Current Calendar
Current Calendar
Current Calendar
Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 2012-2013 ................................................................................................ 6 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Official Statement ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 About CBU .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Emergency Preparedness ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Messages ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 President & Vice-Chancellors Message ........................................................................................................................... 11 Chancellors Message ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 ABOUT CAPE BRETON UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................... 12 Mission .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Vision ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Values ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Academic Value Proposition ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Calendar of Events .............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Admission Requirements for CBU .................................................................................................................................... 19 Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programs ................................................................................................... 19 International Applicants ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Admission of Students With Learning Differences ............................................................................................................ 22 Admission Requirements For Mature Students (Non-Traditional Learners) ..................................................................... 22 Credit Recognition for Outstanding Entry Students From High School ............................................................................ 22 From Other Than High School .......................................................................................................................................... 23 Credit Transfer .................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Admission Procedures ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 Articulation Agreement with Colleges ............................................................................................................................... 25 Internal Transfers ................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Internal Transfer Credit for School of Arts and Social Sciences ....................................................................................... 26 Internal Transfer Credit for School of Science and Technology Engineering ................................................................... 27 Academic Regulations ........................................................................................................................................................ 28 The Learning Community .................................................................................................................................................. 28 Student Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 The Deans list ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Academic Performance Review ........................................................................................................................................ 33 Determination and Categories of Academic Standing ...................................................................................................... 33 Additional Regulations Pertaining To Academic Standing ................................................................................................ 34 Transcripts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Ethical Behaviour in Academic Matters............................................................................................................................. 35 Electronic Device Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 37 Class Attendance .............................................................................................................................................................. 37 Programs ........................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Obtaining a Second Degree from CBU ............................................................................................................................. 37 Course Selection ............................................................................................................................................................... 38 Changing a Course or a Course Section .......................................................................................................................... 39 Dropping a Course ............................................................................................................................................................ 39 Alternatives to the Usual Course Load.............................................................................................................................. 39 Other Academic Paths ...................................................................................................................................................... 39 Taking Courses at Other Institutions ................................................................................................................................. 40 CBU Distance Education Courses .................................................................................................................................... 40 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 1
CBU Courses Taken During Spring/Summer Session ...................................................................................................... 40 CBU Tutorial Courses ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 CBU Courses for Audit ...................................................................................................................................................... 40 Degree and Diploma Co-op Programs: Work Terms ........................................................................................................ 40 Graduation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Correspondence from the Office of the Registrar to The Student .................................................................................... 42 Access to and Release of Student Information ................................................................................................................. 42 Release of Individual Student Information to the Public ................................................................................................... 42 Notification of Disclosure of Personal Information to Statistics Canada ........................................................................... 42 Directories ......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Cape Breton University Student Fees and Financial Information .................................................................................. 44 School of Arts and Social Sciences .................................................................................................................................. 47 Departments .................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Anthropology and Sociology ......................................................................................................................................... 48 Communication ............................................................................................................................................................. 48 Community Studies ....................................................................................................................................................... 48 History and Culture ....................................................................................................................................................... 49 Languages and Letters ................................................................................................................................................. 49 Mathematics .................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Indigenous Studies ........................................................................................................................................................ 49 Philosophy and Religious Studies ................................................................................................................................. 50 Political Science ............................................................................................................................................................ 50 Psychology .................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Academic Program Regulations .................................................................................................................................... 51 Bachelor of Arts ............................................................................................................................................................. 51 Bachelor of Arts Community Studies ............................................................................................................................ 53 Departmental Regulations .............................................................................................................................................. 57 Shannon School of Business ............................................................................................................................................ 79 Master of Business Administration in Community Economic Development ................................................................. 79 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) .................................................................................................................. 82 Bachelor of Arts Community Studies/Bachelor of Business Administration ................................................................. 85 Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management ....................................................................................................... 85 Bachelor of Technology Information ............................................................................................................................. 86 Certificate & Designation Programs .............................................................................................................................. 88 School of Professional Studies ......................................................................................................................................... 91 Cape Breton Health Research Centre .......................................................................................................................... 92 Education Advisory Council .......................................................................................................................................... 92 Master of Education (Information Technology) ............................................................................................................. 92 Bachelor of Education ................................................................................................................................................... 94 Bachelor of Science Nursing ......................................................................................................................................... 96 Bachelor of Health Sciences (Public Health) ................................................................................................................ 99 Bachelor of Technology (Emergency Management) .................................................................................................. 102 Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition (Transfer) .................................................................................................... 103 Diploma Programs ...................................................................................................................................................... 104 Certificate Programs ................................................................................................................................................... 105 School of Science and Technology ................................................................................................................................ 106 Departments ................................................................................................................................................................ 107 Bachelor of Science .................................................................................................................................................... 107 Bachelor of Science Community Studies .................................................................................................................... 116 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electronics & Controls) ................................................................................... 120 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Environmental Studies) .................................................................................. 122 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Manufacturing) ................................................................................................ 123 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Petroleum) ...................................................................................................... 125 Bachelor of Engineering Transfer Program (Engineering Diploma) ........................................................................... 127 Bachelor of Computer Science (Transfer) .................................................................................................................. 129 Other Science Programs ............................................................................................................................................. 130 Combined Programs ................................................................................................................................................... 130 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 2
BSc in Mathematics jointly with the Engineering Diploma .......................................................................................... 130 BSc Chemistry with Engineering ................................................................................................................................. 133 BSc in Mathematics with Computing Science............................................................................................................. 133 Diploma Programs ...................................................................................................................................................... 134 Unamaki College of Cape Breton University ................................................................................................................. 135 Mikmaq Resource Centre (MRC) ............................................................................................................................... 135 Lnuisultimkeweyokom Mikmaq Language Lab ....................................................................................................... 135 Indigenous Science Research Commons ................................................................................................................... 136 Indigenous Students Commons .................................................................................................................................. 136 Department of Indigenous Studies .............................................................................................................................. 136 Unamaki College Student Services ............................................................................................................................ 141 Mikmaq Student Services........................................................................................................................................... 141 Aboriginal Academic Support Programming ............................................................................................................... 141 Course Descriptions ......................................................................................................................................................... 142 Accounting (ACCT) ......................................................................................................................................................... 142 Anthropology/Sociology (ANTH, SOCO, AN/S) ............................................................................................................. 144 Art (ARTT) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 158 Biology (BIOL) ................................................................................................................................................................. 159 Business Administration .................................................................................................................................................. 167 Accounting (ACCT) ......................................................................................................................................................... 167 Finance (FINC) ................................................................................................................................................................ 167 Legal Studies (LEGL) ...................................................................................................................................................... 167 Management (MGMT) ..................................................................................................................................................... 168 Management Science (MGSC) ....................................................................................................................................... 168 Marketing (MRKT) ........................................................................................................................................................... 168 CELTIC (CELT) .............................................................................................................................................................. 168 Chemistry (CHEM) .......................................................................................................................................................... 168 Chemistry Technology (CHEM) ................................................................................................................................... 174 Communication (COMM)................................................................................................................................................. 174 Computer Applications Engineering Technology (COMP) .......................................................................................... 182 Community Studies (COMS) ........................................................................................................................................... 182 Drafting Engineering Technology (DRAF).................................................................................................................... 184 Drama (DRAM)................................................................................................................................................................ 184 Economics (ECON) ......................................................................................................................................................... 186 Education (EDUC) ........................................................................................................................................................... 189 Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology (ELEC) ................................................................................................. 204 Emergency Management (EMGN) .................................................................................................................................. 207 Engineering (ENGI) ......................................................................................................................................................... 208 Engineering Technology (ENGI) .................................................................................................................................. 212 English (ENGL) ............................................................................................................................................................... 213 Environmental Engineering Technology (ENVI) .......................................................................................................... 226 Finance (FINC) ................................................................................................................................................................ 228 Folklore (FOLK) ............................................................................................................................................................... 230 French (FRNC) ................................................................................................................................................................ 236 Gaelic .............................................................................................................................................................................. 240 Gender and Womens Studies (GWST) .......................................................................................................................... 241 Geology (GEOL).............................................................................................................................................................. 242 Geology Engineering Technology (GEOL) .................................................................................................................. 242 History (HIST).................................................................................................................................................................. 243 Hospitality and Tourism Management (HATM) ............................................................................................................... 252 Humanities (HUMA) ........................................................................................................................................................ 255 Information Technology (ITEC) ....................................................................................................................................... 256 Legal Studies (LEGL) ...................................................................................................................................................... 262 Management (MGMT) ..................................................................................................................................................... 264 Management Science (MGSC) ....................................................................................................................................... 267 Manufacturing (MANF) .................................................................................................................................................... 268 Marketing (MRKT) ........................................................................................................................................................... 270 Master of Business Administration in Community Economic Development (MBAC)...................................................... 274 Mathematics (MATH) ...................................................................................................................................................... 281 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 3
Mathematics Engineering Technology (MATH) ........................................................................................................... 289 Mechanical Engineering Technology (MECH) ............................................................................................................. 290 Microbiology (MICR)........................................................................................................................................................ 292 Mikmaq Studies (MIKM) ................................................................................................................................................. 293 MSIT ................................................................................................................................................................................ 297 Music (MUSI) ................................................................................................................................................................... 299 Natural Science (NASC).................................................................................................................................................. 306 Nursing (NURS) .............................................................................................................................................................. 306 Nutrition (NUTR).............................................................................................................................................................. 311 Petroleum Engineering Technology (PETR) ................................................................................................................... 313 Philosophy (PHIL) ........................................................................................................................................................... 316 Physical Education/Sport ................................................................................................................................................ 323 Physics (PHYS) ............................................................................................................................................................... 323 Political Science (POLS) ................................................................................................................................................. 324 Psychology (PSYC) ......................................................................................................................................................... 335 Public Health (PUBH) ...................................................................................................................................................... 343 Religious Studies (RELS) ................................................................................................................................................ 348 Spanish ........................................................................................................................................................................... 352 Sports And Human Kinetics (SPHK) ............................................................................................................................... 352 Services and Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 356 Office of the Vice-President Student Services and Registrar .................................................................................. 356 Student Services ......................................................................................................................................................... 356 The Learning Commons and Student Life Centre ...................................................................................................... 356 Jennifer Keeping AccessAbility Centre (JKAC) .......................................................................................................... 357 The Writing Centre ...................................................................................................................................................... 357 International Student Advisors .................................................................................................................................... 357 Academic and Career Advisors .................................................................................................................................. 357 Clinical Social Worker ................................................................................................................................................. 358 Health Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 358 Chaplaincy ................................................................................................................................................................... 358 Athletics ....................................................................................................................................................................... 358 Cape Breton Health Recreation Complex ................................................................................................................... 359 Canada Games Complex ........................................................................................................................................... 359 Registrars Office .......................................................................................................................................................... 359 Students Union ............................................................................................................................................................. 359 Library ............................................................................................................................................................................ 361 General Services And Resources................................................................................................................................ 361 Art Gallery ................................................................................................................................................................... 361 Banking ....................................................................................................................................................................... 362 Boardmore Playhouse................................................................................................................................................. 362 Bus Service ................................................................................................................................................................. 362 Caper Radio Inc. ......................................................................................................................................................... 362 Cape Breton University Press ..................................................................................................................................... 362 Child Care ................................................................................................................................................................... 362 Distance Education ..................................................................................................................................................... 362 Food Service ............................................................................................................................................................... 363 Lost and Found ........................................................................................................................................................... 363 Parking ........................................................................................................................................................................ 364 Research and Graduate studies ...................................................................................................................................... 365 Office of Research and Graduate Studies ...................................................................................................................... 365 Research Institutes and Centres ..................................................................................................................................... 365 Institutes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 367 Administrative Offices And Services .............................................................................................................................. 371 Presidents Office .......................................................................................................................................................... 371 President and Vice-Chancellor ................................................................................................................................... 371 Vice-President, Finance and Operations .................................................................................................................... 371 Vice-President, Academic and Professional Studies (Provost) .................................................................................. 371 Vice-President, External Relations ............................................................................................................................. 371 Vice-President Student Services, and Registrar ......................................................................................................... 371 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 4
Teaching and Learning Support ...................................................................................................................................... 372 Communications and Public Relations............................................................................................................................ 372 Conference Services ................................................................................................................................................... 372 Development ................................................................................................................................................................... 372 Alumni Office ................................................................................................................................................................... 373 Recruitment Department ................................................................................................................................................. 373 CBU Global ..................................................................................................................................................................... 373 Facilities Management .................................................................................................................................................... 373 Residences ...................................................................................................................................................................... 374 Finance Office ................................................................................................................................................................. 374 Bookstore/Caper Corner ................................................................................................................................................. 375 Print Shop ........................................................................................................................................................................ 375 Mailroom .......................................................................................................................................................................... 375 Human Resources Department....................................................................................................................................... 375 Payroll Office ................................................................................................................................................................... 375 Human Rights Office ....................................................................................................................................................... 376 Computer Services .......................................................................................................................................................... 376 IT Services ...................................................................................................................................................................... 376 Cape Breton University Foundation ................................................................................................................................ 377 Administrative Structure .................................................................................................................................................. 378 University Governance .................................................................................................................................................... 378 Senate Membership ........................................................................................................................................................ 379 Senate Membership ........................................................................................................................................................ 380 Administrative Structure at Cape Breton University ........................................................................................................ 381 Faculty ................................................................................................................................................................................ 385 School of Arts and Social Sciences ................................................................................................................................ 385 Shannon School of Business .......................................................................................................................................... 387 School of Professional Studies ....................................................................................................................................... 388 School of Science and Technology ................................................................................................................................. 389 Unamaki College of Cape Breton University .................................................................................................................. 391 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................. 392
Official Statement
Cape Breton University produces its academic calendar in an online version. While the print and online versions are considered accurate at the time of production, the information in the calendar is under continuous review. CBU reserves the right to make such amendments and additions as deemed appropriate. As it readily allows for updates, the online academic calendar is the most current version. Where discrepancies exist between print and online versions, the online version shall be considered CBUs official statement. For up-to-date online program and course information, admissions and academic regulations and more, go to and click on Academic Calendar in the links at the bottom of the page. For a list of important dates go to and click on Important Dates in the links at the bottom of the page.
About CBU
Cape Breton University is an ordinary (full) member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) and Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU), as well as an Associate Member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). The CBU calendar is published by the Office of the Vice-President Student Services and Registrar.
Emergency Preparedness
In case of on-campus emergency: If you are mobility impaired, identify yourself to fire wardens or others who can provide assistance. Follow instructions for evacuation as given by fire wardens, commissionaires or persons in charge. Do not use the elevators: Use the stairs. Proceed to the nearest designated meeting area and wait for further instructions. Do not re-enter buildings until all clear is given.
What You Need to Know about CBU and this Calendar
1.) How to use this calendar
Read carefully! You are responsible for your own academic progress. That includes compliance with all academic, programs, departmental and financial regulations. The Getting Started section provides some general guidelines and helpful tips. These offer a summary of the key things you need to know, with directions on where to find more details. For more detailed and up-to-date information, check our website at and click on Academic Calendar.
PLACEMENT TESTS All students planning to take calculus are required to complete a Calculus Readiness Test before registering in MATH1101 or MATH1105. Tests are held monthly from May to August. For more information, refer to the Calendar of Events. REGISTRATION Students may register for courses in one of three ways: 1. In person at the Registrars Office on the main floor of the Marvin Harvey Building (formerly B-Block); or 2. By mail (form provided with registration package); or 3. By computer at (instructions provided in registration package) For more information on registration visit
HEALTH PLAN DOMESTIC STUDENTS All full-time students (except international students) are automatically enrolled in the Student Health Plan. If proof of alternative coverage is presented to the Cape Breton University Students Union (CBUSU), a student may opt out and the fee will be waived. Opting out must be done annually. The deadline to opt out is the last Friday in September. For more information about the plan, fees and benefits, contact the CBUSU at (902) 563-1192 or go to HEALTH PLAN INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS All international students must, as a requirement of registration, enroll in the Universitys international health plan or provide proof of Nova Scotia health insurance. For more information, visit, Current Students International Students or call the International Student Advisors at (902) 563-1671 or (902) 563-1986. RESIDENCE AND MEAL PLANS For detailed fees and policies on residence and meal plans, visit
7.) Graduation
Students meeting their program requirements by April will graduate in May. Otherwise, they will need to complete the requirements by August 30 to graduate in October. Students must apply to graduate and should note the deadlines listed at - Important Dates.
President & Vice-Chancellors Message
Presidents of academic institutions are not unlike new students entering university. We may be a bit older and have slightly more life experience, but like you, are seeking and searching for innovation and excitement within the classroom and around the campus. I know that as President of Cape Breton University, I am interested in and committed to, these same goals that you are. I want to see relevant and challenging thinking resonating through all our classrooms. I want to see students experience hands-on research as they work closely with their professors. I want to see students motivated and inspired by those around them so that their determination to succeed is firmly in place for life. I want to see CBU students proud of their athletic teams and cheering fellow students on the courts and in the fields. I want you, as a student, to cherish the traditions that have been established by those who have gone before you and at the same time, I encourage you to consider innovative ideas that will advance you personally and the institution as a whole. I have told graduates in the past what I now think you need to hear at the outset of your academic experience at Cape Breton University - think broadly, plan boldly, live fully! We are ready to move forward with you to prepare for life in a global world. Whether you choose liberal arts, science, business, technology, education, health-related programs or any combination of them, you are bound to enjoy a personalized educational journey during your years at CBU and honouring that commitment is our pledge to you. H. John Harker, LLD President & Vice-Chancellor
Chancellors Message
As the Chancellor of Cape Breton University, I see this University evolving to meet the unique and diverse needs of a broad student community. I also see excellence in the research, instruction and programming being delivered by dedicated faculty and staff. The integration of students interests, education and marketplace expectations is crucial locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, if graduates are to become productive and contributing leaders in a demanding and innovative world. Cape Breton University is focused on developing leaders of industry, scientists, researchers, artists, educators, health care professionals and highly skilled business professionals. Students do receive rewarding and productive learning experiences that lead to independence and fulfilment. CBU graduates have gone on record over the years to state that they are among the most satisfied in Canada with the knowledge gained while attending this University. They are the true voice of approval and combined with every student on campus, the future voice of industry, government and our communities-at-large. Cape Breton University students are prepared to meet and work within a global work environment because that is the commitment we make to them - and now to you. You can compete with the best and be the best. Whatever goals and commitment you as a student bring with you to university, those within CBU will, in turn, deliver an excellent education to support your academic experience. It is a wonderful time in your life - may it be all that you hope for! Annette Verschuren Chancellor, Cape Breton University
Create a synergy of high quality university education and research that engages and inspires our learners and partners and has significance, relevance and application in contexts from local to global.
We are determined to maintain our character as a university that simultaneously respects and maintains its core responsibilities to service of our Cape Breton community and its vibrant cultures while continuing to nurture innovation in education and research. We will continue to provide strong and sustainable, high quality education programs for all learners and give each an opportunity for success. We will maintain our pursuit of a diversity of scholarly, relevant research that emerges from the creativity and insight of our faculty and engages their students and colleagues.
We value and nurture our connection and responsibility to the Cape Breton community as we sustain tradition and foster innovation. Our faculty have the academic freedom and responsibility to share and purse knowledge with integrity and passion. We value and deliver high quality, financially sustainable education and research programs. We value our role in making every students experience an opportunity for positive, life-changing growth as a member of society.
IMPORTANT DATES - 2012-2013 For the most up-to-date list of key dates, go to and click on Important Dates.
APRIL 2012 (For information on Registration 2012, go to 3 Last day of classes - winter term. 4 In the event of campus closures due to winter storms, April 4 will be used as a make-up day. If usage is required, the class schedule will be determined by the Registrars Office 6 Good Friday - CBU closed. 9 Easter Monday - CBU closed. 10 Examinations begin. 15 Co-op work term/Internship reports due. 17-30 Season of Plays (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). 20 Examinations end. 23 Final grades due by 9:00 a.m. in the Registrars Office 25 Final grades accessible. MAY 2012 (For information on Registration 2012, go to 7 FINAL DATE TO APPLY FOR FALL GRADUATION. 7 Classes begin for students in the BEd program. 7 Classes begin - Term 3 (spring session). 7 Graduation list posted at 1:00 p.m. 8-18 Season of Plays (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). 11 Presidents Convocation dinner. 12 Spring Convocation - 2:00 p.m. 21 Victoria Day - CBU closed. 31 Last day of classes for three-credit May courses. JUNE 2012 (For information on Registration 2012, go to 4 Classes begin for three-credit June courses. 4 Final grades for three-credit courses ending in May due by 9:00am in the Registrars Office 6 Final grades for three-credit May courses accessible. 29 Spring session ends. JULY 2012 (For information on Registration 2012, go to 2 Holiday in observance of Canada Day CBU closed. 3 Classes begin Term 3 (Summer session). 3 Spring session grades due in Registrars Office 4 Registration begins for fall/winter courses. 5 Spring Session final grades accessible. 27 Classes end for students in the BEd program.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS AUGUST 2012 (For information on Registration 2012, go to 1 Applications for admission, transfer credit or PLA received after this date may not be processed in time for September registration. 3 Final grades for BEd courses due by 9:00 am in the Registrars Office 6 Civic Day - CBU closed. 10 Summer session ends. 13 Final grades for summer session courses due in Registrars Office 15 Final grades accessible. 15 Co-op work term/Internship reports due. SEPTEMBER 2012 (For information on Registration 2012, go to (The Calculus Readiness test for students registering in a calculus course will be held in September. Please check with the Mathematics Department for further details.) 3 Labour Day - CBU closed. 4 Orientation begins. 10 Classes begin. 15-16 Season of Plays Auditions Contact the Boardmore Playhouse 21 FINAL DATE TO REGISTER FOR OR ADD A COURSE FOR FALL TERM 28 Final date to opt out of the Students Union health plan. OCTOBER 2012 1 Treaty Day. 8 Thanksgiving Day - CBU closed. 20-31 Season of Plays (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). 26 FINAL DATE FOR RETURNING HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDENTS TO REGISTER FOR THE SUMMER INTERNSHIP. 26 Hospitality and Tourism Management students Deadline for the submission of journal and other required documentation. 27 Fall Convocation 2:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 2012 1 FINAL DATE TO APPLY FOR SPRING GRADUATION. 2 FINAL DATE TO WITHDRAW FROM A FALL TERM (THREE CREDIT) COURSE WITHOUT ACADEMIC PENALTY. FINANCIAL PENALTY WILL APPLY. 8 CBU Memorial Service. 11 Remembrance Day 12 Holiday in Observance of Remembrance Day CBU closed. 19 Hospitality and Tourism Management students - research project to be submitted to Industry Internship Co-ordinator. 20-30 Season of Plays (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). 22 Hospitality and Tourism Management Job Fair. 22 Calculus Readiness Test at 6:00 pm in B1022 for students registered in MATH1101, MATH1105, or PHYS1104. DECEMBER 2012 3 Last day of classes fall term. 6 Examinations begin. 15 Examinations end. 15 Co-op work term/Internship reports due. 17 Final grades due by 9:00 a.m. in the Student Service Centre. Grades received after this date will not be processed until January 2013. 19 Fall grades accessible. Cape Breton University Calendar 15
JANUARY 2013 (The Calculus Readiness test for students registering in a calculus course will be held in January. Please check with the Mathematics Department for further details.) 2 CBU re-opens. 2 Registration for winter term. 7 Classes begin - winter term. 8 Calculus Readiness test at 4:30 p.m. in B1022 for students registered in MATH1101, MATH1105 or PHYS1104. 11 Payment deadline for winter term fees. 18 FINAL DATE TO REGISTER FOR OR ADD A COURSE FOR WINTER TERM. 20-31 Season of Plays (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). FEBRUARY 2013 1 FINAL DATE TO WITHDRAW FROM A FULL-YEAR (6 CREDIT) COURSE WITHOUT ACADEMIC PENALTY. FINANCIAL PENALTY WILL APPLY. 18-22 Reading week (no classes). 20-28 Season of Plays (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). MARCH 2013 1 Deadline for the receipt of applications for admission to be considered for entrance scholarships. 1 FINAL DATE TO WITHDRAW FROM A WINTER TERM (3 CREDIT) COURSE WITHOUT ACADEMIC PENALTY. FINANCIAL PENALTY WILL APPLY. 12-25 One-Act Play Festival (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). 29 Good Friday CBU closed. APRIL 2013 (For information on Registration 2013, go to 1 Easter Monday CBU closed. 9 Last day of classes - winter term. 10 In the event of campus closures due to winter storms, April 10 will be used as a make-up day. If usage is required, the class schedule will be determined by the Registrars Office 13 Examinations begin. 15 Co-op work term/Internship reports due. 20-30 Season of Plays - (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). 24 Examinations end. 26 Final grades due by 9:00 a.m. in the Registrars Office 30 Final grades accessible. MAY 2013 (For information on Registration 2013, go to 1 FINAL DATE TO APPLY FOR FALL GRADUATION. 5-15 Season of Plays - (tentative dates - contact Boardmore Playhouse). 6 Classes begin - Term 3 (spring session). 6 Graduation list posted at 1:00 p.m. 6 Classes begin for students in the BEd program. 10 Presidents Convocation dinner. 11 Spring Convocation 2:00 p.m. 20 Victoria Day - CBU closed. 31 Last day of classes for three-credit May courses. Cape Breton University Calendar 16
JUNE 2013 (For information on Registration 2013, go to 3 Classes begin for three-credit June courses. 3 Final grades for three-credit courses ending in May due by 9:00 a.m. in the Registrars Office 5 Final grades for three-credit May courses accessible. 28 Spring session ends. JULY 2013 (For information on Registration 2013, go to 1 Canada Day CBU closed. 2 Classes begin Term 3 (summer session). 2 Spring session grades due in the Registrars Office 3 Registration begins for fall/winter courses. 4 Spring session final grades accessible. 26 Classes end for students in the BEd program. AUGUST 2013 (For information on Registration 2013, go to 1 Applications for admission, transfer credit or PLA received after this date may not be processed in time for September registration. 2 Final grades for BEd courses due by 9:00 am in the Registrars Office 5 Civic Holiday - CBU closed. 9 Summer session ends. 12 Final grades for summer session courses due in the Student Service Centre. 14 Final grades accessible.
12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 2 - 12 AD or AC1
65% 12 PC 65% Gr. 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 2 - 12 AD or AC 1 11 and 12 6 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 2 - 12 AD or AC 1 65% 1 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 2- 12 AD or AC 1 65% 12 AD or AC 4 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 2-12 AD or AC 1 65% 12 AD or AC Completion of acceptable Technology diploma. Contact the Engineering department for information. 4 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 2-12 AD or AC 1 65% 12 AD or AC Completion of degree or diploma in Environmental Studies or Public Health Admission through the Canadian Coast Guard College 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC Chemistry and 1 65% 12 AD or AC 1- 12 AD or AC3 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 1 - 12 AD or AC1 2 12 PC 65 % with 75% in math & science 12 AD or AC 12 AD or AC 2 - 12 AD or AC5 1 65% 12 PC 12 AD or AC
Includes biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. (Environmental Science 12 can be used with biology, chemistry or physics). 2 2 Includes biology, chemistry, and physics with biology and chemistry recommended. 3 3 Additional sciences from biology, geology and physics. 4 4 Includes biology, chemistry, geology, and physics with chemistry and physics recommended. (Environmental Science 12 can be used with biology, chemistry or physics).
5 6
Includes biology, chemistry, physics and geology. Includes biology, chemistry, geology, and physics with biology and chemistry recommended.
Admission Paths
Students may enter Cape Breton University by any of three paths, subject to restrictions of space and program capacity. 1. High school graduates who satisfy the admission requirements of their chosen program. 2. Students who transfer from another post-secondary institution and who are in good standing at that institution and who satisfy the admission requirements for their chosen program. Transfer students may be able to obtain credit in their CBU programs for courses taken elsewhere. 3. Students may also be admitted as non-traditional learners. Students who enter CBU through any of the above paths and who have not made a final decision in a program may register as students in No Specific Program. Applicants will be required to submit official documents (e.g. transcripts from other institutions) when they apply for admission. Normally these documents are sent directly from the other institutions to CBU. Students will also require the approval of the relevant School Dean to register at another university or college while attending CBU.
Students applying for early fall admission must include with their application their final Grade 11 marks and proof of registration in their Grade 12 courses (for both semesters where applicable). Admission will be conditional, pending the successful and satisfactory completion of program requirements. All students who are offered early fall admission must submit an official high school transcript to the Admissions Office by June 30, of their graduating year or the offer of admission may be withdrawn.
Entrance Scholarships
An admission application and all required supporting documents, including a high school transcript showing both Grade 11 marks and mid-year and/or first semester Grade 12 marks, must be received in the Registrars Office by March 1, in order to be considered for an entrance scholarship. For more information on scholarships and bursaries, criteria, policies and required supporting documents, visit or email: [email protected].
British Columbia 12
The International Advisors at Cape Breton University provide information and referral services in response to questions or problems international student may encounter during their adjustment to a new country and university. The advisors organize orientation and social programs for international students and encourage students to direct all questions related Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 20
to immigration or visa concerns to their attention. The International Advisors offices are in the Learning Commons & Student Life Centre (B-110) located in the Marvin Harvey Building. Manager Student Support Services: Elaine Delaney Tel: 902-563-1986 Email [email protected] International Student Advisors : Stephanie MacDonald Tel: 902-563-1671 Email [email protected] Donalda Johnston-Roper Tel: 902-563-1278 Email Donalda_ [email protected]
International applications will be considered on an individual basis. CBU does not guarantee that application files completed after March 31, will be processed for September registration. Please contact the Admissions Office for more information. [email protected] (902) 563-1844
UNITED STATES AND US BASED SYSTEMS United States (US) and US Based Systems students who have successfully completed a high school university entrance program with 16 points, including four courses in English, will be considered for admission. Program requirements will apply. Results of Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) or tests of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) must be submitted. BRITISH BASED SYSTEMS (GCE AND GCSE) Graduates from senior secondary school are required to have five GCE or GCSE subjects including English, with at least two subjects at the advanced level. A grade of C or higher is required in each course. Where CBU program admission regulations require specific subjects, these must be included among the five. OTHER COUNTRIES For most countries, CBU considers the same academic requirements that are required for university entrance in that country that is, successful graduation from an academic secondary school program or equivalent.
IELTS score of 6.5 with no band below 6.0. See, or CAEL score of 60,, or MELAB score of 85,, or CanTEST score of 4.5 (reading & listening), 4.0 (writing) see
English Language Training Cape Breton University has partnerships with English language training institutions. Students who successfully complete one of these programs are deemed to have met CBUs English language proficiency requirements without further testing required. Please visit our web site at for further information.
To prepare for university study, some upgrading may be required. It is recommended that applicants speak with an admission advisor to determine if upgrading is required.
IB Certificate holders are eligible to receive university credit to a maximum of 18 credits for higher level courses or standard level courses on a course by course basis subject to a minimum score of 5.
IB Program in Math
Students who complete an IB course in mathematics with a minimum score of 5 shall be exempt from the Calculus Readiness test. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 22
OR Completion of a Grade 12 honours course with a mark of 85% or higher and successful completion of an Outstanding Entry Student Examination. This examination is prepared and graded by an instructor in the discipline. Success in the examination means that the department and the dean are confident that the students knowledge is equivalent to that of a student who has successfully completed the introductory level of that course at CBU.
The transfer of credit refers to the acceptance of courses by CBU from another institution (external transfer) or from one CBU program to another program (internal transfer). All external credit arrangements are administered by the Registrars Office, in consultation with the dean and the appropriate department. All internal credit arrangements are administered by the academic schools in consultation with the Registrars Office Students seeking transfer credit assessments must submit the Application for Transfer Credit Assessment with the nonrefundable application fee to the Registrars Office Applications are available at the Registrars Office or at Transfer credits are not activated until registration. Applications received after August 1, cannot be guaranteed for processing for September registration.
External Transfer
All first- and second-year credit courses offered at all other Canadian universities will be accepted for credit at CBU, with the following limitations: A minimum of 50% of the courses must be completed at CBU in a degree, diploma or certificate program, unless stated otherwise in the program descriptions. Credit transfer is distinct from admission and decisions with regard to admission remain the prerogative of CBU; The specific program requirements of CBU must be met. An otherwise acceptable transfer credit may not be usable in a particular program of study, Students must also meet any requirements with regard to grades. External credits will be treated identically with those of CBU students who move from one program to another within the institution. If a grade of 60% is required in a CBU prerequisite course, for example, then a 60% grade will also be required in a transfer course.
A dean, in consultation with the Registrar and the department, may approve courses beyond the first and second year levels for credit transfer in degree, diploma and certificate programs, bearing in mind that at least 50% of courses must be completed at CBU. CBU has entered into a variety of special agreements with other institutions and such agreements often provide for extended credit transfer arrangements within specific CBU programs. For general information on such arrangements, contact the Registrars Office.
Application for admission to Cape Breton University may be made online at Forms can be downloaded by visiting Applications may also be made through the Registrars Office on the designated application forms. Correspondence regarding admission should be addressed to: Admissions Student Service Centre Cape Breton University PO Box 5300, 1250 Grand Lake Road Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6L2 Phone: (902) 563-1330 Fax: (902) 563-1371 Email: [email protected]
Students applying from high school should ask their schools to send their Grade 11 final grades and their Grade 12 first semester grades, or if a non-semestered school, mid-term grades. Grade 12 final evaluations should be submitted as soon as they are issued to the student. Grade 11 final grades will be considered as supporting documentation in the application. Students who may meet the requirements for early admission may review our policy here. Applications will be considered as soon as they are received, and preliminary admission will be granted on the basis of the information provided if there is capacity in the program sought and if the information to date is complete. Final admission decisions will be made when all relevant information is submitted. No application will be delayed or denied if all of the substantial information is supplied, if the requirements are met and if there is capacity in the program sought. The non-refundable application fee (cheque, money order, Visa or MasterCard) should be attached to the application.
Steps to Full-Time Admission for Students Transferring from Other Universities and Colleges
The same steps for full-time admission for high school students above should be followed, with this difference: the students high school should send the final grade 11 and 12 results and the university or college should send an official transcript. Students seeking credit from previous post-secondary studies must apply for a Transfer Credit Assessment by submitting a Transfer Credit Assessment application (available at the Registrars Office or online at, along with the assessment fee and official transcripts from institutions from which they are seeking transfer credit. Transfer Credit Applications received after August 1, cannot be guaranteed processing for September registration.
For information on application to residence, visit
Transfer from a Diploma to Bachelor of Arts Degree
All Diploma in Engineering Technology courses listed for transfer into science degree programs are also accepted in the BA degree program. Diploma in Business Technology courses may be applied to the BA degree program.
Students may also receive, on an individual basis, up to one full course of internal transfer credit (6 credits) if they have successfully completed a diploma course that has a degree course equivalency and wish to designate this discipline as their academic discipline within the BACS structure. Diploma students may also enrol concurrently in certain diploma and degree courses with the permission of the school dean.
Transfer from an Engineering Technology diploma program MATH1107/1208/2104 Math I, II & III MATH1107/1208/2104/2205 Math I, II, III, & IV MATH 335 Math V *Credits for MATH1206 will be considered on an individual basis where the math sequence actually taken in the Engineering Technology diploma includes significant work in infinite sequences and series. Science course transfers from a degree program CHEM 200 Physical Chemistry GEOL1101 Physical Geology GEOL1201 Historical Geology PHYS1102 Elements of Physics PHYS1104 and 1204 General Physics Transfer from an Engineering Technology diploma program GEOL1103 Geology I GEOL1203 Geology II
to a degree program MATH1101 Calculus MATH1105 Calculus or 111 & 112 MATH1109 Statistics
to an Engineering Technology diploma program CHEM 251/252 Physical Chemistry I & II GEOL1103 Geology I GEOL1203 Geology II PHYS 1101/1201 Physics I & II - Students will take some topics in both courses PHYS 111/112 Physics I & II to a degree program GEOL1101 Physical Geology GEOL1201 Historical Geology
Cape Breton University is a learning community which calls on all members to contribute to the enlightenment and enrichment of others. CBU regards students, faculty, staff and administrators as partners, each with special roles and responsibilities in the promotion of learning. Students are those partners in the learning community who are undertaking formal study, normally for credit. They are the people for whom CBU primarily exists to serve. Most university regulations or guidelines, including these guidelines, are directed primarily towards students who seek formal academic degrees, diplomas and other certifications. CBU is committed to working closely with its students to ensure that they are able to succeed in meeting the challenges of an excellent, innovative, post-secondary education program and to prepare them for life after CBU. Student evaluation is an important component of the CBU experience and a range of procedures is employed in the evaluation process. These procedures vary from department to department and are tailored to meet the curriculum design and academic objectives of each program. These objectives include identifying a students readiness to learn, providing feedback on a students strengths and weaknesses, rewarding success, identifying and addressing reasons for failure and building a students confidence. The essence of CBUs mission is to serve the people of Cape Breton by providing the academic, professional and personal enrichment that is fundamental to the survival and growth of this community. CBU also realizes that its community is intimately connected to the region, the country and the world. CBU therefore encourages and welcomes applicants from other regions of Canada and from other countries. Students from outside Cape Breton add texture and depth to CBU; incoming students in turn benefit from a unique educational experience in a learning community that fosters enthusiasm, initiative and leadership. In addition, CBU welcomes occasional participants in our activities and regards them also as valued members of the CBU community. These partners include adults or children who attend a workshop or a conference, audit a course or attend a play. They may come to the campus for an athletic event, a lecture, a reception, or an Art Gallery exhibition. Still others come to CBU to use the library, the Education Resource Centre, the Beaton Institute, or a host of other services and activities provided by the University.
EVALUATION PROCESS Within the first week of each course, the instructor shall provide a written description of the evaluation procedure to be employed, including a description of all of the elements that contribute to the final grade in the course and the percentage proportion assigned to each. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF A COURSE The passing grade in most courses is 50 per cent. Equivalency Key: Numbers to letters. For the benefit of those receiving institutions that prefer letter grades, the following equivalencies key may be used: 90 85 80 70 60 - 100 - 89 - 84 - 79 - 69 = = = = = A+ A AB C Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 28
50 0 59 49 = = D F
AVERAGING Averages are computed for all students in December and April and are calculated on the highest marks for up to 30 credit hours. RANKING Students carrying a normal course load in an award bearing program, will be ranked in that program at the end of the academic year. Courses that are audited are not included in this ranking.
LEGENDS USED IN PLACE OF NUMERICAL GRADES In certain cases, legends are used in place of numerical grades. Students should familiarize themselves with these legends, since some of them have a direct influence on average and rank. AUD = AUDIT Used to record an audit, where a student is eligible to attend regular classes but ineligible to participate in written assignments or examinations set for the course. No credit is attached to an audit. PAS = PASS Used to record credit for a course where no numerical grade is assigned. This legend is not considered in the calculation of averages. FAI = FAILURE Used to record a failure in a course where no numerical grade is assigned. This legend is not considered in the calculation of averages. INC/GR = INCOMPLETE/GRADE Used as a temporary grade that is granted to a student who has been unable to complete some part of the term work in a course. The number after the INC indicates the grade the student will receive if the course is not completed within the designated time. A final grade must be submitted within six weeks of the granting of the Incomplete/Grade. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 29
NGR = NO GRADE REPORT Used if no formal evaluation has been given in a course during a normal evaluation period. F = FAILURE Indicates a course drop without a formal withdrawal. WF = COURSE WITHDRAWAL - FAILURE Indicates a formal course withdrawal after the calendar deadline. AEGROTAT STANDING Aegrotat standing is the granting of credit for a course or courses based on the course work already completed, where no further assessment (for example, a deferred examination) is considered feasible because of illness or other extenuating circumstances. Aegrotat standing is not noted on the transcript or grade report, and is treated like any other grade. Students may only be granted aegrotat standing with the approval of the dean and the instructor. EXAMINATIONS Examinations play a significant part in the evaluation process of many courses. Students should therefore be familiar with the following procedures associated with formal examinations. Any new material covered on the day of a scheduled, forcredit, test or exam, may not be included on that test or exam. SCHEDULING OF EXAMINATIONS Examinations are formally scheduled by the Student Service Centre in December and April. Examinations are also held at the conclusion of the spring and summer sessions. No test or examination, with the exception of practical laboratory examinations, may be held in any course in either the five teaching days or the study period (defined as the period of time between the last day of classes and the beginning of the examination period) immediately preceding the December and April examination periods. This provision cannot be waived even by mutual consent of students and instructor. Take home examinations cannot be due before the eighth day of the formal examination schedule. GRADE REPORTS Grade reports become available to students through the CBU web site following the December and April examination periods and after the spring/summer sessions. Students who have not paid all tuition fees or who have outstanding library fines will not have access to grades until their accounts are settled. DEFERRED EXAMINATIONS Students should notify their instructor(s) immediately if they must miss an examination due to a medical or other serious reason. Upon request, the dean of the school and the instructor may approve a deferred examination. POSTPONEMENT OF EXAMINATIONS If an examination cannot be held at the scheduled time because of inclement weather or other circumstances, other examinations will be written as scheduled and the postponed examinations will be rescheduled by the Student Service Centre on the first available day after the completion of the examination schedule. EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES If a student completes an examination and subsequently claims extenuating circumstances, such claims may be considered by the dean and the instructor on an individual basis. If a student is unable to write a scheduled examination for some serious reason, or if she/he becomes ill during an examination, the dean of the school must be contacted within five working days of the date on which the examination was to have been written. The dean and the instructor may decide whether a deferred examination will be scheduled or whether aegrotat standing will be granted.
COURSE CHALLENGE CBU recognizes that some students may have achieved competence in certain subject areas. A challenge involves a special assessment administered by the relevant school at a time determined in consultation with the student. The following guidelines apply to course challenge: The student applies through the Student Service Centre and the assessment is administered through the relevant school. Course challenges are available to students registered in any program. The assessment must be completed within 30 days of the receipt of the application. Applications will be entertained only in the period from August to April. A specific course may be challenged only once. Students may not challenge a course for which they have already received a final grade. All course challenges will be recorded. The results of course challenges will be treated like any other course and will be included in the calculation of the students average. Payment of the appropriate fee is due at the time the application for challenge is filed. The fee for course challenges is 25% of the normal tuition fee. Students may challenge a maximum of 30 credit hours or the equivalent of five, 6-credit courses. Students may not challenge (human) language acquisition courses.
SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS CBU, through the Student Service Centre, no longer schedules formal supplementary exams. Individual faculty and/or departments will determine if a supplementary exam is allowed in a course. If allowed, the policies and procedures with respect to the writing of supplementary exams will be determined by individual faculty and/or departments. For specific information on supplementary examinations, please refer to your course outline or the department chair. REPEATING A COURSE If a student repeats a course, the highest mark in the course will be used in the calculation of the final average as well as in the calculation of the average for all program requirements, prerequisites and for all other internal purposes where an average is calculated. The marks for previous attempts of the course will remain on the students permanent record. The number of times a student may take a course is limited to three. REASSESSMENT OF FINAL GRADES Application for reassessment of a final grade should be made to the department chair in which the course was offered. The student must provide a letter to the chair stating specifically which assignments are being requested to be reassessed and the specifics of why the student believes the original grade was unfair; if the assignments have been returned to the student they must be included with the application for reassessment. The only grounds for application for reassessment are that the student believes that the grading criteria were inconsistently applied to that individual student, whether through error, carelessness or discrimination. Applications for reassessment must be received within one month of the end of the term in which the disputed mark was assigned. Grades may be raised or lowered through the reassessment. The department chair will first request the instructor who issued the mark to review the materials submitted along with the final examination. If the result of this preliminary review does not change the final grade, the student may request a formal reassessment. This request must be accompanied by a payment of $25, which will be refunded if the grade is raised.
The chair will then empanel two faculty members, one selected by the instructor and the other by the student requesting the reassessment; both members of the panel shall have expertise in the discipline of the assignments being reassessed. The panel will review the written work by the student in question; the panel will endeavour to utilize the same criteria originally used to grade the other students in the class, to the extent that it is possible to do so. If the two members cannot agree on a mark, the average of the two reassessments will be assigned. The department chair will submit the decision of the panel to the Registrar to record the revised grade. The panels decision may be appealed to Cape Breton Universitys Appeals Committee.
If the grade being reassessed is that of the chair, then the department vice-chair preferably, or the secretary of the department executive, shall carry out the duties as specified in this section. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 31
APPEALS OF ACADEMIC DECISIONS Students who have grounds for believing themselves were unjustly treated within CBU are encouraged to seek all appropriate avenues, to redress or appeal, open to them. Cape Breton Universitys Appeals Committee, which is made up of one student, two faculty members, and one school dean is a final recourse for students who feel so aggrieved. Any student who has exhausted all other avenues as outlined in this document and who still feels that she/he has grounds for a reversal of a decision, may serve notice of appeal to this committee. The Appeals Committee does not replace other adjudicative processes. Once all avenues have been fully explored, the following process will ensue:
Once all avenues have been fully explored: 1. A student submits a letter to the chair of the CBU Appeals Committee explaining in detail the nature of the appeal, providing all appropriate documentation and indicating clearly the relief sought. 2. In response, the committee may take any of the following steps: (a) indicate to the student that all avenues have not been exhausted and request that the matter be resolved before it reaches this final court; (b) request further Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 32
information from the student and/or others involved in the case; and (c) grant a hearing, at which time the student and others involved may be asked to appear before the committee. 3. The committee will gather evidence from all sides in the case, which may include both written and oral presentations from the parties involved. 4. The decision of the committee and reasons supporting it are communicated to the parties of the appeal. 5. The decision of the Appeals Committee is final. All academic decisions affecting students may be appealed to the CBU Appeals Committee.
Students with academic warning standing will receive a letter advising them of this status and of the requirement to meet with the relevant Performance Review Committee. ACADEMIC DISCONTINUANCE At the end of April, students previously on academic warning will be placed on academic discontinuance for 12 months beginning May 1, if they have an average less than 50% in the period under review. They may register for only one 6credit course at CBU during that period. They have the right to appeal their academic discontinuance to the dean of their program of study. The students academic standing will return to good academic standing following the period of discontinuance.
No appeal of the Review Committees decision regarding the students program of study will be permitted. Compliance with the committees decision is to be regarded as a condition for the student registering at CBU.
A transcript is a complete record of the students academic performance and is maintained in the Registrars Office. Students may request a copy or copies of their transcript at any time, bearing in mind the following: Official transcripts are issued directly to an institution or agency at the students request; Transcripts issued directly to the student, are marked accordingly. They are not official transcripts; Partial transcripts are not issued and neither are any documents submitted directly to the Student Service Centre to support a students application for admission or advanced standing; The fee for transcripts must be paid before the transcript is issued. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 34
Third offence: The relevant dean will inform the program dean, who will officially inform the student in writing, that he/she will be discontinued as of the end of the current semester of registration. The course in which the plagiarism occurred will be assigned a mark of 0. The student will not be permitted to register in any CBU courses, for credit, for 12 months as of the date of discontinuance, nor will CBU accept transfer credits from other institutions if they have been earned during that period. The notation for the discontinuation will appear on the transcript for the duration of the discontinuation. The notation will remain on the students internal academic file. DISCONTINUATION PROVISION If discontinuation occurs in the fall term, the student will be required to withdraw from any 6 credit courses he/she is enrolled in. He/she may be eligible for a refund for these courses, depending on the date of the reported infraction. However, there will be no refund for the course for which the plagiarized work was submitted. The student will be permitted to complete any three credit courses for that term, provided there has not been a report of plagiarism for those courses. If discontinuation occurs in the winter or spring/summer term, the student may complete any courses in which there has been no charge of plagiarism. Should a student be readmitted after the discontinuation period, any further incident of plagiarism will result in a further one year discontinuation and the student will have to re-apply to the program if he/she wishes to return after that time period. APPEALS PROVISION Students have the right to appeal these decisions, at any stage, to the University Appeals Committee Please refer to Appeals of Academic Decisions for more information on how to appeal a grade. It is important that course instructors stress the institutional policy regarding plagiarism to their class and reference to the policy should be included in course outlines. Note: Relevant dean refers to the dean to whom the instructor of the course reports. Program dean refers to the dean overseeing the students program of studies. CHEATING Cheating is the use, possession, receipt, or transmission of unauthorized information pertinent to the subject of any supervised test or examination during such test or examination, or an attempt to commit the same. Impersonation of a candidate at a test or examination is another form of cheating and both parties are considered to have committed an offence. Procedures: On discovering such conduct, the proctor of the examination or test will impound the papers of any student who appears to be a willing or knowing participant, as well as any other evidence of the infraction. The facts of the case will be reported to the faculty member(s) involved, as well as to the appropriate school dean. Penalties: In the case of a first offence of this nature, where there is no evidence of premeditation or preparation, the instructor may require a substitute examination (or equivalent), or may assign a grade of zero for the test or examination at which the offence occurred. In the case of second offence, or one involving premeditation, the student will receive a grade of zero in the course and the appropriate dean may assess further penalties up to and including discontinuation from CBU. OTHER FORMS OF ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT More serious academic offences, such as producing plagiarized essays or assignments for compensation, theft, distribution or unauthorized retention of examination papers, offering improper inducements in exchange for favourable academic consideration, unauthorized access to or tampering with academic records and forging letters of permission or other academic documents, will be reported to the appropriate school dean. The procedures and penalties that apply to plagiarism and cheating will also apply to these other forms of academic misconduct. NOTE: In all cases, the dean must also inform the student(s) involved of their rights to appeal to the CBU Appeals Committee. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 36
As part of the CBU community, students play a key role within the institution. CBU strongly recommends that students attend class regularly. It is clear that those students who attend class on a regular basis will have a better chance of success in their studies. CBU also recognizes that students are ultimately responsible for their actions and consequently does not publish an institution-wide mandatory class attendance policy. Students cannot fail solely due to absence from class.
CBU offers a wide variety of programs leading to the awarding of degrees, diplomas and certificates. Moreover, some programs (e.g. Bachelor of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering Technology and the Bachelor of Arts Community Studies) offer a combination of a degree and a diploma. In some cases, a student may enroll in a dual degree program, such as the combined Bachelor of Arts Community Studies and the Bachelor of Business Administration degrees. A detailed description of all programs can be found in this calendar or online at
REQUIREMENTS FOR EARNING A SECOND UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE 1. Second Different Credential: a) The regulations of the second credential program must be satisfied. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 37
b) A candidate for a second credential must complete a minimum of 30 credits over and above the credits required for the first credential. More than 30 credits may be required to satisfy requirements of the second credential. c) Normally, candidates for a second credential may not choose the same discipline as in the first undergraduate credential. However, candidates whose first credential was a three-year degree may complete a different four-year degree in the same discipline as the first credential. For example, students who graduate with a three- year BA in Psychology may go on to complete a four-year BSc in Psychology. In this case the new four-year degree will replace the three-year degree previously awarded. A notation will appear on the transcript indicating that the new degree replaces the one previously awarded. 2. Second Degree within the Same Credential: a) Candidates who hold a three-year degree may upgrade to a four-year degree within the same credential and in the same discipline. In this case the new four-year degree will replace the three-year degree previously awarded. A notation will appear on the transcript indicating that the new degree replaces the one previously awarded. b) Candidates who hold a four-year degree in a single discipline will be allowed to upgrade to a four-year double major degree with the following conditions: i) They must satisfy all departmental regulations with respect to the second major. ii) A notation will be added to the transcript indicating Double major in _________ and _________ replaces previously awarded degree. c) Candidates will be allowed to add a new discipline to a previously awarded four-year degree with the following conditions: i) They must satisfy all departmental regulations for the single major or concentration in the discipline. ii) A notation will be added to the transcript signifying Major (Concentration) in ________. Note: For the purposes of clarification, the distinction between items b) and c) above is as follows. Item b) refers to the case in which a student has a single discipline four-year major and has subsequently satisfied the requirements for a second major within a double major degree. Item c), on the other hand, refers to the case in which a student has a single or double discipline four-year degree and subsequently satisfies all of the requirements for a new single major four-year degree. It should be noted that the requirements for a second major within a double major degree are generally far less stringent than the requirements for the major within a single discipline four-year degree. d) Candidates will be permitted to upgrade from a major to honours as long as departmental regulations are satisfied. The notation Certificate of Honours Standing in ___________ will be added to the transcript. Conversion of a CBU Diploma to an Undergraduate degree in the Same Discipline: 1. Candidates who have been awarded a CBU Diploma may complete an undergraduate degree in the same discipline. They must complete a minimum of 30 credits over and above the credits required for the diploma. The awarding of the undergraduate degree will be noted on the transcript with a notation indicating it replaces the previously awarded diploma. 2. Candidates who simultaneously complete both the requirements for a diploma and those for a degree in the same discipline may only graduate with the degree. Application to graduate with the diploma will not be accepted.
Programs consist of combinations of courses. For example, in order to complete the requirements for a BBA degree, the student needs to pass 20 courses (120 credits). Most courses are offered between September and April. However, courses in Co-op Technology programs span eight, 4-month terms with three terms devoted to work placements. Courses in the degree programs are also offered during May to June (spring session) and July to August (summer session). A course taught for three hours a week during the September - April period has a value of six credits and is called a full course. A course taught for three hours a week for one term (from September to December or January to April) has the value of three credits and is called a half course. Half and full courses are also offered in spring and summer. A students course choices depend on the requirements of his/her Diploma, Certificate, or Degree program. (These requirements are found in the program descriptions of the CBU academic calendar). Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 38
Students may drop a course up until the mid-point of classes during the term that the course is offered without academic penalty. The deadlines for withdrawing from a course without academic penalty are listed in the Calendar of Events. Withdrawal from the first term of a pair of related courses (for example, ACCT1203/1204) does not automatically withdraw the student from the second term course. Both courses must be dropped. Students are cautioned not to simply walk away from a course. Withdrawal must be made official (which means either signing a form in person at the Student Service Centre, or withdrawing online using the student log-in at Students will otherwise end up receiving a zero on their grade transcripts and paying for the full course. The length of time a student stays in a course before dropping will affect the tuition refund to be received. Please check the Class Withdrawals and Financial Refunds section found within the academic calendar. Students are advised to consult the instructors of courses that they are considering dropping. Extra help may be all that is needed to successfully complete the course. Instructors will appreciate being informed of a decision to drop a course.
Work term evaluation consists of two components: 1. Performance as evaluated by the employer and by the appropriate advisor in the Student Service Centre. The evaluation is recorded on the students transcript as either successful or unsuccessful. 2. A work report validated by the students employer and graded by an appropriate member of the CBU faculty. A letter grade is recorded and indicates relative merit as follows: A B C D F 85 - 100% 70 - 84% 60 - 69% 50 - 59% Less than 50% Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable Failure
Diploma Programs
Successful completion of the three co-op work terms is normally a prerequisite for graduation with the Co-op diploma. However, if CBU is unable to provide three program-related work experiences, the diploma may be awarded if the student has successfully completed two terms. Furthermore, in those extenuating circumstances where CBU is unable to provide two work terms, the dean may recommend that the diploma be awarded without the co-op notation. Students are required to complete successfully both components of the work term in order to receive credit for the work term. If a student is unsuccessful in the work term, she/he will be required to withdraw from the program of study and will not be eligible for re-admission until after the lapse of two terms (eight months). The student will also be required to complete successfully a further work term before being admitted to another academic term. Students with relevant employment experience prior to registration in a co-op program may apply for credit for Work Term 1. Prior approval of the advisors is required before leaving a work placement. Permission to leave a work period does not constitute any reduction in the requirements for a co-op program of study. If a work period is left without prior permission, or if a student is unable to honour an agreement to work with an employer, or if a students conduct is such as to cause discharge from the job, the student will normally be awarded an unsuccessful grade for that work term. If a student is unsuccessful in two work terms, she/he will be ineligible for re-admission to any co-op diploma program for a period of at least four academic terms. The student does have the right, however, to apply for non-co-op diploma programs. Students can proceed to Work Term 1 with two course deficiencies in Academic Terms 1 and 2. Students are eligible to proceed to Work Term 2 or 3, if they have no more than one term course deficiency and the deficient course is not considered by the Evaluation Committee to be critical to the ensuing work term performance. Passing a supplementary exam will not qualify a student for the next work term.
Degree Programs
Students are required to complete successfully both components of the work term. Students who fail the work term will be required to withdraw from the BA and BBA Co-operative Education Internship programs. Students are not permitted to drop a work period without prior approval of the advisors. Students who drop a work period without permission, or who fail to honour such an agreement to work with an employer, or who conduct themselves in such a manner as to cause their discharge from the job, will usually be awarded a failing rating for the work period. Students who fail the internship will not be eligible to re-apply for a period of one year. Students seeking re-admission after this period of time has elapsed will have their applications considered by the Selection Committee.
Students meeting their program requirements by April will graduate in May. Otherwise, they will need to complete the requirements by August 30 to graduate in the fall. Spring convocation normally occurs on the second Saturday of May at 2:00 p.m. Fall convocation normally occurs on the last Saturday of October at 2:00 p.m. Students must apply to graduate and should note the deadlines listed in the Calendar of Events.
It is essential to be able to follow students across time and institutions to understand, for example, the factors affecting enrolment demand at post-secondary institutions. The increased emphasis on accountability for public investment means that it is also important to understand outcomes. In order to conduct such studies, Statistics Canada asks all colleges and universities to provide data on students and graduates. Institutions collect and provide to Statistics Canada, student identification information (students name, student ID number, Social Insurance Number), student contact information (address and telephone number), student demographic characteristics, enrolment information, previous education and labour force activity. The federal Statistics Act provides the legal authority for Statistics Canada to obtain access to personal information held by educational institutions. The information may be used for statistical purposes only and the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act prevent the information from being released in any way that would identify a student. Students who do not wish to have their information used can ask Statistics Canada to remove their identifying information from the national database. On request by a student, Statistics Canada will delete an individuals contact information (name, address, or other personal identifiers) from the ESIS database. To make such a request, please contact Statistics Canada: Telephone Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. 4 p.m. EST/EDST 1-613-951-1666 Mail Post-secondary Education Section Centre for Education Statistics Statistics Canada 17th Floor, R.H. Coats Building Tunneys Pasture Ottawa, ON K1A 0T6 E-mail [email protected] Further details on the use of the information collected by Statistics Canada can be obtained from the Statistics Canada Web Site.
Cape Breton University will prepare lists of students, giving ID, name, address and telephone number for use by its administrative officials, including Students Union personnel. These lists include information on all currently registered students and are considered to be confidential. Directories are not permitted to be published.
WITHDRAWAL Sept. 10 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Nov.2 Nov.3 Dec. 31 Jan. 7 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 March 1 March 2 April 30
For more information, call the Student Service Centre at (902)563-1330; or visit - Current Students, Tuition and Fees. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
PAYMENT POLICIES TUITION AND OTHER ACADEMIC FEES The following regulations apply to the payment of tuition fees for domestic and international students: Domestic Students: First term marks will only be issued to students who have paid all first term tuition and fees (including outstanding Library fines) in full. Interest will be calculated on outstanding balances at a rate of 1% the first day of each month. Students registering for only one 3-credit course will be required to pay all tuition and applicable fees at the time of registration. Students registering for multiple courses for the first academic term (September to December) or both academic terms (September to April) will be required to pay an initial deposit at the time of registration. For students registering in the first term only, the remaining balance of all fees is to be paid no later than September 30. For students registering for both academic terms (September to April), a total of 60% of the remaining balance of all fees must be paid no later than September 30. (The remaining 40% is to be paid no later than January 15). Students with approved student loans will be required to pay all the tuition and fees due by September 30 (as stated above) at the time of registration. Students are encouraged to apply for student loans on a timely basis. Note: The minimum payments stated above are required by ALL students (including students who have not received their student loans at the time of registration). Students who have an outstanding balance from the prior term(s) will not be permitted to register unless such balance is paid in full and the payment policies (as stated above) are adhered to. Students in residence must pay the required residence confirmation and down-payment fees in addition to the above tuition fees NO EXCEPTIONS. International Students: International students registering for courses for the first academic term (September to December) are required to pay all tuition and applicable fees at the time of registration. Students claiming Canadian landed immigrant status will be charged differential fees unless documented verification has been provided to the Finance Office at CBU. International students registering for both academic terms (September to April) are required to pay 60% of all tuition and applicable fees at the time of registration. Note: International students in residence are required to pay all fees (residence accommodations and meal plans) at the beginning of each semester in addition to the above tuition fees NO EXCEPTIONS. Other Academic Fees: Application fees for general admission, prior learning assessment and transfer credit are not refundable. Other fees include graduation fee, NSF or other returned cheques handling charge, , replacement parchment fee, supplementary examinations (fees vary for on or off campus) and transcript fee. Audit fees: The charge for auditing a course is one-half of the tuition. Audit fees are not refundable. Tuition waiver: Students age 65 or pre-retired at 60 (does not apply to distance education courses, tutorials or graduate courses). HEALTH PLAN - DOMESTIC STUDENTS By referendum, all full-time students (except international students) are automatically enrolled in the Student Health Plan, and the Student Dental Plan, administered by the CBU Students Union. The fee for each plan is payable at the time of registration. The Student Health Plan provides students with a comprehensive set of extended health insurance benefits (for prescription drugs, supplementary health care benefits, vision care, etc). The coverage runs from September 1 to August 31. Family rates are also available and part-time students may opt into these plans.
If proof of comparable alternative coverage (through parents, spouse, or employer) is presented to the Students Union, a student may opt out of each plan and the fee will be removed from their account. The deadline to complete this process is the last Friday in September. The opt-out procedure is an annual one and therefore must be done each year (These fees are not refundable after the last Friday in September). For more information about these plans and their benefits, contact the Students Union. HEALTH PLAN - INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS All international students must, as a requirement of registration, enroll in the University International Health Plan. The fee is refundable in accordance with the terms set forth by the insurance carrier. RESIDENCE ACCOMMODATIONS CBU offers five types of residence accommodations to students.. For residence fees and residence withdrawal policy, go to and click on Future Students or Current Students and then choose Tuition and Fees. MEAL PLANS All residence students, other than those in apartment style residences, must purchase a meal plan. Should the need arise, supplementary meal plans can be purchased through Chartwells without an additional administrative cost, with a minimum purchase. For further details on meal plan selection, fees, refund provisions and fee payment dates, go to and click on Future Students or Current Students and then choose Tuition and Fees.
Bachelor of Arts
There are three Bachelor of Arts degrees: the three year (general), the four year (major), and the honours degree. These degrees provide a well rounded education through the combination of a core program, with the following possibilities of specialization:
Honours Program
CBU offers honours programs in the following areas: Anthropology, Communication, English, History, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology
Honours Program
Honours programs are offered in the following areas: Anthropology, Communication, English, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology.
Anthropology and Sociology
Chair, Janice Drodge The Department of Anthropology and Sociology provides a full range of courses in Cultural Anthropology and Sociology. It offers three-year specializations and four-year majors in Anthropology, Sociology or the joint Anthropology/Sociology option, as well as an Honours degree in Anthropology or Sociology. The Department also offers a Certificate in Social Research.
Chair, Dawn White The Department of Communication offers courses in communication theory and practice, rhetoric, and media studies. Its emphasis on interpersonal and oral communication is rare in Canadian universities. Students may complete a specialization, a major, a double major, an area major or an honours program in Communication.
Community Studies
Chair, Jane Connell
Chair, James Preen Mathematics falls within the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geology in the School of Science and Technology. However, a concentration in Mathematics is available in the three-year Bachelor of Arts. Majors in Mathematics are available to students in the four-year Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts Community Studies degrees. Students should consult the Dean of Science or the chair for more information.
Indigenous Studies
Chair, Stephanie Inglis The Department of Indigenous Studies of Unamaki College brings together full and part-time faculty members involved in the teaching and development of university courses within the disciplines of Mikmaq Studies and MSIT /Integrative Science. Mi'kmaq Studies as a discipline, examines aspects of Mi'kmaw culture including language, governance, spirituality and comtemporary social issues. The department offers twenty two (22) courses within the discipline of Mi'kmaq Studies and the courses are organized into two main streams: language and culture and governance and history. The courses are open to all students enrolled at Cape Breton University. Students may obtain a BA / BACS Major or Minor in Mi'kmaq Studies or may simply wish to take a few courses as Electives within the BA, BACS or BBA Degrees. Mi'kmaq Studies courses are often of interest to students who plan to pursue careers in law, medicine, social work, teaching or anthropology.
Political Science
Chair, Terry Gibbs The Department of Political Science offers a variety of courses in the fields of Canadian Politics and Government, Law and Social Justice Policy, Public Administration and Public Policy, Local and Regional Politics, Government-Business Relations, International Relations, Strategic Studies and Political Theory.
Chair, Katherine Covell The Department of Psychology falls under the School of Science and Technology. However, majors are available to students in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts Community Studies degrees. Students should consult the Dean of Science and Technology or the Chair for more information.
Program Options
Students entering the BA program may enter the three-year option or one of the four-year major options (major/minor, double major, or area major). Those who begin in the three-year program may change to a four-year program at a later date if they meet program requirements for average and grades. Students who begin in a four-year program must attain the required average and grades to remain in the program. Students who wish to complete an honours program may apply for admission after successfully completing two full years of study with the required average and grades. Students in all BA programs must have a minimum of 50% of credits beyond the 100 level. Students in any BA option may choose to participate in the BA Co-operative Education Internship program. Students transferring into the BA from another CBU program or from another post-secondary institution should consult the dean(s) to determine credit equivalencies. THREE-YEAR GENERAL PROGRAM The three-year program requires successful completion of 15 courses (90 credits) of which 7.5 (45 credits) must be beyond the 1000 level: 5 courses (30 credits) from the core curriculum 5 courses (30 credits) in a disciplinary area of concentration 5 courses (30 credits) electives.
FOUR-YEAR MAJOR PROGRAM The four-year major program requires the successful completion of 20 courses (120 credits) of which 10 (60 credits) must be beyond the 100 level: 6 courses (36 credits) from the core curriculum One of three possible combinations of 14 courses (84 credits). (Details given below.)
HONOURS PROGRAM Students may apply for admission after successfully completing two full years of study (60 credits). In order to be accepted they must: have achieved an average of at least 65% in each of the first two years of study have achieved a grade of at least 70% in each course in the major subject.
BA CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION INTERNSHIP PROGRAM This program provides students with an opportunity to gain career-related, paid work experience during their degree program. The combination of theory and practice helps prepare students to make informed career choices and to acquire job skills through internships which may be from eight to 16 months long. To be eligible for the program students must: have a grade average of 70% or higher have completed two years of study (60 credits).
