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Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of

IDEI products

Low cost KB Drip

Submitted to International Development Enterprises (India) C 5/43, Safdarjung Development Area (1st & 2nd Floor) New Delhi 110 016


7002 y


Project Report No. 2006RR24

00 July 2

The Energy and Resources Institute www.teriin.org

Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products

Low cost KB Drip

Submitted to International Development Enterprises (India) C 5/43, Safdarjung Development Area (1st & 2nd Floor) New Delhi 110 016

JULY 2007

Project Report No. 2006RR24

The Energy and Resources Institute www.teriin.org

The Energy and Resources Institute 2006

T E R I. 2006 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low Cost Drip Irrigation) Bangalore: The Energy and Resources Institute (100 pages). [Project Report No. 2006RR24]

For more information Rural and Renewable Energy Area TERI Southern Regional Centre Post Box No. 7117 4th Main, 2nd Cross, Domlur, 2nd Stage Bangalore 560 071, India Telephone: 2535 65 90 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 2535 65 89 Web: www.teriin.org India +91 Bangalore (0) 80

Project Team
C K Jalajakshi S N Srinivas Abijit V Aji S N Rajendra H H Ninga Setty Vinayak B Kulkarni N Jagadish

C S Silori M K Halpeth

Secretarial Assistance
M P Shobha

We would like to thank International Development Enterprises, India (IDEI), New Delhi for supporting the study. We would like to thank Amitabha Sadangi, Chief Executive Officer, Suresh Subaramanian, Chief Operating Officer and Santosh Jha, Manager Information and Environment Services, IDE-India for their valuable inputs during the course of the study. We would like to thank the following regional office staff at Tumkur, Erode, Indore and Jalgaon for their co-operation during the field study. Pratyush Kant Pandey Shailadeep Sutar Gnaneswar Patil Suhas Gaikwad Bhushan Mahajan Suchita Dhananjay Singh Santosh Jirati Sanvar Dasharathi Ramesh Gopal Krishnan R General Manager (Aurangabad, Maharashtra & Madhya Pradesh) Area Manager, Maharashtra Business Associate, Jalgaon Research Team Member, Jalgaon Research Team Member, Jalgaon Development Officer, Maharashtra Branch Manager, Indore Business Associate, Indore Area Manager, Tumkur Research Team Member, Tumkur Regional Manager, Tamil Nadu

We would like to place our thanks to the manufacturers, dealers and villagers in the study location for their valuable time spent with us during discussions.


Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

ADITI BERI BM BT CEA CM CO2 DAP Dr Fl FMI FYM GHG HH hp IDEI KB BISI MOP MoU OM PVC SSP WUA Affordable Drip Irrigation Technology Intervention Biomass Energy for Rural India Project Build Margin Bacillus thuringiensis Central Electricity Authority Combined Margin Carbon dioxide Di-ammonium Phosphate Drip Flood Flood Method of Irrigation Farm Yard Manure Green House Gases Households Horse Power International Development Enterprises India Krishak Bandhu Bureau of Indian Standards Muriate of Potash Memorandum of Understanding Operating Margin Poly Vinyl chloride Single Super Phosphate Water Users Association

ac ft h ha kg km kW kWh l Lps MW mm m2 m3 Rs. Sec Sq. m % Acre Feet Hours Hectares Kilogram Kilometre Kilowatt Kilowatt hour Litre Litres per second Mega watt Millimetre Metre square Metre cube Rupees Second Square metre Percentage



Acknowledgements Abbreviations Executive Summary Chapter 1: Introduction and Methodology 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Scope of Study 1.3 Study Location 1.4 Survey Tools and Sample Size 1.5 Organisation of the Report Chapter 2: Socio-economic Assessment 2.1 Erode Region (Tamil Nadu) 2.1.1 Demographic details 2.1.2 Occupational profile and land holding pattern 2.1.3 KB Drip system 2.1.4 Cropping pattern 2.1.5 Cost of cultivation 2.1.6 Focus group discussion and dealer interview 2.2 Indore Region (Madhya Pradesh) 2.2.1 Demographic details 2.2.2 Occupational profile and land holding pattern 2.2.3 KB Drip system 2.2.4 Cropping pattern 2.2.5 Cost of cultivation 2.2.6 Focus group discussion and dealer interview 2.3 Jalgaon Region (Maharashtra) 2.3.1 Demographic details 2.3.2 Occupational profile and land holding pattern 2.3.3 KB Drip system vi vii 1 4 4 4 4 7 7 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 17 18 20 20 21 23

viii Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

2.3.4 Cropping pattern 2.3.5 Focus group discussions and dealer interview 2.4 Tumkur Region (Karnataka) 2.4.1 Demographic details 2.4.2 Occupational profile and Land holding pattern 2.4.3 KB Drip system 2.4.4 Cropping pattern 2.4.5 Focus group discussion and dealer interview Chapter 3: Technical Assessment 3.1 Technology Definition and Differentiation between Drip and Flood Method of Irrigation 3.1.1 Types of pumps 3.1.2 Selection of pumps 3.1.3 Efficiency of electric pumps 3.2 Analysis on Water and Energy Saving by the Use of Drip Irrigation System 3.2.1 Erode region 3.2.2 Indore region 3.2.3 Jalgaon region 3.2.4 Tumkur region Chapter 4: Assessment of GHG Mitigation Potential 4.1 CO2 Mitigation Potential 4.1.1 Erode region 4.1.2 Indore region 4.1.3 Jalgaon region 4.1.4 Tumkur region Chapter 5: Conclusion References

23 28 30 30 30 31 31 34 36 36 36 38 38 40 42 46 48 51 54 54 56 57 58 59 61 89



List of Tables
CO2 Emission reduction Table 1.1 Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 2.4 Table 2.5 Table 2.6 Table 2.8 Table 2.9 Scope of work Family size of sugarcane farmers Family size of banana farmers Land holding pattern Land details of sugarcane farmers Land details of banana farmers Irrigation pattern of sugarcane crop Acreage and yield of other crops in the study region Irrigation pattern of banana crop 3 5 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 20 21 21 21 22 22 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 30 30

Table 2.10 Acreage and yield of banana Table 2.11 Cost of cultivation of sugarcane in drip vs flood methods Table 2.12 Cost benefit of sugarcane in drip vs flood method Table 2.13 Cost of cultivation of banana in drip vs flood method Table 2.14 Cost benefit of banana in drip vs flood method Table 2.15 Family size of chilli farmers Table 2.16 Land holding pattern Table 2.17 Land details of chilli farmers Table 2.18 Irrigation pattern of chilli crop Table 2.19 Acreage and yield of chilli crop Table 2.20 Acreage and yield of other crops in the study region Table 2.21 Cost of cultivation of chilli in drip vs flood method Table 2.22 Important economical differences between drip and flood methods Table 2.23 Sample size Table 2.24 Family size of cotton farmers Table 2.25 Family size of banana farmers Table 2.26 Land holding pattern Table 2.27 Land details of cotton farmers Table 2.28 Land details of banana farmers Table 2.29 Irrigation pattern of cotton crop Table 2.30 Average and yield of cotton crop Table 2.31 Acreage and yield of other crops in Jalgaon Table 2.32 Cost of cultivation of cotton in drip vs flood method Table 2.33 Cost benefits of cotton in drip vs flood method Table 2.34 Irrigation pattern of banana crop Table 2.35 Acreage under banana crop Table 2.36 Acreage and yield of other crops in Jalgaon, banana farmers Table 2.37 Cost of cultivation of banana in drip vs flood method Table 2.38 Cost benefits of banana in drip vs flood method Table 2.39 Family size of groundnut farmers Table 2.40 Land holding pattern

Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Table 2.41 Land details of Tumkur farmers Table 2.42 Irrigation pattern of groundnut crop Table 2.43 Acreage and yield of groundnut Table 2.44 Acreage and yield of other crops in the study region Table 2.45 Cost of cultivation of groundnut in drip vs flood method Table 2.46 Cost benefits of groundnut crop, drip vs flood Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Table 3.4 Table 3.5 Table 3.6 Table 3.7 Table 3.8 Table 3.9 List of codes for different parameters Instruments used for the technical analysis Rate of water discharge measured in drip irrigation Sugarcane crop Rate of water discharge measured in flood irrigation Sugarcane crop Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Banana crop Hours of irrigation per year Sugarcane crop Hours of irrigation per year Banana crop Water saving potential Sugarcane crop

31 31 32 33 33 34 38 38 43 43 43 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 50 50 50 51 52 52 52 53 53 55 56 57

Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Banana crop 44

Table 3.10 Water saving potential Banana crop Table 3.11 Electricity saving potential Sugarcane crop Table 3.12 Electricity saving potential Banana crop Table 3.13 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Chilli crop Table 3.14 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Chilli crop Table 3.15 Hours of irrigation per year Chilli crop Table 3.16 Water saving potential Chilli crop Table 3.17 Electricity saving potential Chilli crop Table 3.18 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Cotton crop Table 3.19 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Cotton crop Table 3.20 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Banana crop Table 3.22 Hours of irrigation per year Cotton crop Table 3.23 Hours of irrigation per year Banana crop Table 3.24 Water saving potential Cotton crop Table 3.25 Water saving potential Banana crop Table 3.26 Electricity saving potential Cotton crop Table 3.27 Water saving potential Banana crop Table 3.28 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Groundnut Table 3.29 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Groundnut Table 3.30 Hours of irrigation per year Groundnut Table 3.31 Water saving potential Groundnut Table 3.32 Electricity saving potential Groundnut Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 CO2 Emission factors of regional grids CO2 Emission reductions - Sugarcane CO2 Emission reductions - Banana crop

Table 3.21 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Banana crop 49

List of Tables


Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Table 4.6 Table 4.7 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 5.4

CO2 Emission reductions Chilli crop CO2 Emission reduction calculations - Cotton crop CO2 Emission reductions - Banana crop CO2 Emission reductions Groundnut Details of increase in yield, drip vs flood method Water saving potential, drip vs flood method of irrigation Electricity savings, drip vs flood method of irrigation CO2 Emission reduction

58 59 59 60 61 62 63 64

List of Figures
Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Schematic diagram of a mono block pump system connected to open well Schematic diagram of a submersible pump connected to bore well Water sourcing mechanism in Erode and Jalgaon regions 37 38 42

List of Annexures
Annexure 1.1 Villages covered under the study Annexure 1.2 Location of study area Annexure 1.3 Questionnaire for feedback from farmers on the device of drip irrigation Annexure 3.1 Details of electric pumps Annexure 3.2 Performance results of electric pumps Annexure 3.3 Details of hours of irrigation in Erode region Annexure 4.1 Region wise installed capacity as of 31-03-2007 Annexure 5.1 State-wise Number of Energised Pumpsets/Tubewells in India Annexure 5.2 Region/State-wise Forecast of Electrical Energy Consumption 65 67 68 77 79 81 82 83 84


Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Executive Summary
The objective of the study was to conduct a socio-economic-technical analysis of low cost drip irrigation namely KB Drip and to assess the CO2 emissions reduction potential. The performance of the KB Drip vis--vis the flood method of irrigation (FMI) was assessed for the following parameters: The output Water saving and electricity saving, Impact on the cost benefits of KB Drip over the flood method of irrigation and the crop productivity. The study was carried out in the regions of Erode (Tamil Nadu), Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Jalgaon (Maharashtra) and Tumkur (Karnataka). The crops covered were banana, chilli, cotton, groundnut and sugarcane. The number of villages covered under the study was 61 across these various states. The method involved, a primary survey, focus group discussions for socio-economic assessment, technical measurements backed with survey feedback for technical evaluation, and estimating the CO2 reduction potential using feedback from various stakeholders and measurement of results. Primary survey was conducted through structured questionnaires covering 208 households in 61 villages. Focus group discussions, in the four regions (one in each region) were held with farmers to understand their perception on benefits and limitations/problems faced in KB Drip adoption. Personal interviews were also held with dealers of KB Drip to understand the dynamics of supply and demand. To conduct the technical assessment, the details of capacity of electrical pump, depth of water, discharge of water at source and delivery point and electricity consumption were assessed. The instruments used for the technical evaluation were stop watch, digital weighing machine, container of known volume, flow metre, measuring tape and three phase power analyser. The family size in the surveyed households in the four regions varied between 5 and 8 members. Majority (33%) of the surveyed farmers in Erode were small farmers with landholding1 of 2.55 acres. Most (77%) of the farmers in Indore district were also small farmers. In Jalgaon, most (26%) of the surveyed farmers were medium farmers with landholding of 1025 acres. In Tumkur, majority (35%) of them were marginal farmers with landholding of less than 2.5 acres. Irrigation in flood method consists of distribution of water by passing through the furrows. The time required to irrigate one acre of land is about 6 hours. A substantial

Irrigation in flood method consists of distribution of water by passing through the furrows. The time required to irrigate one acre land is about 6 hours.

Marginal farmers: < 2.5 acres; Small farmers: 2.5 to 5 acres; Medium farmers: 10 to 25 acres, large farmers: >25 acres Executive Summary 1

quantity of water is wasted due to distribution and evaporation losses. In drip method of irrigation, water is fed to the root zone of the crop with the help of micro tubes connected to pipes which are kept in pressure above atmosphere. These systems can also operate at gravitational pressure if water source is kept at an appropriate height. It is observed that water is fed batch wise through micro tubes ranging from 1000 4000 in a batch. The farmers said that the benefits from adoption of KB Drip were that there was saving in terms of labour cost, water saving, higher yield, weed growth control and low consumption of electricity. The survey results showed that there is an increase in yield with the adoption of KB Drip. About 76% increase in yield was found in the chilli crop (Indore) and 56% increase in yield of cotton crop ( Jalgaon). The increase in yield for sugarcane, banana (Rasthali) in Erode, banana (Sreemanthy) in Jalgaon and groundnut (Tumkur) was found to be 18%, 39 %, 5% and 36% respectively.

The performance tests indicated that about 60% of them were functioning below the specification. The low efficiency results in higher consumption of electricity and longer duration of irrigation.

Their perception of KB Drip adoption was: a) The area under irrigation can be increased when a farmer adopts the drip method of irrigation due to more water availability. b) No extra attention is needed in case of KB Drip. Water supply to the plant is quite automatic and mechanical. c) Cost of drip (KB) is less compared to other drip systems. In addition one year warranty is provided by KB increasing the credibility of the product. d) Storage is easy in case of KB Drip (Can be stored in urea bags). e) Installation cost is much less compared to other drip systems. f) Transportation of KB Drips is much more convenient due to its light weight, volume and size. The efficiency of the pumps in the four regions profiled ranged from 20% in Indore to a pump efficiency of 47% in Tumkur. The pumps in Tumkur were submersible. In the region of Indore, mono-block pumps (centrifugal pumps) are used to lift the water from open wells. In the regions of Erode and Jalgaon, mono-block (centrifugal pump) and submersible pumps were used. The performance tests indicated that about 60% of them were functioning below the specification. The low efficiency results in higher consumption of electricity and longer duration of irrigation. This results in multiple losses both to the farmer and the nation. Some of the factors responsible for lower efficiency are: 1. Mismatch of capacity and the load In ideal conditions, 3 hp pumps will suffice for the irrigation purposes in India. But being more conservative towards future expansions or ignorant about the technical aspects of the pumps, higher capacity pumps were preferred by the farmers. All such installations were resulting in low efficiency in the fields. The pumps were improperly fixed causing vibration in the motor. 2. Operational drawbacks The fluctuations in the supply voltage would cause damage to the motor that runs without a regulator.

Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Inappropriate handling of pumps such as running of pumps under 2 phase electricity supply (in Erode), and providing more copper winding to more power (in Indore). The silt present in the well often creates clogging of the suction pipes resulting in the lowered discharge of water. 3. Factors due to improper usage and lack of knowledge The farmers are normally misguided by the dealers/service centres about the selection and maintenance of the pump. It leads to inappropriate use of pumps.

There is substantial water savings in the usage of KB Drip vis--vis flood irrigation. Water saving was found to be 77% in banana (Rasthali variety) crop in Erode district and 74% in case of cotton in Jalgaon district. There is substantial electricity savings with the usage of KB Drip vis--vis flood method of irrigation. The electricity savings ranged from 17-65% for various crops in the study area. Central Electricity Authority (CEA), 2007 database indicates that for every unit of electricity saved the emission factor for the southern grid is estimated at 0.86 kg CO2 and every unit of electricity saved for the western grid would abate 0.81 kg of CO2. The overall study done in four regions indicates that with the drip intervention, the average water saving potential is about 54% and electricity saving potential is about 39% against flood method of irrigation. Simultaneously, the average annual CO2 emission abatement for every acre of KB Drip adoption would be 675 kg/ acre/year. The details of CO2 emission reduction of individual crop are given in table, below With the installation of pump sets for irrigation increasing over the years, there is vast potential to introduce energy saving and water conservation techniques, such as the drip irrigation, overhead tanks etc.

CO2 Emission reduction

Method of irrigation Sugarcane Drip Banana Drip Chilli Drip Banana Drip Cotton Drip Groundnut Drip 536 0.86 461 887 Tumkur 0.81 718 1104 0.81 894 1104 Jalgaon 0.81 894 847 Indore 0.86 728 415 0.86 357 Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) Emission factor (kg CO2/kWh) Erode kg CO2 emission abated/acre/year

Executive Summary


Introduction and Methodology

1.1 Introduction
International Development Enterprises, India (IDEI) is an Indian not-for-profit organisation registered in India in 2001 under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, with a mission to improve equitably the social, economic and environmental conditions of families in need, with special emphasis on the rural poor, by identifying, developing and marketing affordable, appropriate and environmentally sustainable solutions through market forces. Working with the poorer sections of the society as their target group, they have developed several products and services such as: Water lifting devices for irrigation that are alternative to conventional methods of water pumping (Treadle pumps to lift water from small depths of 20 ft., Rope & washer pump 50 ft, pressure pumps 25 ft,) etc. Water conservation devices (Low cost drip irrigation systems, improved sprinklers). Promotion of sustainable agricultural practises through promotion of Vermi wash liquid from vermi- composting for pesticides effects, Nursery with the concept of reducing cost of production, Concept of Integrating Poor into Market Systems (IPMAS). IDEI is working on water saving technologies and has developed Affordable Drip Irrigation Technology Intervention (ADITI) for benefit of small and marginal farmers. In 1997, IDEI started working on low cost drip technology and developed variety of low-cost drip irrigation kits. KB Drip system is one of the products which is affordable to small and marginal farmers and has advantages over flood method of irrigation through saving in water, increase in productivity, reducing labour and saving electricity consumption for irrigation. To assess the performance of KB Drip, IDEI felt that there was a need to carry out detailed study. TERI was assigned this study to conduct the socio-economic benefits and also the energy saving potential resulting in carbon reduction.

IDEI is working on water saving technologies and has developed Affordable Drip Irrigation Technology Intervention (ADITI) which is benefiting the small and marginal farmers.

1.2 Scope of Study

The objective of the study was to conduct a socio-economic-technical analysis of low cost drip irrigation namely KB Drip and assess the CO2 emissions reduction potential. The scope of work involves the aspects elaborated in Table 1.1.

1.3 Study Location

The study was carried out in the districts of Erode (Tamil Nadu), Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Jalgaon (Maharashtra) and Tumkur (Karnataka). The crops covered were Banana, Chilli, Cotton, Groundnut and Sugarcane. The number of villages covered under the study was 61 across the four states. The names of villages covered are given in Annexure1.1.

Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Table 1.1 Scope of work

Products to be focus include Technical assessment Water Saving Technology KB Drip To assess the comparative performances of the KB Drip vis--vis the flood method of irrigation (FMI). The output, water saving and electrical saving will be analysed. To assess the impact on the cost benefits of KB Drip vis--vis flood method of irrigation. Crop productivity will be analysed. To assess CO2 emission reduction potential based on the methodologies recommended by the CDM executive board and inputs of saving potential procured from the field.

Socio-economic assessment

Carbon dioxide emission reduction potential

A brief of the state and district of the study location is mentioned below:

Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu is situated at the South-eastern extremity of the Indian peninsula and has about 13.02 million ha of geographical area. The annual normal rainfall in Tamil Nadu is 925 mm. 5.2 million ha is the net sown area. It has got a total irrigable area of 6.72 million ha. The net area irrigated during 2005 2006 constituted 55.7% of the net area sown in the state. Soil type includes red loam, laterite soil, black soil, sandy coastal alluvium and red sandy soil. 60% of the population depends upon agriculture. Erode district falls under the agroclimatic zone of Southern plateaus and hills. The soil of the district is predominantly red sandy to red gravely type. The red soil differs greatly in consistency, colour, depth and fertility. Alluvial soils are found in small patches along Noyyal and Bhavani rivers. The red soils are low in moisture retaining capacity. They are ideally suited for cultivation of most crops under irrigation. The average annual rainfall is 925 mm and number of rainy days is 50 in a year. The total cultivation area is about 309175 ha. Paddy, turmeric, sugarcane, banana, tapioca are some of the main crops of the region.

Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh, the second largest state in the country, has about 66% of the total geographical area (30.76 million ha) available for cultivation. It has got a total irrigable area of 6.72 million ha. 2.09 million ha irrigation potential i.e. about 31% has been created. But the potential utilised is about 0.98 million ha, about 50% of the potential created. Madhya Pradesh is predominantly agricultural and about 80% of the population depends on agriculture for its livelihood. Soil type ranges from rich clay to gravel. Most important crops grown are paddy, wheat, maize and jowar among cereals; gram, tur, urad and moong among pulses; while soybean, groundnut and mustard among oilseeds. Cotton and sugarcane are grown as commercial crops and potato, onion, garlic, papaya, banana, oranges, mango and grapes are grown as horticulture crops. Chilli is a major horticulture crop in Madhya Pradesh.

Madhya Pradesh is predominantly agricultural and about 80% of the population depends on agriculture for its livelihood.

Introduction and Methodology

In Indore district, the soil pattern is black cotton soil with localised rock strata and is covered with deep medium black soil, alluvial soil and shallow and medium black soils. These soils have fine textures and their clay content varies from 40-60%. They are plastic and sticky when wet and hard when dry. These soils have high water retaining capacity.

Maharashtra encompasses a geographical area of 3.81 million ha, and is the third largest state in India. The gross irrigated area was 3857800 ha (1998-1999). Net area irrigated is 2725900 ha. The annual rainfall in Maharashtra state varies from 400 mm to 6000 mm. Two-thirds of the population (67%) in Maharashtra is engaged in agriculture. Crops grown in the state are rice, jowar, bajra, wheat, tur, mung, urad, gram and other pulses. The state is a major producer of oilseeds. Groundnut, sunflower, soyabean are major oil seed crops. Jalgaon district is situated in the north-west region of Maharashtra. The total geographical area is 1175700 ha covered to a large extent with rich volcanic soil which is best suited for cotton cultivation. Soil types found in Jalgaon region are: Medium black which are clay loams, brownish-black to black in colour with excellent drainage, Deep black highly clayey and sticky with impeded drainage, Loamsoil are grey in colour with excellent drainage Sandy soils are highly eroded and stony reddish in colour with excessive drainage requiring frequent irrigation. The district receives an average rainfall of about 750 mm and it has diversified temperatures varying from 10 to 48C. Banana, cotton, sugarcane, oil seeds, pulses are major crops of the district. Jalgaon district is recognised as a role model in India for production of bananas and cotton under drip irrigation. It is the largest banana growing district in India. Bananas grown are exported outside the state and to other countries. It has 47424 ha area under horticulture and is well known for its advances in horticulture.

Jalgaon district is recognised as a role model in India for production of bananas and cotton under drip irrigation.

The state of Karnataka, the eighth largest in the country has an area of 1.91 lakh sq km. More than 71% of this population is engaged in agriculture. Normal net cultivated area is about 106 lakh ha and the gross cultivated area is about 123 lakh ha under all crops. The state has 10 different agro-climatic zones viz. North Eastern Transition Zone, North Eastern Dry Zone, Northern Dry Zone, Central Dry Zone, Eastern Dry Zone, Southern Dry Zone, Southern Transition Zone, Northern Transition Zone, Hill Zone and Coastal Zone. Major crops grown are ragi, jowar, rice, sugarcane, coconut, groundnut, coffee and cotton. The state has 2564908 ha of net irrigated area. Tumkur district has red soil type. The soil is low in moisture retaining capacity and due to good permeability it responds well to irrigation water. They are ideally suitable for
6 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

cultivation of most of the crops like groundnut, sunflower, millets, pulses and fruits. The map of the study location is given in Annexure 1.2.

1.4 Survey Tools and Sample Size

The tools used for the survey were structured questionnaires and checklist. The questionnaire was field tested in Tumkur, Karnataka and finalised. It was developed for drip and flood farmers. The aspects covered in the questionnaire were as follows: General profile: Village, occupation, family size, details of landholdings Details of the drip system: Year of installation, cost of the system, problems faced Service details: Warranty period, dealers details Cropping pattern: Crop, acreage, production per unit and price per unit Hours of operation of system: Hours of operation in the rainy, summer and winter seasons Benefits perceived: Water savings, increase in area under irrigation. A checklist was prepared to conduct the technical assessment of the drip and flood systems. The details of capacity of electrical pump, depth of water, discharge of water at source and delivery point, electricity consumption were assessed. The instruments used for the technical evaluation were stop watch, digital weighing machine, container of known volume, measuring tape and three phase power analyser. Details of the methodology of technical assessment are discussed in Chapter 3. The questionnaire and checklist are given in Annexure 1.3. The sample survey was conducted for the purpose of assessing the cropping pattern, production and hours of operation under flood and drip method of irrigation. The details of the drip system, installation cost, problems faced and benefits perceived were also collected. The farmers adopting flood and drip method of irrigation were interviewed. Focus group discussions were held to understand the crop season, hours and duration of operation, benefits and problems in KB Drip as perceived by the farmers. A total of 208 farmers were interviewed for the study. In each of the districts in targeted states, five each of drip and flood farmers were covered for the technical evaluation. The sample size of the study is given in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Sample size for the survey and technical evaluation
District Erode Indore Jalgaon Tumkur Crops Drip Sugarcane Banana Chilli Cotton Banana Groundnut Total 20 10 23 21 10 22 106 Sample size Flood 20 10 20 21 10 21 102 Total 40 20 43 42 20 43 208

1.5 Organisation of the Report

The report is organised into five chapters. Chapter 1 furnishes the introduction and methodology. Chapter 2 furnishes the findings of the socio-economic assessment for the various districts in different states. Chapter 3 presents the findings of the technical assessment. Chapter 4 presents the assessment of Green House Gases (GHG) mitigation potential. Chapter 5 contains the conclusion of the study.
Introduction and Methodology 7


Socio-economic Assessment
This chapter focuses on the socio-economic assessment of KB Drip farmers and flood irrigation farmers in the study area. Survey was conducted using structured questionnaires. The demographic and land details, cropping pattern, cost of cultivation and discussion with dealers of KB Drip are presented in the subsequent sections.

2.1 Erode Region (Tamil Nadu)

2.1.1 Demographic details
Two crops namely sugarcane and banana were considered and assessment was done on the farms using both drip and flood method of irrigation. Socio-economic assessment was conducted for 60 farmers in 34 villages spread across 5 districts namely, Erode, Dindigul, Karur, Namakkal and Salem. The average family size of the surveyed households was 5 (Tables 2.1 and 2.2). The average distribution of family is 2 men, 2 women, and 1 child.

Table 2.1 Family size of sugarcane farmers

Men Drip Flood Total Average 43 44 87 2 Women 34 39 73 2 Children 11 12 23 1 Total 88 95 183 5

2.1.2 Occupational profile and land holding pattern

The main occupation of the surveyed households was agriculture. Very few of them (2%) were engaged in other occupations such as teaching, trading etc. About 33% of the farmers were small farmers and 3% of them belonged to marginal farmers category (Table 2.3). Agriculture through irrigation is being practiced in the region for more than 50 years. In earlier times, only dug wells were used for irrigation purposes but at present tube wells/bore wells are used as main source of water. Since electricity is free in Tamil Nadu, for agricultural purpose every farmer tries to put up more bore wells for irrigation.
Banana Drip 0 5 3 2 0 10 Flood 0 3 7 0 0 10 2 20 18 11 9 60 3 34 30 18 15 100 Total %

Table 2.2 Family size of banana farmers

Men Drip Flood Total Average 21 20 41 2 Women 19 18 37 2 Children 6 9 15 1 Total 46 47 93 5

Table 2.3 Land holding pattern

Farmer category Marginal (< 2.5 acre) Small (2.5 - 5 acre) Semi medium (5 -10 acre) Medium (10 - 25 acre) Large (> 25 acre) Total Sugarcane Drip 0 6 3 7 4 20 Flood 2 6 5 2 5 20

Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Sugarcane farmers
The interview with 40 sugarcane growing farmers indicated that 20 farmers under KB Drip adopters owned total land of 319 acres (Table 2.4). In the total cultivated land, about 31% is under rain fed cultivation and the remaining 69% is under irrigated cultivation. The record shows that the farmers adopting drip are still practising flood irrigation to a large extent. They are practising drip in the small portion of their flood irrigated land. The reason being initial investment to purchase drip and free electricity retains the farmer to continue flood irrigation. Similarly the distribution of total land holding for 20 farmers under flood method of irrigation is 292 acres with the average of 14.6 acres. Irrigated land comprised about 67% of the total cultivated land. The remaining land (33%) is rain fed and low water intensive crops are grown in that area of land.

Table 2.4 Land details of sugarcane farmers

Farmers adopting KB Drip Land Land under drip (acre) Land under flood (acre) Land under rainfed (acre) Total Average land holding (acre) 63.0 157.5 98.5 319 16.0 (%) 20 49 31 100 Farmers adopting flood Land 31.0 163.5 97.5 292 14.6 (%) 11 56 33 100

Banana farmers
The interview with 10 drip adoptive farmers indicated that the total land holding is 74.4 acres with the average land holding per farmer being 7.4 acres. About 83% of the area is cultivated under irrigation and remaining 17% under rain fed conditions. Table 2.5 gives land holding pattern in case of banana crop formers. The survey conducted among10 flood adoptive banana growers shows that the total land holding is 64.5 acres and the average distribution of land per farmer is 6.5 acre. About 94% of the area is irrigated and remaining 6% is under rain fed conditions.

Table 2.5 Land details of banana farmers

Farmers adopting KB Drip Land Land under drip (acre) Land under flood (acre) Land under rainfed (acre) Total Average land holding 43.0 18.4 13.0 74.4 7.4 (%) 58 25 17 100 Farmers adopting flood Land 2.0 58.5 4.0 64.5 6.5 (%) 3 91 6 100

Banana and sugarcane being perennial crops, the farmers prefer drip system and flood irrigation system is usually adopted for short period crops.

Socio-economic Assessment

2.1.3 KB Drip system

In Erode district, IDEI introduced KB Drip system in 2004. The sale of KB Drip had increased in successive years. The sale of KB Drip in the year 2005-06 reached maximum quantity of 12000 kg. Both 125 micron and 250 micron drip system were recommended in the region. The cost of KB Drip per kg is Rs.150 and the average quantity of drip system recommended per acre is about 25 kg costing about Rs. 3750. The total cost of KB Drip installation per acre including raw materials such as laterals, PVC pipes, filtering unit and labour is estimated at about Rs.10000. The respondents had self financed the purchase of drip system. The average annual cost for the maintenance is about Rs. 350. The farmers said that majority of them have replaced the parts of drip once a year. The typical problem mentioned by the farmers is the damage of tubes due to rat and ant bites and clogging. The respondents told that they would hire local technicians for the repair of drip systems.

The respondents had self financed the purchase of drip system. The average annual cost for the maintenance is about Rs. 350. The farmers said that majority of them have replaced the parts of drip once a year.

2.1.4 Cropping pattern

The main crops grown in the region are sugarcane, banana, turmeric, sunflower, and tapioca. Sugarcane and banana are annual crops while tapioca and turmeric are seasonal crops especially grown in rainy season. According to drip users, the gross area of irrigation has increased by 30% out of which the gross cropped area for sugarcane and banana crop are 23% and 36% respectively. Sugarcane crop Sugarcane is one of the major crops in Tamil Nadu and it is extensively produced in this region. It is an annual crop and highly water intensive. The harvested sugarcane is sold to the sugar mills in the region. In this region, it is usually grown in kharif season after monsoon showers and the harvesting is during the months of May and June. The average yield of sugarcane is about 55 tonnes per acre and the turnover of sugarcane is about Rs. 55000 per acre. Table 2.6 provides the irrigation pattern for sugarcane crop. Farmers irrigating the sugarcane through drip system The survey among 20 farmers indicated that the average acreage of sugarcane cultivation per farmer is 2.6 acres. The production of sugarcane per acre is about 57.2 tonnes and the existing average selling price of sugarcane is Rs. 1067 per tonne. Farmers irrigating sugarcane through flood system Feedback from 20 flood adopted farmers shows that the average acreage of sugarcane cultivation per farmer is 3.4 acre (Table 2.7). The average production per acre is about 49 tonnes per acre.

Table 2.6 Irrigation pattern of sugarcane crop

Month June - July July - September September - February February - June Development stage Irrigation Germination Tilling Grand growth Maturity Mild irrigation Peak season Peak season Mild irrigation Season Rainy Rainy Winter Summer

Table 2.7 Acreage and yield of sugarcane

Drip method of Irrigation Acreage under sugarcane (Average) Production/acre (tonnes/acre) Hours of Irrigation per acre (h) Average Price(Rs./tonne) 2.6 57.2 304 1067 Flood method of irrigation 3.4 48.6 398 1058

10 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

The above result indicates that there is an increase of 18% in yield by the use of KB Drip irrigation system which results in proportionate increase in income. The other benefits such as less labour, application of fertilisers etc are the attractive features of drip system. However the benefits of water and electrical power are not direct to the farmer due to free electricity distribution in the state. But in some areas with very low water table, drip irrigation is a crop saver for the farmer. Other crops cultivated The other crops cultivated in the region are coconut, groundnut, paddy and sunflower.

Table 2.8 Acreage and yield of other crops in the study region
Rainy (Kharif) Acreage Coconut (No.) Groundnut (tonnes) Sunflower (tonnes) Banana (tonnes) Paddy (tonnes) 13 18.5 10 5.25 19.4 Acreage/Farmer 4.3 4.6 2.5 1.75 6.47 Production/Acre 4833 2.2 0.9 10 10.4 Price/kg 3 7.5 19.3 5.3 11.5

Banana crop In this region, varieties of banana are grown for own use as well as export to other states. Rasthali, Karpooravalli, Robusta, Cavendish were some of the main varieties. The plantation usually starts in the months of February and March. The duration of crop is around 14 months.

Table 2.9 Irrigation pattern of banana crop

Month February March April May June July August September October November December January February March Development stage Planting Vegetative phase (leaf growth) Vegetative phase, (leaf growth and sucker production begins) Vegetative phase Vegetative phase Flower initiation Fruit differentiation Elongation of floral axis Leaf emergence stops Fruit filling Fruit filling continues Harvesting Harvesting Harvesting Irrigation Mild irrigation Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak season Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Season Summer Summer Summer Summer Rainy Rainy Rainy Rainy Winter Winter Winter Winter Summer Summer

Source: Efficient use of irrigation water

Socio-economic Assessment


Farmers irrigating banana through drip system The average production of 10 farmers adopting drip systems is about 13.2 tonnes per acre. The average acreage of each farmer for banana growing is about 2.5 acre. The average selling price of banana is Rs. 8.6 per kg. The result shows that the farmers average turnover is about Rs. 2,84,000 per annum. Farmers irrigating banana through flood system Feedback from 10 flood adopted farmers shows that the average acreage of banana cultivation per farmer is 1.9 acre. The average production per acre is about 9.5 tonnes per acre. The selling price of banana per kg is about Rs. 8.2 which is Rs. 0.4 less than drip system. The result shows that the farmers average turnover is about Rs. 1,48,000 per annum.

Table 2.10 Acreage and yield of banana

Drip method of irrigation Acreage under banana (average) Production/acre (tonnes/ac) Hours of irrigation (h) Average price per kg (Rs.) 2.5 13.2 238 8.6 Flood method of irrigation 1.9 9.5 430 8.2

There is 39% increase in yield of banana with drip method of irrigation. It is evident that the economy of drip irrigation system is substantial as compared to flood system. Higher yield in banana is possible in drip irrigation system due to adequate and systematic supply of water to root zone of the plant. The irrigation through drip method requires less water and is very helpful in summer season for the plants to survive.

Table 2.11 Cost of cultivation of sugarcane in drip vs flood method

Particulars Sugarcane (Rs./acre) Difference (%) Drip Flood 2650 2000 5200 2500 11250 1700 1500 0 12650 3465 39450 2650 2000 5200 4000 11250 1700 1600 6000 11500 3150 45900 0 0 0 37 0 0 6 100 -10 -10 14

2.1.5 Cost of cultivation

This section focuses on the advantages of drip irrigation system with respect to cost of production per acre. The estimates were made for sugarcane and banana crops on acreage basis in Erode region. Sugarcane crop The detailed cost of cultivation has been made on sugarcane crops in the farms of Karur and Erode. The evaluation shows that the total cost of cultivation has a 14% saving in drip irrigation system as compared to flood irrigation method (Table 2.11). The cost is same in operations like ploughing, weeding etc since farmers are still practising normal ploughing methods. Similarly, the mandatory costs such as the costs for weeding, seed sowing, Farm Yard Manure (FYM) application, plant protection and harvesting do not vary in both the cases as

Ploughing Land preparation Seed and sowing cost Fertilisers Farm Yard Manure (FYM) Plant protection Weed control cost Irrigation cost Harvesting Transportation cost Total cost of cultivation (Rs.)

12 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

it involves family labour. The major saving is observed as labour for irrigation in drip system which is nil against an amount of Rs. 6000 in case of flood system. The cost for harvesting and transportation is 10% higher in the crops using drip system. This is due to increase in the yield of crop in case of drip system. The use of fertigation method in drip system has reduced the fertiliser consumption by 37%. Sugarcane yield has increased by 18% in case of drip irrigation over flood irrigation. Similarly, net returns are also 19% more in case of drip irrigation adopters (Table 2.12). The net profit benefited by the drip adoptive farmers was 291%. In terms of money, it was Rs.16063.00 more profit over non adopted farmers. Banana crop The cost of cultivation for the banana crop in Karur and Erode region has shown a saving of Rs. 6313 (20%) with the use of drip irrigation systems. Expenditure is same for activities such as ploughing, land preparatory work and seed sowing. Savings observed with fertiliser application was 15% and with plant protection it is 18% with the use of drip irrigation system. The cost of labour for weed control is less in drip irrigation method (65%) over flood irrigation method due to less weed growth (Table 2.13).

Table 2.12 Cost benefit of sugarcane in drip vs flood method

Particulars Yield (tonnes/acre) Cost per tonnes (Rs.) Cost of production (Rs./tonne) Net returns (Rs.) Net profit (Rs.) Sugarcane Drip 57.2 1067 690 61032 21582 Flood 48.6 1058 944 51419 5519 Difference (%) 18 1 -27 19 291

Table 2.13 Cost of cultivation of banana in drip vs flood method

Particulars Ploughing Land preparation Seed and sowing cost Fertilisers Farm Yard Manure (FYM) Plant protection Weed control cost Irrigation cost Harvesting Total cost of cultivation Banana(Rs./acre) Drip 2400 0 3500 4900 8800 2300 875 1000 1237 25012 Flood 2400 0 3500 5750 8000 2800 2500 4500 1875 31325 Difference (%) 0 0 0 15 -10 18 65 78 34 20

Table 2.14 Cost benefit of banana in drip vs flood method

Particulars Yield (tonnes/acre) Cost per tonnes (Rs.) Banana Drip 13.2 8.6 1895 113520 88508 Flood 9.5 8.2 3297 77900 46575 Difference (%) 39 5 -43 46 90

The economics of the banana crop under Cost of production (Rs./tonne) drip irrigation indicated additional net Net returns (Rs.) profit of Rs. 41933 over flood method of Net profit (Rs.) irrigation. This is mainly attributed to the 39% increased yield with the application of drip system (Table 2.14).

2.1.6 Focus group discussion and dealer interview

A Focus group discussion was held with banana farmers in Chennampatti village. Twelve farmers, consisting of 7 KB Drip and 5 non-drip farmers participated in the meeting. The KB Drip users expressed that common problems in KB Drip are damages in micro tube, connector, washer, and PVC pipe and they had to replace the parts

Socio-economic Assessment


often. The price of new parts is Rs. 40 for micro tube (for one role of 100 m), Rs.150 for connector and washer (for RS. 1000), and Rs. 140 for PVC pipe per metre. The drip users expressed that yield of banana is high as compared to flood method. No labour requirement to irrigate the banana plots in drip method of irrigation is observed as the most significant advantage. The other advantages are uniformity in irrigation, water saving, less weeding, uniform maturity of plants, loose soil maintenance etc. The farmers expressed that there is saving of more than 50% of water with the drip irrigation system which is very useful in summer season. The non drip users indicated they suffered loss of crop as the plants do not survive, due to non-availibility of water during summers. Discussion was held with dealer of KB Drip to understand the business implications in the Erode region. The sale of drip is mainly through the network of dealers and distributors. IDEI plays a major role in promotional activities and marketing of the product. Discussions with a dealer based in Erode city is described as below.

