Tourism Mail 2013
Tourism Mail 2013
Tourism Mail 2013
Tourism and Arts minister sylvia masebo has said that Zambia is now ready to host the united Nations World Tourism organisation (uNWTo) General Assembly which will be co-hosted with neighbouring Zimbabwe. masebo said this in Parliament when she delivered a ministerial statement recently. she said Zimbabwe is known to be an old tourist destination yet Zambia is endowed with more tourism sites dotted in the country besides the famous Victoria falls which is shared by Zimbabwe.
Issue No. 12 Visit us on Edition, 2013
PRICE: K3,000
mr. speaker sir, the only difference between Zambia and Zimbabwe is that Zimbabweans are very aggressive and nationalistic while Zambian we are not patriotic. We Zambians are good at criticizing ourselves. We have so much in terms of tourism, masebo said. To page 2
2 Edition, 2013
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and other international logistics in global conference management and creative use of space in conference management. other programmes to be covered are planning a large conference in a smaller city, and creating multilateral partnerships in promoting tourism and economic development, public relations, publicity
Chiyesu further said the council would ensure that the projects were completed before August this year. With modern technology, we are optimistic that we will execute the projects before August this year. We are still doing the architectural drawings and still sourcing for an architect. Last year, the council received more than K6 billion (Kr6 million)
from the Government to construct ablution blocks, a modern market and an intercity bus terminus before the hosting of the uNWTo general assembly. LCC also received funding for street lighting and unblocking of the drainage system, but contracts for most projects have not yet been awarded.
she regretted that her ministry had not carried out an effective sensitization campaigns but reiterated Governments commitment to working with the media, the private sector, members of Parliament (mPs), the lodge owners and other stakeholders to help market Zambia vigorously. masebo challenged the private sector to show case their existence and join hands with government as the country exhibits its products to the outside world. she told the House that Zimbabwe will host the official opening ceremony, plenary session, a luncheon for the delegates, Council general meeting among other meetings while Zambia will host the closing ceremony, Board meeting, gala dinner and round table meeting for Commissions for Asia, Europe and America. masebo said the two countries will host a series of meetings side by side and that a permanent inter-ministerial Committee has been instituted. she said Zambia and Zimbabwe signed a memorandum of understanding which among other things seeks to not only market the two countries but the entire southern Africa region and that both countries have an opportunity to create a global village to benefit the people world-wide. she stated that a team of experts have visited Zambia and they will continue coming to Zambia to conduct inspections to ensuring that infrastructures at the airports, hotels, boarder towns and security personnel among others meet the required international standards.
4 Edition, 2013
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expert Turi King said during a press briefing. The hisTory of richarD iii
The announcement comes a day after the archaeologists had released an image of the kings battle-scarred skull. To confirm the hunch, however, researchers at the university of Leicester conducted a series of tests, including extracting DNA from the teeth and a bone for comparison with michael ibsen, a modern-day descendant of richard iiis sister Anne of York. indeed, the researchers found the genetics matched up between ibsen and that from the skeleton. The DNA remains points to these being the remains of richard iii, university of Leicester genetics
richard iii was born in 1452 and ruled England from 1483 to 1485, a reign cut short by his death at the Battle of Bosworth Field, the decisive battle in the English civil war known as the War of the roses. richard iiis historical reputation is a twisted one, rife with accusations that he had his two young nephews murdered to secure his spot on the throne. The shakespeare play richard iii cemented the kings villainous reputation about 100 years after the monarch died. But richard iiis true legacy is a source of controversy. According
university of Leicester archaeologists began excavating a city council parking lot in Leicester in August 2012 in search of the Grey Friars church. They soon found medieval window frames, glazed floor tiles and roof fragments, suggesting that they were on the right track. shortly thereafter, the team unearthed human remains, including both a female skeleton (possibly an early church founder) and a male skeleton with a spine curved by scoliosis. The male skeletons skull was cleaved with a blade, and a barbed metal arrowhead was
School of coMPutER SciEncE tEchnoloGY Information Technology Diploma Computer System Engineering Diploma Short Computer courses certificate aBMa uK Examining Board or local ModE of StudY Full time/part time/distance Accommodation facilities available The institution has well qualified staff and fees very affordable. Contact 0975878512, Eureka House, Room No. 7, Second Floor, Freedom way, at Plastic Shop, Lusaka or the above address. P.O. Box 30164, Lusaka, Email :
