Tandard Perating Rocedure: Odisha Red Cross Blood Bank, Baripada
Tandard Perating Rocedure: Odisha Red Cross Blood Bank, Baripada
Tandard Perating Rocedure: Odisha Red Cross Blood Bank, Baripada
Effective Date
Authorised by
Approved by
The Medical Officer/Counselor is responsible for ditermining the suitability of donor for blood donation. He should confirm that the criteria ara fulfilled after evaluation of health history questionnaire and medical examination including the results of pre donation screening tests.
TRanfusion Medicine Tech. manual, DGHS, INDIA
Donor Questionnaire
Donor Record
CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF BLOOD DONORS A. Accept only voluntary/replacement non-remunerated blood donors if following criteria are fulfilled.
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The interval between blood donations should be no less than three months. The donor shall be in good health, mentally alert and physically fit and shall not be a jail inmate or a person having multiple sex partners or a drug-addict. The donors shall fulfill the following requirements, namely:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The donor shall be in t he age group of 18 to 60 years The donor shall not be less than 45 kilograms Temperature and pulse of the donor shall be normal The systolic and diastolic blood pressures are within normal limits without medication H a emoglobin shall not be less than 12.5 g/dL The donor shall be free from acute respiratory diseases The donor shall be free from any skin disease at the site of phlebotomy The donor shall be free from any disease transmissible by blood transfusion, in so far as can be determined by history and examination indicated above The arms and forearms of the donor shall be fee from skin punctures or scars indicative of professional blood donors or addiction of self-injected narcotics
B. Defer the donor for the period mentioned as indicated in the following table: CONDITIONS PERIOD OF DEFERMENT
Abortion History of blood transfusion Surgery Typhoid fever History of Malaria duly treated Tattoo Breast feeding Immunization (Cholera, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Plague, Gammaglobulin) Rabies vaccination Hepatitis in family or close contact Hepatitis Immune globulin
6 months 6 months 12 months 12 months after recovery 3 months (endemic) 3 years (non endemic area) 6 months 12 months after delivery 15 days 1 year after vaccination 12 months 12 months
C. Defer the donor permanently if suffering from any of the following diseases: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cancer Heart disease Abnormal bleeding tendencies Unexplained weight loss Diabete s Hepatitis B infection Chronic nephritis
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Signs and symptoms, suggestive of AIDS 9. It is important to ask donors if they have been engaged in any risk behaviour. Allow sufficient time for discussion in the private cubicle. Try and identify result-seeking donors and refer them to VCTC ( V oluntary C ounseling and T esting C enter). Reassure the donor that strict confidentially is maintained. 10 Liver disease 11 Tuberculosis 12 Polycythemia Vera 13 Asthma 14 Epilepsy 15 Leprosy 16 Schizophrenia 17 Endocrine disorders
8.8 8.
D. Private i nterview: A detailed sexual history should be taken. Positive history should be recorded on confidential notebook. E. Informed c onsent: Provide information regarding: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Need for blood Need for voluntary donation Regarding transfusion transmissible infections Need for questionnaire and honest answers Safety of blood donation How the donated blood is processed and used Tests carried out on donated blood
N.B. This gives the donor an opportunity to give his/her consent if they feel they are safe donors * Request the donors to sign on the donor card indicating that he is donating voluntarily.
Enter all details in the donor questionnaire,Donor register & computer
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