This document provides an overview of the fuel properties of biomass fast pyrolysis oils (bio-oils). It discusses that bio-oils are complex mixtures of hundreds of oxygenated organic compounds derived from biomass. While most bio-oils appear homogeneous, they actually have a microscopic multiphase structure due to the varying polarities of compounds. Bio-oils retain a high oxygen content of 35-60wt% from the biomass feedstock. This high oxygen content makes bio-oils non-miscible with petroleum fuels and is responsible for bio-oils' low energy density and stability problems compared to conventional fuels. The document reviews various fuel properties of bio-oils and how they impact the
This document provides an overview of the fuel properties of biomass fast pyrolysis oils (bio-oils). It discusses that bio-oils are complex mixtures of hundreds of oxygenated organic compounds derived from biomass. While most bio-oils appear homogeneous, they actually have a microscopic multiphase structure due to the varying polarities of compounds. Bio-oils retain a high oxygen content of 35-60wt% from the biomass feedstock. This high oxygen content makes bio-oils non-miscible with petroleum fuels and is responsible for bio-oils' low energy density and stability problems compared to conventional fuels. The document reviews various fuel properties of bio-oils and how they impact the
This document provides an overview of the fuel properties of biomass fast pyrolysis oils (bio-oils). It discusses that bio-oils are complex mixtures of hundreds of oxygenated organic compounds derived from biomass. While most bio-oils appear homogeneous, they actually have a microscopic multiphase structure due to the varying polarities of compounds. Bio-oils retain a high oxygen content of 35-60wt% from the biomass feedstock. This high oxygen content makes bio-oils non-miscible with petroleum fuels and is responsible for bio-oils' low energy density and stability problems compared to conventional fuels. The document reviews various fuel properties of bio-oils and how they impact the
This document provides an overview of the fuel properties of biomass fast pyrolysis oils (bio-oils). It discusses that bio-oils are complex mixtures of hundreds of oxygenated organic compounds derived from biomass. While most bio-oils appear homogeneous, they actually have a microscopic multiphase structure due to the varying polarities of compounds. Bio-oils retain a high oxygen content of 35-60wt% from the biomass feedstock. This high oxygen content makes bio-oils non-miscible with petroleum fuels and is responsible for bio-oils' low energy density and stability problems compared to conventional fuels. The document reviews various fuel properties of bio-oils and how they impact the
Overview of fuel properties of biomass fast pyrolysis oils
Lu Qiang, Li Wen-Zhi, Zhu Xi-Feng
* Key Laboratory for Biomass Clean Energy of Anhui Province, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 28 May 2008 Accepted 2 January 2009 Available online 14 February 2009 Keywords: Biomass Fast pyrolysis Bio-oil Fuel property a b s t r a c t Fast pyrolysis of biomass is one of the most promising technologies for converting biomass to liquid fuels. As a result, this technology has gained extensive attention in the last two decades. The pyrolysis liquids, known as the bio-oils, have been regarded as promising candidates to replace petroleum fuels to be used in various thermal devices. However, bio-oils are totally different from petroleum fuels. Therefore, the successful utilization of bio-oils in terms of liquid fuels requires adequate understanding of their fuel properties. This review concentrates on the detailed fuel properties of bio-oils and discusses how these properties affect the utilization of bio-oils. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Fossil fuel shortage and severe environmental problems have attracted great attention on the exploitation of clean renewable energies. The utilization of lignocellulosic biomass resources will play an increasingly important role in the future [1]. There are various conversion technologies to produce liquid fuels, among which fast pyrolysis of biomass has been experiencing rapid devel- opment in the recent years, because it can offer an alternative way to solve liquid fuel shortage problems [2,3]. Fast pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition process that occurs in the absence of oxygen to convert biomass into liquid products (bio-oils) together with non-condensable gases and solid chars. The essential principles to obtain high yields of bio-oils include moderate pyrolysis temperature (500 C), very high heating rates (10 3 10 5 C/s), short vapor residence times (<2 s) and rapid quenching of pyrolysis vapors. A number of pyrolysis reactors have been developed that include bubbling uid bed, transport bed, circulating uid bed, rotating cone, vacuum pyrolysis reactor, ablative reactor, and screw reactor [46]. Since 1990s, several research organizations have successfully established large-scale fast pyrolysis plants. Bio-oils are renewable liquid fuels, and are highly regarded as substitutes of petroleum fuels. However, bio- oils are totally different from petroleum fuels. It is necessary to develop new technologies for the successful utilization of bio-oils, which requires adequate understanding of their overall fuel prop- erties [79]. 2. Bio-oil Bio-oils, also referred to as biomass pyrolysis liquids, pyrolysis oils, or bio-crude oils, are dark brown, free owing liquids with an acrid or smoky odor. They are complex mixtures of compounds that are derived from the depolymerization of cellulose, hemicellu- lose and lignin. Chemically, they comprise quite a lot of water, more or less solid particles and hundreds of organic compounds that belong to acids, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, phenols, ethers, esters, sugars, furans, nitrogen compounds and multifunctional compounds [10]. The molecular weights of these compounds vary signicantly, from as low as 18 (water) to as high as 5000 or more (pyrolytic lignins). The average molecular weight varies in the range of 3701000 g/mol. Till now, over 300 organic compounds have been identied in different bio-oils. Most of the compounds are in low concentrations. Fractionation is widely used to separate bio-oils into groups of compounds to facilitate analysis and quan- tication of compounds [11,12]. However, complete chemical