The Energy of Wealth Workbook
The Energy of Wealth Workbook
The Energy of Wealth Workbook
Meet the Creators of the Program: Alan Ray and Brenda Young
A masterful coach in the areas of creativity, self-expression and the law of attraction, Alan Ray has coached and trained people all over the world who are committed to living an extraordinary life. A man of many passions, Alan is also a visual artist, writer, actor and filmmaker and continues to express himself creatively through the arts. His interest in understanding the nature of reality and the exploration of what is possible for us as human beings has led him down a path of self-growth and eventually put him to work delivering law of attraction coaching programs for Joe Vitale and Bob Doyle, two master teachers from the movie 'The Secret'. He has also been a personal coach to Mr. Doyle, having worked with him to break through some of the barriers that had blocked him from fully realizing his boundless potential in the areas of his creative self expression. Alan is excited to bring his powerful, dynamic style of coaching into the world at the level of community, to create extraordinary paradigm shifts that will unleash the creative power within, forever transforming their relationship to themselves, their work and their community. See his website for more information:
With a background in finances, alternative health care, and coaching, and having owned her own businesses, Brenda Young brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. She has a gift to be able to see where breakdowns are occurring and implement changes necessary for growth and stability, creating extraordinary results. Her business prospered and grew by over 300% in 2 years, and her accomplishments were unmatched in her profession. She leads and empowers others with agility, certainty, and confidence. Brenda has coached for Joe Vitale (Miracles Program), Bob Doyle (Wealth Beyond Reason Program), and Marci Shimoff (Happy For No Reason Program). As a result of her training, experience, and education, she developed her own brand of healing, therapy, and coaching. Her approach is multi-level, multisourced, and designed to help you develop your own internal support network. Brenda Young is the author of the new e-book The Secret to Life 101 (endorsed by Joe Vitale), where she teaches people how to work with their life goals, using concepts and methods to create abundance in all forms (money, health, relationships, career, and spirituality). In addition, she offers individual sessions, group classes, and support through her written and recorded material, art, and music. She brings a wealth of information, energy, laughter, and love to everything she does. For more info, see website:, or (for coaching info).
Free Bonus Materials: We have included several free bonus clearings: 2 TAT clearing audios for money issues and perfection, courtesy of Jasmine White, certified TAT trainer. TAT is short for Tapas Acupressure Technique and is a very powerful method that uses a series of statements designed to empower and free you, while holding acupressure points on the front and back of the head. We also have a free EFT clearing video, courtesy of Teresa Bolen Okamoto, a certified EFT practitioner. EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, involves tapping on specific meridian points while saying a simple affirming statement of acceptance. In addition to these wonderful clearing bonuses, weve included Joe Vitales Attract Money Now e-book, Jill Bolte Taylors Stroke of Insight video, and Bob Doyles audio interview with Alan Ray on the topic of Self Expression and Creativity. We also created a meditation on How to Succeed, so be sure and listen to that audio as well. If youre needing a little extra support, contact us for group or personal coaching at [email protected] or [email protected].
Table of Contents
1 - Expanding Your Wealth Energy6 Section 1 Assignment/Questions14 2 - Knowing the Power of Your Beliefs.18 Section 2 Assignment/Questions24 3 - Creating the space for Wealth Energy26 Section 3 Assignment/Questions.48 4 - Living in the Now.50 Section 4 Assignment/Questions.57 5 - Being in the Flow.60 Section 5 Assignment/Questions.63 6 - Communing with Your Visionary Genius.65 Section 6 Assignment/Questions.71
You are responsible for what you think and feel. Thoughts pop in and out of your head all day. It is your choice to choose what thoughts to keep your focus on. Dwelling on certain thoughts will usually stir up your emotions. Depending on the intensity of the emotion, a particular action may be taken, or a decision made about something. When a decision is made, it connects to other similar thought patterns and gets filed in to a distinct belief category. In this way, your beliefs become your foundation from which you live, act, feel and think from. You even develop a way of being associated with your beliefs. You are responsible for your way of being and what you experience. To say you are responsible for you way of being is easy to comprehend because you know that you have a choice in what youre thinking, feeling and how youre behaving. Understanding that youre responsible for what you experience may be a whole new concept for you. It takes responsibility to a whole new level when you realize you create your reality based on what you think, feel, and believe. When your energy signals leave your body and go out there, they boomerang back with the same kind of energy. Like attracts like. If, for example, I had an experience as a child where people yelled at me if I didnt do what they told me to do, I might have the thought I dont like being yelled at, so Im going to do what is asked of me, because I want them to like me. This develops into a limiting belief: If I dont do what others ask of me, then I wont be liked, loved, valued, admired, respected, appreciated, etc. Underneath that is I am not lovable as I am, I am less than that and will always be seeking to be loved and approved of. As a result, I took on a people-pleaser way of being so I would be liked, valued, or appreciated. In this mode, I was sacrificing my desires for someone else to get what they want, which left me feeling a little out of integrity. When I was out of integrity, I was not honoring my own values. I was giving my power away and sending out the energy of my limiting beliefs, which left me feeling worn out and drained. As another similar experience came along, my beliefs kicked in, and I ended up doing something I didnt really want to do because someone asked me to, and I wanted them to like me. I automatically went in to that people-pleaser mode again, continuing to perpetuate the cycle. Unless I observed that I was doing this and made the choice to honor myself (my values) instead, the cycle would continue. You are responsible for what you attract. Understanding the laws governing energy enables you to create your life on purpose, rather than by accident. The Law of Attraction says you will attract to you whatever you focus on what you think about, and how you feel about that. However, many people are not conscious of their thoughts and feelings. If you
dig down deeper and look at what is underneath the internal or external conversation youre having about a particular subject, you might find youre driven by old belief patterns some that dont really support what you desire. For example, you may desire money, but youve experienced rich people as being greedy. So you developed a belief that says rich people are greedy, and you dont want to be like that. You may believe that youre a nice person, and your reality is that you never have a lot of money. If you truly desire a large amount of money, you need to clear that old limiting belief that judges rich people and labels them as greedy or bad. I watched this happen to someone I know. She judged a man when he became rich at his business, and didnt share the wealth with his employees. She said Well I dont want to be rich because rich people are greedy. By the very nature of her limiting belief, she pushed away money. Then she struggled with being able to meet her financial needs. When she cleared her limiting belief, she was able to attract more wealth.
What is wealth? For some its possessions, for others its a sense of freedom, security, or status. Possessions might have you think you have freedom, prosperity, or security. In truth, they are just an expression of your wealth. When you think of wealth, theres a corresponding feeling and thought pattern thats at the foundation of your beliefs about money. You have a way of relating to wealth and money based on these belief patterns. If you dont feel you have enough of it, you wont feel powerful around it. Then you give your power away to the thoughts of lack. You actually play the victim to money. On the other hand, youll feel powerful, strong and secure when you determine you have enough money, that you can always make more if you spend, use or lose it. Many billionaires have been bankrupt at least once Donald Trump, twice. Having wealth is more of a mindset, where you hold the energy of abundance within you, so you become magnetically attractive to wealth. The energy of wealth and abundance occurs when thought energy and emotional energy combine with spiritual energy. Spiritually speaking, the energy of your beliefs what you believe is possible and real in the world is the power of your wealth, or lack of it. If you have a judgment around money, you may be feeling that youre not deserving of it, or perhaps you feel you never have enough of it, then the energy signals youre sending out are negatively charged. This energy goes out in to the world and becomes your future reality, like a projection, except that it boomerangs back in to your life down the road as an experience that confirms your beliefs. Its like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Those beliefs will feed in to the different ways you relate to money. Once I had a home with a nice cushy job, and felt like things were going great. I looked back at how I got there and how hard I worked to make it. There was an
underlying limiting belief that I held that you have to work hard to get the good things in life. What I didnt realize is that I still held that belief. So, the cushy job went away, and the home became harder to pay for. I had to start working hard again, naturally fulfilling that limiting belief. What are the different ways you relate to money? Relating to money as if its easy to come by, you can always make more, and you have more than enough indicates a powerful way of being and positive beliefs about it. Relating to money as if its a rare commodity to be treasured, desired, and idolized gives your power away to it. If money becomes an object of desire, rather than a currency of exchange, you lose your power to it. Desiring money, is really just desiring a concept. Its important to look at what money means to you. Is it your ticket to freedom? Is it your symbol of status? Does it afford you a prosperous lifestyle? Is it a source of power for you? All of these are concepts and have foundational beliefs and a loss of power associated with them. You are already powerful, prosperous, free, and secure wealthy and you dont need money to prove it. The proof comes after the behavior modification. When you choose to think and feel wealthy, you create wealth as your reality. Recognizing your behavior and how youre relating to money is key to deciphering your limiting beliefs around it. Who are you being in relationship to your money? Do you try to save it, spend it immediately, avoid dealing with it? Each of these concepts usually has a limiting belief underneath it. The concept of saving it usually comes from the limiting belief that you may not be able to generate it consistently or enough of it to last. Its actually predicting and projecting the rainy day. Spending it immediately usually indicates a lack of responsibility in budgeting. Its like the money just slips through your fingers and you cant hold on to it. There may be a limiting belief around being able to spend it wisely. If you prefer to avoid dealing with money altogether, theres a dissociation with the currency in your life. Ignorance is not bliss. Lack of acknowledgement indicates lack of responsibility, and the limiting belief underneath that is not trusting that youll make the right decisions and choices with your money. In all of these scenarios there is a limiting belief lurking beneath the surface, usually flying just below your radar so youre unaware of it. Yet, this is what is running the show from the background. Your energy is like that of a victim. Unaware that youve created this energy, you feel like the victim to circumstance like its out of your control. This is the victim mentality that shows up in your relationship to money. The good news is once you realize what youre feeling and thinking about money and wealth, you can make the choice to change it, and move up the Wealth Set-point Scale. You always have a choice. Having that choice is what empowers you.
