New York's Time. 30 Aug. 1994. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. I used this article on my documents page to show how anesthesia was viewed at that time. It talks about doctors studying how anesthesia works. Boland, Frank K. The First Anesthetic: The Story of Crawford Long. Athens, GA: University Of Georgia, 2009. Http:// Web. 30 Dec. 2012. <>. This book helped with tremendously with research because it was full of quotes that gave an idea of how things were happening during that time. I used the quotes for my stories tab. I used one explaining Longs editors views. "Chapter 5.2: Oliver Wendell Holmes." Chapter 5.2: Oliver Wendell Holmes. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2013. <>. I used a quote from Oliver Holmes about how the puerperal fever was passed. I used the eight rules Holmes had to prevent the puerperal fever. "Dr Horace Wells ( 1815 - 48 )." Dr Horace Wells ( 1815 - 48 ). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Dec. 2012. <>. I used a quote from the site to explain what happened at Well's demonstration. "Dr. Morton's Widow Dead." New York's Times 22 Apr. 1904: n. pag. New York's Time. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. This is an article about Morton's wife passing away. I used it in my documents page to show how Morton was viewed as the discoverer of anesthesia in the article. Dunn, Peter M. "Dr Alexander Gordon (175299) and Contagious Puerperal Fever." Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 1998: n. pag. Http:// Web. 9 Feb. 2013. <>. I used this article for a quote by Alexander Gordon on how to stop the puerperal fever from spreading. I also used a quote on how it felt to know that the doctor killed the patient. Hardy, Jay. "Dr. Semmelweis The Savior of Mothers." HARDY DIAGNOSTICS n.d.: n. pag. HARDY DIAGNOSTICS. Web. 9 Feb. 2013.
<>. I used a quote from Ignaz about his hope in the infection stopping.
"Henry Bigelow's Account of Morton's Demonstration of Ether Anaesthesia for Surgery." Henry Bigelow's Account of Morton's Demonstration of Ether Anaesthesia for Surgery. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2013. <>. I used stories from Bigelow's article to put in my stories page.
Smith, Gary B., and Nicholas P. Hirsch. "Gardner Quincy Colton: Pioneer of Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia." (1991): n. pag. Http:// Web. 30 Dec. 2012. This website gave background information on Colton and provided quotes that gave an inside into his life. "Who Invented Anesthesia." New York's Times 15 Nov. 1858: n. pag. Http:// Web. 28 Dec. 2012. This article was another primary source that talked about the history of anesthesia and the men that worked to make it. I used this in my documents page. 2012. Web. 9 Feb. 2013. <>. I used a quote from Eric Collins about Anesthesia on my home page. Secondary Sources: "Dr Crawford Williamson Long ( 1815 - 78 )." Dr Crawford Williamson Long ( 1815 78 ). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Dec. 2012. <>. I used information from this as background information on Crawford Long. "Dr William Thomas Green Morton ( 1819 68 )." Dr William Thomas Green Morton ( 1819 68 ). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Dec. 2012. <>. I got background information from this site about Morton and a fact for my fun facts page. "Famous Doctors: Ignaz Semmelweis." Brightside. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2013. I used this site to get background information on Ignaz Semmelweis. I learned who he was and how he brought the hygiene into practice. "Famous Doctors: Joseph Lister." N.p., 2013. Web. 12 Jan. 2013.
<>. I used this site to learn about the surgery that Lister performed that changed everyone's views on antisepsis. Freeman, Shanna. "How Anesthesia Works." HowStuffWorks. N.p., 01 Apr. 2000. Web. 30 Dec. 2012. <>. This website gave me information on anesthesia which I used for my facts page. Hani, Dr. "History of Anesthesia." History of Anesthesia. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <>. This site provided me information on Crawford Long and his relation with anesthesia. "Henry Jacob Bigelow ( 1818 - 90 )." Henry Jacob Bigelow ( 1818 - 90 ). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Dec. 2012. <>. I used information from this site to learn how Bigelow set up the demonstration for Morton. "History Curriculum Homeschool | Heritage History Presents by." History Curriculum Homeschool | Heritage History Presents by. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2013. <>. I used this site to get information on Horace Wells and how Morton and Jackson fought for credit. "History of Aseptic Technique." History of Aseptic Technique. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2013. <>. I used this site for information on antisepsis. I learned which people contributed to the use of antiseptics. "Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis ( 1818 65 )." Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis ( 1818 65 ). N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2013. <>. I used this site to learn what Ignaz had to do with antisepsis. "Louis Pasteur ( 1822 95 )." Louis Pasteur ( 1822 95 ). N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2013. <>. I used this site to learn about how Lister learned about microorganisms in the air. Miller, Ronald D., and Manuel C. Pardo. "History of Anesthesia." Basics of Anesthesia.
Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders, 2011. 3-10. Print. This chapter gave me information to understand how anesthesia came about. I also got an idea of the main people that contributed to discovering anesthesia. ""Professor" Gardner Quincy Colton ( 1814 - 1898 )." "Professor" Gardner Quincy Colton ( 1814 - 1898 ). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <>. I used information on this site as background information on Garnder Colton Sullivan, John T. "Surgery before Anesthesiaby John T. Sullivan, MD MGH Anesthesiology Resident." Surgery before the Invention of Anesthesia. N.p., 11 May 2005. Web. 30 Dec. 2012. <>. I used information from this site to learn what methods were used before anesthesia to survive pain.