grain size 10-150 um are often used as abrasive materials (Figure 10.25). Using such a method rernoves burrs left in steel components after grinding that are 0.35 mm in hcight and 0.02 mm in width. The burrs are removed by the erosivc effect of the abrasives: water acts as an abrasive carrier that darnpens the impact effect on the machined surface. The introduction of compressed air to the water jet enhances thc deburring action. In AWJM, the water jet stream accelerates abrasive particles, not the water, to cause the material removal. After the pure water jet is created, abrasives are added using either the injection or suspension methods. Thc important parameters of the abrasives are the material structure and hardness, the mechanical behavior, grain shape, grain size and distribution, and the average grain sizc. Process capobilitcs: Typical process variables include pressure, nozzle diameter, stand-off distance. abrasive type, grit number, and workpiece feed rateo Abrasive water jet cuts through 356.6 mrn slabs of concrete or 76.6 mm thick tool steel plate at 38 mm/min in a single pass. The produced surface roughness ranges betwecn 3.8 and 6.4 um, although tolerances of 0.13 mrn are obtainable. Repeatability of 0.04 mrn, sguareness of 0.043 mm/m, and straightness of 0.05 mm per axis are expected. During machining of glass the cutting rate of 16.4 mm1/min is achieved, which is 4-6 times higher than that for metals. Surface roughness depends on workpiece material, grit size, and the type of abrasives. A material with high rernoval rate produces large surface roughness. For this reason, fine grains are used for machining soft mctals to obtain thc same roughness of hard ones. The decrease of surface roughness at smaller grain size is related

~ L----,-,---'
Pressure generation Abrasive reservoir

Focusing tube

FIGURE 10.25 Abrasivo water jet machiniru;


Tradinonat Cll1d Hybrid McGraw-Hill eo.)

elcmcnts. (Frorn El-Hofy. H, Adonnccd Mllcliil/il/g Processcs, NOI/Processes, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005. Reproduced by permission of

Modern Abrasive Processes


lo the reduced depth of cut and the undeformed chip cross section. In addition, the larger the number of grains per unit slurry volume, the more of them falls on a unit surface area. A carrier liquid consisting of water with anticorrosive additives has much greater density than air. This contributes to higher acceleration of the grains with consequent larger grain speed and increased metal removal rateo Moreover, the carrier liquid when spreading over the surface fills its cavities and forms a film that impedes the striking action of the abrasive grains. Bulges and tops of the surface irregularities are the first to be affected and the surface quality improves. A water air jet permits one to obtain, as an average, a roughness number higher by one as compared with the effect of an air jet. In high-speed water jet machining of Inconel, the roughness increases at a higher feed rate as well as at lower slurry flow rates. Advanced AWJ machines are now available where the computer loads a CAD drawing from another system. The computer determines the starting and end points and the sequence of operations. The operator then enters the material type and tool offset data. The computer determines the feed rate and performs the machining operation.
10.3.1 ProcessCharacteristics

The parameters that affect AWJM are water (flow rate and pressure), abrasives (type, size, and flow rate), water nozzle and abrasive jet nozzle design, machining parameters (feed rate and stand-off distance), and work material. Other machining parameters include angle of cutting, traverse speed (slotting), and the number of passes. Water jet pressure: Figure 10.26 shows the relationship between water pressure on the depth of cut for low and high nozzle diameter. There is a minimum pressure below which no machining occurs. That minimum


'O ..c C:..

Nozzle diameter


Water pressure FIGURE 10.26

Effect of water pressure and nozzle diarneter on the depth of cut.


