Insights: The Faculty Journal of Austin Seminary
Insights: The Faculty Journal of Austin Seminary
Insights: The Faculty Journal of Austin Seminary
The Faculty Journal of Austin Seminary
FALL 2005
“Unleashed” is a dyed shroud cloth, wrapped and stitched around an unbroken line of cord, a
depiction of the seismograph reading of the tsunami on December 26, 2004. “Witness” is
Shibori dyed cloth showing water as a witness to events across time, providing a sense of
constancy and beauty which conceals its power and danger.
Cover photograph by Richard Hopper. Revolta’s work was part of a Holy Week exhibit, “After
the Tsunami,” at Holy Trinity Church in South Wimbledon, London, UK, www.holytrinity- For information about the exhibit, see: http://holytrinity- The image on page 3 is a detail of “Unleashed.”
Theodore J. Wardlaw
T HEOLOGY , written by Eugene Peterson, reviewed by David Johnson;
G ILEAD : A N OVEL , written by Marilynne Robinson,
reviewed by Janet Maykus
Abigail Rian Evans
will never forget the phone call I made to an older, wiser friend—a pastor with
I whom I had spent an important summer internship after my first year of seminary.
Word had reached me of the diagnosis of a brain tumor—a tumor which eventually
took his life—and I was calling to touch base with him. It was a stammering, fitful con-
versation on my part, for I felt compelled to offer some word of sense into a situation
that made no sense at all. Thankfully my friend interrupted me to say, “I just want you
to know that I see this next chapter of my life as an exciting process, and I am looking
forward to what I am going to learn about God and God’s presence with me in the
midst of suffering.” After that statement, my partially rehearsed words of comfort and
(God help me) explanation fell clattering to the floor, unspoken.
I still think back to that statement of faith—one that he lived out from that day
until his last. An exciting process? He spoke of his diagnosis—news that any of us
dreads hearing—as a kind of blessing, and I believe he embraced it in a way that still
dumbfounds me.
We North American Christians tend to see blessings far more narrowly. “I have
been blessed with financial abundance,” we say. “I have been blessed with ambitious and
successful children.” “I have been blessed to be born in the greatest country in the
world.” These are the “God things” we point to when we search for clues of God’s pres-
ence with us. Eventually, though, we encounter things that just don’t add up. Bad things
happen to good people, illness takes the life of a saint, airplanes piloted by terrorists fly
into iconic buildings and kill thousands of innocent people. And the thought crosses
our minds: If God lets these sorts of things happen, what’s the point of believing?
What follows in this issue of Insights is a thoughtful exploration of the God who
may be acting on a wider canvas than our neat little sets of expectations. Our own Ellen
Babinsky joins forces with Wendy Farley, Walter Brueggemann, and Kathleen Billman
to explore the biblical and theological clues that point to that bigger God. I must warn
you, though. Reading of such a God takes courage, for this God is unpredictable. This
God doesn’t necessarily come every time we call, doesn’t necessarily punish our enemies
and prosper our friends, doesn’t necessarily fix our problems and keep us healthy and
turn all red lights into green ones. This God is the one, in fact, who exists on the other
side of our disillusionment.
But, as Barbara Brown Taylor has put it (in The Preaching Life), disillusionment is
not all bad. It is, she says, “the loss of illusion—about ourselves, about the world, about
God—and while it is almost always painful, it is not a bad thing to lose the lies we have
mistaken for the truth. Disillusioned … we glimpse our own relative size in the uni-
verse and see that no human being can say who God should be or how God should act.
We review our requirements of God and recognize them as our own fictions, our own
frail shelters against the vast night sky. Disillusioned, we find out what is not true and
are set free to seek what is—if we dare.”
I dare you to read on!
Theodore J. Wardlaw
President, Austin Seminary
Andrew Revolta
central European peasant woman discovered her only horse was missing.
A Her neighbors said, “What a terrible calamity. Your son cannot plow your
fields without a horse.” The woman responded, “Who knows whether it is
a terrible thing or not?”
Two days later the horse returned, accompanied by a second horse. The neighbors
rejoiced. “What a blessing!” they exclaimed. “Now you have two horses!” Again the
peasant answered, “Who knows whether it is a blessing or not?”
A few weeks later her son was riding the new horse, and it threw him breaking his
leg and crippling him. The neighbors were quick to offer sympathy: “What a terrible
thing. Your son will always walk with a limp.” And she replied, “Who knows if it is a
terrible thing?”
Not long afterwards, the king’s men came through conscripting men for service in
Ellen Babinsky is associate dean for student academic affairs and professor of church history at Austin
Seminary. She translated and wrote an introduction to a 13th-century French mystical text, Mar-
guerite Porete’s The Mirror of Simple Souls, published in 1993 as a volume in the Classics of West-
ern Spirituality series. Professor Babinsky was appointed to the Theology Committee of the Caribbean
and North American Area Council of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches in 1993, and most
recently was elected to the General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical Relations. Babinsky earned an
MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary, an MTh from Luther Northwestern Theological Sem-
inary, and the PhD from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. She is an ordained minis-
ter in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
a bloody war. When they came to the son and saw his limp, they did not take him. And
so the story goes on …
I love this very old story because in it I find the peasant woman’s quiet comfort
and trust in God’s providential care regardless of her circumstances. In one instance the
woman suffers what her friends could only understand to be a debilitating tragedy, for
it looked very much like she would starve. When the circumstances reversed it seemed
obvious to her friends that the woman had been blessed indeed, and that she no longer
had to worry about her future wellbeing. Regardless of the turn of events, the peasant
woman remained centered in her humility.
In this essay I present my reflections on human suffering and the providence of
God. In what follows I maintain that the suffering we undergo must be contemplated
only in the context of the providence of God, not apart from God, and that the evil we
encounter must be contemplated only in the context of the sovereign goodness of God.
I think of the providence of God as God’s sovereign love for “everybody and every-
thing.”1 This sovereign love is magnificently expressed in the Heidelberg Catechism,
Question 26.2 God’s sovereign love in God’s providential care flows from the assertion
that God the Creator, “the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who out of nothing
created heaven and earth with all that is in them, who also upholds and governs them
by his eternal counsel and providence, is for the sake of Christ his Son my God and my
God is the one from whom all things come, who is the sovereign dispenser of all
things in their time. The paragraph continues: “I trust in him so completely that I have
no doubt that he will provide me with all things necessary for body and soul. More-
over, whatever evil he sends upon me in this troubled life he will turn to my good, for
he is able to do it being almighty God, and is determined to do it, being a faithful
Father” (4.026:62).
The last sentence of this paragraph has troubled, vexed, and pushed at me over sev-
eral years’ time and it won’t let go of me. The sentence states quite flatly that God sends
the evil I experience. The logic is that that since God is the creator of all things—since
God is the one from whom all things come—that God sends evil. Such a concept has
dismayed more than one person who hears this portion of the Heidelberg Catechism.
I have several reflections about this difficult assertion.
First, in the context of my conviction about the sovereignty of God’s love and
goodness, this sentence makes me wonder whether I really know the difference between
good and evil. In fact, it has occurred to me that maybe I do not have the capability to
discern good from evil in any absolute sense. While I might have an inkling that some-
thing is very wrong, only the God who is sovereign in love and goodness knows good
from evil. Catherine of Siena, a late-14th-century Italian mystic, has been a spiritual
companion for me over the years, and she teaches me in this regard. She wrote The Dia-
logue3 which takes place between God and the soul who is struggling to learn God’s way.
In the following excerpt, God is teaching the soul that she is always subject to confu-
sion and error because the devil is always looking for an opportunity to deceive her. The
soul is even more susceptible if she is turned in on herself away from God.
[The devil] catches [souls] with the hook of pleasure under the guise of good.
There is indeed no other way he could catch them, for they would not let
themselves be caught unless they found some good or pleasure in it for them-
selves, because the soul by its very nature always craves what is good.
