Terms Gnosis

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List containing Spiritual, consciousness-related, fine-material and course-material terminology directly related to the Spirit teaching (Geisteslehre) (Major

revision 22/02 2011) Note: Note: In the spiritual teachings the German word Empfindung and derivations like empfindungsmssig describe that factor in the human beings spiritual part which is called feeling or feeling-related in his material part. There is no word in English for Empfindung, just as it is also the case with the Gemt, whose counterpart in the material body is the psyche. Absolutum-forms The, The current Universe, our DERN-Universe is a partially material-universe, which is the absolute lowest form of spiritual energy in the whole BEING of ALL things. When a Creation is created by an Ur-Creation it has for its very first evolution a partially material universe and creates human spiritforms in order to evolve itself. After this very first stage of evolution will all subsequent stages of evolution go on in a purely spiritual manner, that means that after the upcoming sleep-period of Creation the next Universe will consist of purely spiritual-energy with NO coarse-material matter at all, the consistency of the spiritual-energy will be finer and finer each cycle. After 1049 levels of evolution in 7-fold increasing time-periods (Each evolution-level will take 7 times longer then the previous evolution-level) will the transition take place to the Absolute Absolutum, the lowest of the Absolutum-forms. An Example how this would translate to human timeframes, this is not a real cycle, just to make it more understandable: First level: 7 years Second level: 49 years Third level: 343 years Fourth level: 2,401 years Fifth level: 16,807 years Sixth level: 117,649 years Seventh level: 823,543 years The evolutionary times of the Creation measured in years: Wake: 311,040,000,000,000 (currently the first level in which our Universe is right now, more then 1/7 of this time has already passed, >46,000,000,000,000 years (rough number) Sleep: 311,040,000,000,000 Wake: 2,177,280,000,000,000 (First purely spiritual existence of Creation, no coarsematerial matter present)

Sleep: 2,177,280,000,000,000 Wake: 15,240,960,000,000,000 Sleep: 15,240,960,000,000,000 Wake: 106,686,720,000,000,000 Sleep: 106,686,720,000,000,000 Wake: 746,807,040,000,000,000 Sleep: 746,807,040,000,000,000 Wake: 5,227,649,280,000,000,000 Sleep: 5,227,649,280,000,000,000 Wake: 36,593,544,960,000,000,000 Sleep: 36,593,544,960,000,000,000 A total of 85,384,834,560,000,000,000 years of total evolution from the very beginning of this DERN universe up to the SECOND level of evolution where this Creation becomes a Ur-Creation is needed JUST to evolve to the next level of evolution for this Creation, and all other Creations with a material universe in existence, including the DAL-Universe. This repeats:9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,993 times up to the level of the Absolute Absolutum. From the highest to the lowest absolutum-form: 7. BEING-Absolutum 6. Sohar-Absolutum 5. Super-Absolutum 4. Creations-Absolutum 3. Central-Absolutum 2. Ur-Absolutum 1. Absolute Absolutum. The Absolute Absolutum is the one Absolutum-form that created the very first and lowest Creation-forms, the very first material universes, which evolved up to the first UrCreations which on their turn created new material-universe Creations. The other six (6) Absolutum-forms do not create universes / creations.

All-great-time: BEING without end, endless existence Aura: = gr. "Breath", "light", also related with lat. "Air". The aura is "fine-material" extremely fine and now and again for virtually all people an invisible substance, which arises from all living beings and objects, regarded as 'lifeless' by current human standards, in short, everything has an Aura. Sensitive people can perceive the aura as a kind of light or fog only when they are in a meditative state. The aura has normally an intense blue radiation, but it can have different colors in regards to the condition of the physical body, the state of the consciousness-forms, the psyche, etc, etc. The spiritform itself has also an aura. Being:(=German Sein, Existenz) Existence, The material life, the material existence BEING:(=German SEIN) Existing in the creative existence, the spiritual existence Common sense: (German = Verstand) The human capability of the correct recognition and assessment of all things as well the capability of definition-creation and definition application. The human intellectual power, which is able to create definitions and put values into them. The human intellectual power which has the capability of assessment and consideration and decision-making, whereby the knowledge of a fact is achieved, which becomes wisdom through the experience and lived-through knowledge Consciousness: (General definition)Human personality = Intelligence capable of development = Evolutionfactor in first potential. Cosmos: (greek. Kosmein = order) The existing creative order in the Universe: The Ur universal law as order, the universal order. In cosmos = in space creative order. Creation: Creation is the immeasurable mystery suspended in immeasurable expanse. Creation is identical to 'Universal Consciousness', which guides and prevails in the BEING of consciousness; it is a double helix, egg-shaped configuration that simultaneously constitutes the Universe in its growing expansion. Its pulsating doublehelix arms live as spiritual energy, while rotating against each other. Creation --- through its entirety pulsate the Universal 'Gemuet' (a non-translatable German term for the spiritual counterpart to the psyche) and the Universal Consciousness, the power of life and existence in general.