EiTHEr graceful nor beautiful, warthogs are nonetheless remarkable animals. They are found in most of Africa south of the sahara and are widely distributed in East Africa. They are the only pigs able to live in areas without water for several months of the year. By tolerating a higher-than-normal body temperature, the warthog is perhaps able to conserve moisture inside its body that might otherwise be used for cooling. (Camels and desert gazelles have developed a similar mechanism for survival in hot, arid environments. PhySiCAL ChArACTEriSTiCS males weigh 20 to 50 pounds more than females, but both are distinguished by disproportionately large heads and the warts-thick protective-pads that appear on both sides of the head. Two large pairs of warts occur below the eyes, and between the eyes and the tusks, and a very small pair is found near the jaw (usually just in males). The face is fairly flat and the snout elongated. Eyes set high on the head enables the warthog to keep a lookout for predators even when it lowers its head to feed on short grass. The warthogs large tusks are unusual: The two upper ones emerge from the sides of the snout to form a semicircle; the lower tusks at the base of the uppers are worn to a sharp cutting edge. sparse bristles cover the warthogs body, although longer bristles form a mane from the top of the head down the spine to the middle of the back. The skin is gray or black (or yellowish or reddish, if the warthog has been wallowing in mud). The long tail ends with a tuft of bristles. The warthog characteristically carries its tail upright when it runs, the tuft waving like a tiny flag. As the young run in single file, the tail position may serve as a signal to keep them all together. Warthogs trot with a springy gait but they are known to run surprisingly fast. HabiTaT Warthogs are found in moist and arid savannas. They avoid rainforest, deserts and high mountains. bEHaViOR When water is available, warthogs drink regularly and enjoy wallowing in muddy places. As part of their grooming they also take sand baths, rub against trees and termite mounds and let tick birds pick insects off their bodies. Warthogs live in family groups of a female and her young. sometimes another female will join the group. males normally live by
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themselves, only joining the groups to mate. Warthogs engage in ritual fights in which they charge straight on, clashing heads when they meet. Fights between males can be violent and bloody. Warthogs sleep and rest in holes, which at times they line with grass, perhaps to make them warmer. Although they can excavate, warthogs normally do not dig holes but use those dug by other animals, preferably aardvarks. DiET The warthog is mainly a grazer and has adapted an interesting practice of kneeling on its calloused, hairy, padded knees to eat short grass. using its snout and tusks, it also digs for bulbs, tubers and roots during the dry season. CaRiNG FOR THE YOUNG Before giving birth to a new litter, the female chases away the litter she has been raising and secludes herself. These juveniles may join up with another solitary female for a short time before they go on their own.
Female warthogs only have four teats, so litter sizes usually are confined to four young. Each piglet has its own teat and suckles exclusively from it. Even if one piglet dies, the others do not suckle from the available teat. Although the young are suckled for about 4 months, after 2 months they get most of their nourishment from grazing. PrEDATorS Lions and leopards are the warthogs chief enemies. Warthogs protect themselves from predators by fleeing or sliding backwards into a hole, thus being in a position to use their formidable tusks in an attack. DiD YOU KNOW? The warthog has poor vision (though better than most other African wild pigs), but its senses of smell and hearing are good. When alarmed, the warthog grunts or snorts, lowers its mane, flattens its ears and bolts for underground cover.
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contact 0975878512, Eureka house, Room no. 7, Second floor, freedom Way at Plastic Shop, lusaka
Guest House
enteRtaiment HOteLS & LOdGeS
accOmmOdatiOn nORtHWeSteRn PROVince MuZa lodGe Plot No 3042 Katonjila Road, Kandudu Extension, Solwezi. Tel: 260218821623, 09661999802, 0977567655. Email: muzalodge@yahoo. com Kisu lodGe Phone: 0977786486 0977149961, Solwezi. MWaaKa lodGe Mobile: 0979559647, Tel: 260 218 821248, P.O. Box 110046, Solwezi, Zambia duPRes lodGe ltd P.O. Box 110348, Solwezi, Zambia Email: dupreslodge@ Reception: 0979013153, 0968750756. hollande Guest house P.O. Box 110420, Solwezi. Cell No. 0979559271, 0974888277
Edition, 2013 7
cOntact caRd
LaundRy tOuRS & SaFaRi Beauty tHeRaPy ReStauRant
0978188888; Email: Freedomway, Lusaka. aFRiCan bRaii (Intercity, Chilenje & Kanyama); Lusaka. Cell: 0977306169, 0977629998 seCond Shop No. 8, Lumumba Shoping Arcades next to Autoworld
those who even have an email address, at times it becomes a problem when these email addresses are not monitored on a regular basis. responding to email inquiries must be achieved within the first 12 hour and the inquirer must not wait more than 24 hours to get information or a response. in addition to having email connectivity, most clients, especially international agents and tourist, insist on dealing with companies with websites and email addresses linked to their domain. Most of the time this gives the inquirer some confidence and security to continue with booking plans. if an entity has these two items, and is able to answer inquiries efficiently, then such a property is likely to benefit from this platform. It is not a good idea to have an email address that is advertised and cannot connect to the intended property. Clients will not bother to try again as they do not have the time to waste. Whoever answers the email first, that is the one the clients will deal with and make bookings.
