Snow Toboggan

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Making a Coasting Toboggan


E SSENTIALS of a good toboggan,

whether for coasting or use in
transportation, are strength and light-
material and its construction are rather
difficult. Narrow strips are easily bent
to shape, but do not make a durable
ness, and when it is to be made in the article. A toboggan made of four
home shop, the construction must be boards is practical. The mill bill for
simple. That shown in the illustration, one 7½ ft. long by 16 in. wide and for
and detailed in the working sketches, the bending frame, is as follows:
was designed to meet these require- 4 pieces, .312 by 4 in. by 10 ft., hard wood.
ments. The materials for the toboggan 7 " 1 by 1 in. by 16 in., " "
2 " ½ by 1 in. by 16 in., "
proper and the forms over which it is 2
" 1 by 6 in. by 6 ft., common boards.
1 by 2 in. by 18 in.,
bent, may be obtained at small expense. 1 cylindrical block, 12 in. diameter by 18 in. long.
Smoothness of finished surface, free-
dom from tendency to splinter, and
ability to stand up under abuse being
requisite qualities in the wood used to
make a toboggan, three varieties may
be mentioned in their order of merit:
hickory, birch, and oak. Birch is softer
than hickory and easily splintered, but
acquires an excellent polish on the
bottom. Oak stands bending well, but
does not become as smooth on the
running surface as close-grained woods.
Do not use quarter-sawed oak because
of the cross-grain flakes in its structure.
While the best toboggan is made of
a single board, both the securing of

This Toboggan Is Strong and

Light; It will afford the Maker
Much Pleasure Both in the In-
teresting Process of Construction
and in the Use for Coasting or
Transportation. It may be Made
as an Individual Project or as a
Joint U n d e r t a k i n g by Several Boys
The form for the bending of the With 3-in. nails, fasten one of the bored
pieces is made of the common boards pieces to the block between the boards,
and the block. A block sawed from inserting, temporarily, a ½-in. piece
the end of a dry log is excellent. Heat to hold it out that distance from the
it, if convenient, just before bending block.
the strips. The boards for the bottom Steam about 3 ft. of the ends of the
should be selected for straightness of boards, or boil them in a tank. Clamp,
grain and freedom from knots and or nail, the boards together, at the dry
burls. Carefully plane the side ends, edge to edge, between two of the
intended for the wearing surface, and 1 by 2-in. pieces, leaving about ¼-in.
bevel the edges so that, when placed opening between boards. Thrust the
together, they form a wide "V" joint, steamed ends under the cleat nailed on
half the depth of the boards. The 1 by the block, the nails which hold it slip-
1-in. pieces are for cross cleats and ping up between the boards. Bear down
should be notched on one side, 1 in. on the toboggan carefully, nailing on
from each end, to receive the side ropes. another of the bored cleats, when the
The two ½ by 1-in. pieces are to be toboggan boards have been curved
placed one at each side of the extreme around the block as far as the floor will
end of the bent portion, to reinforce it. permit. The nails, of course, go
Bore a gimlet hole through the between the boards.
centers of the 1 by 2 by 18-in pieces, Now, turn the construction over and
and 4¼ in. each side of this hole, bore bend up the toboggan, following the






1"x1" CLEATS
The Boards for the Bottom are Steamed or Boiled at the Bow Ends and Bent over the Form. As the
Bending Operation Progresses, the Boards are Nailed to the Form with Cleats,
and Permitted to Dry in This Position

two others. Nail the end of one of the boards around the block with more of
6-ft. boards to each end of the block, the nailed cleats, until the clamped end
so that their extended ends are parallel. is down between the two 6-ft. boards,
where it can be held by a piece nailed
across. More of the cleats may be
nailed on if desired; in fact, the closer
together the cleats are the less danger
there is of splintering the boards, and
the more perfect the conformity of the
boards to the mold.
Allow at least four days for drying
before removing the boards from the
form. Clamp the ½ by 1-in. pieces one
each side of the extreme ends of the
bent bows, drill holes through, and
rivet them. A 1 by 1-in. crossbar is
riveted to the inside of the bow at the
extreme front and another directly
under the extremity of the curved end.
These cleats are wired together to hold
the bend of the bow. The tail end
crossbar should be placed not nearer
than 2½ in. from the end of the boards,
while the remainder of the crossbars
are evenly spaced between the front
and back pieces, taking care that the
notched side is always placed down.
Trim off uneven ends, scrape and sand-
paper the bottom well, and finish the
toboggan with oil. Run a .375-in. rope
through the notches under the ends of
the cross pieces, and the toboggan is
Screws are satisfactory substitutes
for rivets in fastening together the
parts, and wire nails, of a length to
allow for about ¼-in. clinch, give a fair
job. Indians overcome the lack of
hardware by the use of rawhide, laced
through diagonally staggered holes
bored through the crosspieces and
bottom boards. Rawhide, which they
sometimes stretch over the bow as a
protection, affords an opportunity for
elaborate ornamentation.

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