Design of Damper To Protect The Field Coil of An HTS Synchronous Motor
Design of Damper To Protect The Field Coil of An HTS Synchronous Motor
Design of Damper To Protect The Field Coil of An HTS Synchronous Motor
3, JUNE 2009
OTATING machinery is one of the most important instruments in daily life. In terms of power consumption, rotating machinery consumes approximately 60% of the entire generated power capacity. Currently, the efciency of commercial rotating machinery has reached almost 97%. Nevertheless, an improvement in the efciency of rotating machinery is still needed as a result of the current energy crisis. Enhancing the efciency of rotating machinery will allow signicant energy savings. In the case of commercial rotating machinery, further improvement in efciency is extremely difcult due to hysteresis loss caused by the iron core located between the stator and rotor of the machinery. However, the hysteresis loss and weight will be reduced considerably if air-core rotating machinery can be used. Another reason why increasing the efciency of the commercial rotating machinery is not easy is the difculty in enhancing the linkage ux between the stator and rotor coil. The
Manuscript received August 26, 2008.First published June 05, 2009; current version published July 15, 2009. This work was supported by a grant from the center for Applied Superconductivity Technology of the 21st Century Frontier R&D Program funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, KOREA, and by Electric Power Industry Technology Evaluation and Planning, and also by the Manpower Development Program for Energy & Resources of MKE with UPRC program at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. H. M. Kim and Y. K. Kwon are with the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Changwon 641-120, Republic of Korea. Y. S. Yoon is with Ansan College of Technology, Ansan 425-792, Republic of Korea. S. H. Lee and J. P. Hong are with the Department of Automotive Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-790, Republic of Korea. J. B. Song and H. G. Lee are with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Republic of Korea (e-mail: Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TASC.2009.2017842
synchronous reactance of the rotating machinery to enhance the linkage ux intensity needs to be high. In order to increase the synchronous reactance, the larger magnetic ux intensity generated by the stator coil wound by copper wire is necessary. On the other hand, the stator coil wound with copper wire is accompanied by copper loss due to its operating current. Therefore, this method is not suitable for increasing the efciency of a rotating machine. A superconducting rotating machine fabricated by HTS tape is an excellent alternative choice. Because the HTS eld coil of the rotating machine with an air-core type can generate high magnetic ux intensity, its efciency can reach 98%, and its weight and volume can be reduced by as much as 1/3 that of a commercial rotating machine [1]. The performance of HTS tape under high magnetic eld intensity in the perpendicular direction is extremely poor. When a superconducting motor operates at synchronous speed, no timevarying magnetic eld is generated inside the air-gap located between the rotor and stator. However, a time-varying magnetic eld can form in the air-gap at the starting or load regulation of a HTS motor, which has an adverse effect on the HTS eld coil. Therefore, a magnetic shielding layer is needed to protect the HTS eld coil from the time-varying magnetic eld. The size of the magnetic shielding damper of a HTS synchronous motor is inversely proportional to its performance and efciency because the air-gap size increases with increasing magnetic shielding layer thickness. Therefore, optimal design of the magnetic shielding damper is essential. The superconducting rotating machine using an HTS eld coil has being actively studied around the world. Recently, a HTS motor with a 36.5 MW performance was developed by the American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC) in the United States [2]. In 2006, a 4 MW class HTS generator was developed by Siemens Inc., Germany [3]. A 3600 rpm industrial HTS motor with a 1 MW performance was developed and a 5 MW HTS motor for ship propulsion is planned for development in early 2011 by a Korean collaboration group of KERI and DOOSAN Heavy Industry [4]. However, there are no reports of an optimal design of the damper for a large scale HTS motor. This paper introduces the optimal design method of a damper to protect the HTS eld coil of a 5 MW HTS synchronous motor using computational analysis of the transient characteristics of the stator current. II. THE QUADRATURE-AXIS TRANSFORMATION Fig. 1 shows a cross-sectional view of the HTS synchronous motor with the magnetic ux shielding damper. To calculate the
Fig. 1. Cross-sectional view of the HTS synchronous motor with the damper.
Where , , and are the ux linkages, inductance, and current, respectively. From Kirchhoffs second law, the voltage equation for the electrical equivalent circuit of the HTS motor is given by:
(2) Subscripts, , , and denoted in (2) indicate the phases of the stator coils, respectively. The subscripts, and indicate the eld coil and the damper, respectively. Eq. (2) can be described by a rst-order differential equation as follows: (3) The calculus of the nite differences to (3) can be derived as follows:
Fig. 2. Electrical equivalent circuit of the HTS synchronous motor including the ux damper.