ZTB can also be your conduit to distribute your brochures to the local and international markets as they attend local and international exhibitions and fairs. it is no longer necessary to have brochures printed out but it is important to have them in a common format like word or PDF. These formats can easily be uploaded onto ones website and allows more people to have access through downloads or burnt on a compact drive (cd). Voila! You have managed to cut the cost of your advertising by having an electronic brochure. The only costs involved are the design of the brochure and the upload. ZTB will appreciate increased information on lodges and packages available in the different tourist destinations. bENEFiTS FROm UNWTO All Tourism entities are likely to have economic benefit from the publicity related to this international event, but it is only those that will
take a step in aligning their adverts or publicity campaigns to the ZTB generic marketing that will earn the best reward. it is not only Livingstone entities that will benefit from the UNWTO business, even lodges as far as Lusaka, South Luangwa and Copperbelt will benefit. This is because most participants will try to mix business and leisure and explore more of Zambia before or after the uNWTo. so lets get prepared for the over flows. In order to achieve more economic benefits from this event, we must start our publicity campaigns now! We need to take advantage of all publicity by ZTB and gain mileage. The event is going to be hosted by Livingstone and Victoria towns. Victoria town may have a superior bed capacity, but it is more important to fill our side of the border with guaranteed accommodation bookings now, than to put marketing resources in the last months. The booking trends for international travellers are done six month to one year in advance. it is only the local travellers that are used to just walk-in. This is not everything that we need to do to put our products ready for the business. it is just one way of achieving mileage. We can also take advantage of likes on the ZTB Facebook and Twitter pages. We need also to put product standards in place, apply economically competitive prices for our products and spend a little on training of our service staff in order to achieve the best quality of service to the visitors. off course the government has its part also to bring in a service culture in our police, immigration and all government departments that will render service to the delegates. The infrastructure improvement will not only be useful during the event but the benefits will continue into the future. It must also be noted that normal tourist traffic should be expected and accommodated. most of them have long standing booking and some will fall during the period between 24th and 29th August 2013. institute of Hospitality will be on hand to assist any entity that will need assistance in upgrading service standards and finding solutions to management problems. maxwell S masempela miH, mba (CUZ), BS Post. Grad. Dipl, hot. Dipl. Fundraising & Publicity Chairman institute of Hospitality Maxmas Ltd, P.o. Box 38067 Lusaka; +260 977 766460
Office Representatives SOLWezi +260966800467 ndOLa +260950673587 LuSaka +260973572859 Opening soon in LiVinGStOne
Kaz Food ltd, Tel: 260211257676; Call: 0977858423, 0977630099; Rhodes Park, Lusaka. hooligans bar & Restaurant, Light Industrial Area, Kasumbu Road, Plot No. 118229. Cell: 0978101666 or 0977371430 lama Restaurant & take away, P.O. Box 34544, Cell:
cHaFFinG diSHeS nosiKu ChaFFinG dishes, 0977802517, 0968266580, Kabwata, Lusaka. GloRia ChaFFiG dishes, 0977803579; Kamwala South, Lusaka.
