Were They Possessed by Jinn
Were They Possessed by Jinn
Were They Possessed by Jinn
Whenever I tell someone that there is no proof from The Glorious Quran or Authentic Hadeeths that jinn or Shaitaan can possess a person and drive them mad, he tells me about an incident which had happened in his family or in his locality when jinn had actually possessed someone. So I thought of discussing those incidents and experiences which takes place in our society and prove that all these incidents are actually cases of psychological problem. The possessed person should be taken to a good mental doctor and be treated scientifically. I request everyone to first take a look at my journal if they are confused whether the person possessed by jinn is mentally ill or not so that they may get their answers, InshaAllah. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 1: Falsehood is being spread using the story of a Pakistani woman who was believed to be possessed by a Hindu female jinn. Some person interviewed her and during the course of the interview asked the Hindu jinn to accept Islam. The jinn says that she brings news from the sky and is showered by fireballs on her way because of she which, her one wing was broken. TRUE FACT: The woman was actually mentally ill and was suffering from a disease called Trance and Possession Syndrome and had assumed that a jinn was possessing her. Almighty Allah has not given us the responsibility of doing dawah to jinns. No companion of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), be it Abu Bakr (R.A.), Umar (R.A.), Usman (R.A.), Ali (R.A.) or any other companion of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) ever converted or tried to convert a jinn to Islam. The companions of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) went to all corners of the earth to spread the message of Allah but none of them ever thought of converting jinn to Islam. Thats why, doing dawah to jinn is a bidah and every bidah leads to hellfire. The disease stricken woman was a Muslim and knew that Shaitian goes to the sky to bring news and they are pelted with fireballs there. So she said these things and made it sound coming from a possessing Hindu jinn and convinced everyone that she is actually possessed by a jinn. Since The Glorious Quran and authentic hadeeths do not state that jinn can possess people and drive them mad, therefore having such belief shows weakness in the faith. I pray to Almighty Allah that He guides us to the straight path and helps us in following The Glorious Quran and the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 2: A man was being taken to an Amil after he was possessed by a jinn. But the man/jinn didnt wanted to go and was forced to sit into a car by three strong men. Being driven to against his will, the man/jinn said that he will have the car crashed. After few minutes the driver of the car felt that he is losing his power on the steering and may lose control of the car altogether and would get all the people killed. So he refused to further drive the car.
Were They Possessed By Jinn ? -2-
TRUE FACT: The man possessed by jinn was actually a mental patient. If he would have been actually possessed by jinn, then why would the jinn give warning? The jinn could have simply overturned the car without warning or could just punched everyone inside the car to show off his skills instead of only sounding the warning. But because there was no jinn, nothing of that sort happened nor could have happened. The driver of the car was scared after listening to the warning of the man and must have been shivering out of fear which made him feel that he was not able to control the steering. Most importantly, even hundred strong men cannot overpower a jinn because Almighty Allah has given them enormous strength so three strong men can do no good in keeping a jinn possessed man in control. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 3: A young Moulvi used to do jhaad phoonk 1 and was also famous for driving out jinns from possessed people and was thus well respected among his people. Once the Moulvi was caught coming out of a theatre showing an adult movie in a burqa. People recognized and ridiculed him and he was no longer respected but jeered at for his action. Then the Moulvi said that he once drove out an evil jinn from a possessed person and that jinn had warned him that he will get his revenge against the Moulvi. So it was that jinn who made him wear a burqa and see the adult movie. The Moulvi claimed innocence from the whole scenario and won back his respect from the people. TRUE FACT: The cunning Moulvi saved himself by claiming that he watched the movie under the influence of an evil jinn. He must have wanted to see the movie so came up with the idea of wearing a burqa to the theatre but was still recognized so he very shrewdly told the story of the evil jinn and was able to fool the people. Since people of his place believed that jinn possessed people, so they readily accepted the story of the Moulvi and were fooled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 4: An employee of a hotel died late night in the hotel. Since the burial was to take place in the morning after, so his body was kept in one of the room of the hotel for the entire night. The owner of the hotel asked another employee to sleep in the same room where the dead body was kept. The employee was afraid to stay in the same room where the dead body was, but had no choice as he was ordered by his employer. In the morning, when other employees went to the room they found that the young man was dancing around crazily and had lost his mind. They thought that he was possessed by the spirit of the dead man TRUE FACT: The hotels owner was an educated man. He didnt believe in possession by jinn or spirits. He took the young man to a psychiatrist who examined him and said that his fear took him over after he spent the whole night with the body. He prescribed some medicine which eventually brought back that man to normalcy.
