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Uniformance System Monitor Real-Time Data Interface: Installation Guide R300

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Uniformance System Monitor Real-Time Data Interface

Installation Guide R300

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Honeywell Inc. 2010. All Rights Reserved. While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customers. In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice. Honeywell, Experion, PlantScape, TotalPlant, Uniformance PHD, and Business FLEX are U.S. registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. Other brand or product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

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Uniformance 300 Document Revision 1 Document Revision Date: January, 2010 Document ID: rdi4201.pdf

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ii Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

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iv Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

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Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide v

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vi Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

1. INTRODUCTIONTOTHEUNIFORMANCESYSTEMMONITORRDI........................................................................ 9 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 2. RDIDESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................................9 TAGCAPACITYLIMITATIONS .......................................................................................................................................9 CONCURRENTINTERFACELIMITATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 9 DATATHROUGHPUTANDCONSTRAINTS ....................................................................................................................... 9 REQUIREDSUPPORTFILES ..........................................................................................................................................9 REQUIREDHARDWAREANDSOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................ 9

INSTALLATIONOFTHEUSMRDI ...................................................................................................................... 11 2.1. INSTALLATIONCHECKLIST .........................................................................................................................................11 2.2. TODEFINESOURCESYSTEMTAGATTRIBUTESANDDATATYPES ......................................................................................12 2.3. TOCOMPLETETHERDIPARAMETERCONFIGURATIONFORM .........................................................................................13 2.4. TOCOMPLETETHEINTERFACES(RDIS&LINKS)FORM .................................................................................................14 2.5. SECUREUSERCREDENTIALS ......................................................................................................................................15 2.6. RDISPARTICIPATINGINANRDCSCHEME....................................................................................................................17 2.7. TOINCREASEMAXIMUMTAGS(PHDPARAMS.DAT)......................................................................................................18 2.8. TORUNRDISETUP.................................................................................................................................................19 2.9. INTERFACES_CUSTOMCONFIG.DAT ...........................................................................................................................21 2.10. TODEFINEANDSTARTRDISONARUNNINGPHDSYSTEM ............................................................................................22 2.11. MODIFYINGREGISTRYSETTINGS ...............................................................................................................................23 ToSetthePolledModeStampingOption ..................................................................................................................23 ToSettheRDIStartupOption ....................................................................................................................................23 ToPreventDuplicateBadTagMessages ...................................................................................................................26


CONFIGURATIONOFPHDTAGS....................................................................................................................... 27 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................27 TAGFIELDUSAGE ..................................................................................................................................................27 TAGCONFIGURATIONPROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................27


TROUBLESHOOTRDI ....................................................................................................................................... 29 4.1. COMMONPROBLEMS .............................................................................................................................................29 4.2. PROBLEMDIAGNOSIS..............................................................................................................................................29 TroubleshootingSteps................................................................................................................................................29

GLOSSARY............................................................................................................................................................... 31 INDEX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 33

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viii Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

1. Introduction to the Uniformance System Monitor RDI


RDI Description
The Uniformance System Monitor (USM) RDI reads Monitor Item values and Condition Item states from Uniformance System Monitor agent and stores the values in PHD. It executes in the exception mode resulting in only changed values being stored. Since USM does not hold history this RDI does not have any history recovery mechanism.


Tag Capacity Limitations



Concurrent Interface Limitations

The USM interface supports multiple concurrent instances so that tags can be grouped by interface.


Data Throughput and Constraints

Throughput is governed by the frequency of changes to the tags defined and the number of tags. REFERENCE: For RDI configuration guidelines to prevent data loss, refer to the PHD System Manual (pim0301).


