ED 315 Supervision 2

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SUPERVISORs Feedback OF ED 315 Field Student

Candidate: Sara Ward Supervisor: D. Habanek Cooperating Teacher: M. McCanna School: Reagan High School Check One: 1st Observation __ Date: 11.30.12 Number of Students: 37 Grade: 10 Subject(s): U.S. History 2nd Observation _X__

Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination/Integrative Interaction WTS: 2,3,5DISP: Respect, Responsibility )

Evidence (Candidate and Student) Cueing kids to listen respectfully to announcements is a good idea. When the teachers talk during them, kids do too. You moved among the kids throughout. Your voice coming from various parts of the room helped kids stay attentive. It also gives the impression that you want to be near them. You used the name cards to randomly call on kids to respond. Seems fair to them! Monitor kids with heads down. Dont allow it. Be sure to give a signal that you will be speaking to them. Dont just talk out and expect everyone to hear what you are telling them. Remember that it takes a minute to shift from the task to the voice.

Shows respect for the diverse talents of all learners. Uses knowledge about human motivation and behavior to develop strategies for organizing and supporting individual and group work. Is committed to the expression and use of democratic values in the classroom. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, activities and attention to engage students in productive tasks. Knows how to help students work productively and cooperatively with each other. Uses strategies of effective classroom management to promote positive relationships, cooperation, and purposeful learning in the classroom.

Respects students as individuals with differing personal and family background and various skills, talents and interests.

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction WTS 4,6,7DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Communication)

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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Uses different representations and explanations of concepts when necessary to accommodate students who approach learning from different conceptual frameworks. Uses teaching approaches that address different learning styles and performance modes. Uses instructional strategies that promote student learning for a range of student abilities. Encourages discussion. Elicits samples of student thinking orally and in writing. Values the development of students critical thinking, independent problem-solving, and performance capabilities by using varied teaching and learning strategies to engage students in active learning. Modifies explanations when necessary to assist students understanding. Organizes, prepares students for, and monitors independent and group work. Recognizes the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication. Is a thoughtful and responsive listener. Communicates in ways that demonstrate a sensitivity to cultural and gender differences. Models appropriate communication strategies in conveying ideas and information. Supports learner expression in speaking and writing, and other media. Knows how to ask questions and stimulate discussion in different ways.

You began the period with a reminder of what countries were involved in colonizing America. They had some trouble with the map. When time permits its a good idea to address that. Just ask: what is this a map of? Where is South America? Which countries colonized S.A.? You gave them a listening/note organizer to use while you spoke. You gave them background about the world countries that were involved with colonization. This provided context. You included clues like the 3 Gs. Ask more questions: like What states comprise the New England colonies? Why were the first colonies established at Plymouth and other places like Boston? What does purify mean? You used video to enhance the experience of gathering information. The first video explained the voyage of the Mayflower, giving details about the ship and the passengers. It moved quickly, was very engaging and provided a break from lecture. How else can you break up the lecture? 10 minutes is the max you should speak. Direct them to table discussion and ask more questions. After 20 minutes, you moved to document analysis. You provided pictures that showed a native village as drawn by an artist and then the rendition of the same picture that was actually sent back to England. The worksheet questions required analysis of this picture and several others. Good questions about why the black and white versions of the pictures were sent back to England rather than the original paintings. ( I wondered if they sent woodblocks with the engravings so it could be printed several times) Model the best standard English. Got any ideas about that? seems too informal. One student made a great connection between the picture of the colonists and pictures of the Hooverville settlements that they learned about earlier in the semester. Wow this is exactly what we want, isnt it? Do the dates of the maps you showed matter. The product map was from

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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1750 while some of the other items showed life in the 1600s. Not sure all of those products were available 100 years earlier. How do you pronounce Iroquois? The names of the towns were interesting. Consider drawing this to their attention. Why were the towns named this way by these people? After the tobacco video you asked one question. Why not more? The south became wealthy really quick What was the actual time span from colonization to wealth? The slave trade maps were good but small. You said the movement was to the south not the north. This needed clarification. (they began to get antsy at this point, 10:07) You gave them 10 minutes to go over the graph? You meant matrix. This was meant to help them fill in the blanks and complete their notes. Did they need 10 minutes? Make sure that everyone is listening to the student speaker that you call on. Emphasize respect. Be sure to repeat what students say so everyone hears it. Ask why the Puritans/colonists felt that they were superior to the natives. Interesting to ins to contemporary times. ____Inadequate ____Emerging __x_Proficient ____Distinctive Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis/Integrative Interaction WTS: 8,9 DISP: Collaboration, Communication)

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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Knows how to select and construct assessment strategies and instruments. Uses appropriate assessment techniques to enhance his or her knowledge of learners, evaluate students progress and performances, and modify teaching and learning strategies. Solicits and uses information about students experiences, learning behavior, needs and progress from cooperating teachers and the students themselves. Evaluates the effect of class activities on both individuals and the class as a whole, collecting information through observation of classroom interactions, questioning, and analysis of student work.

This was a great opportunity to collect data. Where is your data collection device? It should be described in your plan. Filling out a worksheet is not informal assessment. You mentioned in your plan that students will have a test on the concepts from this lesson. Although it was probably not possible, teachers always need to know how and when students will be formally assessed so that daily lesson planning can be focused around student attainment of the outcomes.

Uses classroom observation and information about students as sources for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and as a basis for reflecting on and revising practice.




____Distinctive Evidence (Candidate)

Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication/Integrative Interaction WTS: 10DISP: Responsibility, Collaboration, Communication)

Relates professionally and effectively with the cooperating teacher and faculty. Dresses professionally and consistently portrays a professional demeanor. Is enthusiastic about teaching.

You look and sound professional. ..

Seeks out the cooperating teacher to support his/her development as a learner and a teacher.





Summary Statement: You have grown in your confidence and ability to get students engaged. Keep working on assessment. It must be a conscious part pf
every plan, every day.

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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Overall Performance: ____Inadequate




Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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