Jhaad Phoonk to recite words of Quran or of other sources & blow by mouth in order to get rid of diseases & problems
CASE 5: When I was a child, a woman used to stay at our house who was half mad. Usually she would be alright but whenever a loud sound was made in front of her or a cracker was fired, she would jabber good man bad man two or three times and then again become normal. Everyone used to say that she was possessed by spirit of an English speaking person. TRUE FACT: The woman was mentally ill. Her brain would suffer some shock whenever a loud sound was made and she would utter some English words that she must have listened long back and were still in her memory. If she would have been really possessed then she could have talked in English instead of repeating the same words every time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 6: A young man was drowned in a lake while he was bathing. In the same lake, a woman and her five year old son also died few months back. After few days a friend of the dead man started talking and acting crazily. Sometimes he would talk like a man, sometimes a woman and sometimes like a child. People started saying that he was possessed by three people, his friend and the dead woman and her son all of whom got drowned in the same lake. The Moulvis suggested that either that was the case or he was possessed by a jinn who speaks in dead peoples voice. TRUE FACT: The Glorious Quran and the authentic hadeeths nowhere says that people can be possessed by jinn or spirits of loved ones. All these are false beliefs and we Muslims should refrain from all wrong beliefs. Actually, the man was very afraid after his friend died in the lake. He also knew that a woman and her son also died in the lake few months ago. His fears caused him to become a victim of a kind of dissociative disorder called Multiple Personalities Syndrome and started talking in the voice of all three dead people. When jhaad phoonk could not treat him, he went to medical doctors for treatment, and today by the grace of Almighty Allah he has totally recovered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 7: A young man used to read Quran every day. He was adviced by another man to read the Quran with its meaning. The young man started reading the Quran with meaning. After somedays he started speaking and behaving weirdly. People thought that since the young man was reading the Quran with its meaning so the Shaitan became angry and possessed him. People advised that the young man should be taken to some Amil who could exorcize the Shaitaan. TRUE FACT: The man who advised the young man to read the Quran with its meaning was of true faith. He said that it is not proved by the Quran and authentic Ahadeeth that Jinn and Shaitan can possess a person and can drive them mad and so that young man is not possessed by a Jinn or Shaitaan. He took that young man to a mental hospital where he was given medicine for his mental problems. Finally after 3 months of treatment the young man was absolutely alright.