The Wealth Set-point Scale A scale of measurement that enables you to determine where you feel you are in terms of your wealth energy. Each set-point allows you to see how you perceive yourself to be in relationship to wealth. From the bottom of the scale to the top, theres a gradual shift in experience, feelings, thoughts and beliefs about money, wealth and abundance. All ideas are based on personal interpretation and give you an opportunity to see what it would be like to step out of limitation and move up the scale of abundance. From the contraction of your energy to the expansion of it, you will find greater ease as you shift your perceptions of wealth to something outside of you. As you go up the Wealth Set-point Scale, youll find your identity shifts in relation to your views as an individual to you as a part of a larger group, such as family, community, city, nation, world. You will also find more neediness, wanting, attachment, unfulfilled expectations, feelings of desperation, victimhood, resistance, feeling alone in the world and unsuccessfulness at the bottom of the scale. 1. Bankrupt: zero, have nothing, feelings of desperation, hopeless, empty, alone, separate, isolated 2. Poor: living inside of dependent/co-dependent cycle with minimal ability to produce on going wealth, needy and resigned/sense of acceptance and resignation to ability to create money, victim, looking to be rescued 3. Struggling: not quite meeting expenses, needing and willing/wanting more, martyr victim sacrificing, wanting to do it all themselves, dont want to owe anyone, scarcity thinking 4. Surviving: begins to step out of neediness, meeting expenses but no extra, new sense of capability and accomplishment, ability to sustain oneself yet with waffling uncertainty; mild lingering doubt The rest of the scale move out of neediness completely, where there are desires without attachment. Theres also a sense of actively generating, feeling magnetically attractive to wealth and sharing the abundance. 5. Comfortable (effective competence, making it, all financial needs are met with room for what ifs, financially independent) 6. Thriving (exceeding expectations, more than enough, the beginnings of generosity, confident/ sense or feelings of security)
7. Wealthy (expanded view of abundance, actively contributing and spreading the wealth/charities, trusting, carefree) 8. Abundantly Wealthy (Massive or Abundant Contribution Globally/Infinite Access to Resources/ Mastery/Knowing/in the Flow/ Unlimited Possibility)
How does your environment support, enhance or detract from your energy wealth set-point? The things you surround yourself with (items, people, media) will usually have an affect on your energy. Items can either enhance and support you, detract and lower your vibrations, or be neutral to you. Consider how you feel when you get something new. Youre very happy to have it in your possession, maybe even excited to show it off to others. Over time, it loses its appeal. It doesnt hold the same emotional energy it used to. Perhaps it even reminds you of a time, or person that doesnt feel good to you anymore. It has shifted from enhancing your life to lowering your energy. Items can trigger limiting beliefs, which directly affect your ability to align yourself with true wealth energy. Look around your environment and see if theres anything that does not uplift you. It may be time to move it or remove it. Sometimes a new location can change the energy. Other times, relocating it to a new home enhances the energy of others, and relieves you of the non-uplifting vibes of that object. Getting rid of things that dont support you creates an opening for things that will enhance your life. People can have the same affect on you. You may have a lot in common with someone and get along great, then after a while, the relationship loses its appeal. What happened? A shift occurred that changed how you aligned with them. Your compatibility has been altered, possibly due to moving in new directions, towards different goals, or even in to higher wealth set-points. People around you can be indicators of where youre at on your wealth set-point scale. Conversations may show up around struggle, around the down-turn of the economic climate, and how hard life is. This is a reflection of some limited thinking you may have. For example, if youre at bankrupt, you have a lot of limiting ideas thats blocking you from the flow of abundance. When youre at or near this state of being, youre solely focused on your own needs. Your thoughts are all about yourself, often not considering others. Your are caught in survival mode, where you see that you dont have enough, your currently reality is reflecting back that you need more and, vibrationally speaking, youre projecting the energy of lack. With your focus on the problem and whats wrong, theres a tendency to get stuck in those conversation that same lower vibrational energy which sends out signals of lack, and attracts even more confirmation of your beliefs that you dont have
enough. It can be easy to get caught in this cycle, and because its an internal conversation, it becomes an external conversation, where you share your thoughts and feelings with others. Unfortunately, if youve ever been on the other end of this, it feels like someone is spewing negative energy on you. Now if youre thinking and mindset is at abundantly wealthy, like Oprah, conversations show up around opportunities, not only to create and confirm your wealth, but also how you can support and enhance others lives. Your focus goes from you as an individual, alone and isolated, to you as a part of a group, and how you can contribute to others. Most people are somewhere in between Abundantly Wealthy and Bankrupt, and are open to shifting up the scale. The question is, how? Lets look at some of the things you can do to enhance your wealth consciousness mindset. How do the experts affect you? If you agree and believe whats being said of how bad things are and that youre in a recessed economy, then youre going to continue to create more of the same, by contributing those vibrations and energy signals out in to the world. To not be affected by what others say, like the media, unplug from it. Unplug yourself from anything thats not consistent with what you want to create. You dont have to watch the news or read every part of the paper that talks about whats wrong in the world. Unplug yourself from conversations with people thats not in alignment with your desired wealth set-point. If you notice youre getting sucked in to a negative conversation and your energy is dropping, change the topic or move on. Ask them what theyre excited about or what they love about their life, their home, or their job. That shifts their focus and takes them in an upward direction talking about something that raises their vibrations. You dont have to agree or disagree with them, or argue your position. If their conversation about money or the economy doesnt feel good, ask them What cool things do you have going on in your life? You can redirect conversations with others, and acknowledge to them that youre in the process of raising your wealth energy setpoint. Let them know that speaking negatively about money, the economy, hardships, etc. will keep you (and them) stuck in it. If you want to change your life, you have to be clear what you want it to look like. When you desire success, its important to know what that would be like, look like, and feel like. Have a clear vision, and commitment to achieving your goal. But, no matter where you are on the Wealth Set-point Scale, recognize what thoughts and energy youre projecting, so you can be clear how you will be moving up or down that scale. What does a successful life look like?
You can have $2 million in the bank, but if youre wanting $4 million, you may not feel successful. Your thoughts and emotions will be around its not enough, again projecting the energy of lack or lower vibrations. You can have money and be energetically bankrupt inside of a conversation. If you stay inside that energy of bankrupt, its going to take you down. Youll find that youve sent out signals of not enough, eventually creating more of not enough, and less wealth. If you feel successful while having $200 in the bank, you send out positive vibrations around money, which attracts more wealth in your life. Be grateful for what youve got. That vibration of appreciation gives you more to be grateful for. Choose how you want to be in relationship to wealth energy. Know this is a function of how youre creating your life out in the world. When you come from this space, anything is possible. Even in the worst economic times, someone is always thriving. Expand your view of wealth and abundance! In terms of wealth and abundance, you could have an abundance of clutter, an abundance of problems, an abundance of friends, or even an abundance of good ideas. Look at what youre focusing on and attracting. Direct your thoughts towards your goals so you can create what you want. Support your ideas with action. Share yourself in a way that enrolls others in what youre up to. You can be abundant in ideas and creativity and be at the highest level on the wealth energy set point scale. However, if the bank account says zero, you could have the experience or feeling of being bankrupt. You could have tremendous wealth if you allowed the energy to flow through you, because in reality, you are rich beyond what you see in your account. Get in to alignment with whats important to you. What is your expression of wealth energy? It doesnt necessarily have to be money. Theres a lot of ways we can contribute to the world, to share of ourselves with others. You may be extremely intelligent and share your masterful mind as a form of your expression. Or you could be amazingly creative and offer your designs, art, services and organizational skills as a form of your expression. The key is to be passionate about what you do. Doing something for the money empties your bucket of happiness and your wealth energy. You may be receiving a great paycheck, but if you dont love what you do, eventually your health, relationships, and your pocketbook will suffer. As Bob Doyle has often said, Do what you love and the money will follow. Wealth Energy Having the ability to give and receive freely. You have to be open and willing to receive or accept comfortably. If someone tries to give you a compliment, for example, do you automatically reject it, invalidate it, or give it back without receiving it first? Think about it. If you cant accept a simple compliment, how do you expect to accept a million dollars?
Graciously accepting anything from a compliment to a free lunch opens your energy up to receiving. It also allows another human being to contribute. Dont deny someone of that pleasure. Have you ever given someone a compliment, and it didnt really land? It was like they brushed it off as nothing. You may have felt mildly rejected, because you poured your heart in to communicating your appreciation and they acted like it didnt matter. Remember, being able to receive is just as important as being able to give both will open you up to wealth consciousness.
Wealth Assignment Complete the following questions, methods and exercises and begin to shift your wealth energy. Write down what you notice after you finish exploring these aspects of money and you. Determining your money mindset: 1. List the thoughts you have about money and how you feel about it. (I have a sufficient amount, but not enough to afford fancy things, travelling, or nice home/car; money cant buy happiness; having money is good, always wanting more is bad, etc.) 2. What does money represent to you? (freedom, security, status, etc.) 3. What are the different ways you relate to your money and wealth? (I like to save it, spend it, give it away, I avoid dealing with it, I never have enough of it, etc.) 4. Who are you being in relationship to your money? (Im a failure if I dont have lots of possessions, Im successful if Im surrounded by certain idolized things, or certain high status or influential people, Im a failure if I dont have enough money in my account vs. successful if I do). 5. What do you have it mean to possess or not possess certain things? Youre not your possessions. Youre not your bank account. Those things are simply an expression of your wealth mindset. Recognize when youre giving your power to your thoughts. 6. Everything we have in life is an expression of who we are in life. How are you expressing your wealth, or lack of it? (I have a nice home, but I want a bigger one; I like to have new cars every 3-4 yrs; I donate to charities regularly, but I never have enough to do what I want, etc.) 7. When you say that you want something, what thoughts follow? For example, if I said Id love to have a sailboat, the following thoughts might
be: I dont know enough about sailing I would need lessons, boats are very expensive to buy, store and maintain, thats a luxury item for the very rich, Ill never be able to buy a boat. Determining where you hold your energy of wealth: 8. Notice what feeling follows your thoughts. Do you feel yourself diminish with each thought or expand? (indicates holding energy in the heart) 9. Do you feel physical sensations, like a tightening in your gut or jaws? (indicates holding energy in the physical body) 10. Do you feel resignation, like youll never have it so just give up? Can you turn it around and redirect your thoughts, or do you feel stuck in the energy of lack? (indicates holding energy in the mind) Determining your limiting beliefs around money: 11. Make a list of items, experiences, and desires youd like to have in your life. 12. Write down what has kept you from having that so far, why you believe you cannot have it, or what you believe would have to happen to have that. Determining your Wealth Set-point: 13. Look at the Wealth Set-point Scale and identify your set-point, based on your perception of your current experience, feelings, thoughts and behaviors. What one internal change can you make in yourself that will enhance your wealth consciousness? 14. What one external action can you take that inspires you, interests you, or fills you with passion? It may be a photography class, dance lessons, or studying the culinary arts. Brainstorm your hobbies and interests and take it to the next level. Creating an opening in your money mindset: 15. Try expanding your incoming and outgoing mental highways with the Meditation to Increase Abundance: Visualize the space between your right and left brain as a highway, running multiple lanes in both directions. This is the Corpus Callosum, which carries an enormous amount of chemicals in all directions. Notice if theres an imbalance in the flow of energy (chemicals) on either side. Now envision expanding the left side and multiplying the incoming lanes of your mental highway. This opens your
channels of receiving. Next, envision the same expansion on the right side to open your channels of giving. 16. Most people believe theyd have to win the lotto or inherit a lot of money to have their desires. In all truth, money is not the only pathway to having what we want. See if you can open your mind beyond the normal pathways of thinking to allow for other possibilities to show up. Brainstorm ideas for other possible ways to attain your desires. Use your imagination and make them up, even if they dont seem highly likely to you. For example, when my niece wanted a horse, she had one come in to her life through a neighbor that needed help with her horses. No money was ever used for her to have a horse, but she got one anyway. 17. Use the Question Method to pull energy to you, i.e. What are the infinite possibilities of me having ____________ in my life? The Question Method Asking questions is a very normal way of gaining knowledge and information. However, it usually accesses the left brain for answers. The right brain has answers too, though. If you ask a question repeatedly, and get your left brain out of the way, your right brain begins to pull information through your intuition. You can teach yourself to strengthen and develop your extra sensory perception, or intuition. As you formulate questions that pull new information to you, bigger energy follows. Getting out of your head (or the left brain, anyway) will allow for a shift in perception, which creates a change in the energy coming to you. A technique that works very well is to ask a question repeatedly this pulls new energy to you. For example, using the framework of How can it get better than this? brings in the possibility of something better than what youre currently experiencing, whether its already pretty good, or feels challenging and uncomfortable. The trick is to let go of trying to find an answer. Just trust that an answer or solution will come. If not today, then soon. If you feel confused, ask: Would an Infinite Being truly choose this? If you feel challenged, ask: How can it get better than this? If something happens that appears to have a potentially uncomfortable outcome, ask: What miracle will come of this? A friend of mine experienced a rough thunderstorm with high winds. The tree in her front yard was knocked down and lying on her neighbors car. She asked What miracle will come of this? When her neighbor appeared after hearing the loud crash, rather than being upset that his car was just crushed, he said Wow, I just said last week that I wanted a new car.
When you ask a question, you pull new possibilities and new energy to you. You can ask What are the infinite possibilities of ____________________? (Fill in the blank with of the experience of your desires, having attained your goal, achieving your desired outcome). You may want to add this or something better. For example, if I wanted more money, I would look at what I want to do with the money. If Im looking to gain more possessions or travel, I would ask What are the infinite possibilities of me having that possession, or having that experience, or something even better? If I wanted to be debt-free, I would ask What are the infinite possibilities of me experiencing total financial freedom? Create a question that asks for solutions to your issue. Repeat the question in your mind 30 to 50 times, and allow yourself to feel the energy coming to you. Be open to what comes. Remember to let go of needing to find an answer its not going to be in your head. If the answer was already there, you wouldnt have asked the question in the first place. Choose a question that you can use as a mantra for a few days or weeks. Enjoy your self-generating shift!
