FPRF Final Report Volume 1

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Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 1.

Characterization of incipient fire sources

Prepared by:
Matthew Brookman, Frederick W. Mowrer and James A. Milke University of Maryland Pravinray Gandhi Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

October 2008 Fire Protection Research Foundation

This report presents the results of a Foundation project whose goal was to develop a validated engineering methodology to calculate and accurately predict the response time of spot-type and aspirated smoke detection systems exposed to incipient fires and growing fires. The report, divided into four volumes, describes the test methods, test results, computer simulations and analyses used for this project, which addresses the validation of a smoke detection performance prediction methodology.

The four volumes of this report include: Volume 1, which addresses the characterization of the heat and smoke release rates of eight incipient fire sources selected for this project; Volume 2, which addresses the large-scale room fire tests conducted as part of this project; Volume 3, which addresses evaluation of smoke detector performance in the large-scale room fire tests conducted as part of this project; Volume 4, which addresses comparisons of current FDS smoke detection prediction methodologies with actual smoke detector performance in the largescale room fire tests. The Research Foundation expresses gratitude to the project sponsors and technical panelists listed on the following page. The content, opinions and conclusions contained in this report are solely those of the authors.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Research Project

Technical Panel
Shane Clary, Bay Alarm Company Kenneth Dungan, PLC Foundation Jay Ierardi, R.W. Sullivan Engineering Kevin McGrattan, National Institute of Standards and Technology Dan Nichols, NYS Code Enforcement and Administration Ali Rangwala, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Joseph Su, National Research Council of Canada

Principal Sponsors
Honeywell Life Safety National Electrical Manufacturers Association Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. SimplexGrinnell

Contributing Sponsors
Automatic Fire Alarm Association Bosch Security Systems Xtralis, Inc.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 1. Characterization of incipient fire sources

Prepared for: Kathleen Almand Fire Protection Research Foundation 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169

Prepared by: Matthew Brookman, Frederick W. Mowrer and James A. Milke University of Maryland Pravinray Gandhi Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

October 10, 2008

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 Executive Summary

Volume 1 p. ii

This report, divided into four volumes, describes the test methods, test results, computer simulations and analyses used for this project, which addresses the validation of a smoke detection performance prediction methodology. This project was conducted jointly by the University of Maryland (UM) and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) under the auspices of the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF). The financial and technical support of the FPRF, the project sponsors and the project technical panel are gratefully acknowledged. The four volumes of this report include: Volume 1, which addresses the characterization of the heat and smoke release rates of eight incipient fire sources selected for this project; Volume 2, which addresses the large-scale room fire tests conducted as part of this project; Volume 3, which addresses evaluation of smoke detector performance in the large-scale room fire tests conducted as part of this project; Volume 4, which addresses comparisons of current FDS smoke detection prediction methodologies with actual smoke detector performance in the large-scale room fire tests. The overall objective of this project has been to evaluate the capabilities of the current release version (5.1.0) of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to predict smoke detector activation in response to relatively low energy incipient fire sources. The project was subdivided into four tasks, consistent with the four volumes included in this report. The first task was to characterize the heat and smoke release rates of eight incipient fire sources selected for this project. The incipient fire sources are described in Table E1; the fire sources include four flaming fire sources and four smoldering/pyrolyzing fire sources. The heat and smoke release rates of these incipient fire sources were measured in the same IMO intermediate scale calorimeter that UL used previously as part of its FPRF-sponsored smoke characterization project [Fabian, et al., 2007]. Three replicate tests were conducted for each of the eight incipient fire sources to provide a measure of the repeatability of these tests. Volume 1 of this report provides descriptions of the incipient fire source fuels and ignition sources, the fire test apparatus and instrumentation used for this task, and the results of these tests. Volume 1 also addresses FDS simulations of these tests conducted in the IMO calorimeter as a means to evaluate the predictive capabilities of the FDS model on a preliminary basis. These FDS simulations were not originally planned, but have proven valuable in troubleshooting issues related to the simulation of fires involving these incipient sources. They provide an indication of the uncertainty in simulating the fire source terms in FDS. The second task was to perform large-scale room fire tests using the eight incipient fire sources characterized in Task 1. The large-scale room fire tests were conducted in two rooms at the UL facility in Northbrook, IL. The first set of large-scale tests was conducted under unventilated conditions in the standard room used to test smoke detectors for the UL 217/268 standards; this room measures 10.8 m (36 ft.) long by 6.6 m (22 ft.) wide by 3.0 m (10 ft.) tall. Three replicate tests were conducted with each of the eight incipient fire sources, for a total of 24 unventilated

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room fire tests. The second set of large-scale tests was conducted in a 7.2 m (24 ft) long by 7.2 m (24 ft) wide by 3.0 m (10 ft) high room constructed specifically for this project to represent a mechanically ventilated commercial space. This room was provided with mechanical injection ventilation and a ceiling return air plenum to represent a typical commercial type of installation. Three replicate tests were conducted with each of the eight incipient fire sources at nominal mechanical ventilation rates of 6 and 12 air changes per hour; two replicate tests were conducted with each of the incipient fire sources under unventilated conditions in this room. Thus, 64 fire tests were conducted in the ventilated room, for a total of 88 large-scale fire tests in the two rooms. A matrix showing the designations of the 88 large-scale tests is provided in Table E2. Table E1. Incipient fire sources Fuel source Shredded office paper Flexible PU foam / microfiber fabric Flexible PU foam / microfiber fabric Ponderosa pine Cotton linen fabric PVC wire Computer case Printed circuit board Ignition source Small flame (50 W) Small flame (50 W) Hotplate Hotplate Hotplate Electric overcurrent Small flame (UL 94) Small flame (ATIS T1.319) Fire type Flaming Flaming Smoldering/pyrolysis Smoldering/pyrolysis Smoldering/pyrolysis Smoldering/pyrolysis Flaming Flaming

Table E2. Matrix of large-scale room fire test designations Incipient fire source Unventilated room 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 Ventilated room 12 ach 49, 50, 51 52, 53, 54

Shredded office paper Flaming PU foam / microfiber fabric Smoldering PU foam / 7, 8, 9 31, 32, 33 55, 56, 57 microfiber fabric Ponderosa pine 10, 11, 12 34, 35, 36 58, 59, 60 Cotton linen fabric 13, 14, 15 37, 38, 39 61, 62, 63 PVC wire 16, 17, 18 40, 41, 42 64, 65, 66 Computer case 19, 20, 21 43, 44, 45 67, 68, 69 Printed circuit board 22, 23, 24 46, 47, 48 70, 71, 72 ach = nominal mechanical injection ventilation rate in air changes per hour

6 ach 25, 26, 27 28, 29, 30

0 ach 73, 74 75, 76 77, 78 79, 80 81, 82 83, 84 85, 86 87, 88

The large-scale rooms were instrumented with a number of thermocouples, velocity probes and light obscuration measurement devices to provide a basis for evaluating the current capability of FDS to predict fire-induced conditions throughout a room in response to incipient fire sources. The rooms were both equipped with a number of spot-type commercial smoke detectors from two manufacturers. The ventilated test room was also equipped with three aspirated smoke

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detection systems from one manufacturer. The response of these different smoke detection devices during these tests provides a basis for evaluating the current capability of FDS to predict smoke detector activation in response to incipient fire sources. Volume 2 of this report describes the details of the large-scale room fire tests and provides the instrumentation and detection data from these 88 fire tests. More than 1,200 graphs have been developed to illustrate the results of these 88 tests; these graphs are too voluminous to print, so they are provided on electronic media in Excel files associated with each test. This large-scale room fire test data set should prove useful for future smoke transport and smoke detection validation exercises as well as for this one. The third task was to evaluate smoke detector performance during the large-scale fire tests. For this task, the response of the spot-type and aspirated smoke detectors during the fire tests was evaluated and characterized. These results were then compared with methodologies available in the fire safety literature for predicting the activation of smoke detectors. Volume 3 of this report describes the details of these comparisons. One objective of this project has been to develop the means, based on experimental data, to estimate the response of smoke detectors using the simulated results of the smoke conditions computed by FDS. Smoke conditions estimated by FDS throughout the domain include temperature, velocity and mass fraction of smoke (which can be related to light obscuration or visibility). One of the relatively unique aspects of this study is an examination of the role of ventilation conditions in identifying surrogate measures to predict smoke detector response. Within the last 10 years, there have been five significant studies examining the response of smoke detectors. These studies, examined as part of this project, include: Kemano by the National Research Council of Canada Naval Research Laboratory and Hughes Associates tests for shipboard applications Home Smoke Alarm Project by NIST Smoke Characterization Project by Underwriters Laboratories for the Fire Protection Research Foundation Experiments program in this project. These experimental programs include a sufficiently wide variety of spaces, fuels and ventilation conditions to form a substantial basis for the development of robust, simple guidelines for estimating smoke detector response. Unfortunately, the smoke detector responses appear to be strongly dependent on the specific characteristics of the smoke and in some cases on the detector technology. Consequently, proposing a single set of guidelines for obscuration, temperature rise and velocity which can apply to a wide range of applications is difficult, other than suggesting guidelines which would be very conservative in some applications. For flaming fires, the obscuration level in tests without forced ventilation ranged from 1.4 to 10.7 %/ft for ionization detectors and from 2.7 to 12.9 %/ft for photoelectric detectors. Given the noted range in the 80th percentile values of obscuration at the time of response, a guideline which reasonably captures much of the data for smoke detectors of either type of technology is 8 %/ft.

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In the case of flaming fires in ventilated rooms, the 80th percentile values of the obscuration levels differ appreciably for the two detection technologies. For flaming fires with ventilation, the 80th percentile values of the obscuration level for photoelectric smoke detectors were 4.3 to 4.9 %/ft. In contrast, the 80th percentile values of the obscuration level for ionization smoke detectors were 8.0 to 10.3 %/ft, although it is noted that the 10.3% is based on only two tests conducted at a forced ventilation rate of 12 ACH. As such, a possible guideline of obscuration levels for photoelectric detectors could be 5 %/ft for ventilation rates ranging from 6 to 12 ACH. For ionization detectors, the 8 %/ft value appears to be an appropriate guideline considering only the results from the tests with 6 ACH. With the limited number of tests conducted at 12 ACH where ionization detectors responded, a guideline to estimate their response cannot be suggested. For non-flaming fires without ventilation, the 80th percentile values of the obscuration levels ranged from 4.4 to 18.5 %/ft for ionization smoke detectors and 1.6 to 12.1 %/ft for photoelectric smoke detectors. The 80th percentile values of the obscuration levels for non-flaming fires with ventilation were all less than 1 %/ft in this study and approximately 5 %/ft for ionization detectors in the NRL study. Given the limited data in this area, a recommendation for establishing a guideline of only 1 %/ft is questionable, especially in light of the difference in results obtained from experiments conducted as part of this study and the NRL study. Until further data is obtained, a value in excess of 1 %/ft is recommended and should perhaps be as large as 2.5 %/ft. The temperature rise at the time of detection response for flaming fires with no forced ventilation is highly dependent on the detection technology. A temperature rise of approximately 5 K can be suggested as a reasonable conservative guideline for ionization detectors, though should be greater than 5 K, e.g. 15 K given the measurements obtained in the NRL and NIST tests. For non-flaming fires and all fires with forced ventilation a temperature rise of approximately 3 K appears to be a reasonable guideline to estimate smoke detector response of either technology. Because the velocities associated with the forced ventilation provided in the test room were appreciably greater than the ceiling jet velocity, a guideline based on velocity cannot be recommended for such cases. An appreciable variation of smoke conditions was noted at the time of response of smoke detectors in all of the experimental programs reviewed. While guidelines of obscuration level or temperature rise can be suggested, these are very approximate in nature and may involve appreciable errors. One reason for this error is the fact that light obscuration and temperature are not related to the operating mechanisms of current smoke detector technologies, i.e. light scattering and ionization. Volume 3 presents an outline of additional research which could be used to better correlate light obscuration with light scattering measurements. The fourth task of this project was to evaluate the capabilities of the current release version (5.1.0) of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to predict smoke detector activation in the two rooms described in Task 2 in response to the relatively low energy incipient fire sources characterized in Task 1. As part of this task, FDS simulations were performed of the 32 different room fire scenarios conducted as part of this project. The FDS simulated results were then

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compared with the experimental results. Volume 4 of this report describes the details of these simulations and comparisons. The baseline FDS simulations of the room tests were performed with a uniform grid size of 10 cm (4 in.). This resulted in a total number of 233,280 computational cells in both the unventilated enclosure domain, which had dimensions of 10.8 m (108 cells) by 7.2 m (72 cells) by 3.0 m (30 cells) high, as well as in the ventilated enclosure domain, which had dimensions of 7.2 m (72 cells) by 7.2 m (cells) by 4.5 m (45 cells) high. On a single-processor PC, it took a few hours to run the 5 to 10 minute simulations of the flaming fire sources to a few days to run the 80 to 90 minute simulations of the smoldering fire sources at this resolution. Doubling the grid resolution from 10 cm (4 in.) to 5 cm (2 in.) changes these run times from a few days to a number of weeks and consequently would be unreasonable for most applications. It is difficult to generalize about the comparisons of the FDS simulations of detector activation in the room tests with the actual room test detection data because of the wide range of results. In some cases, the simulated and actual smoke conditions at the detection stations were relatively close to one another and within the experimental scatter, while in other cases, the simulated smoke concentrations exceeded the measured smoke concentrations by relatively large margins. There are at least three potentially significant sources of uncertainty associated with FDS simulation of smoke detector performance in room fire scenarios: Uncertainties in the initial and boundary conditions specified for a scenario, including uncertainties in specification of the fire heat and smoke release rate histories and in specification of the mechanical ventilation; Uncertainties in the calculations performed by FDS to simulate heat and smoke transport; Uncertainties in the empirical models FDS currently uses to calculate smoke detector response and to predict smoke detector activation. Quantitative uncertainty analysis has not been performed as part of this project, but qualitatively it appears that the greatest uncertainties are associated with the first and third sources of uncertainty identified here. The eight incipient fire sources used for this project each exhibited a range of fire growth, heat release and smoke release rates that limited the reproducibility of the bench-scale and large-scale fire tests. It is unreasonable to expect the simulation of these fire scenarios to be any better than the scatter in the experiments being simulated. It is suspected that the treatment of mechanical ventilation represents another source of considerable uncertainty in the FDS simulations performed as part of this project. Real ventilation grilles and resulting airflows are more complicated than the simulated grilles and airflows in the ventilated enclosure. More work is needed to more fully explore this issue. Before this project was undertaken, the prediction of smoke production in FDS was based only on a user-specified constant soot yield tied to the heat release rate of a fire. During this project, at least three limitations with this approach to predicting smoke production were recognized:

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Only a single fire source could be specified, which did not allow separate specification of an ignition source and other fuels subsequently ignited; The smoke release rate could not vary independently of the heat release rate, so products with variable smoke yields could not be modeled properly; Smoldering and pyrolyzing smoke sources that produce substantial quantities of smoke but little heat could not be modeled properly. As a result of these limitations, the developers of the FDS model incorporated a new algorithm that permits the user to specify smoke release independently of heat release. This new feature was used to specify smoke release rates for this project. The primary findings of this project can be summarized as follows: The smoke release rates of eight different incipient fire sources, including four flaming sources, three smoldering sources and one overheated electrical wire, have been measured under well-characterized conditions in replicate bench-scale tests conducted in the IMO intermediate scale calorimeter at Underwriters Laboratories in Northbrook, IL. The primary smoke signature of interest in this project was the obscuration of visible light. Additional data was gathered during the bench-scale tests, including particle count density, mean particle diameter, carbon monoxide production and carbon dioxide production. This additional data may be of use in future investigations, but has not been analyzed for this project. Smoke obscuration was measured in the exhaust duct of the IMO intermediate scale calorimeter by projecting a white light beam across the diameter of the exhaust duct onto a photocell and measuring the change in voltage at the photocell caused by smoke particles in the light beam. Smoke release rates are characterized in units of m2/s, where the smoke release rate is calculated as the product of the smoke extinction coefficient, k (m-1), by the volumetric flow rate in the exhaust duct, V (m3/s):
S kV ln(I o / I ) V L

The total smoke release (TSR) is characterized in units of m2 and is calculated as the integral of the smoke release rate over the period of a test, i.e., the area under the smoke release rate curve:



The mass of smoke released during a test is characterized in units of gs and is calculated as the quotient of the total smoke release to the specific extinction coefficient, km, which was assumed to have a constant value of 8.7 m2/gs:

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TSR km

The average smoke yield during a test is calculated as the quotient of the mass of smoke released to the fuel mass loss during a test:


ms mf

When calculated in this way, the average smoke yields obtained for the eight incipient sources in the IMO apparatus are shown in Table E3 along with other data from the IMO tests. These data provide an indication of the variability in the replicate tests. When this project started, smoke production was calculated in FDS only in terms of constant smoke yield factors tied to the specified heat release rate through the mixture fraction model used by FDS. During this project, it became apparent that smoke yields for the eight incipient sources are not constant and that characterizing smoke production in terms of a constant smoke yield factor would not produce accurate smoke production or transport results in FDS for these incipient fire sources. During this project, the developers of FDS implemented a new method to specify smoke production independently of heat release. Called the species ID method, this method was used throughout this project to specify smoke production in FDS for both the IMO test simulations and the room fire simulations. The bench-scale tests conducted in the IMO apparatus were simulated in FDS as one means to validate the capabilities of FDS to model smoke production and transport. For these FDS simulations, a uniform grid size of 2.5 cm was used. These simulations of the IMO tests showed that the calculated smoke quantity transported past the smoke eye in the exhaust duct was similar to the quantity of smoke released from the fuel package, as shown in Table E4. The largest variation between output and input was 5.4%. Differences in the peak obscuration values and the times to reach these peaks between the IMO physical tests and FDS simulations are shown in Table E5. The simulated peak smoke release rate was within 17.3% of the specified peak smoke release rate for all fuels except the PVC insulated wire. The FDS simulated time to peak obscuration lagged the specified peak time by 4 to 33 seconds, with two exceptions. This lag time is most likely related to the transport lag between smoke release at the fuel source and measurement at the smoke eye in the exhaust duct. The IMO apparatus smoke test data was not corrected for transport lag; this suggests that the actual smoke release in the IMO tests occurred earlier than represented in the smoke release rate curves for these tests. For the FDS simulations of the IMO tests, one replicate test for each fire source was selected for simulation and comparison with the measured data from that test. For the FDS simulations of the room fire tests, the IMO test data was typically averaged for each fire source and this average data was used as input to the FDS simulations. The expected uncertainty in the FDS input data based on this approach has not yet been characterized.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 Table E3. Summary of data obtained from tests conducted in IMO apparatus