Were They Possessed By Jinn ? -4-
CASE 8: The backyard of a boys home was a desolated place with wild trees and was famous for being the abode of jinns. Once that boy threw hot water there by mistake and then started acting weirdly. He talked as if he was a jinn and said that the boy has angered him by throwing hot water on him and he will have his revenge by hurting the boy. Then people who do jhaad phoonk were called who performed jhaad phoonk on the boy who then became normal. TRUE FACT: The boy had grown up thinking that jinns live in his backyard and this thought always played in his mind subconsciously. Out of carelessness he threw hot water in his backyard, but then realized that he might have hurt a jinn living there and his fear led him to a mental disease calledTrance & Possession Syndrome. The boy had always heard and believed that jinn possess human and can be driven out by jhaad phoonk. So when jhaad phoonk was performed on him, his mental state became normal and he became well. The question that arises is that if the jinn was angered when hot water was thrown on him and wanted to take revenge, then why didnt he beat the boy or threw him somewhere or did something to physically harm the boy. The jinn could have taken the shape of a man and displayed his anger in person but he didnt. The jinns possession of the boy clearly shows that the boy was not mentally stable. This is always the case that jinn would possess a person and speak through him instead of taking shape of a man and talking which goes on to show that there is no jinn. The possessed person is actually mentally ill. In a similar manner, when such supposed jinn wants to marry a girl, he could take shape of a man and propose for the marriage which can be easily done by a real jinn, but this supposed jinn possesses the girl which proves nothing except that the girl is actually mentally ill. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 9: A fourteen year old boy passes by a cave or a dilapidated structure. That cave or the structure is known for being the abode of jinns and spirits. The boy then reaches his home and falls ill. He starts talking and behaving abnormally and says that he is a jinn who was quietly sitting outside the cave but this boy came and struck me while walking and now the jinn wont leave the boy. A Moulvi is then called who applies some oil on which some prayer is recited to the ears of the possessed boy, blows smoke from incense sticks and beat him a little. The jinn then gets driven out and the boy becomes perfectly alright. Everyone around are sure now that the boy was possessed by a jinn. TRUE FACT: Actually the boy had been fed with the wrong information that jinns and spirits live in that cave or structure. While passing by that place lonely, he gets frightened and becomes victim of the disease Trance & Possession Syndrome. After the jhaad phoonk, his fear goes away and he gets alright.
CASE 10: A sixteen year old girl goes to her terrace after taking a bath to dry her hair in evening. Suddenly she gets ill and starts talking and behaving weirdly. A Moulvi is called who recites something on her and then she tells in a male voice that she is a jinn who saw the girl drying her hair and fell in love and now wants to marry the girl. The Moulvi then starts talking to jinn telling him that he is made of fire while the girl is made of clay, their pairing is impossible. But the jinn persists, so the Moulvi then lights incense sticks, recites some prayers on a stick and starts beating the girl with that stick. After some heavy beatings, the jinn agrees to leave the girl. The Moulvi then makes him take an oath on Prophet Suleiman (P.B.U.H.) that he will never again possess this girl. The jinn then runs away after promising. TRUE FACT: The question that arises here is that why did the jinn let the girl go down from terrace? Why didnt he take her away from the terrace itself? Was the jinn so decent and good that he wanted to take permission of the girls family before marrying her? Why didnt he leave the girl when he was not permitted to marry her? If the jinn would have been allowed to marry the girl and told to take her with him then would the jinn had done so? No he wouldnt have because there was no jinn actually possessing that girl. Actually the girl was mentally ill and telling everything by herself but the Moulvi in his ignorance and foolishness thought that the girl was possessed by jinn and was beating her to drive out the supposed jinn possessing her. If the jinn really wanted to marry her then why didnt he take the shape of a man and propose to marry her instead of possessing her? One can conclude that the girl was not possessed by a jinn but was mentally ill and was saying everything by herself. I am perplexed and sad that no Ulema ever thought of telling the jinn to take a human shape and present his case. I am sorry to say but Ulemas have been blindly following the actions of their forefathers thus practising shirk and biddah. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 11: Outside a persons home was an empty plot which had some wild plants and was known for being the abode of jinns and spirits. That person then thought of making use of that empty plot by constructing something over there. So he started working on it and employed labourers to start the work. A teenaged daughter of this person is then possessed by a jinn who starts saying that the place belongs to him and he lives there. An Amil is then called who talks to the jinn but the jinn refuses to give permission to allow construction in that plot. So amulets are used in that plot and eventually the jinn leaves the place. TRUE FACT: It was well known that jinn lives in that plot of land and this information was fed into the girls mind which made her afraid. When her father started construction there, she became very frightened and became ill with Trance & Possession Syndrome and presumed that a jinn possessed her and asked her father not to do any construction there. When amulets were used, she regained her senses as she had been taught that jinns go away when amulets are brought near them. Eventually she became alright as her fear receded and so did the possessing jinn.
