Andrea Bowhall Diazed215r Supervisorobservation
Andrea Bowhall Diazed215r Supervisorobservation
Andrea Bowhall Diazed215r Supervisorobservation
OF ED 215-R Field Student
Candidate: Andrea Bowhall-Diaz
Assessor: Robin Gleason
Check One:
1stObservation __X
2nd Observation __
Date: 11/13/13
Number of Students: 21
Grade: 2
You consulted with your CT to select the learning objective for this
lesson. Your plan was detailed and followed a theoretical model to
teach to your lesson objective for this writing lesson. You carefully
articulated all aspects of the lesson, including the language you
planned to use in your think aloud. In your plan, you also considered
how this lesson fit in with previous and future learning and how to
support the various developmental levels of writing of the children.
You listed and readied the necessary materials for this lesson,
including your own piece of writing that you used to demonstrate the
lesson objective. Because you were so well prepared, you taught this
lesson with confidence.
Classroom Environment
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.
0210 ED
Grade: 2
As you conferred with the children, you kept this positive and animated
tone and provided additional support, as needed. Just scan the room
often to make sure that all children are focused on their learning.
One additional suggestion is to consider the size of the text you are
using to demonstrate your thinking in front of the large group. Think
about how you might have planned ahead to use larger paper to write
your own piece for your demonstration purposes. This perhaps would
have allowed the children to see your thinking more easily as you revised
your piece of writing in front of them.
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.
0210 ED
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.
0210 ED
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.
0210 ED
Evidence (Candidate)
You clearly have established a strong collegial relationship with
your CT and positive working relationships with the children in your
classroom. It is evident that you feel comfortable and part of this
classroom environment.
You consistently conduct yourself in a professional manner with
your colleagues and supervisor. You actively share your ideas and
offer your support to your colleagues. The thinking that you
demonstrate in your written assignments is thorough and
Additional Comments: Andrea, this was a fine literacy lesson! You tackled teaching children to revise their informational
writing pieces using a specific strategy quite a complex process. There were many fine moments in this lesson. One in
particular, was your recognition that the children needed more support as they were working independently on their own
pieces of writing. You took the initiative to stop the children right then to remodel the strategy. This was great responsive
teaching! You have a positive and supportive approach to teaching, Andrea. You also are a highly reflective practitioner.
Both of these strengths have lead to your growth as a teacher. Nice work! I encourage you as you move forward in your
journey of becoming a truly effective teacher, to continue to grow in analyzing your practice in relation to the theory and
student learning.
Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.
0210 ED