Genetic Maps

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Genetic map construction with R/qtl

Karl W. Broman
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics Technical Report # 214 4 November 2010

Abstract: Genetic map construction remains an important prerequisite for quantitative trait loci analysis in organisms for which genomic sequence is not available. Surprisingly little has been written about the construction of genetic maps, particularly regarding the many practical issues involved. We provide an overview of the process, including a description of the key facilities in the R/qtl software. The process is illustrated through simulated data on an F2 intercross derived from two inbred strains.

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Introduction Mouse geneticists no longer have to be concerned with genetic map construction, as the available genomic sequence provides the physical locations and order of genetic markers. Scientists interested in mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in other organisms, however, often must rst spend considerable time identifying polymorphic markers and then constructing a genetic map specifying the chromosomal locations of the markers. Surprisingly little has been written about the construction of genetic maps. Certainly, papers describing seminal genetic maps include some description of the methods used, but students desire a general overview of the process along with a discussion of key issues that arise and how to overcome them. I attempt to provide such an overview here, along with a description of the key facilities in R/qtl (Broman et al., Bioinformatics 18:889890, 2003; see for genetic map construction. While I describe the use of R/qtl for this purpose in considerable detail, I hope that my general comments are useful for, and that the R code is not an obstacle to, readers interested in the process generally or in other software. R/qtl is principally aimed at the analysis of simple crosses (particularly backcrosses and intercrosses) derived from a pair of inbred strains. R/qtl includes the ability to analyze doubled haploids or a panel of recombinant inbred lines or even a phase-known four-way cross, but here I will focus on the simple case of an intercross between two inbred strains. Experimental design issues Before proceeding with our discussion of genetic map construction, let us rst describe some of the design issues that a scientist should consider before embarking on such a project. One must rst ask: what sort of cross should be performed? As I have in mind a QTL mapping application, I would suggest using the same cross (that is, the same material) for both constructing a genetic map and for the subsequent QTL mapping. It is likely the case that one will need a larger cross for the QTL mapping than for map construction, and also one probably should use a larger set of markers for map construction than for QTL mapping. Thus the ideal strategy may be to produce a large cross, for QTL mapping, but genotype only a portion of that cross on the full set of markers. Once the genetic map is constructed, one may then identify a smaller set of markers, which cover the genome as evenly as possible, to genotype on the remainder of the cross. In spite of the fact that map construction often requires fewer individuals than QTL mapping, as a general rule one should use more than the minimal number of individuals for map construction. Issues such as genotyping errors and segregation distortion are more easily overcome with a larger cross population. Similarly, one should aim for a much larger set of genetic markers than simple calculations about genome size might indicate to be sucient. In organisms with a mature complement of genomic resources, one may choose an ideal set of markers that evenly cover the genome and that are all well behaved and easily genotyped. In the de novo construction of a genetic map, however, markers will be developed at random, and so some regions will be densely covered with markers and other regions will be quite thin with markers. Variation in recombination 2

rate (as well as in marker density and polymorphism) will exacerbate this issue. Moreover, one often nds that some markers are very dicult to genotype, and rather than spend considerable time optimizing such markers (such as by redesigning primers or changing PCR conditions), it would be most expedient if such poorly behaved markers could simply be omitted. If one has at hand more markers than are really necessary, it is less of a concern to be dropping 10% of them. In the actual genotyping, one should always include DNA from the parental lines and F1 individuals as controls, preferably on each plate. Ideally, include the actual parents and F1 individuals; if residual heterozygosity is identied, the genotypes of these progenitors will be extremely useful for making sense of the data. Additional blind duplicates are useful to give some sense of the overall genotyping error rate. Load the data I will consider, as an illustration, a set of simulated data. Real data might be preferred, but by considering simulated data, I can be sure that they feature all of the various issues that I wish to illustrate. Moreover, these features can be made quite striking, so that there will be little question here of what to do. In practice, aberrant features in the data will often be less than clear and may require additional genotyping, or at least a reconsideration of the raw genotyping results, before the appropriate action is clear. The data set is called mapthis and is included in R/qtl version 1.19-10 and above. This is an intercross between two inbred lines, with 300 individuals genotyped at 100 markers. There is just one phenotype, which contains individual identiers. The 100 markers were chosen at random from ve chromosomes of length 200, 150, 100, 75 and 50 cM, respectively. The chromosomal locations of the markers are to be treated as unknown, though the marker names do contain this information: marker C2M4 is the fourth marker on chromosome 2. (Note that the chromosomes are all autosomes. Im not considering the X chromosome in this tutorial.) To load the data, in R, one rst needs to load the R/qtl package, using the function library(). The data set is then loaded via data().
> library(qtl) > data(mapthis)

In practice, one would use the function read.cross() to load a data set into R. See the help le (type ?read.cross), look at the sample data sets at, and consider Chapter 2 of Broman and Sen (2009) A Guide to QTL Mapping with R/qtl ( In assembling the sort of comma-delimited le that R/qtl can read, one should assign all markers to the same chromosome (which can be named whatever is convenient, 1 or un or whatever). There is no need to assign map positions to markers. A data le for the mapthis data is at It can be read into R as follows. (Note the use of Markers will be assigned dummy locations, with no attempt to estimate inter-marker distances.) 3

> mapthis <- read.cross("csv", "", "mapthis.csv", +

Omit individuals and markers with lots of missing data After importing a new data set, the rst thing I look at is a summary of the cross.
> summary(mapthis) F2 intercross No. individuals: 300

No. phenotypes: 1 Percent phenotyped: 100 No. chromosomes: Autosomes: Total markers: No. markers: Percent genotyped: Genotypes (%): 1 1 100 100 95.4 AA:26.2



not BB:0

not AA:0

I look to make sure that the cross type (in this case, an F2 intercross) was determined correctly and that the numbers of individuals and markers is as expected. The function summary.cross() also performs a variety of basic checks of the integrity of the data, and so Id pay attention to any warning or error messages. Next, I look at the pattern of missing data, through the function plot.missing().
> plot.missing(mapthis)

The result (in Fig. 1) indicates several individuals with a great deal of missing data (horizontal lines), as well as several markers with a great deal of missing data (vertical lines). The function ntyped() provides the numbers of genotyped markers for each individual (or the number of genotyped individuals for each marker). Let us plot these. (And note that there is a related function, nmissing(), which provides the number of missing genotypes for each individual or marker.)
> par(mfrow=c(1,2), las=1) > plot(ntyped(mapthis), ylab="No. typed markers", main="No. genotypes by individual") > plot(ntyped(mapthis, "mar"), ylab="No. typed individuals", + main="No. genotypes by marker")

As seen in Fig. 2, there are six individuals missing almost all genotypes, and there are four markers that are missing genotypes at about half of the individuals. Such appreciable missing data often indicates a problem (either bad DNAs or dicult-to-call markers) and can lead to diculties in the genetic map construction, and so it is best, at this stage, to omit them, though one might consider adding them back in later. To omit the individuals with lots of missing genotype data, we may use the function subset.cross(), as follows. 4

300 250 Individuals 200 150 100 50


40 Markers




Figure 1: Pattern of missing genotype data in the mapthis dataset. Black pixels indicate missing genotypes.

No. genotypes by individual

No. typed individuals 100 No. typed markers 80 60 40 20 0 50 100 Index 200 300 300 250 200 150

No. genotypes by marker







Figure 2: Plot of number of genotyped markers for each individual (left panel) and number of genotyped individuals for each marker (right panel).