characterization of bio-oils is almost impossible mainly due to the presence of pyrolytic lignins [13]. The pyrolytic lignins are derived from the partial cracking of lignin molecules. They cannot be determined by gas chromatography or high performance liquid chromatography. Analysis of the pyrolytic lignins shows that they are constituted by oligomers (mainly tetramers), and their basic units are very similar to milled wood lignins [1416]. As can be seen, bio-oils are totally different from petroleum fuels in chemical compositions, which will result in the vast difference in the fuel properties between them. The chemical compositions of bio-oils are determined by many factors, such as biomass type, feedstock pretreatment (particle size and shape, moisture and ash contents), pyrolysis conditions (temperature, heating rate, residence time, pressure, gaseous 0196-8904/$ - see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2009.01.001 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 551 3600040; fax: +86 551 3606689. E-mail address: [email protected] (X.-F. Zhu). Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 13761383 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy Conversion and Management j our nal homepage: www. el sevi er . com/ l ocat e/ enconman environment) as well as vapor ltration and condensation (lter type, condensing method and medium, cooling rate). Therefore, bio-oils produced from different materials and by different pyrolysis reactors may differ greatly from one another. As a re- sult, the fuel properties of different bio-oils usually vary in wide ranges. 3. Fuel properties of bio-oils 3.1. Homogeneity In general, most bio-oils are homogeneous in appearance. How- ever, some forestry and agricultural materials contain substantial amounts of extractives whose pyrolysis products are different in solubility, polarity and density from normal bio-oils. It was reported that bio-oils produced from extractive-rich feedstocks would separate into two phases: a top phase rich in extractives and a bottom phase resembling the normal bio-oils [17,18]. The proportions of the top phase depend on the feedstocks, and can reach up to 20 wt% of the whole bio-oils. The major compounds in the top phase are extractives (2550 wt%), pyrolytic lignins (2040 wt%) and water soluble compounds (2040 wt%) [19]. It is to be noted that many raw biomass materials contain a few extrac- tives. The bio-oils produced from them will not undergo this kind of phase separation, because the small amounts of extractives can be dispersed in the bio-oil matrix. Although most bio-oils are macroscopic single phase liquids, in fact, they possess microscopic multiphase structures that will be discussed below. 3.2. Microscopic multiphase structure Compounds in bio-oils are of different sizes and natures. There are highly polar compounds (water, acids and alcohols), less polar compounds (esters, ethers and phenolics) and non-polar com- pounds (hexane and other hydrocarbons). These compounds are not completely mutual soluble. According to Radlein [20], bio-oils can be considered as microemulsions. Water and water soluble molecules form the continuous phase. Water insoluble materials are dispersed as micelles in bio-oils. Some multipolar compounds act as emulsiers to stabilize the structures. Prez et al. [21] pointed out that the complex structures of bio-oils could be attributed to the presence of char particles, waxy materials, aqueous droplets, and heavy compound micelles. They studied the multiphase structures of two bio-oils produced from vacuum pyrolysis of SWBR (softwood bard residues) and HWRF (hardwood rich in bre). The SWBR-derived bio-oil was observed to have large droplets of 2080 lm containing crystals and aqueous droplets of 5 and 10 lm at 25 C. This macroemul- sion could be separated by creaming into two phases after heat- ing to 60 C. The HWRF-derived bio-oil was observed to have only a small amount of crystals and char particles dispersed in the oil matrix. The differential scanning calorimetry analysis of the extractive-rich top phase exhibited a clear endothermic phe- nomenon over the range of 060 C. This was believed to be caused by the melting of the waxy materials. In addition, the rheological studies conrmed the existence of a network com- posed of heavy compounds and waxy materials at low tempera- tures in the bio-oils. Fratini et al. [22] employed small-angle neutron scattering to reveal the microstructures of bio-oils. The results showed that bio-oils were nanostructured uids constituted by a complex con- tinuous phase and nanoparticles mainly formed by the association of units of pyrolytic lignins. The aggregation of these units produced branched structures that were characterized by a fractal dimension of 1.41.5 and an aggregation number of 5080. 3.3. Oxygen Bio-oils retain most of the original oxygen in the feedstocks. Their oxygen contents vary in the range of 3560 wt% (wet basis), which is determined mainly by the water contents. Oxygen is pres- ent in almost all organic compounds in bio-oils. It is known to be the primary reason for the vast differences between bio-oils and petroleum fuels. These oxygenated compounds make bio-oils po- lar, and thus non-miscible with non-polar petroleum fuels. This will be a defect for the utilization of bio-oils. Moreover, the high oxygen content is responsible for the low heating value, corrosive- ness and instability of bio-oils, which will be discussed below. 3.4. Water Water is the most abundant single component in bio-oils. It results from original moisture in feedstocks and dehydration reactions during fast pyrolysis process. The water contents of bio-oils usually vary in the range of 1530 wt%, depending on the initial moisture in feedstocks and pyrolysis conditions. Some water in bio-oils is in the form of aldehyde hydrates, while much of it is probably hydrogen bonded to polar organic compounds. The content is recommended to be determined by Karl-Fischer titration [23]. Bio-oils have limited solubility with water. With the increase in water content, the microemulsion structure will be destroyed and bio-oils tend to separate into an aqueous phase and a heavier or- ganic phase. To maintain homogeneity,the upper limit of the water content is determined by the chemical compositions of bio-oils, which are usually in the range of 3035 wt% [20]. Once this kind of phase separation takes place, it will bring great trouble to the utilization of