Still it is true that the soul, if blinded by selfishness, cannot recognize or
discern what is truly good and profitable for soul and body. So the devil, evil
as he is, when he sees that the soul is blinded by selfish love, proposes all sorts
of sins to her. But they are all disguised as something profitable or good (89).
Catherine teaches me that the devil has never stopped his deceitful ways. It seems
to me that, despite my best intentions to be open to God, it is far more likely that I am
self absorbed. If this is true, and I believe it is, then the devil is always lurking at the
edges of my attempts at holiness. The devil is at his deceiving best when I am assured
that I will know good and evil (Gen. 3:5). I suspect that when I am absolutely certain
that a particular situation, or person, is evil, or good, that the devil may, in some way,
be having his way, and I am deceived. I do not know good and evil, for I am not God.
For this reason I prefer to speak, not of evil, but, rather, of calamity or tragedy, of afflic-
tion or adversity.
Second, the sentence states clearly that God “sends” the evil. In classic Reformed
thinking, evil has never been understood to be the equal opposite to God. God is sov-
ereign, in love and goodness, over all things, including evil, so that the sentence goes
on to declare that God will turn evil that befalls me to my good. For me it follows that,
if God sends evil, then I am challenged to commit to being on the lookout for signs of
God’s good gifts. The French Confession of 15594 speaks to this claim with an endur-
ing clarity: “God’s will is the sovereign and infallible measure of all justice and equity.
Even so, God has marvelous means for making use of devils and evil doers, transform-
ing into good the evil they do and for which they remain guilty” (VII:7).
And so that disturbing sentence of the Heidelberg Catechism gently and persis-
tently challenges me to pray to find and recognize the gifts in any circumstance, to pray
for the capacity to trust the hope that is given to me.
Third, that same sentence summons me to humility and patience in the face of
extreme difficulty and danger. God is in charge. God’s providential care is there to be
trusted. Question 27 of the Heidelberg Catechism expands on this thought to tell me
that God “rules in such a way that leaves and grass, rain and drought, fruitful and
unfruitful years, food and drink, health and sickness, riches and poverty, and everything
else, come to us not by chance but by his fatherly hand” (4.027:63).
This declaration does not leave much room for me to decide that God has noth-
ing to do with this particular calamity or those adverse circumstances. I am challenged
to wait upon God’s goodness with humility and to pray for the capacity to perceive God
at work in all manner of conditions. The French Confession echoes this thought in a
slightly different way:
Thus, confessing that nothing happens outside the providence of God, we
remain humble before the secrets that are hidden from us, not questioning
what is beyond our understanding. Instead, we avail ourselves of what is
shown to us in Holy Scripture for our peace and security: that God, who is
almighty over all things, watches over us with such parental care that not a
hair will fall from our head apart from his will. Thus, God restrains the dev-
ils and all our enemies so that they can cause us no injury without God’s per-
mission (VIII:7).
Here I am assured that in the context of God’s sovereign love and goodness I can
rest in the comfort and confidence of God’s presence and care regardless of the situa-
Having said this, however, I am aware of the troubling notion that whatever comes
my way; no injury can befall me without God’s permission. More than once I have
heard the questions, Why God’s permission? Why would God permit injury to hap-
pen? The Westminster Confession offers this response:
The most wise, righteous, and gracious God, doth often-times leave for a sea-
son his own children to manifold temptations and the corruption of their own
hearts, to chastise them for their former sins, or to discover unto them the hid-
den strength of corruption and deceitfulness of their hearts, that they be hum-
bled; and to raise them to a more close and constant dependence for their sup-
port upon himself, and to make them more watchful against all future occa-
sions of sin and for sundry other just and holy ends (6.028:179).
Once again we are on the verge of entering some dangerous quicksand. In my
view, the Westminster Confession is not helpful with these sorts of questions. This
response gives too many reasons why suffering might occur which in turn leaves too
much room for either blame or despair. According to this way of thinking, afflictions
and adversity come as punishment for sin, or as a time for one to be humbled, or as a
way to discover hidden corruptions of the heart, and so on. I find little comfort in these
words for whatever affliction I might experience. I find even less help for ministering
to those who are suffering because in this response I am tempted to pretend I know
why there is suffering, when I do not. In my view, the question is not, Why did this
happen? nor Why did God permit this? In my experience, the more helpful question
is, How shall I live? That is, perhaps God is challenging my ways of making decisions,
my easy comfort with my privileged life.
I learned this more thoughtful approach from my friend and colleague, David
Johnson. He wrote an essay reconsidering the story of Jesus’ healing of the blind man.
Reflecting on Jesus’ answer to the disciples’ question about whether the blind man or
his parents sinned, Johnson writes:
People seem to have a strong need to make sense of their world—particularly
to suppose that there is some sort of moral calculus behind all the bad things
that happen to good people, and the good things that happen to bad people,
and so on. According to this calculus, where there is suffering, or injury, or
limitation, or disability, there is sin … Otherwise the world doesn’t make
Jesus’ answer to the disciples’ question is, it seems to me, the answer to
all such reasoning: “Neither sinned. No one sinned,” he said. “This happened
so that God’s work might be revealed in him.” It’s not a sin thing; it’s a God
thing. It’s not a punishment; it’s an opportunity. And this is true whether or
not there is healing involved. Sometimes, as the case for that blind man …
there is a healing. Sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes there’s just the living.5
And “the living” is, for me, the great gift. I find Johnson’s perspective deeply com-
forting. And so instead of, Why? the relevant questions for me are, How shall I live?
and What do I need to do?
I like to read medieval mysteries. I especially enjoy a series by Margaret Frazer
whose main protagonist is a Benedictine nun named Dame Frevisse. In one story,
Dame Frevisse is undergoing a particularly agonizing time dealing with a punitive pri-
oress6 who seems to delight in inflicting physical pain. As she awaits her coming pun-
ishment, which she knows will be a beating, she prays:
“Firm is my heart, God, firm is my heart … I will sing … I will rouse the
dawn.” [Frevisse] loved the courage of Prime’s prayers. They promised that
there had been days before this one and that there would be days after it, and
if there was ill, there was also good, and that though the two were inextrica-
bly joined in this day, in every day, in all of life, it was not the good or ill that
mattered but the firm heart that could turn to God. Today was only this one
day. It was not all of her life. She would endure it.7
I desire a “firm heart that could turn to God,” to pray for the strength to trust that
somehow the adversity will be turned to good, and that I might be given the spiritual
sight to recognize the gift and praise God.
John Calvin helps me in this view when I remember his definition of faith found
in his Institutes of the Christian Religion.8 He writes: “Faith is a firm and certain knowl-
edge of God’s benevolence toward us, founded upon the freely given promise in Christ,
both revealed to our minds and sealed upon our hearts through the Holy Spirit”
Faith, then, strengthens in me a firm and certain knowledge of God’s benevolence
in all things so that when a time of adversity comes, I say that I am given an opportu-
nity to grow through the pain and affliction into praise. For Calvin, faith is a funda-
mental orientation toward the cosmos, toward all events, exchanges, interactions, and
relationships. I regard his definition of faith as a lens which allows me to see events as
somehow expressive of God’s sovereign love for all. In the time of adversity, God’s
benevolence, then, is shown to me in this particular community. God’s benevolence is
shown to me in the hands of professionals, when that is the need. God’s benevolence is
shown to me in the prayers of those who lift me up and hold me close, not only to their
hearts, but to the heart of God. Within the community of faith together we can pray
that God’s sovereign love might be made known to those who suffer under whatever
calamity has befallen them.
