The Divine Plane of The Age
The Divine Plane of The Age
The Divine Plane of The Age
"The Path of the Just is as the Shining Light,
Which Shineth More and More
Unto the Perfect Day."
The Divine
Plan of the Ages
DIGITAL Edition.
N. B. This volume can also be supplied in the German, Swedish, DanoNoerwgian, French and Greek languages.
demolished errors.
The present Volume was written from the reverse
standpoint. It presents the Truth, shows its strength and beauty,
and then suggests the removal of the error, as not only
unnecessary, but absolutely useless and very injurious. Thus
the reader of the DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES at each step
finds a strengthening of faith and a greater nearness to the
Lord, and therefore a confidence that he is in the right way.
After seeing the Truth, the errors are more and more seen to be
absurd, worthless, injurious, and are gladly abandoned.
The great Adversary, of course, has no love for anything
which opens the eyes of Gods people, increases their reverence
for Gods Book, and breaks their reliance upon human creeds.
The great Adversary, therefore, as we might have expected, is
very much opposed to this book. Few realize Satans power and
cunning; few realize the meaning of the Apostles words in
respect to this Prince of Darkness who transforms himself into a
minister of light, in order to fight the Truth and destroy its
Few realize that our wily Adversary seeks to use the best,
the most energetic, the most influential of Gods people to
hinder the shining of the light and to keep the Divine Plan of
the Ages away from the people. Few realize that from the time
creed-making began, A.D. 325, there was practically no Bible
study for 1260 years. Few realize that during that time the
creeds were riveted upon the minds of millions, shackling them
to horrible errors, and blinding them to the Divine character of
Wisdom, Justice, Love, Power. Few realize that since the
Reformation --since the Bible began to come back into the hands
of the people--well-meaning but deluded reformers have been
blinded and handicapped by the errors of the past, and, in turn,
have served to keep the people in darkness. Few realize
that real Bible study, such as was practiced in the early Church
in the days of the Apostles, has only now come back to Bible
In the earliest editions of this Volume, the title, Millennial
Dawn, was used; but we found that some were deceived
thereby into thinking it a novel. In order that none might be
deceived, and that none might purchase under such deception,
we later adopted the present serial title, Studies in the
Scriptures, which nobody can misunderstand.
Many queries have come to us as to why these books
cannot be found in the bookstores. Our answer is that while the
book publishers would be glad to have these books, there are
certain religious zealots who will not permit their sale-threatening boycott. At first this seemed like a great disaster--as
though the power of the Adversary would be permitted to
hinder the dissemination of the Truth. But God graciously
overruled the matter, so that today probably no other book has
so large a circulation and so steady a circulation as this Volume.
Those who, through prejudice, refused to read the book and
fought against it, did so because they believed falsehoods,
Many of these books have been burned by people who
never read them, but who were influenced by
misrepresentations. Just so it was during the Dark Ages in
respect to the followers of Jesus, who suffered martyrdom. Yes,
Jesus Himself suffered at the hands of those who did not
understand Him or His teachings, as St. Peter pointedly
declares: And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye
did it, as did also your rulers (`Acts 3:17`); for had they known
it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. `1 Cor. 2:8`
But if the enemies of this book have been bitter, unjust,
page 11
Preface to Study X
General Description of the Great PyramidWhy of Special Interest to
ChristiansThe Great Pyramid a Storehouse of TruthScientific,
Historic and PropheticBible Allusions to ItWhy, When and by
Whom BuiltImportance of Its LocationIts Scientific LessonsIts
Testimony Concerning the Plan of RedemptionThe Plan of the Ages
The Death and the Resurrection of Christ IndicatedThe Downward
Course of the World, Ending in a Great Time of TroubleThe Nature of
the TroubleThe Great Reformation Movement MarkedLength of the
Jewish Age IndicatedThe High Calling of the Gospel Church
ShownThe Course of the Churchs ConsecrationThe End of the High
Calling MarkedDate of the Second Advent of ChristHow Restitution
Blessings for the World are IndicatedThe Course of the World During
the Millennial AgeIts End--Contrast of the Two Conditions, Human
and Spiritual, as Indicated in the PyramidThe Pyramid Refutes
Atheism, Infidelity and all Evolution Theories, and Verifies both the Plan
of the Bible and Its Appointed Times and Seasons.
In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land
of Egypt and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be
for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of
Egypt. `Isa. 19:19,20`
many who will be glad to go forth to serve the Lord under the
leadership of one like unto but greater than Moses. `Acts 3:22,23`
In many passages of Scripture the symbolic character of
Egypt is indicated; for instance, `Hosea 11:1` and `Matt. 2:13-15`.
Here, aside from the fact that our Lord as a babe was for a time
actually in the land of Egypt, and Israel also for a time actually in
Egypt, there is evidently a typical significance as well. The Son of
God was in the world for a time for the sake of those he came to
redeem and deliver; but he was called out of it--Egypt--to the
higher, divine nature. Likewise those who are called to be his
brethren and joint-heirs, the members of his body, the true
Israel of God, are called out of Egypt; and the Master testifies,
They are not of this world, even as I am not of this world.
`Isaiah (31:1,3)`, referring to the great trouble now
impending, says, Woe unto them that go down to Egypt [to the
world] for help [for worldly ideas and plans, and for counsel as
to how they should act in the crisis of this great day]; and stay
on horses [who endeavor still to ride the old, false doctrinal
hobbies], and trust in chariots [worldly organizations] because
they are many; and in horsemen [the great leaders in false
doctrines] because they are very strong; but who look not unto
the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord [for the safety and
victory in this day of trouble will not be with the
multitude]!...Now the Egyptians are men, and not God, and
their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the Lord shall stretch
out his hand [his power--the power of the truth and other
agencies--as he will do shortly], both he that helpeth shall fall,
and he that is helped [by the powers of Egypt--the worlds
ideas] shall fall down, and they all shall fail together.
It will be after all human plans and schemes have failed
them, and when men shall have learned their own sinfulness
and helplessness, that they will begin to cry unto the Lord for
help. Then Jehovah will show himself a great Savior; and he has
already prepared the Great Pyramid as a part of his
instrumentality for convincing the world of his wisdom,
foreknowledge and grace. It shall be for a sign and for a
witness unto the Lord of hosts [a witness to his foreknowledge
and to his gracious plan of salvation, as we shall presently see]
in the land of Egypt: for they [the Egyptians --the poor world,
during the great time of trouble coming] shall cry unto the Lord
because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a Savior, and
a great one; and he shall deliver them. And the Lord shall be
known to Egypt [the world], and the Egyptians shall know the
Lord in that day [in the Millennial day--at the close of the time of
trouble], and shall do service with sacrifice and oblation: yea,
they shall make vows unto the Lord and perform them. But the
Lord shall smite Egypt [the world--in the great time of trouble
just at hand]. He shall smite and heal it. And they shall return
unto the Lord, and he shall be entreated of them, and shall heal
them. `Isa. 19:19-22`
While the additional, corroborative evidence given by the
Great Pyramid to the written Word of God will be a fresh cause
of rejoicing to the saints, it is manifest that its witnessing is
chiefly intended for the world of mankind during the
Millennial age. The testimony of this peculiar and remarkable
witness will give to mankind fresh ground for faith and love
and zeal, when in due time their hearts are prepared for the
truth. It is remarkable, too, that (like the Plan of the Ages in the
written Word) this stone Witness kept silence until now,
when its testimony shall shortly be delivered to (Egypt) the
world. But the saints, the friends of God from whom he will
hide nothing, are privileged to hear the testimony of this
witness now, before the worldly mind is ready to appreciate its
testimonies. Only when ready to obey the Lord can any
rejoicing when the chief corner-stone was laid, and he specifies the
head, or crowning corner-stone, by mentioning the other four cornerstones first, saying, Whereupon are the socket-stones made to sink?
or who laid the corner-stone thereof, when the morning stars sang
together and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (See margin.) The
Prophet David, too, refers to our Lord, and uses a figure of speech
exactly corresponding to that of this stone Witness of Egypt. He
says, prophetically, from the standpoint of the future, The stone
which the builders rejected is become the head-corner-stone. This is
Jehovahs doing. It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day [the
Millennial day of Christs glory as the Head and Ruler of the world]
which Jehovah hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (`Psa.
118:22-24`) Fleshly Israel failed to accept Christ as their head-stone,
and hence were rejected from being the special house of God-Spiritual Israel instead being built up into Christ the Head. And we
remember that our Lord applied this very prophecy to himself, and
showed that he was the rejected stone, and that Israel, through their
builders, the priests and Pharisees, were the rejecters. `Matt. 21:42,44`;
`Acts 4:11`
How perfectly the head-stone of the Great Pyramid illustrates all
this! The head-stone, being first finished, would serve the workmen
as a pattern or model for the whole structure, whose angles and
proportions must all be conformed to it. But we can readily imagine
that, before this top-stone was recognized as a pattern for the whole
structure, it would be rejected, set at naught, by the builders, some of
whom could think of no place suitable for it; its five sides, five corners
and sixteen different angles making it unsuitable to the structure until
the very top-stone was needed, and then no other stone would do.
During all the years in which the building work progressed, this Chief
Corner-stone would be a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense
to those not acquainted with its use and place; just as Christ is, and
will continue to be, to many, until they have seen him exalted as the
Head-Corner-Stone of Gods plan.
significant. While the top and parts of the sides are regular, it has no
floor--its rough, unfinished bottom dropping lower and lower to its
eastern side, giving reason for the name, Bottomless Pit, sometimes
applied to it. This room speaks of liberty and freedom as well as of
trouble, of elevation as well as of degradation; for, as the traveler
reaches it, cramped and weary from the crouched position enforced
by the smallness of the Entrance Passage, he here finds not only a
step downward into greater depths, and upon a troublesome floor,
very uneven and broken, but he finds a great elevation also, part of this
room being much more lofty than the passageway to it, which is
suggestive of greatly enlarged room for his mental organism.
How true this is to facts, too. Can we not already see that the
spirit of liberty has reached the masses of civilized nations? We do not
pause here to consider the consistencies and inconsistencies of the
liberties being felt and claimed by the masses--both are suggested in
this room by the elevation of the top and the depression of the bottom:
we merely note the fact that the light of our day--the Day of the Lord-induces the spirit of liberty; and the spirit of liberty, coming in contact
with the pride, wealth and power of those still in control, will be the
cause of the trouble which the Scriptures assure us will eventually be
very great. Though as yet it has scarcely begun, kings and emperors
and statesmen and capitalists, and all men, see it coming, and mens
hearts are failing them for fear, and for looking after the things
coming; for the powers of the heavens are being shaken, and shall
ultimately be removed. The evil systems --civil, social and religious-of the present evil world will there sink into oblivion, into
destruction, which the subterranean chamber or Pit also symbolizes,
for we regard the Pit as not only a symbol of the overwhelming
trouble which will involve the present order of things in an
overthrow and destruction (because of their inconsistency with the
better order of things to be established under Gods Kingdom), but
also as a symbol of the certain end of every being who continues to
pursue the downward course, and who, under the full enlightenment
of the Millennial age, will refuse to break off his sins and pursue
Notice another item in this connection: The Entrance Passage
has a regular slope downward until it nears the Pit, when it ceases
to slope and runs horizontally. Measuring backward from the
entrance of the subterranean chamber or Pit to the juncture of the
horizontal with the angling portion of the passage, we find the
distance to be 324 inches; consequently, the beginning of the level
portion of the passage marks a date 324 years before 1915, viz., the
year 1590. This would seem to say that at that date (A.D. 1591)
something transpired which had a great influence upon the course of
civilization, and which in some measure arrested its downward
tendency. What transpired at that time? What great movement,
marked by that date, has had such an influence?
Unfortunately we find no exact measurements of this portion of
this downward passage and we are convinced that Prof. Smyths
diagrams are not sufficiently accurate to justify confidence in paper
measurements based upon them. An unconfirmed measurement is
324 Py. inches, which measured backward would indicate about the
year A.D. 1590, or Shakespeares day. However, we attach no
weight to this suggestion.
One thing is certain--that low downward passage represents the
course of the world, as the upward passages represent the course for
the called Church. The change from a downward to a horizontal
path would therefore seem to imply moral or political enlightenment,
or favorable restraint from the downward course.
The Protestant Reformation of the Sixteenth century certainly did
accomplish much for the uplift of the world in every way, indirectly.
It purged the moral atmosphere of much of its ignorance and
superstition, and is admitted by Roman Catholics as well as
Protestants to have marked a new era of universal advancement.
We are not claiming, as some do, that everything of our day is
upward rather than downward. On the contrary, we see many things
in our day to which we cannot give assent as even civilized, not to say
in accord with the divine will. We see a broader humanitarian view
prevalent in the world which, while far from the religion of our Lord
Jesus, is far in advance of the ignorant superstitions of the past.
Indeed it is this social improvement of the world that has given rise to
the Evolution Theory and caused many to conclude that the world
is growing rapidly better and better, that it needed no Savior and his
redeeming work, and needs no Kingdom to come with restitution
work. Very soon the poor world will realize that uplift and the basis
of pure selfishness means increasing discontent, and eventually
anarchy. Only the Lords people, guided by his Word, are able to see
these things in their proper light.
But while the above measurements were giving their harmonious
testimonies, another measurement seemed quite out of harmony with
the Bible account; viz., that of the First Ascending Passage, which
presumably represented the period from the time of Israels exodus
from Egypt to the birth of our Lord Jesus.* The Bible account of the
time, as already given, we could not doubt, having demonstrated its
correctness in so many ways. It showed the time from the exodus
from Egypt to the year A.D. 1 to be exactly 1614years, while the floorline of the First Ascending Passage measures only 1542 inches.
Then, again, we knew beyond a doubt, from the words of our Lord
and the prophets, that the Law age, and the favor to Israel after the
flesh, did not cease at the birth of Jesus, but three and a half years after
his death, at the close of their seventy weeks of favor, A.D. 36. This
would make the period from the exodus to the full end of their favor
* This period is not the same as that which, in Vol. II, Chap. vii, we have
denominated and described as the Jewish age. The latter began 198 years
before the Exodus, at the death of Jacob, and did not end until the Lord,
whom they rejected, left their house desolate, five days before his
Vol. II, pages 230-232.
See Vol. II, Chap. vii.
(1614 plus 36) equal 1650 years. And though, in a sense, the grandeur
and blessing of the new dispensation began at the birth of Jesus
(`Luke 2:10-14,25-38`), yet the Great Pyramid should, in some way,
indicate the full length of Israels favor. This we finally found to be
most ingeniously shown. The granite Plug proved to be the exact
length to fill out this period to the very limit. Then we knew why that
Plug was so securely fixed that none had succeeded in displacing it.
The great Master-Builder had placed it there to stay, that we might
hear its testimony today corroborating the Bible, as to both its plan
and its chronology.
In measuring this passage with its Plug, we should consider it
as though it were a telescope, with the Plug drawn out until the
upper end reaches the place originally marked by the lower end of it.
The distance downward from the north entrance of the Grand
Gallery to the lower end of the granite Plug is 1470 inches, to which
if we add the length of the Plug, 179 inches, we have a total of 1649
inches, representing 1649 years; and the one inch-year of difference
between this and the 1650 years shown by the Bible chronology of
that period is easily accounted for when we remember that one end of
this granite Plug had been considerably chipped by those who
endeavored to force it from its fixed position in the passageway.
Thus, exactly, does the stone Witness corroborate the testimony
of the Bible, and show that the period from the exodus of Israel from
Egypt until the full end of their national favor,* A.D. 36, was 1650
years. But let none confound this period with the period shown in the
Parallels of the Jewish and Christian dispensations--showing the two
ages to be each 1845 years in length, the one from the death of Jacob to
A.D. 33, and the other from A.D. 33 to A.D. 1878.
And not only was this an ingenious way of hiding and yet
furnishing the length of the period from the exodus to the birth of our
Lord (to be, in due time, a corroboration of the Bible testimony), but
* See Vol. II, Chap. iii.
the careful reader will readily see that it could have been done only in
some such way, for two reasons: First, because the Jewish
dispensation and favor not only began at the death of Jacob, before
the exodus from Egypt, but also ran into and parallel to the Christian
dispensation for the thirty-three years of our Lord Jesus earthly life;
and, second, because to have made the First Ascending Passage
long enough to represent fully the Jewish age in year-inches would
have necessitated the making of the Pyramid still larger, which in
turn would have destroyed its scientific features and lessons.
Let us now examine the Grand Gallery, at the end of the First
Ascending Passage, noting also its symbolic testimony. It is seven
times as high as the First Ascending Passage. It has seven courses of
overlapping stones in its walls, of smooth, highly polished and once
beautiful, cream-colored limestone. It is twenty-eight feet high,
though very narrow, being only six feet broad anywhere, but
contracted to three feet at the floor and less at the roof. Prof. Greaves,
an Oxford professor of the Fifteenth century, describing it, wrote:
It is a very stately piece of work, and not inferior, either in respect of the
curiosity of art or richness of materials, to the most sumptuous and
magnificent buildings....This gallery, or corridor, or whatsoever else I may
call it, is built of white and polished marble (limestone), the which is very
evenly cut in spacious squares or tables. Of such materials as is the pavement,
such is the roof, and such are the side walls that flank it; the knitting of the
joints is so close that they are scarce discernible to a curious eye; and that
which adds grace to the whole structure, though it makes the passage the
more slippery and difficult, is the acclivity and rising of the ascent....In the
casting and ranging of the marbles (limestone) in both the side walls, there is
one piece of architecture, in my judgment, very graceful, and that is that all
the courses or ranges, which are but seven (so great are these stones), do set
and flag over one another about three inches; the bottom of the uppermost
course overflagging the top of the next, and so in order the rest as they
side of that line or axis, and only the Ante-Chamber and the
Kings Chamber on the south side of it. By this arrangement
the designer of the Great Pyramid (Jehovah) points out to us the
distinction of natures, as noted in Vol. I, Chap. x.
The Queens Chamber, representing the perfection of
humanity after the Millennial age shall have restored all the
obedient and worthy ones to the moral likeness of the Creator,
teaches, by the fact that its back or farthest wall is on a line with the
Pyramids axis, that, thus restored to Gods image and likeness,
though still human, mankind will be close to the divine nature--as
close as one nature could be to another nature of which it is a
likeness. And all the upward passages leading in the direction of
that axis teach that the desires and efforts of Gods people are all to
be toward human perfection, while those of the called-out Church
of the Gospel age are to go beyond human perfection. They, as jointheirs with Christ, are to enter into the fullness of the divine nature.
The fact that the Subterranean Chamber or Pit, representing
trouble and death, does not lie wholly on the same side of the
vertical axis as the Queens Chamber and its passage does not
militate against this interpretation; for, strictly speaking, it is no part
of the Pyramid structure at all. It lies under the Pyramid, far below
its basal line. But it may have another lesson to impart. A vertical
line from its farthest wall would pass exactly along the farthest wall
of the Ante-Chamber; and the lesson drawn might be, in harmony
with the Scriptural warning, that it is possible for some who have
entered the Holy or sanctified condition (who have been begotten
by the word of truth, and who have even been quickened by it) to
commit the sin that is unto death--the second death.
So, then, the relation of the location of the Pit to the axis, if it
have any significance in connection with the arrangement of the
Pyramid above it, would seem to indicate that the second death-endless, hopeless destruction--will be the penalty, not only of the
This will be another crucial test, not however a test of Gods Word
and its wonderful testimony, which is paramount to all others, but a test
of this stone Witness. Will it further prove its divine architecture by
confirming the Scripture testimony? or will it show more or less of a
discrepancy? Should it corroborate the Bible account particularly and
minutely, it would indeed well merit the name given it by Dr. Seiss--A
Miracle in Stone.
Well, we can say nothing less of it; for its testimony agrees fully and
in every detail with the entire plan of God as we have learned that plan
from the Scriptures. Its wonderful correspondencies with the Bible leave
no room for doubt that the same divine inspirer of the prophets and
apostles inspired this Witness also. Let us examine some of these
harmonies particularly.
Call to mind that the Scriptures showed us that the full end of
Gentile power in the world, and of the time of trouble which brings its
overthrow, will follow the end of A.D. 1914, and that some time near
that date the last members of the Church of Christ will have been
changed, glorified. Remember, too, that the Scriptures proved to us in
various ways--by the Jubilee Cycles, the 1335 days of Daniel, the Parallel
Dispensations, etc.--that the harvest or end of this age was due to
begin in October, 1874, and that the Great Reaper was then due to be
present; that seven years later--in October, 1881--the high calling
ceased, though some will be admitted to the same favors afterward,
without a general call being made, to fill the places of some of the called
ones who, on being tested, will be found unworthy. Then look at the
manner in which the stone Witness testifies to those same dates and
illustrates the very same lessons.
The floor-line of the Grand Gallery, from the north to the south
wall, has been twice very carefully measured in recent years, and three
distinct sets of measures have been obtained. One measure (a) is from
the wall at the north end, measured to the Step and then--omitting its
riser or front--along its upper surface, the walking surface of the Grand
Gallerys floor; another measure (b) shows the length measured through
the Step, as though the Step were not there; another measure (c)
gives the entire surface of the floor and up the front or riser of the Step
and along its top surface. Prof. Smyth found the first of these measures
(a) to be 1874 Pyramid inches, the second (b), 1881 Pyramid inches, and
the third (c), 1910 Pyramid inches; while Mr. Flinders Petrie reports
these measures eight-tenths of an inch longer. A reasonable estimate,
therefore, and undoubtedly very nearly a correct one, would be to call
these figures (a) 1875, (b) 1882 and (c) 1911 Pyramid inches.
Now we inquire, If the inches of the floor-lines of these passages
represent a year, each, as claimed and admitted by Pyramid students,
what date would these measures of the Grand Gallery indicate as the
end of the high calling to the divine nature, which the Grand Gallery
symbolizes? We answer, that in applying these inch-years to our present
reckoning of time, we must remember that our date A.D. is one year
and three months behind the actual date, as shown in Vol. II, pages 5462. And while this would make no difference in calculating a period
from a fixed date B.C., or from a fixed date A.D., it should be recognized
in this case. Where the same event, the birth of Jesus, is the starting
point, the error in our date A.D. must be allowed for, to reach correct
results. For simplicity we will take our erroneous A.D. as the standard,
and will scale down the Pyramid figures to correspond, by deducting
one and one-fourth inches from them, so that they will correspond with
our common reckoning. Thus reduced, they would show (a) 1875 less 1
1/4 equal 1873 3/4; (b) 1882 less 1 1/4 equal 1880 3/4; and (c) 1911 less 1
1/4 equal 1909 3/4, and give the dates (a) October, 1874, (b) October, 1881
and (c) October, 1910 A.D.