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8 Edition, 2013
Edition, 2013 9
CEREmONY Lwiindi Ncwala Kuomboka Kuomboka isaka Yaba Kaonde Kufukwila Kuomboka libonda mutomolo Nsomo Chivweka mutomboko Kupupa Kunyanta Ntanda Lwindi Gonde Kazanga Chivweka Nkomba Lyanga ikummbi Lya Longo Kulamba makumba ukusefya Pa Ngwena mukulu Pembe Likumbi Lya mize Chisemwa Cha Lunda Lunda Lubanza makundu Lubinda Ntongo Lukini Luzwa Buuka Kulamba Lyenga ichibwela mushi musaka/Jikubi Bwile Kailala Chinamanongo Walamo Vikamkanimba Chambo Chalutanga mulasa Chisaka Chalubombo Bisa malaila Ntongo Kuvuluka Kishakulu makundu Bunda Liyoyelo Kulamba Kubwalo Likumbi Lyamalumbe Tuwimba malaila Kwenje Kwanga mabila Chishinga malaila Chibuka Lukwakwa mbunda Liyoyelo Chungu maazi Aabila Lwiindi Zengani Chakwela makumbi Chikwela Kumushi Ngondo Chabalakata Chitentamo/Nsengele mbambala Chibwela Kumushi Ngondo TRibE Toka Leya Ngoni Lozi Lozi Kaonde Kaonde Lozi mambwe/Lungu Kaonde Luchazi Lunda Kaonde Kaonde Tonga Nkoya Luchazi soli sala Chewa ushi Bemba Bemba Luvale Lunda Lunda Kaonde Kaonde Toka Leya Chewa mbunda Bisa/swaka/Lala Kaonde Bwile Goba Bisa Lungu Tumbuka mfungwe Namwanga Bisa Bisa Kaonde Lamba Kaonde mbunda Lenje Kaonde/ila Nsenga Kunda Tumbuka Ngumbo shila Chisinga ushi mbunda mbunda Tonga Tonga Tumbuka soli soli Namwanga Lamba Lamba Nsenga-Luzi soli Namwanga WHERE Livingstone Chipata mongu senanga solwezi solwezi Kalabo mbala Kasempa Kabompo Kawambwa solwezi solwezi monze Kaoma Kabompo Chongwe mumbwa Katete mansa mungwi Luwingu Zambezi mwinilunga Zambezi mufumbwe solwezi Kalomo Katete Kalolo mkushi mumbwa Chiengi Kafue mpika mpulungu isoka isoka Nakonde Chilubi island mpika mufumbwe solwezi mufumbwe Kabompo Chibombo mumbwa Petauke mambwe Chama samfya Chienge Kawambwa mansa Kabompo Kabompo Kalomo Kalomo Lundazi Chongwe Luangwa isoka masaiti mpongwe Luangwa Chinyunyu isoka WHEN January February April April April may may June June June July July July July July July July July August August August August August August August August August August August August september september september september september september september september september september september september september september september october october october october october october october october october october october october october october November November November November November November November November
HE cinema of Nigeria grew quickly in the 1990s and 2000s to become the second largest film industry in the world in terms of number of annual film productions, placing it ahead of the united states and behind the indian film industry. According to Hala Gorani and Jeff Koinange formerly of CNN, Nigeria has a us$250 million movie industry, churning out some 200 videos for the home video market every month. Nigerian cinema is Africas largest movie industry in terms of both value and the number of movies produced per year. Although Nigerian films have been produced since the 1960s, the rise of affordable digital filming and editing technologies has stimulated the countrys video film industry. The Nigerian video feature film industry is sometimes colloquially known as Nollywood, having been derived as a play on Hollywood in the same manner as Bollywood. HiSTORY The first Nigerian films were made by filmmakers such as Ola Balogun and Hubert ogunde in the 1960s, but they were frustrated by the high cost of film production. However, television broadcasting in Nigeria began in the 1960s and received much government support in its early years. By the mid-1980s every state had its own broadcasting station. Law limited foreign television content so producers in Lagos began televising local popular theater productions. many of these were circulated on video as well, and a small scale informal video movie trade developed. The release of the box-office movie Living in Bondage in 1992 by NEK Video Links owned by Kenneth Nnebue in the eastern city of onitsha set the stage for Nollywood as it is known today. The story goes that Kenneth Nnebue had an excess number of imported video cassettes which he then used to shoot the first film. The huge success of this film set the pace for others to produce other films or home videos. Through the business instincts and ethnic links of the igbo and their dominance of distribution in major cities across Nigeria, home videos began to reach people across the country. Nollywood exploded into a booming industry that pushed foreign media off the shelves, an industry now marketed all over Africa and the rest of the world. The use of English rather than local languages served to expand the market and aggressive marketing using posters, trailers, and television advertising also played a role in Nollywoods success. since then, thousands of movies have been released. One of the first Nigerian movies to reach international renown was the 2003 release Osuofia in London, starring Nkem owoh, the famous Nigerian comedic actor. modern Nigerian cinemas most prolific auteur is Chico Ejiro (Mr. Prolific), who directed