Box-1: Discussion with dealer

Dealer name: Soundirasekar, Barath Agro Tech, Erode,Tamil Nadu Soundirasekar has 10 years of experience in marketing and servicing the drip irrigation products. Earlier he was involved in promotion of Nagarjuna drip system in Tamil Nadu and he took promotion of KB Drip in the year 2005 as on addition to his existing brand. According to him, farmers prefer Nagarjuna drip for long term usage and also due to subsidy which can be availed. KB Drip is preferred for short term crops. Till now, he has sold about 3900 kg KB Drip in his area. It is most suitable for small and marginal farmers. To promote KB Drip, he organises demonstration site visits for the farmers. In addition, he would help the farmers by sending technical staff for the repair work if needed. He recommended IDEI to supply pre-punched drip systems which are low in cost and have less maintenance.

2.2 Indore Region (Madhya Pradesh)

2.2.1 Demographic details
43 farmers spread across 2 districts and 4 villages were interviewed with the questionnaire. 23 farmers adopting drip irrigation and 20 farmers adopting flood irrigation were contacted. 10 farmers were identified for the technical assessment. The average family size of each household in the sample survey is 8. The family distribution is 3 men, 2 women and 3 children. The distribution is given in Table 2.15.

Table 2.15 Family size of chilli farmers

Men Drip Flood Total Average 57 49 106 3 Women 50 49 99 2 Children 52 57 109 3 Total 159 155 314 8

2.2.2 Occupational profile and land holding pattern

In line with the secondary information it is found that agriculture is the main occupation in the rural areas of Madhya Pradesh. All (100%) of the farmers interviewed had agriculture their primary occupation. About 8 of the 43 farmers interviewed were engaged in secondary occupations like motor winding, coolie (manual labour) etc. Majority (77%) of the households

14 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

were small farmers with landholding of 2.5-5 acres and 16% of the households were semi medium farmers and few (7%) households belonged to the marginal category (Table 2.16). Chilli farmers Of the 22 KB Drip adopting farmers interviewed, the average land holding was found to be 4.93 acres. Irrigated land comprised about 77% of the total cultivated land. The remaining land is rain fed and low water requirement crops (23%) are primarily

Table 2.16 Land holding pattern

Drip Marginal (< 2.5 acre) Small Farmers (2.55 acreas) Semi medium (5-10 acreas) Medium (10-25 acreas) Large (> 25 acreas) Total acres 0 18 4 0 0 22 Flood 3 15 3 0 0 21 Total 3 33 7 0 0 43 % 7 77 16 0 0 100


Of the 21 flood adopting respondents surveyed, it was found that the total land holding was 91.4 acres and the average land holding was about 4.4 acres. The farmers irrigated 26% land under flood irrigation.

Table 2.17 Land details of chilli farmers

Farmers adopting KB Drip Total Land under drip (acre) Land under flood (acre) Land under rainfed (acre) Total (acre) Average land holding (acre) 32.3 51.3 24.9 108.5 4.9 (%) 30 47 23 100 Farmers adopting flood Total 0.0 23.8 67.6 91.4 4.4 (%) 0 26 74 100

2.2.3 KB Drip system

IDEI introduced the drip irrigation system in the year 2005 with the majority of the drip irrigation systems being installed between 2005-06. The pre-punched variety is what is recommended by IDEI particularly for the chilli crop. The primary advantage of the pre-punched variety is achievement of higher uniformity in water distribution reducing the chances of blockage. With one component less i.e. micro tubes, the system is simpler and more flexible. The average cost of the tape is Rs. 130/kg and on an average 24 kg of lateral thickness of 125 micron is required for 1 acre of crop. The average cost of KB Drip irrigation is about Rs. 4500 including installation. The system has an expected lifetime of around 3 years, however, certain farmers (30%) expect the system to last for about 5 years. Since the system is new, not many problems have occurred and maintenance costs were negligible. One of the problems mentioned by all farmers interviewed is the blockage of the drip holes. However, this happens due to not installing the filter (recommended by the IDEI) by the farmers.

2.2.4 Cropping pattern

The focus of the study was to assess the energy savings of the drip method of irrigation versus the flood method of irrigation. Due to varying water requirements for different crops it was imperative to choose one crop as the study crop for the region. Since the visit was timed towards the end of March, chilli was chosen for the region of Madhya Pradesh.

Socio-economic Assessment


Table 2.18 Irrigation pattern of chilli crop

Month June July August October December January February March Development stage Irrigation Nursery/ planting Vegetative stage Vegetative stage Flowering stage Fruit development Fruit enlargement Harvest Harvest Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Peak season Peak season Peak season Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Season Rainy Rainy Rainy Rainy Winter Winter Winter Winter Summer Summer

Chilli is a major crop in the region of Madhya Pradesh. The sowing of the chilli starts in end May to early June and the crop is harvested in the month of February. The chilli crop is a major cash crop for the farmers in the region. The major variety grown is the Jhankar variety, other varieties like Sannam are also commonly found. March, April, May months have lower prices due to increased supply of chilli to the markets. The harvesting of the chilli crop begins by January and continues till the end of April-May. During May to August prices of chilli were at peak levels due to a huge demand for dry chilli from the pickle industry. The chilli crop grows in the field for an approximate 10 months period.

September Vegetative stage November Flowering stage

Source: Efficient use of irrigation water

Farmers irrigating chilli crop through KB Drip system 23 farmers in the region adopting the KB Drip system were interviewed. The average acreage of chilli under the drip system was 1.6 acres. The yield of chilli per acre of land was 1.9 tonnes (Table 2.19). The average price of the chilli per kg was Rs. 38.0, however, it fluctuated in the range of Rs. 35-45 per kg. Farmers irrigating chilli crop through flood system. Farmers irrigating chilli with flood method were also interviewed. The average yield/acre was found to be 1.1 tonnes/acre (Table 2.19). This marked difference in the yield of chilli crop was primarily due to the efficient water distribution by the drip system.

Table 2.19 Acreage and yield of chilli crop

Details Average Acreage under chilli Production (tonnes/ac) Hours of irrigation per acre (h) Average price per kg (Rs.) Drip method of irrigation 1.6 1.9 190 38.0 Flood method of irrigation 1.9 1.1 420 38.0

This 76% increase in yield results in a proportionate increase in income. In addition, plant nutrients like fertilisers etc are used in lesser quantities which adds to the savings of the farmer. The power savings, however, are not a direct benefit to the farmer due to the power tariff defined by the electricity distribution company. The tariff being charged on a per hp basis removes the incentive for the farmer to conserve water (hence power). Hence the crop is, in general, over irrigated by the farmer. Though the energy savings by a farmer adopting drip is high, it is mainly the increase in yield which is

16 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

a factor that is of consideration for a farmer to install the drip system of irrigation. In certain cases, however, in summers or in areas where the recharge level is low, the drip irrigation is a crop saver for the farmer due to its high distribution efficiency with limited supply of water. Other crops cultivated Table 2.20 gives an indication of the other crops grown in the region, the production per acre of each of the crops and the average acreage under each of the crops. The 43 farmers interviewed in the region, were primarily farmers growing chilli. The table below indicates the cropping pattern of these farmers. As can be seen, cotton is the next most important cash crop for the farmer and the crop with an average acreage per farmer of 4.5 indicates the large extent to which it is grown. The average yield of the cotton crop was 2.1 tonnes/acre in rainy season. Certain farmers also cultivated cotton in winter (in place of wheat) with an average yield of 1.5 tonnes/acre. Wheat is the major rabi crop and is grown widely across the region; the average acreage under wheat is around 1.2 acre and yield around 0.7 tonnes/acre. Channa also happens to be a popular pulse crop grown in the region. Vegetables constitute a small but important part of the crops grown in the region as they fill the gap between the winter and rainy seasons.

Table 2.20 Acreage and yield of other crops in the study region
Rainy (Kharif) Acreage Cotton Soybean Groundnut Maize Cotton Wheat Channa Vegetables 93.3 14.0 3.3 1.3 6.5 38.0 5.3 3.7 Acreage/farmer 4.5 2.0 0.8 0.6 Winter (Rabi) 0.2 1.2 1.1 Summer 0.18 0.5 23.3 1.5 0.7 0.2 17.4 8.0 26.6 Production/acre (tonnes) 2.1 0.8 0.4 1.2 Price/unit 17.4 9.5 12.7 10.0

2.2.5 Cost of cultivation

In Indore, cost of cultivation for chilli was compared based on drip irrigation and flood method. The results indicated that the cost of production in flood method was 7% more than drip method. All the parameters like ploughing, land preparation, seed sowing cost, fertilisers cost , plant protection cost, harvest cost and transportation cost did not have any major differences. Weeding and irrigation are the two important activities where the maximum cost saving was observed in drip irrigation i.e., 30% and 52% respectively (Table 2.21).

Socio-economic Assessment


Table 2.21 Cost of cultivation of chilli in drip vs flood method

Particulars Ploughing Land preparation Seed and sowing cost Fertilisers Farm Yard Manure Plant protection Weed control cost Irrigation cost Harvesting Transportation cost Total cost of cultivation Chilli (Rs./acre) Drip 600 600 940 1911 1600 2400 1120 500 2760 500 12923 Flood 600 600 950 1913 1500 2500 1600 1040 2700 500 13903 0 0 1 0 -7 4 30 52 -2 0 7 Difference (%)

The yield difference of 76% was observed between drip and flood method (Table 2.22), which in turn showed comparative difference of net return of Rs. 31160 even though the total cost of production did not vary much due to the yield difference. The production cost per tonne was more in case of flood method (Rs.12639) compared to drip method (Rs. 6802).

Table 2.22 Important economical differences between drip and flood methods
Particulars Drip Yield (tonnes/ac) Per kg cost (Rs.) Cost of productivity (Rs./tonne) Net returns (Rs.) Net profit (Rs.) 1.9 38 6802 72200 59277 Chilli Flood 1.1 38 12639 41040 27137 76 0 -46 76 118 Difference (%)

This indicates that the drip method of irrigation brings the net profit of 118% more, and also reduces the cost of irrigation and weeding.

2.2.6 Focus group discussion and dealer interview

Focus group discussion at Jamli village About 11 farmers participated in the Focus group discussion conducted at Jamli comprising 6 users of KB Drip and 5 non-users of drip. Village Profile Households: 500-550 Population: 3000-3200 Electricity: 3 Phase power daily 4 hours (6 am-10 am); 1 Phase 12 hours (6 pm-6 am)

18 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Agriculture Crops and Electricity Charges Major Crop Kharif: Maize, cotton, chilli Rabi: Wheat, channa 5 hp Rs. 655/month, 3 hp Rs.360/month 70% of the pumps in the village are 3 hp Main Issues of Deliberation KB Drip was introduced in 2005 at the village of Jamli. The major crop under drip irrigation was cotton. In 2006, 15% of cotton farmers had installed KB Drip. In 2007 the number was expected to rise to almost 70%. About 15 farmers have installed drip for the chilli crop. The main advantages of the drip method of irrigation as claimed are water saving, labour savings and an increase in the yield of the crop. The participants also felt that a good percentage of nutrients are saved when water is dispersed through drip system. They said that: a). An additional crop can be grown when a farmer adopts the drip method of irrigation. b). No extra attention is needed in case of KB Drip. Water supply to the plant is quite automatic and mechanical. c). Cost of drip (KB) is less compared to other drip systems, in addition 1 year warranty is provided by KB Drip increasing the credibility of the product. d) Storage is easy in case of KB Drip. (Can be stored in urea bags). e). Installation cost is much less compared to other drip systems. f). Transportation of KB Drip is much more convenient. Some of the problems mentioned by them were: Mud/nutrients block the holes of the drip system. The main reason however is due to the farmers not installing the filter (recommended by IDEI) to reduce installation cost. Due to the light weight of the system, heavy winds do de-align the drip lines, but this is to an extent controlled. Pipes are blocked in-between due to plant pressure causing disturbance in water flow. They mentioned that the present demand for KB Drip is more than the supply, hence they have to wait for few days to receive the product. The non users when enquired as to the reason for not adopting the KB Drip system mentioned reasons of finances and the lack of water storage facility. A couple of them mentioned that water in their well was low and hence felt investment in the drip system may not be worth it. The major crop in the kharif season is cotton, sown in the month of May and harvested in October. The second major crop in the village is chilli which is a 10 month crop and stays on field from May till February of the following year. The group collectively agreed that almost 70-80% of water is saved by the drip method of irrigation. The group mentioned that an acre of chilli crop irrigated by flood irrigation would take about 24 hours while through the drip method the

The main advantages of the drip method of irrigation are claimed to be water saving method of irrigation, labour savings and an increase in the yield of the crop.

Socio-economic Assessment


same acre of land is irrigated in about 4 hours. The increase in yield of the chilli crop was mentioned to be around 60-70%.

Box 2: Discussion with dealer

Pradeep Birla, Pinky Machinery Store, Sanwad, Kargon district, MP Pradeep Birla started his business in 1992, selling all kinds of forms related items. Birla has been selling drip system since 2003. He started selling the KB brand drip systems from 2006. He primarily sells the KB 125 micron drip system. Birla expressed satisfaction with the KB Drip product. His annual sale of KB Drip was about 2 tonnes last year and expects to sell around 10 tonnes this year. He is the primary dealer for the district of Kargon and covers 125 villages. Birla stocks a local variety of drip called Tulsi. This is the standard lateral based drip system and priced at almost the same range as the KB Drip which is Rs. 4500 per acre. When interviewed as to the competitive ability of the KB Drip, he mentioned that the KB Drip scores on two factors: the ease of installation and maintenance and the lower upfront cost. He also mentioned that the KB Drip is more resistant to rat bites and due to its flexibility chances of breakage are low. These factors combined with a one year guarantee help him sell the KB Drip systems as compared to others. The Jain variety (another brand marginally stocked) is more for the large farmers who can afford a costlier lateral based drip system. Most of the laterals being sold by him are non ISI marked and hence he does not involve in the subsidy scheme provided by the government. Birla feels the subsidy scheme is a deterrent to healthy market. Two constraints due to the tape structure of the KB Drip mentioned by Birla are that, at times taller plants can press against the tape and block flow increasing the pressure within the system and secondly due to its light weight there are chances of flying against strong winds. After the good sales in the previous year, Birla is now developing a stocking capacity for KB Drip primarily to maintain inventory for the peak seasons of April, May and June. He mentioned that almost 50% of the annual revenue is concentrated in these months of the year.

2.3 Jalgaon Region (Maharastra)

2.3.1 Demographic details
About 15 villages were covered for the socio-economic assessment in Jamner taluk and one village in Raver taluk. Socio-economic assessment was conducted for 62 farmers in 15 villages spread across 2 talukas. The sample size of drip and flood method of irrigation systems is detailed in Table 2.23.

Table 2.23 Sample size

Type of irrigation system Drip method Flood method Cotton 21 21 Banana 10 10

The average family size is 7 and 8 in the households of cotton and banana farmers

20 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

respectively. The average family distribution was 3 men, 2 women and 2 children in case of cotton farmer households and 3 men, 3 women, and 2 children in case of banana farmer house holds. Tables 2.24 and 2.25 shows the details of family distribution.

Table 2.24 Family size of cotton farmers

Men Drip Flood Total Average 53 54 107 3 Women 51 46 97 2 Children 51 35 86 2 Total 155 135 290 7

2.2.2 Occupational profile and land holding pattern

It is observed from the interviews that agriculture is the primary occupation in the region. This is due to good soil properties and support by the government of Maharashtra in terms of loans and subsidies on irrigation systems. During interviews, 26% of farmers mentioned that they are engaged in other occupations namely, employed in education departments, police departments, etc. and few of them own shops such as electric shop, provision store, vegetable shop, nursery garden, cement retail business, etc.

Table 2.25 Family size of banana farmers

Men Drip Flood Total Average 31 30 61 3 Women Children 19 30 49 3 13 30 43 2 Total 63 90 153 8

As per the land records of Jamner taluk, there are about 12,687 small farmers, 23,490 medium farmers and 11,167 big farmers. The sample survey on both cotton and banana farmers shows that majority (26%) of the households were medium farmers with land holding of 10-25 acres and 24% of the households were semi medium farmers and few (16%) households belonged to the marginal and small farmers category. The classification of farmers is given in Table 2.26.

Table 2.26 Land holding pattern

Farmer category Marginal (< 2.5 acres) Small farmers (2.55 acres) Semi medium (5-10 acres) Medium (10-25 acres) Large (> 25 acres) Total Cotton Drip 3 6 6 4 2 21 Flood 5 2 6 5 3 21 Banana Drip 1 0 1 5 3 10 Flood 1 2 2 2 3 10 10 10 15 16 11 62 16 16 24 26 18 100 Total %

Rain fed agriculture in Jalgaon has been badly affected due to uncertainty of rainfall. Therefore, irrigation plays an important part in improving their economy. However, presence of black or loamy soil has been favourable to hold water for more duration and this helps the farmers to practice irrigation in less water season. Dug wells and tube wells have an important role in Jalgaon. From the secondary survey, it is estimated that around 12,938 open wells and 1190 bore wells are functioning in Jamner taluk.

Socio-economic Assessment


Cotton farmers The interview with 21 cotton growing farmers under KB Drip method indicated that the total land holding is 281 acres. The average land holding was found to be 13.4 acres. The percentage of land under irrigation is about 74% (Table 2.27) and rain fed cultivation is about 26%. The seasonal crops were grown under rain fed cultivation which requires less water. Similarly the total land holding is 248 acres (Table 2.27) in case of 21 flood irrigating farmers and the average distribution of land for every farmer having flood method of irrigation is 11.8 acres. Irrigated land comprised about 48% of the total cultivated land. The remaining land is rain fed and low water requirement crops are primarily grown in that area of land.

Table 2.27 Land details of cotton farmers

Farmers adopting KB Drip Land Land under drip (acre) Land under flood (acre) Land under rainfed (acre) Total (acre) Average land holding (acre) 150.5 56.5 74 281 13.4 (%) 54 20 26 100 Farmers adopting flood Land 8.5 111.5 128 248 11.8 (%) 3 45 52 100

Banana farmers Out of the 10 respondents of banana growing farmers under KB Drip method of irrigation, it is estimated that the total land holding is 293 acres and the average landholding per farmer is 29.3 acres (Table 2.28). Out of total cultivated area, about 79% of the area is under irrigation and remaining 21% of the land is under rain fed conditions. The survey conducted on 10 banana growers under flood irrigation shows that the total land holding is 326 acres and the average distribution of land for each farmer is 32.6 acre. About 92% of the land is under irrigated condition and remaining 8% is under rainfed situation.

Table 2.28 Land details of banana farmers

Farmers adopting KB Drip Land Land under drip (acre) Land under flood (acre) Land under rainfed (acre) Total (acre) Average land holding (acre) 139 93 61 293 29.3 (%) 47 32 21 100 Farmers adopting flood Land 9.5 291.5 25 326 32.6 (%) 3 89 8 100

22 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

2.3.3 KB Drip system

It was observed that there are about 40 different brands of drip irrigation systems in Jalgaon area. The distribution of drip system for field crop vs plantation shows that the distribution ratio is 20:80 and for KB system the ratio is 80:20. This shows that more and more farmers of field crop are adopting KB Drip system due to affordability and simplicity. Cotton crop In cotton crop, a majority of the KB Drip had been installed during 200306. IDEI recommended pre-punched drip system for cotton crop for uniformity and less clogging problems. For cotton crop, 125 micron tube with width 26.5 mm is recommended. The cost of KB Drip lateral is around Rs. 100 per kg. The average quantity of KB Drip tape requirement per acre is about 20 kg. The quantity varies according to the cropping pattern. Few farmers tried to decrease the quantity of lateral by laying single lateral for adjacent plants. Here, two separate micro tubes (two feet long) were connected between lateral and adjacent plants. According to the feedback, the average cost of the KB Drip installation is about Rs. 4500 per acre which included filter unit, lateral, main and sub main pipes, and valves. About 15% farmers told that their drip systems are working since 5 years. The average cost of repair for KB Drip system is around Rs. 230 per year and repair work is needed once in a year. Banana crop In banana, around 60% of drip systems have been installed in 2002 and 40% in 2004. As explained earlier, 80% of banana plantation is under drip systems of other ISI brands. IDEI recommended 125 micron laterals for banana is having average cost of around Rs. 100 per kg. The quantity of drip lateral required per acre is about 22 kg. It is found that the average cost of KB Drip system per acre is about Rs. 4400 which included filter unit, lateral, main and sub main pipes, and valves. The average annual maintenance cost was around Rs. 150. Common problems mentioned by farmers Some of the common problems mentioned by the farmers were clogging of laterals due to: Damage of pipes and laterals due to rat and bird biting Clogging of drip holes due to flow of water contaminated with dust particles. All the farmers expressed that they manage the problems themselves.

