IFRC - Haiti Case Study 2
IFRC - Haiti Case Study 2
IFRC - Haiti Case Study 2
The British Red Cross (BRC) Haiti Earthquake Recovery Programme is pioneering an approach to urban recovery in Delmas 19 The integrated neighborhood approach (INA).32 The aim of this urban regeneration project is to improve the quality of life for Delmas 19 residents, helping the community to recover from the earthquake in an integrated and sustainable way with coordinated livelihoods, shelter and WASH support. The programme also goes beyond typical disaster recovery, as most of the vulnerabilities of this informal urban settlement existed before the earthquake. Beneficiary communication as a form of delivering accountability to beneficiaries is a critical part of the INA and the key to working with the community: without good communication, a successful programme is impossible. Ensuring two-way communication among a heterogeneous population with different ways of absorbing information and low levels of trust and with the backdrop of the complex and insecure environment is constantly challenging. Real programme integration is similarly challenging. Some of the learning from the BRC INA is presented below.
Facilitating integration
The Delmas 19 recovery programme, that later became known as INA, was planned as a fully integrated programme, bringing together livelihoods, shelter and watsan elements to regenerate the community holistically. However BRC struggled with recruitment, creating HR gaps in the planned integrated team that resulted in the programme slipping back into a more siloed approach with each team engaging in separate conversations with the community. Setting all parts of the programme up simultaneously is critical to making integration a reality, particularly when working in the humanitarian sector where there is a tendency towards siloed approaches. Beneficiary communication has a particularly important part to play in the I integrated part of the INA approach, and can be a welding force connecting different sectoral elements of the programme, ideally working alongside a central team of community mobilizers as one united face of the Red Cross to the community. BRC began with different sectoral teams often working disjointedly and recognized this as an issue and is now restructuring to have a centralized community mobilization team. Beneficiary communication should be embedded in this centralized function and not seen as a stand-alone service or an add-on, as community mobilization is completely reliant on two-way communication.
cations messages make sense. However this can be problematic because of different sectoral timelines if different programme components develop at different paces. If they can be foreseen, differences in timelines should be communicated from the beginning. This lessens frustration with slow progress. For example, the BRC livelihoods cash grant work began much sooner than the non-livelihoods components of the programme, including housing and urban planning. These take longer to get off the ground because understanding the communitys needs and priorities, overcoming issues around land tenure and working with local government are more complicated and solutions more time consuming.
Participatory foundations
A community programme needs to be developed via a participatory process. The Red Cross has a number of tools to use dependent on the most appropriately identified entry point, for example PRA, PASSA, PHAST. Beneficiary communication, as well as the programme in general, will struggle to function if the INA is not started off on a participatory foot. This builds levels of acceptance and facilitates good relations with the community from day one. Initial surveys should also be maximized as an opportunity to include questions on beneficiary communication, for example: How do you want to communicate with us? How do you get your information? Including some basic indicators for monitoring programme accountability would also help to measure the impact of beneficiary communication.
Tied to this is the importance of clarifying and communicating the roles of the local Government and the Red Cross; there can be more confusion on this in an urban setting. For example, BRC and IFRC are rebuilding the main drainage canal of Delmas 19, but are not responsible for land right issues that may result in some illegally built houses being torn down in the process.