reports, Nollywood is a $500-million industry. And it keeps growing. According to Frank ikegwuonu, author of Whos Who in Nollywood, about 1,200 films are produced in Nigeria annually. And more and more filmmakers are heading to Nigeria because of competitive distribution system and a cheap workforce. Further, Nigerian films seem to be better received by the market when compared to foreign films because those films are more family oriented than the American films. Nigerian movies are available in even the most remote areas of the continent. The last few years have seen the growing popularity Nigerian films among the people of African diaspora in both Europe, North America and the Caribbean. Nigerian films are currently receiving wider distribution as Nigerian producers and directors are attending more internationally acclaimed film festivals. In the USA, viewers can watch Nollywood and other West African movies on Afrotainment. on-line streaming is gradually becoming part of the distribution system with sites like irokoTV and allafricancinema showing Nollywood video content. THEmES many Nollywood movies have themes that deal with the moral dilemmas facing modern Africans. some movies promote the Christian or islamic faiths, and some movies are overtly evangelical. others, however, address questions of religious diversity, such as the popular film One God One Nation, about a muslim man and a Christian woman who want to marry but go through many obstacles. PorTrAyAL in ThE WESTERN mEDia The 2007 documentary Welcome to Nollywood by director Jamie meltzer gives an overview of the industry. it pays particular attention to directors izu ojukwu and Chico Ejiro, and acknowledges the unusual, rapid, and enterprising way that most Nollywood films are created as well as their significance and contribution to the greater society and the production difficulties ojukwu faced during production of his war epic Laviva. Franco sacchis 2007 documentary This is Nollywood follows the production of Check Point, directed by Bond Emeruwa. it features interviews with Nigerian filmmakers and actors as they discuss their industry, defend the types of films they make and detail the kind of impact they can have. in 2007, Franco Sacchi presented the film on Nollywood at the TED conference. The 2007 Danish documentary Good Copy Bad Copy features a substantial section on Nigerian cinema. it focuses on the direct-toDVD distribution of most Nigerian movies, as well as the industrys reliance on off-the-shelf video editing equipment as opposed to the more costly traditional film process. A 2008 Canadian documentary Nollywood Babylon was codirected by Ben Addelman and samir mallal, and produced by Am Pictures and the National Film Board of Canada in association with the Documentary Channel. it played in the Official Competition at the sundance Film Festival in January 2009.
over 80 films in an 8-year period and brags that he can complete production on a movie in as little as three days. Ejiros brother Zeb is the best-known director of these videos outside of the country. The first Nollywood films were produced with traditional analog video, such as Betacam sP, but today almost all Nollywood movies are produced using digital video technology. The Guardian has cited Nigerias film industry as the third largest in the world in terms of earnings and estimated the industry to bring in us$200 million per year. in 2009, unesco described Nollywood as being the second-biggest film industry in the world after Bollywood in terms of output and called for greater support for the industry, which is the second-largest employer in Nigeria. ProDUCTion most movies are not produced in
studios. Video movies are shot on location all over Nigeria with hotels, homes, and offices often rented out by their owners and appearing in credits in the movies. The most popular locations are shot in the cities of Lagos, Enugu, and Abuja. However, distinct regional variations appear between the northern movies made primarily in the Hausa language, the western Yoruba movies, the Edo language movies shot in Benin City, and the igbo movies shot in the southeast. many of the big producers have offices in Surulere, Lagos. in an effort to improve the quality of Nigerian film productions, the countrys president, Goodluck Jonathan, pledged in 2010 to create a $200 million loan fund to help finance film projects. Nigerian directors adopt new technologies as soon as they become affordable. [citation needed] Editing, music, and other post-production work are done with common computerbased systems.