Times of adversity and affliction have come upon each of us in one form or anoth-
er and such times will come again. George Macdonald (1824-1905) was a Scottish
preacher and writer of fiction. He lived in poverty and in the face of failure most of his
life. He suffered from tuberculosis. His writings caught the attention of C. S. Lewis,
through whom I came to be introduced to them. His little book of sonnets, titled Diary
of an Old Soul,9 has been on my desk for many years. The following sonnet hangs on
has been shown toward me, I am also acutely aware of the claim that others’ well being
has on me. There is ample opportunity all around for me, for everyone, to get to work,
to pray, to praise, and to be a praise to God’s sovereign love. For instance, in the story
of the peasant woman at the beginning of this essay, one could ask why her friends did
not take care of the plowing, or why they did not lend her a horse. I think of a man
whose wife died after a long struggle with illness. When another couple asked the pas-
tor what they could do, he commented that he guessed the house hadn’t been cleaned
in a while, given the situation. With the man’s permission, the couple went to the house
and cleaned it top to bottom. That’s what I mean by getting to work, to pray, to praise,
and to be a praise to God’s sovereign love. The Larger Catechism of the Westminster Stan-
dards tells us that our chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy God
forever (7.111). This living in praise, of course, is in no way a guarantee that there will
be no further calamity or affliction.
Prayer and praise is such a commonly easy thing.
It is our calling even in the midst of such lament, doubt, trials, and pain …
Living as praise is our way of life.
There are no assurances that we will be well, or the way we want …
None of that is promised in scripture.
There is just this.
We are and always will be
“… alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 6:11b)
Praise the Lord.11
These words from the Reverend Gail Snodgrass, pastor of Genesis Presbyterian
Church in Austin, ring so deeply true for me. If we have given ourselves over to the
proclamation and the work of the reign of God, our eyes will be opened. As we are gift-
ed with the capacities for recognizing the work and power of God’s grace among us, we
likewise will be deeply gifted with praise of God. For among God’s richest gifts, we are
most assuredly gifted with praise. i
At the end of the children’s time at Genesis Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas, “Everybody
and everything” is one of the answers one or another young person answers when the pastor
asks, “Who are we going to pray for today?”
Book of Confessions: Study Edition [Part I, Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)]
(Louisville, Kentucky: Geneva Press, 1996).
Suzanne Noffke, O.P., Catherine of Siena: The Dialogue (Ramsey, N.J.: Paulist Press, 1980), 89.
The French Confession of 1559, Ellen L. Babinsky & Joseph D. Small, translation [The Office
of Theology and Worship, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): 1998], VIII:7.
David W. Johnson, “Do Not Despise the Body,” keynote address, Called to Welcome: A Con-
ference on People with Disabilities in Seminaries and Congregations, Pittsburgh Theological
Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA, April 11, 2005.
In the medieval era, the prioress is elected for life by the community of women religious. The
prioress is their leader and spiritual guide; everything pertaining to the life of the community is
under her authority.
Margaret Frazer, The Prioress’ Tale (New York: Berkeley Publishing, 1997), 101-2.
John T. McNeill, ed., Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion, Ford Lewis Battles, trans.
(Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960).
George Macdonald, Diary of an Old Soul: 366 Writings for Devotional Reflection (Minneapolis:
Augsburg Publishing House, 1975).
From an email sent June 26, 2005 from Emily Bogle, who is doing mission work in Jinja,
Uganda, along with her husband, Spencer, an Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary alum-
Gail Snodgrass, “Commonly Easy,” a sermon preached at Genesis Presbyterian Church, June
19, 2005.
One of the interesting things about your essay is that you draw from a range of
sources—from Catherine of Siena to John Calvin to a Margaret Frazer mystery set
in the fourteenth century. Can you say more about how you understand the rela-
tionship between medieval mystical theology and Reformed theology?
I started studying medieval and mystical literature in graduate school. It has found a
home with me not only in my heart but also in my intellectual life. The mystics have
guided my path for my studies, for my research, for my thinking, and for my teaching.
When I first began reading them my response was: “I’ve never encountered this mate-
rial, this is wonderful, I’m being taught something brand new.” But over the years I
began to reread materials from the sixteenth century—especially the confessions, but
also John Calvin. The echoes are simply unmistakable. In other words, our Protestant
forebears in our Reformed tradition all knew this material so well that they made it part
of their own. It was part of their souls. I’m convinced of it. And I believe that the mys-
tical tradition is as much our tradition as it was the tradition of our Reformed prede-
cessors. So, it is no accident that Catherine of Siena found her way into the discussion.
She belongs there.
You’re saying that she had a formative role in the Reformers’ thinking on God’s
relationship to suffering?
She absolutely informed their thinking. I don’t mean that the Reformers quoted her.
But her ideas clearly found their way into Reformed thinking. We see them reflected in
the teaching that we do not know good from evil and that the devil continues his
deceitful ways even to this day. That’s Catherine of Siena; that’s also John Calvin.
Why are you so confident that the Book of Confessions offers us insight into mod-
ern theodicy?
I love that question. And my answer is: Because it’s true!
Heidelberg Catechism, he knows not only his life but also the
lives of his people are in danger. Every single confession has a
story like that behind it. But historical context is not the reason
for my confidence in the confessions. My confidence lies in the
fact that these confessions are written by Christians who know
what it is to be in dire straits, who know that their lives are frag-
ile and at any moment can be snuffed out for any number of
reasons. We’re not talking just about wars here; we’re talking
about plague, we’re talking about a myriad of physical diseases that can just take a toll.
So these are testimonies by Christians who know they belong to their faithful savior
Jesus Christ. The mystics are the same way. I talked about Catherine of Siena. Did you
know that she is writing in the middle of one of the major crises within the Roman
Catholic Church of that medieval era? The papacy is in shambles. She’s taking her life
in her hands as she preaches that the papacy has to move back to Rome. All of these
writers know that life brings with it terrible adversity, horrific adversity.
Sometimes I think people read the Book of Confessions and picture some ivory
tower committee writing these documents. It’s too easy to lose sight of what was
actually going on. Can you think of other examples from the Book of Confessions
of the kind of suffering people were experiencing at the time they wrote about
trusting in the sovereignty of God?
You know we talked about confidence. The Westminster Confession strikes me as odd
for the very reason that it reflects a confidence that borders on arrogance, in my opin-
ion. At the same time it is important to remember that the Westminster Confession is
written in the context of civil war in England. That parliament is first at war with the
armies of the king, eventually morphing into a radically violent body that decides to
behead the king. This is the context in which the writing of the Westminster took
place. It’s a shocking set of circumstances that are difficult to get one’s mind around, in
this day and age. I think of another familiar one: the theological declaration of Barmen.
In the early 1930s the national socialist party [in Germany] is on the upswing and so
is the violence that is attached to that. The extraordinary risk-taking on the part of the
writers … the conviction behind these documents … all of this is absolutely stunning.
What strikes me is that it is not merely the violence that characterizes these circum-
stances. It is also the strenuous efforts that people are exerting to maintain or take over
the leadership of a country to establish a church. We’re not talking, here, about democ-
racy. And so on the one hand, we see the leadership insisting that they have the plan
that is according to scripture. On the other hand, there is in many of them a humility
founded in their conviction that God is in charge, that God is the one who is the great
orchestrator of all of this. That God is the creator of the world and all that’s in it.
One of the things I love is that you have such conviction about the Book of Con-
fessions and then you get to the point where you introduce the quote from the
Westminster Confession and say, “This doesn’t make any sense!”
When I went to the Westminster Catechism and reread the portion I discussed in the
essay, I remember shaking my head and thinking: No. I was clear in my mind that this
is not the way to go. But why? I concluded that the Westminster simply gives me too
much leeway for blame or despair. Either I don’t have to look at myself, blaming every-
one around me or—if I am strung together differently—I don’t need to look at any big
picture, but just at myself and how horrible I am. I am why all this is happening. I just
saw that as a recipe for disaster. Because whatever else it was calling up in me, it was
not calling up trust. It wasn’t bringing forth humility. It was provoking the opposite.
And I’m not confident in my or anyone else’s capacities to withstand that kind of
temptation in this issue.
