Research Course 2: Research Questions and Hypotheses
Research Course 2: Research Questions and Hypotheses
Research Course 2: Research Questions and Hypotheses
TCPB 124
Week 2
Dr Osama Al-Mahdi
Textbook: Fraenkel, J. and Wallen, N. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in
education. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Can lead to bias in methods (conscious or un) to try to support
Sometimes miss other important info due to focus on hypothesis (peer
review/replication is a check on this)
Directional v. non-directional
• Directional v. non-directional
• Directional says which group will score
higher/do better
• Non directional just indicates there will
be a difference, but not who will score
higher/do better
• Directional more risky, so be
careful/tentative in using directional ones
Examples of quantitative questions
• How do students rate on critical thinking skills? (a
descriptive question focused on the independent
• What are the students’ grades in science classes? (a
descriptive question focused on the dependent
• What are the students’ prior grades in science? (a
descriptive question focused on the mediating variable,
prior grades)
• What is the educational attainment of the parents of
the students? (a descriptive question focused on the
mediating variable, educational attainment of parents)
(Opfer, 2008 University of Cambridge website)