Here the matrix and represent the currents and voltages of the armature coil, the eld coil, and damper, respectively.
optimal size of the damper, dynamic analysis of the HTS synchronous motor was performed assuming that the frequency of the time-varying magnetic eld in an air-gap varies proportionally with the current response characteristics of the stator coil, and the frequency response characteristics of the time-varying magnetic eld affected by the HTS eld coil must be achieved upon starting and load regulation of a 5 MW HTS motor [5]. Fig. 2 shows the electrical circuit of the HTS synchronous motor including the ux damper shown in Fig. 1. The ux linkage equation for the electrical equivalent circuit is given by the following: (1) The various inductances can be written as follows:
Authorized licensed use limited to: Hanyang University. Downloaded on August 25, 2009 at 07:35 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 4. Transient phase current proles of the 5 MW HTS synchronous motor; (a) total prole with load regulation, (b) at starting mode (Step (a)), (c) load regulation from no load to 112 kNm (Step (b)) and (d) from 112 to 224 kNm (Step (c)).
and electric conductivity ability into (9), as follows: (7) Where Where, is the matrix inductance of the electrical equivalent , , and are the self inductance in the armature circuit. coils , , and , respectively. are the muis the self inductance tual inductances in the armature coils. are the mutual inin the HTS eld coil. is the ductances between the stator coil and HTS eld coil. self inductance in the magnetic ux damper. are the mutual inductances between the stator coil and magnetic ux damper. The swing equation in terms of the electrical-mechanical relationship can be written as follows: (8) , , , and indicate the number Where , , , of poles, inertial moment, synchronous speed of the rotor, mechanical output power, attenuation output power per unit, synchronous output power, and electrical angular displacement, respectively. can be calculated by The thickness of the damper substituting the frequency value from (8), the magnetic perme-
The design parameter of the 5 MW HTS motor was used as follows: The line-to-line voltage and phase current of the stator and, 460 respectively. The operating coil was 6.6 at 30 K. current of the HTS eld coil was 150 Fig. 3 shows the magnetic eld distribution at no-load torque. The time-varying magnetic ux penetrated both the rotor and HTS eld coil. Fig. 4 shows the transient phase current proles according to the load-torque regulations at a synchronous speed of 180 rpm. Steps (a), (b), and (c) in Fig. 4(a) indicate the time intervals when the load regulations are applied to the HTS synchronous motor. The load regulations were zero, 112, and 224 kNm for steps (a), (b), and (c), respectively. The response frequencies of the phase current were 10, 11, and 11 Hz for steps (a), (b), and (c), respectively. Fig. 5 shows the transient torque proles of the 5 MW HTS synchronous motor with respect to load regulations. The frequency (19 Hz) of the torque for all steps was similar. (using (9)) for the 5 MW HTS In order to calculate synchronous motor, the minimum frequency value (10 Hz) was
Authorized licensed use limited to: Hanyang University. Downloaded on August 25, 2009 at 07:35 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 5. Transient torque proles of the 5 MW HTS synchronous motor; (a) total torque prole, (b) at starting mode (Step (a)), (c) load regulation from no load to 112 kNm (Step (b)) and (d) from 112 to 224 kNm (Step (c)).
IV. CONCLUSION This paper presents the design of a magnetic ux damper to protect the eld coil of a 5 MW HTS synchronous motor for the transient responses. The minimum response frequency of the time-varying magnetic eld generated in the air gap was 10 Hz. The calculated thicknesses of the aluminum and copper dampers were approximately 30 and 21 mm, respectively. Despite the thickness of the copper for damper being less than that of aluminum, aluminum with a 30 mm thickness was ultimately selected for the magnetic ux shielding damper of a 5 MW HTS synchronous motor due to the superior mechanical strength, lighter weight, and better welding properties. REFERENCES
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selected considering the stability margin of the HTS eld coil. As shown in Table I, the calculated thickness of the aluminum and copper materials were approximately 30 and 21 mm, respectively. The optimal thickness of the copper damper is 1.4 times thinner than that of the aluminum damper. Aluminum has better material properties, such as the higher mechanical strength, lighter weight and better welding properties, than copper. These properties are essential for constructing a large scale HTS motor. Therefore, the aluminum damper was selected for the magnetic ux shielding damper of the 5 MW HTS synchronous motor despite the thickness (21 mm) of copper for the damper being less than that (30 mm) of aluminum.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Hanyang University. Downloaded on August 25, 2009 at 07:35 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.