Applications can be made through the advisors located in the Learning Commons and Student Life Centre. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 51
Credit Value
6 6 6 6 6
Subject Area
Any six credits in English with the exception of ENGL2624/DRAM2621,ENGL2625/DRAM2623,ENGL3621 and ENGL3623 Credits from among Humanities, Philosophy, History or Religious Studies courses Credits from among Anthro/Soc, Political Science, Economics or Mikmaq Studies courses Credits from among Art, Music Folklore, Communication, Drama, ENGL1601 (Cinema) or MIKM1167 (Indigenous Art of North America. Credits from among NASC1120, AN/S2200, PHIL2222, AN/S2212, POLS2162, PSYC2101/3101, MATH, Accounting or Science (including MSIT) courses
CONCENTRATION The three-year program requires completion of five courses (30 credits) in one discipline for the concentration. These are listed below under departmental regulations. Students may choose from Anthropology, joint Anthropology/Sociology, Celtic Culture, Communication, English, Ethnomusicology, Folklore, French, History, Mathematics, Mikmaq Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies and Sociology. Some departments have regulations governing the choice of courses for the concentration. Students are urged to seek advice about course choice for the concentration from the appropriate department chair.
ELECTIVES Students must complete five courses (30 credits) as free electives (any university credit courses).
Honours Program
Honours are offered in Anthropology, Communication, English, History, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. Students normally apply for admission to the program after successfully completing the first two years of study. In order to be accepted students must: Have achieved an average of at least 65% in each of the first two years and Have achieved a grade of at least 70% in each course in the major subject. Further regulations are given in the departmental regulations sections below. Program worksheets for the BA options are available from the secretaries to the academic schools, who are located in B212. Students transferring into the BA from another CBU program or from another post-secondary institution should consult the dean(s) to determine credit equivalencies.
There are three options in the Major program: 1. Major/Minor requires: the core COMS courses 30 credits, 48 credits in the major discipline, 18 credits in the minor discipline, and 24 credit electives. Subjects available for the major in the major/minor program are: Anthropology, joint Anthropology/Sociology, Communication, English, Folklore, History, Mathematics, Mi'kmaq Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. See the departmental regulations section of this calendar for more information. 2. Double major requires the core COMS courses 30 credits ,42 credits in the first major, 24 credits in the second major, and 24 credits of electives. 3. Area major requires the core COMS courses 30 credits, 30 credits in the first major, 24 credits in the second major, 18 credits in the third major, and 18 credits of electives. The majors are generally chosen from three closely related disciplines. Subjects not available for the major in the major/minor program (for example, French, Ethnomusicology, or Religious Studies), may be used in the Area major. Students considering the major/minor, double major or area major options or the Honours Program must consult the chair of Community Studies as well as the chairs of the major and minor subjects.
Honours Program
BACS students can complete honours in the following areas: Anthropology, Communication, English, History, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. Students may apply for admission to the program after successfully completing two full years of study (60 credits). In order to be accepted, students must have achieved an average of at least 65% in each of the first two years, and have achieved a grade of at least 70% in each course in the major subject. Further regulations are provided in the departmental regulations section of the calendar.
SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Bachelor of Arts Community Studies/Bachelor of Business Administration
CBU offers students an opportunity to obtain both their BACS and BBA degrees in four years. At the end of three successful years, students will receive a Bachelor of Arts Community Studies degree with a career concentration in Business. After the fourth successful year, the student will receive the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
NOVA SCOTIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE (NSCC) & NEW BRUNSWICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE (NBCC) Articulation agreements with NSCC and NBCC, grant students with an eligible one-year diploma, credit for four courses (24 credits): two electives plus two career related courses OR two electives, one career related course and one related studies course under the academic column. In addition, if a student has completed a work term as part of the one-year diploma, he or she will also receive credit for COMS2101 (3 credits). Students with the one-year diploma DO NOT receive credit for COMS1100. Students completing an eligible two-year diploma, receive credit for a total of eight courses (48 credits): two electives, four career related courses, COMS1100 and COMS1101 and COMS3101 OR two electives, three career related courses, one related studies course under the academic column, COMS1100, COMS1101 and COMS3101. ATLANTIC POLICE ACADEMY (APA) Students who have graduated from the APA in Prince Edward Island and have met the entrance requirements of CBU will receive credit for up to five full courses. These credits will include COMS2101 and COMS3101 and up to 24 additional credits. The exact courses will depend upon individual transcripts. Note: Graduates of these programs may be awarded the BACS degree upon fulfilment of the requirements as outlined above. PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT (PLA) CBU recognizes the value of both formal and informal learning and may grant academic credit for skills and knowledge gained outside traditional studies. See the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition section of this calendar for details.
Anthropology and Sociology
Students interested in concentrating in Anthropology and/or Sociology can find out more about the program requirements by consulting the department chair or the relevant section of the University's web site. Students majoring in Anthropology and/or Sociology must consult annually with the department chair before choosing their courses for the coming year. Sociology and Anthropology are separate but overlapping disciplines. This unity in difference creates a special opportunity to students choosing fields of concentration in the BA. Both Anthropology and Sociology are considered teachable subjects by the Nova Scotia Department of Education. A student may study Anthropology as one separate field and Sociology as another separate discipline, or a student may combine Anthropology and Sociology and use them as one field. Courses which are labelled AN/S may be counted as either Anthropology or Sociology in the BA degree where either of these is used as a separate discipline for concentration and the same is true for teachables. THREE-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE Strongly recommended: six credits in research methods (AN/S2210 or AN/S2212). If using Anthropology and Sociology as two separate disciplinary concentrations (such as five in Anthropology and electives in Sociology), any specific course (such as AN/S1200) counts in only one of those concentrations. In Anthropology: five courses (30 credits) in ANTH and/or AN/S, including six credits above the 2000 level. In Sociology: five courses (30 credits) in SOCO and/or AN/S, including six credits above the 2000 level. Joint Anthropology-Sociology: five courses (30 credits) in ANTH and/or SOCO and/or AN/S, including six credits above the 2000 level.
FOUR-YEAR MAJOR DEGREE IN ANTHROPOLOGY AND/OR SOCIOLOGY Each students major program must be approved by the Chair of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology. Students can major in Anthropology or in Sociology or in a joint Anthropology/Sociology combination, under any one of the three structures of the BA. Detailed course requirements for any and all of these options are shown on the chart on the next page. If using Anthropology and Sociology as two separate disciplinary concentrations (such as a major in Sociology and a Minor in Anthropology), any specific course (such as AN/S1200) counts only in one of those concentrations. HONOURS DEGREE IN ANTHROPOLOGY OR SOCIOLOGY Honours is like a major, but students studies are more specialized more (50% of courses are in the discipline of concentration) and higher marks are required. The Honours Program suits many career goals. It is not only for aspiring anthropologists or sociologists. But if the students plans include postgraduate study in one of those fields, honours is typically a must. Students take honours if they have four qualities: (1) they are committed to being a well-educated person; (2) they especially enjoy this subject; (3) they have strong academic ability, (4) they are ready to work intensively. Total credits needed: The entire BA Honours degree requires 120 credits, which include: (a) the 36 credits of the fouryear BA core; (b) 24 credits of free electives; and (c) 60 credits in the specialty subject (as specified in C and D, below, for Anthropology and for Sociology respectively.) Note that certain Anthropology and Sociology courses also satisfy parts of the core and, when selecting courses, you should discuss this opportunity with faculty advisors in the department. Planning and consulting: As soon as students finish introductory (AN/S1200), they start choosing courses to suit longrange goals and consulting professors. However, they must complete half of the BA program (60 credits) before they are eligible to apply to switch into Honours. Before applying, students meet with the chair of the department to organize the procedure.
COURSES REQUIRED FOR HONOURS SOCIOLOGY The entire degree in Honours Sociology requires a total of 120 credits, which include: (a) the 36 credits of the four-year BA core; (b) 24 credits of free electives; and (c) 60 credits in AN/S and/or SOCO as follows: 6 credits AN/S1200 Introduction to Anthropology & Sociology or equivalent AN/S2210 Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science or AN/S2212 Quantitative Research Methods and Statistics in Social Science. You are encouraged to take both. For graduate school in Sociology, typically you must have AN/S2212. 6 credits SOCO3300 Survey of Sociological Theory 6 credits of 4000-level honours thesis course (AN/S or SOCO4900). 6 credits of 4000-level in AN/S and/or SOCO besides the honours thesis. 12 credits of 3000-level besides SOCO3300. May replace some of this 3000-level category with additional 4000-level credits. 18 credits of unspecified ANTH and/or AN/S electives at any level (2000 or above).
DOUBLE MAJOR PROGRAM (FIRST MAJOR 36 CREDITS, SECOND MAJOR 24 CREDITS) ANTHROPOLOGY FIRST MAJOR 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 1 theory (3100) 1 methods (2210 or 2212) 1 4000 level ANTH or AN/S 2 ANTH &/or AN/S electives Anthropology Second Major 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 3 ANTH &/or AN/S electives SOCIOLOGY FIRST MAJOR 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 1 theory (3300) 1 methods ( 2210 or 2212) 1 4000 level SOCO or AN/S 2 SOCO &/or AN/S electives Sociology Second Major 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 3 SOCO &/or AN/S electives JOINT ANTHROPOLOGY/SOCIOLOGY FIRST MAJOR 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 1 theory (3100 or 3300) 1 methods (2210 or 2212) 1 4000 level ANTH , SOCO or AN/S 2 ANTH , SOCO &/or AN/S electives Joint Anthropology/Sociology Second Major 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 3 ANTH, SOCO &/or AN/S electives
AREA MAJOR PROGRAM (FIRST MAJOR 36 CREDITS, SECOND MAJOR 24 CREDITS) ANTHROPOLOGY FIRST MAJOR 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 1 theory or methods (3100 or 2210) 1 4000 level ANTH or AN/S 1 ANTH &/or AN/S electives Anthropology Second Major 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 3 ANTH &/or AN/S electives Anthropology Third Major 1 Intro (AN/S 1200) 2 ANTH &/or AN/S electives SOCIOLOGY FIRST MAJOR 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 1 theory or methods (3300,2201 or 2212) 1 4000 level SOCO or AN/S 1 SOCO &/or AN/S electives Sociology Second Major 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 3 SOCO &/or AN/S electives Sociology Third Major 1 Intro (AN/S 1200) 2 SOCO &/or AN/S electives JOINT ANTHROPOLOGY/SOCIOLOGY FIRST MAJOR 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 1 theory or methods (3100, 3300, 2210, or 2212) 1 4000 level ANTH , SOCO or AN/S 1 ANTH , SOCO &/or AN/S electives Joint Anthropology/Sociology Second Major 1 Intro (AN/S1200) 3 ANTH, SOCO &/or AN/S electives Joint Anthropology/Sociology Third Major 1 Intro (AN/S 1200) 2 ANTH, SOCO, &/or AN/S electives
Celtic Culture
THREE-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE 30 Celtic Culture credits (a minimum of 12 credits at the 3000 level or higher) Students must choose courses from at least three of the four groups listed below Six credits minimum in Gaelic language (any GAEL course) Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 59
Students interested in completing a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Communication can find out more about the following degree requirements by consulting the Department Chair or referring to the Communication Department Website. (I) 3-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE (90 TOTAL CREDITS) 1. BA Core (30 credits) 2. Speciality: Communication (30 credits) 3. Electives (30 credits) (II) 4-YEAR MAJOR DEGREES (120 TOTAL CREDITS) A. Major/Minor (120 credits) 1. BA Core (36 credits. Includes Communication 4800/4900 in Group 6) 2. Major: Communication (42 credits. Note: Communication 2101 (formerly COMM261): Research Concepts and at least 3 credits at the 4000-level [Communication 4101, 4103, 4104 or 4105] required. No more than 9 credits at the 1000-level permitted.) 3. Minor (18 credits) 4. Electives (24 credits) B. Double Major (120 credits) 1. BA Core (36 credits. Includes Communication 4800/4900 in Group 6) 2. 1st Major: Communication (36 credits. Note: Communication 2101 (formerly COMM261): Research Concepts and at least 3 credits at the 4000-level [Communication 4101, 4103, 4104 or 4105] required. No more than 9 credits at the 1000level permitted.) 3. 2nd Major (24 credits) 4. Electives (24 credits) C. Area Major (120 credits) 1. BA Core (36 credits. Includes Communication 4800/4900 in Group 6) Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
Students who intend to major in English must consult the department chair before planning their program. For purposes of degree requirements in programs, the department clusters its courses into the following groups:
18th and 19th Century
Modern British, Irish, American and Canadian
Survey, Thematic, Creative Writing ENGL2624/DRAM2621 AND ENGL2625/DRAM2623 ENGL2640 ENGL3621/3623 ENGL3681 ENGL3686 ENGL2642 ENGL3640 ENGL3652 ENGL3683 ENGL3684 ENGL3685 ENGL4630
ENGL2441 ENGL2300 ENGL3320 ENGL2340 ENGL2360 ENGL3360 ENGL 3322 ENGL2684/2685 ENGL4360 ENGL4362
ENGL3442 ENGL3440 ENGL3400 ENGL2400 ENGL2420 ENGL3420 ENGL3421/3423 ENGL2461/2463 ENGL3441 ENGL 3424 ENGL4401/4403 ENGL4410 ENGL4620 ENGL4622
The placement of special topics courses shall be determined by subject. THREE-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE Five courses (30 credits) in English, six credits of which must be at the 4000 level. Students must take a course (or 6 credits) from at least three of the six groups. See categories 1 - 6 listed above. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 61
The following courses are compulsory: The British Literary Tradition (ENGL 2610) 6 credits from group 1 12 credits from group 2, of which 6 credits must be a Shakespeare course (ENGL2240 or ENGL4240) 6 credits from group 3 12 credits from group 4, of which 6 credits must be Canadian Literature 6 credits from group 5 Honours thesis (ENGL4900) 6 credits (included in core requirements) Remaining credits may be taken from any grouping. First Class Honours: A candidate who has satisfied all of the requirements of the BA Honours and has also achieved an average of 80% or higher in English courses during the final two years of the program, will be awarded the distinction of first class honours. A candidate who fails to satisfy one or more of the requirements for the BA Honours may be eligible for the major degree provided that all of the requirements for the major have been satisfied.
For our Certificate in Ethnomusicology, please see Certificate Programs listed after Departmental Regulations. MINOR An Ethnomusicology minor consists of at least 18 credits, which must include the following nine credits which are core requirements: MUSI1114 Experiencing Music (3 credits) MUSI2101 Music and Culture (3 credits); and MUSI3101 Musics of the World (3 credits) The remaining nine credits for the minor can be made up from other ETHM courses THREE-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE (BA and BACS) Thirty (30) credits (BA) or twenty-four (24) credits (BACS) in Ethnomusicology , including the following required courses:
Experiencing Music (3 credits) Music and Culture (3 credits) Musics of the World (3 credits)
Students must also take a minimum of twelve Ethnomusicology credits at the 3000-level or above.
Students majoring in Folklore must consult annually with the program coordinator before choosing their courses for the coming year. For purposes of degree requirements, Folklore courses at the 2000 and 3000 levels are clustered into the following groups. All are three credits unless indicated otherwise. Group A Atlantic Canada Regional Studies: 2101, 2104, 2105 (MUSI2251), 2107 (MUSI2221), 2108 (MUSI2223), 2111 (MUSI2201),2113 (MUSI2203), 2261 (MUSI2214), 2403 (MUSI2301),. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 63
Students interested in having Folklore as their second or third major should consult with the program coordinator. Minor: A minor in Folklore is comprised of 18 credits: students are encouraged to take at least six of these credits at the 3000 level or above, being aware of prerequisites.
MINOR Students wishing to minor in Gaelic must take a minimum of 18 credits in either the four-year BA program or the four-year BACS program, as follows:
GAEL1101/1103: Gaelic Language I & II GAEL2101/2103: Advanced Gaelic Language I & II GAEL3101/3103: Advanced Gaelic Language III & IV
Students wishing to minor in Gaelic are strongly encouraged to take an exchange year at Sabhal Mor Ostaig, the Gaelic College in Scotland.
Students majoring in History must consult annually with the department chair before choosing their courses for the coming year. GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. Students may not take both HIST1100 and HUMA1101/1106 for credit. HIST1100 is recommended for intending majors. 2. Students taking all second, third and fourth year history courses must have completed HIST1100 or the equivalent of the Humanities core (which includes any six credit combination of Humanities, Philosophy or Religious Studies on the 1000 level). Students without this prerequisite may take upper level history courses but they must have the permission of the instructor or the Department Chair. Those wishing to take courses at the 4000 level must have completed at least 12 credits in History at the 2000 or 3000 level. THREE-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE Students are required to take HIST1100 or Humanities core; 12 credits in North American and 12 credits in European/British, including 6 credits in each area at the 2000 level and 6 credits at the 3000 level; and an additional 6 credits at the 3000 level or above. FOUR-YEAR MAJOR DEGREE All Programs: HIST1100 or HUMA core; 12 credits in North American and 12 credits in European/British, including 6 credits in each area at the 2000 level and 6 credits at the 3000 level. Major with minor: 18 additional credits, 12 of which are at the 4000 level. Also, History 4800. Double Major (History as first subject): 12 additional credits, including 6 credits at the 4000 level. Also, History 4800. Area Major: HIST4800 (unless a comparable course is offered in another subject). Note: It is recommended that students pursuing a career in teaching take at least six credits of Canadian History at the 2000 level in any combination of HIST2101/2103 or HiIST2104/2105. FOUR-YEAR HONOURS DEGREE Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 65
THREE-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE Students in the three-year BA can specialize by acquiring 30 credits in Mathematics. Students must take MATH1105, 1206, 1204, twelve credits in Mathematics at the 3000 level or above and nine additional credits in Mathematics. FOUR-YEAR MAJOR DEGREE Students majoring in Mathematics (42 credits) shall take MATH1105, 1206, 1204, 2109, 2101, at least 3 credits in Math statistics, at least 12 credits at the 3000 level or above and 12 additional credits in Mathematics, also 6 additional credits at the 4000 level in Core (Group 6). Students minoring in Mathematics (18 credits) shall include at least MATH1101 or 1105, and 1204 among the courses offered. FOUR-YEAR DOUBLE MAJOR Students using Mathematics as their first area of major (36 credits) shall take MATH1105, 1206, 1204, 2109, 2101, 3 credits in Math statistics, at least 12 credits at the 3000 level or above and 6 additional credits in Mathematics, also 6 additional credits at the 4000 level in Core (Group 6).
Mikmaq Studies
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
BA/BACS: Concentration, Major and/or Minor (Mikmaq Studies) Electives: BA /BACS /BBA (Mikmaq Studies) BScCS: Concentration (Integrated Science/ Toqwatukl Kjijitaqnn) Electives: (MSIT) Mikmaq Studies as teachables for the BEd
MIKMAQ STUDIES COURSES as teachables for the BEd Mikmaq Studies courses are recognized as a teachable for application to Nova Scotia BEd Programs. NOTE: For purposes other than the BScCS Toqwatukl Kjijitaqnn, MSIT1101, MSIT1103, MSIT2101, MSIT2103, MSIT3101, MSIT3103, MSIT4101 and MSIT4103 have been designated as science; Three Year BA/BACS, CONCENTRATION in MIKMAQ STUDIES The three-year BA/BACS, concentration in Mikmaq Studies, requires completion of 15 courses (90 credits). BA 5 core courses (30 credits) 5 electives (30 credits) any discipline 5 courses (30 credits) in Mikmaq Studies (See following departmental requirements.) CONCENTRATION IN MIKMAQ STUDIES MIKM1100 (6 credits) MIKM1102 (6 credits) (6 credits) of MIkmaq Studies at the 2000 / 3000 level* (6 credits) of Mikmaq Studies at the 3000 / 4000 level* MIKM4100 (6 credits) BACS 4 core courses (24 credits) 3 electives (18 credits) any discipline 4 courses (24 credits) career 4 courses (24 credits) in Mikmaq Studies (See following departmental requirements.)
Compulsory Compulsory BA, Optional BACS Choice from language/culture Choice from governance/history Compulsory
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing six credits at the 1000/2000 level. 4-Year BA/BACS, MAJOR in MIKMAQ STUDIES There are 3 Major programs available within the BA/BACS degrees: Major/Minor; Double Major; Area Major. Students who wish to pursue any of the three BA/BACS Majors in Mikmaq Studies must choose between two streams of study: Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 67
BA/BACS MAJOR in MIKMAQ STUDIES / MINOR IN RELATED SUBJECT Core courses: BA/BACS five courses (30 credits) Electives, any discipline: BA four courses (24 credits), BACS three or four courses (24/30 credits) MINOR, any discipline: BA three courses (18 credits), BACS three or four courses (24/30 credits) Directed studies/ thesis option: BA (6 credits) MIKM4800 or 4900, BACS COMS4100 MAJOR: MIKMAQ STUDIES BA seven courses (42 credits), BACS seven or eight courses (42 or 48 credits) (See following departmental requirements.)
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing 12 credits at the 1000/2000 level. BA/BACS Area Major MIKMAQ STUDIES The three area majors are generally chosen from three closely related disciplines. Core courses: BA/BACS five courses (30 credits) Electives, any discipline: BA three courses (24 credits), BACS two courses (12 credits) Directed studies/ thesis option: BA (6 credits) MIKM4800 OR 4900*, BACS COMS4100 Third Major: BA 3 (18 credits), BACS four courses (24 credits) Second Major: BA/BACS four courses (24 credits) First Major: Mikmaq Studies: BA/BACS four courses (24 credits) See following departmental requirements.
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing 12 credits at the 1000/2000 level. FOUR YEAR BA, MINOR in MIKMAQ STUDIES A MINOR in Mikmaq Studies is an excellent option to consider if students are pursuing one of the following majors: Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Communication or Folklore. A minor in Mikmaq Studies is made up of 18 credits in Mikmaq Studies. MIKM1100 MIKM2120, 2220, 3120*, 2222* MIKM1102; 2110 or 2114; 3140*; 3245*; 3141* or 3145* (6 credits) (6 credits) (6 credits) Compulsory Choice (Mikmaw Governance) Choice (Mikmaw Language & Culture)
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing 12 credits at the 1000/2000 level.
ELECTIVES IN MIKMAQ STUDIES Mikmaq Studies courses may be used as electives within the BA, BACS and BBA and as free electives in the BSc degrees as well as part of the B.Eng transfer program (writing courses only).
THREE-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE Students in the three-year BA can specialize by acquiring 30 credits in Philosophy. In fact they can take any set of Philosophy courses adding up to 30 credits with only two conditions: that this include PHIL1103 (3 credits) and a total of six credits drawn from PHIL3151, PHIL3153, PHIL3155 or PHIL3157 (3 credit courses). Some students interested in specializing (or making a pair) in Philosophy might have concerns about how Philosophy courses fit into their career plans. These days, however, students taking up professions of all kinds (legal, educational, cultural, health, political, scientific and business) must learn to interpret and resolve value laden issues and situations. FOUR-YEAR MAJOR DEGREE Students in the four-year BA can opt for Philosophy in four ways: 1. They may minor by acquiring any 18 credits in Philosophy including PHIL1103 and any 6 credits drawn from courses at the 3000 or 4000 level. 2. They may major by acquiring 42 credits in Philosophy. As the option for the student most serious about philosophy, majoring requires: PHIL4120, PHIL4110 (both 6 credit courses) and 12 credits drawn from PHIL4100, PHIL4112, PHIL4102, PHIL4122, PHIL4130 (all 6 credit courses) chosen in consultation with the department. 3. In the double major option, students must acquire either 36 or 24 credits in Philosophy, including PHIL1103 or PHIL4120 and any 12 credits from 3000 or 4000 level courses. 4. Students interested in an area major should consult a member of the department Note: All the major programs require students to maintain an overall average of 65% in the last two years of the degree and that the average of all Philosophy courses be at least 65%.
Psychology courses can be taken as part of the BA, BACS, and BSc programs. It is important to note that the core requirements may differ depending on the program. Here is a summary of the required courses in Psychology for each of the BA options: THREE-YEAR DEGREE Psychology 1100, plus 24 additional credits in Psychology FOUR-YEAR MAJOR DEGREE Major with Minor: PSYC1100, PSYC2101, PSYC2111 PSYC3203, PSYC3211 and PSYC4101. Plus 21 additional credits (including at least 6 credits at the 4000 level in addition to 4101). In the event that students do not have the directed study course, any 6 credits at the 4000 level are acceptable. Double Major (Psychology as the first Major): PSYC1100, PSYC2101, PSYC2111, PSYC3203, PSYC3211 and PSYC4101. Plus 15 additional credits in Psychology (including at least 6 credits at the 4000 level in addition to 4101). In the event that students do not have the directed study course, any 6 credits at the 4000 level are acceptable. Area Major: PSYC1100, plus 18 to 24 credits in Psychology.
Political Science
Requirements: POLS1100 is the prerequisite or co-requisite for all other courses in the discipline unless stated otherwise. Students who intend to major in Political Science are encouraged to take POLS1100 and a 2000 level course during the first year. THREE-YEAR GENERAL DEGREE Five courses (30 credits) of Political Science FOUR-YEAR MAJOR DEGREE Three major programs are now available and are described in the calendar section on the Bachelor of Arts program. Students planning to take a major or minor in Political Science must have their courses approved by the Political Science Department Chair and the Dean of Arts and Social Sciences. For Political Science majors in the four year BA, the recommendation for the structure of the degree (42 credits) is as follows: one introductory first-year course, one course in research methods, one course in Canadian Politics and Government, one course in either Public Administration and Public Policy or Law and Policy, one course in International Relations, one course in Political Theory and other courses, freely chosen. Of these 42 credits, 12 credits must be at the 3000 level and 6 credits at the 4000 level. For the four year degree with double major, the recommendation for the structure of the degree is as follows: one introductory course, at least one course at the 3000 level and at least one course at the 4000 level, two or three other courses can be freely chosen from 2000 or 3000 level courses. For the area major (three subjects) only four courses in any discipline are required. For Political Science these shall include a 1000 level introductory course, at least two courses at the 2000 or 3000 level and six credits at the 4000 level. BA HONOURS PROGRAM IN POLITICAL SCIENCE The department offers an honours program for those students wishing an elevated level of study above that required in the major. This program would normally be undertaken by those wishing to proceed to graduate study in political science, public administration or law. The structure of the honours program requires completion of the BA core, 60 credits of Political Science courses and electives amounting to 24 credits. Admission Requirements for BA Honours in Political Science Completion of two full years of study (60 credits) with a grade of at least 70% in each Political Science course An overall average of 65%.
Completion Requirements Following admission to the program a student must: Achieve an average of at least 75% in Political Science courses completed during the final two years of the BA program Achieve an overall average of at least 75% First class honours will be granted to those students who achieve an average of 80% or higher in Political Science courses completed during the final two years of the BA program and who have satisfied all other degree and program requirements. Course Requirements Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 72
Certificate Programs
Certificate in Ethnomusicology
Students wishing to earn the Certificate in Ethnomusicology must take a minimum of twenty-four (24) credits (which may be used towards a degree), as follows: MUSI1101 MUSI 2101 MUSI3101 MUSI3801 Electives Experiencing Music (3 credits) Music and Culture (3 credits) Musics of the World (3 credits) Independent Study in Ethnomusicology (pending approval) MUSI (12 credits minimum)
Students taking the Certificate in Ethnomusicology must consult annually with a faculty member in the department before choosing courses for the coming year.
Complete 6 Credits (Choose one, all courses 6 credits) ENGL3122 Medieval Drama ENGL3241/3243 Renaissance Drama I & II ENGL2240 Shakespeare ENGL3320 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama ENGL2642 A Survey of the Drama ENGL3321 Nineteenth Century Drama ENGL3441 Modern American Drama ENGL4620 Modern Drama ENGL4622 Contemporary Drama ENGL4240 Studies in Shakespeare English 385 can be used to satisfy 3 credits when the special topic is Dramatic Literature. Complete 12 Credits (Choose four, all courses 3 credits) DRAM2101 An Introduction to Acting DRAM2201 Introduction to Theatre Directing DRAM2203 Theatre for Children DRAM3101 Movement for the Theatre DRAM3103 Voice for the Theatre DRAM1101 Stage Craft DRAM3105 Stage Management for the Theatre DRAM2621/ENGL2624 Playwriting I DRAM2623/ENGL2625 Playwriting II
The Certificate in Public Administration also offers concentrations in Municipal Government, International Studies, Law and Policy Studies, First Nations Affairs as well as the general certificate. Each concentration option consists of 33 credits made up of combinations of Political Science and possibly Economics, Business Administration, Psychology, Sociology and Mikmaq Studies courses appropriate to the concentration option.
SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Certificate in Public Administration Concentration in Law and Policy Studies
Compulsory Courses POLS1100 - 6 credits POLS2110 - 6 credits POLS2161 - 3 credits POLS2104 - 3 credits POLS3115 - 3 credits POLS3801 - 3 credits Elective Courses (9 credits) POLS2140- 6 credits POLS2115 - 3 credits POLS2141 - 3 credits POLS2143 - 3 credits POLS2144 - 3 credits POLS3101 - 3 credits POLS3106 - 3 credits POLS3141 - 3 credits POLS3143 - 3 credits POLS3113 - 3 credits POLS3114 - 3 credits POLS3115 - 3 credits POLS4110 - 6 credits
Course Substitution: with respect to all concentrations, students may substitute up to six elective credits from relevant and pertinent courses from other disciplines. See the co-ordinator of the certificate program for official approval of course substitutions
Note: For this certificate, the Directed Study or Thesis must centre on original empirical research conducted by the student. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 77
Admission Requirements
To meet standard admission requirements for the MBA in CED, a Bachelors Degree with a B average from a recognized university is required. The application will be processed when all of the following documents and fees have been received: a completed application form, with the non-refundable application fee official transcripts for all previous post-secondary study a resume detailing employment experience, skills, community involvement and interests a 500-800 word statement on desire to enter the program
Candidates who do not have an undergraduate degree, and show potential for success in graduate level study, may be admitted to the MBA in CED as non-traditional students. Extensive career and/or volunteer experience are expected. The candidates will be assessed individually in such areas as experience and performance in a number of education/training courses. Applicants must provide all documentation listed above and a 4-6 page essay outlining desire to enter the program. Reference letters must be originals, sent directly by the referees. Only official transcripts sent by the Registrar of the issuing institution will be accepted. The Educational Testing Service must forward GMAT, GRE and TOEFL/IELTS score reports. Photocopies of any of these documents will not be accepted. SEMESTER FORMAT DELIVERY The semester format delivery follows the September April academic year on campus in Sydney. Deadline for application is May 31, for a September start. MODULAR FORMAT DELIVERY The modular format appeals to working adults. It includes short, on-site residencies followed by deliverables paced over a 12 week period. This residential program enables learners to take four to five classes each July in Sydney and thus complete all program coursework over three July residencies (26 months). Deadline for application is March 31, for a July start. Note: Students can combine the semester format and modular format delivery to complete the program in 12 months. WEEKEND FORMAT DELIVERY (OFF CAMPUS) Learners can opt to complete the program in 22 months by attending classes on alternate weekends in certain cities across Canada, including Edmonton and Saskatoon. Please contact [email protected] regarding application deadlines and venues. SCHEDULES, TUITION AND FEES Program schedules, tuition and fees for off-campus delivery will differ from the program offered on-site at Cape Breton Universitys Sydney campus. For more information about the Master of Business Administration in Community Economic Development program at different locations, please contact the Director at [email protected], or (902) 563-1467. COURSES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE DEGREE Students must complete the required courses and earn 48 credits. The pass mark for MBA courses is 70%. Students will be required to maintain a 70% average to remain in the program. The MBA in CED program consists of 16 courses, including the Applied Research Project. Term One MBAC5101 MBAC5103 MBAC5104 MBAC5105 MBAC5107
Business and Community Development I Fundamentals of Accounting Fundamentals of Marketing Organizational Behaviour Economic Geography
MBAC6801: Applied Research Project: The Applied Research Project will approach a problem in business or community economic development in a holistic, multidisciplinary manner and will meet highest academic standards. Students will ground their research in a business or community economic development topic. A two-person supervisory committee, drawn from different disciplines, will oversee the preparation of the report. There is no residency requirement for the research project, which may be completed off site. The research project must be completed within twelve months. ADVANCED STANDING Requests from applicants to receive transfer credits for courses will be reviewed individually. Transcripts of courses, along with a detailed description of course content will be required. Students can make a request to challenge course(s) and each request will be reviewed on its own merits. Applicants can apply for advanced standing on the basis of career experience and training and each request is subject to a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) review.
PRE-CORE PROGRAM Cape Breton Universitys pre-core program is a series of no-fee sessions in Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Excel Modeling, Concept Mapping and Case Analysis techniques. MBA students who have not recently completed a business degree in Canada must attend all Pre-Core sessions The Pre-core program takes place the week before classes start in September and January and in the weekend preceding Julys classes. All admitted MBA in CED students will receive detailed information on Pre-Core sessions. For more information please contact [email protected].
In Alberta, Cape Breton University has an Agreement with NAIT, to offer the MBA in CED on NAITS main campus. In Alberta, this program is offered pursuant to the written approval of the Minister of Advanced Education and Technology effective September 1, 2011, having undergone a quality assessment process and been found to meet the criteria established by the Minister. Nevertheless, prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs (for example, acceptable to potential employers, professional licensing bodies or other educational institutions). In Saskatchewan, Cape Breton University has an agreement with Great Plains College to offer the MBA in CED on their Saskatoon-Warman campus. Cape Breton University has partnerships with certain colleges that offer pertinent Pre-Masters programs and prepare international students to apply for admission to the MBA in CED, such as ICEAP (International Centre for English Academic Preparation) and Dorset College.
Intro to Canadian Business Intro to Marketing Intro to Accounting I and II Intro to Statistic/ Calculus for Business Principles of Micro/Macro Economics (3 credits) (3 credits)
Computers in Business/Quant. Methods Organizational Behaviour/ Human Resource Management Business Finance I and II (12 credits)
Marketing Management Management of Small Business Planning and Control International Business Management Information Management Systems (15 credits)
See the course description section of this Calendar for more information. A degree worksheet is available from the Deans office.
Admission Requirements
Required: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English and Mathematics with a minimum average requirement of 65%. Students may substitute one open course for one advanced or academic course, except where a particular course is specified. The Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management program is a three-year general degree offered through the Shannon School of Business that encompasses courses spread over the Hospitality, Tourism, Business/Management, Humanities, Social Science and English academic disciplines. The program includes two compulsory, six-month paid industry internships, which occur between May and October in the first and second years of study. Internships must meet suitable industry internship criteria. An internship coordinator (faculty member) will arrange recruitment presentations and provide students with the opportunity to be interviewed on campus by national, provincial and regional establishments for internship placement. Students are also encouraged to seek internship opportunities on their own. All internship placements are subject to approval by the internship coordinator. BACHELOR OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT (BHTM) PROGRAM REVISED NOVEMBER 2010 Year One: Fall Term (September- December) HATM1501 Introduction to Food Theory and Nutrition HATM1504 Tourism in Canada ACCT1203 Intro to Accounting I Non-Discipline Elective (3 credits) English (3 credits)
Winter Term (January-April) HATM1503 Restaurant Operation and Service HATM1506 Intro to Tourism Marketing ACCT1204 Intro to Accounting II Communication (3 credits) Non-Discipline Elective (3 credits) Spring/Summer Hospitality and Tourism Internship I Year Two: Fall Term (September-December) HATM3505 Tourism Law HATM3504 Resort/Facilities Management and Maintenance MGMT2604 Intro to Organizational Behaviour MATH1215 Descriptive and Basic Inferential Statistics Non-Discipline Elective (3 credits) Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 85
Winter Term (January-April) HATM3503 Meetings and Convention Management MGMT2605 Human Resource Management MGMT3607 International Business ECON1101 Principles of Microeconomics Non-Discipline Elective (3 credits) Spring/Summer Hospitality/Tourism Internship II Year Three: Fall Term (September- December) HATM3125 Tourism Operations Planning HATM3509 International Tourism Management MGMT4606 Tourism Management I Open Elective (3 credits) Non-Discipline Elective (3 credits) HATM3999 Advanced Industry Internship II (completed in spring/summer) Winter Term (January-April) MGMT4607 Tourism Strategy HATM3508 Destination Management and Marketing Open Elective (3 credits) Open Elective (3 credits) Non-Discipline Elective (3credits)
Admission Requirements
Required: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English and Mathematics or Pre-calculus Mathematics, with an overall average of at least *65%. The Bachelor of Technology Information (BTI) degree is a four-year, co-operative education program consisting of 40 three credit courses (120 credits) and three optional work placements. The BTI degree equips its graduates with the essential information technology (IT) skills necessary for them to be both adaptable and innovative in the dynamic business world of IT. Courses are taught in both classroom and computer laboratory environments and are continually updated to reflect current business and industry standards. The BTI degree prepares graduates for careers as systems analysts, project leaders, programmers, consultants, network administrators and application support personnel. The following course template represents the standard pattern through the degree program. The year one through year three course requirements listed below are common to both the BTI (Information Management) and BTI (Network Management) concentrations. Year One ITEC1501 ITEC1503
Introduction to Programming Introduction to Operating Systems Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 86
Systems Analysis & Design Advanced Programming Advanced Network Management Data Base Development Introduction to Accounting I Introduction to Statistics Organizational Behaviour I Introduction to Accounting II
Visual Basic Systems Security and Control Mid-Range Operating Systems Information Technology Project Management Object Oriented Programming Windows Server Technologies Business Strategies in IT 3 credits
BTI (INFORMATION MANAGEMENT) In addition to the year one through year three requirements listed above, students in the BTI (Information Management) also require the following courses to complete the degree: ITEC4515 Information Technology Documentation ITEC4505 E-Commerce Technologies ITEC4509 Current Issues in Information Technology ITEC4511 Systems Implementation Project ITEC4506 Data Warehousing ITEC4507 Software Engineering Tools MGMT3603 Management for Small Business (or close cognate) MGSC3101 Management Information Systems Discipline Elective Discipline Elective BTI (NETWORK MANAGEMENT) In addition to the year one through year three requirements listed above, students in the BTI (Network Management) also require the following courses to complete the degree: ITEC4515 Information Technology Documentation Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 87
Refer to ITEC course descriptions in this calendar for additional information on individual courses. Further information on either the Information Management concentration or the Network Management concentration is available from the department chair. Program Notes 1. Discipline electives are defined as additional non-compulsory ITEC, business foundation (BUSS), business or information technology related, or chair approved courses. 2. BTI students are eligible to complete a maximum of three work placements. Students must pass all required ITEC courses in the academic year preceding their placement and maintain a 70% average to be eligible to apply for work placements. Contact the career advisors for additional details. 3. Students seeking credit from previous post-secondary studies must apply for a Transfer Credit Assessment by submitting a Transfer Credit Assessment application (available at the Student Service Centre or online at along with the assessment fee and official transcripts from institutions from which they are seeking transfer credit. Refer to CBU admission procedures for additional details.
Managerial Finance Strategic Policy Analysis Option Courses (two courses required)
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The normal rules and regulations for regular, part-time and mature students entering Cape Breton University credit courses will apply. ADDITIONAL FEES Regular Cape Breton University tuition and fees apply to all courses. A yearly membership fee, in addition to Cape Breton University tuition and fees, is required by the Canadian Institute of Management. For further information Contact Wendy Wadden (902) 563-1229 or e-mail: [email protected]
Organizational Behaviour Introduction to Public Communication Administrative Problem Solving One three credit elective course from one of the approved disciplines such as Political Science, Communication, French or Business Administration.
Independent Study The independent study provides an opportunity for students to investigate an area of personal or professional interest using the skills and background acquired through the courses of the program. This topic will be determined in consultation with the program director.
Note: The Integration course must be taken last. Completion of Module I leads to the Letter of Accomplishment and completion of Module I and Module II leads to the Associate of the Institute of Canadian Bankers (AICB).
Nine credits selected from the core elective CBU courses approved for this program: CBU EDUC5101 Assessment of Software and Information Technology Applications for Education (3 credits) CBU EDUC5103 Integration of Instruction Design and Information Technology (3 credits) CBU EDUC5104 Applications of Learning Theory in Educational Multimedia Design (3 credits) CBU EDUC5105 Designing Web-based Learning (3 credits) CBU EDUC5106 Technology Planning for Education Environments (3 credits) CBU EDUC5107 Information Management for Education Environments (3 credits) Three credits from E6426, E6802, E6822, E6823 or from other MUN, Faculty of Education graduate course offerings as deemed appropriate for each candidates program and approved by the program steering committee. 3) Candidates on the comprehensive course route must complete: 6 credits selected from E6610, E6615, E6620 listed in (ii) above; 12 credits selected from CBU EDUC5101, EDUC5103, EDUC5104, EDUC5105, EDUC5106, EDUC5107, listed in (2) above E6590 Research and Development Seminar in Information Technology in Education (3 credits); 3 credits from E6426, E6802, E6822, E6823 or from other MUN, Faculty of Education graduate course offerings as deemed appropriate for each candidates program and approved by the program steering committee; Additional credits appropriate to a candidates program and approved by the program steering committee, to be chosen from graduate course offerings at MUN, CBU, or any other university to complete the required 30 credits for the comprehensive course route. 4) Normally, candidates will be permitted to register for E6590 only after all other course requirements have been met. 5) Candidates who have successfully completed the CBU graduate-level Certificate in Education (Technology) will be given advanced standing credit for the nine CBU EDUC course credit requirements for the thesis route or 12 CBU EDUC course credit requirements for the comprehensive course route in this program. 6) Candidates who have successfully completed the former CBU EDUC 534 and/or EDUC 543 with at least a CBU grade of B (70%) toward the CBU graduate-level Certificate in Education (Technology) prior to September 2000, will receive up to 12 advanced standing credits appropriate to their degree option (EDUC 534 will be considered equivalent to EDUC5101 and 5103 and EDUC543 equivalent to EDUC5104 and 5105). 7) Thesis route candidates will be subject to regulation J of the School of Graduate Studies, MUN, supervised by a faculty member at MUN and where feasible, co-supervised by a CBU faculty member.
Bachelor of Education
Cape Breton University offers the Bachelor of Education (Elementary and Intermediate/Secondary Education). Upon successful completion of this degree, students will be eligible to apply for teaching certification in Nova Scotia. This 60credit degree is 16-months in duration (including the teaching internship). Classes commence each spring.
Admission Requirements
INTERMEDIATE/SECONDARY EDUCATION PREREQUISITES A concentration of at least 30 credit hours of university coursework in a discipline, taught in Nova Scotia secondary schools as outlined in the Public School Program; a maximum of six credit hours of cognate university coursework may be included in fulfilment of this requirement; A concentration of at least 18 credit hours of university coursework in a second discipline, taught in Nova Scotia secondary schools as outlined in the Public School Program; a maximum of six credit hours of cognate university coursework may be included in fulfilment of this requirement; Six credit hours in university social studies coursework from any one or combination of the following disciplines Canadian Studies, History, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Law, Classics, African Canadian Studies, Mikmaw Studies and/or Philosophy; Three credit hours of university coursework from among Mathematics, Science (excluding Psychology), or Computer Studies Three credit hours of university coursework in English, if undergraduate degree is delivered in English or three credit hours of university coursework in French, if undergraduate degree is delivered in French; INTERMEDIATE/SECONDARY TEACHABLES English, Math, French, Fine Arts, Technology, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology/Earth Sciences, Oceanography or Environmental Studies) and Social Studies (History, Geography, Political Science, Anthropology*, Sociology, Economics, African Canadian Studies, Mi'kmaq Studies, Law and Classics). Applicants to the Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Secondary) cannot be accepted to this program if the first and second teachable disciplines are both social studies related disciplines. * can be used as a second teachable discipline only ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PREREQUISITES Candidates for the Bachelor of Education (Elementary) must have successfully completed the following: 9 credits in social studies (from among History, Geography, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, African Canadian Studies, Mikmaq Studies and/or Philosophy) NOTE: This requirement will change to six (6) credits of university social studies coursework for May 2013. 6 credits in science (from among Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology/Earth Sciences, Oceanography or Environmental Studies) 3 credits in Mathematics NOTE: This requirement will change to six (6) credits for university mathematics coursework for May 2013. 6 credits in English 6 credits in Developmental Psychology
All students are required to have an undergraduate degree from a recognized university, with a minimum of 90 credit hours completed. Students in good academic standing, who have achieved an average of at least 65% throughout their undergraduate degree and an average of at least 70% in the last 60 credits attempted, are eligible for admission to the program.
B.ED ELEMENTARY ADDITIONAL CORE EDUC4111 EDUC4113 EDUC4115 EDUC4116 EDUC4117 EDUC4118 EDUC4989 Facilitating a Comprehensive Literacy Program at the Elementary Level (3 credits) Teaching an Integrated Science Curriculum (3 credits) Teaching an Integrated Social Studies Curriculum (3 credits) Mathematics at the Elementary Level (3 credits) Assessment and Curriculum Instruction in Elementary Education (3 credits) Principles and Practice of Elementary Education (3 credits) Internship in the Elementary School (15 credits)
Please note: BEd students must successfully complete the coursework from semester one and two prior to beginning the practicum (EDUC 4989/4999). A BEd student may be permitted to enrol in a methodology courses as an elective only with the written permission of the instructor. 15 credits in Education Electives B.ED INTERMEDIATE/SECONDARY ADDITIONAL CORE EDUC4128 EDUC4121 EDUC4217 Principles and Practice of Secondary Education (3 credits) Literacy in the Content Areas (3 credits) The Adolescent Learner (3 credits)
Twelve credits of methodology coursework chosen from: EDUC4138 Technology Education I (3 credits) EDUV4139 Technology Education II (3 credits) EDUC4141 Science at the Secondary Level I (3 credits) EDUC4143 Science at the Secondary Level II (3 credits) EDUC4144 Social Studies at the Secondary Level I (3 credits) EDUC4145 Social Studies at the Secondary Level II (3 credits) EDUC4146 French Second Language at the Secondary Level I (3 credits) EDUC4147 French Second Language at the Secondary Level II (3 credits) EDUC4148 Fine Arts at the Secondary Level I (3 credits) EDUC4149 Fine Arts at the Secondary Level II (3 credits) EDUC4151 English Language Arts at the Secondary Level I (3 credits) EDUC4153 English Language Arts at the Secondary Level II (3 credits) EDUC4154 Mathematics at the Secondary Level I (3 credits) EDUC4155 Mathematics at the Secondary Level II (3 credits) EDUC 4999 Internship in the Secondary School (15 credits) Please note: BEd students must successfully complete the coursework from semester one and two prior to beginning the practicum (EDUC 4989/4999). A BEd student may be permitted to enrol in a methodology courses as an elective only with the written permission of the instructor. 12 credits of Education Electives Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 95
ABORIGINAL EDUCATION CONCENTRATION (THIS PROGRAM OPTION IS CURRENTLY BEING DEVELOPED) Students completing the BEd with the Aboriginal Education Concentration will complete all requirements as outlined above for the common core and secondary/elementary core. Additionally, students will complete 12 of their 15 credits of elective courses within the Mikmaq Focus Electives. The requirements for the Secondary and Elementary streams are outlined below: Elementary Aboriginal Education:
EDUC4131 Aboriginal Studies at the Elementary Level (3 credits) EDUC4133 Teaching English as a Second Language in an Additive Bilingual Model (3 credits) Two of: EDUC4134 Introduction to Literacy and Fluency in Aboriginal Languages (3 credits) EDUC4135 Advanced Reading and Writing in Aboriginal Languages (3 credits) EDUC4136 Aboriginal/Indigenous Education Models (3 credits) EDUC elective ( 3 credits)
EDUC4140 Aboriginal Studies at the Secondary Level (6 credits) Two of: EDUC4133 Teaching English as a Second Language in an Additive Bilingual Model (3 credits) EDUC4134 Introduction to Literacy and Fluency in Aboriginal Languages (3 credits) EDUC4135 Advanced Reading and Writing in Aboriginal Languages (3 credits) EDUC4136 Aboriginal/Indigenous Education Models (3 credits) EDUC elective (3 credits)
Individual courses from CBUs graduate diploma and certificate offerings may be taken with permission. A non-refundable application fee of $50.00 is required with each application for education diploma and certificate programs. Department of Education contacts: Catherine OBrien, Chair, Education Department (902) 563-1849; [email protected] Terry MacDonald, Manager & Technology Enhanced Learning, Teacher Education (902) 563-1647; [email protected] Susan Basso, BEd, Manager & Practicum Coordinator, BEd (902) 563-1651; [email protected]
Admission Requirements
The Bachelor of Science Nursing is a limited entry program and therefore admission to the program is competitive. The Office of the Registrar ranks all eligible first year candidates based on their academic average. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: General Admission and Nursing applications, along with all supporting documentation must be received by February 28 for consideration for admission for the following September start date. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 96
PHIL 2129
PHIL2131 PSYC1100
NUTR2105 PSYC2600
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Current certification in standard first aid and Level C CPR are required for entrance into the program. Students in the Nursing program are responsible for annual recertification of CPR. Students must be screened through the Child Abuse Registry database of their home province and Nova Scotia and have a criminal records check completed at their municipal police department, or local detachment of the RCMP, prior to entry into the program. Documentation of both is required. Prospective students are advised that the College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia (CRNNS) (licensure body for nurses) requires disclosure of criminal activity prior to consideration for registration by the CRNNS. Those deemed a risk to others may not be considered for registration by the CRNNS. Prior to entering the program, students are responsible for having their immunizations up to date. Hepatitis B immunization and tuberculin (Mantoux) testing are required.. A grade of 65% in each NURS course is required for students to progress through the program. To have courses qualify as a transfer credit for NURS3102 and for NURS3100, the mark in the course must be at least a 65%. To move from first year to second year, an overall average of 60% is required. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 97
Exceptions to these requirements require the approval of the Dean. COURSE PATTERN The course pattern is the same as for the general BScN, except that the three credits earned for NURS 499 will replace three of the required nine open elective credits. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS To qualify for a BScN with advanced major, candidates must have: Been admitted to the program; Earned a general average of at least 70% in each of the two final years; Earned a grade of at least 70% in each NURS course in each of the third and fourth years; Fulfilled the course requirements of the department and satisfied the seminar/independent practice requirements; Received no nursing alert in the four years.
A student who fails to meet the required average may qualify for the general degree.
Admission Requirements
High School Graduates: five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English, Mathematics, Chemistry and one other science; with an overall average of at least 65%. Biology is recommended. Diploma/Degree Graduates: appropriately accredited community college diploma at the technologist level, or university science degree, where the programs are a reasonable match. The following term-courses or their equivalents are required for entry into the two-year accelerated option: General Chemistry; Communication or English (2); Biology; Organic Chemistry; Introductory Microbiology; Math; Anatomy & Physiology; Statistics; Physics; Science/Technology Elective; Free Electives (5).
Partially completed diploma/degree: Admissions and course selection will be done on an individual basis in consultation with an academic advisor from the program. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 99
REQUIRED COURSES This degree program currently consists of the following seven, 6 credit courses; but is undergoing review and is therefore subject to change. EMGN4100 EMGN4102 EMGN4110 EMGN4112 Introduction to Disaster Management Disaster Preparedness and Response Business & Industry Crisis Management and the Use of Technology in Emergency Management Hazardous Materials Management and Hazards Mitigation Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 102
Admission Requirements
Five grade 12 academic or advanced courses including English; Math; two of Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Physics; one other academic or advanced course with an average of at least 65%. Pre-calculus Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology are recommended. REQUIRED COURSES Year One BIOL1101 MICR2101 MATH1109 CHEM1104 CHEM1105 One of: ACCT1203 or MRKT1301 or MGMT2605
Cell and Molecular Biology I (3 credits) Introductory Microbiology (3 credits) Introductory Statistics I (3 credits) General Chemistry I (3 credits) General Chemistry II (3 credits) Introductory Financial Accounting I (3 credits) Introduction to Marketing (3 credits) Human Resource Management (3 credits)
Plus: MGMT2604 Organizational Behaviour I (3 credits) Humanities or Social Sciences (6 credits) Elective(s) (3 credits) Year Two CHEM2301 CHEM2601 NUTR2104 NUTR2106 BIOL3200
Introductory Organic Chemistry I (3 credits) Introductory Biochemistry I (3 credits) Introduction to Nutrition (3 credits) Principles of Nutrition in Human Metabolism (3 credits) Human Anatomy and Physiology (6 credits)
Humanities or Social Sciences (6 credits). If Humanities taken in Year One, take Social Sciences in Year Two, if Social Sciences taken in Year 1, take Humanities in Year 2. Electives (6 credits)
Diploma Programs
Diploma in Education (Curriculum)
This graduate level program is intended for learners who wish to pursue a deeper understanding of curriculum development. It has been available from CBU since 1983 and has been delivered both on campus and by distance. Beginning with the meaning and purpose of curriculum, the learner completes the program by developing a model curriculum that may be used in his or her class. Formal admission to the program is required. Courses are offered on a part-time basis and completion of the diploma takes approximately two years. Individual courses may be taken with the permission of the Dean. REQUIRED COURSES EDUC5102 The Meaning and Purpose of Curriculum (6 credits) EDUC5110 Teaching Canadian Culture (6 credits) EDUC5112 Learning Resources (6 credits) EDUC5120 Issues in Planning, Designing and Developing Curriculum (6 credits) EDUC5122 Research/Curriculum Development (6 credits)
Certificate Programs
Certificate in Educational Studies
The Certificate in Educational Studies is awarded to teachers and school administrators who complete a sabbatical program following the guidelines established by the Institute for Education. This supervised year of study requires the completion of 30 credits in an approved subject area, including an advanced graduate seminar and an internship/research project.
Chair, Sean Modesto, PhD The Department of Biology delivers courses in Biology and MSIT for all degree programs. It includes Biology and Integrative Science faculty with primary responsibility for the BSc in Biology, the BScCS in Biodiversity and the BScCS in Integrative Science. The Department of Biology shares responsibility for the BScCS in Psychology, Health and Environment with the Department of Psychology.
Chair, Adango Miadonye, PhD The department offers CSC accredited four-year BSc Honours and BSc major programs in Chemistry. Three-year general BSc and BA degrees with a concentration in Chemistry are also available. Chemistry can be used as the first or second major in the BSc double major or BSc double major with honours degree programs.
Chair, Bill Bailey, MSc, PEng CBU houses the newest Engineering Department in the province and is second in size only to that at Dalhousie University. The department is responsible for the Engineering Transfer Diploma, Engineering Technology Diploma, Bachelor of Technology Degree and the Bachelor of Engineering Technology Degree programs.
Chair, Katherine Covell, PhD The Department of Psychology focuses on the scientific study of mental processes and delivers a full range of courses for Psychology majors in the three- and four-year BA, BSc and BACS programs.
Bachelor of Science
Admission Requirements
Required: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English; two Sciences (one of which must be Biology, Chemistry, or Physics); and Mathematics or Pre-Calculus Mathematics with an overall average of at least 65%. Recommended: Pre-Calculus Mathematics. Students may substitute one Grade 12 open course for one advanced or academic course, except where a particular course is specified. Environmental Science 12 may be used as the second science with Biology, Chemistry or Physics. These regulations were accurate at the time of printing. Some changes are anticipated. Please check with the Deans office for current regulations. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 107
Departmental Regulations
BIOLOGY A three-year degree requires: 1. Core Courses - 18 credits 6 credits English at 1000 and/or 2000 level 6 credits PHIL 2222, or 3 credits HUMA/Social Science and 3 credits of a 2000-level PHIL. A social science is ANTH, AN/S, ECON, POLS, SOCO, or PSYC. 6 credits MATH: To fulfill the mathematics requirement students must include 3 credits from MATH1101, MATH1105, or MATH1109 plus 3 additional credits from any MATH course other than MATH1107, MATH1208, , MATH1114, MATH1215 and MATH1216. 2. Biology Specialization - 36 credits 12 credits BIOL: BIOL1101, BIOL1601, BIOL2101, BIOL2501 24 credits additional BIOL with at least 6 credits beyond the 2000 level. 3. Another Science - 12 credits From a second discipline of science: CHEM, GEOL, MATH, MSIT, NUTR, PHYS or PSYC. 4. Free Electives - 24 credits 5. An average of 60% in courses in Biology specialization in last two years of program. 6. An average of 55% over the entire 90-credit program. 7. 3 credits of Organic Chemistry must be included in one of the following categories: Science or free electives. A four-year degree with a Biology major requires: 1. Core Courses - 18 credits 6 credits English at 1000 and/or 2000 level 6 credits PHIL 2222, or 3 credits HUMA/Social Science and 3 credits of a 2000-level PHIL. A social science is ANTH, AN/S, ECON, POLS, SOCO, or PSYC. 6 credits MATH: To fulfil the mathematics requirement students must include 3 credits from MATH1101, MATH1105, or MATH1109 PLUS 3 additional credits from any MATH course other than MATH1107, MATH1208, MATH1114, MATH1215 and MATH1216. 2. Biology Major - 54 credits 12 credits BIOL: BIOL1101, BIOL1601, BIOL2101, BIOL2501 42 credits additional BIOL courses of which 24 credits must be beyond the 2000 level including at least 6 credits at the 4000 level. 3. Area of Minor - 12 credits From a second discipline of science: CHEM, GEOL, MATH, MSIT, NUTR, PHYS, or PSYC. 4. Science Electives - 12 credits Generally courses from BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, MATH, MSIT, NUTR, PHYS or PSYC are acceptable - some exceptions exist. 5. Free Electives - 24 credits 6. An average of 65% in courses in Biology major in last three years of program. 7. An average of 60% over the entire 120-credit program. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 108
A four-year degree with a Chemistry major with honours requires: 1. Core courses (18 credits) 6 credits English at 1000 and/or 2000 level
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
A four-year double major degree with Chemistry as the first major requires: 1. Core Courses (18 credits) 6 credits English at 1000 and/or 2000 level 6 credits PHIL or HUMA/PHIL: 2222, or 3 credits HUMA/Social Science and 3 credits of a 2000-level PHIL. PHIL2222 is highly recommended. A social science is ANTH, AN/S, ECON, POLS, SOCO, or PSYC. PSYC cannot be used in the core for Psychology Degree programs. 6 credits MATH: 1105 or 1203 and 1206 2. Chemistry Major - 57 credits 27 credits CHEM: CHEM1104, CHEM1105,CHEM2201, CHEM2203, CHEM2301, CHEM2303, CHEM2403, CHEM2501, CHEM2601 24 credits additional CHEM to include 24 credits above the 2000 level of which at least 9 credits are at the 4000 level. Courses to include at least 3 of the 5 sub-disciplines of Chemistry (organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, biochemistry). 6 credits thesis (CHEM4900) 3. Area of Second Major - 36 credits All from one science other than Chemistry (BIOL, GEOL, MATH, NUTR, PHYS, or PSYC). If Math, then 6 credits of Math in the core will be replaced by 6 credits of Science Electives. Must include at least 9 credits above the 2000 level, with at least 3 of these at the 4000 level. 4. Free Electives - 9 credits. 5. An average of 65% in courses in Chemistry major in last three years of program. 6. An average of 60% in courses in area of second major in last three years of program 7. An average of 60% over the entire 120-credit program. 8. MATH1116, MATH2113 (CHEM3201), MATH2214 (CHEM3203), PHYS1104 and PHYS1204 MUST be included in 2, 3, or 4 above. A four-year double major degree with Chemistry as the first major with honours requires: Core courses 18 credits 6 credits English at 1000 and /or 200 level
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
A degree with honours in the area of the first major and major in the area of the second major may be awarded where the additional requirements for the 4-year BSc degree with honours have been met. MATHEMATICS Bachelor of Science Three year 1. Core Courses - (non-math) (12 credits) 6 credits English at 1000 and/or 2000 level 6 credits PHIL 2222, or 3 credits HUMA/Social Science and 3 credits of a 2000-level PHIL. A social science is ANTH, AN/S, ECON, POLS, SOCO, or PSYC. 2. Mathematics - 36 credits 21 credits - MATH1204, MATH1105 (or MATH1203), MATH1206, MATH2101, MATH2103, MATH2208, and MATH2109 15 additional MATH credits with at least 12 credits at 3000 level or above (cannot use MATH1101, MATH1114, or MATH1215) 3. Other Science - 18 credits All from one science other than Mathematics BIOL, CHEM, ENGI, GEOL, NUTR, PHYS, or PSYC OR 12 credits in one science (other than Mathematics) and 6 credits in another science (other than Mathematics). Economics and/or Business will be considered science for this section. Free Electives - (24 credits) An average of 60% in courses in Math specialization in last two years of program. An average of 55% over the entire 90-credit program. Computer proficiency must be shown using MATH1116.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Bachelor of Science Four year Major 1. Core Courses - (non-math) (12 credits) 6 credits English at 1000 and/or 2000 level Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 112
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Bachelor of Science Four year Major with Honours 1. Core Courses - 12 credits 6 credits English at 1000 and/or 2000 level 6 credits PHIL 2222, or 3 credits HUMA/Social Science and 3 credits of a 2000-level PHIL. A social science is ANTH, AN/S, ECON, POLS, SOCO, or PSYC. 2. Mathematics Major - 54 credits 6 credits - MATH4900 24 credits - MATH1204, MATH1105 (or MATH1203), MATH1206, MATH2101, MATH2103, MATH2106, MATH2208, and MATH2109. 24 additional MATH credits of which at least 18 credits must be at 3000 level or above with at least 6 credits at the 4000 level not including MATH4900. (cannot use MATH1101, MATH1114, MATH1216 or MATH1215). 3. Area of Minor - 18 credits All from one science other than Mathematics (BIOL, CHEM, ENGI, GEOL, NUTR, PHYS, or PSYC) OR 12 credits in one science (other than Mathematics) and 6 credits in another science (other than Mathematics). May be Economics or Business. Economics and/or Business will be considered science for this section. 4. Science Electives - 12 credits 5. Free Electives - 24 credits 6. An average of 75% in courses in Math major in last three years of program. 7. An average of 70% over the entire 120-credit program. 8. Computer proficiency must be shown using MATH1116. Bachelor of Science Four year Double Major with Mathematics as First Major 1. Core Courses - 12 credits 6 credits English at 1000 and/or 2000 level 6 credits PHIL 2222, or 3 credits HUMA/Social Science and 3 credits of a 2000-level PHIL. A social science is ANTH, AN/S, ECON, POLS, SOCO, or PSYC. 2. Area of First Major - 54 credits 24 credits MATH: MATH1204, MATH1105(or MATH1203), MATH1206, MATH2101, MATH2103, MATH2106, MATH2208, and MATH2109. 30 additional MATH credits of which at least 24 credits must be at 3000 level or above with at least 9 credits at the 4000 level (cannot use MATH1101, MATH1114, MATH1216 or MATH1215). Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 113
Concentration in Biodiversity
A concentration in Biodiversity requires successful completion of the following courses: 1. Biology - 24 credits BIOL1101 Cell & Molecular Biology I BIOL1601 Organismal & Evolutionary Biology BIOL2501 Environmental Biology BIOL3331 Plant Taxonomy BIOL3541 Plant Ecology BIOL3501 Natural History of Cape Breton BIOL4505 Monitoring Biodiversity 3 credits of BIOL in Ecology or Organismal Biology or MSIT3105 2. Technology - 18 credits Environmental issues: one of ENVI3131/3133 - Environmental Impact Assessment, ENVI3134/3135 Management of Technological Change or ENVI3136/3137 - Engineering for Sustainable Development GEOL1103/1203 Physical Geology CIVI 215/216 Introduction to & Applications of GIS
REQUIRED TECHNOLOGY COURSES PUBH2103 Environmental Health Law PUBH2104 Anatomy and Physiology PUBH3103 Public Health Administration PUBH3106 Epidemiology PUBH4106 Environmental Education ITEC1504 Information Systems
Admission Requirements
High School Graduates: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English and Mathematics, and two other sciences (Physics is recommended); with an overall average of at least 65%. Diploma/Degree Graduates: Appropriately accredited community college diploma at the technologist level or university science degree in electrical/electronics and closely related programs only. CBU has agreements with many colleges which specifies the matching programs and, in some cases, matching courses that allow transfer credits. Partially Completed Diploma/Degree: Admissions and course selection will be done on an individual basis in consultation with an academic advisor from the Engineering Department. THREE -YEAR FORMAT Term One (Fall) MATH1107 Math I PHYS1101 Elements of Physics I ENGI1161 Industrial Safety and Applied Shop Practices ENGI1165 Engineering Graphics ELEC1161 Fundamentals of Electricity I COMP1163 Computer Applications Term Two (Winter) MATH1208 Math II PHYS1201 Elements of Physics II DRAF1163 Industrial Applications of Drafting COMM/ENGL Elective ELEC1164 Fundamentals of Electricity II ELEC1165 Analog Electronics Term Three (Fall) MATH2104 Math III ENGI2167 Digital Logic ELEC2160 Process Measurements (This is a two-term course taken in one term with double the contact hours) ELEC2166 Industrial Electronic Circuits ELEC2167 Machines and Controls Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
Term Four (Winter) MATH2205 Math IV ELEC2163 Linear Integrated Circuits ELEC2168 Programmable logic Controllers ELEC2169 Technological Thesis ELEC2162 Control Systems (This is a two-term course taken in one term with double the contact hours) Students wishing to start their careers early may choose to graduate with a diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology (Instrumentation and Controls) after successfully completing all courses to this point. Term Five (Fall) ELEC2165 Signals & Controls ELEC3163 Digital Signal Processing ELEC3164 Microelectronic Design Tools ELEC3737 Selected Topics MATH1116 Intro to Computing with C++ Term Six (Winter) ENGI2101 Engineering Economics MATH1206 Differential and Integral Calculus or ENGI1168 (Fluid Mechanics/Hydraulics) or MGSC1109 ( Calculus for Business) ELEC3161 Embedded Operating Systems ELEC3165 Applied Integrated Circuit Systems ELEC3166 Applied Wireless Systems or ELEC3167 (Medical Instrumentation)
Transfer Credit: CBU has an agreement with many colleges which results in transfer credit being given to specified Engineering Technology Diploma graduates, such that as few as 36 credits from CBU would be required to complete the BET Degree program. Prospective students are encouraged to contact their college for information on the agreement with CBU, or contact CBU directly. Where no agreement exists, individual consideration will be given to possible transfer credits. In any case, however, residency requirements must still be met. CBU has an agreement with the NSCC that allows entry into year two of the Electrical Technology Diploma Program for graduates of related Technician programs. Prospective students are encouraged to contact their college for information on the agreement with CBU or to contact CBU directly. Electives: Selection of all electives must be done through prior consultation with a faculty advisor from the program. Residence Requirements: Graduation with the degree (or diploma) normally requires that the student take a minimum of 50% of the programs required courses from CBU. CBU distance courses can be included to meet the residency requirements. Some joint programs, such as the articulation agreements previously noted in the Transfer Credit section, may allow special circumstances which differ from this minimum. Graduation Requirement: In the three year degree or two year diploma formats, a minimum of all courses in the program (or approved equivalent) must be completed to be eligible for graduation. Graduation with a co-op designation requires successful completion of a minimum of two co-op work terms. Note: sequencing of some courses may be different from the formats shown.