This threefold ending is in full accord with what we have found
taught in the Scriptures: that the harvest, the end of the age, was
reached in October, 1874, and that the call proper ended in October,
1881, while a period would follow during which, though the general call
had ceased, the same privileges would be extended to some worthy
ones, in order to supply the places of some already among the called
who, under trial, will be found unworthy of the crowns allotted to them
when they accepted the call. How long this sifting of the consecrated
will last, during which some will be granted the crowns of those
adjudged unworthy, and their names written instead of some whose
names will be blotted out (`Rev. 3:5,11`), the Scriptures do not, so far as
we have yet seen, indicate; but this date, 1910, indicated by the Pyramid,
seems to harmonize well with the dates furnished by the Bible. It is but a
few years before the full close of the time of trouble which ends the
Gentile times; and when we remember the Lords words--that the
overcomers shall be accounted worthy to escape the severest of the
trouble coming upon the world we may understand the reference to be
to the anarchous trouble which will follow October, 1914; but a trouble
chiefly upon the Church may be expected about 1910 A.D.
Is not this a most remarkable agreement between this stone
Witness and the Bible? The dates, October, 1874, and October, 1881,
are exact, while the date 1910, though not furnished in the Scriptures,
seems more than a reasonable one for some important event in the
Churchs experience and final testing, while A.D. 1914 is apparently
well-defined as its close, after which the worlds greatest trouble is due,
in which some of the great multitude may have a share. And in this
connection let us remember that this date limit--A.D. 1914--may not
only witness the completion of the selection and trial and glorification of
the entire body of Christ, but it may also witness the purifying of some
of that larger company of consecrated believers who, through fear and
faint-heartedness, failed to render acceptable sacrifices to God, and who
therefore became more or less contaminated with the worlds ideas and
ways. Some of these, before the end of this period, may come up out of
the great tribulation. (`Rev. 7:14`) Many such are now being closely
bound in with the various bundles of tares for the burning; and not until
the fiery trouble of the latter end of the harvest period shall burn the
binding cords of Babylons bondage shall these be able to make their
escape--saved so as by fire. They must see the utter wreck of Great
Babylon and receive some measure of her plagues. (`Rev. 18:4`) The four
years from 1910 to the end of 1914, indicated thus in the Great Pyramid,
will doubtless be a time of fiery trial upon the Church (`1 Cor. 3:15`)
preceding the anarchy of the world, which cannot last long--Except
those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved. `Matt.
Nor is this all of the wonderful symbolism of the Great Pyramid. Its
marvelous harmony with the divine plan is still further shown in
another remarkable feature. We should expect that the date of the two
great events connected with the close of this age, viz., (1) our Lords
second advent and (2) the beginning of the harvest, would in some
manner be marked at the upper end of the Grand Gallery, even as his
death and resurrection are marked by the Well at its lower end. And
in this we are not disappointed. In the upper or south end of the east
wall, at its top, high above the step, there is an opening connecting with
the unfinished space above the Kings Chamber, as shown on the
diagram. In the Pyramids symbolic language that opening says, Here a
heavenly One entered--One who needs no floors to walk upon, but who
can come and go like the wind. And Prof. Smyths careful
measurements of this south wall of the Grand Gallery inform us that it
is not exactly perpendicular, but leans over at the top seven inches.* The
Pyramid thus says to us, Seven years before the close of the high calling
[before October, 1881] the great One from the heavens will enter. And it
further indicates that from that time--October, 1874--gradually, as
indicated by the sloping of the south wall, the call would be drawn to
a close and fully end in October, 1881. This, it will be noticed, is in
exact accord with the Bibles testimony as outlined in this and
preceding volumes of Studies in the Scriptures.
And let it be remembered, too, that we who understood the
Scriptural presentation of these times and seasons had nothing to do
with the taking of these measurements of the Great Pyramid; and that
* Prof. Piazzi Smyths report.
Israel), and the many sons and daughters of Keturah, Abrahams second
wife (typical of the world in general).
Thus the Entrance Passage, from the outside edge down to the
nearest edge of the passage connecting with the Well, marks in yearinches the period of time from the day the typical Isaac (in whom
typically centered the promise of blessing to the world) became heir of
all, B.C. 1945, to A.D. 1881, when the blessing was actually due to the
world through the antitypical Isaac--the Christ, the heir of all things.
`Gal. 3:16, 29`
We measure the time from the date of Isaacs inheritance, and
consequent privilege of blessing his brethren, to the year A.D. 1881,
thus: Isaac came into possession of his inheritance at the death of his
father Abraham, which occurred 100 years after the Abrahamic
Covenant was made (for Abraham was 75 years old when the
Covenant was made, and he died at the age of 175 years). Then from the
Covenant to the death of Jacob, Isaacs son, was 232 years;* and from the
time that Isaac came into his inheritance--100 years after the Covenant
was made--to the death of Jacob would be 132 years (232 years less 100
years). To this we add the 1813 years from the death of Jacob to our
Anno Domini, and we have the date 1945 B.C., the date when the
typical Isaac came into possession of all that Abraham had. (`Gen.
25:5`) And this 1945 years B.C. added to the 1881 years A.D.
makes the 3826 years indicated in the Pyramid inches as the
length of time that must elapse between the typical blessing of
his brethren by the typical seed, Isaac, and the blessing of the
whole world through the antitypical Isaac, the Christ.
Does the question arise with any, what beginning of
restitution work was marked by October, 1881? We answer:
Nothing occurred which the world could discern. We still walk by
faith and not by sight. All the preparatory steps toward the great
restitution work since the date 1881 are to be reckoned as
* See Vol. II, pages 231,232.
bow; so that in his day the humble and righteous, and they only, shall
flourish. `Isa. 28:17`; `Rom. 14:11`; `Psa. 92:12,13`
The Queens Chamber symbolizes the end of the restitution work-human perfection--in that it has seven sides, counting the floor one side,
and the roof two sides, as shown in the diagram. The path to it tells the
same story of sevenness, or perfection, for the floor of it is depressed for
one-seventh of its length. And not only is the number seven a general
symbol of perfection and completeness, but it is specially suggestive in
this connection, since the Millennial age is the seventh thousand years of
the earths history, and the one in which perfection is to be attained by
the willing and obedient of the race.
Prof. Smyth remarks the peculiarity of the floor of this Queens
Chamber and the passageway leading to it, that it is rough and entirely
unfinished, thus differing from the other passages, which were
originally very smooth, probably polished. This, he suggests, may
indicate that its floor is not subject to measurement by year-inches as are
the other passages--as if the Pyramid by this unevenness would say,
Time-measures are not recorded here.
But though the Pyramid inch-year is not observed in the passage to
the Queens Chamber, nor in its floor, another matter did require to be
shown, namely, the way of restitution to perfect life and perfect human
organism. As this perfection of human nature is illustrated in the
Queens Chamber, so the way to it represents the seven thousand
years of experience and discipline through which the fallen human race
must pass before full restitution to perfection can be gained. Inasmuch
as the first six-sevenths of the passageway to the Queens Chamber is
extremely low, it represents the six thousand years past, and illustrates
the extreme difficulty and humility necessary to walk a justified life,
even on the part of such as sought so to walk--the patriarchs, prophets
and others, justified through faith-- during this six thousand years of the
reign of sin and death. On the contrary, the last seventh of the way
represents the Millennial age, just dawning upon men. Its height being
nearly twice as great indicates that during the coming thousand years of
grace and peace on earth men can progress with comfort and ease
toward full perfection.
Is it asked whether any have walked in this way during the past six
thousand years? We answer, Yes; by faith some have walked in it. It is
the way of justification of human nature, though wholly different from the
way and calling of the Gospel Church, which, though through
justification, is to the new, divine nature. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and
the faithful prophets walked that way--entering by the Well--by faith in
the ransom-sacrifice of Christ, which they represented by typical sacrifices
before our Lords death, and before the stone Witness pointed to it; for
in Gods purpose and revelation Christ was the slain Lamb of
atonement from before the foundation of the world.
And this way to the Queens Chamber agrees well with the Bible
record concerning the way to perfect human nature and life during the
Millennium. The length of time needed to reach perfection will differ in
individual cases, according to the rapidity or slowness of the individual
to submit his heart and life to the conditions of the New Covenant. It
will no longer be a struggle upward, continually opposed by downward
tendencies within and without, as it has been during the Law and
Gospel dispensations; but it will be a way in which everything will
favor the traveler, and facilitate his rapid progress toward full perfection
of restitution-life, with all its resultant blessings.
As the Kings Chamber, by its ventilating tubes, indicates that it
symbolizes a permanent residence, an everlasting condition, so the
Queens Chamber symbolizes the fact that the condition of
human perfection, when reached, may be made an everlasting state;
for it also has similar ventilating tubes or air passages provided. In
one case we may say it symbolizes a permanent condition, and in
the other that it may be made a permanent or everlasting condition,
because this is the fact as indicated both by the Scriptures and by
the testimony of the stone Witness. The Scriptures say of those
who attain the condition represented by the Kings Chamber,
that they partake of the divine nature, and are immortal, or proof
against death-- that they cannot die thereafter. And they show that
those others who reach the full restitution, and stand the last test
of loyalty, at the end of the Millennial age, though they will not
possess that quality termed Immortality, which is essentially an
element of the divine nature only, will be supplied with life
everlasting under provisions already arranged by the great
Architect of the plan of salvation. If they abide in harmony with
God and in obedience to his will, they will live forever.
The Great Pyramid declares these same truths; for while the
Kings Chamber had open ventilators, the ventilators in the
Queens Chamber were originally peculiarly covered. The airtubes were complete from the outside of the Great Pyramid to
within about five inches of the surface of the inner walls of the
Queens Chamber, the stones on either side of the Queens
Chamber, except the said five inches in thickness, having been
chiseled out, showing design on the part of the Great Pyramids
Architect, just as every other feature shows it. Mr. Waynman
Dixon made this discovery while examining the walls of the
Queens Chamber. He noticed that the wall at a certain spot
sounded hollow, and, breaking through the surface, he found
one ventilating tube; and then by the same process he found its
mate in the opposite wall. Thus the Pyramid, in harmony with
the Scriptures, declares that ample provision has been made,
whereby the perfect human condition, represented by the
Queens Chamber, may be an everlasting condition to each one
who conforms to its regulations and laws.
And now, having heard it speak, what shall we think of the
stone Witness and its testimony? Such testimony would be
peculiar and striking indeed, even if there were no scriptures
found to bear on the subjects examined; but when the Scriptures
had already clearly and positively declared to us these same
following words of Dr. Joseph Seiss, from his excellent treatise on the
Great Pyramid, entitled A Miracle in Stone. He says:
If the primeval man were nothing but a gorilla or troglodyte, how, in those
prehistoric times, could the builders of this mighty structure have known what
our profoundest savants, after a score of centuries of observation and experiment,
have been able to find out only imperfectly? How could they know how even to
make and handle the tools, machines and expedients, indispensable to the
construction of an edifice so enormous in dimensions, so massive in its materials,
so exalted in its height and so perfect in its workmanship that to this day it is
without a rival on earth? How could they know the spherity, rotation, diameter,
density, latitude, poles, land distribution and temperature of the earth, or its
astronomical relations? How could they solve the problem of the squaring of the
circle, calculate the proportions or determine the four cardinal points? How could
they frame charts of history and dispensations, true to fact in every particular, for
the space of four thousand years after their time, and down to the final
consummation? How could they know when the Mosaic economy would start,
how long continue, and in what eventuate? How could they know when
Christianity would be introduced, by what great facts and features it would be
marked, and what would be the characteristics, career and end of the Church of
Christ? How could they know of the grand precessional cycle, the length of its
duration, the number of days in the true year, the mean distance of the sun from
the earth, and the exact positions of the stars at the time the Great Pyramid was
built? How could they devise a standard and system of measures and weights, so
evenly fitted to each other, so beneficently conformed to the common wants of
man, and so perfectly harmonized with all the facts of nature? And how could
they know how to put all these things on record in a single piece of masonry,
without one verbal or pictorial inscription, yet proof against all the ravages and
changes of time, and capable of being read and understood down to the very end?
Men may sneer, but they cannot laugh down this mighty structure, nor
scoff out of it the angles, proportions, measures, nature references and sacred
correspondencies which its Maker gave it. Here they are in all their speaking
significance, stubborn and invincible beyond all power to suppress them.
disciples, who were loudly praising God for the mighty works that
had been done, saying, Blessed be the king that cometh in the name
of the Lord! peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. And when
the Pharisees were urging him to rebuke them, he answered, I tell
you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would
immediately cry out. (`Luke 19:37-40`) And so it is today: while the
King of glory has actually come, and while the great majority of his
professed living witnesses, who should be loudly rejoicing, and
saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord, are
dumb--some from fear of being put out of the synagogue, and some
from drowsy slothfulness, or from the intoxication of worldliness
which keeps them in ignorance of the time of our visitation--lo, the
very stones of this Great Pyramid of Testimony are crying out in no
uncertain tones. Every inch of this massive structure is eloquently
proclaiming the wisdom and power and grace of our God.
Firmly incased in this solid rocky structure, beyond the
power of natures storms or of the ruthless hand of the
destroyer, the outline drawings of Gods great plan have stood
for four thousand years, prepared to give their testimony at the
time appointed, in corroboration of the similarly revealed, but
for ages hidden, testimony of the sure Word of Prophecy. The
testimony of this Witness to the Lord in the land of Egypt, like
that of the written Word, points with solemn and unerring
precision to the final wreck of the old order of things in the Pit
of oblivion, and to the glorious establishment of the new, under
Christ Jesus, the great Chief Corner-stone of Gods eternal
building, in conformity with the lines of whose glorious
character all things worthy of everlasting existence must be
built up under him. Amen! Amen! Thy Kingdom come! Thy
will be done on earth as it is done in heaven!
A Night of Weeping and a Morning of JoyTwo Methods of Seeking
TruthThe Method Herein PursuedScope of the WorkA Difference
Between the Reverent Study of the Scriptures and the Dangerous Habit
of SpeculationThe Object of ProphecyThe Present Religious
Condition of the World Viewed from Two StandpointsEgyptian
DarknessA Bow of PromiseThe Path of the Just ProgressiveCause
of the Great ApostasyThe ReformationThe Same Cause Again
Hinders Real ProgressPerfection of Knowledge Not a Thing of the
Past, but of the Future.
When thus interested in the Lords work, he may serve with the
spirit and with the understanding also; not as a servant merely,
but as a child and heir. Revealing to such what shall be,
counteracts the influence of what now is. The effect of careful
study cannot be otherwise than strengthening to faith and
stimulating to holiness.
In ignorance of Gods plan for the recovery of the world
from sin and its consequences, and under the false idea that the
nominal church, in its present condition, is the sole agency for
its accomplishment, the condition of the world today, after the
Gospel has been preached for nearly nineteen centuries, is such
as to awaken serious doubts in every thoughtful mind so
misinformed. And such doubts are not easily surmounted with
anything short of the truth. In fact, to every thoughtful
observer, one of two things must be apparent: either the church
has made a great mistake in supposing that in the present age,
and in her present condition, her office has been to convert the
world, or else Gods plan has been a miserable failure. Which
horn of the dilemma shall we accept? Many have accepted, and
many more doubtless will accept, the latter, and swell the ranks
of infidelity, either covertly or openly. To assist such as are
honestly falling thus, is one of the objects of this volume.
On page sixteen we present a diagram, published by the
London Missionary Society, and afterward in the United
States by the Womens Presbyterian Board of Missions. It is
termed A Mute Appeal on Behalf of Foreign Missions. It tells
a sad tale of darkness and ignorance of the only name given
under heaven, or among men, whereby we must be saved. The
Watchmanthe Y.M.C.A. journal of Chicagopublished this
same diagram, and commenting on it said: The ideas of some
are very misty and indefinite in regard to the worlds spiritual
condition. We hear of glorious revival work at home and
Exhibiting the Actual and Relative Numbers of Mankind
Classified According to Religion
> >
> > > > > > > > > > >
> >
> >
> > > > > > > > > > >
A A A @ @ A A A
A A A A A A A @ @ A A A A A A A A A A A A
A A A A A A A @ @ A A A A A A A A A A A A
A A A A A A A @ @ A A A A A A A A A A A A
shines more and more--to see not only the present unfoldings of
Gods plan, but also things to come. While it is true that the
path of each individual believer is a shining one, yet the special
application of this statement is to the just (justified) as a class.
Patriarchs, prophets, apostles and saints of the past and present
have walked in its increasing light; and the light will continue
to increase beyond the present--unto the perfect day. It is one
continuous path, and the one continuous and increasing light is
the Divine Record, illuminating as it becomes due.
Therefore, Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous, expecting the
fulfilment of this promise. Many have so little faith that they do
not look for more light, and, because of their unfaithfulness and
unconcern, they are permitted to sit in darkness, when they
might have been walking in the increasing light.
The Spirit of God, given to guide the Church into truth, will
take of the things written and show them unto us; but beyond
what is written we need nothing, for the Holy Scriptures are
able to make wise unto salvation, through faith which is in
Christ Jesus. `2 Tim. 3:15`
While it is still true that darkness covers the earth and
gross darkness the people, the world is not always to remain in
this condition. We are assured that the morning cometh. (`Isa.
21:12`) As now God causes the natural sun to shine upon the
just and the unjust, so the Sun of Righteousness will, in the
Millennial day, shine for the benefit of all the world, and bring
to light the hidden things of darkness. (`1 Cor. 4:5`) It will
dispel the noxious vapors of evil, and bring life, health, peace
and joy. Looking into the past we find that then the light shone
but feebly. Dim and obscure were the promises of past ages.
The promises made to Abraham and others, and typically
represented in the law and ceremonies of fleshly Israel, were
only shadows and gave but a vague idea of Gods wonderful
Evidence Aside from the Bible, Examined in the Light of ReasonAn
Untenable TheoryA Reasonable TheoryThe Character of God
DemonstratedReasonable Deductions.
A Supreme Intelligent
A Supreme Intelligent
which do not now exist, found deep below the earths surface,
favor this theory. This view neither ignores nor rejects the Bible
teaching that man was a direct and perfect creation, made in the
mental and moral image of his Maker, and not a development
by a process of evolution, probably common to the remainder
of creation. This view would in no sense invalidate, but would
support, the Bibles claim, that nature as it is today teaches that
an Intelligent Being ordered it, and was its first cause. Let
human reason do her best to trace known facts to reasonable
and competent causes, giving due credit to natures laws in
every case; but back of all the intricate machinery of nature is
the hand of its great Author, the intelligent, omnipotent God.
We claim, then, that the existence of an Intelligent Creator is
a clearly demonstrated truth, the proof of which lies all around
us: yea, and within us; for we are his workmanship, whose
every power of mind and body speaks of a marvelous skill
beyond our comprehension. And he is also the Designer and
Creator of what we term nature. We claim that he ordered and
established the laws of nature, the beauty and harmony of
whose operation we see and admire. This one whose wisdom
planned and whose power upholds and guides the universe,
whose wisdom and power so immeasurably transcend our
own, we instinctively worship and adore.
To realize the existence of this mighty God is but to dread
his omnipotent strength, unless we can see him possessed of
benevolence and goodness corresponding to his power. Of this
fact we are also fully assured by the same evidence which
proves his existence, power and wisdom. Not only are we
forced to the conclusion that there is a God, and that his power
and wisdom are immeasurably beyond our own, but we are
forced by reason to the conclusion that the grandest thing
created is not superior to its Creator; hence we must conclude
A Supreme Intelligent
A Supreme Intelligent
Of nations, drunken with the wine of blood,
Staggering to take the pledge of brotherhood,
Like tipplers answering Father Mathews call.
Check Bau or Kaiser with a barricade
Of Olive leaves and resolutions made;
Spike guns with pointed Scripture texts, and hope
To capsize navies with a windy trope;
Still shall the glory and the pomp of war
Along their train the shouting millions draw;
Still dusky labor to the parting brave
His cap shall doff and beautys kerchief wave;
Still shall the bard to valor tune his song;
Still hero-worship kneel before the strong;
Rosy and sleek, the sable-gowned divine,
Oer his third bottle of suggestive wine,
To plumed and sworded auditors shall prove
Their trade accordant with the law of love;
And Church for State, and State for Church shall fight,
And both agree that might alone is right.
Despite the sneers like these, O faithful few,
Who dare to hold Gods Word and witness true,
Whose clear-eyed faith transcends our evil time,
And oer the present wilderness of crime
Sees the calm future with its robes of green,
Its fleece-flecked mountains, and soft streams between,
Still keep the track which duty bids ye tread,
Though worldly wisdom shake the cautious head.
No truth from heaven descends upon our sphere
Without the greeting of the skeptics sneer:
Denied, and mocked at, till its blessings fall
Common as dew and sunshine over all.
The Claims of the Bible and its Surface Evidence of CredibilityIts
Antiquity and PreservationIts Moral InfluenceMotives of the
WritersGeneral Character of the WritingsThe Books of MosesThe
Law of MosesPeculiarities of the Government Instituted by MosesIt
was not a System of PriestcraftInstructions to Civil RulersRich and
Poor on a Common Level Before the LawSafeguards Against
Tampering With the Rights of the PeopleThe Priesthood Not a
Favored Class, How Supported, etc.Oppression of Foreigners,
Widows, Orphans and Servants Guarded AgainstThe Prophets of the
BibleIs There a Common Bond of Union Between the Law, the
Prophets and the New Testament Writers?Miracles Not
UnreasonableThe Reasonable Conclusion.
A Divine Revelation
A Divine Revelation
mind, and furnished in every case a reason for their faith and
hope; and they were perseveringly faithful to those reasonable
And what we have here noticed is likewise applicable to the
various writers of the Old Testament. They were, in the main,
men notable for their fidelity to the Lord; and this history as
impartially records and reproves their weaknesses and
shortcomings as it commends their virtues and faithfulness.
