What Is Music Therapy

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Some key takeaways are that music influences human behavior by affecting the brain, music therapists use this to affect specific behaviors and outcomes, and music therapy is the planned use of musical influences on brain functioning.

Music therapy works by using music to trigger whole brain processes and functioning which directly affect cognitive, emotional, and physical functions. A music therapist may use music and verbal praise to help shape behaviors.

Some benefits of music therapy are that it can be more personal and individualized to a patient's preferences and culture, making treatment faster and more effective. It can also make the treatment simply more enjoyable.

What is Music Therapy?

Why Music?
Music influences human behavior by affecting the brain and subsequently other bodily structures in ways that are observable, identifiable, measurable, and predictable, thereby providing the necessary foundation for therapeutic applications.

Why Music Therapy?

Music Therapists use these influences to affect specific behaviors and outcomes.

What is Music Therapy?

Music Therapy is the enhancement of human capabilities through the planned use of musical influences on brain functioning.

Why give so much attention to the brain?

Because the brain is the command center and place where all our senses and experience come together to be processed and understood then perceived, expressed or acted on by we humans.

Music is a human phenomenon. It's the only sensory experience that can activate all areas of the brain at the same time SIMULTANEOUSLY! Wow! Pretty Powerful. Find MRI Scan image light up like a Christmas Tree.

Music Therapy is useful because music triggers whole brain processes and functioning which directly affect one's cognitive, emotional, and physical functions and abilities. With the newest understandings of Neuroplasticity models music therapy should be a core strategy used in all rehabilitation, education and wellness programs.

How else is music therapy useful?

From the social and cultural perspective music permeates our society and culture making it familiar and easily accessible for our clients. Thus, a professional music therapist can select and apply appropriate music for effective treatment of our clients that reflects their culture and personal identity. This makes treatment a more personal and individualized experience. This approach reflects a person's preferences which is more normalizing and effective then a traditionally more sterile or generic procedure. This also contributes to making music therapy based treatment often faster and more effective than treatment without music. Additionally, our clients report the treatment is simply more enjoyable. Healing the spirit as well as the body during treatment is old wisdom, "We're the spirit leads the body tends to follow."

Full Spectrum Music Therapy

A full spectrum model of music therapy is offered at the Center for Music Therapy, Inc. We incorporate the wide breadth of music-based interventions, techniques, research, and philosophies to meet the individual needs of our diverse client population. Music therapy is used as a tool to assist in making non-musical gains in order to apply the focus of the patient's music

therapy treatment directly to the patient's desired needs, outcomes, and appropriate diagnosis and treatment setting. To achieve this we work with an interdisciplinary model which incorporates medical, psychodynamic, person centered, neurological, and biochemical research and philosophies. A core strategy we use is a cognitive/behavioral approach in all our sessions. You may hear the therapist catching the patient being good by using music and verbal praise as reinforcement at a 4 to 1 ratio to help sculpt and shape behavior. You may also hear them discuss psychodynamic principles, such as transference/counter transference or aspects of the iso-principle. Although medicine, hard science, education, neurology and psychology are usually considered separate fields of exploration and treatment, we find that information from each field can often be applied for the benefit of another. Thus, we integrate these fields in our practice to yield new and enhanced benefits for our clients. With all the specialized training and expertise of our staff and advanced research our field has to offer, it would be easy to fall into an expert role. Yet with all the knowledge and training gained from years of clinical practice comes an increased awareness of what we still do not know and a humbleness and gratitude to be able to help and explore further with our clients the potential music and music therapy can help them achieve in their lives. We have an appreciation for the un-measureable universal power of the human spirit and music therapy's capacity to touch, harness and connect with it. The Center for Music Therapy, Inc. supports in every therapeutic interaction that music is a defining feature of our humanity and gives voice to our deepest and most intimate experiences. Therefore with this respect and understanding we deeply value the power of each therapeutic moment and the persons within it with great awe and care.

What kind of patients and populations is Music Therapy geared towards?

The amazing thing about music is that it is so universal, people of all ages and abilities love it and respond to it. Music therapy is used with a variety of populations including children with developmental disabilities (autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, etc.), individuals with psychiatric disorders, adults with Parkinson's disease, geriatrics with dementia, premature infants...the list goes on and on. Furthermore, the more studies completed on music therapy, the more research supports its use in a variety of ways. For example, music is clinically proven to reduce your brain's perception of pain and it is proven to reduce blood pressure. Music has been found to be extremely effective in memory recall for dementia patients, can increase realityorientation in severe psychiatric patients and can be used to regulate heart and respiratory rates. Therefore music therapists work in a wide variety of settings. Music therapists can be found working in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, State Schools, hospices, private practice or in music therapy centers.