bio-oils. In order to prevent this, the original moisture in feedstocks is usually required to be below 10 wt% so as to con- trol the water of bio-oils in a favorable level. Water is hard to be removed from bio-oils. The presence of water has both negative and positive effects on the storage and uti- lization of bio-oils. On the one hand, it lowers heating values, and may cause phase separation of bio-oils. Moreover, it increases ignition delay, and reduces combustion rates and adiabatic ame temperatures during the combustion process. In addition, it will lead to premature evaporation and subsequent injection difcul- ties during the preheating process. On the other hand, it helps to reduce viscosity and facilitate atomization. Furthermore, it is ben- ecial for reducing pollutant emissions during combustion [24]. Water lowers and evens the temperature proles in chambers that are important for suppressing NO x formation. It also contributes to the microexplosion of droplets, which is benecial for sufcient combustion. In addition, OH radicals from water can inhibit the formation of soot and can also accelerate its oxidation. 3.5. Heating value The lower heating value (LHV) of bio-oils is typically 1418 MJ/kg, which is much lower than that of petroleum fuels (41 43 MJ/kg). It is attributable to the high oxygen content. However, the density of bio-oils is about 1.2 g/ml comparedwiththat of petro- leum fuels, which is 0.81.0 g/ml. Therefore, the volumetric energy density of bio-oils can reach 5060% of that of petroleum fuels. The bio-oils are usually directly measured for their high heating values (HHVs). The LHV can then be calculated by the following equation proposed by Oasmaa et al. [25]: LHV HHV 218:3 H%wt% KJ=kg Q. Lu et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 13761383 1377 3.6. Solid Bio-oils contain more or less solids, mainly char particles and other materials such as uidized-bed materials used in the pyroly- sis process. Cyclone separators are commonly used in pyrolysis sets to get rid of solids in pyrolysis vapors because of their low costs, but they are only efcient in separating large particles (>10 lm). Many small particles that escaped from separation will be condensed with pyrolysis vapors in bio-oils. The solid content can reach as high as 3 wt%, and the particle size usually varies in the range of 1200 lm with most particles being below 10 lm. Solid content is measured as the amount of solvent insoluble materials. Ethanol is powerful for extractive-free bio-oils. Whereas a neutral solvent is required to dissolve bio-oils with extractives, and a mixture of methanol and dichloromethane is recommended [23]. The particle size distribution of solids can be determined by optical instruments [2527]. Solid particles will bring many negative effects to the storage and combustion of bio-oils [7]. First, the char particles tend to agglomerate slowly and settle at the bottom of the vessels. Even if ltration is performed to remove large particles, the left submi- cron particles will aggregate to formlarge ones during storage. Sec- ond, the solids increase the apparent viscosity of bio-oils, leading to difculties in pumping and atomization. Third, the solids will cause erosion and blockage to the fuel injection systems. Fourth, the char particles will act as catalysts to accelerate the ageing reac- tions of bio-oils, resulting in the increase in viscosity and even in phase separation with solids adsorbed with pyrolytic lignins to form gummy tars. Fifth, the char particles will contribute to form slow-burning carbonaceous cenospheres and consequently un- burned particles in the ue gas. 3.7. Ash During the pyrolysis process, most inorganic compounds (ashes) in biomass sequester in char particles. Hence, the ash con- tents of the char particles are 38 times higher than those of the feedstocks. For some raw biomass materials with high ash contents such as rice husks (around 15 wt% ash), the ash contents of char particles can reach as high as 50 wt%. A study conducted by Agble- vor and Besler [27] revealed that alkali metals would not leach from the char particles to bio-oils under storage conditions. Ash content is determined as the amount of residues when heating bio-oils to 775 C with oxygen supply. Direct heating of bio-oils will result in foaming and splashing due to their high water contents. Thus, the rst controlled evaporation of water at 105 C is needed before rapid heating to 775 C [25]. Metals in ashes are believed to cause signicant high-tempera- ture corrosion and deposition to thermal devices during the com- bustion of bio-oils [28]. Alkali metals of potassium and sodium can form low melting compounds that will stick to the hot compo- nents such as turbine blades and then corrode these components. As can be seen, the presence of solids and ashes is highly unde- sirable. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the solid content. It is difcult to solve this problem by ltration of bio-oils. Some solids of small sizes will slip through lters, and the ltration will gener- ate bio-oil/char sludge [26,29]. Nevertheless, ltration of pyrolysis vapors, which has been studied in NREL and VTT, has been vali- dated to obtain bio-oils with ash contents below 0.01 wt% and alkali metals below 10 ppm [7,30]. 3.8. Viscosity Viscosity of a uid is a measure of its resistance to shearing forces or angular deformation during motion. It will play an impor- tant role in the design and operation of the fuel injection system, as well as in the atomization quality and subsequent combustion properties of the fuel. Viscosities of homogeneous bio-oils can be measured as either dynamic viscosity (l) or kinematic viscosity (c) by different visc- ometers such as capillary viscometer, rotaviscotester, or falling ball viscometer. However, for poor bio-oils with phase separation, it is recommended to measure dynamic viscosities by closed-cup rota- viscotester [23]. Viscosity measurement at elevated temperatures seems to be a problem, since vapor formation caused by the evap- oration of light volatiles will make the measurement troublesome. Radovanovic et al. [31] proposed a measuring method to solve this problem by using a falling ball viscometer. At temperatures above which the vapor formation started, falling time of the ball uctu- ated strongly in the repeated experiments. Viscosities of bio-oils could be determined by the lowest values. Generally, viscosities of bio-oils vary in a wide range (10100 cP at 40 C). Moderate preheating of bio-oils is useful to reduce their viscosities and to facilitate pumping and atomization. However, at temperatures higher than 80 C, the whole properties of bio-oils will be totally altered as a result of accelerated ageing reactions [32]. 