inTErnATionAL Co-ProDUCTiONS With an eye to attracting an international mainstream audience, Nigerian film-makers are increasingly turning to the West for actors like isaiah Washington, and Thandie Newton. The same developments are taking place in co-productions with film-makers from other African countries. The Princess of Africa, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, starred in Foreign Demons, a film set in Nigeria as well as her native south Africa. Feathered Dreams, is the first Nollywood-ukrainian co-production. Set in Ukraine, the film stars Nigerian actress omoni oboli ukrainian actor Andrey rozhen who also directed it. DiSTRibUTiON The primary distribution centers are idumota market on Lagos island, and 51 iweka road in onitsha in Anambra state. Currently,
Nigerian films outsell Hollywood films in Nigeria and many other African countries. some 300 producers turn out movies at an astonishing ratesomewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 a year. The films go straight to DVD and VCD discs. Thirty new titles are delivered to Nigerian shops and market stalls every week, where an average film sells 50,000 copies. A hit may sell several hundred thousand. Discs sell for two dollars each, making them affordable for most Nigerians and providing astounding returns for the producers. Most of the films are produced by independent companies and businessmen. However, the big money for films in Nigeria is made in the direct-to-video market. The average film costs between US$17,000 and us$23,000, is shot on video in just a weekselling up to 150,000200,000 units nationwide in one day. With this type of return, more and more are getting into the film business there. By most
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History of AFCoN
and extending their record to 7 continental titles (including when Egypt was known as the united Arab republic between 1958 and 1971). on 31 January 2010, Egypt set a new African record, not being defeated for 19 consecutive Cup of Nations matches, since a 21 loss against Algeria in Tunisia in 2004, and a record 9 consecutive win streak. Egypt also set another record on that day, where it became the first African nation to win three consecutive cups joining mexico, Argentina, and iran who won their continent cup 3 times in a row. FUTURE Ahead of the 2008 Africa Cup of Nations several European clubs called for a rethink of the tournaments schedule. As it takes place during the European season, players who are involved miss several matches for their clubs.[9] in January 2008, FiFA president sepp Blatter announced that he wanted the tournament to be held in either June or July by 2016, to fit in the international calendar, although this would preclude many countries in central and west Africa from hosting the competition (as these months occur during their wet season). in may 2010, it was announced that the tournament would be moved to odd-numbered years from 2013. This will mean the tournament will not take place in the same year as the World Cup. it also means there will be two tournaments within twelve months in January 2012[11] (co-hosted by Gabon and Equatorial Guinea) and January 2013 (hosted by south Africa). on 29 January 2011, morocco won the bid to host the 2015 edition and Libya won the right to host the 2013 tournament. But due to the 2011 Libyan civil war, Libya and south Africa traded years with south Africa hosting in 2013 and Libya hosting in 2017. TroPhy Throughout the history of the Nations Cup, three different trophies have been awarded to the winners of the competition. The original trophy, made of silver, was the Abdelaziz Abdallah salem Trophy, named after the first CAF president, Egyptian Abdelaziz Abdallah Salem. As the first winner of three Nations Cup tournaments, Ghana obtained the right to permanently hold the trophy in 1978. The second trophy was awarded from 1980 to 2000, and it was named Trophy of African unity or African unity Cup. it was given by the supreme Council for sports in Africa to the CAF prior to the 1980 tournament and it was a cylindrical piece with the olympic rings over a map of the continent engraved on it. it sat on a squared base and had stylized triangular handles. Cameroon won the Unity Cup indefinitely after they became three-time champions in 2000. in 2001, the third trophy was revealed, a gold-plated cup designed and made in Italy. Egypt won the gold-plated cup indefinitely after they became three-time champions in 2010, in an unprecedented achievement by winning three consecutive continental titles.
1950S60S: EArLy GroWTh oF ThE AnC CoMPETiTion The origins of the African Nations Cup date back to June 1956, when the creation of the Confederation of African Football was proposed during the third FiFA congress in Lisbon. There were immediate plans for a continental nations tournament to be held, and in February 1957, the first African Cup of Nations took place in Khartoum, Sudan. There was no qualification for this tournament, the field being made up of the four founding nations of CAF (sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, and south Africa). south Africas insistence on selecting only caucasian players for their squad due to that nations apartheid policy led to its disqualification, and as a consequence Ethiopia were handed a bye straight to the final. Hence, only two matches were played, with Egypt being crowned as the first continental champion after defeating hosts Sudan in the semi-final and Ethiopia in the final. Two years later, Egypt hosted the second ANC in Cairo with the participation of these same three teams. Host and defending champions Egypt repeated as cup winners, this time downing sudan. The field grew to include nine teams for the