1500 Frequency



0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

No. matching genotypes

Figure 3: Histogram of the proportion of markers for which pairs of individuals have matching genotypes.
> mapthis <- subset(mapthis, ind=(ntyped(mapthis)>50))

To omit the markers with lots of missing data, we rst need to identify the names of the markers. We then use drop.markers().
> nt.bymar <- ntyped(mapthis, "mar") > todrop <- names(nt.bymar[nt.bymar < 200]) > mapthis <- drop.markers(mapthis, todrop)

Identify duplicate individuals I nd it useful to compare the genotypes between all pairs of individuals, in order to reveal pairs with unusually similar genotypes, which may indicate sample duplications or monozygotic twins. In either case, we will want to remove one individual from each pair. Such duplicates are not common, but they are also not rare. We use the function comparegeno to compare the genotypes for all pairs of individuals. The output is a matrix, whose contents are the proportions of markers at which the pairs have matching genotypes.
> cg <- comparegeno(mapthis) > hist(cg[lower.tri(cg)], breaks=seq(0, 1, len=101), xlab="No. matching genotypes") > rug(cg[lower.tri(cg)])

As seen in Fig. 3, a pair of F2 siblings typically share genotypes at 40% of the markers. But there are some pairs with well over 90% matching genotypes. We may identify these pairs as follows. 6

> wh <- which(cg > 0.9, arr=TRUE) > wh <- wh[wh[,1] < wh[,2],] > wh row col [1,] 214 216 [2,] 238 288 [3,] 144 292

We may inspect the genotype matches for these pairs with the following.
> g <- pull.geno(mapthis) > table(g[144,], g[292,]) 1 2 3 1 26 0 0 2 2 44 0 3 0 1 18 > table(g[214,], g[216,]) 1 2 3 1 21 0 0 2 0 35 1 3 1 0 37 > table(g[238,], g[288,]) 1 2 3 1 36 1 0 2 0 46 0 3 1 0 12

As seen above, in each case, the pairs have matching genotypes at all but 2 or 3 markers. Ideally, one would go back to the records to try to assess the source of these problems (e.g., are the pairs from the same litters?). Here, we will simply omit one individual from each pair. But rst we will omit the genotypes that mismatch, as these are indicated to be errors in one or the other individual (or both). The R code is a bit complicated.
> for(i in 1:nrow(wh)) { + tozero <- ![wh[i,1],]) & ![wh[i,2],]) & g[wh[i,1],] != g[wh[i,2],] + mapthis$geno[[1]]$data[wh[i,1],tozero] <- NA + }

Now, we omit one individual from each pair.

> mapthis <- subset(mapthis, ind=-wh[,2])

Its also useful to look for duplicate markers (that is, markers with identical genotypes). This is particularly true for the case of very large sets of markers; multiple markers with identical genotypes will invariably map to the same location, and so one might as well thin out the markers so that there are no such duplicates, as the extra markers simply slow down all of our analyses. The function findDupMarkers() may be used to identify markers with matching genotypes. (Note that the function drop.dupmarkers() is for dropping markers with matching names, and considers the genotypes only in order to establish consensus genotypes across the multiple markers with the same name). Here, though, there are no markers with matching genotypes. 7

> print(dup <- findDupMarkers(mapthis, exact.only=FALSE)) NULL

Look for markers with distorted segregation patterns We next study the segregation patterns of the markers. We expect the genotypes to appear with the frequencies 1:2:1. Moderate departures from these frequencies are not unusual and may indicate the presence of partially lethal alleles. Gross departures from these frequencies often indicate problematic markers that should be omitted, at least initially: monomorphic markers (that is, where the two parental lines actually have the same allele), or markers that are especially dicult to call (e.g., AA are often called as AB). We use the function geno.table to inspect the segregation patterns. It calculates the genotype frequencies and also a P-value for a test of departure from the 1:2:1 expected ratios. We will focus on those markers that show signicant distortion at the 5% level, after a Bonferroni correction for the multiple tests.
> gt <- geno.table(mapthis) > gt[gt$P.value < 0.05/totmar(mapthis),] C4M2 C1M4 C2M9 C1M21 C2M15 C2M27 chr missing AA AB BB not.BB not.AA P.value 1 1 97 143 50 0 0 4.79e-04 1 4 8 207 72 0 0 3.97e-19 1 2 284 3 2 0 0 2.08e-180 1 5 196 10 80 0 0 7.00e-75 1 3 0 1 287 0 0 1.31e-186 1 5 2 214 70 0 0 4.66e-23

The rst of these markers, C4M2, is not terrible. The others appear to be monomorphic with a few errors (C2M9 and C2M15) or have one genotype that is quite rare, which likely indicates diculties in genotyping. It would be best to omit the worst of these markers.
> todrop <- rownames(gt[gt$P.value < 1e-10,]) > mapthis <- drop.markers(mapthis, todrop)

Study individuals genotype frequencies Just as we expect the markers to segregate 1:2:1, we expect the individuals to have genotype frequencies that are in approximately those proportions. Studying such genotype frequencies may help to identify individuals with high genotyping error rates or some other labeling or breeding mistake. Theres no R/qtl function to to pull out the genotype frequencies by individual, but we can write a bit of R code to do so. It is a bit nasty, with calls to apply(), table(), factor(), colSums() and t(), but hopefully the reader can gure this out after a bit of exploration and introspection.
> > > > > + + g <- pull.geno(mapthis) gfreq <- apply(g, 1, function(a) table(factor(a, levels=1:3))) gfreq <- t(t(gfreq) / colSums(gfreq)) par(mfrow=c(1,3), las=1) for(i in 1:3) plot(gfreq[i,], ylab="Genotype frequency", main=c("AA", "AB", "BB")[i], ylim=c(0,1))

1.0 1.0



0.8 Genotype frequency Genotype frequency

0.8 Genotype frequency 0 50 150 Index 250











0.0 0 50 150 Index 250


0.0 0 50 150 Index 250

Figure 4: Genotype frequencies by individual.

The results in Fig. 4 do not indicate any particular problems, though the small number of short chromosomes result in considerable variability, including one individual with no BB genotypes, and the frequencies of AB genotypes varies from 1089%. However, if there were an individual with 100% AA or BB genotypes (like one of the parental strains), we would see it here. A more fancy, and potentially more clear view of these genotype frequencies is obtained by representing them as points in an equilateral triangle (see Fig. 5). For any point within an equilateral triangle, the sum of the distances to the three sides is constant, and so one may represent a trinomial distribution as a point within the triangle. I wont show the code, but note that the red X in the center of the gure corresponds to the expected genotype frequencies (1/4, 1/2, 1/4). Each black dot corresponds to an individuals genotype frequencies. Theres one point along the right edge; this corresponds to the individual with no BB genotypes. Again, the small size of the genome results in enormous variation, and so no one individual stands out as unreasonable. Study pairwise marker linkages; look for switched alleles We are now in a position to begin the genetic map construction. We start by assessing the linkage between all pairs of markers. The function est.rf() is used to estimate the recombination fraction between each pair and to calculate a LOD score for a test of rf = 1/2. But rst note that, in the presence of appreciable segregation distortion (which is not the case for these data), unlinked markers can appear to be linked. For example, consider 9




Figure 5: Genotype frequencies by individual, represented on an equilateral triangle. The red X indicates the expected frequencies of 1:2:1.

the following 22 table of two-locus genotypes in a backcross. Marker 2 AA AB overall 243 27 270 27 3 30 270 30 300

Marker 1 AA AB overall

In this case, the two markers are segregating independently but show severe segregation distortion. (They segregate 9:1 rather than 1:1.) The usual estimate of the recombination fraction is (27+27)/300 = 0.18, and the LOD score for the test of rf = 1/2 is 28.9. If segregation distortion is rampant in a dataset (and such things do happen), the usual tests of pairwise linkage will give distorted results, and so it is best to instead use a simple chi-square or likelihood ratio test, to assess the association between markers. The function markerlrt() behaves just like est.rf(), but uses a general likelihood ratio test in place of the usual test of pairwise linkage. Now back to the data, which are not so badly behaved.
> mapthis <- est.rf(mapthis) Warning message: In est.rf(mapthis) : Alleles potentially switched at markers C3M16 C2M16 C1M2 C3M9 C2M14 C1M24 C1M1 C2M12 C1M36 C3M1 C2M25 C1M22 C5M5 C5M7 C1M17 C5M1 C3M5 C1M15 C2M24 C2M17 C1M23 C5M6 C1M16 C3M2 C3M10 C3M6 C2M13