How does music help both physically and emotionally?

Music stimulates the entire brain in a way that nothing else can. When working with a patient with physical impairment, the rhythm and steady beat of music helps them to complete a motion in a time-ordered manner. This is important because when a patient is able to make a movement occur at a steady rate and evenly, they are usually able to also be more successful in completing the movement. The music also provides motivation for more repetitions. Everyone experiences emotions elicited by music, and music can be a powerful way to explore emotions. Music also serves as a non-threatening way to explore and express emotions and difficult feelings.

What is a usual Music Therapy session like?

This really depends on the patient. Music therapists treat a wide variety of patients with a wide range of needs, strengths, abilities and goal areas. Broad goal areas include communication, motor function, social/emotional and behavioral. Patients are assessed to determine what goals and objectives will be addressed in sessions, and each session is tailored to each individual patient. Music therapists treat many populations so sessions can vary widely. Activities in a music therapy session can include drumming, analyzing the lyrics of a song, completing movement to music exercises targeting specific motor function goals, songwriting, improvising on a variety of instruments, or even learning some basics of an instrument such as guitar or piano.

How does one become a Music Therapist?

One must complete a four year music therapy degree program approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA). Many colleges and universities offer AMTA-approved music therapy programs and a complete list can be found on AMTAs website. After completing four years of college, one must then complete a 6-9 month AMTA approved internship. Internship sites can be found all over the United States and also include work with a wide variety of populations in a variety of settings. After completing the internship, one must take (and pass) the board examination to become a Music Therapist, Board Certified. The credential is designated as MT-BC. Music therapists must renew their certification every 5 years.

How do I know this is the right thing?

Spend the time to research and explore Music Therapy as a good fit for you before investing your time and money in a degree. Often people make this choice before ever visiting or volunteering in a real clinical setting or environment. Most Music Therapists enter the field due to their music experience but have had very little exposure to clinical work. I strongly recommend volunteering at your local hospital, nursing home, development center, school, day

care, etc. Most music therapists leave the field after three years of clinical practice largely due to not having a realistic expectation of what it is like being a clinician. The other area of importance is clear financial expectations and planning. Setup for yourself conversations with clinicians in areas you believe you would like to work. Study average salary ranges in these areas. Begin to have conversations with people you trust about what type of lifestyle you want to be living in 35, 5-10 and 10-20 years. If this type of lifestyle fits comfortably within the average salary range of a Music Therapist in your area, you have a stronger likelihood of staying in and building a sustainable career in Music Therapy. Be clear in your planning. Do you desire to stay in clinical work; pursue academic and collegiate positions; or progress into administrative, management or business areas? Salary potential will be influenced by your planning in these three areas.


Kevin and Me: Tourette Syndrome and the Magic Power of Music Therapy is a heartfelt memoir of a single mother who struggled with her son's Tourette syndrome and discovered music therapy as a magical influence on him and their relationship. Her courageous story covers Kevin's life from age five when his TS tics first appeared to his late twenties when he transformed from a violent man into a peaceful person. The author relates her personal account of music therapy with Kevin, a person with Tourette syndrome, developmental and learning disabilities, ADHD, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Kevin and Me will inspire parents, psychologists, teachers, and medical professionals to explore music therapy as a medium for reaching children and adults with Tourette syndrome. Modern music therapy began after World War I and slowly gained acceptance in mainstream medical circles. Music therapy services are available in private centers, hospitals, and school districts.

Cenk Erdem
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Psikolog Dj Cenk Erdem Cenk Erdem, Psikolog Dj. Boazii niversitesi Eitim Fakltesi,Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danmanlk blm birincisi ve Fen-Edebiyat Fakltesi Psikoloji mezunu, ayn zamanda ift anadal blm birincisi; bunlara ek olarak Trkiye'nin ilk dans mzik istasyonu olan Radyo 2019'da profesyonel olarak balad djlik mesleine zel gecelerde alarak devam ediyor. 1996