Most people have trouble letting go of their current way of thinking and acting that way of being (thinking, feeling, and behaving) that created their current situation their lack of abundance and success. Unable to break the old habitual way of being, it can be difficult to adopt a new way of thinking and acting that actually produces the results they want. Why is this? Because your old way of thinking and acting are on an unconscious level, and closely associated with feelings of safety, security, even freedom. When you try to change the way you think and act, an unconscious part of you feels very unsafe and resists the change. This can cause breaking that old habit to be a little difficult, because we long for security at a very core part of our being. In order to overcome the challenges of changing old unconscious beliefs systems, you must first become aware of what youre doing. Make a choice to let go of unsupportive thoughts, and keep letting go. Every time you have a thought that takes you in the wrong direction of what you really want, gently, lovingly guide your mind back to what feels good. Your feelings will follow your thoughts. By focusing your mind, you pull new thought and inspiration to you. Resources become available that didnt seem available before. Positive emotions connect new thought pathways. A sense of enthusiasm erupts and a new way of being begins to emerge. Are you projecting your limiting beliefs? Fears and concerns do project limiting beliefs. Take, for example, your beliefs about prosperity and success. Many people have a belief that they have to be lucky to have wealth or success. They have to be in the right place at the right time. Or, if they work really hard, and dont spend any money, theyll have a rich life. If that is your belief, then that is what you create for yourself. But it doesnt have to be that way. You can change your mind. Inside your thoughts, your past, your future, your identity, and your limiting beliefs exist. This is the left side of the brain your logical, analytical, organized section that tells you if youre in danger. It operates from survival mode. In the right side of the brain, you operate from creativity, intuition, expansion, where you feel part of everything. Your left brain accesses your individuality and identity, based on what youve experienced so far from your past. Your right brain has you feel part of a larger group, and accesses the present moment of NOW, with no concern of self or identity. For example, if someone is hurt, perhaps trapped in a burning house, most people will abandon their selfish thoughts and risk their own lives to help someone else, or at least seek help. For example, very few will walk away from someone trapped in a burning house. Being present has you feel part of something greater than yourself, causing you to step out of ego and in to contribution.
Your limiting beliefs are like pitfalls, especially when it comes to object gratification. How can we let go of that cycle and be more present? First notice you are an object thats seeking gratification/pleasure, or avoiding pain. Moving towards pleasure (whether its an object, person, or experience) is really a desire to attain happiness. Moving away from pain, is also a desire to feel better and be happy. Happiness is an internal state that can be created from within. Theres a tendency to think the world outside of you (some object, experience, or person) will give you pleasure and happiness object gratification. Look at the media that says having this sexy sports car, for example, will improve your romantic life. The thought that something out there will make you happy occurs in relationships, too. No one else can make you feel any particular way. Your happiness comes from within. Just like your wealth energy comes from within. Wealth energy is a mindset that includes thoughts, emotions and the way you behave in relationship to money. In order to adopt a new way of thinking and acting that easily creates success and abundance, you have to change your mind. Its not really that difficult to learn. Consider that your thoughts are typically a habit. Youve been thinking a certain way for most of your life. So, to create a new habit requires breaking the old one, being aware of your thoughts and your feelings, and choosing new ones that support healthy thinking and positive emotions. Why, then, aren't more people successful, if theyre thinking positive? Thinking positive is a great start but it takes a little more than positive thinking to attract wealth and abundance. Your emotions are really the key in attracting what you want. They are the magnet in the world of energy. Science has proven that your heart actually radiates energy 8 feet beyond the physical body, far greater than any other organ, including the brain. If you feel passionate about something, your heart energy is very strong and will pull like energy to you. If you feel any strong emotion, joy or anger, inner peace or upset, you will pull that same kind of energy to you as an experience. Since your emotions will follow your thoughts, and your thoughts are an integral part of your belief system, you will confirm you your beliefs through your experiences. If I told you that great wealth and abundance are easy if you knew what to do would you believe me? The truth is, beliefs are associated with a certain way of being, including how you think, feel, and act. There are very definite ways that people who are prosperous and successful think and act. Theres a certain vibration of energy associated with success, like confident, carefree, empowered. If you adopt these ways of being, you will get the same results.
This doesnt mean being irresponsible with money, it simply means being powerful and present with it. When you are aware of how you behave with money, you can choose to change that behavior or continue it. If you dont like your current situation with money, and youre not where you want to be on the Wealth Set-point Scale, then its time to change your way of being with money. If you feel powerful with money, then your level of confidence with it is obvious. You know you have the ability to attract or create more of it. Having the confidence that you can always generate or attract more keeps the wealth flowing in your life. How can you increase your wealth power? Pay attention to where you store your feelings of confidence, or lack of, with money. You will probably notice its in your gut or stomach area. Whether you feel strong and powerful or doubtful and insecure, with money or anything else, you hold those feelings in your gut. This region is your personal power center, also called your solar plexus. One way to increase your confidence and wealth power is to recharge your solar plexus. Since the energy in your solar plexus is revitalized by the color yellow, you can increase your personal power by taking more of this color in, by eating it (lemons, bananas, squash, etc), wearing it, visualizing it, or breathing it in. Color is just one way to take in a particular frequency of energy. Music is another way. Whether youre familiar with musical notes and keys, or not, youll find yourself attracted to music in the key of E if your solar plexus is depleted. You will naturally want to hear songs based in E because it charges your personal power. On that same note, you can consciously choose to listen to songs in the key of E to improve your confidence, inner strength, and wealth power. Once I wanted a job so bad I could taste it, but didnt have the obvious experience needed. I could tell during the interviews they had no desire or good reason to hire me or train me. I decided to use all the techniques I knew to help me. But what really made the difference was putting on music in the key of E that uplifted my energy and charged me. After listening to (and singing with) the music, I felt so confident and certain I was going to get the job. Within 15 minutes of my musical super-charging, I received a phone call saying I got the job. I had just doubled my income and raised my wealth set-point. When you know where youre at on the Wealth Set-point Scale, and have a clear vision of where you want to be, you can begin to create that energy in your body. You can redirect your thoughts and guide your feelings so your emotions support your desires. You can train yourself to act in a new way, and actually change your way of being with money.
Holding the space in your mind, your heart, and your body, of what you want to create allows for something better to come along. Letting go of your judgments, thoughts and feelings of victimhood, unfairness, jealousy, greed, envy, etc. around money releases the stored energy of lack. It also creates an attitude of acceptance, non-judgment, and no resistance to the flow of money. So start with shifting your thoughts and focusing your emotional energy on how youd like your life to be. Success vs. Perfection When you were young, you probably noticed that you received more praise, love, admiration, etc. when you did something well. The better you were at it, the more recognition you received. It creates a driving force to be perfect. There is a perceived value of needing to be perfect. You may have even chosen to study harder in the areas that were easy for you and brought about more praise. Or you might have gone in to a profession for the same reason. However, if you chose a profession that was easy and earned recognition, you may not necessarily be happy, because it isnt challenging or stimulating enough. There are times in life that we move towards what feels good or away from what feels bad. If you thought you could make your parents proud by making a lot of money, but went in to a profession that was difficult for you or didnt align with your passion and interest, then you wont feel successful, no matter how much money you make. Success is not only about providing financially, its also about living life with joy in all that you do. Now if you chose a profession that brought you happiness but your parents were disapproving, then you may still not feel successful. All children have a desire to pull love, approval, praise, and value from their parents. Without some recognition from somewhere, you may be left with a feeling of emptiness, which can lead to low self-esteem. If you have this, theres probably a limiting belief running below your radar that says youre not good enough. The desire to be good enough, more than enough, or perfect comes out of the need for approval. Its the way the mind of a child works. If Im perfect, do a good job, and get it right, then theyll love me more. The more emphasis you put on perfection, the more emphasis you put on not being good enough. Its a trap perfection is an interpretation, an ideal, and adults do not always outgrow it. For example, your interpretation of a great day might be going to work, doing your job, and going back home, without making any mistakes. Someone elses interpretation of a great day might be calling in sick and playing hooky so they can have freedom to do nothing or whatever they want. Everyone has different
ideals and different interpretations of what is a great day. What needs have to be met for you to experience a great day? Is your idea of perfect day being run by your limiting beliefs that say its not enough? If you made a mistake at work, does that make it a bad day? If you had the freedom to stay home, but then got sick, is that also a bad day? If you feel like everything needs to be perfect for you to enjoy it and relax, then you set yourself up for disaster. There will always be something that gets in the way of your happiness. Letting go of the need for it to be perfect will allow you to relax and enjoy the day (or anything else) as it is. What are the limiting beliefs around being in survival mode? Limiting Belief: I have to work hard (struggle) to earn a good living, theres not enough to go around, etc. You can choose to believe you live in a world of scarcity where theres not enough, or see that you live in a world of abundance where theres peace and harmony and more than enough. You will connect to the emotional experiences you have and make an assessment if its good or bad. If youre feeling that theres not enough, you project the energy of being needy. That will repel what you want most. It will not attract abundance. It will actually keep you stuck exactly where youre at. When you project the energy of needy, the universe responds accordingly and projects it back to you. Notice where you are on the Wealth Set-point Scale and move up one step by getting in to gratitude. You may not have everything you want, but you have something you appreciate in your life. What are you grateful for?
Wealth Assignment Complete the following questions, methods and exercises and begin to shift your wealth energy. Write down what you notice after you finish exploring these aspects of money and you. Identifying your conversations about money: 1. What do you notice in the conversations and reactions around you regarding money? 2. The people around you are reflecting your energy, your way of being, and your wealth set-point. What are they reflecting back to you about yourself? 3. What limiting beliefs are you projecting about money? Determining your need for object gratification: 4. What kind of gratification do you seek with money? (objects, freedom, security)
5. If you find youre caught up in object gratification, what can you do to break that cycle? (turn off the TV, stop watching commercials, etc.). Prior to purchasing, ask yourself: 6. Is this purchase a desire or need? 7. What will this purchase essentially allow me to do, have, or be? 8. Can I do, have, or be that without this purchase? 9. Am I prepared to be responsible for all the consequences of this purchase? 10. Can I live without this purchase? Try carrying the item around for a bit before purchasing it. You may change your mind before you make the purchase. Raising your emotional awareness of money: 11. What can you do to be more present? (acknowledge the things you have in your life, be in gratitude of your inner happiness, health, or peace) 12. When you think of your financial situation, what emotion are you aware of? (uncertainty, anger, frustration, hopeless, resigned, confident, happy, secure, carefree, etc.) 13. Where do you feel that emotion in the body? (stomach, gut, head, jaws, chest, heart, head, etc.) 14. What can you do to raise that emotion to the next highest level? (meditate, deep breathe, exercise, journal gratitude, visualize yellow, focus thoughts on inner peace and happiness, listen to music, etc.) Developing your awareness of a successful life: 15. What needs have to be met for you to call yourself successful? 16. What would a perfect day/job/relationship/life look like to you? 17. Do you find that you place your happiness on outside circumstances? 18. Can you allow yourself to be happy, peaceful, and joyful even if things arent perfect? Clearing the need for perfection: 19. What can you do to let go of needing everything to be perfect? Recognize everything is perfect as is. Reframe your perspective to be accepting that everything occurs for your highest good. 20. Listen to the TAT audio on Perfection.
Moving your wealth energy forward: 21. Where are you on the Wealth Set-point scale now? If you feel like youre merely surviving, what limiting beliefs might be running the show from the background? What thoughts and emotions keep you where youre at? 22. What one thing can you do to change your thoughts and emotions of your current financial situation? 23. What can you be grateful for in your life?