This must astonish those who presume the Bible to be a
manufactured history, designed to awe men into reverence of a
religious system. There is a straightforwardness about the Bible
that stamps it as truth. Knaves, desirous of representing a man
as great, and especially if desirous of presenting some of his
writings as inspired of God, would undoubtedly paint such a
ones character blameless and noble to the last degree. The fact
that such a course has not been pursued in the Bible is reasonable
evidence that it was not fraudulently gotten up to deceive.
Having, then, reason to expect a revelation of Gods will and
plan, and having found that the Bible, which claims to be that
revelation, was written by men whose motives we see no
reason to impugn, but which, on the contrary, we see reason to
approve, let us examine the character of the writings claimed as
inspired, to see whether their teachings correspond with the
character we have reasonably imputed to God, and whether they
bear internal evidence of their truthfulness.
The first five books of the New Testament and several of
the Old Testament are narratives or histories of facts known to
the writers and vouched for by their characters. It is manifest to
all that it did not require a special revelation simply to tell the
truth with reference to matters with which they were intimately
and fully acquainted. Yet, since God desired to make a
revelation to men, the fact that these histories of passing events
A Divine Revelation
A Divine Revelation
A Divine Revelation
imposing upon their credulity and exciting their fears for their
own honor and profit. But hold, friend; let us not too hastily
assume anything.
Where there is such good opportunity for testing this
matter by the facts, it would not be reasonable to jump to
conclusions without the facts. The unanswerable evidences are
contrary to such suppositions. The rights and the privileges of
the priests were limited; they were given no civil power
whatever, and wholly lacked opportunity for using their office
to impose upon the rights or consciences of the people; and this
arrangement was made by Moses, a member of the priestly line.
As Gods representative in bringing Israel out of Egyptian
bondage, the force of circumstances had centralized the government
in his hand, and made the meek Moses an autocrat in power and
authority, though from the meekness of his disposition he was in
fact the overworked servant of the people, whose very life was being
exhausted by the onerous cares of his position. At this juncture a
civil government was established, which was virtually a democracy.
Let us not be misunderstood: Regarded as unbelievers would
esteem it, Israels government was a democracy, but regarded in the
light of its own claims, it was a theocracy, i.e., a divine government;
for the laws given by God, through Moses, permitted of no
amendments: they must neither add to nor take from their code of
laws. Thus seen, Israels government was different from any
other civil government, either before or since. The Lord said
unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel,
whom thou knowest to be elders of the people and officers over
them; and bring them unto the Tabernacle of the congregation,
that they may stand there with thee. And I will come down and
talk with thee there, and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee
and will put it upon them, and they shall bear the burden of the
people with thee, that thou bear it not alone. (`Num. 11:16, 17`.
See also verses `24` to `30` for an example of true and guileless
statesmanship and meekness.) Moses, rehearsing this matter,
says: So I took the chief of your tribes, wise men, and known
[of influence], and made them heads over you: captains over
thousands, and captains over hundreds, and captains over
fifties, and captains over tens, and officers among your tribes.
`Deut. 1:15`; `Exod. 18:13-26`
Thus it appears that this distinguished lawgiver, so far from
seeking to perpetuate or increase his own power by placing the
government of the people under the control of his direct relatives, of
the priestly tribe, to use their religious authority to fetter the rights
and liberties of the people, on the contrary introduced to the people
a form of government calculated to cultivate the spirit of liberty. The
histories of other nations and rulers show no parallel to this. In every
case the ruler has sought his own aggrandizement and greater
power. Even in instances where such have aided in establishing
republics, it has appeared from subsequent events that they did it
through policy, to obtain favor with the people, and to perpetuate
their own power. Circumstanced as Moses was, any ambitious
man, governed by policy and attempting to perpetuate a fraud
upon the people, would have worked for greater centralization
of power in himself and his family; especially as this would
have seemed an easy task from the religious authority being
already in that tribe, and from the claim of this nation to be
governed by God, from the Tabernacle. Nor is it supposable
that a man capable of forming such laws, and of ruling such a
people, would be so dull of comprehension as not to see what
the tendency of his course would be. So completely was the
government of the people put into their own hands, that
though it was stipulated that the weightier cases which those
governors could not decide were to be brought unto Moses, yet
they themselves were the judges as to what cases went before
A Divine Revelation
Moses: The cause which is too hard for you, bring it unto me,
and I will hear it. `Deut. 1:17`
Thus seen, Israel was a republic whose officers acted under
a divine commission. And to the confusion of those who
ignorantly claim that the Bible sanctions an established empire
rule over the people, instead of a government of the people by
the people, be it noted that this republican form of civil
government continued for over four hundred years. And it was
then changed for that of a kingdom at the request of The
Elders, without the Lords approval, who said to Samuel, then
acting as a sort of informal president, Hearken unto the voice
of the people in all that they shall say unto thee, for they have
not rejected thee, but they have rejected Me, that I should not
reign over them. At Gods instance Samuel explained to the
people how their rights and liberties would be disregarded, and
how they would become servants by such a change; yet they
had become infatuated with the popular idea, illustrated all
around them in other nations. (`1 Sam. 8:6-22`) In considering
this account of their desire for a king, who is not impressed with
the thought that Moses could have firmly established himself at
the head of a great empire without difficulty?
While Israel as a whole constituted one nation, yet the tribal
division was ever recognized after Jacobs death. Each family,
or tribe, by common consent, elected or recognized certain
members as its representatives, or chiefs. This custom was
continued even through their long slavery in Egypt. These were
called chiefs or elders, and it was to these that Moses delivered
the honor and power of civil government; whereas, had he
desired to centralize power in himself and his own family, these
would have been the last men to honor with power and office.
The instructions given those appointed to civil rulership as
from God are a model of simplicity and purity. Moses declares
A Divine Revelation
A Divine Revelation
his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it, for he is poor,
and setteth his heart upon it; lest he cry against thee unto the
Lord and it be sin unto thee. (`Lev. 19:13`; `Deut. 24:14,15`;
`Exod. 21:26,27`) Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head and
honor the face of the old man. (`Lev. 19:32`. See also `Lev.
19:14`.) All this, yet nothing special for Priests, or Levites, or
their tithes.
The sanitary arrangements of the law, so needful to a poor
and long-oppressed people, together with the arrangements
and limitations respecting clean and unclean animals which
might or might not be eaten, are remarkable, and would, with
other features, be of interest if space permitted their
examination, as showing that law to have been abreast with, if
not in advance of, the latest conclusions of medical science on
the subject. The law of Moses had also a typical character,
which we must leave for future consideration; but even our
hasty glance has furnished overwhelming evidence that this
law, which constitutes the very framework of the entire system
of revealed religion, which the remainder of the Bible
elaborates, is truly a marvelous display of wisdom and justice,
especially when its date is taken into consideration.
In the light of reason, all must admit that it bears no
evidence of being the work of wicked, designing men, but that
it corresponds exactly with what nature teaches to be the
character of God. It gives evidence of his Wisdom, Justice and
Love. And further, the evidently pious and noble lawgiver,
Moses, denies that the laws were his own, and attributes them
to God. (`Exod. 24:12`; `Deut. 9:9-11`; `Exod. 26:30`; `Lev. 1:1`) In
view of his general character, and his commands to the people
not to bear false witness, and to avoid hypocrisy and lying, is it
reasonable to suppose that such a man bore false witness and
palmed off his own views and laws for those of God? It should
A Divine Revelation
violation of the law to reprove the sinner. (`Lev. 19:17`) Thus all
had the authority to teach and reprove; but since, as in our own
day, the majority were absorbed in the cares of business, and
became indifferent and irreligious, the few comparatively
fulfilled this requirement by reproving sin and exhorting to
godliness; and these preachers are termed prophets in both
the Old and New Testaments. The term prophet, as generally
used, signifies public expounder, and the public teachers of
idolatry were also so called; for instance, the prophets of Baal,
etc. See `1 Cor. 14:1-6`; `2 Pet. 2:1`; `Matt. 7:15; 14:5`; `Neh. 6:7`;
`1 Kings 18:40`; `Titus 1:12`.
Prophesying, in the ordinary sense of teaching, afterward
became popular with a certain class, and degenerated into
Phariseeism--teaching, instead of Gods commandments, the
traditions of the ancients, thereby opposing the truth and
becoming false prophets, or false teachers. `Matt. 15:2-9`
Out of the large class called prophets, Jehovah at various
times made choice of some whom he specially commissioned to
deliver messages, relating sometimes to things then at hand, at
other times to future events. It is to the writings of this class,
who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the holy Spirit,
that we are now giving attention. They might with propriety be
A Divine Revelation
the men who filled it), it becomes evident that we could not
reasonably decide that these prophets were parties to any
league of priests, or others, to fabricate falsehood in the name of
God. Reason in the light of facts contradicts such a suspicion.
If, then, we find no reason to impeach the motives of the
various writers of the Bible, but find that the spirit of its various
parts is righteousness and truth, let us next proceed to inquire
whether there exists any link, or bond of union, between the
records of Moses, those of the other prophets, and those of the
New Testament writers. If we shall find one common line of
thought interwoven throughout the Law and the Prophets and
the New Testament writings, which cover a period of fifteen
hundred years, this, taken in connection with the character of
the writers, will be a good reason for admitting their claim--that
they are divinely inspired --particularly if the theme common to
all of them is a grand and noble one, comporting well with
what sanctified common sense teaches regarding the character
and attributes of God.
This we do find: One plan, spirit, aim and purpose
pervades the entire book. Its opening pages record the creation
and fall of man; its closing pages tell of mans recovery from
that fall; and its intervening pages show the successive steps of
the plan of God for the accomplishment of this purpose. The
harmony, yet contrast, of the first three and the last three
chapters of the Bible is striking. The one describes the first
creation, the other the renewed or restored creation, with sin
and its penal-curse removed; the one shows Satan and evil
entering the world to deceive and destroy, the other shows his
work undone, the destroyed ones restored, evil extinguished
and Satan destroyed; the one shows the dominion lost by
Adam, the other shows it restored and forever established by
Christ, and Gods will done in earth as in heaven; the one shows
A Divine Revelation
A Divine Revelation
A Divine Revelation
A Divine Revelation
Gods Plan Definite and SystematicThree Great Epochs of the Worlds
HistoryTheir Distinctive FeaturesThe Earth Abideth ForeverThe
World to Come, the New Heavens and EarthSubdivisions of These Great
EpochsThe Important Features of Gods Plan thus Brought to ViewOrder
Recognized Discloses HarmonyRightly Dividing the Word of Truth.
with men may appear, those who believe this testimony of his
Word must acknowledge that his original and unalterable plan
has been, and still is, progressing systematically to completion.
While the mass of mankind, groping in the darkness of
ignorance, must await the actual developments of Gods plan,
before they can realize the glorious character of the Divine
Architect, it is the privilege of the child of God to see by faith
and the light of his lamp the foretold glories of the future, and
thereby to appreciate the otherwise mysterious dealings of the
past and the present. Therefore, as interested sons of God, and
heirs of a promised inheritance, we apply to our Fathers Word,
that we may understand his purposes from the plans and
specifications therein given. There we learn that the plan of
God, with reference to man, spans three great periods of time,
beginning with mans creation and reaching into the illimitable
future. Peter and Paul designate these periods three worlds,
which we represent in the following diagram.
Great Epochs Called Worlds
age there have been many seducing deceptions, and we are told
that even in the very end of the age--In the last days...evil men
and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being
deceived. (`2 Tim. 3:1,13`) It will be as the result of Messiahs
reign during the Millennial age that knowledge and
righteousness shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
A similar mistake, and a very common one, is to suppose
that Gods kingdom is now established and ruling over the
earth, and that his will is now done among the nations. This is
manifestly far from the truth, for the kingdoms of this world are
supported and enriched through oppression, injustice and
deceit, to as great an extent as the increasing intelligence of the
people will permit. Satan, the present prince of this world,
must yet be displaced, and these kingdoms, now under his
control, must become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his
Anointed, when he shall take unto himself his great power, and
By the light now due to the household of faith, we discern
that system and order which mark the stately steppings of our
God through the ages past, and we are forcibly reminded of the
beautiful lines of Cowper, inspired by a living faith, which
trusted where it could not trace the Almighty Jehovah:
SAINTS`Col. 1:26`
The Glimmering Light of the First PromiseThe Promise to Abraham
Hope DeferredThe Mystery Begins to Unravel at PentecostWhat the
Mystery IsWhy So Long Kept a MysteryStill a Mystery to the
WorldIn Due Time to be Made Manifest to AllWhen the Mystery
Will be Finished.
God at the first did visit the Gentiles to take out of them a
people for his name [a bride]. And to this agree the words of
the prophets, as it is written, After this [after this people from
the Gentiles has been taken out] I will return, and will build
again the tabernacle of David [the earthly dominion] which is
fallen down, and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will
set it up. `Acts 15:14-16`
James began to read in Gods providence, in the sending of
the Gospel through Peter to the first Gentile convert and
through Paul to Gentiles in general, that during this age
believing Jews and Gentiles were to be alike favored. He then
looked up the prophecies and found it so written; and that after
the work of this Gospel age is completed, then the promises to
fleshly Israel will be fulfilled. Gradually the great mystery, so
long hidden, began to be understood by a few--the saints, the
special friends of God.
Paul declares (`Col. 1:27`) that this mystery which hath been
hid from ages and from generations, now made manifest to his
saints, is:
Christ in You, the Hope of Glory.
This is the great mystery of God which has been hidden
from all previous ages, and is still hidden from all except a
special class--the saints, or consecrated believers. But what is
meant by Christ in you? We have learned that Jesus was
anointed with the holy Spirit (`Acts 10:38`), and thus we
recognize him to be the Christ--the anointed--for the word
Christ signifies anointed. And the Apostle John says that the
anointing which we (consecrated believers) have received abideth
in us. (`1 John 2:27`) Thus the saints of this Gospel age are an
anointed company--anointed to be kings and priests unto God
(`2 Cor. 1:21`; `1 Peter 2:9`); and together with Jesus, their chief
Jesus, the perfect one, has been highly exalted, and now we
present ourselves to him that we may be formed and shaped
according to his example, and that we may be built up as a
building of God. In an ordinary building there is no chief
corner-stone; but in our building there is one chief corner-stone,
the top-stone, as it is written: Behold, I lay in Zion a chief
corner-stone, elect, precious--to whom coming as unto a living also as lively [living] stones are built up a spiritual
house, a holy priesthood, to offer up * sacrifices acceptable to
God by Jesus Christ. (`1 Pet. 2:4-6`) And very soon, we trust,
the union between Jesus, the Head, and the Church, which is
his body, will be complete.
And, dearly beloved, many blows and much polishing
must we endure--much transforming must we undergo, and
much conforming to his example, under the direction of the
great Master-builder; and in order to have the ability and
ideality of the builder displayed in us, we will need to see that
we have no cross-grained will of our own to oppose or thwart
the accomplishment of His will in us; we must be very childlike
and humble--clothed with humility; for God resisteth the
proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
* Sinaitic MS. omits spiritual before sacrifices.
glad, and rejoice, and give honor to God, for the marriage of the
Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. (`Rev.
19:7`) They will rejoice in the glorification of the Church,
through which blessings will then be flowing to them; and
while they will realize that the exceeding great and precious
promises inherited by the Anointed (head and body) are not
for them, but are fulfilled upon us, they will be blessed by the
lesson illustrated in the Church; and while they run for the
blessings then held out to them, they will profit by the example of
the Church, and glorify God on her behalf. But this knowledge
will not bring covetousness; for under the new order of things
their calling to perfect human nature will fully satisfy them, and
will seem more desirable to them than a change of nature.
Then the mystery will have ended; for the world will have
come to see that it was the spirit of God in Christ, and the spirit
of Christ in us--God manifested in the flesh-- which they had
hitherto misunderstood. Then they will see that we were not
mad, nor fools; but that we chose the better part when we ran
for the riches, honors and crown, unseen by them, but eternal.
In point of time, the mystery of God will be finished during
the period of the sounding of the seventh [symbolic] trumpet.
(`Rev. 10:7`) This applies to the mystery in both senses in which it
is used: the mystery or secret features of Gods plan will then be
made known and will be clearly seen; and also the mystery of
God, the Church, the embodiment of that plan. Both will then be
finished. The secret, hidden plan will have sought out the full,
complete number of the members of the body of Christ, and
hence it, the BODY OF CHRIST, will be finished. The plan will
cease to be a mystery, because there will be no further object in
perpetuating its secrecy. The greatness of the mystery, so long
kept secret, and hidden in promises, types and figures, and the
wonderful grace bestowed on those called to fellowship in this
Our Lords Second Advent Personal and Pre-MillennialIts Relationship
to the First AdventThe Selection of the Church and the Conversion of
the WorldElection and Free GracePrisoners of HopeProphetic
Testimony regarding RestitutionOur Lords Return Manifestly the
Hope of the Church and the World.
that was dead and is alive speaks of the event as yet future,
saying: Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me.
And the inspired John replies, Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
`Rev. 22:12,20`
Quite a number think that when sinners are converted that
forms a part of the coming of Christ, and that so he will
continue coming until all the world is converted. Then, say
they, he will have fully come.
These evidently forget the testimony of the Scriptures on
the subject, which declares the reverse of their expectation: that
at the time of our Lords second coming the world will be far
from converted to God; that In the last days perilous times
shall come, for men shall be lovers of pleasure more than lovers
of God (`2 Tim. 3:1-4`); that Evil men and seducers shall wax
worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (`Verse 13`)
They forget the Masters special warning to his little flock: Take
heed to yourselves lest that day come upon you unawares, for
as a snare shall it come on all them [not taking heed] that dwell
on the face of the whole earth. (`Luke 21:34,35`) Again, we may
rest assured that when it is said, All kindreds of the earth shall
wail because of him, when they see him coming (`Rev. 1:7`), no
reference is made to the conversion of sinners. Do all men wail
because of the conversion of sinners? On the contrary, if this
passage refers, as almost all admit, to Christs presence on
earth, it teaches that all on earth will not love his appearing, as
they certainly would do if all were converted.
Some expect an actual coming and presence of the Lord, but
set the time of the event a long way off, claiming that through
the efforts of the Church in its present condition the world must
be converted, and thus the Millennial age be introduced. They
claim that when the world has been converted, and Satan
bound, and the knowledge of the Lord caused to fill the whole
earth, and when the nations learn war no more, then the work
of the Church in her present condition will be ended; and that
when she has accomplished this great and difficult task, the
Lord will come to wind up earthly affairs, reward believers and
condemn sinners.
Some scriptures, taken disconnectedly, seem to favor this
view; but when Gods Word and plan are viewed as a whole,
these will all be found to favor the opposite view, viz.: that
Christ comes before the conversion of the world, and reigns for
the purpose of converting the world; that the Church is now
being tried, and that the reward promised the overcomers is
that after being glorified they shall share with the Lord Jesus in
that reign, which is Gods appointed means of blessing the
world and causing the knowledge of the Lord to come to every
creature. Such are the Lords special promises: To him that
overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne. (`Rev.
3:21`) And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand
years. `Rev. 20:4`
There are two texts chiefly relied upon by those who claim
that the Lord will not come until after the Millennium, to which
we would here call attention. One is, This gospel of the
Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto
all nations; and then shall the end come. (`Matt. 24:14`) They
claim this as having reference to the conversion of the world
before the end of the Gospel age. But witnessing to the world
does not imply the conversion of the world. The text says
nothing about how the testimony will be received. This witness
has already been given. In 1861 the reports of the Bible Societies
showed that the Gospel had been published in every language
of earth, though not all of earths millions had received it. No,
not one half of the sixteen hundred millions living have ever
heard the name of Jesus. Yet the condition of the text is fulfilled:
the gospel has been preached in all the world for a witness--to
every nation.
The Apostle (`Acts 15:14`) tells that the main object of the
gospel in the present age is to take out a people for Christs
name--the overcoming Church, which, at his second advent,
will be united to him and receive his name. The witnessing to
the world during this age is a secondary object.
The other text is, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make
thine enemies thy footstool. (`Psa. 110:1`) The vague, indefinite
idea regarding this text seems to be that Christ sits on a material
throne somewhere in the heavens until the work of subduing
all things is accomplished for him through the Church, and that
then he comes to reign. This is a misconception. The throne of
God referred to is not a material one, but refers to his supreme
authority and rulership; and the Lord Jesus has been exalted to
a share in that rulership. Paul declares, God hath highly
exalted him [Jesus] and given him a name above every name.
He hath given him authority above every other, next to the
Father. If Christ sits upon a material throne until his enemies
are made his footstool [all subdued], then of course he cannot
come until all things are subdued. But if right hand in this text
refers, not to a fixed locality and bench, but, as we claim, to
power, authority, rulership, it follows that the text under
consideration would in no wise conflict with the other scripture
which teaches that he comes to subdue all things unto himself
(`Phil. 3:21`), by virtue of the power vested in him. To illustrate:
Emperor William is on the throne of Germany, we say, yet we
do not refer to the royal bench, and as a matter of fact he
seldom occupies it. When we say that he is on the throne, we
mean that he rules Germany. Right hand signifies the chief
place, position of excellence or favor, next to the chief ruler.
Thus Prince Bismarck was exalted or seated at the right hand of
blessing of all, is for the trial and selection of the Church, which
is the body of Christ; otherwise there would have been only the
one advent, and the work which will be done during the period
of his second presence, in the Millennium, would have followed
the resurrection of Jesus. Or, instead of saying that the work of
the second advent would have followed at once the work of the
first, let us say rather that had Jehovah not purposed the
selection of the little flock, the body of Christ, the first
advent would not have taken place when it did, but would
have occurred at the time of the second advent, and there
would have been but the one. For God has evidently designed
the permission of evil for six thousand years, as well as that the
cleansing and restitution of all shall be accomplished during the
seventh thousand.
Thus seen, the coming of Jesus, as the sacrifice and ransom
for sinners, was just long enough in advance of the blessing and
restoring time to allow for the selection of his little flock of
joint-heirs. This will account to some for the apparent delay
on Gods part in giving the blessings promised, and provided
for, in the ransom. The blessings will come in due time, as at
first planned, though, for a glorious purpose, the price was
provided longer beforehand than men would have expected.
The Apostle informs us that Jesus has been absent from
earth--in the heaven--during all the intervening time from his
ascension to the beginning of the times of restitution, or the
Millennial age--whom the heaven must retain until the times of
restitution of all things, etc. (`Acts 3:21`) Since the Scriptures
thus teach that the object of our Lords second advent is the
restitution of all things, and that at the time of his appearing the
nations are so far from being converted as to be angry (`Rev.