third ANC in 1962 in Addis Ababa, and for the first time there was a qualification round to determine which four teams would play for the title. Host Ethiopia and reigning champion Egypt received automatic berths, and were joined in the final four by Nigeria and Tunisia. Egypt made its third consecutive final appearance, but it was Ethiopia that emerged as victors, after first beating Tunisia and then downing Egypt in extra time. 1960S: GHaNaiaN DOmiNaTiON In 1963, Ghana made its first appearance as it hosted the event, and won the title after beating Sudan in the final. They repeated that as they became champions two years later in Tunisiaequalling Egypt as two-time winnerswith a squad that included only two returning members from the 1963 team. The 1968 competitions final tournament format expanded to include eight of the 22 teams entered in the preliminary rounds. The qualifying teams were distributed in two groups of four to play single round-robin tournaments, with the top two teams of each group advancing to semifinals, a system that remained in use for the finals until 1992. The Democratic Republic of Congo won its first title, beating Ghana in the final. starting with the 1968 tournament, the competition has been regularly held every two years in even numbered years. Cte divoire forward Laurent Pokou led the 1968 and 1970 tournaments in scoring, with six and eight goals respectively, and his total of 14 goals remained the all-time record until 2008. Play was covered for television for the first time during the 1970 tournament in sudan, as the hosts lifted the trophy after defeating Ghanawho were playing their fourth consecutive final. 1970S: A DECADE oF ChAMPionS six different nations won titles from 1970 to 1980: sudan, Congo-Brazzaville, Zaire, morocco, Ghana, and Nigeria. Zaires second title in the 1974 edition (they won their first as the Democratic Republic of Congo) came after facing Zambia in the final. For the only time to date in the history of the competition, the match had to be replayed as the first contest between the two sides ended in a 22 draw after extra time. The final was re-staged two days later with Zaire winning 20. Forward mulamba Ndaye scored all four of Zaires goals in these two matches: he was also the top scorer of the tournament with nine goals, setting a single-tournament record that remains unmatched. Three months earlier, Zaire had become the first black African nation to qualify to the FIFA World Cup. Morocco won their first title in the 1976 ANC held in Ethiopia and Ghana took its third championship in 1978, becoming the first nation to win three titles. In 1980, Nigeria hosted the event and beat Algeria to capture its first honours.
1980S: CAMErooniAn AnD niGEriAn DoMinATion Ghanas fourth continental title came in the 1982 cup tournament; they beat Algeria in the semi-finals in extra time, and faced host Libya in the final. The match ended in a 11 draw after 120 minutes and Ghana won the penalty shootout to become champions. Cameroon won their first title two years later by beating Nigeria and in the 1986 cup they faced Egypt absent from the final since 1962with Egypt winning the title on penalty kicks. Cameroon reached its third consecutive final in the 1988 tournament and won their second championship by repeating their 1984 victory over Nigeria. in 1990, Nigeria lost once again as they made their third final appearance in four tournaments, this time falling to Algeria. 1990S: THE RETURN OF SOUTH aFRiCa The 1992 Cup of Nations expanded the number of final tournament participants to 12; the teams were divided into four groups of three, with the top two teams of each group advancing to quarter-finals. Ghanaian midfielder Abedi Pel Ayew, who scored three goals, was named the best player of the tournament after his contributions helped Ghana reach the final; he was, however, suspended for that match and Ghana lost to Cte divoire in a penalty shootout that saw each side make 11 attempts to determine the winner. Cte divoire set a record for the competition by holding each of their opponents scoreless in the six matches of the final tournament. The 12-team, three-group format was used again two years later, where hosts Tunisia were humiliated by their first round elimination. Nigeria, who had just qualified to the World Cup for the first time in their history, won the tournament, beating Zambia, who a year before had been struck by disaster when most of their national squad died in a plane crash while traveling to play a 1994 World Cup qualification match. Nigerian forward rashidi Yekini, who had led the 1992 tournament with four goals, repeated as the top scorer with five goals. South Africa hosted the 20th ACN competition in 1996, marking their first ever appearance after a decades long ban was lifted with the end of apartheid in the country and a failed attempt to qualify in 1994. The number of final round participants in 1996 was expanded to the current 16, split into four groups. However, the actual number of teams playing in the final was only 15 as Nigeria withdrew from the tournament at the final moment for political reasons. Bafana Bafana won their first title on home soil, defeating Tunisia in the final. The South Africans would reach the final again two years later in Burkina Faso, but were unable to defend their title, losing to Egypt who claimed their fourth cup. 2000S: EGyPTS UnPrECEDEnTED TrEBLE The 2000 edition was hosted jointly by Ghana and Nigeria, who replaced the originally designated host Zimbabwe. Following a 22 draw after extra time in the final, Cameroon defeated Nigeria on penalty kicks. In 2002, Cameroons indomitable Lions made the second consecutive titles since Ghana had done it in the 1960s and after Egypt had done it before in 1957 and 1959. Again via penalty kicks, the Cameroonians beat first-time finalists Senegal, who also debuted in the World Cup later that year. Both finalists were eliminated in quarter finals two years later in Tunisia, where the hosts won their first title, beating Morocco 21 in the final. The 2006 tournament was also won by the hosts, Egypt, who reached a continentalrecord fifth title. The 2008 tournament was hosted by Ghana, and saw Egypt retain the trophy, winning their record-extending sixth tournament by defeating Cameroon 10 in the final. Egypt set a new record in the 2010 tournament that was hosted by Angola by winning their third consecutive title in an unprecedented achievement on the African level after defeating Ghana 10 in the final, retaining the gold-plated cup indefinitely