Money is hard to deal with. Money is hard to get. You have to work hard to get money. To save money, you have to do without things. Time is money. I cant have money and free time. Money is not spiritual. You have to do a lot of things you dont like in order to have money. I do not have enough to share or give away. Accepting money obligates me. It is better to take less than my due and be free from sticky situations. To be a valuable person, I have to work more for less money than other people do. Having money stops you from being happy. Money spoils you. I will never have enough. If I dont feel bad about past mistakes and afraid about the future, I will make the same mistakes again. Its best if I just want enough to get by. You get what you deserve. Being super conscious about every single penny is the good and right thing to do. Never buy anything that you dont need. If you were a smart person, you would be supporting yourself easily by now. If you were smart and good looking, you wouldve married someone with money by now. I always rent; owning a house would be too scary and cost too much. I would never feel secure if I had to be responsible for much more than I already have. I have to own my own home to feel secure unless I also had a yacht. Worrying about money is tacky. My parents will like me better if I dont spend too much. I want to have a lot of money when I get old, then I wont have to worry about how Im going to live out my golden years. People will be nice to me when I have a lot of money. I never want people to know I have so much money because they can be mean to rich people. Rich people have to pay more taxes. If I earn higher wages, people will find out that Im a fraud. Its better to give than to receive. Everybody wants more; when it comes to money, more is better. If I spend money on something that breaks, then Im stupid. It I had lots of money, I would be happy.
Its not fair that other people have so much more money I do. I have no money. Money will attract problems I can't make it in this economy. Prices are all too high. Money will make me a selfish person. Wanting money is greedy. Rich people are snobs. I don't have what it takes to get wealthy. I have no idea how I'll attract money.
Clearing Techniques: Now that youve determined what your limiting beliefs are, the next step is to clear them. There are many different clearing techniques that affect the different levels of your being, and create a space for new energy. Its important to make sure you have effectively cleared the limiting energy on all levels of your being (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually), in order for the canvas to be blank and ready for a new painting. Remember that youve been thinking a certain way for a long time, and it has become a habit. Habits can be broken, and in doing so, you open the door to new possibilities. You may need to spend a few minutes a day clearing for the next 21 days, so put yourself on your calendar. As you replace the old habitual way of thinking and being with your new more confident way, you will notice a difference in the energy around you, and what you attract to you. Sometimes you can simply recognize that a shift is needed in your thinking and ask yourself the following questions: 1. What is the negative emotion that Im present to now? 2. What is the thought I had that generated that emotion? 3. What is there for me to express that I havent been expressing? (acknowledging someone, unfulfilled communication, unmet expectation, thwarted intention) See that the thought is there, but you dont have to invest in it. You wouldnt give your limiting thoughts money, so dont give them your energy either. When you stay in the thought, dwelling on it, you give your power away (your energy to it). Decide what you want to create and take the necessary steps in your thought process to move in that direction. If anything seems to be blocking the flow or stopping you, including yourself, simply ask What would it take to change that? Let your intuition pull the answer to you. Some of the best clearing techniques are free and easy to learn, such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) check out the EFT video link included, HoOponopono, The Script, The Science of Getting Rich, The Work, and TAT
(Tapas Acupressure Technique) check out the TAT clearing audios included in this program. Youll find all of these techniques in full detail, with links to their sites this section. Below is one of the many clearing techniques that you can do once a day to shift your thinking. This method will clear limiting energy on all levels of your being.
1) Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT; The Tapping Technique) Clear Emotionally Brad Yates has a website that explains EFT in great detail and includes a simple, step-by-step formula with a picture that illustrates where to tap: There is also a quick video tutorial on How to do EFT the simple, short version on the website: under Visualizations and Video Tutorials. EFT is like psychological acupuncture. It is used to relieve many conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, stress, addictions, and phobias. The basic recipe asks you to hold a memory or emotion in your focus and tap on specific meridian points. Chinese medicine states that these meridians carry the bodys electrical energy and can be stimulated to alter the bodys energy field, and restore it to balance. Think of some issue that is troubling you and give it a simple name (fear of public speaking, headache, anger at someone, stiff neck, inability to take action, etc.). This will be your Reminder Phrase. Rate your discomfort on a scale of 0-10 so that you can monitor your progress with each issue. The Setup: While continuously tapping the Karate Chop point on your hand, repeat this affirmation three times: "Even though I have this ______________ (fear, pain, issue, anger, etc.), I deeply and completely love, accept, and forgive myself." Tapping is generally done with two fingers. You can tap on either side of the body, with either hand. For the collar bone point, find the place where your collar bones almost meet at the top of your chest and tap that area with a fist. The Sequence: Tap between 5 and 10 times on each of the following energy points while repeating the Reminder Phrase 3 times at each of the following points: Crown \ Inner Eyebrow \ Outer Eyebrow \ Under eye \ Under nose / Under mouth / Collarbone / 4Under arm /
"Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself."
Now, check in with your body, and see if there is any remaining discomfort. Rate it again on a scale of 0-10. Repeat this process until significant relief is gained preferably bringing the discomfort down to a two or less. It is very likely that you may feel clear about the specific issue you were focusing on, but it may have brought up another issue. In subsequent rounds the Setup affirmation and the Reminder Phrase are adjusted to new wording, if appropriate, or to reflect that you are addressing the remaining problem: "Even tough I still have this ______ (issue)."
2) HoOponopono Clear Spiritually Or visit Dr. Lens Website at Developed to its current level by Hawaiian Practicioner, Dr. Hew Len, this technique appeals to the Divine and clears memories from your conscious, unconscious, and subconscious minds. Said repeatedly, it soothes the spirit, and brings relief to feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that are unsupportive and unwanted. For example, if youre experiencing a negative thought or feeling, or perhaps road rage, this technique would be ideal to calm the mind, clear the negative energy, and get present again. 1. I love you. When your Soul experiences memories replaying problems, say to them mentally or silently: I love you dear memories. I am grateful for the opportunity to free all of you and me. I love you can be repeated quietly again and again. Memories never go on vacation or retire unless you retire them. I love you can be used even if you are not conscious of problems. For example, it can be applied before engaging in any activity such as making or answering a telephone call, or before getting into your car to go somewhere. 2. Im Sorry I am sorry for having or manifesting these memories or decisions. 3. Please forgive me For holding onto them or having them. 4. Thank you for transmuting them into the void. 5. Drink Blue Solar Water As with I love you and Thank you processes, blue solar water voids memories replaying problems in the Subconscious Mind. So, drink away! Drinking lots of water is a wonderful problem solving practice, particularly if it is blue solar water. Get a blue glass container with a non-metallic top. Pour tap water into the container. Place the blue glass container either in the Sun or under an incandescent lamp (not a florescent lamp) for at least one hour. After the water is solarized, it can be used in several ways. Drink it. Cook with it. Use it as a rinse after a bath or shower. Fruits and vegetables also love being washed in blue solar water!
6. Eat Strawberries and blueberries: These fruits void memories. They can be eaten fresh or dried. They can be consumed as jams, jellies and even syrup on ice cream!
3) The Script (from Karol Trumans Feelings Buried Alive Never Die) Clear Spiritually Say this out loud to release a belief or a feeling you no longer want, and to replace it with something you prefer. This is a simple and easy way to dismiss beliefs. Spirit/Super Conscious, please locate the origin of my feeling(s)or thought(s) of (name of feelings or thoughts here) Take each and every level, layer, area, and aspect of my Being to this origin. Analyze and resolve it perfectly with The Divine/Universal/Gods truth. Come through all generations of time and eternity, healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin. Please do it according to The Divine will until Im at the present filled with light and truth, Divine peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions, forgiveness of every person, place, circumstance, and event which contributed to this/ these feeling(s) / thought(s). With total forgiveness and unconditional love, I allow every physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problem, and inappropriate behavior based on the negative origin recorded in my DNA to transform. I choose being ________________________ I feel ___________________________________ I AM ___________________________________ It is done. It is healed. It is accomplished now! Thank you, Spirit, for coming to my aid and helping me attain the full measure of my creation. Thank you , thank you, and thank you! I love you and praise The Divine from whom all blessings flow.
4) The Science of Getting Rich Clear Mentally and Emotionally This process requires a little journaling, and several pieces of paper. Start by describing the negative condition youre experiencing. Write down all the feelings and thoughts you are having about this situation. Really purge them on to the paper(s). Then, on another piece of paper, write down how youd like the situation to be. Allow yourself to get in to the joyful feelings associated with what youd like to have, or do, or be. Burn the first paper(s), and read the others daily to remind yourself of what youre committed to.
5) The Work (from Byron Katies website Clear Mentally The Work is a simple yet powerful process of inquiry that teaches you to identify and question thoughts that cause all the suffering in the world. It's a way to understand what's hurting you, and to address your problems with clarity. People who do The Work as an ongoing practice report life-changing results.
Alleviation of depression: Find resolution, and even happiness, in situations that were once debilitating. Decreased stress: Learn how to live with less anxiety or fear. Improved relationships: Experience deeper connection and intimacy with your partner, your parents, your children, your friends, and yourself. Reduced anger: Understand what makes you angry and resentful, and become less reactive, less often, with less intensity. Increased mental clarity: Live and work more intelligently and effectively, with integrity. More energy: Experience a new sense of ongoing vigor and well-being. More peace: Discover how to become "a lover of what is."
For thousands of years weve been told not to judge, but we still do it all the time how our friends should act, who our children should care about, what our parents should feel, do, or say. In The Work, rather than suppress these judgments, we use them as starting points for self-realization. By letting the judging mind have its life on paper, we discover through the mirror of those around us what we haven't yet realized about ourselves. The Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet Fill in the blanks below, writing about someone (dead or alive) you havent yet completely forgiven. Use short, simple sentences. Dont censor yourself try to fully experience the anger or pain as if the situation were occurring right now. Take this opportunity to express your judgments on paper.
1. Who angers, confuses, saddens, or disappoints you, and why? What is it about them that you dont like? I am ________________ at ____________________ because __________________________________________________. Example: I am angry at Paul because he doesnt listen to me, he doesnt appreciate me, he argues with everything I say. 2. How do you want them to change? What do you want them to do? I want ________________ to __________________________. Example: I want Paul to see that he is wrong. I want him to apologize. 3. What is it that they should or shouldn't do, be, think, or feel? What advice could you offer? ________________ should/shouldn't_____________________. Example: Paul should take better care of himself. He shouldn't argue with me. 4. What do they need to do in order for you to be happy? I need________________ to ___________________________. Example: I need Paul to hear me and respect me. 5. What do you think of them? Make a list. ________________ is _________________________________. Example: Paul is unfair, arrogant, loud, dishonest, out of line, and unconscious.. 6. What is it that you don't want to experience with that person again? I don't ever want to __________________________________. Example: I dont ever want to feel unappreciated by Paul again. I dont ever want to see him smoking and ruining his health again. Investigate each of your statements from the Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet using the four questions and the turnaround below. The Work is meditation. Its about awareness, not about trying to change your thoughts. Ask the questions, then take your time, go inside, and wait for the deeper answers to surface. For example, the first thought that you might question on the above Worksheet is "Paul doesn't listen to me." Find someone in your life about whom you have had that thought, and let's do The Work. "[Name] doesn't listen to me": Is it true? Can you absolutely know that it's true? How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
Who would you be without the thought? After you've investigated your statement with the four questions, you're ready to turn it around (the concept you are questioning). Each turnaround is an opportunity to experience the opposite of your original statement and see what you and the person you've judged have in common. A statement can be turned around to the opposite, to the other, and to the self (and sometimes to "my thinking," wherever that applies). Find a minimum of three genuine, specific examples in your life where each turnaround is true. For example, "Paul doesn't understand me" can be turned around to "Paul does understand me." Another turnaround is "I don't understand Paul." A third is "I don't understand myself." Be creative with the turnarounds. They are revelations, showing you previously unseen aspects of yourself reflected back through others. Once you've found a turnaround, go inside and let yourself feel it. Find a minimum of three genuine, specific examples where the turnaround is true in your life. As I began living my turnarounds, I noticed that I was everything I called you. You were merely my projection. Now, instead of trying to change the world around me, I can put the thoughts on paper, investigate them, turn them around, and find that I am the very thing I thought you were. In the moment, I see you as selfish; I am selfish (deciding how you should be). In the moment I see you as unkind; I am unkind. If I believe you should stop waging war, I am waging war on you in my mind. The turnarounds are your prescription for happiness. Live the medicine you have been prescribing for others. The world is waiting for just one person to live it. You're the one. Examples of Turnarounds Here are a few more examples of turnarounds: "He should understand me" turns around to: - He shouldn't understand me. (This is reality.) - I should understand him. - I should understand myself. "I need him to be kind to me" turns around to: - I don't need him to be kind to me.