11:18`) and in opposition, it must be admitted either that the
Church will fail to accomplish her mission, and that the plan of
open the one, only door, and proclaims that whosoever will
may enter into life; and it shows that all who do not now see or
appreciate the blessed privilege of entering shall in due time be
brought to a full knowledge and appreciation. The only way, by
which any and all of the condemned race may come to God, is
not by meritorious works, neither by ignorance, but by faith in
the precious blood of Christ, which taketh away the sin of the
world. (`1 Peter 1:19`; `John 1:29`) This is the Gospel, the good
tidings of great joy, which shall be unto ALL PEOPLE.
Suppose we now look at these things just as God tells us of
them, and leave the clearing of his character to himself. Let us
inquire, What has become of the one hundred and forty-two
Whatever may have become of them, we may be sure they
are not now in a condition of suffering; because, not only do the
Scriptures teach that full and complete reward is not given to
the Church until Christ comes, when he shall reward every man
(`Matt. 16:27`), but that the unjust are to receive their
punishment then also. Whatever may be their present
condition, it cannot be their full reward; for Peter says, The
Lord knoweth how to reserve the unjust unto the day of
judgment to be punished (`2 Peter 2:9`); and he will do so.
But the thought that so many of our fellow creatures should
at any time be lost from lack of having had the knowledge
which is necessary to salvation would be sad indeed to all who
have a spark of love or pity. Then, too, there are numerous
scriptures which it seems impossible to harmonize with all this.
Let us see: In the light of the past and the present as the only
opportunities, laying aside all hope through a restitution in the
coming age, how shall we understand the statements, God is
love, and God so loved the world that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not
perish? (`1 John 4:8`; `John 3:16`) Would it not seem that if God
loved the world so much he might have made provision, not
only that believers might be saved, but also that all might hear
in order to believe?
Again, when we read, That was the true light that lighteth
every man that cometh into the world (`John 1:9`), our
observation says, Not so; every man has not been enlightened;
we cannot see that our Lord has lighted more than a few of
earths billions. Even in this comparatively enlightened day,
millions of heathen give no evidence of such enlightenment;
neither did the Sodomites, nor multitudes of others in past ages.
We read that Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death
for every man. (`Heb. 2:9`) But if he tasted death for the one
hundred and forty-three billions, and from any cause that
sacrifice becomes efficacious to only one billion, was not the
redemption comparatively a failure? And in that case, is not the
Apostles statement too broad? When again we read, Behold, I
bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to ALL
PEOPLE (`Luke 2:10`), and, looking about us, see that it is only
to a little flock that it has been good tidings, and not to all
people, we would be compelled to wonder whether the angels
had not overstated the goodness and breadth of their message,
and overrated the importance of the work to be accomplished
by the Messiah whom they announced.
Another statement is, There is one God, and one Mediator
between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself
a ransom for all. (`1 Tim. 2:5,6`) A ransom for all?
Then why should not all involved have some benefit from
Christs death? Why should not all come to a knowledge of the
truth, that they may believe?
Without the key, how dark, how inconsistent, these
statements appear; but when we find the key to Gods plan,
these texts all declare with one voice, God is love. This key is
found in the latter part of the text last quoted--Who gave
himself a ransom for all, TO BE TESTIFIED IN DUE TIME.
God has a due time for everything. He could have testified it to
these in their past lifetime; but since he did not, it proves that
their due time must be future. For those who will be of the
Church, the bride of Christ, and share the kingdom honors, the
present is the due time to hear; and whosoever now has an
ear to hear, let him hear and heed, and he will be blessed
accordingly. Though Jesus paid our ransom before we were
born, it was not our due time to hear of it for long years
afterward, and only the appreciation of it brought
responsibility; and this, only to the extent of our ability and
appreciation. The same principle applies to all: in Gods due
time it will be testified to all, and all will then have opportunity
to believe and to be blessed by it.
The prevailing opinion is that death ends all probation; but
there is no scripture which so teaches; and all the above, and many
more scriptures, would be meaningless, or worse, if death ends all
hope for the ignorant masses of the world. The one scripture
quoted to prove this generally entertained view is, Where the tree
falleth, there it shall be. (`Eccl. 11:3`) If this has any relation to
mans future, it indicates that whatever his condition when he
enters the tomb, no change takes place until he is awakened out of
it. And this is the uniform teaching of all scriptures bearing on the
subject, as will be shown in succeeding chapters. Since God does
not propose to save men on account of ignorance, but will have all
men to come unto the knowledge of the truth (`1 Tim. 2:4`); and
since the masses of mankind have died in ignorance; and since
there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the
grave (`Eccl. 9:10`); therefore God has prepared for the awakening
of the dead, in order to knowledge, faith and salvation. Hence his
plan is, that as all in Adam die, even so all in Christ shall be
made alive, but each one in his own order--the Gospel Church,
the Bride, the body of Christ, first; afterward, during the
Millennial age, all who shall become his during that thousand
years of his presence (mistranslated coming), the Lords due time
for all to know him, from the least to the greatest. `1 Cor. 15:22`
As death came by the first Adam, so life comes by Christ,
the second Adam. Everything that mankind lost through being
in the first Adam is to be restored to those who believe into the
second Adam. When awakened, with the advantage of
experience with evil, which Adam lacked, those who thankfully
accept the redemption as Gods gift may continue to live
everlastingly on the original condition of obedience. Perfect
obedience will be required, and perfect ability to obey will be
given, under the righteous reign of the Prince of Peace. Here is
the salvation offered to the world.
Let us now consider another text which is generally ignored
except by Universalists; for, although we are not Universalists,
we claim the right to use, and believe, and rejoice in, every
testimony of Gods Word. It reads, We trust in the living God,
who is the Savior of all men, specially of those that believe. (`1
Tim. 4:10`) God will save all men, but will not specially (to the
uttermost) save any except those who come unto him through
Christ. Gods arbitrary salvation of all men is not such as will
conflict with their freedom of will, or their liberty of choice, to
give them life against their wills: I have set before you, this
day, life and death; choose life, that ye may live.
Simeon contrasted these two salvations, saying, Mine eyes
have seen thy salvation,...a light to lighten the nations, and the
glory of thy people, Israel[ites indeed]. This is in harmony with
the declaration of the Apostle, that the fact that Jesus Christ, the
Mediator, gave himself a ransom for all is to be testified to all IN
DUE TIME. This is that which shall come to all men, regardless
of faith or will on their part. This good tidings of a Savior shall be
to all people (`Luke 2:10,11`), but the special salvation from sin
and death will come only to his people (`Matt. 1:21`)--those who
believe into him--for we read that the wrath of God continues to
abide on the unbeliever. `John 3:36`
We see, then, that the general salvation, which will come to
every individual, consists of light from the true light, and an
opportunity to choose life; and, as the great majority of the race
is in the tomb, it will be necessary to bring them forth from the
grave in order to testify to them the good tidings of a Savior;
also that the special salvation which believers now enjoy in
hope (`Rom. 8:24`), and the reality of which will, in the
Millennial age, be revealed, also, to those who believe in that
day, is a full release from the thraldom of sin, and the
corruption of death, into the glorious liberty of children of God.
But attainment to all these blessings will depend upon hearty
compliance with the laws of Christs Kingdom--the rapidity of
the attainment to perfection indicating the degree of love for the
King and for his law of love. If any, enlightened by the Truth,
and brought to a knowledge of the love of God, and restored
(either actually or reckonedly) to human perfection, become
fearful, and draw back (`Heb. 10:38,39`), they, with the
unbelievers (`Rev. 21:8`), will be destroyed from among the
people. (`Acts 3:23`) This is the second death.
Thus we see that all these hitherto difficult texts are
explained by the statement--to be testified in due time. In due
time, that true light shall lighten every man that has come into
the world. In due time, it shall be good tidings of great joy to all
people. And in no other way can these scriptures be used
without wresting. Paul carries out this line of argument with
emphasis in `Rom. 5:18,19`. He reasons that, as all men were
not righteous, but neither was Israel, nor were we who now
hear the gospel. There is none righteous; no, not one, aside
from the imputed righteousness of Christ, who died for all. Our
Lords own words tell us that although God rained down fire
from heaven and destroyed them all because of their
wickedness, yet the Sodomites were not so great sinners in his
sight as were the Jews, who had more knowledge. (`Gen. 19:24`;
`Luke 17:29`) Unto the Jews of Capernaum he said, If the
mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in
Sodom, it would have remained until this day. `Matt. 11:23`
Thus our Lord teaches that the Sodomites did not have a
full opportunity; and he guarantees them such opportunity
when he adds (`verse 24`), But I say unto you, that it shall be
more tolerable for the land of Sodom, in the day of judgment,
than for thee. The character of the Day of Judgment and its
work will be shown in succeeding pages. Here we merely call
attention to the fact that it will be a tolerable time for
Capernaum, and yet more tolerable for Sodom; because, though
neither had yet had full knowledge, nor all the blessings
designed to come through the Seed, yet Capernaum had
sinned against more light.
And if Capernaum and all Israel are to be remembered and
blessed under the New Covenant, sealed by the blood of
Jesus, why should not the Sodomites also be blessed among all
the families of the earth? They assuredly will be. And let it be
remembered that since God rained down fire from heaven and
destroyed them all many centuries before Jesus day, when their
restoration is spoken of, it implies their awakening, their
coming from the tomb. Let us now examine the prophecy of
`Ezekiel 16:48-63`. Read it carefully. God here speaks of Israel,
and compares her with her neighbor, Samaria, and also with
the Sodomites, of whom he says, I took them away as I saw
for them alone; but when the due time came and the Gentiles
were favored, the remnant of Israel, whose hearts were large
enough to rejoice in this wider evidence of Gods grace, shared
that increased favor, while the rest were blinded by prejudice
and human tradition. Let those of the Church who now see the
dawning light of the Millennial age, with its gracious
advantages for all the world, take heed lest they be found in
opposition to the advancing light, and so for a time be blinded
to its glory and blessings.
How different is this glorious plan of God for the selection
of a few now, in order to the blessing of the many hereafter,
from the distortions of these truths, as represented by the two
opposing views--Calvinism and Arminianism. The former both
denies the Bible doctrine of Free Grace and miserably distorts
the glorious doctrine of Election; the latter denies the doctrine
of Election and fails to comprehend the blessed fulness of Gods
Free Grace.
Calvinism says: God is all-wise; he knew the end from the
beginning; and as all his purposes shall be accomplished, he
never could have intended to save any but a few, the Church.
These he elected and foreordained to be eternally saved; all
others were equally foreordained and elected to go to eternal
torment; for Known unto God are all his works from the
beginning of the world.
This view has its good features. It recognizes Gods
omniscience. This would be our ideal of a great God, were it not
that two essential qualities of greatness are lacking, namely,
love and justice, neither of which is exemplified in bringing into
the world one hundred and forty-two billions of creatures
doomed to eternal torture before they were born, and mocked
with protestations of his love. Since God is love, and justice is
the foundation of his throne, such cannot be his character.
and it was done; he commanded and it stood fast. But no: God
was not surprised nor overtaken by the adversary; neither has
Satan in any measure thwarted his plans. God is, and always
has been, perfect master of the situation, and in the end it will
be seen that all has been working together to the
accomplishment of his purposes.
While the doctrines of election and free grace, as taught by
Calvinism and Arminianism, could never be harmonized with
each other, with reason, or with the Bible, yet these two
glorious Bible doctrines are perfectly harmonious and beautiful,
seen from the standpoint of the plan of the ages.
Seeing, then, that so many of the great and glorious features
of Gods plan for human salvation from sin and death lie in the
future, and that the second advent of our Lord Jesus is the
designed first step in the accomplishment of those long
promised and long expected blessings, shall we not even more
earnestly long for the time of his second advent than the less
informed Jew looked and longed for his first advent? Seeing
that the time of evil, injustice and death is to be brought to an
end by the dominion of power which he will then exercise, and
that righteousness, truth and peace are to be universal, who
should not rejoice to see his day? And who that is now
suffering with Christ, inspired by the precious promise that if
we suffer with him we shall also reign with him, will not lift
up his head and rejoice at any evidence of the approach of the
Master, knowing thereby that our deliverance and our
glorification with him draw nigh? Surely all in sympathy with
his mission of blessing and his spirit of love will hail every
evidence of his coming as the approach of the great joy which
shall be to all people.
Why Evil was PermittedRight and Wrong as PrinciplesThe Moral
SenseGod Permitted Evil, and will Overrule it for GoodGod not the
Author of SinAdams Trial not a FarceHis Temptation SevereHe
Sinned WilfullyThe Penalty of Sin not Unjust, nor Too SevereThe
Wisdom, Love and Justice Displayed in Condemning All in Adam
Gods Law Universal.
extent, by sin and its entailments, so that sin is now more easy
and therefore more agreeable to the fallen race than is
That God could have given Adam such a vivid impression
of the many evil results of sin as would have deterred him from
it, we need not question, but we believe that God foresaw that
an actual experience of the evil would be the surest and most
lasting lesson to serve man eternally; and for that reason God
did not prevent but permitted man to take his choice, and to
feel the consequences of evil. Had opportunity to sin never
been permitted, man could not have resisted it, consequently
there would have been neither virtue nor merit in his rightdoing. God seeketh such to worship him as worship in spirit
and in truth. He desires intelligent and willing obedience,
rather than ignorant, mechanical service. He already had in
operation inanimate mechanical agencies accomplishing his
will, but his design was to make a nobler thing, an intelligent
creature in his own likeness, a lord for earth, whose loyalty and
righteousness would be based upon an appreciation of right
and wrong, of good and evil.
The principles of right and wrong, as principles, have
always existed, and must always exist; and all perfect,
intelligent creatures in Gods likeness must be free to choose
either, though the right principle only will forever continue to
be active. The Scriptures inform us that when the activity of the
evil principle has been permitted long enough to accomplish
Gods purpose, it will forever cease to be active, and that all
who continue to submit to its control shall forever cease to exist.
(`1 Cor. 15:25,26`; `Heb. 2:14`) Right-doing and right-doers,
only, shall continue forever.
But the question recurs in another form: Could not man
have been made acquainted with evil in some other way than
caused all the sin and wickedness and crime in all, he will also cause
the deliverance of all mankind from sin and death.* And reasoning
that God willed and caused the sin, and that none could resist him,
so they claim that when he shall will righteousness all will likewise
be powerless to resist him. But in all such reasoning, mans noblest
quality, liberty of will or choice, the most striking feature of his
likeness to his Creator, is entirely set aside; and man is theoretically
degraded to a mere machine which acts only as it is acted upon. If
this were the case, man, instead of being the lord of earth, would be
inferior even to insects; for they undoubtedly have a will or power of
choice. Even the little ant has been given a power of will which
* Two texts of Scripture (`Isa. 45:7` and `Amos 3:6`) are used to sustain
this theory, but by a misinterpretation of the word evil in both texts. Sin
is always an evil, but an evil is not always a sin. An earthquake, a
conflagration, a flood or a pestilence would be a calamity, an evil; but
none of these would be sins. The word evil in the texts cited signifies
calamities. The same Hebrew word is translated affliction in `Psa. 34:19;
107:39`; `Jer. 48:16`; `Zech. 1:15`. It is translated trouble in `Psa. 27:5; 41:1;
88:3; 107:26`; `Jer. 51:2`; `Lam. 1:21`. It is translated calamities, adversity,
and distress in `1 Sam. 10:19`; `Psa. 10:6; 94:13; 141:5`; `Eccl. 7:14`; `Neh.
2:17`. And the same word is in very many places rendered harm, mischief,
sore, hurt, misery, grief and sorrow.
In `Isa. 45:7` and `Amos 3:6` the Lord would remind Israel of his
covenant made with them as a nation--that if they would obey his laws
he would bless them and protect them from the calamities common to
the world in general; but that if they would forsake him he would bring
calamities (evils) upon them as chastisements. See `Deut. 28:1-14,15-32`;
`Lev. 26:14-16`; `Josh. 23:6-11,12-16`.
When calamities came upon them, however, they were inclined to
consider them as accidents and not as chastisements. Hence God sent
them word through the prophets, reminding them of their covenant and
telling them that their calamities were from him and by his will for their
correction. It is absurd to use these texts to prove God the author of sin,
for they do not at all refer to sin.
he sees fit, even against the destructive power of actual evil; but
it would be as impossible for God to sustain such a life
everlastingly, as it is for God to lie. That is, it is morally
impossible. Such a life could only become more and more a
source of unhappiness to itself and others; therefore, God is too
good to sustain an existence so useless and injurious to itself
and others, and, his sustaining power being withdrawn,
destruction, the natural result of evil, would ensue. Life is a
favor, a gift of God, and it will be continued everlastingly only
to the obedient.
No injustice has been done to Adams posterity in not affording
them each an individual trial. Jehovah was in no sense bound to
bring us into existence; and, having brought us into being, no law of
equity or justice binds him to perpetuate our being everlastingly, nor
even to grant us a trial under promise of everlasting life if obedient.
Mark this point well. The present life, which from the cradle to the
tomb is but a process of dying, is, notwithstanding all its evils and
disappointments, a boon, a favor, even if there were no hereafter.
The large majority so esteem it, the exceptions (suicides) being
comparatively few; and these our courts of justice have repeatedly
decided to be mentally unbalanced, as otherwise they would not
thus cut themselves off from present blessings. Besides, the conduct
of the perfect man, Adam, shows us what the conduct of his children
would have been under similar circumstances.
Many have imbibed the erroneous idea that God placed our
race on trial for life with the alternative of eternal torture,
whereas nothing of the kind is even hinted at in the penalty.
The favor or blessing of God to his obedient children is life-continuous life--free from pain, sickness and every other
element of decay and death. Adam was given this blessing in
the full measure, but was warned that he would be deprived of
this gift if he failed to render obedience to God--In the day
that thou eatest thereof, dying, thou shalt die. He knew nothing of a
life in torment, as the penalty of sin. Life everlasting is nowhere
promised to any but the obedient. Life is Gods gift, and death, the
opposite of life, is the penalty he prescribes.
Eternal torture is nowhere suggested in the Old Testament
Scriptures, and only a few statements in the New Testament can
be so misconstrued as to appear to teach it; and these are found
either among the symbolisms of Revelation, or among the
parables and dark sayings of our Lord, which were not
understood by the people who heard them (`Luke 8:10`), and
which seem to be but little better comprehended today.* The
wages of sin is death. (`Rom. 6:23`) The soul that sinneth, it
shall die. `Ezek. 18:4`
Many have supposed God unjust in allowing Adams
condemnation to be shared by his posterity, instead of granting
each one a trial and chance for everlasting life similar to that
which Adam enjoyed. But what will such say if it now be
shown that the worlds opportunity and trial for life will be
much more favorable than was Adams; and that, too, because
God adopted this plan of permitting Adams race to share his
penalty in a natural way? We believe this to be the case, and
will endeavor to make it plain.
God assures us that as condemnation passed upon all in
Adam, so he has arranged for a new head, father or life-giver
for the race, into whom all may be transferred by faith and
obedience and that as all in Adam shared the curse of death, so
all in Christ will share the blessing of restitution; the Church
being an exception. (`Rom. 5:12,18,19`) Thus seen, the death of
Jesus, the undefiled, the sinless one, was a complete settlement
toward God of the sin of Adam. As one man had sinned, and all
in him had shared his curse, his penalty, so Jesus, having paid
the penalty of that one sinner, bought not only Adam, but all
his posterity--all men-- who by heredity shared his weaknesses
and sins and the penalty of these--death. Our Lord, the man
Christ Jesus, himself unblemished, approved, and with a
perfect seed or race in him, unborn, likewise untainted with sin,
gave his all of human life and title as the full ransom-price for
Adam and the race or seed in him when sentenced.
After fully purchasing the lives of Adam and his race,
Christ offers to adopt as his seed, his children, all of Adams
race who will accept the terms of his New Covenant and thus
by faith and obedience come into the family of God and receive
everlasting life. Thus the Redeemer will see his seed [as many of
Adams seed as will accept adoption, upon his conditions] and
prolong his days [resurrection to a higher than human plane,
being granted him by the Father as a reward for his
obedience], and all in the most unlikely way; by the sacrifice of
life and posterity. And thus it is written: As all in Adam die,
even so all in Christ shall be made alive. Corrected translation, `1
Cor. 15:22`
The injury we received through Adams fall (we suffered no
injustice) is, by Gods favor, to be more than offset with favor
through Christ; and all will sooner or later (in Gods due time)
have a full opportunity to be restored to the same standing that
Adam enjoyed before he sinned. Those who do not receive a
full knowledge and, by faith, an enjoyment of this favor of God
in the present time (and such are the great majority, including
children and heathen) will assuredly have these privileges in
the next age, or world to come, the dispensation or age to
follow the present. To this end, all that are in their
graves...shall come forth. As each one (whether in this age or
his own law their obedience would have won the right to
lasting life. Hence, if those perfect men were asked to become
ransomers of the fallen ones, it would be Gods plan, as with our
Lord Jesus, to set some special reward before them, so that they, for
the joy set before them, might endure the penalty of their brethren.
And if the same reward should be given them that was given to our
Lord Jesus, namely, to partake of a new nature, the divine, and to
be highly exalted above angels and principalities and powers, and
every name that is named--next to Jehovah (`Eph. 1:20,21`), then
there would be an immense number on the divine plane, which the
wisdom of God evidently did not approve. Furthermore, these fifty
billions, under such circumstances, would all be on an equality, and
none among them chief or head, while the plan God has adopted
calls for but one Redeemer, one highly exalted to the divine nature,
and then a little flock of those whom he redeemed, and who
walk in his footsteps of suffering and self-denial, to share his
name, his honor, his glory and his nature, even as the wife shares
with the husband.
Those who can appreciate this feature of Gods plan, which,
by condemning all in one representative, opened the way for the
ransom and restitution of all by one Redeemer, will find in it the
solution of many perplexities. They will see that the
condemnation of all in one was the reverse of an injury: it was a
great favor to all when taken in connection with Gods plan for
providing justification for all through another ones sacrifice.