Note the warning message, which indicates that there are numerous markers with likely switched alleles (A B). This is indicated through pairs of markers that are strongly indicated to be associated but have estimated recombination fractions 1/2. The checkAlleles() function gives more detailed information on this issue.
> checkAlleles(mapthis, threshold=5) 4 5 8 9 12 17 18 19 35 38 41 42 45 49 51 54 55 58 60 65 69 70 76 83 84 89 91 marker chr index C3M16 1 4 31.19 C2M16 1 5 55.02 C1M2 1 8 5.52 C3M9 1 9 39.57 C2M14 1 12 32.54 C1M24 1 17 5.76 C1M1 1 18 102.00 C2M12 1 19 6.22 C1M36 1 35 92.99 C3M1 1 38 49.19 C2M25 1 41 38.53 C1M22 1 42 5.77 C5M5 1 45 17.34 C5M7 1 49 24.09 C1M17 1 51 9.80 C5M1 1 54 25.76 C3M5 1 55 53.61 C1M15 1 58 21.98 C2M24 1 60 104.63 C2M17 1 65 43.55 C1M23 1 69 88.31 C5M6 1 70 15.60 C1M16 1 76 86.79 C3M2 1 83 24.93 C3M10 1 84 48.88 C3M6 1 89 10.65 C2M13 1 91 44.01

The nal column in the output for a marker,, is the dierence between the maximum LOD score for the cases where the estimated recombination fraction is > 1/2 and the maximum LOD score for the cases where the estimated recombination fraction is < 1/2. There are a large number of markers that are tightly associated with other markers, but with recombination fractions well above 1/2, which indicates that some markers likely have their alleles switched. A plot of the LOD scores against the estimated recombination fractions for all marker pairs will give another good view of this problem. We use the function pull.rf() to pull out the recombination fractions and LOD scores as matrices.
> rf <- pull.rf(mapthis) > lod <- pull.rf(mapthis, what="lod") > plot(as.numeric(rf), as.numeric(lod), xlab="Recombination fraction", ylab="LOD score")

As seen in Fig. 6, there are many marker pairs with large LOD scores but estimated recombination fractions 1/2. One solution to this problem is to form initial linkage groups, ensuring that markers with rf > 1/2 are placed in dierent groups. If all goes well, each chromosome will come out as a pair of linkage groups: one containing markers with correct alleles and another containing markers with switched alleles. 11

120 100 LOD score 80 60 40 20 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Recombination fraction

Figure 6: Plot of LOD scores versus estimated recombination fractions for all marker pairs.

We use the function formLinkageGroups() to infer linkage groups. It uses the pairwise linkage results from est.rf() (or, pairwise association information from markerlrt()). The function has two main arguments: max.rf and min.lod. Two markers will be placed in the same linkage groups if they have estimated recombination fraction max.rf and LOD score min.lod. The linkage groups are closed via the transitive property. That is, if markers a and b are linked and markers b and c are linked, then all three are placed in the same linkage group. I generally start with min.lod relatively large (say 6 or 8 or even 10). The appropriate value depends on the number of markers and chromosomes (and individuals). The aim is to get as many truly linked markers together, but avoid completely putting unlinked markers in the same linkage group. It is usually easier to combine linkage groups after the fact rather than to have to split linkage groups apart.
> lg <- formLinkageGroups(mapthis, max.rf=0.35, min.lod=6) > table(lg[,2]) 1 2 3 29 21 10 4 9 5 6 6 5 7 4 8 3 9 10 11 2 1 1

The output of formLinkageGroups() is a matrix with two columns: the initial linkage group or chromosome for each marker, and then the assigned linkage group, as inferred from the pairwise linkage information. The inferred linkage groups are numbered in decreasing order of size (so that linkage group 1 has the largest number of markers). Here we see that 11 linkage groups were inferred, with the last 2 groups having just one marker. One may play with max.rf and min.lod until the result is about as expected. Here, I was hoping for about 10 linkage groups (since there are ve chromosomes but each will likely be split in two due to the allele switching problem), and so the results seem okay.


Since we are happy with the results, we can reorganize the markers into these inferred linkage groups. We do so with the same function, formLinkageGroups(), via the argument reorgMarkers.
> mapthis <- formLinkageGroups(mapthis, max.rf=0.35, min.lod=6, reorgMarkers=TRUE)

A plot of the pairwise recombination fractions and LOD scores may indicate how well this worked.
> plot.rf(mapthis, alternate.chrid=TRUE)

The result, in Fig. 7, looks about as expected. The markers within linkage group 1 are linked to each other. The pattern within the group is a bit random, but that is because we have not yet ordered the markers in any way. Note that linkage groups 4 and 5 are associated with each other, in that they have large LOD scores (the lower-right rectangle for groups 4 and 5 is largely red), but their recombination fractions are not small (the upper-left rectangle for groups 4 and 5 is strongly blue). I would infer from this that these markers belong to the same chromosome, but the alleles in one or the other group are switched. We cant know which is correct, and ideally one would have parental genotype data to help x these problems, but it is not unreasonable, for now, to assume that the larger group of markers corresponds to the ones with the correct alleles. Similarly, groups 6 and 7 belong together, group 8 belongs to group 2, and groups 911 belong to group 1. We can look at this more clearly by picking out a marker from one group and studying the recombination fractions and LOD scores for that marker against all others. Let us pick the third marker in linkage group 4. We create the objects rf and lod again, using pull.rf(). These objects have class "rfmatrix", and so plot below actually goes to the function plot.rfmatrix(), which plots the values for a single marker in a display similar to a set of LOD curves.
> > > > > > > rf <- pull.rf(mapthis) lod <- pull.rf(mapthis, what="lod") mn4 <- markernames(mapthis, chr=4) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(rf, mn4[3], bandcol="gray70", ylim=c(0,1), alternate.chrid=TRUE) abline(h=0.5, lty=2) plot(lod, mn4[3], bandcol="gray70", alternate.chrid=TRUE)

As seen in Fig. 8, the marker C3M13 is strongly associated with markers in both linkage groups 4 and 5, but the estimated recombination fractions between C3M13 and the markers on linkage group 4 are all < 1/2, while the estimated recombination fractions between C3M13 and the markers on linkage group 5 are all > 1/2. We can see the problem even more clearly by inspecting a few tables of two-locus genotypes, produced by geno.crosstab().
> geno.crosstab(mapthis, mn4[3], mn4[1]) C3M11 C3M13 - AA AB BB - 0 2 3 2 AA 3 50 9 0 AB 1 15 101 16 BB 1 1 13 74


2 1 3

4 5

6 7


8 10 911 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4

60 3 Markers


20 1


40 Markers



Figure 7: Plot of estimated recombination fractions (upper-left triangle) and LOD scores (lowerright triangle) for all pairs of markers. Red indicates linked (large LOD score or small recombination fraction) and blue indicates not linked (small LOD score or large recombination fraction).


1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 2 Chromosome 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 Chromosome 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10

Figure 8: Plot of estimated recombination fractions (top panel) and LOD scores (bottom panel) for the marker C3M13 against all other markers.