2.3.4 Cropping pattern

Cropping is practiced throughout the year using irrigation water. Mono cropping and multi cropping are commonly practiced using high yielding varieties. Climate,

Socio-economic Assessment


Table 2.29 Irrigation pattern of cotton crop

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Development stage Sowing Seedling emergence First square First bloom Peak bloom First open boll Last flush - Harvest Harvest Irrigation Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Peak season Peak season Peak season Peak season Mild irrigation Season Winter Summer Summer Summer Summer Rainy Rainy Rainy Rainy Winter Winter Winter

soil conditions and socio-economic factors the type of crop to be selected in the kharif when majority of the area is restricted to During rabi season, winter crops such as gram, sorghum, etc are taken up.

decide season cotton. wheat, Cotton The most common varieties used in the region were BT cotton varieties such as Rashi 2, 144 and 138 and other hybrid varieties such as Bunni, Brahma, Bhishma, Mallika etc. In Jamner around 68105 ha of land is cultivated with cotton with annual production of 205 kg lint/ha. Table 2.29 gives the detailed irrigation pattern of cotton crop being classified with respect to season.

Cotton cultivation through drip system According to the sample survey with 21 farmers, Source: Efficient use of irrigation water the acreage area under drip system is 4.2 acres. The yield of cotton varies from 0.7 tonnes - 2.25 tonnes per acre with the average yield of 1.4 tonnes and the average price of the cotton per kg is around Rs. 20.8. Cotton cultivation through flood system The survey conducted among 21 farmers revealed that the average acreage per farmer is 3.9 acre. The average production of cotton per acre is 0.9 tonnes with variation of 0.6 1.6 tonnes per acre and the average price of cotton per kg is Rs. 20. The comparison of cotton crop grown under drip and flood method of irrigation is shown in Table 2.30. It is evident that the use of drip system claims in higher yield (56%) and price per acre due to sufficient and systematic use of water. All the farmers told that the changing over to drip system is very cost effective; roughly 68% water saving is expected as compared to the flood method of irrigation besides savings in electricity and labour. Other crops cultivated The other major crops grown in kharif were maize, jowar, grams (turi, moong and urad), and vegetables like tomato, chilli, brinjal, and leafy vegetables. Sowing is generally done during June - July and harvesting is done during September November.

Table 2.30 Average and yield of cotton crop

Description Average area per farmer (acre) Quantity of yield per acre ( tonnes) Hours of irrigation per acre (h) Average price per kg (Rs.) Drip method of irrigation 4.2 1.4 105 20.8 Flood method of irrigation 3.9 0.9 298 20.0

The major crops grown in rabi were wheat, maize, vegetables, and varieties of grams. For these crops, less water is required due to moisture retained by the soil during monsoon shower; dew and rain received from northeast monsoon bring these crops to maturity, though sometimes irrigation has also to be resorted to overcome moisture stress situation.

24 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

During summer, vegetable crops like tomato, brinjal, chilli, papaya etc are cultivated under irrigation water.

Table 2.31 Acreage and yield of other crops in Jalgaon

Rainy (Kharif) Total acreage Acreage/farmer Maize Vegetables Grams Jowar Wheat Vegetables Maize Gram Seed onion Vegetables Papaya 37.5 9.5 4 3.5 49.9 26.5 37.0 14.3 2 11 10 3.1 0.8 1 1.2 Winter (Rabi) 2.9 1.2 5.3 1.8 Summer 1.2 4.2 45 8.7 5 1 4.5 2.5 0.6 0.6 10 7.7 5.9 22.1 110.0 Production/acre (tonnes) 1.9 4.4 0.8 0.8 Price/unit 6.7 8.4 21.8 6.3

Cost of cultivation of cotton In the study area, the cost of cultivation was compared between drip and flood irrigation systems. The feedback shows that there is a saving of 15% (Table 2.32) in overall cost incurred in drip irrigation (Rs. 10,579) compared to flood irrigation (Rs. 12,456). In drip system, some activities such as sowing, fertiliser application and harvesting expenses have higher expenditure than flood system. On the other side, activities such as labour involved in water supply and application of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) resulted in good savings. The transportation cost is nil as it is borne by the customer. There is increase in yield of 56% by using drip systems. Similarly the net return from cotton is 62% more with drip adopters. There is an additional profit of Rs. 12,997 for the drip adopted crops due to increased yield. The Table 2.33 shows the details of benefits of cotton.

Table 2.32 Cost of cultivation of cotton in drip vs flood method

Particulars Cotton (Rs./acre) Drip Ploughing Land preparation Seed and sowing cost Fertilisers Farm Yard Manure Plant protection Weed control cost Irrigation cost Harvesting Transportation cost Total cost of cultivation (Rs) 588 250 863 2425 1167 2175 763 0 2350 0 10579 Flood 550 250 760 1810 2083 2530 950 1485 2100 0 12456 -7 0 -14 -34 44 14 20 100 -12 0 15 Difference (%)

Socio-economic Assessment


Table 2.33 Cost benefits of cotton in drip vs flood method

Particulars Drip Yield (tonnes/ac) Cost per kg (Rs) Cost of productivity (Rs /tonne) Net returns (Rs) Net profit (Rs) 1.4 20.8 7556 29120 18541 Cotton Flood 0.9 20 13840 18000 5544 56 4 -45 62 234 Difference (%) Banana Jalgaon is the largest banana growing district in India. Banana is exported to other states and countries. It has a total of 49,000 ha irrigable land in the district for banana cultivation. The entire district is producing 31,85,000 tonnes of banana every year. Out of it, the banana consumption in the district is 1,30,000 tonnes; sales outside the district is about 4,55,000 tonnes; and sales done by the state is 26,00,000 tonnes. The major variety of banana grown in this region is Sreemanthy. The common spacing of banana plantation is 5ft x 5ft, 5 ft x 4.75 ft. The farmers grow around 2000 suckers per acre during plantation. Cultivation usually starts in the months of June, August, and October. The banana cultivation will take 14 to 16 months for harvesting. It is seen that about 80 per cent of the banana cultivation is done under drip irrigation system.

Table 2.34 Irrigation pattern of banana crop

Month June July August September October November December January February March April May June July Development stage Planting Vegetative phase (leaf growth) Vegetative phase, (leaf growth and sucker production begins) Vegetative phase Vegetative phase Flower initiation Fruit differentiation Elongation of floral axis Leaf emergence stops Fruit filling Fruit filling continues Harvesting Harvesting Harvesting Irrigation Mild irrigation Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak seasons Peak season Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Season Rainy Rainy Rainy Rainy Winter Winter Winter Winter Summer Summer Summer Summer Rainy Rainy

Source: Efficient use of irrigation water

26 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Banana cultivation through drip system The questionnaires were administered on 10 farmers in the villages of Shendurni, Ughale, Jamner, Samrod and Palaskheda who were growing bananas under drip irrigation. The average acreage per farmer is 7.1 acre. The average yield of banana per acre is about 25.8 tonnes and the average price of the banana is Rs. 3.2/kg. Banana cultivation through flood system 10 farmers adopting flood method of irrigation were interviewed in the villages of Raver and Jamner talukas. The average acreage per farmer is 8.9 acres (Table 2.35). The average production of banana per acre is 24.5 tonnes and the average price is around Rs. 3.0/kg.

Table 2.35 Acreage under banana crop

Drip method of irrigation Average acreage of banana (acre) Production/acre (tonnes) Hours of irrigation per acre (h) Average price (Rs.) per kg 7.1 25.8 695 3.2 Flood method of irrigation 8.9 24.5 935 3.0

There is an increase in yield by 1.3 tonnes (5%) per acre through the use of drip irrigation system. The reasons being proper and timely distribution of water directly to the roots zones and effective utilisation of fertilisers applied by using fertigation methods. Other crops cultivated Among the 20 banana cultivators, the major crops that were grown are cotton, jowar, maize, grams, wheat, sugarcane sorghum, onion, and water melon. Table 2.36 gives detailed view on acreage and yield distribution of other crops. Cost of cultivation of banana The cost of cultivation per acre of banana crop was compared with drip and flood irrigation method. The results indicated that the total cost of cultivation is 25% more in flood method of irrigation against drip system (Table 2.37). The major savings being in fertiliser cost, irrigation cost and labour involved in weed control costs as compared with flood method of irrigation.

Table 2.36 Acreage and yield of other crops in Jalgaon, banana farmers
Total acreage Rainy (Kharif) Cotton Jowar Gram Maize Winter (Rabi) Wheat Sugarcane Sorghum Onion Summer Water melon 7.0 2.3 16.0 16.0 56.0 23.6 20.0 2.0 6.2 7.9 20.0 2.0 1.2 37.9 2.1 2.0 9.9 12.0 8.0 4.0 124.0 12.0 37.0 50.0 15.5 4.0 3.7 12.5 1.1 2.0 0.8 2.3 20.0 4.0 18.4 5.8 Acreage/ farmer Production/ acre (tonnes) Price/ unit

Socio-economic Assessment


Table 2.37 Cost of cultivation of banana in drip vs flood method

Particulars Ploughing Land preparation Suckers and planting cost Fertilisers Farm Yard Manure Plant protection Weed control cost Irrigation cost Harvesting Transportation cost Total cost of cultivation per tonnes Banana (Rs./acre) Drip 450 250 4300 4050 2250 500 875 1000 1450 0 15125 Flood 450 275 4300 5875 2000 500 1790 3640 1400 0 20230 Difference (%) 0 9 0 31 - 12.5 0 51 72.5 -4 0 25

The increase in yield of 5 % was noticed in drip method of irrigation compared to flood method of irrigation (Table 2.38). There is an additional net return of Rs. 7835 with drip adoptive farmers and additional profit of about 24 per cent higher as compared to flood method.

2.3.5 Focus Group Discussions and Dealer Interview

All the 31 farmers growing banana and cotton were interviewed as to find the benefits in terms of water, electricity, labour and other benefits. The farmers told that the shifting to KB Drip system was very cost effective due to low investment, yield increase and savings in water use as compared to the flood irrigation methods. There were also suggestions such as to make ISI standard KB Drips, to adopt inline drip technologies, to align with government subsidy scheme etc. They also expressed that KB Drip system is suitable for field crops such as cotton, sugarcane etc. This is evident from the fact that Purushottam Patil, a farmer in Jamner, has purchased 3 tonnes of KB Drip for his cotton as well as banana cultivation.

Table 2.38 Cost benefits of banana in drip vs flood method

Particulars Drip Yield (tonnes/ac) Cost per kg (Rs.) Cost of productivity (Rs./tonnes) Net returns (Rs.) Net profit (Rs.) 25.8 3.2 586 82560 67435 Banana Flood 24.5 3.05 826 74725 54495 Difference (%) 5 5 -29 10 24

Benefits of drip irrigation as mentioned by the respondents Among the respondents, about 32% farmers opinioned that there is saving in labour, 23% farmers expressed higher yield, 22% farmers observed the water saving, 9% farmers felt that weed growth is under control and 7% of farmers noticed that there is saving in electricity and better quality of the product. Problems of the drip system as mentioned by the respondents Among all the respondents, 57% of the farmers expressed the clogging problem and 43% expressed that pipes were damaged by the biting of animals like monkeys, dogs, rats and birds. Most of the farmers were not satisfied with the performance of pre-punch drip systems being supplied to them and expressed will to adopt hot punch. According to them, due to manual punching chances of non uniformity in water discharge will be high which can affect the yield of crop. Focus group discussion held in Jamner A Focus group discussion was held at Gajanan Nursery. 25 farmers participated in it consisting of 15 KB Drip users and 10 non-drip users of both cotton and banana crops. Most of the participants were from villages nearer to Jamner town.

28 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

The other participants included were IDEI staff and professionals from TERI. Main points of the discussion The discussion was held to discuss the experiences with KB Drip systems installed for the cotton crop. The drip using participants mentioned that the main advantages in drip method are water saving and labour saving. They expressed that due to water shortage they were not able to grow cotton with flood method. Introduction of drip system has enabled them to grow cotton. They added the fact that despite short supply of electricity, they are able to irrigate their lands with the help of KB Drip system. Non-drip users said that they are aware of the advantages of drip system. They told that most of the non-drip users are marginal farmers and the investment for drip system is quite high for their economy. According to them, the electricity bills for irrigation pumps are fixed on capacity and do not vary with the usage. They have to pay the charges whether they use pump or not. Therefore, the farmers adopt drip system to save water and not electricity. But the advantages are even more if electricity is charged through metre basis.

Box- 3: Discussion with dealer

Kishore Chapmanlal Bohra, Jamner, Jalgaon district Kishore has the establishment under the brand Bohra parivar in Jamner city which has been a popular name to sell form inputs such as seeds, fertilisers, special irrigation related equipment, etc to the farmers in and around Jamner taluk. The shop was established in 1979. He started selling KB Drip since two months. When asked about the experience in selling KB Drip he told that the KB Drip price is very low compared to other brands which are very attractive to the farmer. The other advantage is the formalities/procedures are nil for KB systems and only one person is enough to install the system in the farm. The price of ISI brand drip system is about Rs. 12000 per acre of land whereas KB system costs only Rs. 5000 per acre of land. He sold about 1.4 tonnes of KB Drip system in 2 months and now he had order for about 8 tonnes of KB Drip. The short supply was due to limited facility to manufacture drip pipes. The owner says that the market has very good demand for KB Drip system and no subsidy is needed to sell the product. He wants one year support from IDEI to promote the technology through him in order to bring more stability. He suggested that new technologies such as inline type drip systems should be adopted in KB Drip to give competition to others.

Box-4: Sanjay D Patil, Shendurni, Jamner taluk

This shop was established in the year 2000 and KB Drip trade was started in 2001. Here, only drip irrigation related items are sold. The owner is authorised dealer for Jain drip systems and KB Drip systems. He also sells another brand called Datta systems before dealership of KB Drip systems. He said that the price of KB Drip is 25% less than other brands and that has created a demand in the market. The other brands such as Jain, Netafim, Plasto, Das, Nirmal, Premier etc are selling ISI brand drip systems costing Rs. 11,000 12,500 per acre with 50% subsidy from Government of Maharashtra. In his area maximum quantity of KB systems were sold to horticulture crops. In 2001, he started selling KB Drip system for Brinjal crop for experimentation purpose. In that year he sold around 200 kg of KB laterals. In 2002 the sale was around 1.2 tonnes. Subsequently the sale of KB systems grew gradually until 2004 due to severe drought that made farmers hesitate in investing money. But since the year 2005 the sale of KB lateral is increasing. In 2006, the sale of KB Drip lateral was around 0.5 tonnes. He mentioned some problems such as variation in discharge and punching techniques adopted in KB systems. However these problems are not severe and no farmer has made any complaint of them.

Socio-economic Assessment


Box-5: Discussion with Marketing Executive of IDEI

Dyaneswar Patil, Marketing Executive Patil joined IDEI in 2001 as marketing representative for IDEI products in Jalgaon district. He had served IDEI for three years. He is covering nine blocks of Jamner taluk. Everyday he travels around 50-60 km and meets at least 20 farmers and 34 dealers in his work area. His work includes convincing new farmers to adopt KB Drip systems, monitor the performances of existing systems and provide necessary support to the farmers, and business transactions with the dealers. In addition, he manages to conduct 10-15 demonstrations, short campaigns, video shows, mobile campaigns, etc in every month to promote the technology. He says convincing a farmer to adopt KB Drip is a difficult task as there are many brands available with subsidy and at least 4 to 5 interactions are required. The duration to buy will be 2 6 months which depends on the customers desire to invest money on it.

2.4 Tumkur Region (Karnataka)

2.4.1 Demographic details
In Karnataka, the study was conducted in 7 villages of Koratagere taluk of Tumkur district. 43 farmers were interviewed with the structured questionnaire. Out of these 22 farmers adopted drip irrigation all having 0.5 acre of groundnut crop and 21 farmers adopting flood irrigation for 1 acre. For technical assessment 10 farmers were identified.

Table 2.39 Family size of groundnut farmers

Men Drip Flood Total Average 49 47 96 3 Women 44 51 95 3 Children 25 56 81 3 Total 118 154 272 9

The family size details of each household within the sample are given in Table 2.39.

2.4.2 Occupational holding pattern




Table 2.40 Land holding pattern

Drip Marginal (< 2.5 acre) Small Farmers (2.55 acre) Semi medium (5-10 acre) Medium (10-25 acre) Large (> 25 acre) Total 13 5 2 1 1 22 Flood 2 9 7 2 1 21 Total 15 14 9 3 2 43 % 35 33 21 7 5 100

The main occupation of all the farmers interviewed was agriculture. About 20 of the 43 farmers interviewed were engaged in secondary occupation, 8 farmers were also employed as coolies (manual labour). 3 farmers were owning fertiliser shops, 3 had provision shops, 4 represented other activities namely, contractor, teacher, brick manufacturer and employed in NGO. Majority (35%) of the households were marginal farmers with land holding of 0 -2.5 acres and 33% (Table 2.40) of the households were small farmers, and few (5%) HHs belonged to the large farmer category.

30 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Out of the 22 drip adoptive farmers interviewed, the total land holding was 95.5 acres and the average land holding was about 4.3 acres, 58% was under irrigated cultivation and rainfed cultivation was about 42% (Table 2.41). Among the 21 flood farmers the total land holding was 172.3 acres with the average of 8.2 acres per individual farmer. About 89% of the area was cultivated under rainfed condition and remaining 11% under irrigated conditions.

Table 2.41 Land details of Tumkur farmers

Farmers adopting KB Drip (%) Land under drip (acre) Land under flood (acre) Land under rainfed (acre) Total (acre) Average land holding (acre) 21.3 34 40.2 95.5 4.3 22 36 42 100 3.0 15.0 154.3 172.3 8.2 Farmers adopting flood (%) 2 9 89 100

2.4.3 KB Drip system

The KB Drip irrigation system was introduced during 2003 to 2006 by IDEI. Out of the 20 installations the majority of them i.e. 13 drip irrigation systems were installed in 2004, 6 installed in 2003 and one farmer got the drip installed in 2005. Drip irrigation can be helpful if water is scarce or expensive, because evaporation, runoff, and deep percolation are reduced and irrigation uniformity is improved. The KB Drip system is the micro lateral based drip system available for the farmers in the region in 2 specifications 125 and 250 micron. Average cost of the tape is Rs.120/kg and 16-25 kg of drip are being used per acre of groundnut.

2.4.4 Cropping pattern

The food crops like ragi, paddy are the major crops and legumes crops are cultivated as inter crops. In the study area groundnut is grown as a cash crop and sowing season starting from December to first week of January (Table 2.42). Groundnut is the major revenue generator for the farmers in this region.