Evil will be forever extinguished when Gods purpose in
permitting it shall have been accomplished, and when the
benefits of the ransom are made co-extensive with the penalty
of sin. It is impossible, however, to appreciate rightly this
feature of the plan of God without a full recognition of the
sinfulness of sin, the nature of its penalty--death, the
importance and value of the ransom which our Lord Jesus gave,
The General View of the Day of JudgmentIs it Scriptural?The Terms,
Judgment and Day, DefinedSeveral Judgment Days Referred to in the
ScripturesThe First Judgment Day and its ResultsAnother
AppointedThe JudgeThe Character of the Coming Judgment
Similarity and Dissimilarity of the First and Second JudgmentsThe
Worlds Present AccountabilityTwo Intervening Judgments and Their
ObjectsWidely Different Estimates of the Coming JudgmentHow
Prophets and Apostles Viewed it.
proper to all whom God shall recognize as sons. All who will
may be delivered from death to life, regardless of the
distinctions of nature God has provided for his sons on
different planes of being. The Gospel age is the trial-day for life
or death to those called to the divine nature.
But God has appointed a day, in which he will judge the
world. How can this be? Has God changed his mind? Has he
concluded that his decision in the trial of the first man and the
general sentence were unjust, too severe, that he now concludes
to judge the world individually? No; were such the case, we
should have no better guarantee of a just decision in the future
trial than in the past. It is not that God considers his decision in
the first judgment unjust, but that he has provided a redemption
from the penalty of the first judgment, in order that he may
grant another judgment (trial) under more favorable conditions
to the entire race--all having then had experience with sin and
its results. God has not changed one iota from his original
purpose, which he formed before the world began. He
distinctly informs us that he changes not, and that he will by no
means clear the guilty. He will exact the full penalty which he
justly pronounced. And that full penalty has been provided by
the Redeemer or substitute whom God himself provided--Jesus
Christ, who, by the grace [favor] of God, tasted death for every
man. Our Lord having provided a ransom for Adams race,
with his own life, can justly give a new offer of life to them all.
This offer to the Church is under the Covenant of sacrifice (`Psa.
50:5`; `Rom. 12:1`): to the world it will be under the New
Covenant. `Rom. 14:9`; `Heb. 10:16`; `Jer. 31:31`
We are further informed that when God gives the world
this individual trial, it will be under Christ as Judge, whom
Jehovah will thus honor because of his obedience even unto
death for our redemption. God has highly exalted him, even to
O give thanks unto Jehovah, for he is good;
For his mercy endureth forever.
Gods ways are equal: storm or calm,
Seasons of peril and of rest,
The hurting dart, the healing balm,
Are all apportioned as is best.
In judgments oft misunderstood,
In ways mysterious and obscure,
He brings from evil lasting good,
And makes the final gladness sure.
While Justice takes its course with strength,
Love bids our faith and hope increase:
Hell give the chastened world at length
His afterward of peace.
When the dread forces of the gale
His sterner purposes perform,
And human skill can naught avail
Against the fury of the storm,
Let loving hearts trust in him still,
Through all the dark and devious way;
For who would thwart his blessed will,
Which leads through night to joyous day?
Be still beneath his tender care;
For he will make the tempest cease,
And bring from out the anguish here
An afterward of peace.
Look up, O Earth; no storm can last
Beyond the limits God hath set.
When its appointed work is past,
In joy thou shalt thy grief forget.
Where sorrows plowshare hath swept through,
Thy fairest flowers of life shall spring,
For God shall grant thee life anew,
And all thy wastes shall laugh and sing.
Hope thou in him; his plan for thee
Shall end in triumph and release.
Fear not, for thou shalt surely see
His afterward of peace.
The Restitution Guaranteed by the RansomNot Everlasting Life, but a
Trial for it, Secured by the RansomThe Conditions and Advantages of
the TrialChrists Sacrifice NecessaryHow the Race Could be and was
Redeemed by the Death of OneFaith and Works Still NecessaryThe
Wages of Wilful Sin CertainWill there be Room on the Earth for the
Resurrected Millions?Restitution versus Evolution.
sin and its bitter penalty, will be fully forewarned; and when, as
a result of the ransom, he is granted another, an individual trial,
under the eye and control of him who so loved him as to give
his life for him, and who would not that any should perish, but
that all should turn to God and live, we may be sure that only
the wilfully disobedient will receive the penalty of the second
trial. That penalty will be the second death, from which there will
be no ransom, no release, because there would be no object for
another ransom or a further trial. All will have fully seen and
tasted both good and evil; all will have witnessed and experienced
the goodness and love of God; all will have had a full, fair,
individual trial for life, under most favorable conditions. More
could not be asked, and more will not be given. That trial will
decide forever who would be righteous and holy under a
thousand trials; and it will determine also who would be unjust,
and unholy and filthy still, under a thousand trials.
It would be useless to grant another trial for life under
exactly the same circumstances; but though the circumstances
of the tried ones will be different, more favorable, the terms or
conditions of their individual trial for life will be the same as in
the Adamic trial. The law of God will remain the same--it
changes not. It will still say, The soul that sinneth, it shall die;
and the condition of man will be no more favorable, so far as
surroundings are concerned, than the conditions and
surroundings in Eden; but the great difference will be the
increased knowledge. The experience with evil, contrasted with
the experience with good, which will accrue to each during the
trial of the coming age, will constitute the advantage by reason
of which the results of the second trial will differ so widely
from the results of the first, and on account of which divine
Wisdom and Love provided the ransom for all, and thus
guaranteed to all the blessing of a new trial. No more favorable
God had not planned the redemption before the foundation of the
world. Both the two thousand years since and the four thousand
years before the death of Christ were appointed times for other parts
of the work, preparatory to the times of restitution of all things.
Let no one hastily suppose that there is in this view
anything in conflict with the teaching of the Scriptures that faith
toward God, repentance for sin and reformation of character
are indispensable to salvation. This feature will be treated more
at length hereafter, but we now suggest that only the few have
ever had a sufficiency of light to produce full faith, repentance
and reformation. Some have been blinded in part, and some
completely, by the god of this world, and they must be
recovered from blindness as well as from death, that they, each
for himself, may have a full chance to prove, by obedience or
disobedience, their worthiness or unworthiness of life
everlasting. Then those who prove themselves unworthy of life
will die again--the second death--from which there will be no
redemption, and consequently no resurrection. The death
which comes on account of Adams sin, and all the
imperfections which follow in its wake, will be removed
because of the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; but the
death which comes as a result of individual, wilful apostasy is
final. This sin hath never forgiveness, and its penalty, the
second death, will be everlasting--not everlasting dying, but
everlasting death--a death unbroken by a resurrection.
The philosophy of the plan of redemption will be treated in
a succeeding volume. Here we merely establish the fact that the
redemption through Christ Jesus is to be as far-reaching in its
blessed results and opportunities as was the sin of Adam in its
blight and ruin--that all who were condemned and who
suffered on account of the one may as surely, in due time, be
set free from all those ills on account of the other. However,
dead were awakened they would trample one upon another for
want of room.
This is an important point. How strange it would be if we
should find that while the Bible declares a resurrection for all
men, yet, by actual measurement, they could not find a footing
on the earth! Now let us see: figure it out and you will find this
an unfounded fear. You will find that there is an abundance of
room for the restitution of all, as God hath spoken by the
mouth of all his holy prophets.
Let us assume that it is six thousand years since the creation
of man, and that there are fourteen hundred millions of people
now living on the earth. Our race began with one pair, but let
us make a very liberal estimate and suppose that there were as
many at the beginning as there are now; and, further, that there
never were fewer than that number at any time, though actually
the flood reduced the population to eight persons. Again, let us
be liberal, and estimate three generations to a century, or thirtythree years to a generation, though, according to `Gen. 5`, there
were but eleven generations from Adam to the flood, a period
of one thousand six hundred and fifty-six years, or about one
hundred and fifty years to each generation. Now let us see: six
thousand years are sixty centuries; three generations to each
century would give us one hundred and eighty generations
since Adam; and fourteen hundred millions to a generation
(252,000,000,000) as the total number of our race from creation
to the present time, according to this liberal estimate, which is
probably more than twice the actual number.
Where shall we find room enough for this great multitude?
Let us measure the land, and see. The State of Texas, United
States, contains two hundred and thirty-seven thousand square
miles. There are twenty-seven million eight hundred and
considered proof that this is the Brain Age, are really very
modern--nearly all having come within the past century, and
among the most important are those of the last threescore years;
for instance, the application of steam and electricity--in
telegraphy, railroading and steamboating, and to the machinery
of the various mechanical industries. If, then, these be evidences
of increased brain power, the Brain Age must be only
beginning, and the logical deduction is that another century
will witness every form of miracle as an everyday occurrence;
and at the same ratio of increase, where would it eventuate?
But let us look again: Are all men inventors? How very few
there are whose inventions are really useful and practical,
compared with the number who appreciate and use an invention
when put into their hand! Nor do we speak disparagingly of that
very useful and highly-esteemed class of public servants when we
say that the smaller number of them are men of great brain-power.
Some of the most brainy men in the world, and the deepest
reasoners, are not mechanical inventors. And some inventors are
intellectually so sluggish that all wonder how they ever stumbled
into the discoveries they made. The great principles (electricity,
steam power, etc.), which many men in many years work out,
apply and improve upon, time and again, were generally
discovered apparently by the merest accident, without the exercise
of great brain power, and comparatively unsought.
From a human standpoint we can account for modern
inventions thus: The invention of printing, in A.D. 1440, may be
considered the starting point. With the printing of books came
records of the thoughts and discoveries of thinkers and
observers, which, without this invention, would never have
been known to their successors. With books came a more
general education and, finally, common schools. Schools and
colleges do not increase human capacity, but they do make
accordingly, the Son of God became a man, and gave mans ransomprice; that, as a reward for this sacrifice, and in order to the
completion of the great work of atonement, he was highly exalted,
even to the divine nature; and that in due time he will bring to pass a
restitution of the race to the original perfection and to every blessing
then possessed. These things are clearly taught in the Scriptures,
from beginning to end, and are in direct opposition to the Evolution
theory; or, rather, such babblings of science, falsely so called, are in
violent and irreconcilable conflict with the Word of God.
Common MisapprehensionsEarthly or Human and Heavenly or
Spiritual NaturesEarthly Glory and Heavenly GloryBible Testimony
Regarding Spirit BeingsMortality and ImmortalityCan Mortal
Beings Have Everlasting Life?Justice in the Bestowment of FavorsA
Supposed Principle ExaminedVariety in PerfectionGods Sovereign
RightsGods Provisions for Man a Satisfying PortionThe Election of
the Body of ChristHow their Change of Nature is Effected.
Grades of
Earthly or
Animal Being.
in the Vegetable Domain.
in the Mineral Domain.
that his nature be changed. And Paul tells us that he took not
the nature of angels, one step lower than his own, but that he
came down two steps and took the nature of men--he became a
man; he was made flesh. `Heb. 2:16`; `Phil. 2:7,8`; `John 1:14`
Notice that this teaches not only that angelic nature is not
the only order of spirit being, but that it is a lower nature than
that of our Lord before he became a man; and he was not then
so high as he is now, for God hath highly exalted him,
because of his obedience in becoming mans willing ransom.
(`Phil. 2:8,9`) He is now of the highest order of spirit being, a
partaker of the divine (Jehovahs) nature.
But not only do we thus find proof that the divine, angelic
and human natures are separate and distinct, but this proves
that to be a perfect man is not to be an angel, any more than the
perfection of angelic nature implies that angels are divine and
equal with Jehovah; for Jesus took not the nature of angels, but a
different nature--the nature of men; not the imperfect human
nature as we now possess it, but the perfect human nature. He
became a man; not a depraved and nearly dead being such as
men are now, but a man in the full vigor of perfection.
Again, Jesus must have been a perfect man else he could
not have kept a perfect law, which is the full measure of a
perfect mans ability. And he must have been a perfect man else
he could not have given a ransom (a corresponding price--`1
Tim. 2:6`) for the forfeited life of the perfect man Adam; For
since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of
the dead. (`1 Cor. 15:21`) Had he been in the least degree
imperfect, it would have proved that he was under
condemnation, and therefore he could not have been an
acceptable sacrifice; neither could he have kept perfectly the
law of God. A perfect man was tried, and failed, and was
condemned; and only a perfect man could give the
of spiritual nature, the divine; and in each case the one was
given up for the other.
In this grand example of perfect humanity, which stood
unblemished before the world until sacrificed for the worlds
redemption, we see the perfection from which our race fell in
Adam, and to which it is to be restored. In becoming mans
ransom, our Lord Jesus gave the equivalent for that which man
lost; and therefore all mankind may receive again, through faith
in Christ, and obedience to his requirements, not a spiritual, but
a glorious, perfect human nature--that which was lost.
The perfect faculties and powers of the perfect human
being may be exercised indefinitely, and upon new and varied
objects of interest, and knowledge and skill may be vastly
increased; but no such increase of knowledge or power will
effect a change of nature, or make it more than perfect. It will be
only the expanding and developing of the perfect human
powers. Increase of knowledge and skill will doubtless be
mans blessed privilege to all eternity; yet he will still be man,
and will be merely learning to use more fully the powers of
human nature already possessed. Beyond its wide limits he
cannot hope, nor will he desire, to advance, his desires being
limited to the scope of his powers.
While Jesus as a man was an illustration of perfect human
nature, to which the mass of mankind will be restored, yet since
his resurrection he is the illustration of the glorious divine
nature which the overcoming Church will, at resurrection,
share with him.
Because the present age is devoted mainly to the
development of this class which is offered a change of nature,
and because the apostolic epistles are devoted to the instruction
of this little flock, it should not be inferred that Gods plans
end with the completion of this chosen company. Nor, on the
is born of the Spirit is spirit. But what a spirit body is, we know
not, for It doth not yet appear what we shall be; but...we shall
be like him--like our Lord Jesus. `John 3:6`; `1 John 3:2`
We have no record of any being, either spiritual or human,
ever having been changed from one nature to another, except
the Son of God; and this was an exceptional case, for an
exceptional purpose. When God made angels he doubtless
intended them to remain angels forever, and so with men, each
being perfect on his own plane. At least the Scriptures give no
intimation of any different purpose. As in the inanimate
creation there is a pleasing and almost endless variety, so in the
living and intelligent creation the same variety in perfection is
possible. Every creature in its perfection is glorious; but, as Paul
says, the glory of the celestial (heavenly) is one kind of glory,
and the glory of the terrestrial (earthly) is another and a
different glory.
By examining the facts recorded of our Lord Jesus after his
resurrection, and of angels, who are also spirit beings, thus
comparing spiritual things with spiritual (`1 Cor. 2:13`), we
may gain some general information with regard to spirit beings.
First, then, angels can be and frequently are present, yet
invisible. The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them
that fear him; and Are they not all ministering spirits, sent
forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
(`Psa. 34:7`; `Heb. 1:14`) Have they ministered visibly or
invisibly? Undoubtedly the latter. Elisha was surrounded by a
host of Assyrians; his servant was fearful; Elisha prayed to the
Lord, and the young mans eyes were opened, and he saw the
mountains round about them full of chariots of fire and
horsemen of fire (or like fire). Again, while to Balaam the angel
was invisible, the ass, his eyes being opened, saw him.
me one and twenty days. (`Dan. 10:13`) Did Daniel, the man
greatly beloved of the Lord, fall as dead before this one whom
Persias prince withstood one and twenty days? How is this?
Surely he did not appear in glory to the prince! No; either he
was invisibly present with him, or else he appeared as a man.
Our Lord, since his resurrection, is a spirit being;
consequently the same powers which we find illustrated in
angels (spiritual beings) should also be possessed by him. And
such is the case, as we shall see more fully in a succeeding
Thus we find that the Scriptures regard the spiritual and
the human natures as separate and distinct, and furnish no
evidence that the one will evolve or develop into the other; but,
on the contrary, they do show that only a few will ever be
changed from the human to the divine nature, to which Jesus,
their head, has already been exalted. And this remarkable and
special feature in Jehovahs plan is for the remarkable and
special purpose of preparing these as Gods agents for the great
future work of restoring all things. Let us now examine the
Mortality and Immortality.
We shall find their true significance in exact harmony with
what we have learned from our comparison of Bible statements
concerning human and spiritual beings, and earthly and
heavenly promises. These words are usually given very
uncertain meanings, and wrong ideas of their meanings
produce erroneous views of subjects with which they stand
connected, in general and in Scripture usage.
Mortality signifies a state or condition of liability to death;
not a condition of death, but a condition in which death is a
some have forfeited their rights, in which case such might justly
be assigned to a lower position.
If this principle be a correct one, it would show that God
had no right to create Jesus higher than the angels, and then
further to exalt him to the divine nature, unless he intended to
do the same for all the angels and for all men. And to carry the
principle still further, if some men are to be highly exalted and
made partakers of the divine nature, all men must eventually be
elevated to the same position. And why not carry the principle
to its extreme limit, and apply the same law of progression to
the brute and insect creation, and say that since they are all
Gods creatures they must all eventually attain to the very
highest plane of existence --the divine nature? This is a manifest
absurdity, but as reasonable as any other deduction from this
assumed principle.
Perhaps none would be inclined to carry the erroneous
assumption so far. Yet if it were a principle founded in simple
justice, where could it stop short and still be just? And if such
were indeed the plan of God, where would be the pleasing
variety in all his works? But such is not Gods plan. All nature,
both animate and inanimate, exhibits the glory and diversity of
divine power and wisdom. And as the heavens declare the
glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork in
wonderful variety and beauty, much more shall his intelligent
creation exhibit in variety the superior glory of his power. We
so conclude--from the express teaching of the Word of God,
from reason and from the analogies of nature.
It is very important that we have right ideas of justice. A
favor should never be esteemed as a justly merited recompense.
An act of simple justice is no occasion for special gratitude, nor
is it any proof of love; but God commendeth his great love to
his creatures, in an endless train of unmerited favors, which
your mental vision the glory of the perfect earth. Not a stain of sin
mars the harmony and peace of a perfect society; not a bitter
thought, not an unkind look or word; love, welling up from every
heart, meets a kindred response in every other heart, and
benevolence marks every act. There sickness shall be no more; not
an ache nor a pain, nor any evidence of decay--not even the fear of
such things. Think of all the pictures of comparative health and
beauty of human form and feature that you have ever seen, and
know that perfect humanity will be of still surpassing loveliness.
The inward purity and mental and moral perfection will stamp and
glorify every radiant countenance. Such will earths society be; and
weeping bereaved ones will have their tears all wiped away, when
thus they realize the resurrection work complete. `Rev. 21:4`
And this is the change in human society only. We call to
mind also that the earth, which was made to be inhabited by
such a race of beings, is to be a fit and pleasing abode for them,
as represented in the Edenic paradise, in which the
representative man was at first placed. Paradise shall be
restored. The earth shall no more bring forth thorns and briers,
and require the sweat of mans face to yield his bread, but the
earth shall [easily and naturally] yield her increase. The desert
shall blossom as the rose; the lower animal creation will be
perfect, willing and obedient servants; nature with all its
pleasing variety, will call to man from every direction to seek
and know the glory and power and love of God; and mind and
heart will rejoice in him. The restless desire for something new,
that now prevails, is not a natural but an abnormal condition,
due to our imperfection, and to our present unsatisfactory
surroundings. It is not God-like restlessly to crave something
new. Most things are old to God; and he rejoices most in those
things which are old and perfect. So will it be with man when
restored to the image of God. The perfect man will not know or
appreciate fully, and hence will not prefer, the glory of spiritual
being, because of a different nature, just as fishes and birds, for
the same reason, prefer and enjoy each their own nature and
element most. Man will be so absorbed and enraptured with the
glory that surrounds him on the human plane that he will have
no aspiration to, nor preference for, another nature or other
conditions than those possessed. A glance at the present
experience of the Church will illustrate this. How hardly, with
what difficulty, shall those who are rich in this worlds goods
enter into the kingdom of God. The few good things possessed,
even under the present reign of evil and death, so captivate the
human nature that we need special help from God to keep our
eye and purpose fixed on the spiritual promises.
That the Christian Church, the body of Christ, is an
exception to Gods general plan for mankind, is evident from
the statement that its selection was determined in the divine
plan before the foundation of the world (`Eph. 1:4,5`), at which
time God not only foresaw the fall of the race into sin, but also
predetermined the justification, the sanctification and the
glorification of this class, which, during the Gospel age, he has
been calling out of the world to be conformed to the image of
his Son, to be partakers of the divine nature and to be fellowheirs with Christ Jesus of the Millennial Kingdom for the
establishment of universal righteousness and peace. `Rom. 8:2831`
This shows that the election or choice of the Church was a
predetermined thing on Gods part; but mark, it is not an
unconditional election of the individual members of the Church.
Before the foundation of the world God determined that such a
company should be selected for such a purpose within a
specific time--the Gospel age. While we cannot doubt that God
could have foreseen the action of each individual member of
many are called. All are not called. The call was confined at
first, during our Lords ministry, to Israel after the flesh; but
now, as many as the servants of God meet (`Luke 14:23`) are to
be urged or constrained (not compelled) to come to this special
feast of favor. But even of those who hear and come, all are not
worthy. Wedding garments (the imputed righteousness of
Christ) are provided, but some will not wear them, and must be
rejected; and of those who do put on the robes of justification,
and who receive the honor of being begotten to a new nature,
some fail to make their calling and election sure by faithfulness
to their covenant. Of those worthy to appear with the Lamb in
glory, it is declared, They are called and chosen and faithful.
`Rev. 14:1; 17:14`
The call is true; the determination of God to select and exalt
a Church is unchangeable; but who will be of this chosen class
is conditional. All who would share the predestined honors
must fulfil the conditions of the call. Let us therefore fear, lest,
a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you
should seem to come short of it. (`Heb. 4:1`) While the great
favor is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, it is to
him that willeth and to him that runneth, when called.
Having thus, we trust, clearly vindicated Gods absolute
right and purpose to do what he will with his own, we call
attention to the fact that the principle which characterizes the
bestowment of all Gods favors is the general good of all.
While, then, on the authority of the Scriptures, we reckon it
an established fact that the human and spiritual natures are
separate and distinct--that the blending of the two natures is no
part of Gods design, but would be an imperfection, and that
the change from one nature to another is not the rule, but the
exception, in the single instance of the Christ--it becomes a
matter of deep interest to learn how the change is to be
are still of the earth, earthy, and, aside from sinful desires, their
hopes, ambitions, and aims are such as will be fully gratified in
the promised restitution of all things. But those of the former
class are not of this world, even as Christ is not of this world,
and their hopes center in the things unseen, where Christ sitteth
at the right hand of God. The prospect of earthly glory, so
enchanting to the natural man, would no longer be a satisfying
portion to those begotten of this heavenly hope, to those who
see the glories of the heavenly promises, and who appreciate
the part assigned them in the divine plan. This new, divine
mind is the earnest of our inheritance of the complete divine
nature--mind and body. Some may be a little startled by this
expression, a divine body; but we are told that Jesus is now the
express image of his Fathers person, and that the overcomers
will be like him and see him as he is. (`1 John 3:2`) There is a
natural [human] body, and there is a spiritual body. (`1 Cor.