3.9. Rheological property The rheological property of a uid can be described by the fol- lowing equation: s s o lD n where s is the shear stress, s o is the yield stress, and D is the shear rate. For Newtonian uids, s o = 0, n = 1, which indicates that their viscosities will remain constant under different shear rates. The cor- relation between c and l is as l = qc, where q is the density of the uid. For non-Newtonian uids, their viscosities vary with different shear rates. There are several kinds of non-Newtonian uids, such as Bingham uids, Pseudoplastic uids and Dilatant uids. Most bio-oils behave as Newtonian uids at temperatures lower than 80 C. However, some bio-oils rich in extractives may exhibit non-Newtonian uid behaviors. Ba et al. [33,34] investigated the steady and dynamic rheological properties of the SWBR-derived bio-oil. The steady rheological study discovered a phase-transition temperature of the bio-oil at 46 C. The dynamic rheological study showed that the bio-oil exhibited loss-modulus-dominant behav- iors. According to these results, it could be concluded that the waxy materials, pyrolytic lignins and solids in the bio-oil formed three-dimensional structures (<46 C). This structure would melt and disappear at higher temperatures. As a result, the bio-oil behaved in a manner similar to that of a Bingham plastic uid and a Newtonian liquid before and after 46 C, respectively. These results were also conrmed by the viscosity measurement study carried out by Boucher et al. [35] and by the detailed rheological study performed by Prez et al. [21]. 3.10. Flash point, pour point and cloud point Flash point of a liquid fuel is dened as the lowest temperature for the vapor above the liquid to be ignited when exposed to a ame. It is an important parameter for fuel handling to prevent re hazard. The ash points of bio-oils are usually measured with closed-cup testers and vary in the range of 4070 C or above 100 C, depending on the contents of light organic volatiles. It is usually difcult to measure the ash points at 70100 C, due to the strong evaporation of water which will inhibit the ignition of the fuel vapor [25]. Pour point of a liquid fuel is dened as the lowest temperature at which a liquid can ow without disturbance. It is a parameter to 1378 Q. Lu et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 13761383 describe the uidity of fuels at low temperatures. The loss of uid- ity of liquid fuels is usually caused by the increase in viscosity or crystallization of waxy materials. Generally, the pour points of bio-oils derived from wood are between 12 and 33 C [25]. Bio-oils derived from other materials may go beyond this range. For example, Sipil et al. [36] reported that a bio-oil sample from straw had a pour point of 36 C. Another parameter used to describe the low temperature prop- erties of liquid fuels is the cloud point. It is dened as the highest temperature at which a cloud of waxy crystals rst become visible. As mentioned above, Prez et al. [21] and Ba et al. [33,34] all con- rmed that the SWBR-derived bio-oil contained three-dimensional structures at temperatures below 4050 C. But direct measure- ment of the cloud point was not performed by them according to the standard methods. Oasmaa et al. [25] followed the ASTM D 2500 method to test the cloud point of a bio-oil sample with no waxy materials, in order to check if other components in the bio- oil could cause a similar phenomenon. The bio-oil was cooled to 21 C and lost uidity, but no clouding phenomenon was ob- served. However, it was difcult to conclude from the test that the bio-oil had no cloud point because the dark color of the bio- oil might make observation difcult. 3.11. Thermal conductivity, specic heat capacity and surface tension Thermal conductivity is a parameter to express the ability of a material to conduct heat. Specic heat capacity is dened as the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree. Thermal conductivity and specic heat capacity are essential parameters in the designing of equip- ments concerning heat transfer, such as heat exchangers and atom- izers. Only limited reports are available on the two parameters at present. According to these results, the thermal conductivity and specic heat capacity of bio-oils may be 0.350.4 W/mK and 2.5 3.5 KJ/kg K, respectively, in the temperature range of 2060 C. Both values are higher than those of diesel fuels. Surface tension is a measurement to attract of molecules to one another on a liquids surface. It is an essential parameter for the atomization of liquid fuels. The surface tension of bio-oils varies in the range of 2840 mN/m at room temperature, which is higher than that of petroleum fuels. The high surface tension can be partly attributed to the water whose surface tension value is as high as 72 mN/m (at 25 C). Like other liquids, surface tension of most bio-oils decreases slightly with the increase in temperature. While Prez et al. [21] found that the SWBR-derived bio-oil exhibited a distinct reduction of surface tension at around 45 C, due to the melting of the three-dimensional structure. 3.12. Stability Bio-oils are not products of thermodynamic equilibrium. Many components in them will take part in diverse reactions during stor- age. Oasmaa and Kuoppala [37] concluded that the instability of bio-oils can be described as (1) a slow increase in viscosity during storage; (2) a fast increase in viscosity by heating and (3) evapora- tion of volatile components and oxidation in air. 3.12.1. Chemical and physical changes of bio-oils during storage Diebold [38] concluded that the chemical reactions may take place during ageing of bio-oils. Aldehydes seem to be the most unstable fraction. They can react with water to form hydrates; with alcohols to form hemiacetals, acetals and water; with phenolics to form resins and water; with proteins to form dimers; and with one another to form oligomers and resins. Moreover, acids can react with alcohols to form esters and water; mercaptans will react to form dimers; and olens will polymerize to form oligomers and polymers. In addition, oxygen in air will oxidize the bio-oil to form more acids and reactive