Bulletin - 2013 02 24
Bulletin - 2013 02 24
Bulletin - 2013 02 24
Physical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 Mailing address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501
717-484-4548 www.gehmanmennonitechurch.org Ministry Team Phil Horning - Lead Pastor - (church: 717-484-4548) (home:717-484-0998) Glen Martin - Associate Pastor- 717-484-2162 Steve McCosby - Deacon - 717-336-8275
Lets walk with Jesuspersonally, locally, and globally. February 24, 2013
Prayer Sunday School Worship Service 8:15 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
Prelude Call to Worship Doug Musselman Hymn of Praise John Miller Offering Darlene McCosby Worship in Song Worship Team Message: Isaiah 8:12, 13, 1 Peter 3:14, 15 "The Reason for Hope" Bob Phillips Closing Song John Miller Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Phil Horning Benediction Today: Greeters Carl & Sylvia Eberly Sunday School Shelby & Karen Church Nursery Travis & Carolyn Next Week: Greeters Nelson & Dianne Gehman Scripture Reading Dakota Leid Song Leader Tom Martin Offering Rebecca Horning Message Phil Horning Sunday School Nursery Michelle & Kelly Church Nursery Roxanne & Marlene Offerings: The offering for February is for Home Ministries, Reading Churches and Missionary Retirement Fund and other budgeted items. Attendance for last week was 129 . Offering for last week was $2,713. Feb. 24, Sun.- Scrapbook Day! Planned after church, bring a packed lunch, your scrap booking supplies, other hobbies or you can just visit. If you have any questions, see Darla Leid or Chrystle Swatski. Feb. 24, Sun.-Bob Phillips will be sharing during the service today. Bob & Mim Phillips - missionaries we support as a church, are serving the Lord through World Harvest Mission and EMM in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Feb. 25 & 26, Mon & Tues.-Lititz Area Mennonite Open House! Call 717-6269551 or visit www.lams.info for times and more information. Feb. 27, Wed.- Community Lenten Service-Pastor Bill Hoch speaking at Swamp Christian Fellowship, 7-9:30 p.m. Feb. 28, Thurs.- Jr. Youth Bible Study, 7-8:30 p.m. at the church. Mar. 1-3- Mens Retreat-Sign up on the sheet in the narthex. Mar.1, Fri.-Hinkletown Mennonite School presents Robin Hood( Fri. 5:30 p.m. dinner theater) & Sat., Mar. 2nd,(2 p.m. & 7 p.m.).This action-packed comedy is the classic tale of the hero and his merry band as they help those under the tyrannical Lady Merle & the Sheriff of Nottingham and rescue Maid Marian. Reservations required for Fri. dinner theater-$15 adults/$8 students under 8th grade. Sat. tickets available at the door-$6. For tickets/info: www.hmsk8.org or call 354-7100. Mar.2, Sat.-Everence Lancaster will host Stewardship University, a ministry partnership between Everence and the local faith community. Local leaders had a hand in selecting the courses to be offered at this event. Of special interest is a workshop titled Charting the Waters of College Loans and Financial Aid, led by Natalya Huehnergarth, Everence Federal Credit Union Branch Manager and Greg Gearhart, Director of Financial Aid at Messiah College. This interactive session will explore the ins and outs of the financial aid process. For registration info, contact Kevin Nofziger at (800)653-9723, [email protected] or www.StewardshipUniversity.com. See Steve McCosby for early bird and group discount information. Mar. 3, Sun.-There will be a fellowship meal, but theres no need for you to prepare food, as the Bible Quiz teams will provide the meal. Donations will be accepted to help fund the trip to compete in the Ohio tournament.(Ladies, if your husband is at the Mens Retreat, this will be a nice break for you!) Mar. 5, Tues.-"WHEN PAPA GOES TO PRISON" is the address title by Anne Myers the former lead Chaplain of the Camp Hill State Prison. Conestoga Mennonite in Morgantown auditorium- free @ 7:30-9 p.m. or RSVP for the 6:30 p.m. banquet, $14. Info: www.newpersonminisries.org or 610-777-2222 Mar. 16, Sat.-Auction and Chicken BBQ begins at 9 a.m. on Sat. at Ephrata Mennonite Church, to benefit TNT Ministry. All Proceeds benefit TNT Ministries in Ephrata, Akron, Bowmansville and Lititz. Food, Baked Goods and Gift Cards will be on sale before and during the Auction. You wont want to miss this years auction which features an assortment of new and unique items to be auctioned! Sale of Specialty items starts 10:30 a.m. Big John Nolts Chicken BBQ will be available at 11 a.m. The $9 dinner includes boneless breast/thigh, cheesy potatoes, roll, apple sauce, whoopie pie and drink. Tickets were not sold in advance so come early to get your dinner before they sell out! It is not too late to donate items for the auction! Bring to Ephrata Mennonite Church, recently renamed Alive Ephrata M, W, F from 9-2 or call Doreen Horning: 717-951-0550. All Gifts are tax-deductible. -Anyone interested in learning more about a Matching Grant Program offered by Eastern Mennonite University for prospective college students, please see the information posted on the narthex bulletin board. -You are invited to encourage the Bible Quiz teams this evening at Middle Creek Church of the Brethren at 6:30 p.m. or next Sunday, March 3rd at Hinkletown
Mennonite Church. Thanks for your continued support! -A mentoring program was started several years ago here at church, and a number of mentoring relationships have been set-up. Lena Brown helped to launch this ministry. Because of lack of energy due to here cancer treatments, she understandably is looking to pass this ministry onto others. If you have interest in helping to arrange, develop, and encourage mentoring relationships or if you would like to suggest someone you see as being gifted in this area, please talk to Pastor Phil. Happy Birthday! Ivan Opalko on Tues., and Verna Kautz on Thurs.