So why is it that we keep asking why questions and not getting busy? Why do we
keep asking, Why? Why? Why? Theologians tend to blame the “why” question on
modernity. But one thing I was thinking when I read your article is that the “why”
question has been there all along, from Job to Catherine of Siena and beyond. It
seems like it’s built into the fabric of human nature and it’s not just the modern
I’m grinning because you say ‘the fabric of human nature.’ This is one of my talking
points in my mysticism course and so I’m going to give you one of those. The basic out-
line of human spiritual growth is to ponder (first) who we are by nature, (second) who
we have become through sin, and (third) who we might become through grace. Who
we are by nature is revealed to us in scripture. We are made in the image of God. Who
we have become through sin are those who have distorted, bent, disfigured, and even
obliterated that image. And then who we become through grace is known in Jesus
Christ. We look to him and see who we might become. So, I don’t like the “fabric of
human nature” way of thinking. I like to say we ask the wrong questions because of
who we have become through sin. We’ve distorted who we are by nature. Catherine of
Siena gives us a clear sense that we do not understand that God is our creator and our
redeemer; that the God who loves us also gives us a way to be healed of sin. The real
reason we ask “why” is because we’ve lost the sense of who we really are. It’s not that the
“why” question is wrong. It’s just that it’s not helpful. It doesn’t move us. It doesn’t get
us anywhere. As an alternative to the “why” question, I think there is a lot to be learned
from the Heidelberg Catechism, Question 26. There, the writers make reference to
“whatever evil God sends.”
What would you say is the role of a person’s experience of suffering in relation-
ship to their theologies of suffering? In a couple of our reflection pieces, authors
alluded to the fact that they had not experienced severe suffering in their lives.
I’ve had the same thought of the hubris involved in this topic of discussion, for those
of us who are so highly privileged. Certainly I am aware that there are plenty of folks
in this country who suffer and I absolutely don’t think establishing a hierarchy of who
suffers more and who suffers less is helpful. Even so, there are those who suffer in a par-
ticular way that I don’t know how to address with the ideas I have presented in this
issue: those who suffer the debilitating effect of depression. I have known a number of
people who have suffered from depression, and they remind me that I have been gift-
ed with a capacity not only to look for the drops of grace in my life but to find grace
I was really moved by the fact that you saw trust in God’s sovereignty as leading
to “getting busy,” because those things sometimes don’t go together. In fact some
theologians reject the concept of God’s omnipotence because they think it leads
inevitably to passivity. In other words, God is sovereign, God is in control, God is
going to take care of things, God is going to work everything together for good,
so our job is simply to sit back and wait.
I don’t think that trust in the sovereignty of God generates passivity. I think laziness
generates passivity. I think of the work of a wonderful young couple, Spencer—a grad-
uate of Austin Seminary—and Emily. I quoted them in the article. They are right now
ministering in Uganda, all the while surrounded by these questions. They’re working
and trusting that somehow what little bit they’re doing will be brought to fruition.
That’s trust in the sovereignty of God. It’s easy for me to sit here in my comfortable
office and my air conditioning so on. But they’re doing it. People like Spencer and
Emily are out there. On TV last night I saw a story of a young man who was shot thir-
teen years ago and has since been confined to a wheelchair. He has been mentoring
wheelchair-bound people ever since. He’s doing it. That’s what I mean about getting
busy. He’s trusting the sovereignty of God that his teaching folks to shoot baskets from
a wheelchair somehow matters. And I believe it does.
t may be that every generation of humanity, regarding its own suffering and disas-
I ters, believes it has a particularly strong need to consider the questions of theodicy.
Who among us, what generation, has magically avoided confrontation with the
wounds of grief and physical suffering, the brutalities of injustice of one sort or anoth-
er, the relentless gnawing of unsatisfied desires? Certainly as we look at our own time
and recent history, we have much that calls us to reflect on how faith in the tender mer-
cies of God can be reconciled with the “tears that soak the earth from crust to core”
(Dostoevsky). Theologians like myself often feel compelled to find a way to ease the
pain of this tension through theories about the way God is related to the world and
what God has in mind by afflicting us so severely. I sometimes wonder if the biblical
witness gives us much support in this enterprise, though.
People do find theodicies in scripture, but of course, that is part of the problem:
we find several, and many of them are mutually exclusive. There is a thread of scripture
that seems to associate the sufferings of the children of Israel with wrath and punish-
ment. But the Voice in the Whirlwind strongly chastises Job’s “comforters” for impos-
ing this theodicy upon Job. The story of the Exodus does not try to justify the suffer-
ing of Israel but rather describes a massive effort at liberation. John of Patmos does not
theorize about why the early Christians were subject to horrific ordeals of torture,
imprisonment, exile, and execution, but instead describes a cosmic overcoming of evil
which will open upon a time and place in which God “will wipe every tear from their
eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the
first things have passed away” (Rev. 21:4). For Christians, Christ himself is the great
revelation of how God responds to evil: out of an intoxicating and apparently relentless
love for humanity, God dwells with us in all of our suffering and stupid cruelty, bring-
ing the incalculable sweetness of divine love to us as intimately as possible.
What I notice about most of these examples is that God does not answer Job’s
Wendy Farley is an associate professor at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in Atlanta,
teaching in the area of Christian ethics, philosophy of religion, and theology. She is author of Tragic
Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy (Westminster John Knox, 1990) and
Eros for the Other: Retaining Truth in a Pluralistic World (Penn State, forthcoming).
question with an explanation but rather with God’s own presence. God does not pro-
vide a theory about evil but a practice. This is aggravating to anyone who labors under
the terrible burden: Why me? or Why us? When our lives are torn apart and sufferings
come upon us that destroy minds and bodies and whole communities or societies, we
want to know that there is some reason for it. We want some justification for what is
going on. We want to understand how it is possible to believe in a good God and wit-
ness brutalities in our own lives and in history itself. But I am not sure we are granted
satisfaction of this desire.
I would like to propose that in the spirit of these scriptural examples, we try to
avoid exhausting ourselves looking for reasons and instead engage a practice of theod-
icy. A practice of theodicy is not an explanation for, but rather a response to, suffering.
In fact, we do this all the time. If we are mothers and our children are sick or in dan-
ger, we fight for them. We bathe their heads with cold rags to bring down fever and we
find the courage of mountain lions to oppose those who are hurting them. Even if
watching them suffer from illness or injury or abuse feels like being tied to a stake and
being burned alive, we do everything we know how to do to relieve them and protect
them. We do this even though we have no idea why our beautiful and undefiled chil-
dren should suffer. When twelve grievously lost souls flew planes into the towers that
dominated New York’s skyline and the world as we knew it fell apart, we sought to aid
the victims. Before we knew the efficiency of death, thousands of people lined up to
donate blood and millions more sent money to save lives and rebuild from the disas-
ter. All around the world, people of every race and religious persuasion offered prayers
of compassion and sorrow for what had happened. Whenever we become aware of
some fragment of the infinity of evil and suffering around us, we can try to respond to
it by alleviating when we can and comforting those beyond the scope of concrete help.
Every tuna casserole or pan of lasagna we take to those who are ill or in trouble or griev-
ing over their dead is a holy sacrament in the practice of theodicy.
These natural expressions of compassion for suffering are signs of the practice of
theodicy that are around us all of the time. It is important to understand these prac-
tices theologically. These practices are refractions of the divine power that is constant-
ly at work to redeem humanity. Scripture presents us with an annoyingly untheoretical
God. God does not answer our questions about evil. God intervenes on our behalf.
God moved over the void darkness and brought creation from nothing. When, as the
story goes, Adam and Eve lost their innocent paradise, God gave them clothes (Gen.