15:44`) We could not imagine either our divine Father or our
Lord Jesus as merely great minds without bodies. Theirs are
glorious spiritual bodies, though it doth not yet appear how
great is the glory, and it shall not, until we also shall share the
divine nature.
While this transforming of the mind from human to
spiritual is a gradual work, the change from a human to a
spiritual body will not be gradual, but instantaneous. (`1 Cor.
15:52`) Now, as Paul says, we have this treasure (the divine
mind) in earthen vessels, but in due time the treasure will be in
a glorious vessel appropriate to it--the spiritual body.
We have seen that the human nature is a likeness of the
spiritual. (`Gen. 5:1`) For instance, God has a will, so have men
and angels; God has reason and memory, so have his intelligent
creatures--angels and men. The character of the mental
operations of each is the same. With the same data for
our wills and sentiments are thus changed. True, this is but a
very small beginning; but a begetting, as this is termed, is
always but a small beginning; yet it is the earnest or assurance
of the finished work. `Eph. 1:13,14`
Some have asked, How shall we know ourselves when
changed? How shall we then know that we are the same beings
that lived and suffered and sacrificed that we might be partakers
of this glory? Will we be the same conscious beings? Most
assuredly, yes. If we be dead with Christ, we shall also live with
him. (`Rom. 6:8`) Changes which daily occur to our human
bodies do not cause us to forget the past, or to lose our identity.*
These thoughts may help us to understand also how the
Son, when changed from spiritual to human conditions--to
human nature and earthly limitations--was a man; and though
it was the same being in both cases, under the first conditions
he was spiritual and under the second conditions he was
human. Because the two natures are separate and distinct, and
yet the one a likeness of the other, therefore, the same mental
faculties (memory, etc.) being common to both, Jesus could
realize his former glory which he had before becoming a man,
but which he had not when he had become a man, as his words
* Our human bodies are constantly changing. Science declares that each
seven years witnesses a complete change in our component atoms. So the
promised change from human to spiritual bodies will not destroy either
memory or identity, but will increase their power and range. The same
divine mind that now is ours, with the same memory, the same
reasoning powers, etc., will then find its powers expanded to
immeasurable heights and depths, in harmony with its new spiritual
body; and memory will trace all our career from earliest human infancy,
and we will be able, by contrast, fully to realize the glorious reward of
our sacrifice. But this could not be the case if the human were not an
image of the spiritual.
The Broad Road to DestructionThe Narrow Way to LifeWhat is
Life?The Divine NatureThe Relationship of the Divine and Human
NaturesThe Reward at the End of the Narrow WayThe High Calling
Limited to the Gospel AgeDifficulties and Dangers of the Narrow
WayThe Highway of Holiness.
that is on the world. This, the only way of life now open,
because of its difficulty, finds few who care to walk in it. The
masses of mankind in their weakness prefer the broad, easy
way of self-gratification.
The narrow way, while it ends in life, in immortality, might
be called a way of death, since its prize is gained through the
sacrifice of the human nature even unto death. It is the narrow
way of death to life. Being reckoned free from the Adamic guilt
and the death penalty, the consecrated voluntarily surrender or
sacrifice those human rights, reckoned theirs, which in due time
they, with the world in general, would have actually received.
As the man Christ Jesus laid down or sacrificed his life for the
world, so these become joint-sacrificers with him. Not that his
sacrifice was insufficient and that others were needed; but while
his is all-sufficient, these are permitted to serve and to suffer
with him in order to become his bride and joint-heir. So, then,
while the world is under condemnation to death, and is dying
with Adam, this little flock, through the process of faith
reckonings and sacrifice, already described, are said to die with
Christ. They sacrifice and die with him as human beings, in
order to become partakers of the divine nature and glories with
him; for we believe that if we be dead with him, we shall also
live with him. If we suffer with him, we shall also be glorified
together. `Rom. 8:17` and `2 Tim. 2:11, 12`
In the beginning of the Millennial age, those who now walk
the narrow way will have gained the great prize for which they
ran, immortality; and being thus clothed with the divine nature
and power, they will be prepared for the great work of
restoring and blessing the world during that age. With the end
of the Gospel age, the narrow way to immortality will close,
because the select little flock that it was designed to test and
prove will have been completed. Now is the accepted [Greek,
these ways, because the third was not yet due to be opened up-just as when announcing the good tidings, he said, This
scripture is fulfilled in your ears, but omitted mentioning the
day of vengeance, because it was not then due. (Compare
`Luke 4:19` and `Isa. 61:2`.) Now, however, as the narrow way
draws to a close, the grand highway of righteousness begins to
be seen more and more distinctly, in the light of the dawning
Thus we have found a Broad Road, on which at present
the masses of mankind travel, deluded by the prince of this
world, and led by perverted tastes. We have found that it was
opened up and that our race was started in its headlong course
upon it by one mans disobedience. We have found that the
Highway of Holiness is to be opened up by our Lord, who
gave himself a ransom for all and redeems all from the
destruction to which the Broad Road leads, and that it will, in
due time, be accessible and easy for all the redeemed ones
whom he bought with his own precious blood. We have found,
furthermore, that the present Narrow Way, opened up by the
merit of the same precious blood, is a special way leading to a
special prize, and is made specially narrow and difficult as a
test and discipline for those now being selected to be made
partakers of the divine nature and joint-heirs with our Lord
Jesus in the Kingdom of glory soon to be revealed for the
blessing of all. Such as have this hope--who see this prize--may
count all other hopes as but loss and dross in comparison. `Phil.
The Ages--The Harvests--Planes of Actual and Reckoned Standing--The
Course of our Lord Jesus--The Course of His Followers--Three Classes in
the Nominal Church--Separation in the Harvest--The Anointed Class
Glorified--The Great Tribulation Class--The Tares Burned-- The World
Blessed--The Outcome Glorious.
Explanation of Chart
separate outline; yet each is but a part of the one great plan
which, when complete, will exhibit the divine wisdom --though
these parts considered separately fail to show their deep design.
Since the first world (heavens and earth, or that order of
things) passed away at the time of the flood, it follows that it
must have been a different order from this present evil world,
of which our Lord said Satan is the prince; hence the prince of
this present evil world was not the prince of the world that was
before the flood, although he was not without influence then.
Several scriptures throw light on Gods dealings during that time,
and thus give a clear insight into his plan as a whole. The thought
suggested by these is that the first world, or the dispensation
before the flood, was under the supervision and special
ministration of angels, who were permitted to try what they
could do to recover the fallen and degenerate race. Doubtless,
with Gods permission, they were anxious to try it; for their
interest was manifested in the singing and shouting for joy over
the works of creation. (`Job 38:7`) That angels were the permitted,
though unsuccessful rulers of that first epoch is not only
indicated by all references to that period, but it may reasonably
be inferred from the Apostles remark when, contrasting the
present dispensation with the past and the future, he says (`Heb.
2:5`), Unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to
come. No; that world is to be under the control of the Lord Jesus
and his joint-heirs; and hence it will not only be a more righteous
administration than that of the present evil world, but it will
also be more successful than that of the first world or
dispensation under the ministration of angels, whose inability
to reclaim the race is manifest from the fact that mans
wickedness became so great that God in his wrath and righteous
indignation destroyed with a flood the whole of the race then
living with the exception of eight persons. `Gen. 7:13`
Explanation of Chart
In the Gospel age we find the realities of which the Jewish age
and its services and ordinances were shadows. `Heb. 10:1`
The Gospel age, F, is the period during which the body of
Christ is called out of the world, and shown by faith the crown
of life, and the exceeding great and precious promises whereby
(by obedience to the call and its requirements) they may
become partakers of the divine nature. (`2 Pet. 1:4`) Evil is still
permitted to reign over or rule the world, in order that by
contact with it these may be tried to see whether they are
willing to give up the human nature with its privileges and
blessings, a living sacrifice, being made conformable to Jesus
death, that they may be accounted worthy to be in his likeness
in the resurrection. `Psa. 17:15`
The third great dispensation, C, is to be composed of many
ages--The Ages to Come. The first of these, the Millennial age,
G, is the only one concerning which we have any definite
information. It is the thousand years during which Christ will
reign over and thereby bless all the families of the earth,
accomplishing the restitution of all things spoken by the
mouth of all the holy prophets. (`Acts 3:19-21`) During that
age, sin and death shall be forever blotted out; for Christ must
reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet....The last enemy
that shall be destroyed is death--Adamic death. (`1 Cor.
15:25,26`) That will be the great reconstruction period.
Associated with Christ Jesus in that reign will be the Church,
his bride, his body, even as he promised, saying, To him that
overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I
also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
`Rev. 3:21`
The Ages to Come, H, following the great reconstruction
period, are to be ages of perfection, blessedness and happiness,
regarding the work of which, the Scriptures are silent. It is
Explanation of Chart
In that period of the Jewish harvest the Gospel age had its
beginning. The design of this age is the call, development and
trial of the Christ of God--Head and body. This is the Spirit
dispensation; hence, it is proper to say that the Gospel age
began with the anointing of Jesus with the Holy Spirit and
with power (`Acts 10:38`; `Luke 3:22; 4:1,18`) at the time of his
baptism. In relation to the Church, his body, it commenced
three and a half years later.
A harvest constitutes the closing period of the Gospel age
also, during which there is again a lapping of two ages-- the
Gospel age ending, and the Restitution or Millennial age
beginning. The Gospel age closes by stages, as did its pattern or
shadow, the Jewish age. As there the first seven years of the
harvest were devoted in a special sense to a work in and for
Israel after the flesh, and were years of favor, so here we find a
similar seven years indicated as having the same bearing upon
the Gospel Church, to be followed by a period of trouble (fire)
upon the world, as a punishment for wickedness, and as a
preparation for the reign of righteousness--of which more
The Path to Glory
K, L, M, N, P, R, each represents a different plane. N is the
plane of perfect human nature. Adam was on this plane before he
sinned; but from the moment of disobedience he fell to the
depraved or sinful plane, R, on which all his posterity are born.
This corresponds to the Broad Way which leads to destruction.
P represents the plane of typical justification, reckoned as effected
by the sacrifices of the Law. It was not actual perfection, for the
Law made nothing perfect. --`Heb. 7:19`
N represents not only the plane of human perfection, as
once occupied by the perfect man, Adam, but also the standing
of all justified persons. Christ died for our sins, according to
the Scriptures, and in consequence all believers in Christ--all
who accept of his perfect and finished work as their justifier-are, through faith, reckoned of God as justified, as though
perfect men, as though they had never been sinners. In Gods
sight, then, all who accept of Christ as their Redeemer are
reckonedly on the plane of human perfection, N. This is the
only standpoint from which man may approach God, or have
any communion with him. All on this plane God calls sons-human sons. Adam was thus a son (`Luke 3:38`), and had
communion before he became disobedient. All who accept of
our Lord Jesus finished ransom work are counted or reckoned as
restored to primitive purity; and in consequence they have
fellowship or communion with God.
During the Gospel age God has made a special offer to
justified human beings, telling them that on certain conditions
they may experience a change of nature, that they may cease to be
earthly, human beings, and become heavenly, spiritual beings, like
Christ, their Redeemer. Some believers--justified persons--are
satisfied with what joy and peace they have through believing in
the forgiveness of their sins, and so do not heed the voice which
calls them to come up higher. Others, moved by the love of God as
shown in their ransom from sin, and feeling that they are not their
own, having been bought with a price, say, Lord, what wilt thou
have me to do? Such have the Lords answer through Paul, who
says, I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, your
reasonable service. (`Rom. 12:1`) What does the Apostle mean by
thus urging the presentation of ourselves as living sacrifices? He
means that we should consecrate to Gods service every power
and talent we possess, that henceforth we may live not for self,
Explanation of Chart
nor for friends, nor for family, nor for the world, nor for
anything else but for, and in the obedient service of, him who
bought us with his own precious blood.
But since God would not accept of blemished or imperfect
typical sacrifices, and since we all became sinners through
Adam, can we be acceptable sacrifices? Paul shows that it is
only because we are holy that we are acceptable sacrifices. We
are not holy like Jesus, who knew no sin, for we are of the
condemned race; nor yet because we have entirely succeeded in
reaching perfection of conduct, for we reckon not to have
attained that perfection to which we are called; but we have this
treasure in (fragile and leaky) earthen vessels, that the glory of
our ultimate perfection may be seen to be of Gods favor, and
not of our own ability. But our holiness, and our acceptableness
to God as sacrifices, come from the fact that God has justified us
freely from all sin, through our faith in Christs sacrifice on our
As many as appreciate and obey this call rejoice to be
accounted worthy to suffer reproach for the name of Christ, and
look not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not
seen--at the crown of life--the prize of our high-calling in
Christ Jesus and the glory that shall be revealed in us. These,
from the moment of consecration to God, are no longer
reckoned as men, but as having been begotten of God through
the word of truth--no longer human, but thenceforth spiritual
children. They are now one step nearer the prize than when
they first believed. But their spiritual being is yet imperfect:
they are only begotten, not yet born of the Spirit. They are
embryo spiritual children, on plane M--the plane of spirit
begetting. Because begotten of the Spirit, they are no longer
reckoned as human, but as spiritual; for the human nature, once
theirs, once justified, they have now given up or reckoned
Explanation of Chart
were typically justified, hence they are (e) on plane P, the plane
of typical justification, which lasted from the giving of the Law
at Mount Sinai until Jesus made an end of the Law, nailing it to
his cross. There the typical justification ended by the institution
of the better sacrifices than the Jewish types, those which
actually take away the sin of the world and make the comers
thereunto [actually] perfect. `Heb. 10:1`
The fire of trial and trouble through which fleshly Israel
passed, when Jesus was present, sifting them and taking out of
their nominal church the wheat, the Israelites indeed, and
especially when, after the separation of the wheat, he burned
up the chaff [the refuse part of that system] with unquenchable
fire, is illustrated by figure f. It was a time of trouble which
they were powerless to avert. See `Luke 3:17,21,22`; `1 Thess.
Jesus, at the age of thirty years, was a perfect, mature man
(g), having left the glory of the spiritual condition and become a
man in order that he (by the grace of God) should taste death for
every man. The justice of Gods law is absolute: an eye for an
eye, a tooth for a tooth and a life for a life. It was necessary that
a perfect man should die for mankind, because the claims of
justice could be met in no other way. The death of an angel
could no more pay the penalty and release man than could the
death of bulls and of goats, which can never take away sin.
Therefore, he who is termed the Beginning of the creation of
God became a man, was made flesh, that he might give that
ransom (corresponding price) which would redeem mankind.
He must have been a perfect man else he could have done no
more than any member of the fallen race to pay the price. He
was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners. He
took the same form or likeness which sinners have-- the
likeness of sinful flesh--the human likeness. But he took that
Explanation of Chart
likeness in its perfection: he did not partake of its sin nor did he
share its imperfection, except as he voluntarily shared the
sorrows and pains of some during his ministry, taking their
pains and infirmities as he imparted to them his vitality and
health and strength. It is written that Himself took our
infirmities and bare our sicknesses (`Isa. 53:4`), and virtue
[life, vitality, vigor] went out of him and healed them all.
`Mark 5:30`; `Luke 6:19`; `Matt. 8:16,17`
Being found in fashion as a (perfect) man, he humbled himself
and became obedient unto death. He presented himself to God,
saying, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me)
to do thy will, O God--and symbolized this consecration by a
baptism in water. When he thus presented himself, consecrated his
being, his offering was holy (pure) and acceptable to God, who
showed his acceptance by filling him with his Spirit and power-when the holy Spirit came upon him, thus anointing him.
This filling with the Spirit was the begetting to a new nature -the divine--which should be fully developed or born when he had
fully accomplished the offering--the sacrifice of the human nature.
This begetting was a step up from human conditions, and is
shown by pyramid h, on plane M, the plane of spirit begetting. On
this plane Jesus spent three and one-half years of his life--until his
human existence ended on the cross. Then, after being dead three
days, he was raised to life--to the perfection of spirit being (i, plane
L), born of the Spirit--the first born from the dead. That which is
born of the Spirit is spirit. Jesus, therefore, at and after his
resurrection, was a spirit--a spirit being, and no longer a human
being in any sense.
True, after his resurrection he had power to appear, and did
appear, as a man, in order that he might teach his disciples and
prove to them that he was no longer dead; but he was not a
man, and was no longer controlled by human conditions, but
could go and come as the wind (even when the doors were
shut), and none could tell whence he came or whither he went.
So is every one that is born of the Spirit. (`John 3:8) Compare
From the moment of his consecration to sacrifice, at the
time of his baptism, the human had been reckoned dead-- and
there the new nature was reckoned begun, which was
completed at the resurrection, when he reached the perfect
spirit plane, L--was raised a spiritual body.
Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus ascended to the majesty
on high--the plane of divine glory, K (pyramid k). During the Gospel
age he has been in glory (l), set down with the Father on his throne,
and Head over his Church on earth--her director and guide. During
this entire Gospel age the Church has been in process of
development, discipline and trial, to the intent that in the end or
harvest of the age she may become his bride and joint-heir. Hence
she has fellowship in his sufferings, that she may be also glorified
together with him (plane K), when the proper time comes.
The steps of the Church to glory are the same as those of
her Leader and Lord, who hath set us an example that we
should walk in his footsteps--except that the Church starts
from a lower plane. Our Lord, as we have seen, came into the
world on the plane of human perfection, N, while all we of the
Adamic race are on a lower plane, R--the plane of sin,
imperfection and enmity against God. The first thing necessary
for us, then, is to be justified, and thus to reach plane N. How is
this accomplished? Is it by good works? No; sinners can do no
good works. We could not commend ourselves to God, so God
commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us. (`Rom. 5:8`) Then the condition
upon which we come to the justified or perfect human plane is
that Christ died for our sins, redeemed us and lifted us up,
Explanation of Chart
Gospel age he has been calling for the little flock of jointheirs, saying, My son, give me thine heart--that is, give
yourself, all your earthly powers, your will, your talents, your
all, to me, even as Jesus hath set you an example; and I will
make you a son on a higher plane than the human. I will make
you a spiritual son, with a spirit body like the risen Jesus--the
express image of the Fathers person. If you will give up all of
the earthly hopes, ambitions, aims, etc., consecrate the human
nature entirely, and use it up in my service, I will give you a
higher nature than the rest of your race; I will make you a
partaker of the divine nature--an heir of God and a joint-heir
with Jesus Christ, if so be that you suffer with him, that you may
be also glorified together.
Those who rightly value this prize set before them in the
gospel gladly lay aside every weight and run with patience the
appointed race, that they may win it. Our works were not called
for to secure our justification: our Lord Jesus did all the work
that could be done to that end, and when, by faith, we accepted
of his finished work, we were justified, lifted to plane N. But
now, if we would go further, we cannot go without works.
True, we must not lose our faith, else we will thereby lose our
justification; but being justified, and continuing in faith, we are
able (through the grace given unto us by our begetting of the
Spirit) to do works, to bring forth fruit acceptable to God. And
God requires this; for it is the sacrifice we covenanted to make.
God requires that we show our appreciation of the great prize
by giving all that we have and are for it; not to men, but to God-a sacrifice holy and, through Christ, acceptable to him--our
reasonable service.
When we present all these things, we say: Lord, how
wouldst thou have me deliver this, my sacrifice, my time,
talent, influence, etc., to thee? Then, examining Gods Word for
Explanation of Chart
The crown will be won when we, like our faithful Brother
Paul, have fought a good fight and finished the course, but not
sooner. Until then, the flame and incense of our sacrifice of
labor and service must ascend daily--a sacrifice of sweet odor
unto God, acceptable through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Those of this overcoming class who sleep will be raised
spirit beings, plane L, and those of the same class who are alive
and remain unto the coming of the Lord will be changed to
the same plane of spirit being, and will not sleep for a
moment, though the change will necessitate the dissolution of
the earthen vessel. No longer weak, earthly, mortal, corruptible
beings, these will then be fully born of the Spirit--heavenly,
spiritual, incorruptible, immortal beings. `1 Cor. 15:44,52`
We know not how long it will be after their change, or
Explanation of Chart
They are justified but not sanctified. They are not fully
consecrated to God, and not begotten, therefore, as spirit
beings. They are higher than the world, however, because they
accept of Jesus as their ransom from sin; but they have not
accepted the high-calling of this age to become part of the
spiritual family of God. If they continue in faith and fully
submit to the righteous laws of Christs Kingdom, in the Times
of Restitution, they will finally attain the likeness of the perfect
earthly man, Adam. They will completely recover all that was
lost through him. They will attain the same human perfection,
mental, moral and physical, and will again be in the image of
God, as Adam was; for to all this they were redeemed. And
their position of justification, plane N, as those who have heard
and believed in the salvation through Christ, is a special
blessing which they by faith enjoy sooner than the general
world (for all shall be brought to an accurate knowledge of the
Truth, in the Millennial age). These, however, will have had the
advantage of an earlier start and some progress in the right
direction. But class p fails to improve the real benefit of this
faith justification in the present time. It is granted now for the
special purpose of enabling some to make the acceptable
sacrifice, and to become the n class as members of the body of
Christ. Those of class p receive the favor of God [justification]
in vain (`2 Cor. 6:1`): they fail to use it to go on and present
themselves acceptable sacrifices, during this time in which
sacrifices are acceptable to God. Those of this class, though not
saints, not members of the consecrated body, are called
brethren by the Apostle. (`Rom. 12:1`) In the same sense the
entire race, when restored, will forever be brethren of the
Christ, and the children of God, though of a different nature.
God is the Father of all in harmony with him, on every plane
and of every nature.
Explanation of Chart
talents to the Lord that bought them--a reasonable service-doubtless they give much of their time and talent really in
opposition to God, and hence in the service of the enemy.