Required Support Files

The following items are delivered as part of the interface:

RDIUSM.dll RDIUtils.dll PHDUSM.dll


Required Hardware and Software

The USM RDI executes on the PHD Server, requiring the following hardware and software:
Interface platform Operating system Intel PC PHD Server runs on Windows 2003 or Windows 2008

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 9

1 Introduction to the Uniformance System Monitor RDI 1.6 Required Hardware and Software

10 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

2. Installation of the USM RDI


Installation Checklist
Task Go to 9 Notes

1. Enter Configuration Data In the PHD Configuration Tool, modify the Tag Source Configuration form, if necessary. In the PHD Configuration Tool, complete the RDI Parameter Configuration form, if necessary In the PHD Configuration Tool, complete the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) form. (Optional) In the PHD Configuration Tool, configure additional copies of the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) form if the RDI is to participate in a Robust Data Collection scheme. (Optional) In the PHD Configuration Tool, complete the RDC Configuration form if the RDI is to participate in a Robust Data Collection scheme. This guide section To Define Source System Tag Attributes and Data Types If parameters to be historized by PHD are not specified in the standard list (such as userdefined parameters), then you must add them to this form. No modifications to this form are required.

This guide section To Complete the RDI Parameter Configuration Form This guide section To Complete the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) Form Robust Data Collection User Guide (pim350)

To support RDC, two or three copies of each RDI must be configured, depending on the RDC mode of the RDI.

Robust Data Collection User Guide (pim350)

Port numbers must be assigned to each RDI that is to participate in an RDC scheme.

2. Verify PHD System Configuration Modify the PhdParams.Dat file, if necessary, to ensure that tags to be built against the new RDI will not exceed the specified maximum. This guide section To Increase Maximum Tags (PhdParams.Dat) MAX_TAGS and MAX_TAGNO

3. Create RDI Run RDISetup to save the configuration. This guide section To Run RDISetup Start>Programs> Uniformance> PHD Server> PHD RDI Configuration

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 11

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.2 To Define Source System Tag Attributes and Data Types

In a running PHD system, use PHDMAN to define and start the RDI. 4. Modify Registry Settings (Optional) If appropriate, add the NewPolledModeStamping parameter to the registry for the new RDI. (Optional) If appropriate, add the RDIDependency parameter to the registry for the new RDI. (Optional) If appropriate, add the PreventBadTagMessages parameter to the registry for the new RDI. 5. Configure PHD Tags In PHD Configuration Tool, configure PHD tags.

This guide section To Define and Start RDIs on a Running PHD System


This guide section To Set the Polled Mode Stamping Option

Enable this option if you want the RDI to defer its next scan if it falls behind, instead of starting it immediately after the current scan. Enable this option if you want to startup RDIs in dependency order. Enable this option if you want only one record for a tag's bad value to be output to the PHD_EVENT.log.

This guide section To Set the RDI Startup Option This guide section To Prevent Duplicate Bad Tag Messages

This guide section Configuration of PHD Tags

PHD Configuration Tool> Tag Configuration form


To Define Source System Tag Attributes and Data Types

The PHD Configuration Tool Tag Source Configuration form defines the data mapping between a source system and PHD. Perform the following steps to add attributes for the source system type to the Tag Source Configuration form, if necessary. Perform the following procedure only if parameters to be historized are not already specified in the RDBMS, such as user-defined parameters.
Step Action Open the PHD Configuration Tool. Under Interfaces menu select Source Systems. Select LOCAL in the Current list of Source System records window. In an empty record at the bottom of the form, add the information for additional parameter(s), as necessary and click the Save button.

1 2 3 4

REFERENCE: For definitions of the PHD data types, refer to PHD System Manual (PIM-0301), section Understanding the Tag Source Definitions.

12 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.3 To Complete the RDI Parameter Configuration Form


To Complete the RDI Parameter Configuration Form

No modifications are required to the RDI Parameter Configuration form for an USM RDI. Perform the following steps to view the form.
Step Action Open the PHD Configuration Tool. Under Interfaces menu select RDI Types. Select USM in the Current list of RDI Type records window. For descriptions of each field on the form, see Table 1. Close the form.