Table 2.42 Irrigation pattern of groundnut crop

Month December January February March April May Development stage Sowing/germination emergence Vegetative growth flowering Peg formation Pod formation Kernel development Maturity Irrigation Mild irrigation Peak season Peak season Peak season Mild irrigation Mild irrigation Season Winter Winter Summer Summer Summer Summer

Source: Efficient use of irrigation water

Socio-economic Assessment


Characteristics of the groundnut crop Groundnut, the 13th most important food crop of the world, is the world's 4th most important source of edible oil and 3rd most important source of vegetable protein. Groundnut seeds contain high quality edible oil (50%), easily digestible protein (25%) and carbohydrates (20%). Groundnut is grown on wide variety of soil types. However, the crop does best on sandy loam and loamy soils and in the black soils with good drainage. Heavy and stiff clays are unsuitable for groundnut cultivation as the pod development is hampered in these soils. Productivity of irrigated summer groundnut is more since it is not subjected to vagaries of monsoon. In early stages of its growth, evapotranspiration will be low, root and canopy growth will be less. Irrigation will be provided at longer interval. Water requirement will be 510 mm with minimum 9 number of irrigation. The groundnut crop stays on the field for an approximate 3.5 month periods. Flowering stage, peg-penetration and pod development stages are the critical period of the groundnut. Farmers irrigating groundnut crop through drip system The 22 farmers in the Korategere taluk adopting the drip system were interviewed with regard to the yield of groundnut crop from 1 acre of their land. The average yield was found to be 0.6 tonnes/acre. The average price of groundnut is Rs. 15/kg. The average acreage of groundnut under the drip system (per farmer) is 0.45 acres. Farmers irrigating groundnut crop through flood system The average groundnut yield/acre among the 21 farmers was 0.50 tonnes/acre, with the average price of Rs. 16 per kg. This indicates that the yield level of the groundnut is comparatively less in flood irrigation over drip method of irrigation. Table 2.43 brings out the contrast between the different forms of irrigation. A 36% increase in yield is observed. Other crops cultivated Table 2.44 indicates the average acreage per farmer and production per acre of the other major crops (excluding the groundnut crop) grown in the selected villages. These include ragi, jowar, paddy, coconut, different types of vegetables and flowers. Cost of Cultivation of groundnut The cost of cultivation of groundnut under drip method of irrigation is low when compared to the crops that are cultivated under flood irrigation. Cost reduction is generally realised more in labour intensive operations like ploughing (12%),

Table 2.43 Acreage and yield of groundnut

Drip method of irrigation Acreage under groundnut (Average) Production/acre (tonnes/ac) Hours of irrigation per acre (h) Average price per kg (Rs.) 0.45 0.68 553 15 Flood method of irrigation 1.2 0.50 661 16

32 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Table 2.44 Acreage and yield of other crops in the study region
Rainy (Kharif) Acreage Ragi Paddy Vegetables Jowar Coconut flower Others 30.8 17.5 13 1.8 35.3 0.8 21.4 Acreage/farmer 1.6 1.6 Winter (Rabi) 1 0.4 Summer 1.6 0.3 1.1 2.1 0.5 0.8 6 12 3 2.3 9 4 Production/acre (tonnes) 0.4 2.6 Price/unit 5 8

weeding (45%) and irrigation (50%). Cost of irrigation is reduced to a great extent under drip irrigation methods because of the less requirement of labour for managing the irrigation operation under drip and in general water saving is high. To some extent it has reduced the working hours of pump set. Water supplied to root zone has controlled the weed problem and thus labour cost is saved on weeding and intercultural operations. The total cost of cultivation comes to about Rs. 8436 in drip method of irrigation and Rs. 8784 in flood irrigation (Table 2.45). Farmers have used only chemical fertiliser like Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP), Muriate of Potash (MOP) and Single Super Phosphate (SSP). They did not reduce the fertiliser application in drip method of irrigation. Any reduction of fertiliser might affect the yield of the groundnut, since the fertiliser applied might be lost in the form of leaching during irrigation process. None of the farmers are using plant protection chemicals. Cent percent of the farmers applied silt and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) in sufficient quantity.

Table 2.45 Cost of cultivation of groundnut in drip vs flood method

Particulars Ploughing Land preparation Seed and sowing cost Fertilisers Farm Yard Manure Weed control cost Irrigation cost Harvesting Transportation cost Total cost of cultivation Groundnut (Rs/acre) Drip 1200 300 1188 1996 2200 732 200 400 220 8436 Flood 1368 300 1196 1752 1868 1332 400 320 248 8784 12 0 33 -30 -30 45 50 -25 11 4 Difference (%)

Socio-economic Assessment


Increase in productivity of crops (36%) (Table 2.46) is an important benefit for the drip farmers; in addition the drip method of irrigation has increased the cost efficiency, i.e., the cost to produce 1 tonne of groundnut is reduced by Rs. 5162 over the flood irrigation. The net return from the groundnut was Rs. 2200 more in case of drip irrigation adopters. The overall difference in profit for the drip adopted farmers is nearly Rs.2548 as compared to flood formers.

Table 2.46 Cost benefits of groundnut crop, drip vs flood

Particulars Drip Yield (tonnes/ac) Per kg cost (Rs.) Cost of productivity (Rs./tonne) Net returns (Rs.) Net profit (Rs.) 0.68 15 12406 10200 1764 Groundnut Flood 0.5 16 17568 8000 -784 36 -6 -29 28 -325 Difference (%)

2.4.5 Focus group discussion and dealer interview

Focus group discussion at village Kabbigere, Kortegere taluk Village Profile Households 146 Population 545 Electricity 3 Phase power daily 8 -10 hours in summer; 6-8 hours winter Electric pumps 21 pumps (6 installed by scheme) Electrified Households 99 Agriculture Crops and Electricity Charges Major crops (Kharif): Groundnut, Rabi, Ragi Pumps range form 3 hp to 12 hp with bore depths ranging from 200 to 600 feet. The capacity of pumps being used in the region range between 5 hp-7 hp. Major points of discussion KB Drip was installed in the year 2001 along with the Biomass conservation programme by BERI. The main aim of the discussion with the farmers was to get a qualitative understanding of the drip programme in the region. On an average the group felt that the major advantage with the drip system is the increase in yield of the crop. Javeregowda, a farmer with experience of irrigating the groundnut by both flood and drip form of irrigation, mentions that about 33% water savings is achieved by irrigating the crop with drip and he has personally experienced a 25%increase in yield of groundnut. Another such farmer, Rajanna feels that 40% savings in water is achievable in drip irrigation and approximately a 30% increase in yield is achievable. One major point noticed during the discussions is that the drip system, in spite of its various advantages, still is not the preferred form of irrigation for the farmers in the region. Due to the turn based operation of the pump within the

34 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

scheme instituted by BERI, farmers have a tendency to fully utilise the pump during the time allotted to them irrespective of the water requirement of the crop.

Box-6: Discussion with dealer

Uday Kumar, Manjunatha Drip System, JC Road, Tumkur Uday Kumar established his dealership in the year 2002 and started KB Drip marketing in the year 2004. The two specifications being sold in the region are 125 micron and 250 micron. He has sold 400 kg of 250 micron and 1600 kg of 125 micron in the period. To install the drip system for 1 acre of groundnut inclusive of the main piping filter and all the accessories, the cost is Rs. 6,000. The ISI marked systems on the other hand would cost about Rs. 37,000/acre. The KB tape system costs Rs. 121 per kg. The life of the KB Drip system ranges from 3-4 years for the 250 micron and 15-25 years for the 500 micron. The 125 micron would last for 2-3 years. He feels that the 500 micron should be converted into lateral based system and should get the ISI mark; he feels that subsidy is a negative point for the KB Drip system. He also feels that the ISI mark would increase credibility of the KB Drip and help him increase the sales.

Socio-economic Assessment



Technical Assessment
The chapter focuses on the comparison of drip irrigation and flood irrigation on selected crops that have been cultivated in regions of Erode (Tamil Nadu), Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Jalgaon (Maharashtra) and Tumkur (Karnataka) of India. Tests were conducted to ascertain the performance of pumps, water demand and electricity consumption for the crop per acre of land on annual basis. Finally, comparison was made to assess the water and electricity saving potential by the intervention of drip method of irrigation. In addition, scope on potential for CO2 mitigation with the intervention of drip method of irrigation was assessed on every crop.

3.1 Technology Definition and Differentiation between Drip and Flood Method of Irrigation
Irrigation based agriculture is widely practiced for crops which require water supply throughout the year and in places where rainfall is uncertain. Commonly open wells and tube wells were used to supply water for the irrigation. In earlier times manual methods such as water wheels or cantilevers were used to pump the water which has now been substituted with mechanical pumps. Various types of pumps are used. Most common among them were diesel pumps, kerosene pumps and electric pumps. Electric pumps of two types 1) Mono-block pumps, 2) Submersible pumps were commonly used. Conventionally, farmers use flood method of irrigation to feed water to the crop. This is a ridge furrow method where crop is grown in the ridge and a furrow of at least 2 feet width and 10 inch depth is dug for the water flow. In an acre of land, the length of furrow ranges from 2500 m to 4500 m which depends upon the inter crop distance. Irrigation in flood method consists of distribution of water by passing through the furrows. The time required to irrigate one acre land is about 6 hours. More quantity of water is wasted due to distribution and evaporation losses. In drip method of irrigation water is fed to the root zone of the crop with the help of micro tubes connected to pipes which are kept in pressure above atmosphere. It is observed that water is fed batch wise through micro tubes ranging from 1000 4000 in a batch. About 1 to 1.5 hours of irrigation is done for one acre of land. The advantage of drip irrigation is that distribution and evaporation is nil and water is supplied to the root zone of the plant. More than 50% of water saving is observed in drip method of irrigation.

3.1.1 Types of pumps

Two types of pumps were used for lifting of water: 1. Mono-block pumps used in open or dug well 2. Submersible pump used in tube or bore well Mono-block pumps Schematic diagram of a typical set up of mono-block pump used in open wells is given in Figure 3.1.
36 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Figure 3.1 Schematic diagram of a mono-block pump system connected to open well

Technical details of mono-block pump 1. Electric Motor: This provides the necessary mechanical energy to the pump. Usually, 3 phase motor is used for irrigation water lifting purposes. The motor has a prime mover which rotates due to magnetic intensity created by the electrical power. The speed and capacity of the motor is sized-based on the head and quantity of water to be pumped. 2. Power Transmission System: This is a system to transmit rotary motion from the prime mover to the pump. It can be of the mono-block variety, directly coupled type, or a belt driving arrangement. The pumps under evaluation were coupled type of transmission system. 3. The Pump: Mostly centrifugal type pumps are used. The arrangement develops pressure difference in the water column due to the rotation of specially guided vanes which makes the water to push from lower to higher level. 4. Suction and Delivery Pipes: Suction pipe is required to draw water from sources and delivery pipe to carry water to the required point on the ground. A foot valve is fixed to the end of the pipe to prevent back flow. Ideally, mono-block pump is located inside the well at a certain height above the water level ensuring delivery head is more than the suction head. The efficiency of such pumps is in the range of 35-40%. Two sizes of mono-block pumps of capacities 5 hp and 7.5 hp were observed in the study regions. All the pumps were supplied with 3 phase electricity from the regional grid supply. The age of the pumps ranged from 2 to 30 years. The observed major brands were Texmo, Suguna, Bharathi, and Decon. Mono-block pumps are used as primary source of water in the regions where water level is in the range of 10 30 metre. Such type of pumps are observed commonly in the Indore region. Submersible pump Schematic diagram of a typical set up of submersible pump used in bore well is given in Figure 3.2.

Technical Assessment


Figure 3.2 Schematic diagram of a submersible pump connected to bore well

Submersible pumps are more efficient as compared to mono-block pumps and they are especially used in bore wells having depth of 30 metre and above. The pump has a cylindrical casing constituting both motor and pump inside of it and designed to perform under the water (submerged). The pump is a multistage centrifugal pump that runs through single common shaft connected to the motor. The efficiency of this pump will be more than 50%. Submersible pumps are used as primary source of water in the regions where water level is very low i.e. below 300 ft. In Tumkur region, cent per cent farms were observed using submersible pumps


Selection of pumps

A total of 52 electric pumps were considered which included 15 pumps in the region of Jalgaon, 15 pumps in the region of Erode, 10 pumps in the region of Indore and 12 pumps in the region of Tumkur for the study. The details of pumps are listed in Annexure 3.1. Coding for pumps In the whole study, to recognise the pumps, codes were provided. The code consists of region, crop and method of irrigation. The detailed structure of code system is represented as below. Region Crop Type of irrigation Serial No

Tu Gn Fl 01

Table 3.1 List of codes for different parameters

Description (region) Erode Jalgaon Tumkur Indore Code Er Jg Tu In Description (Crop) Sugarcane Banana Cotton Groundnut Chilli Code Sg Bn Ct Gn Ch Description (Type of irrigation) Flood method Drip method Code Fl Dr

3.1.3 Efficiency of electric pumps

Procedure 1. The identified pump was inspected and the technical specifications were noted. 2. Pre-arrangements for the testing were made. i. The condition of the pump was ensured to function properly by checking electrical connections, functioning etc. Priming of pump was made if desired. ii. To measure rate of water discharge, measuring drum, stop watch, weighing scale etc, were kept ready near the pump.

38 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

iii. To measure electricity reading 3 phase power analyser was kept ready. 3. The pump was put off and 3 phase analyser connected to supply line. 4. The motor was started and phase power readings were recorded. Subsequently the water discharge rate was recorded by collecting the discharged water in a drum for a known period and quantity of water was measured. The testing period was about 5 8 seconds. 5. The depth of water (suction head) was noted by enquiring with the owner of the bore/well from which water was being pumped. In select sites, the depth of the water table was measured with the help of a measuring scale. In every site, the test is conducted 3 times for consistent result. Instruments used

Table 3.2 Instruments used for the technical analysis

Instrument 2 liter Measuring Jar 100 litre Measuring drum Weighing scale ( 0-100 kg) Surveyors tape (0 -30 m) 3 Phase power analyzer Stop watch Least count 10 ml 500 ml 50 g 1 cm 0.1 kW 0.1 Sec Unit Litre Litre kg m kW Sec Purpose To measure water discharge rate To measure water discharge rate To measure the quantity of water To measure the plot under study To measure power input To measure water discharge rate Precautions taken during the testing process to maintain accuracy 1. During the test, discharged water was filled in the measuring drum when the flow rate attained uniformity. 2. For the water discharge test, the outlet of the pump was selected close to the pump to avoid the pressure losses due to orientation of extension pipe.

Sample Calculation
Sample Calculation Name of the owner: Village Taluk District State Diesel engine Manufacturers of pump: Age of pump Total head Flow rate (Q) Electricity input Murugeshan Sangetha palayam Salem Salem Tamil Nadu 7.5 hp Singari 7 yr 21 m 53471 l/h 5.5 kW

Technical Assessment


Efficiency = (E output/E input ) X 100 Output = Flow rate (m3/s) x head (m) x density of water (kg/m) x acceleration due to gravity (m/s) 1000 = (0.0148 m/s X 21 m X 1000 kg/m x 9.81 m/s)/1000 = 3.05 kW Input = 5.5 kW Efficiency = E output = 3.05 kW x 100 = 55 % E input 8.44 kW

The efficiencies of the pumps in the four regions profiled ranged from 20-47%. The details of efficiency calculation are tabulated in Annexure 3.1 The performance tests have indicated that about 60% of them were functioning below the specification provided by the pump manufacturers. The efficiency improvement of these pumps can further reduce electricity consumption. Factors affecting efficiency of the pumping system The low efficiency results in higher consumption of electricity and duration of irrigation. The details of pump characteristics and the performance are provided in the Annexures 3.1 and 3.2. Following are some of the important reasons for the losses in efficiency of the pumps observed during the field tests. 1. Mismatch of capacity and load In ideal conditions, 3 hp pumps will suffice for the irrigation purposes in India. But being more conservative towards future expansions or ignorant about the technical aspects of the pumps, higher capacity pumps were preferred by the farmers. All such installations were resulting in very low efficiency in the fields. The pumps observed were improperly fixed causing vibration in the motor. 2. Operational drawbacks The fluctuations in the supply voltage would cause damage to the motor that runs without a regulator. Inappropriate handling of pumps such as running of pumps under 2 phase electricity supply (in Erode), and providing more copper winding to more power ( in Indore). The silt present in the well often creates clogging of the suction pipes resulting in the lowered discharge of water. 3. Factors due to improper usage and lack of knowledge The farmers were normally misguided by the dealers/service centres about the selection and maintenance of the pump. It leads to inappropriate use of pumps.

3.2 Analysis on Water and Energy Saving by the Use of Drip Irrigation System
The technical analysis was done on the identified crops in the four regions by testing the quantity of water and electricity consumption in drip method of irrigation and

40 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

flood method of irrigation. The methodology adopted for the technical analysis of drip and flood methodology is described as below: 1. Key parameters for the analysis 2. Performance calculation for the benchmark 3. Comparison of results of drip and flood method of irrigation

1. Key parameters for the analysis

The analysis required three parameters: a. Electricity consumption b. Rate of water discharge at delivery side c. Hours of operation a. Electricity consumption This value is obtained from the electricity readings measured during the assessment of electric pumps in the study regions. From the database, the pumps having similar capacity, ground water table, power conditions in a particular region were considered for the analysis. The average value gives the electrical energy consumption of the respective region. The details of the electricity reading calculation are available in Annexure 3.1. b. Rate of water discharge at delivery side This value is obtained by the actual measurements done on water discharge at delivery side of the pump. In case of drip, in every site, tests were done at drip level and in flood irrigating sites, tests were conducted at the delivery part of the pump. It was observed that in flood method of irrigation, the water discharge test at patch (furrow) level is inappropriate as some portion of water discharge is lost while travelling from pump outlet to the crop area. Therefore in flood method of irrigation, the quantity of water lost due to evaporation and distribution was also accounted. The average of total number of test results done on water discharge of pumps is used for the calculation of total quantity of water usage for a particular crop in a year. c. Hours of operation This value is the total number of hours of irrigation required in a year for the selected crop. It is obtained from the primary data which is collected during the questionnaire survey. This value is vital in the calculation of electrical and water saving potential in the region.

2. Performance calculation for the benchmark

By obtaining the field level as well as questionnaire survey data, total quantity of water demand and electricity consumption of a particular crop being irrigated by either drip or flood method was estimated. The water demand is calculated in terms of litres of water consumed per acre of land per year (litres/acre/year) and electricity consumption is estimated in terms of quantity of electrical energy consumed per acre per year for a particular crop (kWh/acre/year).

Technical Assessment


3. Comparison of results of drip and flood method of irrigation

The calculations were done to find water demand and electricity consumption for crops being irrigated by drip method as well as flood method of irrigation in the regions. The results were compared to find the water saving and electricity saving potential with the intervention of drip method of irrigation.

3.2.1 Erode region

In Erode region, the tests were conducted on two crops: Sugarcane as a main crop and Banana as the additional crop. Average rate of water discharge at delivery side Sugarcane crop A total of 9 sugarcane farms were examined under the study. Out of them, 5 farms were drip and 4 farms were using flood method of irrigation. In drip adopted farms, measurement was done for one batch of drip line consisting number of micro tubes ranging from 1750 4500. The spacing between adjacent drip lines is about 4 feet and the space between adjacent micro tubes is about 4 feet. In flood method adopted farms, the spacing between the adjacent plants is about 4 ft and the size of the furrow is about 1.5 ft wide and 0.5 ft deep. The average depth of water measured in these furrows in about 4 inches.

Combined application of mono-block and submersible pumps In the regions of Erode and Jalgaon districts, both mono-block and submersible pumps were used for the irrigation water supply. The reason being open wells were dug very

Fig 3.3 Water sourcing mechanism in Erode and Jalgaon regions

long ago when water level was high and later they were substituted with bore wells when water level became deep. At present, open wells were used to store the water pumped from the bore wells and supply the stored water for the irrigation. In the study of combined application of pumps, the operation of bore well was not accounted for the water and electricity consumption as the application is common in both methods of irrigation and also requires in depth details about such situations. The schematic diagram of the water sourcing mechanism in Erode and Jalgaon is shown in Figure 3.2.

42 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Table 3.3 Rate of water discharge measured in drip irrigation Sugarcane crop
Code ER-Sg-Dp-01 ER-Sg-Dp-02 ER-Sg-Dp-03 ER-Sg-Dp-04 ER-Sg-Dp-05 Average Name of the farmer Mahalingam Balakrishnan Ramaraju Subramanian V S Palaniswamy Discharge per No of micro micro tube (l/h) tubes 13 5.41 12 8.84 11 1740 2688 2688 4500 3000 Discharge rate of water (l/h) 22655 29098 32256 39728 33000 31347

Table 3.4 Rate of water discharge measured in flood irrigation Sugarcane crop
Code ER-Sg-Fl-01 ER-Sg-Fl-02 ER-Sg-Fl-03 ER-Sg-Fl-04 Average Name of the farmer Palaniswamy Murugeshan Ramaraju Subramanian V S Time (sec) 5 3 3 4 Qty of water (l) 57 49 31 54 Discharge rate of water (l/h) 38717 53455 37200 48600 44493

The results indicate that the drip irrigating farms had average water discharge rate of 31347 lph, which is about 70% of the flood method of irrigation. Banana crop In Erode region, a total of 6 banana growing farms were chosen for the study which consists of 3 drip method adopted farms and 3 flood method adopted farms. In drip method of irrigation, one batch of drip lines covers about one acre of the plot and valves are used in case of more than one acre. In case of more acres, the irrigation was done in multiple batches one after the other. The plantation pattern is similar in both flood and drip method of irrigation. The water travels in the furrows made between the plants and the measured size of water column is 2.5 ft wide and 10 inches deep.