> mn5 <- markernames(mapthis, chr=5) > geno.crosstab(mapthis, mn4[3], mn5[1]) C3M16 C3M13 - AA AB BB - 0 3 3 1 AA 1 0 17 44 AB 0 16 100 17 BB 1 62 26 0

It is clear that, if the genotypes for C3M13 are correct, then the A and B alleles for C3M16 are switched. In practice, I will look at enormous numbers of these sorts of two-locus genotype tables in order to gure out what is going on. But these data are (by design) quite clean, and so we will simply trust that the alleles need to be switched for all of the markers on linkage groups 5 and 711. The function switchAlleles() is convenient for performing the allele switching.
> toswitch <- markernames(mapthis, chr=c(5, 7:11)) > mapthis <- switchAlleles(mapthis, toswitch)

Now when we revisit the plot of recombination fractions and LOD scores, we will see a quite dierent picture. (Note that we need to re-run est.rf() after having run switchAlleles().)
> mapthis <- est.rf(mapthis) > plot.rf(mapthis, alternate.chrid=TRUE)

As seen in Fig. 9, the LOD scores between marker pairs are unchanged, but now the recombination fractions are small (indicated in red) for marker pairs with evidence of association (large LOD scores, also in red). It is useful to revisit the plot of LOD scores versus recombination fractions for all pairs.
> rf <- pull.rf(mapthis) > lod <- pull.rf(mapthis, what="lod") > plot(as.numeric(rf), as.numeric(lod), xlab="Recombination fraction", ylab="LOD score")

Now we see (in Fig. 10) no estimated recombination fractions that are much above 1/2, and certainly no large recombination fractions with large LOD scores. In fact, the largest LOD score for marker pairs with estimated recombination fraction > 1/2 is 1.38. Form linkage groups We now should have the genotype data in good shape and can nally proceed to the actual map construction. First, we again attempt to infer the linkage groups, with the hope that well come away with exactly ve.
> lg <- formLinkageGroups(mapthis, max.rf=0.35, min.lod=6) > table(lg[,2]) 1 2 3 4 33 24 15 10 5 9


2 1 3

4 5

6 7


8 10 911 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4

60 3 Markers


20 1


40 Markers



Figure 9: Plot of estimated recombination fractions (upper-left triangle) and LOD scores (lowerright triangle) for all pairs of markers, after having switched alleles for many markers. Red indicates linked (large LOD score or small recombination fraction) and blue indicates not linked (small LOD score or large recombination fraction).


120 100 LOD score 80 60 40 20 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Recombination fraction

Figure 10: Plot of LOD scores versus estimated recombination fractions for all marker pairs, after alleles at many markers have been switched.

Right; weve got ve groups. Now we reorganize the markers again.

> mapthis <- formLinkageGroups(mapthis, max.rf=0.35, min.lod=6, reorgMarkers=TRUE)

It is useful to plot the pairwise recombination fractions and LOD scores again.
> plot.rf(mapthis)

As seen in Fig. 11, we have ve clear linkage groups, with markers within a group linked to one another, and markers in distinct groups showing no evidence of linkage. The results couldnt possibly be cleaner (and they wouldnt be, if these were real data). Order markers on chromosome 5 We now turn to the problem of ordering markers within each linkage group. (We could go ahead and call them chromosomes at this point.) I always start with the chromosome with the fewest markers, as there are fewer possible orders and so the process is quicker. I like to see some progress before I move to the larger chromosomes. The function orderMarkers() may be used to establish an initial order. It picks an arbitrary pair of markers, and then adds an additional marker (chosen at random), one at a time, in the best supported position. With the argument use.ripple=TRUE, the function ripple() is used after the addition of each marker, to consider all possible orders in a sliding window of markers, to attempt to improve marker order. The argument window denes the length of the window. Larger values will explore more possible orders but will require considerably more computation time. The value window=7 is usually about the largest one would ever consider; 18

5 5


3 60 Markers

2 40



40 Markers



Figure 11: Plot of estimated recombination fractions (upper-left triangle) and LOD scores (lowerright triangle) for all pairs of markers, after markers have been placed in their nal linkage groups. Red indicates linked (large LOD score or small recombination fraction) and blue indicates not linked (small LOD score or large recombination fraction).


use of window=8 will take so long that one would not want to sit and wait. Note that the other arguments to orderMarkers (e.g., error.prob and map.function) are passed to the function for estimation of the genetic map with the nal order that is chosen. Also note that ripple(), in this case, chooses among orders in order to minimize the number of obligate crossovers. More on this below.
> mapthis <- orderMarkers(mapthis, chr=5)

We may use to inspect the result.

>, chr=5) C5M1 0.00 C5M3 1.40 C5M4 3.30 C5M5 C5M6 C5M7 C5M8 C5M9 C5M10 5.37 10.00 11.03 14.23 39.31 42.11

Since the marker names were chosen to indicate the true marker order, we can see that we got the order exactly right. (Though note that the second marker, C5M2 was omitted at some point during the course of our analysis.) Of course, we wouldnt know this, and so we should make an attempt to explore alternate orders, in case another order might be seen to be an improvement. We use ripple() to explore alternate orders. As mentioned above, it considers all possible orders of markers in a sliding window of xed length, with the argument window dening the width of the window. If window is equal to the number of markers on the chromosome, than all possible orders are considered. The quickest approach is to count the number of obligate crossovers for each order. The good orders generally are those that result in the smallest numbers of crossovers. The more rened, but considerably slower approach, is to compare the likelihoods of the dierent orders. (The likelihood for a given marker order is the probability of the data assuming that order is correct and plugging in estimates of the inter-marker distances.) We do this with method="likelihood" in ripple(). We may also indicate a genotyping error probability (through error.prob). While we could start by comparing orders to minimize the number of obligate crossovers (with method="countxo", the default, in ripple()), this was already done when we called orderMarkers(), and it is not necessary to run it again. Nevertheless, the results will indicate how close, in terms of number of crossovers, the next-best marker order is to the inferred one.
> rip5 <- ripple(mapthis, chr=5, window=7) 13680 total orders > summary(rip5) obligXO 215 216 217

Initial 1 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9


As seen above, 13,680 marker orders were considered. (There are 9!/2 = 181,440 total marker orders.) On my computer, the code above took about 1.5 seconds. If wed looked at all possible orders (that is, with window=9), it would take about 14 seconds, but the resultsI checkedare the same.) Switching markers 8 and 9 results in one additional obligate crossover. If, instead, one switches markers 5 and 6, there are two additional obligate crossovers. It is good to also study the likelihood of dierent orders, though we will want to greatly reduce the window argument, so that it can be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time.
> rip5lik <- ripple(mapthis, chr=5, window=4, method="likelihood", + error.prob=0.005) 114 total orders > summary(rip5lik) LOD chrlen 0.0 38.2 0.1 38.5

Initial 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8

The result (on my computer) took about two minutes. We see that switching markers 8 and 9 has a LOD score (that is, log10 likelihood, relative to the initial order) of 0.1, which indicates that it is slightly preferred. However, the estimated chromosome length is slightly longer (38.5 versus 38.2 cM). We know, from the marker names, that the initial order was the true order, but in practice we would not have such information, and we would probably want to switch markers 8 and 9. Usually we are looking to have the estimated chromosome length be as short as possible, but if we trust the likelihood calculation, we should go with the alternate order. Of course, the two orders are not really distinguishable; we cant really say, on the basis of these data, whether the correct order is the rst or the second. Note that the results here can be sensitive to the assumed genotyping error rate. (I chose error.prob=0.005 above, because the data were simulated with this error rate.) The function compareorder() can be used to compare an initial order to a xed alternative order. We can use this to quickly inspect how sensitive the results are to the assumed error rate.
> compareorder(mapthis, chr=5, c(1:7,9,8), error.prob=0.01) LOD length orig 0.0000 36.6 new 0.0354 36.9 > compareorder(mapthis, chr=5, c(1:7,9,8), error.prob=0.001) LOD length orig 0.000 40.6 new 0.181 40.8


> compareorder(mapthis, chr=5, c(1:7,9,8), error.prob=0) LOD length orig 0.000 45.4 new 0.244 45.6

These results indicate that with smaller assumed genotyping error rates, the evidence in favor of switching markers 8 and 9 increases somewhat. Note also that the map length increases quite a bit. If we were looking at these data blindly, I would likely go with switching markers 8 and 9, so lets go ahead and do that here. We use switch.order() to do so. It takes the same sort of arguments as, as after the marker order is switched, is called to revise the estimated map for the chromosome.
> mapthis <- switch.order(mapthis, chr=5, c(1:7,9,8), error.prob=0.005) >, chr=5) C5M1 0.00 C5M3 1.09 C5M4 2.64 C5M5 4.24 C5M6 8.31 C5M7 C5M8 C5M10 C5M9 8.90 11.55 36.11 38.45