Volume 1 p. ix

Sample Description


Peak HRR

Peak SRR Smoke Yield

Total SR

Total HR

(kW) Shredded Paper-1 Shredded Paper-2 Shredded Paper-3 Shredded Paper PU Foam/Microfiber-1 PU Foam/Microfiber-2 PU Foam/Microfiber-3 PU Foam/Microfiber Circuit Board-1 Circuit Board-2 Circuit Board-3 Circuit Board Computer Case-1 Computer Case-2 Computer Case-3 Computer Case PU Foam/Microfiber-1 PU Foam/Microfiber-2 PU Foam/Microfiber-3 PU Foam/Microfiber Ponderosa Pine-1 Ponderosa Pine-2 Ponderosa Pine-3 Ponderosa Pine Cotton Linen Fabric-1 Cotton Linen Fabric-2 Cotton Linen Fabric-3 Cotton Linen Fabric PVC Insulated Wire-1 PVC Insulated Wire-2 PVC Insulated Wire-3 PVC Insulated Wire Flaming Flaming Flaming Average Flaming Flaming Flaming Average Flaming Flaming Flaming Average Flaming Flaming Flaming Average Smoldering Smoldering Smoldering Average Smoldering Smoldering Smoldering Average Smoldering Smoldering Smoldering Average Smoldering Smoldering Smoldering Average N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7.76 8.91 12.49 9.72 8.54 11.23 9.79 9.85 1.90 2.41 2.59 2.30 0.00 0.73 0.63 0.45 N/A N/A N/A

(m2/s) 1.350 0.990 2.000 1.447 0.432 0.512 0.513 0.486 0.534 0.491 0.587 0.537 0.119 0.245 0.292 0.219 0.066 0.073 0.040 0.059 0.161 0.1219 0.1458 0.143 0.084 0.118 0.086 0.096 0.072 0.155 0.094 0.107

(g/g) 0.094 0.083 0.097 0.091 0.094 0.096 0.095 0.095 0.215 0.221 0.319 0.252 0.785 0.967 0.878 0.877 0.085 0.089 0.073 0.082 0.141 0.142 0.140 0.141 0.254 0.240 0.168 0.221 0.237 0.258 0.256 0.250

(m) 110.5 105.8 117.4 111.2 74.2 84.2 80.6 79.7 22.0 20.3 24.7 22.3 9.2 19.1 19.6 15.9 39.9 43.8 36.2 39.9 182.7 182.3 183.0 182.7 43.1 40.9 29.9 38.0 2.1 2.4 2.5 2.3

(MJ) 0.388 0.612 0.589 0.530 1.896 2.240 1.974 2.037 0.826 0.924 1.120 0.957 0.000 0.129 0.078 0.069 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Table E4. Variation in FDS modeling results of smoke measurement in IMO apparatus
Model Output to Input Fuel Source Flaming -0.8% Shredded Office Paper PU Foam with Micro-5.4% fiber Fabric 0.1% Printed Circuit Board Computer Case ABS 4.3% Plastic Smoldering PU Foam with Micro-3.1% fiber Fabric -1.6% Ponderosa Pine -0.9% Cotton Linen Fabric -1.6% PVC Insulated Wire Model Output to Test 4.8% -4.7% -1.6% 4.7%

-1.5% 1.9% 1.3% -5.2%

Table E5. Peak obscuration values and times in the IMO physical tests and FDS simulations.

The 88 room fire tests conducted as part of this project provide a wealth of data on the conditions resulting from the eight incipient fire sources and the response of spot, beam and aspirated detection systems to these conditions in both unventilated and mechanically ventilated enclosures. Only a fraction of this data has been analyzed in detail as part of this project, but all the data acquired during this project has been summarized in tabular and chart form in Excel spreadsheet files and will be made available for future analysis. More than 1,200 data charts have been generated to illustrate the data from these tests.

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The responses of the two brands of photoelectric detectors used in this project were generally consistent with each other, but the levels of smoke obscuration reported by these detectors was not always consistent with the smoke obscuration levels measured at the adjacent detection stations. This may be due to the different methods used to measure smoke obscuration by the detectors, which use light reflection, and by the adjacent photocell assemblies, which use light obscuration. The levels of smoke obscuration reported by the spot detectors are based on correlations developed from testing in the UL smoke box using only a single smoke source, a smoldering cotton wick. This correlation has not been demonstrated for the smoke sources used in this project; this may account for at least some of the differences between the smoke obscuration levels reported by the spot detectors and those measured by the adjacent photocell assemblies. Based on analysis of the smoke detector data from the room fire tests in this project, the smoke obscuration at detection, represented in %/ft and based on the 80th percentile values, are shown in Table E6 for the different ventilation conditions, fire conditions and detector types. Table E6. Smoke obscuration at detection in room tests based on 80th percentile values.
Ventilated Unventilated 6 ACH Flaming Ionization Photoelectric Nonflaming Ionization Photoelectric 8 8 12 10 8 5 1? 1? 12 ACH Insuff. Data 5 Insuff. Data 1?

Based on analysis of the smoke detector data from the room fire tests in this project, the temperature rise at detection, represented in K and based on the 80th percentile values, are shown in Table E7 for the different ventilation conditions, fire conditions and detector types. Table E7. Temperature rise at detection in room tests based on 80th percentile values.
Ventilated Unventilated 6 ACH Flaming Ionization Photoelectric Nonflaming Ionization Photoelectric 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 ACH Insuff. Data 3 Insuff. Data 3

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Based on analysis of the smoke detector data from the room fire tests in this project, substantial errors are indicated in using simplistic guidelines of obscuration and temperature rise based on 80th percentile values. The values reported in the previous tables both overestimate and underestimate response times in specific tests. These errors may be reduced through use of a dual parameter approach, e.g. obscuration and velocity in unventilated rooms: o Flaming fires, photoelectric detectors: 5.5-9.5 %/ft and 0.14-0.33 m/s o Non-flaming fires, photoelectric detectors: 1.5-2.5 %/ft and 0.03-0.07 m/s The near-ceiling velocity of ventilation in the ventilated room tests with 6 and 12 ACH exceeds the velocity of the ceiling jet from the incipient fires in these tests. The near-ceiling velocity field caused by the mechanical injection of air at 6 and 12 ACH has not been experimentally characterized. The responses of the aspirated systems in the 64 tests in the ventilated room have been summarized in Excel spreadsheets, but have not yet been analyzed. The data from the aspirated systems has not yet been synchronized with the other experimental data due to technical difficulties with the synchronization process. Baseline FDS simulations have been conducted for 32 different room fire scenarios involving the 8 incipient fire sources under 4 different conditions, including unventilated tests conducted in the UL 217/268 standard smoke room, unventilated tests conducted in the ventilated room constructed for this project, and ventilated tests conducted at 6 and 12 air changes per hour in this ventilated room. For the baseline FDS simulations, a 10 cm uniform grid was used, resulting in a total of 233,280 computational cells for both the unventilated and ventilated enclosures. For the baseline FDS simulations, the specified smoke release rate was based on measurements of smoke release rate in the IMO benchscale tests and was not corrected for transport lag. Additional FDS simulations have been conducted for a few scenarios using the multimesh feature of FDS to provide a higher level of resolution of 5 cm in the fire plume and ceiling jet regions of the two enclosures, but these simulations have not yet been compared with the experimental data or the baseline FDS simulations. These results and comparisons will be reported separately. Additional FDS simulations have also been conducted for the 16 mechanically ventilated scenarios using a different description for the ceiling vents than in the baseline calculations. These simulations use a uniform cell size of 10 cm, but they have not yet been compared with the experimental data or the baseline FDS simulations. These results and comparisons will be reported separately. The 32 FDS baseline simulations demonstrate a wide range of results in comparison with the related room fire tests so it is difficult to generalize about the current capability of FDS to predict smoke detector activation over the range of fuels and ventilation conditions evaluated in this project. In many of the 32 baseline FDS simulations, the predicted maximum level of smoke obscuration is higher than the measured level of smoke obscuration in the related room fire tests. This may be due to the relatively coarse resolution of 10 cm used for the baseline FDS simulations. In these simulations, it appears that the dynamics of plume entrainment is not fully captured, which would lead to higher concentrations of smoke in the FDS simulations. Another factor that may contribute to the higher predicted smoke

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obscuration levels is smoke deposition to room surfaces, which is not currently addressed in FDS. The levels of smoke obscuration measured by the photocell assemblies at the detection stations during the mechanically ventilated tests were low in comparison with the levels of smoke obscuration reported by the adjacent smoke detectors and in comparison with the levels of smoke obscuration predicted by the associated FDS simulations. The reason for this has not yet been determined. The mechanically ventilated tests conducted at 6 and 12 ACH demonstrated conditions different from those observed in the unventilated tests. In particular, smoke did not readily transport past the plane defined by the line between the two injection louvers at the center of the room. Instead, the smoke tended to stack up on the fire side of this plane, suggesting that the mechanical injection of air was acting as an air curtain. Qualitatively, this was observed in both the room fire tests as well as in the baseline FDS simulations. This also had the effect of delaying smoke detector response on the downstream side of the injection louvers. The impact of mechanical ventilation on smoke detector response warrants further investigation. Recommendations for further study include: Develop the relationship between light scattering and light obscuration for fuels of primary interest (UL 217 fuels, PU foam, etc.) as a means to resolve the differences in smoke obscuration levels reported by the smoke detectors and those measured by the adjacent photocell assemblies. Perform additional FDS simulations at higher resolutions to evaluate the effects on predicted smoke obscuration levels. Perform additional mechanically ventilated room tests to characterize the velocity field caused by the injection of air through representative air louvers. Establish methods to more accurately simulate the injection of air through representative air louvers in FDS. Further investigate the impact of mechanical ventilation on smoke detector response. In summary, this project has generated a wealth of new data on the fire-induced conditions in the room of origin resulting from a range of different incipient fire sources under both unventilated and mechanically ventilated conditions. It has also generated a wealth of data on the response of both spot-type and aspirated smoke detection systems to these conditions. Thirty-two different room fire scenarios were conducted in replicate in 88 large-scale tests and each scenario was simulated using the current release version (5.1.0) of the Fire Dynamics Simulator to evaluate the current capabilities of FDS to predict smoke detector response and activation. In light of the large number of room fire tests conducted and FDS simulations performed, it has not been possible to perform a comprehensive analysis of the results. The data from these tests and FDS simulations demonstrate a range of results that warrants further analysis.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 Acknowledgements

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The authors would like to acknowledge the financial and technical support provided by the Fire Protection Research Foundation, the project sponsors and the members of the project technical panel. The authors would also like to acknowledge the assistance provided by Alyson Blair, Allison Carey and Andrew Laird, who were undergraduate students in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at the University of Maryland when this project was conducted as well as the assistance and technical support of Tom Fabian, Tom Lackhouse and Dan Steppan of UL. Special thanks to Scott Lang of System Sensor for his technical support throughout this project.

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Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 1. Characterization of incipient fire sources

Prepared for: Kathleen Almand Fire Protection Research Foundation 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169

Prepared by: Matthew Brookman, Frederick W. Mowrer and James A. Milke University of Maryland Pravinray Gandhi Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

October 10, 2008

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Volume 1 p. xvi

Page Executive Summary Acknowledgements 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Fuel Source Characterization 2.1 IMO Apparatus Instrumentation 2.2 Experimental Calculations 2.3 Experimental Procedures 2.3.1 Shredded Office Paper 2.3.2 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming) 2.3.3 Printed Circuit Board 2.3.4 Computer Case ABS Plastic 2.3.5 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Smoldering) 2.3.6 Ponderosa Pine Sticks 2.3.7 Cotton Linen Fabric 2.3.8 PVC Insulated Wire 3.0 Experimental Results 3.1 Shredded Office Paper 3.2 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming) 3.3 Printed Circuit Board 3.4 Computer Case ABS Plastic 3.5 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Smoldering) 3.6 Ponderosa Pine Sticks 3.7 Cotton Linen Fabric 3.8 PVC Insulated Wire 4.0 Analysis of Experiments 4.1 Shredded Office Paper 4.2 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming) 4.3 Printed Circuit Board 4.4 Computer Case ABS Plastic 4.5 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Smoldering) ii xiv 1 2 2 4 6 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 15 16 20 24 28 32 35 38 41 44 44 45 47 49 50

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 4.6 Ponderosa Pine Sticks 4.7 Cotton Linen Fabric 4.8 PVC Insulated Wire 5.0 FDS Modeling of IMO Tests 5.1 Model Configuration 5.2 Model Input Calculations 5.3 Model Output Calculations 5.4 Model Results and Analysis 5.4.1 Shredded Office Paper 5.4.2 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming, Mixture Fraction Model) 5.4.3 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming, Species ID Method) 5.4.4 Printed Circuit Board 5.4.5 Computer Case ABS Plastic 5.4.6 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Smoldering) 5.4.7 Ponderosa Pine Sticks 5.4.8 Cotton Linen Fabric 5.4.8 PVC Insulated Wire 6.0 Summary and Conclusions 7.0 References Appendix A: Summary of IMO Apparatus Test Results Appendix B: FDS Input Files for IMO Apparatus Simulations

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Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 List of Figures

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Page Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter apparatus. Figure 2. Photos of shredded paper fire source assembly Figure 3. Photos of PU foam/microfiber fire source assembly Figure 4. Photos of PC board fire source assembly Figure 5. Line burner attached to ring stand. Figure 6. Photos of PC board fire source assembly during testing. Figure 7. Photos of computer case fire source assemblies. Figure 8. Photos of smoldering PU foam fire source assembly. Figure 9. Hotplate temperature profile (UL 217). Figure 10. Photos of Ponderosa pine stick fire source assembly. Figure 11. Photos of cotton linen fabric fire source assembly. Figure 12. Photos of PVC insulated wire fire source assembly. Figure 13. Shredded office paper mass loss. Figure 14. Shredded office paper heat release rate. Figure 15. Shredded office paper smoke release rate. Figure 16. Shredded office paper particle count density. Figure 17. Shredded office paper mean particle diameter. Figure 18. Shredded office paper carbon monoxide output. Figure 19. Shredded office paper carbon dioxide output. Figure 20. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric mass loss. Figure 21. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric heat release rate. Figure 22. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate. Figure 23. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric particle count density. Figure 24. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric mean particle diameter. Figure 25. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric carbon monoxide output. Figure 26. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric carbon dioxide output. Figure 27. Printed circuit board mass loss. Figure 28. Printed circuit board heat release rate. Figure 29. Printed circuit board smoke release rate. Figure 30. Printed circuit board particle count density. Figure 31. Printed circuit board mean particle diameter. Figure 32. Printed circuit board carbon monoxide output. Figure 33. Printed circuit board carbon dioxide output. Figure 34. Computer case ABS plastic mass loss. Figure 35. Computer case ABS plastic heat release rate. Figure 36. Computer case ABS plastic smoke release rate. Figure 37. Computer case ABS plastic particle count density. Figure 38. Computer case ABS plastic mean particle diameter. Figure 39. Computer case ABS plastic carbon monoxide output. Figure 40. Computer case ABS plastic carbon dioxide output. Figure 41. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate. Figure 42. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric particle count density. Figure 43. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric mean particle diameter. 3 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33

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Figure 44. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric carbon monoxide output. Figure 45. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric carbon dioxide output. Figure 46. Ponderosa pine smoke release rate. Figure 47. Ponderosa pine particle count density. Figure 48. Ponderosa pine mean particle diameter. Figure 49. Ponderosa pine carbon monoxide output. Figure 50. Ponderosa pine carbon dioxide output. Figure 51. Cotton linen fabric smoke release rate. Figure 52. Cotton linen fabric particle count density. Figure 53. Cotton linen fabric mean particle diameter. Figure 54. Cotton linen fabric carbon monoxide output. Figure 55. Cotton linen fabric carbon dioxide output. Figure 56. PVC insulated wire smoke release rate. Figure 57. PVC insulated wire particle count density. Figure 58. PVC insulated wire mean particle diameter. Figure 59. PVC insulated wire carbon monoxide output. Figure 60. PVC insulated wire carbon dioxide output. Figure 61. Photos of shredded office paper test. Figure 62. Photos of flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric test. Figure 63. Remains of PU foam fuel package near end of test. Figure 64. Photo of PC boards during testing. Figure 65. Photo of computer case ABS plastic test. Figure 66. Photos of cotton linen fabric during and after test. Figure 67. Photo of cotton linen fabric during test. Figure 68. Photo of PVC insulated wire laminar during test. Figure 69. IMO intermediate-scale hood in FDS. Figure 70. Shredded office paper heat release rate. Figure 71. Shredded office paper extinction coefficient. Figure 72. Shredded office paper obscuration. Figure 73. Shredded office paper smoke release rate. Figure 74. Shredded office paper model input and output. Figure 75. Shredded office paper total smoke. Figure 76. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric heat release rate. Figure 77. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric extinction coefficient. Figure 78. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric obscuration. Figure 79. Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate. Figure 80. Flaming PU foam. heat release rate, SPEC ID model. Figure 81. Flaming PU foam extinction coefficient, SPEC ID model. Figure 82. Flaming PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric obscuration, SPEC ID model. Figure 83. Flaming PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate, SPEC ID model. Figure 84. Flaming PU Foam w/ micro-fiber fabric input output, SPEC ID model. Figure 85. Flaming PU Foam w/ micro-fiber fabric total smoke, SPEC ID model. Figure 86. Printed circuit board heat release rate. Figure 87. Printed circuit board extinction coefficient. Figure 88. Printed circuit board obscuration. Figure 89. Printed circuit board smoke release rate.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 Figure 90. Printed circuit board model input and output. Figure 91. Printed circuit board total smoke. Figure 92. Computer case ABS plastic heat release rate. Figure 93. Computer case ABS plastic extinction coefficient. Figure 94. Computer case ABS plastic obscuration. Figure 95. Computer case ABS plastic smoke release rate. Figure 96. Computer case model input and output. Figure 97. Computer case total smoke. Figure 98. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric extinction coefficient. Figure 99. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric obscuration. Figure 100. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate. Figure 101. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric model input and output. Figure 102. Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric total smoke. Figure 103. Ponderosa pine extinction coefficient. Figure 104. Ponderosa pine obscuration. Figure 105. Ponderosa pine smoke release rate. Figure 106. Ponderosa pine model input and output. Figure 107. Ponderosa pine total smoke. Figure 108. Cotton linen fabric extinction coefficient. Figure 109. Cotton linen fabric obscuration. Figure 110. Cotton linen fabric smoke release rate. Figure 111. Cotton linen fabric model input and output. Figure 112. Cotton linen fabric total smoke. Figure 113. PVC insulated wire extinction coefficient. Figure 114. PVC insulated wire obscuration. Figure 115. PVC insulated wire smoke release rate. Figure 116. PVC insulated wire model input and output. Figure 117. PVC insulated wire total smoke.