CASE 12: When I was a student of medical college, a young girl was brought there for treatment. Two days back, her legs suddenly stopped working and she was paralyzed. After thoroughly examining her, our teacher told us then that she was not physically handicapped. Her only brother wanted to be an army officer and was due to attend an interview in a few days for admission in some military academy and she was against it. Suddenly her legs stopped working because of a disease called False Neurological Disease which can be treated in two ways. The first way is to tell the patient that she is possessed by a spirit or a jinn and jhaad phoonk be performed on her which will yield result and she will be back to normal and the other way of treatment is to tell her that she is seriously sick and needs complicated medical treatment and this was the way we adopted. We put saline on her and gave her some injections of vitamins. Meanwhile her brother couldnt attend his interview because of her illness. In a span of a week, the girl became alright and went back home. TRUE FACT: We have to understand that the girl was not lying that she was paralyzed but after she couldnt prevent her only brother from joining the army, she suffered mentally and only after undergoing treatment and her brother missing his interview that she felt better and ultimately was cured. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 13: A girl after urinating in a hole in her bathroom started talking and behaving weirdly. A Moulana is then called who recites Sura Jinn and Ayat-ul-Kursi on her. She then becomes alright and so everyone thought that she urinated in the hole where jinn lives who possessed her and left her only after jhaad phoonk was done on her. TRUE FACT: The theory that jinn lives in hole cannot be supported by either The Glorious Quran or authentic Hadeeths. There is a weak hadeeth in Abu Daud and Nisaai in which Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had said that one should not urinate in holes. In that weak hadeeth, it is not mentioned why one should not urinate in holes. Some must have thought that insects of various kinds live in holes, thats why Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said not to urinate there while others must have guessed that jinns live in holes. Either way nothing is confirmed. The girl always thought that jinn lives in holes and was very frightened after urinating in it and that fear engulfed her to the extent that she started behaving strangely and only when jhaad phoonk was performed on her by a Moulana that her fear lessened and she became alright. On reciting Sura Jinn if jinn goes away, then will ants go away on reading Sura Naml, Romans go away on reading Sura Rome or Kaafirs go away on reading Sura Kaafirun? Its high time to ponder.
CASE 14: A 30 year old man came to a madarasah to study. He told the management that he used to teach at a madarasah in his village but he came to city to gain further education. While studying there, one night he started shouting from the kitchen. He was found with his head on the stove and a big vessel upon him upside down. The head of the madarasah then had him taken out from there and talked to him. He then said that he was a jinn possessing the man who was tired of this man who used to read out loudly Quranic verses every night. The head of the madarasah then performed jhaad phoonk on him and he became normal. He then later told the head of the madarasah that he used to visualize beautiful women at night. To avoid committing sins, he would read out loudly verses of The Glorious Quran and said he could not even marry because of his terrible financial condition. TRUE FACT: The poor person was mentally disturbed due to lack of money and a woman in his life. In the loneliness of night, he would visualize women and would think that the women were jinn. Being religious, he would read Ayat-ul-Kursi and Sura Jinn to avoid committing sins to drive away those women jinn. Under this mental turmoil he went in the kitchen, so people around him thought that he was possessed by a jinn who put a vessel on him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 15: This incident happened in an illiterate family where an old woman died. The next day another woman of the house started talking and acting weirdly. A Moulvi was then called who examined her and said that she was possessed by the old woman and seven other deceased members of the family and those spirits were troubling her. The Moulvi then does jhaad phoonk but to no avail. She was made to visit several mazaars too but was eventually treated by medical doctors. TRUE FACT: There are many illiterate people who think that spirit of dead people can appear in front of living and can possess them and cause harm. Some Ulemas says that these are not spirits but the persons devil companion (hamzad) which appears in front of living and causes harm by possessing them although there is no proof of it in either The Glorious Quran or authentic Hadeeths. These beliefs only lead to shirk and should be rejected by everyone as these are innovations. Actually the woman was very frightened after the death of the old woman that she would be possessed by her. This fear increased to the extent that she became mentally ill. Jhaad phoonk usually solves such cases but this woman was exceptionally frightened, so it didnt work and ultimately mental doctors treated her back to health. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 16: In some places a ritual is performed during marriage in which a jinn is called by people to possess the bride and is requested to take care and guard the bride. To call a jinn, women beat drums and shout various mantras. The bride then starts dancing when jinn possesses her. The jinn is then told everything what needs to be said. The drum beating is then stopped and the bride becomes normal again.