3:20). The world outside of Eden would be harsh. When the children of Israel lan-
guished in slavery, God empowered a stuttering shepherd hiding out from the law to
stare down the god-king of Egypt and bring them to a land of milk and honey. Over
and again the chosen people failed to live up to the powerful vision of justice and mercy
God called them to, over and again they succumbed to the temptations to cherish
wealth over justice and tradition over compassion, just as we do. But over and again
God sent prophets, heroes, and psalmists to set them on their feet again. The infinity
of love we call God became incarnate in time and history to manifest as vividly as pos-
sible, not a theory about evil, but a response to evil. We find Jesus wandering among
the outcast in a small, rag-tag occupied country healing the sick, feeding the hungry,
giving heart to those in despair, befriending despised women, cleaning the poisoned
hearts of the selfish, breaking down every social and religious barrier he came across to
show us that love is the only response to suffering God shows much interest in. He
reminds us of the dangers of clinging too insistently to our views of good and evil, right
and wrong: “judge not lest ye be judged.” He enacts an indifference to social bound-
aries and moral clarity that was appalling then and is no less distressing now. He paints
a picture of what that clarity really looks like by imagining a judgment day when the
only thing that divides the sheep from the goats is whether or not we were able to per-
ceive Christ in the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick; in the stranger or the imprisoned
(Matthew 25). At a time when the fledgling Jewish religion was trying to find a way of
practicing their faith in the midst of an empire that made worship of one God danger-
ous and sometimes illegal, Jesus borrowed the words of the Rabbi Hillel and laid only
one commandment on us: that we love God and our neighbor. Christians ever since
have found the simplicity of this commandment impossible to bear.
When we practice compassion for one another we bear witness to the deepest
dimension of our faith: God dwells among us. We fantasize about a savior who could
remove the conditions of suffering or inflict suffering exactly as it is “deserved.” When
we do this, we are depicting God in the image of Caesar, meting out rewards and pun-
ishment exactly according to his unmediated will. But drowning in sorrow, we are all
like Job, begging for a reasonable universe where unjust suffering would never occur.
The abyss between this fantasy of power and our experience of undeserved and afflic-
tive suffering tears us apart and erodes the certainty of our faith. If we are to endure the
sufferings of life with grace, we must practice putting this fantasy away and looking
instead to the example of Christ, whose kingship is marked by a birth in a barn and a
death on a Roman instrument of torture. We must practice theodicy by bearing wit-
ness to our savior, who did not overthrow Rome or recreate the world so there were no
more germs, no more dishonest tax collectors, no more poverty. Since we see in Christ’s
actions a constant response to suffering, it is hard to imagine this failure is because God
is indifferent to suffering. Therefore in our own suffering and in our awareness of the
suffering of the world we should not attribute either indifference or retribution to God.
But in the daily practices of compassion that opens our heart in ever-expanding aware-
ness to the depth and varieties of suffering, we rest in intimacy with Christ. This inti-
macy and this compassion are not solutions to the logical problem of theodicy, but they
are the nearness of God to the world which is a light in the darkness, which the dark-
ness did not and cannot overcome.1 i
I am paraphrasing John 1:5.
of that negating power by God is promised, it is only promised and not yet in hand;
that promise, moreover, requires not reason but defiant trust. This more centrally bib-
lical response to evil that eschews modernist defense of the divine is articulated by Karl
Barth in his brief (for him) exposition of Das Nichtige:
But the peculiar factor now to be considered is that between the Creator and
the creature, or more exactly the creaturely sphere under the lordship of the
Creator, there is that at work which can be explained neither from the side of
the Creator nor from that of the creature, neither as the action of the Creator
nor as the life-act of the creature, and yet which cannot be overlooked or dis-
owned but must be reckoned with in all its peculiarity … For here we are con-
fronted by what is not only abhorrent to ourselves but also primarily and
supremely to God himself, and therefore terrifying to His creature faced with
its ultimate and mortal threat.3
Barth, moreover, is echoed and paralleled, mutatis mutandis, by Jon Levenson in a Jew-
ish read of the biblical truth:
The confinement of chaos rather than its elimination is the essence of cre-
ation, and the survival of ordered reality hangs only upon God’s vigilance in
ensuring that those cosmic dikes do not fail, that the bars and doors of the
Sea’s jail cell do not give way, that the great fish does not slip his hook. That
vigilance is simply a variant of God’s covenantal pledge in Genesis 9 never to
flood the world again. Whatever form the warranty takes, it testifies both to
the precariousness of life, its absolute dependence upon God, and to the sure-
ness and firmness of life under the protection of the faithful master. The world
is not inherently safe; it is inherently unsafe.4
Both Barth and Levenson, following the biblical text, can anticipate the overcoming of
the power of evil that continues to be visible in creation. In the end, however, that over-
coming will be accomplished not merely by power, but by power that is in the service
of fidelity.
The conclusion I draw, then, is that the pastoral issue of theodicy in the contem-
porary world concerns the transposition of categories of witness from the more-or-less
Enlightenment focus on certitude to a relational-covenantal-dialogical engagement with
fidelity. That move from certitude to fidelity is the hard work of theological interpreta-
tion in our contemporary world, a work that requires yielding up the categories of con-
trol that are so prominent in an acquisitive economy and in the ideology of the nation-
al security state, categories of control that trickle down into personal self-understand-
ing and that produce endless struggles for control in the church, all in the self-righteous
name of certitude.
The two great moments in the Old Testament when the question of theodicy is
frontally posed both receive not cognitive answer but personal engagement. It is impor-
tant, at the outset, that in both cases the question put forward is not, Why do bad
things happen to good people? but rather, Why do good things happen to bad people?
Apparently both Jeremiah and Job after him accepted that bad things happen all
around. But they assumed that good things were to be distributed only according to the
Br ueggemann
In Jeremiah 12, the question is: “Why does the way of the guilty prosper?” (v.1).
The divine response in verses 5-6 is not an explanation. It is a reassertion of Jeremiah’s
prophetic call and of divine governance. Indeed, the presenting question is completely
disregarded; the message is, You must come to terms with me! In Jeremiah 15:15-18,
the prophet again poses the question. Again, the divine response is a tough insistence
that a performance of covenantal loyalty will yield divine attentiveness and deliverance:
And I will make you to this people
a fortified wall of bronze;
they will fight against you,
but they shall not prevail over you,
for I am with you
to save you and deliver you,
says the Lord.
I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked,
and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless. (Jer. 15:20-21)
But no explanation!
In Job 21 the case is not different. The question is posed in v. 7:
Why do the wicked live on,
reach old age, and grow mighty in power? (Job 21:7)
Then in verses 8-16, specific evidence is offered to support the “accusation” against
the God who does good for the wicked. But no answer! Finally, when the divine
response of Job 38-41 is given, there is still no explanation. It is simply a doxology from
the midst of the whirlwind attesting that Job must come to terms with the inscrutabil-
ity of God. Thus the question of theodicy is transposed into an invitation to praise, obe-
dience, and vocation; the invitation is a rejection of reasonable explanation of the sort
Job’s friends want to provide, and a refusal to engage in such explanatory discourse.
What is offered … and required … is face-to-face interaction with the God who is pre-
sent, powerful, and sometimes compassionate. The response to the question of theod-
icy is a personal one of presence that no explanatory mode of discourse can offer.
The voices of Jeremiah and Job, moreover, arise from and in the midst of Israel’s
long practice of lament that is not explanation but disputatious encounter wherein the
reality of life is thrown into the face of the Holy One:
It is between the Scylla of simplistic faith and the Charybdis of stoic resigna-
tion that the lament runs its perilous course. The cognitive pressure on faith
and realism to fly apart from each other is, in every generation, so intense that
the conjunction of the two in these texts continues to astound. The cri de
coeur of the complainants is unsurpassable testimony not only to the pain of
their external circumstances, but also to the pain of their internal dissonance,
which only the creator God of old can heal.5
The Holy One, moreover, is offered no protection by Israel at prayer, but must
make the best response possible. The best treatment of this issue in the Psalms known
to me is by Fredrik Lindström, a book that has been almost completely disregarded in
contemporary theology.6 Lindström’s thesis is that the Psalms of Lament do not doubt
YHWH’s capacity to govern evil, if YHWH is attentive to the need of Israel in the grip of
evil. But YHWH, in such crises, is sometimes inattentive, absent, asleep, or away, and evil
will readily occupy the vacuum left by divine disregard. The work of lament psalms
then is to summon YHWH back into play; for Lindström that resumed activity by YHWH
is in the temple where issues of life and death are to be adjudicated. When YHWH is
brought back into play by the summons of Israel, evil stands no chance. Consequent-
ly, everything depends upon the summoning power of Israel at prayer. It is this sum-
moning that is Israel’s characteristic response to the crisis of injustice.