Creation pervades everything and everything pervades Creation, therefore forming oneness within itself. Within this oneness occur all life and all of the evolution allotted to it. Creation has the identical developmental and evolutionary process as every life form, --however, its values of time are anchored in very high values indeed. Creation itself exists in a conscious creative state for seven Great-Times. --- Subsequently it lays dormant for an equal number of Great-Times, but this time they last seven times as long. Following this period, Creation is awake to create once again for a period seven times as longer once again than the previous one. (One Great-Time is equal to 311,040,000,000,000 terrestrial years; seven Great-Times add up to 2,177,280,000,000,000 terrestrial years, also called an eternity; 7 x 7 Great-Times make one All-Great-Time.) Creation is The Creation and there exists no Creation other than it within its own Universe. Creation is the Creation of all creations such as the Universe, the galaxies, stars, earths (earth is equivalent to 'planets' in this context), skies, light and darkness, time, space and all multitudes of life forms in existence, each according to its own species. Creation is justice, love, strength, wisdom, knowledge, compassion, freedom, mercy, laws, directive, alliance, fulfillment, evolution, life, support, joy, beauty, peace, infallibility, equilibrium, spirit, forever, logic, growth, perfection, contentment, inexhaustibility, omnipotence, sweetness, infinity, solidarity, perception, harkening, elevation, the Sohar, gentleness, lucidity, purity, transformation, origin, future, power, reverence, all-ness and BEING. Creation is the BEING and non-BEING of life. It is the most immense mass of spiritual energy in the Universe. Creation is spirit in its purest form and immeasurable in its wisdom, knowledge, love and harmony in truth. Creation is a spiritually dynamic, pure-spirit energy that prevails over everything. Incomprehensible for human beings, it is an active, creative wisdom in the midst of its own incessant evolution; it is all-encompassing for all times. Creation is verity, the all-embracing, solace, comprehensiveness, guidance, equality, accuracy, cognition, empirical knowledge, admonition, discipline, recollection, revelation, praise, perfection, explanation and direction. Creation is the path of life; it is nature, light, fire and contemplation; Creation is consciousness, and it is omnipresent.

Cult-Religion: Worship of gods, people, objects, things, sanctuaries, etc in a humble and very often fearful and fanatical form in combination with rituals, adorations and sacrifices. Following of false-teachings = believing things that never can be proven because of lack of knowledge of the effective truth. Cult-religions are: all variants of Christianity, all variants of Islam, all variants of Hinduism, all variants of Buddism, and all other cult-religions conforming this definition. Cult-religion is solely created for exploitation, domination and power over the general public. DAL-Universe: Dajansini-Arg-Lasergnoralin / Creation as second born (Schpfung-alsZweitgeborene) DERN-Universe: DajansiniErn-Ruan-Nitrapralano / Creation which uncovers itself (Schpfung-die-sich-entschleiert) Decalogue: (Greek) Ten wisdoms, Creationlaws Dodecalogue: (Greek) Twelve wisdoms, Creationlaws Elo: Plejaren word for 'half', 'semi' Elo-JHRH: Semi-Queen of Wisdom, material female human being half in the rank/title of JHRH Elo-JHWH: Semi-King of Wisdom, material male human being half in the rank/title of JHWH Evolution: (lat. Evolvere = roll up) development. Every lifeform is included the Natural Creative Law of development (Evolution) in spiritual, consciousness-related and in material way, however every lifeform has its own specific evolution. Evolution is also developing powers, force, abilities and skills that dont exist yet, AND developing powers, force, abilities and skills that are already present, in either consciousactive or subconscious-passive slumbering form. JHRH: Strictly human title for a material female human being that has reached the level of queen of Wisdom. These human beings live in the last stages of human-material existence before changing over in halfspiritual forms. The female version means: JHRH (phonetic = Ischrsch) JHRHs are human beings like everybody else, but much higher in consciousness and spiritual development then -average- human beings. A JHRH can never be compared to Creation itself, because Creation is immeasurably higher then any other lifeform in its universe.