1 2 3 4 5

Table 1 RDI Parameter Configuration Form - USM

Field RDI Type Name Description Parameter Name DEBUGLEVEL NOINITTAG HOSTNAME PORTNUMBER USERNAME PASSWORD Seq Mandatory Parameter Default Include Command Line Prefix Default Value Description Validation Text The position of the parameter in the RDI program command line. Designates whether parameter is always required. Specifies that for new RDIs that this parameter should be included by default. The prefix text for the specific parameter. This is usually the fixed portion of a parameter. Specifies the default value to be transferred to the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) form Description of the parameter. The validation to apply when a value is entered in the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) form. USM Description of the RDI Type Name of the parameter For descriptions of the parameters, refer to Table 2. Description

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 13

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.4 To Complete the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) Form


To Complete the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) Form

Perform the following steps to configure a specific RDI.
Step Action Open the PHD Configuration Tool. Under Interfaces menu select Interfaces (RDIs and Links). Fill in the RDI Name, Hostname, Description, and select the Enabled check box. Select USM as the RDI Type Name. Select LOCAL as the Source System and then click the Retrieve Parameters button.

1 2 3 4

Click the Save button.

Table 2 Interfaces (RDIs & Links) Form - USM

Field *RDI/Link Name Description Enter the PHD Real-time Data Interface name (interface instance name). The RDI Name and Hostname combination must be a unique identifier that will be used to identify data parameters to be collected from the interface. *Host Name Enter the name of the host on which the interface executes. When the user runs RDISetup, the utility only processes the interfaces defined in the database for the host on which RDISetup is executing. For PHD systems with buffered PHD Servers, the same interface name can be defined on two different hosts. Primary TDA Host Specifies that the host running this RDI acts as the primary system that should be queried by other PHD Servers using Transparent Data Access (TDA). Enter the description of the RDI. Select whether the interface is enabled. If this flag is not set, the RDISetup utility does not process this interface. Set to USM Leave blank Select LOCAL. Value /D<number> turns on the debug information to the level specified by <number>. Leave at default value of 0 (blank). Other values are for support purposes only. Range 0-9

*Description Enabled *RDI Type Name *Remote RDI Type Name Source System Parameter Name DEBUGLEVEL

14 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.5 Secure user credentials


Description /I disables the insertion of a 0 value with a -1 confidence when the RDI is started, shutdown, or every 24 hours when the RDI resynchronizes its time with the USM Agent. Default is disabled. Hostname or IP address of the machine running the USM Agent. Defaults to localhost. The USM Agent port number to connect to the remote PHD server. The default port number if not specified is 41000. The Windows username to use to connect to the USM Agent with. For security reasons this parameter should not be used and the user credentials should be entered via the Uniformance System Console. Refer to the section Secure user credentials



The password for the Windows user account used to authenticate the connection from the USM RDI to the USM Agent.


Secure user credentials

Instead of storing a username and password in clear text format, R300 has the capability to store user credentials in an encrypted format. To store the encrypted user credentials they must be entered via the Uniformance System Console. Select the Uniformance RDI Server from the tree in the left navigation window.

Then right click on the RDI in the right hand window which lists all the RDIs defined for this RDI Server. Select Properties from the context menu and then select the Interface User Account tab.

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 15

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.5 Secure user credentials

Click the Run As User Account to display the Specify User Account window.

Enter the user name, password, and confirm the password that should be used. Once entered the Validate button can now be clicked to verify the details entered are correct. This may not be possible if the USM Agent is in an untrusted domain or behind a firewall. Click Ok to save the details and return to the Interface User Account tab. Click the Store User Credentials Only check box to store the details instead of having the RDI be set to run as the specific user. Finally click the Apply or Ok buttons to save the details.

16 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.6 RDIs participating in an RDC scheme


RDIs participating in an RDC scheme

If the RDI is to participate in a Robust Data Collection (RDC) scheme, then two or three copies of the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) form must be configured, depending on whether the RDC scheme is for a single or dual buffer system. In addition, after the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) forms are completed, the RDC Configuration form must be completed. REFERENCE: For RDC configuration details, refer to the Robust Data Collection User Guide (pim3501).