- I need me to be kind to him. (Can I live it?) - I need me to be kind to myself. "He is unloving to me" turns around to: - He is loving to me. (To the best of his ability) - I am unloving to him. (Can I find it?) - I am unloving to me (When I don't inquire.) "Paul shouldn't shout at me" turns around to: - Paul should shout at me. (Obviously: In reality, he does sometimes. Am I listening?) - I shouldn't shout at Paul. - I shouldn't shout at me. (In my head, am I playing over and over again Paul's shouting? Who's more merciful, Paul who shouted once, or me who replayed it a 100 times?) After you have turned around the judgments in your answers to numbers 1 through 5 on the worksheet, turn number 6 around using "I am willing ..." and "I look forward to ..." For example, "I don't ever want to experience an argument with Paul" turns around to "I am willing to experience an argument with Paul" and "I look forward to experiencing an argument with Paul." Why would you look forward to it? Number 6 is about fully embracing all of mind and life without fear, and being open to reality. If you experience an argument with Paul again, good. If it hurts, you can put your thoughts on paper and investigate them. Uncomfortable feelings are merely the reminders that we've attached to something that may not be true for us. They let us know that it's time to do The Work. Until you can see the enemy as a friend, your Work is not done. This doesn't mean you must invite him to dinner. Friendship is an internal experience. You may never see him again, you may even divorce him, but as you think about him are you feeling stress or peace? In my experience, it takes only one person to have a successful relationship. I like to say I have the perfect marriage, and I can't really know what kind of marriage my husband has (though he tells me he's happy too). 5) Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) (from Clear Spiritually TAT is a fast, gentle and profound energy therapy for healing your conscious and subconscious mind. Simply by holding a few cranial acupressure points (the TAT Pose) and following the Steps of TAT you can reduce emotional trauma, negative emotions and release subconsciously held beliefs to profoundly improve any
aspect of your life. It has been used successfully to heal food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, allergies, limiting beliefs about love, money, resentments, phobias, addictions and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, it was shown to be a promising method for weight loss in a recent pilot study held at Kaiser Permanente. TAT works with the same energy system that is used in Tai Chi and Acupuncture. TATs specific acupressure points allow you to access and release subconsciously held beliefs that are no longer working for you. TAT also works through the Chakra system by energetically engaging the sixth Chakra to align you with your highest good and deepest truth. Below youll find the entire TAT manual, downloaded (with permission) for your convenience.
Once you feel clear and ready to move forward, declare what you desire to be occurring in this moment the moment of now. If youre not moving towards it, you are moving away from it. As time passes, momentum gets lost and the dream loses its potential to be reality. No steps forward is the same as taking a step backwards. Get back on your path and let your intuitive thoughts guide you. Steer your mind towards your desires, towards what feels light and in the direction of your dreams. Then you can begin to act on those dream and inspirations. The key is staying present present to what you want to create: wealth and abundance. Wealth is really a concept the energy of an abundant mindset. That mindset what you're seeking is freedom, security, power, and/or prosperity. In order to have it, you must be it. In other words, in order to attain greater wealth, you must be already feeling the freedom, the security, and power that it brings. You must also be feeling prosperous, worthy and deserving of abundance. It's that feeling of ownership of these concepts that brings great wealth and abundance to you.
Wealth Assignment Complete the following questions, methods and exercises and begin to shift your wealth energy. Write down what you notice after you finish exploring these aspects of money and you. Determining your limiting beliefs about money: 1. Which beliefs about money did you resonate with from the above list of limiting beliefs? 2. Look back at the questions in Section 1 and 2. Notice that each of your answers points to a limiting belief that can be cleared. Compile a list of those thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns to be cleared. Clearing the energy of your limiting beliefs: 3. Ask yourself: Whats good about my money issues? How does it serve me to hold on to them? Am I willing to let go of the old identity and the story I created about money in my life? What would my life be like if I were completely free of this issue? Once you have an image and feeling of what your life would be like, close your eyes and breathe deeply 3 -4 times. If a part of you says Ill never be rid of the issue, just breathe in to that feeling and thank that part of you. In doing so, youll begin to free yourself from it. Allow yourself to really feel your feelings and breathe in to them. Your breath IS your Spirit.
4. Begin trying the different techniques to clear each limiting belief. Listen to the TAT audio for money issues. Use the EFT video link to expand your wealth: Notice which methods work best for you and write those down. 5. Set aside time each day to try a new method. Take 5 to 15 minutes per day for the next 21 days to clear the negative energy with the clearing techniques you most prefer. Expanding on the flow of wealth energy: 6. Then begin to create a positive expanding flow of wealth energy. This could be journaling gratitude, meditating on having a wealth consciousness mindset, visualizing with emotion what it would look like, feel like, and be like to have all your desires met, or taking inspired action on anything that expands your wealth energy.
How does the creative process happen? Some people wonder about creativity and how the creative process happens. If you are living your life from the seat of your left brain, you may find that there is a resistance to moving into the intuitive and creative aspects that are available to you. Instead you will find yourself dominated by identity based thinking which has strong ties to your personal belief systems. Shifting your awareness from left brain to right brain thinking first begins with the willingness to do so. More than likely you will have to confront your resistance before you can successfully transition. Your identity does not want to let go of you so easily. It will fight to keep itself alive, giving you all kinds of reasons why moving away from it is not a good idea. Are you willing to let go of your resistance and allow yourself to be creative? There are several things which you can do to help yourself move into the space of creativity. Meditation is great for this because it quiets the mind. And when your mind becomes quiet, its almost as if the voice of your identity goes to sleep. However, if you are meditating and you find the little voice inside your head saying, Nothings coming to me, or This is a waste of time, then you have clearly shifted back into the left brain perspective. Any time you are present to a sense of your self, your identity, questions or problems, or if youre trying to figure something out, then you have slipped back into the familiar landscape of your left brain. Engaging in other everyday activities, such as walking, washing dishes, or taking a bath or shower can also help you shift into your right brain. This is because you dont have to think in order to walk or do any of these ordinary tasks. You can turn off your brain and let your body move on autopilot. I once had a client who said that her best ideas always came to her in the shower. Why is that? Well, as an adult she knew how to turn on the water, grab the soap, get clean and rinse off; she didnt have to engage her left brain to think about how to do that. So, as her point of awareness drifted from her left hemisphere over to her right, she began to hear the voice of the now, the voice of her intuition, as it whispered gently to her. Which side of the brain do you hang out in? The ability to distinguish which side of the brain you are engaged with, at any given time, can be of immense value to you in relationship to your wealth energy. The more you come into balance with your logical, reasoning, ordering capabilities, and your boundless, infinite creativity, the more likely you will be able to raise your wealth energy set point.
Inside of the left brain experience you are constantly judging, assessing and evaluating. If you were to assess how much money you currently have in the bank, you might make that mean something about you. If you have what you consider to be a small amount of money in the bank, you might make that mean that you are not successful or that you dont ever have enough money. Any time you judge and assess yourself, it puts you in a fixed reality, and you may feel like its always going to be this way. However, the only thing that is permanent is change. Things in your world are always going to be shifting and changing, especially money. Cash flows in, and cash flows out. The numbers go up and the numbers go down, but they never stay the same, because your money is an energetic reflection that shows you what you are doing with your energy. Are you keeping yourself stuck? Or are you moving forward, staying present to the flow of life and what is possible for you? So, you want to be responsible when you are assessing and judging, and remember that you will attract to you the things that you focus on. Sometimes you forget who you really are. You might self identify with things that you possess. Because of this, it is important for you to realize that you are not your money, and you are not your possessions. Likewise, while you all have a body, feelings, emotions and thoughts, these things are not you either, but rather are an expression of who you are. You may be driven to possess things out of some need to feel better about yourself or to prove that you are 'good enough'. Please remember that you were born as a whole being, blessed with many talents and abilities. You are not broken and there is nothing to fix. Sometimes you may find yourself living inside of the thought 'something is wrong'. Once again, it is when you are in the experience of individual identity that these kinds of thoughts most often occur. When you are living in the now, you are simply present to what is, and are free of your judgments and concerns. How can you get out of the energy of fear and doubt? If you find that you continue to get stuck in the energy of fear and doubt, which usually accompanies the interpretation that something is wrong, then you must shift your energy in order to move up the wealth energy scale. One way you can do this is by putting your focus on what you are grateful for. This is something you can do throughout the day in a variety of ways. Some people begin or end their day by writing in a gratitude journal. You may share what you are grateful for with others or meditate upon your blessings at different times throughout your day where, natural breaks occur, such as before or after you eat, when you first wake up in the morning or just before you go to sleep at night. And no matter what your present circumstances, you will always be able to find something to be grateful for. When you begin to put your focused energy on the energy of gratitude, you will begin to pull to you more things to be grateful which will naturally move you back into the flow of life.
Through a state of gratitude you begin to shift your wealth energy and expand your abundance mentality which in turn will begin to open new doors of opportunity. The Flow When youre in the flow, you could say that youre in the present moment, youre in the moment of now. Being in the flow is about movement, action, inspiration. When youre in the flow, you are not thinking or analyzing. You could say that you have moved from thinkingness into an experience of knowingness. There is a flow to money, and you can take yourself out of the flow of money by the thoughts you think. Begin to recognize when youre out of the flow by paying attention to your emotions. Ask yourself Why am I feeling worried or anxious? Theres usually an answer thats a limiting belief like I never have enough money or Something else will happen that uses up all my money. Creating from a Blank Canvas To align your energy with what you want to create, get into your passion. Follow your inspiration. Dont let you left brain run the show with the shoulds you should be doing this or you should do that. Those are all limiting beliefs that will block you from staying in touch with your passion and taking action on that inspiration. When youre creating, youre expanding. Youre not playing the victim. If youre thinking (from the left brain), youre not in the moment and creatively expanding. Creativity can be your access to moving you in to the space of NOW. Being in the flow is not a destination, its a journey Theres a tendency to think once you get there, youll be fine, youll be happy, youll be complete. That type of thinking comes from a limiting belief that something out there will make you happy, better or feel a certain way. Nothing out there can make you feel anything. Its what you believe and align with that has you feeling good. So pay close attention to what youre making something mean. If you believe that climbing Mt. Everest will make you feel complete, in charge, confident, or empowered, then you are right because thats what you believe. However, if you are not able to climb Mt. Everest, for whatever reason, then you have sent a signal to your brain (the left part, anyway) that says I am incomplete and unempowered until I climb Mt. Everest. You didnt necessarily say that to yourself, but its underneath the conversation, layered well below your radar. How can you enjoy the journey?
So to really be present and living in the flow, its important to enjoy every moment. Make the most of each moment by slowing down time. You can do that by heightening your senses in each experience. Allow yourself to notice as much as you can in each moment. Take in the visuals, the sounds, the smells, the tastes, and how it feels. If you really want to expand yourself, increase your sensual perception of your environment. Slow your breathing down and take in deep breaths while youre focusing on each of your senses. It expands the moment and you! Theres no place else to get to. You are here, in the NOW, enjoying each moment and allowing yourself to fill with inspiration, and gratitude. If youd like to create a feel-good moment, because youre not currently experiencing one, think about something that occurred for you that felt good. Really get in to the feeling of the memory. What images do you recall? How did you feel? Were there any sounds, smells, or tastes you remember? The more you indulge in the memory, the more you enhance that experience. Reflect on your empowering experiences often to anchor them. Then get back to the present, bringing that feel-good feeling with you, and being in the moment. What do you want to put your attention on now? Put your attention on the things you really want to create. Whatever you put your focus on is what you attract. Where are you directing your energy? Notice what is currently in your environment (including feelings and thoughts as well as objects). This points to where youve been putting your attention. If you can stop yourself from thinking a limiting belief, and open up to your creativity, tapping in to Source, then you can see whats there for you. The Romans suggested we had access to the genius within us. Commune with your visionary genius and see what it has to say to you. The Gap The time and space between your desires and the manifestation of them is called the Gap. If you have a dream or desire, for a big beautiful home, for example and you look around and see that youre not there and youre not even close then youre in the gap. If you want to close the gap, distinguish and get clear and free from any limiting beliefs or ideas that keep you from having that or from believing you can have that. Then spend time in your creative mind. Listen to that inner voice that guides you, inspires you, and fills you with great ideas. Notice your conversations, internal and external. To close the gap: 1. See where you are whats the current picture look like for you? 2. See where you want to get to what do you want to create for yourself?