JHWH: Strictly human title for a material male human being that has reached the level of king of Wisdom. These human beings live in the last stages of human-material existence before changing over in halfspiritual forms. The male version means: JHWH (phonetic = Ischwsch) JHWHs are human beings like everybody else, but much higher in consciousness and spiritual development then -average- human beings. A JHWH can never be compared to Creation itself, because Creation is immeasurably higher then any other lifeform in its universe. Other names for JHWH: TOTH, GO(O)D, GOTT, HAVA, TELI, DIEU, TEOS, JHVH, AGAD, BOOG, DEOS, DEUS, etc., etc. Jehova was not a JHWH in the common sense, but a JHFH, which means king of falsehood, malice Karma: (Sanskrit = Work, doing; It's Ur-value is Kamma ) Karma signifies nothing less than the law of the causality which is the natural-creative law of cause and effect. The material realm as well the immaterial or spiritual and finematerial realm are included in this law. Everything and everybody and all existence, within and beyond our universe are arranged in this law because only the logic of cause and effect can guarantee advancement and evolution of life in the spiritual and the material. Karma has nothing to with 'sin', bad "karma" from past lives, etc as is thought by false teachings from new age sects and certain cult-religions. Knowledge: Result of absolute logical insight in recognition of the truth. Material Consciousness: The material consciousness is the human brain, the cerebrum (big brain), - The direct - It personifies the force in human in which all functions of decision-making, all thought-processes, considerations and deliberations and also speculations, etc., etc. are executed, so thus actual thinking. Material Subconsciousness: The material subconsciousness is the small brain, the cerebellum, The Indirect ? It personifies the force in humans in which every process of the material consciousness is stored, but also all things will be registered when felt, sensed, material conscious grasped, seen, experienced, heard, or anything else that got into the material subconsciousness OM: Omefalon Murado; Law of Creation

OMEDAM: Law(OM) - and(E) - Fullfillment(DAM) aka HUMAN. The lifeform Omedam is the fulfillment of the Law of Creation in order of its own evolution. The human form is created for the purpose to evolve Creation itself by means of countless lives in the material realm and after that as a pure-spiritform by countless transformations in the spiritual realm until re-unification of the spiritform with Creation so that Creation benefits from the spirits knowledge and wisdom and evolves itself a little more. There were 40,353,607 original human races with 343 different skin-colors originally which have multiplied and interbred manifold. Psyche: The psyche is the half-material block and factor in the material body of a lifeform, in this case the human, which orders and administers the material consciousness related feelings and the material consciousness related thoughts, in a negative or positive succession from which a negative or positive imbalance or a neutral positive balance results, whereby the human is either negative or positive unbalanced or neutral positive balanced. Being positive or negative unbalanced means for the Psyche that it is degenerated in one way or the other and the neutral-positive balance means that the psyche is in an equilibrium which is equal in values consistent of being negative and positive, whereby no degeneration into negativity or positivity apears, but an equability and a balance is the end result. Pure Spiritlevels: 7. Petale-level = Blooming level of Creation, Crown of Creation 6. Logon-level = Level of causes (causal-level) 5. Euchare-level = Level of Thankfulness 4. Darman-level = Level of Knowledge and Wisdom (knowledge-wisdom-level) 3. Absaly-level = Level of Peace and Love (peace-love-level) 2. Lantano-level = Level of Freedom and disengagement. (Bridge of Freedom) 1. Arahat Athersata-level = Valuable level, which inspects time. (The valuable, which inspects time) Reason: (German = Vernnft) the human ability to recognize all things and all events in their common connection with Creation and its Laws and Recommendations (Logic) Reasoning, insight, conscious capability of the human to comprehend all things and events in their holistic connection. Sohar: Means "Creation's light" or "Light of BEING".