peroxides that catalyze the polymerization of unsaturated compounds. Furthermore, the char particles will act as catalysts to accelerate the ageing reactions. The properties of bio-oils will be changed as a result of these ageing reactions. First, chemical reactions change the polarity of bio-oils. For example, esterication reactions convert highly polar organic acid and alcohol molecules into esters with relatively low polarity and extremely polar water. Second, polymerization reactions generate large molecules that have poor mutual solu- bility with other compounds in bio-oils. These changes are the primary reason for the increase in water content and viscosity as well as for the phase separation observed during the storage of bio-oils. Oasmaa and Kuoppala [37] found that the major physicochem- ical changes of bio-oils during storage took place in the rst 6 months. The main chemical change was the increase in high- molecular-mass lignin materials, while the decrease in aldehydes, ketones and lignin monomers. The physical changes included the increase in viscosity, density, ash point and pour point, while the decrease in heating value. Meier et al. [39] analyzed the chem- ical changes of 70 calibrated compounds over 32 weeks under three different storage conditions: room temperature with day- light, room temperature in the dark, cool and dark in the refriger- ator. Most compounds were observed to undergo only minor changes during the testing period. While some compounds chan- ged signicantly, such as vinyl-guaiacol, vinyl-syringol, and 3-hy- droxy-5,6-dihydro-(4H)-pyran-4-one and so on. Cooling bio-oils could delay but could not prevent polymerization reactions. Fratini et al. [22] illustrated that the fundamental process in the ageing of bio-oils was the aggregation of pyrolytic lignins. The process con- tinued until the heaviest lignin-rich fraction separated out of the oil matrix as a viscous sludge. 3.12.2. Thermal stability of bio-oils At elevated temperatures, ageing reactions will be accelerated. Four stages can be observed during heating of bio-oils: thickening, phase separation, gummy formation from the pyrolytic lignins (at around 140 C), and char/coke formation from the gummy phase at higher temperatures [25]. Boucher et al. [32] treated a bio-oil sam- ple at 50 and 80 C, respectively, to nd out that the whole proper- ties of the bio-oil were signicantly altered at 80 C, while no signicant variations were observed for the bio-oil kept at 50 C for a week. Chaala et al. [40] investigated the thermal stability of the bio-oil rich in extractives, and found that the ageing rate of the top phase was less pronounced than that of the bottom phase. Moreover, they pointed out that the increase in molecular weight for maintaining the bio-oil for a week at 80 C was equivalent to maintain the sample for 1 year at room temperature. Thus, deter- mining the ageing properties of bio-oils very quickly was possible by maintaining them at elevated temperatures. Prez et al. [41] studied the thermal stability of a bio-oil sample in the presence of stainless steel and copper at 80 C. They found that contacting of metal strips with the bio-oil did not affect much of the bio-oil ageing process during the test period of 264 h. The stability of bio-oils can be determined in terms of the increasing rates of viscosity and/or water content. The proposed method is to measure the viscosity (20 and 40 C, respectively) and water content of bio-oils before and after storage at (1) 80 C for 6 h, (2) 80 C for 24 h and (3) 50 C for 7 days [23]. 3.13. Distillation and thermogravimetric property The pyrolysis vapors are not true vapors, but are mixtures of true vapors and many micron-sized droplets (aerosols). Many non-volatiles will be formed during the condensation process. Q. Lu et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 13761383 1379 Therefore, once pyrolysis vapors are condensed as bio-oils these cannot be totally distilled to be vapors. In view of atmospheric distillation, bio-oils start boiling below 100 C and stop at 250280 C leaving 3550 wt% of residues. The non-volatile residue obtained in vacuum distillation will be less than that obtained in atmospheric distillation for the same bio-oil. This is because heating bio-oils during atmospheric distil- lation will cause signicant polymerization reactions to form non-volatile large molecules [29]. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a type of testing that is performed on samples to determine the changes in weight in rela- tion to changes in temperature. It is widely used to characterize the evaporation, thermal decomposition and combustion properties of bio-oils. The weight loss process of bio-oils in inert atmospheres can be divided into two stages: the evaporation of light volatiles (<150200 C) and the subsequent thermal decomposition of unstable heavier components (<350400 C). In the case of the TGA tests performed in air, the weight loss of bio-oils will undergo three stages. The rst two stages are similar to those in inert atmo- spheres and the third stage is the combustion of chars formed in the rst two stages (>400 C). The oxygen will participate in the second and third stages. It has been validated that oxygen can react with bio-oils in the second stage to form lms outside the liquids. These lms would prevent the vapor from evolving [33,34]. Branca et al. [42,43] studied the relationship between the chemical compositions of four bio-oils (provided by BTG, Dynamo- tive, Ensyn and Pyrovac) and their thermogravimetric behaviors in air. The results indicated that the total amounts of volatiles released from different bio-oils agreed well with the contents of chemical compounds presenting boiling points in the correspond- ing range. Based on the measured curves, they proposed a devola- tilization mechanism based on the introduction of eight lumped classes of volatile products and a corresponding number of parallel reactions. It is essential to note that TGA tests are usually conducted at low heating rates (130 C/min). They differ greatly fromthe actual combustion process. Therefore, TGA tests can only be treated as the rst step to know a fuels evaporation, decomposition and combus- tion kinetics. 