MArCh 26-27, 2013 Tourism and the Media
The rise of tourism over the past 60 years has been one of the most remarkable socio-economic phenomena of our times. Since 1950, the number of tourist trips has grown by an average of +6% a year reaching over one billion in 2012 and yielding revenue growth of +11% a year. The benefit to the economies of many developing countries has been enormous. Subsaharan Africa, for example, has doubled its international tourist numbers over the last decade only. But the media coverage of tourism is more likely to portray it as a succession of palm-fringed beaches, ancient monuments and spectacular wildlife, than as a sector injecting skills, capital, employment and opportunity into societies. Does this matter? What impact does the way tourism is portrayed have on the sector itself? Join the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to discuss these questions and to gain practical insight into the many angles of tourism reporting on March 26 and 27 at Lusaka, Zambia.( unwto-workshop-tourism-and-media)
The dominant super Eagles made the breakthrough just before half-time when Mba clipped the ball over Mohamed Koffi and then volleyed into the far corner. Burkina Faso almost equalised when Wilfried Sanou forced a fingertip save from goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama. Ahmed musa slipped as he looked set to score and Victor moses almost poked home as Nigeria eased to victory. it was a win that was fully deserved as Nigeria comfortably beat a tiredlooking Burkina Faso, who struggled to make an impact in their maiden final appearance. The match was also the first time for 21 years that a black African coach has won the cup Cote divoires Yeo martial was the last to do so in 1992. After Nigeria and Burkina Faso played out a 1-1 draw in their group match early on in the competition, the super Eagles had grown in stature and went into the game as favourites reacting to the victory, the winning coach stephen Keshi, stated that winning this is mainly for my nation when i came on board a year and a half ago my dream ws to make all Nigerians happy, and to construct a great Nigerian team, We are not there yet, its still in process. You dont want to know what was going through my head (in the final five minutes)! To represent Africa in Brazil at the Confed Cup is an honour for Nigeria.
Issue No. 12
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Edition, 2013
super Eagles of Nigeria are 2013 SPorTS EvEnTS 2013 AFCoN Champions
THE super Eagles under the tutelage of Coach stephen Keshi have ended a 19-year Africa Cup of Nations title drought with a 1-0 final victory over Burkina Faso at soccer City, Johannesburg. Home based sunday mbas goal gave the super Eagles a deserved 1-0, 40 minutes into the first half. it was an opportunist goal by mba and his second of the tournament, having struck a superb match-winner in the 2-1 quarter-final defeat of pre-tournament title favourites ivory Coast. Among the rewards for the Super Eagles is a $1.5 million first prize and a place at the FiFA Confederations Cup in Brazil, where they will face world and European champions spain, Tahiti and uruguay. it was a result that took winning coach stephen Keshi into the record books as he equalled the feat of late Egyptian mahmoud El Gohary by winning gold medals as a player and a coach. To Page 11
CRiCKET The Australia Cricket Team will tour india from 22 February to 26 march 2013. The tour consists of four test matches. FOOTbaLL The 2013 FiFA Confederations Cup will be held in Brazil in 2013, as a prelude to the 2014 FiFA World Cup. The tournament is expected to be held from 15 to 30 June 2013. Brazil are the defending champions. The 2013 FIFA U-17 World Cup will be the fifteenth tournament of the FiFA u-17 World Cup. it will be held in the united Arab Emirates between 17 october and 8 November, in all seven emirates. This was later amended. The 2013 FiFA Club World Cup is a football tournament scheduled to be played from 11 to 21 December 2013. The tournament will be hosted by morocco.
10. Due recognition must be given to the opposition Zambia faced in this tournament. Nigeria used the long ball to find Emenike thereby avoiding the midfield where they were losing the battle; Ethiopias passing and clever movement stopped Chipolopolo getting into its rhythm and Burkina Fasos compactness and clever ball circulation gave the Burkinabe important phases of play to breathe and slow the tempo of the game. 11. Failure to break down clever deep-seating defences like those of Ethiopia and Burkina Faso remains Chipolopolos challenge. While mbesuma can hold the ball well and move around the box intelligently and mayuka can run at defences, Chipolopolo need to address the advanced midfield support to the two marksmen. it appears renard has a ready-made answer in mukuka mulenga and it will be revealing to see the prodigy get extended game time in future.NAF