Soul: = Psyche (has nothing to do with the immortal Spirit) Material part of the human body. Consists out of nervesystems and nervecenters. Otherwise obsolete and outdated word. Spirit: Being of creative energy and Creation itself. The all-becoming, all-creative and all-stimulating. The Ur-Energy of all BEING = Spiritenergy = Spiritform = immortal. Also known as Spiritbody = Astralform = Astralbody. The spirit is an idea itself, concentrated to spiritual-energy in itself. The spirit is a Creation of the Creation itself in order help itself to evolve to a higher level. The spirit is also referred to spiritform, indestructible, eternally living, loving entity, always developing, it resides in the human brain, exactly in the 'Superior Colliculus' of the big brain or Cerebrum; the comprehensive consciousness-block (personality) resides mainly in the frontal cerebral cortex. Even though the 'size' of the spirit is no larger then a needle-point, its energy is enormous and spreads out evenly like a filigree web over all parts of the human body inside and out, without losing one iota of its power, with its spirit-energy it brings life to every cell in the human body. This spirit-energy stays for about 3 hours in the remains of a human body after the spirit and there by the central spiritenergy itself has left the body, thats why some body parts still can be used in organ donation. The spirit-energy that stays behind in the human body could be referred to residual-spiritenergy, and is absorbed by Nature in the course of 3 hours. (Somewhat similar like warmth is absorbed by its surrounding environment) A human Spirit (form) can ONLY incarnate into an OMEDAM lifeform, which means any lifeform classified as human, this means when a spacetraveller dies on a spaceship and his spiritform wanders off to find a planet, it will incarnate into a human lifeform even when this human life has nothing to do with the previous humanrace from which the spacetraveller spiritform came, as long as the human race has a similar and therefore compatible level of evolution compared to the incoming spiritform. Human spiritforms incarnate exclusively into human bodies, never into insects, plants or animals of any kind. Spiritvibration: Every lifeform radiates its own vibration. The more material (compact) a lifeform is, the lower its vibration. When the vibration becomes higher the less material a life form becomes. So in this way, not only human life, but also Creation and the Universe itself, and all the stars, the complete fauna and flora have their own specific and evolution-specific vibrations which includes also all the pure spiritual life forms, which can't be detected and analyzed as a rule of thumb by normal human senses because their vibrations exist on too high of a level. Spirit-Telepathy: Purely spiritconsciousness-related communicationsprocess. (Pure spirit-symbol-images, of about 52,000,000 symbols) (107000 times light speed) Telepathy: (Greek = far feeling) Pure spiritual or material consciousness-related

energetic-oscillation based means of understanding, transmission and communicationsprocess. Truth: The effective compliance of knowledge with Logic, which is Creational power and the absolute of all consistency. Universal Consciousness: Universal Consciousness equals Creation, see definition of Creation Ur: Original, archetypal Ur-Creation: Original Creation or Ur-Creation (German = Urschopfung) is the only Creation-form which creates the idea for a first-Creation (the only Creation with a material universe, all higher Creations are pure spiritual), after which a first-Creation has to create itself out of that idea. An Ur-Creation can create 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ideas for an Creation and from that point on in multiplications of 7. So 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 up to 49 Creations. In case of the DERN universe, is our universe a 'two-egg twin', with the DAL Universe as its slightly younger twin Universe. Wisdom: Result of clear balance in logical knowledge and its experience as absolute determination. Petale These are the four Guardians of the highest power living at the doors of Creation 1. Mjkael 2. Rubael 3. Gabrjel 4. Fanuel ARAHAT ATHERSATA The Seven-We-Form of Arahat Athersata 1. Urjel-The Watcher of the energies of the seasons and weather. 2. Rufael-The Watcher over the Spirit-Forms of all living things. Human, Flora, Fauna and all other living things. 3. Raguel-The Watcher over every living thing that lives against the 7-fold order of Creation and the Laws. 4. Mjkel-The Watcher over every living thing that lives according to the 7-fold order of Creation and the Laws

5. Sarakel-The Watcher over the progress and the instructions of all Spirit forms, Humans and Fauna. 6. Gabrel-The Watcher over all boundaries of all the worlds from the lowest to the highest. 7. Kerubel-The Watcher over all remaining life forms that are presented by Man, Stars, Flora, Fauna and Energies.

