Dark Energy Survey DES Collaboration

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9th UCLA Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe

John Peoples for the DES Collaboration February 24, 2010

DES Participating Institutions

Fermilab University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Chicago Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory University of Michigan NOAO/CTIO Spain-DES Collaboration: Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC/ICE), Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE), CIEMAT-Madrid: United Kingdom-DES Collaboration: University College London, University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh, University of Portsmouth, University of Sussex, University of Nottingham The University of Pennsylvania Brazil-DES Consortium The Ohio State University Argonne National Laboratory South Bay Consortium: University of California at Santa Cruz, SLAC, Stanford

13 participating institutions and >100 participants


The DES Approach to Probe Dark Energy

DES will probe Dark Energy by measuring the expansion history of the Universe through (i) the redshift dependence of the luminosity distance, angular diameter distance, and volume element and (ii) the growth rate of structure DES will use four techniques, each of which will provide a good test of the nature of the dark energy. Three will measure the spatial distribution of 300 M galaxies in five bands to ~24th magnitude over the main DES Survey Area. The fourth technique will exploit the nearly standard luminosities of the type 1a SNe that will be found in the DES SN Survey. They are complementary and will provide insight into systematic errors through their complementarity.

I Galaxy Cluster Survey

DES will measure the spatial density of galaxy clusters over an area of 5000 deg2 and make estimates of their masses. The number count of galaxies per unit volume and mass is sensitive to dark energy through its effect on the angular-diameter distance versus redshift relation and the growth of structure. DES will use three methods for cluster selection and mass estimation:
Optical galaxy concentration Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) with SPT data Weak Lensing of galaxies behind each selected cluster

II The Weak Lensing Survey

Strong lensing is apparent in the dramatic distortion of the shapes of individual galaxies behind Abell 2218 caused by the strong gravitational field of the cluster.

Weak lensing is much more subtle.


II Weak Lensing
Weak lensing is the small distortion of individual galaxy images due to the bending of light as it passes by galaxies and clusters of galaxies. It can be measured statistically. The correlations of the gravity induced distortions of the galaxy shapes are sensitive to dark energy through its effect on the angular diameter distance versus redshift relation and on the growth of structure. Measurements of weak lensing are sensitive to the systematic distortions of the optical system point spread function. The technique requires excellent control of the systematic errors that contribute to the observed shapes of the galaxies. DES is placing great emphasis on understanding and controlling both hardware and software contributions to these errors.

III Large Scale Structure from the Galaxy Survey

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations are imprinted on the large-scale structure of the spatial distribution of the 300 M galaxies in the DES volume. They are sensitive to dark energy through its effect on the angular-diameter distance versus redshift.

SDSS Data (Eisenstein et al)

IV The Supernovae Survey

The luminosity distance measurement of type 1a SNe as a function of redshift is directly affected by dark energy and is currently the most proven technique. The DES SN Survey will produce ~2000 well-measured SNe Ia light curves in the range 0.3 < z < ~1. This will allow a more extensive exploration of systematic errors than will be possible before DES. Improved photometric precision via insitu photometric response measurements.

Photometric Redshifts
Measure relative flux in grizY filters and track the 4000 A break Estimate individual galaxy redshifts to an accuracy of (z) < 0.1 (~0.02 for clusters) Sufficient precision for Dark Energy probes, provided error distributions are well measured. Good detector response in z band filter needed to reach z~1.5

Elliptical galaxy spectrum

Galaxy Photo-z Simulations

DES +VISTA VHS griz filters + J, K, H
10 Limiting Magnitudes g 24.6 r 24.1 i 24.0 z 23.9 +2% photometric calibration error added in quadrature Key: Photo-z systematic errors under control using existing spectroscopic training sets to DES photometric depth
Cunha, etal


enhances science reach

DES Forecasts: Power of Multiple Techniques

w(z) =w0+wa(1a) Assumptions: Clusters: 8=0.75, zmax=1.5, WL mass calibration BAO: lmax=300 WL: lmax=1000 Statistical+photo-z systematic errors only Spatial curvature, galaxy bias marginalized, with Planck CMB prior Factor 4.6 relative to Stage II

DETF Figure of Merit: inverse area of ellipse

geometric+ growth

Stage II not included here geometric

Elements of the Dark Energy Survey

Blanco 4-meter at CTIO

3 deg2 CCD camera (DECam) Data Management System (DES DM) Improvements to the CTIOBlanco infrastructure (CFIP) Two multiband surveys:
- Main Survey: 5000 deg2 - SNe 1a survey: 5 fields (3 deg2 ) - Filters: g, r, i, z, Y, from DES and J, H & K from VHS - Duration 2011-2016 (525 nights)



Replaces the existing prime focus cage on the Blanco


The Blanco Telescope

Commissioned in 1974 primary mirror quality (D80 = 0.25 arcsec) defined state-of-the-art. The new Telescope Control System will be complete in August 2010 CTIO is building a clean room and will provide cryogens for cooling DECam. CTIO has repaired the primary mirror supports thereby eliminating an astigmatism problem.