Were They Possessed By Jinn ? -8-
TRUE FACT: Its important to notice that even here no one sees the jinn and its only when the bride starts dancing that people assume that jinn has possessed her. In a society where every child is taught that jinn possesses the bride on the day of her marriage, where every child sees her various aunts and elder sisters getting possessed by jinn on the day of their marriage, she grows up with the mindset that when drums are beaten and mantras are shouted during marriages, a jinn comes and possesses the bride. So during her marriage when the same actions are performed, she starts dancing in the same fashion like she had seen presuming that she too is possessed and starts talking like a jinn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 17: Someone told me that after the marriage of his brother, his sister-in-law was possessed by jinn and started behaving weirdly. Usually she was alright, but once in a month she would be possessed by jinn for 2-3 days and then return back to normal. When possessed, she would say that I am a jinn. The jinn also said that he was a good Muslim jinn who offered Salaat and fasting. He had befriended the woman and wanted to meet her. The person told me that he scolded the jinn and shook hand with him through his sister-in-law. When he shook his hand with his sister-in-law, her hand was very heavy and moments later she jumped four feet into the air and sat on the almirah. He said that her heavy hand and jumping in air proved that she was actually possessed by a jinn. He was then frightened, so he offered Salaat and also read Sura Jinn as he had heard that jinn are pleased on hearing Sura Jinn. While offering Salaat, he felt that the jinn were pushing him lightly every now and then. TRUE FACT: Saying that a jinn became evident is wrong, one should rather say that the madness of his sister-in-law became evident. No one sees a jinn possessing a person but only see a possessed person behaving and talking weirdly which shows that the person is mentally unstable. Why would a jinn who offers Salaat and fast possess a non-mahram woman? Why did this man feel that his sisterin-laws hand was heavy? The answer is that this man was totally convinced that his sister-in-law was possessed by a jinn and knowing that a jinn is very powerful, his nerves made him feel that her hands were very heavy. And if the woman was really possessed then she could have easily jumped to the roof of a four floor building and not only four feet in the air. When this person became afraid, he started offering Salaat and reading Sura Jinn. Its nowhere mentioned either in The Glorious Quran or authentic Hadeeths that jinns are pleased on hearing Sura Jinn or for that matter women are pleased on hearing Sura Nisaa, Kaafirs are pleased on hearing Sura Kaafirun etc. and the person was not being pushed by a jinn while he was offering Salaat as the jinn could have easily hurt him by pushing very hard but actually the man was shivering out of his fear. After analyzing these points one can safely conclude that the woman was not possessed by a jinn but was mentally sick and disturbed.