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 17

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.7 To Increase Maximum Tags (PhdParams.Dat)


To Increase Maximum Tags (PhdParams.Dat)

Perform the following steps to view or modify the maximum number of tags configured for the PHD System, to ensure that tags built against the new RDI do not exceed the specified maximum.
Step Action Open the file <install directory>PHDServer\NtSite\PhdParams.Dat. If necessary, increase the values of the following parameters:
MAX_TAGS - Maximum number of defined tags. MAX_TAGNO - Maximum possible tag numbers.

1 2

3 4

Save the file. If you modified the above parameters, then you need to Stop and Cold Start the PHD Server in order to resize its global memory sections. To restart the PHD Server, execute the following commands at a command prompt: PHDCTL STOP PHDCTL START COLD

18 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.8 To Run RDISetup


To Run RDISetup
Perform the following steps to run the RDISetup utility, which creates the files for a particular RDI. REFERENCE: For more information about how RDISetup works, refer to the Basic RDI Installation Guide (in0701). Attention: Perform the following steps on the PHD Server machine on which the RDI is to run. Attention: Do NOT delete " localhost" from the Hosts file. This entry (which is created when Windows is installed) is used by PHD functions. If it is deleted, PHD will not function properly. Prerequisite: Log on to the operating system as a user that is member of the Product Administrators group. Tip: If you change local rights, you must logon again to establish the change.
Step Action Make a backup copy of the following files located at <install directory> \PHDServer\NtSite\: Interfaces.Dat Start_Interfaces.Dat.

If new RDIs have been previously created in error, for each RDI execute the following at a Command prompt: PHDMAN SHUT INT <rdiname> TIP When you run RDISetup, the utility may attempt to copy new dlls for every interface (RDI or Link) configured for this node. If you choose to leave any existing interfaces running on this node, then when RDISetup attempts to copy the dll for a running interface, the copy fails and an error message is output.

On the PHD Server where the RDI is to run, open the RDISetup utility: Start>Programs>Uniformance>PHD Server>PHD RDI Configuration

In the left pane, select the RDI of interest. RESULT: The RDI parameters appear in the right pane, as shown in the following screen example.

5 6 7

Verify/modify the values of the items listed in Table 3, as needed. To run RDISetup, select File and choose Save RDI/Link Configuration. Verify that RDISetup accomplished the following for the new RDI:
Rewrote the Interfaces.Dat file to add commands that define the new RDI. Rewrote the Start_Interfaces.Dat file to add commands for starting the new

It may have copied the DLL for the interface type as RDI<rdiname>.DLL to the

RDI directory. This will NOT occur for those RDIs distributed with the PHD Server.

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 19

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.8 To Run RDISetup


Action Note: RDISetup never writes data to the database.

8 9

Verify that the Interfaces.Dat and the Start_Interfaces.Dat files contain the appropriate parameters. Verify that the registry reflects the correct RDI parameters entered through the Interfaces (RDIs & Links) form. Registry location: HKLM \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ <RDIServer> \ Parameters \ RDIList \ <rdiname>

Table 3 RDI Parameters Entered Through RDISetup

This parameter RDIServer Instance Sets this If the PHD Server has more than one RDIServer, then this parameter represents the RDIServer to which this RDI is associated. If the PHD Server has more than one RDIServer, then this parameter represents the port number of the RDIServer to which this RDI is associated. Attention: The meaning of the history recovery limit values is different for RDIs participating in an RDC scheme than it is for normal RDIs. Normal RDIs (D) This is the minimum duration (minutes) of system outage for invocation of history recovery from the realtime system. No history recovery is performed if this value and the MAX_HISTRECMN are set to zero (0). RDC RDIs (D) The following table shows the meaning of the limit values for RDC RDIs. REFERENCE: Robust Data Collection Configuration Guide (pim3501). If <limit> is Both 0 (zero) Then All history is recovered. Note: The opposite is true for non-RDC RDIs, where no history is recovered if both parameters are set to zero. History recovery is disabled. This setting applies only to RDIs running on Shadow RDC nodes. Note: If MIN_HISTRECMN is set to any non-zero value greater than or equal to MAX_HISTRECMN, then RDC history recovery is disabled. History recovery is minimized (limited to one minute of history).