ylnda sonradan ad Radio City olarak deien Kiss Fme transfer olan ve ayn frekansta 10 yl boyunca radyo programlar yapan Erdem, bir yandan da kulplerde almaya balam. stanbul'da hepsi ayr ayr dnemlerin nde gelen gece kulplerinden Roxy,Studio Live,Balans,Andon gibi mekanlarda birok gecede alm olan Erdem, zel gecelerde farkl mekanlarda halen Djlik yapmaya devam ediyor. Cerrahpaa ocuk Onkoloji servisinde 4 yl boyunca psikolog olarak alrken sonrasnda Texas Childrens Hospitalda 2004 ylnda Oyun Terapisi eitimi almtr. 2005 ylnda girdii PR iinde basn danmanln srdrrken, hem bir dj olarak partiler dzenlemeye, hem bir psikolog olarak televizyon programlarna katlmaya devam ediyor.Basn Danman olarak alt spanyol-Trk ortak firmas Pasion Turca'nn Trkiye'ye getirdii birbirinden nl sanat ve gruplarla rportajlar yapmaya balayarak , medya iinin iine iyice girdikten sonra sadece alt firmann sanatlaryla deil dnyaca nl birok farkl isimlerle de rportajlar yapmaya, mzik yazlar yazmaya balamtr.Ancak zellikle Pasion Turca ile birlikte alt baz nl isimler arasndan Loreena McKennitt,Bonnie Tyler,Cesario Evora,Buika,Yasmin Levy,Pink Martini,Paco De Lucia,Mariza,Monica Molina gibi sanatlarla bir araya gelme frsat yakalamtr. Mzik ve elence dnyasn yakndan takip eden Erdem,yurtd basnndan haberleri tercme ederek gazete ve dergiler iin yazlar hazrlamaktadr.TRT Ankara Radyosuna her aramba canl balantlarla "Canl Dedikodu Uurtmalar" adyla mzik magazin haberleri veren ve medya eletirisi yapan Erdem, radyo ile gnl ban hi koparmamtr. letiim seminerleri veren ve psikolog dj kimliiyle medyada bilinen Erdemin 2009 ylnda Universal-Topkap etiketiyle piyasaya kard compilation (toplama) albm yiletiren arklar , medyada grd ilgiyi daha ok artrm.Sene sonunda elde edilen resmi sat rakamlar sonucu, 2009 ylnda en ok satlan compilation (toplama) albm olmutur. [1] *Posta Gazetesi yiletiren arklar Rportaj [2] *Radikal Gazetesi yiletiren arklar Rportaj Albmn grd ilgiden sonra, niversiteden blm arkada olan Psikolog Dr. Duysal Akun'nun kurduu "Deiim Grup Kiisel Geliim ve Psikolojik Danmanlk" irketi bnyesinde, beraberce "Yaam Yaratmada lk Adm" konulu eitim seminerleri vermilerdir."yiletiren Haftasonu" olarak adlandrlan eitim programnda mzikle terapi yntemi n planda yer almtr. [3] *Posta Gazetesi yiletiren Haftasonu Rportaj Psycho Disco adn verdii ikinci albm Sony Music etiketiyle raflardaki yerini almtr.Bu albmde ncekinden farkl olarak slow arklar yerine farkl dnemlerde hit olan 70'ler, 80'ler ve 90'larn en iyi dans paralar yer almaktadr.Erdem albm iin "Unutmak iin dans et!" slogann semitir.yiletiren arklar albm kapanda olduu gibi, "Psycho Disco" albm kapak tasarm Erdem'in Kanada'da yaayan, Mimar Sinan Gzel Sanatlar Akademisi Heykel

Blmnden dereceyle mezun olan sanat kardei R.Can Erdem'e aittir.Kapak almas, albm ieriindeki arklar ortaya kartacak ekilde bir retro gndermeye sahiptir. [4] *Habertrk Gazetesi Psycho Disco Rportaj [5] *Today Zaman Gazetesi Psycho Disco Rportaj [6] *Yeni Aktel Dergisi Psycho Disco Rportaj

Psikolog Dj Cenk Erdem Resmi tantm gecelerinde dj'lik yapan Erdem,Trkiye'de ki en byk Madonna hayran olarak anlmaktadr.Madonna'nn Hard Candy ve Celebration albmlerinin resmi tantm partileri Psikolog Dj Cenk Erdem'e aittir.Bunlara ek olarak dier Pop-Divalar Britney Spears ve Kylie Minogue'un da albmlerinin resmi tantm partilerini gerekletirmitir. [7]*Madonna Celebration Resmi Tantm Partisi Haberi [8]*Vogue 20.Yl Kutlamas Milliyet Sanat Haberi [9]*MJ'e Veda Partisi Haberi [10] *Psikolog Dj Cenk Erdem Blog

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