Admission Requirements
High School Graduates: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English, Mathematics and two sciences (Physics and Chemistry are recommended, with an overall average of at least 65%). Environmental Science 12 may be used as the second science with biology, chemistry or physics. Diploma/Degree Graduates: Appropriately accredited community college diploma at the technologist level or university science degree, where the programs are a reasonable match. CBU has agreements with many colleges which specify the matching programs and, in some cases, matching courses that allow transfer credits. Partially Completed Diploma/Degree: Admissions and course selection will be done on an individual basis in consultation with an academic advisor from the Engineering Department. THREE-YEAR FORMAT Term One (Fall) MATH1107 Math I PHYS1101 Elements of Physics I ENGI1161 Industrial Safety and Applied Shop Practices ENGI1165 Engineering Graphics CHEM1104 General Chemistry I PUBH1101 Cell Processes and Environmental Effects Term Two (Winter) MATH1208 Math II PHYS1201 Elements of Physics II ENGI1168 Fluid Mechanics CHEM1105 General Chemistry II PUBH2101 Municipal Services DRAF1163 Industrial Applications of Drafting Term Three (Fall) COMP1163 Computer Applications BIOL2501 Environmental Biology MICR2101 Introductory Microbiology Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 122
Admission Requirements
Currently, applications will be accepted into the Manufacturing stage only, with the successful completion of an acceptable Technology diploma. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA PROGRAM IS CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW. INTERESTED STUDENTS SHOULD CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. THE BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DEGREE (MANUFACTURING) REMAINS AVAILABLE TO GRADUATES OF ACCEPTABLE TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA PROGRAMS. High School Graduates: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English and Mathematics and two sciences; (Physics is recommended) with an overall average of at least 65%. Diploma/Degree Graduates: Appropriately accredited community college diploma at the technologist level or university science degree, where the programs are a reasonable match. CBU has agreements with many colleges which specifies the matching programs and, in some cases, matching courses that allow transfer credits. Contact the department for details. Partially Completed Diploma/Degree: Admissions and course selection will be done on an individual basis in consultation with an academic advisor from the Engineering department. THREE-YEAR FORMAT Term One (Fall) MATH1107 Math I PHYS1101 Elements of Physics I ENGI1161 Industrial Safety and Applied Shop Practices ENGI1165 Engineering Graphics ENGI1163 Statics COMP1163 Computer Applications Term Two (Winter) MATH1208 Math II PHYS1201 Elements of Physics II ENGI1168 Fluid Mechanics ENGI1166 Dynamics ENGI1164 Strength of Materials DRAF1163 Industrial Applications of Drafting Term Three (Fall) MATH2104 Math III COMM/ENGL Elective Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 124
Term Four (Winter) MATH2205 Math IV MECH2165 Metallurgy MECH2166 Fluid Power MECH2137 Geometric Tolerancing MECH2169 Robotics/CIM MECH2134 Machine Design II Students wishing to start their careers early may choose to graduate with the Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma after successfully completing all courses to this point. Term Five (Fall) MANF3133 Statistical Process Control MANF3134 Manufacturing Processes and Standards MANF3135 Production Cost Control XXX Recommended Elective XXX Recommended Elective Term Six (Winter) MANF3131 Total Quality Management MANF3136 Competitive Manufacturing Studies MANF3137 People in Manufacturing MANF3138 Product Synthesis XXX Recommended Elective ONE -YEAR POST-DIPLOMA FORMAT For Diploma graduates of CBU, or of institutions that have an articulation agreement with CBU, completion of terms five and six is required. Transfer Credit. CBU has an agreement with many colleges which results in transfer credit being given to specified Engineering Technology Diploma graduates such that as few as 30 credits from CBU would be required to complete the BET Degree program. Prospective students are encouraged to contact their college for information on the agreement with CBU or contact CBU directly. Where no agreement exists, individual consideration will be given to possible transfer credits. In any case, however, residency requirements must still be met. GRADUATION REQUIREMENT Residence requirements: Graduation with the degree (or diploma) normally requires that the student take a minimum of 50% of the program's courses from CBU. CBU distance courses can be included to meet the residency requirements. Some joint programs, such as the articulation agreements cited in the Transfer Credit section, may allow special circumstances which differ from this minimum. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology: Successful completion of terms one to four. Degree in Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Manufacturing): Successful completion of terms one to six. Electives: Selection of all electives must be done through prior consultation with a faculty advisor from the program Term five elective recommended: MATH1109 & COMM1105
Admission Requirements
High School Graduates: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English, Mathematics and two other sciences; (Physics and Chemistry recommended) with an overall average of at least 65%. Diploma/Degree Graduates: Appropriately accredited community college diploma at the technologist level, or university science degree, where the programs are a reasonable match. CBU has agreements with many colleges which specifies the matching programs and, in some cases, matching courses that allow transfer credits. Partially completed diploma/degree: Admissions and course selection will be done on an individual basis in consultation with an academic advisor from the Engineering Department THREE-YEAR FORMAT Term One (Fall) MATH1107 Math 1 PHYS1101 Elements of Physics I ENGI1161 Industrial Safety and Applied Shop Practices ENGI1165 Engineering Graphics GEOL2101 Engineering Geology COMP1163 Computer Applications Term Two (Winter) MATH1208 Math II PHYS1201 Elements of Physics II ENGI1168 Fluid Mechanics PETR1161 Drilling Engineering PETR1131 Petroleum Product and Processing DRAF1163 Industrial Applications of Drafting
Term Three (Fall) MATH2104 Math III COMM/ENGL Elective ENGI1163 Statics PETR2161 Reservoir Engineering I PETR2131 Marine Environment Protection, Safety and Loss Control PETR2163 Petroleum Process Simulation PETR2135 Production Engineering Term Four (Winter) Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 126
Students wishing to start their careers early may choose to graduate with the Petroleum Engineering Technology Diploma after successfully completing all courses to this point. Term Five (Fall) ENGI2101 Engineering Economics PETR3131 Management of Technological Innovation I PETR3163 Process Control and Optimization Systems PETR3133 Project Design and Evaluation Techniques PETR3134 Codes and Specifications in the Petroleum Industry Term Six (Winter) PETR3164 Distributed Control Systems and PLC PETR3161 Management of Technological Innovation II MECH2166 Fluid Power XXX Ethics Elective XXX Chemistry Elective Substitution: Note that ELEC2160 may be selected in place of both PETR3163 and one elective. Transfer Credit: CBU has an agreement with many colleges which results in transfer credit being given to specified Engineering Technology Diploma graduates, such that as few as 36 credits from CBU would be required to complete the BET Degree program. Prospective students are encouraged to contact their college for information on the agreement with CBU or contact CBU directly. Where no agreement exists, individual consideration will be given to possible transfer credits. In any case, however, residency requirements must still be met. Electives: Selection of all electives must be done through prior consultation with a faculty advisor from the program. Residence requirements: Graduation with the degree (or diploma) normally requires that the student take a minimum of 50% of the programs required courses from CBU. CBU distance courses can be included to meet the residency requirements. Some joint programs, such as the articulation agreements previously noted in the Transfer Credit section may allow special circumstances which differ from this minimum. Graduation requirement: In the three year program, a minimum of all courses in the program (or approved equivalent) must be completed to be eligible for graduation. Graduation with a co-op designation requires successful completion of a minimum of two co-op work terms. Note: Sequencing of some courses may be different from the formats shown above.
YEAR 1 (Commencing 2010-11) COURSES REQUIRED (FOR ALL OPTIONS) CHEM1104 CHEM1105 ENGI1165 ENGI1167 ENGI2169
General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Engineering Graphics Engineering Statics Engineering Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (MATH1105/1206 or ,MATH1101/1203/1206) Introduction to Computing with C++ General Physics I General Physics II Humanities Elective (Writing Course) (3 credits)
The Calculus Readiness Test must be written prior to MATH1105 or 1101 registration to determine the appropriate Math stream. (See Calendar of Events in the CBU Academic Calendar for test dates.) MATH1105/1206 is Differential and Integral Calculus I & II. MATH1101/1203 is Calculus with Elementary Functions and Geometry I & II. ENGINEERING DIPLOMA, YEAR 2 (Commencing 2011-12)
COURSES REQUIRED (For all options) ENGI2171 ENGI2166 ENGI2174 ENGI2135 Thermo-Fluid Engineering I Engineering Electric Circuits Environmental Science Engineering Design/Graphics Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 128
PLUS 3 DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC COURSES AS INDICATED BELOW: CHEMICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING CHEM2301 Introductory Organic Chemistry I ENGI2165 Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering ENGI2133 Environmental Engineering CIVIL ENGINEERING ENGI2163 Dynamics ENGI2173 Thermo-Fluid Engineering II GEOL2101 Engineering Geology ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ENGI2101 Engineering Economics ENGI2167 Engineering Digital Logic ENGI2168 Circuit Analysis INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ENGI2101 Engineering Economics ENGI2163 Dynamics ENGI2133 Environmental Engineering MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ENGI2101 Engineering Economics ENGI2163 Dynamics ENGI2173 Thermo-Fluid Engineering II MINERAL RESOURCES ENGINEERING ENGI2101 Engineering Economics ENGI2133 Environmental Engineering GEOL2101 Engineering Geology
Admission Requirements
Required: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English; Mathematics; one of Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Physics; with an overall average of at least 60% and an average of at least 75% in both Mathematics and science. Pre-calculus mathematics 12 is recommended. Students may substitute one open course for one advanced or academic course except where a particular course is specified. All students in this program are required to write the Calculus Readiness Test. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 129
An average of 60% with no mark below 60% in courses to be transferred into the program is required for admission to second year in Computer Science. For details of the Chemical Processes and Electronics options at Dalhousie, students should consult the calendar of that university.
Combined Programs
All students in any of the following programs are required to write the Calculus Readiness Test.
YEAR ONE (combined with Engineering Diploma, Chemical) ENGI1165/1167 MATH1105/1206 (or 1101/1203/1206) MATH1116 CHEM1104, CHEM1105 PHYS1104/1204 ENGL 100 or 1600 YEAR TWO (combined with Engineering Diploma, Biological) MATH2101 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 130
Diploma Programs
Some of the Bachelor of Engineering Technology Programs in the School of Science and Technology allow a diploma exit point for students who wish to enter the workforce prior to completing their degree. Diplomas are offered in Electrical Technology (Electronics and Controls), Mechanical Engineering Technology and Petroleum Engineering Technology.
are interested in working on Mikmaw language projects. The Language Lab also attracts linguistic graduate students from other universities and academics from North America interested in linguistic work on Algonquian languages.
Mikmaq Studies
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
BA/BACS: Concentration, Major and/or Minor (Mikmaq Studies) Electives: BA/BACS/BBA (Mikmaq Studies) BScCS: Concentration (Integrated Science/Toqwatukl Kjijitaqnn) Electives: (MSIT) Mikmaq Studies as teachables for the BEd Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 136
MIKMAQ STUDIES COURSES ASTEACHABLES FOR THE BEd MIKMAQ STUDIES courses are recognized as a teachable for application to Nova Scotia BEd Programs. NOTE: For purposes other than the BScCS Toqwatukl Kjijitaqnn, MSIT1101, MSIT1103, MSIT2101, MSIT2103, MSIT3101, MSIT3103, MSIT4101 and MSIT4103 have been designated as science; THREE YEAR BA/BACS, CONCENTRATION in MIKMAQ STUDIES The three-year BA/BACS, concentration in Mikmaq Studies, requires completion of 15 courses (90 credits). BA 5 core courses (30 credits) 5 electives (30 credits) any discipline 5 courses (30 credits) in MIKMAQ STUDIES (See following departmental requirements.) CONCENTRATION IN MIKMAQ STUDIES MIKM11000 (6 credits) MIKM1102 (6 credits) (6 credits) of MIkmaq Studies at the 2000/3000 level* (6 credits) of Mikmaq Studies at the 3000/4000 level* MIKM4100 (6 credits) BACS 4 core courses (24 credits) 3 electives (18 credits) any discipline 4 courses (24 credits) Career 4 courses (24 credits) in MIKMAQ STUDIES (See following departmental requirements.)
Compulsory Compulsory BA, Optional BACS Choice from language/culture Choice from governance/history Compulsory
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing six credits at the 1000/2000 level. 4-Year BA/BACS, MAJOR in MIKMAQ STUDIES There are three Major programs available within the BA/BACS degrees: Major/Minor; Double Major; Area Major. Students who wish to pursue any of the three BA/BACS Majors in Mikmaq Studies must choose between two streams of study:
I. II.
Students may enter the major program when they begin the BA/BACS program or they may begin in the three-year program and apply to enter the major program at a later date. The following regulations apply to students seeking admission to the BA/BACS Major in Mikmaq Studies: A student in good academic standing who has achieved an average of at least 60% is eligible for admission to the BA/BACS Major in Mikmaq Studies. Students who opt for the four-year degree, from the beginning of their program, must maintain a 60% average to remain in the program. An average of 65% in years three and four are required to earn a BA/BACS Major in Mikmaq Studies. A minimum average of 65% is required in the Mikmaq Studies courses offered towards the major.
BA/BACS MAJOR in MIKMAQ STUDIES / MINOR IN RELATED SUBJECT Core courses: BA/BACS five courses (30 credits) Electives, any discipline: BA four courses (24 credits), BACS three or four courses (24/30 credits) MINOR, any discipline: BA three courses (18 credits), BACS three or four (24/30 credits) Directed studies/ thesis option: BA (6 credits) MIKM4800 OR 4900, BACS COMS4100 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 137
MAJOR: MIKMAQ STUDIES BA seven courses (42 credits), BACS seven or eight courses (42 or 48 credits) (See the following departmental requirements.) MAJOR in MIKMAW GOVERNANCE with a MINOR MIKM1100 (6 credits) MIKM1102 (6 credits) MIKM2220 (6 credits) MIKM3120* (6 credits) MIKM BA 12 credits, BACS 18 credits: must be from government / history MIKM BA/BACS 6 credits:
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing 12 credits at the 1000/2000 level. MAJOR in MIKMAW LANGUAGE & CULTURE with a MINOR MIKM1100 (6 credits) MIKM1102 (6 credits) MIKM2113/2213 and 2214/2215 (12 credits) MIKM3140* and 3141/3143* (12 credits) MIKM4800* or 4900* (6 credits) directed studies/thesis option MIKM BA 6 credits, BACS MIKM 6 or 12 credits
Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Choice from 3000/4000* level courses
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing 12 credits at the 1000/2000 level. BA/BACS Double Major: FIRST MAJOR in MIKMAQ STUDIES/SECOND MAJOR in related subject Core courses: BA/BACS five courses (30 credits) Electives, any discipline: BA four courses (24 credits), BACS three or four courses (24/30 credits) MINOR, any discipline: BA three courses (18 credits), BACS three or four courses (24/30 credits) Directed studies/ thesis option: BA (6 credits) MIKM 4800 OR 4900, BACS (6 credits) COMS 4100 SECOND MAJOR: BA four courses (24 credits), BACS four or five courses (24 or 30 credits) FIRST MAJOR: MIKMAQ STUDIES: BA seven courses (42 credits), BACS seven or eight courses (42 or 48 credits) (See following departmental requirements.) DOUBLE MAJOR with 1 BA/BACS MIKM1100 MIKM1102 MIKM2220 MIKM3120* MIKM4100* MIKM MIKM BACS MIKM
MAJOR: MIKMAW GOVERNANCE Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Choice 2101/2103 or 2114/22215 Choice any 2000/3000*/4000* level course Choice any 2000/3000*/4000* level course
MIKM1102 MIKM3000* MIKM3140* MIKM4140* MIKM4100* BACS MIKM (6 credits) (6 credits) (6 credits) (6 credits) (6 credits) (6 credits) Compulsory Choice (3630* + 3 credits) is recommended Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Choice any 2000/3000*/4000* level course
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing 12 credits at the 1000/2000 level. BA/BACS Area Major MIKMAQ STUDIES The three area majors are generally chosen from three closely related disciplines. Core courses: BA/BACS five courses (30 credits) Electives, any discipline: BA four courses (24 credits), BACS two courses (12 credits) Directed studies/ thesis option: BA (6 credits) MIKM4800 OR 4900*, BACS COMS4100 Third Major: BA three courses (18 credits), BACS four courses (24 credits) Second Major: BA/BACS four courses (24 credits) First Major: MIKMAQ STUDIES: BA/BACS four courses (24 credits) See following departmental requirements.
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing 12 credits at the 1000/2000 level. Four Year BA, MINOR in MIKMAQ STUDIES A minor in Mikmaq Studies is an excellent option to consider if students are pursuing one of the following Majors: Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Communication or Folklore. A minor in MIKMAQ STUDIES is made up of 18 credits in Mikmaq Studies. 6 credits 6 credits 6 credits MIKM1100 MIKM2120, 2220, 3120*, 2222* MIKM1102; 2110 or 2114; 3140*; 3245*; 3141* or 3145* Compulsory Choice (Mikmaw governance) Choice (Mikmaw language & culture)
*Students may not take 3000/4000 level courses without completing 12 credits at the 1000/2000 level. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 139
ELECTIVES in MIKMAQ STUDIES Mikmaq Studies courses may be used as electives within the, BA, BACS and BBA and as free electives in the BSc degrees as well as part of the BEng transfer program (writing courses only).
Mikmaq Student Services of Unamaki College is a student support system for all Mikmaq and Aboriginal students enrolled in courses at the University. Services range from academic counselling to assistance for Mikmaq students applying for post-graduate studies. The Mikmaq Student Advisor acts as a liaison for all Mikmaq and Aboriginal students with faculty and staff of the institution, educational counsellors from First Nation Communities and Mikmaq organizations, as well as the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. Mikmaq Student Services also provides information regarding selection of programs, admission requirements and career options available to potential and current Aboriginal students of CBU. It is located within the Unamaki College.
The Program Director for Aboriginal programs works closely with Mikmaw and other First Nations communities to see that their educational needs are addressed. Several programs that have emerged through contacts with Aboriginal communities are Elmitek (first year university access, in community, for First Nations students), the Mikmaq Science Advantage (MSAP) initiative and the modularized BA and BBA programs which are delivered in Aboriginal communities. Elmitek (BA Degree) is a one-year post-secondary program designed for Mikmaq students who wish to further their education by attending university. Elmitek, a Mikmaq expression for showing someone a path to follow, succinctly explains the program to its Aboriginal participants, many of whom use English as a second language. Elmitek points to a path that students may travel toward successful completion of a University education. The Elmitek Program is designed to make the transition into the University environment less traumatic and more successful for Aboriginal students. Their ranks are comprised of newly graduated high school students and mature students who have not been in a formal education system for several years. The Elmitek program utilizes several methods to make post-secondary education more accessible: several classes are offered in First Nations Communities; during the first year, students are required to attend classes at the CBU campus only one day per week; workshop sessions are scheduled to prepare students for their classes and assignments; and a co-ordinator may be assigned to maintain close contact with and to support students at each site. Mikmaq Science Advantage Program (MSAP) is a science path which starts at the secondary level and continues to at least year one of post-secondary studies. A linkage between secondary school science courses and preparation for science degree or diploma options is the central focus of the Mikmaq Science Advantage Program (MSAP). The goal of MSAP is to provide Mikmaq students with the ability to succeed in a science or technology program. This is accomplished by providing academic support in a culture and science curriculum with small classes and community involvement and delivery. The first year of MSAP provides a solid foundation in science, as students take some of the courses that are offered in science and technology programs. After completing MSAP, students continue in either science or technology as appropriate to their interests and goals. MSAP also provides feedback and recommendations to improve Mikmaq secondary science and math programs.
This section contains an alphabetical listing of courses offered by Cape Breton University. Comprehensive course descriptions and syllabuses are available from department chairs or individual instructors. All the courses listed will not necessarily be available during a particular academic session. The academic schedule should be consulted to determine the availability of a specific course. Courses marked are also offered by distance.
ACCT1203 Introduction to Accounting I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS121. A BBA core requirement. The course introduces students to financial statements emphasizing the need for business persons to understand and interpret the information contained therein. The various forms of business organization are identified and an understanding of the accounting process will be developed. Topics such as control of cash, receivables, inventory and capital assets will be examined in some detail. ACCT1204 Introduction to Accounting II
Credits: 3 . Prerequisites: ACCT1203. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS122. A BBA core requirement. An introduction to managerial accounting covering such topics as cost behaviour, cost volume profit analysis and relevant costs for decision making. As well, an analytical approach to financial statements utilizing cash flows and ratios. ACCT2203 Applied Accounting
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1203. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS221. The course applies the accounting theory developed in introductory accounting to realistic business situations. It is a practical course for any business student. An accounting case, comprising a full year of business transactions, is completed using spreadsheets and computerized accounting software packages. HST, WCB, payroll, various forms and filing requirements are discussed and prepared. The course is completely project based. Significant course time is spent using computer applications. ACCT3206 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1204 with a grade of at least 60%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS325. A study of accounting theory and procedures involved in the valuation of resources, obligations and income determination for financial statement presentations in Canada. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 142
ACCT3207 Intermediate Financial Accounting II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT3206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS326. A continuation of ACCT3206, which includes an in-depth consideration of specific accounting topics. The focus is current CICA recommendations and international standards. ACCT3208 Planning and Control
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1204, FINC2401 or permission of instructor Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS323. This course covers both the concepts and techniques of planning and control. It is a primarily case-based course that incorporates both managerial and financial accounting decision making. Students will build on concepts studied in 1203 and 1204 and adapt them to a combination of structured and unstructured business scenarios. A major focus of the course will be the enhancement of teamwork, analytical and decision-making skills. ACCT4201 Cost Accounting
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT3208 or BUSS321 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS421. The concepts and techniques of modern cost accounting including cost behaviour and profit-volume relationships, standard costs, budget flexibility and cost structures for control and motivation are explored in this course. Material relating to ISO 9000 and actively based costing are also examined. ACCT4205 Accounting Theory
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT3207 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS424. An introduction to the structure of accounting theory including a study of accounting standards, their history and underlying theory. ACCT4206 Advanced Financial Accounting I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT3207 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS425. A study of the accounting theory of intercorporate investments, business combinations, consolidations, consolidated financial statements, segment reporting and foreign operations. ACCT4207 Advanced Financial Accounting II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT4206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS426.
Price level accounting, current value accounting, partnerships, fiduciary accounting, accounting for business in financial difficulties, non-profit and government accounting. ACCT4208 Auditing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT3207 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS427. What is the function of auditing in our society? Course imparts answers to this question by describing professional standards and ethics, legal liability, planning and conducting audits with an emphasis on the importance of internal control and the meaning behind the auditors report. Presentations and participation are integral parts of the course. ACCT4209 Taxation
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1204. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS451. Examines the Canadian tax system with emphasis on the determination of personal income tax utilizing computer software tax packages. ACCT4701 Special Topics in Accounting
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Academic regulations criteria and permission of the department. Provides an opportunity to deepen studies in an area of accounting not available within the regular course offerings. See dean or department chair for details.
A student can treat Anthropology as one discipline and Sociology as another separate discipline within his or her program. For example, someone could major in Anthropology and minor in Sociology. Any course labelled ANTH or AN/S can be counted as Anthropology; any course marked AN/S or SOCO qualifies as Sociology. Alternatively, a student can combine the two fields as a single discipline or joint Anthropology/Sociology concentration. In that case, ANTH and SOCO and AN/S courses all fit the one category. For example, someones three year BACS Academic specialty in Anthropology/Sociology could comprise AN/S1200, SOCO2300, ANTH3110 and AN/S2210. Students planning a BEd: Note that both Anthropology and Sociology are teachable subjects in Nova Scotia. This includes courses labelled AN/S or ANTH or SOCO. For detailed information, check with professors in the department or with the office of your academic dean. The 12-credit prerequisite for 3000-level courses may be waived if a student obtains special permission from the professor and has a grade of 75% or better for AN/S1200. Other kinds of exceptions may also be allowed by individual professors, in very special cases. A student with only six credits of Anthropology and/or Sociology and a mark of 75% or above in those credits is eligible to get professors permission to enroll in any AN/S, ANTH or SOCO courses. ANTH1101 Introduction to Linguistics Cross-listed with COMM1107, MIKM1145
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH107, COMM107 or MIKM107. An introduction to the scientific study of language. Topics include phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and the heritage languages of Cape Breton (Mikmaq, French, Gaelic and English). This course is intended as a prerequisite for ANTH2100. AN/S1200 Introduction to Anthropology & Sociology
Credits: 6 Exclusions: A student with previous credit for introductory anthropology or sociology should not enroll in 1200. Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S110. Satisfies the Group three, BA core requirement but is open to all degree students. 1200 satisfies the prerequisite for all 2000- and 3000-level courses in AN/S and ANTH and SOCO. An integrated survey of cultural anthropology and sociology, showing and explaining the variety of humans life-strategies through time and across cultures and introducing key theories and research approaches. ANTH2100 Linguistic Anthropology Cross-listed with MIKM2140
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology and ANTH1101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH208, HERT208 or MIKM208. An introduction to socio-cultural aspects of languages forms and functions as expressed in various cultures, including languages interplay with perception, gender, and class. Focus will be on collection and documentation of language materials, with emphasis on insider/outsider research. Mikmaq, Gaelic and Acadian materials are emphasized. ANTH2101 Physical Anthropology: First Principles and Current Consequences
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology or 6 credits introductory Biology or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH205.
A review of the principles of evolution and their human consequences, outlining the differentiation of the human lineage, characterizing the distinctively human adaptation and surveying contemporary variation. ANTH2103 Evolution of the Human Adaptation
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology or 6 credits introductory Biology or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH207. An examination of the interplay between biology and behaviour in the emergence and prehistoric development of culture, including a review of the fossil record and problems of its interpretation. ANTH2104 Interpreting the Past: Methods in Ethnohistory
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH209. Introduction to and overview of ethnohistory, focusing on ethnohistoric methods, source identification and interpretation, palaeography and calendrics, oral history and historic linguistics, social history and historic site archaeology, physical anthropology and epidemiology and cultural-ecological insights. Regional overviews and case studies will be used to illustrate the results of ethnohistoric methods. ANTH2105 Anthropology of Tourism
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH211. Introduction to an overview of anthropology of tourism, including its development and key concepts and issues, illustrated through case studies from both developing and developed countries. ANTH2106 Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH229 or ANTH391 or AN/S391. An introduction to the anthropology of religion. This course provides a comparative look at how people of different cultures and religious traditions interpret the world and mobilize their actions in terms of their understanding of the relationship between social, natural and supernatural forces. ANTH2107 Deviance in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH235. People everywhere view certain others as weird, dangerous or bad. By cross-cultural comparison, this course explores how and why that happens, its effects, and what it suggests about human social life in general.
ANTH2109 Culture, Distress and Psychiatric Abnormality
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH237. A cross-cultural examination of the interplay of culture, idioms of distress and healing. ANTH2111 Indigenous Musics of North America Cross-listed with MUSI2311, MIKM2106
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH255, ETHM255, or MIKM255. This course will introduce students to a range of musical tradition from North America Indigenous communities, including nation specific (especially Mikmaq), inter-tribal and popular musics. The course focuses on the significance of music to various Indigenous peoples, examining its role in, for example, ritual, spiritual expression, healing, relationships and dance. Students will also explore the relationship between music and identity, examining gender roles and nation-specific musical expressions. Students will learn basic music vocabulary in order to analyze and describe the characteristics of the music encountered. AN/S2200 Humankind: Nature and Development
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S220. Satisfies the BA core requirement for Group 5 (or Natural Science), but also open to all degree students. Developmental and comparative perspectives on human nature, showing how natural and social sciences interface in explaining the interplay of biological and socio-cultural factors in our behaviour. AN/S2201 Families: A Cross-Cultural Tour
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S221. A course in the forms and workings of family, household and larger kinship structures in a variety of cultural settings, to deepen our insight into our own ways. AN/S2202 Ageing and the Life Cycle
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S 222 or AN/S322. Biocultural aspects of the modern life cycle, emphasizing later life. For example: child health in cross-cultural perspective, life-history studies, female and male ageing cross-culturally, life-stages and social well-being. AN/S2203 Urban and Rural Community
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S223.
An investigation of social interrelationships among people who share locales. Themes include rural-urban comparisons, the question of urban alienation, quality of life, the nature of community and dynamics of community action. AN/S2210 Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science Cross-Cross-listed with POLS2160
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology or Political Science or strong background in related field. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S266 or POLS266. Core requirement in Social Research Certificate. A course in ethnographic methodology, ethics, techniques of generating non-numerical data, interpretive analysis and practical applications. Fieldwork approaches include intensive interviewing, participant observation and interpretation of text and visual images. AN/S2212 Quantitative Research Methods and Statistics in Social Science
Cross-listed with POLS2162 Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology or Political Science, or strong background in related field. Prior math skills are not required. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S268 or POLS268. Satisfies the Group 5, BA core requirement, but also open to all degree students. Core requirement in Social Research Certificate. An overview of research designs that produce numbers as the data, and a comprehensive study of survey methods. Includes methodological principles, sampling, preparation and administration of instruments, computerized data-analysis with SPSS, interpretive reporting, and practical applications. Scheduled labs in SPSS are added to the second half of the course. AN/S2220 Societal Problems
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S270. This course focuses on socio-cultural arrangements and processes which create human problems and shape our perception of them. Special attention is given to economically non-developed and underdeveloped societies. AN/S2222 Health, Illness and Medicine
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S282 or AN/S320. Critical study of socio-cultural patterns, causes and effects of health and illness; health-care institutions; and culturally based conceptions of wellness and of illness-care practices. AN/S2230 Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism Cross-listed with MIKM2222
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S294, MIKM350 or SOCO 350.
This course examines the main approaches to the study of ethnic groups, the social construction of race and nationalist movements. The analysis of selected mass media materials will complement the theoretical part of the course, illustrating the influence of ethnicity, race and nationalism on contemporary culture. SOCO2300 Sociology of the Family
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO210. The study of family roles, forms, processes and functions, from the perspectives of household, community and the larger social system, with special attention to our own contemporary society and its key problems. SOCO2301 Canadian Society I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO281 or SOCO381. Key contemporary issues in Canada and their historical socio-cultural roots, focusing on social, economic and political systems, including economic crisis, regionalism, labour, ethnicity, gender and political debates grounded in these concerns. SOCO2302 Sociology of Deviance
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO246 or SOCO340. Critical and comparative examination of theories and studies on processes that place individuals or groups out of step with societal rules and study of consequences both for deviants and for society. SOCO2303 Canadian Society II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology; plus either SOCO2301 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO283 or SOCO383. Continuation of SOCO2301, with special attention to case studies from the literature. SOCO2304 Social and Political Context of Education
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO285. An exploration of the social and political processes that produce education as a social institution. In particular, a focus on the history, development and ideologies associated with schooling in Canada. ANTH3100 Survey of Anthropological Theory
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH302 or ANTH232. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 149
A critical review of the roots of current theoretical concepts and issues in sociocultural anthropology. ANTH3101 People and Power
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH331. A critical overview of theories, themes and debates about power, both cross-culturally and across time, from the perspective of political anthropology. ANTH3102 Field School in Historical Archaeology Cross-listed with HIST3102
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. With explicit permission of the Department Chair, a student lacking the prerequisite may be admitted on the basis of relevant practical experience and parallel formal training in other disciplines. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH304, HERT340 or HIST340. This course gives students field instruction in the techniques used in the excavation of an archaeological site. Hands-on instruction in manual excavation methods, mapping, field recording and laboratory analysis will prepare students as qualified archaeological field technicians. First class held on campus; all others at local field site. ANTH3103 Mikmaq Nouns and Verbs Cross-listed with MIKM3313
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH361 or MIKM361. Examines the morphological structure of Mikmaq nouns and verbs. The complex internal word grammar of Mikmaw is explored to give insight into the semantic categories of this endangered language. ANTH3110 Applied Anthropology
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH3110. This course demonstrates anthropologys everyday relevance in identifying and addressing human needs in many areas (e.g., community development, education, medical care, social services and the workplace). ANTH3113 Forensic Anthropology and Human Skeletal Biology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Anthropology/Sociology or 6 credits Anthropology and BIOL2441 or BIOL3200. With permission of the instructor, a student lacking the prerequisite may be admitted on the basis of relevant practical experience and parallel formal training in other disciplines. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH370. Study of the human skeleton (bones and dentition) for applications of recovery in bioarchaeological and forensic anthropology settings. Students will learn how to determine age, sex, stature and individual characteristics from the skeleton. This course includes a lab component. AN/S3200 Credits: 6 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 150 Equality and Inequalities: Why and So What?
Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S330 or SOCO400 (Social Stratification & Inequality). Cultures have embodied many kinds and degrees of inequalities, with profound implications for the lives of individuals and the history of societies. This course examines research and theory on class, status and power relations: who gets what, how, why and with what consequences. AN/S3201 World Problems
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S305, AN/S291 or SOCO291. Overview of social science insights on large-scale social inequalities, their causes and possible solutions, with exploration of cultural, economic and political influences through both local and international case studies. AN/S3202 Canadas Cultural Landscape Cross-listed with FOLK3400
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology; or 6 credits FOLK; or background in Cultural Geography. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S332 or FOLK332. The course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of both the perception and experience of landscape. Provides opportunities to examine and interpret the cultural landscapes of the students own regions. AN/S3203 Comparative Variation and Change in Non-Western Societies
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology; plus either AN/S3201 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S307, AN/S293 or SOCO293. Socio-economic, political, and cultural dynamics of underdeveloped,, non-western societies in the post-colonial era, analyzing national and international circumstances that set the context for current economic development practices and future possibilities. AN/S3204 Culture, Technology and Environment I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S309 or ANTH309. Explores connections between environmental and social problems: how political, cultural, social and economic factors shape our relationship with the natural world. AN/S3205 Culture, Technology and Environment II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: AN/S3204. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S311 or ANTH311. A continuation of AN/S3204, with special attention given to substantive case studies.
AN/S3206 Popular Culture
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S333. May be included in a Communication concentration or major. The course combines anthropological and sociological theory and research methods to critically examine the pervasive phenomena of popular culture, including such topics as music, news media, television programming, popular movies and sports. AN/S3207 Paranormalism and Pseudoscience
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S335. A critical and interdisciplinary exploration of the premises and practices associated with paranormalism and pseudoscience. The course will focus on the nature and sources of paranormal beliefs in contemporary society, while encouraging the development of the critical skills necessary to objectively examine paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. AN/S3208 Work and Sharing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S355 or AN/S251. A cross-cultural examination of styles of production (work) and distribution (sharing), aimed at developing a critical perspective on what happens in our own economic world and in our daily lives. AN/S3209 Inside Organizations
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S357, AN/S253, orANTH376. The course examines how the concepts and methods of Anthropology can help us to gain a critical understanding of the inner workings of business organizations and the dynamics of business activity, both at home and abroad. AN/S3210 Self and Other: Encounters, Traditions and Transformations
Cross-listed with MIKM3110 Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students having credit for AN/S 336, ANTH333, or MIKM334. Colonialism produced an enduring cultural legacy with a range of severe consequences for indigenous cultural reproduction and social organization. Europe also felt the drastic consequences of its own expansionism. Course focuses on how indigenous self-definitions and traditions have been transformed, revitalized or created a new and considers indigenous peoples in a global perspective covering the past 500 years.
AN/S3211 Societies and Cultures of Latin America I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S337. An ethnohistorical overview of pre-Columbian societies and cultures, including Aztec, Maya and Inca, until the conquest. AN/S3212 Animals and People
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S358. A critical and comparative examination of the relationship between people and animals. Human attitudes toward animals will be explored by examining such topics as animal representations in art and literature and popular culture, as well as the social and cultural constructions of legal, political, economic and philosophical issues pertaining to animals. Much of the focus will be on the controversies surrounding this complex social relationship. AN/S3213 Societies and Cultures of Latin America II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S339. An historical and contemporary overview of societies and cultures of Latin America from conquest and colonization to the present day. AN/S3214 Language Contact, Change, Death and Revitalization Cross-listed with MIKM3245
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S363, HERT363 or MIKM363. An examination of how languages change when in contact as well as the very serious process of language death, which is now happening on a global scale. Discussion focuses on suggested solutions to the rapid loss of linguistic diversity. Languages such as Mikmaq and Cape Breton Gaelic are highlighted for analysis. AN/S3220 Social and Cultural Construction of Gender
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S360. Critical study of the socio-cultural roots, dynamics and consequences of what male and female mean to people in various times and places, with respect to a wide variety of life experiences. AN/S3222 Demography
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Recommended: AN/S2212 or equivalent. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S362 or SOCO362.
This course will investigate the field of population dynamics (birth, migration and death) and population structure from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology. As part of the specific treatment of demographic techniques and theoretical approaches, the course will emphasize issues pertinent to societies and cultures both past and present. It will rely on anthropological and sociological investigations where demographic measures have been a component. AN/S3230 Methods of Applied Social Research
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: (a) AN/S2210 or AN/S2212; plus (b) 6 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology at the 2000-3000 level other than AN/S2210 and AN/S2212; or (c) Instead, with explicit permission of the instructor, a student lacking those prerequisites may be admitted on the basis of relevant practical experience and parallel formal training in other disciplines. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S364. A course in qualitative and quantitative applied social research design and techniques, emphasizing approaches such as program evaluation, needs assessment, social-impact assessment, clinical analysis of organizations and advocacy. Includes a complete and original research project and year-end report, in which each student may opt for a qualitative or quantitative design. AN/S3232 Work and Women in Society
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S392. Examination of womens position in society, focusing on those life-sustaining activities known as work (paid or unpaid) and investigating bio-physical, socio-psychological and socio-cultural underpinnings of the relevant practices. SOCO3300 Survey of Sociological Theory
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO306 or SOCO230. A critical study of key social concepts, major theoretical debates and leading social thinkers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. SOCO3301 Cape Breton Society: Social-Economic Foundations and Change
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO351 or SOCO451. Critical analysis of the shifting economic base, occupational structure, community formation and political culture of Cape Breton during the twentieth century. SOCO3303 Cape Breton Society Today
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: SOCO3301; or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO353 or SOCO453. Continuities and crises in contemporary Cape Breton society, in larger perspective, emphasizing the interplay between intimate processes of character, family, community and workplace. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 154
SOCO3304 Religion, Science and Society
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO395. Analysis of changing attitudes and perceptions about religion and science. Examining the structure and function, public perception and social construction of these two realms of knowledge. SOCO3302 Sociology of Religion Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students having credit for SOCO393 or SOCO 390. Theories and research studies of the socio-cultural determinants of religious forms and orientations, as well as the reciprocal impact of religion on socio-cultural commitments, action and institutional formations. SOCO3306 Contemporary Issues in Education Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 9 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology 3 of which must be SOCO2304.. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SOCO287. A critical exploration of issues of diversity, privilege and marginalization in relation to curriculum and education as social institutions. May include discussions of critical pedagogy, multiculturalism, humane education, Afro-centric and/or Aboriginal-centred curricula. AN/S3720 or ANTH3710 or SOCO3730 Special Topics
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. A course label used when an instructor with particular expertise offers a special topic for one time only. A student may take more than one such course for Anthropology and/or Sociology credit. AN/S3721 or ANTH3711 or SOCO3731 Special Topics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. A course label used when an instructor with particular expertise offers a special topic for one time only. A student may take more than one such course for Anthropology and/or Sociology credit. AN/S or ANTH or SOCO 3800 Directed Independent Study Topics, Junior Level
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Requires a special arrangement between an individual student and professor, endorsed by the Dean, to cover a topic unavailable in the regular offerings, at a third-year level. (See also the 3-credit versions, 3801 and 3803; compare the senior versions, 4801 and 4811/4813.) Intended only for a highly motivated student who has a special interest and who achieves goals without close supervision. A student needing an unscheduled course and who also needs more structure Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 155
and direction should choose instead to arrange a tutorial in a course listed in the calendar. A student may take several courses as Directed Study in Anthropology and/or Sociology, to a maximum of 18 credits. AN/S or ANTH or SOCO 3801, 3803 Directed Independent Study Topics, Junior Level
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Requires a special arrangement between an individual student and professor, endorsed by the Dean, to cover a topic unavailable in the regular offerings, at a third-year level. (See also the 6-credit version, 3800; compare the senior versions, 4801 and 4811/4813.) Intended only for a highly motivated student who has a special interest and who achieves goals without close supervision. A student needing an unscheduled course and who also needs more structure and direction should choose instead to arrange a tutorial in a course listed in the calendar. A student may take several courses as Directed Study in Anthropology and/or Sociology, to a maximum of 18 credits. ANTH4100 or SOCO4300 or AN/S4200 Classical Theory in Anthropology, Sociology, or combined Anthropology and Sociology Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology, including ANTH3100 or SOCO3300 (or SOCO230 or SOCO232). Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH or AN/S or SOCO440. Each of the above three choices satisfies the four year major BA core requirement for Senior Seminar or a 4000 level Directed Study (6 credits). A seminar on major conceptual frameworks, debates, and figures in anthropological and/or sociological theory, from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. ANTH4102 or SOCO4302 or AN/S 4202 Contemporary Theory in Anthropology, Sociology, or combined Anthropology and Sociology Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology, including ANTH3100or SOCO3300 (or SOCO230 or SOCO232). Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH or AN/S or SOCO470. Each of the above three choices satisfies the 4-year major BA core requirement for Senior Seminar or a 4000 level Directed Study (6 credits). A seminar on major conceptual frameworks, debates, and figures in anthropological and/or sociological theory, from the mid-twentieth century to the present. AN/S4212 Social Structure and Change
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology, including 6 credits above the 2000 level. Satisfies four year major BA core requirement for Senior Seminar or a 4000 level Directed Study (6 credits). Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S420. A seminar or tutorial on the structure and interplay of major social institutions across the broad sweep of cultural evolution, including an overview of central trends in todays world system.
AN/S or ANTH or SOCO4801 Directed Independent Study Topics, Senior Level
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 18 credits with 60% average in Anthropology and/or Sociology, including 6 credits above the 2000 level. Can be credited toward four year major BA core requirement for Thesis/Directed Study (6 credits). Requires a special arrangement between an individual student and professor, endorsed by the Dean, to cover a topic unavailable in the regular offerings, at a fourth-year level. (See also third-year versions, 3800 and 3801/3803.) A student seeking a more extended, project-focused senior experience should choose the 4811/4813 combination or4900, but can take one or more 4801 courses for additional topics. AN/S, ANTH, SOCO 4801 is intended only for a highly motivated student who has a special interest and who gets things done without being closely supervised. A student needing an unscheduled course and who also needs more structure and direction should choose instead to arrange a tutorial in a course listed in the calendar. A student may take several courses as Directed Study in Anthropology and/or Sociology, to a maximum of 18 credits. AN/S or ANTH or SOCO4811 Directed Independent Project Proposal, Senior Level
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 18 credits with 65% average in Anthropology and/or Sociology, including 6 credits above 2000 level and 6 credits in research methods (AN/S2210 or 2212); plus a one-page statement of objectives and an idea for a potential project and/or consultation with the professor before registration. Satisfies the Group 6 requirement for a Directed Study in the four year major BA core. The AN/S4811 and AN/S4813 together replace the old AN/S498. AN/S, ANTH, SOCO4811 is intended only for a senior student, concentrating in the discipline, who is planning also to complete 4813. The 4811/4813 combination is project-focused, as an alternative to the more rigorous 4900 thesis course. The 4811 includes development of a topic, literature search and submission of a project proposal. In some years the course may be provided as a tutorial, which requires a special arrangement between an individual student and professor, endorsed by the Dean. Alternatively, the course may be offered as a seminar scheduled by the department in conjunction with its regular course offerings in other years. (See also the third-year counterparts, 3800 and 3811/3813. For a 3-credit alternative to the project-focused 4811/4813, see 4801.) AN/S, ANTH, SOCO4811/4813 are intended only for a highly motivated student who has a special interest and who gets things done without being closely supervised. A student needing an unscheduled course and who also needs more structure and direction should choose instead to arrange a tutorial in a course listed in the calendar. A student may take several courses as Directed Study in Anthropology and/or Sociology, to a maximum of 18 credits. AN/S or ANTH or SOCO4813 Directed Independent Project Implementation, Senior Level
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: AN/S or ANTH or SOCO4811. Can be credited towards the four year major BA core requirement for Thesis/Directed Study (6 credits). In 4813 the student carries to completion the project developed in 4811. In some years, the course may be provided as a tutorial, which requires a special arrangement between an individual student and professor, endorsed by the Dean. Alternatively, the course may be offered as a seminar scheduled by the department in conjunction with its regular course offerings in other years. AN/S or ANTH or SOCO4900 Senior Thesis in Anthropology and/or Sociology
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 24 credits with 75% average in Anthropology and/or Sociology, including 6 credits in research methods (AN/S2210 or 2212) and/or in theory (ANTH3100 or SOCO3300); plus a one-page statement of motives and aims in taking the course and/or consultation with the professor before registration. Satisfies Group 6 of the four year major BA core. Required for Honours. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 157
AN/S, ANTH, SOCO4900 is intended for high ability senior students specializing in Anthropology and/or Sociology, especially those who hope to prepare for admission to a Masters program. It is an individualized project, culminating in a formal thesis. In some years the course may be provided as a tutorial, which requires a special arrangement between an individual student and professor, endorsed by the Dean. Alternatively, the course may be offered as a seminar scheduled by the department in conjunction with its regular course offerings in other years. Students seeking a similar but somewhat less demanding experience should consider 4811 and 4813.
ARTT1100 Drawing
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ARTT100.Satisfies the Group 4, BA core requirement. An introductory studio course in the skills and techniques of drawing. Students progress from line through tone using a variety of media such as pencil and charcoal. ARTT1101 Drawing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ARTT105.Can be used for the Group 4, BA core requirement. Techniques in water-based media such as ink, watercolour and acrylic. ARTT1102 Painting
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ARTT120. Satisfies the Group 4, BA core requirement. A studio course in the techniques and methods of painting. Media used include oils, acrylic, watercolour and egg tempura. Covers all aspects of painting, from surface preparation to final presentation. ARTT1110 Art History
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ARTT340 Satisfies the Group 4 BA core requirement. A survey of Western Art from the pre-historic to the contemporary. Special emphasis is placed on the social context of the art in its era. ARTT2100 General Studio
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ARTT210. An introductory studio course in the basic techniques and principles behind the visual arts. Media which may be explored include drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery and print making. ARTT2102 General Studio II
An advanced course in painting, with emphasis on colour and design. These theories may be placed in an abstract mode with the student choosing the direction of her/his painting. ARTT4800 Directed Study
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: Any 1000 level and any 2000 level studio art course (ARTT1100 orARTT1102 and ARTT2100 ). See Department Chair for details.
BIOL1101 Cell and Molecular Biology I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL101. Introduces students to biology from the cellular and molecular perspectives. Major topics include cells as the basic units of life, evolution and variety of cells, macromolecules and organelles in cells, energy conversion in cells, cell reproduction and an introduction to DNA. Course includes lab component. BIOL1601 Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL104. Introduction to biological organization and biodiversity. Major topics include diversity of form and function in living organisms, biological relationships, patterns of heredity and evolutionary processes. Course includes lab component. BIOL2101 Cell and Molecular Biology II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL202, BIOL100 or BIOL102. Introduces students to biology from the cellular and molecular perspectives. Major topics include division of cells (somatic and germ lines), genetics, DNA structure and replication, gene expression and genetic mutation. Course includes lab component. BIOL2203 Human Anatomy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL360 or BIOL3200. A detailed study of the structural organization of the cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems of the human body, designed primarily for students pursuing a career in the natural sciences, health sciences and related programs. Emphasis will be placed on the gross and histological study of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Labs focus on the examination and identification of anatomical structures using specimens and models. Course includes laboratory component.
BIOL2211 Genetics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101 and BIOL2101 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL266. The gene as a fundamental unit of heredity with special emphasis on Mendelian principles, protein chemistry, linkage and genetic factors determining human characteristics, normal and abnormal. Course includes lab component. BIOL2225 Drugs and Behaviour Cross-listed with PSYC2251
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits in Biology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL225 or PSYC225. This course will review the basic principles and concepts of pharmacology, psychology and neurophysiology. Then the course concentrates on drug classes, recreational (e.g. alcohol and marijuana) and prescribed (e.g. benzodiazepines and antidepressants) and details the specific drugs within each class. BIOL2301 Plant Development and Diversity
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101 and BIOL1601 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL205. A study of plant development, physiology, anatomy and reproductive biology, providing an assessment of the biological functions and economic roles of the major classes of plants. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL2411 Invertebrate Zoology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Biology or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL245. The major invertebrate phyla and their representatives with a special emphasis on the structural and functional homologies of each group, their phylogeny, life histories, physiology and ecological adaptations. Course includes lab component. BIOL2441 Introduction to Vertebrates
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000 level Biology or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL235. An overview of vertebrate animals, with emphasis on their phylogenetic interrelationships, a review of the diagnostic characters of the major groups and a survey of past and modern diversity. Lectures will highlight major evolutionary trends, lifestyles, adaptations and interesting features of vertebrate life past and present. Course includes a lab component: labs involve the systematic dissection of study specimens, with examination of organ systems, their tissues and histology, with supplementary information from slides.
BIOL2501 Environmental Biology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101 or BIOL1601 or PUBH1101 and GEOL1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL203. Introduction to higher levels of biological organization. Major topics include ecosystem organization, adaptations of organisms to environment, ecosystem function and energy flow, populations and communities, effects of humans on the environment. Most laboratory sessions are field trips and as such, no evening lab sections will be offered. Course includes lab component. BIOL3101 Design, Analysis & Interpretation of Quantitative Biological Research
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501 and MATH1109 or MATH2106. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL389. When and how to use quantitative methods in biological research. Students will learn how to design an observational or experimental study, as well as graphically summarize, analyse and interpret analyses of univariate and multivariate data from a biological research study. They will also learn about alternatives to the hypothesis testing paradigm for analyzing quantitative data. BIOL3111 Molecular Regulation in Biological Systems
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101, BIOL2101 and CHEM2301 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL315. The regulatory activities of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Labs will introduce students to procedures routinely used by molecular biologists. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL3121 Introduction to Gene Manipulation
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101, BIOL2101 and CHEM2301 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL317. The course introduces the tools and procedures used by molecular biologists and genetic engineers. Labs provide applied skills in molecular procedures. Course includes lab component. BIOL3200 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits of Biology or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL360 A comprehensive course in human anatomy and physiology, designed primarily for students in science, physical education, health sciences and related programs. As systems approach is used to underscore integration at the organismal level. Labs emphasize osteology, mycology and experimentation with emphasis on respiratory and cardiovascular function. Course includes laboratory component. BIOL3203 Human Physiology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101,BIOL2203, CHEM1101 or CHEM1104, CHEM1103 or CHEM1105. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL360 or BIOL3200 A detailed study of the functional aspects of the cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems of the human body, designed primarily for students pursuing a career in the natural sciences, health sciences and related programs. Emphasis will be placed on the study of homeostasis, cell signalling, neurophysiology, sensory physiology, endocrine and immune function, muscle physiology, cardiovascular and respiratory function, digestive processes, renal function, and reproduction. Labs emphasize experiments on muscle mechanics, sensory physiology, and respiratory and cardiovascular function. Course includes laboratory component. BIOL3231 Animal Physiology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites:BIOL1101, BIOL1601, CHEM1104, CHEM1105 Recommended: BIOL2411, BIOL2441. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL365. This course introduces students to the principles of animal function by examining how animals cope with environmental challenges. The evolution of major physiological systems is examined across major taxa, ranging from protists through vertebrates. Topics covered include cell signalling, endocrine regulation, osmoregulation, gas exchange, thermoregulation, circulations, locomotion, basic neurophysiology, and receptor physiology. Laboratory exercises emphasize the analysis and interpretation of physiological data. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL3331 Plant Taxonomy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL302. A study of the principles of plant classification with application to personal collections and the evolutionary relationships, origins and distributions of all vascular plants with major emphasis on the angiosperms. Course includes lab component. BIOL3431 Entomology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL375. Most kinds of living organisms are insects. Practical skills in collecting insects, identification and curation of collections are developed. These are complemented by an understanding of insect systematics and biology. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL3451 Ornithology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501 and second year standing in a program or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL387. An introduction to the biology of birds focusing on evolution, morphology, behaviour, life history and mating systems and communication and conservation. Labs focus on morphology, behaviour and identification, with an emphasis on birds of Eastern Canada and Cape Breton in particular. Course includes lab component. BIOL3501 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 162 Natural History of Cape Breton
Prerequisites: BIOL2501 and second year standing in a program or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL393. Field trips to interesting natural areas on Cape Breton highlight this course. Field work focuses on the identification of plants, birds and insects. Assignments focus on the interpretation of the field observations and the ability to communicate clearly to other biologists and the public. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL3503 Animal Behaviour
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1601 and BIOL2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL395 Provides opportunities to discover the influence of evolution, genetics, development and physiology on the feeding, antipredator behaviour and mating behaviour of animals. Students participate in the process of science by making and reporting on field observations. Course includes lab component. Note: A student may complete a maximum of six credits from BIOL3801, 3803, 3804, 3805, 397 and 399. BIOL3521 Stream Ecology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1601 or BIOL2501 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL383. A study of the interrelationships between the physical and biological aspects of the structure and function of streams with a particular focus on the variety of streams and rivers of Cape Breton. The impact of human activities such as urbanization, forestry, impoundments and agriculture will be addressed. Most laboratory work will be carried out in the field. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL3523 Marine Ecology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501 and BIOL2411 or permission of instructor. Recommended: MATH1109 or PSYC2101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL385. This course focuses on ecological relationships among marine plants and animals from the perspective of adaptation. Readings from text and primary scientific literature. Field-based laboratories make use of the diversity of coastal marine habitats in Cape Breton. Students are required to do a project and present their results both in writing and orally. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL3541 Plant Ecology Cross-listed with MSIT3105
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL351 or MSIT351. The study of Acadian forest systems will continue with an in-depth view of plant assemblages and the relationship to habitat, process, structure and function. Studies will be extended to the non-vascular plants. Relationships and differences between major plant divisions and plant-animal interactions will be considered. Emphasis will be placed on acquiring this knowledge in the field. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year.
BIOL3601 Evolution
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2101 and BIOL2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL367. Evolution by natural selection is one of the important ideas in Western science and the central concept in modern biology. The focus is on evolution as fact, as theory, natural selection as the major mechanism, and its genetic basis. BIOL3801, 3803 Credits: 3 An in-depth literature study in an area not covered by other biology courses. Registration is contingent upon availability of a faculty supervisor. In the term preceding the expected start date for this course, the student must produce an outline of the proposed study. Consult the Department Chair for details. BIOL3804, 3805 Credits: 3 A research project in an area of interest. Registration is contingent upon availability of a faculty supervisor. In the term preceding the expected start date for this course, the student must produce a research proposal for the project. Consult the Department Chair for details. BIOL4121 Advanced Topics in Gene Manipulation and Biotechnology Independent Project in Biology Directed Study in Biology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL3121 with a grade of at least 65% or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL417. A continuation of the study of molecular biology initiated in BIOL3121. Topics include a description of specialized vectors and advanced procedures and of their use in modern agriculture, industry and medicine. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL4201 Neurobiology Cross-listed with PSYC4231
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL3200 or PSYC3213. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL423 or PSYC423. This course introduces basic anatomical and physiological principles of neuroscience extending from the basic biophysical properties of neurons and glia, to the physiological basis of sensory processing, motor behaviour and learning memory. Differs from PSYC321 in that basic physiology is studied in greater depth and there is no attempt at a general survey of behaviour. BIOL4241 General Parasitology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2411 and at least 12 credits in Biology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL405. An introduction to parasitology, citing examples from the protozoans, helminths and arthropods of humans, domestic animals and wildlife. Transmission and impacts on individual hosts and populations are emphasized. Course includes lab component. Offered pending faculty availability. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 164
BIOL4251 Biomechanics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2441. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL455. A study of vertebrate functional morphology focused on locomotion. Discussions include comparative, evolutionary and mechanical aspects of major structures. Gross anatomical and micro anatomical examination are performed on a wide array of specimens. Proficiency in dissection, specimen care and analytical thought are emphasized. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL4431 Insect Biology and Systematics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL3431, with a mark of at least 70% recommended. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL401. Emphasize insect systematics, phylogenetics, structure, function and biogeography. Through field collections, curation of the CBU collection, oral presentations and research papers, students will develop expertise in these areas of entomology. Course includes lab component. Offered pending faculty availability. BIOL4444 Dinosaur Palaeontology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL235, BIOL367, BIOL2441 or BIOL3601. This course is an overview of non-avian dinosaurs, which were the most conspicuous and numerous land animals during the Age of Reptiles (a.k.a. the Mesozoic Era). This course will review current understanding of the anatomy and systematics of the major groups of dinosaurs, survey investigations into the origin and early diversification of the group, review studies of dinosaurian trace fossils and hypotheses of dinosaurian biology and behaviour, look at theropod origins of birds, and examine the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs BIOL4453 Ichthyology: The Biology of Fishes
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501 and 9 additional credits in Biology above the 1000 level or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL485. A comprehensive look at the evolution and phylogenetic relationships of fishes. Students survey their morphological, physiological, behavioural and ecological adaptations to their aquatic environments. Conservation management of fish habitats will be discussed. The laboratory will include studies of structural diversity, anatomy and osteology, morphometrics, age and growth and other selected topics. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL4501 Theoretical Ecology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL475. Examines a broad spectrum of ecological theories, from optimal individual strategies to population interactions, theories of community, ecosystems and global stability within an evolutionary framework.
BIOL4503 Behavioural Ecology
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: BIOL3503. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL495. Behavioural ecology asks questions about why animals do what they do from an evolutionary perspective. Mate choice, chemical defence, avoidance behaviour, social evolution and foraging preferences may all be considered. Students participate in the process of science by making and reporting on field observations. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. Note: A student may complete a maximum of six credits from BIOL4801, BIOL4803, BIOL4804, BIOL4805, BIOL497, and BIOL499. BIOL4505 Monitoring Biodiversity
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL3331 and BIOL3541 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL441. Exploration of key issues and strategies behind ecological monitoring programs including background research, implementation and long-term conduct. Examination of international programs implemented locally (e.g. EMAN and Man in the Biosphere). Discussion of classification systems for natural areas in Nova Scotia and exploration of examples. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. BIOL4601 Evolutionary Theory
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL3601. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL467. Students critically assess controversies in evolutionary biology, such as sexual selection, punctuated equilibrium, human origins and HIV evolution. Choice of a topic for investigation is based on an individuals interests and expertise. Students gain expertise in writing, editing and oral presentation of complex ideas. Course includes lab component. Offered pending faculty availability. BIOL4603 Phylogenetic Systematics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL3601 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BIOL469. An introduction to the theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics, the predominant methodology for evaluating the interrelationships of organisms. Students will learn the basic techniques of character analysis, tree building and evaluation of phylogenetic hypotheses. Application of methodology to classification, co-evolutionary studies, biogeography and extinction studies. Course includes lab component. BIOL4801, 4803 Directed Study in Biology
An in-depth literature study in an area not covered by other Biology courses. Registration is contingent upon availability of a faculty supervisor. In the term preceding the expected start date for this course, the student must produce an outline of the proposed study. Consult the Department Chair for details. BIOL4804, 4805 Independent Project in Biology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 60 credits with an average of 70% in Biology courses completed. A research project in an area of interest. Registration is contingent upon availability of a faculty supervisor. In the term preceding the expected start date for this course, the student must produce a research proposal for the project. Consult the Department Chair for details. BIOL4900 Honours Thesis in Biology
Credits: 6 Prerequisite: Admission and fourth-year standing in the BSc with Honours Biology program. Includes the preparation of an original research proposal, completion of the proposed research project, analysis of data, preparation of a written thesis and oral defence of this thesis. Students planning to register in this course must consult the Department Chair in the term preceding the expected start date of the project.
The Business Administration program offers a solid foundation for careers in numerous fields such as private and public enterprise, cooperatives, and government service. It will also prepare the student for self-employment or for graduate study at the masters or doctoral level in a wide variety of disciplines. One of the primary objectives of the program is to develop women and men with a sound foundation in business fundamentals together with knowledge of traditional arts and science disciplines. In addition, the structure of the program enables students to concentrate in one of several different areas and to pursue an internship program which combines work terms with study terms. Business Administration courses are listed under Accounting (ACCT), Finance (FINC), Legal Studies (LEGL), Management (MGMT), Management Science (MGSC), and Marketing (MRKT).
See Accounting list for course descriptions. Courses marked are also offered by distance.
See Finance list for course descriptions. Courses marked are also offered by distance.
See Management list for course descriptions. Courses marked are also offered by distance.
See Marketing list for course descriptions. Courses marked are also offered by distance.
For courses that can be used towards a Celtic Culture concentration, please review the Celtic Culture program requirements.
Chemistry is the science of change that affects virtually all other scientific disciplines and is essential to many new technological developments. The study of chemistry is fundamental to programs in biology, medicine, nursing, food science, pharmacy, engineering, oceanography and environmental science and the discipline itself. A course in chemistry is also of great value to the student intending to pursue studies in law, business administration, political science, psychology and many other programs, for it provides an understanding of the scientific method and of the chemical basis of todays world. Chemistry is a physical science and as such, places great stress on mathematics and physics. Thus, a student planning a career in Chemistry is advised that performance in these disciplines should be above average. Please see the Department Chair for program details, department research activities, and student employment opportunities. CHEM1101 General Chemistry for Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Grade 11 Academic Chemistry. Recommended: Grade 12 Academic Chemistry. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM101, CHEM110, CHEM1104 or CHEM121. This course does not satisfy the requirements of CBU BSc programs other than the BSc Nursing. It does not satisfy the requirements of BTech or Bachelor of Engineering Technology programs. It does satisfy the requirements for the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Public Health). It is not a sufficient chemistry prerequisite for medical, dental or veterinary programs of study. The principles of general chemistry for students requiring no more than 6 credits in chemical science. Emphasis is placed on the biological relevance of the chemistry principles discussed and their applicability to the health sciences.
CHEM1103 Introductory Organic Chemistry for Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1101 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM102, CHEM110, CHEM1105 or CHEM122. This course does not satisfy the requirements of CBU BSc programs other than the BSc Nursing. It does not satisfy the requirements of BTech or Bachelor of Engineering Technology programs. It does satisfy the requirements for the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Public Health). It is not a sufficient chemistry prerequisite for medical, dental, or veterinary programs of study. The principles of organic and biochemistry for students requiring no more than 6 credits in chemical science. Emphasis is placed on the biological relevance of the chemistry principles discussed and their applicability to the health sciences. CHEM1104 General Chemistry I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Grade 12 with a grade of at least 60% OR 3 credits in a lab science and 3 credits in mathematics. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM121, CHEM1101 or CHEM101. A description of the properties of matter and their correlation with modern theoretical principles of chemistry. Topics include: atoms, molecules, and ions; formulas and equations; the Periodic Table; electronic structure of atoms; chemical bonding, and gases and change of state. Course includes lab component. CHEM1105 General Chemistry II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1104 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit forCHEM122, CHEM1103 or CHEM102. Topics include intermolecular forces in solids, liquids, gases and change of state; enthalpy; entropy, and free energy. Rates of reaction, reaction mechanisms, equilibrium, acid-base reactions, electrolytes and voltaic cells and overview of organic chemistry. Course includes lab component. CHEM2201 Chemical Thermodynamics Cross-listed with PHYS2101
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1105 and MATH1206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM201.
The theoretical basis of the fundamental principles of chemistry will be discussed. The emphasis is on derivations and the physical meaning of these. Topics include thermodynamics, solutions and phase equilibria. Students will be introduced to data handling by computer. Course includes lab component. CHEM2203 Chemical Kinetics and Equilibrium
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1105 and MATH1206. Recommended: CHEM2201. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM202. This course will examine the kinetics and equilibria of chemical systems. Topics include molecular kinetic theory of gases; rates of chemical reactions, both experimentally and theoretically; and the equilibria of chemical reactions. Laboratory Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 169
experiments will focus on the techniques and instrumentation used to study chemical kinetics and equilibria. Students will be introduced to data handling by computer. Course includes lab component. CHEM2301 Introductory Organic Chemistry I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM221. This course is an introduction to the chemistry of carbon compounds, both aliphatic and aromatic, and involves a survey of the major functional groups. Emphasis is placed on the close connections between modern organic, biology and biochemistry. Course includes lab component. CHEM2303 Introductory Organic Chemistry II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM222. This course introduces the student to the major types of organic reactions. Reaction mechanisms and the role of intermediates are discussed, as are topics in stereochemistry and spectroscopy, IR, NMR, UV-VIS and mass spectroscopy. Course includes lab component. CHEM2401 Industrial Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM245. The course covers practical applications of chemistry to industry. Review of typical chemical industries and modern production plants in Canada and around the world. Review of activities of and visits to chemical industries in Atlantic Canada. Chemical terms and nomenclatures, basic process calculations, and flowcharts. Basic principles of processing equipment, distillation units, reactors, heat exchangers, scrubbers, and driers. Introductory material and energy balances. Inorganic chemical processes for phosphoric acid, super phosphate, ammonia, synthesis gas, sulphuric acid. Organic chemical processes from petroleum, natural gas, crude oil, bitumen, lubricants properties and processing. Petrochemical processes, polymer and resins precursors, and synthetic rubber. Course includes lab component. CHEM2403 Introductory Analytical Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM285. An intensive study of chemical equilibria including acid/base, precipitation, complex and electrochemical as well as statistical methods for analyzing data and some instrumental methods of analysis. Laboratories involve the quantitative analysis of unknowns. Course includes lab component. CHEM2501 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM1105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM255.
The fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry involving a study of the electronic structure, properties, reactivity and bonding characteristics of the main group elements. Laboratory experiments involve qualitative analysis of these elements and their compounds. Course includes lab component. CHEM2601 Introductory Biochemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2301 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM261. A study of the unifying concepts of biochemistry, the structure of proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids and a brief introduction to their metabolism. Course includes lab component. CHEM3201 Mathematics for Chemistry I Cross-listed with MATH2113
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1206 or equivalent and 9 credits in Chemistry. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM301 or MATH251. Topics covered will include the application of ordinary differential equations, vector algebra, matrices, determinants and operators to such areas of chemistry as point group theory, modern molecular orbital theory, factor analysis and eigenvalue problems. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. CHEM3203 Mathematics for Chemistry II Cross-listed with MATH2214
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1206 or equivalent, 9 credits in Chemistry and an introductory course in computing applications. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM302 or MATH252. An overview of modern computer applications in chemistry. Topics will include use of software packages for molecular modeling, solution of simultaneous linear equations, linear and nonlinear least squares, regression on systems with two and three parameters and interpolation of experimental data. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. CHEM3204 Symmetry and Molecular Spectroscopy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1105, MATH1206, PHYS1204 and at least third year academic standing or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM305. This course will introduce students to group theory and its application in molecular spectroscopy. The molecular basis of electronic, rotational and rotational-vibrational spectroscopies will be studied. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. CHEM3301 Intermediate Organic Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2303. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM325. A study of organic reaction mechanisms, condensation reactions, symmetry-controlled reactions and a survey of heterocyclic chemistry. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year.