Now notice on the chart the harvest or end of the Gospel
age; notice the two parts into which it is divided--seven years
and thirty-three years, the exact parallel of the harvest of the
Jewish age. This harvest, like the Jewish one, is to be first a time
of trial and sifting upon the Church, and afterward a time of
wrath or pouring out of the seven last plagues upon the
world, including the nominal Church. The Jewish Church was
the shadow or pattern on the fleshly plane of all that the
Gospel Church enjoys on the spiritual plane. That which tried
fleshly Israel in the harvest of their age was THE TRUTH then
presented to them. The truth then due was the sickle, and it
separated the Israelites indeed from the nominal Jewish
Church; and of the true wheat there was but a fragment
compared to the professors. So also is the harvest of this age.
The harvest of the Gospel age, like that of the Jewish age, is
under the supervision of the chief reaper, our Lord Jesus, who
must then be present. (`Rev. 14:14`) The first work of our Lord
in the harvest of this age will be to separate the true from the
false. The nominal Church, because of her mixed condition, the
Lord calls Babylon--confusion; and the harvest is the time for
separating the different classes in the nominal Church, and for
ripening and perfecting the n class. Wheat will be separated
from tares, ripe wheat from unripe, etc. Those in class n are a
first fruits of the wheat, and after being separated they will, in
due time, become Christs Bride, and be forever with and like
her Lord.
The separation of this little flock from Babylon is shown by
figure s. She is on the way to become one with the Lord, and to
bear his name and share his glory. The glorified Christ, Head
Explanation of Chart
wood, hay and stubble--wheat, but not fully ripened at the time
of the gathering of the first fruits (s). They (t) lose the prize of the
throne and the divine nature, but will finally reach birth as spirit
beings of an order lower than the divine nature. Though these are
truly consecrated, they are overcome by the worldly spirit to such
and extent that they fail to render their lives in sacrifice. Even in
the harvest, while the living members of the Bride are being
separated from others by the truth, the ears of others, including
class t, will be dull of hearing. They will be slow to believe and
slow to act in that time of separation. They will, no doubt, be
greatly dismayed when they afterward realize that the Bride has
been completed and united to the Lord, and that they, because so
listless and overcharged, have lost that great prize; but the beauty
of Gods plan, which they will then begin to discern as one of
love, both for them and for all the world of mankind, will quite
overcome their grief, and they will shout Alleluia! for the Lord
God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad, and rejoice, and give
honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife
hath made herself ready. (`Rev. 19:6,7`) Notice, too, the abundant
provision of the Lord: the message is sent to them-- Though you
are not the Bride of the Lamb, you may be present at the marriage
supper--Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage
supper of the Lamb. (`Verse 9`) This company will, in due time,
through the Lords chastisements, come fully into harmony with
him and his plan, and will wash their robes, that they may
ultimately reach a position next to the Bride--y, on the spiritual
plane, L. `Rev. 7:14,15`
The time of trouble, as it will affect the world, will be after
Babylon has begun to fall and disintegrate. It will be an
overturning of all human society and governments, preparing
the world for the reign of righteousness. During the time of
trouble, fleshly Israel (e), which was cast off until the fulness of
the Gentiles be come in, will be restored to Gods favor, and the
Gospel Church, or spiritual Israel, will be completed and
glorified. During the Millennial age Israel will be the chief
nation of earth, at the head of all on the earthly plane of being,
into oneness and harmony with which all the obedient will be
gradually drawn.
Their restoration to perfect human nature, as well as that of
the world in general, will be a gradual work, requiring all of the
Millennial age for its full accomplishment. During that
thousand years reign of Christ, the results of Adamic death will
be gradually swallowed up or destroyed. Its various stages-sickness, pain and weakness, as well as the tomb--will yield
obedience to the Great Restorers power, until at the end of that
age the great pyramid of our chart will be complete. The Christ
(x) will be the head of all things--of the great company, of
angels, and of men--next to the Father; next in order or rank
will be the great company, spirit beings (y), and next, angels;
then Israel after the flesh (z), including only Israelites indeed, at
the head of earthly nations; then the world of men (w), restored
to perfection of being, like the head of the human race, Adam,
before he sinned. This restoration will be accomplished
gradually during the Millennial age--the times of restitution.
(`Acts 3:21`) Some, however, will be destroyed from among the
people: first, all who, under full light and opportunity, for one
hundred years refuse to make progress toward righteousness
and perfection (`Isa. 65:20`); and second, those who, having
progressed to perfection, in a final testing at the close of the
Millennium prove unfaithful. (`Rev. 20:9`) Such die the second
death, from which there is no resurrection or restitution
promised. But one full individual trial is provided. But one
ransom will ever be given. Christ dieth no more.
When we look at our Fathers great plan for the exaltation
Explanation of Chart
of the Church and the blessing through it of Israel and all the
families of the earth by a restitution of all things, it reminds us
of the song of the angels: Glory to God in the highest; on earth,
peace, good will toward men! That will be the consummation
of Gods plan--the gathering together of all things in Christ.
Who will then say that Gods plan has been a failure? Who will
then say that he has not overruled evil for good, and made the
wrath of both men and devils to praise him?
The figure of a pyramid not only serves well the purpose of
illustrating perfect beings, but it continues to answer the
purpose of illustration in representing the oneness of the whole
creation, as in the fulfilment of Gods plan it will be one when
the harmony and perfection of all things will be attained under
the headship of Christ, the Head, not only of the Church which
is his body, but also of all things in heaven and in earth. `Eph.
Christ Jesus was the beginning, the head, the topstone,
the chief (upper) corner-stone of this grand structure, which
as yet is only commenced; and into harmony with the lines and
angles of the top-stone must every understone be built. No
matter how many kinds of stones may be in this structure, no
matter how many distinct natures there may be among Gods
sons, earthly and heavenly, they all, to be everlastingly
acceptable to him, must be conformed to the image of his Son.
All who will be of this building must partake of the spirit of
obedience to God, and of love toward him and all his creatures
(so amply illustrated in Jesus), the fulfilment of the law--Thou
shalt love the Lord with all thy heart, mind, soul and strength,
and thy neighbor as thyself.
In the process (as Gods Word outlines this gathering
together in one of all things, both heavenly and earthly, under
one head), Christ Jesus, the Head, was first selected; secondly,
the Church, which is his body. Angels and other spirit classes
will rank next; then the worthies of Israel and the world.
Beginning with the highest, the ordering shall proceed until all
who will shall have been brought into harmony and oneness.
One peculiarity is that this tried, chief, corner top-stone is laid
first and called a foundation stone. Thus is illustrated the fact that
the foundation of all hope toward God and righteousness is laid,
not on the earth, but in the heavens. And those built under it and
united to this heavenly foundation are held to it by heavenly
attractions and laws. And though this order is the very opposite
of an earthly building, how appropriate that the stone in whose
likeness the entire structure is to be found should be laid first.
And how appropriate also to find that our foundation is laid
upward, not downward; and that we, as living stones, are built up
into him in all things. Thus the work will progress during the
Millennial age, until every creature, of every nature, in heaven
and in earth, will be praising and serving God in conformity with
the lines of perfect obedience. The universe will then be clean; for
in that day It shall come to pass that the soul that will not hear
that Prophet shall be cut off from among the people--in the
second death. `Acts 3:22, 23`
The Tabernacle of the Wilderness
The same lesson shown in the Chart of the Ages is here
taught in this divinely arranged type, the lessons of which will
be more fully examined subsequently. We place it alongside,
that the different planes or steps to the Holy of Holies may be
duly noted or appreciated, as teaching the same steps already
examined in detail. Outside the court of the tabernacle lies the
whole world in sin, on the depraved plane, R. Entering through
the gate into the court, we become believers or justified
persons, on plane N. Those who go forward in consecration
Explanation of Chart
The First DominionIts ForfeitureIts Redemption and Restoration
The Typical Kingdom of GodThe UsurperTwo Phases of the Present
DominionThe Powers that be, Ordained of GodNebuchadnezzars
View of ThemDaniels View and InterpretationThe Kingdoms of this
World viewed from another StandpointThe Proper Relationship of the
Church to Present GovernmentsThe Divine Right of Kings Briefly
ExaminedClaims of Christendom FalseA Better Hope in the Fifth
Universal Empire.
clay element blended with the iron in the feet represents the
mixture of church and state. This mixture is in the Scriptures
termed Babylon--confusion. As we shall presently see, stone is
the symbol of the true Kingdom of God, and Babylon
substituted an imitation of stone--clay-- which it has united
with the fragmentary remains of the [iron] Roman Empire. And
this mixed system--church and state--the Church nominal
wedded to the kingdoms of this world, which the Lord calls
Babylon, confusion, presumes to call itself Christendom-Christs Kingdom. Daniel explains: Whereas thou sawest iron
mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the
seed of men [church and world blend--Babylon], but they shall
not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
They cannot thoroughly amalgamate. And in the days of these
kings [the kingdoms represented by the toes, the so-called
Christian kingdoms or Christendom] shall the God of
heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and
the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break
in pieces and consume all these kingdoms; and it shall stand
forever. `Dan. 2:43,44`
Daniel does not here state the time for the end of these
Gentile governments: that we find elsewhere; but every foretold
circumstance indicates that today the end is nigh, even at the
doors. The Papal system has long claimed that it is the kingdom
which the God of heaven here promised to set up, and that, in
fulfilment of this prophecy, it did break in pieces and consume
all other kingdoms. The truth, however, is that the nominal
Church merely united with earthly empires as the clay with the
iron, and that Papacy never was the true Kingdom of God, but
merely a counterfeit of it. One of the best evidences that Papacy
did not destroy and consume these earthly kingdoms is that
they still exist. And now that the miry clay has become dry and
brittle, it is losing its adhesive power, and the iron and clay
show signs of dissolution, and will quickly crumble when
smitten by the stone, the true Kingdom.
Continuing his interpretation, Daniel states: Forasmuch as
thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without
hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay,
the silver and the gold, the great God hath made known to the
king what shall come to pass hereafter; and the dream is certain
and the interpretation thereof sure. `Verse 45`
The stone cut out of the mountain without hands, which
smites and scatters the Gentile powers, represents the true
Church, the Kingdom of God. During the Gospel age this
stone kingdom is being formed, cut out, carved and shaped
for its future position and greatness--not by human hands, but
by the power or spirit of the truth, the invisible power of
Jehovah. When complete, when entirely cut out, it will smite
and destroy the kingdoms of this world. Not the people, but the
governments, are symbolized by the image, and these are to be
destroyed that the people may be delivered. Our Lord Jesus
came not to destroy mens lives, but to save them. `John 3:17`
The stone, during its preparation, while being cut out,
might be called an embryo mountain, in view of its future
destiny; so, too, the Church could be, and sometimes is, called
the Kingdom of God. In fact, however, the stone does not
become the mountain until it has smitten the image; and so the
Church, in the full sense, will become the Kingdom to fill the
whole earth when the day of the Lord, the day of wrath upon
the nations or time of trouble, will be over, and when it will
be established and all other dominions have become
subservient to it.
Call to mind now the promise made by our Lord to the
overcomers of the Christian Church: To him that overcometh
they have been, they have been vastly superior to none--much better
than lawlessness and anarchy. Though anarchy would probably
have been quite acceptable to the prince of this world, it was not so
to his subjects, and his power is not absolute: it is limited to the
extent of his ability to operate through mankind; and his policy must
conform in great measure to the ideas, passions, and prejudices of
men. Mans idea was self-government independent of God; and
when God permitted him to try the experiment, Satan embraced the
opportunity to extend his influence and dominion. Thus it was by
wishing to forget God (`Rom. 1:28`) that man exposed himself to the
influence of this wily and powerful though unseen foe; and
therefore he has ever since been obliged to work against Satans
machinations, as well as his own personal weaknesses.
This being the case, let us again glance at the kingdoms of this
world, viewing them now as the effort of fallen humanity to govern
itself independent of God. Though individual corruption and
selfishness have turned aside the course of justice, so that full justice
has seldom been meted out to any under the kingdoms of this
world, yet the ostensible object of all governments ever organized
among men has been to promote justice and the well-being of all the
To what extent that object has been attained is another question;
but such has been the claim of all governments, and such the object
of the people governed in submitting to and supporting them. And
where the ends of justice have been greatly ignored, either the
masses have been blinded and deceived with reference to them, or
wars, commotions and revolutions have been the result.
The dark deeds of base tyrants, who gained positions of power
in the governments of the world, did not represent the laws and
institutions of those governments, but in usurping authority and
turning it to base ends they gave to those governments their
beastly character. Every government has had a majority of wise,
just and good laws--laws for the protection of life and property,
for the protection of domestic and commercial interests, for the
punishment of crime, etc. They have also had courts of appeal
in matters of dispute, where justice is meted out to some extent,
at least; and however imperfect those in office may be, the
advantage and necessity for such institutions is apparent. Poor
as these governments have been, without them the baser
element of society would, by force of numbers, have overcome
the juster, better element.
While, therefore, we recognize the beastly character of these
governments, as rendered so by the exaltation to power of a
majority of unrighteous rulers, through the intrigues and
deceptions of Satan, operating through mans weaknesses and
depraved tastes and ideas, yet we recognize them as the best
efforts of poor, fallen humanity at governing itself. Century
after century God has allowed them to make the effort, and to
see the results. But after centuries of experiment, the results are
as far from satisfactory today as at any period of the worlds
history. In fact, the dissatisfaction is more general and
widespread than ever before; not because there is more
oppression and injustice than ever, but because, under Gods
arrangement, mens eyes are being opened by the increase of
The various governments which have been established
from time to time have exhibited the average ability of the people
represented by them to govern themselves. Even where
despotic governments have existed, the fact that they have been
tolerated by the masses proved that as a people they were not
capable of establishing and supporting a better government,
though many individuals were always, doubtless, far in
advance of the average standing. As we compare the condition
of the world today with its condition at any former period, we
them in the name of the God of Justice and the Prince of Peace.
In fact, the tendency with many is to conclude that Christianity
itself is an imposition without foundation, and that, leagued
with civil rulers, its aim is merely to hold in check the liberties
of the masses.
O that men were wise, that they would apply their hearts to
understand the work and plan of the Lord! Then would the
present kingdoms melt down gradually--reform would swiftly
follow reform, and liberty follow liberty, and justice and truth
would prevail until righteousness would be established in the
earth. But they will not do this, nor can they in their present
fallen state; and so, armed with selfishness, each will strive for
mastery, and the kingdoms of this world will pass away with a
great time of trouble, such as was not since there was a nation.
Of those who will be vainly trying to hold to a dominion which
has passed away, when the dominion is given to him whose
right it is, the Lord speaks, urging that they are fighting against
him--a conflict in which they are sure to fail. He says:
Why do the nations tumultuously assemble, and the
people meditate a vain thing? The kings of the earth set
themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the
Lord, and against his Anointed, saying, Let us break their
bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that
sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in
derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex
them in his sore displeasure [saying], I have anointed my king
upon my holy hill of Zion....Be wise now, therefore, O ye kings:
be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear
and rejoice with trembling. Kiss [make friends with] the Son
[Gods Anointed] lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way; for
his wrath may soon be kindled. Blessed are all they that take
refuge in him. `Psa. 2:1-6,10-12`
Prominence of the SubjectThe Character of the KingdomThe
Kingdom During the Gospel AgeFalse Views Corrected by Paul
Results of False Ideas of the KingdomTwo Phases of the Kingdom of
GodThe Spiritual Phase and its WorkThe Earthly Phase and its
WorkTheir Harmonious OperationThe Glory of the Earthly Phase
The Glory of the Heavenly PhaseThe Covenant Root from which These
Branches GrowThe Earthly Phase of the Kingdom, IsraelitishThe
Lost TribesThe Heavenly JerusalemIsrael a Typical PeopleIsraels
Loss and RecoveryThe Elect ClassesThe Heirs of the KingdomThe
Iron RuleAn Illustration of the Object of the Millennial ReignThe
Kingdom Delivered to the FatherGods Original Design Fully
begotten of the Father to a new life and the divine nature, which,
if it develop and become quickened, will insure your being born
a new creature, a spirit being, in the first resurrection; and as
such you shall not only see but share the Kingdom.
The change to be wrought by this new birth of the Spirit is
truly great, Nicodemus; for that which is born of the flesh is
flesh, but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Wonder not,
then, at my first statement, that you must be begotten from
above ere you can understand, know and appreciate the things
of which you inquire. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must
be born again. The difference between your present condition,
born of the flesh, and the condition of those born of the Spirit,
who shall enter into or constitute the kingdom I am preaching,
is very great. Let me give you an illustration by which you will
gain some idea of the beings who, when born of the Spirit, will
constitute this kingdom: The wind bloweth where it listeth,
and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it
cometh and whither it goeth--so is every one that is born of the
Spirit. As the wind blows here and there, you cannot see it,
though it exerts an influence all about you. You know not
whence it comes nor where it goes. This is as good an
illustration as I can give you of those born of the Spirit in the
resurrection, those who will enter into or constitute the
Kingdom which I am now preaching. They will all be as
invisible as the wind, and men, not born of the Spirit, will
neither know whence they came nor whither they go.
Nicodemus--How can this be?--invisible beings!
Jesus--Art thou a master in Israel, and knowest not these
things?--that spirit beings can be present, yet invisible? Have
you, who attempt to teach others, never read about Elisha and
his servant, or about Balaams ass? and the many instances in
* The words which is in heaven (`verse 13`) are not found in the most
ancient and reliable MSS.
They taught that there can be no kingdom until the King comes.
(`Rev. 20:6; 3:21`; `2 Tim. 2:12`) Consequently the kingdom of
heaven must suffer violence until that time, when it shall be set
up in glory and power.
Two Phases of the Kingdom of God
While it is true, as stated by our Lord, that the Kingdom of
God cometh not--does not make its first appearance--with
outward show, in due time it is to be made manifest to all by
outward, visible and unmistakable signs. When fully set up, the
Kingdom of God will be of two parts, a spiritual or heavenly
phase and an earthly or human phase. The spiritual will always
be invisible to men, as those composing it will be of the divine,
spiritual nature, which no man hath seen nor can see (`1 Tim.
6:16`; `John 1:18`); yet its presence and power will be mightily
manifested, chiefly through its human representatives, who will
constitute the earthly phase of the Kingdom of God.
Those who will constitute the spiritual phase of the
kingdom are the overcoming saints of the Gospel age--the
Christ, head and body--glorified. Their resurrection and
exaltation to power precedes that of all others, because through
this class all others are to be blessed. (`Heb. 11:39,40`) Theirs is
the first resurrection. (`Rev. 20:5`*) The great work before this
* In this verse the words But the rest of the dead lived not again until the
thousand years were finished are spurious. They are not found in the oldest
and most reliable Greek MSS, the Sinaitic, Vatican Nos. 1209 and 1160, nor
the Syriac MS. We must remember that many passages found in the
modern copies are additions which do not properly belong to the Bible.
Since commanded not to add to the Word of God, it is our duty to
repudiate such additions as soon as their spurious character is established.
The words indicated probably crept into the text by accident, in the fifth
century; for no MS of earlier date (either Greek or Syriac) contains this
the abundance of her glory; for saith the Lord, Behold, I will
extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles
like a flowing stream. At that time they shall call Jerusalem
the throne of the Lord, and all nations shall be gathered unto
it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go
up to the mountain [kingdom] of the Lord, to the house of the
God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will
walk in his paths; for out of Zion [the spiritual phase] shall go
forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem--the
earthly phase. `Isa. 52:9; 65:18; 66:10-12`; `Jer. 3:17`; `Isa. 2:3`
When considering the many precious promises of future
blessing made to Israel, and expecting an accurate fulfilment of
them to that people, it is proper that we should remember that
as a people they are typical, as well as actual. In one aspect they
are typical of the whole world of mankind; and their Law
Covenant, of obedience and life, was typical of the New
Covenant to be established with the world during the
Millennial and future ages.
The blood of atonement under their typical covenant, and
the priesthood which applied it to that nation, typified the
blood of the New Covenant and the Royal Priesthood which
will, during the Millennium, apply its cleansings and blessings
to the whole world. Thus their priesthood typified the Christ,
and that nation typified all for whom the real sacrifice was
made, and to whom the real blessings will come--every man,
the whole world.
Then let us remember that though the future blessings, like
the past, will be to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile, it will
be in the matter of time only that the Jews will have the
precedence to divine favor; and this we have shown would be a
natural consequence of their training under the Law, which in
due time will serve its purpose to bring them to Christ. Though
The city of Jerusalem was built upon a mountain top--a
double top; for it was separated by the valley Tyropoeon into
two parts. Still it was one city, surrounded by one wall, with
bridges connecting the two divisions. On one of these mountain
tops the Temple was built. This might be understood to
symbolize the union of the kingly and the priestly qualities in
the glorified Church; or, the one Kingdom of God with its two
phases--the spiritual temple, not of earthly origin, but of a new,
heavenly or spiritual nature (`Heb. 9:11`), separate from, yet
united with, the earthly phase.
David appears to refer to the two places. It was an honor to
be of the city at all, and a still greater honor to ascend into the
holy temple, into the sacred precincts of which only the priests
were permitted to enter. And David shows that purity of life
and honesty of heart are necessary to any who would attain
either honor. They that would be of the Royal Priesthood are
exhorted to purity, even as the high priest of our profession is
pure, if they would be accounted worthy of joint-heirship with
him. And he that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even
as he is pure. This, as already shown, is a purity of intent,
reckoned to us as absolute or actual purity, Christs imputed
compensating for our unavoidable weaknesses, while we walk
after the spirit and not after the flesh.
But let it not be forgotten that purity, sincerity, and entire
consecration to God are essential to all those who would enter
the Kingdom of God in either phase. It was thus with those
ancient worthies who will inherit the earthly phase of the
kingdom under Christ. They loved righteousness and hated
iniquity, and were deeply grieved and penitent when overtaken
by a fault, or stumbled by a weakness or besetment. So, too, it
has been with the faithful of the Gospel age; and so it will be
with all in the Millennial age, when the spirit of God, the spirit
of truth, is poured upon all flesh. The overcomers of that age
will also need to strive for purity of heart and life, if they would
have a right under Gods arrangement to enter into the city--the
kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world-the original dominion restored.
