Roman Malendevich Resume

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Roman Malendevich, PhD

1534 Mallard Way Sunnyvale CA 94087 760-822-1887 (cell) 408-746-5892 (landline) [email protected] Cross-functional fiber optics and integrated photonics engineer: Getting stuff done and rallying others

Design, development, system integration, automated testing, manufacturing and production of Si and InP PICs, modules, linecards, and OOK and DQPSK coherent fiber optic systems (9 US patents; 15 papers in 2011-2012). Fortunate to have a career path spanning across many groups: from optical component design, to chip wafer-level and modules testing and volume production, to Advanced Optical System Architecture, with time on Sys Mfg floor. Thrive on solving difficult problems in interdisciplinary, interdepartmental environment. Passionate about physics and working in and creating a collaborative team environment
EXPERIENCE INFINERA CORP. (Sunnyvale CA) HW Development / Optical Engineering (20122013) 2006 2013

Sr. Member of Technical Staff

Optical System Architecture group PIC/Modules group (20062011)

Completed work on 10ch.x 10G OOK Receiver module based on co-packaged InP PIC (photonic integrated circuit) and Si-based ASIC; went into production in 2007 Delivered 1,000 PIC production modules with 98% yield. Transferred to remote site. Included Design Verification, Production & Reliability testing (e.g., Accelerated Aging) Developed algorithms for Tx and Rx optimal performance and EoL (end of life) in-field control Responsible for wavelength locking and super-channel Tx quad & power controls using block tones Eliminated 10x BER gap between Infn Rx modules and Reference Rx (Guiding Light award)

Completed work on 5-ch.x 100G coherent DQPSK Tx and Rx modules and linecards; in production in 2011

System Integration: Built DQPSK Reference Tx and Rx from discreet commercial components, with quality and stability best in company. Responsible for mechanical, electrical and optical integration HW development: Provided design inputs, managed production & debugged many electronic testboards Product Engineering: Prolific data miner. When are outliers unimportant? Why correlations are missing? What sample size is sufficient? Cost reduction: Proposed and implemented drastic (2-10x) spec reliefs, and 8x test time reduction Customer demos: Key participant in XO Comm. field trial (2010) and recent Verizon demo (08/2012) Advanced: Built real-time 8QAM demo test & 16QAM development test set with Linear Tx driver Knowledgeable about coherent DSP algorithms (carrier recovery, CD compensation, polarization demux) and HD- and SD-FEC algorithms. Self-studied packet switching and GMPLS. What part of coherent DSP consumes most power, and can be omitted in metro networks? algorithms? How does FEC deal with burst errors? What is the primary problem with SD-FEC

Recognized by promotion in 12/2010 quarterly All-Hands "Guiding Light" Award for dedication and execution focus in 10/2011 two "You Rock!" peer appreciation and leadership awards in 2012 multiple spot-on bonuses (2010-2012). Featured in Infinera quarterly newsletter The Amplifier (08/2012).

LUXTERA INC. (Carlsbad CA) Sr. Optical Designer (2003 2006)

2001 2006

Primary designer of SOI (silicon-on-insulator) optical grating couplers vertical light coupling from 10um fibers or flip-chip lasers to tiny <0.5um SOI waveguides record optical loss of 0.5dB (10%), similar to regular fiber-to-fiber connector loss using exact 3D FDTD (finite domain time difference) simulations with cluster of 100s of PCs

Designed companys SOI wafer structure (layer thicknesses, etch depth, material choice) Rigorous design methodology included: architectural choices, modeling, experimental DOEs (design of experiment), design and process sensitivities, building models and correlations
(2001 2003)

Test Team Lead

Invented and built first in the world fully automated semiconductor wafer-level alignment-based optoelectronic tester (9 patents): Finds and aligns to optical device on SOI 8 wafer in seconds, not minutes Operator-free 24/7. Tested millions of devices, still in operation (10 years) Procured 900 pieces of optical and electronic equipment: $2M budget, 650 POs: Convincing negotiator with vendors: saved company $800K on equipment pricing Si Grating couplers Optical wafer-level tester

(Cover of Photonics Spectra, 2006) EDUCATION CREOL (Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers) Univ. of Central Florida (Orlando FL) MS, PhD Optical Physics Spatial solitons in nonlinear optical media (Prof. G. Stegeman) 1998, 2001