CHEM3401 Analytical Spectroscopy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2303 or CHEM2403. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM385. The principles of operation and selected applications of modern spectrochemical methods of analysis. Emphasis is placed on instrument components. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. CHEM3403 Analytical Separations
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2303 or CHEM2403. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM386. The applications of separation techniques to chemical analysis. The theoretical principles of various instrumental methods are explained and applications are examined. Emphasis is placed on HPLC and GC/MS. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. CHEM3404 Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Cross-listed with ENGI2165
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Second year standing and CHEM1105 and MATH1206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM345. Preliminary terms and concepts are reviewed, followed by the presentation of fundamental thermodynamic properties including heat and work. These properties, along with the zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics, are used to examine various closed and open thermodynamic systems. Related topics introduced during this examination include reversibility, thermal efficiency, entropy and energy. The course concludes with an understanding of gas and vapour power cycles. Course includes lab component. CHEM3501 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM355. This course is a continuation of CHEM2501 with an emphasis on the transition metals, lanthanides, and actinides. The chemical and physical properties of their compounds are discussed using modern bonding theories. The lab component will involve the preparation and characterization of compounds discussed in class. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. CHEM3601 Intermediate Biochemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2601. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM365. The metabolism of the substances studied in CHEM2601 is discussed in more detail. Course includes lab component. CHEM3801, 3803 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 172 Directed Study in Chemistry
Research in an area not covered by other chemistry courses. See the Department Chair for details. CHEM4201 Quantum Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1105, MATH1206, PHYS1204 and at least third year academic standing or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM405. The theoretical basis of chemistry will be derived and discussed. Students are introduced to quantum theory and its application in atomic and molecular electronic structure. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. CHEM4301 Advanced Organic Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2303 or CHEM3301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM425. A survey of developments in current organic chemistry. This course will both round out the students knowledge of carbon chemistry and integrate that knowledge with the other disciplines of chemistry, particularly physical organic chemistry. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. CHEM4401 Polymer Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM3301 and CHEM3501 or instructors permission. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM445. Involves the chemistry of macromolecules, definitions of polymeric materials, different examples of synthetic and natural polymers and rubber elasticity, monomer and polymer nomenclature, polymerization reactions, techniques, reactivity and kinetics, molecular weight distribution, measurements and control, and synthesis, analysis, structure-property characterization and rheological behaviour of polymers. Normally offered every other year. CHEM4501 Organometallic Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2303 and CHEM2501 or CHEM3501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM456. A detailed look at concepts used in modern organometallic chemistry for synthetic laboratory research and current industrial processes. Topics that will be covered include the carbon-metal bond, heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis, high vs. low density polyethylene, transition metal catalyzed polymerizations, asymmetric catalysis and Pd catalyzed organic transformations. Normally offered every other year. CHEM4403 Selected Topics in Advanced Analytical Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM2303, and CHEM3401 or CHEM3403. The application of techniques such as Atomic Absorption (AA), Mass Spectrometry (MS), and Polarography to trace analyses. Reducing interferences, using blanks, performing replicate analyses, and recovery studies will be emphasized. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year.
CHEM4900 Honours Thesis in Chemistry
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: Admission and fourth-year standing in the BSc Honours Chemistry program This course includes the preparation of an original research proposal, completion of the proposed research project, analysis of the data, preparation of a written thesis and oral defence of this thesis. Students planning to register in this course must consult the Department Chair in the term preceding the expected start date of the project. Consult the Department Chair for details. A three member panel (the faculty supervisor, a second chemistry faculty member and a third member agreed upon by the supervisor and the student) will evaluate the written thesis and oral defence. CHEM4801 Credits: 3 Normally this course will be completed in the students final year. Independent Project in Chemistry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1104 and CHEM1105 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM213. The course begins with a review of the fundamental chemical principles relevant to aqueous systems. This is followed by an examination of the primary water quality parameters, analysis methods and treatment strategies presently utilized in the study of water/wastewater. The laboratory portion of the course involves specific sampling and analysis procedures. Course includes lab component.
Communication is a humanistic, philosophic and scientific field of study, research and application. It calls for dynamic personal involvement and a critical analysis of communication in all aspects of society including relationships, culture, history and technology. Communication graduates find employment in government, public relations, human resources, training and development, politics, media, etc. Students are also prepared for acceptance into advanced degree programs in education, law and of course, communication. The department houses the Dr. Mary A. Lynch Lab, used for small group work associated with introductory courses. Noted as the longest serving lab in North American communication programs, it provides opportunities for students to put into practice the theories they learn in class. Peer student facilitators are trained to conduct the labs and facilitators report that they gain both personally and professionally from their service learning experiences. COMM1103 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM103. An introductory course designed to raise student awareness of the complexity and power of interpersonal communication in daily life; to provide students with personally relevant concepts of interpersonal communication; and to help students develop their interpersonal communication skills. Lab component required. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 174
COMM1105 Introduction to Public Communication
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM105. Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following communication courses COMM1105, COMM1109 or COMM1151. An introductory course designed to give the student a well-rounded basis in communication. Students learn public communication theory and develop their communication cognitively, affectively and behaviorally by taking part in interviews, small group discussions and public speaking. Lab component required. COMM1107 Introduction to Linguistics Cross-listed with ANTH1101, MIKM1145
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM107, ANTH107 or MIKM107. An introduction to the scientific study of language, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and the heritage languages of Cape Breton: Mikmaq, French, Gaelic and English. COMM1109 Communication in the Workplace
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM109. Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following communication courses COMM1105, COMM1109, or COMM1151 Communication principles in the workplace including the development of intra-interpersonal communication skills and professional speaking. COMM1151 Professional Presentations
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM115. Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following communication courses COMM1105, COMM1109 or COMM1151 Skills in chairing meetings, making interesting presentations, incorporating various media into public communication and producing video resumes. COMM2101 Research Concepts
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM261. A review of research methods typically used throughout the discipline and understanding of, and practice in, research design. COMM2103 Nonverbal Communication
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM203. An exploration of various nonverbal message systems, which include body movement, eye and facial behaviour, vocal cues, physical appearance, clothing, space, time and symbolic behaviour in human interaction. COMM2111 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 175 Rhetoric in Popular Culture
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM251. An exploration of popular culture (movies, music, television, computers, cell phones, tattoos, etc.) We discuss how we make meaning and interpret meaning of popular culture in a rhetorical context. COMM2151 Voice Production
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM201. Voice and speech production, with attention on improving vocal quality, articulation and pronunciation through the utilization of informal, formal and electronic settings. COMM2153 Effective Interview Techniques
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM215. Foundations of interviewing within the broader context of basic communication theory, applying interview principles and practices in various interview genres. COMM2155 Argumentation and Debate
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM205. Theoretical and experiential knowledge of argumentation and debate. Participation in class debates with and without a partner. COMM2171 Introduction to Media
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM271. Discusses various forms of media (film, television, radio, etc.) from the production side of the media process with special emphasis on Canadian context and content. COMM2173 Videography
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM273. Covers techniques of composition, camera use, editing and aesthetics; application of broader communication theories to independent work on video production and effective presentation of ideas, stories and cultural works. Laboratory and/or tutorial component included. COMM2175 Issues in Media Studies
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM255. A survey of issues in communication media such as stereotyping, violence, gender, objectivity, ethics, culture and values. Lab component required. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 176
COMM2177 Graphic Design for Media
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM277. Covers composition, layout, typography, colour and other elements of visual design and applies them to a variety of media. Some aspects of the course will require computer applications. COMM3101 Organizational Communication
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM305. An introduction to the philosophy, process, problems and potential of human communication within an organizational context. COMM3103 Interpersonal Relationships
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM311. Advanced interpersonal communication including theories, research and concepts examining relationships. COMM3109 Credits: 3 This course will give students an awareness of connections between communication theory and effective corporate communications. COMM3111 Communication and Culture Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM353. The close connections between communication and culture and the ways cultures are constructed communicatively. COMM3112 Public History and Museology Cross-listed with HIST3112 Strategic Corporate Communication
Credits: 6 Prerequisite: Any 6 credits from Group 2 or by permission from the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM380, HIST380, or HERT350.
An overview of museum and heritage institutions over the past two centuries and how different nations, communities, and cultures interpret their history to the general public. COMM3113 Intercultural Communication
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM307. Communication between individuals of different cultures and subcultures and practical guidelines for mitigating miscommunication across cultures. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 177
COMM3115 Communication and Social Change Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM355. Examines the ideologies and conditions of the premodern, modern and postmodern social worlds as understood through their manifestations in cultural and technological change. COMM3117 Communication and Community Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM319. This course allows students to analyze concepts about community and communication as they relate to concepts about the public sphere, media, globalization, sustainability, social capital and interpersonal relationships. In particular it explores the symbolic construction of community and identity, participatory democracy, communitarianism, and the role of mass media in community. Students investigate their own communities as case studies. COMM3131 Communication Training and Development
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits fromCOMM1103, COMM1105 or COMM2175 and an additional 6 credits in Communication or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM321. An examination of theoretical and practical applications of facilitation in educational contexts. Learning styles, communication models and facilitation strategies are examined. COMM3133 Leadership in Small Group Contexts
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM325. This course examines the communication components of small group and team interaction as they pertain to leadership and leadership emergence. Topics include communication characteristics of small groups, group norms and rules, group goals and motivations, sending and receiving messages, conflict resolutions and decision making processes. COMM3136 Persuasion
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM303. Philosophical, psychological and communication foundations of persuasion and the role persuasion plays in a persons life. COMM3139 Issues in Health Communication
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM309. An examination of the ways the personal, cultural and political circumstances influence how we experience and communicate about health and health issues. We explore how we communicate about health at different stages of our lives. Finally, we consider the communication competencies we can develop to help us better understand health information, work with health organizations and develop as health citizens and advocates. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 178
COMM3155 Advanced Public Speaking
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: COMM1105 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM301. Public communication theory aimed at improving communication effectiveness by constructing and delivering informative, engaging and persuasive presentations. COMM3170 Multimedia Design
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: COMM2171 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM322. Conceptual and application theory required for professional level skills in the use of digital communication media. Emphasis is on the development of design technique and the visual aspects of multimedia production focusing on film and digital video. Students will complete a major project utilizing the skills developed in class. COMM3135 Family Communication
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM333. Examines communication patterns and networks within families that support or inhibit cohesion or change. Topics include family systems, communication patterns, self-disclosure, family themes, rules, relational stages, conflict styles, power and decision-making. Focus is on developing functional family networks and effective communication skills. COMM3137 Gender and Communication
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM345. The communication similarities and differences between women and men in various communication contexts. COMM3138 Women and Communication
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM347. Communication as it pertains to various aspects of womens lives and how contexts and cultural ideologies specifically affect women and their communication. COMM3172 Anthropology of Media Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology or by permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM314/ANTH314. The bottom-up study of peoples engagements with modern mass media, using ethnography to understand the social and cultural effects of mass media at the ground level. television, movies and the internet, situated in diverse social and cultural settings world wide, will be the focus of the course. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 179
COMM3173 Mass Communication and Society Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM357. The history of mass communication and the impact of technological change on human societies. COMM3171 Computer-Mediated Communication Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM359. This course is an eclectic overview of practical and scholarly approaches to computer-mediated communication (CMC) intended both for those with limited experience with CMC and those who use CMC regularly. COMM3151 Performance Studies Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM335 or COMM235. Explores how performance acts that are embedded in our everyday world are used to learn about ourselves and culture, to reflect on experience and to act on the world and the self. COMM3700 Special Topics in Communication Credits: 6 Prerequisites: Six credits in communication. In-depth study and applications related to specific issues in communication theory and research, rhetoric and media studies, and applied communication.
COMM3701, 3703
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisite: 6 credits in Communication. Exclusions: COMM351 In-depth study and applications related to specific issues in communication theory and research, rhetoric and media studies, and applied communication. COMM3931 Facilitation Practicum Credits: 3 Prerequisites: COMM3131 and permission of the instructor and Lab Coordinator. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM323. A 160-hour practicum that provides students with an opportunity to develop and strengthen their applied communication facilitation skills in an educational context while gaining first-hand experience in the design and delivery of communication training programs.
COMM4101 Rhetorical Theory Credits: 3 Prerequisite: 6 credits in Communication. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM401. Examination of the nature of rhetoric through reading and discussing critical and theoretical works from classical to contemporary rhetoricians. COMM4103 Communication Criticism
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: 6 credits in Communication. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM403. Critical evaluation of messages in a wide variety of communicative genres. COMM4104 Sustainable Happiness Cross-listed with EDUC4104.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM435 or EDUC435. This course will introduce students to the research on happiness and subjective well-being that is emerging from the field of positive psychology. Students will also explore the impact that individual and national pursuits of happiness have on the well-being of people around the world and the natural environment through literature related to sustainability. Opportunities for engaging in sustainable happiness that does not exploit other people, the environment or future generations will be addressed. COMM4105 Theories of Human Communication Credits: 3 Prerequisite: 6 credits in Communication. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMM405. The development of communication theory in the twentieth century in both the humanistic and social scientific approaches to communication study. COMM4700 Credits: 6 Designed for upper-level students who are interested in a listed course that is not being offered during the current academic year. Students should consult the Department Chair for details and permission. COMM4701/4703 Special Topics in Communication Credits: 3, 3 Designed for upper-level students who are interested in a listed course that is not being offered during the current academic year. Students should consult the Department Chair for details and permission. COMM4800 Directed Study Credits: 6 Prerequisites: At least 30 credits in Communication and an overall average of 70% in Communication. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 181 Special Topics in Communication
This course offers an advanced student of exceptional ability the opportunity to pursue individualized study in an area not otherwise offered in the course listings. Students should consult the Department Chair for details and permission. COMM4900 Senior Thesis Credits: 6 Prerequisites: At least 30 credits in Communication and an overall average of 70%. An original research paper in which the student performs an in-depth study of an area of communication. The thesis must be a work of exceptional scholarship and is designed to prepare students for graduate programs or related further study. Students should consult the Department Chair for details and permission. COMM4910 Honours Thesis
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: At least 42 credits in Communication with an overall average of 70%. An original research paper in which the student performs an in-depth study of an area of Communication. The thesis must be a work of exceptional scholarship, and is designed to prepare students for graduate programs or related further study. Students should consult the Department Chair for details and permission.
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMS110. Core course in the BACS degree program and an elective in other programs. Within the context of a small group, students are encouraged to develop and employ a variety of skills including problem solving, critical analysis, research and writing. Both individual and group projects are required. COMS2100 Credits: 6 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 182 Applied Research
Prerequisites: 30 credits including COMS1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMS210. Students engage in group projects which apply the problem-solving skills of the first year and develop additional abilities and techniques of primary research, analysis, and evaluation. COMS2101 Community Volunteer Work I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 30 credits including COMS1100 or permission of Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMS251. A 160-hour volunteer work placement that is relevant to the students career interest and plans. COMS3100 Community Intervention
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 60 credits including COMS1100, COMS2100, COMS2101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMS310. Students working together in small groups execute a plan of community intervention based on their research, a needs assessment, and strategic plan. Includes completion of a written report. COMS3101 Community Volunteer Work II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 60 credits including COMS1100, COMS2100, COMS2101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMS351. Students explore issues relating to their career interests through a second 160-hour volunteer work placement. COMS4100 Self Directed Senior Project
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 90 credits including COMS1100, COMS2100, COMS2101, COMS3100, COMS3101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for COMS410. A course in which the student undertakes a research project in an area of interest to future education or career plans. COMS0100 Police Preparatory Course
Credits: 0 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NOCR900. This is a non-credit course that assists students in preparation for a career as a police officer. The course includes: policing career options, identification and forensics, police ethics, human rights, test anxiety counseling, crime prevention through social development, community policing, rsum development, physical fitness (PARE) preparation, range, drill and seminars with the Cape Breton Regional Police Service, RCMP and CBU faculty and staff. Past students have successfully completed police training programs at the Atlantic Police Academy in Prince Edward Island and RCMP training in Regina, Saskatchewan.
All courses in this section can be used towards a Theatre Arts Certificate (please see Theatre Arts Certificate program requirements for further information) and to satisfy the Group 4 BA core requirement. DRAM1101 Introduction to Play Production Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL307 or FINA307. Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement. An introduction to play production that includes lectures, discussions, practical demonstrations of sound and lighting and video programs on live theatre. DRAM2101 Introduction to Acting Credits: 3 Prerequisite: DRAM1101 or permission of the instructor and Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL309 or FINA309. Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement. A practical course in acting for live theatre: voice projection, movement, gesture and characterization. DRAM2201 Introduction to Theatre Directing Credits: 3 Prerequisites: DRAM1101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for DRAM201, ENGL309 or FINA309 Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement A practical course in acting for live theatre: voice projection, movement, gesture and characterization. DRAM2203 Theatre for Children Credits: 3 Prerequisites: DRAM101/1101 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for DRAM221, FINA219.
A study of creativity, children and the developmental aspects of play, including the role of the creative leader as it relates to such forms as tableaux, choral reading, creative writing, sensory awareness and creative movement. DRAM2621 Playwriting I Cross-listed with ENGL2624
Credits: 3 Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for DRAM331, ENGL303 or FINA303. An introduction to the art and craft of writing dramatic texts for live theatre. The course will focus on monologues, atmosphere and scene. Students are required to attend a number of Dramagroup productions as well as any touring productions. DRAM2623 Playwriting II Cross-listed with ENGL2625
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: DRAM2612 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for DRAM333, ENGL323 or FINA319. Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement. Further extension of the art and craft of writing dramatic texts for live theatre. The course will focus on dialogue and the development of scenes. Students will complete a one-act play in final draft. Attendance at theatre productions is required. DRAM3101 Movement for the Theatre Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FINA213. This course is directed to student actors and teachers of acting who want to add a larger component of meaningful movement to their acting or teaching techniques. DRAM3103 Voice for the Theatre Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FINA211. Through practical exercises, this course introduces the student to voice training for the theatre. DRAM3104 Stagecraft Credits: 3 Prerequisites: DRAM1101 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Not available to students with credit for DRAM311 This course covers all that the aspiring stage worker needs to know about properties, scenery, painting, sets, lighting and sound. DRAM3105 Stage Management Credits: 3 Prerequisites: DRAM1101 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Not available to students with credit for DRAM313 Through practical exercises, this course introduces the student to voice training for the theatre. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
DRAM3106 Acting II Credits: 3 Prerequisites: DRAM2101 ENGL/FINA 309. Exclusions: Not available to students with credit for DRAM313 A continuing exploration of the techniques and exercise commenced in DRAM2101 with particular emphasis on script analysis and scene study using two-handed scenes and monologues. This course will explore questions about relationship, conflict, the moment before, humor, and other practical acting rules. DRAM3901 Drama Practicum Credits: 3 Exclusions: Not available to students with credit for DRAM399
Economics 1101 and 1103 are prerequisites or co-requisites for upper level courses in economics unless otherwise specified. (Changes are pending. Please refer to online calendar for updates.) Courses marked are also offered by distance. ECON1101 Principles of Microeconomics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON101. The nature and scope of economics. Topics include scarcity and choice, consumer behaviour, demand and supply, elasticity, the theory of the firm, income distribution and applications. ECON1103 Principles of Macroeconomics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON102. Topics include national income determination, unemployment, inflation, fiscal policy, the central bank, monetary policy, international trade and the balance of payments. ECON2101 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON1101, ECON1103 and ECON2105 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON201. Designed to provide a firmer grasp of economic theory. Includes a comprehensive survey of microeconomic theory and its application to everyday economic problems. ECON2103 Intermediate Macroeconomics Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON1101 and ECON1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON202. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 186
The study of the major macroeconomic theories focusing on the Keynesian and the monetarist models within the domestic and international economy. ECON2105 Quantitative Methods for Economists
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON1101 and ECON1103 and grade 12 Academic Math. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON205. Designed to meet the requirements of quantitative methodology for a comprehensive program in economics. ECON2106 Canadian Economic Issues and Problems
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON221. Application of microeconomic and macroeconomic approaches to the study of Canadian economic problems, issues, policies and programs in global perspectives. The emphasis is on path-dependent methodology using economy-institution interaction. Conceptual and empirical approaches are emphasized. ECON2107 Labour Economics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON1101 and ECON1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON241. The theory of labour economics with particular emphasis on the Canadian labour market. ECON2140 Law and Society Cross-listed with POLS2140
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON212, ECON112, POLS212 or POLS112. This course provides an introduction to the study of law, government and the economy. It provides an understanding of leading social, political and economic issues and the impact of these issues on our life. ECON3101 Money and Banking I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON1101 and ECON1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON301. An analysis of the Canadian banking system including the role of money, interest rates, financial institutions and the money market. ECON3103 Money and Banking II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON1101 and ECON1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON302. Topics include theories of banking, international finance, financial systems of other countries and central banking.
ECON3105 Managerial Economics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON1101 and ECON1103 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON325. A study in microeconomic decision-making applied to the problems of resource allocation, production, finance and risk assessment at the level of the firm. ECON3107 Resource Economics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON1101 and ECON1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON335. A study of the theory, policies and Canadian experience in the allocation and utilization of exhaustible natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. ECON3108 Economic Growth and Development
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECON2101 and ECON2103 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON341. Provides a comprehensive review of the theories of growth and development in the context of population growth, education, quality of labour force and capital formation. The social, cultural, and political climate will be evaluated in the context of economic modernization. ECON3109 Economy and Society
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON343. This course undertakes a critical and inquiring examination of the theory of an economy embedded in the wider field of social valuation. This theme will be pursued in the context of economic liberalism and the spectrum of social conflicts between the industrialized and developing world at the turn of the century and between social issues and market forces. Various topics are selected in these areas of theory and application. ECON4105 Investment Theory Cross-listed with FINC4404
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC1108, MGSC1109, FINC2401, and FINC2403. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS442 or ECON375. Examines the capital investment process emphasizing analytical techniques to evaluate investment proposals. Includes: capital budgeting principles, time value of money, basic measures of capital investment desirability and mutually exclusive investments, cash flow identification, risk analysis, capital rationing, multi- criteria capital budgeting and linear programming. ECON3701, 3703 Special Topics in Economics Credits: 3, 3 This course serves to expand on selected areas of economics studied by the student to fulfil the requirements of a major research paper. The topics selected will be mutually acceptable to students and professors. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 188
ECON4101 Public Finance
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON411. The theory and application of microeconomics and macroeconomics applied to the study of public goods and resource allocation with institutional intervention in market economics. Topics include social cost-benefit analysis, taxation and fiscal policy, social and public choice, interaction between fiscal and monetary policies, economic stabilization, economic growth with distributive equity and transaction costs in relation to social spending and public goods. ECON4103 International Economics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ECON421. A comprehensive examination of the theory, institutions, policies and programs that shape the international economy. Micro and macroeconomic concepts and principles are applied to study the theory of international trade and the issues relating to fiscal, monetary and development policies.
Courses marked are also offered by distance. EDUC3100 Music in the Elementary Classroom
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC330. This course is designed for the classroom teacher who wishes to enhance their learning environment. These sessions will integrate many elements throughout the curriculum using speech, rhythm, movement, dance and song. Teachers will find this valuable for developing a variety of literacy skills in their students. EDUC4100 Art and Creativity
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC426. This course is designed to give basic techniques and skills in visual arts to classroom teachers, P-12, who have limited experience in art making. This course will focus on art education as a growing sequential experience based on the supposition that students build their visual language in the same way as they build their verbal and written language, first by using simple statements and then by compounding them into a more sophisticated form of communication. Specifically, the participants will come to understand visual literacy and to make connections between visual arts and other subjects in the curriculum, including math, science, social studies and language arts. Direct application of the skills and techniques will be made through a variety of media, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, fabric arts and mixed media. By making connections to other subject areas, the participants will build on this understanding and they will discover new and effective strategies for teaching, learning and assessment. EDUC4101 Sociology of Education
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only.
In this course, students will explore how Canadian education programs are influenced by the social context within which they are implemented. Students will be introduced to the instructional and social context of teaching. The role of the school in society, the organization and administration of schools and the dynamics of classroom culture will form the basis of the course. EDUC4102 Creative Music
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC428. This course is for those teachers who have a music degree or strong background experience in music education. The daily program will include pedagogy, basic movement, soprano recorder, and special topics. Instruction will cover Orff techniques, rhythmic and melodic training, improvisation, study of pentatonic scales, the ostinato, simple bordun accompaniments and the elemental form. EDUC4103 Inclusive Education
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course examines the role of the subject/classroom teacher(s) in the program planning process for inclusive classrooms. A variety of situations will be examined with emphasis on inclusionary practices, appropriate classroom accommodations and professional collaboration. Current special education policies, regulations and resources used in the Nova Scotia school system will provide the framework for program planning process. However, comparisons with other jurisdictions will be made. Evaluation in this course will emphasize both knowledge and practical applications. This course encourages active participation. EDUC4104 Sustainable Happiness Cross-listed with COMM4104
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC435 or COMM435. This course will consider happiness and subjective well-being from the perspectives of psychology, communications, interpersonal relationships, community, the environment and ideology by familiarizing students with the research emerging in those areas. Students will also explore the impact that individual and national pursuits of happiness have on the well-being of people around the world and the natural environment. Opportunities for engaging in sustainable happiness (the pursuit of happiness that does not exploit other people, the environment, or future generations) will be addressed. The role of formal and non-formal education in shaping ones view of happiness will be discussed. EDUC4106 Philosophy and History of Education
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course examines the historical and philosophic foundations of education in our socially and culturally diverse environment. Prospective teachers are provided with an opportunity to examine a variety of educational problems from a philosophical perspective. Students will explore the nature of education and their role as professional educators. One of the major goals of the course will be for students to develop and articulate a personal philosophy of education. EDUC4107 Assessment of and for Learning
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 190
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of student evaluation or assessment. The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the major underlying issues and measurement problems surrounding assessment and will facilitate the students shift in role from the one being assessed to that of an assessor. Students will examine the process of formulating educational objectives, validity and reliability in student assessment, preparing assessment instruments, scoring, reporting, data analysis and item analysis techniques. EDUC4108 Integrated Technology
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course covers the integration of computer technology used in todays classroom to facilitate learning. EDUC4111 Facilitating a Comprehensive Literacy Program at the Elementary Level
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4011. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will focus on strategies, methodology and concepts of teaching and assessing language arts at the elementary level. Topics to be addressed include learning modalities, co-operative learning strategies and strategies to teach writing and reading. Technology and cross-curricular literacy will also be an integral part of this course. EDUC4113 Teaching an Integrated Science Curriculum
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4013. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will model the delivery of a hands-on, active approach to the teaching of scientific concepts. It will emphasize how to enable students to construct their own understanding of the world of science. EDUC4115 Teaching an Integrated Social Studies Curriculum
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4015. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will introduce teachers to a range of effective strategies to employ in the delivery of an issues-based social studies program. It will focus on issues and themes, which can be easily integrated into all areas of elementary curriculum. EDUC4116 Mathematics at the Elementary Level
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4016. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will promote a holistic approach to the teaching of mathematics at the elementary level. Participants will explore methodologies for assessing students progress in mathematics, taking into consideration the various ways of knowing and learning mathematics. Pre-service teachers will explore the use of math manipulatives and technology as teaching/learning tools, collaborative student work and mathematical literacy.
EDUC4117 Assessment and Curriculum Instruction in Elementary Education
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4017. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. The focus of this course is on an interdisciplinary-integrated approach to curriculum delivery in the elementary classroom. Students will design and implement an integrated curriculum as part of course requirements. EDUC4118 Principles and Practices of Elementary Education
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4018. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will model an instructional process that is reflective of developmentally appropriate practice. It will emphasize the importance of incorporating effective practices such as teacher-student relationships, classroom management skills and research-based theories of learning. EDUC4121 Literacy in the Content Areas
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4021. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. Through a constructivist, hands-on approach, this course will allow students to examine the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to effectively implement the relative theory of reading in subject-specific areas such as history, biology, and mathematics. Students will explore theories of literacy and a variety of strategies for reading, writing and studying. EDUC4128 Principles and Practices of Secondary Education
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4028. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to construct and apply alternative methods of classroom management and discipline. Students will examine contemporary approaches to classroom management and discipline, including a consideration of legal, organizational and administrative issues. Students will gain knowledge and skills in this course that contribute to planning, delivering and evaluating teaching. Furthermore, the course will also emphasize ways to promote desired learning outcomes. The course illustrates specific ways to create a classroom that is a safe and comfortable space in which students and teachers with common goals can work successfully together. Students will be introduced to several models of classroom management, with an emphasis on the constructivist model. The major goal of the course is to enable students to comprehend the basic principles and tenets of a number of management approaches and to translate these principles into specific teaching strategies and skills. EDUC4131 Aboriginal Studies at the Elementary Level
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4031. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only.
This course provides effective teaching strategies for the teaching and learning of Aboriginal languages and cultures, with emphasis on Mikmaq language and culture. Topics include promoting oral traditions, language and culture. (Students completing the Elementary Aboriginal Education option require this course). EDUC4133 Teaching English as a Second Language in an Additive Bilingual Model
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4033. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. In this course students explore aspects of learning and teaching a second language. Students will also examine current research and theories as they apply to lesson planning and instruction of ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. (Students completing the Elementary Aboriginal Education option require this course). EDUC4134 Introduction to Literacy and Fluency in Aboriginal Languages
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4034. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will focus mainly on the acquisition of the Mikmaq language. Students will also examine bilingual language learning approaches for Aboriginal languages. Topics include oral tradition and language immersion. EDUC4135 Advanced Reading and Writing in Aboriginal Languages
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: Introduction to Literacy and Fluency in Aboriginal Languages (or permission from the Instructor and Dean). Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4035 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will continue with the language acquisition theories examined in Introduction to Aboriginal Literacy. The language of instruction for this course will be Mikmaq. The focus of this course is to promote the acquisition of written language and to apply bilingual language learning theories to enhance Aboriginal language writing skills. EDUC4136 Aboriginal/Indigenous Education Models
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4036. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will explore the various theoretical and pedagogical models currently in use in Aboriginal/First Nation schools around the world. EDUC4138 Technology Education I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4038. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will examine technology education as a field of study, investigating the context within those technologies taught in the Nova Scotia public school program. The course focuses on developing technology supportive learning environments. Students will model social constructivist learning strategies as well as problem-based learning throughout the course. Students will examine the development and selection of teaching strategies and resources, as well as lesson
planning, unit planning and assessment. Emphasis will be placed on the effective use of technology as a teaching and learning tool within the field of technology education and across the curriculum. EDUC4139 Technology Education II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4039. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will examine technology education as a field of study, investigating the context within those technologies taught in the Nova Scotia public school program. The course focuses on developing technology supportive learning environments. Students will model social constructivist learning strategies as well as problem-based learning throughout the course. Students will examine the development and selection of teaching strategies and resources, as well as lesson planning, unit planning and assessment. Emphasis will be placed on the effective use of technology as a teaching and learning tool within the field of technology education and across the curriculum. EDUC4140 Aboriginal Studies at the Secondary Level
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4040. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course applies effective teaching strategies to the teaching and learning of Aboriginal languages and cultures, with emphasis on Mikmaq language and culture. Topics include promoting oral traditions, language, community, culture diversity and traditions from an historical and sociological perspective. (Students completing the Intermediate/Secondary Aboriginal Education option require this course). EDUC4141 Science at the Secondary Level I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4041. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This laboratory course will examine curriculum and effective teaching strategies in teaching science at the secondary level. Laboratory work will be assigned from the intermediate science level and from the teachable area(s) for which students were admitted. EDUC4143 Science at the Secondary Level II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4043. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This laboratory course will examine curriculum and effective teaching strategies in teaching science at the secondary level. Laboratory work will be assigned from the intermediate science level and from the teachable area(s) for which students were admitted. EDUC4144 Social Studies at the Secondary Level I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4044. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only.
This course focuses on the teaching of social studies at the middle and secondary levels. In this course students will focus on effective teaching strategies, lesson planning, use of learning resources for social studies, unit planning development, assessment and evaluation. EDUC4145 Social Studies at the Secondary Level II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4045. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course focuses on the teaching of social studies at the middle and secondary levels. In this course students will focus on effective teaching strategies, lesson planning, use of learning resources for social studies, unit planning development, assessment and evaluation. EDUC4146 French Second Language at the Secondary Level I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4046. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course provides an introduction to Core French and French Immersion programs at the middle and secondary school levels. In this course students will focus on effective second language teaching strategies, lesson planning, use of learning resources, unit planning development, assessment and evaluation. EDUC4147 French Second Language at the Secondary Level II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4047. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course provides an introduction to Core French and French Immersion programs at the middle and secondary school levels. In this course students will focus on effective second language teaching strategies, lesson planning, use of learning resources, unit planning development, assessment and evaluation. EDUC4148 Fine Arts at the Secondary Level I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4048. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will examine the theories and practices of teaching fine arts within a secondary school context. Students will engage in the examination and development of teaching strategies, lesson planning, use of learning resources, unit planning development and assessment and evaluation for the effective delivery of the fine arts curriculum. EDUC4149 Fine Arts at the Secondary Level II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4049. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course will examine the theories and practices of teaching fine arts within a secondary school context. Students will engage in the examination and development of teaching strategies, lesson planning, use of learning resources, unit planning development and assessment and evaluation for the effective delivery of the fine arts curriculum.
EDUC4151 English Language Arts at the Secondary Level I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4051. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course focuses on teaching English language arts at the middle and secondary levels. In this course students will focus on effective teaching strategies, lesson planning, assessment and evaluation. EDCU4153 English Language Arts at the Secondary Level II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4053. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course focuses on teaching English language arts at the middle and secondary levels. In this course students will focus on effective teaching strategies, lesson planning, assessment and evaluation. EDUC4154 Mathematics at the Secondary Level I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4054. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course focuses on teaching mathematics at the middle and secondary levels. In this course students will focus on effective teaching strategies, lesson planning, assessment and evaluation. EDUC4155 Mathematics at the Secondary Level II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC4055. Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course focuses on teaching mathematics at the middle and secondary levels. In this course students will focus on effective teaching strategies, lesson planning, assessment and evaluation. EDUC4211 Resource Education
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course focuses on methods to facilitate learning for elementary and secondary students who require additional instructional supports, resources or assistive technologies. Students will explore strategies such as multiple intelligences and preferred learning styles to encourage and promote learning. EDUC4213 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. Students will focus on instructional strategies, learning theories, content, assessment and evaluation in the teaching of mathematics in the middle school class. EDUC4214 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 196 Guidance
Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of guidance services, the role of the school counselor and ways of developing effective interpersonal skills for pre-service teachers to provide guidance for their students. EDUC4215 Learning Through Drama
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course introduces drama as a valuable teaching and learning strategy. Topics will include: drama curriculum; lesson planning; education theory in drama; and ways of using drama as a learning tool for other subject areas. EDUC4216 Adult Education
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course introduces pre-service teachers to adult education research and instructional practice, as a supplement to support and enhance teaching proficiency for multi-aged students through an examination of Adult Education literature and resources, as well as a multitude of related critical, contemporary, and controversial issues. EDUC4217 The Adolescent Learner
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course examines the teaching strategies based on developmental theories of the adolescent learner. EDUC4218 The Multi-age Classroom
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course focuses on a multi-age pedagogical approach to teaching. EDUC4219 Canadian History in Education
Credits: 3 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. This course examines the history and current trends in the teaching of Canadian history and social studies on the secondary level. The course stresses the importance of developing a culturally inclusive and contextually integrated approach to Canadian history. Particular attention will also be given to reviewing some of the latest web based learning resources for Canadian history and in developing effective teaching strategies for meeting the learning outcomes of the new Nova Scotia Grade 11 Canadian history course. EDUC4221 Credits: 3 This course is the study of communication in the classroom as a key factor in planning and developing effective presentation and facilitation skills. The selected communications strategies that participants will learn and practice are designed to improve teacher expertise in personal and public communication that will assist them to become more effective communicators within an educational context. Throughout this course, students are given the opportunity to Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 197 Communication Skills for Educators
create and test ideas, to develop individual skills and theories and to gain competencies in various communication settings related to educational settings. EDUC4223 Credits: 3 This course will examine recent research related to teaching subject specific content. Students will be required to complete an applied research project that includes the study of advanced teaching methodology in their major concentration. Topics include alternative approaches to the teaching of the particular discipline, an exploration of current issues and the demonstration of the new methodologies. EDUC4225 Credits: 3 This course will allow students to examine the curriculum that corresponds to their individual background within the teachable subjects identified by the Nova Scotia Department of Education. Participants will develop learning activities that will allow their students to meet the general and specific curriculum outcomes as outlined in the APEF curriculum documents. Through collaboration with students specializing within the various teachable subject areas, pre-service teachers will explore strategies for developing interdisciplinary integrated learning activities in order to provide their students with a holistic educational experience. Participants will develop unit plans that reflect a synthesis of the disciplinary-specific pedagogical approaches, integrated curriculum strategies and relevant literature on pedagogy and learning theory. EDUC4989 Internship in the Elementary School Discipline Specific Methods General Methods
Credits: 15 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. The Internship is an extended school based practicum in which interns apply theories and knowledge of teaching and learning in an elementary classroom setting. Interns develop and apply effective teaching practices to become reflective practitioners. Facilitation of the interns professional development and the evaluation of the Interns progress is conducted by the classroom teacher and a university supervisor. The full practicum will be comprised of the following essential components:
Three day (May, first term) introduction to the practical aspects of teaching and school operations Three day (September, second term) in-class experience in specific elementary/secondary streams (concurrent with methods course) 15 week in-school supervised practicum (Winter, third term) Completion of mentored online reflective journal for core courses Curriculum portfolio development component linking methodology courses to practical teaching (concurrent with methods course).
EDUC4999 Internship in the Secondary School Credits: 15 Registration for this course is limited to Bachelor of Education students only. The Internship is an extended school based practicum in which Interns develop and apply effective teaching practices to become reflective practitioners in a secondary classroom setting. Facilitation of the Interns professional development and the evaluation of the Interns progress is conducted by the classroom teacher and a University Supervisor. The full practicum will be comprised of the following essential components: Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 198
Three day (May, first term) introduction to the practical aspects of teaching and school operations Three day (September, second term) in-class experience in specific elementary/secondary streams (concurrent with methods course) 15 week in-school supervised practicum (Winter, third term) Completion of mentored online reflective journal for core courses Curriculum portfolio development component linking methodology courses to practical teaching (concurrent with methods course). Developmental Drama
Credits: 6 Corequisite: EDUC5130. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC503. Involves a study of the theory of creative dramatics as seen by its best-known practitioners (Peter Slade, Brian Way, Nelli McCaslin, Winnifred Ward and Dorothy Heathcote) and the application of that theory in ways adaptable to the classroom situation. The course will also encompass the various aspects of play production. Participants will explore methods and materials for conducting improvised dramatic activity in grades P-12. EDUC5101 Assessment of Software and Information Technology Applications for Education Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC531 or EDUC534. This courses offers instruction in software reviews, software evaluation models, assessment and selection. How, when, where, how often and under what context will software be used in an educational setting will be stressed. Appropriate and inappropriate software applications for use within the classroom will be considered. In order to put theory into practice, designing activity packages and incorporating educational software into lesson plans will be undertaken. EDUC5102 The Meaning and Purpose of Curriculum
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC510. Attempts to answer the question: What should schools teach? Drawing on curriculum theory, education history and current reports on education, students will articulate a comprehensive answer to the question. Curriculum planning and development skills will also be encouraged through group work and individual resourcefulness. EDUC5103 Integration of Instructional Design and Information Technology
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC533 or EDUC534. Investigates instructional design concepts and learning theory which are utilized in the integration of educational software. The many types of educational software will be discussed. Instruction in both the effective use of software to enhance teaching and in techniques involved in incorporating this across the curriculum will be given. Hyper-media on the Web, as an available software resource, will also be considered. Levels, approaches, variables, objectives and assessment of the integration of education software will be investigated. EDUC5104 Applications of Learning Theory in Education Multimedia Design
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC535 or EDUC543. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 199
Will provide educators with an in-depth look at the principles of constructivist and cognitive-based processes and the impact of technology on learning in a variety of educational contexts. Educators will also have the opportunity to apply student information technology research techniques to the production of instructional units that can be shared with their peers. Participants will use current software as the basis for understanding and developing these learning principles and will design a teaching unit to exhibit them. EDUC5105 Designing Web-based Learning
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC537 or EDUC543. Will look at the implications of Multiple Intelligence Theory on educational reform and the connection between MI and technology use in the classroom. A learner-based inquiry model (such as the I-Search process webquests and project based learning) will be used as the vehicle for participants to explore the principles of Web page design in a constructivistbased learning framework. Online tools will be used for mastering the techniques of Web page design to deliver and improve instruction. EDUC5106 Technology Planning for Educational Environments
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC539. Designed to assist educators in developing a comprehensive plan for the integration of technology into the teaching/learning process. Learners will research a broad range of existing and emerging technologies and their applications in a learning environment as well as the constructs of the technology planning process. This research will then be applied to formulating a classroom-level technology plan. EDUC5107 Information Management in Education Environments
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC541. Explores information management from an educators point of view as well as researching electronic performance support systems and their implications for education and educators. Participants will develop a web-based personal electronic performance support system that will contain tools and information to aid the performance of that particular individual as an educator in a technology-rich, ever-changing educational environment. EDUC5108 Educational Technology for the Practicing Teacher
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Students must be enrolled in the Diploma in Educational Technology. This course examines applications of educational technology used in todays classroom to promote learning. Students should be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of computers before taking this course. Students will explore technology use from a practical perspective, using various tools in an education context to enhance the learning/teaching process. Teachers will investigate technology integration from a curricular perspective, transforming and synthesizing educations technology in respect to their area of specialization and current practice. Participants will be re required to contribute to a collaborative-learning process through which they will develop knowledge and skills related to effectively applied educational technology interventions. EDUC5109 An Introduction to Theories and Issues in Counseling Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 200
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC550. Examines the historical, philosophical, psychological and sociological bases of the major approaches to counseling. Also explores the central issues in counseling and the social context of those issues. Special reference will be made to the particular concerns of the Cape Breton community by introducing students to the notions of culture, enculturation, socialization and ethnocentrism. EDUC5110 Teaching Canadian Culture
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC511. Explores two aspects of culture and curriculum: a) art, music, drama and literature in a Canadian and regional context; and b) multi-cultural, ethnic and race issues in Canada. EDUC5111 Cultural Issues in An Educational Setting Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC554. Designed to provide those in counseling roles with an understanding of the cultural forces which shape the lives of individuals and groups. Drawing on the work of sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists and educationalists, the course highlights gender issues, race and ethnic relations, class differences and issues and school and youth culture. EDUC5112 Learning Resources Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC512. Focuses on the human and material resources used in teaching and the relationship between those resources and the classroom experience of the child. In addition to identifying and evaluating curriculum materials, the course looks at adapting the learning situation to the needs of the child. Special emphasis is put on developing an effective classroom, especially for at risk students. EDUC5113 Human Relations Development Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC556. The purpose of this course is to enhance the human relations skills of the student. Topics will include interviewing skills, group dynamics and conflict resolution. EDUC5114 Career Counseling Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC560. Examines the theory and practice of career development and career counseling as a basis for introducing the student to the skills of adolescent career counseling. Special attention is given to assessing client needs: sex, race and class issues in career counseling for gifted children; promoting child self-understanding; career information services; interest and aptitude tests and utilizing community resources.
EDUC5115 Research Methods for Education
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: EDUC5108. This course is designed to introduce students in CBUs Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology to the essential elements which underpin the planning, implementation, evaluation and reporting of educational research. Students will also become familiar with CBUs application policy and procedures for research involving humans. EDUC5120 Issues in Planning, Designing and Developing Curriculum
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC513. An advanced-level seminar course that is intended to develop educational leaders with a strong curriculum background. This seminar explores a number of influences academic, political and popular on curriculum and encourages self-reliant leadership in dealing with those influences. EDUC5122 Research/Curriculum Development
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC514. Introduces the students to the major issues and methods in curriculum design and development. Special attention is given to the use of technology in curriculum research. Students are expected to plan, design and develop a real or proto-type curriculum for a classroom, school system or province. EDUC5130 Phenomenology of Childhood
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC520. In order to explore and utilize the potential of the arts in education, it is appropriate to examine the central role of aesthetic learning in a childs development. This course will provide an opportunity to examine the key stages in psychological development, connecting them with the arts and focusing on a thematic analysis of the childs experiential world. Through this analysis, the students will develop an understanding of the following processes: Theory of multiple intelligences Theories of creativity Brain-based learning Constructivist approaches to creative development EDUC5132 Principles of Computing & Implications for Instruction
Credits : 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC530. A comprehensive overview of microcomputers and popular application software with respect to their use as educational tools. Topics include hardware and software basics, database, applications and management, word processing, spreadsheets, telecommunications and networking, multimedia and trends in computer technology. Assignments focus on educational application by teachers and students.
EDUC5142 Individual Testing Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC552. Provides students with a basic level of understanding of such individual tests of intelligence and other abilities as the Wechsler, Stanford-Binet and Peabody and their place in the counseling process. Also provides the students with an historical and cultural context for individual testing. EDUC5150 The Identification and Remediation of Learning Problems
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC558. Examines various learning problems and shows how those learning problems influence performance and adjustment in school. Intervention strategies are reviewed and practical application for school settings are designed. Special attention is paid to identifying at risk students and stay in school programs. EDUC5800 Applied Research Project
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 21 credits from EDUC5132, EDUC5101, EDUC5103, EDUC5104, EDUC5105, EDUC5106, EDUC5107. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC548 or EDUC538. An important component of the program. Students conduct research in an area of technology and apply it in an educational setting. Research projects are subject to the approval of the research project advisor. EDUC5802 Applied/Research Project
Credits: 6 Corerequisite: EDUC5810. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC598. Designed specifically for those students enroled in the Certificate in Educational Studies. Students will work with a project advisor appointed by CBU and in conjunction with a mentor from their respective school boards. Over a seven-month period, students will carry out and report on a research project consistent with a stated school board priority. EDUC5810 Advanced Graduate Seminar
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: EDUC5100 and EDUC5130. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC599. Designed specifically for those students enroled in the Certificate in Educational Studies. Under the supervision of a professor appointed by CBU, students will participate in a graduate-level seminar related to the educational priorities of their respective school boards. Required readings will be assigned in accordance with students specific interests. EDUC5991 Counseling Practicum I Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 21 credits fromEDUC5109, EDUC5142, EDUC5111, EDUC5113, EDUC5150, EDUC5114. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC562.
Designed to prepare students for their field work segment in Counseling Practicum II. Students learn about the ethical and legal implications of the counselors work: the relationship to police, courts and various community intervention programs; recording interviews; counseling techniques; stress management and crisis intervention. Students are assigned a mentor with whom they will apprentice for two hours per week in the mentors professional milieu. Students also have an opportunity to share these initial field experiences during the regular class meetings. EDUC5993 Counseling Practicum II: Field Work
Credits: 3 Corerequisite: EDUC5991. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EDUC564. Designed to provide an opportunity for students to obtain some initial first-hand field experience in counseling. For three hours per week the student will work under the supervision of a counselor in a professional setting and will be required to assume a counseling role under the mentors supervision. Students will also meet as a class for two hours per week to reflect on their experiences.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC111. The solution of DC and AC networks as a foundation for specialization in power, instrumentation or communication options. ELEC1164 Fundamentals of Electricity II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ELEC1161. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC122. The solution of DC and AC networks as a foundation for specialization in power, instrumentation or communication options. ELEC1165 Analog Electronics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ELEC1161 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC253. An applications-oriented course based on semi-conductor electronics. Systems are analog in the sense that the components and circuits deal with continuously variable signals as opposed to discrete digital systems. Students will be exposed to the similar design and simulation tools utilized by industry such as Pspice and Electronics Workbench. Topics include review of bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and basic DC analysis, AC modeling, AC analysis, BJT amplifiers and frequency response. ELEC2160 Process Measurements
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: PHYS1201. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC213. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 204
The concept of process measurement as used in process industries. Includes an in-depth study of transducers for pressure, temperature, level and flow. Hands-on applications. ELEC2162 Control Systems
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ELEC2160. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC365. An advanced study of theoretical, industrial control system techniques and concepts with emphasis on control system design, configuration, modeling and performance evaluation. ELEC2163 Linear Integrated Circuits
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ELEC1165. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC244. Linear integrated circuit applications are examined. Emphasis is on operational amplifier circuits including comparators, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, signal generators and active filters. Op-amp DC and AC performance is analyzed. Other circuits studied include the 555 timer. ELEC2165 Signals and Controls
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC267. This course will introduce the classification of signals and systems, signal and system properties and their applications, linear time-invariant systems, periodic signal and Fourier series, continuous-time Fourier transform, Laplace transform, ztransform and their application mainly in control and communication systems. ELEC2166 Industrial Electronics Circuits
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ELEC1165 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC283. A study in the theory and analysis of solid-state components used in industrial control devices. Topics include FETS, SCR, TRIAC, DIAC and an introduction to light and light sensors. ELEC2167 Machines and Controls
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ELEC1164. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC284. Study of DC and AC machines, focuses on the application of voltage and torque calculations to the selection of generators and motors in typical circuit applications. Students will gain experience in the laboratory working with machines in a controlled environment. Study of industrial machine control systems includes start/stop and speed control of DC and AC motors.
ELEC2168 Programmable Logic Controllers
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC345. The role of special use computers in the electrical power industry. Develops expertise in logic controller programs. ELEC2169 Technological Thesis
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC355. A 3,000+ word thesis in the discipline area in which registration or certification is sought. See Department Chair. ELEC3161 Embedded Operating Systems
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI2167 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC411. The student will be able to use a variety of embedded operating systems in the application of development of electronic solutions for design challenges. In particular, the student will develop skills programming techniques, with assembly language and to physically build circuits to implement these programs. ELEC3163 Digital Signal Processing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1206 or MATH2205. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC412. The student will develop a basic understanding of immensely powerful digital signal processing techniques, a skill needed by scientists as well as engineers, through demonstrations and the application of basic techniques. Complex number systems are treated as an advanced topic that underpins and extends the power of digital signal processing. ELEC3164 Microelectronics Design Tools
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC421. The student will be able to apply techniques in a wide variety of microelectronics design environments. This course provides experience in applying design tools such as Pspice, Xilinx Web Pack and MatLab to basic systems solutions. Also included are applications of advanced industrial design tools such as Mentor Graphics, Cadence Analog Workbench and CMC Design Flow for Digital Systems. ELEC3165 Applied Integrated Circuit Systems
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ELEC3164 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC422. The course will be an advanced digital systems design with VHDL. It will discuss the description of both Moore-and Mealy-type finite state machines (FSMs) and the development of state machine diagrams to abstractly represent an FSM's algorithm. It discusses an alternate way to graphically represent an FSM using an algorithm state machine (ASM) chart and how to convert ASM charts to VHDL. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 206
ELEC3166 Applied Wireless Systems
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ELEC432. Students will be able to apply wireless design techniques using spread spectrum systems and enhance their understanding of wireless techniques used in all types of communications systems and products. An intuitive approach is used to provide a real feel for the technology, with applications to many types of wireless networks. ELEC3737 Credits: 3 This course provides a forum for directed study on a number of issues and concerns within the present state of the field of electrical engineering and electronics industry. Each issue is dealt with in modular form. Topics include electric cars, power distribution, fiber optics, environmental sustainability, air pollution and the generation of electricity and quality management. Selected Topics in Electronics
studied in depth. The second part concentrates on the use of technology to manage an emergency. The student will study hazard analysis and modeling programs as well as applications of seamless networks and similar technologies. EMGN4112 Hazardous Materials Management and Hazards Mitigation Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EMGN404. Prerequisites: EMGN4100 or permission of the instructor Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive materials pose special hazards that require an understanding of their nature, and the degree of hazard they impose from physiological, economic, environmental and policy perspectives. This includes such issues as terrorism, pandemics and other extreme events. The course will examine the roles and responsibilities of all levels of government as well as the applicable special aspects of hazard mitigation. EMGN4120 Operational Recovery Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EMGN405. Prerequisites: EMGN4100 or permission from the instructor The recovery operation in any emergency is an element that must be thoroughly understood by the practitioner. Recovery planning will be studied as well as the psychological, sociological, political and economic considerations. Distinction will be made between short- and long-term recovery supplemented by recovery-planning exercises. EMGN4122 Management of Public Emergencies Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EMGN406. Prerequisites: EMGN4100 or permission from the instructor This course will consist of two interrelated areas that constitute an important part of public emergency control. The first area is the general study of public emergency management, where the student will learn an overview of emergency management legislation in Canada, and the relationships between various governments and the private and non-profit sectors. The second area is incident command and in this portion, the student will develop an incident command system/emergency operations centre for action plans in the community. EMGN4130 Terrorism and Emergency Management Credits: 6 Prerequisites: EMGN4100 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for EMGN407.
This course gives the student a background in the history of terrorism in Canada and internationally, as well as introducing the student to the political and psychological dimensions. The student will then apply hazard analysis and risk assessment, and develop both structural and non structural mitigation strategies. Ethical and legal considerations will also be studied in depth.
Cape Breton Universitys Engineering Program is associated with Dalhousie University. Specific discipline choices include Biological, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgical and Mining. Courses marked are also offered by distance. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 208
ENGI1161 Shop Practice
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI101. This course is designed to develop skills in the use of hand tools and machine shop equipment utilized in todays industrial environment. The student will learn shop safety, focusing on WHIMIS and OHSA. The course will teach soldering, circuit board construction and machine fabrication. Each skill will be emphasized by completing small projects throughout the term. This is a required course for all disciplines of technology. ENGI1165 Engineering Graphics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI125. Introduction to conceptual graphic design fundamentals, team work and computer drafting. The aim is to develop skill in engineering free-hand sketching, drawing on CAD, 3-D visualization, graphical problem solving and understanding engineering drawings. Topics include orthographic visualization, pictorial sketching, auxiliary views, sections, descriptive geometry and intersections. A design project, focused on the process of design methodology and reporting, is an integral part of the course. ENGI1167 Engineering Statics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI145. A study in applied mechanics; the course objective is to develop the students ability to analytically solve practical problems in a clear and concise manner. ENGI2101 Engineering Economics
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: Second-year standing. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI205. Deals with the economics of decision-making. After introduction of fundamental concepts and cash flow diagrams, interest factors are dealt with in detail. Students apply the concepts to a variety of engineering design and management issues, both locally and internationally. ENGI2131 Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI275. Fundamental fluid properties are presented, along with an examination of static fluid principles including pressure variation, buoyancy and stability. This is followed by a study of flowing fluid, using a control volume approach to develop continuity, momentum and energy relationships. Other topics include dimensional analysis, similitude, flow characteristics in conduits and discussion of flow measurement techniques and devices. ENGI2133 Environmental Engineering
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI276. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 209
Focuses on sources of environmental pollutants, the effects of pollutants on living and non-living systems and processes by which pollutants are generated or by which their effects can be minimized or remediated. Lectures supplemented by tutorials, which include guest speakers, case studies and field trips. ENGI2134 Engineering Computer Programming
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI285. Combines the development of a structured approach to problem solving with the use of concepts of FORTRAN programming. Especially suitable for engineering students. ENGI2135 Engineering Design/Graphics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI1165. 12 credits of Year II Engineering program credits or second year status with permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI295. This course is intended to develop the students ability to evaluate, plan and complete engineering projects. Fundamentals of design, design methods and design considerations as well as professional practice are discussed. Design, analysis and word processing software are employed. Project work will include design and detail (using CAD), analysis, fabrication, testing, written reports and oral presentation. Teamwork and individual design/build projects are a major part of the course. ENGI2163 Engineering Dynamics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI1167, MATH1206 and PHYS1204, or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI226. The kinematics and kinetics of a particle, system of particles and rigid body. Two-dimensional motion is emphasized. Vector and scalar methods are used, as appropriate, to apply relationships derived from basic motion parameters, Newtons Second Law of Motion and from energy/momentum considerations. ENGI2164 Engineering Thermodynamics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI245. Preliminary terms and concepts are reviewed, followed by the presentation of fundamental thermodynamic properties including heat and work. These properties, along with the zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics, are used to examine various closed and open thermodynamic systems. Related topics introduced during this examination include reversibility, thermal efficiency, entropy and exergy. The course concludes with an understanding of gas and vapour power cycles. ENGI2165 Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Cross-listed with CHEM3404
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Second-year standing and CHEM1105 and MATH1206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI246 or CHEM345. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 210
The main objective is to develop the students ability to perform mass and energy balances on reactive and non-reactive processes. Introductory topics include systems of units and a study of process variable, such as temperature, pressure, and flowrate. Also covered are fundamental properties of multi-phase systems: phase equilibrium, vapour pressure, phase rule, Raoults and Henrys Laws and colligative properties. An emphasis is placed on developing problem solving skills. ENGI2166 Engineering Electric Circuits
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1105, MATH1206 and PHYS1204. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI255. The laws of electric circuit parameters, the concept of time constants, impedance, admittance and general network theorem. Lab sessions. ENGI2167 Engineering Digital Logic
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI256. This course includes an introduction to Boolean algebra, encoders, decoders, shift registers and asynchronous and synchronous counters. Design of asynchronous circuits, synchronous sequential circuits and finite state machines is covered. Programmable logic is introduced. K-map techniques are taught. Digital analysis software is used. ENGI2168 Circuit Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI2166. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI257. Covers advanced circuit analysis techniques, starting with sinusoidal excitation. Concepts of phasors and complex impedance are fully developed. Mutual inductance and magnetically coupled coils are used to introduce transformer behaviour and performance. Real and reactive power flow is covered before the introduction of balanced, three-phase circuits for power distribution. Symmetrical components are introduced as a means of dealing with unbalanced networks. Concepts of grounding and harmonics included. ENGI2169 Engineering Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (Strength of Materials)
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI1167, and one of MATH1105 or MATH1101 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI265. The relationship between loads applied to a non-rigid body and the resulting deformations of the body including stress and procedures to follow under specified loading conditions. ENGI2171 Thermo Fluid Engineering I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1206, CHEM1104, ENGI1167, PHYS1204 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI245 or ENGI2164 Preliminary thermodynamic terms and concepts are reviewed, followed by the presentation of fundamental properties including heat and work. These properties, along with the zeroth, first, and second laws of thermodynamics, are used to examine closed and open thermodynamic systems. Elemental fluid properties are also presented along with an Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 211
examination of static fluid principles including pressure variation, buoyancy, and stability. This is followed by a study of flowing incompressible fluid in pipes and ducts. ENGI2173 Thermo Fluid Engineering II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI2171 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI275 or ENGI2131 Flowing fluid characteristics are studied using a control volume approach to develop continuity, momentum, and energy relationships. Other topics examined include dimensional analysis, similitude, flow characteristics in conduits, and an exploration of flow measurement techniques and devices. Related issues presented include reversibility, thermal efficiency, entropy, and exergy. The course concludes with an understanding of gas and vapour power cycles and gas mixture properties. ENGI2174 Environmental Science
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Can only be used as a free elective by BSc students having credit for BIOL1101 (formerly BIOL101 and/or BIOL 2501 (formerly BIOL203). This course provides a broad overview of biological processes from the cellular to ecosystem level in order to provide an introductory environmental background to students of various disciplines, especially engineering and environmental studies (science). General topic areas covered include: cell structure and function, genetics, ecology, ecosystem structure and function, biological applications for environmental control, environmental human health problems, toxicity and risk. The relevance of these topics to industrial and engineering applications is emphasized through examination of environmental impact assessment, energy considerations and remediation technologies.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI111. An introduction to the concept of forces and torques acting on structures. ENGI1164 Strength of Materials
Credits: 3 PrerequisitesENGI1163. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI122. Internal stresses and strains in a body due to external forces are examined. Students are also introduced to the concepts of torsion, load, shear and bending moment diagrams, beams and columns. ENGI1166 Dynamics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI1163. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI132.
The principles introduced in statics are expanded to include the study of velocity and acceleration of moving components. Includes calculations relating to forces, work energy and power. ENGI1168 Fluid Mechanics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI253. This course concentrates on the theory and problem solving regarding fluid properties, hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy, fluid flow, Bernoulli equation, energy losses in piping systems, flow measurement and open channel flow. ENGI2103 Technical Engineering Economics
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: Second year standing. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGI205 or ENGI2101. NOTE: This course is not acceptable as credit in the BEng (Transfer) program. This course is designed to provide students with the fundamentals of Engineering Economics. Engineers design buildings, machines and other systems. They also function as managers in the real world of decision making where the criteria includes not only technological excellence, social impact and environmental considerations, but also cost. The bottom line or the cost of the systems we design plays a critical role in whether or not these designs are implemented. We must know when to repair or when to replace, when to make and when to buy. The engineer/ manager must understand how money works as well as how materials perform. Taxes and inflation can have significant impacts on the viability of projects. This course is designed to introduce students to these fundamentals.
English courses are open not only to students who wish to concentrate on English as a major, but to all who have an interest in literature. English 1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 is normally a prerequisite for all other English courses. In exceptional cases students may take a 3000 level course concurrently with, the 1000 series but permission to do so must be obtained from the Chair and instructor. Students who intend to major in English must consult the Department Chair before planning their program. Some career options include: teaching at all levels of education; the legal profession; print and TV journalism; editing; public relations and advertising. Courses marked are also offered by distance. ENGL1104 Credits: 3
An introduction to critical reading and writing through a variety of texts that deal with commerce and trade, and by responding to those texts in analytical prose. This writing intensive course includes an introduction to scholarly research.
ENGL1106 Credits: 3
An introduction to critical reading and writing by focusing on the characteristics of Literary Prose and by modeling a range of approaches to literary analysis. This writing intensive course includes an introduction to scholarly research.
ENGL1107 Credits: 3
An introduction to critical reading and writing by focusing on the characteristics of Media and Culture and by modeling a range of approaches to analysis. This writing intensive course includes an introduction to scholarly research.
ENGL1108 Credits: 3
An introduction to critical reading and writing by focusing on the characteristics of Poetry and Drama and by modeling a range of approaches to literary analysis.. This writing intensive course includes an introduction to scholarly research.
ENGL1109 Credits: 3
An introduction to critical reading and writing through a variety of texts that deal with science, and by responding to those texts in analytical prose. This writing intensive course includes an introduction to scholarly research.
Intermediate Writing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL205. Cannot be counted in the English major. This course is designed for students who wish to improve their writing skills at a level more advanced than ENGL1101/1103. ENGL1113 Technical and Science Writing Cross-listed with ITEC4501.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL207, BUSS265, ITEC 337, ITEC411. Cannot be counted in English major This course focuses on intermediate technical writing skills (reports, proposals and instructions). ENGL1600 Introduction to Literature
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL200. Can be counted in the English major. An introduction to the major literary forms in English - poetry, prose, and drama and to critical reading, analysis and writing. Literature from a variety of historical periods and/or national contexts will be considered. Satisfies BA and BSc core and 3 credits of BBA core. ENGL1601 Cinema
The film is an artefact that can be experienced form a variety of perspectives cultural, ideological, and aesthetic. A variety of films will be shown and studied throughout the term. ENGL2100 History of the English Language
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL330 or HERT330. The development of the English language, beginning with its origins and considering changes in phonology, morphology, syntax, vocabulary and orthography. ENGL2200 Non-Dramatic Literature of the Sixteenth Century
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL305. A study of the non-dramatic literature of the sixteenth century, emphasizing the work of Edmund Spenser. ENGL2240 Shakespeare
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL340. A survey of Shakespeares plays. ENGL2300 Eighteenth Century English Literature
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL360. A study of the prose and poetry of the period 1660-1800 with some study of the developments in drama and the novel. ENGL2340 The Romantic Movement
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL370. An examination of the poetry of early nineteenth century England, with special emphasis on the evolution of romanticism. Works by Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats, Shelley and their contemporaries will be examined. ENGL2360 Victorian Literature (excluding Fiction)
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL375. A study of the major poets of the period including Tennyson, the Brownings, Arnold, the pre-Raphaelites and some later writers.
ENGL2400 Modern Irish and British Poetry
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL354. Major modern poets and poetic movements of Britain and Ireland from their beginnings in the 1890s to mid-century. ENGL2403 Literature and Globalization
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary postcolonial literature within the context of globalization. We will look at the place of literature and writers in the hyper-capitalist, digital world. In addition to exposing students to acclaimed writers from across the globe , this class will draw on a number of media, including news sources, blogs, and video in order to develop a fuller sense of cultural production in the contemporary moment. ENGL2404 Foundations of Postcolonial Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 This introductory course exposes students to the foundational texts of postcolonial literature. Students will read the works of literary giants such as Chinua Achebe (Nigeria) and Salman Rushdie (India), as well as lesser known but highly influential writers such as Ama Ata Aidoo (Ghana) and Bapsi Sidhwa (Pakistan). Readings from Bill Ashcrofts The Empire Writes Back will help to contextualize this literature within the broader English canon. ENGL2420 Modern English Canadian Poetry
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL355. Representative works of significant poets from the beginnings of modernism in Canada to the present. ENGL2441 American Literature to 1865
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL357. A survey of major writers of the United States up to the end of the Civil War. ENGL2461 The Celtic Revival in Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites:ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL371 or CELT371.
A study of the legends, literature, and mythology of the Celtic renaissance in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 216
ENGL2463 Modern Celtic Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL372 or CELT372. This course studies a variety of genres in English, including the novel, the essay, poetry, and short story by Irish and Scottish writers from 1900 to the present. ENGL2603 The Literature of Sport Cross-Listed with SPHK2603
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 or SPHK 1100 A consideration of the way sports have been understood and represented in various forms of literature. ENGL2601 Oral Literature: Storytelling and Other Verbal Genres Cross-listed with FOLK2401
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK201 or FOLK200. Analysis of storytelling, myths, folktales, legends, personal experience narratives, jokes, riddles, rhymes and proverbs. ENGL2610 The British Literary Tradition
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL379. Major works of British literature in a variety of forms from each of the following historical periods: Medieval, Renaissance, th th 17 Century, Restoration and 18 Century, Romantic, Victorian and Modern. ENGL2624 Playwriting I Cross-listed with DRAM2621
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL303, DRAM331 or FINA303. Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement. Can satisfy Group 4, BA core requirement. An introduction to dramatic writing, incorporating creative and structural techniques to craft setting, character and narrative. ENGL2625 Playwriting II Cross-listed with DRAM2623.