Site Seeing:
-Mean site seeing at 5m above ground = 0.65 arcsec

Blanco Primary Mirror

High-quality primary, D80 at manufacture: 0.25 Radial supports rebuild has fixed the astigmatism problem Active Optics 33-pad system, LUT driven, updated every few months DECam will provide in-line updates (via donut); closed loop during observations possible


CCD Layout on the Focal Plane

On the Focal plane 62: 2k x 4k science CCDs 4: 2k x 2k guide CCDs Off the Focal Plane 8: 2k x 2k focus and alignment CCDs Required Spare CCDs 10: 2k x 4k science 4: 2k x 2k


LBNL Design: fully depleted 2kx4k CCDs
QE> 50% at 1000 nm, 250 microns thick 15 m pixels, 0.27/pixel readout 250 kpix/sec, readout time ~17sec
DECam / Mosaic II QE comparison

LBNL CCDs are 5 times more efficient than the Mosaic II CCDs at 1000 nm DES will spend 46% of survey time in z band to reach redshifts of ~1.3




z band
QE, LBNL (%) QE, SITe (%)


0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100

Wavelength (nm)

LBNL procures CCD wafers from DALSA, thins, finishes and dices the wafers. CCDs are sent to Fermilab for packaging

CCD packages
Fermilab builds and tests the CCD packages, each of which includes an in dewar cable, JFET and preamp. Package production line has fabricated and tested ~ 200 packages. 75 2k x 4k science packages have been tested and qualified. 72 required.


Multi CCD Test Vessel: Imager Prototype

Primary test bed for CCD system and electronics testing. The NOAO Monsoon CCD readout system was the starting point for DECam. DES requires higher density boards for the prime focus location Production DECam boards are being used in the Multi CCD test Vessel (MCCDTV) for system tests DES Spain, UIUC and Fermilab will finish production of readout electronics in June 2010 This was a major development challenge but it is done.


Imager Vessel and Cart

Imager vessel will be complete in April 2010 Install engineering grade CCDs in the Imager in May 2010 Install Imager in in Telescope Simulator in June 2010 Major systems test of DECam with the Telescope Simulator from July to November 2010 Install science grade CCDs in the Imager in December and perform acceptance tests through Q1 2011 Deliver to CTIO in April 2011


Barrel Corrector and Imager

Lenses are being polished by SESO, cells are being fabricated by UCL and the barrel is being designed and built by Fermilab. Cells are in fabrication. Complete Corrector in March 2011 and deliver to CTIO in April 2011.


DECam Optical Blanks at Corning in Jan. 2008


C1 Polishing is in progress at SESO, will finish in June 2010.


Filter Changer and Shutter

Filter cassettes Shutter (Bonn)

Filter changer control enclosures

Light-tight, dust-tight covers 23

Filter Changer Test Setup at Michigan


This grid-based, modular data management system was deployed and tested in annual Data Challenges (DC) 1-5. DC-5 will be distributed to Science teams on March 1. DC-6a, DC6b and DC-7 remain.

Telescope Simulator and Prime Focus Cage Tests

Mechanical fitting and performance Cryogenic Performance CCD system performance SISPI (DAQ) performance DECam system performance w/o optics. Some acceptance tests at FNAL


Telescope Simulator under Construction in Lab A


Inner and Upper Rings


Schedule for Completion of the DECam System

Start DECam integration and acceptance tests on the Telescope Simulator: April 2010 Deliver DECam subsystems to CTIO: January to May 2011 Complete integration and acceptance tests at CTIO: Q2 2011 Complete DC-7 with DESDM hardware August 2011 Deliver Community Pipeline to NOAO Q1 2011 Install DECam on the Blanco: Q3 2011 Commission DECam on Blanco on the night sky: Q4 2011


DES Outlook
By measuring Dark Energy with four, complementary techniques, DES will advance these techniques and explore their systematic error floors. The Science Working Groups are active. The survey strategy will deliver substantial science after 2 years. DES is in a unique position to complement the observing programs of SPT and VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS). DES Data will be available to the community. The DECam System will be scheduled for community observations by NOAO. The 525 nights of scheduled DECam operations should begin in the fourth quarter of 2011 soon after commissioning is complete.



The Deliverables
From the Collaboration to NOAO
1) The DECam instrument itself, a facility-class wide-field optical imager to be installed at the prime focus of the CTIO Blanco 4m telescope and integrated into both the telescope system and the standard operation of CTIO instrumentation, allowing for efficient community use. 2) A data processing pipeline, the Community Pipeline, which will remove the instrumental signatures and provide astrometric and rough photometric calibration for images taken under a broad, but well defined, set of observing modes. This pipeline will be integrated into E2E, the NOAO data management system, and it will comply with appropriate interfaces in that system, and be operational as part of that system.

From NOAO to the Collaboration

3) The Parties agree that the DES Science Program goals can be achieved with up to 525 scheduled nights with the typical weather conditions that are likely to be encountered at CTIO over a five year period. NOAO will make this time available to the Collaboration.


Forecast Constraints

DES+Stage II combined = Factor 4.6 improvement over Stage II combined Large uncertainties in systematics remain, but FoM is robust to uncertainties in

any one probe, and we havent made use of all the information. Further detail of these forecasts is contained in the Dark Energy Survey Science Program (DES-d0c # 1204).


Blanco Performance
Primary mirror repositioned 2.3mm in z-direction Primary mirror is now centered in cell
Coma was dominant and variable, is now the third most significant aberration and stable.

150 Frequency

Image Quality obtained by the SuperMacho program, 2005B, airmass corrected, VR filter. Dates: 2005-09-05 to 2005-12-31, Blue: pre-shutdown, red: postshutdown, approx equal number (~580) exposures each.



0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 arcsec 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4


CCD Requirements


Survey Image System - Process Integration (Mountaintop Software)

Mostly written in Python (some C code) Shared variables used for communication between subsystems Python implementation of German's SML software ICS is Labview with Compact-Rio controller Prototypes being used at Fermilab in MCCDTV readout Some testing at CTIO in June 09


2k x 4k CCD Production


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