Préparation Du Vocabulaire - Chapitre 2: Modèle: Lieu de Naissance

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Chapitre 2

prparation du vocabulaire

Prparation du vocabulaire Chapitre 2

A. LISTEN carefully to the pronunciation of each word or phrase in the vocabulary list.
B. REPEAT each word or phrase OUT LOUD as many times as necessary until you can
pronounce it accurately. Make a list of the words in this chapter that are hard to
pronounce. Your teacher may ask you to compare your list with other students in
your class.
Modle: lieu de naissance
une femme
C. WRITE each word on the vocabulary list several times until you are sure that you can
spell each correctly. Listen to the vocabulary list again and write the words as they
are spoken. (You may expect dictation quizzes in class!)
D. Learn the English translation of each phrase. Cover the French column and
practice giving the French equivalent for each English phrase. Next cover the
English column and give the translation of each.
E. Think of word associations for each category of vocabulary. What words, both
English and French, do you associate with each word or phrase on the list? Which
words are cognates? Cognates are words that sound or look like English words.
Which words come from word families in French that you recognize (noun,
adjective, verb, adverb)? These are words with the same lexical stem.
Associations (10)
une mre / mom
un pre / papa

Cognates (10)
un fianc

Word Families (as many as possible)

un ami (noun), aimer (verb)

F. Write out three chassez lintrus exercises (Which word does not fit?) A chassez
lintrus exercise is a list of four words, three of which are related and one which does
not fit the same category. For example: book, pen, pencil, chalk. In this list, pen,
pencil, and chalk are all items which one uses to write with. Book is not logical in
this list, and is thus, lintrus. Categories are usually linked to meaning, but they
might also be based on grammar, gender (masculine, feminine), for example, or
parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective). Use your imagination! Be prepared to turn
in your exercises in class.
aussi, un fils, beaucoup, maintenant (un fils)
Un fils est une personne. Aussi, beaucoup, et maintenant sont des

Franais interactif

2010 University of Texas at Austin

Chapitre 2
prparation du vocabulaire

Noms: _____________________________________
B. Les mots difficiles prononcer (Noubliez pas les articles!!!):
1. ______________________________

6. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

7. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

8. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

9. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

10. ______________________________

E. Les associations (Noubliez pas les articles!!!):

1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________

Franais interactif

2010 University of Texas at Austin

Chapitre 2
prparation du vocabulaire

E. Les mots de mme origine (Noubliez pas les articles!!!):

1. ______________________________

6. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

7. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

8. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

9. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

10. ______________________________

E. Les familles de mots:

1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________

F. Les chassez lintrus:

1. __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
2. __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
3. __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Les chassez lintrus --- les explications en franais:

1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________

Franais interactif

2010 University of Texas at Austin

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