Fnndnntrnt at o( MncltiJliJlg


"5 'O

1i (j)

Water pressure FIGURE 10.27 F:rkct of water prl'ssurl'

and abrasivo

flow r,lll' 011 tlw d(Tlh



prcssure depends on the typc of workpicce material. As shown in Figure ]0.27, thc machining depth tends to stabilize beyond <1 certain value of water prcssure. The increase of water prcssurc also cnhances the nozzle wear and thc cost of pump maintenance. Wnlcrf/ow mic: Thc percentage increasc in depth of cut is lower than the percentag increase in water flow rateo The incrcase in water flow bcyond a certain limit may rcsult in insignificant g,lin in particlc vcloci tv, which in sorne cases reduces the machining depth. Ahmsiuc f/ow rte: The machined depth increascs with thc increasc in the abrasive flow rateo However, an in crease in the abrasive flow rate beyond a certain limit reduces the depth of cut for various workpiece materials, as shown in Figure H).27 to Figure 10.2Y.

Cast iron


u o

Mild steel

1i (j) o
Stainless steel

-- -------_._-_._-----_._-~.:

Abrasivo flow rato

FIGURE 10.28

Ettect of abrasive fJ()I"" rate on the depth of cut Ior diuerent


\'1odern /sbrasioe Processes



'O .c .


Abrasive flow rate FIGURE 10.29

Effect of abrasivo flow rate and nozzle diarneter on the depth of cut.

Abrasive particle size and material: Common abrasive particle sizes range from 100 to 150 grit. For a particular workpiece material and machining system, there is an optimum particle size that achieves the largest depth of cut (Figure 10.30).Hashish (1986)recommended the use of different abrasive sizes for achieving deeper cuts. Generally, the harder the workpiece material, the harder the abrasives that should be used. Traverse rate: As shown in Figure 10.31, the decrease of traverse speed increases the depth of machining. An optimum traverse rate for maximum cut area (traverse speed X depth of cut) is clear, Number of passes: Figure 10.32 shows the relationship between the number of passes and the commutative depth of cut. As the number of passes


'O .c .


Particle size FIGURE 10.30

Effect of the abrasivcs particle size on the depth of cut.


Fu ndtuncntal ol MncITillillg


e o



QJ Ol Cll QJ

Traverse rate FIGURE 10.31 Rc-lationship lx-twccn

travc-r-: ratc and arca geller<ltiOIl r.ih-.


o .c

Traverse rate


Number 01 passes FIGURE 10.32 Effect of nurnbcr of passcs and travcrse ratc Oll thc dcpth of cut.




Stand-off distance FIGURE 10.33 Effect of the stand-off distance


the depth

of cut.

Modern Abrasiue Processcs


increases, the rate of increase of depth/pass increases beca use the previous slot tends to focus the abrasive jet stream for more effective machining. Stnnd-off disumce: An increase in the stand-off distance decreases the depth of cut. As shown in Figure 10.33, there is an upper limit for the stand-off distance beyond which no machining occurs.



Flow Machining

Abrasive flow machining (AFM) finishes surfaces and edges by extruding viscous abrasive media through or across the workpiece. Abrasion occurs only where the flow of the media is restricted. AFM is used to deburr, polish, radius, remove recast layers, and produce compressive residual stresses or provide uniform air or liquid flow. In typical two-way flow, the workpiece is hydraulically clamped between two vertically opposed media cylinders. Material is removed by the flow of a semisolid abrasive compound through a restrictive passage formed by a work part/ tooling combination (Figure 10.34). This causes the media viscosity to ternporarily rise. The abrasive grains are held tightly in place at this point and the media acts as a grinding stone that conforms to the passage geometry. Consequently, the media slug uniformly abrades the walls of the extrusion passage. Media viscosity returns to normal after the slug passes through the restricted area. By repeatedly extruding the media from one cylinder to the other, the abrasion action occurs as the media