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Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 List of Tables

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Page E1. Incipient fire sources E2. Matrix of large-scale room fire test designations E3. Summary of data obtained from tests conducted in IMO apparatus E4. Variation in FDS modeling results of smoke measurement in IMO apparatus E5. Peak obscuration values and times in the IMO physical tests and FDS simulations. E6. Smoke obscuration at detection in room tests based on 80th percentile values. E7. Temperature rise at detection in room tests based on 80th percentile values. 1. Hotplate Temperature (UL 217) 2. Comparison of Total Smoke Produced in IMO Tests and FDS Simulations 3. Peak Smoke Release Rate Model Input v. Model Output iii iii ix x x xi xi 12 90 90

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 1.0 Introduction

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This volume of this report describes the experimental and analytical methods used to characterize the heat and smoke release rates of eight different incipient fire sources. These characterizations are part of a larger project to evaluate the capabilities of the current version (5.1.0) of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) model to predict smoke detector activation. FDS is a computational fluid dynamics model of fire development under ongoing development at the Building and Fire Research Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The experimental research described in this volume of this report was performed in the Fire Protection Department at Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., in Northbrook, Illinois. Computer modeling was performed at the University of Maryland, College Park, within the Department of Fire Protection Engineering in the A. James Clark School of Engineering using the UL Fire Modeling Lab. These computer simulations were conducted using Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) version 5.1.0 and Smokeview version 5. The purpose of this research is to provide guidance on methods to characterize incipient fuel sources to be used in simulations using the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) computer model, as well as to evaluate the capability of FDS to simulate the relevant phenomena for predicting smoke detector activation. The initial objective is the development of a process to characterize both flaming and smoldering fuel sources for input into FDS. Subsequently, FDS modeling of the previous process is studied to evaluate the ability of the program to accurately reproduce the appropriate phenomena. Finally, the variations between the models and the initial characterization are quantified to evaluate the accuracy of the process. The focus of this research is on flaming and smoldering incipient fires from sources that are common to commercial occupancies. This research is broken up into two phases. Phase 1 of the project examines the characteristics of each of the fuel sources chosen for evaluation. Phase 2 of the project focuses on the validation of the specific parameters in FDS that will determine the output of the models. These phases are developed further in the subsections to follow. Each of the eight fuel sources chosen for this project is characterized in ULs IMO intermediatescale calorimeter, which is based on the principle of oxygen consumption calorimetry. Three tests are performed for each fuel source to obtain replicate data sets. The information collected includes mass loss (for flaming sources), heat release rate (for flaming sources), smoke release rate, smoke particle size and count, and gas effluents. The fuel packages are designed to share similar physical characteristics to how they would be used in manufactured goods. The flaming tests are performed using various predefined ignition sources from existing fire test standards. For each of these tests, mass loss and heat release rates are recorded for comparison and input into FDS. The smoldering fuel sources require a different approach from the flaming packages. The test apparatus for these fuel sources prevented accurate measurement of real-time mass loss rates. However, pre-test and post-test weight measurements of test samples were recorded for each experiment. Measurements of environmental conditions are also taken during the fire tests. These measurements include exhaust duct velocity and temperature, and room temperature and humidity. Exhaust duct velocity and temperature are used during the comparisons of the simulations to the experiments. The room temperature is used to establish the baseline temperature for the model.

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Upon completion of Phase 1, a model of the UL IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter is created using FDS and each of the fuel package fire test scenarios is simulated. A grid resolution study is performed and the model is instrumented similarly to the original experiment. The data collected from the original experiments is used to determine the uncertainty and the level of accuracy required from these models. The fuel characteristics determined under the intermediate-scale calorimeter are used in the input file of FDS. The eight sources are modeled using a species ID for the smoke so that the smoke generation can follow the profiles measured in the IMO apparatus tests. The inputs for this method include the heat release rate profile, or temperature profile for the smoldering sources, and the smoke release rate profile. The mixture fraction model in FDS was used initially; this combustion model uses the heat release rate, smoke yield, and heat of combustion as inputs. This method is based on a constant correlation between heat release rate and smoke release rate. The exhaust velocity and room temperature are also used as initial inputs. The mixture fraction model does not allow for an accurate recreation of the phenomena involved with incipient fire sources due to the varying nature of the initial smoke production relative to the heat release rate. 2.0 Fuel Source Characterization The heat and smoke release rates of eight fuel sources are characterized through fire tests performed in the IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter located in the UL small-scale fire test laboratory in Northbrook, IL. The eight fuel sources are identified in Table 1; they include shredded office paper, polyurethane foam wrapped in micro-fiber fabric (used as a flaming and smoldering source), printed circuit board, computer case ABS plastic, ponderosa pine, cotton linen fabric, and PVC insulated wire. The IMO apparatus consists of a square hood with a noncombustible skirt and an exhaust duct measuring .1778 m (7 in.) in diameter, as illustrated schematically in Figure 1. The fuel sources are burned beneath the hood and the combustion products are exhausted through and measured in the exhaust duct. Smoke obscuration is also measured in the exhaust duct. 2.1 IMO apparatus instrumentation The IMO intermediate-scale hood is instrumented with a sampling port near the entrance to the exhaust duct from the hood. This port is used to provide smoke samples to a Model WPS 1000XP wide range particle size spectrometer (WPS spectrometer) and a MIDAC #I 1100 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer equipped with a 10 meter path length optical cell. The exhaust duct is also equipped with a light obscuration device to measure optical density 2 m from the entrance of the duct. The WPS spectrometer characterizes the smoke particle size and count by combining laser light scattering, electrical mobility, and condensation particle counting technologies. This produces a measurable size range from 10 nm to 10,000 nm in diameter. A 1 L/min sample flow is divided between the dynamic mobility analyzer (DMA) and the light particle spectrometer (LPS) to develop the size distribution measurement. The LPS is measures particles larger than 200 nm and the DMA measures particles ranging from 10 nm to 500 nm. Measurement sensitivity is limited to particle concentrations not greater than 2 107 particles/cc (Fabian and Gandhi, 2007).

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Because of the sampling time and purging requirements between purges, measurements are taken at 67 second intervals.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter apparatus. The FTIR spectrometer characterizes gas effluent composition using a gas calibration library to calculate the concentration of the gases detected. It is capable of measuring 600 to 4000 cm -1 wavenumber and has a resolution of 0.5 cm-1 (Fabian and Gandhi, 2007). The light obscuration device (smoke eye) consists of a Huygen Corp. Model 856 BB (Blue Blue) Type 2 photocell and a GE 4405 spot-lamp. The smoke eye is located 2 m from the entrance of the exhaust duct leading from the collection hood. The total beam length is 0.6 m with a beam length of 0.1778 m within the exhaust duct. The data collected from this instrument is converted to an extinction coefficient and a percent obscuration. The IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter is equipped with an oxygen analyzer and a load cell. The oxygen analyzer is a Siemens Oxymat 6 and the load cell, which is only used for the flaming fuel source packages, is a Fire Testing Technology Limited load cell assembly. For the smoldering sources, a Wenesco Model HP1212YX hotplate is used with a programmable thermostat from Cal Controls. A power supply is needed for the PVC insulated wire test performed during this research. A Sorensen DCS 60-50 power supply is used for this purpose. The oxygen analyzer uses a paramagnetic effect by the alternating pressure method to measure

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oxygen levels. This provides reliable linearity and allows parameterization of small measuring ranges of 0 to 0.5%. The detection limit is 50 ppm. The load cell is placed in the center of the hood and various platforms have been fabricated to support the range of fuel sources being tested. The capacity of this load cell is 2.8 kg with an accuracy of 1 g. The hotplate used for the smoldering tests is a Wenesco Model HP1212YX hotplate with a 30.4 by 30.4 by 1.3 cm thick stainless steel surface used along with a CAL95B11PA000 programmable thermostat from Cal Controls. This hotplate has a 240 V, 6480 W power supply, capable of producing temperatures up to 815 C. The UL 217 hotplate temperature ramp is programmed into this controller and monitored by a thermocouple imbedded in the hotplate. The Sorensen DCS 60-50 power supply is used only for the PVC insulated wire test. This instrument is capable of providing a range of power from 0 to 60 volts and 0 to 50 amps. It can also be programmed to maintain a continuous current by varying the amperage to compensate for changing resistance, which is required for the PVC insulated wire test protocol. In addition to the fuel and smoke instrumentation, thermocouples are placed within the exhaust duct and in the ambient room. A bidirectional probe is also placed in the exhaust duct for velocity measurements. The thermocouple in the exhaust duct is used to measure the exhaust gas temperatures near the smoke eye. The thermocouple in the room is used to measure the initial air temperature to provide a baseline starting ambient temperature for FDS5 input. The bidirectional probe in the exhaust duct is connected to a Baratron Model 220CD pressure transducer with a range of 1 torr. This instrument is placed in the center of the duct to obtain the maximum velocity by converting the pressure differential. This velocity measurement is used to ensure that the exhaust flow in the model is similar to the exhaust flow produced in the experimentation. 2.2 Experimental Calculations Heat Release Rate The heat release rate is calculated based on oxygen measurements performed during the tests and the characteristics of the combustion process from which the C factor is derived. This factor correlates the values produced from the measurements within the hood to a known value for methane. This correlation factor is then used in the equation for the heat release rate within a specified range. The C factor is obtained by burning a prescribed flow of methane under the hood and calibrating the oxygen analyzer to the appropriate values. The stoichiometric ratio from this calibration is used in the calculation of the heat release rate of the materials being tested.

Q C H O2



X O2 ,o E

X O2

X exp X O2



Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

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= Heat release rate (kW) = Calibration constant (0.91)

H O2 = Air heat of combustion (13,100 kJ/kgO2)

MWO2 = Molecular weight of oxygen (32 g/mol)

MWair = Molecular weight of air (29 g/mol) me
= Mass flow rate in exhaust duct (kg/s) = Oxygen mole fraction in exhaust stream = Chemical expansion factor (1.105) = Stoichiometric expansion factor (1.5)

X O2 ,o = Ambient oxygen mole fraction (0.2095)

X O2

X exp

Extinction Coefficient The extinction coefficient is derived from the relationship between the voltage output from the photocell in the exhaust duct and the light beam intensity. For the equipment installed for these tests, the relationship is linear.

1 I0 ln l I


k l

= Extinction coefficient (m-1) = Beam length in exhaust duct (0.1778 m in IMO calorimeter) = Initial clear beam light intensity (mV) = Light intensity at time (t) (mV)


Obscuration Light obscuration is based on the same data as the extinction coefficient and can be derived from it.

1001 e



= Percent obscuration (%) Smoke Release Rate The smoke release rate can also be derived from the extinction coefficient as presented in Eq. (4).

SRR kve Aduct



Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

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ve Aduct

= Exhaust velocity in duct at photocell (m/s) = Cross-sectional area of duct (0.0248 m2 in IMO calorimeter)

Smoke Yield The accumulating average smoke yield is calculated by dividing the extinction cross-sectional area by the specific extinction coefficient.




= Accumulating average smoke yield (gs/gf) = Total smoke at time t / Total mass loss at time t (m2/gf) = 8.7 m2/gs (Specific extinction coefficient)

Velocity A pressure measurement is made in the exhaust duct near the photocell with a bidirectional probe connected to a pressure transducer. The pressure readings are then converted to velocity using Eq. 6. There is a correlating coefficient required for this conversion; this factor is 0.806 for the UL IMO apparatus.


0.806 PTduct



= Pressure transducer reading (torrs) = Duct temperature at time (t) (K)


2.3 Experimental Procedures In this section, the experimental procedures used to evaluate the eight incipient fire sources in the IMO apparatus are described. 2.3.1 Shredded Office Paper The shredded office paper test arrangement includes a solid metal wastebasket measuring 35.5 cm tall by 28 cm in diameter at the top by 22 cm in diameter at the bottom, standard office paper cut into strips measuring 6.35 mm wide by 25.4 mm to 101.6 mm long (UL 217), and a fabricated disk to tamp the paper to a depth of 10 cm from the base of the wastebasket. Shredded office paper, conditioned for a minimum of 24 hours at 23 0.5 C and 50 5 % relative humidity, with a total weight of 75 g is placed loosely into a wastebasket and then tamped down to approximately 10 cm from the base using a disk that covered most of the surface of the paper. The results of this procedure are shown in Error! Reference source not found.2. A 2.5 cm diameter hole is drilled into the side of the trash can near the bottom to allow insertion of the TB 604 burner, as shown in Figure b.

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The ignition source for this test is the burner tube described in TB 604, Test Procedure and Apparatus for the Flame Resistance of Filled Bedclothing. It consists of a 200 5 mm length of stainless steel tube with an 8.0 0.1 mm outer diameter and a 6.5 0.1 mm inner diameter connected to a cylinder containing ultra high purity propane. The stainless steel tube is connected to a two stage regulator via clear flexible tubing 2.5 to 3.0 m in length and 7.0 1.0 mm inner diameter. The flame height for testing is 35 mm when the burner is held horizontally and allowed to burn freely in air.

Figure 2 Photos of shredded paper fire source assembly. The prepared wastebasket is placed on top of the load cell on a platform approximately 24 cm in diameter. The position of the base of the wastebasket is level with the bottom of the hood curtain to ensure that all of the smoke is collected by the exhaust duct. Prior to test initiation, all

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instruments are calibrated, the load cell is zeroed, and all instruments are rechecked. To initiate the test, all recording instruments are started and the burner is inserted horizontally 25 mm into the hole near the bottom of the wastebasket for 5 seconds. The burner is then removed and the paper is allowed to burn until smoke production stops. This procedure is repeated for a total of three tests. 2.3.2 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming) PU foam with micro-fiber fabric is used to simulate a typical commercial upholstery assembly. The TB 604 ignition source, the same ignition source used for the shredded office paper tests, is used for this test. This ignition source is similar to a butane cigarette lighter flame. Two blocks of PU foam measuring 20 by 8 by 10 cm are wrapped in a 50 by 60 cm sheet of micro-fiber fabric in the manner shown in Figure 3 to create a block of material that measures 20 by 16 by 10 cm. Both materials are conditioned prior to assembly for a minimum of 24 hours at 23 0.5 C and 50 5 % relative humidity. A foil tray is positioned beneath the specimen during testing to contain the liquefied PU foam. The specimen is placed on the foil tray with the 20 by 16 cm side down, which incorporated the pinned fabric.

Figure 3 Photos of PU foam / microfiber fire source assembly. The PU foam assembly and foil tray are placed on a 0.60 by 0.60 m noncombustible platform on top of the load cell such that the base of the material is at the same height as the bottom of the hood curtain. Initiation of the test begins with igniting the TB 604 burner and establishing a 35 mm tall flame with the burner held horizontally. Once the flame has been stabilized, all recording instruments are started and the burner flame is placed against the base of the front side of the PU foam assembly near the center for 20 seconds. As the foam liquefies and the microfiber fabric burns away, the flame is kept in contact with the material, adjusting for the deformation during the 20 second ignition period. Three tests were conducted to evaluate test repeatability. 2.3.3 Printed Circuit Board The printed circuit board tests use the ATIS T1.319 line burner for ignition. This test is used to determine the fire propagation risk of telecommunications equipment assemblies. In this standard, when adjacent printed circuit boards ignite, the assembly has failed. In the test described below, ignition of the printed circuit board is intentional.

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Two 7.5 by 7.5 by 1.57 mm printed circuit boards conditioned to 23 0.5 C and 50 5 % relative humidity for a minimum of 24 hours are placed 2 cm apart in a vertical orientation. The line burner is centered 1.5 cm below the PC board assembly, perpendicular to the PC boards. This setup is shown in Figure 44 and 5. The specimen assembly is elevated 2.5 cm off of the platform of the load cell to accommodate the location of the line burner. The line burner valley is 3 cm wide and the valley running parallel to the PC boards is 2.5 cm wide. The specimen assembly is placed such that the PC boards are over the 2.5 cm valley. The requirements for the line burner are described in section 5 of ATIS T1.319. It is constructed of type 304 stainless steel tubing with a nominal 9.5 mm diameter and one end welded closed. Eleven holes, 2.78 0.1 mm in diameter, with 13 mm spacing on center are drilled through one side of the tube, starting 13 mm from the welded end of the tube. Compression fittings are used to connect the burner to the output of the fuel assembly. Ultra high purity methane is used.

Figure 4 Photos of PC board fire source assembly.

Figure 5 Line burner attached to ring stand. The PC board assembly and line burner are positioned as described above. The position of the base of the material is approximately 2.5 cm higher than the base of the hood curtain. To begin this test, the line burner is ignited, and the methane flow is brought up to 5 scfh to provide a 65

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mm flame height. All recording instruments are initiated and the flame of the line burner is allowed to burn for 1 minute to stabilize before the printed circuit boards are placed on top. The PC boards are placed above the center of the line burner, oriented perpendicular to the line burner. The line burner remains on for the duration of the test because the PC boards will not sustain a flame without an external heat source. The tests are run until smoke production from the printed circuit boards stops. This procedure is shown in Figure 6. Three tests are conducted to evaluate test repeatability.

Figure 6 Photos of PC board fire source assembly during testing. 2.3.4 Computer Case ABS Plastic The computer case material is representative of the materials used as external casing for electronics equipment. The 50 W ignition source specified in UL 94 is used and the specimen setup is also similar to that specified in UL 94. The specimen is 125 mm tall by 13 mm wide by 3.5 mm thick and is conditioned for a minimum of 24 hours at 23 0.5 C and 50 5 % relative humidity. The specimen is wrapped in a 6 by 15 cm piece of hexagonal wire mesh to prevent dripping, which causes significant inconsistencies with smoke output and mass loss readings. The additional length of hexagonal wire mesh is held by a clamp and the material is suspended above the UL 94 Bunsen burner. The top of the burner is positioned 1 cm from the bottom of the specimen. The specimen, test setup, and test are shown in Figure 7. The ring stand and clamp are placed on top of the load cell platform and the computer case specimen is secured into the clamp. The specimen is positioned so that it is completely vertical. The second ring stand and test tube clamp are placed on top of the load cell on the opposite side of the specimen from the other ring stand. The UL 94 burner is clamped onto the ring stand and positioned 1 cm from the base of the plastic strand. The burner is then swung away from the assembly and the methane flow is adjusted to 105 ml/min with a backpressure of less than 10 inches of water. A 20 mm flame is produced and then adjusted until the yellow tip disappears. The flame is then re-measured to ensure the proper height. All recording instruments are activated and the burner is swung back into place beneath the material, approaching from the wider side. The burner maintains 1 cm from the bottom of the specimen and remains ignited for the duration of the test. If any material begins to sag down from the wire, the burner is pulled

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down slightly to maintain the 1 cm distance to prevent the material from getting into the burner tube. Three tests are operated for 5 minutes until smoke production stops.