This list will be a compilation of all (to the author of this post)known Natural Creative Laws and Recommendations, regularly extended and updated. It must be known that this list will never be complete because of the vast amount of natural-creative laws and recommendations which can never be written down in one single post nor does this list claim any absolute accuracy in describing those naturalcreative laws and recommendations. First post: 31/10/2006 Updated: 22/02/2011 Updated: 22/02/2011; minor grammar revisions, corrections German original first and in italic, English translation in plain text Seven Principles of the Truth of Life in Spirit, Physical and Consciousness, The The First Principle: The Creative-Spirtual 1.Das erste Prinzip fundiert in der Existenz des allumfassenden Geistigen des schpferischen, allbelebenden Geistes im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen. 1. The first principle substantiates in the existence of the all-embracing CreativeSpiritual, all living Spirit in the spiritual, physical and consciousness, and thus in all spiritual and material. The Second Principle: Equality and Equivalence 2. Das zweite Prinzip fundiert in der Gleichheit und Gleichwertigkeit aller Dinge des Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, so also aller Dingen des Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, so also alle Dinge sowohl des Geistigen als auch des Materiellen in Gleichheit und Gleichwertigkeit gegeben sind. 2. The second principle substantiates in the equality and equivalence of all things of the spiritual, to physical and consciousness, so of all things of the spiritual, to physical and Consciousness, so all things of the spiritual as well as the material in equality and equivalence are given. The Third Principle: Oscillation

3. Das dritte Prinzip ist die alluniverselle und allexistenzielle Schwingung aller Formen des Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen. 3. The third principle is all-universal and all-existing oscillation of all forms of the spiritual, physical and consciousness, and thus in all spiritual and material. The Fourth Principle: Bipolarity 4. Das vierte Prinzip ist die Zweipoligkeit aller Dinge alles Existenten, und so also die Gegenpoligkeit aller geistigen und materiellen Werte und Faktoren in ihrer Zusammengehrigkeit. 4. The fourth principle is the bipolarity of all things of all things existent, and thus the counter-polarity of all spiritual and material values and factors in her togetherness. The Fifth Principle: Symmetry 5. Das fnfte Prinzip ist das Gleichmass aller Dingen im Geistigen, Physische und Bewussten, so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen. 5. The fifth principle is the symmetry of all things in the spiritual, physical and consciousness, thus in all spiritual and material. The Sixth Principle: Connection 6. Das sechste Prinzip ist das Gesetz des Zusammenhanges aller in Erscheinung tretenden Vorkommisse und Geschehen, so also im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also gegeben in allem Geistigen und Materiellen. 6. The sixth principle is the law of the connection of all appearing and occurring happenings and events, thus in the spiritual, physical and consciousness, and thus given in all spiritual and material. The Seventh Principle: Universal Evolution 7. Das siebente Prinzip ist das der allumfassende Evolution aller Dingen aller Existenz im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen. 7. The seventh principle is that to the all-embracing evolution of all things of all existence in the spiritual, physical and consciousness, and thus in all spiritual and material.} Love, The Law of: Love is a creational law. Love is absolute certainty of oneself living and existing in everything that exists: In fauna and flora, in the fellow-human being, in each material and spiritual life form of any kind, and in the existence of the entire universe and beyond it. Love in its essential definition means this:

