Dawson Peggy
Dawson Peggy
Dawson Peggy
My purpose in this work is to promote LOVE, through nurturing touch. 20 years ago I was
'called' to this work of "Service Through Nurturing Touch". This is a 5 day training that serves
Mobile phone nurses, doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, massage therapists, mental health nurses,
chaplains, pastors, and all caregivers who work with people suffering life threatening illnesses,
the elderly, or those with multiple disabilities. Down the centuries there has been an epidemic of
violence and abusive Touch. Millions of people including our babies and children are hungering
Please underline the most for healthy, nurturing, gentle touch.
appropriate category for your For 20 years I have worked quietly to break through the 'social taboo' of 'no touch' in out society.
abstract I was aware that I would need to pioneer this work voluntarily for some years, to transform
peoples' thinking processes and to reclaim the spirituality oftouch in society.
• Pain and other symptoms
One ofthe most exciting movements in the world today is the convergence of professionals in
• Palliative care for cancer patients
bodywork and religion. There is a mutual concern for the integration of body, mind and spirit,
• Palliative care for non cancer and care for the whole person. Loving, nurturing touch works on the physical, neurological,
patients emotional, and spiritual levels of consciousness.
• Paediatric palliative care I will speak about cellular memory and how emotions can be stored in the various organs of the
• Palliative care for the elderly
body. These emotions can be triggered through loving touch and released, allowing healings to
take place at a deep level of consciousness.
• The actors of palliative care
Case studies will be given. "Service Through Nurturing Touch" is not only a life transforming
• Latest on drugs training,
• Pain but educates it's students to touch appropriately, respectfully, and with care and compassion.
Spiritually, we offer a time of peace, quiet, love, care, kindness, pleasure,
• Illness and suffering through and a time of restoration. With a foundation of love and compassion, and learning to be a
media 'listening presence', the patient's complete well-being is given attention.
• Marginalisation and social stigma
A major component of the training is to look at the emotional impact of working with the dying.
Many students arrive at my trainings totally exhausted. We look at ways to self nurture and to
at the end of life
create healthy boundaries to prevent bum-out.
• Palliative care advocacy projects
I will give a demonstration of abdominal massage for a patient with constipation.
• Prognosis and diagnosis
communication in
different cultures
• Communication between doctor-
patient and patient-
• Religions and cultures versus
suffering, death and
• Public institution in the world:
palliative care policies
and law
• Palliative care: from villages to
• Space, light and gardens for the
terminally ill patient
• End-of-life ethics • Session: Volunteers in palliative care
• Complementary therapies
• Education, training and research Chair of the session: Dott. Silvana Zambrini
• Fund-raising and no-profit
• Bereavement support
• Volunteers in palliative care
• Rehabilitation in palliative care