RDIServer Port


Both 1


For normal RDIs (D) This is the maximum recoverable history duration (minutes).

20 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.9 Interfaces_CustomConfig.Dat

This parameter

Sets this For RDC RDIs Refer to the previous table for MIN_HISTRECMN.


(D) - Exception interface scan wait interval (scan interval in exception mode). The real-time system will be queried for values at this interval (seconds). (D) - Use remote real-time system clock for timestamps. (D) - Synchronize scan intervals/offset with remote clock. (D) - Offset in seconds for scan cycle. Typically, the user changes the OFFSET parameter if the purpose of the new RDI is to achieve better load leveling. Attention: To minimize overlap, offset the scan cycles relative to each other by setting the OFFSET parameters to different prime numbers. REFERENCE: For guidelines on using the OFFSET parameter, refer to the PHD System Manual (pim0301), section RDI Configuration Guidelines to Prevent Data Loss.


Note: The above parameters are dynamic (D) and therefore can be changed while the PHD Server is running; however, you may have to restart the RDI for the changes to affect the RDI. So, if you changed the parameters for an existing, running RDI, you may have to restart it to implement the change.


For some RDIs, it may be necessary to add set commands to the Interfaces_CustomConfig.Dat file to set the value of certain parameters that cannot be entered into the database or the RDISetup utility. The format of the command is as follows: SET <rdiname>:<parametername> <value> Prior to PHD 210, RDC commands were required to be in the Interfaces_CustomConfig.Dat file PHD 210 and greater do not have this requirement. For PHD 210 and greater, if the user configures the RDC Configuration form through the PHD Configuration Tool, then the RDISetup utility will place RDC commands in the Interfaces.Dat file. If present, Interfaces_CustomConfig.Dat is executed automatically upon system startup, after automatic execution of Interfaces.Dat. You may execute the file manually through PHDMAN. REFERENCE: For additional information on setting RDI parameters, refer to the section "Set Interface Parameters." in the PHDMAN User Guide (pim0221).

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 21

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.10 To Define and Start RDIs on a Running PHD System

2.10. To Define and Start RDIs on a Running PHD System

To complete the definition of an interface in a running PHD System, perform the following steps to manually execute the following files through the PHDMAN utility:

Interfaces.Dat, Interfaces_CustomConfig.Dat (if needed), and Start_Interfaces.Dat.

Note: Performing a system startup of a PHD System causes the above files to be executed automatically.
Step Action On the PHD Server, open a command prompt and change directories to the <install directory>PHDServer\NtSite, and then enter the following command: PHDMAN EXECUTE Interfaces.Dat Note: Alternatively, you can use the PHDMAN shortcut on the desktop, which defaults to the path of the NtSite directory.

Verify that the new RDI is now available: PHDMAN SHO INT

Enter the following command to set any RDI modifications you entered into the Interfaces_CustomConfig.Dat file, if any: PHDMAN EXECUTE Interfaces_CustomConfig.Dat

Enter one of the following commands to start the new RDI: To start all non-running RDIs - PHDMAN EXECUTE Start_Interfaces.Dat OR To start a single RDI - PHDMAN STA INT <RDI Name>

Verify the RDI status: PHDMAN MON INT *

22 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.11 Modifying Registry Settings

2.11. Modifying Registry Settings

To Set the Polled Mode Stamping Option A registry entry (NewPolledModeStamping) can be used to enable an alternate polling mode for an RDI:

Disabled (0) - Default. If the RDI detects that the current scan has fallen behind, it still schedules the next scan immediately after the current scan is complete (PHD R150 behavior). Enabled (1) - If the RDI detects that the current scan has fallen behind, it defers polling until the next scheduled scan cycle. An overloaded source system may experience reduced loading with this setting, but will also experience skipped scans.