Lindström’s dramatic sense of this engagement focuses completely on the issue of
divine fidelity. When YHWH is faithful, evil cannot make its way. But this mode of
“theodic discourse” fully allows for infidelity, for the awareness and articulation that
God has, on occasion, failed to be fully present to and for and with God’s partner in
covenant. Thus theodicy is transposed into a dramatic transaction in which the vic-
timized party, victimized by evil, speaks truth—the truth of abandonment, loss, pain,
and indignation—and does so in full confidence that the God who has been absent can,
by the shrill practice of covenantal faith, be summoned into the crisis and thereby make
all things new. This evangelical practice of theodicy is a bold and daring exercise of dia-
logic interaction in which YHWH, in the drama of faith, is summoned into new and
dangerous dimension. Such a way of responding to evil is congruent with Barth’s com-
pelling exposition of prayer. Prayer, he has said, is “simply asking.”7 And then, in a dar-
ing evangelical maneuver, Barth concludes that God “does not act in the same way
whether we pray or not. Prayer exerts an influence upon God’s action, even upon his
existence.”8 Engagement in theodicy thus requires not so much cognitive explanation
as daring faith that brings to speech before the God of all need our deepest yearning
and our covenantal entitlement.
Before I finish, I state two caveats. First, I understand that such a “primitive” dra-
matic notion of encounter flies in the face of much classical theology that is historical-
ly crucial at this publishing seminary as at my seminary as well. But of course “classical
theology,” when it is thawed out of its frozen certitude, is about a dialogic transaction
that concerns truth and power that inescapably includes transient seasons of infidelity
in the narrative of long-term fidelity. This exposition is not a summons away from clas-
sical theology; it is rather a hunch that when reread underneath layers of imposed cer-
titude, the true work of classical theology is pastoral interaction in which silence is bro-
ken by imperative demand and urgent plea, gestures that bespeak unfailing trust.
Second caveat: I have personally experienced no shattering crises in my life. It may
be, then, that my thought is like the pre-pain, pre-loss explanations of C. S. Lewis. But
I do not think so. I have lived long enough to know that down-and-dirty dialogic
expressions about the truth of pain is truth that mobilizes holiness and that sets free; it
is, moreover, truth in shrillness that the Holy One of Israel can tolerate, receive, and
honor. This dramatic mode of encounter has served theodic insistence since the initial
cry of the Egyptian slaves: “After a long time the king of Egypt died. The Israelites
groaned under their slavery, and cried out. Out of the slavery their cry for help rose up
Br ueggemann
to God. God heard their groaning, and God remembered this covenant with Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. God looked upon the Israelites, and God took notice of them” (Exod.
I have no doubt that we Christians, too often seduced into hegemonic certitude,
may relearn from Jewish discourse (mediated by Freud and his heirs) that pain brought
to speech summons all parties involved—including the victim who becomes the peti-
tioner, the Holy perpetrator, and even other perpetrators—to the reality of life. This is
the God from whom no secret can be hid. But the secrets, when given utterance, are
not given in syllogistic logic. They are given in truth-telling, shrill demand that expects
divine engagement. Such a cry is never by sight; it is always by faith. Seen in such a way,
theodicy in evangelical faith is never explanatory; it is truthful engagement out of
which arise fresh gifts and new calling. i
Gottfried Leibniz published his Theodicy in 1710, arguing that because God is both good and
omnipotent, this must be “the best of all possible worlds.” In 1759, following the tragedy of the
Lisbon earthquake, Voltaire published a novel satirizing Leibniz’s thesis.
See Terrence W. Tilley, The Evils of Theodicy (Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2000).
Karl Barth, The Doctrine of Creation: Church Dogmatics III/3 (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1960),
291-92, 303.
Jon D. Levenson, Creation and the Persistence of Evil: The Jewish Drama of Divine Omnipotence
(San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988), 17.
Ibid., 25.
Fredrik Lindström, Suffering and Sin: Interpretations of Illness in the Individual Complaint Psalms
(Coniectanea Biblica 37; Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1994).
Karl Barth, The Doctrine of Creation: Church Dogmatics III/3, 268.
Karl Barth, Prayer According to the Catechisms of the Reformation (50th Anniversary Edition;
Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002), 13. See the lucid exposition of Barth by John
Hesselink, “Karl Barth on Prayer,” ibid., 74-94.
Kathleen Billman is dean of academic affairs and professor of pastoral theology at the Lutheran School
of Theology in Chicago. She is co-author, with Daniel L. Migliore, of Rachel’s Cry: Prayer of Lament
and Rebirth of Hope (United Church Press, 1999). She is an ordained minister in the United
Methodist Church.
the very finitude of our reason. If it is blasphemy, it is the one of Job; this is
the one God is great enough to take.”3
Those who speak of theodicy from the biblical lament tradition remind me that there
is a promise hidden in relational engagement with God—a promise potentially more
enlivening and hope-nurturing than the best answer we could ever offer to a “why”
that, at least for the person in excruciating pain, defies any answer.
Finally, at this point in my spiritual journey I would tell my questioner how deeply
I have come to need the psalms as an antidote to my indifference when it comes to the
suffering that is everywhere visible yet so often not “taken in”—as close as the images
on my television screen, and as distanced. When something occurs that forces me to
see it and “take it in,” I experience an anguish in need of both judgment and mercy.
(How often, I wonder, does true mercy come clothed in judgment?). The psalms “catch
up” in their embrace the cry for justice and deliverance from evil and the experience of
being complicit in evil; of experiencing punishment for that complicity. When I walk
the “Magnificent Mile” in Chicago, with elegant shops on one side and gorgeous flow-
ering boxes stitched down a street crowded with gas-guzzling SUVs on the other, I
“walk the mile” with scores of bedraggled and ill-looking people holding out their
paper cups close to the doorways where vast amounts of money will be dropped daily
(including some of my own bills, which I do not place in all the outstretched, empty
cups). I am worried about how inured I seem to be becoming to the pain I see all
around me; how adept at barely seeing even the things that are stealing life in sips;
numbed by the consumerism that Garrett Keizer calls “a soft form of cruelty” and
unable to take action to close the distance between myself and others who are close
enough to trip over. In commenting on Lukan stories of these kinds of gaps that exist
among God’s children, Keizer writes
Whether Luke is the composer or merely the editor of these stories, we rec-
ognize his signature in the theme of the small spaces that we turn into vast
chasms. The priest and the Levite pass within several yards of the wounded
man in the good Samaritan story; they might as well be a thousand miles
away. The elder brother of the prodigal son will not join the feast that wel-
comes him home but stands outside, several feet from the door and as far away
as the planet Neptune. It is as if Luke is saying that we come within inches of
love, yet if we fail to close that small gap, it amounts to an infinity of separa-
tion. The distance between heaven and hell.4
I need the psalms to confront me with suffering and to my complicity in “soft
forms of cruelty”; the questioning of my contribution to evil that comes from the out-
stretched cups on the Mag Mile and the God of the poor and desperate who is the God
to whom the psalmists pray their praise and questions.