3.14. Atomization property Atomization is the process of breaking a liquid into small droplets for spray combustion. Various ways have been developed to generate sprays with the basic principle of a high relative velocity between the liquid and the surrounding air. The spray quality is characterized by the parameters of droplet size, droplet velocity and spray angle. It is determined by atomization condi- tions, fuel properties and atomizer conguration. The spray prop- erties will strongly inuence the operation performance of the thermal devices. In regard to the liquid properties, viscosity and surface tension are the most important parameters. The droplet size of the spray increases with the viscosity and surface tension of the liquid. The viscosity and surface tension of bio-oils are higher than those of light petroleum fuels. Thus, favorable atomization of bio-oils requires strict conditions, i.e. bio-oil preheating to reduce viscosity and/or high atomization pressures. Chiaramonti et al. [44] atomized a bio-oil sample with a standard nozzle and mea- sured the droplet size distribution of the bio-oil spray. They found that with the preheating of bio-oil to 80 C, the Sauter mean diam- eter (SMD) of the droplets could be controlled below 50 lm at pressures higher than 0.6 MPa. A correlation was then concluded for the prediction of the SMD of bio-oil sprays: SMD 599:2 FN 0:393 DP 0:418 c 0:251 r 0:277 where FN is the ow number, P is the pressure, and r is the surface tension. SMD data calculated by this empirical formula agreed well with the experimental results. 3.15. Ignition property and cetane number Bio-oils are hard to be ignited. It is inherent to their chemical compositions. The water in bio-oils is partly responsible for the difculty in ignition due to its high latent heat of vaporization. As a result, more energy is required to ignite bio-oils than petro- leum fuels. At present, bio-oils are usually ignited with the help of pilot ames, or after the addition of ignition improvers, or with the preheating of combustion chambers or combustion air. Cetane number is a parameter that expresses the ignition qual- ity of a liquid fuel. It is a measure of the readiness of a fuel to auto- ignite when injected into a diesel engine. A high cetane number means a low ignition delay period before combustion. The typical cetane number of diesel oils is around 48. Petroleum fuels with low cetane number are known to cause rude operation and pis- ton-knocking problems. However, cetane number of bio-oils is hard to be measured because pure bio-oils are hard to be ignited in conventional engines. Ikura et al. [45] proposed a method to cal- culate the cetane number of bio-oils. They prepared bio-oil/diesel emulsions with different bio-oil concentrations and measured their cetane number values. The cetane number of the bio-oil em- ployed in the tests was then calculated by linear interpolation as 5.6. Shihadeh and Hochgreb [46] investigated the ignition delay of two bio-oils (from Ensyn and NREL) in a high-speed diesel engine. The two bio-oils demonstrated much greater apparent ignition activation energies than No. 2 diesel oil. Hence, they could not be auto-ignited without the preheating of combustion air. Further- more, Shihadeh and Hochgreb [47] examined the relationship between the pyrolysis conditions and the combustion characteris- tics of the bio-oils. The bio-oil from NREL exhibited better ignition performance than the bio-oil from Ensyn. It could be attributed to the fact that the bio-oil from NREL had lower water content and smaller average molecular weight. 3.16. Combustion property 3.16.1. Combustion fundamentals The fundamental combustion properties of bio-oils can be re- vealed by the combustion tests performed on single bio-oil drop- lets. In situ video imaging systems are equipped with the test facilities to allow direct observation of the combustion behaviors of bio-oil droplets. The tests can be performed in two ways by employing a bre-suspended single droplet or a stream of free- falling monodispersed droplets. The main advantage of the rst way is that it allows simultaneous measuring of the droplet tem- perature when recording the changes of the droplet. It also allows studying the combustion behaviors of liquid fuels at high pres- sures. The main disadvantages are that the minimum droplet size is limited by the bre diameter, and the presence of bre will inu- ence the combustion of the liquid. The merits and demerits of the second way are just opposite to those of the rst way. The earliest combustion tests of bio-oil droplets were con- ducted in Sandia National Laboratory [4850]. Streams of monodi- spersed droplets were injected into a laminar ow reactor. The experimental conditions were as follows: droplet diameter of about 300 lm, reactor temperature of 1600 K and O 2 concentra- tions of 1433%. The results showed that the combustion of bio- oil droplets underwent several stages followed by droplet ignition, quiescent burning, microexplosion, disruptive sooty burning of droplet fragments, formation and burnout of cenosphere particles. While combustion of the petroleum distillate oil droplets exhibited 1380 Q. Lu et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 13761383 only quiescent, sooty burning from ignition through burnout under the same conditions. The combustion of bio-oils could be charac- terized by two unique features: the microexplosion and the incli- nation of forming carbonaceous particles. The microexplosion of bio-oils had great impacts on the heat release rate, droplet burning time and the extent of cenosphere formation. Calabria and Alessio [24,51,52] in Istituto Motori of Italy carried out lots of studies on the combustion behaviors of bre-suspended single bio-oil droplets. The droplet size varied between 300 and 1100 lm and the furnace temperature changed in the range of 4001200 C. The droplets were observed to undergo initial heat- ing, swelling and microexplosion before ignition. During this stage, the temperaturetime curves showed two zones with constant temperatures (100 and 450 C), which corresponded to the evapo- ration of light volatiles and the thermal cracking of unstable com- ponents, respectively. The droplets were ignited at around 600 C. The combustion of the droplets started with an enveloping blue ame. Then, the ame developed a yellow tail with its size increas- ing, which indicated the formation of soot. After that, the ame shrank and extinguished, and the remaining solid carbonaceous residues burned leading to the formation of ashes. Prez et al. [53] also studied the combustion behaviors of bio-oil droplets. Streams of monodispersed droplets (5862 lm) were in- jected into a laminar entrained ow reactor in both inert Ar and ArO 2 mixtures atmospheres (O 2 concentrations of 2050%). The furnace wall temperature was maintained at 700 and 800 C. The results indicated that the formation of bubbles inside the droplets was inuenced by the heat transfer rate. In addition, no microex- plosion was observed under the test conditions. 