If needed, perform the following steps to add/enable the parameter in the registry:
Step Action At the Run command, open the registry editor: regedit Go to the following registry location: HKLM \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ <RDIServer> \ Parameters \ RDIList \ <rdiname> Add a new DWORD parameter:

1 2 3


Right-click>New>DWORD Value.

b) Enter NewPolledModeStamping as the name. 4

Enter the parameter value:


Right-click NewPolledModeStamping>Modify.

b) Set the value to 1 to enable the new polled mode. 5

Close the registry editor.

To Set the RDI Startup Option A registry entry (RDIDependency) can be added to enable the option that starts RDIs in dependency order. When a request is made to start all RDIs (Start Int *), the startup of any RDI can be delayed until other RDIs, upon which it is dependent, are started. For each RDI, you can specify one or more RDIs on which it is dependent. Tag Routing is an example of an RDI function for which RDI startup dependency may be a concern.

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 23

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.11 Modifying Registry Settings

If needed, perform the following steps to add/configure the parameter in the registry:
Step Action At the Run command, open the registry editor: regedt32 Go to the following registry location: HKLM \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ <RDIServer> \ Parameters \ RDIList\<rdiname> Use one of the following procedures, depending on the operating system, to add a new multiple string value: Windows 2003:

1 2 3


Right-click>New> Multi-String Value.

b) Enter RDIDependency as the Value Name. c)

Right-click RDIDependency> Modify. is dependent.

d) On separate lines, enter the name of each RDI upon which this RDI


Click OK.

Windows 2000:


Edit > Add Value

b) Data Type> REG_MULTI_SZ c)

Enter RDIDependency as the Value Name.

24 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.11 Modifying Registry Settings



d) Click OK. e)
On separate lines, enter the name of each RDI upon which this RDI is dependent.

f) 4

Click OK.

Close the registry editor.

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 25

2 Installation of the USM RDI 2.11 Modifying Registry Settings

To Prevent Duplicate Bad Tag Messages On PHD 210 and greater, you can configure the registry parameter 'PreventBadTagMessages' for each RDI to prevent logging of duplicate bad value messages in the PHD_EVENT.log. The possible values are:

Disabled (0) - Default. Allows duplicate log records for a tag with bad values. Enabled (1) - Only the first occurrence of a bad value for each tag is logged. This is reset when a good value is received for the tag.

Multiple bad value errors may occur upon restart, following an outage where every tag value is bad. This option is useful to prevent the log from filling up with the same errors. If needed, perform the following steps to add/enable the parameter in the registry:
Step Action At the Run command, open the registry editor: regedit Go to the following registry location: HKLM \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ <RDIServer> \ Parameters \ RDIList \ <rdiname> Add a new DWORD parameter:

1 2 3


Right-click>New>DWORD Value.

b) Enter PreventBadTagMessages as the name. 4

Enter the parameter value:


Right-click PreventBadTagMessages>Modify.

b) Set the value to 1 to enable the option. 5

Close the registry editor.

26 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

3. Configuration of PHD Tags


Uniformance System Monitor RDI tags are defined in much the same way as normal collected tags. All USM items are handled as double values.


Tag Field Usage

Source Tag Specification

For retrieving values from a USM Agent, the only tag field used for specifying data is the Source Tag Specification (src_tagname) field. This field contains either the Monitor Item name or the Condition Item Name. For Monitor Items prefix the name with M: and for Condition Items use the prefix C:. Note: if no prefix is specified then it is assumed that a Monitor Item is being specified. Example Source Tag Names M:CommittedBytes C:HighCPUUsage
Scan Frequency

Refers to a Monitor Item called CommittedBytes Refers to a Condition Item called HighCPUUsage

Since the RDI executes in exception mode the scan frequency is used simply to set the tags data queue size based on the expectation of the number times the values is expected to change. REFERENCE: For additional information on the Tag Configuration form, refer to the Process History Database User Guide (pim0201).


