1.0 System Description: Local Model Report

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1.0 System Description Grading System is a LAN- based application this system is built using Visual Basic 0.6. The main theme of the proposed system is to show how the system can help a school grades in taking control of their keeping of their school grades records. The system can be say that was a demo version of the real and complete version of the system proposed, because the system is under its limitation until it is not register in pro version. To create a registered in the school of grades. To restrict the users that can access the system control area for viewing or modifying of grades records in the system database. The main goal of the system is to improve the efficiency of the Grading System. This system aims to solve the problems that are arising in the school management. 1.1 System Features The Grading System has several features in order for the school to be productive transaction. Security a. The user will be able to change his current password. b. Different users have limitations with regards of the system. Administrator/Registrar - has full access of the functionality of the system. Queries a. Immediate search for the students requirements b. Immediate search for the student grades. c. Immediate calculate grades of the students. Reports a. Generates of the student files b. Generates of the list of students years and sections Other Features a. Additional features is grading system

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2.0 Scope The scope of the system we propose is to change the design and to add a feature to help to the school that we chose. 2.1 Use Case Diagram


ADD student

EDIT student

UPDATE student


STORE Grades


Figure 2.1.1 and Figure 2.1.2 In Figure 2.1.1 and Figure 2.1.2 shows how to log in the admin, registrar and teacher. There limitations to access the system. The use case diagram, to guide the admin, registrar and teacher to use the system.

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2.2 Interaction Diagram Computerized Grading System is the process if the Grading System uses to compute grades.

Add the Student


Grading System

Students Students Info

Main Form

Log in
Figure 2.2 Interaction Diagram This figure shows how to intersect to the student, admin.

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2.2 Entity Relationship Diagram


Reports to




Receives RESULT

This figure shows the ER- diagram of the system, as whole system of the system.

3.0 New Business Rules Assuming that the system is being implemented on to the school of MCA of Novaliches, there are a new business rules that imposed. The users of the system will be limited into two users such administrator and registrar for security of the school. The registrar imposed a deadline and schedule of the enrollment and also submission of the requirements.

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4.0 System Requirements This chapter shows the requirements to need the system. The following requirements help also to the users to operate. 4.1 Hardware Requirements The Grading System consists of a database server and an application server. The database server needs to handle a vast amount of data, so a large volume data storage and good performance database management system is needed. 4.1.1 Server Requirements Hardware System Unit Monitor Keyboard/Mouse AVR Printer Scanner Description Dual core with speed of 2.2 GH or higher Memory of 160 Gb Compatible pointing devices Memory of 2Gb or higher Print speed: 36 ppm 1600 dpi x 1600 dpi Table 4.1 - Server Requirements This table 4.1 shows the hardware requirements for the system to operates all the times and the figure above give the description of the hardware. Scanner and Printer is the devices to help the school to make fast and easy print out. 4.2 Software Requirements The software requirements that we used are windows XP and we need a MySQL. This figure illustrates the following requirements.

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4.2.1 Workstation Requirements Software Operating System Database Programming Language DESCRIPTION Windows XP Professional My SQL server Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 USES For the environment to be use For the storage of the records For the development of the system Table 4.2.1 - Workstation Requirements Table 4.2.1 shows the software for the workstation. It indicates here the type of software and there description also the uses.

4.2.2 Applications Requirements Software Database Programming Language DESCRIPTION My SQL server Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 USES For the storage of the records For the development of the system Table 4.2.2 - Applications Requirements Table 4.2.2 shows the software requirements for the application. It indicates here the type of browsers that must be use, the web server and plu-ins used offices applications. 4.3 Data Requirements The following data are to be feed to the system. These data are needed process and produce reports. From the student

Field Stud_id Stud_lname

Type Int(10) Varchar(25)

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Stud_fname Stud_mname Stud_bdate Stud_contact# Stud_section Stud_add

Varchar(25) Varchar(25) date Int(10) Varchar(25) Varchar(30)

From the admin / registrar

Field Stud_level Stud_curriculum Stud_professor

Type Int(10) Varchar(25) Varchar(25)

5.0 Security Structure Security is one of the main aspects of processing of data. Having high risks of unsecured data may lead a lot of serious problems. Designing and planning security module can give a great advanced on systems specially in handling data and situations which concerns both the administrator and the end-user. The security structure show by hierarchy format.

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First Level Security Admin

Second Level Security Registrar

Third Level Security

Teacher Figure 5.0 Security In this design there is a logon page where the 3 users will enter the username and password. It will be checked if it is present in the database. If not, the system will prevent the current user from entering the system. But if the user is present in the database, he will be allowed to enter and also his level of being a user will be checked. Some areas of the system cannot be and must not be accessed by any ordinary-end-user. Because of different levels of the security, different options and settings can be given to different types of user.

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LOCAL MODEL REPORT 5.1 Security Module Design



Log in into system Please enter your username and password

Entering username and password Check access Status = OK Status = Administrator Grant all access Else Limited access Accept user Record login and transaction history Else Access denied Figure 5.3 Security Module Design Figure 5.3 shows the security module design of the proposed system. The user will log in into the system, asking the user to enter the username and password. If the system verifies the username and password that is being inputted by the user, the user can now access system. The user functionality depends on the user accessibility that they were used into.

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6.0 Archiving Structure

Grading User System Back up Device

I want to backup files Back up files Complete Status archive I want to receive old files I want to receive old files

Here are the files


Figure 6.0 - Archiving Structure Figure 6.0 shows the backup and archiving design interaction diagram. The user will back up the files to a device. Whenever the user wants to archive all the data in the database to prevent the permanent deletion of the data, he must store it on a backup device

7.0 Backup and Recovery Procedures Did you know that natural disasters, such as hurricane or flood only account for approximately 2% of all business disasters while hardware failures and human error account for more than 70%? Lets face it, as an IT professional, anything that interrupts normal business operations could form the basis of disaster for you. Just remember, whatever the
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cause of your interruption, how you prepare to respond that will decide the fate of your business - So, are you prepared? As we process more and more data, there is also a need of storing each piece of information, no matter how old it is. Database has limitations and backing up data is one way of securing new permanent container of data. It is also a way of having a copy of important files away from the original creator processor of the data. Most data are stored to devices that are outside the server to prevent damage to data if a server crashed happens. 7.1 Back Up and Recovery Diagram

Figure 7.1 Back Up and Recovery Diagram Figure 7.1 Shows backup and recovery diagram. It shows how to backup a data and archive it whenever the database crashes or deleted. The data are being stored to devices that are outside the server to prevent damage to data.

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