Hydraulically operated pistons


Lower media chamber




Viscous abrasive media

Lower media chamber

FIGURE 10.34 Abrasive flow machining




01 Machining Processes

enter a restricted passage and travel through or across the workpiece. The material removal mechanism is similar to the grinding or the lapping processes. The total volume of material removal, Qv, in a number of cycles, no has been described by Kumar (1998) as

where K1 is the percentage of grains participating in the finishing action, K2 is the flow stress to BHN hardness number (1 for brittle material, > 1 for ductile material s), He is the number of cycles, Pm is the density of media in 106 g/ cm", H; is the length of stroke in mm, 1 is the length of workpiece in mm, Vf is the velocity of media around the workpiece having a constant radius in mm/min, a, is the normal stress acting upon the abrasive grains in N /rnm", Pa is the density of abrasives in 106 g/ cm", vp is the velocity of the piston in mm/min, H, is the hardness of workpiece, Cwr is the weight of abrasives to the weight of abrasives and carrier medium in percent, and Vm is the volume of abrasive media between workpiece. In a further work, [ain et al. (1999) presented the material removal rate MRR in mg/min as

The surface roughness value, Ra, is given by

where the velocity of media Vf is in cm/min and Am is the abrasive mesh size (abrasive grain diameter da = 15.24/ Am). AFM parameters that have the greatest influence on the process performance include the number of cycles, extrusion pressure, grit composition and type, workpiece material, and fixture designo AFM is used for finishing, radiusing, and edge finishing of internal inaccessible passages. Typical surface finish is 0.05 um. The viscosity and flow rate of the media affect the uniformity of the removal rate and the edge radius size. Low and steady flow rates are best for uniform material removal from the walls of a die. For deburring applications, Iow-viscosity AFM media and high flow rates are recommended (Jain and [ain, 2001). The media used consist of a pliable polymer carrier and a concentration of abrasive grains. Higher viscosity media are nearly solid and are used for uniform abrasion of the walls of large passages. Lower viscosity is suitable for radiusing edges and for finishing small passages. The carrier of the abrasives is a mixture of a rubber-like polymer and a lubricating fluido

Modern Abrasive Processes


By changing the ratio of the polymer and the lubricating oil, different viscosities are obtained. Abrasive grains are mostly made from silicon carbide, although boron carbide, aluminum oxide, and diamond can be used. Particle sizes range from 0.005 to 1.5 mm. Larger abrasives cut at a feed rate, although fine abrasives provide fine surface finishes and accessibility to small holes. Due to the abrasive wear, the effective life of the media depends on the quality of the media, abrasive size and type, the flow speed, and the part configuration. The extrusion pressure is controlled between 7 bar and 200 bar (100-3000 psi), as well as the displacement per stroke, and the number of recipracating cycles. One-way AFM systems flow the abrasive media through the workpiece in only one direction, allowing the media to exit freely from the part for fast processing, easy cleaning, and simple quick-exchange tooling. AFM can simultaneously finish multiple parts or many areas of a single workpiece. Inaccessible areas and complex internal passages can be finished economically and effectively. Automatic AFM systems are capable of handling thousands of parts per day, greatly reducing labor costs by eliminating the tedious handwork. Applications of AFM range frorn precision dies and medical components to high-volume praduction of electronic and automotive parts. Recently, AFM has been applied to the improvement in air and fluid flow for automotive engine components. The pracess can also be used to remove the recast layers frorn fragile components. Figure 10.35 shows that the original diameter gets wider as the machining time and flow pressure increase due to the increase in the duration and the forces of the abrasion component. High extrusion pressure also raises the rate of media flow rate (Figure 10.36), which allows for greater number of abrasives to do more machining to the hole.

~ 11

Flow pressure al en


... O

Time FIGURE 1035 Effect of time and flow pressure

on thc diameter




o/ Machining


Extrusion pressure

pressure on media flow rateo

Effect of extrusion


C'd QJ


Hole length






Effect of time and hole length on diameter

The increase in diameter decreases as the length of the hole increases (Figure 10.37). Additionally, the increase in the volume of the media that is performing machining causes the hole to be wider (Figure 10.38). The effect of media flow rate on temperature is shown in Figure 10.39.