Tag Configuration Procedure

Note: If tags are already built, but are not yet associated with the RDI, enter the RDI assignment for the tags, and then enter the following command to cause PHD to requery the database for the tags: PHDMAN UPDATE TAG FULL ATTENTION: Executing UPDATE TAG FULL may result in a gap in data collection. After the interface is defined and started, perform the following steps to configure PHD tags for the RDI through the PHD Configuration Tool.
Step Action In the PHD Configuration Tool.

Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide 27

3 Configuration of PHD Tags 3.3 Tag Configuration Procedure


Action Click the Tags button on the tool bar. Refer to following sections for details.

Verify that the new RDI collects tag values by entering the following command at a command prompt or through the PHDMAN shortcut on the desktop. PHDMAN MON QUE <Tag name>

28 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

4. Troubleshoot RDI


Common Problems
In most cases, the following problems may occur:

The interface startup parameters from PHD are incorrectly defined (Interfaces (RDIs & Links) form). The interface has not been defined to PHD or is incorrectly defined. Hosts file on PHD Server is not correct:

Hostnames are not correct. IP addresses are not correct.

RDI stuck in INIT/INACTIVE state.

Attempting to start an RDI when the RDI Server is not running will result in the RDI being stuck in the Init/Inactive state. If this occurs, it is necessary to restart the RDI Server, and then Kill the RDI before issuing the Start command again.


Problem Diagnosis
In many cases, looking at the RDI log file (<rdiname>.OUT ) can be very useful. The log file gives information about the following:

Initialization of tags, poll groups, and errors during these actions Outgoing and incoming data packages

For further problem diagnosis, refer to the PHD system log files mainly, the PHD event log (PHD_EVENT.LOG). REFERENCE: For a description of all PHD logs, see Process History Database Installation Guide (in6001).

Troubleshooting Steps Troubleshooting interface problems usually involves the following steps:
1. Verify interface activity via the PHDMAN MONITOR INTERFACE command.

If the interface has not started correctly, check RDI output file in the Log Files directory. If the interface has aborted, check the event log file PHD_EVENT.LOG. Also check the output file to which the RDI was directed in the registry settings.

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4 Troubleshoot RDI 4.2 Problem Diagnosis

2. Check for problem tags with the PHDMAN REPORT CONFIDENCE command. 3. Data queues for tags may be displayed via the PHDMAN MONITOR QUEUE

command. .
4. Check the PHD Event Log for any error logs indicating problems for the interface

or interface tags.

30 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide


History Recovery
The retrieval of data from a source system by the RDI for the period of time during which the RDI was unable to collect data directly from the source system. The recovered data will eliminate the data gaps that result from non-collection of data.

PHD Real-time Data Interface. One or more RDIs are used for each type of DCS, PLC, SCADA, and other real-time source of data that is included in PHD.

Source System
The source system is the system that provides the real-time data to the PHD systems. This can be another PHD system, or a DCS system.

A distinct value residing in the source system and collected by an RDI.

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32 Uniformance - Uniformance System Monitor RDI Installation Guide

Command Line Prefix, 13 duplicate log records, 26 DWORD parameter, 26 encrypted format, 15 Interface platform, 9 Operating system, 9 PHD Configuration Tool, 21 PHD RDI Configuration, 11 Port numbers, 11 RDIs participating in an RDC scheme, 17 Secure user credentials, 15 single or dual buffer system, 17 Tag Source Configuration form, 11 Troubleshooting interface problems, 29 Uniformance System Monitor (USM), 9 user credentials, 15

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Honeywell International Process Solutions 1860 W Rose Garden Ln Phoenix, AZ 85027-2708 USA

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