I need the psalms, the prophets, and the anger of Jesus as an antidote to any under-
standing of God’s love that pushes aside God’s justice. I need the defiance voiced in
Psalm 2: 2-6, in which God is portrayed as laughing at the “kings of the earth” who “set
themselves” against God, imagining a control that is unlimited and that can never come
to an end. Any theology that makes us too at home with God does not serve us well.
Finally, questions about how the love and justice of God can be justified in the face of
evil boomerang back on us, and on the justifications we offer for the choices we make.
I am drawn, again, to Keizer’s depiction of hell.
Do you know what I imagine the torments of hell to be? Not the wrath of a
sadistic God, that’s for sure. Not even the anguished reaching out to the needy
on earth that Dickens talks about. The torments of hell are nothing but the
eternal sting of remorse for the missed pleasure that would have been ours had
we made a more just world.5
I need a life of prayer that reminds me that I am not, finally, the one who justifies
God’s ways. Rather, I am a creature who is justified by God’s grace and charged with
not missing the pleasure that comes from trying to make a more just world. i
Elie Weisel, “A Prayer for the Days of Awe,” (New York Times, October 2, 1997).
Kathleen Norris, The Cloister Walk (New York: Riverside Books, 1996), 91.
Vítor Westhelle, “Usus Crusic: The Use and Abuse of the Cross for Life,” (unpublished manu-
script, used by permission).
Garrett Keizer, Help: The Original Human Dilemma (HarperSanFrancisco, 2004), 226-27.
Keizer, 239.
We asked our respondents to describe how they counsel people who are
suffering. Here is what they told us:
What do you say when parishioners ask where God is in relation to their suffer-
ing? How is your response shaped by your own experience?
I rarely get this question. After the Holocaust, the Jewish community basically split into
three parts on its response to the question, Where is God in the suffering? Either we
withdrew from God completely for failure to attend to us in our suffering. Or we
blamed ourselves and our lack of attentiveness to ritual living, believing we caused God
to punish us with our suffering. Or we understood God as neither the cause nor effect
of our suffering. The third part is the one most of my community relate to. Suffering
is then a part of life and a way of understanding difficult circumstances. My response
is not about God in the suffering, rather, God as an opportunity to shift outlooks and
move through the suffering.
Therefore I might say, “God is a perspective of openness and expansiveness and
understanding in Judaism. Reconnection with God is when you are better able to see
the possibility of life beyond your own suffering. To see an important and powerful and
yes, often painful, strength that comes from suffering. That strength is God and that
vision is God and that hope is God. It’s my task to offer you connection to pieces of
Jewish learning, prayer, ritual, and community that can point you toward that vision.”
And all this is said while holding great love and respect for the person or persons in the
midst of their suffering.
Much of my practical thinking comes from [Harold] Kushner’s, When Bad Things Hap-
pen to Good People. I talk about the presence of God with them in their suffering, medi-
ated through others as well as the personal feeling of that presence of God. I encourage
If God is wholeness, then one way I will know that God is in my life is when, in
those places where I know that I am broken and less than whole, I have been in some
way completed. If I am shy, but I felt more confidence yesterday—that is God with me
in my brokenness. If I am feeling that I can’t get through the day, but in fact I do—
that is God supplying the lack. Just identifying those places where I was more than I
thought I could be—that is the presence of God. So the question to ponder is, What
have I been able to do through this tragedy and suffering that has surprised me?
I wrote a sermon on the “road to Emmaus” text. It had to do with Ross Dunn, an
ethics teacher and a close personal friend. I was an adult woman before that kind of
personal tragedy happened to me in that the first death I suffered through was Ross’s.
I was looking back at that text just a couple of years ago and thought—things have
changed. I still consider myself not to have suffered much. But when my childrens’
father was killed by a drunk driver nine years ago, that was an experience of suffering
with their suffering, and a suffering that goes on. That’s my garden plot of suffering.
That is the place I learn from, and weed in, and think from, and tend.
I do share a little bit of that with people. I might say, “My suffering is not your
suffering, but because I, too, have suffered, I am with you in your suffering.” It’s just a
tiny place where the rough edges of raw experience connect. So I have my own experi-
ence with me when I am with the people I counsel.
I think that God is not found in the causality but rather in our response to what hap-
pens to us. In other words, Why did I have this automobile accident and not someone
else? We can’t answer that. There is no special providence. We can never say, How come
I didn’t die and somebody else did? and say that was the will of God. We don’t know
enough about how God operates.
What do you say when someone asks you, “Is this God’s will for my life?”
I have come to understand that “my life” is often too narrow a focus. By helping the
person see that he or she is part of a bigger picture, his or her suffering is given a broad-
er perspective and the possibility of framing the question, If this were God’s will for
you, what might you do to put your life to good use, now, with these new circum-
Do you encounter parishioners who feel punished by God? What do you say to
“Punished by God” would require a God that would hurt us. This is not the God of
Judaism as I was raised, and therefore my answer to the question would be one of deep-
ening the conversation into the questions around the person’s sense of guilt and their
subsequent feeling of a need to be punished.
If the person was not willing or able to hear my Jewish perspective, I would offer
the path of repentance that Judaism lays out. This includes speaking, out loud, the deed
that caused the need for punishment. This is followed by discussing and praying about
it, creating or finding rituals to develop options for new behavior, and asking forgive-
ness in our world as well as in relationship with God. Finally, I would suggest checking
in periodically as to his or her movement in this new direction.
Who comes to mind as a person of great faith, courage and/or profundity in a sit-
uation of terrible tragedy? Why?
I have, in my life, the examples of many women and men who held to their convictions
and practice on their way to the death camps in Europe. But the most influential peo-
ple in my life were the ones who fought back—with the last bit of their energy—so that
one more person might escape the suffering. It is the people who put their own lives on
the line, in times of great suffering and hopelessness, for the sake of others and the
future, whom I honor.
These are the people who live Jewish values at the highest. And, if I’ve got it
wrong, and there is a God paying attention to our deeds and frailties, it is these people
whom God can smile upon.
what it means to base one’s life on and in story, albeit ancient, is thoroughly
the Christian story. contemporary and supremely relevant. It
A word is in order about the is a book for people who want to see
prominence of words such as “play” and Christianity as a way of living and not
“dance.” The actual title of the book is just a pattern of believing, but who will
taken from a line of Gerard Manley understand that the living and the
Hopkins’ poems: “For Christ plays in ten believing are always intertwined and can
thousand places,/Lovely in limbs and be distinguished but never separated.
lovely in eyes not his/To the father Eugene Peterson has once again given
through the features of men’s faces.” great service to the church through his
Peterson suggests that such terms express writing, and that service promises to
the joy and freedom inherent in God’s continue through the volumes yet to
life, and present in ours insofar as we come.
share in God’s life. The Bible reveals
God at play, God’s dance that is creation, NOTE
redemption, and renewal. To live as a
Beldon Lane, “Spirituality as the Perfor-
Christian is to enter into this play, to mance of Desire: Calvin on the World as a
Theatre of God’s Glory,” Spiritus: A Journal of
dance with God and God’s people. Christian Spirituality, vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring,
Beldon Lane, a fine expositor of the 2001), 1-30.