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL 303/2624 DRAM2621, or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL323, DRAM333 or FINA323. Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement. Further extension of the art and craft of writing dramatic texts for live theatre. The course will focus on dialogue and the development of scenes. Students will complete a one-act play in final draft. Attendance at theatre productions is required. ENGL2640 Literature Written by Women: The British Tradition
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 217
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL320. A contextual and historical study of literature written by women in a variety of genres from the fourteenth to the twentieth centuries. ENGL2642 Survey of the Drama
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL365. A basic and comprehensive survey of the development of drama from its beginnings to the present. ENGL2684 Childrens Literature to 1860
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL381. A survey of the earliest literature for children, including folk and fairy tales, nursery rhymes, moral and educational material, and the literary tale. ENGL2685 Childrens Literature in English: 1860-1920
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL383. Childrens literature 1860-1920, with emphasis on the childrens novels of the period. ENGL3120 Middle English Literature
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL300. A study of the major writers and genres of Middle English literature, emphasizing Chaucers Canterbury Tales. Works are read in Middle English. ENGL3122 Medieval Drama
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL332. Medieval drama from its eleventh century resurgence through to the late medieval development of cycle and morality plays, with a focus on plays written in Britain in Middle English. ENGL3200 Literature of the Seventeenth Century
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL312, 315 and 317. A survey of the major writers of the seventeenth century, including the work of Milton. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 218
ENGL3201 Literature of the Early Seventeenth Century
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL315 and 312. A survey of the major writers of the early seventeenth century. ENGL3203 Development of Seventeenth Century Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL317 and 312. A survey of the major writers of the mid-seventeenth century, excluding Milton. ENGL3241 Renaissance Drama I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL341. This course explores the dramatic work of Shakespeares most important Elizabethan predecessors and contemporaries. ENGL3243 Renaissance Drama II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL343. This course explores the dramatic work of Shakespeares most important Jacobean contemporaries and heirs. ENGL3320 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL361. A survey of dramatic literature written by English and Irish playwrights from 1660 to the end of the eighteenth century. Playwrights to be studied include Wycherly, Dryden, Farquhar, Steele and Sheridan. ENGL3322 Nineteenth Century Drama
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL378. An examination of the dramatic literature of the nineteenth century, with attention to the major dramatic genres of the period, including Gothic romance, historical drama, Victorian melodramas and developments in social realism. ENGL3360 The Nineteenth-Century Novel
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL376. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
The course examines the development of the novel from Scott to Hardy. Includes discussion of the critical approaches that can be applied to the novel. ENGL3400 The Novel from Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL353. The development of the British and Irish novel in the Modern Age through a close study of representative works of major novelists of the period. ENGL3420 Modern Canadian Novel
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL356. A study of representative works of Canadas foremost novelists in the twentieth century, with a view to tracing the development of the novel form in modern Canada. ENGL3421 The Canadian Short Story to 1960
Credits: 3 Prerequisites : ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL367. A survey of the short story in Canada from its roots in the nineteenth century to 1960, with special attention to Scott, Leacock, Callaghan, Laurence, and others. ENGL3423 The Canadian Short Story from 1960 to the Present
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL369. A survey of the short story in Canada beginning in 1960 with special attention to Atwood, Munro, Gallant, Vanderhaeghe and others. ENGL3424 North American Aboriginal Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL377. An introduction to the songs and stories of pre-contact North American Aboriginal people, as well as the most recent flowering of writing in English over the last 30 years. ENGL3440 Modern American Poetry
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL352. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
The development of American poetry through the twentieth century. Representative poems and occasional critical prose from major modern and postmodern poets will be considered. ENGL3441 Modern American Drama
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL387. A study of selected American plays and dramatists of the twentieth century ENGL3442 Modern American Fiction
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL351. The development of American fiction through the twentieth century, with particular attention to the novel. Major writers and movements of the period are represented. Selected critical and theoretical approaches to fiction are considered. ENGL3501 History and Theory of Criticism: Plato to the Eighteenth Century
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL329. An introduction to the history and theory of classical criticism. ENGL3503 History and Theory of Criticism: Wordsworth to the Twentieth Century
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL331. An introduction to the history and theory of Romantic, Victorian and early twentieth century criticism. ENGL3621 Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL333. Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement. An introduction to the art and craft of writing poetry. The course aims to help students become more knowledgeable, sophisticated, creative, and engaged readers and writers of poetry. ENGL3623 Introduction to Creative Writing: Short Story
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL337. Cannot satisfy the Group 1 BA core requirement.
An introduction to the art and craft of writing the short story, with a focus on an understanding of the formal elements such as narrative, description, mood, etc. ENGL3652 The Short Story
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL390. A systematic examination of the short story, and its relationship to other types of fiction such as the novel. Differences in a variety of masters of the genre are studied. ENGL3681 Young Adult Fiction
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL335. This course considers the development of young adult fiction from its beginnings in the mid-twentieth century to the present, its generic diversity, the trends in the writing and publishing of fiction aimed at such a readership and the way in which this new fiction addresses the interests, needs and concerns of adolescents at the same time as it entertains and delivers social instruction. ENGL3683 Literature and Film: Text and Intertext
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL391. This course examines the means by which authors and screenwriters reinterpret classical texts by reworking them into different contexts and media. Several movies will be analyzed to discover the text at the core of the work, and the relationship between the text and its modern reworking will be studied using critical approaches based on intertexuality, discourse theory and reader/audience response. ENGL3684 Introduction to Fantasy Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL393. The course takes a thematic approach to the literary study of key works of fantasy while placing them in genres cultural, historical and theoretical contexts. Novels and short stories will be drawn from several time periods with the major emphasis on modern and contemporary fantasy. ENGL3685 Introduction to Science Fiction
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL395. The course takes a thematic approach to the literary study of key works of science fiction while placing them within the genres cultural, historical, and theoretical contexts. Novels and short stories will be drawn from several time periods with the major emphasis on modern and contemporary science fiction.
ENGL3686 Detective Fiction
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL359. This course surveys the origins and development of detective fiction, from its beginnings in the nineteenth century, through its rapid rise in popularity in the early twentieth century, to its status today as one of the most popular modes of fiction. ENGL3700 Special Topics
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Special topics may vary from year to year. Consult with the Department Chair for further information ENGL3701, 3703 Special Topics
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600. Special topics may vary from year to year. Consult with the Department Chair for further information. ENGL3801, 3803 Directed Study
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisite: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 Does not meet the BA core requirement for the English major. The student undertakes, on a tutorial basis, an individualized program of studies. Students should consult with the Department Chair for available instructors. ENGL4140 Introduction to Old English
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL400. A comprehensive study of the language and literature of the Old English period. The literature is read in Old English. ENGL4200 Milton
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL418. A comprehensive study of Miltons major writing. ENGL4240 Studies in Shakespeare
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: An earlier course in Shakespeare (or permission of the instructor), ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 223
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL490. A detailed study of selected plays. ENGL4360 Nineteenth-Century Prose
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course . Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL472. A study of the major prose writers of the nineteenth century: Hazlitt, Lamb, DeQuincey, Carlyle, Ruskin, Arnold, Mill, and Pater. ENGL4362 Literature of Transition: British Literature 1870-1920
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 , at least one 2000 or 3000-level English . Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL475. An investigation of works in several genres of writers involved in the transition from Victorian to Modern literature. ENGL4401 Contemporary Irish Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level course in literature. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL433. A study of the work of Seamus Heaney in the context of current debates in Irish literary studies. ENGL4403 Classical Mythology in Modern Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 or 2000 or 3000-level course in literature. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL 437. A study of the interplay between classical mythology and modern poetry. ENGL4501 Twentieth Century Criticism & Critical Theory to 1960
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course . Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL426. A survey of critical theory and practice in early modern criticism, including feminism, Marxism, psychological theory, new criticism and structuralism. ENGL4503 Twentieth Century Criticism and Critical Theory 1960 to the Present
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course . Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL428. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
A survey of critical theory and practice in modern criticism in its most recent manifestations, including post structuralism, deconstruction, cultural and gender theories, among others. ENGL4522 Feminist Literary Theory
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL420. The course examines feminist literary criticism and critical theories produced by women and men primarily since 1965, though some attention is paid to earlier works. ENGL4620 Modern Drama
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course . Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL455. A detailed study of the principle works of modern playwrights whose plays have had a major influence on the development of the drama including: Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov, Shaw, and Brecht. ENGL4622 Contemporary Drama
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course . Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL465. A study of developments in drama from 1950 to the present. Dramatists to be studied include Samuel Beckett, Brian Friel, Beth Henley, Tony Kushner, Marsha Norman, Harold Pinter, and Tom Stoppard. ENGL4711 Selected Topics in American Literature
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English course . Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit forENGL451. Intensive study of selected themes, authors, or genres in American literature. Special topics may vary with each presentation of the course. Consult with the Department Chair for further information. ENGL4720 Special Topics in Renaissance Literature II
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL406. Topics will be chosen from the broad spectrum of Renaissance drama, poetry and prose and may touch on individual authors, themes, genres and sub-genres. Selected Topics will vary from year to year.
ENGL4721 Special Topics in Renaissance Literature I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 and at least one 2000 or 3000-level English Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENGL405. Topics will be chosen from the broad spectrum of Renaissance drama, poetry and prose and may touch on individual authors, themes, genres and sub-genres. Selected topics will vary from year to year. ENGL4800 Directed Study
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: At least 24 credits in English with an overall average of 65%. The student undertakes, on a tutorial basis, an individualized program of study. Students should consult the Department Chair for available instructors. ENGL4900 Honours Thesis
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: At least 24 credits in English with an overall average of 70%. An extended research paper designed for students planning to enter graduate school. Students should consult the Department Chair for available instructors.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI335. The sources, characterization, handling, treatment and disposal alternatives for solid waste. Looks at local, national and international approaches to waste management ENVI2161 Air Pollution
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI315. A study of the sources, characteristics, environmental effects and regulatory aspects of various air pollutants. Biological, chemical and engineering concerns are stressed. Laboratory exercises complement lecture principles. ENVI2163 Occupational Hygiene
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of first year chemistry. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI325.
This course concentrates on the recognition, evaluation and control of potential health and safety hazards in the workplace. As well, relevant legislation and regulations are reviewed. The laboratory activities involve specific hazard assessments using appropriate methodologies and equipment. ENVI3131 Environmental Impact Assessment I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI416. Theory and practice of environmental impact assessment, with attention to the delivery of contents and skills in a sociopolitical and regulatory climate. ENVI3133 Environmental Impact Assessment II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENVI3131 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI417. Theory and practice of environmental impact assessment, with attention to the delivery of contents and skills in a sociopolitical and regulatory climate. ENVI3134 Management of Technological Innovation I Cross-listed with PETR3131
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI426 or PETR426. This course examines the process whereby a research and development invention is converted into a socially useful and commercially successful new product. Small and large companies are studied. ENVI3136 Engineering for Sustainable Development I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI436. This course examines the consequences of energy use, industrialization and urbanization in order to provide working models for sustainable development. There is a focus on determining engineering solutions as well as management of technology. ENVI3137 Engineering for Sustainable Development II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI437. This course examines the consequences of energy use, industrialization and urbanization in order to provide working models for sustainable development. There is a focus on determining engineering solutions as well as management of technology. ENVI3138 Environmental Auditing
Lectures will provide the basic grounding in environmental auditing theory with case study examples: audit scope, audit steps and other environmental auditing standards, types of audits, advantages, disadvantages and limitations, as well as environmental management systems. ENVI3165 Management of Technological Innovation II Cross-listed with PETR3161
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI427 or PETR427. This course examines the process whereby a research and development invention is converted into a socially useful and commercially successful new product. Small and large companies are studied. ENVI3831 Environmental Research Project
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ENVI499. This course provides an opportunity for students to integrate the skills and knowledge acquired during pursuit of their degree into a research project centered on an area of interest in environmental studies. In consultation with a faculty member, a project proposal will be prepared and approved, permitting students to investigate and research topics beyond the levels provided for in the regular curricula. Organizational capabilities, time management and communication skills will all be stressed, along with the fundamental practices of sound technical research and academic inquiry.
FINC2401 Business Finance I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1204. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS341. A BBA core requirement. An introductory course in financial management. Topics include analysis of financial statements, long-term financial planning, time value of money, bond and stock valuation, investment criteria, basic capital budgeting techniques and their applications, risk returns and capital markets. FINC2403 Business Finance II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1204 and FINC2401 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS342. A BBA core requirement. An extension of BUSS 341. Covers topics in long-term and short-term financing, such as issuing securities to the public, cost of capital, capital structure, dividend policy, cash and liquidity management, and credit and inventory management. Issues in mergers and acquisitions, leasing and options are also discussed. FINC2405 Personal Finance
The main objective of this course is to familiarize students with the basic principles of personal financial planning. Topics include identification of financial goals and priorities, budgeting, credit and debt, risk management and insurance, savings and investment, mortgages and buying a home, retirement planning, wills and estate planning and preparation of a financial plan. FINC3401 Intermediate Finance
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC1108, MGSC1109, FINC2401, and FINC2403. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS445. The case method is used to analyze problems and issues in corporate financial management. Emphasis is on the application of theoretical models to realistic situations. FINC3403 Long-term Finance
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: FINC2401 and FINC2403. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS346. A study of various types of long-term capital available to the firm and theories relating to optimal capital structures. FINC4401 Capital Markets
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: FINC2401 and FINC2403. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS441. A study of contemporary financial markets and institutions in a global perspective, using Canada and the United States as a basis for understanding the rest of the world. A range of instruments for financing, investing and controlling risk in todays equity, debt, foreign exchange and derivatives markets, together with their participants, are discussed. FINC4403 Investment Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: FINC2403 or permission of the department. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS443. The analysis and management of investments, including a study of theoretical market and security models of North American capital markets. FINC4404 Capital Budgeting Cross-listed with ECON4105
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC1108, MGSC1109, FINC2401, and FINC2403. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS442 or ECON375. Examines the capital investment process emphasizing analytical techniques to evaluate investment proposals. Includes: capital budgeting principles, time value of money, basic measures of capital investment desirability and mutually exclusive investments, cash flow identification, risk analysis, capital rationing, multi-criteria capital budgeting and linear programming. FINC4406 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 229 Options and Futures Markets
Prerequisites: FINC2401 and FINC2403 or permission of instructor. Recommended: FINC4401. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS446. This course discusses the valuation methods and hedging strategies of options, futures, and forward contracts. It presents a balance of the institutional details, theoretical foundations and practical applications. FINC4408 International Finance
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: FINC2401 and FINC2403. Recommended: FINC4401. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS448. This course covers the foreign exchange market, its participants and institutions, exchange determination and forecasting, foreign exchange risk and management, international bond and equity markets and international portfolio diversification. Current events which influence the international financial setting will also be discussed. FINC4701 Special Topics in Finance
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Academic regulations criteria and permission of the department. Provides an opportunity to deepen studies in an area of finance not available within the regular course offerings. See Dean or Department Chair for details.
Folklore is the study of informal culture as both content and a process. Folklorists are interested in how beliefs, narratives, music, skills, crafts, rituals, customs and ideologies are transmitted not through structured institutions but through intimate, direct and interpersonal communication. Informal culture circumscribes traditions from those of significant time-depth with definable characteristics ethnicity, region, occupation to friendship and associative groups connected through media. Folklore courses are open not only to students who wish to concentrate on Folklore as a major but to all who have an interest in culture. Courses can also form part of the Heritage Studies Certificate program within the School of Arts and Social Sciences. Students learn practical interviewing and fieldwork techniques, which are fundamental research skills in this field. The courses lead students to a better understanding of the various forms of human expressive culture and the role tradition plays in our lives and communities. Students majoring in Folklore must consult annually with an advisor before choosing their courses for the coming year. Nine (9) credits of Folklore, includingFOLK1101, FOLK1103 and three (3) more credits at the 2000 level are prerequisites for all courses in the 3000 and 4000 levels, unless otherwise indicated. Courses marked are also offered by distance. FOLK1101 Introduction to Folklore I: Concepts and Fieldwork
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK101. An introduction to fundamental concepts and fieldwork in Folklore study. Cape Breton oral and material traditions are emphasized.
FOLK1103 Introduction to Folklore II: Folklore Genres and Analysis
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK113 or FINA113. This course surveys various genres and analytical approaches in Folklore study. Maritime Canadian materials are emphasized. FOLK2101 Cultural Heritage of Cape Breton
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK217, FOLK117 or HERT117. An interdisciplinary study of the major cultural influences and developments that have shaped Cape Bretons history. This course is an explanation of the distinctive contributions of Mikmaq, Acadian, Celtic and European traditions that form the mosaic of Cape Breton culture. FOLK2103 Custom
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK205. This course examines modern and historic customs from around the world, focusing on both calendar customs (celebrations marking specific times of year) and personal customs (such as rites of passage), whether they be secular or sacred. Emphasis is placed on the role of personal experience narrative, gender and material culture as it relates to customs. FOLK2104 Atlantic Canadian Folklore
This course examines the society and culture of Atlantic Canada as a means to explore the historical context and modern manifestations of folklore and its study in this region
FOLK2105 Social History of Celtic Music and Dance Cross-listed with MUSI2251
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK231, CELT231, ETHM231, FINA 231 or HERT231. This course looks at the history and social context of Celtic music and dance. Themes include the influence of politics, religion, commercialism and gender, as well as processes such as modernization, popularization, codification and revival. Also covered are key individuals (musicians, composers and collectors) and important societies and institutions. The focus is mainly on the music and dance of Ireland, Scotland and Cape Breton Island, with some exploration of other Celtic regions. Topics are examined from a cross-cultural perspective. No prior musical knowledge is required. FOLK2107 Early Canadian Celtic Music Cross-listed with MUSI2221
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK241, CELT241, ETHM241, FINA241, HERT241. Students will analyze the Celtic music tradition in the New World, by exploring different Canadian regions, specifically Western Canada, rural Qubec, Southern Ontario and Maritime Canada. The immense richness of the Celtic music in these regions and the wide range of influences that have nurtured the music socially and culturally will be examined. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 231
FOLK2108 Contemporary Canadian Celtic Music Cross-listed with MUSI2223
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK243, CELT243, ETHM243, FINA243 or HERT243. Students will analyze the Celtic music tradition in the New World, by exploring different Canadian regions, specifically Western Canada, rural Qubec, Southern Ontario, and Maritime Canada. The immense richness of the Celtic music in these regions and the wide range of influences that have nurtured the music socially and culturally will be examined. FOLK2111 Introduction to Gaelic Song Cross-listed with MUSI2201
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK207, CELT207, ETHM207 or FINA207. Studies the history of the Celtic music traditions with special emphasis upon Scottish and Cape Breton musical traditions. FOLK2113 Introduction to Celtic Instrumental Music Cross-listed with MUSI2203
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable for students with credit to FOLK209, CELT209, ETHM209 or FINA209. Studies the history of the Celtic music traditions with special emphasis upon Scottish and Cape Breton musical traditions. FOLK 2261 Celtic Dance Cross-listed with MUSI 2214
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable for students with credit to FOLK230. Students will learn about social and solo dance forms from Scotland, Ireland and the new world diaspora. They will examine socio-cultural dance contexts (such as ceilidhs and competitions) and grapple with such issues as the impact of tourism on dance, dance as spectacle, invented dance traditions, changing dance traditions and contexts, intercultural influences, expressing identity through dance, and dance music. No dance background is required. FOLK2401 Oral Literature: Storytelling and Other Verbal Genres Cross-listed with ENGL2601
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK201 or FOLK200. Analysis of storytelling, myths, folktales, legends, personal experience narratives, jokes, riddles, rhymes and proverbs. FOLK2403 Atlantic Canadian Folk Music Cross-listed with MUSI2301
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK203 or ETHM203. This course examines a variety of vernacular musical traditions and will consider aspects such as performers, audiences, aesthetics, functions, history, venues, transmission and collection. The definition of folk music will be debated. Folk music collections will also be studied and questioned. FOLK2404 Urban Legend
A study of contemporary legends, conspiracy theories, and rumour in North American culture, with an examination of how they function and how they affect our perceptions. FOLK2406 Vernacular Architecture Cross-listed with HIST2111
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK261, FINA107 or HIST203. An historical survey of vernacular architecture forms in various regions of North America with attention to Maritime materials. FOLK2407 Food and Culture
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK267. An examination of the role food plays in traditional and contemporary culture. Topics include food as material culture, food and economy, food and the environment, food and drink in ritual and custom, food and dietary taboo, culinary tourism and traditional foodways in contemporary culture. Fieldwork and/or archival work required. FOLK2408 Folklife
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK251. This course examines distinctive cultural regions throughout North America and the lifeways of the people living there. Students will conduct fieldwork. FOLK2501 Popular Music and Culture 1890 to 1950 Cross-listed with MUSI2401
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK2405, FOLK227, FOLK121, ETHM2401, ETHM227, ETHM121, FINA227, FINA121, MUSI2405, MUSI227 or MUSI121. This course traces the development of popular song in North America from its earliest forms up to the development of rock and roll in the 1950s. Through topics such as parlour song, minstrelsy, jazz, country, swing and blues, the social, economic and technological forces that shaped popular song are explored in depth. The interrelationship between North American popular music and the diverse immigrant communities that helped create it is analyzed. FOLK2503 Popular Music and Culture, 1950 - Present Cross-listed with MUSI2403
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ETHM1101 or MUSI1114. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit to FOLK229, ETHM229, FINA229 or MUSI229. A continuation of Popular Music and Culture I, this course surveys the development of British and North American popular song between the 1960s and the 2000s. In addition to profiling the key performers, genres, businesses and texts from the past 40 years, students are introduced to the many issues that make popular music so compelling: its role in politics, social identity, economic shifts and technological changes. The sound and history of the music are connected to the prevailing social and cultural climate of each decade. FOLK3201 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 233 Folklore and Popular Culture
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK323.
Folk groups do not exist in vacuums: their members belong to multiple communities, defined as much by their participation in mediated events as by face-to-face interactions. This course examines the dissemination of Folklore through mass media, explores the use of popular culture in folkloric forms and challenges the initial premises that popular culture is a modern and/or corrupting influence on traditional societies.
FOLK3301 Revivals & Survivals: Studying Folk Song & Traditional Music Cross-listed with MUSI3301
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of ETHM/MUSI/FOLK (except performance courses) CBUs programs in Folklore and Ethnomusicology specialize in folk and traditional music. Drawing on literature from both disciplines, as well as others, this course explores the study of this music. What exactly is folk music? Who defines it, on what basis, and with what effects? Who creates it and why? How does it travel through space and time, and how does it change as it does so? What is the value of this music and why should it be studied? FOLK3400 Canadas Cultural Landscape Cross-listed with AN/S3202
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology; or 6 credits Folklore; or background in Cultural Geography. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK332 or AN/S332. The course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of both the perception and experience of landscape. Opportunities to examine and interpret the cultural landscapes of students own regions are provided. FOLK3401 Tradition and Culture Cross-listed with HUMA3401.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK107, FOLK325, HERT107 or HUMA107. Following an interdisciplinary study of selected themes in western culture, the student is introduced to a range of significant texts from the disciplinary areas of Folklore and related subjects. FOLK3403 Gender in Traditional and Informal Culture
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK311. A study of how patterns of assigning gender roles the division of labour, ideas of masculinity and femininity, sexual identity, the body as form can be both informed and perpetuated by traditional culture. Simultaneously, a study of the remarkable adaptability of folkloric forms to act as a critique against these same patterns of role assignments. Fieldwork and/or archival work required. FOLK3511 Popular Musics of the World Cross-listed with MUSI3511
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Any 6 credits in FOLK/MUSI/ETHM except performance courses. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK321, ETHM321 or MUSI321. This course focuses on popular musics from outside the North American and British mainstream. Students will grapple with various issues relating to global popular musics, including how they circulate the world and what happens as a result
of transcultural contact, how world music has been constructed and consumed in the West, issues of intellectual property and ownership, language choice and the role and modes of mass media.
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Any 6 credits ETHM/MUSI/FOLK except performance courses. Cultural tourism is an increasingly popular type of tourism globally. But what kind of culture is privileged and what kind of culture is avoided in tourism contexts? How does culture get staged? Do tourists experience kitsch or authentic culture? How is authenticity defined? How does the tourist context affect traditional cultural expressions and beliefs within a community? This course analyzes the culture in cultural tourism with an emphasis on the role of music in cultural tourism. FOLK3603 Culture, Folk & Music Festivals: Identity on Display Cross-listed with MUSI3603
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Any 6 credits ETHM/MUSI/FOLK except performance courses. Festivals are hugely popular around the world. They provide the means for communities to showcase that which makes them unique and identifiable, including their music, food, dress, dance, and artwork. Festivals provide the opportunity to celebrate culture and identity for local residents while providing a cultural entrypoint for tourists. In this course, students consider festivals from a variety of perspectives, such as ritual, the carnivalesque, revivals, nationalism, identity, gender, and sexuality. FOLK3700 Credits: 6 Topics will change according to student and faculty interests. FOLK3701, 3703 Credits: 3, 3 Topics will change according to student and faculty interests. FOLK4800 Directed Study Special Topics in Folklore Special Topics in Folklore
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: Restricted to Folklore majors permission of Chair and consent of a faculty supervisor required Folklore majors may select a course of study on any topic of special interest to them for which an appropriate faculty supervisor can be found from within the current Folklore faculty. FOLK4801, 4803 Directed Study
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisites: Restricted to Folklore majors permission of Chair and consent of a faculty supervisor required Folklore Majors may select a course of study on any topic of special interest to them for which an appropriate faculty supervisor can be found from within the current Folklore faculty.
French is primarily a language of communication as well as one of the official languages of Canada. Learning French opens doors to a large number of employment possibilities like teaching, journalism, translating and writing. Public and civil services and governments need qualified bilingual employees in all their departments at the federal level. In Cape Breton, many local employers look for specific language skills and prefer bilingual job seekers. A few such employers are the Fortress of Louisbourg, Marine Atlantic, Devco, ECBC, the Coast Guard College, Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board, le Collge dAcadie and le Centre scolaire toile de lAcadie. . Knowing French will enrich students culturally and intellectually. It will enhance their enjoyment of opportunities to travel abroad and, as they come to know the Francophones of this country, students will appreciate their contribution to Canadian life. During the first two years, courses are designed to further listening and speaking skills, along with an added emphasis on reading and writing. In order to compensate for differing levels of skill among incoming students, steps will be taken to implement more individualized instruction. More advanced students will be encouraged to engage in projects that will enhance their knowledge of French and Canadian civilization and culture. Third and fourth year literature courses will develop this knowledge. All new students interested in French will be evaluated by the department at registration to assist them in the selection of the appropriate course. Part-time students are urged to contact a member of the French sub-department for counseling prior to registration. French Immersion A student may be granted a maximum of six credits for French Immersion as part of the Summer Language Bursary Program, irrespective of the number of spring or summer sessions he/she attends, if the course is at the intermediate level or higher and a minimum grade of C is earned. Such immersion credit may only be used as a free elective. FRNC1100 Introductory French I
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC100. Human Language Acquisition Course Designed for students with little or no previous training in French, the course delivers a comprehensive introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of French. FRNC1102 Introductory French II
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC150. Human Language Acquisition Course The course stresses communication skills and meets the needs of students for a course beyond 1100 or Grade 11. FRNC1203 French for Hospitality/Tourism II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Available for credit in the Hospitality Administration program only. Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC155. Human Language Acquisition Course A focus on communication skills for a wide variety of situations related to the hospitality/tourism industry. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 236
FRNC2100 Orientation to College French
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC202. Human Language Acquisition Course Develops four basic skills with emphasis on listening comprehension and conversation. Instruction mainly in French. FRNC2101 Franais Oral et crit I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC211. Human Language Acquisition Course The emphasis is on reading and composition in addition to conversation. Instruction in French only. FRNC2103 Franais Oral et crit II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC212. Human Language Acquisition Course The emphasis is on reading and composition in addition to conversation. Deeper development of vocabulary and sentence structure. FRNC2104 Lecture et Conversation
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC231. Human Language Acquisition Course A focus on current events and related topics using French newspapers, magazines and the electronic media. Includes a grammar component. FRNC2105 Lecture et Rdaction - information et Publicit
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC232. Human Language Acquisition Course Follow-up to 2104 including more in-depth readings. Oral and written reports. Continuation of the grammar component. FRNC2106 Le Bon Usage pour Langagiers
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC262. Human Language Acquisition Course A comprehensive study of French grammar, both descriptive and normative, with a focus on areas such as morphology, syntax, the identification and correction of anglicisms, barbarisms, solecisms and other language improprieties. FRNC2301 Civilisation Qubecoise et Acadienne I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC241. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 237
The many facets of French-Canadian civilization from colonial times to the end of the nineteenth century. FRNC2303 Civilisation Qubecoise et Acadienne II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC242. Continues 2301 focusing on the twentieth century, with an emphasis on the modern history, education, arts and literature of the two francophone cultures. FRNC2305 Acadian Language and Culture
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: FRNC2100, 2101/2103 or 2106 or permission of the Department. A study of the socio-cultural and sociolinguistic situation of the Acadian communities of the Atlantic Provinces. The course will focus on specific features of Acadian French as well as major aspects of present day life in Acadian communities. This course is taught in French language. FRNC2324 La langue et la Culture Franaises par le Cinma
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC243. An interdisciplinary approach to improving knowledge of the French language and culture through the medium of contemporary cinema. FRNC2401 Panorama de la Littrature Franaise Jusqu la Fin du 18e Sicle
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC251. A survey of major authors, genres and texts from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century. Includes class discussions of assigned readings. FRNC2403 Panorama de la Littrature Franaise des 19e et 20e Sicles
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC252. Continues FRNC2401 to include assigned readings from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. FRNC3100 Conversation Avance, Diction et Phontique
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC310. Human Language Acquisition Course Designed to develop greater fluency in the spoken language and improve pronunciation. Laboratory and small-group work.
FRNC3101 Smantique
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC311. A study of the conventional nature of linguistic signs and the social environment of words, placing the emphasis on reasons for semantic change and the types of evolution. FRNC3102 Introduction Gnrale la Linguistique (Franaise)
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC320. The study of French grammar and the connection between language and communication. FRNC3103 Stylistique Compare du Franais et d Anglais
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC312. Human Language Acquisition Course A selective study of different linguistic forms, variants and vocabulary peculiar to different users, situations or literary types. FRNC3105 Contes et Lgendes du Canada Franais
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: FRNC2401. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC335. The oral traditions of French Canada with emphasis on the narratives of Qubec, Ontario and Acadie. FRNC3110 Le Thtre dExpression Franaise au Canada
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC350. French Canadian theatre with emphasis on contemporary, popular plays and playwrights. FRNC3301 Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: FRNC2101, 2103, 2104, 2105 2324, 2106 or FRNC3100, 3101, 3103, 3102 or permission of the Department. This course is designed to prepare students for effective intercultural communication by analyzing and comparing language usage across cultures. While the main focus here will be English and French (languages and cultures), examples could also be drawn from other languages and cultures. The course deals with the realization of speech acts, the manifestations of the politeness and the use of discourse markers in English and French. FRNC3401 Voltaire
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC341. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 239
A study of Voltaire, one of the most influential writers of the eighteenth century and his works. FRNC3403 Rousseau
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC342. An in-depth study of Jean-Jacques Rousseaus literary works. FRNC3441 Littrature Qubecoise
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC3441. A study of the most popular writers from Qubec. The emphasis is on the novel and the play. FRNC3443 Littrature Acadienne
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FRNC332. A study of Acadian literature, its beginnings, survival and renaissance. Emphasis is on the period 1945 to the present day.
Courses marked are also offered by distance. GAEL1101 Gaelic Language I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students having credit for GAEL101, CELT101 or CELT100. Introduces students to the living language spoken in Cape Breton and in Scotland. Discussion of various dialects of Scottish Gaelic spoken here, the Gaelic song and story telling traditions and the unique position of Cape Breton in the Gaelic world. GAEL1103 Gaelic Language II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: GAEL1101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students having credit for GAEL103, CELT103 or CELT100. This course builds on GAEL1101 with an increased emphasis on conversational skills. GAEL2101 Advanced Gaelic I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: GAEL1101/1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students having credit for GAEL201 or CELT201. This course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in GAEL1103. The primary aim is to develop reasonable fluency in the written and spoken language. Emphasis is placed on the use of idiom and more advanced grammatical structures presented in the context of conversation and recitation. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 240
GAEL2103 Advanced Gaelic II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: GAEL2101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students having credit for GAEL203 or CELT203. This course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in GAEL2101. The primary aim is to develop reasonable fluency in the written and spoken language. Emphasis is placed on the use of idiom and more advanced grammatical structures presented in the context of conversation and recitation. GAEL3101 Advanced Gaelic III
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: GAEL2103 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for GAEL301. This course develops the student's listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Gaelic, in order to participate in sustained communication in a wide range of contexts on both familiar and less familiar topics. GAEL3103 Advanced Gaelic IV
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: GAEL3101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for GAEL303. This course will reinforce, extend, and apply the language skills developed in GAEL3101, enabling the student to analyse the style, content, purpose and perspective of spoken communication in Gaelic and provide a critical response. GAEL3700 Credits: 6 Topics will change according to student and faculty interests. GAEL3701, 3703 Special Topics in Celtic Studies Credits: 3, 3 Topics will change according to student and faculty interests. GAEL4700 Credits: 6 Topics will change according to student and faculty interest. Special Topics in Celtic Studies Special Topics in Celtic Studies
the arenas of family, personal relationships, the criminal justice system, the economy, work, the media, health sexualities, security and the environment.
Geology is the study of the earth, its materials, its behaviour and its evolution. A geologist is an earth scientist, concerned on the one hand with immediate and practical problems such as the discovery of mineral deposits, oil, natural gas and water, on the other hand, the earth scientist may be absorbed in the fascinating studies of the earths formation and subsequent history. The interests of many geologists reach outward to the moon and planets. The common ground in all these fields is their intense interest in the chemical and physical nature of earth materials, the nature and effects of earth processes, and the historical interpretation of the record. GEOL1101 Physical Geology
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for GEOL101. The study of the universe, solar system and moon; minerals, rocks, elements of stratigraphy and structure of the earth; cycle of erosion and deposition; and glaciation, natural processes. GEOL1201 Introduction to Historical Geology
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for GEOL102. The unifying theory of plate tectonics is examined. The geologic timetable is discussed in relation to earths environmental and paleogeographic changes. Labs include plant and animal fossils, geologic structures and geologic processes.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for GEOL111. An introduction to Earth, earth materials and the processes that formed them. Labs include rock and mineral identification, introductory topographic maps and field trips. GEOL1203 Physical Geology II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: GEOL1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for GEOL112. Introduction to geological time, cycles of erosion and deposition, plate tectonics and the development of the landscape. Labs include physical external processes with introductory fossil identification. GEOL2101 Engineering Geology
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for GEOL234. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 242
Rock and mineral identification for aggregate selection and AAR concerns. Rock-mass calculations examined, geotechnical methods to assess geological hazards and preferred engineering solutions. Introduction to aerial photos, topographic and geological maps. Field trip to local quarries and geologic structures. Petroleum related topics will be discussed. GEOL3101 Hydrogeology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: GEOL1203. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for GEOL315. The study of ground water as part of the hydrological cycle. Physical aspects of water movement in geological materials. Drinking water quality, contamination, remediation and ground water monitoring. Resource mapping and exploitation of ground water.
History, by seeking to understand the present through knowledge and understanding of the past, embraces the entirety of the human experience. Methodical in its use of evidence, history remains humanistic because of the historians role in reconstructing the past. History, by its nature, is interpretive and it is subject to a constant process of revision. Students of history learn to think critically and they develop independent research skills. Above all, they gain a deeper understanding of their place in the world and their connection to the larger humanity both in the past and present. All courses listed are not necessarily offered each year. Students should consult the timetable and the History department for an accurate listing of courses. Courses marked are also offered by distance. HIST1100 Ascent of Humankind
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST100. Students may not take both HIST1100 and Humanities 1101/1106 for credit. An historical/thematic study of civilization and culture in the Western world from ancient times to the present. HIST1115 Introduction to World Religions: Eastern Traditions Cross-listed with HUMA1104 and RELS1115 Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST115, HUMA115, RELS115 or RELS110. The history, practice and meaning of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions will be examined along with Jainism and Sikhism. Their contribution to our understanding of religion as a whole and present day role of these traditions in world events will be discussed. HIST1117 Introduction to World Religions: Western Traditions Cross-listed with HUMA1105 and RELS1117 Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST117, HUMA117, RELS117 or RELS110. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 243
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are three great world religions that have influenced Western society. This course will examine the origins, major historical developments, cultural influence and teachings of these world religions. There will also be an emphasis on the role these religions play in current world events and politics. HIST2100 The Medieval Experience
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credit Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST212. Explores the full scope of medieval civilization in Europe, from the disintegration of the Roman Empire in the west in the fifth century to the Voyages of Discovery in the fifteenth. Covers high politics and religion as well as social structure, thought and belief, cultural achievements and women and minority groups. HIST2101 Canada: Conquest to Confederation
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST201. Beginning with the British conquest in 1763, the course examines the evolution of Canadian nationality with its religious, cultural and regional diversity. HIST2102 Celtic History
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credit Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST234 or CELT234. Traces the origins and history of the Celtic people of Scotland, Ireland and Wales and their contributions to the development of Western civilization. Special emphasis is placed on their role in developing Western Christianity. HIST2103 Canada 1867 to the Present
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST205. Beginning with Confederation, an examination of the major themes in the evolution of Canada to the present. HIST2104 Atlantic Canada before Confederation
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST207. Examines settlement and political, economic, social and cultural change in the region from pre-contact Mikmaq society to 1867. HIST2105 Atlantic Canada 1867-1990
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credit Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST209. The history of economic, political and social change in the region after Confederation. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
HIST2106 The Reformations
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST251. A study of religious reform movements in the sixteenth century, beginning with Christian Humanism, then to Martin Luther, John Calvin, the Anabaptists and other Protestant groups, and concluding with a consideration of Catholic Reform, expressed through Loyola and the Council of Trent. HIST2107 Europe in the Seventeenth Century
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST253. The struggle for European hegemony, revolutions, overseas empires, rise of modern science and changes in European thought, religion and society. HIST2108 History of Christianity I: The Christianization of Western Europe Cross-listed with RELS2161 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST261 or RELS261. The rise of Christianity from its origins as a sect within Judaism to its domination of life in medieval Europe. HIST2109 History of Christianity II: Christianity and the Modern World Cross-listed with RELS2163 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST263 or RELS263. The history of Christianity from the reformations of the sixteenth century to the present. HIST2110 Mikmaq History Cross-listed with MIKM2120
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credit Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST204 or MIKM212. A culturally relative chronicle of significant aspects of Mikmaq culture from the pre-contact period to the present. Emphasis is placed on innovative methods of historical reconstruction. HIST2111 Vernacular Architecture Cross-listed with FOLK2406
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST203, FINA107, or FOLK261. An historical survey of vernacular architectural forms in various regions of North America with special attention to Maritime materials.
HIST2112 Survey of British History
Credits: 6 PrerequisitesHIST1100 or 6 credit Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST232. The diversity and history of Britain from its early beginnings to the present: thematic and chronological perspectives. HIST2113 Europe in Renaissance and Reformation
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Between 1450 and 1600 Europe witnessed the cultural renewal of the Renaissance and the disruption of the Reformation. These two movements are at the heart of this course, and are situated in the political, social, and economic developments of the time. HIST2120 Reformers, Revolutionaries, and Tyrants: Europe, 1789-1989
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST250. From 1789 to 1989, the fall of the Bastille to the fall often Berlin Wall, European society was transformed both by th development of technology, and also by dramatic political events, including the fall of the ancien regime in France and the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. The course will focus on times of rapid and often violent change, and the role of the concept of nation in the events of the time. HIST3100 Historiography
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST318. History is the narrative of humanity. This course will investigate the nature of historical writing from antiquity to the present day. Students will read widely in the historical writers of various times and places; they will also prepare major papers and participate in seminars. HIST3101 Modern Ireland, 1603-1848
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST331 or CELT331. Ireland from the Plantations to the Famine, including such themes as the Penal Laws, secret societies, rebellion and political movements. HIST3102 Field School in Historical Archaeology Cross-listed with ANTH3102
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. With explicit permission of the Department Chair, a student lacking the prerequisite may be admitted on the basis of relevant practical experience and parallel formal training in other disciplines. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ANTH304, HERT340, or HIST340. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 246
This course gives students field instruction in the techniques used in the excavation of an archaeological site. Hands-on instruction in manual excavation methods, mapping, field recording, and laboratory analysis will prepare students as qualified archaeological field technicians. First class held on campus; all others at local field site HIST3103 Modern Ireland, 1848-2000
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST333 or CELT333. Themes include the rise of the IRB and the IRA, religion, cultural revival, rebellion, the establishment of the free state, the troubles, and contemporary Ireland. HIST3104 Social History of Modern Canada I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST309. Themes will include poverty in the nineteenth century, First Nations experiences, regionalism, working class culture, child workers, immigrants, women and reform movements. HIST3105 Social History of Modern Canada II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST311. Topics will include social violence and control, the role of the state, the Great Depression, immigration, women in wartime, discrimination, and post-industrial trends. HIST3107 Tudor England
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST337. England from 1485 to 1603. Establishing the dynasty, foreign policy, relations with Ireland and Scotland, reform of the church, Puritanism, overseas exploration, society, economy and government. HIST3108 Stuart England
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST339. England from 1603 to 1714. Political thought and conflict, constitutional experimentation, religious conflict, civil war, Glorious Revolution, rise of scientific thought and migration, particularly to New England. HIST3109 Scotland 1500-1603
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST341.
Scotlands internal politics; relationships with France and England, with which it became dynastically linked in 1603; the Reformation; ideas about nation; political thought; economy; and society. HIST3110 Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the Canadian Constitution Cross-listed with MIKM3120 and POLS3110 Credits: 6 Prerequisites: MIKM1100 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST312, MIKM340 or POLS340. The study of Mikmaq Aboriginal and treaty rights in Atlantic Canada. The issue of enshrining Aboriginal and treaty rights in S.25 and S.35 of the Constitution Act (1982) will be emphasized. HIST3111 Scotland 1603-1707
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST343. Emphasis will be upon church and state. The relationship with England up to the union of parliaments, Scottish evangelical piety, the National Covenant, war with England, the later covenanters and the impact of the Glorious Revolution. HIST3112 Public History and Museology Cross-listed with COMM3120
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits in Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST380, COMM380 or HERT350. An overview of museum and heritage institutions over the past two centuries and how different nations, communities, and cultures interpret their history to the general public. HIST3113 Cape Breton History, 1820-1910
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST305 or HERT305. The settlement of Cape Breton, cultural aspects of nineteenth century society, immigration/emigration and the transformation that accompanied industrialization. HIST3114 Cape Breton History, 1910-2000
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST307 or HERT307. The emergence of the working class culture, industrial conflict, politics, economic development/underdevelopment and images and realities in post-industrial Cape Breton. HIST3120 Race Relations in North America Cross-listed with MIKM3320
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST324 or MIKM375. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
A history of the cultural interaction between whites, native Americans, and blacks in North America from the period of exploration and first contact to the present. Seminar. HIST3122 The Modern Scottish Highlands
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST334 or CELT334. The Celtic Society of the Scottish Highlands from the battle of Culloden to the present. Special emphasis on Cape Bretons Highland heritage. HIST3130 The Viking World
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST346 or CELT368. Explores the origins of the Vikings; their expansion and settlement in Europe, Britain, Russia, and the North Atlantic; and their impact. Considers political and social organization as well as technology and religion (including conversion to Christianity) from A.D. 700 to about 1266. Also examines current debates about the nature of Vikings and Viking expansion. HIST3132 The Atlantic World During The Age Of Sail
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST320. By the late seventeenth century, European explorers had drawn four continents and the millions of people who lived there, into a zone of interaction centred on the Atlantic Ocean. This Atlantic world was not discovered, but was created, over time, by Europeans, Africans and Indigenous peoples. By no means equal in power and influence, they were tied together by a complex web of economic, political and cultural connections that reshaped life in Europe, Africa and the Americas in revolutionary ways. Organized around the experience of seafarers, slaves and pirates, this course examines the formation and development of the Atlantic world during the age of sail (roughly the late seventeenth to the early nineteenth century) from the bottom up. Particular emphasis will be placed on the Anglo-American and Caribbean contexts. HIST3140 The Peopling of Canada and North America
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST322. This course presents an expanded vision of the history of Canada and North America. It traces the adaptations and interactions of cultures from the arrival of First Peoples over 12,000 years ago through the period of large-scale immigration during the modern industrial age. HIST3142 Modern Britain
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST330. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 249
The history of Great Britain since the late eighteenth century, from leading industrial power to subsequent decline as a world power in this century. HIST3150 Social History of Louisbourg
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST310 or HERT310. The social and cultural history of Cape Breton during the French regime. Seminar, includes a number of field trips. HIST3201 Religious Persecution to Religious Liberty I (to 1600) Cross-listed with PHIL3201 and RELS3153 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credist Humanities. Exclusion: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST353, PHIL353, or RELS353. This course examines ideas about religious intolerance, toleration and liberty from antiquity to the sixteenth century. Students will read and discuss important texts. Historical, theological and philosophical perspectives will be introduced. HIST3203 Religious Persecution to Religious Liberty II (from 1600) Cross-listed with PHIL3203 and RELS3155 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST3201. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST355, PHIL355 or RELS355. A continuation of HIST3201. The seventeenth century worked out ideas presented during the Reformation, while the enlightenment launched an all-out assault on bastions of intolerance. Modern approaches, theological and philosophical, along with contemporary declarations, e.g. United Nations and Vatican II, will also be read. HIST3700 Special Topics in History
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits in Humanities. Provided for those who wish to study special fields within History that are not normally available. Focus depends on the availability and interests of a visiting professor. See Department Chair for details. HIST3701, 3703 Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits in Humanities. Provided for those who wish to study special fields within History that are not normally available. Focus depends on the availability and interests of a visiting professor. See Department Chair for details. HIST4100 Twentieth Century Canadian Politics Special Topics in History
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits at the 2000 or 3000 level. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST400.
Throughout the twentieth century, two political parties the Liberals and the Conservatives dominated Canadian political life. At the federal level, for example, the Liberal party under Mackenzie King, Louis St. Laurent, Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien, was in power for the better part of the century. Periodically, however, these mainstream political parties, with their faith in liberalism, capitalism and parliamentary democracy, were challenged by other parties and movements that proposed different, sometimes radically different, visions of the ways in which Canadian society ought to be organized. This course is about those political challenges: why they emerged, what they stood for and how the political mainstream responded. HIST4102 Modern American Culture
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits at the 2000 or 3000 level. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST422. A study of the dynamic interaction of race, ethnicity, gender, and class in the urban, suburban, and regional contexts of American culture in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Seminar. HIST4110 Witch-hunting and Popular Culture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scotland
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits at the 2000 or 3000 level. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST430. This course will examine the development and evolution of witch-hunting in Scotland from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Particular attention will be paid to the use of the phenomenon as a resource for the study of popular cultures, conceptions and constructions of gender and the political and religious turmoil of the period. HIST4112 The Days of Sail in Atlantic Canada, 1800-1930
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits at the 2000 or 3000 level. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST412. The four Atlantic provinces are intimately bound to the Western ocean. It defined countless coastal communities. By the 1870s the Maritimes had the fourth largest merchant marine in the world. Sailors, master mariners and shipbuilders from these communities acquired a global reputation during this period. This course will examine the social, cultural and economic aspects of the rise and fall of sail in Atlantic Canada. HIST4122 The Great War and Western Civilization
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits at the 2000 or 3000 level. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST452. A seminar examining the enormous impact of WWI on Western civilization, from its background and causes, through its major events and results, to the outbreak of WWII in 1939. HIST4700 Special Topics in History
Provided for those who wish to study special fields within History that are not normally available. Focus depends on the availability and interests of a visiting professor. See Department Chair for details. HIST4701, 4703 Special Topics in History
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor. Provided for those who wish to study special fields within History that are not normally available. Focus depends on the availability and interests of a visiting professor. See Department Chair for details. HIST4800 Credits: 6 This option is available to all History majors. Students will work under the close supervision of one faculty member and they will complete a course of readings together with at least one major research essay. They may also be required to complete shorter written assignments and or exams. HIST4900 Credits: 6 This option is available to History majors who have a minimum average of 75% in History and it is specifically designed for those students who are planning to continue their study of History on the graduate level. Students will work under the supervision of at least one faculty member in History and they will complete a thesis during the second term. At the discretion of their advisor(s), students may also be required to complete other shorter assignments. HIST5120 Womens History: The British North American Experience 1880-1950 Thesis in History Directed Study in History
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits at the 2000 or 3000 level. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HIST462. Studies the evolution of womens roles in Britain and Canada during the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth century. Takes a chronological approach to the study of social, political, and economic obstacles which women had to overcome to attain equality in British and Canadian society, including Cape Breton society.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM161. Students will learn the fundamentals of nutrition, food preparation, proper food handling, and workplace safety with reference to current lifestyle and food industry standards. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 252
HATM1503 Restaurant Operation and Service
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HATM1501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM162. Students will acquire a comprehensive overview of the various techniques associated with dining room service. HATM1504 Tourism in Canada
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM165. Students are instructed in the fundamental components of the hospitality and tourism industry in Canada. HATM1505 Guest Service Computer Applications Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM169. Students are instructed in the techniques required for operation of the guest services component of a hotel complex. A lab component familiarizes students with property management system software. HATM1506 Tourism Marketing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM163. This course examines the concept of markets, market studies, market segmentation, consumer behaviour, and the development of marketing strategies from a tourism service/product market perspective. Note: At the time of printing, this cross-listing was being re-evaluated. Please refer to the HTML calendar at for details or contact the Dean of Business. HATM2501 Food Science Fundamentals for Hospitality Food Service Managers
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HATM1501 and HATM1503. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM268. This course focuses on the preventive measures that promote food safety. Causative agents and control mechanisms are thoroughly addressed through the use of appropriate production processes, legislation, inspection and food safety systems such as HAACP. This course includes segments on menu development, costing, mixology, and wines. HATM2999 Partnership with Industry - Industry Internship I
Credits: 0 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM269. Following the successful completion of year one, the student is required to work in the industry. This component requires project completion and 540 employment hours.
HATM3125 Tourism Operation Planning
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1204, HATM1503, HATM1506 and HATM3504. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM363. The course emphasizes the use of knowledge and skills acquired in accounting, marketing, facilities management, human resources and restaurant operations in the tourism managers decision making. The emphasis is on the interrelationship of the core business areas required to plan, develop and sustain demand for the organization in the tourism industry. HATM3503 Meetings and Convention Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HATM1501 and HATM1503 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM365. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the Meetings, Expositions, Events and Conference industry (MEEC). Attention will be placed on the importance of corporate and association-based clients, marketing, and management approaches. HATM3504 Resort/Facilities Management and Maintenance Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HATM1504 and HATM1505. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM367. This course provides students with an in-depth knowledge of management processes in the development and operation of lodging or institutional property structures. HATM3505 Tourism Law Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM368. This course provides students with insight into the legal relationships between innkeepers, restauranteurs, tour operators and their guests. Risk and liability reduction as well as ethical service will be a major HATM3506 Functions Management I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HATM1501, HATM1503 and HATM2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM2370. This course is designed to provide students with an applied working knowledge of the multi-faceted functions associated with operation of restaurant and banquet facilities. Students will be exposed to all aspects of managing a functional food preparation environment. A major component of this course is student operation of an on-site restaurant open to the public. HATM3507 Functions Management II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HATM3506. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM371. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 254
This course is a continuation of HATM3506 and further emphasizes student responsibility in food service operations. This course further extends into management of special event functions. A major objective of this course is the student organization and management of a term-end special event production. HATM3508 Destination Marketing Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HATM1506 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM375. This course will examine destination marketing management as a field of study, investigating concepts that apply to the development of tourist destinations. Students will examine marketing management as it relates to destination branding, destination sustainability and the opportunities and challenges facing local, regional and national destination marketing organizations in an increasingly competitive tourism marketplace. HATM3509 International Tourism Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HATM1504 and MGMT3607. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM373. This course will introduce the concepts associated with cross-cultural awareness; political influence and stability; education, training and development; currency exchange; strategic development and trending in international tourism operations. Students will explore topical issues and concepts through classroom discussion, case studies, and presentations. Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to apply information learned in a wide range of management sectors including the hospitality, tourism, accommodation and travel industries. HATM3999 Partnership with Industry - Practicum II
Credits: 0 Prerequisites: HATM2999. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HATM369. The programs second work placement. The objective is to enhance the students qualifications for employment. This component requires project completion and 540 employment hours.
The following courses are available for credit within the core curriculum of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs. Please refer to program core requirements for details. Not all courses are offered each year. Please consult the current timetable for availability. Students may not take both HIST1100 and Humanities 1101/1106 for credit. HUMA1101 Introduction to Culture and Civilization in the West and in the World
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HUMA101 or HIST100/1100. Explores, in an interdisciplinary, historical and thematic fashion, the development of human culture and civilization in Europe and the Middle East, from pre-historical through ancient Greek and Roman periods.
HUMA1104 Introduction to World Religions: Eastern Traditions Cross-listed with HIST1115 and RELS1115 Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HUMA115, HIST115, RELS115, or RELS 110. The history, practice, and meaning of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions will be examined along with Jainism and Sikhism. Their contribution to our understanding of religion as a whole and present day role of these traditions in world events will be discussed. HUMA1105 Introduction to World Religions: Western Traditions Cross-listed with HIST1117 and RELS1117 Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HUMA117, HIST117, RELS117, or RELS 110. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are three great world religions that have influenced present day Western society. This course will examine the origins, major historical developments, cultural influence and teachings of these world religions. There will also be an emphasis on the role these religions play in current world events and politics. HUMA1106 Culture and Civilization in the West from the Middle Ages to the Present
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HUMA1101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HUMA103 or HIST 100/1100. Continues 1101 to include a study of the main themes of Western culture from the Middle Ages to the present. HUMA1107 Women in Western Civilization
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for HUMA111. An introduction to some of the social, economic, and cultural issues which confronted women, from the Middle Ages through to the Industrial Revolution. HUMA3401 Tradition and Culture Cross-listed with FOLK3401.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FOLK107, HERT107, or HUMA107. Following an interdisciplinary study of selected themes in western culture, the student is introduced to a range of significant texts from the disciplinary areas of Folklore and related subjects.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC110. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 256
A study of current programming languages and techniques and their use in practical applications. Emphasis will be placed on the development of a high degree of proficiency in C++. This course stresses basic C++ concepts including data types, conditional and looping mechanisms, functions, arrays, structures, pointers, bit handling, and file I/O. The rudiments of C++ are introduced, particularly class construction. This course assumes some programming background. ITEC1503 Introduction to Operating Systems
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC112. This course follows a systematic approach to operating systems explaining why they are needed and what they do. Topics include the basic system resources of hardware, software and data, single-user and multi-user operating systems, job control languages and the use and maintenance of file systems. ITEC1504 Information Systems
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC114. Introduces computers and the role they play in business, industry and society. Topics include basic components of computer systems and how these function in an information processing environment. Hands-on labs cover operating systems, word processing, windows applications and problem-solving techniques. ITEC1505 PC Hardware Fundamentals
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1503 and ITEC1504. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC120. This course prepares students to pass the hardware component of Computer Technology Industry Associations (CompTIA) vendor-neutral A+ certification exam. Topics include an overview on how computers integrate hardware and software components, the system board, managing memory, hard drives, troubleshooting fundamentals, supporting I/O devices, multimedia technology, electricity and power supplies. ITEC1506 Introduction to Network Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1503 and ITEC1504 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC122. This course, along with ITEC2504 (Advanced Network Management), introduces networking technologies and prepares students to pass the Computer Technology Industry Associations (CompTIA) vendor-neutral Network+ certification exam. Topics covered include networking standards, the OSI model, network protocols, networking media and presentations as appropriate. ITEC1507 Internet Fundamentals
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1504. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC124. Introduces the fundamentals of Internet concepts, principles, and services. Topics covered include FTP, Telnet, efficient Web searching, Internet infrastructure, HTML and introductory web design. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 257
ITEC2501 Systems Analysis and Design
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1504. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC210. The analysis and design of commercial information processing systems. Classical documentation tools and techniques are utilized for information gathering and system development. ITEC2503 Advanced Programming
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC220. A study of current, fourth-generation programming languages and their techniques and use in practical applications. Emphasis will be placed on the development of a high degree of proficiency using advanced programming tools. ITEC2504 Advanced Network Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1506 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC222. The goal of this course, along with ITEC1506 (Introduction to Network Management), is to provide an introduction to networking technologies and to prepare students to pass the Computer Technology Industry Associations (CompTIA) vendor-neutral Network+ certification exam. Topics covered include networking hardware, WANs, NOS, NetWare, Windows NT, TCP/IP, and troubleshooting, maintaining, and upgrading a network. Emphasis is on lectures, complemented with labs and student presentations as appropriate. ITEC2505 Database Development
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1501 and ITEC1504. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC224. An understanding of the general concepts of database management systems. Topics include an in-depth discussion of data modeling and relational database theory. Labs involve practical experience in designing and building a database. ITEC2506 Applied Assistive Technology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1504, MGSC2101 or instructor approval. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC226. This course focuses on the use of computer-based assistive technology resources, emphasizing the practical application of AT in classroom, workplace, and home environments. Hands-on lab activities, case analysis and Web-based instructional support, demonstrate how AT can act as an equalizer. The target audience for this course includes teachers, employers, users of AT and their families, and individuals involved with the support of persons with disabilities. In addition to new learning, course assignments will allow students to demonstrate previous experience and knowledge of assistive technology.
ITEC3503 Visual Basic
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1501 and ITEC1504. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC310. This course introduces programming in Visual Basic, the popular Windows application development environment. Students will learn how to create object-oriented graphical user interfaces by using object linking and embedding, dynamic data interchange, and visual basic forms, events, properties and controls. ITEC3504 Systems Security and Control
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1504, ITEC1507, ITEC2501, and ITEC2505. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC316. This course provides a systematic approach to computer and information security. It covers methods for auditing computer systems, cost and effectiveness of systems control measures, and fundamentals of implementing a system security program. The development of a Threat and Risk Assessment (TRA) and the review of control objectives for systems are key aspects. ITEC3505 Mid-Range Operating Systems
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1503 and ITEC1504 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC318. This course will provide hands-on experience with mid-range operating systems. The core of a mid-range operating system, utilities, multi-user log-on management, system configuration, and file systems will be covered in depth. ITEC3506 IT Project Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC320. Learners will investigate project management and its significance in the success of information technology projects. Topics covered include project selection methods, work breakdown structures, network diagrams, critical path analysis, cost estimates, earned value analysis, motivation theory, team building, and CASE tools. Project management tools will be used to plan and manage an information systems project in a team setting. ITEC3507 Object Oriented Programming
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC322 or ITEC421. Introduces the JAVA programming language. Topics include GUI interface development, object oriented programming concepts, database access, platform independence, web integration, and stand alone applications. ITEC3508 Windows Server Technologies
Credits: 3 PrerequisitesITEC1503 and ITEC114, or approval of the Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC324. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 259
This course provides a comprehensive investigation of the Windows network operating system (currently Windows 2000). Topics covered include installation, configuration, managing accounts, client connectivity, managing groups, managing printers, remote access, virtual private networks, optimization, and troubleshooting. ITEC3509 Technical Writing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC326. This course deals with technical documentation concepts specific to the information technology sector. Topics covered include systems and end user documentation, help and readme files, writing for the Web, screen design considerations, indexing, and markup language concepts. Students will critique government and industry documentation standards, investigate the use of current multimedia technologies for IT documentation purposes and develop a career portfolio. ITEC3511 Business Strategies in IT
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1504 or approval of the Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC328. This course addresses the use of information technology (IT) to improve business strategies and performance, including IT as an enabler of organizational change, the management of business knowledge, applications systems architecture, and business processes. Case studies and projects reinforce this desired business-technology alignment theme. ITEC4501 Intermediate Technical Writing Cross-listed with ENGL1113
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC 337, ITEC411, BUSS262 or ENGL207. This course focuses on intermediate technical writing skills (reports, proposals, instructions). ITEC4503 Internet Administration
Credits: 3 PrerequisitesIETC1505, ITEC1507 and ITEC2504 or approval of the Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC412. This course surveys the key technologies that make the Internet work. Topics covered include programming on the Internet, databases and web hosting, Internet security, FTP server, Internet clients, HTML, and authoring tools. This course prepares students to take the Computer Technology and Industry Associations (CompTIA) vendor-neutral i-Net+ certification. ITEC4504 Advanced TCP/IP
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1507, ITEC2504, and ITEC3508 or approval of the Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC414. This course provides a comprehensive look at TCP/IP as used on the current Windows NOS platform. Topics covered include IP addressing, data link and network layer protocols, ICMP, DNS, DHCP, IPv6, securing TCP/IP and SMTP. ITEC4505 E-Commerce Technologies
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC2503 and ITEC3503 or approval of the instructor. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 260
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC416 or ITEC444. This course provides the learner with an overview of the state of e-commerce today. It defines electronic commerce and discusses electronic commerce elements. Also addressed are issues and technologies available for companies wishing to engage in e-commerce. Student will be required to build a basic e-commerce system. ITEC4506 Data Warehousing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC418 or ITEC442. Course focuses on the design and development of data warehouses and on-line transaction processing (OLTP, EIS, DSS) using a combination of relational and object oriented databases. ITEC4507 Software Engineering Tools
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC2503 and ITEC2501 or approval of Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC422. This course will deal with various systematic approaches to the development and support of software. Topics covered include cleanroom software engineering, component-based software engineering, client-server, Web-engineering, CASE and object-oriented software engineering. ITEC4508 WAN Technologies (Internetworking)
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC424 or ITEC396. This course deals with the interconnectivity and data sharing issues associated with a heterogeneous (multi-platform, multi-vendor) network environment. ITEC4509 Current Issues in IT - Case Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Completion of ITEC diploma or advanced standing in BTI or approval of Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC425 or ITEC312. This course examines the social, legal and ethical issues involved with the use of computer technologies. Topics covered include privacy of information, wiretapping, data encryption, computer crime, intellectual property and professional ethics. This course emphasizes class discussions, case studies, guest lectures and student research presentations. ITEC4511 Systems Implementation Project
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC3506 and at least one advanced level programming course with ITEC3509 as either a prerequisite or co-requisite or approval of Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC426 or ITEC437. Working as team members on an IT related project, students apply skills acquired in previous IT courses. The instructor adopts the role of IT manager as the student project groups assume responsibility for all aspects of project completion. Project teams are expected to work outside scheduled classroom hours to ensure that client project requirements are met.
ITEC4513 Server Technologies
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ITEC1505 and ITEC4507, or approval of the Department Chair. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC427. This advanced hardware course provides coverage of the key features and technologies involved with PC server administration and the hardware components of high-end PC servers. Topics covered include server planning, server power and rack installation, hard disk interfaces and RAID, server upgrades, disaster planning, performance monitoring, and troubleshooting. This course prepares students to take the Computer Technology and Industry Associations (CompTIA) vendor-neutral Server+ certification. ITEC4514 Technical Entrepreneurship
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC428 or ITEC311. Course focuses on the nature of entrepreneurship in the context of specialized technology firms. ITEC4515 Information Technology Documentation
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ITEC415. This course deals with technical documentation concepts specific to the information technology sector. Topics covered include systems and end user documentation, help and readme files, writing for the Web, screen design considerations, indexing and markup language concepts. Students will investigate the use of current multimedia technologies for IT documentation purposes, develop a career portfolio and produce a group preliminary project design report.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS251. Business Law I introduces the student to the justice system, tort law and contract law. The course content includes an introductory study of specific areas of contract law including agency, property, employment, marketing, business organizations and financing. LEGL2503 Business Law II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS252. Business Law II involves a more extensive study of specific legal issues relating to patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs, confidential information, computer security, privacy, access to information, PIPEDA requirements, competition and lobbying. LEGL3501 Legal Research
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for LEGL351. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 262
This course will develop the skills required for performing legal research. The course includes instruction in finding appropriate legislation, determining its effect on a given situation in light of the Constitution Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The course builds an understanding of the court hierarchy and the theory of precedent by application of the relevant court decisions on factual situations. Evaluation includes examination and exercises that increase in difficulty requiring the student to develop researching skills. The course requires students to become familiar with computerassisted research. LEGL3503 Administrative Law
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: LEGL3501 and LEGL2501, or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for LEGL353. To acquaint the student with the administrative tribunal process involved in approval/licensing/arbitration issues involved in business operations. Evaluation may consist of examinations, report papers, and mock hearings. LEGL 3504 Employment/Labour Law Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for LEGL397. The course acquaints the student with the law that affects the relationship between employees and employers in unionized and non-unionized workplaces. The course content includes a review of the legal issues associated with the hiring process, issues during the course of employment and issues at the termination of the employment relationship. LEGL3505 Criminal Law
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for LEGL352. To acquaint the student with the criminal law and quasi-criminal law system in Canada, with a special emphasis on crime and business. The course content will include areas such as money laundering, insider trading, criminal negligence, and managers and directors liabilities. Evaluation is by examination and report papers. LEGL4501 Health Law
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for LEGL471. The study of the civil and criminal liability associated with offering health care services. The concentration is on the legislation and common law affecting health care. The course is presented in a seminar format. Some of the areas covered include consent, medical negligence, evidential issues, nursing liability, and confidentiality. Evaluation is by examination and report papers. LEGL4503 Sports/Recreation Law
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for LEGL481. A review of the case law and legislation affecting recreational sporting activities. The course includes an overview of the issues of liability. The course is presented in seminar format. Evaluation is by examination and report papers. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 263
LEGL4701 Special Topics in Legal Studies
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Academic regulations criteria and permission of the department. Provides an opportunity to deepen studies in an area of legal studies not available within the regular course offerings. See Dean or Department Chair for details.
