Etourism Forum Emergence 2009

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Competitivity in Tourism:

Managing Online for success

Our aim is about bridging the digital gap
in the business of travel.

This is an industry-wide effort to meet the

challenges for growth and to establish the
basis for customer centred relationships

Our most valued customer today begins

his journey with one click; be empowered
to meet him there.

How to get there: Event Planning:

FromLimassol City Centre: 11km

Take B1 or A1 in direction of Larnaca,
exit Amathus area.
From Larnaca Airport : 56km
Take B5 or A5 in direction of
Limassol, exit Amathus area

From Paphos Airport: 70km

Take A6 direction Limassol, merge
with A1 direction Larnaca, exit
Amathus area

Contact details:
Hotel Venue eTourism Forum:
GrandResort Online Registration:
Amathus Area, P.O.Box 54500
Media & Sponsorships: gallery
3724 Lemesos - Cyprus
Tel.:+357-25634333 [email protected]
Fax.: +357-25634588 Speakers and organisation:
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Tel: +357 26948003
Richard Sedley, Dr. Natasa Christodoulidou, Greg Carroll, Gerd Leonhard Theodore Koumelis, John Horsley,
Cscape California State Univ. Waggener Edstrom MediaFuturist Travel Daily News eConsultancy

Petros Mavros, Andrew Gordon,

DAY 1 Panel Presentations I
9.00-9.30 Welcome and Opening Remarks 10.40 Cyprus Tourism in Figures:
9.00 CTO Welcome Message A review of trends and key indicators
By Constantinos Chappas

coffe e, tea break and networking

9.10 Forum President Message Overview of latest stastistical data from the
Cyprus Tourism Authority with relevance to
9.20 Agenda Emergence 2009 emerging tendencies.
Chairman, Petros Mavros
11.10 Beyond E-Business Readiness
9.30-10.20 Key Note 1 By Petros Mavros
Winning in a troubled economy From Information to network collaboration
by Richard Sedley and business development in Travel.
Overcoming economic uncertainties, 11.40 Marketing Convergence
adequately using the benefits of digital media By Dr. Natasa Christodoulidou
and decision making to increase probabilities
When traditional marketing becomes digital,
for winning strategies. digital natives and immigrants, signs of new
generational transition in leading business

12.30/13.20 Lunch Recess

13.30-14.10 Key Note 2 16.00-16.40 Key Note 3

The participative Economy Online reputation Management
by Gerd Leonard by Ged Carroll
Adopting customer-centricity and connecting Review of online reputation and brand
through experience - access, usage, sharing - management implications for organisations
coffe e, tea break and networking

an inevitable future scenario for differentiation and national tourism.

and competitiveness.
17.00- Panel discussion:
Panel Presentation The end of control
14.20 Collaborative Platforms Moderated by Theodore Koumelis
By Steve Poncini New realities shaking up foundational
From community to informal networks, structures of business, media, life and travel.
harnessing empowerment for engagement A challenge to a hotelier's view.
Steve Poncini
Ged Carroll
14.40 The digital toolkit Petros Mavros
By Andrew Gordon Richard Sedley
How to effectively manage digital: the process Gerd Leonard
and integrated perspective, from attraction
to retention. 17.30- Remarks and Refreshments
DAY 2 Panel Presentations III
9.00-9.10 Welcome and Opening Remarks 11:00 Customer insights in Digital
By Ged Carroll
9.00 Welcome Message
When business is 24/7, how to maintain flow

coffe e, tea break and networking

9.05 Agenda Emergence 2009 of constant communication, authenticiy and
Chairman, Petros Mavros relevancy to different audiences in realtime
Panel Presentations II 11.30 Sustainable ROI in digital maketing
By Andrew Gordon
09.10 Design by persuasion A balancing act between SEM, advertising,
By Richard Sedley affiliation and social media while achieving
Website design and usability for effective maximum presence and internal coherency.
performance with user intent
09.40 Impacts of Mobility 12.10 Panel Discussion: Connectivity
By Gerd Leonard Moderated: Theodore Koumelis
When the handheld web overtakes us. Ged Carroll
Customer preparedness and the business divide Dr. Natasa Christodoulidou
for developing mobile connectivity. Andrew Gordon
Richard Sedley

13.00/13.30 Lunch Recess

Panel Presentations IV 16.00 The opportunity for 2009 is digital

Cloenda of the eTourism Forum by Special
13.40 Media and networks invited guest
By Theodore Koumelis
Challenges for media and new means of 16.30-17.30 1st e-travel award Ceremony 2008/09
interaction in travel networks Special recognition for online presence
coffe e, tea break and networking

a. best e-commerce site

14.10 Affiliate and Social Media networks b. best online brand site
By John Horsley c. best destination product/theme
Impact of social media for business and peer- d. best e-marketing campaign
to-peer influence, implications for travel and e. best site promoting Cyprus
14.40 E-commerce and revenue online 17.30 Closing Remarks Cocktail
By Dr. Natasa Christodoulidou
Multi-channel management approach for
revenue optimisation on e-commerce site.
Opportunities for travel intermediaries, travel
meta sites and suppliers
Promotes Organises Media

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