Table 3.5 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Banana crop
Code Er-Bn-Dp-01 Er-Bn-Dp-02 Er-Bn-Dp-03 Average Name of the farmer Gopal K P Krishnamurthy Rajendra Discharge per micro tube (l/h) 11 17.8 11 No. of tubes 1000 1000 1000 Discharge rate of water (l/h) 11000 17800 11000 13266

Technical Assessment


Table 3.6 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Banana crop
Code Er-Bn-Fl-01 Er-Bn-Fl-02 Er-Bn-Fl-03 Average Name of the farmer Chinnaswamy Saniappa Gowder Palaniswamy Time (sec) 5.5 2.2 4.7 Qty of water (l) 32.2 22.0 52.0 Discharge rate of water (l/h) 21076 36000 39830 32302

The results indicate that the drip irrigating farms had average water discharge rate of 13266 lph, which is about 41% of the flood method of irrigation. Significant amount of water saving is observed with the drip intervention as the size of furrow is very large and more water is wasted in flooding unnecessarily. Drip systems have the major advantage for saving of water due to injecting water directly to the root zone of the plant. Hours of operation This value is obtained from the primary survey data conducted for the individual farms. 20 drip adopted farmers and 20 flood adopted farmers were interviewed. The identified farmers have been asked to give details on hours of irrigation per day, days of irrigation per week and in different seasons such as monsoon, winter and summer. In Erode region the seasonal period is estimated as 3 months for monsoon, 4 months for winter and 5 months for summer. The total hours of irrigation is estimated for every crop in a year. Sugarcane crop
Particulars Hours/day (Average) Days/week (Average) Days/month (Average) Months accounted/year Total (hours/year)

Table 3.7 Hours of irrigation per acre per year Sugarcane crop
Drip method of irrigation Rainy 1.5 0.5 2 3 304 Summer 2.5 4 14 5 Winter 2.5 3 12 4 Flood method of irrigation Rainy 3 0.5 2 3 398 Summer 6 2 8 5 Winter 5 2 7 4

The result shows that for every acre of sugarcane plot, the total hours of operation for drip method of operation is 304 hours which is 94 hours shorter than flood method of irrigation. There is saving of about 24% in the hours of irrigation by the use of drip irrigation system.

44 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Banana crop

Table 3.8 Hours of irrigation per acre per year Banana crop
Drip method of irrigation Rainy Hours/day (Average) Days/week (Average) Days/month (Average) Months accounted/year Total (hours/year) 0.5 2 8 3 238 Summer Winter 1 6.5 26 5 1 6 24 4 Flood method of irrigation Rainy 3 1 4 3 430 Summer Winter 5 3 10 5 4.5 2 8 4

The result shows that the total hours of operation for drip method of operation is 238 hours which is 192 hours shorter than flood method of irrigation. There is saving of about 45% in the hours of irrigation by the use of drip irrigation system. Water saving potential It is determined by multiplying average hours of operation per year with average water consumption per hour. The average hours of operation per year is taken from the primary data collected during the survey and the average water consumption per hour is taken from the technical assessment done on rate of water discharge at the delivery level. Sugarcane crop

Table 3.9 Water saving potential Sugarcane crop

Type of Average hours irrigation of operation (h/ac/yr) Flood Drip 398 304 Average water Total qty of Qty of consumption water consumed water saved (l/h/ac) (l/ac/yr) (l/ac/yr) 44493 31347 17708214 9529488 8178726 Saving of water (%) 46

In sugarcane crop irrigation, there is a saving of about 8 million litres (46 %) of water in using drip method of irrigation against flood method of irrigation estimated for one acre of land in a year. Banana crop
Type of irrigation Flood Drip

Table 3.10 Water saving potential Banana crop

Total qty of Qty of water Average hours Average water of operation consumption water consumed saved (h/ac/yr) (kg/ h/ac) (l/ac/yr) (l/ac/yr) 430 238 32302 13266 13889860 3157308 10732552 Saving of water (%) 77

The above results indicate that there is a saving of about 10.7 million litres or 77% of water in using drip method of irrigation over flood method of irrigation estimated for one acre of land in a year. It also indicates that the average water discharge is more by 19,479 litres per hour in case of flood irrigation system.

Technical Assessment

45 Electricity saving potential The electricity consumption per acre per year is estimated by calculating average electricity consumption per acre per hour multiplied with average hours of operation per acre per year. Sugarcane crop

Table 3.11 Electricity saving potential of electric pump Sugarcane crop

Method of irrigation Drip Flood Average electricity consumption (kW) 4.4 4.4 Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 304 398 Total electricity consumed (kWh/ac/yr) 1340 1755 Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) 415 Saving of electricity (%) 45 -

Banana crop
Method of irrigation Drip Flood

Table 3.12 Electricity saving potential Banana crop

Average electricity consumption (kW) 4.4 4.4 Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 238 430 Total electricity consumed (kWh/ac/yr) 1050 1897 Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) 847 Saving of electricity (%) 24 -

3.2.2 Indore region Average rate of water discharge at delivery side For the analysis, 5 drip using and 5 flood irrigating systems were examined.

Table 3.13 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Chilli crop
Code In-Ch-Dr-01 In-Ch-Dr-02 In-Ch-Dr-03 In-Ch-Dr-04 In-Ch-Dr-05 Average Name of the farmer Rakesh Mahesh Shyamlal Premlal Natulilal Time (sec) 8.0 19.0 8.0 15.0 12.0 Qty of water (l) 58 75.65 71 52 64 Total discharge (l/h) 26000 14334 32000 12488 19299 20824

46 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Table 3.14 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Chilli crop
Code In-Ch-Fl-01 In-Ch-Fl-02 In-Ch-Fl-03 In-Ch-Fl-04 In-Ch-Fl-05 Average Name of the farmer Ramesh Siyaram Misri lal Revaram Ramu Time (sec) 11.8 15.2 12.0 8.7 14.0 Qty of water (l) Discharge rate (l/h) 67 67 70 60 78 20295 15770 21000 25000 20000 20413

From the tests it is observed that the average discharge of water value for both drip and flood method of irrigation appeared same in case of chilli crop. Hours of operation The interviews were conducted on 23 farmers using drip and 20 farmers using flood form of irrigation. The average hours of operation for each set of farmer is calculated and tabulated below.

Table 3.15 Hours of irrigation per year Chilli crop

Particulars Hours/day (Average) Days/week (Average) Days/month (Average) Months accounted/year Total (h / yr) Drip method of irrigation Rainy 0.5 0 6 1 190 Summer 1.5 0 12 2 Winter 2.5 4 12 5 Flood method of irrigation Rainy 3 0 11 1 420 Summer 2 0 18 2 Winter 3.5 4 18 5 Water saving potential About 4.6 million litres of water (53%) is conserved by a farmer by shifting from flood method of irrigation to drip method of irrigation, for growing chilli in the region of Indore.

Table 3.16 Water saving potential - Chilli crop

Type of irrigation Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 190 420 Average water consumption (kg/h/ac) 20824 20413 Total qty of water consumed (l/ac/yr) 3956560 8573460 Qty of Saving of water saved water (l/ac/yr) (%) 4616900 53 -

Drip Flood

Technical Assessment

47 Electricity saving potential An approximate 1104 units of electricity are conserved annually, by a farmer shifting from furrow to drip irrigation for one acre of land, for growing Chilli in the region of Indore.

Table 3.17 Electricity saving potential Chilli crop

Method of irrigation Average electricity consumption (kW) 4.8 4.8 Average hours of operation (h/ac /yr) 190 420 Total electricity consumed (kWh/ac/yr) 912 2016 Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) 1104 Saving of electricity (%) 54 -

Drip Flood

3.2.3 Jalgaon region Average rate of water discharge at delivery side The results of water flow test conducted on both crops Cotton and Banana are given in Table 3.18 and 3.19. In cotton, the drip system containing about 2500 micro tubes would constitute as a group or batch. The spacing maintained in cotton is 2.5 ft x 2.5 ft. Cotton crop

Table 3.18 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Cotton crop
Code Jg-Ct-dr-01 Jg-Ct-dr-02 Jg-Ct-dr-03 Jg-Ct-dr-04 Jg-Ct-dr-05 Average Name of the farmer Dilip Patil Pandurang Sonji Patil Hari Kundli Mali Purushottam Patil Vinod Naik Discharge per micro tube (l/h) 6.69 6.10 13.30 9.70 5.10 No. of micro tubes 2500 1300 697 2880 2444 Discharge rate of water (l/h) 16713 7930 9272 27936 12464 14863

Table 3.19 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Cotton crop
Code Jg-Ct-fl-01 Jg-Ct-fl-02 Jg-Ct-fl-03 Jg-Ct-fl-05 Jg-Ct-fl-05 Average Name of the farmer Atmaram Mahajan Suresh Patil Prakash Patil Mahrao Pankaj Naik Mahrao Pankaj Naik Time 10 16 22 16 18 Qty of water (l) 80 86 80 82 83 Discharge rate of water (l/h) 28982 20018 13253 20751 18007 20202

48 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

From the results, the average rate of discharge of water is about 14860 lph in case of drip adopted farm which is about 75% of the water discharge rate observed in the furrow method. Banana crop

Table 3.20 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Banana crop
Code Name of the farmer Discharge per micro tube (l/h) 4.80 3.50 2.80 No. of micro tubes 3000 3500 2895 Total dicharge (l/h) 14400 12244 8106 11583

Jg-Bn-Dr-01 Jg-Bn-Dr-02 Jg-Bn-Dr-03 Average

Vasant Dange Kashinath Nana Patil Vasanth Krishna Mahajan

Table 3.21 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Banana crop
Code Jg-Bn-fl-01 Jg-Bn-fl-02 Average Name of the farmer Yuvaraj Chowdary Rajaram Omkar Patil Time (sec) 23 12 Qty of water (l) 80 70 Discharge rate (l/h) 12317 20840 16578

From the results, the average rate of discharge of water is about 11,583 lph in case of drip adopted farm which is about 70% of the water discharge rate observed in the furrow method of irrigation. Hours of operation The interviews were conducted on 21 farmers using drip and 21 farmers using flood form of irrigation in case of cotton crop and 5 farmers using drip and 5 farmers using furrow method of irrigation who were growing Banana crop. The average hours of operation for each set of farmer is calculated and tabulated as below.

Table 3.22 Hours of irrigation per year Cotton crop

Particulars Hours/day (Average) Days/week (Average) Days/month (Average) Months accounted/ year Total (h/yr) Drip method of irrigation Rainy 0.6 4 15 1.5 105 Summer 0 0 0 0 Winter 2 4 16 3 Flood method of irrigation Rainy 6.7 2 8 1.5 298 Summer 0 0 0 0 Winter 8 2.75 9 3

Technical Assessment


The result shows that the total hours of operation for drip method of operation is 105 hours which is 193 hours shorter than flood method of irrigation.

Table 3.23 Hours of irrigation per year Banana crop

Particulars Hours/day (Average) Days/week (Average) Days/month (Average) Months accounted/year Total (h / yr) Drip method of irrigation Rainy 0.9 4.5 18 1.5 690 Summer 4.4 7 28 4 Winter 2 5 20 4 Flood method of irrigation Rainy 8.5 2.5 10 1.5 935 Summer 8.5 3.6 14.5 4 Winter 8 2.5 10 4 Water saving potential In case of cotton crop 4.4 million litres of water (74%) is saved by adopting drip method of irrigation, in Indore region. The water saving potential for banana crop was found to be 7.5 million litres (48%) by shifting from flood to drip method of irrigation. Cotton crop
Type of irrigation

Table 3.24 Water saving potential Cotton crop

Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 105 298 Average water consumption (kg/h/ac) 14863 20202 Total quantity of water consumed (l/ac/yr) 1560615 6020196 Qty of water saved (l/ac/yr) 4459581 Saving of water (%) 74 -

Drip Flood

Banana crop
Type of irrigation

Table 3.25 Water saving potential Banana crop

Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 690 935 Average water consumption (kg/h/ac) 11583 16578 Total quantity of water consumed (l/ac/yr) 7992270 15500430 Qty of water saved (l/ac/yr) 7508160 Saving of water (%) 48 -

Drip Flood Electricity saving potential An approximate 1435 units of electricity are conserved annually, by a farmer shifting from furrow to drip irrigation for 1 acre of land, for growing cotton in the region of Jalgaon.

50 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Cotton crop
Method of irrigation

Table 3.26 Electricity saving potential Cotton crop

Average electricity consumption (kW) 4.6 4.6 Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 105 298 Total electricity consumed (kWh/ac/yr) 483 1370.8 Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) 887.8 Saving of electricity (%) 65 -

Drip Flood

Electricity saving potential in Banana crop An approximate 1588 units of electricity are conserved annually, by a farmer shifting from furrow to drip irrigation for 1 acre of land, for growing banana in the region of Raver taluk of Jalgaon district. The variety of banana grown in Jalgaon region is Sreemanthy and the yield of crop per acre is about 25 tonnes. The water and electricity saving potential is less as compared to the banana variety, Rasthali grown in Erode region which has the yield of about 13.2 tonnes per acre and is more water intensive than the former variety.

Table 3.27 Water saving potential Banana crop

Method of irrigation Average electricity consumption (kW) 4.6 4.6 Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 695 935 Total electricity consumed (kWh/ac/yr) 3197 4301 Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) 1104 Saving of electricity (%) 26 -

Drip Flood

3.2.4 Tumkur region Average rate of water discharge at delivery side A total of 10 groundnut growing farms including 5 drip adopted and 5 furrow adopted were examined during the evaluation. This measurement is of particular importance in this region due to the common usage of electric pump between farmers and also distance of the field from the pump being significant. The farmers adopting drip system included within the study as part of the scheme had tanks erected beside the field for storage and release of water from the tank. The rate of discharge from this cylindrical tank onto the field was tested in the following method. Process adopted was: Allowing the tank to fill to a measured level and the level noted. Allowing the release of water from the tank taking a time based measurement for the decrease in water level. Measuring the difference in height and the diameter of the tank. Calculating volume of water discharged in unit time.

Technical Assessment


The results of the tests are shown in Table 3.28 and 3.29.

Table 3.28 Rate of water discharge measured at drip level Groundnut

Code Te-Tu-Dr-01 Te-Tu-Dr-02 Te-Tu-Dr-03 Te-Tu-Dr-04 Te-Tu-Dr-05 Average Name of the farmer Jaweregowda Sridevi Mudalgiriayappa Narasappa Basavaraju Discharge per micro tube (l/h) 3.7 2.2 1.6 3.0 1.8 No. of micro tubes 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 Discharge rate (l/h) 12167 7408 5337 9836 5829 8115

Table 3.29 Rate of water discharge measured at furrow level Groundnut

Code Te-Tu-Fl-01 Te-Tu-Fl-02 Te-Tu-Fl-03 Te-Tu-Fl-04 Te-Tu-Fl-05 Average Name of the farmer Jaweregowda Mahalingappa Siddganangaiah Thimmegowda Chandrashekar Time (sec) 30 45 30 45 25 Qty of water (l) Discharge rate (l/h) 45.5 214.3 43.6 160.2 26.9 5461 17141 5229 12820 3871 8904 Hours of operation As done in other study sites, in Tumkur as well the farmers were enquired as to understand the usage hours of the electric pump to irrigate the groundnut crop. 22 farmers using drip and 20 farmers using flood method of irrigation were interviewed.

Table 3.30 Hours of irrigation per year Groundnut

Particulars Hours/day (Average) Days/week (Average) Days/month (Average) Months accounted/year Total (h/yr) Drip method of irrigation Rainy 0 0 0 0 550 Summer 7.6 0 16 3 Winter 7.7 4 12 2 Flood method of irrigation Rainy 0 0 0 0 664 Summer 7.5 0 18.5 3 Winter 8.5 4 14.6 2

It is observed that the groundnut is grown in December and harvested in April. Therefore, there is no irrigation in the summer season. The hours of operation per day are same in both the irrigation systems. There is a saving of about 114 hours in a year for a farmer to cultivate groundnut in one acre.

52 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Table 3.31 Water saving potential Groundnut

Type of irrigation Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 550 664 Average water consumption (l/h/ac) 8115 8904 Total qty of water consumed (l/ac/yr) 4463250 5912256 Qty of water saved (l/ac/yr) 1449006 Saving of water (%) 25 -

Drip Flood

About 1.4 million litres of water is expected to be saved by a farmer by switching from flood method to drip method of irrigation for one acre annually.

Table 3.32 Electricity saving potential Groundnut

Method of irrigation Average electricity consumption (kW) 4.7 4.7 Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) 550 664 Total electricity consumed (kWh/ac/yr) 2585 3120 Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) 536 Saving of electricity (%) 17 -

Drip Flood

Annually every acre of groundnut crop being irrigated by drip irrigation which was previously being flooded saves 536 units of electricity. This estimate is only for farmers who have been previously flooding the crop and doesnt include farmers previously adopting rain fed irrigation.

Technical Assessment



Assessment of GHG Mitigation Potential

In India, agriculture constitutes an important share of the demand for energy. From the 2004-05 statistics, it is evident that the annual electricity consumption for agriculture is about 88555 GWh which is about 23% (All India Electricity Statistics - General Review 2006, CEA, Ministry of Power, GoI) of the overall electricity consumption in the country. According to the state wise sale of electricity sales for the agriculture sector, the consumption is observed as 34% in Madhya Pradesh, 20% in Maharashtra, 37% in Karnataka, and 23% in Tamil Nadu.

Any technology that reduces dependence on fossil fuels in agriculture would contribute to both national energy security and global GHG mitigation. This chapter estimates the potential GHG savings from the adoption of drip method of irrigation in the study sites.

The details of electricity consumption pattern are given in Annexure 5.2. However, sale of this electricity amounts to no more than 5-10% of the state electricity boards' revenues. On the other hand, the agriculture sector in India uses 85% of the country's available fresh water. However, irrigation efficiency is only 20-50%. In other words, Indian agriculture wastes up to half of the country's fresh water supply. Another survey done in 2001 indicates that there are about 19 million pump sets and about 12.8 million tube wells in India. The details of the statistics of pump sets and tube wells are shown in Annexure 5.1. Significant energy losses are associated with the distribution of electricity and in the poor selection, installation, maintenance and operation of the electrical motor pump system. The third main factor is the flood method of irrigation which accounts for both water and electricity losses. In Chapter 3, the intervention of KB Drip technology in the irrigation sector has shown significant reduction in water as well as electricity in the study regions. Hence, any technology that reduces dependence on fossil fuels in agriculture would contribute to both national energy security and global GHG mitigation. This chapter estimates the potential GHG savings from the adoption of drip method of irrigation in the study sites.

4.1 CO2 Mitigation Potential

The electricity required for all irrigation based pumps in the country is provided by the regional electrical grids. The Indian electricity system is divided into five regional grids, viz. Northern, Eastern, Western, Southern, and North-Eastern. Each grid covers several states. As the regional grids are interconnected, there is interstate and inter-regional exchange. A small power exchange also takes place with the neighbouring countries like Bhutan and Nepal. For each of the five regions, the main emission factors are calculated in accordance with the relevant CDM methodologies. As a result of the impressive growth attained by the Indian Power Sector, the installed capacity has grown from mere 1,713 MW in 1950 to 132,329 MW as of
54 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

31.03.2007, consisting of 86,015 MW thermal, 34,654 MW hydro and 3,900 MW nuclear. Region-wise details of installed capacity are shown in Annexure 4.1. The states covered under regional grids are given in the Annexure 4.1. The prevailing baseline emissions based on the data for the Fiscal Year 2005-06 are shown in Table 4.1. The calculation to arrive at the emission factor of the regional grids, the methodology defined by the UNFCCC guidelines in ACM0002 (version 6) includes the estimation of the operating margin and the build margin of

Table 4.1 CO2 emission factors of regional grids

Region North East South West North-East India CO2 emission factor (Combined margin) 0.80 1.05 0.86 0.81 0.42 0.85

all the electric plants feeding the grids. The average of the combined and build margin emission factor gives the overall emission factor of the grid. Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power, and Government of India in cooperation with GTZ CDM India has compiled a database for all grid powered power stations in India.

Different Types of Emission Factors

The CDM methodologies which have been approved to date by the CDM Executive Board distinguish a range of different emission factors. In the Indian context, the following four are most relevant, and were therefore calculated for each regional grid based on the underlying station data:

Weighted average:
The weighted average emission factor describes the average CO2 emitted per unit of electricity generated in the grid. It is calculated by dividing the absolute CO2 emissions of all power stations in the region by the regions total net generation. Net generation from so-called low-cost/must-run sources (hydro and nuclear) is included in the denominator.

Simple operating margin (OM):

The operating margin describes the average CO2 intensity of the existing stations in the grid which are most likely to reduce their output if a CDM project supplies electricity to the grid (or reduces consumption of grid electricity). The simple operating margin is obtained by dividing the regions total CO2 emissions by the net generation of the stations serving the region excluding low-cost/must-run sources. In other words, the total emissions are divided by the total net generation of all thermal power stations. Hydro and nuclear qualify as low-cost/must-run sources, and their net generation is therefore excluded from the denominator.