Courses marked are also offered by distance. MGMT1601 Introduction to Canadian Business Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS111. A BBA core requirement. This introductory course offers an overview of the Canadian business organization and environment, presenting up-todate issues that shape todays business world. Topics representing accounting, economics, finance, marketing, production, human resources, managerial concepts, and organizational structures provide a foundation for further business studies. MGMT2101 Whos in Charge? : Exposing Government-Business Relations in Canada Cross-listed with POLS2116
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS272 or POLS263. The relationship between business and government in Canada is a complex, fluid one that is little understood. Understanding that relationship is vitally important, however, because it affects how we live and work as Canadians. This course examines the historical relationship between government and business. A large part of that examination will focus on how that relationship determines what governments will and wont do when it comes to making decisions in areas such as education, health care, personal and corporate taxes, economic development and foreign policy. This course is of equal interest to business and political science students. MGMT2604 Organizational Behaviour I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS261 or BUSS260. An introduction to organizational behaviour that will present the multi-faceted, multi-discipline foundations of the subject. Students will explore the major concepts including individual values, personality, perception, learning, workplace emotions and attitudes, motivation, as well as team dynamics, communicating in organizations, conflict and negotiation and leadership, organizational structure and design, organizational culture, and organizational change. MGMT2605 Human Resource Management
Deals with the traditional human resource (HR) functions: recruitment and selection, training and development, career management, compensation and performance management. Current HR issues such as innovative workplace practices, occupational health and safety, workplace education and changing HR functions will also be considered. MGMT3601 Administrative Problem Solving
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGMT2604. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS311. Examines individual and group problem solutions to a wide variety of management issues. Organizational case problems and group project. MGMT3603 Management of Small Business
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGMT2604 and MRKT3301 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS312. A BBA core requirement. This course will explore the key issues and challenges facing management in organizations that are experiencing growth. Strategies used in successful businesses will be examined to foster growth while minimizing risk. The development of a comprehensive business plan for a new or existing business will involve the student in this management process. MGMT3604 Industrial Relations Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS362. This foundational course places emphasis on the employment relationship in a unionized workplace. Lectures, readings, simulations and assignments will serve to acquaint the student with the structure and functioning of the Canadian industrial relations system, basic employment law concepts, the union certification process, negotiation and administration of collective agreements and strikes and dispute resolution. A bargaining simulation is an integral component of the course. MGMT3605 Organizational Behaviour II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGMT2604. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS262 or BUSS260. This course continues the study of organizational behaviour by focusing on managing effective organizations. Topics include organizational processes, structure, development, and change. MGMT3606 Leadership in Organizations
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGMT2604. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS364. Introduces leadership from the social sciences perspective. With an emphasis on interpersonal skills, the study of this course focuses on leadership theory, research and applications in modern organizations.
MGMT3607 Introduction to International Business Management Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS391. A BBA core requirement. Since Canada is heavily involved in global trade relationships with many countries, the course examines the nature and impact of international trade, trading blocks, and the financial instruments that facilitate world trade. MGMT4603 Diversity Issues in Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGMT2604 and MGMT3605. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS464. Examines the changing workplace demographics, specifically addressing how we manage differences at work. A number of topics are covered which are representative of the new workforce characteristics, including racial differences, women at work, alternative lifestyles, the ageing workforce, the disabled and organizational response to diversity. MGMT4604 Organizational Development
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGMT2604 and MGMT3605 or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS465. An examination of the process of change in organizations. Strategies for improving the effectiveness of an organization and meeting the needs of employees, managers, owners, customers and other stakeholders are explored. MGMT4605 Business Competitive Strategies
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All other BBA core courses. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS471. The formulation and implementation of long-range decisions which focus on corporate strategy and corporate citizenship. MGMT4606 Tourism Management
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS493. Through case study and seminar, this course examines the approaches used worldwide in the management of the tourism product. National, regional and local situations will be assessed. MGMT4607 Tourism Strategy Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1203, MGMT4606, HATM3125, HATM3505 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS495. This is the capstone course for the Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management Degree. A critical study into the development of strategic hospitality and tourism plans, providing the foundation upon which hospitality and tourism planning and implementation is based.
MGMT4701 Special Topics in Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Academic regulations criteria and permission of the department. Provides an opportunity to deepen studies in an area of management not available within the regular course offerings. See Dean or Department Chair for details.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS101. Focuses on weaknesses in quantitative skills needed to solve and interpret business-oriented word problems. Designed with an emphasis on algebra to help prepare students for business calculus. MGSC1108 Introduction to Statistics Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS182. Credit for MGSC1108 or BUSS182 rules out credit for MATH1109. A BBA core requirement. A course in statistics which introduces the student to basic probability concepts; descriptive measures; probability distributions, including the binomial and normal distributions and their properties; estimation; hypothesis testing; Chi Square analysis; and linear regression and correlation. Computer applications will also be illustrated using a statistical package. A BBA core requirement. MGSC1109 Calculus for Business
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS281. A BBA core requirement. This course provides a mathematical foundation for business students, showing how mathematical concepts can be applied to describe business and economic phenomena. Topics covered include rational and polynomial functions, the mathematics of finance, limits and continuity, derivatives with applications including maxima and minima and integral calculus. MGSC2101 Computers in Business
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC1109 or permission of the department. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS181. A BBA core requirement. Introduces students to the use of the computer in the solution of business problems. Includes computer literacy and use of MS Office microcomputer software (Excel spreadsheet and Access database management). Hands-on lab sessions are an integral part of the course. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 267
MGSC2103 Quantitative Methods
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC1108. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS282. A BBA core requirement. Introduces students to quantitative tools available for business decision making, focusing on problem solving through model building. Topics include: decision theory including decision trees, inventory models, linear programming and applications including sensitivity analysis, networking, forecasting and simulation. Strongly recommended that this course be taken after MGSC2101 and MGSC1109. MGSC3101 Information Systems for Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ACCT1204 and MGSC2101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS284. Introduction to key issues associated with the use of information systems and technology in organizations. This course examines how information resources are integrated to provide working information systems designed to support organizational operations and decision making. This includes an introduction to tools and techniques used in information systems analysis and design, and a review of alternative approaches to systems development. Emphasis is placed on how to adopt, use, and manage information technology to gain a comprehensive advantage. Cases will be used to cover a wide range of issues. MGSC3108 Operations Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC2103 and MGSC3101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS284. This course provides a general introduction to operations management (OM). OM is the management of processes or systems that create goods and/or provide services. This course provides students who aspire to be future managers with tools, language, concepts, and insights about relevant operations problems and issues to gain competitive advantage through operations. Specifically, students will be exposed to aspects of business management dealing with sales and service support, service delivery, customer help lines, product development, and total quality management. MGSC4701 Special Topics in Management Science
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Academic regulations criteria and permission of the Department. Provides an opportunity to deepen studies in an area of management science not available within the regular course offerings. See Dean or Department Chair for details.
Courses marked are also offered by distance.
MANF3131 Total Quality Management
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MANF411. The course will prepare the student for working in competitive manufacturing/economic environments in which the operation and final product must consistently meet the needs and expectations of customers. Topics include rationale for total quality concepts, leadership, management teams, employee involvement/empowerment, team building, influence of Juran and Deming and the process for continuous improvement. The role of ISO 9000 in TQM, including scope of standards, benefits of implementation, documentation of ISO audits, and procedures for implementing ISO certification, is covered in detail. MANF3133 Statistical Process Control
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MANF413. The course will examine the statistical methods used to identify, analyze and control the variations found in any manufacturing process. Key topics include identification of process variations, charting, histograms and analytical methods of analyzing control charts. Several case studies utilizing in-depth applications of SPC in an industrial/manufacturing environment will be examined. MANF3134 Manufacturing Processes and Standards
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MANF415. This course will introduce the student to the most important technical principles of manufacturing processes including casting, forging, rolling, drawing, extrusion, forming, joining and finishing processes. Includes application of codes and national and international standards. MANF3135 Production Cost Control
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MANF417. Production cost control in an ever-increasing technological environment has become the leading determinant of organizational viability. This course will look at costing for manufacturing environments, including break even analysis, forecasting, job scheduling, labour costs, work measurement, material and inventory cost, MRP, and SAP inventory control. The decisions affecting the manufacturing process can be based upon the complete integration of engineering input, raw materials, processing costs and inventory. MANF3136 Competitive Manufacturing Studies
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MANF419. This course covers many areas of manufacturing, with a view to increasing awareness of improved production for less cost, at a higher quality thereby becoming more competitive. Discussion on philosophies and manufacturing strategies, Japanese production methods, factory layout techniques and tools for competitive study. It is assumed that the student has a working knowledge of manufacturing production terms and methods (MANF 417 Production Cost Control).
MANF3137 People in Manufacturing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MANF421. This course focuses on people involved in manufacturing processes with an emphasis on team work, ergonomics, programs, and total quality initiatives. Case studies and investigation into company practices form the majority of course work. MANF3138 Product Synthesis
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MANF423. Covers the process whereby an idea or design is converted into a successful new product. Production methodology, design for manufacture, process planning, prototyping, and tooling implementation are discussed. How ideas are marketed, implemented, and exploited are discussed.
Courses marked are also offered by distance. MRKT1301 Introduction to Marketing Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS231. A BBA core requirement. Examines the concept of markets, market studies, market segmentation, consumer behaviour and the development of marketing strategies. Text and case materials. MRKT2301 Consumer Behaviour
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS232. Explores the application of the social sciences in the decision-making process and what influences they should have in the development of marketing strategies. Field experiments, research techniques and current research. MRKT2303 Advertising and Sales Promotion Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS233. An introduction which studies how consumer behaviour provides a base for paid communications as a management tool to accomplish marketing objectives. MRKT3124 Tourism Marketing I Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 270
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS393 or HATM361. Geography as seen through the eyes of a travel professional. Emphasis is placed on the worlds more popular destinations. A major project selected by students will form a large part of this course. An excellent opportunity to study about a place one would like to visit. MRKT3301 Marketing Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC2101 and MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS331. A BBA core requirement. A study of the major decision areas of marketing from the viewpoint of the marketing manager. Utilizes text, labs, case materials and a computer simulation. MRKT3303 Industrial Marketing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS332. Deals specifically with business-to-business marketing from opportunity identification through the development of an appropriate marketing mix to the preparation of a strategic marketing plan. Course includes customer and product audits. MRKT3304 Marketing Channels
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS334. The course focus is channel management: changes in purchasing behaviour warrant changes in the methods used to make goods/services available to the customer. MRKT3306 Promotion Strategy & Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS337. The generic components required to move from a marketing plan to a promotional plan. This is accomplished through the development of promotional strategies. MRKT3307 Public Relations Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS339. An introduction to public relations management which examines and provides an appreciation of the use of publicity as a management tool to accomplish corporate objectives and an understanding of public relations as a major component of corporate communications. MRKT3309 Tourism Marketing II Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 271
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS394. An examination of the travel and tourism market from a research and development perspective. MRKT4300 Marketing Research
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: MGSC1108 and MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS430. Participants will conduct an actual marketing research project. The first term will involve fieldwork to collect the required data. The second term will focus upon the analyses of the data (SPSS), report writing and client presentations. The support of the Marketing Research Centre provides the facility and opportunities for this research. MRKT4301 Marketing Research I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC1108 and MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS430 or MRKT4300. This course is designed to provide an overview of qualitative marketing research and its use in making effective marketing decisions. Students will learn (1) how to design research studies and assess whether the results are valid and meaningful, and (2) how to analyze and interpret market research data for marketing decision-making. Students will gain first-hand experience with a variety of qualitative research techniques. MRKT4302 Marketing Research II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MGSC1108 and MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS430 or MRKT4300. In this course, students will be guided through the conduct of a marketing research project. Using the research process, students will solve a marketing problem beginning with problem definition and ending with a formal report. Students will gain an appreciation for the value and conduct of marketing research and the steps involved, including the specification of the target market, questionnaire design and sampling methodologies. Students will also become proficient with some of the capabilities and interpretations of a more recent version of SPSS for Windows and will use the software to tabulate and interpret results. MRKT4304 Sales and Sales Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS431. Understanding the decision-making skills which are necessary for the operation of an effective sales organization. MRKT4305 Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS432. Marketing from a limited budget point of view with equal applicability to both profit and non-profit organizations.
MRKT4306 International Marketing Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS433. A study of world markets: assessment, socioeconomic, cultural and legal environments, research and development of international markets, global markets and complex multinational marketing programs. MRKT4307 Direct Marketing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS435. A study of how marketers take products and services directly to the end user. MRKT4308 Marketing Strategy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301 and MRKT3301. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS439. A study in the development of a strategic marketing plan and program which provides the foundation upon which marketing planning and implementation is based. MRKT4309 Social Media Marketing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS447. This course will provide students with an introduction to various aspects of social media marketing and online reputation management. Through a mixture of practical and theoretical work, students will learn how to develop strategy and implement social media campaigns effectively. Online tools to be explored include search engine marketing (SEM), email marketing, blogging, podcasts, online video, social networks, virtual worlds and social bookmarking. MRKT4311 Retail Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS456. This course introduces students to the concepts, strategies, and trends associated with a retail operation in the Canadian marketplace. It explores the current retail environment and key retail management strategies from managing merchandise and employees, to advertising and promotion. The course incorporates environmental issues, including demographics, and economic and social issues into the discussion of retail operations. Key financial and profit formulas are also presented. The course involves both individual and group work and incorporates real-life case studies. MRKT4313 Sustainable Marketing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301 and MRKT3301. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 273
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS457. This course aims to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding how environmental problems influence sustainable marketing and management strategy in business and in the public sector. This course will analyze and reflect on the relationship between sustainable development (SD), marketing , and all affected stakeholders. Special attention is given to the areas of market communication, environmental strategy, product development, sustainable pricing, and purchase behaviour. MRKT4605 Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Marketing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MRKT1301 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for BUSS467. This will examine aboriginal cultural tourism products and destination marketing as a field of study, investigating concepts that apply to the development of tourist products and attractions. Students will examine marketing as it relates to product development, promotion and authenticity. Aboriginal cultural destination branding, destination sustainability and the opportunities and challenges facing this unique tourist offering in an increasingly competitive tourism marketplace will be explored. MRKT4701 Special Topics in Marketing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Academic regulations criteria and permission of the department. Provides an opportunity to deepen studies in an area of marketing not available within the regular course offerings. See Dean or Department Chair for details.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD500. Provides the theoretical and philosophical foundations of community economic development, identifying business as a way of achieving an enhanced quality of community life. Students are introduced to the language and concept of third sector structures such as community development corporations, worker-owned ventures, and similar initiatives. MBAC5103 Fundamentals of Accounting with CED Applications
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD502. A combination of financial and managerial accounting themes designed particularly for those working in a CED environment. The course next focuses on accounting from a managers decision-making point of view; that is, as a person interpreting rather than preparing these statements. Issues relating to cash flow management, budgeting and relevant costs will be discussed.
MBAC5104 Fundamentals of Marketing with CED Applications
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD504. The purpose of this course is to present the marketing dimensions as they apply to community and social organizations. It deals with both the strategic and tactical approaches to influencing behaviour in a wide range of key target markets, such as customers, clients, funding sources, policy makers, volunteers, the media and the organizations own staff. The community venture will be examined through the basic concept of the marketing mix. MBAC5105 Organizational Behaviour
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD505. The course presents the history, theory, models and research in several topics in organization behaviour and organization design, including strategic human resource planning. Class discussions, exercises and cases will be used to reinforce concepts and improve skills required in managing and motivating people. MBAC5107 Economic Geography and Development
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD612. Introduces students to the analytic tools that economic geographers use to measure and compare spatial variations in economic growth. The course describes the dominant economic mechanisms and processes of uneven development that produce global cities, peripheral regions, and regional economies. Students will employ this background to study the attributes of a depleted community and to assess its potential for economic recovery. MBAC6101 Business and Community Development II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD600. This practical course will explore the relationship of business with the community and the challenges and issues surrounding community-based business institutions. This topic will be explored through the assigned readings, case studies and class discussion. The course will seek to draw from theories of CED and the social economy and compare them to examples of how community business and CED gets implemented. MBAC6103 Fundamentals of Finance with CED Applications
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD601. Provides students with a comprehensive body of knowledge concerning management of the firms financial affairs. The course covers financial analysis and planning, valuation of assets, long-term capital budgeting and capital structure decisions, short-term investment and financing decisions and tax principles influencing the organizations finance and investment decisions. MBAC6106 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 275 Leadership Training and CED
Prerequisites: MBAC5105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD605. The course uses a combination of lectures, discussions, cases and presentations to focus on leadership training techniques. It covers major issues in leadership and presents practical techniques for implementation. Learners will be able to analyze typical leadership problems and develop options for solutions, including means for conflict resolution and mediation. Emphasis is placed on cultural and political differences in the conduct of community organization and leadership training and their effect on outcomes. MBAC6107 Comparative Development
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD608. This course employs a comparative approach in the assessment of alternative development philosophies in both the North and South, especially those which attempt to define a sustainable community. It examines the influence of natural resources and governance on development, it synthesizes concepts of development and it examines strategies used to formulate action plans to achieve sustainability in communities. Learners will become skilled in thinking globally and acting locally and on using qualitative and quantitative indicators of sustainability. MBAC6118 Fundamentals of Venture Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5103 and MBAC5104. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD618. The course provides students with opportunities to apply knowledge acquired in prior experience and other business courses, in planning and developing a business venture. Students who complete this course will have a sound understanding of the process of developing a business plan and will be able to evaluate business plans. The course will also attempt to explore the differences between traditional business practice and community economic development. MBAC6121 Applied Research Methods
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD603. This survey course will provide students with an understanding of varying approaches to applied research, including qualitative, quantitative and ethnographic methods. Learners will be required to critically analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the methods. Participants will be encouraged to prepare their proposal for their major research essay and identify research methods appropriate to their research project. MBAC6125 Strategic Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC6124. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD630. Introduces students to the basic concepts and methodologies used in crafting and executing business strategy. The course provides the student with the opportunity to apply knowledge garnered in previous courses and to integrate it. Will use the case method extensively and will focus on strategic decision making in the CED context. MBAC6204 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 276 Communication and Social Change
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD602. The ideologies and conditions of the premodern, modern and postmodern worlds through their manifestations in cultural and technological artifacts. MBAC6208 Information and Communication Technology and Economic Development
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD609. This course focuses on the use of information technology in organizations and communities. It examines how organizations can use information technology as a tool to improve their effectiveness, enhance their competitive advantages and help transform the economy. MBAC6209 Land Claims, Self-Government and Community Economic Development
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD610. Provides an overview of the ever-changing environment in the political economy of First Nations communities in Canada. Models and cases of land claims and self-government are explored, with an emphasis on issues relevant to long-range planning and policy-making for community economic development. MBAC6211 The Dynamics of Community Economic Development in First Nations
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD611. A comparative course which analyses the social and economic conditions that distinguish urban and rural First Nation communities. Students discuss the different strategic approaches to community economic development that could be used in each case. MBAC6214 Social Entrepreneurship
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD613. Social entrepreneurship refers to initiatives by citizens and community groups to respond to social needs. Social enterprises are blurring the lines between the sectors, taking for-profit, non-profit and hybrid forms of organization. The objective of this course is to introduce students to the concepts, practices and challenges of social entrepreneurship. Students will learn from examples of regional experiences and from case studies that illustrate the application of business skills in the social sector. The course discusses the impact of trust and social capital in communities and the use of the Balanced Scorecard to strengthen the management of the enterprise. MBAC6215 Emergency Management
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD616. This course is designed to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the role of community economic development in preparing for and dealing with local and national emergencies and their consequences. Knowledge and skills acquired in this course will be directly transferable to international crises and disasters. The preparedness measures of various organizations are examined. Using a provided scenario, students prepare a CED plan, including concept, implementation and transfer/close-out aspects. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 277
MBAC6217 Conflict Resolution and Community Reconstruction
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD617. This course is designed to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the role of community economic development in conflict prevention, conflict resolution and post-conflict restoration activities. Students will acquire knowledge and analytical insight in two significant aspects of the human condition: the origins and nature of conflict and the conditions necessary for peace. The course focuses on: security assurances attained by alliance building at all levels; prevention and resolution of conflict, the theory and practice of CED and its place in building secure communities and how CED initiatives are employed by civilian and military organizations. MBAC6219 Social Leadership
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC6106. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD620. The course discusses how modes of communication, distribution of power, values, sharing of knowledge and the ways people interact with others affects leadership. The purpose of the course is to help participants gain an understanding of the sociological, psychological and cultural factors that contribute to leadership behaviours and the ways in which people respond to them. It will provide practical tools with which participants can assess and improve their own leadership skills. MBAC6221 Public Policy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: First year of MBA (CED) core. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD621. This course will examine the major theories relating to the policy-making process, the institutional, political and socioeconomic contexts in which decisions are made and how those decisions have been implemented. Understanding the variety of means in which policies can be implemented is as important as the designing of public policy. In this respect, attention will be paid to the policy relationship between government and community economic development (CED) organizations. A number of CED public policy case studies will be used as pedagogical tools, in order to understand how the policy-making process has occurred, the other types of policy options which were available and what the results have been from particular policy decisions. The policy-making process in Canada and in other major industrialized countries has changed significantly over the last two decades. Any individual or group can create an electronic platform in order to advance their policy objectives. Because of increased opportunities for citizen participation in policy-making, governments are increasingly being pressured to open the policy development process so that stakeholder groups and members of the attentive public can have input into the decision making. MBAC6223 Government, Business and Third Sector Relations
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: First year of MBA (CED) core. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD623. This course will explore the multi-layered relationships between government, business, and the third sector, in order to detail the political, institutional, and societal context in which businesses and non-profit/community economic development organizations operate. This exploration will provide a lively theoretical introduction to government/business relations. The course will discuss a wide range of ideological perspectives, which attempt to inform us as to what those relations should or should not be based upon. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 278
The course includes an agenda setting exercise, by which participants attempt to project possible medium-term policy outcomes, regarding the most important issues concerning government/business/third sector relations. MBAC6124 International Business
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5103, MBAC5104, and MBAC5105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD624. This course focuses on the issues raised by doing business internationally. It examines the economic and financial environment, institutions and markets, and interrelationships of principal trade centres. It also discusses trade issues and strategic international management issues. The course is integrated across business functional areas. MBAC6226 International Finance
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC6103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD631. This course provides a conceptual framework within which the key financial decisions of the multinational firm can be analyzed. The course considers the environment of international financial management, foreign exchange markets and the tools that can be used to hedge exchange rate risks. The course covers methods used to manage accounting and economic exchange rate exposures and examines the financing options available to multinational financial managers and how cost of capital can be determined. MBAC6227 Environment, Energy, and the Economy: Strategies for Sustainable Futures
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: First 12 credits of the MBA (CED) program. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD633. The course provides a comprehensive examination of the environmental issues facing organizations and communities. The goal of the course is to prepare learners to help organizations understand sustainability and how it affects corporate strategy and public policy. The course builds on the concept of socially sustainable development, fused in the programs core curriculum and extends it to planning for sustainable environmental and energy futures at global, national, regional, and corporate levels; including a discussion of the impact of climate change agreements on energy consumption. It explores the tensions between growth, energy consumption and the environment; it aims to develop a holistic understanding of ecological, economic and social sustainability. It includes discussion of environment and energy risks, methods to value natural resources, effect of organizations environmental image and the relationship between environmental and financial performance. The course introduces the elements of environmental management systems through the use of case studies that can help government, business, community organizations and citizens move toward sustainable practice. MBAC6228 International Marketing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5104. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD634. This course focuses on the basic concepts of international marketing, the need for international marketing activities and global trade. It reviews institutions and markets, covers in-depth geography discussion and explores cultural and strategic Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 279
marketing issues. The principle aim of the course is to internationalize theory and practice across the broad range of functional marketing areas. MBAC6229 Sustainability Marketing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5104 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD635. The course aims to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding how environmental issues influence marketing in business, government and the social economy. The course follows the multiple-bottom-line approach built in the MBA (CED) program. Going beyond the concepts introduced in the core marketing course, it explores marketing theory and strategy as it relates to the objectives of organizations striving for social and environmental sustainability. Learners will study marketing implications for sustainability and critically analyze existing marketing systems. It reviews approaches to green marketing, focusing on sustainable ideas and behaviour. MBAC6231 Marketing Strategy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5104. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD636. This course focuses on developing effective marketing strategies that can serve as blueprint for marketing programs that build long-term success for the organization. Students learn basic branding principles and examine the branding strategies organizations employ to enhance positioning and deliver high levels of satisfaction to targeted customers and clients, sustain a competitive advantage and improve market performance and financial performance. Learners will be able to conduct market and industry analyses, develop a competitive position and explain the meaningful competitive advantage of a firm. Learners will be able to formulate and assess marketing strategies and tactics that have value for the firm, customers, clients, partners and society at large. Issues of ethics, social responsibility, customer satisfaction and credibility arise throughout the course in readings, lectures, case studies and projects. The pre-assigned readings are supplemented by news coverage of current events. Case studies explore the benefits and risks of valuing socially focused brands. MBAC6233 Contemporary Issues: Change Management and Governance
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC5105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD640. Change management and governance are two organizational issues that dominate managerial, board and regulatory time and resources because of their high degree of both risk and opportunity. The pace of change affecting organizations in the private, public and non-profit sectors has increased dramatically as a result of new enabling technologies and the need to respond to changing national and global political and market operating environments. This course provides the student with a theoretical underpinning for both cross-cutting issues, while also focusing on practical applications of that theory to real-life situations in all three economic sectors. MBAC6801 Research Essay/Case Study
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MBAC6121. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MBAD625. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 280
The research essay/case study will approach a problem in economic development in a holistic, multidisciplinary manner and will meet the highest academic standards. Students will ground their research in an existing or planned development initiative. A two-person supervisory committee, drawn from different disciplines, will oversee the preparation of this essay. There is no residency requirement for the research essay, which will be completed off site. The research essay/case study must be completed within one calendar year.
Mathematics is a branch of human endeavour which has undergone constant evolution, both internally and in its applications to other areas. Geometry and number theory are as old as the Pyramids, analysis and abstract algebra have been studied for three centuries; topology is a product of the twentieth century and category theory of the sixties. The common thread which unites these diverse branches of the subject is the imposition of structure on sets, in an effort to distil out the essential aspects of a situation and to establish the precise conditions which produce a given conclusion. The classical applications of mathematics were in land surveying and later in optics, mechanics and electromagnetism. More recently, these two have evolved and expanded almost without limit to group theory, finding application to crystallography, topology to biological processes and statistics to economics, geology, psychology, sociology, education, environmental studies and many more. The aspect of this evolution which has been most striking to everyone, has been the development of computing machines, which have pervaded almost every facet of modern life. Calculus Readiness Test This test assesses the background of incoming students in algebra, functions, geometry and trigonometry. Results will be used to guide students into an appropriate calculus course. No student can be registered in MATH1101 or MATH1105 without having written this test and registration in MATH1101 or MATH1105 is limited to those with satisfactory results. Sittings will be held in early September. Go to and click on Important Dates for details. Students who do not intend to register in either MATH1101 or MATH1105 do not have to write this test. The Calculus Readiness test for students registering in a calculus course will be held in September 2011. This is a one hour test. It will be given online in B 1022, September 7,8, and 9 at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm each day. Also, September 13 and 15 at 4:00 pm. Please login in at to register for the Calculus Readiness Test (CRT) MATH9000. To prepare, please bring a writing implement (preferably two), CBU ID number. Use of a foreign language dictionary is permitted for students to who English is a second language. The dictionary is subject to inspection by the proctor. **NO CALCULATION DEVICES OF ANY KIND** Please Note: The Calculus Readiness Test consists of 31 multiple-choice questions on the subjects of Algebra, Functions, Geometry and Trigonometry. A score of 19 or more qualifies you for MATH1105, between 12 -18 you may register for MATH1101. One retest is allowed if you narrowly missed a cut-off point in the test: If you scored 17 or 18 and can score 19 or more on the retest you will be eligible for MATH1105. If you scored 10 or 11 and can score 12 or more on the retest you will be eligible for MATH1101.
Please contact Peggy Wright, (902) 563-1428, if you have questions. Or the School of Science and Technology (902) 563-1110.
MATH1101 Credits: 3
Prerequisites: One of: (1) MATH0100 (Bridge Program); (2) MATH0101; (3) MATH1107; (4) Grade 12 Academic Precalculus Mathematics. In the case of (4), the student must also have written the Calculus Readiness Test and achieved a satisfactory standard (currently 12 out of 31). Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH111. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH1101 and MATH1105; no more than 3 credits from MATH1101, MATH1203, and MATH1105 in a BSc in Mathematics. NOTE: MATH1101 is allowed credit as a free elective in any discipline where it can be used for credit. Properties of straight lines and conic sections, polynomial and rational functions, and derivatives of algebraic functions with applications. MATH1105 Differential and Integral Calculus I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: One of: (1) MATH0100 (Bridge Program); (2) MATH0101; (3) MATH1107 and MATH1208; (4) MATH1101; (5) Grade 12 Pre-calculus Mathematics. In the case of (5), the student must also have written the Calculus Readiness Test and achieved a satisfactory standard (currently 19 out of 31). Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH121. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH1203 and MATH1105. Limits and continuity, differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions, applications, and Fundamental Theorum of Calculus. MATH1109 Introductory Statistics I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH135. Credit for MATH1109 or MATH135 rules out credit for MGSC1108 or BUSS182. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH1109 or MATH135 and MATH 2106 or MATH243. Descriptive statistics, elementary probability, binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation. MATH1114 Experiences in Mathematics II: Mathematics of Personal Finance
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Grade 11 Academic Mathematics. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH152. Free elective only in the BSc. Not recommended for students with Grade 12 Pre-calculus or Advanced Mathematics. MATH1114 and MATH1215 are independent and can be taken in either order. Arts students with Grade 12 Pre-calculus or Advanced Mathematics should consult with advisors in Mathematics to select suitable alternatives to MATH1114 and MATH1215. Topics in simple and compound interest for management of personal and family finances. Lab exercises on spreadsheet software. Course includes lab component. MATH1116 Introduction to Computing with C++
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Grade 12 Academic Mathematics. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH187 or MATH185. The computer as a problem solving device. The importance of structure in problem solving and programming is emphasized. Students are expected to write and run C++ programs, including branches, loops, arrays, functions, file processing, and basic classes. Course includes lab component.
MATH1203 Calculus with Elementary Functions and Analytic Geometry II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1101 or a grade of at least 40 in MATH1105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH112. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH1203 and MATH1105. Properties of trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and their derivatives. Introduction to integration including approximate integration and polar coordinates. MATH1204 Introduction to Matrix Algebra
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1203 or MATH1105 at least concurrently or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH115. The computational aspects of vectors, matrices, and systems of linear equations and linear transformations, as well as some elements of the theory of vector spaces essential for later applications. MATH1206 Differential and Integral Calculus II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1203 or MATH1105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH122. Techniques of integration, application to areas, volumes, work, liquid pressure and arc length, inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic functions, infinite sequences and series, and Taylors Theorem. MATH1211 Introductory Statistics II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1109. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH136. Continues the study of inferential statistics and includes library assignments and a practical project in data gathering. MATH1215 Experiences in Mathematics I: Descriptive and Basic Inferential Statistics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Grade 11 Academic Mathematics. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH153. Not a credit course in the BSc. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH1109 or MATH135 and MATH1215 or MATH153. Credit for MATH1215 or MATH153 rules out credit for PSYC2101 or PSYC201. Not recommended for students with Grade 12 Pre-calculus or Advanced Mathematics. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH1215 or MATH153 and MATH151. An introduction to descriptive and basic inferential statistics, emphasizing the binomial and normal distributions. Lab exercises on word processing and the Internet. Course includes lab component. MATH1216 Experiences in Mathematics: Fundamentals
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Grade12 Academic Mathematics. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH157. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH1216 or MATH157 and MATH2101 or MATH205. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 283
This course explores a number of the fundamental ideas of mathematics from an elementary viewpoint. Topics include sets, functions, symbolic logic, number systems, number theory, algebraic operations, and combinatorics. Problem solving will be emphasized throughout. MATH1217 Introduction to Computer Applications
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1116. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH189 or MATH186. Introduces additional topics in C++ emphasizing object-based and object-oriented programming concepts. Includes strings, pointers, and dynamic data structures. Course includes lab component. MATH2101 Discrete Mathematics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Grade 12 Pre-Calculus Mathematics or successful completion of at least one semester of university mathematics other than programming. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH205, MATH105, MATH1216 or MATH157. Significant ideas of discrete mathematics: Logic, proof, set theory, and induction, with applications to combinatorics, graph theory and analysis. This course includes a lab component. MATH2103 Linear Algebra
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1204. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH226. An introduction to abstract vector spaces, building on the concrete examples of MATH1204. Includes diagonalization, inner products, and Jordan Normal Form. MATH2106 Elementary Mathematical Statistics I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1203 or MATH1105. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH243. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH2106 or MATH243 and MATH1109 or MATH135. Satisfies half of the research methods requirement in BSc, Mathematics. An introduction to mathematical statistics for students in science including probability, discrete and continuous distributions, correlations, covariance, sampling distributions, and estimation. MATH2109 Multivariate Calculus
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH262. Parametrically defined curves and polar co-ordinates. Functions of several variables. Limits, continuity, and differentiability, chain rule, extrema of multivariate functions, lagrange multipliers, cylindrical and polar co-ordinates, multiple integrals, application to volume, surface area, moments, and gravitation, vector fields and space curves, gradient, divergence, and curl, line integrals and independence of path and Greens theorem. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 284
MATH2113 Mathematics for Chemistry I Cross-listed with CHEM3201
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1105 or equivalent and 9 credits in Chemistry. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH251 or CHEM301. Topics covered will include the application of ordinary differential equations, vector algebra, matrices, determinants, and operators to such areas of chemistry as point group theory, modern molecular orbital theory, factor analysis and eigenvalue problems. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. MATH2207 Mathematical Statistics II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2106. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH 244. Credit cannot be obtained for both MATH2207 or MATH244 and MATH1211 or MATH136. A continuation of inferential statistics to include central limit theorem, regression and correlation, maximum likelihood principle, ANOVA, and non-parametric tests. MATH2208 Differential Equations I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH257. Introduction to differential equations, methods for solving first order equations, second-order linear equations, equations having constant coefficients, applications of first- and second-order equations including circuits, mixing and cooling problems, exponential growth, and decay. Also, the Laplace transform and its application to constant coefficient equations, convolution and the gamma function, introduction to Fourier series, full- and half-wave expansions, Fourier series on general intervals, spectral analysis and the complex form of the Fourier series. MATH2211 System Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: One 3-credit programming course, preferably MATH1116. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH271. Study of the software design process ranging from an ill-defined problem through to specifications. Functional decomposition and data dictionaries, Top-down structured, data driven and object-oriented analysis techniques. Laboratory and assignment work will address the analysis of complex systems using different techniques. MATH2214 Mathematics for Chemistry II Cross-listed with CHEM3203
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1105 or equivalent and 9 credits in Chemistry, and an introductory course in computing applications. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH252 or CHEM302. An overview of modern computer applications in Chemistry. Topics will include use of software packages for molecular modeling, solution of simultaneous linear equations, linear and nonlinear least squares regression on systems with two and three parameters and interpolation of experimental data. Course includes lab component. Normally offered every other year. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 285
MATH3104 Set Theory
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2101 and MATH2103, or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH305. A study of elementary ideas of sets, axiom systems and the Continuum hypothesis introduction to independence. (Normally offered in alternate years.) MATH3105 Numerical Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: MATH1204, MATH1116, MATH1206. Exclusion: Credit cannot be obtained for MATH 3105 and MATH 2214/CHEM 3203 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH307. This course provides an introduction to numerical techniques for solving practical problems and a piece of numerical software package such as MATLAB or MAPLE. Topics will generally include: Taylor series expansions, numerical differentiation and integration, approximation and errors, roots of non-linear equations, numerical solution of linear and nonlinear system and numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. MATH3106 Physical Applications of Mathematics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2109. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH321. Vector algebra and calculus are used to describe, analyze and discuss selected topics in physical science. Offered as required. MATH3108 Linear Optimization
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH331. Optimization is a key factor in the solution of a variety of problems in science, engineering and business. This course will cover theory and applications of linear programming in production and diet problems, explain the computation and geometric theory of the simplex method and present duality theory in simple fashion. Normally offered in alternate years. MATH3109 Introduction to Complex Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2208 and MATH2109. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH363. An introduction to complex numbers, definition of the complex exponential function, analyticity and its consequences, representations of complex functions and singularities. Complex integration, residue theorem and principle of the argument will be studied. (Normally offered in alternate years.) MATH3113 Introduction to Real Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2208 and MATH2109 and either MATH2101 or MATH2103. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 286
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH361. An introduction to the structure of the real number system and fundamental properties of real functions, including the Riemann integral and sequences of functions. (Normally offered in alternate years.) MATH3205 Combinatorics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH315. A brief overview of enumerative combinatorics. Sampling of combinatorial problems from computer science, graph theory, statistics and counting labeled and unlabeled structures. Normally offered in alternate years. MATH3207 Introduction to Number Theory
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2101 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH325. Divisibility properties of integers, prime numbers and congruences. Number theoretic functions, quadratic congruences, continued fractions, arithmetic in other bases, cryptology, error correcting codes will be covered. MATH3209 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2106 and MATH2207 and/or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH343. Classical models, conditional and marginal probabilities and expectations, functions of random variables, limit theorems, Markov chains and sampling distribution. Offered as required. MATH3211 Differential Equations II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH1204, MATH2208, MATH2109 and MATH2103 are recommended. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH357. This course is a continuation of MATH2208. Fundamental solutions of linear differential equations. Existence and uniqueness of solutions Abels identity, linear independence and Wronskians, special functions defined by linear equations including an introduction to hypergeometric functions, linear and nonlinear systems of equations, analysis of stability of critical points, Picard iteration and introduction to Lyapunov functions. Normally offered annually. MATH3214 Non-linear Optimization
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH332. Non-linear programming provides excellent opportunity to explore an interesting variety of pure and applicable mathematics, numerical analysis and computing. This course will cover the mathematical foundations of optimization. Some of the ideas and techniques involved in optimization, using calculus, lead to study of convexity. Basic numerical methods, least squares, the Kuhn-Tucker theorem, penalty functions and Lagrange multipliers are also covered. Offered as required. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 287
MATH3801, 3803 Credits: 3, 3 Directed study in Mathematics for third year students. See Department Chair for details. MATH4101 Graph Theory Directed Study in Mathematics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2101 and MATH1204 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH415. Isomorphism, operations on graphs and Ulams reconstruction conjecture, walks, trees, distance, graph matrices, and Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles, matchings, independent sets, graph factoring, colouring of vertices and edges, chromatic polynomials. Planarity, the Platonic solids and an outline of the four colour theorem are also studied. MATH4103 Modern Algebra I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH421. A study of groups and semi-groups, including permutation groups, Cayleys Theorem, the Isomorphism Theorems and Sylow Theorems. Offered as required. MATH4105 Introduction to General Topology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2101 and MATH3113 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH471. Metric spaces, topologies and topological spaces, continuity and homeomorphism, separation axioms, compactness and variations thereon, cardinal invariants and applications to geometry and analysis. Offered as required. MATH4204 Modern Algebra II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH4103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH422. A study of rings and fields, including topics in module theory, solvability by radicals and the classical problems. Offered as required. MATH4205 Partial Differential Equations
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH 2103,2109,3211 or special permission by the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH457. This course serves as an introduction to the theory and techniques of partial differential equations that are relevant to mathematicians, scientists and engineers. Topics to be studied include the classical Partial Differential Equations of mathematical physics (Heat-Diffusion equation, Wave equation and Laplace's equation), the method separation of
variables, Eigenvalue problems, Fourier series (in multiple dimensions), orthogonal sets of functions, orthogonal series expansions and Sturm-Liouville theory. MATH4801, 4803 Credits: 3, 3 Directed study in mathematics for fourth-year students. See Department Chair for details. MATH4900 Honours Thesis in Mathematics Directed Study in Mathematics
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: Admission and forth-year standing in the BSc (Honours) Mathematics program. This course includes the preparation of an original research proposal, completion of the proposed research project, analysis of the data, preparation of a written thesis and oral defence of this thesis. Students planning to register in this course must consult the Department Chair in the term preceding the expected start date of the project. Consult the Department Chair for details.
MATH2205 Mathematics IV Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MATH2104. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MATH234. Differentiation of transcendental functions and applications, areas and volumes by integration, methods of integration, and introduction to differential equations.
MECH2161 Thermodynamics Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PHYS1101 and PHYS1201. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MECH224. The relationship between heat and work and the efficiency of the conversion process, first and second laws. Emphasis is placed on the process involved in a modern steam Electrical Power Generation Plant. MECH2163 Material Science Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MECH2165. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MECH234. Continues the metallurgy course to include the heat treating and properties of ceramics, carbides and plastics. An introduction to welding practice and technique is included. Laboratory experiments augment the lecture information. MECH2164 CAD/CAM Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI1161 and DRAF1163. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MECH263. Advanced computer-aided drafting, utilizing Unigraphics software and CNC Milling operations and programming. Handson approach to computer-aided drafting. MECH2165 Metallurgy Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MECH273. The fundamentals of process and physical metallurgy. Laboratory experiments simulate both quality control testing and heat treatment. Plant tours. MECH2166 Fluid Power Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI1168. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MECH274. The characteristics of basic hydraulic components and the assembly of them into circuits to achieve desired actuation. Includes the study of components and circuit design. MECH2167 Machine Design I Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI1164. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MECH284. Expands the principles of mechanics, strength of materials and material science to include the design of machine components.
MECH2168 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGI1168. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MECH345. The major emphasis is on comfort air conditioning - both winter heating and summer cooling. Includes the basic principles of heat transfer, psychometry, load analysis, and equipment selection. MECH2169 Robotics/CIM Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MECH2164. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MECH365. Computer-integrated manufacturing: the programming, operation and maintenance of CNC Robotics utilizing a unimation puma robot.
MICR2101 Introductory Microbiology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101 or PUBH1101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MICR223 or BIOL223. Topics include the morphology and physiology of microorganisms, their role in the disease process and methods of control of microorganisms. Course includes lab component. MICR3101 Medical Microbiology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MICR2101 (formerly MICR223 and BIOL223) and a minimum of 3 credits Anatomy & Physiology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MICR333. This course represents an examination of the myriad of microorganisms which are capable of causing human disease. Bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoan, helminthic and arthropod parasites will be discussed in the context of their ability to cause disease. Topics will include transmission routes and vectors, portals of entry, spread and replication and host pathogen interactions. Discussions will be primarily classified according to body system involved at the clinical level or by the epidemiological pattern where more relevant. MICR3103 Environmental Microbiology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MICR2101 (formerly MICR223 and BIOL223). Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MICR335 or BIOL335. An examination of the ubiquitous nature of microorganisms. The significance of microorganisms in aquatic, terrestrial, and other ecosystems. Examples and problems associated with microbial contamination of food are studied. Beneficial microbial activities such as waste degradation, fermentation and microbial insecticides will be discussed. Laboratory sessions deal with methods of identification, isolation and enumeration of various microorganisms of environmental significance. Course includes lab component.
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM100. An overview of the major issues, actors, and events in the political and cultural development of the Mikmaq Nation. MIKM1102 Mikmaq/English: Structural Comparisons
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM190. The course deals with structural differences between English and Mikmaq and their implications for syntactic and semantic comprehension. MIKM1145 Introduction to Linguistics Cross-listed with ANTH1101, COMM1107
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM107, ANTH107 or COMM107. An introduction to the scientific study of language. Topics include phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and the heritage languages of Cape Breton (Mikmaq, French, Gaelic and English). MIKM1161 Introduction to Indigenous Studies
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM101. A multi-disciplinary course deigned to acquaint students with contemporary North, Central, and South American indigenous peoples and issues. Indigenous film, literature and autobiographies are given special focus. MIKM1167 Indigenous Art of North America
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM151 or FINA151. Survey of native North American musical, visual and verbal art genres, also the origin of regional styles and the place of the artist in native life. MIKM2106 Indigenous Musics of North America Cross-listed with ANTH2111, ETHM2311
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM255, ANTH255, or ETHM255. This course will introduce students to a range of musical tradition from North America Indigenous communities, including nation specific (especially Mikmaq), inter-tribal and popular musics. The course focuses on the significance of music to various Indigenous peoples, examining its role in, for example, ritual, spiritual expression, healing, relationship, and dance. Students will also explore the relationship between music and identity, examining gender roles and nation-specific Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 293
musical expressions. Students will learn basic music vocabulary in order to analyze and describe the characteristics of the music encountered. MIKM2113 Conversational Mikmaq for Non-Speakers: Level I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM211. The goal is to assist students in understanding and speaking basic Mikmaq. Pronunciation and conversational skills are emphasized. MIKM2114 Mikmaq for Speakers: Introduction to Literacy I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM231. This course investigates the linguistic and historical bases of Mikmaq literacy. Students will learn to read and write Mikmaq in various orthographies (hieroglyphs, Rand, Pacifique, and Smith-Francis). MIKM2120 Mikmaq History Cross-listed with HIST2110
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits in Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM212 or HIST204. A culturally relative chronicle of significant aspects of Mikmaq culture from the pre-contact period to the present. Emphasis is placed on innovative methods of historical reconstruction. MIKM2140 Linguistic Anthropology Cross-listed with ANTH2100
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits Introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM208, ANTH208 or HERT208. An introduction to socio-cultural aspects of languages forms and functions as expressed in various cultures, including languages interplay with perception, gender and class. Focus will be on collection and documentation of language materials with emphasis on insider/outsider research. Mikmaq, Gaelic and Acadian materials are emphasized. MIKM2213 Conversational Mikmaq for Non-Speakers: Level II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MIKM2113 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM213. The goal is to advance the students skill in speaking the Mikmaq language in a variety of social and cultural situations. MIKM2215 Mikmaq for Speakers: Introduction to Literacy II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MIKM2114. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM233. This course builds on the skills of MIKM2114 and provides practise and remediation in the use of the Smith-Francis Mikmaq orthography. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 294
MIKM2220 Mikmaq Government Cross-listed with POLS2112.
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM240 or POLS240. Examines the history of Mikmaq traditional leaderships. Indigenous self-governments in Canada will be used as a framework for discussion. MIKM2222 Ethnicity, Race and Nationalism Cross-listed with AN/S2230
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM350, AN/S294 or SOCO 350.. This course examines the main approaches to the study of ethnic groups, the social construction of race and nationalist movements. The analysis of selected mass media materials will complement the theoretical part of the course, illustrating the influence of ethnicity, race and nationalism on contemporary culture. MIKM2410 Mikmaq Spirituality
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM260. This course presents an overview of the special way Mikmaq people have lived with Nature and God in Atlantic Canada. It attempts to make explicit the wisdom that is implicit in the Mikmaq consciousness and in what they have discovered about the meaning of being human. The focus is on both the Algonquian and Catholic consciousness that have developed an understanding of natural forces, a theory of ecological and human dignity, a spiritual solidarity with God, and a social order which respects sharing, hospitality, love of family and the processes of human development. MIKM3110 Self and Other: Encounters, Traditions and Transformation
Cross-listed with AN/S3210 Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Anthropology and/or Sociology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM334, AN/S336 or ANTH333. Colonialism produced an enduring cultural legacy with a range of severe consequences for indigenous cultural reproduction and social organization. Europe also felt the drastic consequences of its own expansionism. How indigenous self-definitions and how traditions have been transformed, revitalized or created anew are the focus of this course, which considers indigenous peoples in a global perspective covering the past 500 years. MIKM3120 Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the Canadian Constitution Cross-listed with HIST3110 and POLS3110
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: MIKM1100 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM340, HIST312 or POLS340. The study of Mikmaq Aboriginal and treaty rights in Atlantic Canada. The issue of enshrining Aboriginal and treaty rights in S.25 and S.35 of the Constitution Act (1982) will be emphasized.
MIKM3140 Mikmaq Linguistics
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: MIKM1145 and MIKM2114/2215 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM300. Mikmaq Linguistics examines both the word formation (morphology) and the sentence (syntax) patterns common to the Mikmaw language. Attention is also paid to how Mikmaw words are used and organized within larger discourse such as stories and speeches. Students work on taped stories and speeches which were collected from Mikmaw speakers in the 1960s and 1970s. MIKM3141 Mikmaq Lexicology: Theory
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM321. Explores various theoretical approaches to dictionary construction for Algonquian languages such as Mikmaq. MIKM3143 Mikmaq Lexicology: Applied
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MIKM3141 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM323. Students will conduct lexicological research on Mikmaq. Difficulties of capturing indigenous world views through English translation will be explored. MIKM3245 Language Contact, Change, Death and Revitalization Cross-listed with AN/S3214
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM363, AN/S363 or HERT363. This course examines how languages change when in contact as well as the very serious process of language death, which is now happening on a global scale. Discussion also focuses on suggested solutions to the rapid loss of linguistic diversity. Languages such as Mikmaq and Cape Breton Gaelic are highlighted for analysis. MIKM3313 Mikmaq Nouns and Verbs Cross-listed with ANTH3103
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM361 or ANTH361. This course examines the morphological structure of Mikmaq nouns and verbs. The complex internal word grammar of Mikmaw is explored, giving insight into the semantic categories of this endangered language. MIKM3320 Race Relations in North America Cross-listed with HIST3120
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM375 or HIST324. A history of the cultural interaction between whites, native Americans and blacks in North America from the period of exploration and first contact to the present. Seminar.
MIKM3700 Special Topics in Mikmaq Studies
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits intro Mikmaq Studies. Topics will change according to student and faculty interests. MIKM3701, 3703 Special Topics in Mikmaq Studies Credits: 3,3 Prerequisites: 6 credits intro Mikmaq Studies. Topics will change according to student and faculty interests. MIKM4100 Contemporary Mikmaq Issues
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: MIKM1100 and 6 credits at the 2000 or 3000 level. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MIKM450. Examines selected issues in contemporary Mikmaq society. The focus is on a critical analysis of the issues.
All courses include three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratories per week. MSIT 101/103, 201/203, 301/303, and 401/403 are compulsory within the Bachelor of Science Community Studies (BScCS) four-year degree concentration in Toqwatukl Kjijitaqnn / Integrative Science. MSIT1101/1103 Sense of Place, Emergence, and Participation
Credits: 3,3 Prerequisites: none, but intended to be taken concurrently with MSIT2101/2103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MSIT101/103. Mikmaw world view: This course will provide an opportunity for students to appreciate Creation and attain skills to restore the traditional thought of co-existence, recognizing that balance and harmony are embodied in First Nations traditions, and that First Nations perspectives on the environment reflect consciousness and therefore create attitudes. The Mikmaq language will be discussed, along with the spiritual ecology, mythical and environmental foundations of indigenous education (sensu Cajete). Western science: Discussion will focus on the brain basis of human consciousness, how things in the external environment are detected, the importance of pattern recognition by the brain, the occurrence of patterns in Nature, and the scientific pursuit to understand Natures patterns. Insights into human consciousness as provided by the biophilia hypothesis, multiple intelligences theory and integral psychology will be mentioned. MSIT2101/2103 Ways of Knowing
Credits: 3,3 Prerequisites: None, but intended to be taken concurrently with MSIT1101/1103. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MSIT201/203.
Mikmaw world view: This course will provide an opportunity for students to appreciate that Spiritual connectedness is deeply embedded in First Nations thought and that the Mikmaw world view is one pathway towards this understanding. Traditional ecological knowledge will be discussed, along with the visionary, artistic, affective and communal foundations of indigenous education (sensu Cajete). Western science: The importance of asking questions in the scientific pursuit to understand Nature will be discussed, along with the major questions asked by modern cosmology, physics, chemistry, geology and biology. Emphasis will be placed on the connectedness found within their answers, using a parts and wholes approach to understanding patterns in nature and in science. MSIT3101/3103 Cycles and Holism
Credits: 3,3 Prerequisites: MSIT1101/1103 and MSIT 2101/2103, or permission of instructor. BIOL1101 and one of BIOL1601 or BIOL2501 recommended. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MSIT301/303. Mikmaw world view: This course will explore First Nations views on the cycles of life and life forms, with emphasis toward education as the tool to investigate and respect the cosmological forces that influence thought. Varieties of energy and energy forces in natural cycles and patterns will be discussed. Western science: Cycles, rhythms and transformations in nature will be discussed using a complex systems science approach (parts and wholes and evolutionary change). Examples will be drawn from various natural phenomena in internal and/or external environments, with special attention given to issues in Atlantic Canada. MSIT3105 Plant Ecology Cross-listed with BIOL3541
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MSIT351. Western science: The study of Acadian forest systems will continue with an in-depth view of plant assemblages and the relationship to habitat, process, structure and function. Studies will be extended to the non-vascular plants. Relationships and differences between major plant divisions and plant-animal interactions will be considered. Emphasis will be placed on acquiring this knowledge in the field. Normally offered every other year. MSIT4101/4103 Wholeness
Credits: 3,3 Prerequisites: MSIT1101/1103, MSIT2101/2103 and MSIT3101/3103, or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MSIT401/403. Mikmaw world view: This course will offer the belief instilled in First Nations thought that everything comes from a single whole and that there is consistent change or flux. There are two kinds of changes (the coming together of things and the coming apart of things); both are necessary and all things are interrelated with everything connected. The four human aspects (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual) must be in balance and harmony for one to be whole and therefore healthy; this process is also evident in all of Creation. Western science: The concepts of wholeness and change will be discussed using the topics of health, healing and evolution at the organismal, population and ecosystem levels.
MUSI1100 Introduction to Music Theory
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI120. A study of the fundamental theoretical aspects of music. MUSI1101 Experiencing Music
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI125, ETHM125 or FINA125. This course introduces musical fundamentals such as pitch, rhythm, timbre, texture and other elements. By using a wide cross-section of world musics as exemplars, this course helps students to develop listening and music analysis skills. Students will be introduced to musics both familiar and unfamiliar, providing a culturally diverse musical environment in which to build their vocabularies for describing musical sound and performance. Through hands-on in-class activities and individual analysis assignments, students receive grounding in the basics of music theory and practice as it is relevant to musical traditions in many parts of the world. MUSI1103 Introduction to Music and Culture, 1600-1800
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FINA102. The periods to be studied will be late Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, and Classical. MUSI1104 Introduction to Music and Culture: The Romantic Period, 1790-1914
Credits:3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for FINA105. Changing musical styles that developed in Western Europe between 1790 and 1914. MUSI1505 History and Literature of Music I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI115, ETHM115 or FINA115. Satisfies the Group 4, BA core requirement. This course provides basic knowledge and understanding of music in culture, with emphasis on listening skills and repertoire. Material will include the fundamentals of music and a survey of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods in European music (ca. 400-1750 AD). Significant musical features, developments, composers, genres, compositions, and ensembles in each of the three eras studied will be examined. In addition, students will consider how broader social, religious, scientific, political and economic contexts affected, and were affected by, music. No prior musical knowledge is required. MUSI1506 History and Literature of Music II
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI116, ETHM116 or FINA116. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 299
This course provides basic knowledge and understanding of music in culture, with emphasis on listening skills and repertoire. Material will include the fundamentals of music and a survey of the Classical, Romantic and Modern periods in European music (ca. 1750 to the present). Significant musical features, developments, composers, genres, compositions, and ensembles in each of the three eras studied will be examined. In addition, students will consider how broader social, religious, scientific, political, and economic contexts affected, and were affected by, music. No prior musical knowledge is required. MUSI2101 Music & Culture
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI201, ETHM201 or FINA201. An introduction to the discipline of ethnomusicology, this course focuses on the issues confronting those who study music across cultures. Through the course, students discover the ways in which sounds, settings and significances interlock in diverse musical cultures. Through case studies and the major course assignment, students discover how fieldwork is done, including the process of participant observation, ethnographic interviewing, thick description and research ethics. In the process, broader issues in ethnomusicology are studied, such as movement across distances (e.g., migration), commercial and economic issues (e.g., recordings, tourism), ritual (e.g., religion, life cycle ceremonies) and politics (e.g., nationalism, protest). Each of these issues is discussed theoretically and then examined in several specific (and different) case studies involving music cultures from around the world. MUSI2201 Introduction to Gaelic Song Cross-listed with FOLK2111
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM207, CELT207, FINA207 or FOLK207. Studies the history of the Celtic music traditions with special emphasis on Scottish and Cape Breton musical traditions. MUSI2203 Introduction to Instrumental Celtic Music Cross-listed with FOLK2113
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM209, CELT209, FINA209 or FOLK209. Studies the history of the Celtic music traditions with special emphasis on Scottish and Cape Breton musical traditions. MUSI2214 Celtic Dance Cross-listed with FOLK2261
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM213 Students will learn about social and solo dance forms from Scotland, Ireland and the new world diaspora. They will examine socio-cultural dance contexts (such as ceilidhs and competitions) and grapple with such issues as the impact of tourism on dance, dance as spectacle, invented dance traditions, changing dance traditions and contexts, intercultural influences, expressing identity through dance, and dance music. No dance background is required. MUSI2221 Early Canadian Celtic Music Cross-listed with FOLK2107
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM241, CELT241, FINA241, FOLK241 or HERT241. This course is designed to introduce students to Celtic music in Canada prior to the 1970's from historical, cultural and musicological perspectives. Students will be introduced to musics from different Celtic cultures, a variety of Canadian regions, a range of musical styles and a number of significant musicians. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 300
MUSI2223 Contemporary Canadian Celtic Music Cross-listed with FOLK2108
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM243, CELT243, FINA243, FOLK243, or HERT243. This course is designed to introduce students to Celtic music in Canada from the 1970s onward, using historical, cultural and musicological perspectives. Students will be introduced to music from different Celtic cultures, a variety of Canadian regions, a range of musical styles and a number of significant musicians. MUSI2251 Social History of Celtic Music & Dance Cross-listed with FOLK2105
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM231, CELT231, FINA231, FOLK231 or HERT231. This course looks at the history and social context of Celtic music and dance. Themes include the influence of politics, religion, commercialism and gender, as well as processes such as modernization, popularization, codification and revival. Also covered are key individuals (musicians, composers and collectors) and important societies and institutions. The focus is mainly on the music and dance of Ireland, Scotland and Cape Breton Island, with some exploration of other Celtic regions. Topics are examined from a cross-cultural perspective. No prior musical knowledge is required. MUSI2301 Atlantic Canadian Folk Music Cross-listed with FOLK2403
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM203 or FOLK203. This course examines a variety of vernacular musical traditions and will consider aspects such as performers, audiences, aesthetics, functions, history, venues, transmission and collection. The definition of folk music will be debated. Folk music collections will also be studied and questioned. MUSI2311 Indigenous Musics of North America Cross-listed with ANTH2111, MIKM2106
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM255, ANTH255 or MIKM255. This course will introduce students to a range of musical tradition from North America Indigenous communities, including nation specific (especially Mikmaq), inter-tribal and popular musics. The course focuses on the significance of music to various Indigenous peoples, examining its role in, for example, ritual, spiritual expression, healing, relationships and dance. Students will also explore the relationship between music and identity, examining gender roles and nation-specific musical expressions. Students will learn basic music vocabulary in order to analyze and describe the characteristics of the music encountered. MUSI2401 Popular Music and Culture 1890 to 1950 Cross-listed with FOLK2501
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for, ETHM227, ETHM121, FINA227, FINA121, FOLK227, FOLK121, MUSI227 or MUSI121. This course traces the development of popular song in North America from its earliest forms, up to the development of rock and roll in the 1950s. Through topics such as parlour song, minstrelsy, jazz, country, swing and blues, the social, economic and technological forces that shaped popular song are explored in depth. The interrelationship between North American popular music and the diverse immigrant communities that helped create it is analyzed.
MUSI2403 Popular Music and Culture, 1950 - Present Cross-listed with FOLK2503
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: One of: MUSI 1101, ETHM 125, MUSI125, MUSI2401, FOLK2501. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM229, FINA229, FOLK229 or MUSI229. A continuation of Popular Music and Culture I, this course surveys the development of British and North American popular song between the 1960s and the 2000s. In addition to profiling the key performers, genres, businesses and texts from the past 40 years, students are introduced to the many issues that make popular music so compelling: its role in politics, social identity, economic shifts and the technological changes. The sound and history of the music are connected to the prevailing social and cultural climate of each decade. MUSI2501 Popular Music and Culture 1890 to 1950 Cross-listed with FOLK2501.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI2405, MUSI227, MUSI121, ETHM2401, ETHM227, ETHM121, FINA227, FINA121, FOLK2405, FOLK227, or FOLK121. This course traces the development of popular song in North America from its earliest forms up to the development of rock and roll in the 1950s. Through topics such as parlour song, minstrelsy, jazz, country, swing and blues, the social, economic and technological forces that shaped popular song are explored in depth. The interrelationship between North American popular music and the diverse immigrant communities that helped create it is analyzed. MUSI2601 Music Theory for Popular Song
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: MUSI1101 and the equivalent of Royal Conservatory Grade 2 Rudiments. Instructors will assess students musical theory background in the first class. This course looks at musical practices that are used in pop, rock, jazz, soul, singer-songwriter and other forms of massmediated popular music. Through listening, analysis, and composition exercises, students will discover rhythmic styles (metrical structures, groove, syncopation, etc.,) tonal, modal and harmonic techniques (harmonization, tonicization, modulation), melody writing and song forms. This course also introduces students to contemporary approaches to arrangement and layering in song textures. Exercises will include musical analysis, transcripts and the composition of original music based on the concepts taught. MUSI2603 Music Theory for Vernacular Music
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: MUSI1101 and the equivalent of Royal Conservatory Grade 2 Rudiments. Instructors will assess students musical theory background in the first class. This course explores melody, ornamentation, modality, harmony, rhythm, metrical structures and form from teh perspective of North American vernacular musics, including folksong, work song, fiddle traditions, vernacular hymn singing and the blues. Students will delve deeper into the concepts taught in Experiencing Music (MUSI1101), and will analyze specific musical examples, transcribe musics, and compose their own songs and tunes. Students will develope notation skills and hand calligraphy through class and homework assignments. MUSI2911 Cape Breton Fiddle Music
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI251, CELT251, ETHM251, or FINA251.
This performance course will emphasize instruction in the Cape Breton fiddle tradition. Basic performance competency is required and will be assessed during the first class. MUSI2913 Fiddle Music for Dancing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI253, CELT253, ETHM253, or FINA253.. This course will emphasize instructions in the use of Cape Breton fiddle music performance in the dance tradition. Piano accompaniment will be a feature of this course. MUSI2915 Evolution of the Cape Breton Fiddle Style
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Students must already be able to play fiddle; assessment by instructors required for enrolement. Note: This course will be offered every second year. This course will introduce fiddlers to the development of the Cape Breton fiddle style by studying significant Cape Breton fiddlers, cultural influences (e.g., Irish, Acadian, America), the piping influence, and/or the impact of the Gaelic language on musical trends. MUSI2917 Cape Breton Fiddle Composers
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Students must already be able to play fiddle; assessment by instructors required for enrolement. Note: This course will be offered every second year. This course will introduce fiddlers to major cape Breton fiddle composer (e.g., Dan R MacDonald, Donald Angus Beaton, Dan Hugh MacEachern ) and their repertoire. Students will learn to identify stylistics and compositional techniques associated with particular composers as well as features that make tunes more appropriate for listening or dancing.