Figure 7 Photos of computer case fire source assemblies. 2.3.5 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Smoldering) The smoldering test for the polyurethane foam with micro-fiber fabric uses the UL 217 smoldering smoke test temperature profile and the Wenesco HP1212YX hotplate. The material is placed in a 22.8 by 22.8 cm steel pan lined with foil and then placed on the heated surface of the hotplate. Two blocks of PU foam measuring 20 by 8 by 10 cm are wrapped in a 50 by 60 cm sheet of micro-fiber fabric in the manner shown in Figure 8 to create a block of material that measured 20 by 16 by 10 cm. Both materials are conditioned prior to assembly for a minimum of 24 hours at 23 0.5 C and 50 5 % relative humidity. The assembled specimen is then placed in a 22.8 by 22.8 in. steel pan lined with foil to protect the hotplate. Additional thermocouples are placed between the pan and the hotplate and between the foil lining and the pan to ensure the appropriate temperature profile. The specimen on the hotplate as well as the material smoldering during the test and the post-test material condition are shown in Figure 8. The hotplate surface is approximately level with the bottom of the hood curtain to ensure that the low buoyancy smoke produced from this smoldering source is completely collected by the exhaust duct. The test begins by placing the 22.8 by 22.8 cm tray on the center of the hotplate, sliding the additional thermocouples into position, and placing the specimen inside of the tray. All recording devices are activated and the proportioning temperature controller switched on when the recording devices complete the 15 second countdown. The controller has been preprogrammed to follow the specified temperature profile from UL 217, which is shown in Table and Figure 9. This test is performed in triplicate for a minimum duration of 4500 seconds with pre-test and post-test weights recorded.

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Figure 8 Photos of smoldering PU foam fire source assembly. Table 3 Hotplate Temperature (UL 217)

Figure 9 Hotplate temperature profile (UL 217). 2.3.6 Ponderosa Pine Sticks Ponderosa Pine is used in the smoldering smoke test detailed in UL 217. This test evaluates smoke detector performance for spot-type detectors. The UL 217 hotplate and temperature profile is used for this test.

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Ten ponderosa pine sticks, free from knots and pitches, are placed in a spoke pattern on the hotplate so that the sticks are 36 degrees apart. The sticks are 7.6 by 2.5 by 1.9 cm with the 1.9 by 7.6 cm side in contact with the hotplate. Each stick is conditioned for a minimum of 48 hours at 52C (125F) in an air-circulating oven. The hotplate, controller, and stick positioning are shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Photos of Ponderosa pine stick fire source assembly. The hotplate surface is approximately level with the bottom of the hood curtain to ensure that the low buoyancy smoke produced from this smoldering source is completely collected by the exhaust duct. The test is initiated by placing the ponderosa pine sticks on the hotplate in the specified spoke pattern, activating all recording instruments, and switching on the preprogrammed proportioning temperature controller. This test is performed in triplicate for 6300 seconds with pre-test and post-test weights taken for each test. The sticks lose most of their original mass and much of what is left is only char. 2.3.7 Cotton Linen Fabric The cotton linen fabric test is intended to represent a cloth material such as a napkin or tablecloth that is too close to a heat source and begins to smolder. The hotplate described previously is used for this test, with the temperature profile specified in UL 217. Two 30 by 30 cm sheets of cotton linen fabric, conditioned for a minimum of 24 hours at 23 0.5 C and 50 5 % relative humidity, are placed on the hotplate and smoothed out over the surface. The sheets nearly cover the entire heated surface. The proportioning temperature controller maintains the UL 217 temperature profile. Figure 11 shows the precut cotton linen fabric, the positioning on the hotplate, and the fabric smoldering during testing.

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Volume 1 p. 14

Figure 11 Photos of cotton linen fabric fire source assembly. The hotplate surface is approximately level with the bottom of the hood curtain to ensure that the low buoyancy smoke produced from this smoldering source is completely collected by the exhaust duct. To begin this test, the two sheets of fabric are stacked and adjusted so that the edges and corners match up. They are then placed on the hotplate, pressed flat and smoothed out across the heated surface. All recording instruments are started and the proportioning temperature controller is switched on to the preprogrammed temperature profile. The test is performed in triplicate for a minimum duration of 90 minutes, which allowed for total consumption of the cotton sheets. Prior to testing, each set of sheets is weighed and post-test weight is assumed to be zero. 2.3.8 PVC Insulated Wire The PVC insulated wire test is representative of smoke produced from an electrical overload. This test generally follows the procedures detailed in NFPA 76 Appendix B, Performance Test Procedures for Very Early Warning and Early Warning Fire Detection Systems. The smoke produced from this test simulates the smoke that might be produced during the early stages of a telecommunications fire. The North American Wire Test is used as the procedure for this test. A 1 m long PVC insulated solid 22 AWG copper wire with a radial insulation thickness of 1.1 mm is subjected to a constant current of 28 amps and a varying voltage from 0 to 18 V to compensate for the changing resistance in the wire. The wire is conditioned for a minimum of 24 hours at 23 0.5 C and 50 5 % relative humidity, cut to the 1 m length, and no more than 12 mm of insulation is removed from the ends of the wire. The wire is placed on a foil covered surface in a manner that prevented kinks or crossovers that could interfere with the current application. The ends are connected to a reef bar that is connected to the Sorensen DCS 60-50 power supply through 10 AWG stranded wire. This setup is shown in Figure 22. The foil surface for this test is level with the base of the hood curtain to limit the possibility of smoke loss from the hood. To begin this test, the wire is connected to the reef bar. The power supply is then switched on and set to a constant current of 28 amps. The recording instruments are activated and the voltage is activated to impose the current. The current is applied for 1 minute as the voltage increases to maintain 28 amps. Data is taken until the wire ceases to produce any more smoke after the current is shut off.

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Volume 1 p. 15

Figure 22 Photos of PVC insulated wire fire source assembly. 3.0 Experimental Results The experimental results described in this chapter are produced from fire tests performed following the procedures explained in Section 2. These tests were completed during the summer of 2007 with assistance and provisions from Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., in Northbrook, Illinois. The data provided in this section consist of mass loss (for flaming sources only), heat release rate (for flaming sources only), smoke release rate, smoke yield, smoke concentration, smoke particle diameter, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. 3.1 Shredded Office Paper The shredded office paper tests are performed for 360 seconds, which allowed for enough time for the smoke generation to reach its peak and return back to zero. The variations between the tests as well as the trends produced from this experiment are presented in Figures 13-19.

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70 60 50

Volume 1 p. 16

Mass Loss (g)

40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 Test 1 180 Time (s) Test 2 240 Test 3 300 360

Figure 33 Shredded office paper mass loss.

14 12 10

HRR (kW)

8 6 4 2 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 240 Test 3 300 360

Figure 44 Shredded office paper heat release rate.

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Volume 1 p. 17

SRR (m^2/s)



0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 240 Test 3 300 360

Figure 55 Shredded office paper smoke release rate.

1.0E+07 9.0E+06

Particle Count Density (1/cc)

8.0E+06 7.0E+06 6.0E+06 5.0E+06 4.0E+06 3.0E+06 2.0E+06 1.0E+06 0.0E+00 0 60 120 Test 1 180 Time (s) Test 2 240 Test 3 300 360

Figure 66 Shredded office paper particle count density.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.50 0.45 0.40

Volume 1 p. 18

Mean Diameter (micron)

0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 300 360

Figure 77 Shredded office paper mean particle diameter.

900 800 700 600

CO (ppm)

500 400 300 200 100 0 0 60 120 Test 1 180 Time (s) Test 2 240 Test 3 300 360

Figure 88 Shredded office paper carbon monoxide output.

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10000 9000 8000 7000

Volume 1 p. 19

CO2 (ppm)

6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 240 Test 3 300 360

Figure 99 Shredded office paper carbon dioxide output. 3.2 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming) The PU foam with micro-fiber fabric package flaming test is performed for 640 seconds to allow for complete smoke production. This test shows unique characteristics and produces consistent data as shown in Figures 20-26.

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110 100 90 80

Volume 1 p. 20

Mass Loss (g)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 480 540 600

Figure 2010 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric mass loss.



HRR (kW)

0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 480 540 600

Figure 21 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric heat release rate.

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Volume 1 p. 21


SRR (m^2/s)




0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 480 540 600

Figure 22 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate.

4.5E+06 4.0E+06

Particle Count Density (1/cc)

3.5E+06 3.0E+06 2.5E+06 2.0E+06 1.5E+06 1.0E+06 5.0E+05 0.0E+00 0 60 120 180 300 360 420 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 480 540 600

Figure 23 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric particle count density.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.35 0.30

Volume 1 p. 22

Mean Diameter (micron)

0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Figure 24 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric mean particle diameter.



CO (ppm)




0 0 60 120 180 300 360 420 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 480 540 600

Figure 25 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric carbon monoxide output.

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7000 6000 5000

Volume 1 p. 23

CO2 (ppm)

4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 60 120 180 300 360 420 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 480 540 600

Figure 26 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric carbon dioxide output. 3.3 Printed Circuit Board The printed circuit board test is performed for 540 seconds to allow for the material to be significantly affected by the burner. The PC boards intumesce and will not sustain ignition without an external heat source. The data from the experiments with the printed circuit board are presented in Figures 27-33. The data includes the contributions of the line burner.

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14 12 10

Volume 1 p. 24

Mass Loss (g)

8 6 4 2 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 420 480 540

Figure 27 Printed circuit board mass loss.


HRR (kW)



0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 420 480 540

Figure 28 Printed circuit board heat release rate.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.7 0.6 0.5

Volume 1 p. 25

SRR (m^2/s)

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 360 Test 3 420 480 540

Figure 29 Printed circuit board smoke release rate.

1.0E+07 9.0E+06

Particle Count Density (1/cc)

8.0E+06 7.0E+06 6.0E+06 5.0E+06 4.0E+06 3.0E+06 2.0E+06 1.0E+06 0.0E+00 0 60 120 180 Test 1 240 300 Time (s) Test 2 360 Test 3 420 480 540

Figure 30 Printed circuit board particle count density.

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Volume 1 p. 26


Mean Diameter (micron)




0.00 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Figure 31 Printed circuit board mean particle diameter.

400 350 300 250

CO (ppm)

200 150 100 50 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 360 Test 3 420 480 540

Figure 32 Printed circuit board carbon monoxide output.

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Volume 1 p. 27



CO2 (ppm)




0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 420 480 540

Figure 33 Printed circuit board carbon dioxide output. 3.4 Computer Case ABS Plastic The computer case ABS plastic test is performed for 340 seconds to allow for complete smoke production and affect from the burner. The computer case material deforms significantly during the test, which may have caused some of the variations. The data described in Figures 34-40 includes the contributions of the 50 W burner.

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Volume 1 p. 28


Sample Weight (g)



0 0 60 120 Test 1 180 Time (s) Test 2 Test 3 240 300

Figure 34 Computer case ABS plastic mass loss.





HRR (kW)





0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 300

Figure 35 Computer case ABS plastic heat release rate.

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Volume 1 p. 29




SRR (m^2/s)





0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 300

Figure 36 Computer case ABS plastic smoke release rate.



Particle Count Density (1/cc)




0.0E+00 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 300

Figure 37 Computer case ABS plastic particle count density.

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Volume 1 p. 30


Mean Diameter (micron)




0.00 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 300

Figure 38 Computer case ABS plastic mean particle diameter.




CO (ppm)
10.0 5.0 0.0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 300

Figure 39 Computer case ABS plastic carbon monoxide output.

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Volume 1 p. 31



CO2 (ppm)




0.0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 240 300

Figure 40 Computer case ABS plastic carbon dioxide output. 3.5 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Smoldering) The smoldering PU foam with micro-fiber fabric package test is performed for a minimum of 4500 seconds to capture the increase and decay of smoke production. The variations in data between the tests are indicated in Figures 41-45. During Tests 2 and 3, the FTIR spectrometer malfunctioned and failed to produce data after approximately 1000 seconds.

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0.08 0.07 0.06

Volume 1 p. 32

SRR (m^2/s)

0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 600 1200 1800 Test 1 2400 Time (s) Test 2 3000 Test 3 3600 4200 4800

Figure 41 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate.

80000 70000

Particle Count Density (1/cc)

60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 600 1200 2400 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 1800 3000 Test 3 3600 4200 4800

Figure 42 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric particle count density.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.45 0.40 0.35

Volume 1 p. 33

Mean Diameter (micron)

0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 3000 Test 3 3600 4200 4800

Figure 43 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric mean particle diameter.

140 120 100

CO (ppm)

80 60 40 20 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 3000 Test 3 3600 4200 4800

Figure 44 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric carbon monoxide output.

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Volume 1 p. 34



CO2 (ppm)




0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 3000 Test 3 3600 4200 4800

Figure 45 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric carbon dioxide output. 3.6 Ponderosa Pine Sticks The ponderosa pine wood stick test is performed for 6400 seconds to capture the full smoke release rate curve. This test is based on the UL 217 Smoldering Smoke Test and is very consistent between data sets. The results of the three tests are presented in Figures 46-50.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12

Volume 1 p. 35

SRR (m^2/s)

0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 4800 5400 6000

Figure 46 Ponderosa pine smoke release rate.

7000000 6000000

Particle Count Density (1/cc)

5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Test 1 3000 3600 Time (s) Test 2 4200 Test 3 4800 5400 6000

Figure 47 Ponderosa pine particle count density.

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Volume 1 p. 36


Mean Diameter (micron)





0.00 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Test 1 3000 3600 Time (s) Test 2 4200 Test 3 4800 5400 6000

Figure 48 Ponderosa pine mean particle diameter.




CO (ppm)




0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 4800 5400 6000

Figure 49 Ponderosa pine carbon monoxide output.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

350 300 250

Volume 1 p. 37

CO2 (ppm)

200 150 100 50 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 4800 5400 6000

Figure 50 Ponderosa pine carbon dioxide output. 3.7 Cotton Linen Fabric The cotton linen fabric test is performed for 6000 seconds to ensure that the smoke data is completely characterized. The data presented in Figures 51-55 show the variations and consistency between the data sets.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.14 0.12 0.1

Volume 1 p. 38

SRR (m^2/s)

0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 600 1200 1800 3000 3600 4200 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 2400 4800 5400 6000

Figure 51 Cotton linen fabric smoke release rate.

3500000 3000000

Particle Count Density (1/cc)

2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 500000 0 0 600 1200 1800 3000 3600 4200 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 2400 4800 5400 6000

Figure 52 Cotton linen fabric particle count density.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.80 0.70

Volume 1 p. 39

Mean Diameter (micron)

0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Test 1 3000 3600 4200 Time (s) Test 2 Test 3 4800 5400 6000

Figure 53 Cotton linen fabric mean particle diameter.




CO (ppm)




0 0 600 1200 1800 3000 3600 4200 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 2400 4800 5400 6000

Figure 54 Cotton linen fabric carbon monoxide output.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

1000 900 800 700

Volume 1 p. 40

CO2 (ppm)

600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Test 1 3000 3600 4200 Time (s) Test 2 Test 3 4800 5400 6000

Figure 55 Cotton linen fabric carbon dioxide output. 3.8 PVC Insulated Wire The PVC insulate wire test is unique to this test set. It does not have an external heat source provided by a hotplate and does not generate a significant amount of heat itself. This characteristic means that the smoke produced will not be very buoyant. This test is only performed for 240 seconds because the smoke production is quick. The data from this test series are presented in Figures 56-60.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12

Volume 1 p. 41

SRR (m^2/s)

0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 30 60 90 Test 1 120 150 180 Time (s) Test 2 Test 3 Model 210 240

Figure 56 PVC insulated wire smoke release rate.



Particle Count Density (1/cc)





0 0 30 60 120 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 90 150 Test 3 180 210 240

Figure 57 PVC insulated wire particle count density.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.16 0.14

Volume 1 p. 42

Mean Diameter (micron)

0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 150 180 210 240

Figure 58 PVC insulated wire mean particle diameter.



CO (ppm)




0.0 0 30 60 120 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 90 150 Test 3 180 210 240

Figure 59 PVC insulated wire carbon monoxide output.

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Volume 1 p. 43



CO2 (ppm)



0 0 30 60 120 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 90 150 Test 3 180 210 240

Figure 60 PVC insulated wire carbon dioxide output.

4.0 Analysis of Experiments In this section, the results of the tests in the IMO apparatus are analyzed and discussed for the eight incipient fire sources. 4.1 Shredded Office Paper The shredded office paper test shows similarities between the tests, but there is some inconsistency. Overall, this test is repeatable within a range of outcomes. The primary cause of the inconsistency is the flame-through time. The flame-through time is the time at which the test transitioned from smoldering to flaming. This occurs when the smoldering material at the base creates enough heat to ignite the material above it and produce flames above the paper. Figure 1161 shows the test before and after flamethrough. This event is coincident with the peak in the heat release rate curves shown in Figure 414. The flame-through time is significantly affected by the packing density of the paper. This characteristic is not uniform throughout the assembled package and causes inconsistencies despite using the same procedure as routinely done when conducting the room test for UL 217. If the packing density is low near the ignition orifice, then flame-through occurs earlier; whereas, if it is high near the ignition source, the flame-through tends to take longer because the material smolders longer. The effects of this characteristic can be seen throughout all of the data presented from these tests.