Christian life in his own right, has
observed that the natural language of
theology is discursive, while the language GILEAD, Marilynne Robinson, Far-
of spirituality depends upon metaphor.1 rar, Straus and Giroux, 2004, 256 pages,
If true, this means that any work of $23. Reviewed by Janet L. Maykus, prin-
spiritual theology must honor both ways cipal, College of Pastoral Leaders and
of speaking. Peterson is a master at this: director, Christian Leadership Education,
His language is colloquial and Austin Seminary.
straightforward, interlacing scripture,
reminiscence, and contemporary or years I worked as
observation in a highly organized
structure of exposition. He has read
Fa chaplain to the
dying and the bereaved.
broadly and deeply, as is apparent from People asked for
the notes to each chapter, but his recommendations of
learning is not obtrusive and his
books that would ease
vocabulary is the language of the street-
corner café rather than the scholarly their suffering and
seminar. Consequently, people without hasten their grief
any special training in theology will process. They expected
find the work understandable and suggestions of self-help,
helpful, while religious professionals— psychology, or religious works. I
pastors and teachers—will find it surprised them by suggesting poetry,
stimulating and challenging. psalms, and good novels. Sometimes
As the subtitle suggests, this work is truth is better seen obliquely through the
indeed a conversation, rather than a art of narrative or poetry.
sermon, lecture, or instruction manual. Today, I work with pastors
It demonstrates that the Christian life is
throughout the United States who look
always a story-shaped life, and that the
at themselves and decide what they need
for rejuvenation of mind, body, and actors on a stage with God as the
spirit. They ask for books to read that audience or when he writes about the
will give them insights into leadership importance of the fifth Commandment
skills, spiritual invigoration, and coping and how it ultimately pertains to right
with the loneliness of pastoral ministry. I worship. Familiarity with Scripture and
continue to suggest good works of theology never wander into casual
fiction and poetry. Gilead, by Marilynne friendliness. Robinson’s protagonist
Robinson, is an elegant novel that remains reverent of God and the faith to
should be on the short reading list of which he has devoted his life.
pastors everywhere. Since this is a reflection on a life,
Gilead has won national acclaim, the story is filled with joy as well as
including the 2004 National Book pathos, humor as well as anger. One of
Critics Award for fiction and, in 2005, my favorite passages of humor deals with
the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Gilead is a a dish that repeatedly appears at church
letter from an aging pastor, John Ames, dinners—an orange gelatin salad filled
to his young son. Ames has been told with shredded cabbage, anchovies, and
that he has a failing heart. He realizes he stuffed green olives. It seems the recipe
will die before seeing his son grow to be was found in a popular ladies’ magazine
a man. He knows there is much that he on the same page as an article about
will never be able to tell this young boy, Americans’ religious beliefs. John Ames
so he begins a letter that is full of his and his best friend, another older pastor,
life’s history, his family’s mythology, agree that there should be laws to
theological reflections on everything prevent recipes for gelatin salads being
from baseball to predestination, and his near articles on religion!
life’s regrets. A turn in the novel takes place with
The novel’s superb crafting keeps it the appearance of a younger man who is
far from sentimentality. Faced with a John Ames’ namesake and godson. He
shrinking life, the narrator delves deeper also happens to be the town’s prodigal
into his prayer life and examination of son. Pastor Ames struggles with what to
his ministry. It is as if knowing he will tell his son about this young man,
not be called upon to answer for any of struggling to understand the
his ramblings (since this letter is to be complexities of forgiveness, personal
read upon his death), Ames allows character, and redemption.
himself to write the vulnerable Again, Robinson is skilled in
theological questions most of us in allowing her main character to ponder
ministry find ourselves pondering at one these deep concepts without making him
time or another. sound pompous or perfect. He comes
Unlike many authors who across as well read, honest with himself,
undertake novels with religious themes, and not afraid of living with ambiguity.
Robinson seems to have done a great I recommend this book to pastors
deal of research in preparation for not merely because it is a good read, but
Gilead. We see this in Ames’s reflections because it addresses the common
on Calvin’s reference to humanity as questions of a life in ministry. Are my
sermons relevant? Do I have the courage What they read, what they watch, and to
to say what I believe to be true? What whom they listen are important. Gilead
does the congregation think of my offers entertaining respite from the never
spouse? What does my spouse think of ending pace of ministry. It also offers
the congregation? How much access to ample sermon illustrations. Finally,
my private life should the congregation Gilead may challenge pastors to dig
have? Do I say what the congregation deeper into themselves and ponder the
needs or just what I want to hear myself questions of life and ministry (if the two
say? Where is God working in my life? can be separated) that John Ames allows
What happens when the people to himself to ask. These are the questions a
whom I minister have more faith than I? good leader must ask. i
Pastors have precious little free time.
he Terry Schiavo case has galvanized the American public in record numbers to
• Comparative life. Some people’s lives are more valuable than others when
resources are scarce. Peter Singer’s “trade-offs” position illustrates this.
Our view of life is also affected by the degree of possible recovery. In other words,
whatever view we have of life, our decisions about whether to hasten death depend on
the chances for recovery to the level of life we deem necessary. This level of life can be
to a fully autonomous, rational life, or life where relationships are possible or care can
be received. As McCormick points out, it can mean at least three things: (1) return to
a full state of health; (2) return to a lesser state, perhaps with severe physical or mental
disturbance; or (3) return to vital functions without consciousness. Those who give an
absolute value to life would advocate treatment if any of these three levels were possi-
ble, whereas those who desired a very high quality of life would only desire recovery if
it included the first two categories.
I believe that life is a gift, full of meaning, a trust that we are to care for and cher-
ish. All human life is of equal value and infinite worth and is not dependent on any cri-
teria of personhood or human-hood. Decisions for treatment should not be based on
an assessment of personhood, but on what is wrong with the patient. Life’s prima facie
value, however, may be laid aside for other higher values, e.g., for protection of anoth-
er, duty to country if the existence of the country is threatened, or to defend one’s val-
ues. However, these are all cases of heroic self-sacrifice, not euthanasia.
concerned with using life support measures for a patient who would otherwise shortly
die. At this point, the patient is not in the process of dying and there is hope for recov-
ery. In these instances, passive euthanasia would never be justified. Second, there is the
question of prolonging dying. Ramsey spends a good deal of time distinguishing
between those who are already in an irretrievable process of dying and those whose lives
are being extended. We should be choosing the way we live until we die, not choosing
the means or end of death. Stopping treatment for comatose patients does not mean
we are practicing passive euthanasia, because we are not choosing the means or ends of
death. Instead, we are merely moving from curative to caring treatment. The disease is
what ends the life.
It is in the dying process that we seek the best way to die—with grace and digni-
ty, as free from pain as possible, surrounded by those we love, and receiving the best
medical care. So rather than euthanasia we should refer to euapothnesko (good dying).
When death occurs—that is, death itself—it is beyond our control. The way we die,
however, is not.
Many struggles around end of life decisions concerning loved ones are due to confu-
sion over euthanasia and refusal of treatment. Refusal of treatment refers to the patient’s
decision for herself. Euthanasia is an act performed on behalf of the patient. If a patient
is competent, rational, and autonomous, based on the principle of respect for persons,
it is morally permissible for her to refuse any treatment whatsoever, even if it is life-sus-
taining. This is grounded in the right to informed consent, which logically leads to the
right to refusal. We have a right to choose the way we live while dying but not to choose
death itself. Furthermore, as a partner in the covenant relationship, the physician has a
duty of beneficence and nonmaleficence which generally falls on the side of preserving
life. The physician, on her side, must be assured that the patient is fully informed and
may either refuse or cease curative treatment with knowledge of all the consequences.
On the other hand, if a patient is incompetent or of diminished autonomy, i.e.,
defenseless and unwanted, based on her great need, she is to be protected at all costs.
Only if a Living Will has previously been written by the patient when competent, or a
physician, relative, or friend can bring corroborated oral testimony that the person did
not want extraordinary treatment if in the irreversible process of dying, may life-sus-
I suggest that conceptual clarity in often misunderstood categories of actions at the end
of life is the key to providing effective pastoral care. Pastors and chaplains can assist the
dying and their families in making choices consonant with their own values and reli-
gious convictions. God is Lord over life and death, the loving Creator who wills our
health, but who walks with us through the valley of the shadow of death and welcomes
us into Christ’s arms when we enter into everlasting life. i
Renie Rutchick, “Compassion Sabbath: Improving Ministry at Life’s End,” Partnership for Car-
ing, vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 2001): 1ff.
Theodore J. Wardlaw, President
Elizabeth C. Williams, Chair
Trustees Emeriti
Clarence N. Frierson, Stephen A. Matthews, Edward D. Vickery
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Fall 2005