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Any 6 credits in ETHM except performance courses. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI205, MUSI305, ETHM205, or ETHM305. This course provides in-depth study of a small number of non-Western musics, each studied during its own module. Music offers, in many ways, a window on society, giving us the opportunity to see how music is defined, how it is evaluated, how it is made and performed and its role within a given community. Music can be studied as a reflection of society, mirroring social and political structures, gender relations, cultural values, religious beliefs and other aspects. However, music is also an active force in the creation of society, as when it is used for protest purposes or to call upon a deity to change the community's circumstances. Students will discover how music is more than entertainment in many cultures and is instead a form of human expression that is a meaningful aspect of daily life. MUSI3301 Revivals & Survivals: Studying Folk Song & Traditional Music Cross-listed with FOLK3301
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of ETHM/MUSI/FOLK (except performance courses) CBUs programs in Folklore and Ethnomusicology specialize in folk and traditional music. Drawing on literature from both disciplines, as well as others, this course explores the study of this music. What exactly is folk music? Who defines it, on Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 303
what basis, and with what effects? Who creates it and why? How does it travel through space and time, and how does it change as it does so? What is the value of this music and why should it be studied? MUSI3511 Popular Musics of the World Cross-listed with FOLK3511
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Any 6 credits in ETHM, MUSI, or FOLK except performance courses. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for MUSI321, ETHM321 or FOLK321. This course focuses on popular musics from outside the North American and British mainstream. Students will grapple with various issues relating to global popular musics, including how they circulate the world and what happens as a result of transcultural contact, how world music has been constructed and consumed in the West, issues of intellectual property and ownership, language choice and the role and modes of mass media. MUSI3601 Cultural Tourism: Music, Heritage & The Exotic Cross-listed with FOLK3601
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Any 6 credits ETHM/MUSI/FOLK except performance courses. Cultural tourism is an increasingly popular type of tourism globally. But what kind of culture is privileged and what kind of culture is avoided in tourism contexts? How does culture get staged? Do tourists experience kitsch or authentic culture? How is authenticity defined? How does the tourist context affect traditional cultural expressions and beliefs within a community? This course analyzes the culture in cultural tourism with an emphasis on the role of music in cultural tourism. MUSI3603 Culture, Folk & Music Festivals: Identity on Display Cross-listed with FOLK3603
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of ETHM/MUSI/FOLK (except performance courses) Note: This course will be offered every second year. Festivals are hugely popular around the world. They provide the means for communities to showcase that which makes them unique and identifiable, including their music, food, dress, dance, and artwork. Festivals provide the opportunity to celebrate culture and identity for local residents while providing a cultural enterypoint for tourists. In this course, students consider festivals from a variety of perspectives, such as ritual, the carnivalesque, revivals, nationalism, identity, gender, and sexuality. MUSI3605 Advanced Theory and Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: MUSI2603 Music Theory for Vernacular Music or MUSI2601 Music Theory for Popular Song. For the more advanced music student, this course looks at concepts such as voice-leading, tonicization, modulation, chord substitution and other techniques used by musicians in the classical, popular and jazz traditions. The course also explores formal analysis, looking at how musical form provides coherence in both small-scale and large-scale forms. Reading and analyses by leading-edge theorists working with classical, vernacular and popular music will help students to see the issues that arise when thinking about musical process and structures across geneses. Assignments will include analysis, harmonization, and voice leading exercises as well as a longer, in-depth analysis paper. MUSI3613 Music and Nationalism Cross-listed with POLS3154
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Any 6 credits of ETHM/MUSI course (except performance); and/or a Political Science course. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM369, FINA369 or POLS369. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 304
This course examines how music can be a potent tool for both building nations and critiquing them. Music can express national identities, narrate national myths, and mark national borders, but it can also critique, deconstruct, and transgress. While many find it easy to accept that music reflects social beliefs and values, in this course we explore how music can be actively used to shape national ideas, principles and standards. MUSI3911 Credits: 1 This course label encompasses a range of fiddle styles; a particular style will be offered depending on the instructor and expertise available (e.g., Scottish, Irish, Acadian, Old-Time) and may vary from year to year. The course provides group instruction in traditional music performance for students who already have intermediate performing abilities. A student may take more than one such course for credit so long as a different fiddle style is represented by each credit. Basic performance competency is required and will be assessed during the first class. NOTE: This course is worth 1 credit ONLY. To count towards a degree, a student will need to take at least two other 1credit courses. MUSI3921 Credits: 1 This course label encompasses a range of piano styles; a particular style will be offered depending on the instructor and expertise available (e.g., Scottish, Acadian, Old-Time) and may vary from year to year. The course provides group instruction in traditional music performance for students who already have intermediate performing abilities. A student may take more than one such course for credit so long as a different piano style is represented by each credit. Basic performance competency is required and will be assessed during the first class. NOTE: This course is worth 1 credit ONLY. To count towards a degree, a student will need to take at least two other 1credit courses. MUSI3931 Credits: 1 This course label encompasses a range of styles relevant to an instrument not represented by other performance course codes; a particular style and instrument will be offered depending on the instructor and expertise available (e.g., Irish flute/whistle, Celtic accordion, Mi'kmaq powwow music) and may vary from year to year. The course provides group instruction in traditional music performance for students who already have intermediate performing abilities. A student may take more than one such course for credit so long as a different instrument and/or style is represented by each credit. Basic performance competency is required and will be assessed during the first class. NOTE: This course is worth 1 credit ONLY. To count towards a degree, a student will need to take at least two other 1credit courses. MUSI3941 Credits: 1 This course label encompasses a range of dance styles; a particular style will be offered depending on the instructor and expertise available (e.g., Cape Breton step dance, Ottawa Valley step dance, Highland dancing) and may vary from year Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 305 Dance Performance Instrumental Performance Piano Performance Fiddle Performance
to year. The course provides group instruction in traditional dance performance. A student may take more than one such course for credit so long as a different dance style is represented by each credit. NOTE: This course is worth 1 credit ONLY. To count towards a degree, a student will need to take at least two other 1credit courses. MUSI3951 Credits: 1 This course label encompasses a range of vocal styles; a particular style will be offered depending on the instructor and expertise available (e.g., choir, Gaelic song, Acadian song, Mi'kmaq song) and may vary from year to year. The course provides group instruction in song performance. A student may take more than one such course for credit so long as a different type of song or vocal style is represented by each credit. NOTE: This course is worth 1 credit ONLY. To count towards a degree, a student will need to take at least two other 1credit courses. Vocal Performance
NURS1101 Conceptual Model for Nursing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS105. Focuses on nursing as a profession and its historical evolution to the present. Theoretical and philosophical bases of nursing are explored, with a focus on Orems self-care theory. The role of the professional nurse is explored. Factors that influence contemporary nursing, such as legal and ethical issues, health care reform and changing health care priorities are discussed. This course introduces the philosophy and framework for nursing. NURS1103 Health Promotion and Learning
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: NURS1101 and NURS1104. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS115. Explores the concepts of health and wellness, health promotion, and learning within a framework of self-care theory. This course covers lifestyle issues and health behaviour within the context of the wider socio-cultural, economic, political and ecological issues which determine health. This course provides opportunities for students to reflect upon theories of health/wellness behaviour and its determinants and consequences; to develop interviewing and health assessment skills with a selected client; to develop skills in facilitating client learning about health and helping clients grow toward more positive wellness. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 306
NURS1104 Introduction to Nursing
Credits: 3 Prerequisite for nursing practice component: NURS1101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS125. Provides a foundation for nursing practice with an introduction to the theory and practice of nursing skills and techniques. The nursing process and Orems theory of self-care are used as organizing frameworks for the course. The focus is on selected skills appropriate to meet the needs of individuals with self- care deficits. Classroom instruction and supervised nursing practice are integral components of this course. Second-year courses pursue a common theme: community health with a focus on the needs of individuals, families and communities. NURS2101 Community Health Nursing I: Introduction to Community
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All First Year Nursing courses with a passing grade/average of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS207. This course provides an introduction to community and the two distinct branches of community health nursing: home health nursing and public health nursing. Major themes explored are: community assessment, working with older adults, group process, vulnerable groups, mental health and vulnerability, community health promotion and community health education. Community nursing practice assignments are an integral part of this course. NURS2103 Family Nursing in the Community
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS211. This course explores the role of the nurse in facilitating the health of families within communities. Major themes in this course include family theories, family assessment, family developmental stages, local and global trends and issues for childbearing and childrearing families and growth and development of the child within the context of family. Community resources for parents and children will be explored. Nursing practice assignments are an integral part of this course. NURS2104 Nursing of Adults I
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS237. This course provides an introduction to the theory of nursing care of adults in the acute care hospital setting in relation to homeostasis and the pathophysiological changes of the body in response to problems pertaining to fluid and electrolyte imbalance, respiratory and cardiovascular function and Diabetes. Supervised lab practice is an integral part of this course. NURS2105 Pharmacology in Nursing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS255. This course provides an overview of the basic science of drugs. The properties of major drug families will be reviewed via a prototype and an emphasis on basic pharmacological principles. The focus throughout this course will be on the application of knowledge to client care and client education. The acquisition of skills to understand medication prescriptions and accurately calculate drug dosages is an expected outcome. A passing grade in this course is a prerequisite for NURS2990.
NURS2106 Comprehensive Health Assessment
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS275. This theory and practice course focuses on a systematic assessment of a clients health status and the normal functions and findings related to various body systems. The emphasis of practice is on developing the assessment skills necessary to implement a comprehensive examination of body systems for the purpose of identifying self-care requisites. A practicum is provided in a lab setting. Third-year courses focus on the nursing needs of the family and are organized around the developmental stages of the life cycle and various situational crises which a family may experience. NURS2990 Nursing Practice I
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: Successful completion of all level one and two year nursing courses to date and BIOL3200. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS250. An intersession course (May - June) with learning experience in selected nursing practice settings in the community NURS3100 Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing Care Cross-listed with PHIL3130
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: All first and second year Nursing courses with a passing grade/avg. of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS330 or PHIL330. Available to non-Nursing students only with the permission of the instructor. Examines the moral and ethical implications of various practices in the field of health care as they affect human life and the basic dignity of the person. Also treats the moral, ethical, legal, and theological issues raised by recent developments in the life sciences. NURS3101 Nursing of Adults II Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All first and second year Nursing courses with a passing grade/avg. of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS307. Nursing 3101 focuses on many health challenges encountered by adults resulting from problems originating in the hematological, peripheral vascular systems, gastrointestinal, hepato-biliary disorders, neurological disorders, gynecological disorders, renal tract disorders and renal failure, acute and chronic. Primary health care focusing on the needs of the population particularly related to health promotion and illness prevention will be explored. NURS3102 Nursing Statistics and Research Methods
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: All first and second year Nursing courses with a passing grade/avg. of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS310. The course is designed to introduce students to the research process and to quantitative and qualitative research methods related to critical appraisal of nursing and health care literature. Emphasis is placed on the students potential role as a generator of researchable questions, as a collaborator in research related to nursing practice and as an intelligent consumer of research. Concepts of research design, implementation, analysis and interpretation are studied in the context of the steps of the research process. The course requires students to become immersed in the language and Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 308
culture of research and to understand the broader context within which nursing research is conducted. For students in nursing and nursing with advanced major. NURS3103 Nursing of Children
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All first and second year Nursing courses with a passing grade/avg. of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS315. This course is based on the philosophy and principles of family-centred care, promotion of self-care for childbearing families, promoting family-centred social changes and family empowerment. Students will explore how children and families cope with illness in childhood and adolescence and what nursing interventions children and families find helpful. A wide range of pediatric illness conditions is presented. This course involves three hours of classroom time per week for 12 weeks and 12 hours of nursing practice per week for six weeks. The nursing practice has both an illness and wellness focus and utilizes both acute care and community settings. NURS3104 Mental Health Nursing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All first and second year Nursing courses with a passing grade/avg. of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS345. This course provides students with a comprehensive approach to mental health aspects of nursing practice. Topics include stigma and mental illness, anxiety, depression, psychosis, mania, mental health difficulties associated with food and eating, traumatic stress, substance and gambling dependency and dementia. Each issue will be considered from a socio-cultural, political, economic, historical and biophysical perspective. Students will explore principles of social justice as well as ethical and legal aspects of mental health care. The class is taught in a weekly three-hour workshop format which includes a broad variety of learning approaches. Nursing practice consists of 11 hours per week of mental health practice for a six week period during the term. NURS3105 Perinatal Nursing
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All first and second year Nursing courses with a passing grade/avg. of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS355. This course is based on the philosophy and principles of family-centred health care, promotion of self-care for childbearing families, and promoting family-centred social changes and family empowerment. Students explore philosophical, cultural, physiological, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of childbirth, postpartum adaptation, lactation, and infant care. The focus of the course is on understanding normal, healthy perinatal and neonatal experience, with an introduction to understanding a range of perinatal and neonatal complications. This course involves six hours per week of classroom instruction and 12 hours of nursing practice per week for six weeks. NURS3106 Nursing Research Methods
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: NURS3107 and all first and second year Nursing courses with a passing grade/avg. of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS3102 or NURS310. This course is designed to introduce students to the research process as it relates to nursing and other health disciplines. Concepts of research design, implementation, analysis and interpretation are studied in the context of the steps of the research process. The course requires students to become immersed in the language and culture of research and to understand the broader context in which nursing research is conducted. Emphasis is placed on the students potential Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 309
role as a generator of researchable questions, as a collaborator in research related to nursing practice and as an intelligent consumer of research. NURS3107 Introductory Statistics for Nursing and Health
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: NURS2990 and all first and second year Nursing courses with a passing grade/avg. of 50%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS3102 or NURS310. An introductory statistics course introducing the student tot statistical principles with a nursing focus including descriptive statistics; measures of central tendency; probability distributions; populations, confidence interval, standard error; p-value and statistical inference; hypotheses testing; validity and linear regression and correlations. Examples and exercises will reflect Canadian nursing research. NURS4101 Community Health Nursing II Population Focused Approach
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All first, second and third year Nursing courses with a passing grade/average of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS407. This course explores population focused community health nursing practice. Major themes include: population health promotion, population focused nursing practice, public health nursing, populations with communicable and chronic diseases, epidemiology, immunizations, environmental health and disaster management. This course involves three hours per week of classroom instruction and 12 hours of nursing practice per week for six weeks. NURS4103 Nursing of Adults III
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All first, second and third ear nursing courses, each with a minimum average of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS435. Designed to provide the senior nursing student with opportunities to render comprehensive nursing care and explore concepts related to adults and older adults who are experiencing or at risk for, complex health problems such as palliative and end of life care, cancer care, musculoskeletal disorders and sensorineural disorders. Students participate in a variety of nursing practice experiences. This course involves three hours per week of classroom instruction for the term and 1012 hours of nursing practice per week for six weeks. NURS4104 Nursing of Adults IV
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: All first, second and third year nursing courses, each with a minimum average of 65%. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS445. A nursing practice and theoretical course designed to provide the senior nursing student with opportunities to render comprehensive nursing care and explore concepts related to adults who are experiencing, or at risk for, complex health problems associated with endocrine disorders, chest and lower respiratory disorders, integumentary disorder burns and multisystem failure. Students participate in a variety of nursing practice experiences in several different settings. This course consists of six hours per week of classroom instruction for 6 weeks and 10-12 hours of nursing practice per week for six weeks.
NURS4105 Trends in Health Care
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS491. A senior nursing course which examines the evolution of health care as an organized service, with emphasis on the development of and challenges to, nursing education and practice. While its specific focus is the Canadian health care system, the course provides exposure to the international scene, particularly health conditions and needs in the developing world. The course is designed to facilitate independent inquiry. It involves the student in consultations and a search of relevant literature. NURS4106 Leadership and Research in Nursing
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS493. Examines nursing theories, management models and leadership concepts and theories. Qualitative research methodologies are reviewed, with emphasis on their usefulness in exploring specific nursing problems. The focus throughout the course is the importance of the scientific foundations of nursing as a research-based practice. NURS4801 Directed Study and Practice
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Permission of the Nursing Program Coordinator. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS499. This course requires application and testing of nursing knowledge as well as knowledge from related disciplines in a nursing practice setting of the students choice (within the limits of available resources). The student selects a faculty advisor, as well as agency staff for consultation and supervision as appropriate. NURS4990 Nursing Practicum II
Credits: 6 Prerequisite: Successful completion of all fourth year nursing courses. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NURS450. The nursing practicum assists the nursing students transition to the graduate nurses role. The practicum consists of two preceptored nursing practice experiences (408 hours) in practice settings of the students choice based on their learning needs and interest. In addition, the nursing practicum will provide the student with an understanding the scope and roles of registered nursing. It is expected that during the nursing practicum experiences, student will demonstrate leadership, collaboration, advocacy and critical thinking with clients, members of health care teams and peers.
NUTR1101 Community Nutrition
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NUTR101. This course gives a broad overview of nutrition with a special emphasis placed on Cape Breton. Topics include the history, psychology, economics, sociology, elementary chemistry and elementary biology of nutrition. Includes discussion of ways good nutrition can be obtained economically. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 311
NUTR2101 Introduction to Nutritional Assessment of Disease - Theory
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 3 credits in a university science (Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Nutrition, Psychology, Physics or Statistics) or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NUTR205. Diseases discussed are of interest to the Aboriginal and broader Cape Breton community, as such diseases impact heavily upon those communities. Topics are types I and II Diabetes, heart disease (atherosclerosis), blood pressure, stroke and kidney disease. Each of these topics is dealt with in terms of pathology and elementary nutritional biochemistry, socioeconomic factors leading to the diseases, and nutritional and related socioeconomic approaches to be taken to avoid and treat these diseases, including dietary approaches available to those at risk and identification of Aboriginal and other Cape Bretoners at risk of these diseases. NUTR2103 Introduction to Nutritional Assessment of Disease - Applications
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: NUTR2101 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NUTR207. Various blood and other body parameters relative to the diseases covered in NUTR 2101 will be measured and the impact of nutrition on some of those parameters assessed. A field survey will be designed, implemented and analysed by students to assess the socioeconomic and nutritional factors that govern the relative degree of risk of these diseases in a chosen Cape Breton subpopulation. At the end of the course students will be able to understand the facets and importance of: a) Stated laboratory outcomes, b) Various biochemical measures, c) Experimental design and conduct and d) Data analyses and recommendations to be made to overcome risk of these diseases in Cape Breton. Course includes lab component. NUTR2104 Introduction to Nutrition
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIOL1101 and (CHEM1101 and 1103 or CHEM1104 and 1105) or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NUTR261. This course conveys the fundamentals of the science of nutrition, emphasizing nutrients, their functions and dietary sources. It includes how the body handles the nutrients. Students will become familiar with recommended nutrient intakes as well as the interrelatedness of economics, culture, health and nutrition. NUTR2105 Applied Nutrition
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: NUTR2104 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NUTR263. This course emphasizes nutritions role in health promotion and prevention and treatment of disease. Topics include nutritional health and food consumption trends in Canada, nutritional assessment, life-cycle nutrition, diet and chronic disease and nutritional intervention in various diseases. Alternate feeding methods and post-operative nutrition will be discussed. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 312
NUTR2106 Principles of Nutrition in Human Metabolism
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: NUTR2104 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NUTR265. The topics (normal human metabolism in relation to life cycle, sports nutrition, consumer concerns about foods, hunger and global food issues) are of interest, in part, to students who plan to enter their third year of the Honours BSc in Human Nutrition program at St. Francis Xavier University. Other students interested in the health sciences would find the course to be very useful in developing their understanding of nutritional biochemistry. Offered every other year: Fall 2011 and Fall 2013. NUTR2107 Introduction to Sport Nutrition Cross-listed with SPKH2107
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: SPHK100/1100. The six nutrient classes and their basic metabolism in healthy individuals are reviewed. These six nutrient classes and their metabolism are then explained in terms of training, competition and post-competition nutrition for maximising performance in specific sports covering the aerobic, anaerobic and interval spectrum (e.g. marathon running, sprinting, basketball, soccer, hockey). The interaction of diet and genetics in sports will be discussed. Finally, sources of information on sport nutrition will be noted and assessed for their reliability. NUTR3701 Current Topics in Human Nutrition
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: NUTR2104 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for NUTR361. This course deals with current issues in human nutrition including osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, atopic dermatitis and physical activity. Other topics discussed are dietary reference intakes, genetically modified foods, world food supply, food labelling debates, the use of the Internet and successes and failures in current nutrition research. Normally offered every other year.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR112. Fundamental concepts of petroleum development from discovery techniques, production and processing, to transportation and marketing. Focus on east coast offshore oil and gas exploration and production. PETR1161 Drilling Engineering
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR132. Designed to acquaint the petroleum engineering technology students with the techniques, equipment and engineering design considerations and calculations used in the oil and natural gas well drilling operations. Laboratories.
PETR2131 Marine Environment Protection, Safety and Loss Control
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR221. A study of the sources, characteristics, environmental effects and regulatory aspects of material/product control and the impact on the marine environment. PETR2134 Materials and Equipment Design
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR350. A study of the materials selection process for equipment used in gas and oil operations. Corrosion mechanisms and inhibition methods are covered. Codes, standards and applicable specifications are presented, along with their applications. PETR2135 Production Engineering
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR380. Designed to acquaint petroleum engineering technology students with the techniques, equipment, and engineering design considerations and calculations used in the oil and natural gas production operations. Laboratories and hands-on application employing petroleum engineering software packages that are popular in the industry. PETR2161 Reservoir Engineering I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: GEOL2101 and ENGI1168. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR211. Examination of characteristics of hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs. Calculation of porosity and permeability, coringand core properties. Determination of hydrocarbon in place and reservoir drive mechanisms. PETR2163 Petroleum Process Simulation
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR310. Utilization of simulation software to model process operation and examine the effects of variation of process conditions. Equipment and process characteristics are emphasized. PETR2164 Advanced Process Simulation
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PETR2163. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR340. Utilization of simulation software to model process operation and examine the effects of variation of process conditions. Concentration on unit operations and production variation models. PETR2165 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 314 Petroleum Project
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR370. A multidisciplinary course that involves the student to prepare a complete evaluation of a petroleum project including technical issues, regulatory issues, economic payback and presentation. PETR2731 Selected Topics in Petroleum
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR300. This course provides a forum for directed study on a number of issues and concerns within the petroleum industry. Faculty as well as guest lecturers from academia, industry and government, will address students on pertinent topics and developments. Site visits and visual presentations on student exercises will supplement these seminars. PETR3131 Management of Technological Innovation I Cross-listed with ENVI3134
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR426 or ENVI426. This course examines the process whereby a research and development invention is converted into a socially useful and commercially successful new product. Small and large companies are studied. Petroleum case studies. Matched with PETR3161. PETR3133 Project Design and Evaluation Techniques
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PETR1131. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR446. This course requires the student to design, evaluate and present a petroleum project. The report will cover technical, operational, scheduling, regulatory and economic issues. A written and oral presentation of the study will be conducted. PETR3134 Codes and Specifications in the Petroleum Industry
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PETR1131. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR447. Examination and background information on code jurisdiction and interpretation of standards and specifications relevant to the petroleum industry. API, ASME, ANSI and CSA codes are included. PETR3161 Management of Technological Innovation II Cross-listed with ENVI3165
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR427 or ENVI427. This course examines the process whereby a research and development invention is converted into a socially useful and commercially successful new product. Small and large companies are studied. Petroleum case studies. Matched with PETR3131. PETR3163 Process Control and Optimization Systems
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR436. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 315
Detailed examination of petroleum production characteristics and fluid properties. Study of measurement and interface equipment. Detailed simulation experiments with production and equipment variation. PETR3164 Distributed Control Systems and Programmable Logic Controllers
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PETR3163. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PETR437. Study of measurement, control and electronic interface equipment. Criteria for selection and implementation of DCS and PLC equipment.
What is philosophy? There are questions which haunt or perplex human beings. Is abortion, mercy killing or suicide morally justifiable? What is a just distribution of wealth? Does God exist? Do people have free will? Is some art more profound than others? What is knowledge? These sorts of questions cannot be answered merely by gathering more information and they cannot be discussed except in terms of abstract concepts. Forced by the circumstances of life or driven by curiosity, however, many people try to provide answers and to do so is to philosophize. Philosophy also examines the presuppositions of the various sciences and, through the study of logic, trains the mind in the art of reasoning. There are no prerequisites for 2000-level courses. All 3000-level courses require 6 credits of Philosophy (with the exception of PHIL3130) and all 4000-level require 12 credits of Philosophy. Courses marked are also offered by distance. PHIL1101 Knowledge and Reality
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL100. Classic and Modern Texts will be read dealing with questions about God, reality, truth, the soul, mind and freedom of the will. PHIL1103 Critical Thinking
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL115. Skills are developed in recognizing mistakes in reasoning and constructing good arguments. PHIL1104 Greek Philosophy: An Introduction
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL132. Students will be introduced to Philosophy through the study of some works of Plato and Aristotle focusing on the nature of reality and of virtue. PHIL1105 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 316 Philosophy and The Meaning of Life
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL203. Novels, plays, short stories and philosophical essays by modern writers (Dostoyevsky to Sartre) will be used to explore the classic philosophical question: What gives human life a deep meaning? PHIL2103 Philosophies of Love, Sex and Friendship
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL205. What is love? How is it different than friendship? What, if any, relationships obtain between these concepts and sex? What differentiates morally acceptable from unacceptable sexual behaviour? These and other related questions will be explored through historical and contemporary readings. PHIL2105 Feminist Philosophy
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL207. This course will explore philosophy and values from a variety of feminist perspectives. It will investigate theories about womens nature, political goals, ethics and art. PHIL2107 Environmental Ethics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL221. A study of moral issues regarding the environment, overpopulation, animal rights, endangered species and the sublime in nature. PHIL2109 The Existence of God Cross-listed with RELS2109
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL223 or RELS223. The question concerning the existence of God is perplexing, since it arises in history but points to a reality beyond history. What can we know about God? PHIL2111 Medical Ethics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL225, PHIL330 or NURS330. May not be taken in place of NURS3100 or PHIL3130 in BSc Nursing. Long-standing moral controversies such as abortion and euthanasia will be examined, along with other issues includiing patient/doctor relationships, health-care allocation and organ donation. PHIL2113 Debating Artistic Values
Why is the colourization of movies controversial? What is wrong with a forgery? Why do we feel sad (or happy) for fictional characters in plays, movies and novels? What is conceptual art? These and other issues will be explored through readings and other media. PHIL2115 Ethics and the Law
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL235. An examination of alternative views of the law and of areas within the law in which philosophical issues arise. Issues to be studied include: Laws relation to morality, social practice and politics; liberty; liability and responsibility; punishment and rights. PHIL2117 Business Ethics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL237. Do moral principles govern business activity? This question is studied through a series of contemporary issues which will be of interest to BA, BACS and, especially BBA students. PHIL2119 Movies and Morals
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL239 or FINA239. This course is concerned with the way movies have used the possibilities of the medium to both reflect and shape twentieth century moral conventions. Complete movies will be viewed. PHIL2121 Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Education
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL241. A set of contemporary issues in secondary and post-secondary education will be studied. This course will be of special interest to students planning or having practical experience in education. PHIL2123 World Views and Values
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL251. An introduction to philosophical questions based on writings from some of the major world belief systems: Western, Hindu, Chinese and Muslim. PHIL2125 Death and Dying: Dying and Values Cross-listed with RELS2125
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL257 or RELS257. Death as a process of life. Cardiac, whole brain and higher brain definitions of death. Interdisciplinary perspectives. Moral standing and ethical principles. Death condemnation and embalming. DNR and DNH orders, transplants and living wills.
PHIL2127 Death and Dying: Death, Healing and Ageing Cross-listed with RELS2127
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL259 or RELS259. Heidegger, Sartre and Marcel on the nature of death. Healing techniques: good and bad grief. Ageing as a process. The metaphysical structure of death as such (what death is like to the dead). PHIL2129 Spirituality and Health Cross-listed with RELS2129
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Available to non-nursing students only with the permission of the instructor. Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL265 or RELS265. Required for all students in the BSc Nursing Program. This course introduces students to the links between spirituality, medicine, disease and illness as they relate to health and healing techniques throughout the lifespan. Health arises at the intersection of these links. The course is directed toward students in the nursing program, though other students may enroll with permission of the instructor. PHIL2131 Religion and Health Cross-listed with RELS2131
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PHIL2129 Exclusions: Available to non-nursing students only with the permission of the instructor. Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL267 or RELS267. Required for all students in the BSc Nursing Program. This course introduces students to the links between religion, culture and health. The major world religions offer guidance on how to live harmoniously with self, others and the environment, thereby playing a focal role in health issues. The course is directed toward students in the nursing program, though other students may enroll with the permission of the instructor. PHIL2137 Canadian Political Values Cross-listed with POLS2105
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000 level Political Science or permission of Instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL215 or POLS215. Our national experience has led Canadian thinkers to develop distinctive political philosophies. We explore their work with an eye to the contemporary scene in Canada. PHIL2222 Science, Technology and Human Affairs
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL222. Highly recommended for B.Sc students. This course is intended to help students reflect on the nature of science and technology and their impact on human affairs. PHIL3109 History and Philosophy of Science
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of Philosophy. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 319
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL321. This course will provide students with a better understanding of the nature of the scientific process by discussing such topics as explanation, the nature of scientific theory, observation, progress in science and scientific realism. It will also examine recent feminist and social constructivist critiques of science. PHIL3130 Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing Care Cross-listed with NURS3100
Credits: 6 Exclusion: Available to non-Nursing students only with the permission of the instructor. Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL330 or NURS330. Examines the moral and ethical implications of various practices in the field of health care as they affect human life and the basic dignity of the person. Also treats the moral, ethical, legal and theological issues raised by recent developments in the life sciences.
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL301 or POLS301. The principles underlying political systems will be studied historically: Platos criticism of democracy, Machiavellis ideas on leadership, the concept of social contract and Marx and Hegels dialectical view of history. PHIL3153 In Search of the Just Society Cross-listed with POLS3153
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL303 or POLS303. This course examines concepts of justice, human rights, freedom, democracy and gender equality in contemporary liberal, feminist, and human rights writings of the twentieth century. PHIL3154 Feminist Philosophical Theory
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL359. This course provides a historically progressive discussion of feminist philosophical theory. Its aim is to articulate the complexities of how feminist philosophy can identify and respond to interconnected forms of oppression within contemporary, often multicultural societies. PHIL3155 Ethics I
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL305. The major theories of classical and modern ethics will be critically examined and the concepts underlying problems in applied ethics studied: free will, reason and emotion and good and evil. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 320
PHIL3157 Ethics II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL307. Has there been progress in ethical theory? Many of the same concepts studied in 3155 will be examined, but from the point of view of contemporary ethical theories. PHIL3201 Religious Persecution to Religious Liberty I (to 1600) Cross-listed with HIST3201 and RELS3153 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of Philosophy, HIST1100 or 6 credits of Humanities. Exclusion: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL353, HIST353, or RELS353. This course examines ideas about religious intolerance, toleration, and liberty, from antiquity to the sixteenth century. Students will read and discuss important texts. Historical, theological and philosophical perspectives will be introduced. PHIL3203 Religious Persecution to Religious Liberty II (from 1600) Cross-listed with HIST3203 and RELS3155 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PHIL3201. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL355, HIST355, or RELS355. A continuation of PHIL3201. The seventeenth century worked out ideas presented during the Reformation, while the Enlightenment launched an all-out assault on bastions of intolerance. Modern approaches, theological, and philosophical, along with contemporary declarations, e.g. United Nations and Vatican II, will also be read. PHIL4102 Medieval Philosophy
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL420. This course examines the main themes of medieval philosophy in a historical context: St. Augustine, through St. Thomas Aquinas, to William of Occam. PHIL4110 Modern Philosophy
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Philosophy Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL480 or PHIL 380. Required course for Philosophy majors. This course examines the writings of the major philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth century (Descartes to Kant) with an emphasis on metaphysics and epistemology. PHIL4112 Nineteenth Century Philosophy
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Philosophy. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 321
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL490 or PHIL 390. English philosophy in the nineteenth century emphasized utilitarianism and idealism, Germans thought about history and irrationality and the Americans invented pragmatism. Topics will be drawn from these themes. PHIL4120 Logic and the Analytic Tradition
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL412 or PHIL 312. Required course for Philosophy majors. As well as introducing students to the elements of symbolic logic, this course examines the main thinkers of the Analytic Tradition, one of the main traditions in twentieth century philosophy. PHIL4122 The Continental Philosophical Tradition
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL440. Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, Foucault and others engaged in unique explorations of human consciousness, bodily life and language. These topics will be studied in the broad context of twentieth century intellectual life. PHIL4130 Contemporary Readings in Social Justice
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL450. What is a just society? This course examines the contemporary philosophical debate over this most important question as it relates to the ideals of liberty, equality and economic efficiency. PHIL4700 Greek Philosophy
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Philosophy. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHIL470 or PHIL 370. Required course for Philosophy majors. The central questions of philosophy were first raised by the Greek philosophers. This course examines the major works of Plato and Aristotle in their cultural and intellectual context. PHIL4800 Directed Study
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Philosophy. Serious philosophy students may pursue, on a tutorial basis, a custom-made course. This will permit the student to study a particular topic in depth at an advanced level.
See Sports and Human Kinetics
Physics courses are offered to meet the needs of Engineering and Bachelor of Science students. PHYS1102 Elements of Physics
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHYS110. An algebra-based physics course designed for students in a life science program. The course introduces mechanics, waves, electricity, magnetism, optic, and modern physics. PHYS1101, 1201 Elements of Physics I and II
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Grade 12 Physics and Mathematics is recommended Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHYS113, 115. An algebra-based physics course designed for students in a life science program. The course introduces waves, wave superposition and interference, electricity, magnetism, optics and modern physics. NOTE: This pair of courses replaces PHYS 110 (6 credits) with two 3 credit courses. PHYS 1104, 1204 General Physics I and II
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisites: Grade 12 Academic Mathematics and Physics. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHYS121, 122. A calculus-based physics course designed for students intending to take further physics or engineering. The course introduces mechanics, waves, electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. It is recommended that students take MATH1105/1206 concurrently. PHYS2101 Chemical Thermodynamics Cross-listed with CHEM2201
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: CHEM1105 and MATH1206. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for CHEM201. The theoretical basis of the fundamental principles of chemistry will be discussed. The emphasis is on derivations and the physical meaning of these. Topics include thermodynamics, solutions and phase equilibria. Students will be introduced to data handling by computer. Course includes lab component. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 323
PHYS 2201 Optics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PHYS1204, MATH1206 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHYS231. Introduction to optics with an emphasis on topics relevant to chemists and engineers. Topics will include geometric optics (lenses and curved mirrors), analysis of light as a wave, polarization, Fresnel equations for reflection and transmission of light, optical instrumentation, diffraction, Fourier analysis lasers andoptical properties of materials. PHYS3201 Statistical Mechanics
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PHYS 1204, CHEM 2203 or ENGI 2164 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PHYS351. The main objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the connections between the microscopic (atomic scale) behaviour of physical systems and the macroscopic (on or near the scale of people) behaviour of physical systems. This is a two-way relationship. Our (sometimes experimental) knowledge of the atomic scale can allow us to predict properties of materials. Similarly, our (usually experimental) knowledge of the properties of materials can allow us to probe the properties of the atoms in those materials. Attention will be given to the kinetic theory of gases, which allows us to predict and extend the ideal gas law that students will have encountered in other courses. Students will also explore how these same approaches can lead to an understanding of magnetic systems, the physical properties of crystals and absorption and emission of light by hot objects.
Students are welcome to take political science courses: As part of a major or minor in a degree program As elective courses As part of the Public Administration Diploma or certificate programs. And as part of the honours program in Political Science Career options include: Government and public administration - policy analysis, public sector management, program evaluation Law and judicial administration -law, legal analysis in government, court management, criminology, criminal justice system official Foreign service -officer in the foreign service Social Justice work with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups, government agencies or the UN. Business and business-government relations -consulting, partnering, interest group work, polling, policy research Teaching and research -teaching in public school or university, research for labour unions or work with NGOs Journalism - political and economic analysis, writing and reporting, editing The prerequisite for courses at the 2000 level and beyond is 6 credits at the 1000 level or permission of the instructor. Courses marked are also offered by distance. POLS1100 Politics, Law and Social Justice: Canadian and International Perspectives
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS100. An introduction to the fundamental comparative concepts of political science: ideologies, political power, political behaviour, political/governing institutions, and the social and economic needs of individuals in society. POLS2102 Basics of Canadian Politics and Government
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS250 or POLS150. The description, explanation and analysis of the major governmental and socio-political forces present at all levels of the Canadian political system. POLS2103 Parties, Elections, and Democracy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS273. Political parties in Canada, elections and voting patterns and the impact of citizen participation on the quality of democracy. POLS2104 Human Rights in Canada
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS297.
A study of the evolution of Canadian policy in the areas of human rights legislation, anti-hate laws, multiculturalism, First Nations self-government and employment equity. POLS2105 Canadian Political Values Cross-listed with PHIL2137
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS215 or PHIL215. Our national experience has led Canadian thinkers to develop distinctive political philosophies. The course explores their work with an eye to the contemporary scene in Canada. POLS2110 Introduction to Canadian Public Administration
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS222. This course offers a lively introduction to the manner by which political power is exercised in this country by governments. The course will address issues of the democratic mandate, the setting of public policy, the structure and working of government institutions, public participation in government and government accountability. POLS2111 The New Social Media: Politics and Communication in the 21 Century.
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS223. This course will examine the nature of media and its impact on society, politics, governments, policy and the way people think about social, economic and political power in modern society. POLS2112 Mikmaq Government Cross-listed with MIKM2220
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS240 or MIKM240. Examines the history of Mikmaq traditional leaderships. Indigenous self-governments in Canada will be used as a framework for discussion. POLS2113 Public Political Opinion and the Media
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS225. The formation and articulation of political opinion as it is influenced by the media, the political system, government and mass communications in Canada. POLS2114 Scandals, Corruption and Lies: Power, Politics and Morality
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS227. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 326
A close study of ethics and morals within public life, how and why politics and government are so often tainted with scandal and how ethical standards of political life can be improved. Much of the course will focus on both historical and current case studies. POLS2115 Family Policies in Canada
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS235. A study of evolving policies and laws in Canada that deal with changing family trends and increasing pressures on the family. Policies include the regulation of divorce, custody and child support, day care and parental leave, social assistance and economic supports and protection against domestic violence and abuse. POLS2116 Whos in Charge? : Exposing Government-Business Relations in Canada Cross-listed with MGMT2101
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS263 or BUSS272. The relationship between business and government in Canada is a complex, fluid one that is little understood. Understanding that relationship is vitally important, however, because it affects how we live and work as Canadians. This course examines the historical relationship between government and business. A large part of that examination will focus on how that relationship determines what governments will and wont do when it comes to making decisions in areas such as education, health care, personal and corporate taxes, economic development and foreign policy. This course is of equal interest to business and political science students. POLS2117 Childrens Rights Cross-listed with PSYC2311
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS279, POLS395, PSYC279 or PSYC395. This course brings together perspectives from law and public policy and from developmental psychology to study the rights of the child. Using the framework of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, the course examines current Canadian policies and practices in areas such as child poverty, protection from abuse and neglect, child care, and protection from corporal punishment and violence against children. POLS2120 An Introduction to United States Government and Politics
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS230. Examines the basic institutions of the US government: the role and powers of the president, the congress, the judicial system, the media and the political parties and interest groups. POLS2121 The Politics of Social Division: Race, Gender and Class
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS275.
This course examines race, gender and class as they affect domestic and international politics. Particular attention will be paid to how these categories of social division have shifted over time and how the new politics of globalization may provide both challenges and opportunities for deepening equality and justice. POLS2123 Contemporary US Foreign Policy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS289. This course introduces students to contemporary debates on where power lies in the US foreign policy making process. The course then examines salient case studies to understand distinct explanations on the roles that power, ethics and law play in the process of contemporary US foreign policy making. POLS2131 Terrorism Security Policy and New World (Dis)Order
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS267. Probes the nature of security policy, at home and abroad and the threat posed to peace and order by both domestic and international terrorism. Includes discussion of the nature of terrorism, its origins and the means by which it is fought. POLS2133 War and Peace
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS269. This course will offer an in-depth study of the nature of war, its origins and evolution, military strategy and the impact of war on individual soldiers and citizens through to entire states and ultimately the entire world. The nature of peace, the building blocks of peace and international harmony and the ways and means of ending wars and promoting peace through peacekeeping and peacemaking will also be examined. POLS2134 South of the Border: Canadian, U.S. and Latin American Relations
Credits 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS281. This course offers a critical overview and analysis of the political, economic, social and cultural relations, exchanges, tensions and opportunities existing between Latin America and her North American neighbours. POLS2135 Rich Nations and Poor Nations: The Impact of Globalization
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS285. This course explores the interlocking nature of development and underdevelopment from an international perspective. POLS2136 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 328 International Politics of the Environment
Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of the instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS291. Situates environmental issues within the structures and processes of the international system. This course will have an environmental ethics/philosophy component to assist with the establishment of the roots of the problem. POLS2140 Law and Society Cross-listed with ECON2140
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS212, POLS112, ECON212 or ECON112. This course provides an introduction to the study of law, government and the economy. It provides an understanding of leading social, political and economic issues and the impact of these issues on our life. POLS2141 Criminal Justice
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS245. This course examines Canadas criminal justice system and policies in such areas as policing, sentencing, corrections, early release, and parole. We also examine issues of gun control, capital punishment, racial profiling, penal populism, police accountability, and justice for women and minorities. POLS2143 Issues in Criminal Justice and Public Policy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS247. This course is a study of major problems and issues in the Canadian criminal justice system including youth crime, youth justice, restorative justice, and the sentencing of young offenders. We also examine the case of female and Aboriginal offenders and recent initiatives in the field of crime prevention. POLS2144 Famous Trials: The Administration of Justice
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS271. A close study of landmark cases in the development of the theory and practice of justice in the Western world. POLS2160 Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science Cross-listed with AN/S2210
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology or Political Science or strong background in related field. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for AN/S266 or POLS266. A course in ethnographic methodology, techniques of generating non-numerical data and interpretive analysis and practical applications. Fieldwork approaches include intensive interviewing, participant observation and interpretation of print and broadcast media text.
POLS2161 Understanding Political Science Research
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS265. This course will provide an overview of quantitative and qualitative research methods suitable for the study of public opinion, the impact of the media, elections, government performance, political values and culture and the implementation, impact and evaluation of public policies and programs. POLS2162 Quantitative Research Methods and Statistics in Social Science
Cross-listed with AN/S2212 Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits introductory Anthropology and/or Sociology or Political Science, or strong background in related field; prior math skills are not required. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS268 or AN/S268. Satisfies the Group 5, BA core requirement, but also open to all degree students. An overview of research designs that produce numbers as the data and a comprehensive study of survey methods. Includes methodological principles, sampling, preparation and administration of instruments, computerized data-analysis with SPSS, interpretive reporting and practical applications. Regular lab assignments in SPSS during second half of the course. POLS3101 Canadian Government and Constitution
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS319. An introduction to major constitutional issues including Confederation, constitutional law and amendment, Qubec and the future of Canada. POLS3103 Local Government in Canada
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS325. The origins, evolution and contemporary situation of local government in Canada with special reference to Cape Breton. POLS3104 Issues in Canadian Local Government
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS327. A study of local policy issues in the Canadian context with focus on such topics as urban politics, policy and planning, local environmental politics, provincial-municipal relations and local economic development. POLS3105 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 330 The Future of Work in Canada: The Challenges Facing Young Canadians
Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS331. Looks at the changing nature of work in Canada, focusing on the evolving job market, the role of government policy in structuring and promoting the development of work, and in assessing the problems and potential policy solutions respecting employment, underemployment, job creation and career promotion. Special attention given to concerns and needs of young Canadians. POLS3106 The Charter of Rights and Civil Liberties
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS323 or POLS221. A study of leading Charter of Rights cases dealing with the power of the police, rights of the accused, prisoners rights, abortion, assisted suicide, pornography, the spread of hate and the death penalty. POLS3110 Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the Canadian Constitution Cross-listed with HIST3110 and MIKM3120. Credits: 6 Prerequisites: MIKM1100 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS340, HIST312, or MIKM340.
The study of Mikmaq Aaboriginal and treaty rights in Atlantic Canada. The issue of enshrining Aboriginal and treaty rights in S.25 and S.35 of the Constitution Act (1982) will be emphasized. POLS3111 Canadian Public Administration: Financial Management, Personnel Administration
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS375. The major theoretical and practical issues and problems respecting financial management and personnel administration within Canadian governments. POLS3113 Issues in Childrens Rights Cross-listed with PSYC3301
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level political science or psychology or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit forPOLS379 or PSYC379. The course examines the principle of the best interests of the child and application of the principle to policies and practices in the areas of sexual exploitation, youth justice, child custody, street-involved children, Aboriginal children, childrens environmental health, child rights education, and refugee and war-affected children. POLS3114 Restructuring in the Canadian Public Sector
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS389. Current issues and challenges in public administration and techniques of public sector management. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar
POLS3115 Governments Making Decisions: An Introduction to Public Policy
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS393. This course will focus on the design, development and delivery of public policy programs and initiatives in a North American and European comparative context. We will examine the major theories relating to the policy-making process, the institutional, political and socio-economic contexts in which decisions are made, and the impact of those decisions on citizens. POLS3121 Leaders and Leadership
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS333. A close review and analysis of the quality of leaders and leadership in government and society. POLS3123 Revolution and Resistance
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS361. Addresses the nature of revolutions looking at the theory and practice of revolutions and their political, social, economic and cultural impact. Types of revolutions studied will range from traditional revolutions (American, French, Russian) to such events as the Industrial Revolution, the Scientific Revolution, Womens Liberation, the youth movement and other social revolutions. POLS3124 Art and Politics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS305 or FINA305. A study of how art influences political ideas and how politics influences artistic consciousness. Various theories relating to visual art forms such as paintings, posters, murals and sculptures will be explored within the context of the aesthetic dimension as well as through political culture. POLS3130 International Politics in a Changing World
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS366 or POLS256. This course is designed to examine the configuration of power in the world today and provides an introduction to a range of issues, which although global in nature, have an impact on Canadians. Topics include international governance, terrorism and security issues, globalization, human rights, international law and environmental deterioration. POLS3131 The United Nations: Origins, Structure and Development
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS351.
The genesis of international organizations; the League of Nations; and the creation, growth and development of the United Nations. POLS3133 The United Nations: Its Role in International Affairs
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS353. An in-depth analysis of the functions of the United Nations in the areas of political, economic, social and legal activities and its interaction with the international community. POLS3134 An Introduction to International Law
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS355. An introduction to the study of law by examining the nature of international law, its legal and judicial institutions and its impact on the behaviour of individuals, nation-states and international organizations. POLS3135 An Introduction to Cases in International Law
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS357. Introduces and analyses the milestone cases of international law in national and international courts. POLS3136 Human Rights: International Dimensions
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS359. This course will examine international efforts and structures for promoting international human rights. The course will address the development of human rights, the causes of rights abuse and ways and means of rights enforcement. POLS3137 Politics of Natural Resources
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS363. This course examines the geopolitical and economic role of natural resources such as oil, coal and water in international relations and provides critical analysis of the connections between the worlds increasing consumption of natural resources and conflict, globalization, human rights and climate change. POLS3141 Canadian Courts and Court Management
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS371. A close study of contemporary issues, problems and reform potentials facing the administration of justice in Canada. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 333
POLS3143 Canadian Government and Administrative Law
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS377. An introduction to the theoretical and practical relationships and issues existing within the Canadian administrative law system. POLS3151 Introduction to Modern Political Thought Cross-listed with PHIL3151
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS301 or PHIL301. The principles underlying political systems will be studied historically: Platos criticism of democracy, Machiavellis ideas on leadership, the concept of social contract and Marx and Hegels dialectical view of history. POLS3153 In Search of the Just Society Cross-listed with PHIL3153
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS303 or PHIL303. This course examines concepts of justice, human rights, freedom, democracy and gender equality in modern philosophy. POLS3107 Provincial Government
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS321. A study of Provincial governments and policies in Canada, with special reference to Nova Scotia. POLS3154 Music and Nationalism Cross-listed with MUSI3613
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Any 6 credits of ETHM/MUSI course (except performance); and/or a Political Science course. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for ETHM369, FINA369 or POLS369. This course examines how music can be a potent tool for both building nations and critiquing them. Music can express national identities, narrate national myths, and mark national borders, but it can also critique, deconstruct, and transgress. While many find it easy to accept that music reflects social beliefs and values, in this course we explore how music can be actively used to shape national ideas, principles and standards. POLS3701, 3703 Directed Independent Study, Junior Level
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000-level Political Science or permission of instructor. This course is designed for students to pursue a special field of study and research under a department supervisor and also as an integral part of the Certificate in Public Administration.
POLS4100 Seminar in Canadian Politics
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Political Science. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS420. An in-depth study of a specific aspect of political life in Canadian society. A central theme is selected each year. POLS4110 Seminar in Public Policy
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Political Science. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS410. A study of leading public policy fields in Canada, major issues, and current revisions in light of forces of fiscal restraint and globalization. POLS4130 Seminar in International Relations
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Political Science. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for POLS430. This course is designed to offer an in-depth study of a specific aspect of international relations. A central theme will be selected in light of current and emerging issues of interest and concern. POLS4800 Directed Independent Study, Senior Level
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Political Science. See the Department Chair for details. POLS4900 Honours Thesis
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits of Political Science. This course is the thesis component of the honours program in Political Science. Students will undertake an individual research project on a topic of their own choosing in consultation with a faculty advisor.
Courses marked are also offered by distance. PSYC1100 Introduction to Psychology
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC100. Psychology is the scientific study of behaviours and mental processes and how they are affected by an organisms physical state, mental state and external environment. The course surveys theories, states of consciousness, sensation, Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 335
perception, learning, thinking, intelligence, memory, emotion, motivation, personality, development over the life span, health, psychological disorders, therapy and social psychology PSYC2101 Data Analysis
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC201. An introduction to the application of statistical methods to the solution of research problems in psychology. Commonly used elementary descriptive and inferential statistical procedures will be presented in a context emphasizing an understanding of the general principles of sampling error and hypothesis testing. PSYC2111 Research Methods in Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100, PSYC2101. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYSC203. An introduction to the conduct of inquiry in psychology, including experimental design (internal and external validity), scientific paper writing, social psychological and ethical factors in the experimental situation and elementary philosophy of science. PSYC2251 Drugs and Behaviour Cross-listed with BIOL2225
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC225 or BIOL 225. This course will review the basic principles and concepts of pharmacology, psychology and neurophysiology. Then the course concentrates on drug classes, recreational (e.g. alcohol and marijuana) and prescribed (e.g. benzodiazepines and antidepressants) and details the specific drugs within each class. PSYC2253 Health Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC227 or PSYC325. The course examines the role of psychological risk and protective factors in the promotion and prevention of health and illness. Topics covered include stress and coping, the psychological effects of patient-centered care, health-compromising behaviors and health promotion. PSYC 2311 Childrens Rights Cross-listed with POLS 2117
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: POLS1100 or PSYC1100 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC279, PSYC395, POLS279 or POLS395. This course brings together perspectives from law and public policy and from developmental psychology to study the rights of the child. Using the framework of the UN convention of the Rights of the Child, the course examine current Canadian policies and practices in areas such as child poverty, protection from abuse and neglect, child care, and protection from corporal punishment and violence against children. PSYC2400 Credits: 6 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 336 Social Psychology
Prerequisites: PSYC1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC240 Social psychology is the scientific study of social interaction in its broadest sense. In addition to an early module on relevant scientific research approaches and methods, the course surveys theories and research dealing with social cognition, social perception, attitudes, attitude change, social influence, conformity, compliance, obedience, prejudice, discrimination, group dynamics, leadership, aggression, violence, helping behavior, interpersonal attraction, affiliation, friendship, love, romantic relationships and selected health, environmental, legal, political, educational and organizational applications. PSYC2401 Foundations of Social Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC240 or PSYC2400 This course introduces social psychological theories and research dealing with such topics as the self, social cognition, compliance, conformity, obedience, social facilitation, social loafing, group decision making, aggression, attitudes, persuasion, prejudice, discrimination, conflict resolution, helping behaviour, interpersonal attraction, friendship, romantic relationships, and selected applications to media, law, sustainability, and health. PSYC2500 Personality
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: PSYC 1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC250. Explores several grand theories intended to account for the origins and development of our views of ourselves and how we relate to each other including the psychoanalytic, trait, learning theory, biological, cognitive and humanistic perspectives. Examples of research attempts to validate the theories will be discussed and students will complete personality assessment instruments. PSYC2501 Foundations of Personality Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC 1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC250 or PSYC2500. This course introduces the foundations modern personality research and theory. The basic questions and research findings in the areas of traits, genetics, neuroscience, self and identity, intrapsychic (unconscious) events, regulations, motivation, and cognition are considered. The focus will be on research results in each of these areas and their integrated interpretation. PSYC2600 Developmental Psychology
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: PSYC1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC260. Developmental Psychology is the systematic study of changes and continuities in physical, cognitive and psychosocial functioning in humans, from conception to death and how they are influenced by the persons biological nature and experienced nurture. PSYC2601 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 337 Child Development
Prerequisites: PSYC1100. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC260 or PSYC2600. This course provides an introduction to human development from prenatal period to the end of childhood. Topics include change and consistencies in physical, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, and social domains. Theoretical perspectives and research are examined. PSYC2603 Adolescent and Adult Development
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100 or PSYC100, PSYC2601. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC260 or PSYC2600. This course builds on PSYC2601. It provides an introduction to human development from adolescence to death. Topics include change and consistencies in physical, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, and social domains. Theoretical perspectives and research are examined. PSYC3101 Research Practicum in Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average, including PSYC2111. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC303 Designed to give students practical experience in planning, conducting and evaluating psychological research. Topics include various ANOVA, correlational and multivariate designs. Weekly lab assignments require students to use computer packages to perform analyses, interpret and report the results. This course fulfils the BSc computer proficiency requirement. PSYC3103 Qualitative Methods in Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC2111 or PSYC203 and PSYC2101 or PSYC201. This course introduces students to qualitative research methodology in psychology, in which words/language/text serve as the primary source of data. Naturalistic observation, case studies, focus groups, archival studies, participatory research will be taught, as will analysis methods (e.g. grounded theory, narrative analysis, content analysis). Examples will be drawn from counselling/clinical psychology, personality psychology, cultural psychology, community psychology, and experiential studies of emotion and memory. Students will also be directed through the steps of completing a small-scale qualitative interview study on a top of their choice. PSYC3200 Sensation and Perception
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC320. Explores how information in the world is registered by the senses, conveyed to the brain and organized and interpreted to form meaningful perceptions of the world. Topics include anatomy and physiology of the sensory systems, principles of perceptual organization, perceptual development and the methods used to study sensation and perception. PSYC3201 Motivation
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC311. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 338
This course considers the many reasons why people behave as they do. The interwoven physiological, cognitive and social processes that combine to energize behaviour and give it direction will be studied. Motives may be internal or external, they may complement or oppose each other and the motivations we experience often help us define our sense of self. Particular emphasis will be given to the often misunderstood nature of emotions and the central role they play in motivating behaviour. PSYC3203 Learning
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC309 or PSYC211 The fundamental principles of learning derived from research with animal and human subjects and the application of these principles to the understanding and prediction of behaviour. PSYC3211 Cognition
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC319 or PSYC221. Cognition refers to the mental processes used in acquiring, storing, elaborating, retrieving and using information. Topics covered in this survey of cognitive psychology include attention, memory, pattern recognition, mental imagery, psycholinguistics, the mental structure of general knowledge, problem-solving, concept formation and decision-making. PSYC3213 Physiological Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average. Recommended preparation: 6 credits of 1000 level Biology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC321. Physiological psychology is concerned with the structure and functions of the nervous systems. PSYC3301 Issues in Childrens Rights Cross-listed with POLS3113
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of 1000 level Political Science or Psychology or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC379 or POLS379 The course examines the principle of the best interests of the child and application of the principle to policies and practices in the areas of sexual exploitation, youth justice, child custody, street-involved children, Aboriginal children, childrens environmental health, child rights education, and refugee and war-affected children. PSYC3303 Positive Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100/100; 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC371. Much of psychology is focused on disorders and what has gone wrong in development. Positive psychology is the study of how human beings prosper. The goal of positive psychology is to identify and enhance the human strengths and virtues that help human beings prosper and live well. This course will provide an introduction to positive psychology. It is designed to explore the concepts, research behind the concepts, techniques, and exercises that enhance well-being. The
format of the course will be both experiential and research-based. Readings and exercises will be given weekly. A key component will be online participation by the students in small groups PSYC3304 Community Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites:PSYC1100/100 This course introduces students to the principles of community psychology. Topics will include teenage pregnancy, poverty, crime and depression. Interventions and preventive strategies focusing on empowerment and social change will be the central focus of the course. PSYC3401 Applied Social Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC 1100, PSYC2401 or PSYC2400 or PSYC240. This course presents an overview of scientific research methods, intervention, and evaluation in applied social psychology, and then surveys theories and research dealing with applications of social psychological knowledge to various domains such as education, health, psychological therapies, law, media, organizations, community, diversity, environment, sports, personal relationships, and well-being. PSYC3501 Abnormal Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average, including PSYC 2500, either completed or concurrent. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC371. This course examines the genetic, familial and sociocultural correlates of abnormal behavior and psychological disorders. The concept of psychopathology is analysed from cross-cultural, socioeconomic and political perspectives PSYC3503 Personality Psychology: Tests and Measurement
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100, PSYC 2101 and 2111, PSYC 2500, or 2501. This course will examine psychological testing in general and personality tests in particular. The development of testing, the use and misuse of tests, will be explored. Specific psychological tests will be evaluated in their historical context and present usage. Psychometric assessments of the quality of measurement will consider reliability and validity, test construction theory, and the valuation of items. Students will construct and evaluate their own measure of a personality trait. PSYC3611 Psychology of Adolescence
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 12 credits in Psychology with a 60% average, including PSYC 2600. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC361. The developmental patterns and experiences of contemporary adolescents are examined from an ecological theoretical perspective. PSYC3631 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 340 Childhood Behaviour Disorders
Prerequisites: PSYC1100 or PSYC100 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC463/4631. This course examines the etiology, diagnostic criteria, treatments, and outcomes of a variety of childhood developmental disorders including conduct disorder, autism, ADHD and eating disorders. PSYC3651 Human Sexuality and Sex Education
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC265 or PSYC365 Few topics raise controversy as quickly as discussions of human sexuality, yet it is normal human behaviour. Topics covered in this course include historical and cultural perspectives on sexuality, anatomy, hormones, conception and birth, contraception, sexual dysfunction, gender issues, arousal and communication, attraction and love, sexual orientation, sexually transmitted infections, erotica and pornography, sexual coercion and sexual variation. Students in this course will learn the human sexual response and how it interacts with cognitive and social processes that surround sex, in order to gain a better appreciation for the diversity of sexual practices and opinions. PSYC4101 History of Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Psychology with a 60% average. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC431. The development of psychology in Western civilization from approximately 1800 to the present, focusing on certain key, perennial issues. PSYC4211 Advanced Cognition
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Psychology with a 60% average, including PSYC3211. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC421. Focuses on higher mental activities such as language, memory, thinking, decision-making, creativity and problem solving including applications in education, business and other situations. PSYC4231 Neurobiology Cross-listed with BIOL 4201
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC 3213 or BIOL 3200. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC423 or BIOL423. This course introduces basic anatomical and physiological principles of neuroscience extending from basic biophysical properties of neurons and glia, to the physiological basis of sensory processing, motor behaviour, learning and memory. Neurobiology differs from PSYC3213 in that it will go into significantly greater depth on basic physiology and will not attempt the general survey of all behaviour. PSYC4401 Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Psychology with a 60% average, including PSYC2400, PSYC240 or PSYC2401. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC441.
This course addresses the evolving role of individual differences in contemporary social psychology. It begins with methodological strategies and the impact of selected personality variables ion social behaviour. The focus then turns to three recent productive theoretical approaches (i.e., psychological geography, threat and authoritarian tendencies, and terror management theory) and highlights various social psychological phenomena within the context of these particular approaches. The course concludes with an evaluation of the importance of personality in social psychology. PSYC4403 Advanced Social Psychology Theory
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Psychology with a 60% average, including PSYC2400. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC443 An overview of social psychological theory as well as a framework for integrating social psychological research and understanding social change. PSYC4503 Clinical Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PSYC1100/100, PSYC2500/250, or PSYC2501 or PSYC 3501. This course introduces students to the field of clinical psychology, tracing its historical roots to its present-day applications. Topics include: diagnosis and classification, assessment, treatment, ethics and training practices. A variety of psychotherapeutic interventions are discussed and assessed. PSYC4570 Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Psychology with a 60% average, including PSYC3501, either completed or concurrent. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC470. This course introduces students to the field of clinical psychology. The history and development of the field are positioned to gain insight into current practices in the treatment of psychological disorders. Other topics include assessment and methods of intervention with individuals, groups, families and children. PSYC4571 Counseling Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Psychology with a 60% average. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC485. This course examines the major theories of counseling, introduces the basic interviewing skills practised by those in the helping professions and acquaints students with a variety of counseling applications. PSYC4611 Advanced Developmental Psychology
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 18 credits in Psychology with a 60% average, including PSYC2600. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC461. This course will examine contemporary issues in developmental psychology. PSYC4633 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 342 Psychology of Childhood Violence
Prerequisites: 18 credits in Psychology with a 60% average. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PSYC465. The antecedents and correlates of childhood violence will be examined within the ecological systems framework, from the neurological status of the newborn to the provision of societal supports for parenting. PSYC4801(3 credits) PSYC 4800 (6 credits) and PSYC 4803 Directed Study Students may select a course of study on any psychological topic of special interest to them, for which an appropriate faculty supervisor can be found. The student must obtain the consent of a faculty member to act as a supervisor before registering for this course. PSYC4900 Honours Seminar and Thesis
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: At least 36 credits in Psychology with an average of 75%, including PSYC2111 and PSYC3101 either completed or concurrent. This course is for honours students in Psychology (BA or BSc). The purpose of the course is to assist students in completing their honours thesis projects. The honours thesis is an original empirical study carried out during the academic year. The weekly seminar component of the course will allow students to discuss their research as it progresses, to share ideas and both assist and learn from each other as they complete their research project. Students also meet one-on-one with a faculty advisor who will provide guidance as the research project unfolds.
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH101. The anatomy and physiology of the cell, with a special focus on the processes (transport membranes, internal respiration, mitosis, protein synthesis) which are most vulnerable to the pathological effects of toxic agents. Major environmental effects are also examined including mutations, reproductive effects, birth defects and cancer. PUBH1103 Environmental Issues in Public Health
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH122. This course outlines the importance of undertaking the study of human health in relationship to the environment and developmental and environmental changes. Fundamental to this study is the understanding that our well-being is supported and dependent on the conservation and integrity of the biosphere. Issues in Public Health, ranging from local to global, are at the center of discussion. Topics impacting public health that will be integrated into this course include climate change, global warming, biodiversity loss, erosion, land degradation, deforestation, desertification, zoning and planning issues. PUBH1104 Physical Agents and Their Health Effects
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH131. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 343
Discussion of various physical agents, with a focus on their health effects. Topics covered include electromagnetic spectrum, temperature extremes, noise, and ergonomics. PUBH2101 Municipal Services
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH204. Municipal water and wastewater services will be examined from a public health perspective. Concepts covered include chemical, physical and biological properties of water and wastewater, sampling protocol, processing, distribution, design components, hydrology, storm water control, innovative technology and a fundamental understanding of the legislation and regulations governing the water and wastewater industry. Field trips will complement the lecture principles. PUBH2103 Public Health Law
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH211. Students will become acquainted with the legal process associated with environmental and public health issues. The course includes an overview of legislation and case law associated with environmental and public health issues. The process of enforcement of legislation and defence of alleged violations is included in the course content. PUBH2104 Anatomy and Physiology
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH214. Prerequisites: PUBH1101 or BIOL1101 or permission of instructor. An introduction to the major organ systems and the roles they play in the maintenance of normal function, particularly when confronted with infectious diseases and other environmental threats. PUBH2105 Public Health Inspection
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH217. Assessment for and design of on-site sewage disposal systems. Characteristics of potable water from ground and surface sources, including source protection, treatment procedures and monitoring. Recreational water standards, management and monitoring. PUBH2106 Food Quality
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH224. An introduction to basic food chemistry, including the physical properties and chemical reactions of water, lipids, fats, oils, carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes. Primary processing of meat and poultry, dairy and egg products will be considered and techniques of food grading discussed. The use of food additives, including colour additives, will also be examined. PUBH2107 Credits: 3 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 344 Emergency Preparedness
Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH227. An introductory course addressing fundamental concepts and approaches. Links the ideals and ideas of public health with the disaster and emergency management fields. Types of disasters and their consequences are considered, along with the role of public health professionals in planning and response, bioterrorism issues, recovery and reconstruction and responsive evaluation. PUBH2108 Engineering Issues in Public Health
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH234. Provides an introduction to several engineering disciplines which are part of the academic requirements for CIPHI certification. Included are an overview of engineering drawing technique, HVAC, blueprint reading and the basics of surveying. It is intended to provide the basis for understanding these issues without in-depth design focus. PUBH3101 Food Hygiene
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH314. Topics include strategies for food safety, prevention and investigation of food borne illness, food preservation, HACCP, inspection, recall procedures and regulation review. Presented in the facilities for food preparation of the Hospitality Administration program. Labs will be every other week. PUBH3103 Public Health Administration Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH317. Considers the fundamentals of public administration for public health programs including the levels of organization. The processes of policy development, interactive planning, strategic planning, program implementation, evidence gathering and performance management are examined. PUBH3104 Toxicology Credits: 3 Prerequisites: PUBH2104 or BIOL3200. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH322. Basic concepts of toxicology are introduced, followed by instruction in the physiological mechanism of toxic agents on the body. Topics include dose response calculations, determination of margins of safety, a review of the toxicology of natural and man-made chemicals and a discussion of scientific research principles. PUBH3105 Public Health Ethics
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH327. Public health practice demands that scientific considerations be blended with political realities questions of autonomy and jurisdiction, individual rights, social justice, coercion, norms of research, multi-cultural values, and the common good. This unit is intended as a resource to enhance and encourage thoughtful, well informed and critical discussions of ethical issues in public health. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 345
PUBH3106 Epidemiology Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH395. This course covers the development and history of epidemiology with its importance to public health. Topics include incidence, prevalence, cohort studies, risk ratios, rates of disease, mortality, morbidity, case control studies and experimental studies. The relevance of study results is discussed along with a determination of the advantages and disadvantages of the varying study designs. PUBH4101 Health Risk Assessment Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH411. Introduces the fundamentals of risk assessment and demonstrates their application to selected environmental and public health concerns. Problem definition and step-wise analysis techniques will be stressed using practical case examples. A four-step process is taught: risk identification, risk evaluation, risk management and risk control. PUBH4103 Communicable Disease Control Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits in Public Health. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH417. Examines the role of health personnel in the control of infectious disease in institutional environments, with respect to appropriate preventive policy and procedures, inspection and investigation. Particular attention is paid to problem areas unique to hospitals, schools, housing and facilities for child and adult care. Recreational, animal care, and personal services facilities are examined in addition to biomedical waste handling and response to nuisance-type situations. Strategies for managing vaccine-preventable, sexually transmitted, and emerging infectious diseases are also discussed. PUBH4104 Food Borne Diseases
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 3 credits in Introductory Microbiology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH419. A survey of the agents of food borne disease. Bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasites all play a role in various diseases related to food contamination. How food becomes contaminated, the health effects of contamination and preventive measures will be discussed. Laboratory sessions will focus on methods of detection, isolation and enumeration of organisms associated with food. PUBH4105 Occupational Health and Safety Legislation
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH421. Specific jurisdictional legislation dealt with includes the Canadian Federal Labour Code, the Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act and the American Occupational Health and Safety Act. Material will be presented using lectures and review of appropriate legislative documents.
PUBH4106 Public Health Education Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits in Public Health. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH427. Principles of adult education are examined and are used to present and address current issues in the public health realm, including healthy public policy, health promotion, population health, chronic diseases, injury prevention, sexually transmitted disease and lifestyle considerations. PUBH4107 Quality and Environmental Project Management Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH435. This course will provide an overview of the fundamentals of project management and an introduction to the areas of quality management and environmental management. Various concepts, including budgeting, time management, resource allocation, organizational behaviour, risk management, collaboration and public participation in project management will be examined. Project management and its role in public health applications and in the environmental sector will be discussed. PUBH4108 Biocontaminants in Indoor Environments Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 3 credits in Introductory Microbiology. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH441. An examination of the various biocontaminants that may be found in indoor environments and their effects on the health of occupants. The diversity, prevalence and health effects of fungi will be examined in detail. Methods of site evaluation, sampling and remediation will be discussed, as well as control strategies. Bacteria, dust mites, pet dander and other biocontaminants will also be examined in the context of their potential health effects. PUBH4109 Waste Management Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH457. Waste Management provides an overview of waste disposal in society and the implications such disposal has on the health of the public and the environment. This course addresses fundamental concepts and approaches to management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Considered are classification, tracking, reduction, reuse, recycling, collection, disposal and end use of waste streams, and the treatment/beneficial reuse of non-hazardous/hazardous wastes, inclusive of innovative technologies and the development of legislation/development of guidelines, regulations and standards. The role of public health and environmental professionals in regulatory compliance and control as well as spill response will be examined. The course concludes with evaluation and control strategies the public health inspector might recommend. PUBH4111 Integrated Pest Management Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for PUBH466. The concept of integrated pest management and the elements of the IPM approach are discussed. Options for pest control in various sectors and environments are examined, as are the characteristics and life cycles of common insect and rodent pests. Pesticides, along with their control and application are considered. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 347
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS101. Examines the record of the Israelites experience of God as recorded in the Hebrew Bible. RELS2103 Introduction to the Bible: The New Testament
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS103. The New Testament is examined as a record of the experience of the first generation of Christians. RELS2104 Celtic Religion I: Druidism
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS271. This course studies the history, philosophy, teachings and practices of the pagan religion, Druidism, among the Celtic peoples of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland before the dawn of Christianity in the fifth century, A.D.