To feel absolute certainty that one lives in all existent in absolute certainty and absolute feeling that the existence of the others is a part-existence of ones own existence, regardless if its a plant, spiritform, an animal, a planet, a rock or a fellow human being. Love is the absolute certainty and the absolute knowledge and the absolute feeling and the absolute grasping, that ALL life is a part of ones own life, while everything is a whole-us-collective (Gesamt-wir-form) in ur-alltime BEING of all existence and only can exist in knowing and sensing of Love als whole-existence. Love is the absolute knowledge and feeling, the absolute sensing and joint living in unity in ur-identical form with all existent life in all whole-universal form and beyond that, in the absolute wisdom, that ones own existence is a part-existence of all other existent lifeforms, which are on their turn a part of ones own existence, and that all wholeuniversal lifeforms just exist because of this reason. Love contains/holds within a logicality (Folgerichtigkeit), in other words: logicality lies in love, because love has a cause and an effect. Love is created from causal factors, from what logicality results (depending on the love form and love intensity). Besides love, that which is spiritual and consciousness-related also has a certain logical development = logicality. Logic brings a certain effect from a cause, and this effect is cause for the next effect, etc. Love is a creational and "empfindungsgeprgtes" element. Logic is founded in creational laws (Gesetzmssigkeiten). Logic includes causality (cause and effect) and growing and passing away (Werden und Vergehen). Every principle of the Creation, the universe and all its lifeforms are founded in the The Law of Love. Love is the founding principle of ALL principles. Every other principle is classified under the principles of Time, Space and Spirit. So love can only be existent in the principles of Time, Space and Spirit, which are the foundations for Love. This means that love, spirit, time and space cant be seen apart form each other and form an indivisible unity. There are 4 (four) main loveforms, although love knows many variants: 1. Bindinglove (Love in a marriage, monogamist and polygamist union) 2. Platoniclove (love between people without sex, friendship) 3. Universallove (love for everything, regardless material or spiritual) 4. Brotherly/Sisterly love (love for a 'stranger' to help without any personal gain and without any judging) Sevenfold laws, The

The unity of Creation is divided in a sevenfold in itself, and in a sevenfold outside of itself. The sevenfold are the seven forms of the Spirit in itself and the sevenfold of the coarsematerial matter, outside of Creation. The sevenfold laws of the Spirit are inside of Creation in BEING, while the sevenfold laws of the coarse-material matter are outside of Creation in Being. The sevenfold laws in both Spirit and Matter or both ONE in the existence of the Creation, they can't be seen apart. BEING and Being are both absolute parts of Creation. When is spoken about 'outside of Creation' then its meant that the sevenfold laws of the coarse-material matter exist outside the timeless and endless BEING of the Creation itself, the material realm is bound by space and time in existence, in Being. The sevenfold laws of the Spirit: 1) Universal-BEING 2) Universal-Law 3) Universal-Gemuet 4) Universal-Love 5) Universal-Force 6) Universal-Time 7) Universal-Creation The sevenfold laws of the coarse material: 1)To become and Wither away 2)Law-compliance 3)Spirit-development 4)Love-life 5)Force-evolution 6)Bondage to time 7)Material creation From these sevenfold laws in the spiritual and the material ALL laws of Creation and Nature spawn. All of this exists in the Ur-Ur-Ur Laws of Love, Logic, Space, Time and Spirit. You shall never, never speak untrue. 525. Human of earth,and HOW MANY TIMES do you overstep it without considering that through it you fool yourself, because of each and every one of your untrue created thoughts and each and every untrue word will be revealed to you by the delay of your path of evolution, which you bring upon yourself. I have one first question...if somebody could explain to me better...

Are the day dreamers against this recommendation? (People who dream things that are not true ) When I was a teen... my parents were very strict...and they rarely let me go out with friends... but in my mind I used to think/dream that I went out with my friends .. and had fun... Also in my childhood when the things were not what I liked I had my own world where I had more time to play and toys and less responsibilities- I always hear to said dream does not cost anything It was all wrong? "The spiritual instructions strongly recommend that we all regularly and diligently practice creating (positive) daydreams ("Wunschtrumen"), so we sow, within ourselves, seeds of hoped-for ideas, so that those positive and practical ideas can then grow to reality, allowing the enormous power of thought to do it's wonderful work." "Positive" dreams or imaginations also require balancing where the negative in this case is never ment to be brought to life (effectuated) but to only exist in the inner world for analysis of effect. From Chapter 20 of the Goblet of Truth. 27) Truly, you shall not effectuate (create) the untruthful (false/negative) in any way in yourselves and you shall not bring it into life (not live it out), rather you shall only make it imaginable (conceivable) through your insight (rationality) and sageness (intellect), thoughts and feelings so that you may have insight (recognition) of all terrible things at their root, so that you may knowingly (consciously) turn yourselves away from them before they can become effective (active). 28) Therefore it is not given through the life-giving (creational) laws and recommendations that the untruthful (false/negative) shall be effectuated (created) in yourselves and serve as a cause for a decision (effect), because truly it shall only serve as a source (means) of observation (imagination) for cognition and understanding (comprehension). (= The untruthfulnesses [the false/negative in any form] shall not be active and not become acute and therefore not break out, but be solely and exclusively created and become conscious in the imagination for the purpose of recognising (seeing) the false and the negative in it in order to take measures against it so that it cannot gain might over human beings and therefore cannot become active inwardly or outwards, and cannot come to an upsurge.) 29) If you are undisguised (truly open) in your world of thoughts then you would like nothing better than to avoid and remove (eradicate) everything that belongs to the extent (realm) of the untruthful (false/negative), however this may only be done in such a way that all that is removed (eradicated) is what is really vigourous (active) and degenerate in the untruthful (false/negative) and is therefore lived; however the source (means) of viewing (imagining) for reaching the cognition of understanding (comprehending) may not be broken off (switched off), otherwise it will be (it will happen) that the internal whole (unity) of differentness will dissolve, by means of which people of your kind