Build margin (BM):

The build margin reflects the average CO2 intensity of newly built power stations that will be (partially) replaced by a CDM project. In accordance with ACM0002, the build margin is calculated in this database as the average emissions intensity of the 20% most recent capacity additions in the grid based on net generation. Depending on the region, the build margin covers units commissioned in the last five to ten years.

Combined margin (CM):

The combined margin is a weighted average of the simple operating margin and the build margin. By default, both margins have equal weights (50%). However, CDM project developers may choose to argue for different weights. In particular, for intermittent and non dispatchable generation types such as wind and solar photovoltaic, ACM0002 allows to weigh the operating margin and build margin at 75% and 25%, respectively (see ACM0002, Version 06). However, the combined margins shown in the database are calculated based on equal weights.

Assessment of GHG Mitigation Potential


The data base can be directly accessed for the CO2 emission factor calculations. For the calculation of CO2 emission potential, combined margin of the weighted average of the simple operating margin and build margin at 50:50 ratio can be used. The different types of emission factors are explained in the box on previous page. The CO2 emission reduction potential based on electricity savings with the intervention of drip method of irrigation on various crops cultivated in study regions are stated as below. The estimation of CO2 reduction covers the data of past 3 years of drip usage.

4.1.1 Erode region

It is observed from Table 4.2 that the average electricity unit savings is 415 kWh per acre with the use of drip systems over flood irrigation systems annually. The corresponding reduction in emissions needs an estimation of energy mix feeding the Tamil Nadu grid which is the grid feeding electricity to the irrigation pump sets in the region.

Table 4.2 CO2 Emission reductions - Sugarcane

Particulars Electricity saving per acre per annum (kWh) kg of KB Drip sold and implemented for the Sugarcane crop Number of kg of drip system under operation and abating CO2 emissions Acres of land under Sugarcane Total units of Electricity saved annually with KB Drip (Electricity saving per acre x total no of acres) Factor to account for conservativeness (10%) Total Emission abated (kg CO2 / year) Tonnes of CO2 saving per annum 2004-05 415 288 288 12 4980 2005-06 415 3792 4080 170 70550 2006-07 415 8928 13008 542 224930

4482 3855 3.8

63495 54606 54.6

202437 174096 174.0

From the database available with CEA, the emission factor for southern grid is estimated at 0.86 kg CO2 per unit of electricity. This would mean that every unit of electricity used from the western grid contributes 860 gm of CO2 emissions. With this figure and the calculated value of 415 from Table 4.2, it can be shown that every acre of sugarcane previously being flooded and currently being irrigated by drip can reduce 357 (0.86 x 415) kg of CO2 annually. It was observed that one acre of sugarcane required an average of 24 kg of KB Drip of lateral thickness of 125 micron with crop spacing of 3 ft x 3 ft.

Banana crop It is understood from Table 4.3 that the average quantity of electrical units is 847 kWh per acre of banana crop with drip method of irrigation against the flood method of irrigation. Electricity supply being supplied from the same grid, the emission factor is considered as 0.86 kg of CO2 per kWh. Having considered that the electricity

56 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

saving per acre is 847 kWh, the quantity of CO2 emission reduction is 728 (0.86 x 847) kg per acre annually. The average value of KB Drip required for one acre banana crop is 24 kg of lateral thickness of 250 micron with crop spacing of 6.5 ft x 6.5 ft. The total quantity of CO2 emission reductions per year is calculated as below.

Table 4.3 CO2 Emission reductions - Banana crop

Particulars Electricity saving per acre per annum (kWh) kg of KB Drip sold and implemented for the banana crop Number of kg of drip system under operation and abating CO2 emissions Acres of land under banana Total units of electricity saved annually with KB Drip Factor to account for conservativeness (10%) Total emission abated (kg CO2/year) Tonnes of CO2 abated per annum 2004-05 847 1728 1728 72 60984 54885.6 47202 47.2 2005-06 847 1464 3192 133 112651 101385.9 87192 87.2 2006-07 847 3024 6216 259 219373 197435.7 169795 169.8

4.1.2 Indore region

The 1104 units of electricity being saved by the farmer adopting drip form of irrigation would have otherwise been used by the farmer. Hence, the emissions correspondingly reduced by these units of electricity saved needs an estimation of the energy mix feeding from the Madhya Pradesh grid, which is the grid feeding electricity to the irrigation pump sets in the region. Since exchange of power between states within the western region is common, it is proposed to include the western grid as the basis for calculation of energy mix (and hence the baseline emission) that is feeding the western grid. From these calculations the emission factor for the western grid is estimated at 0.810 kg CO2 per unit of electricity. This would mean that every unit of electricity used from the western grid contributes 830 gm of CO2 emissions. With this figure and the calculated value of 1013 from Table 4.4, it can be shown that every acre of chilli previously being flooded and currently being irrigated by drip can reduce 894.2 (0.810*1104) kg of CO2 annually. When interviewing the 23 farmers adopting drip irrigation, it was found that 1 acre of chilli required an average of 24 kg of KB Drip of lateral thickness of 125 micron with crop spacing of 2 ft x 2 ft. A conservative figure of 20 kg of drip per acre of chilli is considered for the calculations.

Assessment of GHG Mitigation Potential


Table 4.4 CO2 Emission reductions Chilli crop

Particulars Electricity saving per acre per annum (kWh) kg of KB Drip sold and implemented for the chilli crop Number of kg of drip system under operation and abating CO2 emissions Acres of land under chilli Total units of electricity saved annually with KB Drip A factor to account for conservativeness (10%) Total emission abated (kg CO2/year) Tonnes of CO2 abated per annum 2002-2003 1104 2000 2000 100 110400 99360 80481 80.4 2003-2004 1104 2500 4500 225 248400 223560 181083 181.1

It is hence seen that a semi water intensive crop like chilli, when cultivated using the drip form of water distribution has the capability to, on an average, reduce 1104 units of electricity and in return the farmer tends to benefit from a minimum 20% increase in crop yield. Due to the tariff structure for irrigational energy requirements based on a hp basis this energy savings is not appreciated by the farmer as direct benefit. It however, saves the overall consumption of energy in the agricultural sector for the government. This 1,156 units of energy by this farmer is reduced from the western grid where the predominate source of energy production is thermal energy. With detailed calculations it has been estimated that 1 unit of electricity from this grid is at the cost of 810 gm of CO2 released by the plants supplying energy to the grid. Hence, 1 farmer with 1 acre of chilli crop shifting from drip irrigation to flood irrigation has the potential to abate 894 kg of CO2. On a conservative estimate 20 kg of Drip system is required for 1 acre of chilli crop. Hence 20 kg of drip system sold abates 965 kg of CO2 annually.

4.1.3 Jalgaon region

Cotton crop
With the use of drip irrigation, the farmer is saving about 888 units of electricity per acre per year which would have otherwise been used. Hence the emissions correspondingly reduced by these units of electricity saved needs an estimation of the energy mix feeding the Maharashtra grid which is supplying electricity to the irrigation pump sets in the region. From the latest listing of emission factors in the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) website, the emission factor for the western grid is estimated at 0.81 kg CO2 per unit of electricity. This would mean that every unit of electricity used from the western grid contributes 810 gm of CO2 emissions. This value is based on data collected in fiscal year 200506. The calculations are based on generation, fuel consumption and fuel quality data from the power stations. It can be shown that every acre of cotton previously being flooded and currently being irrigated by drip can reduce 719 (0.81 x 888) kg of CO2 annually. The average value of KB Drip required for one acre cotton crop is 20 kg of lateral thickness of 125 micron with crop spacing of 4 ft x 3 ft. The total quantity of CO2 emission reductions per year is calculated as shown in Table 4.5.
58 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Table 4.5 CO2 Emission reduction calculations - Cotton crop

Particulars Electricity saving per acre per annum (kWh) kg of KB Drip sold and implemented for the cotton crop Number of kg of drip system under operation and abating CO2 emissions Acres of land under cotton Total units of electricity saved annually with KB Drip A Factor to account for conservativeness*(10%) Total emission abated (kg CO2/year) Tonnes of CO2 abated per annum 2004-05 888 1900 1900 95 84360 75924 61498 61.5 2005-06 888 2000 3900 195 173160 155844 126233 126 2006-07 888 2200 6100 305 270840 243756 197442 197 2007 (up to June) 888 2400 8500 425 377400 339660 275125 275.1

Banana crop The emission reduction calculation for banana crop in Jalgaon district is calculated based on the emission factor of 0.81 kg CO2 and average quantity of KB Drip per acre as 20 kg of lateral thickness of 125 micron with crop spacing of 5 ft x 5 ft. The electricity savings from drip intervention is estimated as 1104 units per acre per year which is indicated in Table 4.6. Therefore, the saving in CO2 emissions by the drip intervention is 894 (1104 x 0.81) kg per acre per year. The year wise estimate of CO2 emission reductions in Jalgaon region in the last three years is given in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 CO2 Emission reductions - Banana crop

Particulars Electricity saving per acre per annum (kWh) kg of KB Drip sold and implemented for the banana crop Number of kg of drip system under operation and abating CO2 emissions Acres of land under banana Total units of electricity saved annually with KB Drip A factor to account for conservativeness (10%) Total emission abated (kg CO2/year) Tonnes of CO2 abated per annum 2004-05 1104 600 600 30 33120 29808 24144 24.1 2005-06 1104 200 800 40 44160 39744 32192 32.2 2006-07 1104 400 1200 60 66240 59616 48289 48.3

4.1.4 Tumkur region

The emission factor for the southern grid is taken from the Central Electricity Authority website where it is estimated at 0.86 kg CO2 per unit of electricity. This would mean that every unit of electricity used from the southern grid contributes 860 gm of CO2 emissions. With this figure and the calculated value of 536 units from table 4.7, it is
Assessment of GHG Mitigation Potential 59

estimated that every acre of groundnut previously being flooded and currently being irrigated by drip in the region can abate 460 kg of CO2 or 0.46 tonnes of CO2 in every year of operation. To quantify the emission reductions in volumes of the project, when interviewing the 23 farmers adopting drip irrigation, it was found that 1 acre of groundnut required an average of 28 kg of KB Drip of lateral thickness of 125 micron with crop spacing of 1.5 ft x 1 ft. A figure of 28 kg of drip per acre of groundnut is considered for the calculations.

Table 4.7 CO2 Emission reductions Groundnut

Particulars Electricity saving per acre per annum (kWh) kg of KB Drip sold and implemented for the groundnut crop Number of kg of drip system under operation and abating CO2 emissions Acres of land under groundnut Total units of electricity saved annually A factor to account for conservativeness (10%) Total emission abated (kg CO2/year) Tonnes of CO2 abated per annum 2004-05 536 513 513 18 9820 8838 7159 7.1 2005-06 536 216 729 26 13955 12560 10173 10.1 2006-07 536 446 1175 42 22493 20244 16397 16.4

The average increase in yield of the groundnut crop is about 25% and the average energy savings is about 18%. Annually, 616 units of electricity are saved correspondingly. Due to the hp based tariff system and unsystematic practises of agriculture by large percentages of farmer in the region the energy savings are modest. The true potential of the drip system to save energy is in a way restricted in this region due to more of an institutional implementation of the drip system. The other benefits due to increase in yield are evident already and have contributed to the economic betterment of the beneficiaries in the study region and given the farmers have an indication of the various benefits of implementing the drip system for their crops.

60 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDE products (Low cost KB Drip)

The survey results showed that there is an increase in yield with the adoption of KB Drip. About 76% (Table 5.1) increase in yield was found in the chilli crop and 56% increase in yield was found in cotton crop.


Table 5.1 Details of increase in yield, drip vs flood method

Place Crop Sugarcane Banana (Rasthali) Chilli Cotton Banana (Sreemanthy) Tumkur Groundnut Yield (Tonnes/acre) Drip Erode Indore Jalgaon 57.2 13.2 1.9 1.4 25.8 0.68 Flood 48.6 9.5 1.1 0.9 24.5 0.5 18 39 76 56 5 36 % increase

The farmers said that the benefit from adoption of KB Drip was that there was saving in labour cost, water saving, higher yield, weed growth was under control and less consumption of electricity. They said that: a) An additional crop can be grown when a farmer adopts the drip method of irrigation. b) No extra attention is needed in case of KB Drip. Water supply to the plant is quite automatic and mechanical. c) Cost of drip (KB) is less compared to other drip systems, in addition a 1 year warranty is provided on KB increasing the credibility of the product. d) Storage is easy in case of KB Drip. (Can be stored in urea bags). e) Installation cost is much less compared to other drip systems. f) Transportation of KB Drips is much more convenient. Some of the problems mentioned by them were: Mud/nutrients at times block the holes of the drip system. The main reason however is non-installation of the filter as recommended by IDEI. Due to the light weight of the system, heavy winds do de-align the drip lines, this is to an extent controlled by tying the other end of the drip line. The efficiencies of the pumps in the four regions profiled ranged from 20% in Indore to a pump with efficiency of 47% in Tumkur. The pumps in Tumkur were submersible type, used to lift water from bore wells. In the region of Indore monoblock pumps are used to lift the water from open wells. In the regions of Erode and Jalgaon both mono-block and submersible pumps are used. The performance tests indicated that about 60% of them were functioning below the specification. The low efficiency results in higher consumption of electricity and



duration of irrigation which results in loss to both the farmer and the government. Following are some of the key observations made during the performance tests which are responsible for the lowered efficiency: 1) Mismatch of capacity and the load 2) Operational drawbacks The fluctuations in the supply voltage cause damage to the pump parts as there is no voltage regulator connected. This also results in lower performance. Inappropriate handling of pumps such as running of pumps under 2 phase electricity supply (in Erode), providing more winding to have lower current flow (in Indore) etc. The silt present in the ground water often creates clogging in the suction pipes resulting in reduced discharge of water. 3) Factors due to improper usage and lack of knowledge There is substantial water savings in the usage of KB Drip vis--vis flood irrigation. Water saving was found to be 77% (Table 5.2) in banana (Rastahli variety) crop of Erode district and 74% in case of cotton in Jalgaon district.

Table 5.2 Water saving potential, drip vs flood method of irrigation

Type of irrigation Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) Sugarcane Drip Flood Banana Drip Flood Chilli Drip Flood Banana Drip Flood Cotton Drip Flood 105 298 14863 20202 1560615 6020196 4459581 74 690 935 11583 16578 7992270 15500430 7508160 48 190 420 20824 20413 Jalgaon 3956560 8573460 4616900 53 238 430 13266 32302 Indore 3157308 13889860 10732552 77 304 398 31347 44493 9529488 17708214 8178726 46 Average water consumption (l/h/ac) Erode Total quantity of water consumed (l/ac/yr) Qty of water saved (l/ac/yr) Saving of water (%)

62 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDE products (Low cost KB Drip)

Type of irrigation

Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr)

Average water consumption (l/h/ac)

Total quantity of water consumed (l/ac/yr)

Qty of water saved (l/ac/yr)

Saving of water (%)

Tumkur Groundnut Drip Flood 550 664 8115 8904 4463250 5912256 1449006 25 -

There is substantial electricity savings with the usage of KB Drip vis--vis flood method of irrigation. The electricity savings ranged from 17-65% (Table 5.3) for the various crops in the study area.

Table 5.3 Electricity savings, drip vs flood method of irrigation

Method of irrigation Average electricity consumption (kWh/ac) Sugarcane Drip Flood Banana Drip Flood Chilli Drip Flood Banana Drip Flood Cotton Drip Flood Groundnut Drip Flood 4.7 4.7 550 664 2585 3120 536 17 4.6 4.6 105 298 Tumkur 483 1370 887 65 4.6 4.6 695 935 3179 4301 1104 26 4.8 4.8 190 420 Jalgaon 912 2016 1104 54 4.4 4.4 238 430 Indore 1050 1897 847 24 4.4 4.4 304 398 1340 1755 415 45 Average hours of operation (h/ac/yr) Total electricity consumed (kWh/ac/yr) Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) Saving of electricity (%)




CEA, the database indicates that for every unit of electricity saved, the emission factor for the southern grid is estimated at 0.86 kg CO2 and every unit of electricity saved for the western grid would abate 0.81 kg of CO2. The annual CO2 emission abatement for every acre of KB Drip adoption for sugarcane crop would be 357 kg/acre/year (Table 5.4). The details for the other crops are given in table 5.4.

Table 5.4 CO2 Emission reduction

Method of irrigation Sugarcane Drip Banana Drip Chilli Drip Banana Drip Cotton Drip Groundnut Drip 536 0.86 461 887 0.81 Tumkur 718 1104 0.81 894 1104 0.81 Jalgaon 894 847 0.86 Indore 728 415 0.86 357 Electricity units saved (kWh/ac/yr) Erode Emission factor (kg CO2/kWh) kg CO2 emission abated/acre/year

There is tremendous potential to introduce energy saving technology like the KB Drip. The number of pump sets installed in India was 12.82 million in the year 2001 (Annexure 5.1) and it is ever increasing. The electricity consumption for agriculture purpose was 129700 GWh in the year 2004-2005. (Annexure 5.2).

64 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Villages covered under the study
Sl.No. Village Taluka District Distance from headquarters (km) 36 40 40 15 20 25 20 10 35 12 70 18 18 20 22 86 82 90 92 78 78 92 38 44 40 32 110 36 40 40 15 20



Tamil Nadu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Veralupatti Pallanatham Soladasanapatti Sethamangalam Rakiavalasu Kollagoil Karavalasu Anjur Papam Palyam Lakshmipuram Vattur M Hanumana halli Sanyan patti Veralupathi Ammanapati Kamakapatti Jangal Patti Kurikaranvalasu Sanyasipatti Kovil Palyam M Hanuman Palli T Pudupalyam Vattur Saniyasi Patti Palamangalam Kanda Swami Palyam Sivagiri Pappam Palyam Putur P K Putur Velithirupur Channambapatti Aravalukuchi Vedasandur Aravalukuchi Aravalukuchi Erode Erode Erode Erode Tirichigodu Erode Tirichigodu Erode Sagagiri Aravalukuchi Aravalukuchi Aravalukuchi Aravalukuchi Aravalukuchi Sagagiri Erode Erode Thirchanagodu Thirchanagodu Sagagiri Erode Erode Erode Tirichigodu Bhavani Bhavani Bhavani Bhavani Karuru Dindigul Karuru Karuru Erode Erode Erode Erode Namakkal Erode Namakal Erode Salem Karur Karur Karur Karur Karur Salem Erode Erode Namakkal Namakkal Salem Erode Erode Erode Namakkal Erode Erode Erode Erode







Distance from headquarters (km) 25 20 70 75 75 90 63 50 62 48 41 33 69 58 54 45 49 60 66 48 64 90 34 33 33 35 34 32 36

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

Sanampatti Kollagoil Madhya Pradesh Bhangardha Dhangaoun Khangada Jamli Maharashtra Ambilhole Bhagdara Gondakhal Jamner Kekathibhora Karmad Malkeda Nagan Chowki Pahur Palasakheda Paldhi Samrod Sonala Sunasgaon Shendurni Raipur Karnataka Ajanahalli Kabigere Golarahalli Chikarrasanahalli MaratiPalya Chikkanhalli Tovankere

Bhavani Erode Badhwa Khandwa Badhwa Khargoun Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Jamner Raver Kortagere Kortagere Kortegere Kortegere Kortegere Kortegere Kortegere

Erode Erode Khargaoun Khandwa Khargoun Khargaoun Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgoan Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur

66 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Location of Study Area



Madhya Pradesh



Tamil Nadu





Questionnaire for feedback from farmers on the device of drip irrigation

Project: Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)
The Energy and Resources Institute No 7117, 4th Main, 2nd Cross Domlur 2nd stage, Bangalore 560 071 A. (General Information) 1. Name of the person: ________________________________________________ 2. Details of location:
Village Taluka/Block District State

3. Family size:
Men Women Children

4. Primary occupation: Agriculture Non-agriculture If Non Agriculture, specify _______________________________ 5. Secondary occupation: Agriculture Non-agriculture If Non-agriculture, specify __________________________________ B. (Details of Land)
Land details Total land owned Land under cultivation Land under irrigation Under drip Under flood Any other , specify Area (acre) Remarks

68 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

C. (Details of the System) 6. Date of installation ___________________________ 7. Type of the drip irrigation_______________________ 8. How many kg of pipe installed per acre_________________________ 9. Cost of pipe per kg____________________ 10. Cost of drip irrigation installation: KB Drip system ______________ per acre System cost ______________ per acre (including laterals etc.) 11. Total cost of repair: Per month ____________________ Per annum ____________________ 12. Type of problems occurred: (a) ______________ (b) ______________ (c) ______________ 13. Number of times of occurrences of the above problem:____________per annum 14. Repaired by local technicians: Yes No

15. Is spare part available locally: Yes No If no, where is it available __________ D. (Service Details) 16. Make of the system____________________ 17. Name the dealer supplied_______________________ 18. Location of the dealer ___________________________ 19 Warranty period_____________________ 20. How is after sales service of the above product__________________ E. (Subsidy) 21. Whether subsidy is available for the product: Yes if yes how much Rs. ________per acre No



G. (Details of Cropping Pattern on Irrigated Land) 22. Whether shift from dry land to drip irrigated land: Yes 23. Whether shift from flood to drip irrigated land: Yes Production Details- Drip Irrigation
Sl. No. Kharif Name of the crop Acreage Production/ acre Crop residue/acre Price/unit

No No



H. Operation of drip for the particular crop Cotton Sugarcane Vegetable Specify-

24. Number of hrs of operation per day: Rainy_____ Summer______ Winter______ 25. Number of days operated per week: Rainy_____ Summer______ Winter_____ 26. Number of days operated per month: Rainy_____ Summer______ Winter_____ 27. Total days of operation per season: RainySummerWinter..