3.16.2. Evaporation fundamentals During the spray combustion of liquid fuels, most droplets evaporate in a vapor cloud rather than burning individually with sufcient oxygen supply. Therefore, it is necessary to study the evaporation properties of bio-oil droplets. Hallett and Clark [54] investigated the evaporation behaviors of bre-suspended bio-oil droplets (1.41.8 mm) in the nitrogen atmosphere. Phenomena similar to those observed in the tests were observed in the combustion tests before ignition of the drop- lets. The droplets started with initial evaporation, bubbling and disruption, swelling and collapsing. As time passed by, the droplets became more and more viscous and the bubbling became less in- tense. Then, the droplets went into erratic motions, which sug- gested the happening of polymerization reactions. Finally, the droplets became irregular and highly porous solid chars. Allessio et al. [51] carried out the evaporation tests of monodi- spersed droplets (50100 lm) in a furnace (ranging between 300 and 850 C). Nitrogen was used as the carrier gas. The solid resi- dues collected at the exit of the furnace were observed to have two different morphologies: compact, mechanically resistant spheres with a typical diameter of 1040 lm, and fragile, glasslike cenospheres with thin walls and menisci with a diameter of 100 200 lm. Similar phenomena were also observed by Prez et al. [53] who pointed out that the morphologies of solid residues were inuenced by the frequency of the droplet generation. 3.16.3. Spray combustion of bio-oils in thermal devices As can be predicted, the spray combustion behaviors of bio-oils will differ considerably from those of petroleum fuels due to the vast differences between their combustion fundamentals. It is dif- cult to ignite bio-oils, but once ignited, they can burn steadily. The adiabatic ame temperature of bio-oils is 17002000 K com- pared with that of standard fuels, which is 22002300 K [52]. In comparison with diesel oils, the combustion of bio-oils exhibits shorter but wider ames under the same mass ow rates of the fuels. Moreover, bio-oil ames were very luminous, suggesting the presence of large amounts of particles that radiated strongly. This was believed to be benecial for radiant heat transfer for bio-oils to be used in kilns and boilers [55]. Presently, spray combustion of bio-oils has been studied in boil- ers, kilns, diesel engines, gas turbines and Stirling engines. Bio-oils can be used singly, in a duel fuel mode with petroleum fuels, or in mixtures with methanol, ethanol, diesel (with surfactants) or other fuels. The current progress in the application of bio-oils in thermal devices has been reviewed by Czernik and Bridgwater [56] and Chiaramonti et al. [57]. 3.17. Lubricity Lubricity of a liquid fuel is the ability to reduce wear and fric- tion. During the combustion process of a liquid fuel, the fuel injec- tion system should be lubricated primarily by the fuel itself. Fuels of poor lubricity will cause signicant wear problems. Lubricity of fuels is determined by their chemical compositions. For most petroleum fuels, viscosity can be used as an indicator of a fuels ability to provide wear protection. However, bio-oils are totally dif- ferent from petroleum fuels. Therefore, it is difcult to predict the lubricating properties of bio-oil based fuels just by comparison of their viscosities with those of petroleum fuels. Oasmaa et al. [25] measured the tribological properties of a bio- oil sample with two test machines: a high frequency friction tester and a four-ball wear tester. The rst tester was a totally open sys- tem. Heat generated during friction would cause evaporation of the bio-oil and then disturb the measurement. Hence, the tester was unable to determine the tribological properties of the bio-oil. The second tester appeared to be suitable. The wear scar diameter (WSD) of the bio-oil was determined as 0.50.7 mmcompared with that of the diesel fuel under the same conditions (load 392 N, speed 1430 rpm and test duration 1 h), which was 1.7 mm. The results indicated that the bio-oil possessed some lubricity. Lu et al. [58] determined the tribological properties of a bio-oil sample pyrolyzed from rice husk with a four-ball tester. The maxi- mum non-seizure load (P B value) was measured as 470 N. The WSD and average friction coefcient values were determined as 0.57 mm and 0.082 (load 196 N, speed 1450 rpm and test duration 30 min). 3.18. Acidity and corrosion property Bio-oils usually contain about 712 wt% acids, and have a pH of 24 and an acid number of 50100 mg KOH/g. It has been reported that bio-oils are very corrosive to aluminum, mild steel and nickel- based materials. The corrosion rates would be enhanced at elevated temperatures or with the increase in water contents of bio-oils [59]. The corrosion-resistant materials include stainless steel, cobalt materials and various polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene and polyester resins. Fuleki [60] tested the corrosion of a bio-oil sample produced from Ensyn to aluminum, brass, mild steel and austenitic steel. The results indicated that brass and austenitic steel would not be affected by bio-oil. Darmstadt et al. [61] tested the corrosion of the SWBR-derived bio-oil to aluminum, copper and austenitic steel at 80 C, and analyzed the chemical changes of metal surface. The results revealed that oxide and/or hydroxide were covered on all the three metals after corrosion, but the layers on aluminum and copper did not stop the underlying metals from further oxidation. Whereas the stainless steel could be well protected by the compact passive lm (Cr 2 O 3 ) formed on the surface. 