Magnetic Abrasive Machining

Although magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) originated in the United States during the 1940s, it was in the former USSR and Bulgaria that much of the

Modern Abrasioe Processee


Media volume FIGURE 10.38

Effect of media volume on the diameter increase.

development took place in late 1950s and 1960s. During the 1980s, [apanese followed the work and conducted research for various polishing applications. Figure 10.40 shows the schematic diagram of MAF apparatus. A cylindrical workpiece is clamped into the chuck of the spindle that provides the rotating motion. The workpiece can be a magnetic (steel) or a non-magnetic (ceramic) material, the magnetic field lines go around through the workpiece. Axial vibratory motion is introduced in the magnetic field by the oscillating motion of the magnetic poles relative to the workpiece. A mixture of fine abrasives held in a ferromagnetic material (magnetic abrasive conglomera te; (Figure 10.41) is introduced between the workpiece and the magnetic heads where the finishing process is exerted by the

Media flow rate FIGURE 10.39

Effect of media flow rate on abrasive flow machining ternperature.



of Machining


Vibratory motion


Magnetic abrasives

FIGURE 10.40

Magnetic abrasive machining schematic.

magnetic field. Typically the size of the magnetic abrasive conglomerates is 50-100 um and the abrasives are in the 1-10 um range. With non-magnetic work materials, the magnetic abrasives are linked to each other magnetically between the magnetic poles N and S along the lines of the magnetic forces, forming flexible magnetic abrasive brushes. To achieve uniform circulation of the abrasives, the magnetic abrasives are stirred periodically.
10.5.1 Process Description .

MAF operates with magneto abrasive brushes where the abrasive grains arrange themselves with their carrying iron particles to flexibly comply with the contour of the work surface. The abrasive particles are held firmly against the work surface, while short-stroke oscillatory motion is carried out in the axial workpiece direction. MAF brushes contact and act upon the surface-protruding elements that form the surface irregularities. Surface defects such as scratches, hard spots, lay lines, and tool marks are removed; form errors like taper, looping, chatter marks can be corrected with a limited depth of 20 um. Material removal rate and surface finish depend on the workpiece circumferential speed, magnetic flux density, working clearance, workpiece material, the size of the magnetic abrasive conglomera tes including the type of abrasives used, their grain size, and volume

Ferromagnetic component

FIGURE 10.41

Magnetic abrasive conglomerate.

Modern Abrcsioe Processes


fraction in the conglomerate (Fox et al., 1994). The magnetic pressure between the abrasives and the workpiece is expressed by Kim and Choi (1995) as

where Lo is the magnetic permeability in vacuum, Pm is the magnetic pressure, Lr is the relative magnetic permeability of pure iron, Ha is the magnetic field strength in air gap, and W is the volume ratio of iron in a magnetic abrasive particle. The total volume removed by the magnetic abrasive brush, Qv in the machining time ti, is given by

The surface roughness value after a machining time ti is given by 1 [kl-----'----'-NpN1Ctlfvtm] I 7fHJtan f)m

1\ (t )

R (O) -,1

where kl is the constant of proportionality, N is the number of magnetic particles acting in the machining regia n simultaneously, Nac is the number of abrasive grains in a single conglomera te, tlf is the force acting upon a cutting edge of a single abrasive particle in N, Hr is the workpiece Brinell hardness in Ny mrn''. 1 is the length of work surface in mm, v is the velocity of magnetic abrasives in mm/ min, 20m is the mean angle of asperity of abrasive cutting edge in degrees, R,1(0) is the initial surface roughness in um, and Ra(tm) is the surface roughness after time tm in um.


Process Characteristics

Figure 10.42 shows the magnetic abrasive particle pressure Pm acting lIpon the work surface. which increases as the flux density on the magnetic abrasive grains increases. Additionally, the pressure excreted by the magnetic abrasives decreases as the gap between the magnetic pole and the workpiece is increased, provided that the filling density of the abrasive grains in the gap remains constant (Figure 10.43).