70 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

I. (Details of cropping pattern on previously non-irrigated land)

Sl. No. Kharif Name of the crop Acreage Production/acre Crop residue/acre Price/unit



J. (Benefits) 28. What are the benefits received after implementation of drip irrigation system? (a) ______________________ (b) _______________________ (c) _______________________ 29. How much water saving has been achieved after drip irrigation?_________% 30. Is there any increase in the area under irrigation after installation of drip system? If yes, how much? 31.What is the pay back period, has the return on investment been received? 32. Other perceptions (probe)________



Questionnaire for feedback from farmers on the device of flood irrigation

Project: Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)
The Energy and Resources Institute No 7117, 4th Main, 2nd Cross Domlur 2nd stage, Bangalore 560 071 A. (General Information) 1. Name of the person: ________________________________________________ 2. Details of location:
Village Taluka/Block District State

3. Family size:
Men Women Children

4. Primary occupation: Agriculture Non-agriculture If Non Agriculture, specify _______________________________ 5. Secondary occupation: Agriculture Non-agriculture If Non-agriculture, specify __________________________________ B. (Details of Land)
Land details Total land owned Land under cultivation Land under irrigation Under drip Under flood Any other , specify Area (acre) Remarks

72 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

C. (Subsidy) 6. Whether subsidy is available for the product (pumpset): Yes If yes how much Rs. ________per acre D. (Details of Crop with Flood)
Sl. No. Name of the crop Acreage Production/ acre/year Production of crop residues/ acre/crop Price/unit





E. Details of Operation for Irrigation under Flood for the Particular Crop Sugarcane Vegetable SpecifyCotton 7. Number of hrs of operation per day: Rainy______Summer______ Winter______ 8. Number of days operated per week: Rainy______Summer_____ Winter______ 9. Number of days operated per month: Rainy______Summer______ Winter_____ 10. Total days of operation per season: RainySummerWinter.. F. (Details of Cropping Pattern Prior to Flood) 11. Whether shift from dry land to flood irrigated land: Yes




Table 3-Details of crops grown prior to flood

Sl. No. Name of the crop Acreage Production/ acre/year Production of crop residues/ acre/crop Price/unit




G. (Benefits) 12. What are the benefits received after implementation of flood irrigation system? (a) ______________________ (b) _______________________ (c) _______________________ 13. Is there any increase in the area under irrigation after installation of flood system? If yes, how much? 14. What is the pay back period, has the return on investment been received? 15. Other perceptions (probe) Checklist for technical assessment
Sl. No. 1 2 3 Code Name Address

74 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Sl. No. 4 a b c d e 5 Details of plot Category Plot area Area Number of plants Number of plots Plants per plot Number of pumps Pump 1 Category a b c d e f g h i 6 Type Name Rating Age Type Distance Suction Delivery Total depth Phase R Y B Avearge 7 Water discharge calculation Water discharge (at source) Trial 1 2 3 Average Water discharge (at delivery) Trial 1 2 3 Average Time (min) Qty of water (l) Discharge rate (l/h) ft ft ft ft kW hp Year Details of well Type Distance Suction Delivery ft ft ft Unit Value Category Type Name Rating Age hp Year Details of well Pump 2 Unit Value Unit ft acre Nos Nos Nos Value

Total depth ft

3 phase electricity metre reading



Sl. No. Water discharge (in drip method of irrigation) Trial 1 2 3 Average 8 Efficiency of pump Energy input Energy output Efficiency kWh kWh % Time (min) Qty of water (l) Discharge rate (l/h)

76 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)



Electric pumps used in technical evaluation

Sl. No. Name of the owner of pump Village District State Horse Power (BHP) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Palaniswamy Murugeshan Ramaraju Subramanian V S Mahalingam Balakrishnan Ramaraju Subramanian V S Palaniswamy Chinnaswamy Saniappa Gowder Palaniswamy Gopal K P Krishnamurthy Rajendra Dilip patil Pandurang Sonji Patil Hari kundli mali Purushottam patil Vinod Naik Atmaram Mahajan Suresh Patil Prakash patil Chagan shyamarao Zalte Mahrao Pankaj Naik Vasant Dange Kashinath Patil Vasanth Krishna Mahajan Yuvaraj Chowdary Rajaram Omkar Patil Jaweregowda Sridevi Sirigiri Sangetha palyam Soladasanapetti Sirigiri Sirigiri Jangalpetti Soladasanapetti Sirigiri Sirigiri Chennampatti Chennampatti Chennampatti Jarathal Kollagoil Chennampatti Malkheda Palaskheda Shendurni Jamner Malkheda Jamner Jamner Palaskheda Jamner Malkheda Samrod Palaskheda Jamner Jamner Samrod Kabbigere Kabbigere Erode Salem Karur Erode Erode Karur Karur Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Korategere Korategere Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Karnataka Karnataka 5 7.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 5 5 5 5 7.5 5 7.5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Make of the system Texmo Singari Texmo Texmo RAE Suguna Decon Texmo Texmo Texmo Texmo Texmo Suguna Texmo Suguna Texmo Texmo Texmo Lubi Megha Texmo RBC Everest Texmo Texmo Texmo CRI Texmo Texmo ACI 12 4 2 35 8 15 10 8 22 10 4 35 10 2 2 Age of the system (Yr) 4 7 2 5 20 25 2 5 4 32 4 3 5 10 2 35



Sl. No.

Name of the owner of pump




Horse Power (BHP)

Make of the system

Age of the system (Yr) 3 3 3

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Mudalgiriayappa Narasappa Basavaraju Jaweregowda Mahalingappa Siddganangaiah Thimmegowda Chandrashekar Rakesh Dhulichand Challatra Mahesh Shyamlal Premlal Natulilal Ramesh Siyaram Misri lal Revaram Ramu

Kabbigere Kabbigere Chikkarasanahalli Kabigere Anjenahalli Surenhalli Chikkannahalli Kabigere Bangardha

Korategere Korategere Korategere Korategere Korategere Korategere Korategere Korategere Kargaoun

Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka MP

4 4 3 7.5 5 7.5 6 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 3 3 Silver

3 3 6 5 10

78 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)



Performance results of electric pumps

Sl. No. Pump code Name of the owner Power input (kW) 4.0 5.5 5.7 3.7 1.9 3.7 5.7 3.7 4.0 2.4 5.9 5.9 4.9 3.2 5.9 4.4 3.1 5.4 2.2 5.2 5.0 2.8 3.6 2.4 4.1 4.6 3.4 3.4 7.9 8.8 Water discharge (l/h) 38317 53471 27200 45638 22700 31340 27200 45638 38317 21075 36678 40484 21270 33430 24090 33790 22170 5631 17868 51438 23943 29132 25712 21416 25732 15279 13258 18048 10342 10833 11 134 15 3 18 15 14 5 16 11 30 15 137 107 0.64 2.06 0.71 0.38 1.19 1.21 0.96 0.27 1.11 0.44 1.10 0.75 3.87 3.15 Head (m) Power output (kW) 1.90 3.10 1.36 2.27 1.28 1.04 1.36 2.27 1.90 1.22 2.28 1.35 0.62 1.51 1.30 Efficiency (%)

Tamil Nadu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Er-Sg-Fl-01 Er-Sg-Fl-02 Er-Sg-Fl-03 Er-Sg-Fl-04 Er-Sg-Dp-01 Er-Sg-Dp-02 Er-Sg-Dp-03 Er-Sg-Dp-04 Er-Sg-Dp-05 Er-Bn-Fl-01 Er-Bn-Fl-02 Er-Bn-Fl-03 Er-Bn-Dp-01 Er-Bn-Dp-02 Er-Bn-Dp-03 Palaniswamy Murugeshan Ramaraju Subramanian V S Mahalingam Balakrishnan Ramaraju Subramanian V S Palaniswamy Chinnaswamy Saniappa Gowder Palaniswamy Gopal K P Krishnamurthy Rajendra Average Maharashtra 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Jg-Ct-dr-01 Jg-Ct-dr-02 Jg-Ct-dr-03 Jg-Ct-dr-04 Jg-Ct-dr-05 Jg-Ct-fl-01 Jg-Ct-fl-02 Jg-Ct-fl-03 Jg-Ct-fl-04 Jg-Ct-fl-05 Jg-Bn-Dr-01 Jg-Bn-Dr-02 Jg-Bn-Dr-03 Jg-Bn-fl-01 Dilip patil Pandurang Sonji Patil Hari kundli mali Purushottam patil Vinod Naik Atmaram Mahajan Suresh Patil Prakash patil Chagan shyamarao Zalte Mahrao Pankaj Naik Vasant Dange Kashinath Patil Vasanth Krishna Mahajan Yuvaraj Chowdary 21 38 33 7 24 44 27 11 27 10 32 22 49 36 18 21 18 18 21 12 18 18 18 21 23 12 11 17 20 47 57 24 61 44 28 24 61 47 51 39 23 14 48 22 39



Sl. No.

Pump code

Name of the owner

Power input (kW) 7.3 4.6 5.0 5.1 4.4 3.3 5.0 5.8 3.6 6.0 3.8 4.4 8.1 2.5 4.7 5.0 7.0 4.4 3.3 5.0 5.8 3.6 6.0 3.8 4.4 4.8

Water discharge (l/h) 20840 20776 10463 17228 5263 17840 4129 16156 16157 9600 9600 5829 22033 7496 11816 26195 17793 29556 28983 20823 26562 22858 42638 32380 33705 28149

Head (m)

Power output (kW) 0.73

Efficiency (%) 10 26



Rajaram Omkar Patil Average


Karnataka 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Tu-Gn-Fl-01 Tu-Gn-Fl-02 Tu-Gn-Fl-03 Tu-Gn-Fl-04 Tu-Gn-Fl-05 Tu-Gn-Dr-01 Tu-Gn-Dr-02 Tu-Gn-Dr-03 Tu-Gn-Dr-04 Tu-Gn-Dr-05 Tu-Gn-Dr-06 Tu-Gn-Dr-07 Jaweregowda Mahalingappa Siddganangaiah Thimmegowda Chandrashekar Jaweregowda Sridevi Mudalgiriayappa Narasappa Basavaraju Rajanna Gangananna Average Madhya Pradesh 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 In-Ch-Fl-01 In-Ch-Fl-02 In-Ch-Fl-03 In-Ch-Fl-04 In-Ch-Fl-05 In-Ch-Dr-01 In-Ch-Dr-02 In-Ch-Dr-03 In-Ch-Dr-04 In-Ch-Dr-05 Ramesh Siyaram Misrilal Revaram Ramu Rakesh Mahesh Shyamlal Premlal Natulilal Average 11 14 11 13 11 11 12 11 13 11 20 0.78 0.68 0.89 1.03 0.62 0.80 0.75 1.28 1.15 1.01 16 10 20 32 12 14 21 21 30 23 67 49 95 36 58 61 61 76 76 80 110 85 47 1.91 2.29 1.36 1.77 0.65 2.67 2.67 1.99 1.99 1.27 6.60 1.73 38 45 31 55 13 46 75 33 53 29 81 69

80 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)



Details of hours of irrigation in Erode region

Month Season Sugarcane (hours, days per week) Drip January February March April May June July August October Summer 1, 6.5 days a week Flood 6 hours, thrice a week Banana (hours, days per week) Drip Flood 1 hour, 6 days a week 6 hours, 3 days a week 1 hour, 6 days a week 6 hours, 3 days a week 1 hour, 6 days a week 6 hours, 3 days a week 1 hour, 6 days a week 6 hours, 3 days a week 1 hour, 6 days a week 6 hours, 3 days a week hour, twice a week hour, twice a week hour, twice a week 3 hours, 7 days once 3 hours, 7 days once 3 hours, 7 days once

Summer 1 hour, 6.5 days a week 6 hours, thrice a week Summer 1 hour, 6.5 days a week 6 hours, thrice a week Summer 1 hour, 6.5 days a week 6 hours, thrice a week Summer 1 hour, 6.5 days a week 6 hours, thrice a week Rainy Rainy Rainy Winter hour, twice a week hour, twice a week hour, twice a week 1 hour, 6 days a week 1 hour, 6 days a week 1 hour, 6 days a week 1 hour, 6 days a week 15 days, once a week 15 days, once a week 15 days, once a week

September Winter November Winter December Winter

4.5 hours, twice a week 1 hour, 5 days a week 5 hours, 2 days a week 4.5 hours, twice a week 1 hour, 5 days a week 5 hours, 2 days a week 4.5 hours, twice a week 1 hour, 5 days a week 5 hours, 2 days a week 4.5 hours, twice a week 1 hour, 5 days a week 5 hours, 2 days a week





Region-wise installed capacity as of 31-03-2007

Region Northern Western Southern Eastern N. Eastern Islands All India Hydro Coal 13,000.38 6,918.83 11,011.71 2,496.53 1221.07 5.25 34,653.77 18,027.50 22,441.50 16,172.50 14,149.88 330 0.00 71,121.38 Gas 3,323.19 5,820.72 3,586.30 190 771.5 0.00 13,691.71 Thermal Diesel 14.99 17.48 939.32 17.2 142.74 70.02 1,201.75 Total 21,365.68 1,180.00 28,279.70 1,840.00 20,698.12 14,357.08 1,244.24 70.02 86,014.84 880 0 0 0 3,900.00 813.37 1,874.76 4,971.55 46.76 48.91 5.25 7,760.60 36,359.43 38,913.29 37,561.38 16900.37 2,514.22 80.52 132,329.21 Nuclear Renewable Total

Geographical scope of the five regional electricity grids

Northern Chandigarh Delhi Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Punjab Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Uttaranchal Western Chhattisgarh Gujarat Daman & Diu Dadar & Nagar Haveli Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Goa Southern Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamil Nadu Pondicherry Lakshadweep Eastern Bihar Jharkhand Orissa West Bengal Sikkim Andaman- Nicobar Nicobar North-Eastern Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Tripura

82 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)



State-wise number of energised pumpsets/tubewells in India

(As of 31st March,1998 and 2001)

States Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Gujarat Goa Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttaranchal West Bengal Total (States) Total (UTs) India

Estimated pumpsets potential# (000) 1981 1.2 254 1352.2 779.8 7.8 470.8 14.2 67.2 1357 435.6 2773.6 2449.8 37.6 14.2 10 1214 751 630.6 5 1662.6 14.8 2610 650 19544 50 19594

As of 31st March 1998 1824689 3675 270277 617495 6454 409404 5098 5621 1082150 329355 1229016 2151191 45 65 176 72047 735162 565068 1609242 1764 790157 104383 11812534 36872 11849406 2001 1924543 3675 274911 694163 6867 420472 6167 5621 1263859 392295 1236737 73984 2327716 45 65 176 74625 777854 639131 1723778 2094 808238 17524 110793 12785330 38150 12823480

Note# : Effected from Oct. 95. Source : Compendium of Power Statistics 2001 & 2002, Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board





Region/State-wise forecast of electrical energy consumption

(Utilities only) for irrigation category in India)

(2004-2005) States/UTs Estimated Consumption (GWh) 5753.64 11.51 226.3 7338.1 8147.21 12366.01 1240.1 3.01 64.1 35150.28 15316.12 10027.5 1795.9 21224.96 20.98 0.58 1.58 48387.62 15409.6 16432.41 572.95 States/UTs

(2004-2005) Estimated Consumption (GWh) 8795.82 0 120.25 41331.03 1527.54 87.36 614.47 2418.34 0 0 4647.71 64.96 0 1.5 0 116.48 0 0 183 129700

Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Punjab Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Uttaranchal Chandigarh Delhi Sub-Total (NR) Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh Maharashtra Goa Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu Sub-Total (WR) Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala

Tamil Nadu Lakshadweep Pondicherry Sub-Total (SR) Bihar Jharkhand Orissa West Bengal Andaman & Nicobar Islands Sikkim Sub-Total (ER) Assam Manipur Meghalaya Nagaland Tripura Arunachal Pradesh Mizoram Sub-Total (NER) India

Source : Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3125, dated 15.05.2006.

84 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Photo Gallery

Erode, Tamil Nadu

Photo-1: Banana crop grown by using KB Drip in Erode, Tamil Nadu

Photo-2: Sugar cane crop grown by using KB Drip in Erode, Tamil Nadu

Photo-3: Discussions with drip dealer in Erode, Tamil Nadu

Photo-4: Discussion with farmers in Erode, Tamil Nadu

Photo-5: Measurement of Input power during technical evaluation in Erode, Tamil Nadu

Photo-6: Technical evaluation of water discharge at source in Erode, Tamil Nadu



Tumkur, Karnataka

Photo 1. Measurement of Water discharge from drip mains in Tumkur, Karnataka

Photo 2. Measurement of Water discharge by flood method at Tumkur, Karnataka

Photo 3. Water measurement during technical evaluation of drip system in Tumkur, Karnataka

Photo 4. Technical evaluation of drip system in Tumkur, Karantaka

Photo 5. Electric input measurement carried in Tumkur, Karnataka

Photo 6. Focus group discussion with farmers in Tumkur, Karnataka

86 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Photo 1. Chilly crop grown under drip system in Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Photo 2. Technical evaluation of water discharge of drip system in Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Photo 3. Wetting measurement at root zone under drip system in Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Photo 4. Technical evaluation of water discharge from open well to drip system in Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Photo 5. Focus group discussion with the Chilly growing farmers under drip system in Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Photo 6. Discussion with farmers growing chilly under drip system in Indore, Madhya Pradesh



Jalgaon, Maharashtra

Photo 1. Cotton crop grown under drip system in Jamner, Maharashtra

Photo 2. Banana plot in Jamner, Maharashtra

Photo 3. Technical Evaluation for drip system in Jamaner, Maharashtra

Photo 4. Technical evaluation of water disharge from open well to drip system in Jamaner, Maharashtra

Photo 5. discussion with the Cotton growning farmers under drip system in Jamaner, Maharashtra

Photo 6. Discussion with dealers of drip system in Jamaner, Maharashtra

88 Socio-economic-techno-environmental assessment of IDEI products (Low cost KB Drip)

Chinnamuthu et.al. 2002, Recent Advances in Irrigation Management for Field Crops. TNAU, Coimbatore, pp. 137-213 Crop Production Guide, 2005, Directorate of Horticulture and Plantation Crops, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore Crop Production Techniques of Horticultural Crops, 2004, Directorate of Horticulture and Plantation Crops, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore CO2 Baseline Database for the Indian Power Sector User Guide, Version 2.0, June 2007, Government of India, Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi. Karnataka At A Glance, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Bangalore, 20032004 Narayanamoorthy A, 2004, Impact Assessment of Drip Irrigation in India: The Case of sugarcane, Development policy Review, Vol.22 (4). Pp. 443-462. Narayanamoorthy, 2005, Efficiency of irrigation: A Case of Drip Irrigation. Department of Economic Analysis and Research and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mumbai, p. 110 Saknara Reddi G H and Yellamanda Reddy T, 2006, Efficient Use of Irrigation Water, Kalyani publ.Ludhiana, pp. 174-198. Website: http://www.maharashtra.gov.in http://dacnet.nic.in http://www.tn.gov.in/crop/sourcesofirrigation.htm http://www.erode.nic.in http://raitamitra.kar.nic.in/about.htm http://www.taylormade.com.au/billspages/conversion_table.html CEA Website for Emission Reduction Factors http://www.cea.nic.in/planning/ c%20and%20e/Database%20ver1.1.zip Karnataka Statistics.com for information on agricultural statistics, state of Karnataka UNFCCC website http://vasatwiki.icrisat.org/index.php/Drought_scenario_in_Maharashtra.



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