CASE 18: An author of a book on jinns and magical spell mentioned an incident in his book about his teacher who hailed from Saudi Arabia: The teacher of the author in his childhood was putting the stems of dates on the roof of his home with help of his sister who was on the roof. She somehow lost her balance and fell to the ground. A jinn was sitting at the place where she fell who was hurt by her and became angry and started strangling her which caused her great pain. After few hours when jinns anger would recede he would leave her but whenever he was reminded of this incident, he would return and strangle her for a few hours. In that state the girl would say that she was a jinn and was there to revenge himself. This continued almost for ten years and eventually, she was strangled to death by the jinn possessing her. TRUE FACT: In this case also the jinn didnt appear in front of anyone in either his original form or that of any human being but spoke only from the mouth of the girl who was actually a mental patient. The girl felt pain because of some damages in her brain. She didnt fall on any jinn nor did any jinn strangled her. The injury to her brain caused her to feel pain in intermittent period and suffered from epilepsy. In 1870, Hunglinghs Jackson, an imminent British neurologist defined epilepsy as an intermittent derangement of nervous system due to an excess and disorderly discharge of cerebral nervous tissue on muscles. The term convulsion means an intense paroxysm of involuntary repetitive muscular contraction. A seizure is suddenly involuntary alteration in perception or behaviour caused by an abnormal synchronized discharge of cortical neurons in central nervous system. Hard blow on head, complications during delivery, very high fever, wound in internal part of the ear and sinus infections may cause epilepsy. Ten percent of epileptic patients may become psychiatric patients. When this incident took place, good medical equipments were not available to treat patients having brain injury but The Glorious Quran and authentic Hadeeths were present then why did this false perception was adopted that the girl was possessed by a jinn and was strangled by it? We should understand that Islam is way ahead of science and no book is more scientifically correct than The Glorious Quran. Praise be to Allah ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 19: An old Alim had written that followers of some peer and Sufi say that Peer Sahib can even fly. When the peer wants to visit somewhere, he goes by flying. When he would visit forests, birds would come and request him to slaughter it and serve it in his khaanqa; trees would bow and offer their respect to him. The Alim thus concluded that it was Shaitaan who would fly the peer around and would speak through bird and would go inside the trees and talk to the peer.
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TRUE FACT: The innocent Alim was duped by the lies of the followers of the peer and believed in every word he spoke, so he tried to rationalize the lies. Did the Alim ever see the peer flying or talking to a bird or a tree? The follower of the peer said all these tales as he was used to bloat everything related to his peer so that more and more people could follow. The Alim failed to understand so and said that all these were the handiwork of Shaitaan but there is no proof in either The Glorious Quran or authentic Hadeeths that a jinn can possess a person, a bird or a tree and talk through them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE 20: A hafiz told me that his daughter was seriously sick but medical doctors failed to diagnose her disease. So he thought that she was either possessed by a jinn or was under some magical spell and started doing jhaad phoonk on her. I advised him against it and told him that its a biddah but he refused and said he cant leave his daughter in that state to die. But by Almighty Allahs grace the girl was diagnosed in a few days by doctors to be suffering from brain TB. She was then treated accordingly and regained her health. TRUE FACT: At times patient take time to get back to their health or it cant even be known which disease the patient is suffering from. People assume that the patient then must be possessed by a jinn or is under magical spell. These are signs of weak Imaan. There was a time when there was no treatment for TB then would it be right for people of that time to conclude that the patient was possessed by a jinn and not medically sick. Today there is no cure for cancer, then is it caused by possession by jinn or magic spell? Its shameful that till the hafizs daughter was diagnosed with brain TB, he was misguiding people and spreading biddah. Not a single verse of The Glorious Quran and nor a single authentic hadeeth states that jinn or shaitaan can possess men and drive them mad or can make someone speak in an alien language or can make a man sound like a woman and vice versa. Actually they are psychiatric patients. Wrong commentaries of The Glorious Quran, inauthentic and weak Hadeeths, wild guesses and blind following of the actions of forefathers (asalaf) are responsible for the continuation and spread of these wrong beliefs which only increase shirk and biddah. I am writing this very disappointingly and with deep regret that some Muslim countries are giving license to Alims to drive out jinn from possessed people in a way legalizing spread of biddah and shirk. They should stop this act at once. I have mentioned some cases and their facts. Apart from these there are many more cases discussed in my book. I request you that if you find anyone possessed by a jinn then analyze his case through these facts. InshaAllah it will be clear to you that in all such cases the possessed person is actually mentally ill requiring medical treatment and care. DR. SAYEEDUDDIN MISTER E-mail: [email protected]
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