The Iron Rule
Many erroneously suppose that when Christs Millennial
Kingdom is inaugurated every one will be pleased with its
ruling. But not so. Its regulations will be far more exacting than
those of any previous government, and the liberties of the
people will be restricted to a degree that will be galling indeed
to many now clamoring for an increase of liberty. Liberty to
deceive, to misrepresent, to overreach and to defraud others,
will be entirely cut off. Liberty to abuse themselves or others in
food or in drink, or in any way to corrupt good manners, will
be totally denied to all. Liberty or license to do wrong of any
sort will not be granted to any. The only liberty that will be
granted to any will be the true and glorious liberty of the sons
of God--liberty to do good to themselves and others in any and
in every way; but nothing will be allowed to injure or destroy in
all that Holy Kingdom. (`Isa. 11:9`; `Rom. 8:21`) That rule will
consequently be felt by many to be a severe one, breaking up all
their former habits and customs, as well as breaking up present
institutions founded upon these false habits and false ideas of
liberty. Because of its firmness and vigor, it is symbolically
called an iron rule--He shall rule them with a rod of iron.
(Compare `Rev. 2:26,27`; `Psa. 2:8-12 and 49:14`.) Thus will be
fulfilled the statement, Judgment will I lay to the line and
righteousness to the plummet. And the hail [righteous
judgment] shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters
[truth] shall overflow the hiding place, and every hidden thing
shall be revealed. `Isa. 28:17`; `Matt. 10:26`
Many will feel rebellious against that perfect and equitable
rule because accustomed in the past, under the rule of the
present prince, to lord it over their fellow mortals, and to live
wholly at the expense of others without rendering
compensating service. And many and severe will be the stripes
which a present life of self-indulgence and gratification will
naturally demand and receive under that reign, before such will
learn the lessons of that kingdom--equity, justice, righteousness.
(`Psa. 89:32`; `Luke 12:47,48`) The lesson on this subject comes
first to the living generation, and is near at hand. `James 5`
But, blessed thought! when the Prince of Life has put in
force the laws of righteousness and equity with an iron rule, the
masses of mankind will learn that Righteousness exalteth a
nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. They will learn that
Gods plan and laws are best in the end for all concerned, and
ultimately they will learn to love righteousness and hate
iniquity. (`Psa. 45:7`; `Heb. 1:9`) All who under that reign have
not learned to love the right will be counted unworthy of
lasting life and will be cut off from among the people. `Acts
3:23`; `Rev. 20:9`; `Psa. 11:5-7`
The Kingdom Everlasting
Jehovah shall be King over all the earth in that day.
(`Zech. 14:9`) The kingdom which Jehovah will establish in the
hands of Christ during the Millennium will be Jehovahs
kingdom, but it will be under the direct control of Christ, as his
vicegerent, in much the same manner as the Southern States
were dealt with after the Rebellion by the United States
forever with all the divine glory and power at the right hand of
Jehovahs favor; and his Bride and joint-heir will forever share
his increasing glory. What wondrous works in other worlds
await the power of this highly exalted agent of Jehovah, we will
not here surmise, further than to suggest the infinitude and
activity of divine power, and the boundlessness of the universe.
Truly, then, in whatever phase of the kingdom our interest
centers, it is the desire of all nations; for under it all will be
blessed. Hence, all may earnestly long for that time; and all may
well pray, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it
is in heaven. It is for this that ignorantly the whole creation has
long been groaning and waiting --waiting for the manifestation
of the Sons of God, the kingdom which will crush out evil and
bless and heal all nations. `Rom. 8:19; 16:20`
The Day of Jehovah, the Day of Vengeance, the Day of WrathA
Time of Great TroubleIts CauseThe Bibles Testimony Regarding it
Its Fire and Storm, Its Shaking and Melting, Shown to be Symbolic
Davids TestimonyThe Revelators TestimonyThe Present Situation
and the Future Outlook as Viewed by the Opposing Parties, Capitalists
and Wage-WorkersA Remedy Which Will Not SucceedThe Veil
Lifted and Light Admitted Just in Due TimeThe Proof of ThisThe
Condition of the Saints During the Trouble, and Their Proper Attitude
Toward It.
and religious systems will pass away; that this is the way in
which increase of knowledge and liberty will result, because of
mans imperfection, mental, moral and physical. These
scriptures will be referred to in due course; but here we can
only call attention to a few of the many, advising our readers
meanwhile that in many of the prophecies of the Old Testament
in which Egypt, Babylon and Israel figure so largely, not only
was there a literal fulfilment intended, but also a secondary and
larger one. Thus, for instance, the predictions regarding the fall
of Babylon, etc., must be considered extravagant beyond
measure, did we not recognize a symbolic and antitypical as
well as a literal Babylon. The book of Revelation contains
predictions recorded long after literal Babylon was in ruins, and
hence evidently applicable only to symbolic Babylon; yet the
close resemblance of the words of the prophets, apparently
directly addressed to literal Babylon, are thus shown to belong
in an especial sense to symbolic Babylon. In this larger
fulfilment, Egypt represents the world; Babylon represents the
nominal Church, called Christendom; while, as already shown,
Israel often represents the whole world in its justified condition,
as it will be--its glorious Royal Priesthood, its holy Levites and
its believing and worshiping people, justified by the sacrifice of
the Atonement, and brought into a condition of reconciliation
with God. To Israel the blessings are promised, to Egypt the
plagues, and to strong Babylon a wonderful, complete and
everlasting overthrow, as a great millstone cast into the sea
(`Rev. 18:21`), never to be recovered, but to be held in
everlasting odium.
The Apostle James points out this day of trouble, and tells
of its being the result of differences between capital and labor.
He says: Come now, ye wealthy! wail ye, howling at your
hardships that are coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted
trouble will involve all classes, and bring distress upon all the
Nigh is the great Day of the Lord: it is nigh. Nearer and
louder comes the uproar of the Day of the Lord. There the
mighty shall shriek bitterly! That day is a day of wrath, a day of
distress and anxiety, a day of wasting and desolation, a day of
darkness and obscurity [uncertainty and foreboding, as well as
present distress], a day of clouds [trouble] and tempestuous
gloom, a day of the trumpet [the seventh symbolic trumpet,
which sounds throughout this day of trouble--also called the
trump of God, because connected with the events of this Day of
the Lord] and shouting against the fenced cities and the high
battlements [clamorous and conflicting denunciations of strong
and well-intrenched governments]. And I will bring distress
upon men, and they shall walk about as blind men [groping in
uncertainty, not knowing what course to pursue], because they
have sinned against Jehovah. Their blood shall be poured out as
the dust, and their flesh shall be as dung. Neither their silver
nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the
Lords wrath [though previously wealth could furnish ease and
every luxury], but the whole land shall be devoured by the
FIRE of his zeal; for destruction, yea, quite sudden, will he
prepare for all them [the wealthy] that dwell in the land. This
destruction will destroy many of the wealthy in the sense that
they will cease to be wealthy, though doubtless it will also
involve the loss of many lives of all classes.
We shall not attempt to follow the prophets in their details,
from various standpoints, of the trouble of that day, but shall
follow briefly the thought last suggested by the prophet above,
namely, the devouring of the whole earth with the FIRE of Gods
zeal. This prophet refers to the same fire, etc., again (`Zeph.
3:8,9`), saying: Wait ye upon me, saith Jehovah, until the day
burned up. The heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the
elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless we, according
to his promise, look for new heavens [the new spiritual power-Christs kingdom] and a new earth [earthly society organized on
a new basis--on the basis of love and justice, rather than of might
and oppression]. `2 Peter 3:6,7,10-13`
It should be remembered that some of the apostles were
prophets as well--notably Peter, John and Paul. And while as
apostles they were Gods mouthpieces to expound the
utterances of preceding prophets for the benefit of the Church,
they were also used of God as prophets to predict things to
come, which, as they become due to be fulfilled, become meat
in due season for the household of faith, to dispense which,
God in his own time raises up suitable servants or expounders.
(See our Lords statement of this fact-- `Matt. 24:45,46`.) The
apostles as prophets were moved upon to write things which,
not being due in their day, they could but imperfectly
appreciate, even as it was with the Old Testament prophets (`1
Pet. 1:12,13`), though, like them, their words were specially
guided and directed so that they have a depth of meaning of
which they were not aware when using them. Thus
emphatically the Church is ever guided and fed by God
himself, whoever may be his mouthpieces or channels of
communication. A realization of this must lead to greater
confidence and trust in Gods Word, notwithstanding the
imperfections of some of his mouthpieces.
The Prophet `Malachi (4:1)` tells of this Day of the Lord
under the same symbol. He says: The day cometh that shall
burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do
wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn
them up...that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
Pride, and every other cause from which haughtiness and
says that in the type Gods voice shook the literal earth, but now
he hath promised, saying, Yet once for all [finally], I will shake
not only the earth, but the heaven also. Concerning this the
Apostle explains, saying, Now this [statement], Yet once for
all, denotes the removal of the things shaken, because they are
fabricated [false, made up, not the true], so that the unshaken
things [true, righteous things, only] may remain. Wherefore,
seeing that we are to receive a kingdom which cannot be
shaken, let us hold fast the favor through which we may serve
God acceptably with reverence and piety; for [as it is written],
Our God is a consuming fire. Thus we see this apostle uses a
storm to symbolize the trouble of this Day of the Lord, which
he and others elsewhere refer to under the symbol of fire. The
same events are here noted that are described under the fire
symbol, namely, the sweeping away of all falsities, both from
believers and from the world--errors regarding Gods plan and
character and Word, and also errors as to social and civil affairs
in the world. It will be good indeed for all to be rid of these
fabrications, which came to man largely through his own
depraved desires, as well as by the cunning craftiness of Satan,
the wily foe of righteousness; but it will be at great cost to all
concerned that they will be swept away. It will be a terribly hot
fire, a fearful storm, a dark night of trouble, which will precede
the glorious brightness of that Kingdom of Righteousness
which can never be shaken, that Millennial day in which the
Sun of Righteousness will shine forth in splendor and power,
blessing and healing the sick and dying but redeemed world.
Compare `Mal. 4:2` and `Matt. 13:43`.
David, the prophet through whose Psalms God was pleased
to foretell so much concerning our Lord at his first advent,
gives some vivid descriptions of this Day of Trouble by which
his glorious reign will be introduced; and he uses these various
interchangeably, in his descriptions. Thus, for instance, he says
(`Psa. 50:3`): Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a
fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous
round about him. In `Psa. 97:2-6`: Clouds and darkness are
round about him: righteousness and justice are the support of
his throne. A fire goeth before him and burneth up his enemies
round about. His lightnings give light to the world; the earth
seeth it and trembleth. The mountains melt away like wax at
the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the
whole earth. The [new] heavens [then] tell of his righteousness,
and all the people see his glory. `Psa. 46:6`: The peoples raged,
the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth
melted. Again (`Psa. 110:2-6`), Rule thou in the midst of thine
enemies....The Lord at thy right hand shall crush kings in the
day of his wrath. He will judge among the nations--there shall
be a fulness of corpses. He crusheth the heads [rulers] over
protection;...therefore we will not fear when the earth [society]
is transformed, and when the mountains [kingdoms] are swept
into the midst of the sea [swallowed up by the turbulent
masses], when the waters thereof roar and are troubled
[infuriated], when the mountains shake with the swelling
thereof....God will help her [the Bride, the faithful little flock]
at the dawning of the morning. And in the same Psalm, `verses
6-10`, the same story is restated in other symbols: The peoples
rage, kingdoms are displaced: he letteth his voice be heard, the
earth [society] melteth. Jehovah of hosts is with us, a Tower for
us is the God of Jacob. Then, viewing the results of that time of
trouble from beyond it, he adds: Come ye, behold the deeds of
the Lord--what desolations he hath made in the earth....Desist
[from your former ways, O people] and know [come to the
higher level; and if we could see a prospect that the flood tide
would continue to rise, and to benefit all, we would feel
satisfied; but we are anxious and restless now because we see
that this is not the case. We see that the flood tide is beginning
to turn, and that whereas many have been lifted high in wealth
by it, and are firmly and securely fixed upon the shore of ease,
luxury and opulence, yet the masses are not thus settled and
secured, but are in danger of being carried as low as ever, or
lower, by the undercurrent of the now ebbing tide. Hence it is
that we are disposed to grasp hold of something to insure our
present state and our further advancement before it is too late.
To state the matter in other words, we (artisans and
laborers) see that while all mankind has largely shared the
blessings of the day, yet those who by reason of greater talent
for business, or by inheritance, or by fraud and dishonesty,
have become possessors of tens of thousands and millions of
dollars, have not only this advantage over all others, but, aided
by the mechanical inventions, etc., they are in a position to
continue the ratio of their increase in wealth, in proportion to
the decrease in the wage-workers salaries. We see that unless
we take some steps toward the protection of the increasing
number of artisans against the increasing power of monopoly,
combined with labor-saving machinery, etc., the cold-blooded
law of supply and demand will swallow us up completely. It is
against this impending disaster, rather than against present
conditions, that we organize and seek protective arrangements.
Each day adds largely to our numbers by natural increase and
by immigration; and each day adds to the labor-saving
machinery. Each day, therefore, increases the number seeking
employment and decreases the demand for their service. The
natural law of supply and demand, therefore, if permitted to go
on uninterruptedly, will soon bring labor back where it was a
century ago, and leave all the advantages of our day in the
hands of capital. It is this that we seek to avert.
This ultimate tendency of many real blessings to work injury,
unless restrained by wise and equitable laws, was long since seen;
but the rapidity with which one invention has followed another,
and the consequent increased demand for labor in providing this
labor-saving machinery, has been so great that the ultimate result
has been delayed, and instead, the world has had a boom--an
inflation of values, wages, wealth, credits (debts) and ideas--from
which the reaction is now commencing gradually to take place.
In the last few years there have been produced in vast
quantities agricultural implements of every description which
enable one man to accomplish as much as five could formerly.
This has a two-fold effect: first, three times as many acres are
worked, giving employment to three out of the five laborers, thus
setting two adrift to compete for other labor; secondly, the three
who remain can, by the use of the machinery, produce as great a
crop as fifteen would have done without it. The same or greater
changes are wrought in other departments by similar agencies;
for instance, in iron and steel making. Its growth has been so
enormous that the number of employees has greatly increased,
notwithstanding the fact that machinery has enabled one man at
present to accomplish about as much as twelve did formerly. One
of the results will be that very shortly the capacity of these
extensive works will more than meet the present enormous
demands, and the demands, instead of continuing to increase,
will probably decrease; for the world is fast being supplied with
railroads beyond present needs, and the yearly repairs on these
could probably be supplied by less than one-half the present
number of establishments.
Thus we are brought in contact with the peculiar condition
not since there was a nation--and, thank God for the assurance
added--nor ever shall be afterward.
The deliverance of Israel from Egypt and from the plagues
which came upon the Egyptians seems to illustrate the coming
emancipation of the world, at the hands of the greater than
Moses, whom he typified. It will be a deliverance from Satan
and every agency he has devised for mans bondage to sin and
error. And as the plagues upon Egypt had a hardening effect as
soon as removed, so the temporary relief from the pains of this
Day of the Lord will tend to harden some, and they will say to
the poor, as did the Egyptians to Israel, Ye are idle, and
therefore dissatisfied! and will probably, like them, attempt to
increase the burden. (`Exod. 5:4-23`) But in the end such will
wish, as did Pharaoh in the midnight of his last plague, that
they had dealt more leniently and wisely long ago. (`Exod.
12:30-33`) To mark further the similarity, call to mind that the
troubles of this Day of the Lord are called seven vials of
wrath, or seven last plagues, and that it is not until the last of
these that the great earthquake (revolution) occurs, in which
every mountain (kingdom) will disappear. `Rev. 16:17-20`
Another thought with reference to this Day of Trouble is
that it has come just in due time--Gods due time. In the next
volume of this work, evidence is adduced from the testimony of
the Law and the Prophets of the Old Testament, as well as from
Jesus and the apostolic prophets of the New Testament, which
shows clearly and unmistakably that this Day of Trouble is
located chronologically in the beginning of the glorious
Millennial reign of Messiah. It is this necessary preparation for
the coming work of restitution in the Millennial age that
precipitates the trouble. During the six thousand years interim
of evil, and until the appointed time for the establishment of the
righteous and powerful government of Christ, it would have
share the trouble and suffer under it, they are hopeful, cheerful
and always rejoicing in view of the glorious outcome foretold in
Gods Word.
The Apostle has written that Godliness with contentment is
great gain; and though this has always been true, it will have
double force in this Day of the Lord, when discontent is the
chief ailment among all worldly classes. To these the saints
should be a notable exception. There never was a time when
dissatisfaction was so widespread; and yet there never was a
time when men enjoyed so many favors and blessings.
Wherever we look, whether into the palaces of the rich, replete
with conveniences and splendors of which Solomon in all his
glory knew almost nothing, or whether we look into the
comfortable home of the thrifty and temperate wage-worker,
with its evidences of taste, comfort, art and luxury, we see that
in every way the present exceeds in bountiful supply every
other period since the creation, many-fold; and yet the people
are unhappy and discontented. The fact is that the desires of a
selfish, depraved heart know no bounds. Selfishness has so
taken possession of all, that, as we look out, we see the whole
world madly pushing and driving and clutching after wealth. A
few only being successful, the remainder are envious and
soured because they are not the fortunate ones, and all are
discontented and miserable--more so than in any former time.
But the saint should take no part in that struggle. His
consecration vow was that he would strive and grasp and run
for a higher, a heavenly prize, and hence he is weaned from
earthly ambitions, and labors not for earthly things, except to
provide things decent and needful; for he is giving heed to the
course and example of the Master and the apostles.
Therefore they have contentment with their godliness, not
because they have no ambition, but because their ambition is
thou wast called and didst make a noble covenant. `1 Tim. 6:612`
If the example of the saints is thus one of contentment and
joyful anticipation, and a cheerful submission to present trials
in sure hope of the good time coming, such living examples
alone are valuable lessons for the world. And in addition to the
example, the counsel of the saints to those about them should
be in harmony with their faith. It should be of the nature of
ointment and healing balm. Advantage should be taken of
circumstances to point the world to the good time coming, to
preach to them the coming Kingdom of God, and to show the
real cause of present troubles, and the only remedy. `Luke 3:14`;
`Heb. 13:5`; `Phil. 4:11`
The poor world groans, not only under its real, but also
under its fancied ills, and especially under the discontent of
selfishness, pride and ambitions which fret and worry men
because they cannot fully satisfy them. Hence, while we can see
both sides of the question, let us counsel those willing to hear to
contentment with what they have, and to patient waiting until
God in his due time and way brings to them the many blessings
which his love and wisdom have provided.
By probing and inflaming either real or fancied wounds
and wrongs, we would do injury to those we should be helping
and blessing, thus spreading their discontent, and hence their
trouble. But by fulfilling our mission, preaching the good
tidings of the ransom given for ALL, and the consequent
blessings to come to ALL, we shall be true heralds of the
kingdom --its ambassadors of peace. Thus it is written, How
beautiful upon the mountains [kingdoms] are the feet of him
[the last members of the body of Christ] that bringeth good
tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of
good. `Isa. 52:7` The troubles of this Day of Jehovah will give
Our Duty Toward the TruthIts Cost, Its Value, Its Profit.
Concluding Thoughts
but in power and great glory: not again to redeem the world,
but to judge [rule] the world in righteousness. A trial can in no
case proceed until the judge is on the bench and the court is in
session at the appointed time, though before that time there
may be a great preparatory work. Then shall the King sit upon
the throne of his glory, and before him shall be gathered all
nations, and he shall judge them during that age by their works,
opening to them the books of the Scriptures and filling the earth
with the knowledge of the Lord. And by their conduct under all
that favor and assistance, he shall decide who of them are
worthy of life everlasting in the ages of glory and joy to follow.
`Matt. 25:31`; `Rev. 20:11-13`
Thus we have seen that the second advent of Messiah, to set
up his kingdom in the earth, is an event in which all classes of
men may have hope, an event which, when fully understood,
will bring joy and gladness to all hearts. It is the day when the
Lords little flock of consecrated saints has the greatest cause
for rejoicing. It is the glad day when the espoused virgin
Church with joy becomes the Bride, the Lambs wife; when she
comes up out of the wilderness leaning upon the arm of her
Beloved, and enters into his glorious inheritance. It is the day
when the true Church, glorified with its Head, will be endued
with divine authority and power, and will begin the great work
for the world, the result of which will be the complete
restitution of all things. And it will be a glad day for the world
when the great adversary is bound, when the fetters that have
held the race for six thousand years are broken, and when the
knowledge of the Lord fills the whole earth as the waters cover
the sea.
A knowledge of these things, and the evidences that they
are nigh, even at the door, should have a powerful influence
upon all, but especially upon the consecrated children of God,
Concluding Thoughts
who are seeking the prize of the divine nature. We urge such,
while they lift up their heads and rejoice, knowing that their
redemption draweth nigh, to lay aside every weight and
hindrance, and to run patiently the race in which they have
started. Look away from self and its unavoidable weaknesses
and imperfections, knowing that all such weaknesses are
covered fully by the merits of the ransom given by Christ Jesus
our Lord, and that your sacrifices and self-denials are
acceptable to God through our Redeemer and Lord--and thus
only. Let us remember that the strength sufficient which God
has promised us, and by use of which we can be overcomers,
is provided in his Word. It is a strength derived from a
knowledge of his character and plans, and of the conditions upon
which we may share in them. Thus Peter expresses it, saying,
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge
of God, and of Jesus Christ our Lord, according as his divine
power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and
godliness, through the knowledge of him who hath called us to
glory and virtue; whereby are given unto us exceeding great
and precious promises, that BY THESE ye might be partakers of
the divine nature. `2 Pet. 1:2-4`
But to obtain this knowledge and this strength, which God
thus proposes to supply to each runner for the heavenly prize,
will surely test the sincerity of your consecration vows. You
have consecrated all your time, all your talents, to the Lord;
now the question is, How much of it are you giving? Are you
still willing, according to your covenant of consecration, to give
up all?--to give up your own plans and methods, and the
theories of yourselves and others, to accept of Gods plan and
way and time of doing his great work? Are you willing to do
this at the cost of earthly friendships and social ties? And are
Concluding Thoughts
Concluding Thoughts
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ABOUT . . . . . .
The necessity for this little brochure lies in the fact that
Spiritism is showing an increased activity of late, and
meeting with considerable success in entrapping Christians
who are feeling dissatisfied with their present attainments
and craving spiritual food and better foundation for faith.
The aim is to show the unscripturalness of Spiritism,
and to point those who hunger and thirst for truth in the
direction of God's Wordthe counsel of the Most High.
"Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward
receive me to glory."Psa. 73:24.
119 pages; in paper covers, 10 cents (5d.)