Material Removal Rate and Surface Finish

Typc and size of gmiJ/s:

The surface roughness decreases rapidly in the beginning then levels off to a constant value. The in crea se in grain size raises

., <




~_ ..~ .._._.,. __ -~ .. __ .... _-: ,;,:




of Machillillg


Rotation + vibration Magnetic abrasive particles

Magnetic pole

Pressure, P


I ,'~
Lines of magnetic force FIGURE 10.42 Magnetic field distribution


and magnctic

force acting on a magnctic



the surfacc roughness, as shown in Figure 10.44. The finishing process can be improved by mixing small-sized diamond abrasives with irregular shaped large-sized ferromagnetic iron particles. Mixing weigl1t percentugc of iron panictes: As shown in Figure 10.45, there is an optimum value of mixing weight percentage of ferromagnetic particles for obtaining the best surface finish and the largest machined depth. Magnetic flux density: As shown in Figure 10.46, an increase in the magnetic flux density and particle size increases the machined depth. It decreases with increasing the working clearance (Figure 10.47). Surface

Working clearance

Magnetic flux density FIGURE 10.43 Effect of flux density

and air gap


the magnetic




Abrasioe Processes


(f) (f)




Grain size



't: ::::J


Finishing time FIGURE 10.44 Effcct of finishing

time and grail1 size 011the final surface


roughness improves (Figure W.48). 10.5.4 Applications



flux density




Polsli/lg of balls and roller: Recently, MAF development involves the use of magnetic field to support abrasive slurries in polishing ceramic balls and bearing rollers. A magnetic field, containing abrasive grains and cxtrernely fine ferromagnetic particles in a certain fluid such as water or kerosene, fills thechamber within a guide ring. The abrasive grains,


aJe Q. ..c aJ




2 ~
(1) .u..c


co u co


Mixing weight percentage of iron particles FIGURE 10.45 Effect of mixing wcight

pcrccntugc 011the machined


and surface.



o/ Mnc/il/il/g


Iron particle diameter s: -o

Q) (J)


e u

Magnetic flux density FIGURE 10.46 Effect of 1ll.1gndic flux dl'nsity and iron partick- d i.imotor on thc rnachincd dcpth.

cerarnic balls, and the float (made from non-rnagnetic material) are suspended by the magnetic forces. The balls are preset against the rotating drive shaft and are polished by the rnechanical abrasion action. Bccause the forces applied by thc abrasivo grains are extrcrnely small and controllable. the polishing action is very fine. The proeess is econornical and the surfaces produced have little or no defeets. Fillis/il1g inner-i ubc surfaccs: A sehematie view for the interna] finishing of non-ferromagnetie tubes using MAF operation is shown in Figure 10.49.

Iron particle diameter s:



-o -o
e s:

7Working clearance FIGURE 10.47 Eff("d 01' working clearance

and iron particle diameter


the machined depth.

Mudan Abrnsii Processce


(/) (/)

Magnetic flux density

e .c
Ol ::::l




ro ::J


Finishing time
FIGURE 10.411

Efcct of fini;-,hing time and grain si:: on the final surface


The magnetic abrasives inside the tubes are converged towards the finishing zone by the magnetic ficld, generating the magnetic force needed for finishing. By rotating the tube at higher speed, the magnetic abrasives make the inner surface srnoother. Figure 10.50 shows the finishing of a ferrornagnetic tube where the magnetic fluxes flow into the tube (instead of through the inside of the tube) due to their high magnetic permeability. Under such conditions, thc abrasives remain in the finishing zone when the tube is rotated.


De source


Pale Vibrations

Line of magnetic force Non-ferromagnetic tu be

Magnetic abrasives

Rotation 10.49 M<tgnctic finishing of non-magm-tic tubc-s, (Frorn Y. Hitomi ,1I1d T. Shinimura, Mngnl'lic abrasioc Jil/i~llil/g of il/I/IT ~I/rtil"('~ of II/II('~, lntcrnational svrnposium for electro machining (lSEM-XI), Switzcrland. pp. HH3-Sl)(), F)l)5.)



of . Mnchillill~ , Proccsscs

DC source Coil


Pole Pole Vibrations ~) 0 Magnetic abrasives



fin ishi ng of magnctic tubos. (Frorn Y. 1-1 i torn i and T Sh in iIII mil, MlIg uct ic abra-ne .fil/i;;//il/g of inucr surt/t"s of t ubr, lntcrnational symposium for electro machiniru; (lSEM-XI), Switzerland. pp. ';i{l-i)911, 1995.)