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Volume 1 p. 44

Figure 11 Photos of shredded office paper test. The mass loss from the shredded office paper tests is similar in rate, but differs in time again due to the inconsistent packing density. Most of the mass is consumed during these tests and the remaining mass consists of char, a few remaining strands, and water residue produced from the combustion. For each of the tests, most mass consumption occurs between approximately 30 seconds and 120 seconds as shown in Figure 313. In the initial part of this graph, the material does not begin to significantly burn until approximately 10 seconds after ignition. This time interval includes the 5 second ignition source application to the base of the material. The smoke release rates produced from these tests shows the effect of the packing density as well. The smoke release rate data is consistent in nature with the heat release rate and the mass loss data. In all tests, the smoke release rate peaks just before the heat release rate. This is consistent with the observations during testing. The material initially smolders and produces a significant amount of smoke without a high heat release rate, followed by flame-through where smoke production decreases and the heat release rate increases. There is a lag time associated with the smoke release rate measurement based on the distance between the flaming source and the smoke eye, the buoyancy produced by the source, and the induced exhaust velocity. Visually, during the tests, the smoke production is high in the beginning from the smoldering phenomenon, then, as flame-through occurs, the additional heat pushes the smoke up at a much higher rate and the smoke production seems to decrease. The thermal push created by the flamethrough event has an effect on the measured smoke release rate. The smoke release rate is calculated from the extinction coefficient produced from the smoke eye, and the volumetric flow rate measured by the bidirectional probe. The smoke release rate data is shown in Figure 515. Smoke production peaks from approximately 50 seconds to 90 seconds through each data set and has a rapid increase and decay. The shredded office paper tests produced an average smoke yield of 0.091 gs/gconsumed. The particle count produced from these tests varies between the tests and peaks later than the heat release rate peak, due to the thermal push and lag time associated with gas sampling. This is shown in Figure 616. The particle count density in Test 2 peaks more than 60 seconds later than the other two tests.

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Volume 1 p. 45

The mean particle diameters range from 0.10 microns to 0.45 microns over the course of the test. Larger particles can be attributed to the smoldering phase of this test. Figure 717 displays this data. In Test 2, again, the mean particle diameter peaks more than 60 seconds later than the other two tests. The gas effluent data focuses on carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The carbon monoxide production from these tests is high due to the initial smoldering and the peaks correspond to the heat release rate and smoke release rate peaks. Figure 8 shows that test one and two are similar in production rates, only skewed by time. Carbon monoxide production reached as high as almost 800 ppm for test 3. The carbon dioxide production is also high for test 3; whereas, test 1 and test 2 were similar in production peaks. Carbon dioxide concentration reached nearly 9500 ppm. This is shown in Figure 9. 4.2 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming) The flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric test produced results which were appreciably different than those from other materials due to the thermal response of the polyurethane foam. In general, the data from the tests with this sample were consistent and the tests were repeatable. Figure 201020 shows the mass loss data produced from these tests. The tests are almost identical until approximately 180 seconds where the material begins to melt away from the ignited areas and the mass loss rate becomes slower. This transition to a liquid pool fire is unique to this material as compared to the rest of the fuel sources and is shown in Figure 1262. The fuel package loses approximately 80 % of its mass during the tests and the remaining material consists of sticky clumps of char and residue from the PU foam. The remains of the fuel package are shown in Figure 1363. The initial spike in the mass loss data shown in Figure 201020 is due to the TB 604 igniter coming in contact with the load cell. The igniter is applied for 20 seconds.

Figure 122 Photos of flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric test.

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Volume 1 p. 46

Figure 133 Remains of PU foam fuel package near end of test. The heat release rate curves produced from these tests show similar traits. Two distinct peaks are evident in Figure 21 for each test. The first peak is reached when the flames begin to move across the solid fuel package, igniting a significant portion of the material. The heat release rate then begins to decrease as the heat output from the ignited portion begins to melt the remaining material and allow it to move away before it can ignite. As the fuel begins to melt down completely, it transitions to a liquid pool fire and the heat release rate begins to increase again, creating the second peak. The heat release rate at this point is higher because the preheated material is collected on the foil surface and more of it is able to burn. The transition to liquid fuel dominated combustion begins just after the first heat release rate peak at approximately 180 seconds. This is consistent with the mass loss data. The smoke release rate follows a similar profile to that of the heat release rate. Figure 22 shows these results. The smoke generation from this fuel package is not significant until after 60 seconds. The flame propagation rate is relatively slow in the beginning as the material is initially of low density, with many air pockets, resulting in low thermal conductivity. Once a significant portion of the materials is ignited, the smoke production increases dramatically. During the transition to liquid fuel dominated combustion, the smoke release rate decreases consistently with the mass loss rate. Once the material is mostly melted, the heat release rate begins to increase as the liquid pools ignite, increasing the mass loss rate and the smoke release rate similarly. Significant smoke production occurs from approximately 60 seconds until 480

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Volume 1 p. 47

seconds. The PU foam with micro-fiber fabric produces an average smoke yield of 0.0952 gs/gconsumed. The particle count density is similar between the tests. This is shown in Figure 23. Test 3 shows a higher peak density but follows a similar profile to tests 1 and 2. Tests 1 and 2 are similar throughout the duration of the procedure. Particle count densities begin to increase at approximately 50 seconds and do not return to zero until approximately 580 seconds, which is almost 100 seconds after the smoke production stops. This lag can be associated with the time required to clear the measurement chamber within the WPS spectrometer. Mean particle diameter, shown in Figure 24, is consistent between the three tests. The peak diameter of 0.30 microns is reached at approximately 320 seconds. Near the end of the test, the mean diameter begins to increase again; this can also be associated with the clearing time of the measurement chamber of the WPS spectrometer. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide profiles, shown in Figure 25 and Figure 26, are similar to the heat release and smoke release rate curves. The carbon monoxide production reaches slightly higher values during the solid fuel dominated combustion phase due to incomplete combustion as the flame propagates across the material. Once the material is melted and preheated, more efficient combustion occurs. The carbon dioxide shows the same peak relationship. Test 1 shows a significant decrease in carbon dioxide production during the transition to liquid fuel dominated combustion. 4.3 Printed Circuit Board The printed circuit board tests show consistent values between the tests. This material showed significant reactions during the beginning of the tests and only minor changes near the end. The heat release rate curves produced from this test include the contributions of the line burner. The heat release rate from this ignition source is approximately 1.3 kW. Figure 28 shows that the PC boards create a peak in the heat release rate just before 60 seconds and then provide a minor contribution for the remainder of the test. This small, continual contribution can be associated with the propagation of the heat laterally across the surface of the PC boards. The material intumesces and chars, closing the 2 cm gap between them. This event causes the heat from the burner to become more restricted as it passes through the assembly. The material pops and sparks as it decomposes. Figure 64 shows the PC boards after the material has been significantly deteriorated and the center portions of each board are swollen and charred. The peak heat release rate from the PC boards, subtracting the line burner contribution is approximately 1.3 kW. In the modeling portion of this research, the output from the line burner is included in the input data describing this fuel package.

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Volume 1 p. 48

Figure 64 PC boards during testing. Note the charred bulges from the center of the boards. The mass loss data from these tests is shown in Figure 27. The mass loss is consistent between the tests and shows that the fuel consumption rate is highest from approximately 20 seconds to 90 seconds. The average mass loss percentage from the PC boards is 15.5%. The large spikes at the beginning of the test data in Figure 28 are from placing the fuel package on the load cell after the 60 second ignition stabilization time. The smoke release rates, shown in Figure 29, are consistent and peak just prior to 60 seconds. The majority of the smoke production is during the first two minutes of the test. After approximately 180 seconds, the smoke production is relatively zero, but it is shown that mass is still being lost. The material continued to be consumed for some time after the peak smoke output, but did not produce a rapid rate of smoke production. The smoke yield averaged 0.252 gs/gconsumed. Particle count density, shown in Figure 30, is not consistent between the tests. Test 3 produced count densities much lower than tests 1 and 2. The rate of increase also does not show any similarities. This material has a UL-94 V0 rating and will not sustain ignition without an external heat source. This can cause inconsistencies as each PC board reacts slightly differently to the ignition source. The mean particle diameter, however, shows similar trends between the tests. Figure 31 shows that the mean particle diameter peaks for each test just before 60 seconds, which is during the

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peak smoke release rate, heat release rate, and mass loss rate. The mean particle diameter then gradually decays for the remaining duration of the test. The carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide production from the printed circuit boards indicated in Figure 32 and Figure 33 exhibits peaks at similar times as for the heat and smoke release rate data. The carbon monoxide data is very consistent, with each test peaking just before 60 seconds, followed by a rapid decay. Carbon dioxide also peaks near 60 seconds with some variations in output for the remaining duration of the test. 4.4 Computer Case ABS Plastic The computer case ABS plastic test results in some data that is below the accuracy of the instrumentation. Some instruments would not register any changes and therefore, some data may seem to be missing from the graphs included in Section 3.4. The mass loss from these tests ranged from approximately 1.4 grams to 2.6 grams. This equates to an average mass loss percentage of approximately 18.2 %. All mass loss profiles in Figure become constant after approximately 130 seconds, indicative of the mass loss stopping at this point. The heat release rate curves in Figure show that the heat output including the contribution of the 50 W burner is below the accuracy of the IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter. Test 1 does not produce data, test 2 and 3 show that the heat release rate is nearly constant at just below 0.4 kW until 180 seconds where test 3 drops to below 0.1 kW. The smoke release rate data provided in Figure 36 shows that tests 2 and 3 are consistent and test 1 produced less smoke. This is consistent with the mass loss trends. Less smoke is produced in Test 1 and lost the least amount of mass because the material began to drip during testing, requiring that the burn be moved to avoid contaminating the burner tube or extinguishing the flame. The smoke production from the computer case ABS plastic tests can be seen in Figure 65. The smoke release rate for tests 2 and 3 peaks approximately before 120 seconds. Smoke production returns to zero after 240 seconds for all tests. The smoke yield average is 0.961 gs/gconsumed. This is very high compared to typical smoke yields. The cause for this is that the measured mass loss is very low, but the smoke production is high. The particle count density, shown in Figure 37, shows slight consistency between test 1 and test 3. Test 2 did not produce a similar curve and remained relatively the same throughout the test. The curves for mean particle diameter, shown in Figure 38, are consistent between all three tests. The curves rapidly increase at the beginning of the test and begin to decrease after 120 seconds. Test 1 produced a higher average mean diameter than test 2 and 3. The carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide data, illustrated in Figures 39 and 40, show some variation. Figure 39 does not have similar peak times and the CO production from these tests is low. The carbon dioxide data shows that the peak production is at the beginning of the test and then varies for the remainder. Test 3 produces a peak that is almost twice as much as the other two tests. Similar to the carbon monoxide data, these values are also lower than typical values.

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Figure 65 Computer case ABS plastic smoke production. 4.5 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Smoldering) The smoldering test for the PU foam with micro-fiber fabric produced consistent data. As illustrated in Figure 41, the smoke release rate from these tests does not become significant smoke generation until approximately 2300 seconds. At this point, the smoke release rate continues to rise and peaks at approximately 3700 to 3800 seconds. The smoke release rate is low compared to the flaming tests, but total smoke generation is significantly higher. Test 3 is lower than test 1 and two, but follows the same profile. The particle count density data, displays a peak near the beginning of the smoke release rate curve (see Figure 42). At the same time, the micro-fiber fabric becomes dark and sticky. This initial peak is the point at which the material begins to significantly deteriorate and produce particles. The particles are filtered through the micro-fiber fabric at the top of the fuel package. As the fabric continues to filter, it begins to restrict more and more particles from penetrating, causing a decrease in the measured particle count density. Eventually, the particle production of the decaying material overwhelms this process and continues to increase. This can be seen as the increase in particle count density at the end of the test. The mean particle diameter follows a similar profile as the smoke release rate. As the material begins to smoke significantly at approximately 2300 seconds, Figure 43shows that the mean particle diameter begins to increase. The peak times and values are similar for each test. The carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide data is only available for test 1. The carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide data for tests 2 and 3 are incomplete due to an instrument malfunction. Figure 44 shows that carbon monoxide production does not begin until approximately 1800 seconds. The increasing temperature causes more and more production of CO until it peaks at

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approximately 3700 seconds, near the peak of the smoke release rate. At this point, it begins to decrease. The carbon dioxide production is erratic and shows no trend. The data for test 1 in Figure 45 may also be affected by instrument malfunction. 4.6 Ponderosa Pine Sticks The ponderosa pine tests are consistent and show similar trends between tests. Test 1 shows slightly higher values for some of the data, but remains similar. The smoke release rate of smoldering ponderosa pine begins much earlier than the PU foam package. Figure 46 shows that the smoke release rate begins to increase near 500 seconds. This curve peaks near 4000 seconds and then falls dramatically to a point where it plateaus for a bit and then continues to decrease. This trend can be seen in each of the data sets in Figure 46. The total smoke produced during this test is approximately 79 m2. The particle count density is shown in Figure 47 and shows that particle production lags significantly behind smoke release. For each test, the particle count density does not become significant until after 3000 seconds. Test 1 shows values that are nearly twice those produced in tests 2 and 3. Variations may be due to several factors, but its appears that they are primarily due to the characteristics of the pine sticks that are chosen for the test. The density of the wood varies significantly between sticks. For these tests, each stick is required to be within 2 grams of 16 grams to avoid large variations. Figure 48 displays the mean particle diameters produced during the smoldering ponderosa pine tests. Each data set shows the same pattern with minor variations. This graph shows that even though smoke production is non existent, particles are still being produced, though not at a significant rate. These particles are noticed during testing by the smell of the wood as it begins to deteriorate and produce aromatics. The carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide data are shown in Figure 49 and Figure 50, respectively. The carbon monoxide data is very consistent and peaks over 1000 seconds after the smoke release rate peaks. The maximum concentration of carbon monoxide is near 250 ppm. Carbon monoxide is produced as early as 1000 seconds into the test. The carbon dioxide begins to be produced neat 3500 seconds and increases steadily after this time. Test 1 showed the largest values while test 2 is the lowest and test 3 is mid range. The peaks for each data set are near 5500 seconds. 4.7 Cotton Linen Fabric The cotton linen fabric test shows two peaks, similar to the flaming PU foam package, but not nearly as dramatic. The dual peaks can be seen in the smoke release rate, the particle count density, and the carbon monoxide production. The smoke release rate begins to increase near 200 seconds and creates a primary peak near 2600 seconds. This peak is caused by the lower sheet deteriorating and the upper sheet shriveling upward and moving away from the heated surface. As the sheets begin to heat up, they begin to produce smoke and deform. As they deform, a majority of their surface loses contact with the heated surface and the smoke release decreases temporarily. This can be seen in Figure 51. As

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the hotplate temperature continues to rise, the lower sheet becomes significantly charred and the upper sheet begins to decompose under the higher heat. Near 5000 seconds, the upper sheet rapidly smolders, creating the peak that is seen in this graph. The material is eventually completely consumed and small piles of char remain. The shriveled upper sheet and the post-test remains can be seen in Figure 66. Figure 67 shows the mid-test decomposition of the lower sheet as compared to the upper sheet. The lower sheet is significantly more decomposed and is almost completely consumed by the time the upper sheet begins to rapidly decompose.

Figure 66 Cotton linen fabric upper sheet shriveled (left). Note the darker valleys where it remains in contact with the hotplate. Post-test remains (right).

Figure 67 Upper sheet (top) and lower sheet (bottom) shown in mid-test conditions. The particle count density shows two peaks, but the first peak is approximately 600 seconds earlier than the peak generated by the smoke release rate. This is shown in Figure 52. The data

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for test 3 is not available due to an instrument malfunction. Tests 1 and 2 show similar profiles throughout the test with peaks that agree with the smoke release rate. The mean particle diameter data does not change significantly, nor are the values very distinguishable from the ambient data. There are some peaks in test 1 and test 3 near 3300 seconds and 5100 seconds, but test 2 does not show any change. Figure 53 displays these results. The carbon monoxide graph, Figure 54, shows that CO concentrations begin to develop at approximately 1300 seconds and continue to increase steadily until 5000 seconds. The primary peak from the smoke release rate data can be seen near 2500 seconds, but the carbon monoxide concentration begins to increase dramatically near 5000 seconds as the smoke release rate increases. The carbon dioxide production, Figure 55, of this test is very low. This is due to the filtering effects of the upper sheet and the smoldering nature of the test. 4.8 PVC Insulated Wire The PVC insulated wire test is unique to the smoldering tests in that it is of short duration and has no significant heat source. The smoke release rate data is provided in Figure 56. Smoke generation does not begin until after 60 seconds. At this point it rapidly increases, creating a peak in the smoke release rate data that is consistent in time and duration for the tests. The magnitude of smoke release rate is significantly higher in test 2 and test 1 is the lowest. Smoke production occurs for approximately 100 seconds. The buoyancy characteristics of the smoke are very low. The movement is laminar and slow. This is shown in Figure 68.

Figure 68 PVC insulated wire laminar smoke production.

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The particle count density is shown in Figure 57. During the short duration of the test, only three data points are collected, showing some consistency between the data sets. The particle count density begins to increase at approximately 45 seconds and peaks at 110 seconds, approximately 30 seconds after the smoke release rate. The mean particle diameter, Figure 58, is similar in nature to the particle count density. The carbon monoxide data is displayed in Figure 59. Each test shows a peak between 70 and 90 seconds, just after smoke production begins. The values produced reach a maximum of 2.2 ppm which is low in comparison to the other tests. The carbon dioxide graph, Figure 60, shows that the production is low as well. The tests are not consistent, but because the values are very low, they are within a similar range. 5.0 FDS Modeling of IMO Tests The software used for modeling is version 5.1.0 of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). FDS is a computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of fire-driven fluid flow (McGrattan, et al., 2007). This model numerically solves the Navier-Stokes equations with an emphasis on smoke and heat transport from fires (McGrattan, et al., 2007). Common applications of FDS include fire reconstruction, sprinkler and detector activation studies, smoke transport analysis, and fundamental fire dynamics and combustion studies. With the data produced in phase 1 of this project, the calculations performed by FDS will be studied and compared to the results of the IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter tests. The simulation performed in FDS will be based on the IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter dimensions and instrumentation. Fuel characteristics such as smoke yield, heat of combustion, and heat release rate will be used as inputs for the FDS simulation as appropriate. 5.1 Model Configuration For these simulations, the IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter is modeled under the constraints of the selected grid size. The dimensions of the IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter are the basis for the domain characteristics of the model. A grid resolution study has been performed and the grid size used for this model is 2.5 cm. Accordingly, the dimensions of the IMO in the model are within 2.5 cm of the actual physical dimensions of the IMO apparatus at UL. The height of the hood specified in the model is 1.25 m; the length on each side is 1.15 m. The exhaust duct is connected to the top center of one of these sides and measures 2.5 m long. The duct is 0.15 m by 0.15 m wide of free flow dimension. The area of the duct in the model is 9.4 % smaller than the physical hood due to the constraints of the grid. The duct is 2.5 m long to allow for proper instrument locations. To compensate for the variation in duct size between the model and the IMO tests, the model specifies a volume flux to maintain the same flow past the instrumentation The instrumentation is also closely modeled. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, extinction coefficient, oxygen mass fraction, and soot density are measured near the entrance of the exhaust duct for simulations using the mixture fraction model. The light obscuration measurement, as well as a velocity measurement, is taken 2 m from the entrance of the exhaust duct. Thermocouples have been placed above the fuel source to monitor the plume temperatures.