Kiev National University (Kiev Ukraine) BS Physics, minor in Computer Science SOFTWARE SKILLS

1995, 1996

(7-10 years) VB.NET, Matlab, SQL, JMP Incl. multi-threading and expertise in new complex 2008 features functional programming, LINQ, and database Entities. Very complex, large projects and libraries (shared by 20 engineers) Wrote many instrument and chip drivers with GPIB, Ethernet, USB, telnet, SPI and I2C interfaces Built three company-wide production databases, incl. remote replication and web-based test reports Very complex multi-level queries, stored procedures and statistical E2E data aggregation in SQL and JMP

(Basic knowledge) C#, LabView, L-Edit, Cadence, Allegro


Completed eight Infn managerial courses (Influence without authority, Emotional intelligence, etc.) Public speaking and leadership at Toastmasters International (Best Speaker, Best Evaluator, etc.) Art of engaging, inspiring, and delivering a key message


(total of 9)

Littrow gratings as alignment structures for the wafer-level testing of optical and optoelectronic chips R. Malendevich, M. Sussman, C. Gunn (US Patent 7024066, 2006) Optical probes with spacing sensor for wafer-level testing of optical and optoelectronic chips R. Malendevich, M. Sussman, C. Gunn (US Patent 7183759, 2007) Wafer-level testing of Si optical and optoelectronic chips (US Patent 7586608, 2009)
(total of about 15)


10-channel, 28 Gbaud PM-QPSK, monolithic InP Terabit Superchannel Receiver PIC M. Kato, R. Malendevich, D. Lambert et al., 2011 IEEE Photonics conference (invited) Terabit superchannel coherent PM-QPSK InP Transmitter Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) P. Evans, M. Fisher, R. Malendevich et al., Opt. Express 19 2011 and OFC 2011 250Gb/s Real-Time PIC-based super-channel transmission over a Gridless 6000km terrestrial link J. Rahn, S. Kumar, M. Mitchell, R. Malendevich, H. Sun, K. Wu et al., OFC 2012 (post-deadline) 854 Gb/s Superchannel InP Transmitter and Receiver Photonic Integrated Circuits utilizing Real-Time detection of PM-8QAM, D. Krauss, H. Sun, K-T. Wu, R. Malendevich, J. Rahn et al. OFC 2012 500Gb/s PIC Based Coherent Optical Modem J. Rahn, S. Kumar, M. Mitchell, R. Malendevich, H. Sun, K. Wu et al., Signal Processing, 2012
(total of about 35)


Experiments on seeded and noise initiated modulational instability in LiNbO3 slab waveguides R. Malendevich et al., book chapter in Soliton-Driven Photonics, 492 pp., Kluwer Publishers, 2001 2D Quadratic Spatial Solitons in KNbO3 near non-critical phase-matching, R. Malendevich et al, Optics Letters 27(8) 2002 Spatial modulational instability in a Kerr slab waveguide, R. Malendevich et al, Optics Letters 26 2001 Radiation-related polarization instability of Kerr spatial vector solitons in AlGaAs waveguides, R. Malendevich et al, J of Optical Society of America JOSA B 19(4) 2002 Measurement of instability gain of second-order nonlinear eigenmodes in LiNbO3 waveguides, R. Schiek , H. Fang, R. Malendevich, G. Stegeman, Physical Review Letters 86(20) 2001

Academic honors: 35 papers (incl. 2 book chapters and 12 invited) widely cited (250+ times) Peer reviewer for 10 international journals: Phys. Rev. Lett., Optics Lett., JOSA B, Opt. Comm., J. Lightwave Technology, J. Quantum Electronics, Applied Optics, Photonics Techn. Lett., Phys. Rev. E. Reviewed 35+ papers Theoretical explanation of my experiments won a theorist $10,000 New Focus Grand Prize (CLEO 2002) Best Mathematician of University (1989), Best Physicist of University (1990) National Physics Olympics, 1st runner-up (19851988) National Physics Boarding school for Gifted Youth, Absolute Physics Olympics winner (1988)


Passionate about sports ( -marathon runner), reading, piano, self-studying economics & communication

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