RELS2105 Celtic Religion II: Christianity
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS273. Covers the spread of Christianity to England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland and the clash which developed between Celtic and Roman Christianity. RELS2106 Cults and New Religious Movements
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS295. This course introduces students to various new religious movements or cults in popular discourse. The course examines their origins, beliefs and practices and provides an understanding to these new religious movements through the social scientific study of religion. Possible groups for consideration may include The Branch Davidians, Jonestown, The Church of Scientology, The Children of God (The Family), Wicca, Hare Krishna and Falon Gong. RELS2109 The Existence of God Cross-listed with PHIL2109
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS1113 or PHIL1113. The question concerning the existence of God is perplexing, since it arises in history but points to a reality beyond history. What can we know about God? RELS2125 Death and Dying: Dying and Values Cross-listed with PHIL2125
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS257 or PHIL257. Death as a process of life. Cardiac, whole brain, and higher brain definitions of death, interdisciplinary perspectives, moral standing and ethical principles, death condemnation and embalming, DNR and DNH orders, transplants and living wills. RELS2127 Death and Dying: Death, Healing, and Ageing Cross-listed with PHIL2127
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS259 or PHIL259. Heidegger, Sartre and Marcel on the nature of death. Healing techniques: good and bad grief, ageing as a process, the metaphysical structure of death as such (what death is like to the dead). RELS2129 Spirituality and Health Cross-listed with PHIL2129
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Available to non nursing students only with permission of the instructor. Unavailable to students with credit for RELS265 or PHIL265. Required for all students in the BSc Nursing Program. Introduces students to the links between spirituality, medicine, disease and illness as they relate to health and healing techniques throughout the lifespan. Health arises at the intersection of these links. This course is directed toward students in the nursing program though other students may enroll. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 349
RELS2131 Religion and Health Cross-listed with PHIL2131
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: RELS1133. Exclusions: Available to non- nursing students only with permission of the instructor. Unavailable to students with credit for RELS267 or PHIL267. Required for all students in the BSc Nursing Program. Introduces students to the links between religion, culture, and health. The major world religions offer guidance on how to live harmoniously with self, others and the environment, thereby playing a focal role in health issues. This course is directed toward students in the nursing program though other students may enroll. RELS2141 Religion and Literature
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS241. This course introduces students to religious themes and ideas that may be found in literary forms such as novels, poetry, and childrens stories from various cultural backgrounds. RELS2143 Religion and Popular Culture
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS243. Increasingly in modern society, films have become the forum for presentation of religious ideas. In this course, we will examine how the medium of film has shaped our ideas on various religious themes. RELS2161 History of Christianity I: The Christianization of Western Europe Cross-listed with HIST2108 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS261 or HIST261. The rise of Christianity from its origins as a sect within Judaism to its domination of life in medieval Europe. RELS2163 History of Christianity II: Christianity in the Modern World Cross-listed with HIST2109 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: HIST1100 or 6 credits Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS263 or HIST263. The history of Christianity from the reformations of the sixteenth century to the present. RELS2180 Liberation Theology
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS280. Liberation Theology is characterized by continual reference to the social, economic and cultural experience of the people of Latin America, combined with a creative reading of the Bible and the Christian tradition.
RELS2191 Women in the Western Religious Tradition
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS291. Feminist theology has developed recently as a critique and reinterpretation of traditional theology of women. The course examines this new theology and the new insights it generates in the Western religious tradition. RELS2193 Women in the Eastern Religious Tradition
Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS293. Feminist theology has developed recently as a critique and re-interpretation of traditional theology of women. This course examines this new theology and the new insights it generates in the Eastern religious tradition. RELS3101 Mysticism
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits in Religious Studies An examination of the great mystical traditions from East to West; the validity and merit of chemically induced mystical states of consciousness; and, the stages of mystical development within the spiritual experience. A variety of ecstatic phenomena from a number of different cultures will be considered as an introduction to the subject. RELS3130 Religion and Apocalypticism
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS330. Explores the prophetic and apocalyptic texts of the Hebrew Bible in their relevance for Judaism and Christianity today. RELS3153 Religious Persecution to Religious Liberty I (to 1600) Cross-listed with HIST3201 and PHIL3201 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits of Philosophy, HIST1100, or 6 credits of Humanities. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS353, HIST353, or PHIL353. This course examines ideas about religious intolerance, toleration and liberty, from antiquity to the sixteenth century. Students will read and discuss important texts. Historical, theological and philosophical perspectives will be introduced. RELS3155 Religious Persecution to Religious Liberty II (from 1600) Cross-listed with HIST3203 and PHIL3203 Credits: 3 Prerequisites: RELS3153. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for RELS355, HIST355 and PHIL355. A continuation of RELS3153. The seventeenth century worked out ideas presented during the Reformation, while the Enlightenment launched an all-out assault on bastions of intolerance. Modern approaches, theological and philosophical, along with contemporary declarations, e.g. United Nations and Vatican II, will also be read.
RELS3701, 3703 Credits: 3,3 This course will introduce students to special topics not being covered by the ordinary course offerings. All "Special Topics" courses require the permission of the instructor. RELS3901 Credits: 6 All "Special Topics" courses require the permission of the instructor. Special Topics Special Topics
See Anthropology/Sociology
SPAN1100 Introductory Spanish
Credits: 6 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPAN100. This course is designed for students with limited or no knowledge of the Spanish language. It covers the essentials of grammar and vocabulary, expression and comprehension, in basic language structures leading to an effective communication in both oral and written forms. SPAN2100 Introductory Spanish
Credits: 6 Prerequisites: SPAN1100 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPAN200. This course is a comprehensive review of grammar, comprehension , and expression in oral and written form. Advanced grammar, conversation and composition, introduction to literature and assignments.
SPHK1101 Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK133. This course utilizes practical experiences and includes detailed examination of the meaning, scope and values of outdoor leadership. Emphasis is given to historical and philosophical foundations of outdoor recreation and sport and the application of instructional procedures for providing appropriate leadership. Significant trends and existing outdoor programs are also examined. SPHK1103 Cape Breton Sports Heritage Credits: 3 Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK145. An historical survey of sport and recreational activities as they have contributed to Cape Bretoners sense of community. SPHK2100 Sport Management Credits: 6 Prerequisites: SPHK1100 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK200. The structure, function and systems of sports and recreation in Canada. Includes recreation and leisure programming, market surveys and job specification/requirements. SPHK2101 Adventure Programming for Sport and Recreation Credits 3: Prerequisites: SPHK1101 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK233. This course teaches students how to plan, implement and evaluate adventure-based programs for sport and recreation. Students have opportunities for supervised field experience in group leadership. Topics include: experiential education, adventure theory, group dynamics and safety. SPHK2107 Introduction to Sport Nutrition Credits: 3 Prerequisites: SPHK100/1100. The six nutrient classes and their basic metabolism in healthy individuals are reviewed. These six nutrient classes and their metabolism are then explained in terms of training, competition and post-competition nutrition for maximising performance in specific sports covering the aerobic, anaerobic and interval spectrum (e.g. marathon running, sprinting, basketball, soccer, hockey). The interaction of diet and genetics in sports will be discussed. Finally, sources of information on sport nutrition will be noted and assessed for their reliability. SPHK2603 The Literature of Sport Cross-listed with ENGL2603 Cross-listed with NUTR2107
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL1600 or 6 credits from ENGL1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109 or SPHK 1100 A consideration of the way sports have been understood and represented in various forms of literature. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 353
SPHK3100 Sports Medicine Credits: 6 Prerequisites: SPHK1100 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK300. The prevention and care of athletic injury. SPHK3101 Facilities Design and Management Credits: 3 Prerequisites: SPHK1100 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK311. The design and management of human kinetics sports/recreation facilities. SPHK3103 Human Public Relations in Sport/Recreation Credits: 3 Prerequisites: SPHK1100 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK313. Career development and job search skills in sport/human kinetics. SPHK3104 Advanced Coaching Credits: 3 Prerequisites: SPHK1100 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK375. An in-depth analysis of modern day coaching/training practices and their effect on individual athletes and team performance. SPHK3105 Exercise and Personal Fitness Credits: 3 Prerequisites: SPHK1100 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Unavailable to students with credit for SPHK377. This course will cover the basic concepts related to exercise, fitness and health. Emphasis on personal health habits and attitudes as they influence chronic diseases and conditions. Personal hands-on experience with labs designed to challenge and stimulate counseling skills. SPHK3700 Special Topics in Sports Management Credits: 6 Prerequisites: 6 credits Intro to Sports and Human Kinetics. Topics will change according to student and faculty interests.
SPHK3701, 3703 Special Topics in Sports Management
Credits: 3, 3 Prerequisites: 6 credits Intro to Sports & Human Kinetics. Topics will change according to student and faculty interests.
Student Services
Norm Smith, MBA, Director Ext. 1225
The departments in Student Services are: Health (Max Bell Clinic), Students with Disabilities - Jennifer Keeping AccessAbility Centre, Personal Counselling Services, Chaplaincy, Student Life Centre, International Exchange Programs, International Student Advisors, Financial Aid and the Writing Centre.
The JKAC is well equipped with a wide variety of services to assist students with disabilities. Services range from arranging tutorials to facilitating academic accommodations. JKAC also utilizes or has access to a wide selection of assistive technologies to provide additional support.
All CBU students can discuss ways to strengthen their writing skills in free one-one-one sessions with a tutor at the writing centre. Students can make an appointment to discuss any writing assignment at any stage of the writing process. For more information, visit
The International Student Advisors are responsible for international student orientation, non-academic advisory services, registration of students for medical coverage, and co-ordination of special events related to the international students such as field trips and community orientation.
Advisors provide academic advising to first year students and returning students who are considering the next phase of their academic lives. They will also provide advice on student programs and course preparation, employment development including securing volunteer placements for BACS students and student evaluation and placements and work terms for co-op students. In addition, the Advisors will: Identify interests and skills in relation to career options; Reflect on work experiences and identify transferable skills; Assist with preparing cover letters, resumes and job search techniques.
Advisors are also responsible for the International Student Exchange Program. CBU participates in a number of international student exchange programs, which enable CBU students to attend university in another country for one or two terms at approximately the same tuition cost as attending CBU. Credits are fully transferable in most cases. Currently, CBU has direct exchange agreements with universities in the United Kingdom, France, Sweden and the United States. Through membership in the National Student Exchange, there are also linkages with approximately 200 universities and colleges throughout the world. There are a number of international internships or work-abroad opportunities as well. Other services include: Caper Patrol; Student Oriented Solutions; Professional Societies and Pizza with a Professional. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 357
The Clinical Social Worker provides a variety of services to help students achieve their goals and contribute to a positive university experience. Some of the issues will be dealt with on a one-to-one basis and involve interpersonal relationships, self-confidence, depression, procrastination, motivation and sexuality issues The Clinical Social Worker will also work closely with other members of the Learning Commons with respect to financial issues as well as academic and career choices. All contact is strictly confidential. The Clinical Social Worker is available for drop-in visits or students can make an appointment, by calling (902)563-1873 or (902) 563-1639, or by visiting the Learning Commons and Student Life Centre to find a convenient time Office hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Dr. R. Sebastian, University Physician Nancy Dingwall, Physiotherapist Ext 1349 Ext 1275
The Campus Health Service is located in the Max Bell Centre in the Canada Games Complex. A nurse, physiotherapist and a physician are on staff. Confidential health services are provided to students, staff and faculty. It is preferred that those wishing to see the physician make appointments. Health services offered include blood pressure clinics, health promotion screening, provision of educational materials (about STDs, birth control, smoking cessation and nutrition), nursing assessments and physiotherapy. In general, services are free of charge and provided on a walk-in basis.
Fr. Martin MacDougall Ext. 1173
The Chaplaincy Office at Cape Breton University enhances the lives of all students, faculty and staff and attempts to fulfill this mandate in an invitational and inclusive manner. The vision of Chaplaincy is rooted in a belief in the holistic development of persons, which includes their spiritual, social, emotional and educational growth. Several students are hired each year to develop and deliver specific programs. Programs offered by Chaplaincy include three annual retreats, a food bank, peer services, tutorial outreach program and Care Line for seniors. Spiritual direction, individual counseling and opportunities for friendship and advocacy are available through Chaplaincy.
John Ryan, BBA, Director Ext. 1657
CBU views athletics as an integral part of the students education. This unit encompasses four major activities: varsity, recreational, club, and intramural athletics, which operate primarily in the Canada Games Complex and the Sullivan Field House. At present, CBU offers five varsity sports: mens and womens basketball; mens and womens soccer, and womens volleyball. A diversified schedule of programs and events for students, faculty, staff and the wider community is
Arlene Mullan, MSc Director, Registration and Admissions Ext. 1198
The Registrars Office is the academic record-keeping centre for the institution. It is responsible to create and protect student files, to record students applications, admissions into programs, registrations, tuition payments, grades and credentials. The Academic Support Officer, located in the Learning Commons, will provide students with degree audits to enable them to track their progress in fulfilling programme requirements. Admissions staff are available to help students seeking to enter CBU programs and to work with those seeking prior learning or transfer credit. Registrars Office staff prepare the course and exam timetables and provide students with registration services. Representatives are available to accept students payments, sign student loan documents, issue transcripts and record registrations during regular business hours. CBU I.D. cards are issued by the Registrars Office during normal office hours. Each student and faculty and staff member is encouraged to have an I.D. card made. The cards are used for library borrowing, meal plans and use of on-campus facilities. The Registrars Office serves students and the CBU community by responding to general inquires, administering the academic regulations, co-ordinating updates to the academic calendar and overseeing the annual convocation ceremonies.
Welcome to CBU from the Cape Breton University Students Union (CBUSU). It is very important for you to remember that YOU are the Students Union. The CBUSU was formed in 1985. For much of its early history, CBU administration played a central role. In the beginning, the Students Union primarily focused on entertainment and sponsoring events, spending less time on activism and student advocacy. Over the years, the CBUSU branched out, obtained autonomy from the administration and embarked on a path of providing both services and advocacy for and on behalf of students. In November 2000, the Students Union received its own Act, passed by the Nova Scotia House of Assembly. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 359
For a thorough description of our services to you, please consult your Students Union Member Handbook. Visit the Students Union office, visit the website at or check out CaperZone.
An important function of the Students Union is to provide societies with funding. Societies provide students with opportunities, educational experience, recreation, national recognition and increased student morale. Your Students Union encourages new groups to form and grow. Societies are dynamic, new ones form, old ones disband, others are occasionally inactive. Our list of societies changes constantly. Visit the Students Union website for a complete listing. For more information on any of the services, call (902) 563-1192 or go to
Circulation Reference Services Ext.1320 Ext. 1387
Cape Breton University Library provides information resources and instructional support for teaching, research and scholarship. This support is manifested in the Library's reputation of offering top-notch service and instruction to students and faculty as well as in the quality of its special collections, which include the Centre for International Studies Collection; the Pearson Peacekeeping Collection; and the Khattar Collection. As well, the CBU Library holds more than a quarter of a million books on site; approximately 30,000 electronic books that can be used on campus and off-campus; and immediate access, on campus and off campus, to approximately 25,000 journals; a just-in-time delivery system for materials the Library doesn't hold; and lots of space for group work or solitary study. The CBU Library is in the Campus Centre section of the CBU campus. For additional information on CBU Library holdings and services, call (902) 563-1320 or
A banking machine is available to the CBU community in the lobby of Campus Centre.
Boardmore Playhouse
Todd Hiscock, MFA, Ext. 1351 Manager The Boardmore Playhouse is the centre for theatre arts at CBU. The Playhouse is fully equipped for theatrical and live music productions and houses state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems. The seating capacity is 337. The CBU Dramagroup is open to students and community members.
Bus Service
Cape Breton Transit (902)539-8124 Cape Breton Transit provides daily bus service to and from the University. Bus shelters are located beside the Library and beside the Canada Games Complex.
Established in 1974, Cape Breton University Press, Inc. publishes works of historical and cultural importance, enhancing knowledge of Cape Breton and contributing to its place in the larger regional, national and international community. CBU Press is a leading publisher of works related to community economic development (CED), read by scholars and activists around the world, award winning fiction and illustrated intercultural books for children and books depicting and analyzing Cape Bretons rich history and cultures.
Child Care
Early Childhood Centre Ext. 1811 The CBU Early Childhood Centre offers on-site, quality child care services for the children of students, staff and faculty.
Distance Education
Cape Breton University is committed to meeting the ever-changing educational needs of students. The distance education program has been developed to serve learners who are unable to attend on-campus courses. CBU provides the same academic quality in distance courses as in courses taught on campus. Distance learning does, however, require a high level of self-motivation and commitment from students. The distance education program also serves students studying oncampus who may choose to combine distance and on-campus delivery in developing their course schedules. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 362
Food Service
Ext. 1172 The campus cafeteria provides full course meals and fast food service. Transactions in the cafeteria are in cash, debit, or on a meal plan basis. September to April hours: Monday-Thursday : 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday : 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Limited service is provided between May and August. Harriss Hall It is a great new place for students to enjoy their meal comfortably in the new dining hall. It is an all-you-care-to eat program. There are cash, debit and credit payment options to paying visitors. Hours of operation Sept. to April Mon. - Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 8pm, Friday: 7:30 a.m .- 6:30 p.m., Saturday: 10.a.m. 6:30.p.m., Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00.p.m.
Security CBU Parking Regulations 1. All vehicles parked on the CBU campus must either display a valid permit or use a parking meter. Daily permits can be purchased at any of the five dispensers on campus. Term parking passes can be purchased at the Bookstore. 2. CBU parking permits are not valid at parking meters. Vehicles parked in reserved parking spots must display a valid Reserved Parking permit. 3. CBU assumes no responsibility for damage to, or theft of, any vehicle and/or its contents. CBU does not assume responsibility for injury or accident however caused. 4. All violations of CBU parking regulations, including meter violations, may result in a Cape Breton Regional Police Service ticket and towing of the vehicle at the owners risk and expense. 5. Parking regulations are in force 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Ext. 1133
The mandate of the Office of Research and Graduate Studies is to encourage, support and promote individuals engaged in research at CBU. It fulfills its mandate through the provision of grant support and the promotion of ongoing research. The office strives to encourage a culture of research among faculty, students, staff, community members and industry. It does this through contributing to research policies, internal grants and facilitating communication between researchers and funding agencies. The office acts as a liaison with industry, as well as local, national and international funding agencies, both for individuals and the institution as a whole. The office is also the administrative home of CBU's reserach institutes and centres and maintains a role in the support of senior scholars and professors emeriti.
The Centre, founded in 1995, specializes in teaching and researching the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Its primary research focus is on childrens rights education in the school system and at the University. Its primary advocacy focus is on monitoring Canadas implementation of childrens rights in law, policy and practice. The centre works locally, nationally and internationally, consulting and collaborating with academics, educators, government personnel and advocacy groups such as Save the Children and UNICEF.
The Mikmaq Resource Centre welcomes students, educators, researchers and anyone with an interest in Mikmaki to use the facilities and extensive collection of materials. Research assistance is available. The Mikmaq Resource Centre is located in the Beaton Institute in room CE 268.
Alexander Graham Bell Institute
Sarah Conrod, BSc, MEd Ext. 1842 The Alexander Graham Bell Institute (The Bell Institute) of Cape Breton University was incorporated in 1977. Over the years, the Bell Institute has achieved several notable milestones including consolidating photographs, personal notes and technical work of Alexander Graham Bell; completing a comprehensive index of these holdings and conducting scholarly studies of these materials. The Bell Institute is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and his work as well as the development of new applied research that is motivated by a desire to continue his high standard of principle, his practical spirit and his social conscience.
Beaton Institute
Catherine Arseneau, MA, Manager Ext. 1326 Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 367
The Beaton Institute of Cape Breton University is a regional archive and research centre mandated to collect, preserve and make accessible the social, economic, political and cultural history of Cape Breton Island. An integral part of the historical and cultural research community, the Beaton Institute is available for use by researchers, students, media and the general public. The Beaton Institute houses archival material that includes: 3,000 manuscript collections 70,000 images 2,500 sound recordings 1,500 video cassettes and film reels 1,500 reference maps 2,000 maps and plans The Beaton Institute actively pursues and supports research that contributes to the understanding and development of Cape Bretons unique cultural heritage. The main phone number is (902) 563-1329.
Recognizing the importance of both the surrounding and inland sea to the viability of Cape Breton ecosystems and society, CBU has re-established the Bras dOr Institute, founded over 30 years ago. The vision is the true sustenance of the Cape Breton ecosystem, including its people; and the mission is to bring the resources of the University to the needs of the community. The research activities of the Institute are focused on how best to operationalize ecosystem-based management of human activities within the maritime communities of Cape Breton. Current projects deal with land-ocean interactions in the coastal zone of Cape Breton, sustainable development of emerging marine fisheries and measuring the health of the Bras dOr estuary and its watershed. The Institute partners widely with all levels of government, NGOs and the private sector. Diverse opportunities for interdisciplinary research are provided to faculty and students.
main learning facility for the petroleum students. It houses 18 Dell Optiplex Pentium III work stations and one instructor teaching command centre. The Institute is involved in research and development and commercialization activities with industry partners and other educational institutions. It is the contact point for the SSHRC Oceans Management Initiative led by Simon Fraser University. CBU researchers contribute to the Oceans Research Network - linking science with local knowledge and building capacity for decision-making.
Advisory Board Cape Breton University Faculty and Staff Industry Stakeholders, National and International Research fellows, National and International
Louisbourg Institute
Andrew Parnaby, PhD, Co-Chair Graham Reynolds, PhD, Co-Chair Ext. 1286 Ext. 1145
Created in 1980, by Cape Breton University and Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada, the Louisbourg Institute brings together professors, researchers, teachers and students who share a common passion for education, research and the Fortress of Louisbourg - home to one of North America's largest 18th-century historical reconstructions Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 369
and one of its richest archeological records. Through a wide range of collaborative projects, the Institute makes the wonders of the Fortress Louisbourg accessible to the widest possible audience, encourages innovation and excellence in teaching and research and enhances the learning experiences of students of all ages.
The President is the Chief Executive Officer and Academic Head of the University and provides leadership for all academic, administrative, financial and physical programs, in keeping with the Universitys mandate. The President is responsible for implementing all policies approved by the Board of Governors as well as other pertinent legislation and regulations. The President also represents the University to governments, academic agencies and other organizations. Gordon M. MacInnis, FCA Vice-President, Finance and Operations Ext. 1128
Reporting to the President and a member of his Executive Team, the Vice-President, Finance and Operations is responsible for all non-academic operations of the University. Working in cooperation with Senior Management Group members, the Vice-President, Finance and Operations provides leadership on administrative and financial matters of concern to the University. The Vice-President, Finance and Operations, in the capacity of treasurer of the institution, serves as a member of the Universitys Board of Governors. Robert C. Bailey, Ph.D. Vice-President, Academic and Professional Studies (Provost) Ext. 1980
Reporting to the President, the Vice-President, Academic & Provost is responsible for providing senior academic and research leadership for CBU faculty and staff, including the development and delivery of innovative academic programming, strategic planning, enrolment management and the ongoing review and renewal of academic programs. The Vice-President ensures the highest quality educational experience by working with the Deans and other administrators to promote the highest standards of excellence in teaching and research. As a member of the Executive Team, the Vice-President, Academic and Provost collaborates with the other Vice-Presidents to foster strategic planning and plan allocations for budget, technology, and facilities Keith Brown, PhD Vice-President, External Relations Ext. 1859
Reporting to the President, the Vice-President, External Relations is responsible for Cape Breton University's Fundraising and Alumni Relations, Communications and Public Relations, Conference Services, Government Relations, International Programs and Partnerships and LearnCorp International. The Vice-President, External Relations is a member of the Executive Team as well as Senior Management Group. Alexis Manley, MBA Vice-President Student Services, and Registrar Ext. 1116
Reporting to the President, the Vice-President Student Services, and Registrar is responsible for Student Services, the Student Service Centre and Athletics. The Vice-President Student Services, and Registrar is a member of the Executive Team and provides leadership for all aspects of services to students, including admission and registration policies, student records, awards, convocation, orientation, financial aid and health services. Administrative Secretary Ext. 1900
Responsible for coordinating and facilitating the activities of the Board of Governors. This office is the custodian of the official bylaws, minutes and governance files of Cape Breton University.
The Coordinator, provides guidance and support to all teaching staff through activities such as online teaching tips, workshops, information sessions, round table discussions, assistance with teaching dossier preparation and peer review of teaching. By these means, the Coordinator and Faculty Liaison help teaching staff to develop more effective approaches to teaching
The services of Communications and Public Relations are available to the University community for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing CBUs image and profile internally and externally, in partnership with faculty, students, alumni and friends of the institution. Staff provide communications counsel, media relations, web communications, graphic design and production as well as event management planning and support. Their role is to communicate the activities, operations, issues and achievements of the university community. Communications and Public Relations staff are located upstairs in the Student, Culture and Heritage Building (CE 337).
Conference Services
CBU Conference Services offers a full spectrum of professional event management services on campus. Internal campus community Conference Services is responsible for the coordinated communication and booking of campus facilities and is also able to provide professional advice and coordination services for hosting conferences and special events on campus. External campus community CBU can accommodate functions including large and small conferences, workshops and business meetings. Summer residence accommodation CBUs modern, comfortable residences are conveniently located to accommodate multi-day conferences, travel groups or travelers visiting Cape Breton during the summer season.
Paula MacNeil, MEd Director Ext. 1848
Development has responsibility for planning and executing campaigns, alumni relations and stewardship of donors for the University. Staff fulfilling these roles enlist, manage and support a number of volunteer committees to acquire scholarships and, periodically, capital campaign fund contributions, from the broader business, professional and alumni communities. Fundraising fosters development of relationships with corporations, private foundations and individuals across the country to strengthen CBUs private gift resources. Staff members are responsible for the cultivation and solicitation of gifts, donor recognition and the services to support these initiatives. Fundraising staff are located upstairs in the Student, Culture and Heritage Building (CE 341). Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 372
Lindsey Smith Development Officer Ext. 1199
The Alumni Office fosters a lifelong interest in CBU among its graduates through alumni events, regional chapters, scholarship development and communication vehicles such as the alumni magazine, Distinction. It welcomes the participation of students during their senior years at CBU and encourages each and every graduate to maintain a lifelong relationship with their alma mater.
Shea McInnis, MEd (IT) Director Ext. 1888
The Student Recruitment Office at CBU is responsible for providing prospective students with information on all postsecondary education programs and on student life at the University. It also educates students of high school age about the importance of post-secondary education, by raising aspirations and building links with high schools and colleges locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Some of the recruitment activities undertaken by the department include high school visitations, campus tours, education fairs, open house events and an alumni referral network. The office is located in the Marvin Harvey Building (B190).
Eleanor Anderson, BBA, MTA Director Ext. 1401
CBU Global is the coordinating arm of CBU's External Department responsible for developing and delivering programs and partnerships linked to internationalization of the University. Overall, the goal is to graduate citizens who are internationally knowledgeable. Specifically, CBU Global is mandated to assist in the development and implementation of CBU's Internationalization Strategy, to ensure that CBU has an integrated and cohesive approach to international activities, to develop and deliver a broader awareness on campus and in the community, of international intercultural issues.
Don MacIsaac, PEng Director Rick Bickerton Manager, Facilities Operations Denise Campbell Manager, Safety and Security Ken Baker Manager, Construction Projects Anita Morrison Administrative Assistant Ext. 1345
Ext. 1105
Ext. 1801
Ext. 1416
Ext. 1106
Doug Connors Residence Manager Sylvia Clements Residence Coordinator Ext. 1791
Ext. 1792
The CBU residences are under the management of the Department of Facilities management. There are four residences: MacDonald Residence is a traditional dormitory style residence accommodating 146 students in primarily double rooms; Cabot Residence is an apartment-style residence that accommodates 123 students in fourbedroom apartments; Alumni Hall is a 190-bed residence divided into 24, five-bedroom, apartment-style units and 70 beds in 35 double dorm-style rooms; Harriss Hall is a 111-bed residence divided into 14 single suites which have private washroom facilities, five wheel chair accessible single rooms and 92 super single rooms, where students would share a washroom with only one other person. Harriss Hall also contains a dining hall. The best way to experience campus life is to live in residence at the center of campus activities and close to the Library, classes, cafeteria, sports facilities, Computer Centre, Registrars Office and the Students' Union. Residence staff seek to promote academic achievement and personal development. A major part of residence life is meeting people and making new friends. Residence Assistants will help students to adjust to and grow in, their new environment.
Gordon M. MacInnis, CA Vice-President, Finance and Operations Ext. 1128
The Finance Office is responsible for a wide range of financial services for all components of the University operations. The office manages outstanding student accounts. It processes the University accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchasing and administrative accounts.
George MacLeod Manager Ext. 1356
Cape Breton University Bookstore is located on the ground floor of the Students Union Building next to the University Commons and is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hours are extended at the beginning of the fall and winter terms in September and January. The bookstore supplies new and used textbooks and course material for the courses taught at CBU, including distance courses. Textbook buy backs are regularly held to provide students with an opportunity to sell their used textbooks for cash and to provide used textbooks for resale in the bookstore. There is also a good selection of school supplies, cards, art supplies and general reading books at reduced prices. Caper Corner is located in the bookstore and provides a range of crested clothing including hoodies, jackets, hats, t-shirts, pants, crews, giftware, and backpacks.
Yvonne LeJeune Ext. 1152/1607
The Print Shop is located beside the mailroom. Services available to faculty and staff are printing, binding, laminating and preparation of overheads. These services are also available to students, depending upon workload. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
John Doue Ext. 1137
The Campus Mailroom is located across from the bookstore. Canada Post mail boxes are located next to the mailroom. There is also a box for interoffice mail.
The Human Resources Department provides a wide range of services to faculty and staff. The services include faculty and staff recruitment, compensation and benefits administration, labour relations, staff development, performance management and occupational health and safety. Employment opportunities are posted on the Universitys web page ( The Human Resources Department is located in CE329
Debbie MacNeil, BCOMM Payroll Manager Ext. 1363
The Payroll Office is responsible for processing bi-weekly payment to employees through direct deposit, issuing records of employment and T4 slips. The Payroll Office is located in the Human Resources Department in CE329. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 375
The Human Rights Officer is responsible for matters and issues relating to all kinds of harassment and discrimination in accordance with the University Discrimination and Harassment Policy. This individual deals directly with students, faculty and staff who have complaints in these areas. Workshops and seminars on fair and equitable treatment of all members of the CBU community are offered. Students who have any questions about these issues can talk confidentially to the Human Rights Officer who may provide suggestions and advice on your rights.
Debbie Rudderham, Chief Information Officer Parker MacDonald, Director Ext. 1446
Ext. 1159
The Computer Centre provides support services for all students, faculty and staff engaged in education, research and the public service mission of the University. Computer Services also assists the administrative functions that support these activities. Computer Services maintains the Universitys Internet connection, Email and web services, DNS services for the CBU domain, firewall configuration, other electronic communication services including video conferencing services and telephone PBX, audio visual and smart classroom support, video production and administrative software support. Computer Services manages the Universitys evergreen program for students, faculty, researchers and staff. Staff members can provide detailed specifications for computer purchases and are responsible to configure and install new desktop computers for faculty and staff. The Computer Centre is located on the first floor of the Marvin Harvey Building.
Ext. 1123 The first point of contact for support from IT Services is the Help Desk located on the first floor of the Marvin Harvey Building. Students, faculty, and staff may obtain help and advice on computer-related problems pertaining to on-campus facilities by visiting the Help Desk in person or by phoning at 563-1123. Problems not resolved at the Help Desk are entered into a call tracking system and assigned to appropriate staff based upon the nature and severity of the problem. Faxes can be sent or received through the Computer Centre for a fee. The University fax number is (902) 562-0119. Scanning is also available for a fee. Audio Visual equipment and Video conferencing services can be booked by faculty and staff through the Help Desk. Students have access to over 200 computers across campus, located in computer labs and in the library. There is a fee for laser printing. Each computer has software to provide word processing, spreadsheet processing, database development, statistical analysis, web browsing, email services, and a host of language compilers and course-specific software. All lab computers are connected to the University's network/Internet and sit behind the Internet firewall. To authenticate access to the University's network facilities a user Login ID and password are created for each student upon registration. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 376
January 2011
Officers Chancellor Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Ex- Officio President & Vice-Chancellor
Ms. Annette Verschuren Mrs. Norma Boyd Dr. Rex Dunn Dr. Robert Bailey Mr. Gordon MacInnis
Appointed by the Minister of Education (12) Ms. Connie Boone Ms. Norma Boyd Mr. Kenneth Crawford Mr. Rany Ibrahim Ms. Daphne Hutt-MacLeod Mr. Leo MacIntosh Mr. Craig MacMullin Mr. Tuma Young Mr. Ron Marman Three vacancies Appointed by the Board of Governors (12) Ms. Lynn Crawford Ms. Anita DeLazzer Dr. Rex Dunn Mr. Patrick Lahey Mr. Kevin MacDonald Mr. Gordon MacInnis Dr. Hayes MacNeil Mr. John Malcom Capt. Lise Marchand Mr. John G. Paul Mr. Kirk Purdy Ms. Marlene Usher Appointed by Faculty (4) Dr. Diane Janes Mr. Chester Pyne Dr. Tom Urbaniak Ms. Wendy Wadden Appointed by the Student Body of CBU (4) Mr. Philip Campbell Ms. Allison Haley Ms. Jennifer Howarth Mr. Adam Jamieson Appointed by the Cape Breton Development Corporation (2) Mr. Merrill Buchanan
January 2011 Ex-Officio President & Vice-Chancellor President, CBU Students Union Vice-President Academic, CBU Students Union Vice-President, Academic & Provost Vice-President, Finance & Operations Vice-President, Student Services & Registrar Vice-President, External Dean, Arts & Social Sciences Dean, School of Professional Studies Dean, Science & Technology Dean, Shannon School of Business Dean, Research and Graduate Studies Principal, Unamaki College Executive Chair Vice-Chair Students Union President Secretary Chair, Academic Committee Chair, Bylaws & Procedures Committee Chair, Nominating Committee Chair, Planning & Priorities Committee Chair, Research Committee Chair, Teaching, Learning & Evaluation Committee Chair, Quality Assurance Committee School of Arts & Social Sciences Dr. David Johnson Dr. Steve Martell Dr. Joe Parish Dr. Tom Urbaniak Shannon School of Business Dr. Patrick deLamirande Mr. Allan Fraser Dr. Princely Ifinedo Ms. Patricia Morrison Ms. Joanne Pyke Ms. Wendy Wadden School of Professional Studies Dr. Maureen Finlayson Ms. Karen Harroun Dr. Diane Janes Ms. Willena Nemeth Dr. Coleen Moore-Hayes Ms. Claudette Taylor
Dr. H. John Harker Ms. Allison Haley Mr. Adam Jamieson Dr. Robert Bailey Mr. Gordon MacInnis Ms. Alexis Manley Dr. Keith Brown Dr. Rod Nicholls Dr. Robert Bailey Dr. Allen Britten Mr. John MacKinnon Dr. Dale Keefe Mr. Lindsay Marshall
Dr. Peter MacIntyre Mr. Allan Fraser Ms. Allison Haley Dr. Coleen Moore Hayes Dr. Geoffrey Lee-Dadswell Dr. Tom Urbaniak Ms. Claudette Taylor Mr. Allan Fraser Dr. David McCorquodale Dr. Matthias Bierenstiel Ms. Wendy Wadden
School of Science & Technology Dr. Peter MacIntyre Dr. Matthias Bierenstiel Dr. Geoff Lee-Dadswell Mr. Carl Mercer Students Union Ms. Stephanie Bagnell Mr. Philip Campbell Mr. Tim Damon Ms. Jennifer Howarth Mr. Brian MacMillan Mr. Stephen MacIsaac Mr. Andrew Mortimer Board of Governors - Two external members Ms. Lynn Crawford Mr. Tuma Young Canadian Coast Guard College One faculty member from the Officer Training Program Library Mr. Ron Rooth Faculty Non-voting Membership University Librarian and Director of Library Services Coordinator, Quality Assurance, Teaching & Learning
M. Louis Guimond
Interim Vice- Principal Unamaki College ............................... Rod Nicholls, PhD ................................................................... 563-1354 Program Director, Aboriginal Academic Support Programing..... Leanne Simmons, MEd ............................................................. 563-1240 Aboriginal Community Liason ..................................................... Ann Denny, BBA ....................................................................... 563-1402 Director, Mikmaq Language Lab................................................ Stephanie Inglis, PhD ................................................................ 563-1201 Director, Mikmaq Student Services ........................................... Patrick Johnson, BA .................................................................. 563-1415 Coordinator, Mikmaq Resource Centre ..................................... Diane Chisholm, BA .................................................................. 563-1660 Chair, Indigenous Studies .......................................................... Rod Beresford, BSc, MSc.......................................................... 563-1609 Aborigianal Communications Coordinator .................................. Payton Chishom ........................................................................ 563-1934 Secretary .................................................................................... TBA ........................................................................................... 563-1871 Finance Office Manager, Financial Services ...................................................... Glenn MacDonald, BBA............................................................. 563-1346 Manager, Financial Compliance & Ancillary Operations ............. Donnie Hamilton, CA ................................................................. 563-1637 Research & Project Accountant ................................................. Roy Mugford, BBA,.................................................................... 563-1851 Senior Accounts Receivable/Collection Officer .......................... Shannon Garnier, BBA .............................................................. 563-1670 Accounts Receivable Clerk......................................................... Cavelle Fraser, BBA .................................................................. 563-1374 Senior Accounting Clerk, ............................................................ Lucille Mackie ............................................................................ 563-1168 Buyer/Purchasing Clerk .............................................................. Nancy MacNeil, BBA ................................................................. 563-1103 Accounts Payable Clerk ............................................................. Colleen Keough, BBA ................................................................ 563-1373 Accounting Clerk ........................................................................ Brenda MacDonald, BBA........................................................... 563-1100 Research & Project Financial Assistant ...................................... Janet MacPherson, BA .............................................................. 563-1985 Computer Services Chief Information Officer (CIO) ................................................... Debbie Rudderham, BSc., ISP .................................................. 563-1446 Director, IT & Computer Services ............................................... Parker MacDonald, BTI, DiplTech ............................................. 563-1159 Programmer/Analyst................................................................... Patrick Donovan, BEd ............................................................... 563-1669 Programmer/Analyst................................................................... Bruno McInnis, DiplTech ........................................................... 563-1154 Manager, Computer Operations ................................................. Ben Pickles, BBA, DiplTech ...................................................... 563-1155 Network Administrator ................................................................ Darren MacKinnon .................................................................... 563-1987 Microcomputer Specialist ........................................................... Stephen MacLeod, BTI, DiplTech.............................................. 563-1625 Microcomputer Specialist ........................................................... Don MacNeil, BTI,BBA .............................................................. 563-1171 Service Desk Operator ............................................................... Jason White, BBA ..................................................................... 563-1171 Service Desk Operator ............................................................... Sajive Kochhar, BA ................................................................... 563-1906 Service Desk Operator ............................................................... Kashif Masood, BTI ................................................................... 563-1123 Technical Writer/Web Support Specialist ................................... Jacqueline Ct, MA, BComm .................................................. 563-1160 Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment Chief Operating Officer ............................................................... Ross McCurdy, PhD .................................................................. 563-1392 Executive Assistant .................................................................... Debi Walker ............................................................................... 563-1292 Program Development Officer .................................................... David Alderson, B.Eng., MBA CED ........................................... 563-1239 Junior Sustainability Researcher ................................................ Basque, Janice ......................................................................................... Sustainability Researcher ........................................................... Johnson, Stan .......................................................................................... Facilities Management Director, Facilities Management ................................................. Don MacIsaac, PEng................................................................. 563-1345 Manager, Facilities Operations ................................................... Rick Bickerton ........................................................................... 563-1105 Manager, Construction Projects ................................................. Ken Baker.................................................................................. 563-1416 Manager, Safety and Security .................................................... Denise Campbell ....................................................................... 563-1801 Administrative Assistant, Facilities Management........................ Anita Morrison ........................................................................... 563-1106 Residence Manager ................................................................... Doug Connors, BACS, Dip. Orth. Tech ..................................... 563-1791 Residence Coordinator ............................................................... Sylvia Clements......................................................................... 563-1792 Manager, Canada Games Complex ........................................... Keith MacPherson, BSc............................................................. 563-1442 Human Resources Director, Human Resources ....................................................... Lois Devoe, BBA, CHRP ........................................................... 563-1223 Senior Human Resources Officer ............................................... Bette Yetman, BSW .................................................................. 563-1157 Human Resources Officer .......................................................... Alana Serroul............................................................................. 563-1936 Human Resources Assistant ...................................................... Debbie Calabrese...................................................................... 563-1158
Manager, Payroll ........................................................................ Debbie MacNeil, BComm .......................................................... 563-1363 Payroll Assistant ......................................................................... Glenda Corbett, BBA ................................................................. 563-1109 Vice-President Student Services and Registrar .................... Alexis Manley, MBA ................................................................ 563-1116 Assistant to the Vice- President.................................................. Anne MacMullin, BPR................................................................ 563-1650 Manager of Student Financial Services ...................................... John Mayich, BBA, MBA ........................................................... 563-1420 Director, Student Services....................................................... Norm Smith, MBA .................................................................... 563-1225 Learning Commons and Student Life Centre: Administrative Assistant ............................................................. Angela MacKinnon .................................................................... 563-1639 Academic and Career Advisor .................................................... Michael MacIsaac, BA ............................................................... 563-1408 Manager, Student Support Services ........................................... Elaine Delaney, BACS............................................................... 563-1986 International Student Advisor ..................................................... Donalda Johnston-Roper, BA .................................................... 563-1273 International Student Advisor ..................................................... Stephanie MacDonald, BBA ...................................................... 563-1671 Jennifer Keeping AccessAbility Centre ....................................... Mel Clarke, BACS, BA ............................................................... 563-1408 Clinical Social Worker & Human Rights Officer .......................... Helen Boone, MSW, RSW......................................................... 563-1873 Coordinator, Writing Centre ........................................................ Tammy Byrne, MA ..................................................................... 563-1883 Chaplaincy ................................................................................ Fr. Martin MacDougall, Chaplain ............................................ 563-1173 Associate Chaplain..................................................................... .................................................................................................. 563-1173 Max Bell Centre Medical Doctor ........................................................................... Reggie Sebastian, MD............................................................... 563-1337 Nurse/Office Coordinator ............................................................ Marie Aucoin ............................................................................. 563-1433 Secretary .................................................................................... Sarah Ferguson......................................................................... 563-1359 Physiotherapist ........................................................................... Nancy Dingwall, Dipl Phys Therapy .......................................... 563-1275 Registrars Office Director, Registration and Admissions .................................. Arlene Mullan, MSc ................................................................. 563-1198 Manager of Admissions .............................................................. Brendan MacDonald, MBA ........................................................ 563-1117 Manager of International Admissions ......................................... Gwen Harwood, MA .................................................................. 563-1844 Admissions Officer ..................................................................... Cheryl Livingstone, CIM ............................................................ 563-1166 Data Analysis/Logistics Co-ordinator.......................................... Patricia McComb-Boone, BBA, BTI ........................................... 563-1165 Academic Support Officer (Located in Learning Commons) ................................................ Barbara Kennedy, BA ................................................................ 563-1646 Athletics Director, Athletics ....................................................................... John Ryan, BBA ........................................................................ 563-1657 Administrative Assistant ............................................................. Carol Anne Sheppard ............................................................... 563-1277 Mens Basketball Head Coach ................................................... Jim Charters, MBA .................................................................... 563-1409 Womens Basketball Head Coach .............................................. Fabian McKenzie, BPEd............................................................ 563-1874 Womens Volleyball Head Coach ............................................... Claude Lapre, MA ..................................................................... 563-1279 Campus Life & Promotion Coordinator ....................................... Doug MacKenzie ....................................................................... 563-1291 Director, Recruitment Marketing ............................................ Shea McInnis, MEd (IT) ........................................................... 563-1136 Marketing & Recruitment Manager ............................................. Mora Giovannetti, BBA .............................................................. 563-1146 Recruitment & Admissions Officer .............................................. Sarah Farrow, BACS ................................................................ 563-1905 High School Liaison Officer ........................................................ TBA ........................................................................................... 563-1824 External Relations Vice-President, External ............................................................ Keith Brown, PhD ...................................................................... 563-1859 Assistant to the Vice-President .................................................. Kelly Unsworth .......................................................................... 563-1447 CBU Global ................................................................................ Eleanor Anderson...................................................................... 563-1447 Director of Development ............................................................. Paula MacNeil, MEd .................................................................. 563-1848 Development Officer, Donor Relations ....................................... Crystal Aboud-Mahar, BPR ....................................................... 563-1232 Development Officer, Alumni ..................................................... Lindsay Smith ........................................................................... 563-1199 Athletic Development Officer, ..................................................... Ken Bickerton, MA ..................................................................... 563-1676 Director of Communications ...................................................... Irene Khattar, BA ....................................................................... 563-1896
Communications/PR Officer ....................................................... Rebecca Chisholm, BComm ..................................................... 563-1638 Video Production Coordinator .................................................... Lisa Patterson, BACS ................................................................ 563-1601 Web Communications Specialist ................................................ Darrell MacRae ......................................................................... 563-1343 Production/Graphics Co-ordinator .............................................. Gail Jones, Dipl.Tech ................................................................ 563-1610 Conference Services & Events Officer ....................................... Peg Cummings, BSc ................................................................. 563-1803 Office of Research and Graduate Studies Dean, Research and Graduate Studies ...................................... Dale Keefe, PhD, ...................................................................... 563-1185 Assistant to the Dean ................................................................. Brenda LeLoup, BACS .............................................................. 563-1304 Industry Liaison Officer ............................................................... Sarah Conrod, BSc, MEd .......................................................... 563-1842 Research Officer ........................................................................ Sander Taylor, BSc ................................................................... 563-1338 Research Advancement Officer.................................................. Jodi McDavid, PhD .................................................................... 563-1107 Director, Tompkins Institute ........................................................ Edwin MacLellan, PhD .............................................................. 563-1147 Director, Centre for International Studies ................................... Garry Leech, MA ....................................................................... 563-1169 Director, CED Institute ................................................................ George Karaphillis, MBA ........................................................... 563-1467 Director, Marketing Research Centre ......................................... Mary Jane Morrison ................................................................... 563-1257 Director, Small & Medium-sized Enterprise Institute .................. Harvey Johnstone, PhD............................................................. 563-1178 Director, Small Business Development Centre........................... Mary Jane Morrison ................................................................... 563-1257 Director, Alexander Graham Bell Institute .................................. Sarah Conrod ............................................................................ 563-1842 Director, Bras dOr Institute for Ecosystem Research ................ Bruce G. Hatcher, PhD .............................................................. 563-1988 Director, Centre for Cape Breton Studies .................................. Richard MacKinnon, PhD .......................................................... 563-1284 Director, Institute for Integrative Science/Health (IISH) .............. Cheryl Bartlett, PhD................................................................... 563-1624 Director, International Inst. for Tourism Development ................ Wendy Wadden, LLB ............................................................... 563-1229 Director, Centre for Natural History ............................................ David McCorquodale, PhD ........................................................ 563-1260 Co-Directors, Childrens Rights Centre....................................... Katherine Covell, PhD ............................................................... 563-1413 Brian Howe, PhD ....................................................................... 563-1214 Co-Directors, Louisbourg Institute .............................................. Andrew Parnaby, PhD ............................................................... 563-1286 Graham Reynolds, PhD............................................................. 563-1145 Director, Philosophy & Religion Centre ...................................... Ken Bryson, PhD ....................................................................... 563-1938 University Chair in Marine Ecosystem Research........................ Bruce Hatcher, PhD .................................................................. 563-1943 Beaton Institute Manager .................................................................................... Catherine Arseneau, MA ........................................................... 563-1326 Secretary .................................................................................... Gerardette Brown ...................................................................... 563-1327 Archivist ..................................................................................... Jane Arnold, MLIS ..................................................................... 563-1690 Archival Assistant ....................................................................... Anne Connell, BA ..................................................................... 563-1425 Archival Research Assistant ...................................................... Anne MacNeil, BA ..................................................................... 563-1329 Library University Librarian and Director of Library Services .................. Robert Campbell, PhD............................................................... 563-1698 Librarian ..................................................................................... Laura Syms, MLS ...................................................................... 563-1994 Librarian ..................................................................................... Cathy Chisholm, MLIS ............................................................... 563-1993 Librarian ..................................................................................... Mary Dobson, MLS .................................................................... 563-1994 Librarian ..................................................................................... Ronald Rooth, MLS ................................................................... 563-1994 Librarian ..................................................................................... Lenard Lawless, MLS ................................................................ 563-1993 Head of Circulation .................................................................... Debbie MacInnis, BA ................................................................. 563-1674 Library Technician, Cataloging ................................................... Pauline Murray, BA, Dipl LibrTech ............................................ 563-1619 Library Technician ...................................................................... Nick Sobol, BA .......................................................................... 563-1675 Library Technician ...................................................................... Cathy Toomey, Dipl SecSci ....................................................... 563-1619 Library Technician ...................................................................... Brenda OFlaherty, BSc, Dipl LibrTech ...................................... 563-1675 Library Technician ...................................................................... Mary Campbell .......................................................................... 563-1995 Library Assistant ......................................................................... Jeanne Russell .......................................................................... 563-1619 Library Assistant ......................................................................... Diana MacKinnon-Furlong ......................................................... 563-1997 Library Assistant ......................................................................... Carla White................................................................................ 563-1619 Library Technician ...................................................................... Caroline Power, BA, Dipl LibrTech ............................................ 563-1675 Library Clerk ............................................................................... Janet Fraser .............................................................................. 563-1320 Library Clerk ............................................................................... Barry Gabriel, BEd .................................................................... 563-1320 Administrative Assistant ............................................................. Anne Marie MacKenzie, Dipl SecSci ......................................... 563-1421
Professores Emeriti Guy, James, PhD (St. Louis), Emeritus Professor of Political Science Keshen, Richard D., DPhil (Oxford), Emeritus Professor of Philosophy MacGillivray, Donald, PhD (Queens), Emeritus Professor, History MacLeod, Gregory, PhD (Louvain), Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Tennyson, Brian, PhD (London), Emeritus Professor of History Senior Scholars Davey, William, PhD (Ottawa) Kavanagh, Afra, PhD (Wales) Full-time Brann-Barrett, Tanya, BACS (UCCB), Dipl Comm Studies (Concordia), MA (MSVU), PhD (UBC) Associate Professor, Communication Broadhead, Lee-Anne, BA (Hons) (Trent), MA (Queens), MLIS (Toronto), PhD (Leeds), Associate Professor, Political Science Brodie, Ian, BA (STU), MA (MUN), PhD (MUN) Assistant Professor, Folklore Studies Burrow, Sylvia, BA (Dal), MA (Alberta), PhD (Western), Associate Professor, Philosophy Christie, Sheila, Assistant Professor, English Claener, Nicole, BACS (UCCB), MA (Norwich), Assistant Professor, Community Studies Connell, Jane, BACS (UCCB), MAdEd (StFX), PhD (South Australia), Assistant Professor and Department Chair, Community Studies Curtis, Jan M., BA (UCCB), MA, PhD (UNB), Associate Professor, English Dechman, Margaret K., BA (Kings), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (Dalhousie), Assistant Professor, Sociology Duenkel, Nicky, B. P. H.E., (Laurentian), MA (Western), PhD (University of Alberta), Assistant Professor, Community Studies Drodge, Janice, BA, MA (MUN), Assistant Professor, Anthropology and Chair, Anthropology & Sociology Farnsworth, Jane, BA (Western), MA, PhD (Queens), Associate Professor, English Gerrie, James, BA (Mount Allison), MA (Guelph), PhD (Guelph/ McMaster), Associate Professor, Philosophy Gibbs, Terry L., BA (Calgary), MA (Leeds), PhD (Sussex), Associate Professor and Chair, Political Science Harris, Tracey, BA, MA (Dal), Assistant Professor, Sociology Howe, Brian, BA, MA (Simon Fraser), PhD (Toronto), Professor, Political Science and Co-director, Childrens Rights Centre Hudec, John, BSc (Saskatchewan), MA (Victoria), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Professor, Community Studies Inglis, Stephanie, BA (McMaster), MA, PhD (MUN), Associate Professor, Mikmaq Studies, Chair, Indigenous Studies Johnson, David, BA (Toronto), MA (Brock), PhD (Toronto), Professor, Political Science, Member, North Atlantic Institute Keating, Mary, BA (Acadia), BEd (StFX), MA (Acadia), PhD (Manchester), Assistant Professor, English, and Assistant Dean, School of Arts and Social Sciences. Krug, Kate, BA (Waterloo), MA, (York), Assistant Professor, Anthropology & Sociology Leach, Nathaniel, BA (Wilfrid Laurier), MA, PhD (Western), Associate Professor, English MacDonald, Michael, BA (UCCB), MA (Maine), Assistant Professor, Communication MacKenzie, Susan, BA (Kings), MEd (Springfield College, MA), Assistant Professor, Sports and Recreation MacKinnon, Richard, BA (Mt. Allison), MA, PhD (MUN), Professor, Community Studies, Folklore & Humanities and Canada Research Chair in Intangible Cultural Heritage MacLeod, Erna L., MA, PhD (Massachusetts, Amherst), Assistant Professor, Communication MacLeod, Mary K., PhD (Edinburgh), Associate Professor, History and Fine Arts Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 385
Marchand, Richard, BA (StFX), MA, PhD (Dal), Associate Professor, English Moir, Scott, BA (Wilfrid Laurier), MA (McMaster), PhD (Guelph), Associate Professor, History Molloy, Andrew, BA, MPA, PhD (Concordia), Associate Professor, Political Science Moore, Barry, MSW, RSW (Dal), Assistant Professor, Community Studies Mount, Dana, BES (York University), MA (York University), Assistant Professor, English Mullan, David G., BA (Calgary), BD (Otago), BEd (Queens), ThM (Toronto), PhD (Guelph), Professor, History and Religious Studies Mulo-Farenkia, Bernard, BA (Yaounde), MA, PhD (Saarland), Associate Professor, French Mysyk, Avis, BA, MA, PhD (Manitoba), Associate Professor, Anthropology Nicholls, Roderick, BA (Mt. Allison), MA, PhD (Queens), Associate Professor, Philosophy, Dean School of Arts and Social Sciences Odartey-Wellington, Felix, BA(Hons), BL(Ghana), Grad. Diploma Transitional Justice (Cape Town), MA (Concordia), PhD (Ryerson-York), Assistant Professor, Communication Parish, Joseph, MA (Western), PhD (Missouri-Columbia), Assistant Professor, Anthropology & Sociology Parnaby, Andrew BA (Hons) (Queens), MA (Simon Fraser), PhD (MUN), Associate Professor, History Pettigrew, Todd, BA (Hons) (Western), MA (McMaster), PhD (Waterloo), Associate Professor and Department Chair, English Ramji, Ruby, BA, MSc (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (Ottawa), Associate Professor, Religious Studies Reynolds, Andrew, BA (UNB), MA, PhD (Western), Associate Professor, Philosophy Reynolds, P. Graham, BA (Minnesota), MA, BEd, PhD (Queens) Professor, History and Department Chair, History and Fine Arts Rolls, Judith A., BA (StFX), BEd (Dal), MA (Maine), PhD (Indiana), Professor, Communication Silverberg, Mark, BEd (Toronto), MA, PhD (Dal), Associate Professor, American Literature Sparling, Heather, BA (Wilfrid Laurier), MA, PhD (York), Associate Professor, Ethnomusicology, Chair Heritage and Culture Stewart, R. Scott, BA (Dal), MA (Guelph), PhD (Waterloo), Professor and Department Chair, Philosophy Urbaniak, Tom, BA (Hons), MA (Toronto), PhD (Western), Associate Professor, Political Science Laboratory Instructor White, Dawn, BA (CBU), Laboratory Coordinator and Department Chair, Communication Adjunct Professors Crawford, Tom, BSc (Acadia), MD (Dal) Howard, Sean, PhD (Bradford) McDonald, R. Andrew, BA (Trent), MA (MacMaster), PhD (Guelph), Adjunct Associate Professor, History and Fine Arts Part-time Boone, Kenny, Lecturer in Fine Arts Chapman, Stan, Lecturer Ethnomusicology Charters, Jim, BACS, BBA (UCCB), MBA (SMU), Lecturer, Sports and Human Kinetics Copp, Paulina, BSc (UAG, Mexico), Lecturer in Spanish Hancock, Jan, BA (Hons), MSc, PhD (Southampton) Lecturer, Political Science Hiscock, Todd, BACS (UCCB), MFA (York) Leech, Garry, BA (Hons) (UNLV), MA (Acadia), Lecturer, Political Science and Director, Centre for International Studies MacNeil, Hector, BA (UCCB), MA (StFX), Lecturer, Celtic Culture MacNeil, Kyle, Lecturer in Ethnomusicology McDavid, Jodi, BA (St. Thomas), MA (MUN), PhD (MUN) Lecturer, Folklore McDonald, Chris, BMus (Western), MA, PhD (York), Lecturer, Ethnomusicology Russell, Emma, Language and Letters
Vokey, Bill, MBA, PFP, FICB
Cox, Joseph, MD (McGill) Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 388
Depatis, Mark, MD (Montreal) MacCormick, Ron, MD (Dal) MacDonald, Paul, MD (Dal) Part-time Basso, Susan, BBA (UCCB), BEd (UMFK), MEd (Calgary), Education Drohan, Charles, BA, BEd, MEd (Counselling) (StFX), MEd (Acadia), Education Hiscock, Todd, BACS (UCCB), MFA (York), Education Howell, Frank, BA, Dipl Curr (UCCB), BEd, MEd, Education Jones, David, BSc, BEd (Acadia), MEd (British Columbia), MA (MSVU), Education Kearney, Kevin, BA (UCCB), BEd (StFX), MEd (MUN), Education Lalonde, Elizabeth, BA, BFA (NSCAD), MEd (StFX), Education Lewis, Diane, BA, BFA (NSCAD), MEd (SMU), Education Lloyd, David, BSc (Toronto), MA (Central Michigan), PhD (Toronto), Education MacDonald, Jeanette, BA, BEd, MEd (StFX), MA (MSVU), Education MacDonald, Terry, BSc (Acadia), BEd (StFX), MEd(IT), (MUN), Education MacIsaac, Brenda, BEd (StFX), MA (MSVU), Education Reynolds, Graham, BA (Minnesota), MA, BEd, PhD (Queens), Education Yorke, Charles, BSc (StFX), MEd(UNB), BEd(MSVU), PhD (UNB), Education
MacIntyre, Peter, BACS (CBU), MA, PhD (Western), Professor, Psychology MacIsaac, Lucia, Eng. Dip. (StFX), BEng, MASc (TUNS), Instructor, Petroleum Engineering MacLellan, Edwin, PhD (Waterloo), MCIP, PEng, Professor, Engineering MacNeil, Blair, BEng (TUNS), BSc (StFX), Instructor, Engineering MacPherson, Joseph R., BSc, BEd, (StFX), Instructor, Engineering Technology MacQuarrie, Stephanie, BSc, (Mount Allison), PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute), Assistant Professor, Chemistry Martell, Jaime, BSc (SMU), PhD (Dal), Associate Professor, Chemistry McCann, Stewart J. H., BA (York), MA (Guelph), PhD (Alberta), Professor, Psychology McCorquodale, David, BSc (Guelph), MSc (Alberta), PhD (Australian National), Professor, Biology and Dean, School of Science and Technology Mercer, Carl, DiplT (Mech), BTech (CBU), Instructor, Mechanical Technology Miadonye, Adango, BSc, (Southbank), PhD (Leichestershire) Professor and Department Chair, Chemistry Modesto, Sean, BSc, MSc, PhD, (Toronto), Associate Professor, Biology Miller, Robin, Lecturer, Emergency Management - Term Nicklason, Gary, BSc, MSc, PhD (Simon Fraser), Associate Professor, Mathematics Pierrynowski, Richard, DiplE, BSc, (StFX), BEng (TUNS), MEng (UNB), PEng (NS), Instructor and Department Chair, Engineering Preen, James, BSc (Leicester), PhD (Nottingham), Associate Professor, Mathematics and Department Chair, Mathematics Physics and Geology. Rawlings, Timothy, BSc, MSc (UBC), PhD (Alberta), Associate Professor, Biology Robertson, Erin, BA (Mount Allison), MA (Western), PhD (Western), Assistant Professor, Psychology Rodney, Scott, Assistant Professor, Mathematics Rudiuk, Edmund, MSc (Lublin), MSc, PhD (Western), Associate Professor, Mathematics (Statistics) Salazar, Vielka, BSc, MSc (Florida International University) Assistant Professor, Biology Schmidt, Heather, BA (University of Victoria), MA, PhD (York), Assistant Professor, Psychology Standing, Paul, BTech, BSc, Instructor, Engineering Tanchak, Michael A., BSc (Carleton), PhD (Saskatchewan), Professor, Biology and Wolkersdorfer, Christian, Dipl (TU Clausthal, Germany), PhD (TU Clausthal, Germany), Habilitation (Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany), Professor, Mine Water Hydrogeology. Xia, Helen, BEng, (NCIT, China), MEng, (Sichuan, China), MASc (Dal), Instructor Electronics Engineering Adjunct Professors Rudiuk, Maria, PhD (Marie Curie-Sklodowska) Lambert, Timothy, BSc (Victoria), MSc (Dal) Ross, Neil, BSc, PhD (McGill) Hatcher, Bruce, BSc, MSc (Dal), PhD (Sydney), Biology Naikwadi, Krishnat P., PhD (Shivaji) Laboratory Instructors and Technologists Cormier, Chantelle, BSC (CBU), Laboratory Instructor, Biology Forgeron, Denise, BSc (St FX), BA (CBU), BEd (SMU), MEd (MUN), Senior Laboratory Instructor, Biology Foss, Karen, BSc (MSVU), Senior Laboratory Instructor, Chemistry Glogowski, Cyndie, BA, BSc, (CBU), MSc (Lakehead), Senior Laboratory Instructor Biology Howley, Calvin, BSc (StFX), MSc (Dal), Senior Laboratory Instructor, Chemistry MacInnis, Judy, BSc, BEd (Mt. Allison), MSc (StFX), Senior Laboratory Instructor, Chemistry MacIntosh, Kathryn, BSc (Dal), MSc (Dal/NSAC), BEd (MSVU), Senior Laboratory Instructor, Biology MacKenzie, Wendy, BSc (CBU), MSc (Ottawa), Senior Laboratory Instructor, Biology OCallaghan, DAnne, DiplT (Chem), BTech, BSc (CBU), Laboratory Instructor, Chemistry Pyne, Chester A., BEng (TUNS),Senior Laboratory Instructor, Physics Richardson, Joyce, BSc (MSVU), Senior Laboratory Instructor, Chemistry White, Kellie, BA (UNB), MSc (Western), Laboratory Instructor, Biology Wright, Peggy, BSc (MUN), Senior Laboratory Instructor, Computing Science and Mathematics Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 390
Part Time Bruce, James, Engineering Campbell, Kelly, Psychology Rogers, Conrad, Mathematics, Physics and Geology
Academic Year - The phrase that describes the period from September to April. Also referred to as the fall/winter term. Admission - Acceptance of a candidate for enrolment in a specified program. Audit - Standing of students who are registered in one or more courses, exclusively on a not-for-credit basis, and without completing assignments or examinations. Baccalaureate - Related to a bachelor's degree. Bachelor's Degree (Baccalaureate Degree) - An undergraduate university degree program. Calendar - An annual publication of academic regulations, schedules, programs of study and course descriptions. Calendar of Events - List of important dates for things like admissions, registration, voluntary withdrawal, fee deadlines, first and last day of classes, start and end dates for exams, etc. Chair - Head of an academic department. Concentration - A specific area or discipline of study in a degree program. Convocation - The ceremony that occurs in the spring and fall at which degrees, diplomas and certificates are conferred on the graduates. Cooperative Education Program (Co-op Program) - A program that formally integrates academic studies with work experience in employer organizations. Core Course - A core course is listed in a degree program and is a base requirement for all students in that program. Course Load - The number of courses a student is registered in while in attendance in a given academic term. Credit - A credit is a unit of academic measurement; six credits are awarded for a full course. Three credits are awarded for a half-course. Credit Course - A course that carries credit toward a degree, diploma or certificate. Cross-listed Courses - Two courses are cross-listed if they are the same course listed under two different subject codes, usually by two different academic units. (E.g., The same course could be offered to students in Chemistry or Engineering. The course content would be identical and students from the two disciplines would attend the same class, but the course would be listed in two different places in the list of courses. Cross-listed courses are identified as such in the list of course descriptions.) Dean - The chief academic and administrative officer of a school. Deferred Exam - An exam may be deferred for medical or other serious reason, at the discretion of the instructor and the Dean of the school. Degree Audit Report - A record of a student's progress in a specific program. Department - The basic organizational unit responsible for the academic functions in a field of study. E.g., The Biology Department falls under the School of Science & Technology; the Anthropology and Sociology Department is under the School of Arts and Social Sciences. Discipline - The university equivalent of a "subject" in high school. E.g., math, biology, English, history, etc. Elective - An elective is a course acceptable to complete a program but chosen at the discretion of the student. Faculty - A generic term for professors or instructors. Fall Term - The period of the academic year that runs from September through December. Fall/Winter (September-April) - The academic year that runs from September through April. Full Course - A course with a weighting factor of six credits that normally extends over two consecutive terms. Full-Time Students - Students who are registered for credit in the equivalent of three full courses (18 credits) over the Fall/Winter term. Half Course - A course with a weighting factor of three credits that normally extends over one term. Honours or Major Program - A four-year concentrated course of study under the supervision of a department. Requires varying levels of academic achievement, depending on the degree. Interdisciplinary Course - A course that is offered jointly by two or more departments, not necessarily in the same school. Minor - A secondary area of concentration in a major program. Plagiarism - The act of representing the intellectual work of others as one's own. Prerequisite - The preliminary requirement, usually another course, which must be met or waived before a course can be taken. Cape Breton University Academic Calendar 392
Program - An approved series of courses leading to a degree, diploma or certificate. Registration - The process of selecting courses that are to be taken by a student in a term, or two terms, in accordance with the relevant program specifications for a degree or diploma, and must be accompanied by the minimum payment. School - An administrative subdivision within the university responsible for programs and courses relating to common fields of study and academic disciplines. E.g., School of Arts & Social Sciences, School of Business, School of Graduate & Professional Studies, School of Science & Technology. Spring/Summer (May-August) - A period of study during the months of May through August. Spring Session - The session that runs from May through June. Summer Session - The session that runs from July through August. TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language. Transcript - A statement of the student's entire official academic record bearing the original signature of the Registrar and the official seal of the University. Transfer Credit - Course credit which an institution accepts towards a degree, diploma or certificate awarded for courses taken at another post-secondary institution. Undergraduate - The term used for the first degree taken at university. Also, refers to students taking their first degree. Winter Term - The period of the academic year that runs from January through April. Withdrawal - Voluntary formal cancellation of registration by a student