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These thermocouples were not in place during fuel characterization in Phase 1 because of the variation caused by the exhaust duct velocity. The environmental aspects of the room have also been taken into consideration. The ambient temperature of the room, 25 C, has been used as an input into the model. The exhaust velocity is represented by specifying a volume flux within the model at the end of the duct. The exhaust velocity is different for each of the tests performed and is uniquely specified for each model. The model domain is shown in Figure 69.

Figure 69 IMO intermediate-scale hood in FDS. 5.2 Model Input Calculations All of the 8 sources are modeled using a species ID for the smoke so that the smoke generation can follow the profiles of the IMO tests. The smoke generation for some of the flaming sources did not correlate directly with the heat release rate. When using the mixture fraction model in FDS, the smoke release rate is dependent on the heat release rate and therefore may not follow the appropriate profile from the IMO tests. Specifying the smoke as a separate species allows the model to ramp the smoke and heat independently. This method is also used for the smoldering models where there is no significant heat release but simply an induced temperature from the hotplate.

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Using the mixture fraction model requires inputs from the IMO tests such as the average soot yield, the heat of combustion, and the heat release rate ramp. The soot yield and heat of combustion are averaged over the three tests to obtain a representative value for the model. The heat release rate ramp follows the profile of one test that is representative of the middle of the test data and shows characteristics that are found in each test. The flaming polyurethane foam with micro-fiber fabric source was simulated using the mixture fraction model for comparison to the species ID method. The flaming sources modeled with the species ID method do not use the mixture fraction model, but a heat release rate ramp is specified along with a mass flux ramp corresponding to the smoke release rate profiles from the IMO tests. The smoldering models use the temperature profile specified in UL 217 to create buoyancy and the mass flux ramp for the smoke release rate, similar to the flaming sources. The mass flux ramp is developed by converting the units of the smoke release rate to units of mass flux. Then the maximum value is multiplied by a value from zero to one to specify the mass flux at a given time to follow the profile of the smoke release rate. The smoke is then injected into the domain via a vent that is on the top surface of the source material. Below is the calculation for the mass flux curve.
SRR m AVent



= Fuel mass flux (kg/m2s) = Smoke release rate (m2/s) = Specific extinction coefficient (8700 m2/kgs) = Fuel source vent area for smoke injection (m2)


The exhaust velocity is based on an average of all three tests and is then converted to a volume flux and created by a vent at the end of the exhaust duct. 5.3 Model Output Calculations Heat Release Rate The heat release rate is measured directly by FDS in all flaming source models. The smoldering source models do not produce any heat release. Duct Velocity The exhaust duct velocity is measured 2 m from the inlet at the hood. This is a direct calculation of FDS. Extinction Coefficient The extinction coefficient is calculated from the simulated species obscuration taken in the duct near the original obscuration measurement from the actual IMO hood. This calculation is unnecessary when the mixture fraction model is being used because FDS provides a direct measurement of the extinction coefficient. When calculating the extinction coefficient, the experimental exhaust duct diameter is used to compensate for the

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18.7% difference in diameters between experimental and simulated domains. This correction removes the variation in the relationship between the simulated data and the experimental data when converting from obscuration to extinction coefficient.
ln 1 k x 100



= Model extinction coefficient (m-1) = Percent obscuration (%) = Beam path length (0.1778 m in IMO calorimeter)

Obscuration The beam obscuration measurement is directly calculated in FDS. Smoke Release Rate The smoke release rate can be derived from the extinction coefficient and the appropriate volume flux specified in the input file that is unique to each fuel source.

SRR kVExhaust


= Smoke release rate (m2/s) = Extinction coefficient (m-1)

VExhaust = Volume flow rate at simulated measurement (m3/s)

5.4 Model Results and Analysis In this section, the results of the FDS simulations of the IMO tests are presented and analyzed for the eight incipient fire sources. 5.4.1 Shredded Office Paper The results from the shredded office paper model in comparison to the data from the IMO tests are presented in Figures 70-75. The source is modeled as a 30 by 30 by 45 cm tall volume with a 30 by 30 cm vent on top to provide the represented heat and smoke production. The data displayed in Figures 70-75 show that the Species ID method used for this model creates lag between the input (Test 2) and the output (Model) for measurements related to the species. Figure 70 shows that the heat release rate does not follow this trend and the input and output for the model are identical. The lag shown for the smoke release is created by the lack of correction for this lag in the experimental measurement. The time of experimental measurement is used as the time of release from the fuel source. This lag appears to be the transport time from the fuel

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source to the measurement point within the duct. The heat release rate data is corrected for transport lag in the experimental data. Figure 7171 and Figure 72 show the extinction coefficient and the obscuration. The obscuration is a direct calculation from FDS and the extinction coefficient is derived from these values. The peak values and profiles are shown to be similar to the experimental inputs. Figure 73, Figure 74, and Figure 7575 are all calculated from the extinction coefficient calculation and the velocity derived from the volume flux value in the input file. The lag and difference in peak values between the input and the output of the model can be seen in these three figures. The model output is up to 15 seconds behind the input and this is translated through each of the figures. Figure 73 shows that the peak smoke release rate output does not accurately reproduce the peak specified by the input. The peak from the input is short in duration and the transport phenomena in FDS may have diluted this value prior to the point of simulated measurement. Figure 7575 shows that the total smoke produced in the model is 47.6 m2, whereas Test 2 produces 45.4 m2. The model produces 4.8 % more smoke than the actual test. The smoke release rate curve specified for this model, shown in Figure 74, produces a total smoke of 47.99 m2. The output is 0.81 % less than the specified input. The lag between the smoke species input and output is associated with the transport lag from the source to the measurement location within the exhaust duct.

14 12

Heat Release Rate (kW)

10 8 6 4 2 0 0 60 Test 1 120 Test 2 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 3 Model Input Model Output 360

Figure 70 Shredded office paper heat release rate.

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20 18

Volume 1 p. 59

Extinction Coefficient (1/m)

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 (input) Test 3 Model 240 300 360

Figure 71 Shredded office paper extinction coefficient.

100 90 80

Obscuration (%)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 (input) Test 3 Model 240 300 360

Figure 72 Shredded office paper obscuration.

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SRR (m^2/s)



0 0 60 120 Test 1 180 Time (s) Test 2 (input) Test 3 Model 240 300 360

Figure 73 Shredded office paper smoke release rate.



SRR (m^2/s)




0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Model Input (Test 2) Model Output 240 300 360

Figure 74 Shredded office paper model input and output.

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Total Smoke (m^2)





0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Total Smoke Input Total Smoke Output Test 2 Total Smoke 240 300 360

Figure 75 Shredded office paper total smoke. 5.4.2 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming, Mixture Fraction Model) Figures 76-79 show the results from the flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric model in comparison to the data from the IMO tests. The source is modeled as a 20 by 15 by 10 cm tall volume with a 20 by 15 cm vent on top to provide the represented heat and smoke production using the mixture fraction model within FDS. The data in Figures 76-79 are derived from direct measurements made by FDS, with the exception of the smoke release rate, using the mixture fraction model. This is the only source that was successfully modeled using this procedure. The fuel source does not smolder at any point during the test and maintains a relatively dependable relationship between heat release rate and smoke release rate. This relationship is the foundation for smoke production in FDS as shown below. The smoke yield and heat of combustion are inputs into the mixture fraction model and the heat release rate is specified as a ramp function following Test 2 of the IMO tests.


Q Hc


Ys Q Hc

= Smoke Yield (gs/gf) = Heat Release Rate (kW) = Heat of Combustion (kJ/gf)

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Figure 7676 shows that the heat release rate output is similar to the model input. The output deviates near the end of the test but in a manner that is closer to the actual test than the model input. Figure 77, Figure 78, and Figure 79 show the data and predictions for extinction coefficient, obscuration, and smoke release rate. These measurements remain similar to test 2 during the initial increase in smoke production, but then begin to differ. The extinction coefficient from the model peaks after the first peak and before the second peak from the IMO test. The maximum extinction coefficient produced from the model is approximately 20 % higher than Test 2. The decrease in extinction coefficient is also slower at the end of the simulation. These variations show the direct dependence of smoke production to the heat release rate. The extinction coefficient and smoke release rate in the model closely follow the specified profile of the heat release rate. The model obscuration, Figure 78, is not in agreement with the curve in Test 2. The peak obscuration is approximately 8 % less than Test 2 and the slower decline near the end of the simulation agrees with the smoke dependency on heat release rate for the mixture fraction model. Figure 79 shows that the smoke release rate calculated from the extinction coefficient measured in the simulation deviates after the first peak in Test 2. The total smoke produced in the model is 108.3 m2, whereas Test 2 produces 84.2 m2. The model produces 28.6 % more smoke than the actual test.



Heat Release Rate (kW)

0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model Output Model Input 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 76 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric heat release rate.

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Extinction Coefficient (1/m)

0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 77 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric extinction coefficient.

100 90 80

Obscuration (%)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 78 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric obscuration.

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SRR (m^2/s)




0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 79 Flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate. 5.4.3 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming, Species ID Method) The figures below show the results from the flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric model using the SPEC ID method in comparison to the data from the IMO tests. The source is modeled as a 20 by 15 by 10 cm tall volume with a 20 by 15 cm vent on top to provide the represented heat and smoke production. The data displayed in Figures 80-85 are produced using the Species ID method. Throughout these figures, a lag is evident between the model input and output. The input for this model is based on Test 2. This lag can be attributed to the uncorrected experimental data. The lag time between actual smoke output and measurement in the experimental part of this project has not been compensated for. Therefore, the time at which the smoke characteristics develop at the vent in the model is the delayed measurement time in the experiment. The lag time in heat release rate, Figure 8080, was automatically compensated for by the data acquisition system at UL. Figure 8080 shows that the heat release rate output is similar to the model input. The output deviates near the end of the test but in a manner that is closer to the actual test than the model input. Figure 81, Figure 82, and Figure 83 show the extinction coefficient, obscuration, and smoke release rate. These measurements remain similar to Test 2 throughout the simulation. The lag time and a slight inability to match the peak values can be noted as the significant deviations. The extinction coefficient from the model peaks slightly after the first peak and the second peak from the IMO test. The maximum extinction coefficient produced from the model is

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approximately 4.3 % higher than Test 2. This deviation is also representative of the obscuration difference between the model and the experimental data from Test 2. The smoke release rate curve produced by the model remains less than the maximum scatter of the Test 2 data. Figure 84 shows that the smoke release rate output for the model is lower than the model input peaks. The initial increase in smoke is similar in rate of rise, but peak values and peak times differ. The peak time difference is caused by the uncorrected experimental data. Figure 85 shows the total smoke values produced from the model in comparison to the model input and Test 2. The total smoke produced in the model is 80.25 m2, whereas Test 2 produces 84.24 m2. The model produces 4.7 % less smoke than the actual test. The smoke release rate curve specified in the input file for this model produces a total smoke of 84.87 m2. The output is 5.4 % less than the specified input.



Heat Release Rate (kW)

0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model Output Model Input 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 80 Flaming PU foam. heat release rate, SPEC ID model.

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Extinction Coefficient (1/m)

0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model SPEC ID 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 81 Flaming PU foam extinction coefficient, SPEC ID model.

100 90 80

Obscuration (%)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 82 Flaming PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric obscuration, SPEC ID model.

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SRR (m^2/s)




0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model SPEC ID 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 83 Flaming PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate, SPEC ID model.


SRR (m^2/s)




0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Model SPEC ID Input (Test 2) Model Output 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 84 Flaming PU Foam w/ micro-fiber fabric input/ output, SPEC ID model.

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90 80 70

Volume 1 p. 68

Total Smoke (m^2)

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Total Smoke Input Total Smoke Output Test 2 Total Smoke 360 420 480 540 600

Figure 85 Flaming PU Foam w/ micro-fiber fabric total smoke, SPEC ID model. 5.4.4 Printed Circuit Board The results from the printed circuit board model in comparison to the data from the IMO tests are presented in Figures 86-91. The source is modeled as a 2.5 by 7.5 by 7.5 cm tall volume with a 2.5 by 7.5 cm vent on top to provide the represented heat and smoke production. The data displayed in this section is produced using the SPEC ID method. The lag between the input (Test 2) and the output (Model) for measurements related to the species is caused by the uncorrected lag time associated with the experimental data acquisition. Figure 86 shows that the heat release rate does not follow this trend and the input and output for the model is similar. The heat release rate curve from the experimental data shows a continuous influence from the line burner. This is reflected in the input for the simulation to match buoyancy effects. Figure 87, Figure 88, and Figure 89 are all derived from the simulated measurement of obscuration within the modeled exhaust duct. The lag and difference in peak values between the input and the output of the model can be seen in these three figures. The model output is up to approximately 12 seconds behind the input and this is translated through each of the figures. The peak smoke release rate output in the model indicated in Figure 89 is approximately 15 % lower than the specified value in Test 2. Figure 90 clearly shows the lag between input and output of the model associated with the transport lag from the source to the measurement from the uncorrected experimental data. The difference in peak value can also be noted here. Figure 91 shows the total smoke produced in the model as well as Test 2. The total smoke produced in the model is 19.97 m2, whereas Test 2 produces 20.3 m2. The model produces 1.6 %

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less smoke than the actual test. The smoke release rate curve specified in the input file for this model produces a total smoke of 19.95 m2. The output is 0.1 % more than the specified input.


Heat Release Rate (kW)



0 0 60 120 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model Output Model Input 180 240 300

Figure 86 Printed circuit board heat release rate.

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Volume 1 p. 70

Extinction Coefficient (1/m)

0 0 60 120 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 180 240 300

Figure 87 Printed circuit board extinction coefficient.

100 90 80
Obscuration (%)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 180 240 300

Figure 88 Printed circuit board obscuration.

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0.7 0.6 0.5

Volume 1 p. 71

SRR (m^2/s)

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 60 120 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 180 240 300

Figure 89 Printed circuit board smoke release rate.




SRR (m^2/s)




0 0 60 120 Time (s) Model Input (Test 2) Model Output 180 240 300

Figure 90 Printed circuit board model input and output.

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Total Smoke (m^2)



0 0 60 120 Time (s) Total Smoke Input Total Smoke Output Test 2 Total Smoke 180 240 300

Figure 91 Printed circuit board total smoke. 5.4.5 Computer Case ABS Plastic The results from the computer case ABS plastic model in comparison to the data from the IMO tests are presented in Figures 92-97. The source is modeled as a 2.5 by 2.5 by 12.5 cm tall volume with a 2.5 by 2.5 cm vent on top to provide the represented heat and smoke production. The Species ID method is used for this simulation. The lag associated with the uncorrected experimental data can again be noted. There is also a difference in peak values as well. The peak values produced in the model are slightly higher than the model input and the experimental data. Figure 9292 shows that the heat release rate output from the simulation is identical to the input. The heat release rate from this source was lower than the accuracy of the IMO intermediate-scale hood, so 0.4 kW is specified to create buoyancy. Figure 9393, Figure 94, and Figure 95 are all derived from the simulated measurement of obscuration within the modeled exhaust duct. The lag and difference in peak values that has been noted in each model can be seen in these three figures. The model output is up to 18 seconds behind the input and this is translated through each of the figures. Figure 95 shows that the peak smoke release rate output in the model is approximately 8 % higher than the specified value in Test 2. Figure 96 shows the relationship between the model input and output. The lag can be noted, as well as the higher peak output values. Figure 97 shows the total smoke produced in the model as well as Test 2. The total smoke produced in the model is 20.0 m2, whereas Test 2 produces 19.1 m2. The model produces 4.7 %

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more smoke than the actual test. The smoke release rate curve specified in the input file for this model produces a total smoke of 19.17 m2. The output is 4.3 % more than the specified input.
0.8 0.7

Heat Release Rate (kW)

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model Output Model Input 240 300

Figure 92 Computer case ABS plastic heat release rate.

Extinction Coefficient (1/m)



0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 240 300

Figure 93 Computer case ABS plastic extinction coefficient.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 74

100 90 80
Obscuration (%)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 240 300

Figure 94 Computer case ABS plastic obscuration.

0.35 0.3 0.25

SRR (m^2/s)

0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 240 300

Figure 95 Computer case ABS plastic smoke release rate.

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Volume 1 p. 75




SRR (m^2/s)




0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Model Input (Test 2) Model Output 240 300

Figure 96 Computer case model input and output.



Total Smoke (m^2)



0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) Total Smoke Input Total Smoke Output Test 2 Total Smoke 240 300

Figure 97 Computer case total smoke.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 76

5.4.6 PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Smoldering) The results from the smoldering PU foam with micro-fiber fabric model in comparison to the data from the IMO tests are presented in Figures 98-102. The source is modeled as a 20 by 15 by 10 cm tall volume with a 20 by 15 cm vent on top to provide the represented smoke production using the Species ID method. The heat is provided by a 30 by 30 cm hotplate surface, modeled as a vent, below the source. The smoldering PU foam with micro-fiber fabric source produces repeatable trends. It is complicated to model smoldering sources in general due, in part, to the length of time required to run the simulation. The lag from the uncorrected experimental data is not as noticeable when based in a time scale as long as this one. Figure 9898, Figure 99, and Figure 100 extinction coefficient, obscuration, and smoke release rate, respectively, show the smoke characteristics from this simulation compared to the IMO tests. The extinction coefficient and smoke release rate are calculated from the simulated measurement of the obscuration in the model. The profiles for each of the model calculations are similar to the input (Test 2). The model tends to slightly lag Test 2 prior to the peak and then begins to lead the experimental data for a brief moment, as indicated in Figure 100. The rate of increase, peak, and rate of decay of the smoke release rate is nearly identical, on this scale, to the experimental data and the model input seen in Figure 101101. The peak smoke release rate in the model is approximately 9 % higher than Test 2. The resolution of the smoke release rate curve is well resolved in the output data from the simulation. Figure 101101 shows the comparison between the model smoke release rate input and output. The output shown in this graph generally lags the input slightly, which is consistent with the uncorrected lag from the experimental data. Figure 102102 shows the total smoke. The total smoke produced in the model is 39.59 m2, whereas Test 2 produces 40.19 m2 near the end of the test at 5000 seconds. The model produces 1.5 % less smoke than the actual test. The smoke release rate curve specified up to 4700 seconds for this model produces a total smoke of 38.39 m2. The model output at 4700 seconds is up to 37.21, which is 3.1% less than the specified input.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.7 0.6 0.5

Volume 1 p. 77

Ext. Coef. (1/m)

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3000 3600 4200 4800

Figure 98 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric extinction coefficient.