(human beings) will lose equality (identity). English Version: 1. You shall have no other powers and no gods, idols and saints next to Creation. 2. You shall keep holy the name of Creation and not abuse this name. 3. You shall make every day into a day of celebration and hallow it (control it). 4. You shall not break your bond with Creation, including this: You shall not commit adultery. 5. Honour Creation just as you honour, respect and love your father and mother. 6. You shall not kill in depravity. 7. You shall not rob and expropriate. 8. You shall not bear false witness against the truth, Creation and life. 9. You shall never, never speak an untruth. 10. You shall not greedily covet material wealth and your neighbour's possessions. 11. Do not curse the truth. 12. Never, never put Creation's recommendations and Creation's laws into unworthy cults. Original German: 1. Du sollst keine anderen Mchte und keine Gtter, Gtzen und Heilige neben der Schpfung haben. 2. Du sollst den Namen der Schpfung heilig halten und ihn nicht missbrauchen. 3. Du sollst jeden Tag zum Feiertag machen und ihn heiligen (kontrollieren). 4. Du sollst nicht brechend warden im Bunde mit der Schpfung, darin enthalten: Du sollst nicht Ehebrechen. 5. Ehre die Schpfung, gleich wie du Vater und Mutter ehrest, achtest und liebst. 6. Du sollst nicht tten in Ausartung. 7. Du sollst nicht raubend und enteignend sein. 8. Du sollst nicht falsch zeugen wider die Wahreit, die Schpfung und das Leben. 9. Du sollst nie und nie sprechen die Unwahrheit. 10. Du sollst nicht begehren in Habsucht nach materiellen Schtzen und dem Besitztum des Nchsten 11. Fluche nicht der Wahrheit 12. Lege die Schpfungsgebote und Schpfungsgesetze nie und nie in unwerte Kulte. 'True love has no wishes, but only the need to come true.' First of all you have to be you clear, that no God and no son of God, and so on as is, you could pray. A worship of a God is God-cow related, and a worship of the alleged son of God is human cult, because unfortunately Jmmanuel is meant with the son of God, and he was a genuine earthling who had nothing to do with an imaginary God. Is not so necessary for your question, zu you could pray wem. If there is a need you but to pray, you have two real and valuable ways that can satisfy you. Only it will appear but alien you, but with time you will find off you very well to. The first possibility is that you just pray to the all-encompassing and genderless, and hence persnlichkeitslosen creation. And if you do, then you talk to your own in you added render mental shape to, and your spirit lighten you, which revives also