3.19. Toxicity The establishment of large-scale fast pyrolysis plants and the handling of bio-oils will expose a large number of people to Q. Lu et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 13761383 1381 potential health hazards. Gratson [62] initiated toxicological test- ing of two wood bio-oils produced from the vortex pyrolysis reac- tor in NREL. The tests consisted of eye irritation, dermal and inhalation acute toxicity as well as Ames mutagenicity. The results showed that the two bio-oils could cause serious eye damage by direct liquid contact or contact with airborne droplets. The ten- dency of the bio-oils to penetrate intact skin and cause internal or- gan damage was not observed. Inhalation of high concentrations of bio-oils would result in lung damage. In addition, the bio-oils showed mutagenic abilities in the Ames bacterial mutation assay. Diebold [63] pointed out that greatest acute toxic threat of bio- oils came from aldehydes and unsaturated oxygenates, followed by furans. However, this toxicity might decrease with time due to the instability of these compounds. According to the known com- pounds and their concentrations in bio-oils, the projected acute oral toxicity of bio-oils would be around 700 mg/kg of body weight. Toxicity of bio-oils to skin was low, but eyes were sensitive to bio-oils with probable severe corneal damage. The chronic tox- icity of bio-oils was unclear with one result indicating no tumor promoting ability and the other result showing the mutagenicity or chromosome damage. The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bio-oils deserves enough attention due to their potential role in the incidence of cancer. It has been conrmed that the formation of PAHs during the pyrolysis of biomass is closely related to the pyrolysis temperatures. Fortunately, bio-oils produced at the pyro- lysis temperature of around 500 C usually contain small amounts of PAHs [63,64]. For instance, Tsai et al. [65] analyzed the PAHs in bio-oils derived from agricultural wastes by using induction-heat- ing at 500 C. The results indicated that PAHs in bio-oils were pri- marily dominant in the low molecular weight PAHs, such as naphthalene (1.102.45 mg/L) and acenaphthene (0.727.61 mg/ L). However, it is evidenced that a lot of PAHs will be formed dur- ing the upgrading of bio-oils via catalytic cracking with zeolite cat- alysts [66,67]. This seems to be a serious problem. Girard and Blin [68,69] accomplished the Biotox project to com- pletely assess the toxicity and biodegradability of representative bio-oils from different processes and temperatures. The aim of the project was to establish a denitive Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and a guide of bio-oil production conditions to avoid or minimize the formation of toxic products. A total of 21 bio-oils from a wide variety of technologies, feedstocks and production conditions were measured for their impacts on the environment and humans. Detailed results are available at the PyNe website. For a general overview of the results, bio-oils appeared to offer no eco-toxicological effects, while they exhibited slight mutagenic effects, but overall these appeared to be less harmful than conven- tional diesel fuels. 3.20. Biodegradability During the production, storage, transport and application of bio-oils, there are risks of accidental leaks of bio-oils. Biodegrad- ability is the dominant way for the environmental transformation of most chemicals. Piskorz and Radlein [70] initiated the respiro- metric biodegradation tests of bio-oils in both aquatic and soil environments. The bio-oils were inoculated with Returned Acti- vated Sludge. The biochemical oxygen demand was measured over 5 days. The results indicated that bio-oils were biodegradable. The biodegradation rates and patterns were similar to, but substan- tially higher than those of diesel fuels. In addition, the biodegrad- ability of bio-oils could be enhanced by neutralization with bases such as lime. The assessment of the biodegradability properties of bio-oils was one of the tasks of the Biotox project mentioned above. Blin et al. [71] examined the aerobic biodegradability properties of various bio-oils in fresh water by using the Modied Strum (OECD 301B) test method. The bio-oils were inoculated with activated sludge freshly collected from the aeration tank of the sewage treatment plant. The results indicated that bio-oils degraded very fast in the rst 8 days. They exhibited similar shaped curves with 4150 wt% biodegradation after 28 days, compared with only 24 wt% biodegradation of a EN 590 diesel fuel. 4. Conclusions Fast pyrolysis of biomass to produce bio-oils is still in its early stage of development. This technology has strong adaptability to biomass resources, and it offers a convenient way to produce liquid fuels with high bio-oil yields and low production costs. Bio-oils are low-grade liquid fuels when compared with petro- leum fuels. The poor fuel properties include the complex multi- phase structures, high contents of oxygen, water, solids and ash, low heating values, high viscosity and surface tension, chemical and thermal instability, low pH values, and poor ignition and com- bustion properties. In spite of these poor fuel properties, bio-oils also have some promising properties. They usually possess some lubricity and they are less toxic and more biodegradable than petroleum fuels. For the commercialization of bio-oils as liquid fuels, fuel speci- cations need to be established as in the case of petroleum fuels. Currently, there are no nationally or internationally recognized fuel specications for bio-oils, but preliminary specications have been proposed [8]. These specications cover a range of applications in different thermal devices which have different requirements on the fuel properties of bio-oils. At present, many bio-oils cannot meet the fuel specications, and therefore, they cannot be accepted commercially. Further work is required to be done in the future to improve the properties of bio-oils. Acknowledgements The supports from the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2007CB210203) and the National Key Technologies R&D Program (No. 2007BAD34B02) are greatly appreciated. References [1] McKendry P. Energy production from biomass (part 1): overview of biomass. Bioresource Technol 2002;83:3746. [2] Meier D, Faix O. State of the art of applied fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials a review. Bioresource Technol 1999;68:717. [3] Mohan D, Pittman CU, Steele PH. Pyrolysis of wood/biomass for bio-oil: a critical review. Energy Fuel 2006;20:84889. [4] Bridgwater AV, Peacocke GVC. Fast pyrolysis processes for biomass. Renew Sust Energy Rev 2000;4:173. [5] Bridgwater AV, Czernik S, Piskorz J. An overview of fast pyrolysis technology. In: Bridgwater AV, editor. 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