1. A cylind rical imprcssion of diarncter 10 mrn and depth 3 Illlll is to be machined by USM in tungsten carbide. lf the feed force is 6 N, the average diametcr of thc grains in thc abrasivo slurry is 10 ~lJ1I, the tool oscillation arnplitude is 30 um. and the frequency is 20 kHz. The slurry contains one part of abrasives to about one part of water. The fracture hardness of the tungsten carbide workpiece is 7000 N /Illlll=' and that of the copper tool is 1500 N /mm='. Calculate the rnachining time. Assurnc k1 = 0.3, k2 = 1.8 mrrr'. and k3== 0.6. 2. A sguare througb boje 5 X 5 mm is to be ultrasonically machined in a tungsten carbide plate of 4 mm thickness. The slurry is made of one part of 10 ~LJnB.tC abrasives in one part of water. If the feed force is 5 N, thc tooJ oscillates at amplitudc of 15 um and frequency of 25 kHz. Assuming that only 75'1" of pulses are effective. calcula te the machining time. The fracture hardness of tungsten carbide workpiece is 7000 N/ mm'' and that of the copper tool is I5DO N /mm='. Calcula te the machining time taking k1 =0.3, k2 = 1.8 mrrr'. and k3 = 0.6. 3. Estmate the machining time required to machine a hole in We, 5 mm thick. The grits are 20 um radi US, static stress is 15 N/ mm''.

the oscillation amplitude 35 um. and the machine

frequency of 25,000 cps. The compressive fracture




of WC

Modern Abrnsive Processes is 2270 N /jnrrr'. What would be the volumetric removal rate if the shape is a square 4X4 mm". 4. During abrasive jet machining, the mixing ratio was 0.3. Calculate the mass ratio if the ratio of the density of the abrasives and density of the carrier is 20.



5. In AJM, if the nozzle diameter is 1.0 mm and jet velocity is 200 mis, calculate the flow rate cm3/s of the carrier gas and abrasive mixture.


Review Questions
l. Explain how the material is removed in USM.

2. What is the function of the abrasive slurry in USM? 3. Show diagrammatically 4. Explain the advantages the main elements of a USM machine. and disadvantages of USM.

5. A series of 5 mm holes are to be drilled in a glass workpiece. Select a suitable machining method. What are the variables that affect the final hole quality? 6. Show diagrammatically RUM and USM contouring of USM? on the removal rateo 7. What are the rnain applications

8. Exp lain the effect of USM parameters 10. Sketch the machining arrangernent 12. Show some applications for AJM.

9. What are the reasons behind errors in parts machined by USM? in AJM. 11. Explain the rnain factors that affect the AJM removal rateo 13. Show the main parts of the machining system in AWJM. 14. Explain the effect of AWJM parameters on the removed depth fram the workpiece. 15. Explain, using a simple diagram, how AFM is performed.
"16. Explain the effect of AFM pararneters

on diarnetral increase.

17. Explain how the material is removed in MAF operation. 18. Explain the effect of MAF parameters on the surface roughness and removed depth. 19. Describe some MAF applications. 20. Compare AJM, AFM, and AWJM processes with respect to principIes of material rernoval, applications, advantages, and limitations.


Fundamentals of Machining Processes

21. Mark true (T) or false (F): (a) The volurne of material removal in USM is directly related to the frequency. (b) AFM can be used to reduce the diameter of a mild steel rod fram 14 to 12 mm. (c) Stiff media are used for radiusing parts by AFM. (d) AWJM can be used to cut composite materials. (e) Material removal rate in AJM is greater than that in AWJM. (f) A heat-affected layer of 0.5 um is left after AFM. (g) In USM, for the sarne sta tic load, the larger the tool diarneter, the greater will be the penetration rateo

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