Note that the map is slightly smaller than what we had seen above, after running orderMarkers(), as we had used the default value for error.prob in that function, and now we are using error.prob=0.005. Also note that markers C5M10 and C5M9 are quite close together and are separated from the next marker by 24.6 cM. This explains why it is dicult to assess the appropriate order for these two markers. Order markers on chromosome 4 We now turn to chromosome 4. First, we run orderMarkers() and print out the estimated map.
> mapthis <- orderMarkers(mapthis, chr=4) >, chr=4) C4M1 0.0 C4M2 17.0 C4M3 23.7 C4M4 28.7 C4M5 35.9 C4M6 44.3 C4M7 47.7 C4M8 C4M10 50.0 61.4 C4M9 63.9

The marker names tell us the true order, and so we see that the inferred order is correct except that markers C4M10 and C4M9 are switched. Let us run ripple(), to see which orders have similar numbers of obligate crossovers.
> rip4 <- ripple(mapthis, chr=4, window=7) 18000 total orders > summary(rip4) obligXO 326 326

Initial 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9


The order with markers 9 and 10 switched gives the same number of obligate crossovers, and so we can not distinguish between these two marker orders. We turn to the likelihood comparison.
> rip4lik <- ripple(mapthis, chr=4, window=4, method="likelihood", + error.prob=0.005) 132 total orders > summary(rip4lik) LOD chrlen 0.0 57.7 1.2 57.6

Initial 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9

There is reasonably good evidence to switch markers 9 and 10 (which is nice, as this results in the true marker order).
> mapthis <- switch.order(mapthis, chr=4, c(1:8,10,9), error.prob=0.005) >, chr=4) C4M1 0.0 C4M2 16.2 C4M3 22.3 C4M4 27.1 C4M5 33.7 C4M6 41.3 C4M7 44.0 C4M8 45.8 C4M9 C4M10 56.0 57.6

Order markers on chromosome 3 Turning to chromosome 3, we again run orderMarkers(). These calculations are starting to take quite a bit of time. It would all be faster if we reduced the argument window to a smaller value (say 4 rather than 7), but then not as many alternate orders will be explored and so we may not identify the best order.
> mapthis <- orderMarkers(mapthis, chr=3) >, chr=3) C3M16 C3M15 C3M14 C3M13 C3M12 C3M11 C3M10 0.0 14.7 15.9 19.5 29.3 32.6 43.9 C3M1 127.4 C3M9 47.5 C3M8 64.1 C3M6 C3M5 C3M4 C3M3 C3M2 85.3 101.8 107.3 109.4 121.3

Note, from the marker names, that the marker order is the true order. The whole chromosome is ipped, but we have no information, from the genotype data, to orient the chromosome. Let us again use ripple() to study alternate orders.
> rip3 <- ripple(mapthis, chr=3, window=7) 39600 total orders > summary(rip3)


Initial 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

obligXO 635 641

The next-best order, with markers 2 and 3 switched, results in an additional 6 obligate crossovers. We turn to the likelihood comparison.
> rip3lik <- ripple(mapthis, chr=3, window=4, method="likelihood", + error.prob=0.005) 222 total orders > summary(rip3lik) LOD chrlen 0.0 111 -2.4 110

Initial 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

The next-best order (with markers 2 and 3 switched) is considerably worse than our initial order. Order markers on chromosome 2 We turn to chromosome 2, beginning with orderMarkers().
> mapthis <- orderMarkers(mapthis, chr=2) >, chr=2) C2M1 C2M2 C2M3 C2M4 C2M5 C2M6 C2M8 C2M10 C2M11 C2M12 C2M13 C2M14 C2M16 C2M17 0.0 14.8 26.6 28.0 34.0 35.8 58.1 74.4 78.4 86.6 94.0 98.6 109.0 110.6 C2M18 C2M19 C2M20 C2M21 C2M22 C2M23 C2M24 C2M25 C2M26 C2M28 124.2 126.3 131.7 138.5 150.1 157.4 163.3 164.2 174.2 186.9

Again, as seen from the marker names, the inferred order is the true one. Let us run ripple() to inspect alternate orders.
> rip2 <- ripple(mapthis, chr=2, window=7) 78480 total orders > summary(rip2) obligXO 942 948

Initial 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

The next-best order, with markers 3 and 4 switched, has 6 additional obligate crossovers. We turn to the likelihood comparison.
> rip2lik <- ripple(mapthis, chr=2, window=4, method="likelihood", + error.prob=0.005) 384 total orders


50 LOD score



200 950 1000 1050 1100 1150

obligate crossover count

Figure 12: Comparison of the number of obligate crossovers to the LOD score (relative to our inferred order), for chromosome 2 marker orders explored via ripple().
> summary(rip2lik) LOD chrlen 0.0 161 -2.4 161

Initial 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 21 23 24

The next-best order, in terms of likelihood, has markers 21 and 22 switched, and is considerably worse than our initial order. It is interesting to compare the numbers of obligate crossovers for dierent orders to the LOD scores. We have LOD scores for a much smaller number of orders (384 versus 78,480), since we had used a smaller value for window, but we can pull out the obligate crossover counts for those orders that we evaluated in terms of likelihood. It is a bit tricky to line up the orders.
> > > > + pat2 <- apply(rip2[,1:24], 1, paste, collapse=":") pat2lik <- apply(rip2lik[,1:24], 1, paste, collapse=":") rip2 <- rip2[match(pat2lik, pat2),] plot(rip2[,"obligXO"], rip2lik[,"LOD"], xlab="obligate crossover count", ylab="LOD score")

As seen in Fig. 12, there is a clear negative relationship between the crossover counts and the likelihoods, though the relationship is not perfect, particularly for the orders that are not well supported. Order markers on chromosome 1 Finally, we turn to chromosome 1, rst running orderMarkers(). 25

> mapthis <- orderMarkers(mapthis, chr=1) >, chr=1) C1M1 C1M2 C1M3 C1M5 C1M6 C1M7 C1M8 C1M9 C1M10 C1M11 C1M12 C1M13 0.00 1.68 4.50 15.30 20.43 34.09 38.67 41.16 46.48 54.37 60.16 61.20 C1M14 C1M15 C1M16 C1M17 C1M18 C1M19 C1M20 C1M22 C1M23 C1M24 C1M25 C1M26 65.21 70.57 72.75 80.87 94.85 99.00 100.21 106.14 107.35 108.18 111.37 135.85 C1M27 C1M28 C1M29 C1M30 C1M31 C1M33 C1M34 C1M35 C1M36 181.40 200.20 202.83 205.46 206.47 220.43 234.60 235.50 239.29

Again, the inferred order is precisely the true order. I was quite surprised to see how well orderMarkers() performed with these data. Of course, the data are quite clean (by design) and comprise quite a large number of individuals. In practice, one cant expect orderMarkers() to perform so well, and it is worthwhile to study the estimated map and the pairwise linkage information closely. We will do so in a moment, but rst lets complete our analysis of chromosome 1 by studying the results of ripple.
> rip1 <- ripple(mapthis, chr=1, window=7) 117360 total orders > summary(rip1) Initial 1 2 Initial 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 obligXO 30 31 32 33 1155 30 31 32 33 1157 30 32 31 33 1157

Two alternate orders (switching markers 28 and 29, or switching markers 31 and 32) have 2 additional obligate crossovers, compared to our initial order. We turn to the likelihood comparison.
> rip1lik <- ripple(mapthis, chr=1, window=4, method="likelihood", + error.prob=0.005) 546 total orders > summary(rip1lik) Initial 1 Initial 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 28 LOD chrlen 30 31 32 33 0.0 213 30 31 32 33 -1.7 212