Obscuration (%)

0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3000 3600 4200 4800

Figure 99 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric obscuration.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.08 0.07 0.06

Volume 1 p. 78

SRR (m^2/s)

0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3000 3600 4200 4800

Figure 100 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric smoke release rate.

0.07 0.06 0.05

SRR (m^2/s)

0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Time (s) Model SRR Input (Test 2) Model SRR Output 3000 3600 4200 4800

Figure 101 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric model input and output.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

45 40 35

Volume 1 p. 79

Total Smoke (m^2)

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 Time (s) Total Smoke Input Total Smoke Output Test 2 Total Smoke 3000 3600 4200 4800

Figure 102 Smoldering PU foam w/ micro-fiber fabric total smoke. 5.4.7 Ponderosa Pine Sticks Figures 103-107 show the results from the ponderosa pine model in comparison to the data from the IMO tests. The source is modeled as a 15 by 10 by 2.5 cm tall volume with a 15 by 10 cm vent on top to provide the represented smoke production using the Species ID method. The heat is provided by a 30 by 30 cm hotplate surface, modeled as a vent, below the source. The ponderosa pine test requires a simulation run time of approximately 6000 seconds to capture the phenomena. This test was highly repeatable in the experimental phase of this project. Figure 103103, Figure 104104, and Figure 105 show the smoke characteristics produced in the simulation. The relationship between the model output and input is similar throughout each of these figures. The model input is configured to represent Test 1 of the experimental data. The input rate of increase and decay is recreated well by the simulated measurement in FDS. Generally, the output lags the input, which is caused by the uncorrected lag time in the experimental data. This can be seen in Figure 106. The peak value in the smoke release rate output is slightly lower than the specified input. The smoke release rate output, when compared to the data from Test 1 is approximately 8 % less than the absolute maximum rate from the experimental data. The model output peaks at 0.148 m2/s, whereas Test 1 peaks at 0.161 m2/s. The total smoke produced in the model is 183.5 m2, whereas Test 1 produces 180.15 m2 at the time that the model ended. The model produces 1.9 % more smoke than the actual test. The smoke release rate curve specified for this model produces a total smoke of 186.51 m2 at the time that the model ended. The output is 1.6 % less than the specified input. The total smoke curves are shown in Figure 107.

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Volume 1 p. 80

1.4 1.2 1

Ext. Coef. (1/m)

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 103 Ponderosa pine extinction coefficient.


Obscuration (%)



0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 104 Ponderosa pine obscuration.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 81

0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12

SRR (m^2/s)

0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 105 Ponderosa pine smoke release rate.

0.16 0.14 0.12
SRR (m^2/s)

0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Model Input (Test 1) Model Output 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 106 Ponderosa pine model input and output.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008


Volume 1 p. 82


Total Smoke (m^2)




0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Total Smoke Input Total Smoke Output Test 1 Total Smoke 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 107 Ponderosa pine total smoke. 5.4.8 Cotton Linen Fabric Figures 108-112 show the results from the cotton linen fabric model in comparison to the data from the IMO tests. The source is modeled as a 30 by 30 cm vent to provide the represented smoke production using the Species ID method. The fuel source and hotplate surface have been modeled as the same object due to the low thickness of the cotton linen fabric source. The cotton linen fabric test requires a minimum simulation run time of 5700 seconds to capture the phenomenon. The rates of rise and decay are similar throughout the graphs with some discrepancies in peak values. Figure 108108, Figure 109109, and Figure 110 show the smoke characteristics produced in the simulation. The extinction coefficient and obscuration peak values are less than the value produced in Test 1 by approximately 12 %. This relationship is not carried over to the smoke release rate data. The maximum smoke release rate from Test 1 is 0.0839 m2/s and 0.0822 m2/s from the model output. The model peak value is only 2.03 % less than Test 1. The resolution of the smoke release rate from input to output can be clearly seen in Figure 111. The model recreates the specified input curve throughout the simulation. The total smoke produced in the model is 43.48 m2, whereas Test 1 produces 42.83 m2 at the end of the simulation run time. The model produces 1.3 % more smoke than the actual test. The smoke release rate curve specified for this model produces a total smoke of 43.76 m 2. The output is 0.87 % less than the specified input. The total smoke curves are shown in Figure 112.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008


Volume 1 p. 83

Ext. Coef. (1/m)





0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 108 Cotton linen fabric extinction coefficient.

18 16 14

Obscuration (%)

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 109 Cotton linen fabric obscuration.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.14 0.12 0.1

Volume 1 p. 84

SRR (m^2/s)

0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 110 Cotton linen fabric smoke release rate.

0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06

SRR (m^2/s)

0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Model Input (Test 1) Output 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 111 Cotton linen fabric model input and output.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

50 45 40

Volume 1 p. 85

Total Smoke (m^2)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Time (s) Total Smoke Input Total Smoke Output Test 1 Total Smoke 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Figure 112 Cotton linen fabric total smoke. 5.4.9 PVC Insulated Wire Figures 113-117 show the results from the PVC insulated wire model in comparison to the data from the IMO tests. The source is modeled as a 2.5 by 2.5 by 100 cm long volume, placed in a square shape with the top surface specified as a vent to provide the represented smoke production using the Species ID method. The PVC insulated wire is a unique smoldering source because it does not use a hotplate and has little heat generation of its own. The heat generation of this specimen produces very little buoyancy in the smoke plume. The amount of smoke produced during the IMO tests is small compared to the other sources and the overall time this test is performed is short. The lack of buoyancy causes issues with smoke travel up to the measurement point in the exhaust duct. The smoke tends to mix more in the hood prior to traveling up into the exhaust shaft. This causes the lag time from the uncorrected data to be magnified and the overall smoke characteristic values are lower due to mixing. Figure 113, Figure 114, and Figure 115 show these characteristics. The smoke species within the model is based on the Test 3 smoke release rate curve. The profile of this test is not recreated in the model due to the lack of buoyancy. The profiles from the model lag behind and do not reach the appropriate peaks. Figure 116 shows that the model peak time is 33 seconds later than the input curve when no natural buoyancy is present and the smoke release rate value is approximately 31 % less than Test 3. If buoyancy is introduced into the simulation similar to the smoldering sources that use a hotplate, the recreation of the input curve and Test 3 is significantly more accurate. The lag time from the uncorrected experimental time remains, but

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 86

the profiles from the experimental data are matched in the model output data. The introduction of buoyancy into this model improves the accuracy, but does not represent the phenomena of the experimental tests. Figure 117 shows the total smoke produced in the model without induced buoyancy is 2.39 m 2, whereas Test 3 produces 2.52 m2 at 180 seconds. The model produces 5.2 % less smoke than the actual test. The smoke release rate curve specified for this model produces a total smoke of 2.43 m2. The output from the model is 1.6 % less than the specified input. This indicates that all of the smoke is being collected by the exhaust duct, and that the total smoke calculated is within the realm of accuracy that the other specimen models produced.

1.6 1.4 1.2

Ext. Coef. (1/m)

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 30 60 90 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 120 150 180

Figure 113 PVC insulated wire extinction coefficient.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008


Volume 1 p. 87


Obscuration (%)



0 0 30 60 90 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 120 150 180

Figure 114 PVC insulated wire obscuration.

0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12

SRR (m^2/s)

0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 30 60 90 Time (s) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Model 120 150 180

Figure 115 PVC insulated wire smoke release rate.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07

Volume 1 p. 88

SRR (m^2/s)

0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 30 60 90 Time (s) Model Input (Test 3) Model Output 120 150 180

Figure 116 - PVC insulated wire model input and output.



Total Smoke (m^2)



0 0 30 60 90 Time (s) Total Smoke Input Model Total Smoke Output Test 3 Total Smoke 120 150 180

Figure 117 PVC insulated wire total smoke.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 6.0 Summary and Conclusions

Volume 1 p. 89

Upon completion of Phase 1, a model of ULs IMO intermediate-scale calorimeter was created using FDS and each of the fuel package experiments was simulated. A grid resolution study was performed, revealing that a 2.5 cm grid would be adequate. The information calculated from FDS was then compared to the original experimental data as well as the input parameters for FDS. The Species ID method is used for these simulations. This method defines the source gas production as a species injection for the smoke so that the smoke generation in the model can follow the profile generated in the experiments. This method allows the user to directly specify the smoke release rate ramp in the model using a mass flux with the species. The benefit to this is that the smoke generation in the model can be specified independently of the heat release rate, allowing for more a more accurate representation of any smoldering phenomena which is shown in the comparison between the mixture fraction method and the Species ID method used for the flaming polyurethane foam with micro-fiber fabric fuel source modeling. The mixture fraction model requires the heat release rate, smoke yield, and heat of combustion as inputs into the reaction. This method bases smoke production on a calculation from the three previously mentioned parameters. The smoke production is not a direct user input, but is calculated by FDS. Smoldering phenomena cannot be captured using this method. This method was used for comparative purposes only. The smoke characteristics produced in FDS can be controlled by the user by specifying a species injection with a SPEC ID line to represent the smoke, or they can be calculated independently of the user by enabling the mixture fraction model and specifying a heat of combustion and a smoke yield. The Species ID method has been used for all of the fuel sources in this project because the smoke production for these incipient and smoldering sources does not correlate well with the heat release rate. This correlation is the foundation of the mixture fraction model in FDS. A summary of the input and output values of the smoke production are shown in the tables below. The total smoke variations between the model output and the model input and represented test are presented in Table 4. The values shown for flaming PU foam with micro-fiber fabric are for the species ID method only. The mixture fraction simulation for this source is not shown. The total smoke values remain within approximately 5 % of the experimental values and the specified input values. The smoke release rate curve is accurately reproduced in FDS to create the same levels of smoke from the experimental data. The total smoke input is derived by integrating the specified smoke release rate curve that is used in the input file for each simulation. The total smoke output is based on the measurement of the species obscuration within the exhaust duct by integrating the smoke release rate curve calculated from this measurement. The simulated measurement is not directly associated with the specified input; it is calculated after the species has moved through the domain, which clearly shows the capabilities of FDS to reproduce the specified smoke volume in these simulations. The peak smoke release rate values for the model input and model output, as well as the peak times for each, are presented in Table 5. The difference between model input and output values is in percent and the time difference is in seconds. The peak smoke release rate values are more scattered due to variations in mixing and dilution between the model and the experimental tests. The lag time associated with the uncorrected experimental data can be seen on the right side of

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Volume 1 p. 90

Table 5. The longest lag time is found in the PVC insulated wire simulation, which is attributed to the lack of buoyancy and slow smoke retrieval of the exhaust duct. The smoke diluted significantly in the hood, causing a delay in the transport to the exhaust duct and the simulated obscuration measurement. The ponderosa pine simulation shows a peak time difference of 30 seconds. This is relatively insignificant when compared to the total time scale of the simulation. In general, the peak value comparison between the model input and the output is more accurate for the smoldering tests. The PVC insulated wire simulation values are affected by the low buoyancy characteristics of the fuel and do not share this level of accuracy with the other smoldering sources. Table 4 Total Smoke Variance
Model Output to Input Fuel Source Flaming -0.8% Shredded Office Paper PU Foam with Micro-5.4% fiber Fabric 0.1% Printed Circuit Board Computer Case ABS 4.3% Plastic Smoldering PU Foam with Micro-3.1% fiber Fabric -1.6% Ponderosa Pine -0.9% Cotton Linen Fabric -1.6% PVC Insulated Wire Model Output to Test 4.8% -4.7% -1.6% 4.7%

-1.5% 1.9% 1.3% -5.2%

Table 5 Peak Smoke Release Rate Model Input v. Model Output

Fuel Source Input (m^2/s) Flaming Shredded Office Paper PU Foam with Microfiber Fabric Printed Circuit Board Computer Case ABS Plastic Smoldering PU Foam with Microfiber Fabric Ponderosa Pine Cotton Linen Fabric PVC Insulated Wire 0.990 0.484 0.491 0.226 Peak Value Output Difference (m^2/s) (%) 0.846 0.449 0.416 0.265 -14.5 -7.2 -15.3 17.3 Input (s) 84 315 52 115 Peak Time Output Difference (s) (s) 100 326 56 134 16 11 4 19

0.062 0.142 0.081 0.091

0.065 0.148 0.082 0.064

4.8 4.2 1.2 -29.7

3850 4006 5220 65

3834 4036 5198 98

-16 30 -22 33

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 7.0 References

Volume 1 p. 91

Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Technical Bulletin 604: Test Procedure and Apparatus for the Flame Resistance of Filled Bedclothing, State of California Department of Consumer Affairs, October 1, 2004. Fabian, T., and Gandhi, P., Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Smoke Characterization Project, The Fire Protection Research Foundation, Quincy, MA, 2007. McGrattan, K. Klein, B. Hostikka, S. Floyd, J., Fire Dynamics Simulator (Version 5) Users Guide, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 2007. NFPA 76: Fire Protection of Telecommunications Facilities, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2005. T1.319-2002: American National Standard for Telecommunications Equipment Assemblies Fire Propagation Risk Assessment Criteria, Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Washington, DC, 2003. UL Standard for Safety for Single and Multiple Station Smoke Alarms, UL 217, Sixth Edition, Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook, IL, 2006. UL Standard for Safety for Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, UL 94, Fifth Edition, Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook, IL, Revised 2006.

FPRF incipient fire project final report October 10, 2008 Appendix A: Summary of IMO Apparatus Test Results

Volume 3 p. A-1

FPRF incipient fire project final report October 10, 2008 Appendix B: FDS Input Files for IMO Apparatus Simulations B1: Shredded Office Paper. The SPEC ID method is used for this simulation.
&HEAD CHID='PAPER', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, SHREDDED OFFICE PAPER' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /

Volume 3 p. B-1

&TIME TWFIN=360.0 / ******MATERIAL PROPERTIES****** &MISC SURF_DEFAULT='INERT', TMPA=25.0 / &SPEC ID='SMOKE', MW=29., MASS_EXTINCTION_COEFFICIENT=8700. / &SURF ID='SHREDDED PAPER', HRRPUA=99, RAMP_Q='PAPER', MASS_FLUX(1)=0.001264, RAMP_MF(1)='MF' / HRRPUA AND MF RAMP FOR PAPER 2 &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= 0.0, 75, 95, 100, 105, 110, 118, 120, 125, F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= 0.000 0.122 0.224 0.347 0.598 0.820 1.000 0.859 0.750 / / / / / / / / /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='PAPER', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= 0 25 30 37 40 44 55 67 75 83 84 90 95 100 104 110 122 140 155 168 175 205 240 300 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 227, 320, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= 0.537 0.462 0.315 0.222 0.210 0.162 0.000 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Volume 1 p. 2

0.00000 0.01212 0.06860 0.10760 0.13888 0.08995 0.15952 0.63365 0.79831 0.89001 1.00000 0.79080 0.87780 0.59051 0.30386 0.13090 0.03390 0.03117 0.11827 0.12840 0.11712 0.05942 0.04157 0.00000

******FUEL TABLE****** &OBST XB= 0.45, 0.750, 0.450, 0.750, 0.250, 0.700, SURF_IDS='SHREDDED PAPER', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/ FUEL &OBST XB= 0.45, 0.750, 0.450, 0.750, 0.225, 0.250, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='BROWN'/ PLATFORM


Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 3

******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .10615 / &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='oxygen mass fraction', ID='O2 MASS FRACTION' / OXYGEN MASS FRACTION &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT ENTRY ///HOOD THERMOCOUPLES/// &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 1.450, 1.375, 1.175, 0.775, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME 2.5' 10.0' 30.0' 70.0' / / / / TC TC TC TC 2.50 10.0 30.0 70.0 cm cm cm cm FROM FROM FROM FROM TOP TOP TOP TOP OF OF OF OF HOOD HOOD HOOD HOOD

///OBSCURATION/// &PROP ID='SMOKE EYE', QUANTITY='path obscuration', SPEC_ID='SMOKE'/ &DEVC XB= 3.200, 3.200, 0.525, 0.675, 1.325, 1.325, PROP_ID='SMOKE EYE', ID='SMOKE EYE' / SMOKE EYE &DEVC XYZ= 3.200, 0.600, 1.400, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='SMOKE EYE TEMP' / TC AT SMOKE EYE ///VELOCITY/// &DEVC XB= 3.200, 3.200, 0.600, 0.600, 1.325, 1.325, QUANTITY='VELOCITY', ID='DUCT VELOCITY' / DUCT VELOCITY AT SMOKE EYE ******MEASUREMENTS****** &SLCF PBX= 0.60, QUANTITY='TEMPERATURE' /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008


Volume 1 p. 4


Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 5

B2: PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (flaming). The mixture fraction model is used for this simulation.
&HEAD CHID='FLAMING PU FOAM', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, FLAMING PU FOAM, MIXTURE FRACTION' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /

&TIME TWFIN=640.0 / ******MATERIAL PROPERTIES****** &MISC SURF_DEFAULT='INERT', TMPA=25.0 / &REAC ID = 'FLAMING PU FOAM' SOOT_YIELD = 0.0952 HEAT_OF_COMBUSTION = 20290. IDEAL = .TRUE. / &SURF ID='FLAMING PU FOAM', HRRPUA=313.3333 , RAMP_Q='FLAMING PU FOAM' / RAMP PRODUCES MAX OF 9.40 kW &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= 0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 190 200 210 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.000 0.108 0.189 0.321 0.388 0.526 0.657 0.724 0.800 0.868 0.779 / / / / / / / / / / /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 600 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.834 0.789 0.721 0.888 1.000 0.987 0.995 0.958 0.944 0.811 0.535 0.419 0.306 0.260 0.213 0.000 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Volume 1 p. 6

******FUEL TABLE****** &OBST XB= 0.500, 0.700, 0.500, 0.650, 0.325, 0.425, SURF_IDS='FLAMING PU FOAM', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='YELLOW'/ &OBST XB= 0.300, 0.900, 0.300, 0.900, 0.225, 0.325, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/ FUEL PLATFORM ******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .10615 / EQUIVALENT TO THE AVERAGE VELOCITY OF TEST 2 (4.275 M/S) &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='carbon dioxide', ID='CO2' / MEASUREMENT &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='carbon monoxide', ID='CO' / MEASUREMENT CARBON DIOXIDE CARBON MONOXIDE