3. Stay focused on being in the creative mind, and being committed to what you are creating. How can you be successful? Success is a relative term. It is defined by how fulfilled you feel, and whether or not youve met your expectations. You can be successful in your relationships, in your career, in raising kids, or even in your health. But since its such a relative term, success to a millionaire may look very different than what you might think. Some may say they are successful in their career, earning a great income and receiving tons of recognition. However, that same person may be having marital problems and not feel as successful in their personal relationship. A wellbalanced life shows up as successful in all areas of life. To truly feel successful, you must first choose what success looks like, and then meet or exceed your own expectations. Lets look at people you might think are successful, and the keys to their success. Youll notice that individuals who feel successful have a way of being about them that carries an air of confidence. They seem happy, empowered, clear what their purpose is, and present to their accomplishments. They are clear of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that dont support their dreams. They are powerfully present, with all of their energy, and totally engaged in what theyre up to they are in action. They have a deep commitment to accomplish something and dont let anything get in the way of their success. In a nutshell, they are clear, present, active, and committed to their dreams and their own success. Now, lets define these keys to success. People who are clear have supportive thoughts, rather than diminishing negative ones. They seem mentally focused and make good decisions. They are clear of their limiting negative beliefs and have created positive, supportive belief systems that empower and strengthen them. Powerful positive emotions are associated with these empowering thoughts. They have strong feelings that they can do whatever they set their mind to. They are clear, confident, and know they are capable. When someone is present, they are totally in the moment, tuned in to what theyre focused on. They are not trying to control life, nor do they get upset when things dont go the way they expected. They just seem to go with the flow of life. Actually, it seems like life is flowing through them, and they are genuinely joyful and feel connected. That connection is noticeable when theyre present. Its felt by anyone around them. Being present means they are truly here, in the NOW. When someone is in action, they are actively engaged in their dream. Theres movement and physical action taking place. They feel inspired in the moment and move on that inspiration. It is said that the Universe loves speed. People who take action toward their dream the quickest, usually get the most out of their experience, and have the greatest amount of success.
Commitment is the final key. Without it, all hopes and dreams get lost. But with it, great things can happen. Commitment comes from the heart. Its the desire to see something through to its completion -- to totally and thoroughly engage yourself in your dreams. Seeing, feeling, and believing that your dreams ARE happening and becoming reality is a must, and establishes a strong connection and commitment to yourself. The final key to accomplishing your dreams begins with the commitment to yourself to succeed. That being said, you want to ensure that you are, first and foremost, clear and present. The following meditation is a wonderful way to start. Once you are in the zone of peace and presence, joy and gratitude, you are open to Divine inspiration. Allow that inspiration to guide your actions. When you feel inspired, set your intention for what you are committed to accomplishing, and begin to take action towards your dreams. Success awaits you! Any time you feel off track, uncertain how to accomplish what you want, fearful that you cant do it, or youre lacking motivation, use your clearing techniques and methods to get clear and present again. Use this meditation as often as you like. Tune your vibration towards the alignment of your dreams. Visualize, with emotion, living your dream and let success find you. Meditation: Clearing Obstacles to Success Take a deep breath and begin by clearing your mind. Any thoughts that arise are like bubbles that pop and release that stored energy. Any lingering thoughts that dont release their energy, call them forth now. Hold that thought bubble in the palm of your hands. Notice the feeling associated with it. Recognize this stuck energy as an aspect of you that fragmented off from the whole of all of your energy. Say to this aspect of you, I love you and all the energy you hold. I see clearly the limiting beliefs that you represent. I forgive myself and others for believing those negative thoughts. I now transmute you in to Divine Unconditional Love and embrace you in to my oneness. I feel total appreciation for this clearing, and allow myself to be free of limiting thoughts or negative emotions. I am grateful for this healing. Take in a deep breath of love and gratitude for yourself and all that you are connected to. Meditation: Enhancing Success Breathe deep. Feel a deep sense of peace and internal balance, being at harmony with yourself, with others, and with your environment. Experience yourself getting lighter, with increasing buoyancy. Feel your energy moving through you, with strength and velocity. Allow yourself to experience a heightened state of awareness. Notice, even your senses are enlivened as every aspect of your perceptual experience seems richer, and more textured. You feel surprisingly invigorated, even when you would normally have felt tired and drained. Breathe deeply. Your body feels regenerated, and your mind is
amazingly clear. Your priorities are clear and generating energy, moving you along your path. Decisions become obvious, and inner conflict dissolves. Intuitive insight brings convenient solutions to situations that seemed so hard before. Breathe in and feel your energy, excited with new insight and purpose. Your energy is driven by your passions and you are clear about what needs to be done next. Your creativity flows freely, and feels joyful and fun as you express yourself. You experience feelings of deep fulfillment and a greater sense of connectedness with your highest self. Nothing seems to bother you in this state. Take a deep breathe and know all is well in your world. You feel alive. Life has purpose. You feel grateful to live this life. Love this life and share your joy with others. Let it radiate out as far as the mind can see, as far as the heart can feel, and as far as the soul extends. Send your energy out to the far reaches of the Universe, and let it come back to you again, bringing all the magnificence of success home to you. See it, feel it, be it.
Wealth Assignment Complete the following questions, methods and exercises and begin to shift your wealth energy. Write down what you notice after you finish exploring these aspects of money and you. Moving past your obstacles: 1. Look at all areas of your life: personally, professionally, socially and financially. Notice where you feel stuck or out of the flow. If youre feeling that a situation in your life is unacceptable, then its time to create ways to challenge, change, and improve it. Because everyone processes differently, you may want to try a couple of approaches. One approach is to begin brainstorming 10-20 possible solutions, even if they seem crazy and far-fetched. Just take a few notes on different possibilities. Another approach is to write a story about how you could creatively solve the problem. Come up with different ideas, no matter how unbelievable they might be. You never know what might happen when you open up to infinite possibilities. 2. Ask yourself if any of the above ideas seem workable. Consider the logical impact of each idea, and how you feel about it. Your intuition may guide you to a perfect resolution. By the way, the difference between a fear or limiting belief and your intuition is that your fear or belief has emotion attached to it. Intuition is a knowing that lands without emotion. You may feel inspired or suddenly aware by your intuition, but you dont feel fear, unless you make it mean something. For example, I had an intuition that my son would be hurt while away with his dad. When the intuition came in, there was no worry or concern initially. Then, as I processed the thought, I added emotion, like anger that someone let this happen, sadness that he was hurt, fear that I couldnt trust others to protect him. Once you weigh
out the possible solutions, clear the fears and limiting beliefs around each one. Whether you follow through on each idea or not, does not matter at this time. Clearing the limiting beliefs opens up the space for your intuition to be heard. Once youre in touch with that inner all-knowing aspect of you, the best solution is obvious. Understanding the difference between the right and left brain: 3. Watch the Jill Bolte Taylor video My Stroke of Insight about the differences in the left brain and right brain. Moving in to the right brain and accessing your creativity: 4. What do you do to get in to the right brain? How do you express your creativity? Creativity can come in many different forms: visual-spatial, logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, body-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, naturalist-environmental, interpersonal-social, intrapersonal-self. If youre image oriented, you can work with artistic media (draw, paint, or make something with wood, beads, or videos). You can dream about ideal vacations, adding as much detail as you can think of and feel. You can visualize yourself in an imaginary situation, conversation, or even time period. For the more logic oriented individual, how about comparing and contrasting 2 different objects, people, or situations. Practice analyzing and rational thinking by creating a convincing story of something thats totally absurd. Use a proven method and do a project that requires you following directions, like cooking with a recipe, or building a model car, or gingerbread house. If you are word oriented, you can express your creativity by writing a sequel to a story you read, learn a new word each day and practice using it in conversation, or create a speech about a topic of interest to you. Now, if youre body oriented, you may want to perform in a drama, or practice activities that require physical activity, such as dancing, walking, running, bicycling, swimming, etc. You can even do one of the above in a different way than you normally do to change your mood. Its helpful to observe yourself being physical and notice how your body seems to automatically do certain things, like washing dishes, or mowing the lawn. For those that are sound oriented, you may want to listen to different kinds of music to shift your mood. Perhaps you can learn to play an instrument, sing, or create different vibrations in your head by saying the vowels of the alphabet in different tones. Remember the tune: Doe a deer, a female deer. Ray a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself. Far, a long, long way to run. Sew, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to follow sew. Tea, a drink with jam and bread. And it brings us back to Doe. However if youre more interested in nature, your creativity may be best expressed by gardening, or getting involved in a planting project in your community. Animal lovers are extremely creative with their furry little creatures. Allowing yourself to spend some time getting to know your pets
(or natures pets) is accessing the creative part of your brain. Bird watching, dog-walking, even cuddling and petting an animal gets you present. Imagine what the animal might be thinking or feeling. Or simply notice your environment with all five senses while being outdoors. If youre people oriented, then you may want to join a club or group that has a similar interest or coordinated project everyone is working on. Anything that has you focusing on people, such as listening intently to someone, as opposed to your own mental chatter, engaging, interacting and conversing with others, or playing games will enhance your creativity and get you in the right brain. You can also guess what someone else is thinking or feeling, based on their non-verbal cues, then check your accuracy with that person. Another way to be creatively expressing yourself in the moment, for the more self oriented individual, is to watch your thoughts, feelings and moods, as if you were a detached outside observer. Notice if you have patterns of anger, playfulness, or anxiety that are awakened by your thoughts. 5. Practice mindful focus, where you consciously choose what youre focusing your thoughts, feelings, physical movements, and inner state of being on. Ask yourself Who am I today? and write down your answer in a paragraph. Its fun to go back and read who you are and the different expressions of yourself, after youve collected a few. You might even find, if you incorporate a little creativity action from all of the above orientations, youll feel more well-rounded and balanced in life. It opens the door for infinite possibilities and a life filled with variety. 6. Read and/or listen to the Success audio/meditation to clear obstacles and enhance success.