The next best order (switching markers 28 and 29) results in a moderately large decrease in likelihood, and so we stick with the initial order produced by orderMarkers(). Let us return to the question of how to assess the quality of the results of orderMarkers(), aside from our investigations with ripple(). The ripple() analysis is excellent for comparing nearby marker orders. And for chromosomes with a modest number of markers (like chromosome 5, here), one can consider all possible orders exhaustively. But with many markers (as with chromosome 1), we can investigate only a small proportion of the possible orders. For example, with 33 markers (as on chromosome 1), there are 33!/2 1036 possible marker orders, and we investigated only 117,360 of them using ripple with window=7. There are several things to look it, in assessing whether gross changes in marker order are necessary. (Ideally, R/qtl would include a function providing a more complete investigation of marker order, perhaps via simulated annealing or another randomized optimization algorithm, and we do hope to implement such a feature in the future.) First, we should look at the actual map: are there large gaps between markers, indicating adjacent markers that are only weakly linked? Studying the map locations with, as above, is hard when there are lots of markers. The function provides a summary of the average inter-marker distance and the largest gap on each chromosome.
> n.mar length ave.spacing max.spacing 33 239.3 7.5 45.6 24 186.9 8.1 22.3 15 127.4 9.1 21.2 10 57.6 6.4 16.2 9 38.5 4.8 24.6 91 649.6 7.6 45.6

1 2 3 4 5 overall

We see that chromosome 1 has a 45.6 cM gap; the other chromosomes have gaps no larger than 25 cM. The large gap on chromosome 1 is suspicious, but it is not terrible. In addition to this summary, it is good to also plot the map. We use the argument show.marker.names=TRUE so that marker names are included. Most of them are unreadable, because the markers are densely spaced, but at least we learn the identity of markers that are surrounded by large gaps.
>, show.marker.names=TRUE)

As seen in Fig. 13, there are some large gaps on chromosome 1 and some smaller gaps on the other chromosomes. They deserve further investigation (and we will do so in the next section), but they arent particularly troubling. With gross mistakes in marker order, one will often see much larger gaps, say > 100 cM. Finally, we inspect the pairwise linkage information again.
> plot.rf(mapthis)


0 50 Location (cM) 100 150 200

C1M1 C1M2 C1M3 C1M5 C1M6 C1M7 C1M8 C1M9 C1M10 C1M11 C1M12 C1M13 C1M14 C1M15 C1M16 C1M17 C1M18 C1M19 C1M20 C1M22 C1M23 C1M24 C1M25 C1M26 C1M27 C1M28 C1M29 C1M30 C1M31 C1M33 C1M34 C1M35 C1M36 1 2

C2M1 C2M2 C2M3 C2M4 C2M5 C2M6 C2M8 C2M10 C2M11 C2M12 C2M13 C2M14 C2M16 C2M17 C2M18 C2M19 C2M20 C2M21 C2M22 C2M23 C2M24 C2M25 C2M26 C2M28

C3M16 C3M15 C3M14 C3M13 C3M12 C3M11 C3M10 C3M9 C3M8 C3M6 C3M5 C3M4 C3M3 C3M2 C3M1

C4M1 C4M2 C4M3 C4M4 C4M5 C4M6 C4M7 C4M8 C4M9 C4M10

C5M1 C5M3 C5M4 C5M5 C5M6 C5M7 C5M8 C5M10 C5M9

3 Chromosome

Figure 13: Plot of the estimated genetic map, after the markers on each chromosome have been ordered.

The pairwise linkage information in Fig. 14 is close to what we want to see: nearby markers show clear association and no distant markers show any association: red along the diagonal, dissipating to blue away from the diagonal. If there were gross problems with marker order, we might see groups of distantly placed markers that are more highly associated than more closely placed markers. Just as an example, suppose we split chromosome 1 into three pieces and moved the latter piece into the middle. Lets look at the pairwise linkage information following such a re-ordering.
> messedup <- switch.order(mapthis, chr=1, c(1:11,23:33,12:22), + error.prob=0.005) > plot.rf(messedup, chr=1)

Fig. 15 (on page 30) displays the sort of pattern one should expect with gross problems in marker order: the markers in the rst and last segments are more tightly associated to each other than they are to the markers in the middle segment. A plot of the genetic map (see Fig. 16, page 30) shows a 50 cM gap between the rst and middle segments and an 80 cM gap between the middle and last segments.
>, show.marker.names=TRUE)

The map is not as telling as the pairwise linkage information, but these are the sorts of things to look at, in trying to decide whether there are gross problems that need to be corrected. If features such as those in Fig. 15 and 16 were seen, one should identify the segments of markers that need to be moved around, and then use switch.order() to reorganize 28

5 5


3 60 Markers

2 40



40 Markers



Figure 14: Plot of estimated recombination fractions (upper-left triangle) and LOD scores (lowerright triangle) for all pairs of markers, after ordering the markers on each chromosome. Red indicates linked (large LOD score or small recombination fraction) and blue indicates not linked (small LOD score or large recombination fraction).


1 30 25 Markers 20 15 10 5 1







Figure 15: Plot of estimated recombination fractions (upper-left triangle) and LOD scores (lowerright triangle) for all pairs of markers on chromosome 1, after messing up the order of the markers. Red indicates linked (large LOD score or small recombination fraction) and blue indicates not linked (small LOD score or large recombination fraction).

0 50 Location (cM) 100 150 200 250 300 350 1

C1M1 C1M2 C1M3 C1M5 C1M6 C1M7 C1M8 C1M9 C1M10 C1M11 C1M12 C1M25 C1M26 C1M27 C1M28 C1M29 C1M30 C1M31 C1M33 C1M34 C1M35 C1M36

C2M1 C2M2 C2M3 C2M4 C2M5 C2M6 C2M8 C2M10 C2M11 C2M12 C2M13 C2M14 C2M16 C2M17 C2M18 C2M19 C2M20 C2M21 C2M22 C2M23 C2M24 C2M25 C2M26 C2M28

C3M16 C3M15 C3M14 C3M13 C3M12 C3M11 C3M10 C3M9 C3M8 C3M6 C3M5 C3M4 C3M3 C3M2 C3M1

C4M1 C4M2 C4M3 C4M4 C4M5 C4M6 C4M7 C4M8 C4M9 C4M10

C5M1 C5M3 C5M4 C5M5 C5M6 C5M7 C5M8 C5M10 C5M9

C1M13 C1M14 C1M15 C1M16 C1M17 C1M18 C1M19 C1M20 C1M22 C1M23 C1M24 2 3 Chromosome 4 5

Figure 16: Plot of the estimated genetic map, after messing up the order of markers on chromosome 1.


the markers. One might rst use compareorder() to compare the current order to the reorganized one, to see that the new order gave a clear improvement in likelihood. In addition, one will often need to alternate between ripple() and switch.order() until the nal marker order is established. Drop one marker at a time The large gaps in the genetic map on chromosome 1 remain a concern. While such gaps may indicate problems with the order of markers, they might also indicate a high genotyping error rate at certain markers. If an individual marker is more prone to genotyping errors than others, it would often (in the sort of analyses performed above) be placed at one end of the chromosome or the other, but in some cases (particularly if the genotyping error rate is not high and there are a large number of individuals in the cross) it may be placed at approximately the correct position but result in reasonably large gaps surrounding the marker. One approach for identifying such problematic markers is to drop one marker at a time and investigate the change in chromosome length and the change in log likelihood. This analysis may be accomplished with the function droponemarker().
> dropone <- droponemarker(mapthis, error.prob=0.005)

The results are of the same form as a genome scan by QTL mapping. (In particular, they have class "scanone", like an object produced by the scanone() function.) We may plot the results as follows.
> par(mfrow=c(2,1)) > plot(dropone, lod=1, ylim=c(-100,0)) > plot(dropone, lod=2, ylab="Change in chromosome length")

As seen in top panel of Fig. 17, there is no one marker for which its omission results in an increase in likelihood, but as seen in the bottom panel, there are a number of markers that give an appreciable decrease in chromosome length, of 1525 cM, when omitted. Markers at the ends of chromosomes will often result in a smaller estimated chromosome length, but that is just because such terminal markers hang o some distance from the rest of the markers, and so these changes can often be discounted. Interior markers that result in a big change, and there appears to be one on each of chromosomes 1, 2 and 3, might indicate error-prone markers that are best omitted. One may identify the marker on each chromosome whose omission results in the largest decreases in chromosome length as follows.
> summary(dropone, lod.column=2) chr pos LOD Ldiff 1 162.4 -26.3 25.78 2 47.3 -13.7 15.79 3 55.4 -31.0 14.86 4 0.0 -41.5 16.13 5 38.5 -97.6 2.73

C1M27 C2M8 C3M8 C4M1 C5M9


0 20 40 60 80 100 1 2 Chromosome 3 4 5

Change in chr length (cM)


25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 Chromosome 3 4 5

Figure 17: Results of dropping one marker at a time. The top panel contains LOD scores; positive values would indicate that dropping a marker improves the likelihood. The bottom panel indicates the decrease in estimated chromosome length (in cM) following dropping a marker.