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, COEFFICIENT &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, / OXYGEN MASS FRACTION &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, DENSITY IN DUCT &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, ENTRY ///THERMOCOUPLES/// &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 1.450, 1.375, 1.175, 0.775, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME

Volume 1 p. 7

0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='extinction coefficient', ID='K' /

0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='oxygen mass fraction', ID='O2 MASS FRACTION' 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='DENSITY', ID='DENSITY' / DENSITY IN DUCT 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='soot density', ID='SOOT DENSITY' / SOOT 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT

2.5' 10.0' 30.0' 70.0'

/ / / /


2.50 10.0 30.0 70.0

cm cm cm cm






Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&SLCF PBZ= 1.40, QUANTITY='soot density' / &DUMP DT_PL3D=30., DT_HRR=2.0, DT_DEVC=2.0 / &TAIL /

Volume 1 p. 8

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 9

B3: PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (Flaming). The SPEC ID method is used for this simulation.
&HEAD CHID='FLAMING PU FOAM', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, FLAMING PU FOAM' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /

&TIME TWFIN=640.0 / ******MATERIAL PROPERTIES****** &MISC SURF_DEFAULT='INERT', TMPA=25.0 / &SPEC ID='SMOKE', MW=29., MASS_EXTINCTION_COEFFICIENT=8700. / &SURF ID='FLAMING PU FOAM', HRRPUA=313.3333 , RAMP_Q='FLAMING PU FOAM', MASS_FLUX(1)=.001854, RAMP_MF(1)='MF' / RAMP PRODUCES MAX OF 9.40 kW &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= 0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 190 200 210 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.000 0.108 0.189 0.321 0.388 0.526 0.657 0.724 0.800 0.868 0.779 / / / / / / / / / / /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='FLAMING ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU 0 25 40 67 90 125 165 187 198 206 219 225 236 280 288 300 315 329 340 355 374 389 425 FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' FOAM' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= ,T= 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 600 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 0.834 0.789 0.721 0.888 1.000 0.987 0.995 0.958 0.944 0.811 0.535 0.419 0.306 0.260 0.213 0.000 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Volume 1 p. 10

0.00000 0.00061 0.00684 0.06314 0.14451 0.31023 0.67713 0.78629 0.89760 0.73793 0.62576 0.62476 0.51430 0.80108 0.88423 0.92846 1.00000 0.76201 0.53417 0.29159 0.12582 0.05955 0.01008

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP ID='MF', T= 465 ******FUEL TABLE****** , F= 0.00000 /

Volume 1 p. 11

&OBST XB= 0.500, 0.700, 0.500, 0.650, 0.325, 0.425, SURF_IDS='FLAMING PU FOAM', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='YELLOW'/ &OBST XB= 0.300, 0.900, 0.300, 0.900, 0.225, 0.325, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/ FUEL PLATFORM ******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .10615 / &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='oxygen mass fraction', ID='O2 MASS FRACTION' / OXYGEN MASS FRACTION &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT ENTRY ///HOOD THERMOCOUPLES/// &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 1.450, 1.375, 1.175, 0.775, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME 2.5' 10.0' 30.0' 70.0' / / / / TC TC TC TC 2.50 10.0 30.0 70.0 cm cm cm cm FROM FROM FROM FROM TOP TOP TOP TOP OF OF OF OF HOOD HOOD HOOD HOOD

///OBSCURATION/// &PROP ID='SMOKE EYE', QUANTITY='path obscuration', SPEC_ID='SMOKE'/ &DEVC XB= 3.200, 3.200, 0.525, 0.675, 1.325, 1.325, PROP_ID='SMOKE EYE', ID='SMOKE EYE' / SMOKE EYE &DEVC XYZ= 3.200, 0.600, 1.400, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='SMOKE EYE TEMP' / TC AT SMOKE EYE

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008


Volume 1 p. 12



Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 B4: Printed Circuit Board. The SPEC ID method is used for this simulation.

Volume 1 p. 13

&HEAD CHID='CIRCUIT BOARD', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, CIRCUIT BOARD' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /


Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='CIRCUIT ID='CIRCUIT ID='CIRCUIT ID='CIRCUIT ID='CIRCUIT ID='CIRCUIT ID='CIRCUIT ID='CIRCUIT ID='CIRCUIT ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= BOARD', BOARD', BOARD', BOARD', BOARD', BOARD', BOARD', BOARD', BOARD', T=55., T=60., T=64., T=65., T=70., T=75., T=80., T=85., T=90., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , F=0.829 F=0.894 F=1.000 F=0.788 F=0.873 F=0.870 F=0.742 F=0.706 F=0.666 F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= F= / / / / / / / / / /

Volume 1 p. 14

0. 10. 15. 20. 35. 45. 52. 65. 75. 85. 95. 105. 115. 125. 135. 145. 155. 165. 175. 185. 195. 200.

0.00000 0.00526 / 0.04284 / 0.10157 / 0.57530 / 0.78514 / 1.00000 / 0.52835 / 0.34499 / 0.24077 / 0.13552 / 0.08139 / 0.03738 / 0.02844 / 0.02357 / 0.01610 / 0.01091 / 0.00791 / 0.00659 / 0.00599 / 0.00489 / 0.00000 /

******FUEL TABLE****** &OBST XB= 0.550, 0.625, 0.575, 0.600, 0.400, 0.475, SURF_IDS='CIRCUIT BOARD', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='YELLOW'/ resolved dimensions &OBST XB= 0.450, 0.750, 0.450, 0.750, 0.225, 0.375, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/ FUEL PLATFORM

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 15

******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .11106 / &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='oxygen mass fraction', ID='O2 MASS FRACTION' / OXYGEN MASS FRACTION &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT ENTRY ///HOOD THERMOCOUPLES/// &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 1.450, 1.375, 1.175, 0.775, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME 2.5' 10.0' 30.0' 70.0' / / / / TC TC TC TC 2.50 10.0 30.0 70.0 cm cm cm cm FROM FROM FROM FROM TOP TOP TOP TOP OF OF OF OF HOOD HOOD HOOD HOOD

///OBSCURATION/// &PROP ID='SMOKE EYE', QUANTITY='path obscuration', SPEC_ID='SMOKE'/ &DEVC XB= 3.200, 3.200, 0.525, 0.675, 1.325, 1.325, PROP_ID='SMOKE EYE', ID='SMOKE EYE' / SMOKE EYE &DEVC XYZ= 3.200, 0.600, 1.400, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='SMOKE EYE TEMP' / TC AT SMOKE EYE ///VELOCITY/// &DEVC XB= 3.200, 3.200, 0.600, 0.600, 1.325, 1.325, QUANTITY='VELOCITY', ID='DUCT VELOCITY' / DUCT VELOCITY AT SMOKE EYE ******MEASUREMENTS****** &SLCF PBX= 0.60, QUANTITY='TEMPERATURE' /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008


Volume 1 p. 16


Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 B5: Computer Case ABS Plastic. The SPEC ID method is used for this simulation.

Volume 1 p. 17

&HEAD CHID='Computer Case', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, COMPUTER CASE' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /

&TIME TWFIN=340.0 / ******MATERIAL PROPERTIES****** &MISC SURF_DEFAULT='INERT', TMPA=25.0 / &SPEC ID='SMOKE', MW=29., MASS_EXTINCTION_COEFFICIENT=8700. / &SURF ID='COMPUTER CASE', HRRPUA=640., MASS_FLUX(1)=0.041487632, RAMP_MF(1)='MF' / PRODUCES 0.400 kW &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= 0 15 30 60 75 90 105 115 130 145 150 165 185 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.0000 0.0032 0.0504 0.3177 0.6274 0.7876 0.9017 1.0000 0.9406 0.5849 0.4969 0.2450 0.0921 / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP ID='MF', &RAMP ID='MF', &RAMP ID='MF', T= T= T= 200 230 250 ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.0354 0.0028 0.0000 / / /

Volume 1 p. 18

******FUEL TABLE****** &OBST XB= 0.575, 0.600, 0.575, 0.600, 0.500, 0.625, SURF_IDS='COMPUTER CASE', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='YELLOW'/ FUEL &OBST XB= 0.450, 0.750, 0.450, 0.750, 0.225, 0.300, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/ FUEL PLATFORM ******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .115913 / &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='oxygen mass fraction', ID='O2 MASS FRACTION' / OXYGEN MASS FRACTION &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT ENTRY ///HOOD THERMOCOUPLES/// &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 1.450, 1.375, 1.175, 0.775, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME 2.5' 10.0' 30.0' 70.0' / / / / TC TC TC TC 2.50 10.0 30.0 70.0 cm cm cm cm FROM FROM FROM FROM TOP TOP TOP TOP OF OF OF OF HOOD HOOD HOOD HOOD


Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 19



Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 20

B6: PU Foam with Micro-fiber Fabric (smoldering). The SPEC ID method is used for this simulation.
&HEAD CHID='SMOLDERING PU FOAM', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, SMOLDERING PU FOAM' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /

&TIME TWFIN=5000.0 / ******MATERIAL PROPERTIES****** &MISC SURF_DEFAULT='INERT', TMPA=25.0 / &SPEC ID='SMOKE', MW=29., MASS_EXTINCTION_COEFFICIENT=8700. / &SURF ID='FUEL PACKAGE', MASS_FLUX(1)=0.000238977, RAMP_MF(1)='MF', COLOR='GRAY' / SMOKE INJECTION &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= 0 2300 2500 3000 3250 3500 3750 3850 4000 4100 4200 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.0000 0.0101 0.0184 0.1186 0.1634 0.3581 0.7659 1.0000 0.4068 0.2632 0.1992 / / / / / / / / / / /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= 4300 4400 4600 4700 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.1762 0.1498 0.1248 0.1315 / / / /

Volume 1 p. 21


******HOT PLATE****** &OBST XB= 0.500, COLOR='YELLOW'/ &VENT XB= 0.450, SURFACE &OBST XB= 0.350, HOTPLATE MODELED 0.700, 0.525, 0.675, 0.350, 0.450, SURF_IDS='FUEL PACKAGE', 'INERT', 'INERT', 0.750, 0.450, 0.750, 0.325, 0.325, SURF_ID='HOTPLATE', COLOR='GRAY' / HOTPLATE HEATED 0.850, 0.350, 0.850, 0.175, 0.325, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/ AS 26.5 X 23.6 IN FOR SYMMETRY

******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .10800 / &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='oxygen mass fraction', ID='O2 MASS FRACTION' / OXYGEN MASS FRACTION

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 22

&DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT ENTRY ///HOOD THERMOCOUPLES/// &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC &DEVC XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 1.450, 1.375, 1.175, 0.775, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME ID='PLUME 2.5' 10.0' 30.0' 70.0' / / / / TC TC TC TC 2.50 10.0 30.0 70.0 cm cm cm cm FROM FROM FROM FROM TOP TOP TOP TOP OF OF OF OF HOOD HOOD HOOD HOOD


&SLCF PBZ= 1.40, QUANTITY='SMOKE' / &SLCF PBY= 0.60, QUANTITY='SMOKE' / ///////////&ISOF QUANTITY='SMOKE', VALUE(1)=0.00000557064, VALUE(2)=0.000011198, VALUE(3)=0.000014033 / VALUES REPRESENTATIVE OF 1%, 2% AND 2.5% OBSCURATION, RESPECTIVELY.

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 23


Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 B7: Ponderosa Pine. The SPEC ID method is used for this simulation.

Volume 1 p. 24

&HEAD CHID='PONDEROSA PINE INT ONE', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, PONDEROSA PINE' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /

&TIME TWFIN=6500.0 / ******MATERIAL PROPERTIES****** &MISC SURF_DEFAULT='INERT', TMPA=25.0 / &SPEC ID='SMOKE', MW=29., MASS_EXTINCTION_COEFFICIENT=8700. / &SURF ID='FUEL PACKAGE', MASS_FLUX(1)=0.00108459, RAMP_MF(1)='MF', COLOR='GRAY' / SMOKE INJECTION &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= 0 1000 1500 2000 3000 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4006 4500 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.0000 0.0091 0.0199 0.0617 0.1289 0.1999 0.2928 0.4301 0.7143 0.9066 1.0000 0.4164 / / / / / / / / / / / /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= 5000 5500 6000 6400 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.4832 0.2108 0.0578 0.0468 / / / /

Volume 1 p. 25


******HOT PLATE****** &OBST XB= 0.525, COLOR='KHAKI'/ &VENT XB= 0.450, SURFACE &OBST XB= 0.350, HOTPLATE MODELED 0.675, 0.550, 0.650, 0.325, 0.350, SURF_IDS='FUEL PACKAGE', 'INERT', 'INERT', 0.750, 0.450, 0.750, 0.325, 0.325, SURF_ID='HOTPLATE', COLOR='GRAY' / HOTPLATE HEATED 0.850, 0.350, 0.850, 0.175, 0.325, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/ AS 26.5 X 23.6 IN FOR SYMMETRY

******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .11292 / &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT ENTRY ///HOOD THERMOCOUPLES/// &DEVC XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 1.450, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME 2.5' / TC 2.50 cm FROM TOP OF HOOD

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 26



Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 B8: Cotton Linen Fabric. The SPEC ID method is used for this simulation.

Volume 1 p. 27

&HEAD CHID='COTTON LINEN FABRIC INT ONE', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, COTTON LINEN FABRIC' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /

&TIME TWFIN=6000.0 / ******MATERIAL PROPERTIES****** &MISC SURF_DEFAULT='INERT', TMPA=25.0 / &SPEC ID='SMOKE', MW=29., MASS_EXTINCTION_COEFFICIENT=8700. / &SURF ID='FUEL PACKAGE', MASS_FLUX(1)=0.000104204, RAMP_MF(1)='MF', TMP_FRONT=524.84, RAMP_T='HOTPLATE', COLOR='GRAY' / SMOKE INJECTION &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= 0 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 4900 5000 5100 5190 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.0000 0.0096 0.1401 0.1414 0.1053 0.0867 0.0676 0.1080 0.2304 0.6401 1.0000 / / / / / / / / / / /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 0.00, 0.01, 180., 6000, ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= F= F= F= F= 0.4467 0.0364 0.0127 0.0147 0.0126 0.000 0.046 0.471 1.000 / / / / /

Volume 1 p. 28



******HOT PLATE****** &VENT XB= 0.450, 0.750, 0.450, 0.750, 0.325, 0.325, SURF_ID='FUEL PACKAGE', COLOR='ANTIQUE WHITE' / HOTPLATE HEATED SURFACE &OBST XB= 0.350, 0.850, 0.350, 0.850, 0.175, 0.325, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/ HOTPLATE MODELED AS 26.5 X 23.6 IN FOR SYMMETRY

******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .095541 / &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.325, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT ENTRY ///HOOD THERMOCOUPLES/// &DEVC XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 1.450, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME 2.5' / TC 2.50 cm FROM TOP OF HOOD &DEVC XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 1.375, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME 10.0' / TC 10.0 cm FROM TOP OF HOOD &DEVC XYZ= 0.600, 0.600, 1.175, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='PLUME 30.0' / TC 30.0 cm FROM TOP OF HOOD

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

Volume 1 p. 29



Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008 B9: PVC Insulated Wire. The SPEC ID method is used for this.

Volume 1 p. 30

&HEAD CHID='PVC INSULATED WIRE', TITLE='UL PRELIMINARY IMO SMOKE CHARACTERIZATION TEST, PVC INSULATED WIRE' / &MESH IJK=48, 48, 60, XB=0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.200, 0.000, 1.500 / 2.5 cm Hood grid 48 48 60 &MESH IJK=96, 6, 6, XB=1.200, 3.600, 0.525, 0.675, 1.250, 1.400 / 2.5 cm Duct grid 96 6 6 &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT &VENT XB=0.0, XB=1.2, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, XB=0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.225, SURF_ID='OPEN' 0.0, SURF_ID='OPEN' / / / / /



ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF',

T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T=

0 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F=

0.0000 0.0000 0.0212 0.1045 0.3323 0.7189 1.0000 0.6464 0.5651 0.4570 0.3890

/ / / / / / / / / / /

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008

&RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP &RAMP ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', ID='MF', T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= T= 90 95 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= ,F= 0.3412 0.2127 0.1307 0.0807 0.0478 0.0279 0.0191 0.0114 0.0000 / / / / / / / / /

Volume 1 p. 31

******FUEL PLATFORM****** &OBST XB= 0.475, COLOR='BLACK'/ &OBST XB= 0.475, COLOR='BLACK'/ &OBST XB= 0.475, COLOR='BLACK'/ &OBST XB= 0.700, COLOR='BLACK'/ &OBST XB= 0.350, PLATFORM 0.725, 0.475, 0.500, 0.225, 0.250, SURF_IDS='FUEL PACKAGE', 'INERT', 'INERT', 0.500, 0.500, 0.700, 0.225, 0.250, SURF_IDS='FUEL PACKAGE', 'INERT', 'INERT', 0.725, 0.700, 0.725, 0.225, 0.250, SURF_IDS='FUEL PACKAGE', 'INERT', 'INERT', 0.725, 0.500, 0.700, 0.225, 0.250, SURF_IDS='FUEL PACKAGE', 'INERT', 'INERT', 0.850, 0.350, 0.850, 0.200, 0.225, SURF_IDS='INERT', 'INERT', 'INERT', COLOR='SILVER'/

******OBSTRUCTIONS****** &VENT XB= 1.2, 1.2, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='OPEN' / Connection between hood and duct &SURF ID='EXHAUST FLOW', VOLUME_FLUX= .1133925 / &VENT XB= 3.60, 3.60, 0.525, 0.675, 1.25, 1.4, SURF_ID='EXHAUST FLOW', COLOR='BLUE' / EXHAUST FLOW ******INSTRUMENTS****** ///IMO INSTRUMENTATION/// &DEVC XB= 1.400, 1.400, 0.500, 0.675, 1.325, 1.475, QUANTITY='THERMOCOUPLE', ID='DUCT ENTRY TEMP' / TC DUCT ENTRY ///HOOD THERMOCOUPLES///

Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology October 10, 2008


Volume 1 p. 32
2.5' 10.0' 30.0' 70.0' / / / / TC TC TC TC 2.50 10.0 30.0 70.0 cm cm cm cm FROM FROM FROM FROM TOP TOP TOP TOP OF OF OF OF HOOD HOOD HOOD HOOD



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