Finding your Happiness Youve probably heard the expression that money can't buy happiness. This is very true as happiness is something that you create within yourself. Yet many will look to things outside of themselves to bring happiness. Its easy to believe that an object can make you feel a certain way. Joy is found from within. I remember when I was about twelve years old all I could think about was getting
a ten speed bicycle for Christmas. I must have asked my parents for it everyday, even to the point of being obsessed over it. Needless to say I placed a lot of energy on having one and was sure that it would make me happy. When Christmas rolled around, I was delighted to see an orange and yellow ten speed by the tree. In that moment I was overjoyed for here was the very thing I had been wishing for. Yet after a couple of weeks, it didn't seem so special anymore, and while it was nice to have it, it really didn't make me happy. It had just become another object that I possessed. I share this story with you to illustrate a point. Many times people seek to fill their happiness quota by acquiring things. This is one of the pitfalls of living an object gratification lifestyle. There's certainly nothing wrong with having possessions, but if you have expectations that these things will make you happy, then you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. Habitual spending in this way is one of the 'bad' habits that you can sometimes fall into, one that can turn into a rather expensive addiction. It's also no accident that so many people are prone to spending in this way. You are constantly bombarded with advertising messages through the media, billboards, and people that tell you objects can and will bring you joy and happiness. Sometimes you will even map this expectation on to other people inside of a relationship, thinking that someone out there will make you happy. While you can enjoy the feeling of happiness when sharing time with your loved ones, putting expectations on them to make you happy is quite different. When you expect others to make you happy, you have forgotten that you are the source of what you experience. Remember, your emotions follow your thoughts and you create those thoughts. When you can fully take ownership of your thoughts, emotions and your ability to create, then you can be happy regardless of what or who you have around you. You can choose to be happy simply because this is what you choose to be. What are your expectations? Unfulfilled expectations are often times the number one reason you can get upset. But how do you live a life without expectations? Is that really possible? Yes, it really is. Think of a time when you chose to do something just for the sheer joy of doing it. Now think of a time when you chose to do something, but had a secret agenda, or a hope that it would create or fulfill some other desire. In the first example there is no expectation or attachment to any particular result. You are simply playing the game to play the game. But as soon as you play so that you can 'win' something, you've added an expectation which makes your enjoyment contingent on getting a certain result. To test the truth of this philosophy, just think back to the last time that you were
upset. What happened? What did you want that you didn't get? Did you place any expectations on yourself or another person? What did you or someone else do or not do? What changed or didn't change? Letting Go of Attachments One of the best ways to raise your wealth energy set-point is to let go of your expectations and attachments. When you think of letting go, you often think about letting go of the bad stuff resistance, old hurts, fear, etc. But perhaps the most important thing for you to let go of is the things you want. People say, But I want that, I dont want to let go. Its important for you to see that your expectations and attachments to your desires can and do create blocks that will often keep them from having the things you most desire. Miraculous things begin to happen when you let go. I once had a client who was in debt 15 million dollars. There was a lot for him to let go of including what he wanted and what he didn't want. When he was able to let go of his fears and his 'need to know', his true desires began to manifest. He began selling some of his real estate holdings in a 'down' market at a time when nobody else was selling. The more he let go and trusted, the more results he began to see. He began to live his life trusting that his desires would be fulfilled in the perfect time and every day he was thankful for what he had including his debt! It was no longer a bad problem that needed to be fixed. Once he let go he was able to see that nothing was wrong, in fact everything was happening just as it was meant to. But he couldnt see that until he let go. What are you investing in? Every time you spend your money, you are investing in something. Most people would probably agree that they want to invest their money in things that they will enjoy. Being aware of where you are spending your energy is a helpful way to determine if your expenditure is in alignment with your desires. When you have negative thoughts or limiting beliefs arise within you, you can either choose to acknowledge and release them, or acknowledge them and become energetically invested in their reality. But why choose to invest your precious wealth energy in a limiting belief? How much money would you want to pay to the belief that you are not good enough? Probably none, right? But everyday you are doing just that, giving your energy over to beliefs that limit who you are, and what is possible for you as a human being. If you find yourself stuck or stopped, there are many ways you can get back into the flow. A good place to start is with your conversations, the ones that you
speak aloud and the ones you whisper in silence. Is your ability to give or receive blocking your flow? Being in the flow includes being able to receive as well as give. For most people, theyre happy to give. However, many have a much harder time being on the receiving end. If someone gave you something, would you think I have to pay them back, or give something back to them of equal value. Notice if any limiting belief comes up, or if you think youll owe them something. Consider the same questions if the circumstance involved giving instead. Do you feel theres enough for everyone? Do you feel youll need to be paid back, either by the same person or someone else? What limiting beliefs show up for you around giving and receiving?
Wealth Assignment Complete the following questions, methods and exercises and begin to shift your wealth energy. Write down what you notice after you finish exploring these aspects of money and you. Getting a picture of your ideal life: 1. Spend some time thinking about what your life would be like if you could create it to be whatever you wanted. If you were really happy and money was no object, what type of home would you live in? Who would you live with? Where would you live? What work would you do? What would you do with your leisure time? Who would you share your leisure time with? What would you look like or dress like? Determining your investments: 2. What do you spend your money on? Will it expand or contract you in the end? 3. What are you investing your energy in? Track how you invest your energy each day for the next week: conversations, circumstances, and inspirations. At the end of each day, write down how you spent your energy (including thoughts, conversations, feelings and emotional energy). 4. What conversations are you allowing in your space? What effect did those conversations have on you? Did you feel fear, joy, stifled, upset? Did you express yourself completely? Or was there something left unexpressed? Did you allow the conversation to drain you or disempower you? Did you take on any disempowering conversation as truth that would drain your energy? If yes, what limiting beliefs do you hold that that caused you to believe that?
5. What circumstances did you invest your energy in? How did you invest it? For example, if your car breaks down, then you have 2 ways to invest your energy inside of that circumstance: One thought that says I dont have money, time, or energy for this. Or a different thought that says I wonder what miracles will come of this. 6. Did you spend your energy wisely? If not, what could you have invested your energy in that would raise your wealth set-point? Did you have any self-sabotaging thoughts that need clearing? 7. What inspirations came up for you? Did you take action? If not, identify the limiting belief(s) and go back to Section 3 and clear why you didnt take action. Determining your habits of spending: 8. What is you relationship to spending? Are you a habitual spender? If so, experiment in object gratification. If you tend to spend frequently, never feeling full, decide on something you feel will make you happy. Write down all your expectations of how you imagine you would feel having that thing. Then go buy that thing for yourself (spending less than $20) keep your receipt in case you want to return it. Write down how you feel after having bought it. Track the next 3 weeks and notice how your relationship changes to what you bought. Was it only exciting to you when you didnt have it? Do you focus on it now that you have it? Do you maintain an awareness of the same level of excitement you originally had? Are you investing your energy and feeling full from it? 9. If you rarely or never spend on yourself, you may be blocked in receiving energy. Think of something you want and imagine going to buy it. Notice if resistance occurs on some level. Look at any limiting beliefs that may be underlying why you dont spend on yourself: a. Its selfish to spend on myself. b. I dont need anything, I can do without it. c. Theres not enough to spend on me. d. If I buy it, someone else will have to do without. 10. Notice if youre playing the victim and/or the martyr in these situations around your relationship with money. 11. If you dont fall in to the above categories, are you happy with your investments? Are there any judgments around your investments or your spending? How can you create more value around your investments? For example, if its a conversation that empowered you, writing it down and reading it often would add value to it. Meditating on how good it feels to be investing your time, energy, and money in to your ideas would also create more value for you. Bonus Assignment: Expected value is different from created value. Think of something that you bought and now dont want. Notice your resistance. Do you feel it was wasteful, impractical, or overindulgent? See if you can create
value around the thing that you bought and now dont want. Maybe it can serve a new purpose. In the avenue of discovery, value will be created. Open up your creative mind and allow yourself to receive input from your inspiration, creating value where there was none. Theres an implied value around discovery. Often, people will kill it before it has a chance to have its value be discovered. Its original purpose may have morphed in to something new. My friend bought a light fixture for the purpose of using the framework for something else. He tore the lights off when he got home and transformed its value in to something he created in his mind. Theres nothing like the imagination!
Your Passion is Your Currency Your passion to create something is really your currency in energy. Money is energy in paper form. Your personal and unique expression in the world is driven by your passion and what lights you up. When you think about what you like to do with your time, what comes to mind? What do you imagine that youd like to be doing with your free time? What if you did not need to work for money? What would you choose to do? Time is a form of energy, too. How are you expressing yourself at different times on your timeline? Is there anything you thought youd accomplish by a certain time? Did it occur? If not, what happened? Were you emotionally attached to the outcome? Listen to what thoughts came to mind or what feelings came up. What do you want to create? Consider you are always investing your time, money, or energy in to some idea, person, or object. In addition to your investment of time, money or energy, you are also investing yourself in conversations. Through your thoughts and communications, you support yourself in your creations, including the creations you may not want. You will either keep something occurring in your life (even if you dont like it) merely by having a conversation about it. This is because it is your focus, and what you focus on, and give energy to. You can enroll others in your cause, simply by sharing your desires with them. You can have these same conversations, internally, with yourself. So redirect any thoughts that dont support what youre committed to, and choose to communicate empowering conversations and energy. Expanding your Conversations What kinds of conversations would you like to invest in? Perhaps youd most like to invest your wealth energy in a conversation for something that you would like to create, such as a new, exciting career or a wonderful relationship. To do this will require that you get yourself into vibrational alignment with what you want to create, and commune with your visionary genius. But what does it really mean to be in vibrational alignment with something? And who or what is my visionary genius? To answer the first question, lets revisit one of the foundational principles in the law of attraction which states that like attracts like. When you put your focus on a particular thought, person or circumstance, your energy will attract more of that
particular energy. So if your thoughts, energy and emotions are collectively happy, you will attract more things to be happy about and you could say that you are in vibrational alignment with those things. Your outer reality merely reflects back to you those energies which you are in vibrational alignment with. So how do we get into vibrational alignment with our desires? We do this first by clearing any opposing beliefs or energies that run counter to what we wish to create. Once we are clear, all there is for us to do is to feel and focus on the energy of what we want to create. This is what will draw it to us as long as we are also free of any expectations or attachments. How does this show up for you in relationships? Lets say that youre at a party and that youre in a room with about eight people. Lets also imagine that the collective energy of the group seems rather neutral in nature, not really positive, not really negative, just kind of there. Then someone comes into the room, someone that you like or admire, who is the proverbial the life of the party. You will find that your energy will rise to meet their own. After this shift occurs within you, more than likely the two of you will come together and converse because you have chosen to shift yourself into this higher vibration and are now in energetic alignment with them. This same energy can show up in your relationship to money. If youre excited about a promotion you might get, or some other influx of money, it raises your vibration, and your wealth set-point. You exude positive emotion around what is possible. You can move into a lower vibration just as easily. And as soon as you do, you will attract things to you that are also vibrating at that lower level. Everyone has had those kinds of days too. If you get up on the wrong side of the bed, get stuck in traffic, or youre late to work, it seems that everything follows suit and the morning continues in that fashion not going well for you. Unless you shift your mindset you will continue to attract more of what you dont want. This is why being aware of the energy you are pulling to you is a great way to see what kind of energy you are putting out to the rest of the world. If you dont like what you see, choose to make an energetic shift and focus on what you do want. Making these kinds of choices will allow you to raise your wealth energy set-point regardless of your current circumstances. When you realize that you can effectively change your energetic state, you can fully step into your role as creator. In this space you are keenly aware that regardless of where you are, you can always create something new. Once you consistently begin to operate from this knowledge you will move into a true mindset of abundance.
As you progress up towards the level of Abundant Wealth, you will begin to see and know that anything truly is possible. Once you are creating the life you love, you will desire to help others do the same. In so doing you will have moved yourself from a me focused world of problems, concerns and complaints, and into the true riches that are available when you see that you are a part of everything and that everything is a part of you. Communing with your Visionary Genius The ancient Romans believed that everyone had access to an internal genius, which they believed to be an intelligent energy, distinctly different from the personality or ego self. When you commune with your visionary genius, you simply allow yourself to receive and be guided by inspiration and intuition. You open yourself up to a level of knowingness that can gently guide you in the direction of your dreams. Cultivating this relationship will strengthen your ability to create and shape your reality. As you continue to create you will feel more empowered and expanded. You will also realize that you do not have to have everything figured out in order to manifest your desires. You will have grown beyond your need to know and will have moved into a higher state, trusting yourself and the Universe. Wealth lives in Community As you continue to expand and raise your wealth energy set-point, you will see that you have a very different kind of relationship to the world around you. As you get bigger, so will your world. You will begin to see yourself in others. You will see that you live in an abundant world and that there is plenty for everyone. As you contribute and give to others you will expand your capacity to receive. The more you give, the more you will receive. Take a look around you A powerful way to expand your energy outside of yourself, is to see your reflection in your own environment your home. Notice how you feel in certain areas of your house. Do all areas feel good, uplifting, inspiring? If not, maybe its time for a little Feng Shui (pronounced feng shway). Feng Shui is associated with the movement of Chi (a Chinese word that is often translated as life force). In Feng Shui the goal is to encourage the free-flowing movement of Chi, which helps keep all aspects of our lives in balance. When you feel stuck or out of balance in your life, Feng Shui offers the use of intention and the placement of objects as a way of enhancing the flow of energy in those aspects of your life. Your subconscious reacts to your environment in
ways that are often unknown to you, as if it's below your radar. Changing your internal environment with intention, and your external environment with the moving of objects, actually changes your life. Your environment is now different, and therefore your subconscious reactions are different. For example, the area of the home that relates to prosperity is the far back left corner. This area of my home is where the kitchen table sits and seemed to always attract clutter, newspapers, mail, and old homework assignments. Once I kept the area clean and added the appropriate enhancements (picture of moving water), money began flowing in consistently, from different and unexpected avenues, in spite of the economic recession. Feng Shui is about flow and balance. Life is not static; it is flow. This way of dealing with the energy in your environment offers a way to be in the flow so that you are in balance, in harmony. Feng Shui comes from that same ancient Chinese pool of wisdom as the Tao de Ching, the I Ching and Acupuncture. All of these see the flow of energy as the natural order of things. With flow comes balance. With balance comes harmony. Feng Shui helps you keep the flow moving within yourself and in your environment, and therefore in your life. There are nine basic aspects to your life that interact with each other. Each section of a home, office, or building is represented by these different aspects. If you were to place a tic-tac-toe grid over your home, you'd find out quickly which areas of your life need tending to, based on how cluttered or clean it is, and how well energy is moving through that area of your life. There are many things you can do to increase the flow of energy through an area of your home, and your life (adding specific colors, shapes, number of items, placement of furniture, etc.). Begin identifying where your energy is stuck by using this map as an overlay to your home. Then incorporate the "cures" for each area of your home that you'd like to enhance in your life. The front door is usually located on the front row, near the Career/Life Path section. Prosperity Fame/ Reputation/ Respect Relationship
Career/Life Path
Helpful People/Travel
The appropriate power tools to enhance your Prosperity section are items that are purple, red, green, or gold, and the number 8. Things that remind you of abundance are equally helpful. Adding moving water, moving objects or roundleaved plants will also boost the energy in this section, and area of your life. A great book to help you make appropriate change is "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life" by Karen Rauch Carter. She offers easy to understand and fun to read material that will have a definite impact if you apply her suggestions.