your consciousness by his power. This talk or pray you so indirectly with your awareness and control a conversation with this. The second possibility is that you with a prayer your spirit form or your spirit directly mention which you communicate with your own consciousness in indirect way. What is important in a prayer, is that you not bettelst and not ask, but you simply present the existing facts and ersuchst the creation or your mind, that this is done, what is needed. As a result, the prayer is no longer to a religious cult, and faith process as not a ritual and religious babble, but to a conversation that you control with your own consciousness, you give directives which meet the things that you seek. An ancient call prayer of this type has been created by Nokodemion and used by all the prophets of his line up to the present day. The form of the prayers of this call are also a form of meditation, therefore they can be used also in this way. Like I do on it you below. This you must but please ensure that you properly understand all the words and terms, such as heilig or geheiligt, meaning ehrwuerdig or Ehrwuerdigsein, and so on and so has nothing to do with religious phrases. Also the Himmel have to do, but with levels of consciousness with a divine space. My mind, which you all knowing, all knnend, all-wise, all wahrheitlich and all loving art in me, thy name is sanctified. Your omnipotence wide so I composed in me to the awareness of my thoughts, the given to me and he sammelten knowledge, forces, wisdom, truths, and the love in the universal, the peace and freedom in conscious skills put to the use, development, and to the application. Your power become the conscious determination in me, in my body, and in all areas of intellectual. Leave your power every day in me be effective and develop and nourish my ignorance with knowledge and wisdom, which I cannot the mistakes to detect and correct, that attack me on the way of my development. Let me go mad ways not by material and worldly things and wrong mindsets and forfeited by errors in any faith dependency, because your omnipotence should be aware of in me; the power of your skills and knowledge in the Absolutum for the duration of all time. A further call prayer form is as follows: My spirit that you are in power. Thy name is sanctified. Thy Kingdom inkarniere in me. Your power evolving in me, on Earth and the heavens. My daily bread give me today so I recognize my fault and I know the truth. And lead me not into temptation, not in confusion, but deliver me from the error. Because the Empire in me and the power and knowledge in eternity is yours.

If you mention your spirit in you, then you play so that automatically therefore you it affect your consciousness, which is very quickly accustomed to this way according to your will and can achieve what you want. Of course you can use also free call prayers in its sole discretion, in which you einbeziehst those things that concern you and you want to reach. You can create according to your own will, but can be sure you that it really works. If you feel strong for this, then you can also gesprchs prayer by directly on your awareness reach and communicate with him, which means that you simply clear your thoughts and feelings, clear and reasonable control and consciously choose by your own will and hinarbeitest to, that those things arising and meet, that you seek. That applies also, if you have grief to cope with, because also you have to determine how the funeral management is to go and to dissolve the grief has. If you so in relation to properly communicate with your consciousness, all in accordance with the then governs how you seek it and want to have fulfilled,. You then ask me what I you have said, that there is no God and no angels, that but there was always an intellectual world and an unnamed creator in your imagination. This includes the following: God (other gods and idols) is (are) a fable-like invention of people power for making a hoehere responsible for anything and everything, what ever happened, and had even (like everyone) as a humble victim, which could do nothing against your own destiny. In the same way, also the Engel were invented, on the one hand allegedly to serve as an intermediary between a God and the people and on the other hand as alleged protection (guardian angel) for the people. God as creator - also without name - was invented by human and cow-faith based also in this regard. A creator and God always determined by personality, this is contrary to the creation, the persnlichkeitslos and neither male nor female, but an epicene it is: a pure geistige energy in the work from which all material and intangible universe create only to the vitality could be and creative natural laws and commandments. If you have an idea of an intellectual world, then the idea of intellectual is probably right, but is the intellectual nature differently, as this is explained by the religions and religious philosophies and their doctrinal errors. The spiritual is namely not a God and not on angels and saints, but solely on the spirit-based energy of creation (as well as the resulting spirit forms of human, animal and other nature), corresponds to a purely natural mental energy as such, which is solely by their creative natural laws and commandments. As this form of energy, it is so only neutral operative, because their laws and commandments are neutral and based on the principle of causality or cause and effect. Folgedem knows the creation a penalty, when violated its laws and commandments, because by the causality of man even in their own responsibility for anything and everything must answer, and no matter what he does. Only the imaginary God (as well as other gods and idols) punishment knows, if the person breaks the human invented laws and commandments. If the statements in the book Lehre and the Wahrheit of Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer Knder a little strange to you, then you should try to see things from his point of view, which aims to see only the effectiv Wahrheitliche, understand and accept. This Wahrheitliche is that everything has to do with a religious faith and claims is error. They have established are unfortunately very profound in humans. As a result, the God Delusion has evolved into the inheritable God-cow disease. This means that the person is

gottglubig by the least religious occasion again and thus frowned upon the effective truth and reality when he is born. This is connected with the fear that God punished the people if he believes not in him. And he is no longer off this profound fear if he is not consciously and deliberately turn of effective creative natural truth. FIGU has probably four letters, such as also God in most of the known languages, but is only shorthand for the FIGU long name Freie Association for frontiers and Humanities, and Ufologiestudien. Billy

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