For chromosomes 4 and 5, these are terminal markers. The markers on chromosomes 1, 2 and 3 are all interior markers. One should probably study the pairwise linkage between these markers and surrounding markers before proceeding, but we will go ahead and remove these markers without any further investigations.
> badmar <- rownames(summary(dropone, lod.column=2))[1:3] > mapthis <- drop.markers(mapthis, badmar)

One should re-estimate the genetic map. We use to insert it into the cross object.
> newmap <-, error.prob=0.005) > mapthis <-, newmap) > n.mar length ave.spacing max.spacing 32 186.8 6.0 27.1 23 145.2 6.6 13.8 14 95.7 7.4 16.1 10 57.6 6.4 16.2 9 38.5 4.8 24.6 88 523.7 6.3 27.1

1 2 3 4 5 overall

Removing those three markers resulted in a decrease in the overall map length from 650 cM to 524 cM. Look for problem individuals Now that we have the markers in their appropriate order, it is a good idea to return to the question of whether there are particular individuals whose data are problematic. One should ask: if a particular individual showed considerable genotyping errors or did not actually belong to the cross under investigation (e.g., through some sort of labeling or breeding error), what sort of aberrations might be seen in the data? Above, we studied the amount of missing genotype data for each individual as well as the individuals genotype frequencies. Another feature to investigate is the observed number of crossovers in each individual. These may be counted with the function countXO(). (A related function locateXO() will return the estimated locations of all crossovers.)
> plot(countXO(mapthis), ylab="Number of crossovers")

The crossover counts in Fig. 18 clearly indicate two problematic individuals, with 73 and 86 crossovers; the other individuals have 320 crossovers. We should remove these individuals.
> mapthis <- subset(mapthis, ind=(countXO(mapthis) < 50))

Ideally, we would now revisit the entire process again; in particular, after removing these problematic individuals, is there evidence that marker order needs to be changed? Let us at least look at chromosome 5.
> summary(rip <- ripple(mapthis, chr=5, window=7))


Number of crossovers

0 0







150 Index




Figure 18: Numbers of observed crossovers in each individual.

13680 total orders Initial 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8

obligXO 198 195

> summary(rip <- ripple(mapthis, chr=5, window=2, method="likelihood", + error.prob=0.005)) 9 total orders --Order 2 --Order 4 --Order 6 --Order 8 Initial 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8

LOD chrlen 0.0 37.8 0.9 37.1

There is good evidence for switching markers 8 and 9, which actually brings us back to the true order of the markers.
> mapthis <- switch.order(mapthis, chr=5, c(1:7,9,8), error.prob=0.005) >, chr=5) C5M1 0.00 C5M3 1.06 C5M4 2.50 C5M5 3.93 C5M6 7.88 C5M7 C5M8 C5M9 C5M10 8.48 11.09 35.07 37.07

I investigated the other four chromosomes similarly, and there was no evidence for further changes in marker order, so I wont present the results here. We should, nally, re-estimate the genetic map.
> newmap <-, error.prob=0.005) > mapthis <-, newmap) >


1 2 3 4 5 overall

n.mar length ave.spacing max.spacing 32 181.6 5.9 26.7 23 141.5 6.4 13.1 14 94.0 7.2 16.3 10 55.4 6.2 15.6 9 37.1 4.6 24.0 88 509.6 6.1 26.7

The overall map length has decreased further, from 524 cM to 510 cM. Estimate genotyping error rate Above, I had generally assumed a genotyping error rate of 5/1000 (in estimating map distances and in likelihood calculations comparing dierent marker orders); but I cheated somewhat in using this value, as the genotype data were simulated with this error rate. One can actually estimate the genotyping error rate from the data, as the function not only estimates the inter-marker distances, but also calculates the log likelihood for each chromosome. Thus, if we run with dierent assumed values for the genotyping error rate (specied with the error.prob argument), one can identify the maximum likelihood estimate of the error rate.
> > + + + + > loglik <- err <- c(0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01, 0.0125, 0.015, 0.0175, 0.02) for(i in seq(along=err)) { cat(i, "of", length(err), "\n") tempmap <-, error.prob=err[i]) loglik[i] <- sum(sapply(tempmap, attr, "loglik")) } lod <- (loglik - max(loglik))/log(10)

The code is a bit tricky, mostly because the log likelihoods (and note that they are on the natural log scale) are included as attributes to each chromosome component in the output from We use sapply() to pull those out, and then we add them up. We nally convert them to the log10 scale and re-center them so that the maximum is 0. We may plot the log10 likelihood as follows.
> plot(err, lod, xlab="Genotyping error rate", xlim=c(0,0.02), + ylab=expression(paste(log[10], " likelihood")))

The log10 likelihood in Fig. 19 indicates that the MLE is approximately 0.005. Error rates of 0.0025 and 0.0075 have log10 likelihoods that are 3 less than that of the MLE. We might investigate additional assumed error rates, or even use the R function optimize() to rene our estimate, but we wont pursue that here. Look for genotyping errors While the methods for estimating inter-marker distances allow for the presence of genotyping errors at a xed rate, it is nevertheless worthwhile to look for, and ideally correct, potential genotyping errors in the data. Such errors may be identied through apparent tight doublecrossovers, with a single marker being out of phase with its adjacent markers.


0 log10 likelihood 10 20 30 40 50 0.000 0.005 0.010 Genotyping error rate

Figure 19: The log10 likelihood for the genotyping error rate.



The most convenient approach for identifying such double-crossovers is to calculate genotyping error LOD scores, rst developed by Lincoln and Lander (Genomics 14:604610, 1992). The LOD score compares the likelihood for a genotype being in error versus it not being in error. R/qtl uses a modied calculation of such genotyping error LOD scores, with all genotypes except that being considered assumed to be strictly correct. The error LOD scores are calculated with calc.errorlod(). One must assume a genotyping error rate, but the results are almost identical for a wide range of values.
> mapthis <- calc.errorlod(mapthis, error.prob=0.005)

The function top.errorlod() produces a list of the genotypes with the largest error LOD scores. One may generally focus on those with quite large values, say at least 45. Here will we look at just those genotypes with error LOD 6; this is indicated with the argument cutoff.
> print(toperr <- top.errorlod(mapthis, cutoff=6)) chr 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 5 1 2 id marker errorlod id200 C1M23 8.25 id36 C1M30 8.13 id236 C1M24 7.32 id217 C1M35 7.25 id35 C1M29 7.10 id261 C1M29 7.10 id112 C5M6 6.96 id113 C4M7 6.58 id87 C1M9 6.22 id122 C5M5 6.19 id72 C1M34 6.03 id115 C2M19 6.02

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


id200 id36 id236 id217 id35 id261 id87 id72 0 50 100 150 200


Location (cM)
Figure 20: Genotypes on chromosome 1 for individuals with some potential errors agged by red squares. White, gray and black circles correspond to AA, AB and BB genotypes, respectively.