There are several key factors in creating wealth and abundance. First you need to have a clear sense of priorities and direction. Without priorities, you may lack focus and clarity. Without direction, youll find yourself engaged in nonproductive busywork. When you are clear what you want, its easier to know what steps will move you in that direction. Adopt an attitude of gratitude for the abundance you do have. When you genuinely feel grateful for all that you have, you stand in a sea of abundance, and let go of the scarcity/victim mentality. Noticing those with less wealth, and offering to give of yourself naturally instills gratitude within you. Take on and abundant, confident mindset. Own your power by choosing thoughts that help you feel secure, safe, prosperous, and free. Allow yourself to really feel the confidence. Be focused and strategic in your direction. Life is full of distractions, so you want to narrow your focus, and keep your attention on your priorities. This gives life and momentum to your expressions and creations of abundant wealth. Have a practical plan for growth and a support structure to implement it. Coaching is a great way to maintain your focus and continue your personal development. It offers support, accountability, and forwards your growth and movement. Friends, family, and clubs or support groups can also be a support structure for you, too. Start with creating a personal plan for what you intend to accomplish, and see where you may need a little extra help and encouragement along the way. Set up regular check-in times with a colleague or friend to support you, or call a family member when you need that extra little boost to keep you going. Stretch yourself beyond where you are now. Be open to new possibilities. If youre not seeing new opportunities, youre looking the wrong direction and losing potential money. Stepping outside of your comfort zone (in small incremental steps) expands on your horizons, and offers new possible sources for attracting income and wealth.
Increase your flow of energy, and strengthen your personal power center. If youre noticing that forward movement in your life is slow or blocked, youre probably give too much energy to your obstacles. See those challenges as opportunities for growth (and be grateful for them). Know that you wont get more than you can handle in life what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger. Feel your value in the world and own your gifts and talents. Otherwise you will accept less than youre worth, and wont feel that others value and appreciate you. You wont feel truly compensated for what you give out (time, energy, labor, etc). When you acknowledge your own value and your unique expression in the world, you feel a sense of accomplishment and contribution. You will feel theres a mutual exchange of energy between you and others. And you will know youve made a valuable contribution to the world, just by being YOU! Have an open mind and be willing to change it. When you close your mind to other possibilities, you cannot receive new information and typically have a know-it-all type attitude. Being too staunch in your opinions creates more problems than solutions. Being humble opens the door from many directions and invites wealth energy in. Your commitment to your values strengthens your integrity. Having commitment gives you power. Be clear what youre giving your power to. Your integrity is derived from being true to the inner you and honoring yourself. Knowing, and narrowing your values down to the top 5 most important things in your life, sets the mind in motion. A mind in motion has emotion attached to it and that will attract back to you more of that same emotional energy. Feel your passion and let yourself be inspired. When you do what you love, with passion, money will follow. Whether it comes from the source of your passionate expression in life or some other avenue, you pull the energy of your aspirations to you. Inspiration is a powerful force. Commune with your visionary genius. Get connected to that part of you, of your higher self that inspires you, and creates a sense of connectedness. Its that place within your heart that joins your soul to all others. Its a place of knowing and trusting that you are Divinely guided, protected, loved and valued. Give of yourself, and give from the heart. When you share yourself with others, you belong to something bigger. You feel connected, productive, and a sense of belonging. Being in contribution to someone else (or others) allows you to share your gifts, talents, and your energy with the world. You can inspire someone else, and feel inspiration from your own actions, just by being in contribution. Giving is another way to show love. So give to others, and give to yourself. Loving yourself and others is a powerful force that brings magic to your life.
Wealth Assignment Complete the following questions, methods and exercises and begin to shift your wealth energy. Write down what you notice after you finish exploring these aspects of money and you. Determining your values: 1. What is your lifes purpose and are you fulfilling it? 2. What do you value most? Are you making sure thats where you invest your time and energies? Do you hold in life the possessions, people and qualities that really matter to you? Expanding yourself through contribution in your community: 3. How do you see yourself in relationship to your community? Are you actively engaged in contributing and receiving from your community? Are you hiding out? What could you do to join your community in contribution? What common complaint does everyone in your neighborhood, town, or area have that needs addressing? 4. Do you have an expectation of what it looks like to be in contribution? What do you think it means to be in contribution? Will you have to sacrifice something of yourself? Identifying the leftover residues of limiting beliefs: 5. Is there anything you still need to let go of? Are you keeping things (attitudes, beliefs, old methods, etc.) by default without questioning if they still serve you? 6. Do you do things for others, without feeling the need to get something back? Are you giving because you want to, or out of duty? 7. How do you feel about who you are and what youve done over the course of your life? Determining who you want to be and what you want to do with your life: 8. If all your financial needs were met, and you had an unlimited supply of money, what would you do for work? What problem would you try to solve? Who would you help? What contribution would you make to society? What type of legacy would you like to create? 9. When your human life is over, what would you want to others to say about you? What do you want to be remembered for? 10. What are your deepest, most heartfelt dreams that you could like to fulfill in your lifetime? 11. What can you do today and every day to fulfill your destiny and receive the accolade The Amazing __________?
12. Take a moment after answering these questions and see where you are with giving and receiving inside of community. 13. Listen to the interview of Alan Ray and Bob Doyle (MP3 or link): Enhancing your prosperity: 14. Enhance your Prosperity Section with the above mentioned power tools. Clear out any clutter, dust, dirt, broken items, or dead plants. If theres a fireplace in this section, add moving water or a picture of moving water to this area. If theres a toilet in this section, keep the lid closed so your incoming wealth doesnt go down the drain. 15. Read Joe Vitales Attract Money Now
This concludes the Energy of Wealth program. Please check out our free bonus materials and let us know if you have any questions. We love feedback and testimonials, so we look forward to hearing of your success.
BONUS MATERIALS 1) 2 TAT Audios (as MP3s): Clearing Money Issues and Clearing Perfection Issues with Jasmine White
About Jasmine White, L.Ac., M.S.T.C.M. She has dedicated 24 years to the study of Holistic Health. She has earned a Bachelor's in Psychology and a Master's of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, A Certified Tui Na bodyworker, an Acutonics Sonic Acupressure Practitioner, an EFT practitioner, a Certified TAT Trainer and Consultant and an Access Consciousness Facilitator. Of all the techniques she has experienced and studied, Jasmine has found Tapas Acupressure Technique to be the most effective and most permanent in dissolving negative belief systems. Jasmine also adds Access Consciousness tools to her private and group sessions to magnify the potency of TAT and to bring unconscious beliefs to the conscious mind where they can be changed. Her clients have expressed more freedom and happiness while using both TAT and the Access tools than ever before and Jasmine herself has enjoyed better health since using both TAT and Access tools in her daily life.
Jasmine offers group and private sessions by phone helping people to master their minds and have greater ease in their bodies. Jasmine has cured herself of free-floating anxiety, test anxiety, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, eczema, agoraphobia, chronic migraines, multiple chemical sensitivities, food allergies, post-traumatic stress disorder and now lives a life of ease, joy and glory. How does it get any better that that?
2) EFT Video (link to site): Expanding Your Wealth Money Clearing with Teresa Bolen Okamoto;
Teresa Bolen Okamoto, the EFT Virtuoso, is a gifted EFT and Energy Healing Practitioner who helps people rapidly release the blocks and disruptions that are preventing them from reaching their dreams. She combines the wisdom of the East and West bringing the best of both worlds to her clients. Teresa helps people expand their wealth in monetary form, as well as in health and beauty, relationships, family, community, and spiritually. Expanding Your Wealth Money Clearing The Expanding Your Wealth Money Clearing is a short video by EFT Virtuoso Teresa Bolen Okamoto that gives you concrete steps you can take to change your relationship with money and change your energy around money immediately. Youll also find out how to give your money a voice in support of you, and a simple introduction of how to easily and gently release your concerns and limitations around money using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique, a solution that is already at your fingertips.
Dr. Joe Vitale is the worlds leading expert on using the Law of Attraction to attract money. Once penniless and living on the streets of Dallas, Dr. Joe Vitale developed a proven 7 step formula which transformed him from homeless to a bestselling author, movie star and financially independent multimillionaire.
Combining his unique, one-of-a-kind charismatic/inspirational style, and exclusive money attraction system, Joe has successfully coached thousands of people, through his seminars, books, DVDs, movies, webinars, and TV/radio appearances (Larry King Live, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, Extra TV, Newsweek), on the Law of Attraction. Dr. Joe Vitale is the bestselling author of countless books on spirituality and marketing including The Attractor Factor (Second Edition), The Key, Zero Limits, Lifes Missing Instruction Manual, Expect Miracles, Adventures Within, Theres a Customer Born Every Minute, Buying Trances, and Hypnotic Writing. He is also the bestselling author of countless home study programs including The Secret to Attracting Money, The Awakening Course, The Missing Secret, The Subliminal Manifestation Series, How to Attract a New Car and many more! Joe has starred and appeared in movies including The Secret, The Leap, The Opus, Try It On Everything, and The Compass.
4) Bob Doyles Interview with his Creativity Coach, Alan Ray (MP3 or link):
Bob Doyle is the facilitator of the "Wealth Beyond Reason" program, as well as the recently launched "Boundless Living Challenge", a worldwide personal development company that focuses its work around the Law of Attraction and its affect on peoples lives. Since 2002, his primary focus has been on teaching the practical implementation of Law of Attraction principles, and moving people past the blocks that keep them from living a life of purpose, passion, and true abundance. He was also in the film "The Secret", "The Opus", and "Try It On Everything". 5) Jill Bolte Taylors My Stroke of Insight video (link to site):
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist who experienced a severe hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of her brain in 1996. On the afternoon of this rare form of stroke (AVM), she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life. It took eight years for Dr. Jill to completely recover all of her functions and thinking ability. She is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey (published in 2008 by Viking Penguin) and was chosen as one of TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World for 2008. In addition, Dr. Jill was the premiere guest on Oprah's Soul Series webcast and her interview with Oprah and Dr. Oz on the Oprah Winfrey Show was aired on Tuesday, October 21, 2008. Dr. Jill is the National Spokesperson for the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center (Harvard Brain Bank) and travels the country as the Singin' Scientist (listen to the Brain Bank Jingle). In addition, she is the Consulting Neuroanatomist for the Midwest Proton Radiotherapy Institute (MPRI), which uses protons (rather than photons) to battle cancer. Since 1993, she has been an active member of NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) and is currently the president of the NAMI Greater Bloomington Area affiliate in Bloomington, Indiana.