There are 12 genotypes that meet this criterion. Let us look at the genotypes that were agged on chromosome 1, using the function plot.geno(). The argument cutoff indicates a threshold for agging genotypes as potential errors, based on their error LOD scores. If we had used the argument include.xo=TRUE (which is the default), inferred locations of crossovers would be displayed; we suppress that here to get a more clean gure.
> plot.geno(mapthis, chr=1, ind=toperr$id[toperr$chr==1], + cutoff=6, include.xo=FALSE)

The results are in Fig. 20. All of the agged genotypes are cases with an exchange from one homozygote to the other and then back again (thus, two crossovers in each interval anking a single marker). One might zero out these suspicious genotypes (that is, make them missing). Even better would be to revisit the raw genotyping information, or even re-genotype these instances. But we are talking about just 12 genotypes out of 25,147, and with our allowance for genotyping errors in the map estimation, they have little inuence on the results. If we did wish to delete these genotypes, we could do so as follows.
> mapthis.clean <- mapthis > for(i in 1:nrow(toperr)) { + chr <- toperr$chr[i] + id <- toperr$id[i] + mar <- toperr$marker[i] + mapthis.clean$geno[[chr]]$data[mapthis$pheno$id==id, mar] <- NA + }


3.0 log10 Pvalue 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 Chromosome 0.6 Genotype frequency 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 2 Chromosome 3 4 5 3 4 5

Figure 21: Evidence for segregation distortion: log10 P-values from tests of 1:2:1 segregation at each marker (top panel) and the genotype frequencies at each marker (bottom panel, with black, blue and red denoting AA, AB and BB genotypes, respectively).

Revisit segregation distortion Finally, let us return to an investigation of segregation distortion in these data.
> > > > > gt <- geno.table(mapthis, scanone.output=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(gt, ylab=expression(paste(-log[10], " P-value"))) plot(gt, lod=3:5, ylab="Genotype frequency") abline(h=c(0.25, 0.5), lty=2, col="gray")

The top panel of Fig. 21 contains log10 P-values from tests of 1:2:1 segregation at each marker. The bottom panel in Fig. 21 contains the observed genotype frequencies at each marker (with black, blue and red corresponding to AA, AB and BB genotypes, respectively).


Location (cM)



C1M1 C1M2 C1M3 C1M5 C1M6 C1M7 C1M8 C1M9 C1M10 C1M11 C1M12 C1M13 C1M14 C1M15 C1M16 C1M17 C1M18 C1M19 C1M20 C1M22 C1M23 C1M24 C1M25 C1M26


C1M28 C1M29 C1M30 C1M31 C1M33 C1M34 C1M35 C1M36 1 2

C2M1 C2M2 C2M3 C2M4 C2M5 C2M6 C2M10 C2M11 C2M12 C2M13 C2M14 C2M16 C2M17 C2M18 C2M19 C2M20 C2M21 C2M22 C2M23 C2M24 C2M25 C2M26 C2M28

C3M16 C3M15 C3M14 C3M13 C3M12 C3M11 C3M10 C3M9 C3M6 C3M5 C3M4 C3M3 C3M2 C3M1

C4M1 C4M2 C4M3 C4M4 C4M5 C4M6 C4M7 C4M8 C4M9 C4M10

C5M1 C5M3 C5M4 C5M5 C5M6 C5M7 C5M8 C5M9 C5M10

3 Chromosome

Figure 22: Plot of the nal estimated genetic map

The greatest departure from 1:2:1 segregation is on chromosome 4, with somewhat more AA genotypes and somewhat fewer BB genotypes. If we apply a Bonferroni correction for the 88 tests (88 is the total number of markers we have retained in the data), we would look for P 0.05/88 which corresponds to log10 P 3.25, and there is one marker on chromosome 4 that exceeds this. There are also some departures from 1:2:1 segregation on chromosomes 2 and 3, but these appear to be within the range of what would be expected by chance; the evidence for a real departure from normal segregation is not strong. The aberrant segregation pattern on chromosome 4 is not too worrisome. Multipoint estimates of genetic map distances are little aected by segregation distortion, and the pattern of distortion on the chromosome indicates rather smooth changes in genotype frequency. More worrisome would be a single distorted marker in the midst of other markers with normal segregation, which would indicate genotyping errors rather than, for example, the presence of partially lethal alleles. And so, nally, were done. Let us plot the nal map.
>, show.marker.names=TRUE)

The map in Fig. 22 is not pretty, as most of the marker names are obscured. R/qtl does not produce production-quality gures automatically; I always go through quite a few extra contortions within R to produce a gure suitable for a paper. Discussion The process of genetic map construction seems to be at least 90% data diagnostics. While many might nd that frustrating, for me that is a large part of what makes it fun: it is 39

interesting detective work. I have been involved in the construction of genetic maps for humans, mice, dogs, zebrash, mosquitoes, and sea squirts. Each project was dierent, with its own special issues that needed to be overcome, and such issues can seldom be anticipated in advance. The general strategy is to think about what sorts of things might be going wrong with data, and then what sorts of features of the data (summary statistics or plots) might indicate the presence of such problems. There are a variety of things to check routinely, and note that the particular order in which these checks are performed is often important. In the procedures described above, and in forming these simulated data, I attempted to cover most of the possible problems that might be expected to arise. With the simple intercross considered here, and particularly as the data were simulated so that the problems would generally be quite clear, the decisions about how to proceed were easy to make. In practice, potential problems in data will often be more murky, and careful judgment calls will need to be made and frequently revisited, ideally with careful consideration of raw genotyping data and other records, and perhaps even with some additional rounds of genotyping or even the redesign of genotyping assays. Moreover, with more complex experiments, such as an outcross or the combined analysis of multiple crosses, additional issues will arise that we have not touched on here. But the overall strategy, laid out above, can be applied quite generally.


R/qtl functions useful for genetic map construction plot.missing ntyped nmissing subset.cross drop.markers pull.markers drop.nullmarkers comparegeno ndDupMarkers drop.dupmarkers geno.table est.rf markerlrt checkAlleles pull.rf formLinkageGroups plot.rf markernames plot.rfmatrix geno.crosstab switchAlleles orderMarkers ripple summary.ripple compareorder switch.order droponemarker countXO locateXO calc.errorlod top.errorlod plot.geno tryallpositions allchrsplits movemarker shiftmap rescalemap Plot pattern of missing genotypes Count number of typed markers for each individual Count number of missing genotypes for each individual Pull out a specied set of chromosomes and/or individuals from a cross Remove a list of markers Drop all but a selected set of markers Remove markers without data Count proportion of matching genotypes between all pairs of individuals Find markers with identical genotype data Drop duplicate markers Create table of genotype distributions Estimate pairwise recombination fractions General likelihood ratio test for association between marker pairs Identify markers with potentially switched alleles Pull out the pairwise recombination fractions or LOD scores as a matrix Partition markers into linkage groups Plot recombination fractions Pull out the marker names from a cross Plot a slice through the pairwise recombination fractions or LOD scores Create cross-tabulation of genotypes at two markers Switch alleles at selected markers Find an initial order for markers within chromosomes Assess marker order by permuting groups of adjacent markers Print summary of ripple output Estimate genetic map Pull out the genetic map from a cross Compare two orderings of markers on a chromosome Switch the order of markers on a chromosome Print summary of a genetic map Plot genetic map(s) Drop one marker at a time from a genetic map Replace the genetic map of a cross Count number of obligate crossovers for each individual Estimate locations of crossovers Calculate Lincoln & Lander (1992) error LOD scores List genotypes with highest error LOD values Plot genotypes on a particular chromosomes for selected individuals Test all possible positions for a marker Test all possible splits of a chromosome into two pieces Move a marker from one chromosome to another Change map function for a genetic map Shift starting points in genetic maps Rescale genetic map


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